CULLAM IMPARTATION | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you a nurse you're in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you mind before okay go to my mama Ghana the spirit God says that he's supposed to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God making words and run with it to the ends of the world it's like oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking genesis does me baby oppa Gaga king who has a name that starts with like an end just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you there I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama got her power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you honest you in the medical field go to I put the mic on were you married before okay go to my mama Ghana I'll be well I saw somebody else with a name like the spirit God says that he's about to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Anna but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the end zone he's like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody kokanee Genesis does me baby oppa Gaga King [Music] was a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you them sing and em on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs [Music] where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing one thing about jewelry [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw her I saw you are you a nurse you in the medical field go to I put the mic on while you mind before okay go to my mama Ghana I'll be well I saw somebody else the name like the spirit God says that he's supposed to bless family promise I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with you to the ends of it's like Oh oh god aah oh God do you know somebody cooking genesis does me let me oppa gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you them sing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing one thing about your real [Music] Leclaire Eostre impro la vida Shalaka le monde' profaned in Kish Taha Costa a lava column and a leap rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le Kista a vocal aprende le Kista vara chaos a vivre to stay Akala vandal aprende idea locklear EO stove radical Kista evoke Attalla mande last icon Stella Stein glory Fanta lean on me frittata a Tuvok Ashoka provide eeeh Aman de Lange gatita labra Delica acababa Katie Lomond le prawn deva katta Zillah Cuccia nefra via a zoo fake a chinkara Basanta lakea azúcar pratik ista a Mandela Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bars over a Makos are Ania Asaka Taliban T Mondale Akash the ISA as OVA Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday so tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single angelic visitations that I've experienced may the lord favor you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond I unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman noting upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and you are anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] Leclaire eos co-emperor vida Shalaka le monde' profaned in quiche tacos de Ulua kalamandalam rondalee Kista i pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus what was impossible become possible now land le Kista a vocal aprende le Kista VAR acquiesce a vivre to stay i calif and le pronged idea LeClair EO stuff radical Kista Avoca talam and a lie stick on Stella Stein glory Fanta lean on me frittata a Tuvok Ashoka provide eeeh Aman de Lange got eatle Abra Delica acababa Katie Lomond le prawn Deva Katta Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a hey king Carabas on telly gaya azúcar pratik ISTA a Mandela Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bas ovary Micajah are edenia a socket a Labonte Mondale a caste ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Amanda Marvel Marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord will become your encounters I pray that every single of angelic visitations that I've experienced may the Lord favor you today may the lord give you the race to see the things that I have seen and beyond I unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oinking upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and he has anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] in the realm of this you see what is on your shirt there lot sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to me and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you honest you in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you married before okay go to my mama Ghana the Spirit God says that he's supposed to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Anna but God said no and he's like oh oh god aah oh God do you know somebody cookin Genesis does me maybe oppa Gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you them sing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing about you [Applause] blessings everybody this is the Prophet and I want to bless you all in the name of Jesus for being live and I am excited for what God is gonna do today and today I'm gonna be teaching about prophetic importation this salaam anointing the salaam impartation for everybody that is yeah I'm here with my sons and daughters and I am excited for what God is going to do so I want you to share it I want you to let somebody know that the Prophet is life so whether you're watching on periscope on YouTube on Facebook I want you to share it because the Lord has something in store just for you so I'm gonna be teaching you about how to receive the salaam importation now every man and woman of God walk with a different grace now let me explain this the anointing remains the same but the grace that operates the anointing is different now there are some people that are graced for healing there are people that are graced for deliverance and there are people that are graced for for finances everybody is graced with something different and there are rare people who are graced with a lot more things than others but all that is by the grace of God so today I want to share with you how to receive the Salaam impartation what is the Salam again for those who don't know if you read Genesis chapter 28 I believe verse 10 he talks about the Prophet Jacob who became Israel when he was laying down in a strange land on his way on Exile he slept and he had a vision in a dream whereby he saw a lada coming from heaven to the earth and he saw the Lord standing at the top and he saw angels ascending and descending now this was an experience that the Lord gave me and the Lord had given the keys to operate this area in my life so my prayer is not just that you have angels that just you have one or two angelic encounters and that's the end of it my prayer is that you have the solemn you have the access what is called the Halleck the ability to walk up and down - to have encounters with angels that is why Israel own we call Jacob could go to the same place and pray and wait and an angel would appear that he would grab him and say you will not leave me unless you bless me now how did he know for sure that God was going to visit him it's because he knew that the Salam was in that place now the Lord Jesus also spoke about it he said you shall see angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man now that's very weird to say he