Prophetic Service [Breaking the Spirit of Limitation] with | Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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that's okay he said go get meat prepare it prepare it and when Saul got they told him listen I know where your donkeys are but I want you to stay and eat with me there is no why he ate with him is because he wanted to impart in him the Spirit of God so that by the time he left and he told him you meet a company of prophets join them and when he joined them he began to prophesy that people was shocked and they wondered is this the same soul that is prophesying like this meaning something changed 28 this is why when David even when Saul had fallen out of out of out of the will of God David never laid a finger on him and he always said The Anointed One of God he knew that this guy was changed he may be operating in his flesh and in his soul but he's no longer what he used to be so when they brought this thing to me I didn't eat it and one of my sons wanted to take it I told him if I didn't eat it you want to eat it go ahead then he'll eat them you never go where your family used to go there is a reason and I'm talking about spiritual things if a person is not doing such a certain thing that you used to see him do and he has abandoned it and you are still trying to do it something is wrong the Samaritans were still trying to drink from a place that was given to them by their father but their father moved across to Israel he was no longer called Jacob he was called meaning everything to do it Jacob was good but was good for a season now was the time for Israel [Applause] you used to be it was okay for you to be on a bus but the season for being on a bus is over it's time to drive your own car there was a season that you are supposed to be in an apartment you lived in an apartment it was okay for that season but now it's time for you to be in a house you used to be in a house but now God wants you to have a mention it's okay move forward don't move backwards you used to be single and those things were okay they were good but God wants you to have a companion don't be where God used to be be where God wants you to be now I don't know if I'm talking to myself some of you want to continue where you used to be some of you want to remain where let me show you go to first Kings chapter 17 first Kings chapter 17 first Kings 17 raucous Attalla bossy first Kings 17 are you ready first Kings chapter 17 from verse 2 are you there hallelujah so I want you to pay attention because it's not about what God used to say it's about what God is saying now if you are in a relationship with somebody that still talks about the past you always do that I used to do good what about now halleluyah used to there's a reason why you can't use used to do you realize we are in the same building for a season now by watch this but every time you've come is a different thing why is it a different thing because physically we appear to be in the same place but what we do spiritually seems to move us to another place our time will come our time is coming aside and that time is around the corner prophesy prophesy that we will not only be meeting Thursday nights here whoever owned place that will have service ins on one Thursday on Friday on Sunday because this is good for now but it's not the future hallelujah first Kings 17 from verse 2 you're there and the word of the Lord came unto him saying notice what the Bible saying the word came he did not read it came God was speaking Ranma was coming from God God was speaking Elijah had just talked as just spoken to Jezebel's husband and said listen rain will not fall on the earth until I say so Elijah the Prophet shut the heavens the whole earth was going through a major drought but after he had spoken what the Lord had said through him now let me I that is why I want you to get when this book is done is gonna bless people I want you to read verse one so that you capture something listen to what he says he says and Elijah the Tishbite who was in her inhabitant of Gilad said and to a her as the Lord God of Israel liveth before whom I stand there shall not be due or rain this years but according to my word notice he said whom I stand before but you are standing before her but you are still looking for God you didn't catch it he is talking to a person and he's telling him as the Lord liveth whom I am standing before meaning while he was speaking to the man God was also there but Elijah could see him but the king could not see him he did not pray God didn't even say he put his reputation as a man of God he put his reputation as a man of God he put his reputation as a man of God in play don't you know that you can stand aside as a believer and say I Elias even as I stand before God if God has really called me if God has really purchased me if I truly belong to him my business will flourish or else I am NOT called you see this prophetic declaration is not coming before because God spoke it is because you know who you are in him this prophecy is coming from a person who knows God and knows who he is - God Elijah knew without a shadow of a doubt I am a profit profit profit if I am a prophet and God really anointed my lips whom I'm standing before there will be no rain listen there are people and I don't mean this in to frighten anybody there is nobody that has ever stood in my way and challenged me as a prophet and stood I'm not going to do anything to you God is the one will show you who I am when you are a child of God it is God that defends you it is God that shows who you really are [Applause] notice Elijah is speaking from a place of knowing there's prophecy this is for school of prophecy I'll just give you a little bit if you don't sign up you're in trouble how you will miss the wings you need for next year prophetic school is very necessary if I had access to it in my growth I'll be the first one in class every day this prophecy is coming from a place of knowing so there are certain things you prophesy not because you heard from God but because you know I will pull back let's go back to the message but notice this signup for prophetic school sign up for prophetic school you will be an injustice to those who'll be there first - actually last year I said last year last a few months ago people are prophesying names shockingly what is so amazing exactly verse 2 and the word of the Lord came unto him saying get thee hence and turn the eastward and hide thyself by the brook cherith that is before Jordan any shot and it shall be that thou shall drink of the brook and I have commanded Ravens to feed thee there notice this Elijah the Prophet stops reins closes the heavens now God instructs him go to a certain location there is a brook of water you drink water there and Ravens shall come and feed you there some of you you have been in a season where you are in hiding you're drinking from a brook and Ravens are coming to feed you now remember a raven will not bring you a whole plate of KFC but will bring you bits and pieces because this is not an ego we are talking about a raven a raven will bring you bits and pieces but will not bring you a whole chicken will not bring you a whole tortilla pieces because their capacity to carry is not great some of you have been drinking from a little brook in hiding and you have been receiving pieces here pieces there and going by I have come to announce to you as a prophet that that season is ending today lujah I will see you have been just getting by life it's just been enough to slide by to get by - just move by - just - enough if you keep reading the Bible says our time came sit sit we'll be finishing in two seconds but a time came that the brook dried up and the Raven stopped coming that God had sent but remember man can live from water for forty days you need more water more than you need food bishop van and lolita are looking at me crazy because I told him fast