Destiny 2 - XUR June 14th - How to Earn STRANGE COINS (Even Faster) - Favor of the Nine

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hello everybody it is ebontis and Zur is in the tower and he always will be on the weekend so he Friday reset until reset happens on Tuesday he will leave the tower so Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday for 72 hours he is not in the game for the other 96 he is and now he is always going to be in the tower right over here basically opposite of icora behind the ramen shop now this isn't going to be a full run through for Zur I'm going to cover a couple of quick things we've got the aralis Catalyst still decent weapon but I don't feel like it's as popular bad guju can't think of the last time I used it decent lucky raspberry decent hard end most light I don't love the stat distri distribution as much but you could definitely do worse if you throw a uh what am I thinking of resilience mod on there you're still going to be sitting pretty good nzx sin is not good stats and you're going to be able to rank up Zur when you buy different things um I bought one exotic and it literally took me from like rank one to three or four when you rank up you're going to get ingrams those are going to be powerful not Pinnacle and eventually you'll be able to get an exotic Cipher when you reset his uh reputation so if you build up coins you'll be able to do that pretty well now the big thing is where do you get coins well right now and from what they've said in the twid it is going to be from here here and here Gambit you have the whole one option so just Gambit in Crucible whether it's iron Banner whether it's trials whether it's regular Crucible and then in Vanguard it could be Nightfall Vanguard Grandmaster or Onslaught those are the only places where you're going to be able to earn strange coins now when you play early on Crucible match is given like two to three depending on a win or a loss that felt like um strikes giving four it's going to be a little bit slow just to buy one exotic it's going to take you you know 11 strikes potentially at a minimum or more Crucible matches if you're a little more balanced a little mix of both is not a bad thing and on what is the giving the most reputation you might spend some more time there now your goal with Zur is actually to be able to earn more strange coins and earn them faster now the strange gear offerings here is just where you still find your weapons he's got three exotic weapons now I don't tend to think most of Legendary Weapons anymore unless there's a very specific one that you can buy so you can unlock a crafting pattern but there's not a lot of the there's none in there this week so I wouldn't worry about that the armor is okay like for the hunter that I'm on right now you got a decently you know spec PVE piece of gun lets here but when you come over here to the strange offerings you've got these strange repeatable offers what that will do is truly give you a whole bunch of random you might get a random blue I've got an upgrade module enhancement core it is probably truly just a random roll of just about anything in the game I don't even know if you could get an exotic through there I have a hunch you might it just might be a really really really really really really low chance so if you buy the strange gift like spend a couple coins in here CU why not let me know if you get anything cool now you can buy enhancement cores you can buy enhancement prisms if you have the strange coins you can buy glimmer in here of which when you get glimmer buying you know 57,000 glimmer for like 11 coins actually this is your better deal if you ever do it so please don't buy this one buy this one um if you ever get to a point where you're really stocked up on coins there's going to be a good place for you to stock up on glimmer but this this is why this whole video is being made favor of the nine when you earn strange coins there's a chance of receiving a bon strange coin and this Stacks multiple times now I bought this went to go run a strike just cuz I was still working on my Vanguard Pathfinder and in it I got five instead of four so that was the Vanguard strike so this will add up probably quicker in things in Crucible matches where it's shorter and what you need to do is you need to spend 47 strange coins somewhere at Zur every week so that also means you've got to earn 47 strange coins whether it's Crucible matches strikes over the course of a week the more you spend end the better and then I've claimed my reward this week they stack and they the buff lasts for 11 days that was at least from the twid because that would be like seven days plus four more for the weekend so depending on when you buy it it lasts enough to get you through into the next weekend so if I buy it this weekend I'll be earning one bonus strange coin next weekend I'll be earning another bonus strange coin every time I do something weekend after that should be earning more so I think it Stacks up to three times that's what they said so then when you're running Crucible matches and you're getting six per every run strikes you're getting seven you're going to be earning these quicker but to start earning them it's just going to be slower so my advice to everybody watching this video is try and spend some time in strikes Crucible Gambit work on your Pathfinders for those ritual playlists and while you're doing that try and make sure at some point over the weekend before Zer leaves buy this and that way during the week if you're playing a couple strikes here a couple Crucible matches you know play a couple Gambit matches whatever it may be when you are doing that during the week and then when Zur comes back you can buy the next one of this buff and start stacking it so your time spent in those ritual playlists gets to be more and more fruitful for strange coins now there's going to be a point over time where you're going to have plenty of strange coins and you're not going to worry about it quite as much but early on if you're trying to stack those up stacking up this buff is going to be the way you can really start stockpiling those especially in the down times if you're just running strikes or playing some Crucible if you're a crucible that is a must buy for you absolutely so that's basically the biggest important thing at Zur is he still will have his Exotics he's going to have this random collection of three inrs for one of the ritual vendors Gambit Crucible Vanguard I think are the three he rotates through he's got a couple of catalysts now they're not cheap but if you're missing a random Catalyst and he's got it for you it's the most direct way you've ever been able to get a catalyst that I've ever seen still going to have like Hawk moon will be here and it's got moving Target on I don't think it's like an amazing role three Exotics instead of one crimson's probably the only one here worth buying check your stat rolls see if you got a good piece of armor here and then for the strange offerings say you do buy one piece of gear and that's like 41 you buy like one exotic well go spend six strange coins down here and then you'll have enough to be able to pick this up so you don't have to go crazy and you know pick up enhancement cores because I have 2500 of those don't need them but you never quite know what you're going to get out of here upgrade module totally random but good luck so main reason I wanted to focus on this video is one kind of a skim over the inventory so you could see it but to explain the Loyalty program of the nine and why it is so important for you to try and start building this program up and start getting the stack of it so future weeks and future times playing in those ritual playlists you can earn more and more strange coins and start building up your stockpile if you enjoyed the video drop a like below leave a comment if you got questions I'm going to go edit together my kastav guide so you guys can have that one because I got every single piece footage so you guys will have a very straightforward guide of how to accomplish everything to get that new exotic weapon so if you enjoyed it hit that subscribe button hit the alert Bell leave a comment below say hello or anything else find me on Twitch find me on Twitter and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 15,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, The Final Shape, Xur, Where is Xur, Favor of the Nine, Strange coins, Xur Reputation, Xur Location, Xur June 14th, How to Earn Strange Coins, Favor of the Nine Buff, Xur June 14, Xur 14 June
Id: ISaj944RXVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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