did not say you see angels appear and disappear say you see angels ascend and descend upon the Son of man meaning that Jesus walked with a Salaam meaning he was not only a portal but he was a ladder where angels were consistently busy going up and down upon him that's why his ministry was very effective now there's a lot of you there are things that I'll slow because once in a while you tap into the portal being open and an angel is sent to you but if you work under the solemn 24/7 the angelic realm will become your reality and this is the desire of God for every single person so my prayer is that everybody that is watching will enter into this will come into this I can't see people saying Amen I don't know if people are sleep or people are here I feel like I'm talking to myself whether you are on YouTube whether you are on Facebook whether you are on periscope this is the desire of the Lord for everybody that is watching I want you to keep sharing this aren't you to let somebody know that today is your day that God wants you to learn something that will be added upon you that will launch you into your next dimension so I want you to be ready I want you to be prepared I want you to have your book I want you to have your paper I want you to have whatever you need to make sure that you don't miss what God has for you today and I want everybody to subscribe whether you're on Facebook or on periscope or on YouTube so that every time we come on you know that the Prophet is on so that you can be quick to beyond sometimes God would give me these messages and you tell me take it down so if you are not then you did not catch it you can completely miss what God is saying are you guys ready I'm here with some sons and daughters and I believe that God is about to teach us something go to Genesis second things I believe second Kings chapter number six second Kings chapter number six from verse one second kicks sea kings seven second Kings chapter number six verse number one everybody is there I now listen to me carefully he says and the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha behold now the place we dwell with thee is straight for us is two straight for us now the word straight there is too narrow it has become too small for us now there is something that is strange already here from the time that you read it it says that the sons of the prophets spoke unto Elisha notice they never called him prophet they called him Elijah now the biggest thing that hinders a lot of people into entering into what God has given a man is that you are following other people but pretending to follow a person expecting to receive what they carry but yet you are still engaging with other people so the Bible is exposing them that there were the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha I don't know if somebody is catching this remember this this sons of the prophets were the same guys that when Elijah was around they are also called the sons of the prophets meaning even though Elijah were around they called Elijah master but he was never really their father I I feel like I'm talking to myself so you find that even though Elijah taught them he was more of a mentor to them but he was never their father so you find it strange that everywhere Elijah went Elijah was by himself how can Elijah be the one the greatest prophet in his time but he is by himself everywhere he's going he's by himself what is wrong something is not adding up it's because Elijah had no sons he had many mentees but he never had sons now remember because they were already prophets it means they had a measure of the prophetic already operating in them and in their lives so in reality they were already prophets but there were not prophets of the caliber that Elijah was so you find it strange that God is coming to Elijah telling Elijah I want you to go and find a guy called Elijah you shall anoint him and he would take from thee and finish what you started now that is very wrong if there are people that are already prophets but God is taking a major prophet to go and find a farmer who has who is a servant who he spent his life working to make him take over from somebody who already had other people that he was teaching but God never qualified any of them and only went and took somebody called Elijah who nobody knew who was a nobody but God said this one is the one I am choosing that is gonna finish what my servant Elijah had started I feel like I'm talking to myself there are so many people that want what profit Lobby has there are many people maybe it's your posture maybe it's whoever that you are inspired by but you are not committed where you are you are basic committed so that you can gain an advantage and go and do your own thing yet what you don't understand is there is nothing new in the earth so if I am greedy and my desire is to just become great God will never allow me to enter into the dimension that a person is kind let me explain it like this if God gives somebody there are people who operate in a level and there are people who operate in a dimension there is a big difference between a level and a dimension just because you are anointed does not mean you in a dimension you may be anointed in a level and not a dimension I don't know if somebody's catching me so there are a lot of people that are operating in the level but they have not entered into a dimension now God has already chosen people that are already in a dimension that are sent on the earth to bring people into their dimension that is one who ever received the Lord Jesus received what you are scaring the Bible says if you receive a prophet you will receive a Prophet's reward why is it saying why is it not saying if you receive a prophet you receive a pastor's reward because a person is carrying a different dimension from what a prophet is carrying now there are prophets were in the prophetic dimension but they're in lower levels of the prophetic they are not in the higher levels of the prophetic that is why you find the Bible says Moses and the prophets if Moses was just a prophet why is it separating him from other prophets and saying Moses and the prophets Enoch was a prophet but it does not say Enoch the prophet he says Enoch and then it calls everybody else the prophets is Moses was operating from a completely different level from regular profits because it's contradictory to say Moses and the prophets why because you see Moses meeting with God face to face meaning it was in a dimension where he was encountering God face to face he was not operating from inspiration of the Holy Ghost or simply visions he was actually going up the mountain sitting down and Jehovah God is right there and he's talking to God may you enter into this dimension in the mighty name of Jesus may you move from a level into a dimension in the mighty name of Jesus so I want you to capture this and understand this very well you cannot double you cannot bounce here bounce there bouncier bounce there and expect God to lift you where another man is remember where there is no vision the people perish meaning I can never go away it has not been revealed unto me so if I don't see somewhere somebody somewhere where I want to be it means I have no way of getting there and if somebody is already where I want to be my quickest way to get there is to find that person so that