they are fasting and only on waterfalls prophetic instruction that I gave them so she knows what I'm talking about you think you're going to die but then you realize that you are more energy or more focused you are better off than before by the time you get to the seventh day you realize food is overrated now I'm telling you the truth fasting is the best kept secret fasting and prayer is so necessary but you never know until you do it because your body will tell you you have headaches your stomach will turn and and then you get discouraged and you pull out you never upgrade spiritually through humility if you want to be really humble fast fast for real even your tone towards people will change you become so kind so gentle in the first few first seven days you'll be stubborn all the junk you've been hiding inside will come out because the point of fasting is purification your temper will be 10 times more your irritation level will be 20 times more everything that comes will irritate you but it's to show you what needs to be taken out of you but after remember their hardest days are 1 to 6 on the sixth day man was created and it is on the sixth day that you get deliverance from food by the time you get into the seventh day you will not even think of food you will not even be hungry you are not even hunger I'm telling you the truth I'm telling you things I've done I'm not telling you what I was told I believe dr. Myles Munroe actually had a great teaching on it - the most difficult days at the first six days when you enter the seventh day you are free you will never over eat again even when you come out of the fast your self mastery would be at a million glory to Jesus so but the moment the brook dried let's go to verse what was a wee one verse seven verse seven right and it came to pass after a while somebody say after a while you are only being fed by Ravens and the brook for a while after a while that the brook dried up because they had been no rain in the land and the word of the Lord came unto him saying arise get thee to their fat which belongs to Zidane and dwell there behold I have commanded a widow a widowed woman there to sustain thee through every stage of your life God is always speaking and God also wants you to move to that next location because the blessing of God is geographical where he fed you yesterday he may be feeding you another place tomorrow because everything that God does is in a particular timeframe based on where you are in life why didn't God make somebody bring you know there was a time an angel when Elijah ran away from from from Jezebel the Bible says that not Ravens did come an angel came walk him up say a put a fire cooked baked bread Elijah loved bread the angel prepared bread and we'll wake him up tell him eat and when he ate the angel gave him a jar of water drink water and he will go back to sleep then the angel come back again later I tell him it's time to wake up it's time to eat he will give him bread again and he will drink water and for forty days Elijah traveled never needed food or water so when the brook dried why did God sent a name and an angel with water and bread because the season for him to be in that place was over so God had to make sure that he goes to now a place where there was water that was flowing and when he dries up God told him now move some of you you are still waiting for God to make the river flow yet God wants you to move to another location your business used to work it is no longer working God is pushing you to another invention [Applause] God is moving you to something else you used to enjoy doing certain things but you are interesting of you outgrew it now you are interested in other things but you are still trying to push that because it's what you feel you should be doing it is not about what you feel you should be doing what is God telling you to do many times the things that are happening around you they are the prophetic sign for what you should do next but if you keep saying God sent a raven yesterday you send a raven today yet God is telling you go to the widow go to that city I have ordered somebody to feed you from there you are still saying God you are able to do it you sent an angel huh and you sent an angel if in the lion den but Daniel was only in the lion's den for a night are you in the lion's den no oh god I don't know if somebody's catching me no no no God is telling you move to another place some of you you have been divorced five years seven years ten years ah you know me I'm for real I will tell you the truth I won't sugarcoat anything Alleluia I mean I don't play Church I tell you what God is saying let me tell you that miss miss the biggest misconception with relationship I'm not saying that God cannot restore things he's obviously done it but does he restore everything no absolutely not relationships are based on people's hearts and attitude and their desire to change if you want to be in a relationship and you do want to change then you don't wanna be in a relationship because every relationship will change you [Applause] our I was doing marital counseling for a certain spiritual son and daughter and I was telling them I was telling our speaking to my daughter because my son was saying certain things she was saying certain things and I said what is the evidence of love what is the evidence of love I'm asking what does the Bible say giving the evidence of love is giving that is what the Bible says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son the evidence of love is not because you feel a certain way it's a decision but that decision always follows by giving when Abraham god told him give me Isaac when he was ready to sacrifice Isaac God stopped him and told him now I know that you love me because when you love somebody you give them your best so I asked my daughter what is the evidence of love those who are mature know what I'm saying some people he still hasn't hit them some people are listening slow so I asked my daughter again I explained to them all this for God so loved the world he gave I said now my daughter what is the evidence of love she said giving I said ah take care of your duties I am tired stories I'm sleepy no the evidence of love is giving some people are still so slow I'm speaking to mature people my merit people you know who I'm talking to if you believe it you know who I'm talking to hello married people know what I'm talking about extra deep this is why the devil has entered in some of yous homes and destroyed your home because when you are in your room with your husband you want to pray in tongues yet you have Church on Thursday sometimes you have time on your own but you're bringing spirituality where God doesn't even go or why is it that only my sons are clapping is it not the truth of the word of God hello say the Prophet is trying to help somebody say that again he is sewing for some people it's because Christians we have become foolish and and holier than the Holy Spirit I'm being honest with you let me tell you something this is something not a person told me the Lord Himself told me beyond these doors it has nothing to do with me only your character will carry through my biggest storm God spoke to me that and I learned something there are relationships has to do with the person deciding can God change people absolutely but if the person doesn't want to change God will not manipulate them God will suggest to them God will speak to them if they have a hearing out they will change but if they have already gone ahead they have families and situations you are still God I believe in that's no wisdom that's craziness I'm being honest some of you you're praying now Oh God restore my my husband he's attracted to other people when was the last time you went and did your nails did you hear you come home is shocked men of usual I'm being honest with you they don't marry you because of Santara baba baba that is a bonus [Applause] when was the