IT BEGINS - Danganronpa V3

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oh my god it is insane that we're here guys welcome i'm bg mike welcome all my beautiful scrubs to danganronpa v3 killing harmony this series has caused me so much despair in real life and in the video game world and the virtual world every character that i get attached to dies so i think i've learned my lesson we beat danganronpa one danganronpa 2 we beat despair girls and now here we are on the the final game of danganronpa thank you so much for everyone that supported me uh this far uh for us to be this far in the series uh just just for old time say guys can we get 30k likes 30k likes and episode 2 will be magically unlocked get your coffee because this is gonna be a bumpy ride i'm sure i'm sure of it this goes out to all you true scrubs out there i love you i gotta say i'm most excited to get back into a regular danganronpa game don't get me wrong despair girls was really cool there was a lot of really sus things in the game and uh like the characters were not like likable hardly at all to me personally i did really like toko and um camaro in that game those are the best characters in the entire game but if you did skip that series which i think a lot of people did you definitely didn't miss a whole lot except for those anime cut scenes they were they were nice those were so cool all the moments that game really made me love telco as a character freaking yes i don't even know she's gonna be in this game i don't think so i think this game is completely different i think we're gonna see nagito again which i'm sure so many people are excited for and we can't forget kokichi oh god i've heard so much about kokichi and i just want to warn you scrubs out there there's going to be some i'm sure some pretty dark themes in this game i've heard it's the most craziest out of all the games i believe and the qu the class trials are going to be ridiculous like compared to the other games so if you're not down with that all right i'm going to steal a thing from jay real quick i need you to unbuckle up and and turn around and go because if you can't you can't handle those themes don't watch it don't watch it but if you can take my strong hand and let's jump into danganronpa v3 okay we're back to the cut scene in from danganronpa one oh hey i see okay so okay i have so much to say dang it there's cutscenes from everywhere from despair girls and everywhere now okay now i see why you guys are saying i should have played it i know you're prob a lot of you are wondering did i watch the anime i've actually watched episode one everyone said that you actually don't need to watch the anime to understand this story so i'm gonna be watching it while i play this game and i'll do a video once i finish it but i couldn't i couldn't keep myself away from the series i have to play it i'm sure that probably angers some of you but uh just chill out okay yeah i've definitely recognized some of this from the anime that's from episode one episode one was so good honestly so funny the introduction for the characters story is not over a new killing game will begin again oh team danganronpa yep so i will i definitely will finish the anime as soon as i can but um you know i don't know who who knows when i'm posting this i'm probably posting it sooner than i think um who else has your coffee right now leave a comment that's so so exciting you guys don't understand i really love danganronpa it's so freaking fun all right nothing no light no sound no form no voice no knowledge of who i am who am i who am i i extend a hand a hand that belongs to no one to take hold of my existence okay this is me my name is i just remembered who i am nice to meet you me i'm the protagonist of this crazy story oh it's a girl this time okay dang this art's sick it's like way more high quality than the other games i feel like ultimate revival i stumbled out the locker in a daze but as soon as i did okay why was she in a locker i fell on the floor i couldn't even brace for an impact as uh blinding pain suddenly rushed through my head but thanks to that pain i went from days to annoyed real quick wait where am i what is this place i rub my throbbing forehead yeah this is definitely going to leave a bump have we seen her before if she's from the anime just okay i'll finish it but yeah i don't know if she is or not i looked around i didn't see her she does look like a character from dunrupa2 okay dang what the heck did they do to this classroom this looks this looks darker than it i don't know if this could be the darkest game but this looks pretty crazy where am i what i'm doing oh okay i never know when there's voice acting they need to warn me oh i always forget to mention for some reason but guys uh always support the series as well by buying the game i'll link it down below i always link the games uh the developers worked really hard for this go buy the game you know especially especially because like i'm gonna be slow with this series if you want to play ahead go buy the game oh is this a dream i just have to pinch myself right so i pinched my cheek like the sound effect but all that i did was make my head hurt in two places instead of one um dang i just it's because i know so like i know danganronpa i know how it is that it's like everything is so important to the story you just don't know it i'm trying to use my ultimate intuition skills you guys think i'm joking about that go back go back and i'll tell you there's so many times where i've guessed what is going to happen spoiler alert for the other danganronpa series but i've guessed it so many times in the first episode of danganronpa 1 i guessed oh juco is going to be evil guessed it and i'm going to rob it too i guess on the first episode it's all a game guessed it in ultra despair girls i uh hypothesized that uh monica was gonna be secretly an adult 90 years old and then you know granted it was on the last episode i finally realized that the bears were junko i freaking guessed it when will you guys learn when will you accept that i am the ultimate intuition huh watch i just completely blow it in this game like i don't guess anything much like nagito's luck i just let it happen you know we can't force it so let's stay calm and think through this confused as i was i tried to remember how i ended up here but no matter how hard i tried in the end i just couldn't suddenly the locker next to me started swaying and shaking making all kinds of noise as i fearly turned around the locker door slowly opened dan oh is it him a boy came to oh it's him isn't it i don't know all the characters in this game but i have heard of kokichi is that his name you guys told me that i'm gonna love him a normal boy dressed in a school uniform in fact he might be a high school student too he looked bewildered and then he slowly lifted his head he screamed as if he just seen a monster fell on his butt and scooted back who are you are you those other guys huh what other guys the people who kidnapped me kidnaps wait where am i what are you gonna do to me hey hold on i firmly gripped his shoulders what's your name i implore you to reconsider huh huh uh i'm sure oh never mind what who's this i honestly thought that was him i thought like he was just wearing a hat okay i'm not really doing well for my case here about the ultimate intuition shuichi he's got a hat i got a hat too my hair looks so stupid right now i probably should wear it i'm kidding it's kind of hard to say her name i'm kaye de kaye i need to hear her say it now listen to me shuichi shut up you're not the only one who's confused right now ah sorry after making him shut up i retraced my steps again that's right i was kidnapped too i was walking my usual route to school when all of a sudden someone shoved me into a car she was kidnapped by the blackened i shouted for help but no one came to rescue me okay oh please tell me for the love of god we can hide the text in this game how do you do it again yes oh my god that's one thing that i hated so much about the freaking despair girls because they completely changed the controls i mean you can tell that the game was kind of like you didn't really need to play it to understand everything but it did at the end especially give some uh context as to like what is gonna happen and it was really interesting but yeah i i really miss playing the actual danganronpa games everyone pretended like nothing happened it made me think how rotten the world is and then i lost consciousness okay that's right and when i woke up i was inside that locker same with me uh we were kidnapped by the same people it seemed like it but why me my family's not rich and i'm no one special i'm just a normal high school girl there's no reason to kidnap me okay me either i'm just a regular guy and this is a school right why did they take us to a school