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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] blessings everybody this is profit lovey and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether you're a pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostle for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that are hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things it's gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is prophet love you and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music] [Music] I've been I've been taking captive by the truth and I al I don't think I want to get out coming to this class I'm just tapping deeper into the spirit and I've learned that you need a doorway into the spirit and profit Lovi is that doorway and you can try to do it on your own but you will not get far at all you need a doorway it's actually really nice to just be able to engage and then listen to everybody's experiences and learn that we're all having the same thing we're all going to the same thing we're all lost and in the dark about the same stuff and for him to clear it up it's just been great I decided to attend prophetic school because I want to learn I want to learn from someone that has a relationship with Jesus that knows Jesus that it expresses Jesus out that I see Jesus through there's just been deep layers upon layers on things that the Prophet has been speaking on that is just like mind-blowing for favorite school was no other option there was no other option for my life or my family's life I tell you this is the best thing we've ever done when given the opportunity for something like a prophetic school I had to I didn't have a choice I will recommend it for anybody who wants to walk on this earth with God there's nothing like this it's Mexico since their father I hope you can be taken it do yourself and your future and your future generations the biggest blessing and favor and come and take part in this because you will not regret it I promise you I'm speaking from my own experience I saw God giving him a platform in Hollywood this one I saw him becoming very known and very famous I don't know what you do but I saw your status boom because when I looked at him I saw him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one what do you do in terms of the spirit when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am seeing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you bleeding that you thought that you actually lost it brother I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one saying God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that I saw him doing this throwing seeds what we won great [Music] Clary osto improv ADA Shalaka le monde' profaned in kishna gusta la vaca LeMond Dilip rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le Kista a vocal aprende le Kista para que hace meh frittata Akala van del aprende idea LeClair EO stove radically Kista Avoca talam and a lie stick on Stella Stein glory Fanta lean on me frittata a Tuvok Ashoka provide eeeh Aman de Lange gatita labra delica acaba vaca Tila Mandela prawn depakote a Zilla Cuccia nefra via a zoo fake a chinkara passante Ligaya azúcar pratik ista a Mandela Costa Brava Oh sh t korabik on telly telly bar so far a mock Usha Aradia sakata Labonte Mondale Akashi Issa Azusa Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday cap risotto LeMond delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single man gellick visitation that I've experienced may the Lord favor you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman ighting upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know the Holy Spirit is upon you and yet anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name words what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to me and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw her I saw you are you a nurse you in the medical field go to I put the mic on while you mind before okay go to my mama gonna I'll be well I saw somebody else do the name like the spirit God says that he's supposed to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the ends of the earth what does he do it's like Oh oh god aah oh God do you know somebody call Kimmy Genesis does me baby oppa Oh Gaga king who has a name that starts with like an M just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you them sing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs right there where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing about jewelry [Music] you [Music] [Music] Leclaire Eostre impro la vida Shalaka le monde' profaned in Kish Taha Costa lava column on Dilip rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le Kista a vocal aprende a leaky stefarr acquiesce a beffre - static olive and le brun d dia LeClair EO stoph radical Kista evoke Attalla mande lie stick on Stella Stein glory Fanta lean on me free Tita a Tuvok ashoka provide eeeh Armande langa Tita labra Delica acababa Katie Lomond a leap Rhonda vacati Zilla Cuccia nefra via a zoo fake a king Carabas on telly gaya azúcar pratik ISTA a Mandela Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bars over a Micajah are Aditya Osaka Taliban T Mondale Akashi ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Amanda Marvel Marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord will become your encounters I pray that every single man gellick visitation that I've experienced may the Lord favor you today may the Lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond I unlock you in the prophetic today I released the solemn anointing upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and he has anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] hallelujah god bless everybody that is on right now this is the Prophet low-v and I'm here with my daughter and I'm just blessed to have everybody coming on and I'm excited about what God is gonna be saying and doing today I just came back from Maryland I was there with my father for a few days and it was powerful I know a lot of you are watching and I'm excited to be home I caught a little sniffle on the plane but I said I have to do this live stream because God was speaking to me and I want people to be blessed because I believe that in everything that God speaks when God speaks we have to deliver it right then and there because if this message doesn't come to somebody then somebody will be missing what God has for them that's why I summoned you guys here I'm here with my son Claudius my son Brandon is here and I have Jody here with me you know so it's like it's just amazing and I'm ready to give you what God is saying so I want you to be ready I want you to be prepared because I want to speak about destroying the spirit of fear