Destroying STICKMEN With Explosive METEORS in Stick War Castle Defense

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oh hey there i'm blitz welcome to a game called stick war castle defense i saw my buddy baron playing it and i said to myself self i'm gonna play it too because there's something very satisfying about stick animation people and then ending the lives of stick animation people those videos you ever watch those videos and stick fight like the game stick fight i really wanted to play it again but nobody wanted to play with me uh so this one stick warp castle the fence let's do it new game yeah and we're gonna be the witch because well i don't have stage six unlocked yet so let's go ah here we are look at that is that a that better not be a fidget spinner like a witch's fidget spinner that'd be that'd be terrible hey look it's pow nice oh where got like what's it called when you rebound yes oh hey look we got loot nice i'm gonna take that where do you think you're going you dork nugget i got all the loot ah and there's upgrades i have twenty dollars and this is sixteen hundred nope we can't afford that nor can i afford any of that what are these ones do power do unlock power runes which i also can't afford but some of these look fun hidden chance for the witch to lose or cool and attack enemies on the field yes please castle upgrades these look good too a barracks oh build barracks to contain captured and hired stickman wait a second does that mean what is that why is there a raven flying across does that mean i can like pick up the little stick dudes as they come in and like bring them into the prison chamber is that what this is i don't know i better throw you in here it died is that good did i do it am i oh look they're dying yay go team nice oh no you're not allowed that way buddy no you're not and you're gonna die look at that we need to train workers we need some more prisoners so i have 79 money we need 10 times that amount of money to unlock the barracks so these workers what they do is they repair the wall if these guys come in ready get set air boom yes yes oh do you hear the sounds oh no i just ripped out his s word wait can i use can i use their no where are you going you're not allowed to leave and we're gonna take you and throw you that way in that way and i'm gonna put you over there because why not same with you yay oh that poor little guy i almost felt bad almost i didn't though oh no dude he's got a bazooka trumpet same difference he's singing a song i kind of like that little jingle too bad i'm just going to rip all their swords out of their hands and make them fly into the ground and splat oh he he lived how did that happen no you're not allowed to run you're not allowed to run you little monsters or am i the monster oh wow who's that i don't like that i actually did like that oh head shot did i kill him straight up he's dead the big guy died oh no he's acting as like a body defense look at all the money i'm getting though it's the best day of my life yay oh no you tried getting away i'm not allowing that wow we got big stunks i could buy a barracks now no no some of these guys just don't want to die what is that oh there's another big guy back there are you still alive you are yeah there get just smash them right square into the ground yeah and then against the wall and then oh that worked did that do damage to my wall i hope not but i can buy the barracks now to contain captured stickmen yes please oh i got these things i didn't know i had those things wait what oh this ability requires the archery range oh so we got it no i don't oh yeah i'm gonna purchase that oh the vortex okay so those were things that i could pick up nice i didn't know that i'm not very smart today and then there's different runes i can do three runes hello man of regeneration okay i don't want that yeah all fire related effects yes fire's the best day and i can keep upgrading that does that mean i can keep upgrading these no okay so i don't have to buy these because i already have them that's neat what do these do ooh skill shots oh i don't have enough potions we'll wait on potions there we go ah you bought a barracks let me give you the rundown no thanks yay prisoners that mean i can train up a worker oh i can what happens if i oh yay i captured a guy oh no give me that sword oh that was juggled can i juggle a guy for like a long time whoop okay and rain down the meteor i didn't do it oh what is that stop stop no no why are you doing this to me what are you doing i don't stop i don't like this no come on um is that just lightning oh great i'm out of mana or something help help i don't know what i i'm pressing the wrong buttons ah what are those things i did it well i didn't quite do it right okay note to self we don't we don't always want to nuke things i mean yes we do that's a trick question got it you're trying to escape i'm gonna capture you because i deserve you come here into my little prison my friend and then you can be a rocket and a rocket and a rocket oh i just stole his sword we have to figure we have to fill our barracks yeah hello bird would you like a sacrifice nope i guess we'll claim this guy for the science purposes of blitztopia oh boy i can i can tame that bird and we can feed prisoners to it perfect that was probably a huge colossal waste of money but this is worth it where's where's the bird there it is are you hungry i have prisoner for you would you like to eat it it's not eating it okay fine it's just we're just gonna like fill up our stock maybe not okay these guys are a little faster i don't know if i like this now quick blast him oh right click right click is how you get oh there it is yes here you get oh i don't know what i did whoa whoa whoa whoa bro whoa bro no no no no no no no no no no no fine yes perfect oh this is getting intense this is getting too intense for me we're gonna use the big one we're not gonna use the big one what is what i do click right click whoa what is this i like it whatever it is i like it whatever it is that was exciting why are you on top of my wall you're not humpty dumpty hey i didn't see you there we go let's capture this guy because he's running fast and i don't like people who run it's against the law it's illegal in blitztopian empire running and i really want to feed you to the bird can i feed you to the bird i want to feed you to the bird nope i did something i think i just vortexed that guy here you can have him oh how many prisoners can i hold i'm not sure about that i thought it was the 10. can i make a worker yeah and we'll capture you too i just turned this on it's called propagating flames it was a big word so i thought it would be fun hi goodbye that's an interesting one you just kind of oh i bet that works on the bigger ones no the fire lord that could be fun oh i missed whoops here let's do that again nice i wonder if that's a time thing here let's blast these guys because they deserve it maybe not oh boy there it is oh boy i don't like that i'm getting too close to my walls whoa that is a lot of tick damage hello do it again no no that's my wall yes i'm relying too many too much of my my superpowers everyone exploded and you saw those walls go back in there we go put that down again oh i wonder yeah okay we're