Battling The Most Insane Custom Levels in Clone Drone In The Danger Zone

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check it out closed Road in the danger zone so today we're gonna be doing something important and special we're gonna be playing The Endless mode oh and I'm the color of chocolate so the fun thing about this endless mode is we're to be doing custom levels that I found on the Steam Workshop like this one oh this looks cool whoa whoa you shot my airline oh but my Ally shot them Oh No Oh jump it dude you can do this you're the best oh don't shoot at me I guess I'm just gonna attempt oh did he do it you got the Hail Mary shot off okay are you are you still alive okay good he's dead I don't want to get shot in the back by my friend nice easy level so I'm just gonna go with block arrows right away because I feel like someone's just gonna throw in an absolute ton of archers Oh spiffy society that's the name of this one oh the last one was Gor thug the sword master yes that was Gor thug that died whoa Hey look this little oh mine that guy's a big dude there's this houses in junk hey buddy I figured someone was gonna be over here nice I'm gonna go get this Archer to he's guarding the castle wall hello my friends that's a cool level right here I like it whoa nice skills anyone inside the castle open those bouncy pads hey Joe oh this is bad this bed this bed okay we're good we're good okay oh yes oh those are awake there we go no who's left is Gore thug hiding anywhere Gore thug all ears girth dogging his friend or thug ah yeah I did it all by myself red foxes spearing Chow Chow Lodge said ah you smell challenge challenge maybe just for the fun Z's from getting a clone it tells me to do in a spear but I'm not gonna do it okay I see why they call it the spearing where are those guys at what that's a that's a TV screen hey I do I have to go over there I think I do oh yeah there they are oh you're kidding me there's how many like six beers all right well let's hope some of them spear each other I'm just gonna try to go outside of the range so they can all secure each other just like that keep doing what you're doing it's working great nice nice perfect haha oh no you lost a leg Lieutenant Dan no this is actually more dangerous no there we go got him what next a bow let's do kick Hey look at that picture oh no it's a bunch of spear news on top of a cup it's a water-based drink I don't think I like this I hope it's not all you're kidding me you're kidding me why does it have to be a bunch of spirit is with shields what did I do to deserve this yeah just stab each other okay I'm going up I'm gonna go walk up on the lava now I hope that they come up and just fall right in oh wow that was fun and exciting it's got to make sure there's only one that survived the water-based drink okay stab at me stab at me stab at me I said thank you I miss you oh that hurt okay kick oh shoot I guess I can't kick him there we go nope OOP dodge away this is hard let's go make him go swimming again hey buddy [Laughter] all right what do I do next bow fire sword block block fire sword because if I hit one of those big sphere guys it'll burn them better oh speaking of big spear guys oh he's talking to me I am here to fight you to death human oh he's got a jetpack oh no wait no shoot man would you just chill a little bit hot dang you're excited you forgot to take your Oh just you got to lay up the candy my friend yeah see that's what I was talking about right there we got a bird up a little bit just just die yeah you got accept oh you burned up to the bird station even do anything another clone I have to four unimportant reasons oh hey look hey well this will be easy oh I hear more footsteps there's more of them I knew it I knew it oh okay ready whoa shoot what was that oh I'm so scared of myself I don't like this oh yes thank you you saved my life oh I am forever in your debt here I'll just stand right here you guys shoot each other please no I just got to go take him up manually why don't you guys like group together like this and then I'll try to shoot them one in the middle of the back one man I'll just go and manually do it ah that should work please die I didn't die there it is what are you why is that guy the super danger in a champion of super danger area there that one's heads gun and I'm gonna kick him in the face so I can cut his other arm off how many fire sword attacks does it take to kill one purple robot man there now died I do not like this at all ah okay would you thank you finally now I did like subscribe to both 30 levels of the Steam Workshop I don't know you can do back-to-back levels the same but I guess we will hopefully it's not the big purple dudes again Oh even better fire bros fiery arrow bros oh yes okay and I got a better block hero this time hopefully it'll work Oh we'll just get closer stab them oh just kidding haha whoa no no no no fire broke yeah there it goes they should be immune to fire if they have fire arrows on their pants Oh beautiful