destroying the spirit of fear I want everybody to share this as much as you can as much as you can because this is this is gonna bless somebody in Jesus name you know one thing about me is that it doesn't matter how physically I am our do God's work at all cost doesn't matter to me but I'm glad everybody's here I'm glad everybody is ready to learn it doesn't matter at that time but somebody will be blessed so I want you to share this because as we speak you're gonna grow and you're gonna be strong in the things of God all those one to start giving their offering or whatever you want to do you can go to profit lova calm and those who are signing up for prophetic school sign up for prophetic school but this is about to be powerful destroying the spirit of fear what are the misconception about the spirit of fear Rosi Rosi my daughter god bless you what is the spirit of fear what is it where does it come from what is it all about and what I'm gonna tell you is gonna shock a lot of people is gonna shake a lot of people and it's gonna bother a lot of people because some of you you've been raised in the wrong doctrine and a prophet's job is to come and tell you God's mind not what we feel like you know the biggest mistake I've come to see is that a lot of people they move with what was said to them not necessarily what the Bible is saying so if God says something and they were told differently they will battle if you look at the past few videos I've been doing about the blood of Jesus and things like that people are confused because they simply don't read the Bible but those who got it they got it and they got it strong and those who did not get it did not get it so I am excited to talk about this because I know this is gonna change somebody's life for good so I want everybody to get ready make sure you get a pen I want you to invite somebody let somebody know are you watching okay make sure you watch all right so I want you I want you to get your pen I want you to get anything that you can because this is gonna be one like no other and I'm just gonna start at the deep end there's no spirit of fear there's no demon of fear it's a lie i dr. Brandon you can move close you can sit on this chair you're good oh you could do it for me you can do from this because I feel like you have questions too I'll just start at the deep end there is no demo no fear there's no spirit Oh fear doesn't exist I'm just trying to I'm trying to go to the meet oh maybe I shouldn't have said that there is no demon of fear doesn't exist it's a lie [Music] there was no demon in heaven providing people with fear doesn't exist that are you getting what I'm saying remember the devil was an angel of worship because cherubims are guardians of the glory of God so they are worship they are worship they are worshipers but they are guardians their main job is to guard the glory of God Seraphim are worshipers but how is it noticed the devil also tries to be like God because he was protecting the glory of God they are guardians of the glory of God so even angels even though they are fallen they always function within the bounds of their gifting whatever gift God gave them in heaven they just pervert it and use it differently okay an example is God you you have the gift of of writing you can choose to write good books or bad books you have the gift of acting you can act in good movies or bad movies so the gift is always pure how you use it is the problem some of you you are confusing terror from fear there is no demon ophea there's no spirit of you doesn't exist John come out god bless you all the way from Kenya there is no demon Oh fear doesn't exist it's a lie there is no verse in the Bible that you find that is talking about a spirit called fear nothing the only fears that are spoken about I'll give you right now in the Bible the main one that the Bible speaks about is the fear of the Lord which is reverence for God then there's the fear of men you see people you are intimidated by them the fear of men the fear of the unknown is what is gonna happen if I do this the fear of the future I don't know what will come and the fear of the devil but fear is an emotion it's an emotional response to a situation that you don't fully understand you can't sit the reason why children are not afraid is because they have no database of any disappointment in their life mommy is always there that is always there food is always there they have never worked a job in their life so a child cannot be afraid you could tell a child jump from the 5th floor they would jump the day they hurt themselves and they were half doubt they'll say there's a possibility you can hurt yourself fear begins to manifest because they know that it is opposed there is a possibility what if you don't catch me what will happen to me I feel like this may be for the wrong people I don't know if I'm teaching somebody there is no verse in the Bible that tells you there's a demon of so and people are saying I rebuke the spirit or fear what are they rebuking you can't you cannot rebuke this so you cannot rebuke emotion I don't know if I'm talking to somebody hallelujah Facebook Facebook are you there YouTube is is starting to fill up glory be to the name of Jesus there is no demon of fear it's a lie you have to understand that the primary function of the devil is to lie to you deception deception is the main instrument of fear somebody look my daughter in it asked second Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 read it for God has not given us the spirit of okay now look at that it's very simple it's actually very simple to explain open it second Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 I was actually gonna read it why is he saying God has not given us the spirit of fear meaning what is he saying it's not talking about a spirit that you are given he's talking about your human spirit God has not given you a spirit that is is composed of fear but what is he talking about but of power and of love and of a sound mind if it's talking about a mind is it a spirit it's talking about the condition of your soul so it's not talking about a spirit that God has sent remember God sent a spirit to torment soul and so has had his own anxieties about somebody taking the throne from him but there was no demon ophea it's all mental a big time because it's a lie of the devil God has not given you you cannot be if it is something that God is giving it means that it's not of the devil God has not given you fear what is he saying he did not create it in you because the only one who bets and gives spirit is God but your spirit carries what power love and a sound mind this is the condition of a regenerated spirit the old man was afraid of death because death was the end so you feared that if I die I am going to hell