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god bless you all this is dr lovey elias and i am so thankful to the living jesus that he has given us the opportunity to be together this amazing evening or afternoon or day no matter where you are i am joined today by the most powerful prophetess a powerful seer amen doctor [Laughter] ashley this year and um ashley is one of my faithful daughters in the lord and ashley has worked with me together with her family for a long time when i met her she was just a young you know young lady she's still young but over the years she got married she brought the man that wanted to marry her to to in the center of where god had planted her and all her children are born in the house of god and everything about it is prophetic amen and i really thank god for her and i know that the best is yet to come so i said today i have to get ashley on the prophetess so that we can go deeper into what we have been speaking about and uh it has been on the subject of us spiritual bankruptcy spiritual bankruptcy i gave uh a little introduction yesterday and i hope people are ready for more today i want you to share this as many times as you can because i believe that the lord jesus is really going to elevate you and this is a message that people need to hear amen amen people must hear this i think we need to fix uh facebook because i can't see uh comments on there so i need you guys to share this um a gazillion times as many times as you can because uh i believe without a shadow of a doubt that um it's about to be really fantastic what god is about to do american american amen um i want you to share this as many times as you can once more and uh tomorrow i will see you in church for a powerful service but i want you to be ready for this because this is going to push you to where god is calling you amen glory be to his living name forever amen now we have different kinds of spirits just like we have different personalities the person is really in the attitude of their spirit there are people who are much more serious because this seriousness is not just in the soul but it's also in the spirit and you notice people that are serious are usually serious in all things if they find god they will be serious about god if they do this they'll be serious it is an attitude of their heart now the spirit cannot be distracted but the soul can it can interfere with this flow of the human spirit the spirit that god embedded in a man or god planted in a man now what satan can do remember the spirit comes from god and it always goes back to god but there are certain conditions that makes you vulnerable to the devil because the devil does not attack you on the basis of your flesh but he measures your spirit to know if it is a battle he will win the devil never goes into a fight knowing that he will lose [Music] i will say that again the devil is too calculated i feel like christians are not as calculated as satan is when the devil comes in listen to what jesus said the devil comes but to steal kill and to destroy not to try to steal not to try to destroy he comes to do those things it means if he comes into somebody's life there is a certain confidence and certainty that satan carries knowing for a fact is going to mess you up but these factors are not measured by a man's soul it is measured by a man's spirit when job was attacked or rather it was permitted by god to follow him notice the devil had already seen him the devil had already assessed him and the devil decided to leave him alone the devil made a conscious decision never to mess with job until when he looked at god he said god this man doesn't love you for nothing you have protected him and everything that is around him take those things away and see if he will love you so he had to ask permission because he knew the dimension in which job was walking in his spirit was so empowered that that which was in him was able to protect everything that he owned so the only way satan can come in is if god actually permits but according to the spirit of job he was not bankrupt spiritually the devil had to ask permission he couldn't just go in fact it was god that brought him up not even the devil he was so solid spiritually that he was securing his children just in case they mess up it shows you how spiritually sober job was friends that are watching right now you start praying for your children when they are grown up and they are on their own but you never started this work before they were grown many of you start to pray when your children are going on the wrong path and say they forgot god they did not forget god you did not even start them in god oh you know they just they forgot god now they're doing other things if they can come back to god okay how were they with god before because they were in church with you doesn't mean they were with god because you are not spiritually solid you could not even analyze their spiritual condition for you to know [Music] what is appropriate how to pray for them in order for you to be of help to them these are the things that we are dealing with because we don't understand listen to me we have zero understanding of spiritual things immediately weakening our spiritual system instantly weakening us spiritually the strength of a man is in their spirit people who can endure suffering it's because of their spirit amen people who can endure to see the promise of god it's because of their spirit not because of their body whoever lives in the spirit can never fulfill the last of the flesh if yours if your life has not migrated into the inner man it is the inner man that is in control you have a bankrupt spirit i got real quiet he got real quiet i said he got real real real quiet real fast if you want to know your spiritual bankrupt check if you complain complaining is a major sign that you're spiritually bankrupt because somebody that has been with god knows the mind of god knows that god heard them knows that god has this thing under control it doesn't mean that you will not be uncomfortable but you have hope you have confidence and you have the comfort of god knowing that this is just a season when people complain they are spiritually bankrupt y'all ain't listening to me dude i feel like i'm talking to myself yeah people are so so you i don't know if somebody's getting this you see even men of god complaining you see even men of god finding themselves in places where they're discussing things in a way that you're like are this man of god do these people really