blocked arrows is it is it time nope we're near blockers again just so they can go back and be friends with people who shut them oh this was called revenge of blitz I did not know oh great this one's designed for me thank you Thank You Curtis thank you it's not it's not gonna be pleasant is it oh-ho-oh tell cloned euro to the day I hate these dudes I hate those okay with no don't get out of the way no just I don't like you I said just not even be close to my friend that word didn't even make sense okay would you just stop kicking and junk just stop it you're annoying let me Oh your are all your limbs are gone okay cool you dead no ya know sometimes if you get hit by shrapnel too and it gets really annoying you got to cut the legs off you don't have a bow and then they'll fall down eventually are you short enough yet stumpy are you short enough there that should be good ha oh right your face there we go I'm ready to be now it's time for the boat draw that arrow back oh I didn't see what this level was oh the castle okay whoa whoa okay we can't be shooting things that people that block arrows that's not a good idea ah I get that whoa is there anyone over here oh we're getting a spider bro coming in quick get to the artillery okay we got him once my outside hammer but I don't like you you're dead okay hammer bot oh you're dead nice oh hello Archer on top of the wall I did not see you either is there anyone down there maybe just block you right into your friend that went right over his head are you kidding me there you go again do it do it yes he's dead okay now what oh I see you two all we got a kickin dude okay I'm just gonna play you're my one arrow Oh lose it quickly oh there's the purple dude purple bro oh nice shot nice a tab cool jump don't turn around run away gotta get on flat ground oh there's the stairs I'm gonna go up in the castle but you don't know what to do then oh the announcer bots are up here that's awesome I can't do anything else up there though now it's gonna be extremely dangerous to get out of here oh there they are oh that was good okay now we got one left can I attack him through the wall oh maybe maybe maybe not nope I don't think so come on out my friend come on out Oh what nice boobs got you so what next another cloak this is the Robo roadster 9001 I don't even know what that means have I played this level no what's going on over there hold up why don't we got to swallow we got arrows for days do I kill these guys maybe a fight oh oh they're blocking arrows okay one got hit in the leg I don't like these at all man cool level though oh wow I can't Oh lasers okay chippy thank you hey you guys over there we need to destroy them too oh we got to r2 archers here okay I feel I'm feeling good that I'm behind this thing really okay what Oh gotta jump it jump nice nice our mister hello nobody's following me good haha alright who's left I'll just nurture right there got it that was cool I like that thing whatever it is this one's called the button it's literally a button no what a little bit scared do I shoot the button oh that that's the top Wow so if I walk up next to it it'll show me what it is hey there I am do I jump on it I jump all this I saw show whoa whoa whoa hold up here wow this will be interesting these guys are like the most expensive BOTS in the game I think yeah you guys kill each other I got it I gotta have you kill each other oh no I don't even know how to do this how do you kill two of them kick and then shoot baby okay kick shoot okay I got it a little damage done kick Wow Wow I feel like shooting is a bad idea because you can block with those Spears further the shield's not the spears okay there you go open up got it so that was good maybe if I aim for the other arm there you go an open got to go in Bill dodge and then they open with an attack okay good come at me come at me come at me there it is got it all right you're next okay there you go and then open and it oh whoa try me again there it is oh my word those are dangerous I don't think I like the button this is called the dark hammer one the dark hammer all right so what is this whoa I got all my word what is that miss run away run away all bye what is going on oh I could go down I got a tunnel oh they're shooting me arrows at me okay wow this is weird okay that was easy oh there's some following okay wait they're following on the inside they're following on the inside oh hey they're lined up whoa what was oh it's got a big hammer thing yeah that's why it's got a hammer because there's literally a giant hammer what is going on though with all these units oh there's another stupid Archer - hello ugly Archer bro I don't like this whoa hey wait really really oh the hammer things going again is it okay we're gonna go back oh wait oh my word hey this is amazing how many shots gonna get with one arrow oh that guy's head just came clean off okay ready beautiful that's so cool it's gotta keep keep getting them in line I like how they don't dodge either those like three Oh