Destroying The Moon With A 200 MEGATON NUKE in Astroneer

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well hey there welcome back to more Astra near in turn broke the game again look at him go he's so special in the ways of being special Oh anyway a little research deposit cuz that's his favorite thing to do in the entire world anyway you guys loved it that we made a explosives Factory in the last video so I thought today would be a fun day because we're gonna try to blow up the moon we just need to press this button a whole bunch of times to make more and more and more TNT and then once we happen of TNT we're gonna load it up on a spaceship and then the entire moon will go kaboom did he just steal I think I just stole another spaceship in turn come back here how is the sad day in the world when you run out of explosive gases and you can't make any more TNT and I also found this thing I have zero idea what it does so we're gonna strap on the drill and destroy another mountain and slam all the canisters into here make this thing go to clay then throw the clay on here so it automatically gets refined into ceramic add that with a little bit of resin and then we'll make it I hope it's not the same thing as this it looks totally different and by the power of editing we finally have this thing unlocked okay and then we click on it oh wait what automatic mass production protocol 27 days no rewards pending I'm gonna do it Oh what in the world happened good VR vision can I do this game in VR Wow what was that hello nice of you to drop by Wow what did that do what is it what happens okay so I need whatever that can I just shove a buttload of weird stuff on there and maybe make sprinkles happen okay if I put I don't think that's the right one nope nope just it won't stick oh but we can match the pictures I like pictures does that look right yeah okay I don't know what that does I'm gonna get it though okay that's the last one what do I need on top Oh tick quit oh you're gonna Wow okay so you got to put the things in it and then I have to put a hundred and fifty of those dump things in there just to get it just to get VR vision but does this seem right I'm gonna press the button Wow okay that was fun I think this is what's supposed to go on top of that no maybe not that one looks better I bet that's it glass and plastic I have glass and plastic that makes me build this thing up alright so if I shove that on top of this thing oh just maybe open it first that'd be a good idea yeah that's so cool looking I don't know what it actually does anywhere else we should maybe test that for science purposes I wonder if you can fill it with something oh if I put it on here no no no I put it on here I said and then right right on yeah Wow it went inside Oh magic it makes silly noises I like it you ready to listen real hard wow that was in my face ready and hey nice oh that sucks though enable output Wow I just spit it out that's so crazy I like that thing I didn't know it existed until now and I still like it but you know what I don't want to play with it right now cuz VR headset man we have dynamite to make we have a moon to blow up where's the moon I must have blown it already so there's also medium soil canisters which I'm guessing are the bigger versions of the little things that we just bar they right here so we'll combine the power of glass and plastic and try to make one and then see how many we can fit on the back of one of these dune buggies because I think this is gonna hold a lot more than eight of these so can I put this oh I can that's cool look at that thing how many does it fit status holds 20 for a large amount of soil oh my I need to make like 70 these four in turn to play with time to destroy a large mountain time to destroy it dead time to destroy it oh yeah oh this is satisfying Wow okay no joke this thing actually does hold a lot of resources I'm gonna be mining for like seven years but how get it out that's a question they don't have an answer to right now oh no oh no boom Oh what happened huh what a die I can't down no no no nope nope nope not not down not down is not the way up somehow I can drive up this is good no no no yes oh you know what let's just turn that off for a half a minute here yeah I think I found a cavern that was cool drive out of caverns I'm game this will work everything's going good right now no no no not down not down everything up up up we're looking up in life why am I stuck oh that's another layer of the cavern yeah okay we're just gonna no knock down further you dork nugget would you stop driving like that how do I get out of here okay we're gonna try this way and activate note that up up that's another layer of cavern Oh houston we have a problem it would be nice if I could see but somebody's blocking my flashlight with their face to this surface and beyond I'm like a land dolphin does that even make sense I don't think so so if I just put this over here does it work like I want it to oh yes it do oh my uh maybe not maybe it didn't work like I wanted it to do oh wait what's it doing it's oh it filled up okay so I could take this and make a buttload of organics oh yes oh yes and then all of these gets spent on organic land and then I could have the the grabber machine grabbed him are you picking up what I'm putting down I hope so why that terrain looks destroyed I did a good job I built a trailer it's really super cute and small and stuff oh maybe I can't hear actually it's not gonna work at all no no I wanted you to I think there's a bigger one I don't think this this thing's so small it's not even gonna offer any any advantage I'll put the RTG right here which is fine and then I'll put you over here so all I can do is just put the canister back that's dumb but I can't even grind it up ah here plug it in we're just gonna abandon it right and they old the Hall of useless vehicles so I'm wondering oh this thing isn't gonna work I really don't know we need organics in here right I just totally recognize that I built the wrong thing wow look at the power go through it it's