what are these guys really serving god you see spiritual bankruptcy will make you put your faith in your government in your brother and your sister and not in god it means you're so majorly bankrupt majorly listen majorly bankrupt many of you supported causes during uh the election time where are those causes now the mask came off why did the mask came off they tried to do so many things to hide and now you just see clearly wow they just played all of you spiritual bankruptcy makes you make all judgments in the flesh and never in the spirit wow are you sure you guys can hear me work out your listening spiritual bankruptcy makes you make all your decisions in the flesh because you have nothing to offer even yourself spiritually [Music] this is why me personally i don't believe in prayer warriors i don't i'm sorry i'm not saying i don't believe in intercession i don't believe in a ministry called prayer warriors if you have nothing to offer yourself what prayer worrying are you doing because the ro the law of the spirit is that you cannot give what you don't have you know i was seeing something i saw a very funny comment uh today uh was it yesterday on tick tock i think so on on the video that went viral somebody said a lot of y'all writing here test their spirit but you all are not testing it yourself everybody will come and say yo guys the bible says test the spirit why aren't you testing it you're bankrupt true you don't even have the capacity to see things spiritually but you want okay let me give you an example this is evidence of spiritual bankruptcy are you ready for this yes if i am a high school teacher i have no right or authority to go and give a university student an exam so a high school teacher cannot test a university student why because the spheres in which or the dimension where her skill of teaching is does not match up with somebody who is getting a doctorate yeah so she doesn't have the authority or the capacity to judge or to even investigate that thing so to test something it means that i have to be in a position whereby i can do what you're doing to examine what you're doing [Music] so when somebody's saying test the spirit are they bankrupt or are they solid to be able to test the spirit you notice most of the people who say test the spirit they're the biggest skeptics everyone is evil they didn't say jesus you see they didn't do that you see it is spiritual bankruptcy that has developed doubt in them that if they see anything supernatural they can never believe it they can never even think their first thought is not wow god is powerful their first thought is like this is the devil it is because they understand that they have no resources from god only from satan [Music] i feel like i'm by myself prophetess what do you think of this no that's good papa it's just um like going back to what you were saying yesterday these people they're not hearing from god yes it's like their ears are just shut they haven't been if they have for them to be able to just shut that off they're just killing themselves yes now watch this watch this we have people with a strong spirit we have people with a weak spirit we have people with a willing spirit but the worst of them is what i'm about to read for you right now i want us to go to proverbs proverbs proverbs proverbs chapter 18 verse 14. proverbs 18 verse 14. proverbs 18 verse 14 the spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity but a wounded spirit who can bear there are many of you that have a wounded spirit it's worse than a heartbreak the spirit has the ability to bear if the body is sick but a wounded spirit who can bear it you see jesus went on the cross because they wounded the body not the spirit somebody said the prophetess says mike is low or maybe you know ashley just talks sorry guys i i don't know if somebody's getting what i'm saying a wounded spirit who can bear it who can bear a wounded spirit i will show you if your spirit is wounded because it is the highest level of spiritual bankruptcy you see when you are solid in the spirit right when you're solid in the spirit when you pray you pray with power father in the name of jesus there is a confidence there is a swag you can feel it from within when you are when you are spiritually bankrupt you pray in a vulnerable state and when i mean vulnerable i'm not saying being vulnerable with god but in a position where you are weak instead of saying father i know you can heal me your prayer will be father please heal me yeah father if you feel like it just just because if you feel like it but you don't have the guarantees of god within your spirit that means your spirit is uh extremely extremely bankrupt but the high the minus of minuses is a wounded spirit let me read that remember it says who can bear it right now look at this psalms 109 verse 22 psalms 109 verse 22 for i am poor and needy and my heart is wounded within me read that again for i am poor and needy and my heart is wounded within me now the danger of this is this if your heart is wounded within you it leads to this proverbs 15 13. proverbs 15 13. listen to this proverbs 15 13. a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken so a spirit your human spirit can be broken if you start getting into sorrow you see satan waits for the happenings of life to start crushing your spirit so it comes and pushes so that now you get bruised and the moment you're bruised you're finished so when you read luke chapter 4 jesus says and i've come to bind the broken heart this broken heart is not talking about your soul the word heart also goes for spirit when you hear the flesh it's talking about the soul it's not talking about the body to bind up the broken-hearted those are the ones that their spirit is bruised you see that people will go to therapy and they will never get well even though therapy can help yeah but i don't i just i just feel that thing i don't know even the therapies say okay now the only thing we can do is put you on medicine for you to become numb because they dug through and they are showing you that all these problems are not problems but your spirit is wounded and the only one who can fix that is god yeah and when your spirit is wounded you become bankrupt you see when people have a wounded spirit they gathered their children and they killed themselves and killed the children because a wounded spirit our wounded spirit is so dangerous let me show you something let me show you something and then we'll go deep proverbs 17 22. proverbs 17 22. proverbs 