last time he passed in when was the last time your intention was to make sure he is not going to watch football with his friends he will spend time with you but you you will complain why play with his nature mess him up spiritually physically emotionally with what God gave you he is your husband if you don't do that where will you do it you see I wish all my sons will stand up and clap some of you you are afraid you'll be beaten at home listen I'm trying I'm simply trying to help you hello I was listening I was listening to to to to a great prophet and the prophet of God was speaking to me and he was a he was speaking to a group of of young people and and I happened to be there because I was having him and when he was when he was speaking and he was giving advice to those who are about to get married and those who are looking for marriage he was telling them listen children anybody who comes or goes and just once to marry you because they were led to be careful 99.99 is not from God but he said this we don't walk around with x-rays to see people's hearts to know that it's the right person to Mary he said but you can see who is beautiful enough that you be courageous to explore what is in their heart when somebody tells you beauty is in the eye of the beholder is true or beauty is what is in the heart it's partially true who is walking with an x-ray to see the heart is good the heart is okay nobody is doing that if you cannot look at that person and say God gave me the best situation ever no matter what will happen at least every time I see I will never desire to do anything else the mistake is you are marrying before you measure and actually make sure this is it and I sat down and I thought about this then I was much younger and I was thinking about this I was like but this is not spiritual no marriage is not remember you become one flesh not one spirit so flesh to flesh must be attracted change your Papa not one spirit you will be one spirit with God and of one mind have you ever noticed in relationships you get in an argument and your partner will say you don't even know me we've been all of these years how can you tell me I don't even know you it's because the reality will never completely know a person you will know most of them that is why I believe in coach big-time I believe in people building friendships begin to date and then it enters into marriage I don't believe in I don't believe in in let's just hold hands go to the altar I think people where's my son van people will be blessed when they read this book those who are with me yesterday they know what I'm talking about it would be too much for people but but listen to this be wise to maintain what God has given you you will never maintain what you don't take care of you can only maintain what you take care of if you neglect something you will leave you sometimes it's not even Jezebel sometimes it is just God instead of seeing his son or his daughter mistreated because marriage is not supposed to be a place of mistreatment and you will send somebody else I'm just being honest with you I feel like some people offended I'm just keeping it wrong completely wrong I tell you in the last day Jezebel would say Lord I had nothing to do with this I'm just keeping it 100 honey God can show you who you are going to be with but it takes work Esther knew her destiny she prepared herself now when the King saw his head turned like a owl when God opens let me explain to you why it's difficult for you to understand how God speaks when God wants to give you a person he will say let me let me give you an example let me let me rephrase it so that it's easier to understand spiritual language which which is a lot in that book but I'll give you a little bit when a prophet comes to you he will say God is about to open a door for you if an angel was sent to say the same thing the angel will come the same message to you the angel will come and say God is gonna make a way for you because in the realm of the Spirit there are no doors so he cannot tell you a door he will say away God will make a way for you in this situation of relationship if God was to say to you God who say I am sending a person to you notice it's the same message spoken differently because of who is delivering the message the Lord Jesus said we need to be like the sons of Issachar we need to know the seasons and you need to understand okay what is next a child of God is always looking at what is next because God is always moving from glory to glory to glory to glory children of God and not people that are just here we are always looking unto what God is going to do somebody in the world will be blown away by a miracle we are expectant of a miracle somebody else will be shocked when healing comes we are expecting healing some people be surprised a financial blessing came we are not surprised we are expecting the world of the wicked that is stored up for the righteous to come to us it is an expectation because we know him faith and hope make you look into the future not your present condition faith and hope shoots you into the future when the creator of Amazon was working on Amazon you see the pictures you would have if you are there you would have said you would have laughed at him you would have said is crazy look at him today he saw the future before others saw it he knew there is a day that is coming that no one will need to get up from their bed to go and shop they will shop through the whole world from their bed when other peoples who are busy working labor it was good for that time where's your BlackBerry Bold where's your sidekick that used to be so cool where is your Nokia they were good for that time well all the people were busy enjoying Nokia blackberry there was somebody else that so beyond blackberry and knew there is a time that is coming that this thing should not only only be something that people call and say hello why don't I take that big computer that people have in their offices why don't I put that capability on a smaller device so when you are busy buying blackberry instead of thinking of the future somebody in Apple was just designing something before you know it Nokia is doesn't exist anymore I watched I watched when Nokia believe it was Nokia was closely shutting down their company for good and and the president was saying that it's not our fault we just didn't grow they had the market like this at a point but because they didn't grow so your ability to move with what God is saying is the guarantee to success not because you pray listen to this carefully praying is so important because it positions you to be where God is speaking you are standing where God is speaking but the evidence of succeeding is by knowing what God's next step is the Word of God says this your word Rama is a lamp unto my feet I used to love this music video I haven't watched in a long time and whenever I read this verse it reminded me of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean every time he stepped the floor was lighting up a child of God doesn't step in it lights up a child of God sees the light then steps since the light and steps since the light and steps this is why Elijah Elijah did not guess where his next meal was going to come from he knew exactly the address you see that's why I'm always surprised when people see me prophesying people's address phone numbers or things like that they are shocked this is not new this is all over your Bible God told him go to this city I have ordered a widow to feed you in a certain place and he went there and found the window preparing a last meal when the Prophet Ananias was was busy in souse praying that the Lord came to him told him I want you to go to a street called beautiful straight is called straight you find a house when you get to that address you'll find somebody called soul I want you to pray for him and open his eyes it's not new the Lord Jesus one of these disciples is coming to him he says