Destiny 2 Lore - The Winnower just sent a message to us. This is what it said.

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[Music] greetings Guardians my name is B here so here's  a little line from the latest Bungie update which   was patch notes apparently the nocr ship at least  I think it's pronounced nocr and I'm going to say   knr for the rest of this video was missing its  LW Tab and well it's been added back in and I   guess that's pretty eat for Bungie to add that in  with the expansion and I wonder why it's the win   it's the win Bungie waited for all this time  for us to clear the raid and GM excision and   for everything else to go on and for everyone to  have their little self-contained wiw freakouts   to just drop another L Tab and it's just the  winw sending us a message specifically to us   so needless to say I'm mildly freaking out just  a little bit not only that but it's doing the   thing in the update where the villain takes over and momentarily takes over the update   text so uh yeah that's the kind of villain we're  dealing with that's uh I think only savathun has   done that before maybe the witness in a few  other bits I'm not sure with all that in mind   let's talk about the win what it said to us and  what it means for the future but first a word   from our sponsors at Star Forge a lot of you know  them very well at this point they make absolutely   fantastic PCS for Gamers on a variety of budgets  if you're looking to defeat the witness and save   the universe you might want to consider getting an  upgrade to your setup but for those of you of the   more tightened persuasion building one of these  yourself is often a Troublesome ordeal lots of   complicated parts and you can't just punch it all  into place that's why star Forge can create your   custom rig for you and save you a lot of hassle  trying to figure it all out with the expensive   PC parts they also have a 2-year parts and labor  warranty so no matter what you're absolutely going   to be covered go ahead and check them out at my  link down below thanks again to Star Forge for   sponsoring this video so let's sit down and  actually read this message from the win of first knr even the most perfect  of pearls has grit at its Center let's chat shall we one more nice sit  down for the books did you think you wouldn't   hear from me again after all this you'd have  missed me I hope and I would certainly have   missed you have no fear I'm not so easy to be  rid of now let me show you my beloved oh no   not my sedimentary necrolyte fossilized in time  you've seen that I speak of that dear and distant   expanse of the univers Universe miraculous in  its fullness and its emptiness all at once are   you surprised to hear of it yes I never much  cared for the change of rules but here we are   and there's no use in crying of a spilled radial  Laria besides at the heart of it all there was   a gift to me that gift is the chance to speak  with you you and a billion like you I am making   this offer over and over again in every tiniest  cell and the vastest of civilizations let me in   take what you need be at ease you have no say in  the degradation of your telomers but in all the   interim the whole world is your sweet silicate  shellfish you exist because you have been more   suited to it than all the others steal what  you require from another rather than spend the   hours to build it yourself break foolish rules  why would you love regulation it serves you to   cross lines and if others needed rules to protect  them then they were not after all worthy of that existence caricatures of villainy  are out of style I hear yes I am no   cackling Mastermind I am serious when I say this   it was not the trick of standing upright that  lifted you from the dust it was the Mastery of   fire the cooking of cold corpse meat that is not  any unique faction's Province neither good nor   evil it is simply truth it's great beloved Cosmos  always decaying always finding that same M lovely   pattern despite every candle flame burning amid  the flowers a billion electrons taking the path   of least resistance in darkness or in light  someone is always making my choice be seeing you so first of all how the hell do we know  that this is the win well if you've read unveil   you doubtless recognize the actual tempo of  the reading and the way the character conveys   itself but here are some really quick additional  context things when distinguishing the win from   the witness we always look at pronoun usage the  win uses I and the witness uses we this passage   is another one using I so this is definitely not  the witness not that it would make sense given the   context of what's being said anyway it has that  same incredibly casual pattern of speech something   that that has a familiarity or even a jovial tone  at times the same pattern of speech that you can   see in both unveiling and the communications made  to orex by whatever he called the deep within the   books of Sorrow that's verse 42 or 43 for those  who are interested the text references what was   said in the books of unveiling almost perfectly  as well it references the pattern that the win   saw constantly repeating in the universe over  and over again it references everything that the   wi has been on about this whole time so borrowing  something so convoluted that it doesn't make sense   at this moment in time yeah I'm pretty sure this  is the win and what a great bit of dialogue this   really is so let's first actually talk a little  bit about the meaning of a few bits and pieces   in this law reading so you can all understand  this just a little bit better and that starts   firstly with the actual name of the ship and the  flavor text this is all linked up with some notion   found in ell I believe the final shaped  collector's edition law book that came   with the physical collector's edition so we'll go  there and talk about that for just a second first   there's a moment displayed in that law book where  one precursor is speaking to another who has since   left their civilization and gone into Exile it's  on the cusp of them all becoming the witness in   the message sent out the precursor who is about  to