they teach me how they got there can I work until I get there here but your assignment may be over you may be busy working by the time you reach there you may be 90 years old your assignment is already done I don't know if somebody's catching this it took the Lord Jesus 30 years to prepare for three and a half year ministry and these disciples it took them three years to operate in what he did in 30 years so the desire of God is never that you spend at the time that prophet love is spent to get here but God wants you to start where prophet Lobby is so that you can take it further Elijah took years to get to the level that he was in but it took Elijah as impartation session 1 impartation session to enter into what Elisha had been in for a long time I don't know if somebody is catching this so when Elijah was with Elijah they ridiculed him they called him a servant to the Prophet and they were pleased to be sons of the prophets it was not sons of the Prophet but sons of the prophets meaning they had many different fathers but they are coming to just take from what Elijah had so even Elijah knew I cannot bring any of this clothes because they are not servants let me tell you the truth you can never enter into what a man or a woman of God is carrying unless you are willing to invest yourself in what they are carrying in the kingdom of God you do not become big by how tall you go but by how deep your roots go how deep are your roots I feel like I'm talking to myself how deep are your roots how far deep do your roots go how deep are your roots in God because if God chose to plant what he has in a man you need to go remember the heart of a man is the good soil so God drops words but it ropes it in a man and a man's heart is the good soil so it means I need to be planted in a man for me to receive so you find something interesting that Elijah was busy serving Elijah like nobody ever did ever when Elijah went and anointed him Elijah walked away because he thought that all these sons of the prophets or these people that God anointing they don't truly understand what I am carrying so I'm not gonna push for them to be close to me so he simply anointed him and he walked away and Elijah said master let me follow you I gonna celebrate with my family and I'm gonna live everything and follow you and serve you he abandoned everything III wish had some people that I wish I had some people that can hear me he abandoned what everything he left everything not some things about what everything and followed the man of God and the man of God asked him what do you want with me he said no I want to serve you because Elijah knew just because God has anointed me I don't want to be average I want to be the best in what God has called me to be you see if you want to be average you will relax and think God has called me and that is enough but you will not understand that I need to be a servant remember the lord jesus said the greatest among you must be the servant of all anybody who does not know how to be a servant can never be great III feel like I feel like I'm by myself people on Facebook or YouTube are you people engaging I feel like I feel alone right now I feel like I'm talking to myself are people catching these are people catching these are people understanding this are people understanding this to the point that you find something interesting to the point that you find something very interesting when Elisha had departed had left had been taken into heaven you find something interesting happening they there was a man of God a king who was looking for a prophet in the land they said there are many prophets but they said there is one that washed the hands of Elijah that is the Prophet we want remember there are many prophets in the land there are many prophets in the land but they were like listen who is the Prophet we should go they said no no no no we want the profit that was a servant that was washing the hands of Elijah that is the one we were literally the scriptures saying the one that washed the hands of Elijah now people who don't understand this is like in African tradition when you are about to eat whoever is is the servant in the house who bring hot water with the tower and they wash everybody's hands it was this ultimate sign of being a servant that you are preparing them for what they are about to partake in so Elijah was a servant to the point that he was busy washing the hands of Elijah Elijah every time he was wanting to eat and Elijah was even trying to dodge him because Elijah knew what he was carrying the sons of the prophets came and told Elijah do you know that your master is about to leave they didn't even say your father they said do you know that your master is about to leave Elijah said I know that he's about to leave so this other ones knew that Elijah is about to be taken into heaven but never did anything to take what Elijah was carrying they were looking at Elijah like a lost puppy that when his master is gone you will be alone you'll be confused so they're like you you don't know that your master is about to go let me tell something to somebody that is watching popularity is not greatness popularity is not greatness your spiritual mother and father may not be the most known people but it's what they carry in them that proves who they are we have so many people today that they just want to go as somebody that is prophesying they want to just go where somebody is is doing this where somebody wants to do oh oh I saw a big miracle so I'm God no no no it's about what do they carry inside of them that will move you to your next level what do they carry inside of them that will move you to your next dimension what is in them that will push you to where God wants you to be our true spiritual father wants you to be great a true spiritual mother wants you to be great if anybody you meet that is pushing you down instead of pushing you up to be great you know they have nothing to offer you I I don't know if my Alliance people are here I are you there you sure everybody is there so I want people to catch this I want everybody to understand this hallelujah I feel like nobody is listening to me are you sure you're here periscope are you there periscope are you there so God qualifies who is about to receive more by their ability to serve because you are prophet doesn't mean you're the king it doesn't mean that just because you're a pastor doesn't mean you are there for people to serve you know you are there to serve people you all know me you you know us how our life is to serve you to give you what God has given us hallelujah every leader in our church I train you guys to serve people because if you don't stop people you're representing me wrong because I'm a servant when ever I am with my spiritual father I am the greatest servant I can be to the best of my ability to the point that if somebody was to see me will not even believe that this guy is a prophet that is a prophet that is forensic that is powerful that is you might not even know hallelujah so I want you to catch this I want you to capture this I want you to capture this so they knew that this was the father that they said your master because there were sons of the prophets but they were not servants but when Elijah was about to depart Elijah did something he went to Elijah and said Elijah told him listen I'm about