The Art of Line Animation in DaVinci Resolve | Motion Graphics Tutorial

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hey what's going on guys in this video we're going to discuss specifically how to animate lines in daventries off so the first thing we're going to do is to take our Fusion composition clip here straight to the fusion page and let's bring a background note and change the color of the background note to a color that you like the next thing we're going to do is to bring a polygon masking node which is going to be used to primarily Drive Line creation so now let's go ahead and put down two dots on the screen but before we put down the second one a good practice here is to hold down the shift key this is going to ensure the line is straight so now all we need to do is to bring up the Border width just a little bit and as you can see we have a perfectly straight line so to animate the line there are a few things we can do so the first is to play with the length setting another one we can play with is the position setting but the thing to note about position shedding is that you have the ability to take it Beyond zero so now when we take it to -1 you can see the line is going to go all away from the left to the right another setting we can play with is shape animation which automatically keyframes for us so now the first thing we're going to do here is to change the line to modify only and then we're going to shorten this line while holding down the shift key then come to another part of the video then bring it out so this as you can see will automatically keyframe for us and if we replay this right now you will see that we have a a pretty basic line animation created we can also come to spline editor and adjust the interpolation between the two keyframes this will make the animation feel a little bit more refined another thing we can play with is line points so once again let's put down uh you know two dots on the screen then let's change it to modify only then let's select these two points right click and then in the menu let's go to uh polyline and then let's go to publish and then select uh publish points so now as you can see uh the location data for each point is now available to us but to know which point is which what we're going to do is to go back to that same menu and then instead let's activate uh publish points so now as you can see we can tell which is point zero and which is 0.1 and you can change uh the points themselves by changing the data now let's go ahead and copy the y-axis data of 0.01 and then paste it into y-axis of point zero this will ensure both points are on the same line and then let's do the same thing for Point access so now these points are sitting right on top of each other then let's change the border with just by bringing up just a little bit just a touch and then let's keyframe point zero at this part of this video now let's go to another part of the video and that's keyframe Again by bringing out this line and which is essentially changing the x-axis of point zero so now the beauty is that we have this location data available to us so let's go to shape and now we're going to bring our end gone and end render node we're going to create basically a triangle here so let's change sides to three now let's connect this render node to background as a foreground so we're going to do first of all is change the color of this triangle here to a the same color as the line now let's go to the merge node let's bring down the size setting so that the triangle itself is proportionate to the line itself and now let's go to the center setting in the merge node right click and then go to connect to and then let's connect to the path one Precision data so this will ensure that the position of the arrow is always always locked to the same position as a point zero on the line now just FYI if you go to uh the polygon masking note go to the modifiers tab this is where you can find out what's the path uh for uh point zero on the line all right guys so uh let's go back to merge node change angle to 180 this will make sure that the angle the arrow is pointing in the right direction now let's uh go ahead and bring a spline editor and we're going to change the interpolation for two keyframes 4.0 this is going to impact the arrow as well since they are all locked all right now let's go ahead and create another arrow another triangle so let's do that and then we're gonna go to the size setting in this new merch note bring down the sides so that the triangle is proportionate to the line then let's go ahead and the keyframe point one instead this time so let's do that and then once uh we have keyframe point one we're gonna do is to bring this line out to the other side of the screen so once that all that is done you can go back to the modifiers Tab and see that now it is past two 4.1 uh so uh in the emerge node if you go back and then go to the center setting under connect two we're going to connect to path to Precision data at this time so this will ensure the other arrow is locked to that same position as the 0.1 and if you change the interpolation again this is going to impact both the point as well as the arrow as well all right now let's switch gears a little and look at how to create a non-linear line animation so let's put down four points on the screen and we're going to select these points right click in the menu let's go to uh polyline and then go to create and then select a rectangle in the pop-up menu we're going to just select OK for now so this is going to give us a square so what we can do is to select the left two points and then just hold down the shift key drag it out this will give us a rectangle all right guys so now let's uncheck solid bring up the border with adjust the touch and what we can do is to play with the length as well as the position setting here so as you can see let's go ahead and first of all play with the length setting so let's uh keyframe a length setting here uh and then let's go to another part of the video Let's keyframe again let's go back to the previous Point bring down the length setting to zero so now as you can see we have a pretty basic non-linear line animation and then we can also play with the position setting as well uh you know to go along with the length setting but what if we want to add another element well let's once again