Destiny 2 - How to get Outbreak Perfected SOLO - Zero Hour Exotic Mission ( Normal ) Walkthrough

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hello Guardians it is ebontis and today we're going to work on a zero hour normal difficulty guide a solo Legend guide that's going to be pretty brutal my honest recommendation is to do that with a group because even for me I don't know when that one's going to happen but normal 40 minutes it's definitely doable so couple recommendations when you go in one uh a machine gun just to start mowing down the ads that are in front of you is going to be quite a good idea so I do recommend that uh some ranged weapons with regards to like Polaris Lance um something like that's going to be really good to have a lot of the way through Polaris Lance honestly is one of the best ones to bring in here for a lot of the places where you're going to have some ranged combat going on mountaintop actually does some work you've got Briggs in both the first early section and both the boss itself it's one of those things with Special ammo which will get a decent amount of it on the ground and if you can find one that's got you know voral is a bonus autoloading holster is nice but there is just some benefit to having this because the Briggs don't have crit spots so trying to hit them with a sniper rifle or get close enough with a fusion rifle and probably get killed Mountaintop does really do something special here so it is one I highly recommend for that now one thing I do recommend I'm sitting on the edz I came here I hit a rally flag and I hit my rally flag with solar reserves there is a rally flag right before the boss room but if you want to start out with as much as possible then you can definitely do this and make sure you have your like full triple reserves chest piece on as you boot up the mission and then swap once you actually go into it so you can keep those reserves when you start out the mission other than that you do have an arc threat so I am going to go on my normal chest piece double Arc damage reserve and then solar cuz there's still some fire and stuff in here everything else is going to be um probably a little better if I can actually have my build correct and then just my usual survival build I'm running precious scars I'll swap over to Pyro gaale gauntlets for some damage at a couple of points you guys will see most of that as we go 100 resilience where possible I'm not running a healing grenade because I've got precious scars but if you want to do a healing grenade that is not a horrible idea so max ammo get that going Arc threat so you've got Arc resistance a little bit of solar as well so let's jump in all right so as soon as you see things load up swap over to your proper chest piece just so you don't forget and that way I've got 386 in reserves working here for this first section and then again when you get to the boss fight remember you're going to get a Ry flag so you can use just damn near all of this ammo but we're going to try and use our machine gun as much as possible to also help ourselves get our super up so we can use that on the brig so when you start here I'm going to throw a grenade to start cooking everything a little bit here take care of your snipers that are going to be over there all of these guys do hurt just a little bit try and use this wall for a little bit of cover have my hammer back and again I'm not going to do this the most efficient possible but I do still want to show you guys what you at least can do over here once things start cooking and again we are on a solar build this season for the artifact so that helps quite a bit as well grab any orbs you got don't need to run too far around and reload as we go all right so again that first room about minute that was actually a little long cuz my stupid opening section but again just try and really be efficient through here I'm going to try and take out the snipers that I can that I can get a good angle on and again just use your angles here take out the shanks watch for the snipers that are going to be behind the heavy shank over here and again even something like mountain top here may hit may not but I'm going to try and take out at least a couple of these snipers from range if I can kind of a hit or miss hope that if you're going to hit these guys now again I've got precious scars for healing so a healing grenade here would probably be a a good thing but solar kills give me heals so that's how I'm able to do what I'm doing and again taking these guys out you're going to have your heavy shank over here a little bit so if you can get that going I've got my super up so what I want to do is actually cook those guys down there with the brg I want to actually switch over pyroil so then I can go full super and just hopefully absolutely roast him and then go for the front crit spot get the finisher now the heavy shank is still going to be over there so I just want to play it cautious but should be in pretty good shape at this point I have used most of my ammo right now so I'm not in the best shape but we are going to try and go with something like sunshot or Polaris Lance here to try and kill a lot of the ads to try and get most of our super energy back that way we can use our super again on the heavy tank in the Next Room so again trying to maximize I had 370 80 some odd bullets and they're mostly gone that's why I say it's like jump in with reserves and if you jump in from say the tower you're not going to be coming in with as many reserves as you would like