become a part of the witness states that they   have doubt doubts and that they're sure that those  doubts will be the grit subsumed by the pearl of   certainty that is the witness for those of you  who don't know this is the process of actually   making a pearl grit within the center of an oyster  is covered in a secretion of a pair of compounds   that is rather shiny in texture and eventually  it will become a pearl those two compounds are   calcium carbonate and argonite and what do you  know together that substance with which makes a   pearl from grit it's called NR it is the outer  coating on the grit that you recognize a pearl   for but strangely enough all this has nothing  to do with the winow that's more to do with   the witness and the precursors and yet I think the  two are interl I don't think the name NRA and the   flavor text is just referring to the witness and  the precursors and inteli I also think that this   is a bit of a perspective check from the WIA I  might Al be jumping the gun here but I think this   is referential to the witness mocking the outward  Perfection that the witness supposedly portrayed   and yet that outward Perfection is marred by an  inward floor the grit that the Pearl has covered   up all of this is wrapped up in the ship's name  and flavor text and that is a lot of interjection   and speculation but I think it's an interpretation  that makes sense at very least and links the two   together the body of the text though is is where  things get really interesting the first sentences   are something akin to a friend reintroducing  themselves and if we're to believe that this   is the perspective of the win then this is  potentially a sincerely held belief it knows that   we have been carrying out its idea of brutality  in exchange for survival for a very very long time   and as it has said before in the unveiling law it  Treasures that about us it also assures us that it   isn't so easy to be rid of which yeah I kind of  hope so for the sake of it being a good villain   but also for the sake of The Narrative of Destiny  if it is the kind of cosmic entity that we believe   it to be the next and perhaps most confusingly  the witness references what it is referring to   as its Beloved the universe before clarifying  that its beloved is not the sedimentary necrolyte   fossilized in time before we get onto the win's  actual beloved let's talk about what the hell all   of that means and I'll be honest I don't really  have an idea of what's being referenced here in   concrete terms but I'm going to try I initially  thought that necrit were meant to be a form of   plant of some kind but looking into it further I  just had no idea what it was and I even went down   the path of wondering if this was an invented  word some combination of Acolyte and necrotic   I thought that that might be referential to the  witness and orx the two beings that the WIA had a   direct hand in creating in some way or at least in  influencing in the case of orex and well I still   really wasn't convinced on that one and I'm glad  that I did a bit more research because I think I   found something that makes just a little bit more  sense because it could be something that's just to   do with dirt and Earth straight up if you look  up necrolyte online literally only one source   even mentions the word and that's Wikipedia yes we  are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for   research purposes here without going to something  like J store and I don't have those academic   resources at my disposal so easily it takes you to  the word necrite which is apparently an offshoot   of necrolyte and necron knite is a foul smelling  kind of Feld Spar what is Feld Spar Feld Spar is   a kind of rock that's predominantly made up of  silicat and makes up the majority of Earth's crust   the Deep lore link here is potentially to the Vex  because they are silicon based life forms and well   that means that if you're looking for radial  area then maybe you're looking for Feld Spar   and the silicat that can be found within that  being said uh yeah I I I really don't know on   this one stays like this that make me wonder if  I should get a subscription to the encyclopedia   bratanic or not but regardless we press  on if this is about the Vex then calling   them sedimentary necrolyte Frozen in Time makes a  certain degree of sense and it might refer refer   to them as being the Vex of the black garden then  again the sedimentary bit might be referring to   Earth literally as opposed to saying something  along the lines of them being base if that's   the case then maybe it's talking about the black  garden something which the win and us will have   seen if we're to believe that that is the garden  from before time but again uh that's not totally   clear then again uh nothing about this is clear  I hate to say it I don't have that many answers   this could be referring to the black garden itself  for another reason though it's a structure it's a   place and it makes me think about the wording  that the winware uses here you've seen that in   reference to the necrolyte that it's talking about  this implies that what we're looking at previously   is an object as opposed to a person or a group  by the way I'm having equal amounts of trouble   piercing this one and it doesn't completely  matter because the wi is going on and telling us   about how it's learned to love something else the  Universe At Large it goes on to clarify that this   is because of the fact that even though it  disagreed with the initial creation of the   universe and that it might cause more suffering  it is now very content with the way in which   the universe operates and it sees the pattern  that it beheld in the flower game all over the   universe for those that don't remember the flower  game was the game played by The Gardener and the   Wier Before Time and its repetitive results were  the reason why the gardener wanted an extra rule   this extra rule created the universe compounded  The Gardener and win as Concepts embodying those   rules and caused the destruction of the flower  game the tearing down of the tree of Silver   Wings in the garden Before Time and The Escape