17 22. yes a merry heart do with good like me like in medicine but a broken spirit dry at the bones what is dry bones dry bones is death when your spirit is crushed and it's bruised the next thing that takes place is death because the bones dry up so in the valley of dry bones when if you read the book of ezekiel it speaks about the value of dry bones when god took him spiritually and went and showed him where bones were so dry and god asked him can these bones live again he said prophesy unto these bones then after god showed him all these visions he said go and tell israel it means in the realm of the spirit israel was broken yeah yeah their spirit was bruised they had become dry bones ah whenever you see dry bones it means the spirit is wounded when there is no hope to live when life is just going by and you're just doing life listen to me your soul your spirit is wounded have you ever met people that they were married and their spouse dies and they also die yeah it's because their spirit got wounded they can't live anymore wow it's not because they're just heartbroken yeah because you can get over heartbreak but a wounded spirit if the law doesn't come in they usually don't live long yeah there's a friend i grew up with i was speaking to another friend not too long ago and i saw that he had posted that this individual had passed away and i called him i said what how did this happen he said man his wife was pregnant and the wife died while she was giving birth and when the baby was born the baby also died a week later he just died that was somebody that was wounded yeah in his spirit jesus it the soul was so hurt [Music] that it wounded the spirit and when his spirit was wounded it was impossible for this individual to live the reason why jesus could resurrect from the dead is because he is god and he's that the bible says this now this the lord is that spirit the spirit of god cannot be bruised he is god yeah in fact god is more than a spirit so jesus could live even though his body was broken because the content of his spirit even though he was god he was the god man the content of his spirit was so strong that he had the ability to raise up the body every time the body fell when your spirit is wounded it does not have the ability to wow it has no ability to sustain the body a lot of people who are suicidal it is because of a bruised spirit so even though you tell them you have a lot to live for you unless the spirit is healed they will not live yeah unless the spirit is healed they will not live there's another woman i remember growing up and i was a young boy her husband was a very powerful man in the government and her husband got assassinated and she moved to another country the moment she buried her husband she did not speak anymore so how she lived was for years and i was a young boy and i remember seeing her all she did was be in a bedroom wake up go to the bathroom take her food to the bedroom she never went outside she never did four years i'm talking about 10 15 years doing the same thing i was a young boy grew up to be a teenager and she was still doing the same thing the most dangerous thing is a bruised spirit it is the it is the worst level of spiritual bankruptcy your own spirit doesn't want to be in the body anymore because there is no purpose yeah the vehicle is no longer cooperating to the point that there is no purpose there are two things that kills people actually three things now let me keep it in two categories and i'll explain one is that when your purpose is done on earth god calls you that is a blissful death described in psalms 1 16 he says precious is the death of of the saints in god's sight when a saint is living this world it's a glorious thing for god it is precious to him but another thing that kills people is a wounded spirit when somebody starts to be self-sabotaging it is a sign of a wounded spirit it's a bankrupt spirit when you no longer care about what is good you no longer think about your tomorrow that is already dry bones do you guys understand how many people go in and out of this place [Music] some of you who are watching you've already gone in and out of this place and i pray that god will keep you out of that place amen amen when people just start drinking start smoking yeah just start putting they don't even care about wow how am i gonna take care of this let me plan for tomorrow let me do things who are brighter tomorrow let me do this let me do that their ambition is just to do what they like not what they have to you see when you carry life you do whatever it takes to survive you don't do what feels good you do what it takes to survive what it takes for you to carry out the purpose of god when you do not have that mindset that heart that will hey it's a scary thing i'm sorry to say this yeah it is a scary scary thing and papa does that um when you have that wounded spirit that opens the door for other spirits to come in and attach you yeah it's not the wounded spirit is not a spirit a demonic it's your own spirit being wounded when you're already your spirit is at that state even the wind can kill you you have already let me tell can i be honest with you satan doesn't technically have the power to take your life he can mess this body but he can never touch the spirit but you have the ability to affect your spirit yeah yeah not the devil yeah are you guys listening to me yes is is this making sense yes yes it's making a lot of sense signs of a wounded spirit that is mild you want to pray father in the name of jesus you don't have the energy to pray have you ever seen somebody that is hurt i can't really walk i have to see that's a sign yeah that your spirit is starting to get wounded wow praying for two minutes feels like a chore and even if you do pray it's empty listen children of god listen children of god this is bad somebody says that is why it's called the angel of death what is called the angel of death there's a difference between the spirit of death and the angel of death in fact the name death is actually sleep the angel of death comes to help you transition to heaven the spirit of death comes to stop your destiny and try to cause your health your spirit to go to hell somebody asked is a wounded spirit depression no depression is in the soul but it can go there are those depressions that don't even make sense because depression is a spirit also it's a demonic entity that's why many of the people who are depressed they don't even know why they're depressed they're just depressed it's