i wonder why i know why i know why hey there i'm sure you're confused right now uh you're thinking where am i well i can't explain that but i can give a basic explanation about the controls i can give you a tutorial if that makes you feel any better in this situation it doesn't the question that we all have is when is monokuma gonna show up well at least the ones that don't know the story if you're if you're if you're just like me hey hey we don't know what's going to happen except i do because i'm building intuition that's a blackboard right every glass classroom has one but this blackboard is also an lcd screen that's something you don't see every day i mean what year was this game made i feel like all the boards are now like i feel like there's like no such thing as regular blackboards anymore even when i was in school back in 2010 like people i don't know you don't care it's stupid this is dummy to talk about um anyway let's just stay calm and think i'm sorry i shouted at you earlier oh no it's okay i shouldn't have yelled at you anyway this place is weird you don't think we got caught up in something bad do you oh no no no no you're just saying a danganronpa game that's like totally like normal something bad what's going on what have we gotten ourselves into okay okay i have no thoughts on the characters yet you know until we meet more of them we have to meet about 50 000 more characters so yeah where am i uh why was i kidnapped who kidnapped me i don't understand this at all but that doesn't matter at least for now hey let's just get out of here as fast as we can and find some help yeah good idea we ran as fast as we could to the classroom door and opened it with all of our strength but then oh yeah is that like a freaking mono beast what monster he seems too happy we need to get out of here okay thumbnail oh whoa whoa whoa we got some 3d action uh kyde over here i don't you got to excuse me i don't know if i'm saying her name right i won't know until she says it or she did i just don't remember what oh wait duh i forgot we can actually do this and dog and rafa won i just like forgot i've been playing despair girls too long okay whoa this is cool like the graphics are like way improved whoa i'm trying to figure out is this hope's peak it's really too hard to say what happens if we run into one of them it's probably not a good thing like ticklish his butt cheeks nothing's happening ah don't go over that way over here okay i'm going i just want to know what happens if they catch us oh you get punched in the face okay well they monokuma can't kill me if i kill freaking get myself killed by robots what are those things hey can i go in here my god okay that like actually was terrifying okay run hey this is a fun little star here okay as we frantically do i wanted to drink coffee but as we frantically do as we dove towards the door we saw something we never expected to see oh 50 million characters huh oh no that's coke that's kokichi isn't it no no that looks familiar actually okay let's take it in so this is the part of the game where they just do the scrolling thing and this happened to duncan rob but well this happens in all of them really okay i'm trying to take it all in that girl looks like sayaka uh do we have any familiar faces at all i don't think we do guys don't think we do there's always gonna be this like short guy uh and that guy is the buff one there's always got to be a buff one there's the buff one uh this girl over here in the in the the silver hair looks like pekko pekko yeah kokichi's definitely gave me some nagito vibes oh my god the gray hair dude with the hat that he reminds me of freaking who he reminds me of gundam yeah that's what he reminds me of with his eyes because he has different eyes than everyone else uh that girl freaking over there with the red hair reminds me of hiyoko and but we got some some new faces that i don't really know what to think about interesting interesting huh did you all get chased by that monster too oh that voice sounds familiar what are they what do they want with us do you want me to check on what's happening hey these voices it's too dangerous out there i've heard all these voices before it's likely that monster still looks nearby mm-hmm wait i know that is i shattered at the top of my lungs who are you guys and why am i here and that makes 16. just to suffer what 16 there's always 16 students like it's they really they really love to keep everything on brand don't they like they don't they don't they don't cut from the um the formula you know i'm talking about us there are 16 of us all high schoolers what do you think that means 16 high schoolers little you guys know you're all 40 years old you just don't know it right didn't answer your question oh my god it's me my name is i'm sorry bud oh you can't i hate that man i think they're gonna keep going but they don't let's leave it at that for now what okay you know you know what anyway what does it matter if there are 16 of us there might be more coming there's not now i think this is all of us if this is what i think it is anyway what if this is what you think it is hey oh my god it's akane it's the economy character of this game we have candidate for best scroll right here already what you some kind of freaking know it all if you know something spit it out it was at that moment an unknown voice suddenly echoed throughout the gym wait a minute all right i had to do that okey dokey what i thought for sure it's going to be monokuma and get a lot of these basketball courts those look fancy okay quiet everyone should be down shimmy down no no no it's simmerdown what what who's that where are they okay so we have the quiet innocent shy girl that's it's probably gonna turn crazy and kill people in fact you know what i'm just gonna i'm gonna do it i'm gonna use my intuition powers right now and i'm gonna guess and i have no idea if i'm right about this one it's gonna be a wild guess i'm gonna say she's either gonna be the first one to die or the first person to kill someone she has that look on her oh snap thanks for bearing with us hey where's monokuma at like they're just this is taking forever are you serious there are more monsters we're surrounded these aren't monsters there exist south exit excise what exists they gotta have such confusing names for everything man and that's that they're highly mobile bipedal weapons platforms weapons should we take these for a spy by killing one of them no what should we take this for a spin by killing one of them yeah wait a minute it wouldn't be any fun picking on plane good for nothing commoners you're right we should at least think of an interesting way to kill you maybe i'll pick you up and squeeze you till your guts come gushing out like two's base wait please not like toothpaste she's crying i just imagined it i can't handle forward well then what if we uh start peeling off their limbs one by one like string cheese please not like string cheese either wait wait wait wait we can't kill them we're exhausts exhaust that is the most confusing name exists come on existence how do you say that according to the schedule the existence aren't supposed to show up till later what are you saying but we're in the existence right now is there people inside of them oh so we are we screwed up we're not supposed to be in the existence for our first appearance i told you we should read the scripts what are you saying no you didn't well why don't you get out of there out of these mechs they shouldn't be too late for that okay okay so they are in there ready what oh my god monotaro monosukey monofin he got a hairy chest what the heck what well i guess i was right but excuse me huh what the heck it's freaking uh uh it's gundam monokuma so this is an interesting twist i really hope we do get a black and white one just because i like normal all right and despair girls they pulled out a white and a black one and then they turned out to be junko and now we're not scared anymore right right his desperation is strangely terrifying and what about i really do hope we see nagito i know i made jokes about him but i want to see nagito anyway i hope he is i don't know if i'm wrong i guess that's probably why you guys told me to watch the anime i probably would know the answer if i finished it i'm working on it guys you punky better brace yourself he's just outright terrifying i'm a messenger from hell from the depths of hell here to drag you down to hell no no mono kid you're saying hell too much it's ruining the hellish impact uh what's hellish mean what hey what's up with these stuffed animals how are they moving i have no idea moving stuffed animals on top of that it seems like they're calling themselves the monarch cubs moving stuffed animals mono cubs are you guys calling yourselves the monocubes a lot of cub scouts ah sorry i know jay's playing