of  the Vex so yeah it's a pretty big deal regardless   the wiowa now sees the pattern that it beheld  within the flower game all over the universe it   is that rule that must be strong and must take  to survive in this law entry the win is quite   simply imploring us to continue making the same  choices that we have before it wants us to keep   taking it makes a reference to something called a  telr which basically is to do with DNA the shorter   your telome are the more that you will age so yeah  it's effectively saying that one day it knows that   we will die but it states that in the meantime  in the interim the world is our sweet silicate   shellfish yeah that's just a transplanting of the  phrase the world is our oyster so it's saying yeah   I know you'll die but in the meantime take do as  you will the world is your oyster take advantage   of it it tells us to break rules that don't suit  us it tells us to steal from those that have what   we require it tells us to cross lines if those  lines are not serving us and to disregard those   that the lines were there to protect the wi were  in these last few moments is really celebrating   even with all the suffering that is occurring  someone out there is always choosing its way to   exist and that apparently is enough to make any  suffering from The Gardener's Choice well worth   it once again near the end of its message it  communicates the idea that what it believes in   isn't good or evil but instead is truth it  even goes as far as to say that it isn't a   villain and isn't trying to be some caricature of  villainy or some terrible Mastermind according to   the winow it cannot be these things because it  is simply a fundamental truth of the universe a   rule that was written in since the flower game  ended and then of course it says be seeing you   to end the message I think that you can look at  this as an active or a passive statement I think   the win is always seeing us if it is the rule  of the universe that takes precedent whenever   we might prove our might it is always watching  us whenever we crush a thrall under our boot or   shred a Vex with bullets or shatter the ghost  of a Lucent Hive it is always there as a rule   of the universe and so in this sense it's not  at all impossible for it to be seeing us but   there's also the active interpretation of things  if we are going to head out into the universe in   whatever happens in Frontiers and to explore so  many things things lost and left time I think we   might genuinely be seeing the WIA soon I don't  know if Bungie is setting up the WIA to be the   big bad of the next Destiny franchise but if they  are then this might be the note calling us forward   and letting us know that the world is about to  experience a radical change very soon a change   that starts with its arrival into the story proper  Mara and aora spoke once about the potential for   even greater challenges than the witness to be on  the horizon it's possible that the winow is such a   challenge there is one last thing I do also want  to talk about before we all go forward from this   though and it's this the line where the win states  that there is no point crying over spilled radial   Lara this is in regards to the choice The Gardener  made to add that new rule to the flower game and   the aftermath of that choice where the fight broke  out between the gardener and the win and where in   this moment supposedly Primal patterns rumored  to be the Vex escaped from the flower game into   the universe proper this has to be one of the  best explanations for the origins of the Vex   in the law that being said they also appear in  a different place in the law and that's within   the intell law book where the precursors mention  having access to Glass Minds which are capable of   eerily accurate predictions of the future and seem  somewhat similar in nature to the Vex remember   that these predictions went forward through time  and looked through all of space and well they're   glass mines fault of glass anybody that might be a  red herring But ultimately it could lend a little   context to us if we're going to try and piece  together a timeline of everything that happened   in Destiny's ancient history and age of Origins  but for now that is it whether it will always be   watching as an omniscient truth of the universe  so whether it will soon stand in our presence   as it did with orx the winware is out there still  waiting still watching but that's all from me for   now if you enjoyed this video go ahead and leave  a like and of course also remember to leave your   own thoughts Down Below in the comments section  I have no idea what to even ask you all for this   one this kind of came out of left field on a time  when I was taking a few days off just so I could   rest and recover a little bit but I mean well  it's definitely one of the largest law bombs of   the expansion alongside the line from the witness  itself in the raid stating that it is not the win   from all of this though I'm sure there are 10,000  questions or 10,000 different thoughts you may all   have so leave them down below and if you have any  more content that you want let me know about that   too and subscribe so you can see it you can also  hit the Bell next to subscribe to turn on those   email notifications but as per usual know that  your viewership is quite enough for me and that   in the meantime my name has been my name is B  parasia adastra I'll see you starside [Music]
Channel: My name is Byf
Views: 278,114
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Keywords: my name is Byf, Destiny, Destiny Lore, Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Lore, Final Shape, Final Shape Lore, Destiny Final Shape, Destiny Final Shape Lore, Winnower, Destiny Winnower, Winnower Lore, Destiny Winnower Lore, Destiny Winnower Message, Destiny Winnower is real, Winnower Messages, Nacre, Nacre Ship, Nacre Ship Lore, Destiny Nacre Ship, Nacre Ship Destiny, Destiny 2 Villain, Destiny 2 Antagonist, Destiny 2 Winnower, Destiny Final Shape Winnower, Who is the Winnower
Id: -kgnJ7Yozbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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