Who is the FAKE Anime Fan? - Jubilee React

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hi there's two things that i'm into one is anime i don't think i need to tell you that all right i'm a straight up freaking weeb man and i'm proud i sometimes i don't know if i should be but you know what else i'm into i'm into awesome content okay today we're gonna be reacting to jubilee and if you guys don't know who jubilee is i know pewdiepie has done so many reactions to them my friend gloom has done who who i've collabed with has done a reaction to them and and so many other youtubers and it's because they really make awesome content so they basically make content that's a lot like a mangas a lot of their like really viral videos or popular videos or whatever you want to call is basically try to find the imposter and it's like a game show that people play it's so freaking interesting because it's different topics that you might be into like spot the fake gamer well today we're gonna react to six anime super fans versus one fake fan and since i am an anime fan i want to try to play along and see if i can spot the fake anime fan okay i think i'm pretty confident that i could figure out who the fake anime fan is i mean look at freaking tsunadi from naruto's in there i grew up watching naruto so if it's anything to do with naruto which according to the thumb the thumbnail it might i think i can do this so once again i'll link jubilee down below check them out you won't regret it subscribe and go watch the original video before i do uh because i just barely found out about this video so anyway how can you tell if someone is an anime super fan just say one word all right [Music] oh you want to know what the word is just say like oppai [Music] i know that's like really bad but i'm telling you if they have a reaction do they know what it means you know they watch anime no one in the world no one else knows what the word oppai means unless you just trust me on this one okay we brought together seven anime super fans but one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll win the cash prize if the lie survives they win the county prize oh they got their own enemy opening oh that's good i love how they themed they themed the episodes like so perfectly that's good and they did it with the contestants too i like how they are cosplaying man i would have loved jubilee hey you ever i'm just saying right now okay you know i don't have like the most subscribers ever but if you ever want to do a collab with anime i'm open i'm open with it okay i'm not like the anime man but like i like anime so like if you want to do another game show about this like hey call me i don't even want the cash prize i just want to be on your show all right let's see if we can spot the fake one the game plan question that's gonna get asked is what's your favorite anime if you know absolutely hey hey monica okay she says she's such right now i'm just gonna tell you right now it's either jennifer like randall they found this this thing that she saw she's like oh i kind of had this like this this bear laying around i didn't know what it was i literally used to have a monokuma before i knew what duncan rappa was i got rid of it and now that i love danganronpa i really regret like giving it away so maybe she just had one laying around but i'm going to tell you right now she is full of deceit if she likes danganronpa so she could be the fake one okay i don't know what i'm saying just shut up me you can't tell me your favorite underrated anime that means you clearly haven't watched enough anime to be an anime super fan underrated well yeah i guess but like she she's the only one she was actually the only one that is like super cosplayed up i feel like she could be the fake one because just the fact that she's like she wants to try to prove her innocence by dressing up as tsunade you know like it's easier to find any random like anime chick that you think you could pull off and then dress up as her and then oh it's like oh well i cosplay dessert no one will know it's me so i'm really obsessed with her i think i want to talk about things that you had to watch the show to know i think it's very hard to actually try and pretend you're an anime fan i'm just really excited to play this game and see how my detective skills are another cosplayer another one i'm so excited and i'm ready to do my best so you know i'm a wee because i actually know what that means it has nothing to do with the fact that i've been studying japanese for a few years now you know i'm trying okay i'm trying to advance from like just weeb to actually knowing japanese okay and so what if i'm motivated by anime okay shut up oh they're okay okay so they're doing this like quarantined style usually they're all in a room together i get why they're not now but i guess they're all doing it over discord so that's interesting so anyways your anime that you love ooh obscure let's see how obscure can we yeah come on let's see i feel like it's better when they're all in a room usually in their other videos they're all in a room together so like you you know just like in a mungus like when you're talking on discord rather than just doing like chat or something like that it's a it's a lot more nerve-wracking and you might someone might break under pressure so this is kind of a little different i don't know um i don't know i'm a little suspiciony now only because she said i like a lot of animes like she really threw that in there she's cosplayed just like the thing i said about tsunade over here i'm thinking that yeah because i don't actually know who she is and i never watch konosuba i believe that's where that's where she's from or is is it konosuba god yeah that's her right yeah yeah i'm pretty sure that she's cosplayed as her there's too many people don't get that time oh wait banana fish is not really that obscure did kurt just say banana fish is not obscure banana fish are solid i feel like it is i feel like that is not a normie anime i feel like you don't ever hear a banana fish i don't know i haven't seen it but i feel like it i feel like this is definitely something that would be obscure what take least favorite anime what do i have news for you buddy they've anime merch you own um um demon slayer hoodie off amazon well he's wearing it he was a little bit generic sailor moon bottle opener what say a boss your favorite merch that you own is a bottle opener like i would have seen is this bottle opener that amazing no way a bottle opener oh gabriel is it gabriel like okay if i were to say like my favorite anime merch i probably would have to say my steins get clock okay can you