put down four points on the screen and then let's select all these points and then let's right click in the menu uh let's once again go to polyline go to create and then let's select ellipse this time and that's just select OK and uncheck solid and then bring up water with just a little bit so what we're going to do right now is to play with the length setting uh what we want to do here basically is just to show one quarter of the line so let's do that let's keyframe and put down 0.25 and so this is going to be the finished line so let's keyframe that and then let's go to another part of this video Let's keyframe again let's go back to the previous point and then bring this down to zero all right so now we have a simple nonlinear line animation and then what we're going to do is to basically publish this line path so to do that let's right click shape animation here and then in the menu we're going to remove actually this line first and then let's right click once again and then let's publish this line path information and then let's go to modifiers tab you'll see that it's there available for us so let's go to shape and bring out and gun and render create a triangle here make sure it's three sides and then connect to the background as a foreground and change the color of the triangle of the arrow to the same color as the line and now let's go to the merge node a bring down the size of this Arrow so that it's fitting for this animation and now let's go to the center setting let's right click in the menu select a path this will initiate the path information for this Arrow under the modifiers Tab and now let's uh go to shape animation right click I want to connect to let's connect to the polygon path value this will ensure the arrow is sitting on the same path as the line and now let's go to path one a displacement setting now this is initially automatically keyframe for us but we can on keyframe it but essentially you will see that a changing displacement value is going to animate the arrow for us so with that said let's go to the beginning of the video here we're going to keyframe placement ourselves and then leave it at zero let's go to the end of the line animation and let's go and let's keyframe displacement Again by bringing up to the point where it's sitting at the end of the line so if you were to replace this right now you guys will see that uh this arrow is moving in the same speed as the line now as for the direction of the arrow here we're gonna go to the angle setting let's go to connect two and then let's connect to the path one header uh you know setting here this will ensure that the angle is pointing in the same direction as the line animation all right perfect so uh the next thing we're going to do here is to change the interpolation for the line but the key thing here is to remember when you animate this you need to make sure that you understand what's the value for easy and ease out because we need to make sure that the displacement setting uh when you change the interpolation for the 2 two keyframes it's going to be the same as the value for the others which is going to be 80 in this case for using and ease out so as you see now when you do that this is going to ensure the arrow is moving in the same speed as the line so another thing we can do is to bring a text node now let's go to the layout tab and change the type to a path so this will allow us to draw a path on the screen so what we're going to do is to draw a very simple path on the screen but holding down the shift key so this will ensure that the lines are perfectly straight now let's go back to the text box we're going to type in a bunch of dashes and then so this will allow us to basically create a dashed line we can also go to the transform tab there then go change the spacing between each Dash we can also go to the shading Tab and then let's go to precision and let's go to offset this will change how the uh you know dashes are said where the dash is sitting compared to the line path itself then most importantly if we go back to the text tab the ride on setting is going to allow us to animate this line so with that said what we're going to do is to keyframe uh right on at this point of the video let's bring end all the way to a start and then let's go to another part of this video let's bring the Ant back up so now guys as you can see we have created a a pretty basic dash line animation now to add another element to this what we're going to do is to go back to the layout tab and then we're going to go to shape animation right click let's once again remove this path first and then let's right click again and then let's publish this path setting uh so now on the modifiers tab you have this information available and then let's go ahead and bring once again and gone and render create an arrow that's connected to the text tab as a foreground let's once again change the size so that it's fitting for this animation so two things we're gonna do one is let's first of all go through the settings tab right click and then let's go to connect to you will see that there's nothing there so we have to go to path publish the path first and then go to modifiers tab go to a shape animation right click and connect to uh this text path connect to the value so now this arrow is sitting on that same path and then let's go to path one let's once again uh use displacement to help us set the animation for this Arrow so what we're going to do is to just to bring this back to the point where this is at the end of the animation so it's going to be one in this case and now you will see that this arrow is moving in the same speed as the dashed line now let's go back to the angle setting here let's right click and then we're going to go to connect to and now let's make sure that we connect to the path one heading so this will ensure that the arrow is also pointing in that same direction alright guys so this is basically it a quick look at different ways to create line animation in DaVinci Resolve I hope this helps and as always I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: VideoEditingCentral
Views: 22,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: line animation, motion graphics, fusion, davinci resolve, tutorial
Id: kfuUj70kIfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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