there goes a true Israelite and he said you are the God of Israel you're the king of Israel said no you because of this you you you were saying all this you see greater things when you were under a tree before your brother came to get you I saw you they kind were shocked because Jesus was telling him where his brother met him on another side of town Jesus is in another location telling him when your brother was coming to you I was watching it happen these things are not new but if you are used to a God that is limited me I cannot put Jesus on a box I cannot put him in a box I cannot limit it maybe you limit your God I don't but you need to learn this thing and learn it to your best of ability see the signs that it's time to move to the next thing the Lord spoke to me and told me that he has ordered somebody to give you a job he has ordered somebody to give you promotion he has ordered somebody to open a door for you he has ordered somebody has ordered somebody he has ordered somebody for your elevation but if you don't live the brook you will be stagnant this is a prophetic word that God spoke to me that the time of ravens for you is done it is time for you to have more than enough I will see it's time for you to become so great that you open orphanages that you less people you bless the world it's time that you will be the one that if anything is needed in the house of God we won't even need people to give you can just take care of it because of how much God has elevated you this is that time I want everybody to rise up satella Kista Oprah Devaki we are about to pray now leg or Abacha zento Robo Kia Talib Randy Kista a prodigy Myranda Costa a beliya socket alabasta Serie B Katie I want you to pray and ask the Lord Jesus to open your ears that you'll be able to hear his word when he sends it to you that you will not be stagnant where you are that you will receive instructions for the next move for the next season that the Lord has prepared for you begin to pray open your mouth Zelly go so principal tsipras actually Sergei's also so facilities are totally taken so to open your mother [Music] also cosy pricey they go see you open your mouth and gray also Kosaku fire blasts echo your soul we are moving CalNet proceeding [Music] rosy lip rosy lip rosy lip rosy lip I see also choreography or for later koto closer father we thank you for the next address in the body name of Jesus kcra's otaku so we thank you for the next assignment in the mighty name of Jesus grazioso toto we thank you for for the fresh clothes that you are placing upon us Cortina Brad Santa the new shoes that you're placing on our feet La Costa acaba Santa ribbit le Kista avec Oh see cats on holiday open your mouth [Music] the time of the Ravens is ethnic in the very name of Jesus it has ended in the mighty name of Jesus remember RT let go of the Kosovo [Music] open your mouth and speak to the Lord Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great [Music] [Music] in Jesus mighty name I want you to pray the Bible says cast your burdens unto him for he careth he cares for you the reason why God cannot give you your next step is you are focused on your burdens the burden is not your responsibility it is his give that responsibility back to God in your life he cares for you and me more than we will ever care for ourselves there what burden actually is interpreted in Greek is anxieties and what caste is actually throw away or put upon so the Bible is saying castes take your anxiety throw it to Jesus because he cares for you meaning you should not be in church buttons you should be in charge receiving God wants to deliver something in you today but you need to make room where he's gonna put it if you don't make a room available then you have not opened yourself up for the next thing I want you to take all the anxieties it may be what the doctor told you it may be financially it may be emotionally give all those things to the Lord Jesus now open your mouth begin to pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] open your mouth speak to God [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in Jesus name [Music] koruba Santilli brother [Music] Cora Basanti KTBC a car to LeBron de Guiche they lift your hands to God [Music] Carabas Shia Kitab Alice auntie I wanna find how God is gonna instruct me to pray for everybody I want to pray and touch everybody because the Lord put it in me to give somebody something today [Applause] [Music] is somebody called an Ohana Hana or n it's like an ax or Hana how do you say it come quick [Applause] stand right here right here yeah you can stand right there I saw in the realm of the Spirit the Lord opening up something new for somebody called Anna and the Lord Jesus spoke to me that is about to move you to your next season because it's like you're Brook dries up it starts to produce a little water then dries up it's like it's up and down when it comes to work do you understand what I'm saying it's like it's not consistent it's like does this but the Lord is moving you to a place that will keep you stable if you believe that's for you say Amen what's your name your name is and I'll prophesy to you also huh but when I know people you gotta move fast because God is talking to me about her but I saw the Lord moving you into a place I'm no longer here I saw a door open for you I am actually in Hollywood right now as I'm speaking I am in Hollywood and I'm trying to understand I'm seeing like Caravaggio kata I am I'm failing to read the address on this building I'm seeing like a grayish kind of like building it's really like I don't know if this is white whitish grey it's like a tall building but it's like in this building people are doing things like ADR film and things like that is this making sense to you but I saw you being brought into this place and it was like consistently you work on things like film and and ADR and things like that it will be like actors and commercials and things like that people will walk in but I'm seeing it like in Hollywood I don't know if this is sunset give me a second I'll tell you a tease lift your hands give chance [Music] thank you Lord Jesus Sakuraba what do you do what do you do event planning huh event planning and acting come come close lift your hands I'm not done with you don't worry lift hands thank you Lord Jesus where is chicken-and-waffle please it is sunset right it is like close to this because I'm trying to pick something that I can pull because I'm not being given the number so it's around that place because I'm seeing like a building and I'm seeing people do a lot of things like film it's not one flow it's like a whole kind of situation but the closest thing I am seeing in my vision is I'm seeing Roscoe's sorry across the street right I saw a major promotion coming to you I they need to fix this mic because this mic is not loud [Applause] [Music] are you sure you want this yes hallelujah prophesy thank you tell them what you do what do you do audio engineer prophesy come come leave your hands let this be your hour of promotion in the name of Jesus is done you are empowered for your next level come lift your hands where's your mother in LA we need to pray for your mom huh we need to pray for your mom God needs to touch your mother physically because I heard God say I am Jehovah Rapha and when God says this it means somebody needs to be healed physically means that touch from God that would bring restoration physically and to her as I pray for you things who begin to work for you in your acting and your event-planning God is gonna move you higher but there is also a touch that God is gonna give your mother are you sure you want this [Music] I don't know no it's Kathy do you to do like do you ever do like pictures like modeling like kind of picture stuff yeah all right yeah print work right you do print work because immediately I saw you doing print work in my vision but in my vision I saw somebody I saw your picture