danganronpa so like i'm just i'm just thinking of him whenever he gets to this game assuming he does play it oh don't bother asking mata damn he only talks to close friends the years of abuse really have done a number on his heart isn't that right mana damn oh well whatever they did to him they took his ears this one is very oddly proportionate i don't know if i like it monitoring you won't even open your heart to me looks like i was right this is exactly what i thought so far i'm really liking the look of this character and i know it's because he's got green hair but i do think he looks cool but who's behind all this they're the ridiculous why they're ridiculous theatrics shut up you all y'all reacting way too normally for this it's boring actually don't their clothes seem kind of boring too wait a minute you think maybe they haven't been given their first memory yet okay so it's not surprising that all the memories are probably gone at this point that should have happened before they woke up hey answer my question if you guys are the mona cubs then hey who the heck are you punks what do you mean we're just wondering uh do you guys have ultimate talents or anything like that i'm gonna assume they do ultimate talents i don't have one oh okay so she's gonna be the normie character they always gotta have that normie character you know i always wondered why and i'm pretty sure it's probably to relate to the person it's kind of like low-key the developers roasting like people playing it you know we're all just a bunch of normies playing these games i have no special talent except i do you always gotta have the character i'm so normal i am no not a guy no talent me either i don't have anything like that no you just forgot it yeah same here i knew it they haven't got their first memory yet uh monofanny weren't you in charge of that i like the little so stupid this one looked a lot more purple in the character i was gonna call it lauren side monokuma but okay of fanny is she really seem tired you to you guys she's obviously faking it even if she's faking she looks so peaceful let's whisper so we don't wake her up if you say so anyway if you guys really are the mona cubs then don't worry about us the real issue is well issue is putting it mildly this is actually a huge problem use all i have oh so he's got an accident or what you've all forgotten your team let's become generic high school students forgotten see according to the backstory there's this ultimate hunt going on you've all lost your memories and become different people because of the ultimate hunt wow they really just given up the story in the beginning huh what are you talking about well in your current state it's pretty much pointless to talk to you guys about this the first thing we need you guys to do is remember our truths your true selves yeah you need to reclaim your sealed talents by rem regaining your memories so we need to know is this the future foundation is this because we didn't get a closure on that and like i haven't read the side stories i haven't i haven't watched all the anime so i don't know exactly what's happened to the future foundation i don't know if these monokumas are good i'm gonna say they're not what the are you awake already why i don't get it why are these still talents you're talking about or what are these still talents you're talking about how are we supposed to talk when you keep asking so many freaking questions yeah we're not some switch-footed singer who's landed another future ex-boyfriend let's do this everybody no one wants to watch a bunch of generic high school whiners first we'll update your wardrobe so you guys look all cute spiffy okay why do they gotta change oh my god we're doing sailor moon or what ah they really are getting all new new uniforms alrighty then oh they okay some of them actually look pretty freaking cool huh what am i wearing looking good now you look more like ultimates ultimates really so next if the memory y'alls you've been waiting for oh yeah get ready once the seal is broken we'll be in the domain of the killing game oh no killing game all right so they're not leaving any mystery at all like in danganronpa 2 it was like oh i yeah everything's fine and then it wasn't yeah now then after the flashback light helps you remember your amazing talents this amazing story will begin for real this time why are they here huh oh that looks oh my god this looks awesome yes i want to save so is that her getting her memories back i feel like i'm so lost i have no idea what to expect i i don't like that feeling either i like familia familiarity i can't even say the word but that's what i like ultimate revival she does look like the character from danganronpa 2 though and i think it might actually be her but i could be wrong huh oh she's back in the locker or is that how to start it i just don't remember what she was wearing i stumbled out of the locker in a daze but as soon as i did i fell on the floor ow my head i couldn't even brace myself for impact as blinding pain uh rushed through my head but thanks to that i went from days to annoyed real quick where am i what is this place i rubbed my throbbing forehead okay this is doing this again a classroom okay where am i i'm not gonna read it all again i'm getting deja vu guys but now it's yellow for some reason was it yellow before how do i end it up here oh my god that's gonna be a huge plot to the story whoa all right so he's gonna come out of the locker is it all gonna be the same it is except now he's dressed in a pinstripe suit okay i don't remember this but all the more reason why we need to stay calm oh gyno pd number one by eric saty try to imagine that sorrowful melody filling your head and soothing your hearts i don't remember saying that they're so small i can see why they're called the cubs now they're not full-sized a teddy bear no it's a monster you can freak out about this i don't think she was talking to you that's so mean you humans are the real monsters for calling us monsters although if we are monsters at least we're pretty monsters i agree i'm glad i was born with these looks i definitely won the genetic lottery huh what are they are they talking aren't they just stuffed animals we're not monic cubs we're the stuffed animals hey monokid you're saying your lines backwards no stuffed animals that's the monocub's them ah jeez it's even worse now huh monica's oh you've heard of us no of course not we've never we've never seen walking talking stuffed animals as soon as i said that these mono cups things started looking at each other and it works had me worried there for a second hey worried about what i understand what's going on all right now let's tackle each issue one at a time you're so dang reliable monetary he's like a sixth grader helping out a fifth grader which means we should keep our expectations reasonable well what's your question i have loads of questions but for starters where are we this looks like a school okay so this place is called the ultimate academy for gifted juveniles ultimate accounting whoa oh my god they're all bad kids okay ultimate academy i've never even heard of a school like that of course you haven't this school was made for you 16 cretans 16. yeah there are 16 ultimates at this school so they gave them new clothes and then re-erase their memories again okay you know what ultimates are right the government scouts scouts them through this program called the ultimate initiative ultimate basically means you're particularly pr prodigious or you've never heard that word in a particular talent basically the ultimate initiative exists to cultivate talent throughout the country promising students are eligible to receive all kinds of special handouts like free school tuition voting privileges eligibility to run for elected office voting privileges you think that would be free to everyone i don't know they even get grant money too right students chosen by the ultimate initiative are known as the students would do anything for the honor of being chosen ultimate except for the normies right i don't need the explanation i already know because i'm an ultimate too so she knows now that means you got to remember this time wait wait so is she not the main character then no way no way canceling this game if the main character is not a normie like me that means you gotta remember this time so don't forget anymore yeah forgetting about your ultimate talent is such a waste what do you mean forgetting shut up quit your yap and start getting start start already get started with what why exploring this academy of course also you should introduce yourselves to the other ultimates because you guys are all gonna do an activity together later awesome i've got a rage a rager right now well i hope he's talking about his guitar even the cubs got freaking the puns ah they left but i still have so