that's why it's important to consider how many reserves you have and where you're coming in from because if you come in from a social space you won't come as high so I saw some heavy ammo drop there which is good so I know I've got some trying to take out the Vandal snipers here just is going to help me out a little bit and just try and clear this Upper Deck from this corner where you where you can a lot of these are going to be solar Shields so you can see that's going to be just really really helpful a lot of things there are going to just go down in flames quite literally now those guys up there they're going to be a little Annoying Polaris Lance is really nice though because you've got the ability to get those nice explosions going on and when you get like the chain of explosions going on you get a lot of inite ammo working also with an exotic you do have a better chance at getting some heavy ammo dropping which hopefully you will and again this is a little more of a cautious run I'm not trying to do like a Flawless run if that happens so be it but that's not the goal here by any stretch did get a couple of bricks to drop so you want to check and see if you got any more ads waiting for you I've got all the fun going on down below just going to go for my super I did not switch to pyroil so this isn't going to be quite as effective as as I would have liked so again if you can see the side open up this is a good time to come in with uh bigger shots I don't if I'm going to be effective enough to actually take him out so close see told you not Flawless not going for flawless here if you guys want to go for flawless I could play more cautious as I go through this but also Flawless is going to be a bit of a bear at certain points try and find the front there you go it's like I know I saw it drop over here finish this one up and now we got Polaris Lance we got Mountain toop working we got a good amount of ammo come around the corner just keep cooking and again this is why if you can get and again some of this you guys are going to be like I got no heavy ammo to drop make sure you got some scavenger mods on make sure you've got those that are going to at least help you manage part of this and then you just don't really stop through here going as quick as you can trying to kill all the ads there's usually one more drag over there then as you work through just whatever you find effective like for me throwing Hammer is pretty good sometimes solar melees are going to be nice depending on what you're throwing at them how quickly you can get them back and just get your run on you got one up here at the top of course it's fun when you miss now I know if I can get a second hit now every one of my hammers is going to be stronger as I go down the road here that should kill him that'll kill him turn around and kill him keep going and again just use your subass the best as you can now you're also going to want to bring say if you have a Mobility type exotic for one of these jumps it's just going to help you shorten some of the jumping up and it's going to smooth out a little bit of this transition so slide under here face the wall and then turn 90 so you can catch this little opening and again I'm going to go fast just to show you guys relatively quick through here I'm not going to be the fastest person through here ever so I'm not going to be like a record holder by any stretch but I'm going to try and move quickly so you guys can see roughly how much time things can take if you're kind of decent at running through this one not claiming much expertise here to the left through here hit the first door turn around catch the fall and just walk forward so you don't fall down the Trap jump down here and then down the back machine gun here just get this guy fast now what you want to do this is somewhere like Lion rampants will help me depending on if you got like um triple jumps this little drain all the way down for me it's just I know I'm able to like line it up this way and land it and I don't have to go through all of that around there and that's just going to save you a mountain of time and the fact that I know I get a rally flag before the end of this is really really helpful now when it comes to Trevor and this little section um Trevor is going to be that robot it is all about trying to be as fluid as possible to run through this place um without really stopping so when I get to a certain point I'll show you guys it kind of like is where Trevor initiates and if I can do it without really a break in my Falls and keep my momentum going this is one of those that gets rough now these are new so the Exploder Shanks that actually are hanging out here usually what I will do is I'll like use these Rafters that I can shoot between and then throw myself into the wall catch it here and then just run forward look down between same thing find my wall walk forward look down between same thing over and over this one just takes a little bit more ammo and then again look for your wall catch your landing and just go straight to the edge now when you get to this point having your jumping um type boots on if you got them depending on your subass will help this one's not quite as bad as whisper but it's still a little weird just as long as you're kind of close over here it's not that bad there's a switch at the end if you're with a group so if you're running first you can help everybody else be faster by hitting that switch and then through here and again when you're in these little tunnels I know it looks