Destiny 2 Lore - The Story of Luzaku! The tale behind our first Hive ally!

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[Music] greetings Guardians my name is B here so one  of the highly appreciated parts of the final   shape that wasn't what people expected was  to see the arrival ingame of laku she is our   first example ingame of a hive Guardian that has  chosen to Ally her self with us or perhaps more   accurately to just not attack us on site she  has openly declared that she no longer holds   any Allegiance with savathun's brood and has  quickly garnered her own small fan base within   the community this also Sparks hope for us given  that a single individual standing against the   wellestablished way of their species is exactly  how we got our other allies from other species   such as mithrax and kitle where the elix generally  sought to take the traveler from us or were just   intent on Surviving mithrax instead strove to  prove that he could be our Ally despite the   stereotypes and while the cabal of the red  Legion tried to forcefully steal the light   or the cabal of Call's loyalists tried to buy  our loyalty with Trinkets and bobles kitle and   her ascendancy showed that the cabal could be  honorable and trustworthy allies so with laku   standing out as a prime example of of a hive who  might One Day become our Ally let's talk about   her and hear more of her story so if we want to  start learning about Luz zaku we actually need   to take a trip back in time and go back to the  witch Queen this isn't just for the moment where   Luz zaku and all the other Lucent Hive Guardians  were made in that point where imaru and the other   ghosts that aligned with the hive decided to  grant them the travelous blessing it's also the   first point in any part of the law where laku is  mentioned and she is mentioned in the Lucent Tales   law book this documents the perspective of various  Hive ghosts and their newly risen Hive Guardians   this is also where we see the perspective of her  ghost ulok her ghost is a very curious creature   ulok is a ghost who has adopted Hive practices of  old and scripture very closely including cluding   their practices of brutality ulok mentions ancient  Hive victories spoken of in the books of Sorrow   such as the victory over the harmony at the gift  Mast and he mentions the practices of the sword   logic going even as far as to encourage laku  to crush the ghost of a city Guardian but laku   quite notably for the law books purposes makes  a different Choice take a listen to the excert Rise Again laku aat rise and take back the  logic this herotic one in your death yes arm   yourself and lay low the guardian Scourge  The False inheritor of the light has grown   fat on your weakness to whittle him thin is  to make yourself strong yes he lies broken   just as the gift Mast but be wary yes  there his ghost awakens him again and   your Victory is soured mind the bullets  bathe in the metal rain and be cleansed   not drowned lift up your Shredder it is  your tutor in studying the shape of your foe iart again he lies in ruin and you learned  well your lesson yes seizing the ghost the logic   from this kill will make you strong with this  ghost you crush not only the foe before you   but every foe he could have been it is the whole  worth of him in your hand gaze upon it yes see   how it trembles so fragile hear it describe you  in your Victory take it now in this this moment   of ultimate truth grow drunk on Victory and  in rry know the worth of this thing crush the ghost why do you linger Luz zaku what is there to  learn with your eyes that you will not learn with   your fist do you not wish to be something real  something that lasts forever why do you look at me   children are curious humans are curious but  Hive are strong your understanding comes in   vanquishing the thing so do it no it's free  this is what you're speculating has wrought   laku you have failed and now the tides of the  universe will erode you into meaningless dust   all that you could have become has slipped  through your fumbling fingers the guardian   will return flush and hungry from his  death and then then you will be dead aat laku held another guardian's ghost in her  hands watched it squirm and made a choice to   let it go and whilst laku was there making her own  choices her own ghost was less than pleased with   her in this sense laku proves something that she  states in her own words later on which is that all   the hive are individuals and that even under the  duress of the worm blood tithes that they swore   to long ago they technically always had a choice  even if it is one that they'd often refuse to take   given that it would lead to their Annihilation  however in this strange moment laku does take   that choice to choose peace instead of war and  to leave a guardian alive despite her failure to   defeat this Guardian savathun would clearly still  see a use for laku and would demand service of   her daring service at that Luz zaku's goal was to  infiltrate a black Fleet pyramid vessel and stow   away with her brood infiltrating the pale heart  of the traveler and establishing a presence for   the witch Queen's brood there orders that must  have been given quickly given how speedily we   ended