many questions me every time i started a danganronpa game hey this isn't a dream right no but i wish it was i wish it was anyway we have to find a way out of here but they said there are 16 ultimate students here does that mean he's one too okay so we kind of got the introduction but i don't know if it's gonna probably still make us go through the actual introductions are you an ultimate student too yeah well then okay okay we got kyoko of this game i like how he's got like uh he covers his eye i like that you're a detective that's amazing i don't have the credentials to call myself a detective yet i just happened to solve a case that came across or that i came across and now people call me that it's like the most ultimate case ever you probably solved not many people can just happen to solve the case you should be more proud of that oh yeah my name is ultimate pianist nice to meet you okay ultimate pianist okay okay interesting interesting yeah she looks so much like the character that we saw in the game in danganronpa 2 hye i gotta remember that so she good at playing the piano ultimate pianist well no one calls me the ultimate pianist uh usually just piano freak oh that's so cute i would play the piano whenever i got bored dude why is your head so big there were even times i played the piano so much that i would forget to eat and sleep oh yeah eventually i won trophies from concerts and people started praising me okay interesting hmm i wonder if that is anything i wonder if that has anything to do with the piano room that we see from the other games and that's way more impressive than me no that's all i'm good for really that's all it takes man but this is my first time meeting another ultimate student well ultimates are scattered all over the country they're difficult to find even so there are 16 ultimate students gathered here now but why is everyone here were we kidnapped if so then is some organization out here trying to kidnap all the ultimates about that i don't remember you don't remember i've been trying to remember it but i can't no matter how hard i try i have no idea how i got here when i woke up i was in this locker i don't know how i got there it's like that memory just fell out of my head but before they remember she obviously remembered that she got kidnapped same here huh you know i can't remember anything okay so okay maybe here's another here's another thing i find it really odd that she knew that she was kidnapped but she didn't know that she was an ultimate in fact she said that she didn't have a talent and they gave them new clothes i'm starting to believe that all these students are probably reserve students and they don't have a talent and they were implanted memories from other people oh i bet you that's it because that would make sense right it's probably part of the experiment that they went on danganronpa 2 with all the machines i could see that happening they just believe they have talents but they're not actually talented or maybe they are talented now but they weren't before i'm onto your game okay so she's obviously in a machine what happened are you okay what's wrong no i'm fine i just got a headache that's all but it can't be a coincidence if we both don't remember what happened to us i'm sure it's nothing to worry about probably not a big deal all right we're confused we just need to relax it's all oh let's imagine maurice ravels sona sona team yeah she she didn't talk about music before that's why that's why it was different is that music i don't really know much about music actually that's unfortunate when we get out of here i'll share it with you oh right but first let's look for a way out and if there's another ultimate students here we should talk to them too at least one of them has got to know something yeah good idea obtain friendship fragment okay so we got that going again i sure hope we don't have a pet this time because i'm gonna let it die every time i i didn't i never kept a pet alive in dogarapa too you could leave a room by pressing the b button or interacting with the door well let's go to the door i mean imagine that's the way to get out of here you gotta love the style of danganronpa games it gives it's like persona even though it's a hallway there sure are a lot of plants growing around here and the air here is heavy oppressively heavy as if forcing you to recall your fears smothering you in anxiety but this is just a school right what kind of school makes you feel like this huh what's the matter i just felt something in my pocket of my uniform when i looked an ipad i found this aside as some kind of mini tablet computer what is this well maybe i have one too i knew my backpack felt heavier so that's going to be their cards mono pad is written on it where did when did this get in my backpack my name was displayed when it booted up like a student handbook i don't know what it could have been used for but i don't think we should throw it away let's hold on to it for now i agree it's too early to say for it hopes peak or not because it looks different so i don't know congratulations you can now use the monopad press the x button to open the monopad on i bet you've already noticed you can level up by performing actions when you level up your skill slots increase so you can equip even more skills there are a lot of skills so view them in the report card if you want skills make friends strengthen your bonds be sure to test out all the skills also there's one more important thing to tell you you can save and load the game from the handbook make sure all the stuff okay yeah i got it the thing is like there's skills and stuff but even in even in ultra despair girls even in danganronpa one and two i i found that like all the skills were not necessary to be honest even if you failed the clash trials there's no real punishment for failing them so it's like if you just got something wrong you can just do it again like i never understood the skills like i i really do hope in this game it gives me more reason to try to get a skill and actually like kind of be like oh maybe i should go for this skill you know i'm just saying like that's what i've noticed for these games and i always put on normal difficulty too oh hey how's it going well let's open our handbook and see what we can see oh this looks fancy i like how it's all themed after the different ones see look we obviously have a black and white monokuma i'm i i hope that he shows up i miss that voice i've gone too long without it i don't know i could be wrong i don't know i don't want to disappoint myself dang you gotta love the art though uh okay so she likes piano keys she just she hates bicycles no bicycles he likes novels dislikes gossip i won't let me look at the rules i know i love looking at the rules to like try to figure it out before dang these freaking screens are like on another level though hey piano keys wait is this a music room it's her favorite room no let me let me in it won't open but this room does look like it was made for me uh-oh they all have to show up at once who's ursine they're here again what do you think this place is check out all this fancy schmancy riding seems like a place for eggheads huh isn't this the ultimate research lab what the why would you tell them we were trying to make it all dramatic oh i see i'm sorry wait what's the ultimate research lab we want you guys to keep holding your ultimate talent so we set up those rooms for you this is your ultimate pianist lab but we set up labs for the other ultimates too of course uh most of them are still hidden though by the way the reason this research lab is still locked is because we're still setting up everything sorry we'll hustle to get it all ready just wipe your what'd you tell me to do you're so rude that's good advice at all but don't you mean to say hold your horses uh model kid is such a dummy what are you laughing at i'll bully you like i bully monodamn why is that one not talk it seems like the music room but i guess it's the ultimate lab do you think there are really other rooms like this for everyone i wonder about that too anyway i thought this was the music room i really wanted to play the piano oh well i can play as much piano as i want when i finally escape this place if you do now the main character always survives i would be shocked if the main character actually died for once i kind of wish that would happen just for a change you know i hate knowing the fate of someone i just hate it especially when it's my favorite character it's a cool looking dragon all right let's meet her um are you an ultimate student right can we talk did she not hear me hello what she still can't hear me maybe she's a really a really detailed mannequin no i don't think that's the case oh you are a detective as i said that i poked her cheek her i felt her skin squished beneath my fingertip um poking