BUILDING the BEST Kingdom EVER! - No King No Kingdom Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome back to a game called no King no Kingdom this is kind of like a raven field mixed with like colony survival where our objective is to like build a little Kingdom and go collect resources as the king and then we get to control the king in both a war mode and like a base building mode really really cool game comes out I believe in the next update on Sunday the 19th I'll have a steam link down below in the video description if you want to check it out also I did play this game a few months ago on one of the early early early builds and it has been updated quite a bit so let's start off a brand new game we're gonna start with a simple mission today and the simple mission is to defeat all of the enemies I believe so we have the basic controls WASD movable jump shift and all of that stuff so we start off with this low poly almost looks like what was that game my little blacksmith shop looks like that we've got like trees over here to collect we also have like a big building over there and we have like guys there's like goblins and stuff that are hiding up on the mountains and on the hills so we can start it off what we're gonna do is we're gonna send to to start gathering food like that and then we're gonna send two over here to start gathering our trees we could also jump on this and write it around yah mule yeah people carry me carry me the king to the vast riches of the tree forest I love this thing I don't know why I've been playing with it just riding around on this for a long long time so we can also build different things as soon as our guys get all of this food taken care of we'll start building some farms on this side and on this side over here we'll start building up some houses as soon as the trees go away if we ride up to the top I'm gonna just take a little bit of a trip actually let's go back this way I think they're the goblins are a little bit easier to see back in here yeah there's one right over there Goblin oh there's a troll or something I don't know what they actually are come on where are you he I don't want to go too close there he is we don't want to get in fight with those guys until we really need you all so I can switch to fighting mode and if I'm in fighting mode then I can attack we can also spawn in more workers you see in the top left corner we have like our population we have some food in the top our number of wood that we've got let me out of here there we go why don't you guys go home we got food we got rocks we got iron and we got metal and we can go mine all of that stuff so actually doing a pretty good job clearing this out and I think it might be time to spawn in some people so you just click on the big center plate and we get some of these there's our throne we also get the workers we can spawn workers with 20 money we can get up to ten of them so I'll spot in five more in and that should help us out quite a bit hopefully we don't have food over time I don't think there is we'll start grabbing something ate that's not you you I want you and then we'll tell these guys we'll alternate left and right hey you guys go why don't you go back here for a little bit go rest behind the building and we'll take the new guy here and we'll have you starting to craft some trees or cut trees down chop chop chop chop there they go they actually doing the work okay who's next you congratulations you have become a berry picker don't bump bump it up he's doing a really good job berry picking doing the berry picking and who's next aha hello oops not someone keep hitting that and it's the top thing you so we're gonna alternate back and forth how many we've got nine of ten so one more would be the next one and let's see I don't want to click on that yes never got it and who should we go to you know what why don't you start the tree the next tree yep that'll work so these guys are gonna rip apart the forest and/or the berries and those guys could rip apart the forest as we do that I'm gonna hit tab to open up the farm menu we can also make a barracks wooden towers to defend our base we have four it's magic well and then we have upgrades for ourselves so it can get additional hit points additional damage and all of that fun stuff so we'll start off with a farm because food is very important in this game and we're gonna put it over here I know it's a little bit far away but that's okay actually let's just bring it in right next to the base I'll just put it right here and now we do have to assign somebody to that so these guys are gonna continue picking the berries bring all that back you are a new guy so come in here and you are now a farmer we've gathered or we've graduated from farming to or from hunting and gathering to farming now we're getting civilized that was our house our forest coming along decently well tell you what let's start building a house I can build it with sixty wood so we're just gonna make like a little a little or should we put it actually houses are good to go kind of a long ways away because they're pointless they don't do anything besides just make housing so we'll put you back here and you're gonna build that up good job so the farm as the farm continues to grow like stuff starts popping out of the ground I'm not sure at what point that is I think you can only have one person working on a farm we could test that pretty soon but we did get a lot of our berries picked up so we can make a couple more farms it'll be awesome okay that guy's making our house we got these guys a little bit bored here hey why don't you come and help this dude out can you help - I'll just see if we can have multiple people on one farm oh there's Courtin starting to pop from the ground there they go they're building it up well done well done young people oh this guy's almost ready to go to our first house is built and that first house will raise our population by three I believe yep so let's make another one if we can hundred and fifty we should have plenty of wood I just want to make the little area right over here somewhere but right next to that'd existing house now dude hey doodle doodle dude hey oh hey can I click on you there we go you build this one here he goes hopefully you