PTE Read Aloud Tips and Tricks

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[Music] hi everybody this is jimmy zen i'm here today to talk to you everything about read aloud in pte and everything you need to know in order to get the maximum marks in read aloud all the information that you need to prepare for read aloud now i do have some of the tips and tricks myself that i used to teach my students and i'm sure that it will help you increase the score that you did because then because some of the information that i give you will not be provided by other people this is something that i figured out and reference many sources official and by trial and error so it will definitely help you so if you're going around looking for information how to prepare if read aloud efficiently you have to watch these videos until the end now try to get this all the information into this one single video as fast as possible so stay tuned and let me get started boring system how you'll be scored including content pronunciation and how you should practice pronunciation when and what you should be careful in fluency and how you should improve your fluency and how you should prepare for fluency and with a speed is important in this section and finally some of the tips and tricks that i have in order during the exam and before the exam as well so let's get started so let's cover the basics read aloud is going to contribute heavily on speaking section and reading section these are not exact numbers they are a estimate so that that is the this is the maximum amount of points that you get from read aloud for speaking and reading section now it's really difficult to get the reading scores in in this pta i believe so it's very important that we get the maximum scores of reading from this read aloud in order to make it easier for us to get the reading scores elsewhere after when your test begins right after your self-introduction this section is going to be the first task in the speaking section so what's happening is a text will be given to you on the screen and you have to read it out loud basically into the microphone so in this on the screen in the middle of the box we have the recording counting down it could be anywhere from 30 seconds to 40 seconds and when when that number hits zero you start speaking you'll hear a beep noise expect to get read aloud as your first task it won't actually say that it is read aloud some of the basic informations how many are we going to get you're given about six to seven questions and each text can be up to about 60 words usually you have between 30 to 40 seconds to prepare depending on the length of the text and time to read a whole text depends on the length of the text you might get 35 seconds or 40 seconds but we don't want to take that long preferably we want to we want to be fluent enough to finish the task within much earlier than the time that's given to you and of course you have to read everything in time when the preparation time is over you will hear a beep sound and the recording begin and that's when you start speaking when you're done press next button in the bottom right corner when you're finished reading the text how's it going to be scored read aloud is going to be scored based on three parts so this is table that was given to the pt marking criteria officially based on three aspects number one content pronunciation and oral fluency and if you look at content first it says each replacement omission or insertion of a word counts as one error maximum score depends on the length of the item prompt so when they talk about replacement they're saying if you say something if you read a word differently so if the answer was few years ago and you read it as few months ago of course you'll be penalized number two a mission not reading a word and skipping it so instead of few years ago you read it as few ago and skipping the word here you'll be penalized for that insertion reading a word that is not there a few years ago instead of saying that you put an extra word like a few months years ago so you will be penalized for that too now i would say content is important but it is not as important as other elements like pronunciation and oral fluency i i tend to put more focus on the oral fluency and pronunciation so let's move over to pronunciation the first thing i want to talk about is the word stress in which part of the word do we do we make emphasis do we make that stress now stress can be done in in volumes you can you can stress a part of the word by reading out loud or much uh higher tone that's really up to you basically you're putting an emphasis on the day you have no time to figure it out you just have to go with your instincts and read it as it comes out but you can apply these rules when you're practicing and trying to figure out how to stress it but of course you should ask someone who is a fluent speaker or you can check out the dictionaries online to see which part they emphasize the words so what do we do if there are no rules if there is no pattern remember english comes from such a many different backgrounds so it's impossible to to have any rule that applies 100 of the time unfortunately so what do we do so you have to learn how to pronounce as many words as possible until the test day so practice practice practice i will post up read aloud videos for you to practice in the following videos so keep that in mind so we've been talking about word stress i want to move over to sentence stress now i want you to stress mostly on the nouns verbs adjectives and adverbs what i mean by that is if we have a sentence like this focus on the words these words tourism is a challenging sector on which divides statistics since businesses serving tourists also service local people therefore it is not a straightforward to estimate how much business sectors revenue and how many jobs are due to tourist expenditures yeah so go with a rhythm and you will get the hang of it and and focus on the nouns verbs adjectives and adverbs so if you flip it around i don't want you to focus or stress on the prepositions or articles and conjunctions so this is what you should not do tourism is a challenging sector on which divides statistics since businesses serving tourists also service local people therefore it is not as straightforward