but the new man is not afraid of Hell because he's alive he's not dying I don't know if I'm talking to somebody you have a question asked how can you are how can you make any because remember for the devil to defeat you he has to distort your mind if your percept if your perception and your thinking of what God is a new God is of what reality is you already destroyed I feel like I'm talking to myself there is no spirit of fear I rebuke spirit ophea where every time a man was afraid in the Bible God said do not be afraid you do not just begin to rebuke I'm sorry you know that the thing about it is this this is why we need the spirit of Revelation this is why we need the spirit of understanding there's a book that I'm writing called the seven spirits of God the seven manifestation or the Sevenfold Spirit of God then it's gonna talk about a lot of these things but the spirit of fear doesn't exist it's a it's a mental condition it's uncertainty I just feel fear and bind it I beg no no no no you are just not sure some of you you'll be praying if some of you you pray you're closing let me tell you the truth some of you are about to have angelic visitations but you stopped it there are so many people that are watching me right now angels were about to appear to you but they stopped it let me tell you all they stopped it you began to pray you're praying you're speaking to God all of a sudden you felt like somebody was standing next to you instead of you being excited saying God is visiting me your first instinct is like who is here the angel leaves because he knows that you're you're afraid I don't want to stop you from encountering God I will back off until when you are ready to experience these things because remember every time an angel appeared two men of God they were shocked and they were in fear you will say don't be afraid but you have been taught in church that if you feel a presence and you're afraid it means it's the devil I just corrected some people so many people have stopped God from visiting them because of that God was just about to visit you and manifest himself to you but you got scared God says are they are not ready he will stop because God sees your you know God is a reactor he looks at your heart if this experience is gonna make you more of an unbeliever then I believe our God is not gonna do it even angels think like that they know that they have to appear to you at your level I don't know if I'm talking to somebody here but you are afraid because you are not purified by love let's go to the Bible my daughter you're gonna read today is that fine I wish somebody I wish had some people that are ready hallelujah give me one second and I want you to go to first John chapter 4 verse 18 first John chapter 4 verse 18 are you ready King James I not your perfect he that feareth is not made perfect in love he's not made perfect meaning there's nothing that is tormenting you it's you you are tormenting yourself read it one more time there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear uh-huh because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love you're not purified in love meaning your confidence remember love is not a feeling this is where a lot of people are lost when it comes to love they think love means I am emotional about things oh how I feel about things oh the way you make me feel that's not love that's affection we have positive affection and negative affection if somebody is not good to you you have negative of affection towards them you don't want them to be close to you if somebody's been good to you you want them close to you but that's not love because somebody can fake their way to your heart this is why we have so many people that are disappointed in relationships because people lie to them with flowers and roses and then they got in your bed and then they bailed they they went ghosts the only reason they did that is because they were buying their way into your heart by using affection to lie to you that they love you if somebody looks at you and tells you no I don't believe in liking people this like-like is an in-between there's not there's no such thing in the Bible you and I love somebody or not but there are different levels of love I love you like a sister I love you like a brother I love you as a wife I love your cigar friend I love you with the love of God which is a general love I love you from a distance all this but it's love is love because it's a decision to engage with somebody from a certain dimension of life I don't know if people are following this so it's simply this is simply the inability it's the inability of people to truly trust in God and what God has decided for your life love is a verb is a doing word God has decided that he loves you that he has great plans for you that you make everything possible to make your future be what it's supposed to be because he loves you if you don't believe in that love you are not perfected in love because works are still involved and because you know your insufficiency and your weaknesses your instabilities your shortcomings you fall into fear because you believe everything depends on you and not him I don't know if somebody's hearing me this is what the Lord Jesus said this do not care for nothing if the flowers are dressed perfectly even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like this the birds don't sew they don't do anything but they are always eating how much more for you what he was trying to tell them God created everything and he loves everything but how about you who are the crown of his creation so the devil knows that so many people are not perfected and they are not purified in love so they fear because of anxiety because fear is a result of not knowing what will come so there is demons torment you by using your own mind to not believe in the love of God so they use that as a channel to torment you that is why you see you see the apostle's who are in prison they praise God yes they said to die is gain that is somebody that he is purified by love I feel like I'm talking to myself somebody was saying to die this game is purified by love he knows that where am I going from his presence if I die is there if I go to heaven is there I'm good they are post-op or even went as fast to say to leave his Christ to dies game somebody is telling you to die is gain that is somebody that is purified in love a person that is not purified in love carries fear but fear is a natural instinct in a man because they so desires to know tomorrow the soul is always thinking about what happened yesterday like when the Bible says there is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ why is it telling you that God is not condemning you stop blaming yourself about what you did yesterday but fear says that what