because it's an oppressive spirit yeah but depression can lead to a a heart that is no longer merry and when the heart is not merry you can bruise your spirit you see the moment somebody just starts hey you will not see me i'm one of those people let's see an example we are married yay i'll just go and buy another house no i'm serious i'll just go somewhere else no i'm serious i'll just move somewhere else and leave everything there take care of you but my peace is so important to me are you listening to me children of god listening when your substance controls you you are spiritually bankrupt some of you are happy when you have money when you have nothing you're not happy yet the bible says the lord is my joy and my strength yeah notice your your the content of what makes you is physical and not spiritual it means you're bankrupt your spirit is no longer carrying those things and you're on the verge of being bruised i'm not saying i am a sensitive person when people argue i just don't like it ah me i have i have the skin of a dragon you can't pee as that thing it's like an armor i don't care about what anybody says but i love my peace some people already asking me uh what is the solution now i want to show you that many of you and i spoke the first time you did not realize how deep this is this now is going into depth this one is a deep sea diving to reveal what is really inside a wounded spirit who can bear it a wounded spirit who can bear it a wounded spirit who can bear it i'll say it one more time a wounded spirit who can bear it there are some people if they're alone they become lonely you're spiritually bankrupt to be alone and to be lonely are two different things jesus was always alone but he was never lonely the bible says you are not alone i am closer to you than a friend if that consciousness is not in you you don't feel like you're enough and you need somebody to make you feel enough you're bankrupt yeah even if you're in a relationship what do you have to offer i don't know if somebody's getting this are you getting what i'm saying yes some of you you it is your own doing that you put yourself in a position whereby your spirit even good got wounded i saw and so is my friend oh so and so is my friend then they betray you it hurts you so bad because you put your faith in man and not in god me i have one concept i'm sorry to say this and this is the truth of god i only have family yeah i only have family what do i mean by that i understand as a family my daughter can disappoint me i can disappoint her but that is family but that thing that lifts man beyond hurting you disappointing you and this and then you guys put all these wonderful titles around it then tomorrow they betray you then you have to eat those words that you thought they were yeah jesus said i am your best friend yeah i am even closer than a friend yeah you see let me explain doubt for a second there is doubt that is from i am not sure how that is possible that is normal that's not a bad thing it's normal because it makes you curious to draw closer to god when moses saw the burning bush he said how is this possible that the bushel is on fire but it is not burning let me go and see this so doubt is not a bad thing if it draws you to god it means it's a healthy doubt yeah yeah amen because god doesn't want us to believe without understanding so god will prove to you that he's god but there is a doubt that is a result of bankruptcy of the spirit well i've been a christian for so long i've never seen that i don't know if it's from god it means your whole christianity did not build you you're empty yeah yeah because when you see something that is from god you can't believe it because you are measuring spirituality on your own broken work that does not produce any fruits does not produce any benefit for anybody around you you just have loss you see these people saying well you know the only way to live is to keep the laws of god who can keep the laws of god the bible even tells you don't keep the laws of god die a person that is dead is no longer under the law what law are you trying to keep the law will kill you yeah because the law makes you guilty but these people are so caught up in in the law because they don't understand that god has moved us from the law of moses into the law of love because love is the standard that god has set for us amen there are people who can say i don't eat i don't i don't drink i don't fornicate i don't do this but you hate your neighbor you just failed the whole commandment yeah you just lasted after somebody you right now if you die you're going to hell according to the ten commandments you're going to hell yeah one law broken is all laws broken yeah but men are doing these things because they have nothing spiritual they have not migrated to the spirit to understand that the flesh the flesh is already so vulnerable it is already so corrupt that it cannot please god so their pleasing of god is in the flesh and not in the spirit this is why the life of a believer ought to be in the spirit the lack of faith in a believer is spiritual bankruptcy i was talking to my little sister benny the other day and we were talking about this and she was asking me you know papalo what if you have faith for this and not faith for that i said there is no such thing because faith is just faith do you realize the same faith you use for salvation to get saved is the same faith you should use for everything yeah amen amen what is greater to believe for than your salvation right yeah yeah that's true you believe that this body dies i'm going straight to heaven but you can't believe for your bills to get paid yeah that's good that's good yet the bible says it is impossible to please god without faith but you are struggling with believing for bread it means your spirit is wounded and you have nothing to offer god there is no greater faith than it takes to receive salvation but you don't consider it because you said words without knowing what you are doing but you don't understand faith is just as easy as saying lord jesus i repent of my sins and i receive you as my lord and savior that's how easy faith is faith is not that complicated people jesus faith is not in the memorization of scripture but faith is in the confidence that god is able to do something that proves that your spirit is solid and not bankrupt yeah amen it proves that people yes amen amen it proves that children of god it proves it it is evidence of it if you want to know you are spiritually bankrupt measure