stupid to jump like that but it actually will speed you up come around this corner this is where I think Trevor is going to be so when you get to this point try not to stop moving as little as possible and it'll help you with your Trevor timing so through here turn and you want to look down you want to see Trevor go by when he goes by if you follow him on the path that I show you you will be able to do this without running into Trevor again so that's the key when you get this little break turn left and this is going to be your path to get through this one this is what I've found success now maybe somebody's going to do this differently make sure you activate it as you go by you don't want to miss one but if you do it this way you should be able to manage without seeing Trevor like chasing you down at all but now this one what we're going to do is we're going to go across and it's all a pretty tight timing window you're going to see him go by and again chase him down here and we're just going right behind him but then we're going to reverse gears and go back the other direction make sure you hear that beat that's kind of important all right so now we're going to go same side all the way up once you get here and then we're going to go back through that middle section once you're done with this one so return back the same way you came make sure you hear the beep for the activation use those audio cues promise you they help and then if done correctly it's usually pretty smooth I was actually surprised I remembered how to do this so then over here should be able to go grab this hit the switch run on by and I think Trevor just went by here but we should be relatively safe try not to stop moving and your timing should be pretty good you do it right catch the switch here and you're good now this one I skip the elevators all I do is jump back and forth between the walls that's it this any jump should do it I did this way totally fine without line rampant so that's not like a required thing and I just do this because those elevators are stupidly slow and I'd rather not wait until you actually fall all the way down to the bottom well there you go guys there's my first massive flub in the middle of this run again if I can do every bad moment that I'm going to have in the opening combat section have that little fall happen and I'm still going to finish it hopefully with plenty of time then hopefully this shows you that you can do it as well cuz I've done this with multiple loadouts when you get up here makes you kind of check and make sure you're not going to hit the roof as I did now when you come down here you can actually do this pretty well if you give one little jump for a little slowdown should be all right you typically won't die anymore but kind one of those if you just want to slow things down a little bit curve the corner when you fall in here stop turn around go to the left find this little L pipe this symbol down here what you're looking for to go forward your path through here you're going to start on you know second one over here to the right go up one over to the wall up two actually three sorry over two down one over to the wall and all the way out that's your path on normal that is not your path for legend legend will be different so at this point we got about 26 minutes and then we should have the combat encounter combat is a lengthy one so for the person who manages to do this on solo Legend difficulty more power to you I know esoteric will probably have it done before before I even have this video posted but that dude's a beast now if you get to here stop and place your rally Banner this is another good place you can max out your reserves so you're able to do that and then I've got Mountain toop I've got Polaris Lance and I've got my machine gun to clear out some ads cuz not much is really going to be too beneficial for me I'm going to swap this back over and I'm going to go turn off my lion rampant cuz I don't need Mobility anymore and I've got this on for survivability so let's go in now first thing I do with Polaris Lance is I'm going to back off and try and clean up as much as I can for these guys now the nice thing that I would do this is why autoloading holster Mountaintop is actually pretty nice through here mostly because just every so often I'm going to fire at these turrets just so I can clean them off the board I don't want those turrets to be anything that messes with me and if occasionally autoloading Mountain Top can actually manage to take care of that for me then and I'm going to let it so the turrets you don't really have to worry as much about them as you might think but they are just going to be really annoying so is big guy so again right now this thing just doing infinite ammo crits getting these little explosions and then occasionally just come over here take out a few ads and then work him down try and stay out of line of side of the boss that'll help you kind of have less shots coming at you from him so if you can line asight the boss that'll help sorry about my nose they'll get over being sick occasionally I try and take one of those out just so there are less to worry about and then every so often if he's not shielding then you're going to get the option to like going to take some of those guys guys out with an explosion yeah the boss is annoying through here without a doubt why a little bit of solar resistance is good but as Arc is the surge you're going to want that Arc resistance on there I should be able to take out that turret going to come