someone's getting color getting squished did they just get squished brother big hammer that was awesome you having to write that level up that was cool whoa don't step on that hey I can see him aside my eyes they told me it was the castle again oh great oh great Oh No get my sword out already thanks shorty Thanks Oh nope I don't like you yeah I don't like you at all I said did you not hear me oh no no no that's got a jetpack oh no see wait get kiss oh he hit me hard oh no run away get up yep nope nope okay I got to get up on the wall they don't know how to get up here maybe well they definitely don't know how to do this ah ha ha ha I found my way in life oh boy Geronimo attack oh I totally missed it oh I totally missed it I got to do it again hey buddy hey we're going up the arrows this time I feel like oh wow I've never seen him dodge that fast here we go here we go don't move okay he's dead good wowzers just gonna sit up there you're dead oh you're dead no my knight nope there you're dead okay that was good now you're dead really my friend yeah I don't like you at all you don't like me either earnest fairness got it okay someone's still alive outside who are you who are you oh these guys oh no that's a that's a purple guy got him all right go jetpack hammer oh okay that's fine that's fine nope nope there's good cut all right I'm gonna just try to aim for his foot that was a bad idea I'm just gonna kick him and then I'll cut about even better woohoo what do we have next oh my word this again hey I mean it's not so bad if we just kill them all oh okay that's fine just all of the arrows flying everywhere is a little scary whoo do you see that arrow shot nice stepping champions right there nice got a bolt okay I'm gonna do an aerial shot oh that was close whoop nailed it twice and now everyone just needs to shoot me please just shoot me just show me hard there you go there you go oh all three of that one all right that was cool yeah that looks even better how would that guy live on top of that Island over there I'd like to know that I wanted to see the laser thing you shoot the other laser things come walk towards me it'll be glorious hey that one just got lasered whoa one of those one of the arrows got lit on fire by that laser beam do you see that there we go block the arrows injury whoa what the dark core oh the map shaking this is gonna be the end of me I think okay I don't like this uh even the music changed oh this is so cool I don't know what to expect okay not you bad whoa there's the resurrection button and the kick pot okay kill the kick pot whoa whoa so much bulbs I mean go get out of here hold my legs gun oh no I'm so dead I'm so dead okay I got it all Wow this is totally dead to me there we got a couple we got it oh I got to get out of here I got to get out of here Oh keep ducking that was amazing yeah I gotta shoot the big boss Bob first like that one I only see one there was two wasn't there did he die might have died oh you can block heroes that's not good hey yeah yeah yeah I see you I see you spraying poop juice all over the place get on fire there you go I'm more fired perfect I'm just gonna shoot you with an arrow cause it's less scary look at the core oh it's disappearing nice that was amazing okay revenge for blitz I know this one was pretty easy though wasn't it I think Oh hope they've got you know if I can just destroy them all maybe I don't know how to destroy all the robot dogs donkeys whatever they are hi oh he's so sad okay you guys kill each other that'll be yes Oh what just went down oh that's too bad no it's not I'm kidding I still don't like it oh that guy took it hook bait and sinker right there ready it's an attack okay oh they're just there tsk come on oh that was close here would you like to eat one of my arrows I'll give it back oh we got dark hammer again great wonder how many thousands of bad guys are gonna be out there this time oh great I'm not going up Wow there you go oh no Joe put me in the middle of them boo-boo what that's so cheating that is so cheating I just gotta keep spewing arrows into the center of them okay you guys just stay out there so that big hammer thing can destroy you that was kind of cool I really oh there's the big hammer hahahaha oh so Maggie it's so laggy my favorite broker okay we got those hey o archers whoa I forgot about you guys you know what I like this idea I like it you shoot them and I'll just guide the arrows back that's even better oh yes it's beautiful this is actually the way to do it right here like no joke this is the way to win haha attack oh but you got burned up and last one nope not the last one hey who's still alive Oh must be the single guy on the other side all that hammer is so crazy and an arrow to the face denden I definitely don't want to touch the pulsing blue thing don't touch that even though it looks like cotton candy red fox is spearing challenge look at all those units this looks horrible so if it's this oh we got allies we've got allies oh do I have to jump across