the words that are coming out of you negative people are people who no longer have life because life flows from the spirit jesus said the words i speak to you their spirit and their life it means jesus our lord spoke from his spirit moses spoke from his spirit elijah spoke from his spirit every single man of god that is able to bring life to you they are speaking from their spirit i'm not talking about people who say good words but there is no spiritual effect i'm talking about people who actually are spiritual men by the spirit of god we have a lot of preachers that say good words but they don't speak by their spirit yeah because me reading this bible and i say moses said he's got god can do it am i saying god can do it we know moses believed god do i believe god yeah yeah somebody didn't get what i said david daniel in the lion's den he believed god i want you to believe god do you believe god are you giving me your god or are you giving me the god of daniel we know daniel believed god we know daniel overcame what are you giving me is what you're saying from your spirit or are you speaking from your soul by the information daniel provided yeah do you see how slippery that is yeah and then we wonder why the church is so weak yeah yet we are supposed to be strong is because even the leaders are speaking from their soul not from their spirit let me show you something that paul said let me show you something that apostles paul said oh lord jesus are you ready romans read this actually for me romans chapter 1 verse 9. romans chapter 1 verse 9 for god is my witness whom i serve with my spirit in the gospel of his son one more time for god is my witness whom i serve with my spirit and the gospel of his son so many people are not serving god with their spirit yeah paul is saying god is my witness whom i serve with my spirit some of you are serving god with your soul yet god to be served must be served by your spirit any man who speaks out of their spirit will be consistently prophesying anyone who remember springs of living waters comes from your spirit yeah any man that i feel the spirit of god this is good any man who speaks from their spirit randy bakuda bashaya it doesn't matter what is going on they speak from their spirit they don't speak from their soul mm-hmm amen amen any person that is speaking listen to me clearly listen to me clearly children of the living god so many people are speaking from their soul adam and eve fell because they wanted soul information not spiritual information by that they got bruised and they were completely removed from their purpose do you serve god by your spirit do you serve god using your spirit or are you working from a bankrupt place there are men of god who don't spend time even christians one thing that i always do before i come to church i pray so that god can tell me what to say if he doesn't tell me what to say i'm not going to church so god knows he better speak to me yeah or else i'm not speaking yeah i don't know how many times my daughter esther rose was our church producer makes sure that the live streams are what they are and all all that good stuff there was papa please don't be late papa please don't be late but i will show up late sometimes worship will go longer in church because unless he speaks to me i have nothing to say i have nothing to offer anybody i have nothing to give i have nothing to offer anybody i have nothing to give what can i give you the lord jesus said this let me show you are you ready john chapter 16 13. somebody read problem yes how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear one more time how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth how will he guide you into all truth we keep reading for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear the holy spirit doesn't even speak about himself he hears what jesus is saying in order to communicate to you yeah so as a child of god you need to speak what is delivered into your spirit to men you should not speak of yourself but you should speak of what is in your spirit that's good are you guys listening to me yeah it is listen children of god it is so bad let me show you this first timothy first timothy chapter 4 verse 1. first timothy chapter 4 verse 1. now the spirit speaketh expressly who is speaking the spirit keep going that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils why are they giving it to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils the spiritual bankruptcy when you okay certain things that god doesn't okay you're bankrupt spiritually other spirits are speaking to you first corinthians chapter 2 verse 10 says this and the spirit of god has revealed these things unto us if you don't live in the realm of revelation you are spiritually bankrupt jesus do you know why i can preach every hour every day my spirit is definitely not bankrupt i am extremely solid extremely solid roughly musa how many videos do you think we have on youtube every message is different it's not the same message on repeat if you have nothing to say that is good to yourself you have nothing to say good to people that means you're bankrupt you will never make it you will fail you will never mount up to anything when those things are speaking in you that's bankruptcy speaking it means the good news of god is no longer in you you need to examine yourself in order for you to come out in order for you to come out of bankruptcy and somebody called jijo philippe said so many videos deleted as well that is true quite a few actually so any man or woman that speaketh of themselves we know thou art empty it reveals how spiritual empty you are and listen to me children of god this is absolutely not the will of god somebody says there's more than 600 videos not counting the deleted ones chai wow wow that is a lot are you listening to me children of god let me explain to you something the bible says god is light in him there is no shadow of darkness [Music] so when darkness begins to invade you it means you are away from god even if you are praying when negative thoughts are plaguing you even while you're praying it means you have been moved from god you have moved yourself from god because being with god doesn't mean difficult times won't come but when difficult times come what is inside you is strong enough to bear it to maintain you to make you persevere and all that but the darkness can never take you over yeah that is why the bible says the light shine it in darkness the light shineth in darkness and darkness