to go and pray somewhere can you wait for me said no I'm not leaving you until Elijah tried to dodge him a few times then he told him okay you know I am leaving he said I know you're leaving but what do you want that I can do for you because Elijah was like this kid is such a servant he said I want what you carry a double a double measure of your spirit notice he did not say anointing let me explain something everybody says a double portion of anointing the Bible never says anointing it says a double measure of your spirit meaning that Elijah had already imparted in him but he wanted the other reserve of Elijah that he never gave to anybody because whenever a prophet and knowing somebody gives them a part of him because remember the Prophet is not anointed but is caught to anoint that's what the Bible says do not touch my anointed do not touch my anointed and do no harm to my prophets because a prophet is not anointed is the jar of oil that God has released into the world so now you find something interesting here he tells him I I want a double portion of your spirit let me tell you the truth to give your spirit is the most difficult thing unless somebody really is intimate with you because even God does not reveal intimate secrets you cannot such a spirit unless you're intimate with him draw close to me and I will draw close to you people say God has an unconditional love that is true but this is just a condition here draw close to me and now draw close to you meaning that God is acting according to how you are doing if you draw close he would draw close if you don't draw close even though he loves you still from a distance I don't know if somebody is catching this Oh God is just love He loves everybody is true but he has favorites there are people that are closer to him than others is the truth we'll read your Bible there are people that are closer to him than either so capture this I want you to capture this and I want you to capture this very well and I want you to do your best to catch this I have a board here because I'm gonna give you a prophetic matrix that is gonna help you to understand how impartation works the prophet Lavi elias walks with what is called the salam anointing and i want to show you how you can partake and receive of it now notice this when Elijah was about to depart Elijah crossed the Jordan with him because he glued himself to Elijah now when they cross the Jordan and Elijah threw his clothes unto him Elijah took off his clothes and put on the clothes of Elijah he went before the water and he hit the water and the waters parted because Elijah parted the water Elijah could not pass and part the water by his grace he needed the grace that his mentor was crying and the Bible says that he hid the water and said where is the god of Elijah immediately the water responded to the God of Elijah not the God of Elijah because Elijah was the one who had the ability to part water not Elijah meaning it is a waste of time to pray Lord make me like that person go serve that person and God will make it like that because what God has given to another he is the only one who can give it to you not gaudy at God again because he has already released it let me tell you the mystery of why God anoints people or gives people abilities like that is to humble people because so many people are prideful they can never go and say you know what I need what you carry please mentor me teach me and raise me because everybody wants to be great everybody wants to be powerful everybody wants to be known everybody wants to be the guy or the woman that everybody's saying yeah there is no one like that one there is no humility and what they don't understand is that the Bible says humble yourself and that the mighty hand of God and He will lift you up if I talk let me tell you the truth if I tell a son or a daughter do this and do that and they don't do it I will never tell them again because that's how I test people I see if they would take my word at its weight or not if God is taking my word seriously that you would not know into my words to change situations to reveal mysteries to me to help me help people if I talk to you and you don't take it in the value that God has given to me I know that you know I was not sent to you I will love you from a distance but I will not give you what I'm carrying I don't know if I'm talking to somebody I don't know if I'm sharing this with somebody but now you notice something when Elijah came back the Bible says that the sons of the prophets bowed down meaning that they never saw Elijah being taken they just saw the water spurting thus they are surely the spirit of Elijah is upon him they knew this is Elijah 2.0 and the Bible says they bowed themselves before him meaning they never bowed before light now what people don't understand is it okay for a guy let me let me let me go to the restroom real quick let me take a quick break just pause it for a second my mic for a second I'll be right back let me let me have drunk too much water in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you honest you in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you married before ok go to my mama Ghana God says that he's supposed to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the end zone there's like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking genesis does me maybe oppa Gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you them sing an MOU for it I saw God putting a government on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing about tequila baka Talib our idea castle okay we are back so now capture this right capture this so they never saw Elijah being taken into heaven they never saw it they never saw Elijah being taken into heaven so but they saw the manifestation of what Elijah was doing was what exactly Elijah was doing before so them being prophets they also knew that you cannot do this unless you're carrying somebody else's spirit now look at this watch this it gets interesting they receive him and they bow themselves they immediately want to submit themself because of the manifestation of the power that they saw let me tell you something if you humble yourself because of what somebody is carrying is not truly humility but when you know that somebody is carrying something that you seek God and you humble yourself even though you are caught into the same thing then it shows that you have true humility like somebody who has no money can never be really humble because their humility is because they don't have but somebody who has that can come and say and submit themself and bottoms it means they have true humility inside of them that is why the Lord Jesus taught to the rich may I say go sell everything and follow me because if he could give up everything in heart because Jesus was more than what he had then he was truly his true desire was really to to find heaven so a person who has much if they come you see their people come to me they say I want to prophesy like you say do you yeah there's nothing wrong with that but I look at their condition of their heart and I know whether if they are playing around or if they are serious about really seeing oh Jesus isn't walking with the Lord hallelujah so the Bible says that they sent people they asked Elijah please allow us to go and such for Elijah just in case