I did yesterday will catch up to me I disappointed God I may end up in hell so what that does is it torment is you and it opens a door for a demon to come in and mess with you it is you yourself punishing yourself where God is not punishing you fear is a result of not knowing who Jesus is and what Jesus has done I'm talking to myself I thought I was teaching something powerful for to somebody I don't know where my next paycheck is gonna come from yet every other month you never lack to read maybe you didn't even a let's pretend you didn't afford to but you had somewhere to sleep yes but for you it's not enough because God is trying to teach you to depend on him but you're not still seeing it the Bible says the David said I have never seen the righteous forsaken know their children beg for bread remember this is a man who ran away from soul he was in the wilderness he was rejected he went through all seasons of life materialized there is a common thread in all these things no matter what point of the spectrum I was there was always provision for where I was Joseph never changed because he was purified by the love of God when they threw him in the pit he still loved his brothers when he was taken to Potiphar's house the love that was in him made him do even better in Potiphar's house they threw him in prison even there the love of God was still shining in him when he was promoted to the throne he was still full of love that when he saw his brothers he went to the corner and cried and understood that the plan of God was to send in my head of his family in order to protect them to preserve them I feel like I'm talking to myself fear stops you from entering where God wants you to be III don't know if people are hearing me on this side fear simply comes to stop you from entering where God wants you to be look at this let me let me explain it like this let me explain it like this Mount Sinai was always there everybody was afraid to go on it yet it is God that's a big contradiction how can you know God is in a place but you are afraid to go because you are like if I go I would die nobody should touch them out it if you touch it you die you get close you die if you do this you die stay away from God because he is too holy yet God's hands are open for anybody to come then there was a man called Moses like from Egypt that had no idea about this god of the Hebrews he sees a fire on the mountain he said let me go and see this why because nobody was going to see this fire and when he went up there he had a mighty encounter with God that it changed him to become a deliverer of men that when they came back now when he brought the whole children of Israel back to the same mountain they said Moses we want to meet God also you keep telling us that God is speaking to you we want to meet God also God was actually happy God said tell them to purify themselves and to prepare themself I am going to come down and meet them they purified themselves when God began to descend they began they told Moses Moses we are good keep talking to God and pass the message to us what stopped them was the fear of they're doing they believed that it was going to judge them if God appears and I died where am I going I'm going to heaven I'm going to heaven how can I die when I'm meeting the source of life I don't know if you have any question before I go a little deeper maybe I should spare this now and then come back to it tomorrow I don't know I see the great opposed to Omar I love this man of God what a what a great general and a great mentor to many and a great father to many there are people who are fighting you see this is the thing that people don't like about prophets when a prophet comes he comes to correct error I come to show you that you are fighting what you don't know the only cure of fear is believing fully in the love of God that is the only cure for fear there is nothing that you don't remove here because you're worshiping God do you know how many times I was in terror when an angel was appear huh but then you come to understand that's what you're waiting for what harm could ever happen to you when you are in prayer what better place to that demonic attack find you than in a place of prayer it's the best place to be in the place of prayer in the presence of God but we fear the presence of God just as much as we fear the devil you're praying by yourself archives passing and it flashes like you open in the name of Jesus in oh I am simply here to make your prayer life easy that is my work as a prophet is to make your work easy in approaching God I come to show you the way stop wasting yourself your time binding demons of fear there's no demon of fear it's a lie a hundred percent yes yes okay an example is this think about it like this you know I'm your spiritual father you know how I love to teach everybody yes okay okay let's even change let's make it even more for people who maybe they don't understand spiritual families let me make it even more plain I have left you a billion dollars okay and I left our will that you have to read and find out that there is millions left for you and I'm gonna not in the picture whose responsibility it is to know that you have millions you may not me so if you are suffering because of poverty it's your fault because those millions left free because you know your dad was doing well you never bother to look at the wheel because of here that's how the children of God are they don't open the Bible to actually know the truth of their inheritance in Christ so they are always panicking yes they are always fearing they are always afraid and what fear has done is it has crippled the children of God it has literally crippled the people of God because they don't read the Bible the truth of who Jesus is is so small to them it's easy to tell somebody God is good but when you're going through the fire look at Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they said O king even if you throw us in the fire our God is able to deliver us that means that they were not afraid of fire when our situation rises up the Bible tells you your father your brother your sister your children your husband they would turn against you but God will never turn or forsake you don't you think when you go through those situations you're being built to believe in God better that's all it is but if you panic and you make excuses that don't exist within it that's why job never cursed God had no fear name everything is gone in gets on his knees and he says naked I came from my mother's womb naked I will go back glory be to God his wife comes and says curse God and I said shall I only accept good from him and not the bad what was he trying to say God is not changing you say even though he slay me I'm not stop loving because he knew everything that