comprehended it not it means light is evident in darkness but if darkness covers you that there is no light you're spiritually bankrupt yeah because the bible says the spirit of man is the candle of the lord it means that your spirit needs to be bright yeah but if the darkness has overshadowed your light and you cannot even see that light in darkness you're bankrupt this is why you ought to get serious with jesus this is why you need to take the lord jesus seriously yeah amen when you come back i'll give you recipe i'll give you recipes to come out of spiritual bankruptcy amen i want you to grab your best seed and i want you to go to prophet lovey.com and give something to god and just appreciate god and say lord thank you for the ability to do for for the ability to keep the man of god and the ministry going to do these things so that we may benefit and not become spiritually bankrupt yes go and give to god and when we come back i'm going to give you steps of coming out of bankruptcy go quickly and i will see you [Music] so i could never get enough i just fall more in love every day with you tell me all your mysteries my quiet [Music] oh against [Music] i just wanna get closer to you [Music] i just wanna get closer to you [Music] take me to your secret place [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] to you [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] uh [Music] nobody else [Applause] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to you now breathe [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now do every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Applause] [Music] cause without [Music] you deserve nothing less of [Music] so fill me full of your glory [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] out of my worst you give me grace trade my peace for all my shame show me mercy once again cause without you god i am [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] you're the answer that [Music] you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] glory come please [Music] wherever you want me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] wherever you want me [Music] god bless everybody and we are back and uh prophetess ashley what can you say before i give people points on what we need to to do to come out of spiritual bankruptcy what can you add on general about what we said before i i go into the points i mean you basically laid it out plain and clear for everyone papa i don't think there's any better way of explaining it than the way that you've already explained it to us seriously [Laughter] but no i mean people should really go back and listen to what you have already said and really analyze in themselves where am i spiritually is this something that is speaking to me this is this area that i'm in that i need to be pulled out of um and also you know analyzing other people as well who can you help in these situations you know as your brothers and sisters [Music] if you are already in that place of being spirit not spiritually bankrupt how can you help others be pulled out of that situation well that's that's true let me um let me say it in this way it's like going to the gym prayer doesn't necessarily build up your spirit it's like somebody going to the gym trying to build up their muscles but they always work out their legs [Music] they are doing a hundred squats in hopes that they will have big biceps yeah yeah so a misdirected prayer can never target the spirit mm-hmm a prayer that is not centered in your own spiritual increase does not benefit your spirit this is why we have a lot of prayer warriors that are empty there will be a hundred prayer warriors yeah i just need to say it's done yeah and i'm better than a hundred of them i'm better than a thousand of them not because i am better qualified necessarily my spirit is just built up better yeah yeah that's good apostle jt said it well my son said it well we need spiritual crossfit there are things that are necessary for your spirit in order for you not to be spiritually bankrupt yeah yeah the word of god does not build up your spirit rhema builds up your spirit not logos yeah yeah amen amen man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god so we have to do things directly with god in order for our spirit man to be built up amen there has to be a contact that is outside of this book a lot of people will say i'm blaspheming but if you read scripture you know what i'm saying yeah what bible did moses read right true very true right what bible did moses read i'm not saying don't read the bible we need the bible but what bible did moses read what bible did job read what book did david read amen what book did solomon read what book did isaiah read the people that we are following they gave us their experience yeah but we believe there is no god without the experience of another that's foolishness guys that in itself should tell you fundamentally you're off because they never said that they said if any other person preaches another gospel apart from what we have told you let him be accursed even if he's an angel what are they saying if they bring to you another doctrine that we have not brought to you what is the primary doctrine god can speak to you amen amen amen amen imagine right now if you start go online and say ah guys i was in my yard my beautiful big yard which you have amen and while i was i was just sitting there i saw a fire on the slide and i said is my slide on fire and i went there and i heard i am the lord thy god do you think people will believe you they say come on man we ain't children what you talking about yeah yet there is a man called jonah think about this jonah praying to god in the belly of the fish jesus a spit a fish vomited him out but in the world's body he was praying moses says i saw the bush on fire the people say man that bush you saw must have been another bush it can't be it can't be like nah yeah well you you are you sure you're not eating mushrooms or something you are not doing any hallucination illusion whatever psychedelics or something the reason why people think like that is because they're bankrupt spiritual bankruptcy is the voice of so-called christians i'm telling you tick-tock is on fire ah the comments on the videos are crazy ah this can't be from god how is he doing this this is all arranged this is fake do you know what he's talking these are christians putting bible scriptures they're bankrupt they're believing a god who spoke to the people who they are quoting yeah