Destiny 2 - The Final Shape - How to get Khovstov Exotic Auto Rifle - Step by Step Guide

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hello Guardians it is ebontis and we are here with your complete walkthrough in guide for how to acquire the kastav there will be time stamps for sections so if you're looking for any piece of it I'll have them labeled what you're going to need to do is you're going to need to go through the pale heart and you're going to need to find all of the regional chests then you're going to need to go into each one of the cysts that are related to the alonein thee dark um ghost Quest through mic tin you're going to have a combination of the debris you search there and the regional chest to get you a altogether 15 total U data encryption bits that way you're going to be able to get the legendary version of the gun once you're done with that you're going to need to do overthrow uh enough times in each of the main three zones to be able to defeat each one of the bosses that can spawn as a level four boss and then you're going to need to go find the eight visions of the traveler which are the little small traveler looking things that are spread throughout the entire destination as I said time stamps are going to be in here you can jump to what ever you need but when you get done with everything I show you here the kastav will be yours and it's actually a pretty legit weapon so let's get going for the first set of regional chest we're going to head to the landing we've got one down here kind of south of the opening part and we've got these two on our way to the Eastern section and one's kind of down in a cave one's up pretty high as you're exploring some of this stuff I do advise putting on the grapple it's just going to help you be a bit more Mobile in moving around but I'm still going to try and show you guys how to get to these with without using that this one's a bit bit tricky so if you jump up here on this hand work your way up onto these kind of leaves up here you can actually land up here and kind of work your way through the back of this little tree line area kind of come up over this and then up here you can also just grapple up into these windows which I'll show you from the other side but then we'll come in here and our regional chest is tucked over on this left hand side so that's lost encryption bit we're going to be acquiring more of those but yeah this is the big one though if you just grapple up in here from the ledge it's actually pretty easy to get up in here let truly just one two grapple up in and then just time your jump right and you're good so that's the easier way but I figured I'd show you for some reason you don't have grapple on when you're doing this you can still get it done okay we're going to hop on our sparrow and we're going to head over this direction makes your life a little easier technically I think I probably could entered the Tel from either side but if you come over to here and you see this tunnel that passes through so you could exit exit or enter from either side over here just so you can see my location I'm between the two Chest locations you're going to get to this point to where you can actually go down you'll see a feather that'll be a separate video so we'll come back to those another time but down here is regional chest number two and then as we exit wave to the feather which we'll get for a separate video and then your third one if you just kind of keep exiting out towards the east yep to the east back out to this section where the bridge is actually at it's usually a pretty good point of reference for you if you get to the bridge in this kind of middle platform between the two Bridges you're going to be going down to that platform down there so a point of reference on the map just a little bit over here on the bridge going to jump on down to here jump down below we're going to go underneath Crouch down underneath to make sure you can walk it and Regional chest number three will be right here under the waterfall so that is 3 for three for the landing next location so for the blooming location Regional chests we're going to go straight from The Landing Zone we're going to hit the one to the east cuz it's kind of right underneath the cave entrance where we are now then we're going to go grab the two to the West so you see this tree right here with the V and these two big split branches just jump right underneath it and we're going to go into this cave just ignore the overthrow going on right now and this is just the back entrance to a cave you've probably been to between the quests and the story and everything else and when we come in the back end you're actually much closer to where it's at so from here you're just going to head left and it's actually right up here so over here to this Edge and that is number one now when we come back out you can just exit from here and then we're going to head back to kind of the middle of that top section where we just were you'll see many overthrow events take place there if I don't die trying to get over there that is yeah so you'll see a lot of overthrow events going on over here we're going to go on top of this ledge over here to the right and we're going to grab the chest which is going to be right over here in this corner all right so from here what we're going to do is head back this direction and it's actually up in a tree and it's this big one right here it's just kind of easier to drive on level ground and then we'll climb to the top and be done with this region so you can climb up here climb up on this tree keep going vertical and you're literally just trying to get up over the canopy so you can see it right up here in the top hopefully it's almost probably worth trying to land on it there we go all right land on that and