see can you see me i love danganronpa i don't trust anyone that's what i'm realizing kurt i like doug and rampa like i don't know because like there's those underground anime fans that don't like you know really show that they like anime but like they do like i remember back in high school that you know there was like the gangster kids and you know one of them's like hey fool you watching our door like hey we're actually friends a person that i never thought i would hang around with because that you know we were the nerds essentially anime brings us all together i think that's what we're learning anime brings us all together all right kurt kurt knows his stuff a little bit right okay maybe kurt's in the clear he said the lines that anime explore disgustingly too much that's that's the reason why i'm probably never gonna go again it's so awful the lines of anime expo i it's been like two years since i went and like it's so like awesome to meet all you guys but like yeah i remember last time i went they had a that's when doki doki was like popping off and like in my channel was like basically known for it i wanted to go to the panel and i literally couldn't get in the panel because the lines were too long there was too many people and so like i didn't get to participate in that like i will never get that back like that sucks so i've really just kind of hated anime expo ever since then like i'd rather just go to japan like honestly until a few weeks ago yes you can't see that's illegal so far cat i feel like is not really doing much to disprove her innocence or just to to prove her innocence uh either is antoine and antoine i i don't know i'm sorry katie seems very into enemy okay just say that i think they're in the clear i i i'm gonna be voting for jennifer i'm gonna vote for sudel she was the last one to say rip kiss anime that's it okay gabriel it's you it's you the person eliminated this round is katie she's like i live for this it's just her mannerisms just the way that she talks she seems so much into it that i just don't i could never believe that she's actually not an anime there's no way lex anime flex dude have you seen my finger collection it's gabriel i'm calling it right now it's freaking gabriel he said a bottle opener what the heck you would at least say a figure a post or anything but a bottle opener sailor moon are you really into sailor moon i don't call it no way okay this nice goku figure because goku he has a goku figure okay all right that's really basic i'm sorry but dragon ball z is basic it is and i'm not saying like oh there's nothing wrong with that then i'm just saying like if if you were to think like what would anime fan have they would have a goku figure i feel like everyone has a goku figure okay and this closet is purely for cosplay stuff okay you know i think i think i buy that i don't think i don't think they would set up this video with just a bunch of stuff in their closet like i don't think they would send a bunch of cosplays i mean they could have i don't know how much money they're spending for this video but like okay that's a figure box too her card's fine i'm telling you right now it's gabriel it's gotta be i would no way it's between gabriel or zoodle because zoodle like hasn't even shown anything okay so this is gabriel stuff is it just me or does this all seem so new and and think about it it's not like the most popular anime gift basket you can see in my opinion we got a jojo mask jojo akira very popular again like you know i could be wrong and maybe i'm just wrong my hero academia pillow naruto wallet a few random mangas okay what what naruto tokyo ghoul attack on titan sailor moon in the death note it's just all so very popular like there's almost nothing that's not popular on here hmm elita elita battle angel is that what that is i don't even know it but i know of it i know it's popular i could be wrong i'm assuming that it's this though gabriel it's gabriel no way i figured it out i know this is an anime but i love the frog wait a second oh this is anime oh jennifer crap am i wrong maybe they're just like really popular anime and i'm just freaking like totally like roasting them yeah okay that was a sustain jennifer like i said don't trust them they got a dog rock plushy edward is 11 years too soon oh no i'm stupid oh okay now that i see the shirt i get the reference now good play by antoine because i remember when i first i read that in high school and i remember when i first seen that it ripped my heart out guys full metal alchemist is so good although i'm a little ashamed to admit i never watched the last few episodes i i don't know why i i've been meaning to and i just haven't but i think antoine gets a pass like you know they got some like mangas here digimon like it's pretty old stuff and and they know the references so either they're really good or they're just yeah i think so i love that shane kings though what you did not gabriel what did you just say he just said i love that shaymin king hey you know what i love some nairoto too oh gabriel i'm sorry i'm picking on gabriel it's only because like he's doing such things jennifer i also i'm very suss with them both she she sounds like she's just like playing she doesn't know the references but she's pretending like she knows me and tony we we would vibe together no you can't you already know how to say shaman key all right so this is what jennifer has um like i said that's like yeah okay so gabriel gabriel was asking wait did you play duncan rapper or just watch the anime okay so now so he knows that there's an anime and a game i feel like that still could be common knowledge i feel like that people would know you know maybe he's just sort of into it all right so zoodle tsunadi over here my hero attack on titan what is that is that health is that helsing or is that freaking um not helsing oh my god what's the freaking show call i've been recommended to watch it so many times yeah this guy i don't know what is he from black butler don't be surprised if your body pillow is missing tonight i will steal your body pillow i will come in your house and steal your body pillow and one had good stuff but it was all like anime from like 10 years ago so that's why i'm like a little suspicious no that's why you shouldn't be suspicious of someone right like if something's old it's just that means he's been an anime fan for a long time i would think the newer stuff i feel like i feel like the the most popular stuff would make someone more suspicious because that's the most recent popular stuff if you have something that's old right or at least something random like banana fish that's something i don't