not knowing that that god spoke to them the way he's speaking to me but they cannot see because it is not written if it was if they lived in the time of david they would have said david it is a lie yeah yeah that's true are you understanding what i'm trying to tell you yeah so there are so many things that have already happened that are impossible a man being swallowed by a fish praying a man seeing god in a burning bush another on god speaking to him in a dream another one but what proved that they had seen god is there were signs that followed jesus said this in mark 16 verse 17 and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they will do this and do that and that and the bible says verse 18 i believe and the lord went with them confirming this his word by the signs that followed them so the issue is here what are you doing to strengthen your spirit amen that is the real issue you know when a man sees you dressed nicely and they think that you cannot be spiritual that just shows you how bankrupt they are yeah because their idea of spirituality equals poverty or equals looking broken not wearing a rolex or wearing a cardia bracelet wearing a gucci shoes or whatever to them that should not be associated yet david solomon job all these people at their time they were dressed the best they could we are not saying always dressing good means you're spiritual but how could you think that dressing good it means that you're not spiritual yeah jesus himself walked with the royal robe that isaiah prophesied that his own garment would be divided into four parts because the material was so expensive that somebody just wanted a piece of it isaiah prophesying about god jesus is fashion is this making sense so people can't even believe in god's blessing because they think it's blasphemous somebody listen to somebody says a worship leader recently told me a fivefold ministry was only set up to set up to set up the church no longer exist it's okay i don't even know what they are doing you get what i'm saying but that's the kind of people that are also in leadership but then they pray so if you're praying how is god going to answer if it's not by divine means anybody that prays that doesn't believe in miracles stop praying yeah you're clearly wasting your time is somebody understanding what i'm trying to say yes so here's the key now what are the things that you can do that focus on your spirit in order for you to build up your spirit to come out of bankruptcy and to become solid it means everything that you do must have a focus that is your spirit david prayed this in psalms 51. let's look at psalms 51 real quick psalms 51 the reason why these men were great is their posture even in prayer revealed that they were great amen if you don't pray for lamborghini for an apartment for a new house for this you don't think you prayed you think praying is only about bringing your problems to god spiritual bankruptcy let me read psalms 51 for you listen to this have mercy on me or god according to your steadfast love according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgression wash me throughly from my iniquities and cleanse me from my sin for i know my transgression and my sin is ever before me against you you only have i sinned and done what is evil in your sight so that you may be justified in your words and blamely in your words and blameless is your judgment behold i was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me behold you delight in truth in the inward being and you teach wisdom in the secret heart now notice his prayer his repentance is not so that he goes to hell his repentance is so that his in one being can benefit you desire in truth from the inward being from the inward part and you teach secrets in the inward notice his prayer was not so that he just feels like okay i have not offended god but he went farther to make sure that his spiritual health is in check yeah so his prayer and his supplication is so that his inner man is perfected yes said god your judgment is just i am really bad and i have recognized my sin some of you don't even recognize your sin you just say i did this i did that i did do you know what it means to recognize something is not only to take responsibility but to admit to the fault and to understand the dangers of it and to completely reject it and to pray that god gives you the ability never to go there because you understand the effects that it can bring to your very spirit verse 7 purge me with asap and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow let my let me hear joy and gladness let the bones that you have broken rejoice notice he is only dealing with this repentance is nothing physical the man is dealing with this spirit yeah yeah he's saying let joy let me hear joy do you know what i'm saying let me hear joy the spirit is the one that overflows joy and if the spirit is affected the bones dry he's saying these bones that you have broken please let me hear joy so that they can recover amen amen it means sins disconnected his inner man from his physical man and therefore now his physical being is suffering yeah yeah wow this is what sin does the bible listen to what god told jeremiah my hand is not too short to deliver noise my ear death for me not to hear but your sins have separated you from me not me from you yeah so sin is disconnect is disconnecting you from god not god from you so god is there but you cannot hear joy so immediately your bones start getting crushed and your bones dry up and you enter into spiritual sickness listen to what he goes on verse 9 hide your face from my sins and blot out my iniquities notice his prayer he's telling god god please don't look at these things i'm doing why is he saying don't look at this the guy is concerned about his spirit yeah yeah he knows what sin can do to his spirit verse 9 hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities all how many times did he repent so many times he's still crying for that thing why is he crying for it verse 10. create in me a clean heart heart o god and renew our right spirit within me cast me not away from your presence and take note your holy spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with your willing spirit notice that spirit is not capital s yeah it's more s the man is praying concerning his inner man wow don't take your spirit from me yeah the holy spirit is capital s but the other spirit is more s yeah because he understood this renew a right spirit within me his spirit was already checking