don't get stuck in the side of it that would be cool yes we have corn now corn perfect so we really where they want one guy on it and I'll tell you to go gather that we're gonna make another farm right away and we want to get the farming up pretty soon because we do get attacked by the Goblin army or whatever they are okay we'll put that one in and hope that one's gone entirely so these guys are a little bored what are they gonna do well they're harvesting trees now okay whatever come over here you're on that thing and you are also on that one no that's not the right one you're on this one good job we have to on that one and since we have some more why don't we make two more fields for the quick see if I can get this in a good spot I don't know that looks pretty good it's not gonna be perfect some of the things are touching that's all right so we got you mr. farmer man you're gonna be on one you were building trees now you we're gonna go on that far one over here now we have our far four fields farming rice no I couldn't come up with a rhyme anyway we got sixteen people now and we are gonna start doing some upgrades if I click on this I can start getting carry a weight up by two if I had metal we could do that but we don't have metal yet we have to start getting some attacks going on now I can't spawn in oak click on you and I can't spawn in any enemies or any not enemies what are they called I can't spot into any troops so we're gonna have to do this we're gonna have to get barracks pretty soon and we're gonna wait on that until we get our guys that are getting a bunch more wood in here we have our food that's going crazy so we should be able to spawn people pretty nicely this guy in the back appears not to be working there he goes actually you know what you go tree harvesting with your friends we have our throne that's doing well are you still working up here yes looks like everyone's doing their work except for that one guy who's here good the farmers are working nicely how much wood do we have no I feel like we're doing pretty good job of it 75 that's pretty nice I think where should we build the barracks set I like the idea of building the barracks like right in here I think that's what we'll do okay Carl is gonna bring me Carl and Brad I think their names are what are your names I don't know if you don't have names we're gonna go on a little adventure here it looks like we have all four of our fields finally upgraded we have our two houses working nicely and we have a hundred and seventy five woods who are about ready to build that barracks we're just got a run around ooh these guys will have the wood these guys will have the wood for us go go go I wonder if we can make multiple chariots and race ourself that'd be stupid nevermind I don't want to do that is that gonna give us enough wood I hope so 185 195 200 and perfect okay get off of here and turn the runway we're gonna go over here and we're gonna put in the barracks oh nice thing looks pretty cool looks really big I don't know how to turn things so I Q and E in the most wheel don't seem to work so I don't know if it's possible oh right click you know that would do it so let's turn it that way and we want this to go but right there oh that looks that looks perfect hey Carl and Dave get back here hey you you two don't run there we need to get you worker med go work on the thing Carl and Dave can you believe these guys hey let me up here go March troops you guys stuck inside so weird otherwise if you're gonna play this do not have somebody selected when you try turning something it doesn't quite work right let's get what are you doing hey you're stuck you're stuck there you go buddy they're all stuck oh great okay we're gonna take this guy cuz he's already working I'll put you over here too you want to get our barracks up and running pretty soon so there's some issues with pathfinding it seems maybe it has something to do with having multiple things attached oh you know what it is that's what it is there's no door fantastic I did the dumb is there a way to delete things control open change change game man well we'll be fine with this one we'll just learn our lesson not to put things together right away and perfect all right buddy let's go take you and start getting some more trees and now I think if I select this I can make spearmint and crossbowmen that looks really good to begin with a Spearman so I have seven places I think I think I'm gonna build up as many as I can of these that's three that's not too many four I really wish there was like a lumber mill that brought lumber back faster and easier all right this would be the last Spearman that we get used up all my wood and most of my food I'd like to give them more health but we can't quite do that right now so we'll wait for that guy to pop out and I think I can control them all fight ctrl-click yes that'll work all right people it's time it's time to go take out this guy that was over here we want my my army of warriors spear warrior dudes to come on up we're gonna go into battle I do want to know what's way over on that side of the world that thing could be cool to blow up whatever it is come on troops I hope seven is enough to destroy this guy Erik goes this will be awesome now if I remember right if we attack something all these guys are so big okay they're going in if we attack something we kind of start like the overall game attack mode oh that was pretty easy let's go over here now I think there's more guys over we can start unlocking some of the minds I think the stone mine is over here the quarry I guess it would be oh this guy's almost dead and the iron mine is on that other side I don't quite remember it's been a long long time since I played there's also shields and stuff we can mess with all right go my troops this is berry bushes up here get him destroy his life excellent maneuver okay and take up this guy good good good good so now we're a little bit safe Oh destroy him nice and this guys slow why are you here buddy we don't need you in our life go back and do your work go back harvest that tree my friend there we go I think that's the Goblin base over there or the troll base because there's a wall that's what it looks like to me so I'm gonna take my troops up here we're