like a racing game okay so this is this is might might work it's not gonna be fully automatic but we can make it as close to automatic as possible yeah so it's grabbing it beautiful so I just want to know if I slap this thing down yes I think this will work beautifully it's a bigger train we got to plug it in that way oh and then there's three places to put oh yes I love it yeah that's totally cool oh this is actually gonna be hard because we're gonna be driving through mountains and if we crash with the trailer it's gonna suck so if I put another smelter here unpack it and then turn it that way whoo like my big brain idea today oh it's full though wait you sit and if I grabbed you scratch just grab the little one this little green thing come here great just please if you know what on second thought I think I'll let it stay there that's a good spot for it and we'll take this and we'll slightly move that to be right here and it'll go mmm I like it I like it a lot uh-huh that looks good we'll plug that in we'll plug that in uh-huh you see where you're picking up what I'm putting down hey why don't you put that in my backpack that is against the rules stop putting that in my backpack dude chill I didn't know if you know you could do that yeah put it in that thing instead that's a better idea it will put this thing on here again uh-huh and we'll tell it to build more excuse me please oh so it needs oh it needs a thing okay that was weird okay activate it's working it's working quite effectively oh it's only doing one side that's okay it'll clog up pretty soon yeah and then I could just make more organics yes it's like it's double the power double the fun it's the great mid in the statement or organic burning fun not gonna lie I'm pretty impressed with myself the only problem is now I think I need four of these chemistry labs so what happens if I repurpose this thing here's turn this off for a second and then we'll just shove the things in here oh you have to be powered my dude you don't take you don't take it why don't you take it what happens if I turn that on really you don't take carbon why do you take no no no no no fine okay gate why don't you be nice to me do you take that stuff like if I put you there oh could I turn it around yeah like that and it will put this stuff in there suck it up there you go oh it goes in the top okay so if I turn this on to organics well that shove it directly inside of this oh it does that's interesting oh no it doesn't huh that was weird now I got a thing full of green stuff and then if I take one of these off does that put it down will that grab from here oh it does that's cool so I'm gonna have to have something that turns around and puts it in that another one of the arms that's a lot of work so if I take these chemistry labs and I bring them over here to this beautiful monstrosity I've created unpack that beast oh we need to flip her around like that uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh and then turn you on I think we have unlimited power oh this would be beautiful you need to go over here oh look it's in turn he came back just in the right amount of time I ran him off to do something special Hey yes that's amazing I need all the sulphur in nowhere I don't that was actually really good timing that's why he's a good intern we like him don't we unfortunately we're gonna have to auto feed this but that's okay yes good good job okay yes look at that aha he's doing emotes do it again yeah huh yeah oh that was good one fist bump all right so we'll put you over here and now we're just gonna have like an enormous amount of firepower happening Oh get up there yep yep actually I've forgotten I got to turn these on to making the explosive thing explosive power three explosive things working at once calm oh man I've actually ran out of storage space whoa it used up all of it it used it all up oh man okay we need we need just to keep rolling with the organics here I can up go it's just or jamming in the storage space everywhere oh hey we should make a little a little platform oh that's perfect right there good job can we put TNT for science purposes inside one of these like store it forever and then make a giant nuke no we can't that's too bad watch all three of these fight over it like right now and like this one got it so if I need to build another storage silo because we've filled this one up almost entirely think we're gonna need some more steel which means they probably need to melt down the beach ball I'll be honest we didn't need it anyway it was just for funsies and then we can get some hematite here although that's not even attached whoops I don't think that's meant to happen I totally forgot about this guy oh you ran out of stuff to extract so we'll print it up well plop it down and then fill it up again so my question is if I destroy half of the planet by mining it so I can get organics does that mean I like mine all of the worms on the planet cuz I don't really know what else is organic in the soil but I'm pretty sure I got every single worm in the game earth right now and there aren't any worms in the game so I just made that up entirely but I thought it'd be a fun idea look at all those TNT's lots of dynamite oh that's a lot beautiful I love it it's doing such a good job good job intern good job that's know that that's the right one I don't know this one yeah yeah yeah we're dancing so if my brain counts correctly there are 90 16 T's on each of these each have the forest of a ten kiloton nuclear warhead I made that up entirely but it should work you know what I should try something I didn't I didn't try this I should I should have tried this like two hours ago if I put one TNT down and another one down next to it and I go detonate Oh ready Wow hot day now is explosive that actually left a huge crater I think they both went off oh that's so cool yay goodbye mood this is fun I can steal intern hey wait come back I can't steal his dynamite he doesn't even know got it I have a science experiment again it'll be really fun okay ready oh that might be really