and then I saw another picture but I could not see the whole picture but I saw a name little written like is not Catholic cut cut cut cut rice Contras Khatri Sousa oh that's your middle name come come stand next cup son have you guys ever do you know each other but you do print work also you do print work right yes do you ever go by that name on the stuff oh no Briana Catrice is like my music name so you don't even use that for print is dangerous go deeper because as God was opening that I saw somebody else that is behind you but I only saw like the name the name this is what God is going to do as God is elevating you in that she will be elevated also this is why it's so important listen this is why it's so important when God calls you run because somebody else will tag on your miracle thank you Jesus [Music] thank you it is done in Jesus name lift your hands to God [Music] come right lady in red come [Music] stand right here lift your hands are you sure you're ready for what God wants to do for you are you sure what did you come with by yourself can I tell you something if you if you ever want a prophet to talk if you're quiet you quench my speed come this this lady right here come if your excitement is dull you quench my spirit [Applause] the Bible says make a joyful noise unto the Lord when you begin to celebrate God [Music] how are you woman of God you are ready for prophecy I so God blessing you and I so caught increasing you did you come with let me tell you something in the realm of the Spirit she likes to do at sea kind of things but it didn't come from her it is like it came from you it is like something that you carry inside of yourself can i prophesy I'm trying to I'm trying to move there are so many gifts that the Lord Jesus gave you don't worry I'll prophesy to you but I hope you are getting the flow now there are so many gifts that the Lord Jesus blessed you with there are so many things that the Lord gave you but it is like they never came to the fullness of their fruition because of the situations that were happening in life in the realm of the Spirit in my vision I'm even seeing famous people who are always around it is like God always gave you the grace to be around people who are known yes yes you know what I'm saying yes but I am seeing the Lord restoring the hour and the time [Applause] [Music] the lot is about to increase you is about to result the hour and the times finances are about to be released upon you I saw you this is what the Lord is telling me your breakthrough is in your story let me tell you why your breakthrough is in your story in my vision I saw how you grew up I saw what happened when you were 13 years old 13 years old your childhood was not very regular there was a lot of twists and turns in your life I saw you becoming a grown woman yes I saw relationships coming and things happening but it is like God still sustained you and the Lord is telling me this your success is in your story [Applause] this is what I saw professor I am seeing myself entering something like Nobel bonbons Nobel Barnes & Noble Arzo Nobel and I am seeing a book with your face on it your your success and finances I in your story if I were you I will start looking for somebody who can write what are we waiting for [Applause] you are not what I'm not waiting anymore hallelujah is done come it's done amen listen all God is doing is showing you your next step amen hallelujah that's deep thank you lord thank you lord are you ready now oh you want me to give you some time put the microphone over so I can hear are you ready yes are you sure [Music] [Applause] let me tell you why she's having a hard time to speak in my vision there is a major heartbreak that happened to her I saw a major betrayal in a relationship that has messed the daughter of God come close come close my daughter countless you are not from here you are not from here look at me you're not from here Cara Basia Taba I know this is sensitive I want to talk about it but maybe I have to talk in person because some things are not good to make open come close come close lift your hands it is well okay [Applause] touch your neighbor Sadie's well touch a neighbor say it is well it is well I saw the letter n spinning in the heavens and I'm trying to understand who has a name that has like an N or or or and what is it I'm not guessing I'm hearing God that's why I said you are not from here I know that is what God is making me pick something that we show that you're not from here when I told that you are not from here I saw myself back in the country that I grew up in that is why immediately I told her you are not for me but the Lord Jesus loves you the God who has called you by your name there is a generational curse this is what I would say openly that God wants me to turn into a generation of blessing hallelujah [Applause] that marriage is through you will change forever in your family because in my vision what you're going through has happened before but the Lord says because you have come this is the last time and it will end with you do you believe that you believe that Jesus you know Jesus loves you he loves you where is Riverside is what direction what direction is that I don't know whether okay okay I see that there is a mighty angel that is being sent to you Carabas Chantilly brandy that God is sending ahead of you that is going to help you that things will turn around even what has been planned against you I stand with you as a prophet of God ask the Lord Jesus liveth whoever will fight you fight me first [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] beside somebody shot yeah [Applause] Duta from Riverside Jesus loves you marry me listen children of God a a woman of God have you ever spoken before now they can't hear you they'll think we planned this have you ever spoken before no do you know me no do I know you no you invited me to Riverside I'm welcome who is this that knows you this world it is Jesus and the Lord Jesus that are spoken to you is the same Jesus that will carry you through somebody Chartres Alleluia receiveth hallelujah in Jesus name thank you Lord Jesus because of time I'm trying to see I'm just speaking cases that are is done by five a man it is finished you are blessed my daughter you are blessed listen to me prophecy is not entertainment prophecy is God speaking when the Lord is speaking the Lord is not only removing buttons but is also giving solutions how do I look at somebody I'm seeing in heaven a vision in heaven and I'm seeing an end being span in heaven I know what that means but I will play along so that somebody participates because the more somebody speaks the more their heart is open and the more your faith is increased because if she confirms the prophecy inside of her but you don't need any confirmation be like what is happening yeah yeah lift your hands to Jesus the Lord Jesus knows you more than you know yourself more than you will never not ever know yourself speak to him to change your situation now [Music] you met her like two weeks ago yeah [Music] destruction between Riverside Moreno Valley so you drove long to just be here yes the Lord Jesus will do you good no in the spirit it's okay you hold it for you mama don't you hold it for it's okay you saved her life by bringing her [Applause] you are sure we have never spoken before we have never met before no to Venice and there is something that happened between her and another woman and there was a curse released against her that began to fight you and began to destroy your health that God wants to reverse this thing today we will allow God to help you before these things started manifesting physically they were showing up in dreams of course I know I am in your dream I am looking at your dream I'm watching it like a TV there is a big difference between La Vie and Alliance Alliance is there profit love is brother La Vie alliance is a different person I saw this attack begin against you I