is somewhere in the wilderness so they went and searched for Elijah and realized that Elijah is really gone meaning they were not able to be there when he was transitioning now if you read now 2nd Kings chapter number 6 the Bible says again I will read verse 1 and the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha behold now the place where we dwell with thee is to straight now if you read in other versions the straight means is too narrow it has become too small meaning from that day they decided like listen we are not leaving this prophet we are going to stay with him now I want you to do the the prophetic matrix I want to explain something I want you to grab a pen ok draw the line like I showed you one like that and then the other going across now I'm gonna explain something and you're just gonna add on there right now I want you to use the red one the red one and I want people to see this now there is something called human capacity and God capacity now the spirits capacity is limited according to your physical ability an example is this a deaf and dumb spirit or somebody who is deaf and dumb born that they cannot speak or they cannot hear a spirit of gossip will never possess them because they know they're incapable of speech and the spirit of gossip needs somebody with a mouth that can gossip a spirit of stealing will never possess somebody that has no hands that can snatch things because he knows their physical ability limits them from stealing in the same way every spirit needs a host that has the ability to cooperate with them in what they need done so even the Holy Spirit even though he feels everybody because he loves everybody and because all I his children and he created everybody his manifestation varies from each person based on their capacity so meaning there are people who have a great capacity and they're people who have a small capacity so I want you to draw a put 10 0 to 10 zero going nice 3 4 5 6 7 you can skip to 10 and you made it okay perfect so there is small capacity and great capacity this is what you can write you a capacity / potential this is what in the world they call potential Yuko you can write that in black if people can see the numbers I wanted it in in red so that people can just see the difference this is what in the back in in the world they call capacity the capacity or potential spiritually we call it capacity but in the world they call it potential people somebody who come to you and say man you have the potential to be Denzel that doesn't mean your Denzel it means you could be Denzel if you work a little harder to maximize your potential so they're Christians who have a great potential meaning that they have the ability to be maybe at 7 or 9 or 10 but they have stayed at one because they have not maximized their potential or capacity I don't know if somebody understands now this line represents your calling you can put a thing like this and right Colleen mm-hmm where God has called you to be some this represents whether your you are a prophet evangelist to be sure whatever God has called you to be alright now this line you're gonna draw a line across like that in red use the red one so that it's visible so that it's separate a straight line across now this represents your journey you know like in every graph we have like ups and downs and things like that this represents your journey and if you're on line you cannot see please I prayed that you asked me so that you may see so that we may try if the bishop needs to make it a little more darker or whatever we can do that so that it's more visible to you and I want you to make sure that you have this graph because this graph is going to help somebody when you sit down and you study and you look at it it would be something that can push you to where God wants you to be hallelujah is everybody following some people you are sleeping you're not responding to me there people in Facebook more responsive than some of you are you sure you're here now watch this this represents what your journey so they're people who just go until here they stop and then they're people who go hi can I borrow the black one the black can actually divide now box a zero go have lines that go across separating one from - uh-huh I want to make sure that you follow this because what I'm gonna read to you now is gonna help you understand this this thing that is happening here hallelujah glory be to Jesus may the Lord Jesus be lifted up forever and ever and ever that is perfect that is exactly perfect now I want you to do something okay now this is what you're gonna do you're gonna run some line across just to divide it into boxes so just run a line boom all the way up bang I want you to make sure that you have this maybe I will not keep this up maybe I'll delete this so I want you to make sure that you that you take this glory be to Jesus lava Katya talam and a koruba son t league as Ovadia monday t breed Akita Avoca talam on the Proteas of akash meridia cassava till Aman decorum and ideas evocative AHA roudabeh cassia Eluga pareve kia main rakia citta labonte liga sova dabei you got it now watch this and I want you to capture this carefully and I want you to get this carefully carefully carefully carefully now remember this line represents your journey this simply talks of calling the line down here but the red line represents your journey right now you have to remember something somebody can be on their journey let's say the goal the end is here right but you have spent your whole journey in level one to the end so I want you to put all so this is zero I want you to put ten here I want you to put ten at the end I hope this is helping somebody I think people want me to leave it up so I'll leave it up so you don't have to worry don't be afraid my sons and daughters here they have pulled out their phones and they're not fear don't be afraid now look at this can I have a green one give me the green one now I want you to put I want you two to on this on this line here I want you to put something and say journey all right now yeah just pull that and yeah so that people know that that represents your journey now like every graph all right you know like if you look at stocks or anything there are things that go up down up down up right so I want you to keep that in mind now the sons of the prophets now I want you to read with me again verse number one are you there I want you to grab your Bibles we're gonna read together and I'm gonna explain something now can you give me the blue one and give me the blue one the blue mark somebody said sign a petition that I thought that it does not delete as a deep one him now watch this and watch this carefully I want you to watch this and watch this carefully and the sons of the Prophet said unto Elisha behold now the place where we dwell with thee is too straight for us meaning that Elisha came back okay being up here you can put this you say this profit lovey is pointing to me but the sons of the prophets what tired of being here this is the sons of the prophets sons of the Prophet and this is the Prophet Lavi an example and they was so tired because they realized that Elijah went and came back a different person but they realized that where Elijah was changed is when Elijah went across the Jordan with Elijah now you have to understand that the Jordan represents a place