up with my machine gun now try and stay line of sight was just a bad button push there sorry about that now for conserving ammo sake what I actually did last time is I came up here and I got a really good line of sight on him now the perk of being up here was I was able to actually get a good line of sight on him and his shots were actually hitting this thing if I got me and this giant wall between me and him I can just sit here and cook him made my life a little easier he will eventually move and then again I came up here and I got like a little more vertical than before and as I have so much ammo working right now this actually Works fairly well so again same thing with him what I'm going to do is I'm going to work him down just where it's safe going for flawless this may not be the best spot I'll be totally honest but it did have some benefits up here it actually works really well when I got in the back so if you feel like you can strafe a little more over here just you know play the wall back here going to just strafe back and forth there I got him to move now this is where it actually worked really well for me because when he was inside his shots would actually go up into the roof and he wasn't able to hit me again I don't know if this is the best strategy I don't feel like this is a cheese spot because it's just in the environment and I jumped up here from the rafters and it seems to be pretty effective now the guys in there are solar the first ones up front are void the ones on the two sides are going to be Arc and the ones in this back room are actually solar so having a solar weapon for this section just a bonus one random drag going to ruin my day over here so again try and take out the shanks that remain now he is going to move to this side over here underneath me but you're also going to have these trip mines so if you do feel like you want to take some of the trip mines out now is a good time if you got am Mo on the front deck you could grab that if you feel like you want to taking up the trip mines early though not a horrible idea I'm taking a little more damage up here than I would like but it's still pretty effective up here little bit of movement will give you some flexibility and again once he gets out of there I will move too but this little box up here gives me some freedom and again if you've taken out the turrets you can run around up here pretty freely I'm going to grab one thing ammo right now try and have some of this stuff go and again just so I'm not worried about him later I'm going to take out a few of these trip mines but he's moved over here I'm going to go for the shanks first this is why Arc resistance is nice cuz you just have a lot of Arc coming out and there are about a million of those little um trip mines now for this section I'll typically come back here just gives me a little more verticality again to go after him not saying it's like the best and not saying there's nothing that can hit you over here but if you can find just any line of sight's going to work whatever works for you again if you want to come up here and cook him with a machine gun you can do that too you got some ammo do it so now you're going to get a lot more ads coming in you're going to have some Marauders coming in they will be stealthy so watch out for those they're going to be solar so then they're going to hurt they always typically have a little more pop in their uh hits when they get close to you cuz those solar shotgun pops hit hard picking up a couple Shanks in the air and again I'm playing more cautious I probably should be focused on the boss right now we are going to get to the point where we have the big uh tanks but this is not like the most efficient run we're just trying to get his health down right now again watch for the vandals they will work on Snipes on you and what I'm trying to do is I am trying to actually save my super even though I probably would get it back but I'm trying to save my super for uh at least one of the tanks I can take them out you get him low enough and this is why this weapon is really good you just keep firing get a good amount of damage on him and at some point he'll leave tanks will come in he comes back in brri form he's about to go there he goes so again the Marauders here still cooking doing what they're doing try and look for them so they don't really catch you so much off guard this is also why you take out the the turrets this is also why Mountain Top's actually quite good through here I don't know why it's still firing while I'm here that seems a bit mean I don't know if I'm going to be able to kill it cuz the reload kind of ruined my DPS on him here if you can sit here and just cook a leg you might be able to knock it right back down just watch I don't think the tanks will technically shoot each other so be careful but they might I'm going to switch over and again I'm not going for a Flawless run so if I die it's not as big of a deal I'm switching over to pyroil just because I know that's what I want to use on the big guy when he comes back so I want to initiate kind of my damage and again machine gun's going to be strong enough to probably take out a leg anyway we go so if you just focus straight up on one of the legs you can probably drop him right back down pretty quickly and then you're going to be ready up here if I'm going to do something like pyroil or a super that I can do right straight away to the boss so I want to do now I don't know if that's going to be completely wasted which it very well may be but it