saw you seeing yourself first of all dreaming that you are dying then again you saw yourself like things crawling on you that even physically sometimes you would feel them I know I'm telling you [Applause] you are not ready for prophesy again that's why you're here Rocco stop are avea contella Brenda Krishna River Kista abre dia this was a result of the wrong relationship that the devil used to trap you and to get this attack to follow new but if I be a prophet of God all these shall be canceled today [Applause] listen to me there are some friends that are not friends and then there are friends that are friends their friends that are friends and then they are friends that are not friends I saw you very intelligent to the point that almost like I don't know if it will be wrong for me to almost say like doctor somebody that you are so intelligent but listen to the prophecy no no no no listen I will explain to you where come in the demographers are small thing what what did you go to school folk pharmacology what is that did you hear what I said yes I don't know if I should call your doctor you're not paying attention [Applause] professor la cara ba Santa Lybrand Agusta let me tell you something woman of God you want me to you want me to tell you this friend I'm talking about please please don't start fighting with people if I tell you this you see sometimes I don't want to mention names of people because you did this to me we don't want that because we've done these things spiritually let me tell you something [Music] she's a good friend before I give you the prophetic word two weeks hello she's a great woman lift your hands woman oh god I am praying for your house especially those who came out of you because there is Tom well that I'm seeing the enemy has brought against your house yes yes because as I'm speaking to you I am seeing you by yourself yes and it is like you're carrying the burden by yourself it is like you are alone and also when you look at those who birthed things also are not moving and it is like also they are also turning against you woman of God do you know what I'm talking about did you talk to me did you tell me we have met before [Music] you saw me there but did we talk did we have a conversation you see you can to memorize these things they that God is talking or not amen amen prophesy but I'm gonna help you by the grace of God I'm gonna help you by the grace of God because God has to bless because you brought to you when people who carry other people God carries them amen amen this you are not motivating me Maraba catalá bhashya the person that I called friend is actually not friend this is family this is connected to your family jealousy [Music] whenever in your life woman of God when never God is about to elevate you something always happened so rapidly is because your mindset is to help but first you have to build yourself up because you cannot help people if you are not built up but the problem is this sometimes the devil is in our own family not even Judas Judas may repent but families have a dangerous thing of entitlement let me tell you something do you know what your father I did do you know your father oh yeah what did your father do an architect and a politician and a politician yes what did his father do what kind of worry chief - and used to fight let me tell you I am a ski you put don't tell me I know where you're from I'm done with speaking to you I saw God's spirits ancestral things that they believed in yes yes that they believed in and everybody that did not receive or appease these things something terrible always followed your coming is simply to do this what was spoken against you to be removed from you so that you be the light of the family like David was sometimes not everybody that is smiling at you is for you you never know people's hearts that's why it's good it is safer to be in Jesus yes [Music] yeah so when I went my stepmother went to the fetish people and they told her that you know this 12 year old grannies little girl with a lot of you said they said your husband is famous it was mattered everything here this little child is the lovely family they told under she did something she went to a village called paper and they buried it in industry I know of course I'm right I know what I'm saying I'm not guessing and I'm not married prophesy your prophesize too small let me stop [Applause] my god not everybody some family their family can be the devil himself that is why there is no family like God's family amen this is simply a spirit that is following you bodies will be broken now go to the front I'm coming to you you go to I'm gonna pray for you go you can clap better for Jesus do you know what mommy water is Oscar that is what these people who are worshipping that woman where she went but other side this side is dead I feel like I should go this other side the prophetic word comes to do something the prophetic word simply comes to do one thing to expose the devil to uproot the work of the devil and put the blessing of God amen you're clapping is first moment I prophesied to you that whatever the enemy was planning against you I said whatsoever the enemy had planned against you shall not come to pass in the name of Jesus raka Pathology attentively Blanco I just wanna argue rocket alabasta iike provoker are you ready to go home you're ready to go there's somebody I'm looking for let me find somebody I'm looking for somebody somebody I'm looking for glory be to Jesus glory be to Jesus if your hands lift yes to the lonely spread between an attitude on friend a law so [Music] cozy Bharati cars income growth science a little brats and easy [Music] easy peasy Zi Zico solji up nice I'm keys or floor 40 kilobytes Ozzie [Music] we fill this place you love [Music] [Applause] [Music] the label stop woman of the stats and both of you if you can Jesus Jesus loves loves you so much and the Lord loves this man greatly also when I was holding when I touched him the Lord said that the hour of favor has come upon you [Applause] and my prayer is that what God has put in your hands to do it will flourish to his glory that through you and what God has given you the world will come to know that is a God that is more than able this week this from today going into the week don't make a lot of applications of God just thank him that you're favored Alleluia Basia TACA TACA [Applause] [Music] Oh is like train - people say how do they say your name TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ as was mr. Lux where's my son I saw fire jumping from him to you and to you to him what do you want God to do for you what do you want to do you don't know yet what are you interested in in doing there is no I'm asking you if you said God would give 'ti where's where's the family where's the family come come family come TJ come close you sure you don't know what you want to do this come come close come all the the family you can be around Carla bisciotti you're sure you don't know what you want to do you're not sure what do you think he likes to do he loves basketball beside what is music music producing come ask him what he does yes produce right I'm trying to help you so that so that you can be let me tell you something lift your hands the whole family let me tell you the honest truth you are sure you want me to prophesy in the realm of the Spirit he will be like the father of the family he I saw the Lord Jesus blessing him and making him great with music that he will become so great that the name and the identity of the family will begin to change because of him but there is something that God needs to break from him first because in the RAM of the Spirit I saw the enemy pulling him the wrong thing and I saw the wrong thing being put inside of him and as I pray for you today not only will be will you be fully believing in God but I saw your music going like a rocket hooyah alleluia alleluia what their family could not avoid could to