that will be number three and that is regional chest for the blooming check now we're going to go to the impass all right so for the final three regional chest we're going to get these two up in the north section of the impass then we're going to head down here to the bottom so first one is very very close to where you spawn I think you spawn facing this tree so just do kind of a 180 you'll see this big square-ish looking gap down here and you'll notice there's some stair steps down here so this is where we're going so we're jumping down here and it's right down here on this ledge grab your chest that is another lost encryption bit trying to get all of them two more to go next one is going to be over in the little pyramid structure it's actually on the very top of the pyramid there's probably 20 different ways you could jump up there I'm going to show you the way I found the work for me so however you want to get up here either through the middle or up top then I jumped up on this one two three got a nice grapple then onto the face up here got a little landing and we're on top of the pyramid probably not going to have a smooth Landing as I fall down there's a feather up here by the way we'll get back to those separate video and we can drive our way out of here without dying we're going to head to this bottom corner down here so you're going to head kind of like you're going to the last sector but we're going to head into the back corner where you may have done some overthrow stuff before all right so back here by this pyramid area probably have seen this before so if you're on a map and you want a point of reference of where I am I'm kind of right here next to it so if you jump up this ledge and you're back here where these enemies are you've actually gone too far so what you want to do is turn to the left come back to this little Valley as you walk up the ramp here and then you'll see this little opening right up here jump in here and we're going to grab our ninth of nine and then at that point we found all the regional chests and now we're going to move on to the next step so after you gather the nine Regional chests and you get your nine lost encryption bits we're going to need a total of six more now the place that you get the final six lost encryption bits are going to be each one of the cysts if you can't see these on your map it means you have actually not done the mtin lost ghost quests called alone in the dark and there are six of them that you need to go through and if you finish one and you go back to mik atin conduit and you go to pick it up again you're going to see how many that you've done if you're partway through that's totally fine as you get to the next one just check the next sections of the video and pick up the ones as you go through those cysts if you've done them all you'll see your map to look like mine so you'll see assist activity just next to The Landing you'll see assist activity just next to the blooming and assist activity just next to the impass basically the way this works is from each main Landing Zone as you keep heading east into the cave like a that's going to hold the in between zone so like the refraction there's going to be a bird sitting out here and if you've done all of the quests you've been through these before you know the bird I'm talking about but it's going to allow you to switch back and forth because the bird at the entrance to each like Zone is going to be able to be switched back and forth to activate different cysts so for example here in the blooming right now the cyst if I just go into the cave head to the seclusion the bird is going to be guiding me to the Slayer cyst well if I've done that one already what I can do is I can come out here to this bird and I can instead activate say the Searing light cysts now you'll know you have activated the different one cu the bird will actually change position kind of close to where you are and then if you bring up the map you'll notice now the Searing light has shown up so if I headed this direction and then I followed the bird that we would be down in the cave it would take me to the Searing light cyst activity now in each of the six different cysts two two and two from each location you're going to find one more um lost encryption bit and it's going to be in a pile of De debris so I'm going to go through all six of them the last one I do is going to turn the Lost encryption bits into the next piece for the quest we need so let's go through all six different cysts one quick thing I will say is you may not know exactly what cyst that you're in but if you go through and you see and I say like hey in the sword Dany this one is involving a sword moth infested there are moths everywhere searing light it's where if you're in the light you get burned Slayer is basically just beating a bunch of bosses smothering darkness is the weight of darkness and the aerial Ace has the blights on the ceiling so hopefully that helps you figure out which one is which all right so within the Slayer cyst uh this one is inside the seclusion if you want to see where I am on the map it's kind of up here in the seclusion and this is the one where you're going to fight the Lucent Hive you're going to throw the orbs onto the ogre to break the shield every third you got to get a new orb however you get it it's up to you and then when you're looking for the data packet or kind of the debris to pull the data packet from in this room turn around till you see this tree in front of a cave so you'll know it's like it's not that one it's pretty wide open it's not going to be up high it's truly like if you're standing on the ogre spot where it died come over here where the tree is got some roots on the wall got some roots and growths over here just follow the tree around to the back side