Elden Ring: Thiollier's Hidden Needle Is Perfect For Sleep Builds

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yo what's up guys chase the Bro here and welcome back to another Elden ring DLC build video today we're going to be taking a look at tial A's needle a new sleep weapon introduced in the DLC which is a fist weapon with sleep buildup that scales primarily on dexterity now what's really interesting about this weapon is it has a really good punish if you manage to put your opponents to sleep the sleep ever more Ash while being good on its own does a lot of burst damage when you hit sleeping enemies and it combos into a follow-up heavy attack I also thought I should mention the ash of War only combos in to the heavy attack when they're actually asleep if you H an opponent who's not asleep they're going to be able to roll away which is honestly pretty scary when you have a build centered entirely around sleep which is what we're going to be using today I also plan to use the Velvet sword of Saint Trina since it has a pretty useful Ash of War for building up sleep you just use that as an AOE towards the enemy kind of like chilling Mist but the Sleep variant I also have the spread crossbow on me with the Sleep bone bolts because it can instantly put enemies to sleep well depending on their sleep defense if they are using the Solitude armor I've noticed it has very high sleep defense so you're not going to put them to sleep instantly I would assume but you can with certain armor sets the DLC also introduced new sleep pot so we have the Eternal sleep pot which we use the ritual pots for and then we have the standard sleep pot which you use the cracked pots for so you can have a total of 30 sleep pots now it's a really good AOE for putting enemies to sleep that are camping in small areas or if they're aggressing you you can kind of throw it on your foot here and then run away let them run into the sleep once you do manage to put them to sleep the idea is to use the sleep ever more Ash of war and combo it into the heavy attack to try and finish them off that way as for the build the tialia needle primarily scales off dexterity so I'm using it on a 72 deck build and I have the minimum intelligence required to use it as for the talismans I'm using The Shard of Alexander to boost the ash of War we have S Trina a smile because it boosts your attack power when there's sleep in the vicinity which is going to be happening a lot with a sleep build and then the other two are kind of like my Staples I have the bulgo Talisman and the UR favorite plus two that's really all the information I have to share on the build I hope you guys enjoy the invasions lamenters jail hi guys how's it going what do we want to open with here I want to open with a little bit of a sleep pot maybe one over there as well hey guys nice I'll take the trade Madness for Sleep um let me heal the madness oh boy that's actually kind of scary I'm going to do this backstab man that look so anime I was so trapped there you guys messed up you really messed up Bon into Bonk oh man that does amazing damage on its own like you don't even need the roll catch and put them to sleep just just the straight up burst damage is good enough they're both taking the running attack into the L1 R1 sorry they got to both be close to sleeping let's do this they're rushing me so I see no problem with this no jumping actually kind of counters that in a way my sleep build up dude that's so sad oh that was weird it hit me I'm going to leave this little death trap we have going on here bong bong whoever chases me is going to get the crossbow sir I'm going to backstab that I'm sorry you must die he now we can have some sleep fun are you ready potatoes Bonk into this I didn't think trade it but hey honestly good damage out of him Bonk into this he's got to be close to sleeping honestly that armor though has amazing sleep defense the Solitude set so it makes sense that it took a while there fun fight though hosty summoning another Phantom oo they're probably R by the grace then this is interesting I'm seeing a team of three hello guys what do I want to do here let's go de defense I would say we'll get buffed up a little bit I see the redon in the tree I guess that's a bush Chase that's a bush this is for you you weren't as sneaky as you thought you were there Zach follow up in the backstab maybe oh no okay I missed the backx stab oh running attack what are you using Blasphemous I mean I always call The Blood Hound Fang the Blasphemous blade every time I don't know why I do that it's like a habit of mine all right I do need to put them to sleep going to do this Around Me Maybe oh that's good that should hit him right a little bit yep it made him fall unfortunate though back stab not a lot of HP on him he's going to go for the heal though maybe yeah there we go that in your general direction keep you guys busy the weapon itself doesn't have a lot of sleep build up so you want to use like small areas and sleep pots to put them to sleep and then when they do you get to do this well I would have but they have teammates come this way boys I could use the Straight Sword to put them to sleep though that's a good mix if they stay in it oh well he's dead Bonk dragon breath sometimes I forget that exists we're going to heal because dragon breath is scary so we're not going to ignore the dragon enjoyer then make sure we stay at of range all the time that's not a range where I'm going to live it though lucky actually I didn't do much damage there we go well if that's the case maybe we can shut down the