God does it's for your increase it's for your good everything that God will ever permit to happen in your life is for your good it took you to be in a bad situation it took some to be in a bad relationship it took some to go through disappointments for you to know what is the right relationship what is the right Church what is the right people what is the right Fred unless you go through those things who do you think okay let me show you an example of the misconception of the people of God the Bible says and the heavens opened and there was a voice from heaven that said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased the Bible says that the Spirit of God led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil so when God loves you he will put you in a place you'll be tested so that you can learn to depend on him God will allow you I thought I would get more people to share this because this is helping people every single thing that God has if you are in Christ nothing is happening to you unless God permitted hear my believers don't believe that but if you look through the Scriptures job believes that Moses believes that Abraham believes that every one of them believe that their Lord Jesus believe that why is it that people are not believing that is because you don't really understand spiritual things the devil uses this is okay the devil has been on earth so long he knows if I pinch you you're gonna go out so he knows if I poke here you're gonna react like this if I poke there you're gonna react like this if I poke over there you're gonna react like this let me find a way to make you to react because if knows the human soul if it is not changed renewed by the Word of God it has a breaking point but also God knows if I stretch you beyond where you thought your breaking point is then you will never have a breaking point okay Bishop Bishop Bishop you have a question question was how do we yes the answer is very simple meditate on the Word of God yes you have to know there were love of God you have to know first of all anyone that is this is why I don't pray for God's protection I know somebody shocked I don't know if somebody's gonna hear this when I go to sleep I don't pray to God protect me I don't I'd already somebody is hearing me cloud can I have another I don't know this I don't I don't pray God as I lay me down to sleep protect me my son never asked to ask me that I'm going to sleep can you watch over me he knows that dad will make sure every door is locked he will make sure that the house is secure before he goes to sleep I can sleep calm he knows he he doesn't have to come and say dad I'm about to go to sleep please protect me oh he would tell me is that I'm going to bed I'll be like all right son see you in the morning but when he goes to sleep I am the last person that goes to sleep because I have to make sure every gate is locked every door is locked I will go double check make sure he's laying properly is not rolled over almost off the bed the Bible says he God gives sleep to his beloved so if you're God's beloved you should sleep comfortably I don't need to ask God for me to sleep well I know some people he said he gives sleep to his beloved I'm sorry I feel like the Jacob pray for God to visit him when you went to bed not that that's a bad prayer you can say lorry when I go to sleep speak to me tonight that's a good prayer but to say God I pray for your angelic protection you are saying God doesn't know that you need to go to bed and God doesn't know that you need to be protected do you really know who God is he says if you evil parents know how to give good gifts how much more for God who there is no evil in him the Bible says for he shall give his angels charge over thee since the day you were in your mother's womb sometimes let me tell you when I look at pregnant women do you want to know how I know people are pregnant I see because usually every human being has one angel when I see a lady with another enjoy I know there's a baby inside of its okay good know because you can fast and pray in fear let me explain to you perfect love casts out fear God has chosen to love you you need to study about this love the love of God comes from His grace unmerited favor you need to understand what the favor of God is like the grace of God is so in order for you to live and completely trust in it because there are two things that God tells you that grow says in the last days the hang of the word of God shall increase meaning people will grow in their understanding of the word and people will grow in grace the Bible literally says grow in grace grow in your ability to lean on God there are people who lean on God just a little bit there are people who lean just a little bit more than there are people like prophet la Vida just we are just floated the grace of God is what every believer should completely rely on because let me tell you the moment you think God is gonna do something because I prayed that Sprite the moment you say because I fasted God must answer me that Sprite because God is not obligated to anybody he is not a genie in a bottle God does these things because he loves fasting does not change God but he changes us prayer does not change God he changes as if teaches us to depend on him but not him he already knows what you want if Jesus is saying God already knows what you need before you ask him it means that it's pointless to ask him he doesn't mind you speaking to him but it is for you to release your soul because the loss the soul needs to unload but there's a certain level that you get to that you don't pray for things anymore you give thanks for them because you know the provision is there when you need something it's because the provision is there because there is nothing that will ever appear in your life that the answer was already not there because your situation is a call to an answer that already exists because because no it's not because you have been taught works let me tell you you've been taught works an example is I wrote and I said I did that the last video we posted and I said and I talked about Jesus becoming sin for us some people are saying no but you still need to live righteous in order for that to be true yet the Bible is saying Jesus is your righteousness and but the Bible is saying your righteousness is like filthy rags God is saying abandon trying to be good depending depend on me being the only good you'll never ever you ever ever need to be just believe in what I have done apply yourself to what I have done I'm already the only righteousness you ever need you never become righteous anything that I do to say that I am perfect I am wearing filthy rags in the presence of God that is why in the Bible when people wanted to fast and pray they would put on sackcloth what