up killing savathun after she was was reborn  either that or raru ordered her to St away after   the events of the witch Queen but before the  events of lightfall we actually get a Peak at   this moment in the lore thanks to the first Ascent  armor set from the pale heart destination it's the   armor that's featured in all the trailers for  the final shape the helmet is what's relevant   to our story here today because it's from Luz  zaku's perspective so let's take a listen to that choose what you will become next light forgets Darkness remembers once  a ghost Was Heard to speak thusly this one   is laku here this one tells what is known of sky  sky is the breath taken between actions it permits   speculation it invites doubt it slips from sight  and grasp and yet persists this one's ghost would   have us yield to certainty he wishes to walk  the bladed path to seek Hive strength in the   witch Queen's abandoned logic whereby all things  prove themselves in Slaughter this one turns from   simple inevitability this one makes a choice this  one does not kill and does not die yet this one   exists ayat what follows what other choices are to  be made this one must know this one hides within a   blade ship of the witch Queen's great foe this  one's ghost is angry now but he remains in the   hollow where a worm once coiled this one senses  our Swift motion through the firmament toward a   center this one seeks sky in the sky there  are many paths in the sky there is change as if sensing the possibility of change it  wouldn't take long for laku to break off from   her own brood and make her own path when they  had all landed inside the pale heart much like   the rest of final shapes stories Luz zaku's story  is all about her choosing her own purpose and fate   it's a meditation on those ideas we see this a  lot in some of our first interactions with her   during the campaign when we're in the process  of unveiling the different loss sectors this   is the first time we go into the blooming deep  this is the first time we truly meet her take a listen this one is laku this one is not your enemy  what is going on how did you get here infiltrated   the black Fleet at the witch Queen's command draw  un here when the vessel passed the threshold the   sky the light calls to this one The Gardener's  touch is here brimming with life Gardener you   mean the traveler Drew you here are we not all  reborn for a purpose if this is a trick the sky   is too bright here for Shadows of deception do  The Gardener's bidding this one will not interfere   with its message Kate Crow we're clear for you  to transmat in this Fisher hasn't been infected yet laku thank you what will you do now  contemplate set plan this one's place is   here defiant to the all aged lie we all have  our purposes your stain to protect this place   and your kin they attacked us we are all our own  individuals this one cannot control them they do   as they feel is right this one does not agree  we should get back to Zavala and aora and tell   them what we found walk in the sky Guardians  laku makes it clear in this moment that she   has made her own choice to follow the Traveler's  light to a new possibility this is a choice she   has made independent of the rest of her brood  it's also a choice that could potentially have   been part of savathun's plans but it's far  too soon to assume anything if savathun was   able to predict that laku was going to leave  the rest of the brood then maybe her actions   do Play Into The Wider schemes of the witch  Queen but it's not easily clear to see now if   you play excision and face the witness in the  final climactic battle of the final shape you   can actually fight alongside laku there and in the  Queen's part two Adventure you can also find laku   fighting at your side near the very end I'm not  sure if that's relevant to savathun's plans yet   again but I think it is worth keeping in mind  for the future especially seeing as savathun   was trying to tip our hands about the combination  of the light and darkness in that moment and was   trying to prompt us in a certain direction if you  replay Luz zaku's lost sector the blooming deaths   you can also get some instances of unique dialogue  with other n PCS I'm not sure if this is all of   them but these four instances are the ones that  I managed to capture one of them is with Crow one   of them is with Mara one of them is with mithrax  and one of them is with our ghost take a listen   the sky greets you the Lucent hive's very own  Black Swan event greetings laku I am queen Mara   of the awoken this one knows of You Queen of  light and dark but this one does not know Swan   for our conversation it is a metaphor used to  describe an impactful unexpected event that is   later rationalized with the benefit of hindsight  you are an outlier I am guilty of rationalizing   giving a definition to your existence and purpose  to fit my own biases and what has the queen of   light and dark defined that you are a component of  a piece of logic I am only now beginning to fully   understand that you are a part of something  greater a component of a bomb yet to detonate   that in isolation defies knowing and in this  I concede to my own biases you defy definition   this one is intrigued by