dragon with the with the crossbow here nice it didn't put him to sleep though but next time we probably can what about you yeah it did put you to sleep how did you die give him a bow that's a good thing to do off the crossbow though it's a really good sleep punish once again I have been spawned in darkness took the time to recraft the pots because they're part of the build here he guys let's keep our Tia needle out here going I rotate around that oh I always forget about the followup honestly well he's out of FP that would have hurt a lot more if he didn't have Bonk how close to sleeping do you think this guy is I'm assuming not very close now he's basically asleep bad trade over though all though because wizard Behind Me Bon this does roll catch if they Panic roll oh you know what I don't know if that was tactical but it's scary because if you don't have the first part of the FP you can still do the followup seems like less FP use overall hey there want I just take this to the face oh that would have been good right here perfect you're probably going to sleep right yeah Bonk wait oh I think the enemy hit him instead of me no that's sad honestly this enemy is uh kind of detrimental to my health hey there you're pretty funny for staying in that honestly got to be close to sleeping right yep that is so satisfying honestly sleep everm more is a great Ash of War hey blue hey blue Bon that's for you this is my entrance it's nice and purple wait do you both have the dragon Katana yes yes they do that is very much so noted hey there do it again night sword punk I'm only one-h handing this okay I going to say where's my running attack can I Arc this just a little bit up oh too high well not too high for the host though host is like living in it say where's your bubble how long has they been there this does roll catch if they Panic CW two of those side by side doing that at the same time would actually be rough to deal with just because of the timing going try and wear them down here do it again fall asleep fall asleep do it fall asleep oh he's dead no HP in general will this roll catch off itself I was going to say but I ran out of stamina well fun fight Mr Blue a bowing blue wow rare well this is pretty dark where am I I don't see oh I see now hang on let's get the fizic going they're going to be coming around the corner really soon hi there guys this is for you I missed entirely but this is for both of you bon that was like a perfect block actually I don't know if on purpose or by mistake but FP oh you're asleep no I don't think I have time no I wasn't expecting that right then excuse me hey you pop My Bubble here ow that hurt oh my God the moon Veil tracked through there Moon Veil will always be scary we can confirm that that is truth hey my teammate hang on man don't fall back I need to I need to help you there we go this is for Moon bail you sto Mr moonil it is imperative that you stop it's hard to know when you're going to sleep somebody I'd say that's my issue excuse me you're not going to escape down that way back stab wait bleed huh hey blue coming in nice let's put this on where's the blue at feel like I'm hearing the blue oh there's the blue I knew I was hearing Buffs hey there no a honestly it's going to be tough for me to get the tiia needle when there's like three of them unless I get them all asleep at the same time booty nice oh two magic waves side by side is going to get difficult what what hit me was it the katana I guess so hey Mr Blue can I jump that I can that look pretty cool dragon breath is not pretty cool though at least it's not that damaging to be honest I kind of want to buff these Wolves and the samurai I love how focused on me the katana guy is it's my favorite punk punk oh that is some latency and a half I didn't even notice who Okay noted wait while they're distracted on him put them all to sleep T needle oh that looks so cool did I hit them both I think I did hey blue oh they quit out that's amazing I think they were a little late on the quit out though wow it's been a while since I've invaded the Ashen capital i I think I've died this exact way in an invasion before was having flashbacks to it the Scorpion River catacomb oh is this the one with the spikes yes all right now I don't know the map that well yeah I actually found them no way okay let's get some defense going here we've got some pots hey there he's like fall back man fall back there's sleep in the vicinity oh but there's also bleed in the vicinity hey that's actually cool wait I've never actually fought that weapon yet I'm going to run by you go ahead and do your bubble that's fine so I know how to dodge that now although I don't I can't really Dodge that from this angle here uh you do it again I'll be able to dodge there we go perfect okay so we're not going to fight in that room because that would be awful when the bubble can uh consume most of the room definitely going to invoke using the crossbow on them hey there y that works all right we reload that in case we need it later but I don't think we're going to we're going to put you to sleep with the hands man just he just did not to run away from me oh Millennia oh wait Millennial wait there's a blue here no you're not going to pawn me off on the blue really you you have no desire to want to fight me at all but you're fine when your teammates there like not even remotely a desire there you go you're swinging now that's all you need oh you died I think as you went to sleep yeah just using these doesn't put them to sleep well you need to use the pots the crossbow really anything else cuz you