they would be what does the circle of mean there's a cloth used to say Lord my righteousness is not good enough I need you that's what the sack load mean that's why they would abandon like the people in Nineveh they will abandon what was beautiful to wear what was not beautiful to submit themselves to say God my righteousness is like filthy rags without you I am done I feel like other people on Facebook will share people on on YouTube will share more people be sharing from everywhere so the grace of God sorry my daughter the grace of God is the key to everything listen I have stood in the presence of Jesus there is nothing you can do to qualify you to stand a the great Bishop juma my brother I love you too much there is nothing in your life you ever do that will qualify you to stand before God you can't it's only His grace that has brought us to him his love has brought the Bible says you've been saved you've been saved by what grace through faith so the unmerited favor is what brought us salvation so God is saying lean on faith grow lean on on grace because faith is only okay let me tell you the purpose of faith because faith is also misunderstood Facebook keep sharing let me explain to you why faith is misunderstood people say I'm just gonna I'm gonna act out of faith there's no such thing description because faith is based on what God has said faith is agreeing with God God says go right I don't understand how it's gonna work out but because he said let me go right because I believe him I will go right that's faith that's why the Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith if God says go into the wilderness I will send Ravens to feed you I should boldly go into the wilderness because God will indeed send Ravens to feed me because he's not a man that he should lie he has no reason to lie so faith is misunderstood because the people who are teaching faith their teaching works then they say faith without works is that what they are not understanding what that scripture actually says faith saying I believe without moving with it you have not completed faith if I say you are my daughter and I don't teach you then you're not my daughter if I say you're my spiritual son and I don't teach you then I'm not I don't guide you I am NOT your father is that making sense so for me when I begin to teach you then now I am being a father it doesn't matter that I have the intention to teach you what matters is that I am teaching you yes Kevin malanga says your spirit the reason why so many people are confused is because they have fairytales about God yet God has exposed himself to us the Bible says that Jesus was crucified naked you know that he didn't have the little clothes that people put there now let me let me explain to you the truth about it the revelation of this out teach it another time but I'll just give you a revelation of it to the world he was being shamed to us we saw who he really is to the world they were shaming him to us he exposed himself to us he stripes he's healing we saw his blood which is where salvation came from we saw his face we saw God we saw him for who he is we saw love on the cross they saw shame I wish that would enter somebody to understand they saw shame we saw laughs so the greatest the greatest and the greatest and the greatest level any man can ever get into with God is believing in what God has done not believing in what you can do this is where the church has failed you go into church you say God I welcome in this place whose house is it how can you welcome God in his house but it's because we don't know that he's already gone ahead of us we are not aware of this omnipresent omnipotent it says if two or three are gathered in my name in my purpose I am in their midst when you are coming just the fact that we decided that we are coming together is already there waiting for us because it is him that made us to come together in the first place but somebody that does not carry this understanding will continue to be in a place of maybe the spirit of years attacking me maybe the spirit of death is coming after me yes is it helping somebody I if you're being helped I want you to type I'm being helped right now just because you're believing yes because there's a difference I understand what you're trying to phrase how do you get to that place yes don't you see some people just stop praying for things that's not what I'm saying let me explain to you my son knows for a fact every day at this time he will be picked up he will not be left at school in the beginning will be like oh maybe inspired sometimes would be five minutes late ten minutes late it happens from pickup time but he knows for a fact I'm gonna be picked up I'm not gonna be abandoned at school so when you build your confidence in what God can do you no longer pray for it because it's become an expectation because it's become annoying yes and knowing is because you have done that thing over and over and over score it's like muscle memory Jesus never prayed for bread to be multiplied he knew that God remember his teaching people to pray say give us this day our daily bread so when it came the time for actually people needed bread he said father I thank you that you give us bread brockett's a give it to people he was an expectation did even say Lord I pray huh when the somebody put their hand in the back in the basket huh when they take out one and may five replace it he never needed to say that he knows God you brought all these people here for me to teach them and you want me to continue to teach them you already provide our daily bread so I'm gonna break this so that the disciples can have faith but feed your people so every time people are putting their hand bread was just multiplying and he did that twice the first time four thousand people the second time five thousand people the Lord Jesus fully believed in the provision of his father when they came and told him you need to pay taxes so no problem he told Peter go catch fish the first fish you catch open his mouth you find gold coin pay your own taxes because you avoid taxes and then pay mind also so he never worried about resources he knew where it was the children of Israel are in the wilderness they tell Moses we want bread how do you ask for bread in the middle of the wilderness there's no bakery but there are confidence in there God was so much because they saw a cloud in the day they saw a pillar of fire at night they saw God with them all the time they said well he can surely give us bread bread is not he parted the Red Sea what the heck is bread they said we want bread God said okay tell them every morning bread will come they don't even need to store every morning they will have bread did they ever pray for bread after that they actually got out of bread they