you're going to find it right down here that's this one for Slayer and next one all right so when you are in the smothering Darkness cyst it's going to be in the transgression you'll have come from the impass gone East and then gone South down here one obviously with all the darkness the weight of darkness and jumping around when you finally killed the boss wherever you end up killing him you've got two kind of main ways to go so you've got this like teal light and the purple light down below or you can head back this direction towards this kind of purple overhang light towards this cave this is the direction you want to go and as you head this way you'll have kind of a couple platforms to jump on and you'll have what almost looks like I think the exit or a way out and at this point you'll see this big pillar you're going to look over in this corner and just kind of drop down to the floor which you can actually get to now because the floor is no longer all Darkness covered go ahead and search the debris and that'll be the Lost encryption bit for the smothered Darkness cyst all right so inside of the Searing light cyst you're going to be in the seclusion kind of on this North Side area and this is where you're fighting the ogre and obviously the Searing light the burning light if you stand in hurts you what you're looking for is you'll see kind of the blight orbs over here on this side if you do about a 180 you'll see a faintly kind of purple lit cave this direction then as you get closer it's very lavender colored and then if you turn to the left and you kind of come up this hill in the corner you'll find the little pile of debris going to go ahead and search that and we're going to get our next lost encryption bit all right Guardians so for the aerial Ace cyst you're going to be coming from the impass interacting with the bird following it to the transgression and then going south kind of once you're in the orange foggy area just fall the bird it's much easier and then once you clear everything out and you've got all the bosses killed and it's calm you'll see one purple rock that is angled like this what you want to do from there is do about a 180 and you'll look underground and you'll see the lava that's a little bit lower so what you're looking to do is get to the back of this area it's a little tight but if you can make a jump or two you should be able to land about here then we'll go ahead and get across the lava if you touch it it's fine if you die it's not the end of the world and then when you come up to right right about here stop turn to the right and you're going to find this tiny little cave that is just so easy to walk past due to perspective so going to crouch in here and our debris is going to be right here to search and we're going to get our lost encryption bit again this is for the aerial Ace cyst and on to the next all right so for the moth infested Cavern cyst which is going to be coming from The Landing probably if you're going to follow the birds you'll go through part of the refraction and then going to take you on a bit of a detour I'm here currently on the map near the beginning of it and you can see this is pretty towards the beginning so you'll have a little bit of early fighting in this room here this is where you kind of land down and then you'll proceed into this room with the first platform that you've got to hold down while things are coming at you well from this room what you want to do is actually go down from the entrance down here to the left and then eventually work your way down into this cave straight down just right on top of it and you should be here so that's the Lost encryption bit for the moth infested Cavern and that's in the landing and again if you get down to the bottom floor and you can see the stairs just turn to the left and you'll find this cave so either way should be able to find the debris down here all right so for my last one we are going to be in Sword dance you're going to be in the second room where you actually are breaking the crystals that look like this where you have the sword you got to break the crystals I've killed all the enemies now you'll be able to proceed forward but what you really need to do is go down here follow this tree branch and jump on this platform and we're going into this entrance way over here now I've already broken the uh debris right here which we'll need to break some debris to get in and this will be my final piece of uh lost encryption bits and you'll notice it will turn into a legendary lost encryption bit so let's get on to the next piece of the quest all right so when you pick up your last of the Lost encryption bits from the cysts and also the regional chests you're going to get the Lost encryption code now what you're going to want to do with that is you're going to want to head to the divide and we're going to go pick up the legendary version of the weapon and you're just going to head sorry you go to the impass misspoke but go to the impass head to the Divide easiest way is just to kind of drive straight on through everything and it's not that far away just head into this doorway and we're going to go pick up our weapon after that we're going to go grab Moes of light so we can go work on the second part of the quest but I'll get to that here in a second but this one very simply is just run right in here from the impass into the divide and when you get inside this little area do a quick U-turn and you will use your lost encryption code on this chest that you've probably seen multiple times so this will get you the classic legendary version of the weapon and now let's work on the second half have the quest so you can turn it exotic all right so after you acquire the legendary kastav from The Divide and you may have already done part of this you need