could not afford it will be like good morning you will not buy our house but you buy her houses see where are you from from Las Vegas are you originally from Las Vegas you're from California this boy is gonna be big but when you come before God the gift he gave you so I want to give it to you don't try to be politically correct a man you didn't choose that music stuff is the one who gave it to you if you dedicate yourself and focus you will be dangerous [Applause] do you know what his name is him bind you ask ask him what's your name say April what's your name Tyrell Tyrell you both that is you are connected amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is weird our greatness is upon you says the Spirit of God I will see when you become a multi-millionaire don't forget we are God anointed you to do so come come please your family right in the realm of the Spirit I went into the Bible and I saw a name and I saw a name and when I saw this name I was shocked because it moved me and immediately I knew that you are supposed to be serving God to be specific you are not postal lift your name Matt your hands woman of God I'm so I'm looking at other things you're supposed to be serving God big time because you have a strong apostolic mantle but it is like it's a prophetic apostolic mantle yes but it's coal is the Apostolic yes but it is prophetic yes you are supposed to be serving God long ago yes but it is like obstacles always happen whatever church you joined wherever you went there was always obstacles that will happen that will prevent you for your gift to actually shine in the presence of people for what God has given you to do yes they are tired so I won't prophesy deep come home enough calm there's a reason why I put you here to stand face don't face them face me mama don't worry about them face me lift your hands woman Oh God everybody that is here in front there's one thing that God wants to correct marriage stuff that's why I pulled you because there's a grace for that is that okay mama look at me what's your name woman oh God Javon come tell me your full name Javon Elizabeth Lockridge that name is what I'm looking for [Applause] that's the name Oh Elizabeth is actually your spiritual name also amen that is why when I was looking at your name I went into the Bible TT TT TJ who is he so everybody calls you TJ but what's your for you Tracy Lawrence joy because when they were saying TJ I was here in God's a tree as I was asking what do people call you TJ no you said who calls your tree professor prophesied [Applause] restoration thank you lord Thank You Laurel you first you first outbreak why you first lift your hands woman I like [Music] look at me you are free in the mighty name of Jesus Sierra Leone come it's your time for prayer it's okay all that is about to end stand up that's the past look at your neighbor say your scars simply are testimony of your past your scars simply attach the body of your past hallelujah what's your name woman Oh Doris Doris Doris Doris lift your hands say you speak French I love Libyans live James I'm about to pray stretch your hands towards I don't see the chance to answer is make magma is it migrate or magma greet how do you say Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Sunday [Applause] tell me how you see prophesy I had the Lord tell me walk this way and call my grid that's why I walk this way your petition before God whatever you are bought before God it is settled in Jesus name just thank God concerning it it is done says the Spirit of God thank you lord Stacy Stacy Stacy Stacy Stacy Stacy see that's a person's name right is this Stacy Oh Stacey Stacey who's Stacey I'm searching for I just saw the Lord call who's who's that Stacy Stacy look online sorry now it's a woman I'm looking for say see it's like it's a marital thing to that god is fixing the same thing that God is dealing with gonna power Prisma still try your hands - I want every one of you to begin to everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great brain Sunday in the mighty name of Jesus I curse this infirmity [Music] never return again in Jesus name every curse that was released on you I reverse it yes I restore your skin I restore your health and I secure your life as a prophet of God as the Lord liveth forever and as I stand before you must a prophet you will come back and everybody will be surprised by the miracle that the Lord has done I release angels over your life that no wicked thing shall touch you again everybody's raise your hands [Music] I just want you to say to respond to what I'm gonna declare to you I mean if I'm to touch everybody will not live here but I know people have work and things like that look at me woman of God look at me look at me look at me never again you are free listen can I tell you something not only is your hair going to grow back give me give me give me oil give me anointing don't worry they don't when they come back they will know here do you have any of the Salaam bottle prayer oils give give it to me [Music] can we donate yours I'll give you my personal okay give me this this is as close it Cobb Aradia your hair shall grow again let me give you the cover you will anoint yourself with this okay you just put a little bit on your hands just put it on your body woman of God one condition when you become too blessed don't forget the voice of God when I tell people this is because you are going to have more than enough [Music] don't worry you touch my hand look at what other do you have another Suleiman Oh anything would give me another idea [Music] I'm giving you a gift look look at my eye remove [Music] I open I remove the infirmity in your body thank you Lord Jesus thank you lord [Music] it's done woman of God hallelujah hallelujah this clap for Jesus sharp eye for Jesus hallelujah [Music] something is happening he's being delivered she's done this listen in this house demons flee their vows flee I'm about to finish now raise your hands to heaven those who are watching from home I want you to pay attention also and all you're going to say is amen your days of suffering are over your days of poverty are over your days of sickness are over your days of misfortune are over your days of death are over nothing shall be kept from you you will receive every good and perfect gift from God what was impossible is possible what you could not achieve you will achieve not devil will come close to your home no devil would touch your family no devil would touch your business no devil would touch your career no devil would touch your wife no devil would touch your husband everything is secured in your life every storm is come in Jesus name lift your hands lift your hands you are still praying car Bharatiya Zico's Oh zolly angels are sent ahead of you the lord's army is going ahead of you because of this day every prophetic word in your life shall come to pass [Music] ha from today you will always be in season [Music] by the Spirit of God I open your spiritual ears I open your spiritual ears hey may I open your spiritual understanding I release the spirit of wisdom upon you hey that you will know where to go and when to go that your feet will be instructed by the Lord amen from this day from this day from this day everywhere you go there will be favor favor is your name grace shall follow you mazi shall follow you you will receive favor with great men you receive favor in great places you are you will enter places you are not qualified [Music] Livius thank you bring the lady here come here mama come come come to me come to me come to me look look at me liver and never returned liver and never return liver and never return you infirmity go from whence you came from one two three hallelujah hallelujah he's died a Sukkah so thank you Jesus who has a name that starts with a V on this side like a V V come what's your name come now I was talking about this side because God instructed me decide come what's your name