her doesn't work either maybe she's just a doll but she looks so real try it poke poke oh no thanks just do it it's so fun as i grabbed his hand to make him poke her other cheek i never thought i'd i never thought i'd be poked from both sides how truly unexpected i don't even yep that's us that's us right there so she wasn't a mannequin well i knew that if you knew that then why did you make me poke her because she wasn't responding oh i didn't mean any harm i was just deep in thought so i thought if i ignored you you'd go somewhere else what ultimate is she she's the ultimate smarty pants uh were you ignoring us is that a bit rude well isn't it rude to force someone to talk when they don't want to ooh sassy oh but it's fine i feel like talking now now let's talk what do you want to start with my favorite doraemon episode is 53 the one with security cameras at target practice never watched the anime so i don't know i know of it though you know before you talk about that can you tell us your name oh my name is i'm the ultimate cosplayer oh my god she's a cosplayer oh my god then what does she really look like sumugi shirogane after uh you got you guys got to give me a break it's going to take me a while to remember all their names it does take a while ultimate cosplayer interesting interesting have we had a cosplayer before i don't know no no we haven't the only person that i can remember that was really an anime or something was he fumi but he didn't cosplay so you're a cosplayer are you surprised i get that a lot since i'm so plain i mean it sort of makes sense you have this strange almost sexy aura about you i bet it's because you got people oogling all over your curves on a daily basis huh uh coyote oh i have to oh my god i have to remember how to say your name again you sound like a creepy old man normally i don't really like people looking at me like that i just like making cosplay i'm fine with others wearing them but lately more cosplayers are putting themselves before their characters you're right i'd rather wear my outfits myself with love than give them to people like that oh you're pretty intense it makes me happy when i get to show people the outfits that i've made and thanks to my sponsors i can use the materials that are just plain expensive oh of course the ultimate cosplayer would have sponsors it's no big deal people just crowd around like a panda at the zoo that's true you ever been to miami convention some people i mean some people just have really good cosplays you're pretty much a celebrity you know if it's all right if i ask you something too earlier you looked as if you were thinking hard about something what was it oh yeah we needed to ask her that nice job suichi chuwichi that one thing that bronze statue dragon over there i'm just playing curious about it it does look a little interesting it's almost like it's floating right doesn't it look pretty out of place now that you mentioned it you're right it sort of bothers me too this is a school right but everything here is so weird isn't it there's trees grass growing inside i can't find any exits and it seems like we're only the only people here are we gonna be okay are we going to be able to get out um coyote what's wrong that frightened look on her face was sort of sexy coyote this again i'm just kidding well it's not a big deal let's not go there okay you know our present situation is our main concern it's once it's over we'll be good at dandy you're pretty optimistic well uh people do say i'm carefree yeah boring won't get you anywhere you know it's better to just be carefree yeah i guess so being all depressed won't help anything yeah so let's try to find a way out obtain friendship fragments okay wait is that what she looks like right now the heck she looks yeah she looks a little bit different she hates disorderly cues disorderly lines so she better not go to anime expo she likes eva foam i don't know what that is yeah and her and her drawing she doesn't have her jacket hmm interesting interesting i'm still observing i'm just taking it all in oh my god guys it's already been over a freaking hour i cannot believe it we've only met like two people oh and i just realized like something was different wait we can look up and down i don't think we were able to do that before okay school store wait a minute warehouse wait a minute wait a minute school store warehouse okay all right i was gonna say i thought we would hope speak but now i'm starting to think we're not it doesn't really look like it okay i really like this guy not just because he has green hair i just think he looks cool so i don't know anything about it let's see oh hey there you guys got kidnapped too well you both look alright that's good situation could be better though yeah totally hey let me ask you something do you guys remember how you got here if you're asking us then you don't remember either do you you're the same way too huh you don't remember anything do you i guess that means everyone hears the same everyone i asked the others too they all said they don't remember so the others don't remember either it's like we all have amnesia or something uh but that's not normal if everyone here has amnesia up i guess we're all in a pretty abnormal situation then through his eyes what that's not true wait amnesia is a stretch we're probably just confused i'm sure we'll remember eventually or could it be a group hypnosis maybe brainwashing in any case i hope we remember soon otherwise i'll end up the outcast the outcasts what do you mean how should i put this to tell you the truth how i got here isn't the only thing i don't remember i also forgot my own talent oh wait they never gave him one phew i'm in trouble i know i must have been some kind of ultimate i just don't remember is that true yeah because it is of course it is but then again i don't blame you for not believing me oh i never told you my name did i it's not like i already told you but then i forgot it i did it or did i no you haven't told us your name yet my name is ron taro oh did he say it i don't know rontaro amami god the music is like so loud i really can't even hear them your eyes said otherwise but okay can this game actually like let us freaking turn down the music for once voice volume is going all the way up bgm goes it needs to go down like they're way too loud in these games okay hopefully that's better it really always bugged me like you couldn't see that you could wait a minute wait a minute spoiler is that a spoiler dude that's monica's voice he's actually here set mono pad theme dress-up what oh so okay you have different themes probably you have to we're probably gonna get mono coins or something monocoma coins the ultimate also make green hair for someone who can't remember his talent he doesn't seem too shaken up about it is it weird that i'm not really bothered by the fact that i don't remember my talent i'm looking forward to it you know i'm actually kind of looking forward to finding out i wonder what ultimate i am anyway to be nice if we can get along we aren't going anywhere for a while uh stop that we'll escape soon you really think it's gonna be that easy what do you mean no nothing just a feeling hey don't worry about it all right i thought he would be a pretty chill guy to talk to but i have no idea what's going through his head right now friendship fragment okay okay let's look at his report card let's see his grades i mean that's this dude's got style and he's even got like the naruto necklace that's what it looks like at least he dislikes cars he likes extra extra territorial rights october 3rd okay he's almost as tall as me too he weighs less than me though i need to lose like 20 pounds interesting interesting yeah we gotta get through these introductions faster all right let's go to the dining hall oh my god there's gonna be so many is this a dining hall a dining hall definitely makes this place feel more like a school but this place is called the ultimate academy for gifted juveniles i doubt it's anything like a typical school all right we're getting through these introductions oh what you me so are we stuck here that's what it looks like but don't be scared i'm sure we'll be out of this place in a jiffy i'm not scared it's just a pain something like this won't make me panic because i'm a mage she's a mage should play some dungeon and dragons or what that's right i haven't told you guys yet prepare to be a maze fall to your knees i am himiko yumeto the ultimate mate interesting okay all right but i'm officially called the ultimate magician okay that's different i like that i like that i see so you're a magician you should have said that from the stars i mean it makes sense through since magic doesn't exist magic does exist huh because i'm a mage hey well there's ghosts in freaking dog and rampa literally despair girls had a ghost in it