does look like I got a chunk on the big uh big boy I wasn't sure if the shield was going to hurt too much uh from the ctor but seems to have done all right now at this point you really can't stand still you are going to get rocketed pretty constantly so what I'm looking to do now is try and take out some of the ads try and Dodge some of the shots and just make sure if that red glow is over my head that I move the best thing you can do and this is why the solo Flawless is going to be rough um even just on normal difficulty there's just a lot of random ways that you're going to die and there's only so much you can do to try and account for everything you're probably just not going to got like this guy over here ow where' they go and again part of what you can do is while you're going through with all your Special ammo is just work on getting shots on the boss you don't have to take out everything else it's not necessary all you're trying to do is take out the big boss and not get nuked in the process kind of like that okay he's just going to Juke my stuff here without even trying but again if you do enough and you're able to actually get back so it would seem I've managed to kill the ctor did not know I killed the ctor this is Alo a time where I might just kill some of the vandals that are around the vandals will hurt you and it's not really necessary to like leave them up cuz their shots are going to hurt you got enough stuff coming down from above and sideways at you that you don't need the the vandals getting up there in your face and again these guys are solar so you can take out some of these guys in clumps and their Shields start popping and again we got 14 minutes left we're doing fine few Shanks left not too many but this is again where getting those uh Mountain Top shots off is just a way to continue to get some damage on the guy on the big guy while you're doing other stuff so autoloading holster Mountain Top I don't know what all the perfect combinations are but is just really helpful to be able to take that just mini missile rocket and then do exactly that now that I've got his face off now he's going to launch up into the air so he's probably going to try and blast so you got to be moving he's going to do a couple of those three big blasts that don't stand still very long now if he ever quits he should there we go we should be able to just cook him down here I'm going to die to that one he's got a lot coming out you at once and no machine gun is not the best option here it is just an option ow but finishing with 13 minutes as poorly as this is gone you guys can tell it's doable it's just that opening section you don't want to wait around on timing wise that worked out so we are good make sure before you go running up there that something else isn't going to kill you and then when myth Rat shows up it's good to see our buddy how you doing sir and grab your loot which will typically get you your brand new weapon but I've already picked this thing up a couple times trying to make some guides so let's get back to orbit and we will wrap this thing up as you guys can see this is a bit of a mess of a mission in Legend solo I'm not entirely sure when I'm going to get that one done but to be able to go through this and get it by yourself I would then get a group together to try and do Legend because solo even for me seems like it's going to be a bit of struggle so that is how to get outbreak perfected then when you get the frame um you'll finish up your quest you'll be able to craft that one now going through Legend and doing the quests that you've got to do uh with regards to the actual like exotic part for like outbreak refined so one of the first Parts is uh inert sea clusters just go to defeat fallen on the cosmodrome they are pretty random when they drop it's not like one for one it was like five or six or 10 to one so you're just going to have to kill a decent amount of Fallen then you're going to have to go in and do the legend switches which I have not done yet but that's going to be the next part of the mission then you're going to have to beat it on Legend so you going to have to run this thing on Legend so that's where a different guide different video and likely a group for most every body including myself will be involved but for now that is how you get the mission or that is how you get the Exotic that is how you complete whisper I can't talk so for now that is how you get the Exotic weapon outbreak perfected that is how you complete the zero hour mission by yourself and at least on a Titan that's one way to do it and I think all of the classes should probably be able to do that pretty well too so thank you guys for tuning in if you enjoyed this one drop a like below hit that subscribe button you guys know we are like 3 weeks away from Final shape and there's going to be lots to come then but as always if you want to find me on Twitch or Twitter it's ebontis if you're new and you enjoyed it drop a like leave a comment or as I said subscribe nice freeway to support the channel and I hope to see you back have a good one
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 81,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Zero Hour, Solo Zero Hour, How to get Outbreak Perfected, How to Solo Zero Hour, Zero Hour Secrets, Zero Hour Puzzle, Outbreak Refined 1, The Final SHape, Into the Light, Zero Hour Solo, How to get Outbreak Perfected Solo
Id: 3upIjK9Ge1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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