even know about i'm just saying i'm sorry actually a little suspicious of jennifer based on the picture okay they're voting cat it's gabriel i'm telling you jennifer i gotta trust my heart i okay yeah well i'm glad they're at least voting jennifer out if they're gonna pick one because like i said they but they did make that uh records yu-gi-oh reference wait did you just gotta trust my heart i gotta believe in the heart of the cards crap [Music] he knows the yugioh references well that also i feel like that would be common knowledge as well again very popular anime this round is jennifer why is she excited about that would you be sad also okay so this is actually the first time they actually get to see each other yeah because they would have heard gabriel saying sheaman king oh no i knew it i knew it okay each person will get 30 seconds i see so that's part of it they didn't get to see each other but now that they actually see their cosplays that's where the the mental games can get into it to tell everyone the story about an experience you had related to anime okay all right this is interesting to acod in fort worth texas if you guys haven't been there it's kind of like cowboy city and so none of my friends cosplayed at all and we went to go get dinner and because i was a poor student we had to stay far away from the con center so we went to get breakfast at this like old-timey diner and i was the only one in cosplay uh when i that happened to be at work though i remember when it was halloween i made a video about this like a million years ago but uh i had this i had the skull makeup on and like i had my hair all gray and stuff like that and i went to work because every year people would dress up well for some reason this one day on a year before like you know on halloween weekend no one dressed up and i was like the only one looking like an idiot like in the break room everyone was there and there was me in the skull makeup so i could relate to that i trust cat i don't even suss cat at all no i just want to hear gabriel that's it that's really it honestly if it's not gabriel i will lick something i don't know i don't want to lick anything and we make like public target tick tock videos and if you've seen them you probably have because they always blow up for some reason okay got me out of my shell and cosplaying in public i mean they have proof of their tick tock right that they're at least into animated some port like i i don't know they don't seem like an old anime fan because they just look they don't they don't look like they have zoodle doesn't look like they have a ton of anime merch or anything like that but maybe they recently got into it and just like enjoyed cosplaying so for me it's a anime expo i went to about two years ago and one of my favorites is a shamrock shampoo and i like jeans because i think gene is completely underrated gets all the attention okay i would say like it is a popular anime but you know i don't hear a lot of people talk about that show i remember used to come on when i was little like that's what i know about it five in the morning it would be on tv so me and my friends were at a bowling alley and two of my friends got to the side of me and like i held off the ball like a razor shuriken from naruto and they started like throwing like the chalker in there no gabriel what is wrong look at antoine's like you played yourself he just he just sealed his fate right now it's antoine let's hear that again and like i held out the ball like a raisin shuriken from naruto and they started like oh what chiriqui with the chakra in there and i started like screaming like super loud in the bowling alley and then i sent the ball and it would have been super cringy if it wasn't for the fact that i got a strike strike on my life that is the most made up story i've ever heard first of all did he say ross and shinriky because if he said ross and shuriken then okay but did he just say regular shuriken did i hear him wrong and like i held out the ball like um a raisin shuriken from nars he said raisin shuriken what that is a raisin shuriken it's ross and shuriken dave what are you talking about it's gabriel and the person eliminated this round is gabriel okay all right they're at the end did they vote him off this is the part where they have to agree if they agree that they all voted him off then they get to keep some money i believe and if they get it wrong then i think the imposter gets to keep the money if it's green you guys win if the box is red the mole is still in the game wait does he have the shirt on that he showed before did he take it off and put it on okay now i'm getting a little scared antoine that's one there's no way it's these three at all and you guys lost you guys ready i mean maybe cat crap i'm so confident in my answer though two one it's green no no is it antoine then the real class trial the real question he knows him or herself top 10 anime betrayals no i barely caught it at the end the fact that he wasn't that he had the shirt that was sus but he knew the full metal alchemist reference oh my god gabriel what the heck is wrong with you i'm sorry if you're watching this you're fine but i'm sorry but like the fact that you mispronounced the names like really is supersized i feel bad now i i was so now i feel like i was just mean to gabriel i mean i i was defeated and antoine you know what i feel like i feel like i made a mistake i think it's i think he made a he made a full metal alchemist reference and i i should have known the fact that he has the shirt he made the reference that was probably the only thing he researched feel free to re i i didn't react to the whole thing guys i highly suggest you go check out the original and all the other ones because they just make awesome videos but either way i really really enjoyed reacting to this uh please jubilee if you ever want to do another anime thing i would love to be a part of it i probably couldn't if people like you know if some people know me then they'll know but then like i don't know hey just reach out if you need something and gabriel for god's sakes just work on your pronunciations and no one will suss you anymore okay other than that you know he had the merch i guess you know he's in the clear i'm sorry i have to apologize when i'm wrong scrubscribe uh and i'll see you guys in the next one bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 100,230
Rating: 4.9788399 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, jubilee odd man out, jubilee reaction, bijuu mike reaction, bijuu mike reacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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