so you know i'm pretty sure like you know hey magic probably exists in this world too you're just a magician right only on paper okay i'm known as a magician but that's just a ruse i'm actually a mage just a ruse you guys might not know them but there's a group called the magic castle also known as the hall of magicians it's where the world's magic lovers gather i was the youngest person to ever win the magic of the magician of the year award that's pretty cool it's all a ruse they're keeping my magic a secret by disguising it as tricks because of this ruse i became famous all over the world for performing tricks make sure you cut those like little silent parts out i sometimes i do things on accident but i'm not a magician i'm a mage no one believes me uh well there's don't be sad well you could show us your magic then we could uh we should believe you oh that's right help us out with your magic take us back to when we originally magic isn't all powerful i can only do so much i see then what can you do i can choose the card you picked pull out coins and release doves yeah and if i it's what is she papyrus if i get serious i could even sell uh someone in half those are just ordinary magic tricks okay well that was short all right okay all right let's move on let's get through it the heck i'm yelling so i can build up my spirit energy don't you know you can unlock your brain's full potential by yelling to build up spirit energy i should yell more often then i'm just gonna start the videos yelling ah i've also heard the pro athletes do that it's supposed to help you focus they say that if you yell you're stronger i can i can believe it i must be prepared for combat at all times just in case someone tries to attack me i will protect myself with neo like uh aikido aikido it's like akiro huh aikido then you're oh yeah oh yes i'm intimidated yeah the ultimate aikido master okay so she's a martial artist i always imagine aikido masters to be uh huge burly guys but you're so cute cute ah stop it i'm not cute my face crinkles when i suck down a shake and when i wipe my face my eyelids turn inside out um i see but i think you're cute right shuichi oh right huh oh my god what the heck is that face what's the matter your facial looks really intense right now i don't like to be praised by degenerate males degenerate mellows you mean men are you uncomfortable around them yes it's a way bigger problem than just being uncomfortable if any degenerate tries to touch me my reflexes to grab them and throw them across the room you're right that is way a bigger problem than just being uncomfortable around men uh by the way uh what is this neo aikido that you mentioned that's right neo aikido was an original form of aikido that is my master oh then my master and i completely made it for ourselves so your aikido is self-taught okay well hey this is going faster than i thought it would all right well this looks to be it's the dining hall there's obviously a lot more weeds than i would oh the rules should i guess we should look at them oh it's for the dining hall the dining hall rules you may eat any food you find in the dining hall please take responsibility for all the utensils and dishes and clean up after yourself the dining hall will be locked during night time night time so it was closed at night not surprised not surprised at all all right we got about two thousand more characters to look at so let's go is this the gym huh oh can't go in there what's the matter no it's nothing i just feel strange strange how so like deja vu i feel like i've been here before could it be we might have been caught up in something even stranger than we imagined well it's natural to feel and settle when we all know uh we know so little about what's going on yeah but we'll probably be fine knock on wood what makes you say that because we have the ultimate uh the 16 ultimate students on our side as long as we work together as friends i just know nothing bad will happen friends yeah you think you're friends now they always they always fall for the same same mistakes always oh we're friends we won't kill each other and then one of them dies it's almost like there's an imposter among you guys it's almost like among us what okay i don't even want to look at this stuff right now because i don't think it matters it's going here i guess this doesn't open let's look somewhere else okay warehouse should i go in there oh lots of food is this a warehouse it's pretty big okay uh she looks pretty cool so far where the heck is it we saw a conspicuous girl rummaging through a shell filled with different chemicals oh ultimate scientist ultimate adventure something watch watch watch watch hey what are you looking for oh she's mean don't sneak up on me i literally just met you and you've already called me a beat hey i'm sorry if we surprised you but you shouldn't talk to coyote like that hey crotch crotch rod you're staring at my d my what help yourself a guy like you can only dream of landed a big bob hottie like me go on get yourself a good eyeful oh no i wasn't staring my eyes just happened to look there he admits it oh my eyes just happened to look there oh my hand just happened to grope her oh god she's so mean never mind she's not best girl not until she starts being nicer i can identify pervs on site and you are definitely a freaking perv that's why you that's why you wear that hat ride to hide your ski the eyes no oh and that's why you wear those pants right to hide your nasty crotch i wear pants too everyone wears pants though she's like not me she's like also not wearing pants everyone knows only pervs wear hats oh my god everyone everyone wearing a hat watching this video bruh stop it leave me alone i can wear a hat if i want to what what the heck are you getting uh what are you getting pissed off at me for tell the world you're sorry if you start if you startled me into losing motivation that'll that loss will be felt across the whole world hey your vulgar language is uncalled for just who are you anyway seriously you don't know who i am you don't know who she is i'm the gorgeous girl genius whose good looks and golden brain will go down in history am i crazy or does she sound exactly like a connie i'm the one the only the legendary ultimate inventor herself mewy rooma dude she almost sounds exactly like connie it's crazy miu okay whoa i called it ultimate inventor her goggles gave it away um i've never even heard of you so what kind of things do you invent i make all kinds of gadgets ones that let you type while you sleep read while you sleep hey that sounds pretty nice though everyone that lets you even want to let you eat while you sleep oh that sounds awful imagine you're all trying to sleep while freaking this machine's trying to cram food down your throat that would be awful why does everything involve sleeping i was inspired after i realized how much time people waste on sleep oh my god that's actually kind of genius though to be honest though this one time i invented these really stupid eye drop contact lenses as a gag wait really that's your invention wait are you talking just contact lenses oh okay some of my friends aware of them oh she's saying summer she's saying some of her friends wear them your friend sounds like a total plebs that invention was nothing contact lenses it doesn't make you more productive while you sleep so it was a failure just like you two in fact you can't even sleep with contact lenses so yeah no wonder why she doesn't like it i signed the patent rights over to some company and never looked back so she's filthy rich okay got it by the way what were you looking for earlier you sounded pretty desperate to find it what was that uh are you a dumb man in a situation like this i gotta find some meds medicine are you hurt or feeling sick no idiot i just need strong meds because i want to trip my freaking balls off i just want to set my mind free and forget about all this crappy situation okay then got it wait you can't use drugs to get high you definitely shouldn't do that youtube it's humorous references okay not promoting it what the heck my genius can't be constrained by the wisdom of the masses besides this place probably doesn't even have the crap i need to get loosey-goosey so are we cool are you done being mad at me does she not like people being mad at her she's being really weird they say there's a fine line between genius and insanity but there's definitely beyond insane or she's definitely beyond insane okay got it she's interesting what's up with shuichi uh he's been quiet ever since miyu mentioned his hat does he not like to talk about his hats don't talk about a shuichi's hat he doesn't like it all right where else can we go we've already been in the dining hall this is the girls bathroom right shuchi do you mind waiting here okay sure don't give me that weird look i'm just