of transition from being one way into another way when Elijah was about to go to heaven he went unto the Jordan and when he crossed the Jordan he was a different person when the Lord Jesus was going into ministry he had to cross the Jordan and when he crossed the Jordan after his baptism he became a different person when the children of Israel left Egypt they had to go through the Jordan because the Jordan is a place of transition into the promise not only physical but spiritual heritage I feel like I'm talking to myself my prayer is after this you cross the Jordan in the name of Jesus my prayer is after this you cross the Jordan in the name of the Lord Jesus whether you are watching in Africa you're in America you're in Asia wherever you may be my prayer is after you listen to this you will cross the Jordan in the name of the Lord Jesus I thought I hear bigger amens but notice this they only came to admit that the place that they were in had become too small meaning the whole time that they were in the same level the same level was not too small I want somebody to capture this they were always in the same level but because they never lived in the Alijah they did not force themselves to be close to Elijah their capacity they could not take from Elijah so they never outgrew where they were they never outgrew level number one they got stuck and they thought that they had arrived but the moment they spent time with Elijah they realized like guys we have finally outgrown where we are let me explain to you you don't move from one level into the next level by praying it does not work like that notice it only became small after they are dwelt with Elijah there for some time when impartation give me the red one I'm trying to do this so that it's visual for you so you can see what is the Word of God what is another what is the the Word of God the Word of God is bread man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God meaning the Word of God is food and is bread that's why Jesus said this is my body given unto you it was bread the Word of God is what bread that is what we are fed by his words now because they were feeding off Alijah they finally started becoming fat let me explain it to you the Bible says and the yoke shall be broken because of the anointing and the Bible says they are anointed maketh fat meaning is not just about listening to a good word but it's listening to an anointed word because it pushes your capacity now the problem is this this is where the issue is when impartation is released to this lower level it's pressure because it's coming from up and pushing you down that is why so many people never submit to anybody because they think that this person why is it that the Prophet is asking me to pray why is it that is telling me God do this why is he sending me it feels like it's pressure it feels like you're being pushed down because the anointing comes from the crown of the head and it goes to the soles of your feet the greater shall bless the lesser so you are not anointed at the same level but the anointing comes from above and comes down that's what the Bible says that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and he has anointed me so when God is sending somebody to anoint you what do you see in the Bible the person who's being anointed will go on their knees and there will be oil that is released of Karim and la ronde Kia Sava pyruvic ayat Allah Mandela brought a key esophageal I just saw the vision of the Lord Jesus anointing people that are watching right now I saw the Lord pouring oil up on my head and I saw it coming down unto the people that are listening to my voice I feel the Spirit of God I feel the power of God so when the anointing is being passed down to you remember you can only receive by serving there has to be a spiritual exchange somebody says spiritual exchange whenever somebody gives something to you they are also taking something from you that's what the Bible says it is greater to give them to receive it is greater to receive to give them to receive an example is if you come and offer something to me like an example let me give you a biblical example the Lord Jesus said whoever shall welcome you even give you a glass of water leave your blessing with them meaning blessing is not free it's not I have to see if you're worthy for me to give you something the Lord Jesus went to the point that he said do not cast your peril to swine's because there are people who are swine there are people that you giving what you carry is a waste of time is actually a disservice to who you are and what you carry there are sons and daughters that become sins instead of sons because they always put you in a place of heartache all the time instead of bringing happiness and joy that you can release something unto them when you see them you think about them drama 24/7 so whenever the anointing is being released it always feels like pressure he always feels like a burden because something is coming upon you but if you embrace it there's something that happens and you receive it remember the Bible says he says that the Lord Jesus taught of himself of no reputation but took upon himself the form of a servant and everyday was saying I must be about my father's business whose business are you about who is your father some who say oh my god is my father yes in reality technically yes but not really because Paul is saying you are my son Timothy you're my son I have begotten you in the faith who has begotten you what is your spiritual heritage who are you serving if you want to know a great person is the person that served so it comes down as pressure heavy but if you embrace it you begin to eat now give me the bloom what happens is you begin to outgrow where you are this can no longer hold you that it begins to force you to break out of it and you enter your next level so you don't grow from level two let you don't you don't go up but you grow fat that this level can no longer hold you that you are forced to increase to the next one I wish somebody was catching this you outgrow the level you don't skip stages in the school of God there's no skipping stages now look at this let's go to verse number two they said let us go we pray thee unto what Jordan and take take thence every man a beam and let us make a place there where we may dwell and he answered go ye they said can we go across the Jordan and let us let everybody carry a beam and let us make a new place that we may dwell there and he said it's okay go verse number three and one says say one once said big content I pray thee and go with thy servants and he answered I will go so meaning this if you even even if I say okay I release you into your next dimension and it's for real I've released it you still not function with it as long as I'm not there so one of them was wise they say ah we pray you go with us go with your servants now it was no longer sons of the prophets they changed the dimension they said no no no we are your servants please be pleased with us and go with your servants because the only way Elijah was going to unlock that for them is if they were willing to be under authority look at this a group of people will receive only one goes back remember in Jesus released healing unto them they left and they found that they were healed but one of them said no I have to go back and