to estimate how much business sectors revenue and how many jobs are due to tourist expenditures it's weird right i thought that was weird too so completely different it doesn't really matter which nouns and verbs you choose as long as it feels comfortable for you there's no really raw which words you should emphasize but as you can see you put an emphasis you take a break you put an emphasis again and take a break every five or three words or so there's no strict rule but i want you to focus on the nouns verbs adjectives and adverbs okay so that's sentence stressing so i talked about sentence stressing i want to move over to the pronunciation and intonation so intonation is something that the official ete reference books focus on as well and i i do think they pay attention to it i apply it but certainly so intonation what i mean by that is whether to read a word with a high tone or a low tone so i've indicated with the arrow so you should read words with a high tone when there is a comma or a question mark now question mark is not that common but you see it every now and then so keep that in mind you should read the words with lower tone when there is a full stop and i'll show you what i mean i have an example here let me read it for you this study tracked about 1 000 adults in the united states and they ranged in age from 34 to 93 and they started a study by asking how much stress have you experienced in the last year they also asked how much time have you spent helping out friends neighbors people in your community and then they use public records for the next five years to find out who died so notice that i there was one final full stop towards the end so to find out who died it's not like to find out who died so keep that tone down when it is the last word of that sentence so for commas i don't necessarily have to uh make it like a like a high tone but i want to keep it at least flat to give that sensation that sentence has not finished yet so 1 000 adult in the united states united states not united states united states and they ranged in age 134 to 93 3 93 not 93. so that give because that turning down kind of gives you a thought that that sentence has ended which is not so 93 and they started the study by asking how much stress have you experienced in the last year okay and also i want to tell you a little interesting fact there seems to be a pattern where on average not everyone but girls are better are getting better scores in terms of speaking than boys i mean does that mean that yours are much better girls have a much higher tone so the pitch is higher than the vast majority of boys and that high pitched voice tend to sound much clearer compared to a lower voice which guys have so if you have a very very big voice george clooney or manly voice right and i advise you to pitch up your voice slightly higher than usual if it's very hard for you don't worry too much about it but if you had a choice i would raise your pitch slightly it does make it easier for the microphone to pick up your diction so instead of reading it like it seems that when it comes to love men and women designed to misconstrue misread misunderstand one another and themselves instead of reading like that it would be much better if you read it like it seems that when it comes to love men and women are designed to misconstrue misread misunderstand one another in themselves so my tone was much higher than the deeper voice and i noticed this during our where where i meet those older australian grandpas when i have conversations with them they're like sometimes no with no disrespect they have a cool cool deep voice but i do have to concentrate a bit to to pick up the words that they're saying so so they they do have a very very low voice it's very hard to pick up these types of voice so whereas when you talk to the the aussie grammars or the ladies they tend to have a very very high pitched voice so i find it it's much easier to pick up when i have conversation with australian old ladies compared to old gentlemen and i think that's what's experienced by pte microphone and detecting equipment as well now let's move over to read aloud speed and fluency many people are interested in this topic and let me make everything clear first of all there seems to be a relationship between speed and speaking score duh so definitely the faster you read the better marks you get however however i have seen in some cases where students read really fast and get 10 in speaking so what the hell is going on now i had a student before where she was really really reading it fast so it was like she was like that she was like eminem but guess what she got she got 10 in fluency and she got 30 something in speaking so it wasn't looking very good so before she came to me she went to a private tutoring and she was told to speak very fast so she did she practiced so she she spoke very fast she didn't get the score that she needed she went back they told her you have to speak faster but she did she practiced she got faster she didn't get the score she wanted it went back she then she spoke faster and faster and faster and she became eminem and got 10 for fluency so basically they have no clue what's going on they couldn't fix her and i noticed that when she came to me she was reading like read aloud speed fluency be saying bts jimmy's npt coaching read aloud kind of like kind of like this so she was very fast but everything was sounded very disconnected so even if you read very fast if your fluency is not good and reading everything disconnected you will get 10. so you have to work on your fluency so how are we going to work on our fluency you have to join the end of the sounds of the word the beginning of the sounds of the word and join them and let's have a look at some examples okay at the bottom of the page we have therefore it is not as straightforward so instead of reading it as therefore it is not a straightforward you have to read it like it is it is it is it is or if you can pronounce the t and say it is it is notice that this t sound kind of influences the pronunciation of the next word so it it is or it is not it is it is and the next part nada nada is not not uh not a this is incorrect sounds too disconnected not a not a straightforward not as straightforward and towards the end