joy thank you Lord Jesus lift your hands woman of God who did you come with come come oh the great man comes akka predict Easter Avila caste siku za Zhi Zhu cozy brandy [Applause] you're entering into a new season says the Spirit of God you are entering into a new dimension says the Spirit of God [Music] be thou free from this day [Music] who has anything to do it like Hester is castor a street or place who lives by castor huh come what was the name of this school professor Grover side [Applause] the chance special grease is released upon you you see when you respond it connects to somebody else a man man if she didn't come I would not get her because I'm wondering why am i seeing the place caster but I knew that it was not about a place it was somebody that had to do with the place I mean thank you thank you it is done oh yeah whoa listen carefully you are blessed greatly so greatly blessed God would favor you to see such a powerful move of God there are people that if they were to see what the Lord Jesus is doing here they would give their life to God but they have not received the opportunity sure but God has loved you and favoured you to be a partaker of it don't take it lightly never take it lightly come-come would you come with come you know each other lift your hands I saw the Lord Jesus touching you physically and as it touched you physically I saw a restoration coming into you the enemy tried to put an infirmity on you and in my spirit I am seeing it it is connected to some with something with blood or something like that I don't know what this is but it is like there is something that God is removing from your blood that will bring total restoration upon you as I'm looking at you I am NOT seeing you like this physically I am seeing an x-ray of you and I took part of your blood and I saw the Lord removing something out of it and it is like when you walk out of this door your health will turn around says the Spirit of God Alleluia I don't think you know but there is something in your blood that God is removing that will cause you to be in complete complete total health complete complete total total health when God points out certain things some things are not even things that you even knew yourself no I always remember there was a man that came to church and he was a man of God I told him go to the hospital or else you are going to die I told him I saw you bleeding internally the man laughed at me walked out of the church two days later he was he was working on his lung is it go long yeah it was mowing his lawn and his wife was sitting outside and he coughed blood started coming out of him he fell down in his wife called an ambulance they rushed him to the hospital they told him if you stayed another hour you would have died and the bleeding was internally he didn't even know and the man came again and said if their prophet ever tells you something because there are things that are taking place that are ahead of you it takes a special grace of the Lord Jesus the prophetic does not just come to reveal what you know it goes into what you don't even know thank you Lord Jesus thank you lord koruba Shanti what's your name woman Oh God Alisha Alisha thank you Lord Jesus what's your other name we should burn a Cheeto [Music] the blessing of the Lord is upon you in Jesus name lift your hands grab what you want to give to her we're going to pray now Robert Chernin give to God [Music] [Music] you say how are you doing can I pray for you please come come come come hallelujah Casey [Music] rady couche de ávila kasi Rhonda Kista opera dia I'm gonna find did you come with I can't wait my friend Regina Regina can I pray for you say father bless your son thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you god bless your son with every great blessing remember his faithfulness remember his dependence on you lift his head up and high today thank you that his life has always been in your hands and it would be no different from this day whatever was impossible is completely possible for him from today thank you for complete and total restoration physically emotionally emotionally and spiritually in Jesus mighty name I love him hallelujah lift what you wanna give to go lift it up grab your best and Verde dos locos grab your best and lift it up great job today guys the worship team is killing it [Music] you're clapping is durable [Music] woman of God my daughter my daughter right there who's that come come as you prepare yourself this is this is the best band ever music and it's anointed people they love God [Music] hallelujah how are you lift your hands to the Lord there is such a special grace upon her and I know as a mother you already pray by praying even the more for her half UJ is too great that God needs to keep her on the right path you know the devil comes to waste our time by wasting our time we don't walk into what God wants us to do no evil spiritual waste your time again man especially those who are saying amen amen I pray for divine intelligence divine understanding a prophetic blessing in Jesus name [Music] last week a lot of people I gave some certificates but people left their baptism certificates and I don't know how we're gonna do it should we give to God and get our certificates or should we get our certificates and give give us to God [Music] quickly come give to God as fast as you can as fast as you can [Music] [Music] [Music] okay listen listen listen listen listen I want you to pay attention what did i prophesy to you last week today I want to pick the report and I found that that is exactly what happened because even the daughter did not sign deed the document he gave to me after a p40 test so and was making suggestion for me to start taking drug for hypertension and then go for another test for ProStreet this jnana see this is what the prophet of God had already won me back so we notified the neighbor thank you man of God thank you your son is my son I need to see you we will talk I'll tell you what to do man you see when you know what is going to come even if they face you with something you already know what God spelled spoke he had not even done any tests he didn't even know anything was wrong [Music] now I want to give this Robert Andrews Robert Andrews [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's Mitchell Gabrielle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lazarus lies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so because there are few like this hands up let's pray father in the name of Jesus I bless all your people i bless everything that you have given them i bless their lives i increase their lives with every good gift i bless them i pray that their lives will never be the same again i pray because of this hour they shall rise to a greater level they are heavenly protected heavily-defended no wicked shall come close to them i bless them in the mighty name of the living Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] blessings everybody this is profit lovey and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether your pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostle for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things it's gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is profit lobby and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom you [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 2,842
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: church, Jesus Christ, Love, Inspiration, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Longombas, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Pastor Chris, Deliverance, Demonic, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, AA Allen, William Branham, Billy Graham, breakfast club, steven furtick, steven fur
Id: nXw8QajDn4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 19sec (8839 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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