said we want meat well just started falling from heaven special delivery the level of believing in God's provision is based on your belief on God not empty believing it's because you actually know him something that is unknowing is not something you're thinking of I am NOT hoping God will speak to me I know God speaks to me I am NOT hoping perhaps God will protect me I know God protects me I am NOT hoping maybe God will hear me I know he hears me I don't think God is gonna leave me because he says I will never leave you nor forsake you it has nothing to do with me did not say he will leave me when I am bad you see that church believes I seemed the Holy Spirit will leave me that's not true it was true for the Old Testament not for the new man because remember the Old Testament people are not born of God the new man is born of the Holy Spirit no parent is abandoning their child especially not God that is why is making this statement I will never leave you nor forsake you in the Old Testament who say if you keep my words then I will be with you like I was with Moses because you are not release children but you are carrying the seed of the future that would be his children then the new man is saying I would leave you I will be with you till the end I will be how much has love purified you how much has love purified you you guys know my heart and how I always give I always give to people always always always always is because I am always confident in God's provision I'm not afraid of tomorrow the same God that brought me to this place is the same one that will continue to keep me and take me how much have you allowed life to purify you here's the question how much has love purified you you need to ask yourself if you are afraid it means there is torment in you you have opened a door for the devil to torment you let me show you a scripture that will shock you now you'll understand what I'm saying you have a question go ahead no doubt is uncertainty God actually doesn't mind out you know that doubt is asking God a question are you sure God will reassure you what God hates is unbelief Jesus Jesus never rejected anybody that doubted yeah because this is the thing that should make you go to God to reassure you God wants doubt to bring you to him because he will answer your new remove doubt from you but unbelief is what God hates my brother Juma God is good god is not worried about that that's a lie of the church that is what Jesus when the man came to him and G he was doubting that his son could be healed he said I took him to you have disciples and they could not cast him out because his disciples could not do it he doubted that Jesus could do it then Jesus say how long shall I be with you said lord help my unbelief Jesus rebuked him for unbelief not doubt he did not say help my doubt said unbelief he did not believe anymore because he suffered with this condition for so long took the child in doubt to the disciples of Jesus and they couldn't do it then is doubt turn to unbelief did that make sense yes ah the computers dad is dead Claude you didn't charge it right at Ibaka stay Tony can you hear me let me show you something are you ready for this what's this let me grab it for you Karabakh intellikeys the upper idea [Music] got to go to go to second Corinthians chapter 10 verse three to five are you ready to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ so where are all these things yes when the Devil attacks somebody attacks your mind first I'll say that again when the Devil attacks somebody he attacks them on mine first visions chapter 6 verse 12 when a demon wants to destroy somebody he goes for your mind the spirit of poverty is a mindset Ephesians 6 chapter 2 verse of Ephesians 6 keep reading wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand notice why you're standing in the evil day the day that you will be tested but the strong God is in the mind casting down every imagination in the mind because when a demon attacks you he makes you believe that is puff it makes you believe that he can do some crazy stuff to you that they can appear in your bedroom and you get scared because as a man thinketh so easy not as a man breath so the more you believe that the devil is powerful in the realm of the Spirit you have actually empowered him to to torment you angels are empowered by our prayer if the for those who did know our our teach about this maybe I'll continue this series tomorrow and and the evil spirits are also fed by our fear it is their strengthen in us so whenever we are afraid we are empowering our spirit that is why the mafia consumes people the more dark things happen to them to be cautious and to be afraid are two different things I think I don't know if somebody's catching me go ahead go to God go study it's not even a matter of prayer go open your Bible because only perfect love is casting out fear not pray you don't overcome fear by prayer it's a lie though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me so fear is a result of you not you don't know he is with you you don't know that you can do it for you you don't believe it can't provide for you you don't believe he can heal you you don't believe he can open the door for you you don't believe these things so you are afraid because you think according to your strength you have already failed according to where you are you cannot make it because you know yourself and you know that you are limited is there anything too difficult for the Lord absolutely not but you think there is because you are thinking of God like you and God is not you notice for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son John 3:16 that whosoever shall believe what is he saying whosoever god knew some people won't believe but he was confident in his love that he had no fear when you're about to give somebody something we always think they're gonna be grateful as they always gonna be in our life are they always gonna do that because we have fear when I help people I don't care whether they come say thank you whether it would be nice but do they have to absolutely not I did what I did because I loved I have no expectation for people because my reward comes from me but if we expect things from people we re didn't even say thank you I would do it again then you never wanted to do it in the first place that is what God never says you must thank me when I bless you God said remember me when you enter in the land of milk and honey but he did not say remember me so that you think me just remember me don't forget about me because people who love you they just want you to remember the man thank you Lord for that person that's that these are not they don't want advertisement oh you know so-and-so helped me all he helps people that's not what a person wants to help wants