we have jobs are not jobs are jobs are jobs are okay you have to connect this the s which kind of sounds like a z and a sound jobs are job site you have to kind of almost treat it like a single word job cell trust me on this try it and this is all i taught to that student and guess what you got after after four weeks or three to four weeks she got 65 and speaking you think i'm lying unbelievable right this whole pte test is unbelievable try it if you haven't done this try it it will help you let's have a look a few more examples instead of saying hundreds of hundreds of you should read it hundreds of hundreds of don't read it as millions of millions of millions of millions of treat it as a single word okay hundreds of millions of american people eat fast food hundreds of millions of american people okay so next example find a table no that's not how you read it find the table find the table so it's a very short sound find the table not find the table don't don't read it like that find the table find the table find the table not take a seat take a c take a c take so that k sound influences the next part of the word take a c okay and then the last part not dig in you should read it as dig in dig in so at the end of the day they are both important fluency and speed but i would say fluency is more important than speed now i'm not saying that speed is not important it is important i say this because most people only focus on the speed and ruin their pte test and don't pay enough attention on fluency and everyone on youtube and online courses out there talk about fluency fluency fluency and they're some of them do but some of them i figured that they emphasize on the fact that fluency is important but they don't tell you how to practice it or they don't tell you what fluency actually is so this is what fluency is and i'm going to tell you how you should practice let's go to the next page my number one tip is look ahead and let me tell you how you should practice when you're reading you should not be looking at the word that you're reading but look at the word in front of the word that you're reading especially when you're changing the line so what do i mean by that okay let me try to make this as easy as possible when you're reading this part of the text tourism is a challenging sector the reading part and your position of your vision is very important so you're getting ready right you're looking at the word tourism you recognize that it's tourism and you know how to pronounce it when you read tourism you shouldn't be looking at the word tourism you should be looking at the next part okay so when you talk saying tourism your eyes should be on is a challenging so like us humans have a very very small visual accuracy which means we we can only focus on this middle part of what we're staring at and and everything else the the peripheral vision everything around it is kind of blur it's not clear enough for us to read it now so that's why it's very very important however um and i've learned this in uni i i studied medical science this central vision the visual acuity can be widened you can train it so the more you practice the more words you'll be able to see within your site that's why practice is very important and when you practice it i want you to focus so when you're reading this green word tourism while you're reading tourism your eyes should be on is a challenging sector and your eyes should be always ahead of what you're reading so you'll eat your eyes first and your mouth follows it and this will be hard at first so i don't want you to be like prism is a challenging sector that's wrong you should be tourism is a challenging sector and your mouth follows your vision okay and this becomes very important when you're changing lines let's go to the end of the sentence so you saw therefore it is okay and your eyes look at nada and you looked at nada why you're saying it is not it is not a it is not your eye should be looking at straightforward the next line so how do you read therefore it is it is not as straightforward too so i'm kind of like trying to show you where i'm looking at i'm reading it is not a but i'm looking at straightforward so it is not a straightforward to estimate how much business sectors revenue and when you first start this i that's why i want you to give up speed yes you heard me i want you to give up speed only at the beginning of your practice when you first start this or if you find fluency is a big problem for you start very slow train your eyes okay try to look ahead so how slow i want do i want you to go and this will be hard and this is where a bit one-to-one tuition is very important because i correct a lot of mistakes and pronunciations and and these bad habits but i hope you get the message and um try it and figure out and practice in the correct way so tourism is a challenging sector on which divides statistics since businesses serving tourists also service local people and while you're reading these very slow i want you to always look one or two words ahead get yourself get your brain to prepare to read the next word and this is harder than you actually think now although i was speaking very very slow right i did not get disconnected i did not read it out separately and this will be hard for the beginners but for the intermediate and advanced i want you to practice this and when you're when you feel comfortable increase your speed a little by little like one second or two seconds and eventually you'll get there by the end you'll feel comfortable reading at a very fast pace and this is my key tip in fluency i can't emphasize enough so other than that i do have some tips and tricks to share with you on the day of the exam use the preparation time that you're given 30 to 40 seconds to quickly read through if you see any words that you have seen it for the first time and you have no idea how to pronounce it decide whether to you're going to you have we have three options one skip it don't read it at all what i mean by this let's look at have have a look at this text at the bottom let's let's just say you don't know how to pronounce this word and you decided to skip it a national study into by bookkeepers employed a small just skip it ignore it okay now you might lose points on content but at least you you didn't lose