your perspective perhaps  we should contemplate these possibilities together   perhaps in time but I am not yet ready  to put my emotions aside I doubt many are the sky greets you I'm glad you're still  here I know there isn't much time to talk right   now but a part of me always hoped there would  be a chance for peace with the Lucen Hive but   it never felt possible a single raindrop is not  an ocean but a single raindrop can begin a flood   sometimes all it takes is one person making  the right choice to give others the courage   to do the same be the example perhaps there will  never be peace under the sky this one cannot see   the future but this one wishes for a better one  for all why waste this gift we were given with   hatred with conflict the sword was alive and  yet still so many choose to believe it yeah   even in the face of the truth that the witness  betrayed The Hive it's like they're too far gone   to walk back what they've become even the Lucent  brood we were not given Grace we were told who we   were what atrocities we wrought and many stepped  back into their old TRS forgetting really can be   a gift is the sky's truest gift Liberation  be safe laku perhaps one day the flood will come the sky greets you I greet you  in the light Guardian I apologize if   my decorum is lacking it is difficult to  trust your kind this one understands this   one does not judge it is how the humans  must have felt on seeing you tell of the sky yes that that is true tell meaku what is  it you are doing here contemplating the light   and this one's role in it the future is full of  terrifying possibilities this one feels both free   and Shackled to a destiny of others making a sense  of Burden I have heard echoed in other Guardians   yes so you seek to gain understanding through this  contemplation yes understanding of the universe of   oneself of one's place in the universe all is  possible in the light I would very much like   it if we could discuss this philosophy more in  the future I do not want this opportunity for   diplomacy to pass this one would like that walk in  the light do use well Guardian the sky greets you   laku you haven't rejoined the other loosen  Hive no this one seeks different truths this   one will follow her own path and savathun  is okay with that the witch Queen does not   desire control and yet freedom is a prison  and choice is a cage of our own making   I don't understand neither does this one but in  time all things can be revealed we'll leave you   to your contemplation then walk in the sky ghost  I think Mara mithrax and Crow's different bits of   dialogue with laku are the most interesting bits  here because all of them Point towards the idea   that laku is just the first of many any different  friendly loosen Hive that will'll meet and that   she is about to be one of a few individuals who  come forward at some point in the story yet to   be told and allow other Hive to make their own  choices combine this with the fact that there's   law suggesting that the worms of the Lucent  Hive brood in particular don't need to be sated   anymore by the blood tithe and that they're  instead consuming the light and its growing   within them and suddenly you've got a pretty  interesting story potentially in the making   the hive could be rigid traditionalists and stay  with their overlords such as savathun or zra or   they could be radicals and they could believe  that they have the ability to make choices for   themselves just like laku I don't know if we'll  see something as dramatic as laku breaking away   to form her own Splinter brood but I certainly  wouldn't rule out that possibility and I would   definitely see it as a cool possible side plot  that could play out and even be the entire story   line of an episode somewhere down the line for now  though that's the law that we know about laku the   first friendly Lucent Hive Guardian that we've  ever fought alongside properly if you enjoyed   the video today go ahead and leave a like and also  leave your own thoughts Down Below in the comments   section tell me simply this do you think we can  trust laku or any other Hive for that matter it's   been discussed a lot at depth but I want to go  ahead and hear your thoughts also if you want   more Destiny law content hit subscribe and the  bell next to subscribe to turn on those email   notifications but as per usual know that your  viewership as always has been quite enough for   me and that in the meantime my name has been my  name is Basia arastra I'll see you you star side [Music] [Music]
Channel: My name is Byf
Views: 143,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my name is Byf, Destiny, Destiny Lore, Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Lore, Luzaku, Final Shape, Final Shape Lore, Luzaku Lore, Luzaku Final Shape, Final Shape Luzaku Lore, Destiny Friendly Hive, Destiny Allied Hive, Destiny Hive Allies, Destiny Hive Ally, Destiny Allied Hive Lore, Allied Hive Lore, Luzaku Friendly Hive, Luzaku Friendly Hive Lore, Luzaku Hive Lore, Lucent Hive, Luzaku Story, Destiny Luzaku story, Luzaku Final Shape Story, Luzaku Allied Hive, Luzaku Hive, Savathun
Id: orsIDN70-84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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