close on second thought let's just wait until he moves again so I think the time has come to start loading up the spaceships we'll just bring this whole thing over yay I will confirm that this is one spaceship that you don't want to blow up on launch like sometimes it's funny to blow up spaceships on launch in a game not today not this one look at that it's got the forest of like a hundred bombs the Sun is rising on the third day and it's gonna be amazing all this is gonna be so cool okay we're gonna bring up you into here like so and then the final payload going on in and I think I'm gonna take off I think I think that's a good idea here we go oh we're strapped in we've got nukes for days oh this is great we just have to fight oh I think there it is it's so nice knowing you moon is that the moon where's the moon that's got to be the moon it's at the moon this is the moon hello friend nice of you to stir I am launched again so I can unlock there we go alright so I gotta find the right area I don't know where that is there's another spaceship right there this would actually be good because I would know where it is we're gonna go right here how did I leave a spaceship behind somewhere oh wait what okay I guess it didn't land there we go oh I've already been here there's something very satisfying about this you know I'm gonna do is I'm gonna build a beacon I think beacon comes from this nevermind quartz beacons are made from quartz of course they are who would who didn't know net okay so if I just go oh detonate detonate why don't you detonate really came why can't it blow up why can't I like hello hello I explode something game there what oh there goes you know what I probably should do instead of just tapping on it I should hold it down whoa right away run away everybody Adam oh oh this will be nice we'll just kind of put him down in the hole little bit ready ready and that's top Oh dirty okay ready and then we'll take we'll take this one and we'll put it down here and then we'll see what happens oh that don't do it okay and then oh oh that's gonna be big this is gonna be a big explosion Wow whoa I think that it went into orbit look at that yes Oh what is this from oh that better not be from my ship Hey look it ejected some clay into the world oh that was cool okay what happens if I do like this one right here oh that's a big that's a stinking big hole okay ready and then we're gonna do one more just for science purposes we have science happening here science is power knowledge and stuff oh wow look at the size of this hole even from four of them oh how am I gonna do this though Pat Forde a step back for days okay ready and then and then this one I can't reach it okay this is gonna be a bad idea jump back for days jetpack for days detonate and it's loaded I think it exploded yay go team what's that noise I hear dangerous noises oh my storage thing still works that's nice need that I need a bird for okay get it out get it out oh that's such a deep hole yes how much power do I have enough so now what we need to do isn't need to throw all of these down in the hole just cuz I need to yeah right down there oh it's so deep okay we're gonna throw them all down there and then we're gonna put in turn down there to to detonate it for us did I say that out loud he doesn't he's not supposed to know that he's not I'm just gonna tell him there's candy down there and he won't know how to get out because he doesn't have a jetpacks I never made him one actually I did he has one I think okay that's awesome is this the right hole oh yes there it is oh this is great and then we'll throw you in the hole and a final one in the hole and look look at all of our explosives down there that's gonna be a lot of damage flux tape won't even save this planet oh this is gonna be great okay so you're gonna go climb in here I think yeah we're a little bit short but we're also short on time so if he can get in that thing and I get in oh I think he did yep is it and then we'll throw these down in the hole yeah just like that and oh it's perfect we got oh I'll just you know what we can just throw the whole spaceship in there that would probably not be the best of ideas I've had worse ideas but okay that's great and then there's a few extras that will just kind of eat into the whole just like that and then yeah yeah if you want to do you want to jump in there I just kind of no note you you yeah yeah jump in the hole and then the press the button hold down F key it'll be fun hold up take off your jet pack though cuz that's expensive yeah there you go that's a good job and then anything else that's expensive no your life isn't yeah I'm kidding you're great so go in the hole and for science purposes go push the button on one and then you can record on your computer and all record on mine and then we'll have two perspectives of a 200 kiloton nuke oh [Music] [Laughter] well falling that's great you need a jet pack probably thankfully I have a free jet pack here here we go me too I guess that's what oh hey look we could wow how did something oh my word look at the size of that hole okay okay yeah he's out too this is great this is great somehow oh I got hit by shrapnel you know it's awesome I need that and that and that and then this dude Oh beautiful I like how everything went blue there for a little bit I guess that's the light before the eyes oh my word okay um I'm gonna go down woah oh this is a huge hole oh I died oh that's not good um well I guess that's the end of the video thanks for watching bye you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 610,712
Rating: 4.8540316 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, Astroneer, astroneer gameplay, astroneer game, gameplay, games, astronaut, let's play, space, video game, gaming, game, pc, lets play, base building, astroneer part 1, astroneer ep 1, astroneer trailer, astroneer release date, astroneer shuttle, astroneer planet, astroneer ending, july2020
Id: HVxdNR5mb50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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