gonna check if there's anything inside i doubt there's an exit but just in case sorry what she can't use the bathroom it's him in his stupid hat uh the toilets seem moral but it's weird that the plants are growing this thick yeah it's really something's really up hey let's just ignore this device in the toilet stall okay i can't just i can't get distracted we gotta make the other characters classroom eight let's see if there's anyone in there oh wow we got three uh two of them hey wait for me please stop don't come any closer that boy in white is chasing the other boy in the funny clothes what's happening here please stop don't come any closer come on wait up let me touch your body a little i've always wanted to be friends with a robot wait oh wait a robe what what is that are you another robophobe that's enough i have a recording function if you make me if you make any robophobic remarks i will set i will see you in court wait you're a robot are you for real as a robot no are you one of the mono cubs please stop don't compare me to those toys i'm not just any old robot i am k1b0 the ultimate robot but please address me as kibo there's a robot in this game well you know there wasn't danganronpa 2 so okay that's going to make for some interesting story no telling what he's going to do that's not fair you can't be the only one who gets to show off i'll introduce myself too oh i wonder who this is i'm kokichioma the ultimate supreme leader supreme leader huh just because i know you guys love this character so much it makes me extremely obsessed with him already i'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now there's no reason you know until he does something weird by the way i learned the hard way that a robot's breath smells like gasoline my breath does not smell like gasoline i am powered by electricity he's eco-friendly i'm just kidding that is not funny are those the robophobic remarks hey robots got feelings too of course you don't think i'm funny robots can't understand human humor to begin with do not mock me i have studied the complete history of stand-up comedy i think you should just watch stand-up instead of studying kids yeah you don't just study comedy yet at least it's like watch it plus i have an appearance of a robot but i am a high school student just like you you're a high school student i was created by professor uh aidabashi the leading authority in the field of robotics he installed me and he saw me a strong ai capable of learning and maturing like a human brain that's why at the time of my creation i didn't know anything i was like a baby but the professor raised me like i was his own child he taught me so many things until finally he enrolled me in high school how about this and now i stand here before you all see i'm just like everyone else hey was he a robot before i'm just saying i don't remember hey do robots have whoa cokey please don't ask ridiculous questions i only ask because your backstory is pretty flaccid for a robot i get it well i could see how being a robot might be enough to be called the ultimate robot hey kokichi i don't really understand your ultimate supreme leader talent oh i'm just oh this face already i'm just the supreme leader of an evil secret organization that's all what um i gotta say it's pretty impressive my organization has over 10 000 members huh seriously the supreme leader of an evil uh secret organ is that because i'm a liar who knows i'm a liar after all wait you're relying just now is he the ultimate liar it's true i am the supreme leader but uh evil secret organization that part was true so were you lying or not i'm not telling you hey okay extreme extreme sus is going on right now by the way what's the name of that organization it's a secret uh you know because it's a secret organization but i've never heard of such a large secret organization like that of course you haven't because it's a secret organization hey everything he said so far has sounded like a lie so that's going to be a lie too right i like how i love the transition between the characters that's really cool like it's different just leave him alone everything he has been saying has been a lie he's far more suspicious person than i am that's for sure well of course you're not a suspicious person because robarts aren't people silly oh you man are you gonna hit me with a rocket punch i can't how dare you say those robophobic remarks my tesla is crying right now i don't have a tesla my phone is crying tears i don't have that function oh man you're boring he's a weird boy he's like a mischievous little kid he does look kind of like a little kid though there's no time to be joking around unless he's really an evil supreme leader okay all right how many more students we need interesting interesting okay okay i'm writing some notes down i can't tell the future unless i know all the characters i'm like those fortune tellers you see on tv you know i'm like uh mama what was her name mama cleo or something like that you want to head down i don't know the basement might be dangerous this place is full of mysteries oh okay let's go let's go it doesn't look very dangerous to me really well some dangers are hidden where you can't see chewichi you have quite the imagination don't you no i just don't think you're considering how dangerous this is yeah maybe but we should look around the basement too all right there might be an exit but we should be careful okay you're right oh it is kind of dark this is a little scary i've already been jump scared once so i don't like this the library whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this looks almost like the first one in the first game as soon as i opened the door i suddenly gagged from the musty smell of old books is this a library there are books all over the place it doesn't seem very organized does that bother you are you a neat freak no no it's just i was wondering if someone was using it before us someone no it's nothing let's just investigate all right who are you ultimate bookkeeper ultimate librarian ultimate reader ultimate ultimate girl with red eyes hey are you an ultimate student too yeah that's right uh that's it she doesn't talk very much hi i'm kayety kaide akamatsu i'm the ultimate pianist i'm shirichi i'm okay i know we know what about you ultimate child caregiver wait wait what child caregiver she takes care of kids she looks mean it's crap maki maki okay i see surprise that'll look like someone who would like kids do i that's right well you'd be right i don't like kids that much well she picked the wrong ultimate then so then the children must like you a lot right i don't care kids are weird they come to me on their own i'm not that good at taking care of them i'm not that friendly either but they say kids are very intuitive if they like you that much then they could probably tell how loving you really are maki yeah that must be it you've chosen a perfect uh a career for yourself wrong it wasn't my choice to begin with wait what do you mean by that nothing it's just as i grew i grew up in an orphanage i got saddled with helping out a lot orphanage huh i see um by the way do you know anything about the monocubes yeah that's right yeah something's got to be controlling them right any idea who it might be how would i know well a fair point hmm the monaco's are definitely involved in our situation hey boy detective shouldn't you have already figured that out already what well he's a detective not a god he can't know everything yeah i mean who cares about some stuffed animals escaping this place is way more important seriously you think we can escape abducting ultimates from across the country will require a massive resources and planning what makes you think a group capable of that would just let us walk on out of here i know we can do it if we work together don't worry her spirit will be broken by the end of the game i'm certain with strangers you're a naive fool if you think you can end this so easily that was kind of odd she didn't even seem like the ultimate child caregiver don't say that she didn't pick her talent the talent picked her mystery room oh it's locked huh um what's wrong this door barely opens a crack was it poorly built well nothing we could do about it let's search somewhere else okay okay okey-dokey i know this episode's gonna seem long but i really want to get through these character introductions so we can really move on with the game guys we'll never get through the game if i don't oh got a game room over here chiaki what what jackie's in here do we have a gamer we must have a gamer oh it's that little dude isn't it it looks like a game room but this is a school ride is it normal for a school to have its own game room it certainly is strange oh my god he's got such a deep voice uh she's what a strange place when i heard if we were trapped here i didn't expect