when he went back what does the Bible say he was made whole don't just be healed but be ho don't only have the door for a new dimension open but actually dwell in that dimension that is why some of you have seasons where you are deep and then there are seasons you are not deep I feel like I'm talking to myself I mean I sometimes I have visions sometimes I don't sometimes I have this sometimes I don't I don't know what is happening because the door was open but you don't know how to dwell in it you've never been there how can you go and be in a place that you have never been shown do you know why when you before you move into an apartment you go check it out they sell it to you and they tell you this and this you have to be able to be settled in it if you're not in it you know if you're not settling in it you cannot stay am I talking to myself I feel like I'm talking to myself are you they it was like no this place please go with thy servants they change they became what servants notice some of them said I'm gonna take my offering I'm gonna go take my tithe and I'll go make my place on the other side just open the door and one of them said no no no no no no no no no no no sir go with thy servants notice some of them wanted to cross over without giving anything okay let me prove to you go to verse number three universe number four so he went with them and when they came to the Jordan they cut down wood meaning some of them are the power to cut down wood now what does would represent money paper ability [Music] verse number five but as soon as one one was feeling a beam the axe head fell into the water this is what happens when you want to go high God has opened a door for you but you want to do something for you not to remember who has brought me into this place Peter was working on water the moment he looked at the waves he began to drown that he said lord save me if he never said Lord save me Jesus would have not saved it that's another story for another day the axe head fell into the water and he cried and said I lost master for I was four it was borrowed he cried to the man of God and said actually this wasn't really mine I borrowed it and the man of God said where fail eat any he showed him the place and he cut down a stick and cast it in there and the iron did swim therefore he said take up D and he put out his hand and he took it let me tell you something where God sends you with a prophet of God you will never lose anything [Music] for every level you go into their new challenges who's gonna fight for you who's gonna pray for you remember there were prophets by the new men asking God there's a man yet that can make this thing float they had never seen him do anything but they knew this guy can make what used what was drowned my finances may have drowned my health may have drowned but God is gonna use this man to bring it back up for me because the acts represented the ability the power to get wealth but his power was taken away from him and it fell into the water many of you you started well but you've ended up in problems because you forgot to God sent unto you God does not want you to start here you go up you go down you go up you go down God wants you to have a consistent rise as you go through your ministry and your calling in time so the anointing always feels like pressure because it pushes you and it forces you to feed but what that does is it makes you grow out of where you are and you begin to go up because you're outgrowing the space unless you outgrow where you are you're not going high the Lord gave me a prayer last night that I worked on and I want everybody to have this because my desire is for you to have this I want you to be blessed by this I want you to get what's up right is it what's up I want you to get on what's up and I want you to save this number the number will appear on your screen somewhere and I want you to save the number you have to save the number because whoever will do this I will personally feed them until they outgrow the dimension this will come to my personal number I'm not saying call I am not telling anybody to what call I'm just telling somebody go on there save the number save it as prophet Lovi save it as prophet Lavi don't just message it allow God to feed you I want you to save the number as prophet lovey and text and say Papa or prophet I want to grow out grow where I am please send me the Salam prayer I did it what time did I do it last night sons the ones over here 3:00 in the morning they were waiting for me to go live and I told them wait they were like when are we going life then I disappeared I came back with a prayer for them and everybody was there God made me do this to release it unto the people so that when you're listening to my declaration and my prayer for you you are playing it when you're driving or before you go to sleep you're putting it on replay what you're doing is what God is releasing is gonna begin to feed you it's gonna enter you and you will outgrow where you are you see samuel was always with eli but because he ate so much from allah he outgrow the level of hearing from eli to the point that now he could hear God through Eli because the voice of Eli was always the voice of God to him throughout his ministry some of you say oh I want to hear the voice of God clearly God is a spirit do you notice the word of god the bible does not say the voice it does not say the the voice of God he says when they hear the voice of God he says the Bible OSs it sounds like lightning and thunder and many waters the voice of many waters meaning you cannot understand it it's not an earthly lingo but the moment you have somebody that is speaking the Word of God to you what happens is it changes you begin to hear a familiar voice when you want to Professor to somebody you hear that African accent it sounds like and you know God is speaking to me I want people can you give me that cell phone I want you to do this now and only the people that will text will send it to them I will text you the prayer personally free of charge I'm not judging anybody from this I want you guys to be blessed some people are not they are not happy so maybe I will not release it are you sure you want this don't text the regular number make sure you get on whatsapp and text from what's up I will say it again text from what's up I have my phone right here my prayer phone text don't call text again don't do it don't call text and say prophet please there are some people already my daughter nadare she's already I saw I saw I just text because I'm looking at the people who are texting right now text and say Papa please send me the solemn prayer or prophet please send me the solemn prayer whoever is texting saved the number save the number save the number if you save the number I will send it to you because I want you to just be great anybody that knows me knows that my passion and my desires just for people to be great when you're able to fulfill what God wants you to do it becomes life becomes easy for some of us make sure when you text text your name say my name is so-and-so prophet please send me the prayer my name is so-and-so prophet please send me the prayer the people that will receive the prayer I will be sending weekly updates where I will write for you spiritual assignments do this pray like this you're going to focus on this this