any marks for fluency and that can make up for it worst thing that you can do is a national study into for for for oh for bibles that's the worst case scenario okay don't ever do that number two just read it as whatever you think it sounds okay now maybe you you might not know how this part of the word sounds like you might not know it but you know how to pronounce this for everyone knows that so you can say a national study into fruit by bookkeepers employed at small and medium-sized businesses okay be confident be cocky like you know i know how to read this kind of attitude okay just just go it doesn't matter whether you read it correctly or not keep going number three or if you have no idea and you find it difficult to skip it to replace it with nanana or any other random sounds i and i pick nana because like tata is harder to say it no no no no no no no easier sound to produce okay it can be any other random sounds the idea is i don't want you to lose fluency i want you to always say something it's better than saying nothing like how you read it is a national study into nana by bookkeepers employed as small and medium-sized businesses okay but that's how you deal with unfamiliar words so the basic idea is i want you to keep reading if you even if you make a mistake while reading a text you might lose some points on contents and pronunciation but at least we can get some points on fluency for example let's say you misread this word market right instead of market you you read mikket or something okay i don't want you to go the free mikket ma market is extremely competitive this is the worst case scenario okay if you made a mistake uh the free make it is extremely competitive and companies are constantly trying to gain so instead of saying gain you're like you you read it completely wrong trying to gain an edge over their rivals so yes you probably will realize that you made a mistake right i want you to just ignore it i know it's human instinct to wanting to go back and correct it and actually pte actually tells you to go back and fix it what a sneaky little bastard trust me don't do this you will lose marks for one c you will lose marks for pronunciation trust me on this and just keep going don't fix it lost it you lost it it's like your ex-girlfriend she's gone i'm coming back okay keep going move on with your life one more tip read the passage before the reading begins you don't have to whisper use this time to practice pronunciation of words so for example when you're preparing you don't have to be like this is a serious problem no don't do that be confident just say you know it's not getting recorded so use that time to practice verbalize it this is a serious problem since most packaging these days are made of plastics which are not biodegradable biodegradable biodegradable if you when you see a word that you're a little bit unfamiliar with it practice it biodegradable biodegradable biodegradable biodegradable and figure out which way you should emphasize it it's biodegradable another tip when there are about five seconds remaining in the preparation time that you see on the screen capture screen come to the front of the passage and be ready okay you may make mistake if you rush it rush back to the start so pay attention to the countdown you don't want to be like have two seconds left and then and then be surprised and startled and go back taking surrounded and you're screwed right and the first word in this beginning and the start is very important and i don't want you to screw that up so if you start really good your chance of reading it well in your confidence builds up and you tend to do perform better but if you make a mistake on your first word you'll be like inside telling yourself oh sh and and it will be very difficult for you to forget that yes i do tell my students just forget it and move along with it but many students find it difficult to just forget about their mistakes so be ready give yourself about five seconds go to the beginning and say taking soundings taking soundings in taking soundings in and be ready beep and then taking sounds in the deep ocean was and you start okay be ready okay final message reading other articles in newspapers would definitely help but i would personally study with the real questions and test exam preparations i would personally study with the real materials of course these real materials do actually come out in the real exams and you get a lot of questions and you know i always uh talk with my students after their exam experience and like oh jimmy the the question that we did yesterday came out and i just aced it and you might hit a jackpot and you might come across a question that you prepared before and you would feel much more comfortable than reading a text that you have never seen before huge difference and these real questions can be found on my youtube channel's videos in jimmy sam pte and also finally practice with me by subscribing to my channel pressing the bell icon so that get the message when i post the practice videos and other tips and tricks so have a think about it remember my whole purpose of this is to share my experience thoughts ideas knowledge to the rest of the people who want to get this score whether it be for their academic purposes for their immigration purposes really breaks my heart when they have to work and study at the same time i hope this youtube channel can be a foundation where i can help many of those people reaching the score and i will try my best to share everything that i know in each section and contribute to the community my name is jimmy sen and i'll see you my next video bye
Channel: PTE Jimmyssem 지미쌤 피티이
Views: 98,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, Read Aloud, 피티이, PTE speaking, PTE tips and tricks, 피티이 스피킹, read aloud pte, pte read aloud tips and tricks, pte read aloud, pte ra, read aloud pte tips and tricks, pte 시험, pte tips and tricks, pte speaking read aloud, read aloud tips and tricks, pte speaking, pte tips, pte tricks and tips, read aloud, pte read aloud tips, jimmy pte, read aloud pte 2020, pte reading, pte speaking tips and tricks, how to improve read aloud in pte, e2 jay, pte by varun dhawan
Id: agn5YDgkRIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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