to do so this is what people need to do tonight I'm gonna finish you this then I think we'll continue this tomorrow was it helpful so far maybe we should delete it maybe we should delete this maybe we should delete it right there is a why I'm here though I'm not feeling well from my trip is because nothing can stop what God wanted I'm so relaxed but that also shows you the kind of person God has sent to you glory be to the name of Jesus so tonight don't pray take your Bible go on Google get all the verses that assure you of who God is that is why some people they knew must your vagina because they were in a place that they needed provision whatever place you give God confidence that's why God will visit you this area I can't I needed God of that provides fish he will give you plenty of fish because God will convict your heart by the giving that he provides for you that's how you find that's why I find the Lord Jesus gave Peter so much fish that Peter began to repent said get away from me all Lord for I am a sinner but Jesus never called him a sinner so God changes you love purifies you that you begin to remove the things that were wrong with you but people try to go to Jesus perfect Jesus won't do anything because that's pride allow God to change my son the superstar proud refuge I love him so much is gonna be what a great voice for this generation big time both musically and spiritually it is it is a go back to Facebook let me let me see some Facebook people can you go up let me see let me see some so many people are not spiritually stable because you don't know God Kevin what did he say can you read it to me people were submitting to you privileged to have you as their spiritual father it's not god bless you it's a privilege it really takes god so my prayer for everybody tonight I love you too Liana love you too my daughter leiana god bless you I want you to go to sleep tonight with a verse in your mind if you have that's why that's why when I taught about the blood of Jesus people are angry with me saying o demons who are attacking me at night and I covered myself in the blood and I god I told I said listen God just favored you and was merciful huh the reality is this that's that's a pointless pray for his shall set is angel he shall give his angels charge over you my confidence in knowing that the angels of God are with me is my security that is why even the Lord Jesus in his ministry Satan wanted to see his confidence in the Angels that were given charge over him when he stopped when he finished the temptations you see his angels coming to minister to him but the angels actually stood they were stopped by his father to see if he really is confident in them to help him in his ministry before the Lord Jesus went on the cross said father if it is your will let this cup pass because you were shaking it was fearful but what does the Bible say he sent his God sent angels to comfort him I wish people knew that not only is the Holy Spirit our comfort not only Jesus is our comfort even Angels are comforters then we have even comfort from brothers and sisters in the same there is no reason why you should be afraid there is no reason why you should say I'm by myself all this are because you are on your strength or your depending on physical things that you can understand but you have not matured yourself to believe in the greater provision have you ever just woken up one day and you just feel motivated to take on the day how do you think you felt that there was an angel that boosted you he spoke to your space 8 today you're gonna take over and you got strength you said yeah I just know that I'm gonna be but you don't know that somebody spoke to you but because you're not aware of your spiritual nature you just feel like today is that day and that is that also a demon will come and whisper today your day would be bad and you wake up and say it's just one of those days I don't feel like any stop and say no I have the angels of God with me God is on my side who can be against me whatsoever I should touch you prosper you change the dynamics of everything it's just a test I love one quote that says champions are not born but they are made you can become a champion for Jesus I'm gonna pray for everybody right now and I believe tomorrow morning I'm gonna come on and and then we're gonna do it again what do you think Bishop Claudius we can do it in the morning right tomorrow go even deeper I'll break it down even deeper any questions from you guys before I pray meditation is so important Facebook let me see Facebook and Facebook hallelujah okay let's see okay perfect periscope real quick okay let's let's pray for people hallelujah so make sure that you're subscribed so that when I come on he just alerts you that I'm on okay everybody subscribe to my YouTube my periscope my Instagram follow me on instagram follow me everywhere and those who want to give go to prophet lava calm and give whatever God puts on your heart to give in Jesus name father I pray for everybody that is watching and I bless them with every blessing we thank you that because of your love that we are purified in it that we have no fear that you are with us even when we are in our errors you are still there to remove us from the air LeBrock is our colobus until a Brady kishtappa katia airbase st. La Costa a pariah ear italic hasta aqui be a father let your children know your love today give them the grace to meditate on your word to seek you to know you through your word that their lives will never be the same I secured them and I thank you for removing the lie of the devil from their minds let them move to a new level and to a new dimension in Jesus mighty name amen god bless everybody those who have not signed up for prophetic schools subscribe to prophetic school you want to give an offering go to prophet low-v calm God bless everybody and good [Applause] [Music] [Music] blessings everybody this is profit lovey and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether you're a pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that are hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things it's gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is prophet love you and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 6,478
Rating: 4.9268293 out of 5
Keywords: church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Longombas, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Pastor Chris, Deliverance, Demonic, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, AA Allen, William Branham, Billy Graham, breakfast club, steven furtick, chance the rapper
Id: J5HUneMz7QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 30sec (5430 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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