gonna see what we can unlock oh yeah hi there oh we got plenty of ores that's awesome destroy him destroy him destroy him got it okay let's take out this guy - no we don't want you Steve Steve go home buddy go home click on that there these guys did the work that's what we needed to happen and go over here click on him attack Steve Steve stop it Steve go home eat the tree Stevie eat the tree now these guys have repopulated a bit it seems did they kill him they did kill him awesome is there anything else over here to grab and I know there's a shield hiding somewhere but I don't exactly know where that is so I think I'm gonna bring our friends home that base does look really really really nasty uh let's just bring our guys back home and I don't remember things respawn or if they attack at all so oh boy they're kind of derped out we're gonna start building up a little bit more around home because we have a lot more resources now if I can find the right button yep we got a lot more resources alright we're back in our little corner of the universe I'm gonna unclick on those guys we've got a lot of stuff now we only have 16 I was 17 people so I think I'm gonna build a few more houses and if we build some more houses than I can spawn in some more people to start getting us I could build a few if I can spawn in a few people to start getting us some I we'll be better off because we can upgrade our peeps so build two more houses over here and oh boy these guys are so dumb right now if I would have known that the food system would be over these oh wow it takes some time all right they disappear over time that's good news I didn't realize they went away so we'll have to build some more up and then we can build them properly this time and our guys are running so far away to collect all of the loot yeah I want you well it's fine I'll just let them work on it together and they should since they're both builders they should be smart enough to go to the other one to scratch that they didn't okay Edward so now we can sponsor more workers in I'm gonna get I'm gonna do four I think yeah seven we'll do seven that should be enough and what's these guys spun out can I make a rally point I think so okay I need you over here I'm gonna start making supply storage things that's 70 we'll be finding that camera run up and since we have a lot of storage or a lot of rocks and stuff up here we're gonna put it in the storage first so our guys will just come in and it'll drop the storage in where's this other buddy where's my dude here you guys come up here and start building that oh I can actually click from that far away that's awesome where'd this other guy go here he is come here buddy now I want you to go work on that too it's another one and why don't you start harvesting net and I don't remember where the rocks are can I harvest oh there's rocks cool so I'll have rocks will have all sorts of stuff up here you can go rocks you can go mining we have some trees being built you are ready to harvest this I should put down Oh and then whatever nope nope nope nope nope everyone over here don't control click I'll just have everyone start building up there and I want you okay you can come up here and start building look at everyone everyone's building awesomely blitzes awesome base building adventure okay now you guys hey you guys start harvesting that you start harvesting rocks you start harvesting rocks we don't need too many rocks we need more iron and I want you to start harvesting iron too great let's take a long time for these dudes to hire our harvest iron they're just smashing away on that rock and no one's really doing anything probably need to get the upgrades to workers first that's my guess we have the stone coming in for once and finally getting some stone you know ten stone are you guys seriously you taken that long that's amazing I do have three workers on stone in like four or five working on that I'm gonna go build some more food plots looks like three food plots should suffice let's get those built up really quick farm and you know what it'd be great idea if I turn the opening one you Karl go in there number two for Pedro and the third one where's the door there's the door this one will be for I don't know Billy your name will be Billy go for it hey where's the third one go it snowing oh you don't have enough resources hey that's why they're Pedro you got it all right so I'll have three more fields up and running and I'm gonna click on these guys and take these guys on a little adventurous ride yeah mules go this way take me to the mines ha ha hello miners how are tho today now blitz is good and brings brings peace from the city have you guys eaten today good no you haven't there's no food for you you are eaten when you are you eat when you are born and you shall never have food again ah ok this is great so these guys are working we got a hundred now I think a hundred was the upgrade speed for things oh can I go down these guys are a little faster than walking so that's why I'm writing on the writing on them I remember right I can click on there ok we got 50 woodcutting let's do mining and then wood cutting and we'll see I should press the right button f is the wrong button ok we can click on this to 300 food we'll get that pretty soon and damaged as a hundred that's pretty good I like that alrighty so we got 110 wood again and not quite 300 food what we're gonna start up that damage and we should get this in a matter of seconds come on come on give me give me 300 move food give me 300 food you'd nuggets please please please any time now are you kidding me it was up so fast and it just stopped there we go 305 food and I guess they'll be working at the same time so our our guys are fully leveled up now we could do a couple different things I think we need an army about double the size but in order to do that we need to really need more wood we can make 10 more I guess we have to make houses so these guys are running a long way to make it lumber I was thinking about putting another storage depot up in here and then sending all of our lumber workers into this forest I think that'd probably be a decent idea if we could fit a lumber mill or a storage unit right in here Oh that'd be perfect yes that's gonna work then our