we'd have a game room are we really trapped in here there must be an exit right isn't that what you guys are walking around for then figure it out yourself okay we may be trapped but it's pretty cold here compared to the prison anyway prison it's an old story what the heck he's like the most innocent looking person but he's like the most evil the man called the ultimate tennis tennis pro is it just me or these talents don't fit these characters i think i might be right i feel like their talents have been swapped i'm nothing more than his empty shell i'm not buying it this is weird ryoma hoshi really i've seen you in the newspaper the tennis prodigy who single-handedly took down a mafia he took down a mafia if i remember correctly the paper said he shot through them shot them through the head with his tennis skills and an iron ball really so you know that majority well what do you think of the loser before you used his talent to kill but what why would you throw away your future like that because i didn't need a future anymore no no it's nothing it's not like me to talk so much more importantly i'm wording you it's dangerous to just walk to a killer like me walk up to a killer like me as he said that he turned his back on us oh he's so scary that's freaking odd all right okay we're only missing one two three four five there's so many characters we're missing five characters what wait we couldn't go through the before right it looks like the iron gate's open did someone open it for us let's check it out oh this is the entrance hall right should we do this must be the entrance hall don't you think yeah i suppose which means the south hall so this is the entrance if we walk through it we can escape this place right wait i don't think we should open a door yet yeah right it's not gonna be good oh he looks and he i'm guessing looks interesting worrying about that isn't necessary i have already examined the doors they found a rochamaro over here oh um you wonder who is this yes i shall make that clear first my name is i am called the ultimate anthropologist anthropologist what is that again please call me q as for anthropology would you like a simple explanation sure apology oh thank you for studies custom legends folktale songs and much more got it all right there may be even customs in your daily life the origins of which you do not know for example certain aspects of birthdays are new year celebrations anthropology sheds light on traditions a customs such as these throw through rigorous analysis it's a study that examines the thought behind culture faith and customs okay i sort of get it but i'm not really but not really it sounds like a lot of fun though well of course it's fun it's a study focused on humanity i believe that human beings are creatures who possess infinite beauty oh him i find all aspects of humanity even the ugly parts to be beautiful our present situation is rather intriguing what beauty will i be able to witness here humanity is beautiful people are wonderful this guy reminds me of rochimaru so much right now this guy looks like a creep and it turns out he is one too anyway we can go outside uh if we just go through these doors right you should find the answers to such questions on your own the moment your hopes are shattered that too may be beautiful shattered what do you mean by that okay i say the same thing every time okay oh i hope freaking the rest of the characters in here because i need to get through these introductions all right go through the door okay she's scared you don't want to go through the door this isn't like me just because i'm scared doesn't mean i'm gonna run away i gotta move forward you okay that's the point of all the games let's go what could possibly be behind these doors that are so bad upon opening the doors we were immediately greeted by blue skies bright sunlight just a wind and they're in a cage a cage a wall both the words were accurate what stood before us was both the cage and a wall either way the enormous wall stuck behind a terrifying cord the mere sight of his imposing presence was enough to send waves of panic through me no matter where we looked ahead behind above or all around the cage surrounded the entire school we're in the freaking truman show man what is this we're trapped what's going on that's crazy but they're in a town what hey surprise about the cage huh i totally understand how you feel the first time i saw it my teeth and fingernails fell out that's not a healthy way to react to a surprise but did you stop saying that but it's so awesomely huge i can see why it's called the end wall huh in the wall that's right normally walls are erected to separate two places right but that wall is different it represents the end of the world what are you talking about what what a weird what we're talking about was someone talking was i talking stop laughing and explain yourselves there's nothing to explain this is simply how it is so please don't bother uh you can't get out of here the wall has no interest no entrances or exits and it cannot be climbed or demolished and ultimate could probably climb it part way but most of the time it's impossible but they can still sort of climb it huh i took a deep breath as i shouted at the wall as loud as i could someone help please help someone anyone please help us we're trapped inside of a huge cage i shouted as long as i could for all my shouting there was no response stop it you'll hurt your throats that's right yeah scream all you like no one can hear you anyway no one can hear us what do you mean wait say something hey why don't you just answer damn it monadam is ignoring them excellently because he refuses to open his hearts you can thank my fearsome bullying for making that happen now now let's all get along shut up we're the monaco's we need to be tough and whatnot what is this you things the school what is all this you bastards it's not about work you bastards will have to use your legs hands and eyes to find that out for yourselves but please watch your step while you explore the school is still under construction under construction i looked around tractors and crap uh it was true some of the areas did seem as if they were still under constructions looks like they're still building some of the facilities here um are they still in the middle of building this school no i don't think so it seems more like they're they were renovating an abandoned abandoned school either way the construction will finish soon once we set the existables on autopilot huh right sissels once a part of a biker game the existables now work construction to support their wives and kids do robots really need that kind of backstory their steering wheels are leopard print and their dashboards are lined with arcade vices seriously knock it off guys they sound like douchebags with backstories like those okay and there they go again but more importantly is what they said really true we can't escape we can't go over that wall and no one's coming to rescue us but if i give up now then what i slapped both of my cheeks my face grew warm as i could feel the determination returning hey shuichi let's go see if we can find a way out i slapped him upside his head just for a minute to get his attention so mean i'm not great at motivating others but we can't give up just because of a wall we came in somewhere so there has to be an exit we may not be able to escape now but we'll do it eventually somehow everyone just has to cooperate if we all want to get out of here yeah that's right it's too early to give up it's too early holy crap dudes look are we freaking ninjas how fast do we run what is this it's insanely fast i've already been playing for like two hours i know i said i was gonna do all the introductions but i feel like we've got a great introduction to the game and there's just a few more characters we'll easily get that in the beginning of next episode guys 30k likes 30k likes and episode 2 will be here i appreciate all your support and uh you know i still hope you're still wanting to watch me play danganronpa and if you are thank you i i really appreciate it because you guys allow me to do what i love it's just it's just amazing i just i'm so thankful for you guys and i always want you to know that with that being said scrubscribe smash like and i'll see you scrubs in the next one bye now
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 267,570
Rating: 4.943574 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, bijuu mike danganronpa, danganronpa v3, danganronpa 3, bijuu mike plays danganronpa 3, dangan ronpa, danganronpa v3 killing harmony, danganronpa bijuu mike, danganronpa v3 in order, last danganronpa game
Id: uXYxkN2PcOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 54sec (4494 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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