Deltarune Chapter 2 GASTER [Pipis] EGGS (Easters Eggs, Secrets, and References) PART 1

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Something quick to kick us off. Toriel screaming over finding Kris' knife specifically reminds me of one of my favorite videos on the internet. "Let me see what you have." "A KNIFE!!" "No!" That's just one of the most amazing like, 7 seconds ever recorded. I thought that would be kinda funny to lace in here. How's it going guys? My name is Graeme and welcome to the first Gaster Eggs video for Deltarune Chapter 2. I won't make the mistake of saying this is a fully 100% comprehensive video. That was how I treated things back when chapter one came out and I ended up making four videos. Instead, this is this iterative thing that I'm creating alongside you guys and the rest of the community hunting out these Easter Eggs, references, and secrets and sharing the most up-to-date information as we have it. So, here is a list of interesting things that we know of so far. The list already extends well beyond this. But I have to make these cut offs somewhere to ever get a video out. I think a good way to start this would be to backtrack to chapter one and include a few specific things that will carry forward through your save and affect things that came through chapter two. If you wanna join in on the Easter egg hunting, come hop into the 2 Left Thumbs discord. I don't plug it very often but hey, if you're into this sort of thing, you'll probably feel very welcome and have some fun hanging out there. I'll have a link in the description down below. In the Overworld, at the end of chapter one, if we check Kris's stat, in the top left, it says, "Kris" and now, looking at it again as soon as chapter two starts, "Kris", "Since chapter one". It makes it seem like this is a recent name, something that wasn't always in place? It's very unclear. There are obviously some major implications with Susie referring to Kris walking around like a zombie sleeping like a corpse. That says so much without Susie even realizing it. It's pretty out in the open. It's not buried or anything but I had to talk about it because it's so cool. Zombies, copses, ghouls? What a segway. You guys are probably sick of me plugging this if you've been watching all this Deltarune content but it's working. We have driven up wish lists on Dead Estate like crazy. This is a game that I am publishing that comes out in like three weeks? How nuts is that? It's a top-down, rogue-like shooter with horror and Halloween themes. It has plenty of achievements and things to unlock and discover along the way. Pretty well, infinite replay ability. I really think it's a ton of fun. I know you guys are gonna love it. Check that out over on Steam. I'll have a link in the description and a pinned comment. Let's keep driving those wish lists up and try and make this thing a big success on release day. Coming October 19th. I'm gonna keep bothering you until you do it. So go wish list it. Do it. I'm watching. We seemingly have two things setting up events for tomorrow. The next day that we're experiencing in chapter. In the Overworld to the northeast, there is this spot next to the lake that if you stand upon it long enough, then our onion friend emerges from the waters. -Will you be my friend? Yes. Make sure you befriend this onion. Here we are naming them onion. They let us know that they want to tell us something tomorrow. Something I can only tell a friend. Come back soon, y' hear? Now, in chapter two, in the Overworld at the end of the game, if you return without having befriended them you'll have a chilled little hangout next to the lake. Very lovely, very enjoyable, but no returning visit from Onion. If you had instead specifically befriended them within this save, if we go and wait by the lake, they reemerge. -Hey, thought I told you to come alone. -You know what? Hell, I'm getting involved in this. -Hey, hyper potato mouse!! Which it doesn't matter if you told them your name was Kris or hippopotamus, they still default to the hyper potato mouse. -I missed you, you hear? Missed you all day. -Did you miss me? -No, I had not missed you. Away they go. You actually can't even bring them back out after that. So, be careful with that interaction. You would have to reload to bring them back. -Yes. Oh, I was missed. My existence being acknowledged feels good, y' hear? Y' hear? Y' hear closely for a second. Y' hear my friend, right? As my friend, do you wanna... y' hear a secret? Sometimes, I hear a song at night. Just a little piece of a song y' hear. It sounds like it's coming from under the water. Deep. Potentially a fountain is being opened up in the lake, a water-themed world would be pretty cool. -Do.. do you think someone's auditioning for my band? Oh, I'm about to make another friend. I can feel it, y' hear? Do you wanna hear another secret? -I think... maybe. -I've heard that song before, coming from the sea. Strangely, specifically quoting the river person from Undertail. -Tra la la. Did you ever hear the old song coming from the sea? How is it possible that Toby set that up so far ahead of time? -The whole thing. It's not a "new" song but I can't remember. I can't - can't remember. Y' hear? I'm going to investigate. Y' hear? Come back here tomorrow, y’ hear. Onion is on the case. -That's my name, right? See you, Mouse. -Hey, Kris. So, do you do weird stuff like this every day after school? -I mean, kinda, yeah. If we visit Sans outside of his new establishment, we introduce ourselves. -Great to see you again. Yeah, real nice, isn't it? Especially considering I've never met you before. The name is Sans. San's the skeleton. As we're walking away - -Hey, bud. Are you busy tomorrow? -Huh? What are we going to be doing? -Oh, I'm not going to be there. That'd be weird. It's just gonna be you and my little brother. He needs friends. Thanks for hanging out with him. See ya. And when knocking upon his door - -No response but the distant trouser of bones. After agreeing to the day before, if you tell Sans you're here to see his brother - -By the way, about my brother, looks like you won't be able to meet him today. Yeah, it's a bummer when things don't work out. Sorry about that. I'm sure you'll meet his someday. Maybe around when your brother comes home. Big old wink foreshadowing a plenty but also quite disappointing. If you ask on a save file where you hadn't previously agreed to hang out with him - -Brother? What are you talking about? I don't have a brother. -Just messing with