guys are gonna run over there they'll work on that and we should be able to do a lot of extra stuff why don't you just go start working on that and you two you go work on that and then you'll have a lot of wood you'll be able to use the wood up in there rather than having to walk like six miles back to base now if I remember correctly we don't really need stone for anything else there's a stone for a four to five hundred stone magic well is gold we don't have any of that there's stone towers and wooden towers we don't really need any of that stuff because our objective is to go kill that thing so I could bring over all of the workers from up here once I have everybody then we can go down and bring them across and we can start mining trees like crazy there you go mine the trees okay now I'm gonna click click on you again and go back to base ride ride oh wait we got to go over here we got to go tell these guys that they have work to do by cutting down trees because our other workers they're running in they have a for us to kill and they want to do it okay let's get off of you figured out how to turn around got three more start harvesting trees right next to us please and you guys take me home to the Paradise City where the trees are kind of green and there are no girls to be pretty I think that'll work we have our farmers working well I could do another farm I think I think what we need to do now is really build up some more houses and get a bigger army and look at our our wood stockpile I'll go up like crazy there you go build on that one you go fast that's going on for 65 and the time that it took us to basically build one house so that's really good our food is still slow I think we could bring some people back to work on food production population cap is rising significantly oh I better run to the right place to do it click on you we're gonna make some more spearmen or to make 6 more spearmen here and we should get another one of these pretty soon we have not quite enough food oh there's another one ok so the food is gonna be the limiting factor right now I could bring my people back but I think we'll have enough to do some real damage on their fork we'll try anyway especially since I have a sword that I can hack and slash while riding on my throne I don't know I still don't understand why there's the throne in the game all right fellas we're going in we're gonna see how we can do I think there's one more spawning out of there where is it yeah there's one more almost ready I don't have any more food I got a bunch I got a bunch of guys so I think this could work and we'll select everybody I'm gonna click on you as well and we're gonna ride you into victory we're gonna go we're gonna drive this out go spear min Oh No hey you come - hey come on come on spear ends we so much faster than them good work tree forest killers you've done you've done the work and blitz topia or to make this Empire great again and we're gonna destroy that guy that's a treat or a destroyed theirs we don't want to destroy the tree I wonder if these guys can actually kill trees why are they faster than me slow down oh yes gonna go into the base ok hopefully yes go kill the Sentry click on click on you well hold up we don't oh there's the other one ok we'll kill that one first good job oh look I just got rekt and it kill this one nice work fellas let's go storm the base you too hey you too - you too - I'm nanotech good job click on this guy then and we'll move over you know what maybe I should get on my feet sees oh we're gonna destroy it or destroy this base so hard they won't even know what hit them ok go faster get up there oh boy that actually looks pretty dangerous how many are here ok get off of you yeah ha ha woohoo I need a hack-and-slash Oh doh Ok Go troops let's move in right oh I can't no control everyone Hey look at the little one I had destroy the little one good job destroy their base holder's the boss the boss fight kill the boss kill the boss now we switch over we're gonna attack this guy in our own ha ha ha get rekt get rekt get rekt get rekt nice oh boy how many are we losing oh we got him oh I got hit I gotta hit him going down going down men kill him oh there's gold here there's gold in them there hills all there's a crown get the crown yes after getting the crown the oak leader or bays you up sorry well we actually killed the work leader so attack wait attack the keep we're gonna destroy it and we're gonna win the mission I can't actually can i oh I can cut I can spawn in orcs now that's cool and baby goblins I think I think that might be it I don't actually know what's next hey I got little goblins come on troops we're gonna go this way I don't know what's in here but we're gonna check it out we got a big oh is he at my friend no he is Oh dirty come on men and goblin things or control guys I don't know what's over here I've never this is new this is all new to me oh and ER if the goblins a little worker or something see you're supposed to work on things what is over here this is another one another one ha I'm getting so many guys my life I have a feeling I need to go this way I don't know what's over here though Oh what is this what is this I see something I wonder if it's a dragon could it be dragons Oh or there's so many things here there's so many things to play with oh wow I need it in my life I need it all my life what is it this is amazing please be a dragon wow this is cool man hey but how am I so much faster than these guys I thought they were faster me before so there's iron and then these like these diamond things huh okay I don't even know if I this is I bet this is like the future for a boss battle or something anyway guys that is gonna wrap it up for today's video of no King no Kingdom if you liked it go ahead and check out the game down below in the video description the link for the Steam and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,473,570
Rating: 4.8887596 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, No King No Kingdom, No King No Kingdom gameplay, no king no kingdom game, no king, no kingdom, no king no kingdom gameplay, king, kingdom, kingdom simulator, NKNKS01
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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