will be the scripture I may wake up in the middle of the night with the word from God and I will record a message and send it to you some people you see they can never grow spiritually because they don't follow instruction they are sending text messages to the regular number get the whatsapp app get an app called whatsapp it's free of charge don't call the number don't text the number text it through whatsapp I will only respond if you text through what's up try some people's they're not catching it you remember I said God would mean is that you are according to your capacity there are people some people their capacity is so small because they don't know how to follow instructions learn to follow what is called instructions glory be to Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I'm gonna pray for you right now I'm gonna I'm gonna respond to somebody there's somebody called Don Rodney don't Rodney get tha what's up up and message the same message and I will send you the prayer don't text the number go get the what's up up and and save the number and text using the whatsapp number if you don't text using the whatsapp number there's nothing I can do even though I see your message I will not respond some people receive their would the salam oil i think we're gonna have more by next week right so did you already set it up on the website that people can go and waiting for a couple more things okay perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect let's pray for people now i want you to get the what's up thing and i want you to engage with it so that i may send you this prayer because I want people to be blessed I'm only going to send it to people who are serious about our growing where they are father in the name of Jesus I pray for everybody that is listening I pray for everybody that is on may something change and shift in their lives I pray that there would be a new beginning in their lives both spiritually and physically I released the Sulaiman wenting upon them as they text the word sub number and as they received this prayer and as they listened to it and pray along with it I pray that something will completely shift and change in their lives from this day father I thank you that this is done in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus all those who are sending their offerings all those who are sending their offerings whether it's a there were their offerings you can go to prophet Lavi calm and you can you can give your offer in your tight or whatever God is leading you to do so that you can continue to have these messages come - you can go - what's up you can go and not what's up what is it called paper you go to prophet la vidcom you can go to - to catch up you can go to venmo all the information is our prophet lava dome so make sure you go to profile lava dome and and and you can go there and can give what God has for whatever you want to give to the work of God I bless you all I lift you up in the name of Jesus and I pray that your life will never be the same in Jesus mighty name Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom to all of you I love you but the Lord Jesus loves you more amen and amen and amen in the realm of the Spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you a nurse you in the medical field go to I put the mic on while you married before okay go to my mama Ghana Spirit God says that he's about to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Anna but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the ends of it's like Oh oh god aah oh God do you know somebody call Kimmy Genesis does me baby oppa Oh Gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you then I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing about jewelry [Applause] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you honest you in the medical field go to I'll put the mic on are you married before us okay go to my mama Ghana the Spirit God says that he's supposed to bless family from I saw somebody in the Bible called Anna but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the ends of it's like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody cook any genesis does me maybe oppa Gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you there I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a government on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this think Larry host of improv e - a la carte le monde' profaned in kishna ha Costa a lava column and a leap rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that you touch you wherever you are I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now la le Kista a vocal aprende le Kista vara kiaus a favorite of the caliph and le bron dia LeClair yost of radically quiche to evoke Attalla monday lie still constantly stein glory frontally no may frittata a Tuvok Ashoka profiteer Aman day langa title opera Delica akopov ocotilla mandela pran Deva Katta Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a a chinkara Basanti lakea a zu k predict ista a Mandela costa brava kush de korabik on telly telly ba so far a Micajah allodynia Asaka Taliban T Mondale Akash the ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single of angelic visitations that I've experienced may the Lord favor you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oiling upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and yet anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] Clary osto improvised Hashanah cartelli Monday profaned in kishna ha Costa a lava column and a leap rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears in your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his new weight in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land la Kista a vocal aprende le Kista para que hace vivre to stay Akala Vanderlip Rhonda dia LeClair Yost of radically Kista evoke Attalla mande lies the constants time glory frontally known Mary Tita a Tuvok ashoka provide iya armondi langa title opera Delica okappa pocket Elim and le pran deva katta Zillah Cuccia me Flavia assumed a a chinkara Basanti lakea azúcar pratik ista a Mandela Costa Brava kushti korabik on telly telly bas over a Micajah allodynia a socket a Labonte Mondale a cash the ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday cap risotto LeMond delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single man gellick visitation that I've experienced may the lord favor you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oi ting upon you they may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and yet anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] Leclaire host:oh improvised Hashanah cartelli monday profaned in kishna ha Costa a lava column and a leap rhondella Kista
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 3,918
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Inspiration, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Longombas, Pastor, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Pastor Chris, Deliverance, Demonic, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, AA Allen, William Branham, Billy Graham, Dreams and Visions, Dreams
Id: NYY1nrDu2e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 21sec (6261 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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