to work on collecting Moes of light now there's a total of 17 that you need I have already got nine because I'm doing a lot of overthrow now what you're going to need to do in overthrow is you're going to need to beat each boss one time and there's a total of nine of them between the three zones so three different bosses in the blooming three different bosses in the pass and three different bosses in the landing now there's no way to control which boss that you get these are the ones at level four so you're just going to need to do overthrow in each Zone enough times to get the different boss that you need to show up so if you've done two of them and you need the third keep doing overthrow until you get that third one to show up move on to the next Zone once you've beaten all three of those that will give you nine Moes of light total now the other thing that you're going to need to be doing is looking for uh the little basically the little floating Travelers that are hidden all over the place now the first one if you go to the lost city and you exit out the back as you head towards kind of the lost city outskirts in the original spawning Zone you guys see where I am literally that's the doorway you come out here from the tower and this should look familiar to a lot of you once you get back here we're going to head to the right over this direction and one thing I do recommend when you're going for some of these is to bring your grapple with you it's just going to be an easier way to get around the The Zone and what we're going to be doing is heading right back to that waterfall back there so you'll have a couple of grim couple of husks you can skip them if you want to or if they let you still a Titan even though I'm playing a hunter what can I say but it's this waterfall back here it's actually pretty easy to reach on some normal jumps and then you'll see our first one of the traveler right here and we've got I think seven more to go all right so the mini traveler Loc ated in the landing is probably the easiest one to find this one is going to be just off of the spawning zone so when you begin turn left and you'll literally come over here and see a waterfall and it's just tucked around this corner hanging out right here probably the fastest one to get to all right so for the moat from the traveler in the refraction you're going to need to start in this room and I'm just trying to give you a path to get there but you'll just kind of head down this way as you would be heading through the refraction skipping through this little Z with all the th then when you go outside I already killed the um streer out here so you may or may not have one of those may have some ogre in there but basically what you're looking to do is look down and you'll see this tree right about here and then you'll see a path that actually comes lower you're going to follow this all the way around to the back and then over here in this little Lake Area you've actually got another little vision of the traveler right here so here's your next moat now the next two traveler locations I'm going to do together because you may as well do them back to back so first one is going to be in the blooming going to be right here facing towards the seclusion and the other thing you're going to want to do is when you head this direction and I'll show you just to be sure you're going to want to make sure the Searing light cyst is the one you have active so you can follow the correct bird but from here if you're facing the big kind of glowing door area we're actually heading way up in that tree up there so if you come this direction you can actually make the climb just straight up in this tree if you've got grapple I've kind of jumped across but this one worked just as well and the jumps here are a little weird they're not always going to be the smoothest so if you miss one that's okay I notice kind of getting up in these tree chunks helped a little bit but if you fall out that's totally fine from here I was trying to just go about aim there we go oh come on there we go that one grabbed once you get up here it's pretty easy make a little jump up here walk your way up here make a little hop and then here is your traveler for this one all right so once you've listened to the lore we'll come down here and we'll check which bird is active so the bird you should see is the one that says activate cyst layer because that will mean you have the Searing light active if not switch it over so you know you're make sure you're on the correct one we will head this direction and not too far to get down here you just barely have to walk into the cyst you don't have to do the whole thing which is nice run down this path you actually can drive it if you uh bring your Sparrow properly can head on through this direction and as you head down here the bird is going to be facing to the left into this portal go ahead and follow it in so once you get inside you're going to head up this way just take care of any enemies that are kind of in your way as you go you're going to have the Knight sitting in the tunnel here waiting for you and then you just got to shoot the three symbols well there should be three maybe I shot one already on sheer accident well there's normally three and they're just around the walls around you shoot those three once you're in here you'll have just a couple of enemies on the way from here carry to the air don't go all the way into the room with the glowing light just going to stay right here in this room so when you see this tree and the opening turn up to your right just kind of behind you so you entered through the purple area do kind of a quick U-turn and look up above yourself and then up here you'll notice as you walk around this corner we've got another traveler all right so if you're