out he said no please renew renew the will of my spirit to please lord this whole prayer listen to me david was this is why god said david is a man after my heart because david understood what god wants to see some of you desire to look at you see some of you are seeking outward things but you're not looking after your spiritual health the confirmation that god has heard you is the presence of god not the confidence in what you have said yeah yeah anyone who prays and does not experience the presence of god you failed in prayer your spirit must conform to you must bear witness with you oh yeah god heard us yeah amen for the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are truly sons of god amen god loved david because he understood what god is pleased with hey then he goes on to say now teach transgressors this i will teach people this i will do this but he's saying i will do all these things i will do all these things when you have done right by my spirit because if my spirit is not okay i can't teach anybody anything yeah yeah listen to verse 18 verse verse 17 the sacrifice listen to this verse 16 let me start from verse 16 for you will not delight in sacrifices or i would give it the sacrifice of god are a broken spirit a broken and a contrite heart oh god you will not despise if somebody that is after looking after their inner man god can never despise them god knows your seriousness with him based on how you value your spiritual health is somebody listening to me yes is somebody listening to me when when your spirit is at the right place faith is so easy amen amen amen amen it's true you see some people think that what we are doing cannot be real until it happens to them because they see it happen with such ease but they don't understand it is the inner man that is doing it not the outward man some of you you are excited about outsiding praise dancing praise but you go home you're empty the first process of coming out of spiritual bankruptcy is understanding that sin cripples your soul and causes your soul to bruise your spirit because if the spirit is quenched it is bruised god will take his spirit from you yeah not just his holy spirit but god will take you out of this world remember everybody that dies the bible says and the spirit goes back to god who gave it [Music] listen to what the bible says do not offend the holy spirit your spirit can be offended with you have you ever heard you have sinned against your own body the bible says that there are things that you can do that you have sinned against yourself when your spirit has no ability to live out the purpose of god death is instant yeah this is what is changing this is the only thing that can bring you to where god has called you to go i'm telling you the truth the recognition of the importance of purity maintains your spirit it is not about repenting every day but it is making adjustments every day that ensures the health of your spirit that's good these things are so important spend more time asking god to pour wisdom into you yeah amen ask him that you may hear his voice amen ask him to touch you to reveal himself to you when you're asking for those things remember god is a spirit so all these revelations will come to your spirit not to your body amen so anybody that is in the pursuit of these things it is like having an iv or vitamins some of you are like those people who pop a vitamin pill once a year wow when people see me prophesying with ease they see me doing these things it is because i try my best i still fail sometimes because it's a consistent job it's a full-time job to maintain your house in order for your spirit to thrive it was a full-time job to jesus too and jesus took it so serious that he never sinned it is such an important things if i know a certain person can put my environment in danger i won't even hang out with them yeah it's not worth it for me anything that doesn't benefit my inner man i'm not interested keep it jesus even told his disciples pray that you don't fall into temptation when you can easily fall into temptation you're bankrupt there is no there's no resistance the ability to flee is not there [Music] you can fall but when you fall do you still keep falling or do you stand up and choose not to fall again amen that's good some of you are praying too much but you're spending prayer in the wrong things not beneficial things you see when your spirit has become solid you become the answer to prayer for your neighbor when somebody carries a strong spirit and touches somebody that their spirit is not quite there something hits their spirit their spirit gets charged up and their body falls why it is not because they have a demon it is because there's a surge of power that has entered your inner man and it popped it up and the flesh is now catching up because it's thrown off yeah so when you see me touching people and people are falling sometimes people think that oh how is he you remember that little boy was like wow let's see and i touched the little boy how many times have you seen kids just fall and they're like this is so weird yeah it's because they don't understand my physical hand is touching their body but my spirit is touching their spirit so when their spirit pops up their body fades because whenever the power of god comes when your spirit is elevated it is more of jesus and less of you yeah it shows that the spirit the body is humbling itself to the spirit amen amen i will tell you this i'll tell you this god is definitely going to bring you to the place of promise amen thank you jesus if you do these simple things i'll come back and give even more points i've just given you the first two points and i pray that god will really help you to develop amen father i pray for everybody that is watching that let this journey begin and let it be effective i thank you all lord for your goodness and your kindness and what you have started that you will finish it may your name be glorified even now and forever in jesus name amen amen listen you are beloved by jesus and i will see you tomorrow at church and if you're online and you can't make it it's amazing still watch online if you're overseas if you're in l.a you better be here amen so god bless you and i'll see you tomorrow shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 3,557
Rating: 4.9710841 out of 5
Id: AW_ieAh7LGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 17sec (5537 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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