end up killing them before you put them to sleep with the needle oh bellat hello guys how's it going I'm going to put you to sleep I suppose and you to sleep maybe ring of light oh you did go to sleep no oh I didn't think he was going to fall asleep last second kind of gave up on it we going to do this right here though let me drink my physic I do have to say it's a lot easier to punish a sleeping opponent once they've been separated from their teammate cuz a lot of the time you're just going to get kind of punished when you go to do it oh that's a cool incantation Bonk Bonk hey and then you can do this I do love that roll catch wow that was damaging by the way see I just ignored the host see what happened I took tons of damage that's my own fault but it's all good now at least you can dodge these sleep my friend it's time for a nap that's a little nap trade put you to sleep I will bring out the needle I sense sleep coming punch punch a running attack light roll is scary you need to heal needless perfect ashore oh it can't catch light roll wow noted there we go let me do this into that oh we didn't need the heavy attack well fun fight s this o phula wait right above me well there's still the host oh someone was summoned okay so at least a team of two could have been three hi guys how's it going going to do this hey there hey it's the wizard sword I'm going to try to cut off your Escape oh God that's a rough time for you guys let me just bubble the banish KN here because it's funny jump in dodging the Blasphemous indeed into sleep perfect into this oh that's beautiful M of Eternal Slumber into sleep ever more kind of want Barefoot here to heal heal yeah and then into this oh you ruined my combo vanish Knight no look what you've done don't take the wind from me please damn oh that banish Knight was tanky or the host wasn't doing the best damage well good working with you man the dragon pit interesting a nice small area hard for them to escape my sleep hi guys how's it going this is for you guys look at the pretty purple it's gorgeous hey there oh I was rolling and it made me fall that's kind of funny poison hey come here what FK I wonder how many hits till he sleeps oh man that is scary I have to say wasn't expecting to sleep that early oh hey there's a teammate here oh are they playing off each other's like stat procs that's kind of cool cuz one poisoned me and then he had the poison Bloom let's do this we're going to put you to sleep my friend I'm going to go I'm going to try to cut off off your exit hey Palm blast this is for you man I'm going to cut off your exit here you're going to fall asleep eventually let's bring out the needle oh boy that's not good for him he took way too much damage we got the kill before he even fell asleep hey there this is a small area I kind of feel bad here but it'll be funny if you fall asleep I get knocked down sleep must be close to sleeping he's Panic rolling a lot hey there oh that is like 2 Hp we got the sleep as he died I was going to throw another pot to finish it with the ash of War but I ran out of FP wait a second this is the Divine Tower and I see the host I think or somebody if he's sitting there though he must have a trap I sense great Ambush ahead how are you down there without this being broken I just realized oh blue above me as well Hunter um let's do this are were you here anime blades going do this to put you to sleep that'll be cool sleep there we go into heavy awesome you needs to heal no heal for you though Demus I don't know what kind of plan you had here maybe he had a friend somewhere that didn't do something I don't know very random to be like standing here and not have the thing broken above faula oh no I haven't invaded someone fighting this dragon in so long well it's dangerous here but oh nice you guys killed it I actually prefer the dragon gone it causes me great pain usually nice I love that roll catch so satisfying especially since it's off like a running light oh you're wearing the rock shasa armor fonk oh that was a good Dodge wait what are you poisoned that wasn't me I didn't poison you probably going to sleep yep that's pretty cool I do enjoy doing that that is a great roll catch just overall I love it oh you're alive I thought you were dead Bonk not the best range though actually off the neutral R1 I think that Roll caught as well pretty cool all right those are all the battles that have for you guys for today with the Sleep build I hope everybody enjoyed the invasions once again there's my stats on the right the armor that I wore the Talisman that I used three at the invasions and all the different weapons that I used as well as always if you guys have any requests on a weapon you'd like to see featured next feel free to comment it below I do appreciate all the input you guys give until the next video this is goodbye I will see you all next time thanks so much for watching goodbye goodbye for
Channel: ChaseTheBro
Views: 224,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring pvp, elden ring weapons, elden ring katanas, elden ring builds, elden ring invasions, elden ring top builds, elden ring top weapons, elden ring pvp builds, elden ring pvp guide, elden ring miracles, elden ring sorceries, elden ring magic, elden ring weapon types, elden ring pvp weapons, elden ring dual wield, elden ring update, erdsteel dagger, elden ring fist weapons, elden ring dlc weapons, elden ring top dlc weapons, elden ring new weapons, new ashes of war
Id: qLuX6kpNzyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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