still trying to figure out how to best use these powers i think the best way is by spam clicking or not hey bird would you like a thing i'm gonna feed you a prisoner get it get one you can have this one i promise i'll let you have it and activate is it eating i hope so oh there she goes got one yay it's kind of weird because it's like levitating which is fine i hear screaming noises that's also fine oh it's the dude of the trumpet he's oh oh this guy's so fast can i hit him with a no he's already leaving that's no fun yes okay something very satisfying about meteors what does this do hey hey hey you're supposed to be dead i'm gonna put that guy yeah there we go and then oh oh no hey hey why is it not working this is not cool down i know we're gonna nuke everything okay we'll throw him back there's like this weird time delay it seems with uh adding okay fix up my wall dudes fix up my wall worker men fix it up there's too many big things here i'm gonna use this because i want to there you go i don't know if that worked come on that did worked it did work yes yes explosions i want to just burn him with one of these things do it no no no get away get away heal my walls kill my walls yes you get out of here and you out of here and you out of here i'm gonna collect the money no you're supposed to be dead you dork stop being alive and stuff did i say that out loud i feel like sometimes that's something you're not supposed to say and here feed the bird the bird's hungry bird is the word bird bird bird there you go good bird i just ripped that sword out of his hand there eat the big guy eat the big guy not that little one the big one can i make you a prisoner that would be exciting okay you get out of here and you get out of here we have sciences we have sciences like making this guy go into a black hole is that with the v is he gonna get black holified come on get black hold get oh that wasn't quite what i wanted to do what does this one do maybe it doesn't work i'm gonna just try to blast him with this oh that was fun oh hey i figured it out i'm a dummy you got a right click on them and then this guy right click to activate of course obviously hit them with the missiles an 88 damage that's a lot of damage zap zap zap zaps out okay i finally i have finally figured out the powers of the wizardry yes i'm so good at this game now that i'm a big brand genius i can kind of start making things work better like they really like this whole ice stuff which is fine i also like the fire because i mean it's it's fire and more power gain gold when you kill an enemy yeah of course i want that in my life a whole bunch of times like a bunch of times what's this one do market price higher mercs enchant your weapon with the effects of fire i don't like that i don't even know what it does but i needed it what does this one do every prisoner you have in your barracks seen in this stage send out a stickman oh wow oh i don't have enough potions that's sad oh can i get another upgrade what is this one sacrificial altar oh boy this game turns you into some weird little creepy monster man which is i mean that's fine die little dude i mean he's not actually alive oh i'm burning him while holding him that's sad is it though here we'll put you up here oh it didn't work air you get burned and you get burned you get burned i'm just lighting everything on fire it's like christmas here you do your thing oh oh you gained mana that's cool yeah i need more mana here do this probably not not a good idea right now not oh that's a bad one there you go burn it oh oh oh they're they're attacking why are you attacking stop attacking stop attack yes that was excellent they stopped attacking when you hit him with a meteor i learned that out for for good reasons oh boy this is not good another one perfect okay that's a little one there we need more sacrifices i need more mana oh that guy's got a big club that was weird i wonder what he does with that my walls are getting broken i don't like that idea here get prisonated you too uh it'll be okay and then you get prison oh i'm just burning him yeah you carrying a big stick that's not allowed we're gonna have to put you in the prison so i can hire more workers and you too because he had a big stick walk softly and get thrown in prison or something like that hi what's your name it is prisoner one and then your name is prisoner two and then you know what we do with you because you're running really fast we put you in prison actually we're gonna burn you by holding you probably nope you're gonna throw your thrown away and then die yeah i mean not die that's against the rules dying and stuff okay we'll just kind of wait for a missile to hit beautiful oh no no you don't no you don't here bird eat go eat something there you go good boy it's a girl actually if you were wondering there you go we'll throw in another meteor we'll blast this guy with lightning because that's always fun it will hit you up in the air what does this one do i want that happening yeah that's exciting oh it's on cooldown that's not cool will be a good one this will be really good we'll give them the old fire and ice treatment that'll work hey oh yes oh yes i love this game i didn't know i needed this game in my life but i do now here you go into this thing and bring your big stick with you so we can use it for science and then we'll sacrifice you because i need more mana i think that's what it did that guy just got obliterated oh no clicked on the loot before the stage ends i got it loot for oh no i missed some i want more potions though i need them for more fire i really want the banana one can i do the banana one i got bananas cool all right we have more workers that means i have less prisoners but you get to be sacrificed no i don't need to sacrifice you yet we'll just put a big pile of bodies yes that's what i think i'll do is like collect everyone it'll be like pokemon for stick people i will just make them sit here until we throw down our meteor on their heads yeah yeah that's perfect idea i like it i like it you know what things are burning so we better put some ice on it yes oh you're alive that's not that's against the rules wait that's illegal there we go there we go there we go oh oh man i want to i want to use this thing too but it doesn't really work well so i mean i could fry oh that does work that's aoe damage i didn't know that was aoe damage i like it i need more of it yay oh i'm out of mana here sacrifice somebody here we'll put you in the cage and i think this will be the last one yeah we did it all right so i think that'll wrap it up for this video if you guys want to see more stick war castle defense or whatever the name of the game is let me know in the comments by leaving a like and telling me how great my beard is okay bye [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 182,124
Rating: 4.9301434 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, stick wars, stick figure, stick wars castle defense, stick wars cartoon, stick wars animation, stick fight, stick man, stick battle, stick figure fights, defend your castle, stick war battle, stickman, stickman fight, stickman animation, july2020
Id: Hho4zeHNAps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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