whoa what is that noise what was that wait my allies are riding what's going on here okay we'll just kill this guy right earthquake followed by allies one of those robots oh he's getting kicked in the face Hey I like having allies I don't really understand what's going down the quaint yet oh my eyes are got destroyed is that one resurrect see the resurrecting one here Wow nope nope nope no wait what this guy's oh this is not good would shoot just chill oh he's dead - good job oh this is so good yes I'm shooting my old friends on we did it we did you guys this guy's all beat up and yeah good good work haha just kidding you're dead down haha it's okay they don't respawn in the next level I wonder if I can snipe one of the garbage pots the answer is No whoo I can get fire breath uh yeah I'll do it so this is weird I'm convinced I like subscribe to over 30 levels and I'm not getting many of them back we're just gonna cycling through the same once more oh no not this one okay oh boy these guys are really nasty whoa whoa he just he just like leonidas me in the back I got to get out of here there's so evil I don't like them at all Wow okay some of them died that was good hi everyone nice of you to die really quickly well shoot an arrow at you oh that was a double with what I just hear a lot of death happening and I love it beautiful beautiful okay all of you guys doing up here no stay away oh no whoa no get out of the corner right away whoops hi you have one leg and I still don't like you okay maybe he'll tall that was good that was good that was perfect no he died beautiful is that only the two left I think so there it is emeritus got it that's a cool mo the Colosseum what is that I keep forgetting that I also have flame breath I'm really bad at that remember oh hi bird yes yes good work in the flame breath glad I had it they're trying to cheat right away whoa oh hi wait what wait what oh no all the arrows came back to me that was cheating I need a revenge okay I really don't know what's up here wait what what's going on right now what is this okay you've woken up go out that's the laser there get burnt yeah ugly dork fish yep run away I mean what do you you have no oh it's got like an energy force-field no not a flame breath oh that one will actually work that time Jane's gonna blast up in his face you got an arrow at me I can block those though I can block arrows like a bus yes oh that was near I can't block that okay ready attack oh nice I would have suggest you not throwing arrows at me dude oh wow okay are you dead what's going on over here are you dead no you're getting launched up into space this is crazy okay come on block those arrows block those heroes I don't want to get dodo I can't get stuck either it wouldn't be a good idea okay just give me a fairness yes oh no thanks coming from the side what no no no oh thankfully it did not resurrect this guy maybe I need to destroy everything on the map are all four of these doors gonna open okay I need to kill that guy Oh his friend is in there there we go there we go kill this Oh can't kill his friend got his friend okay you're gonna be dead soon attack attack Oh oh that was so close okay we're good we're good we have another resurrection oh nice you don't know about me yes yes oh no we got a resurrection happening no no I'm dead I'm so dead I'm so dead urdead others okay I got a kill I can't kill that one watches the fire burn I can shoot fire too I can shoot fire I don't have enough energy run away run away whoop-whoop get up get up get all oh so close goodnight you're dead you're dead okay no not you again you big ugly dork face no you're not allowed to resurrect him I need to burn you it's the only way I can kill okay I got it oh come here big ugly doggy flame Reptar guys okay I got it wait what not you again not you kid I thought it killed you no get up get up oh boy this is crazy don't you dare why are you resurrecting everyone I told you not to do that before midnight I need flames I need flames got him yeah he's Birds no no I said nope okay I already killed this guy once I thought yeah you're gonna die there we go there we go oh my word oh my word I don't have I can't I can't do anything oh my word that was insane what a cool level anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video of clone drone in the danger zone hope you enjoyed be battling they call to see him if you did let me know he can keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,083,211
Rating: 4.9153852 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, clone drone gameplay, clone drone update, lets play clone drone, clone drone game, clone drone in the danger zone gameplay, clone drone in the danger zone raptors, clone drone in the danger zone battle royale, clone drone in the danger zone last bot standing, chapter 4, may2019, clone drone in the danger zone chapter 4, clone drone steam workshop
Id: H0R8Y175uyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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