looking for the one in the Divide my recommendation at least this is how I always tend to go here because otherwise you're going through the blooming through the seclusion then into the Divide takes a little while so go from the impass go through the Divide until you get to the snowy part then turn to your right and start ascending back and forth and back and forth all the way up the mountain now you'll go through this section there was a decent combat zone here in the actual like campaign you'll go through that little Valley come all the way around and you pop up to this area pretty sure there was like a subjugator up here or something but it should look familiar if you've done the campaign so when you're up here all you want to do is instead of heading down into that tunnel to kind of keep going through the Divide you want to head over here behind what looks like this kind of busted satellite dish jump over and your traveler Vision mode of light will come from right here all right so for my final two Moes of light we're going to do these together and then these will actually convert the Moes into something else we're going to go first to the one right over here in the corner of the impass and then we're going to go all the way to the end of the transgression basically way out here um so first turn around and head towards the transgression from within the impass itself and we're going to kind of head over to this Temple area skipping all these enemies and you probably have seen this one you may have picked it up already but it's the one that's actually inside that Circle kind of hiding in plain sight sort of thing I kind of like how they did this one and then we're going to head all the way to the end of the transgression so I know this is going to be a long part I'm just going to jump up and grab it maybe it's probably a little easier up here all right all right so from the Temple we're going to head into the transgression we're just going to run all the way to the end sorry this one's a bit long I might actually speed it up a little bit but so you can follow along we'll see how it looks if it's sped up then the voice probably won't carry over because it's going to sound a little bit weird but if it doesn't feel like it's great to follow we'll just keep it at normal pace so here we go I am also going to use a grapple here just to kind of jump through a couple of these zones and speed this process up makes the life of getting through areas a little bit easier I'm not fighting any enemies though just running by everything no need for that may as well make this part of the video as short as possible because it's not going to be short got to go through this one too still not quite there going to travel up here we're going to exit over here to the right and we're finally close all right so once you're past that area we're going to head out in this direction to almost the very end then when you see these two pillars that look very close together start heading over here to the left you'll see this kind of red horizontal light on the wall this kind of tree that looks spired up this direction if you're looking for a map position I am right here at this current moment and then if you jump up behind here we should be good so I got the primordial mode of light now to go to the next step of the quest all right so at this point if you have gone through and acquired all of the Moes of light that's going to be from the nine bosses from all of the overthrow activities so three in each main Zone if you've gone through and also found all of The Travelers Visions the little kind of traveler guys that you interact with and get some Lam when you have all of those all 17 you're going to get your moat of primordial light also you need to make sure you've picked up your legendary version of the K kasta of Auto rifle at this point from here head back into it's like the arbor of light basically the tower in the lost city you're going to head over here to the left and we're going to go to the speakers room if you ever played Destiny 1 you'll know this one and this is where we're going to finish all this up come over here H I actually really like the growth for the sweeper butt that's pretty cool and once you come in here if you've acquired every vision of the traveler you'll be able to interact with all of these so just come up to each one and place the vision of the traveler here there we go so when you have all eight you'll see the chest appear and then if you have the primordial light and the weapon itself you'll be able to open up the chest that will you get you the Exotic version you'll still keep the legendary but now you'll have the Exotic version of the kav bav with the eyes up guardian and the right sh seventh bullet bouncing perk from there go enjoy the weapon if you enjoyed the guide I know this was a lengthy one but hopefully this was beneficial to you drop a like below uh if you have a comment say hello if you have a thought about anything I didn't hear throw that in the comments if you want to support the channel subscription is always a nice free way to do that hit the alert Bell if you want to see more from me and if you want to come hang out on Twitch ionas or Twitter as well thank you very much hope to see you in the next video
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 104,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Exotic Quest, Where to find Visions of the Traveler, How to get Khvostov, Khvostov 7G-0X, Lost Encryption Bit, Lost Encryption Code, The Pale Heart Regional Chests, Cyst, Ebontis, Overthrow Bosses, How to get Khvostov 7G-0X, How to get Khvostov Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Khvostov
Id: 0-I6pBG45aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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