you. I totally do. Though, to be honest, I never mentioned him to you. Did I? -I'm gonna lie, a little weird you asked. I never let my brother hang out with a stranger especially not alone or in my house. That's way too irresponsible. Try to have some self-awareness, okay? Meanwhile, I'll ask what his schedule is. And then if you follow up once more - -sorry kid, the brother thing's gonna have to wait. How long? Maybe a day, maybe another two years. Who's keeping track at this point? Knocking on the door to their house, it's simply - -Faintly, faintly a trousle, growing further away. Further, not closer. We're losing our boy. If you ask Sands to be friends, he will offer up his cellphone number. In chapter one, it plays out just as a prank. When you phone him, it is instead the hotline for idiot babies. And if you try to call him again, it is now not San's number. In chapter two, back in the Overworld, we no longer have San's number nor not San's number. They're both gone. In the hometown, after visiting Noelle in the hospital, she is then outside the gate of her house in the northwest part of town. We can talk to her about all sorts of things. We can discuss Susie with her. -Uh Kris, can I ask you something if that's okay? Susie, I'm kinda curious what she's like, you know? I mean, who doesn't wonder about her? She never talk to anyone. So Kris, could you tell me about her? If that's okay? If you specifically let her know that Susie eats chalk - -What? She was eating the chalk? Really? Wait, you're teasing me, aren't you, Kris? Like, when you told me ICE-E was real and eats kids, so Dess smacked you with a whiffle bat till you stopped lying. Huh? You're telling the truth? Seriously? Um, then, what color chalk does she like? And do you think she likes the thin or thick kind? Wait, maybe making her a lunch box full of chalk is stupid. This leads to an extra bit of dialogue when Susie first tries to reenter the storage room. It starts out the same. She invites you to the library to work on your research projects. One last thing before she leaves - -Um actually, wait a second. Susie, I am - I have something for you. Okay, see you. Bye. -It's a lunch box? Full of chalk? She had chalk the whole time and didn't give it to Alphys? What the hell, Kris? -Here, you hold on to this. You've got the chalk. And from there, it carries on as per usual. This actually becomes the light candy down in the dark world. White candy with a chalky texture if used on Susie. Hey, this rules. On Ralsei, nice and chalky and sorry, I kinda screwed up. I forgot to do this and don't have footage of it and on Noelle - -Isn't this the chalk I gave her? You actually can't check your items right away. You're sent down into the dark world which compresses your belongings into a ball of junk so by the time you come back up, it's no longer there. So, we never get to inspect the chalk directly. There are also the two available dialogue branches here. I like showing these distinct answers within the videos when it's not the type of conversation that you can easily revisit without reloading some save file. If you say that you're planning to hang out alone in the closet - -Just two friends chilling out in the closet like normal touching brooms and stuff. -Oh well that sounds just - have fun you two. If you were to instead tell Noelle that you were busy with uhhh, crime - -You know, just committing crimes, just gonna do some crimes and go to jail forever. It sucks. -Oh, well, that sounds just - have fun you two. When Berdly hops up and interrupts to begin presenting themselves, he begins. -A-hem, Page 142. "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times". Berdly is specifically quoting Charles Dickens classic, A Tale of Two Cities. This is relevant for numerous reasons. The story is about a French doctor during the French revolution or civil war who was released after 18 years of imprisonment meeting their long lost daughter they believed was dead. A doctor, war, imprisonment of long lost relatives and existing in two distinct worlds... Shout out to your college debt for sharing this in the comments of another video. Acknowledging college debt is something that usually comes with pain and stress. Now, out here redeeming itself, dumping an excellent synopsis to what may become a crucial bit of foreshadowing for future chapters. In a personal quest to attach significance to the number 142, which I can't really tie to Undertail or Deltarune specifically, I went and read chapter 142 of a tale of two cities. This is a chapter specifically talking about the larger than life family bond between father and daughter, how difficult it was for this daughter to grow up without her father. But also how nothing would stop this daughter and doctor from being brought back together. I'm throwing it out there. We'll see if that pays off. Noelle is potentially about to lose her father, maybe we're building up to a return of a certain doctor, maybe I'm reaching much too far. As Susie and Kris jump into the dark world, they transition to their alternate forms. And just before doing their final spiraling dive, Kris throws their head back and for just a few frames, we get a direct look at their red eye. This is the only time we get to see the in game other than those end scenes. I do find it interesting that in front of this original castle where you can move either east or west, there seemingly was the hint of a southern path before which now is opened up in chapter two. There is some very interesting stuff happening with save files. When first starting the game, first opening chapter one, when you end up in the dark world at that first ever save point, there is already a save in place. Kris, level one, zero playtime, that's all you get to see. You save over and for the rest of your game, you see your own save file. Now, jumping ahead to chapter two. The first time you end up back in my castle town when trying to use that city center save file, it is instead now, Kris again. If after that, you start a new save file from scratch, jumping ahead straight to chapter two, you end up with these empties, there might be more specific in instances of when you end up with empty or your own player name. I don't know all the ins and outs. There's a bunch of different ways to poke around with it. But based on the ending of chapter two, we know Kris goes off on their own, independent of the player. And seeming as it's being indicated that Kris is likely the knight. They're coming to these dark worlds carrying out whatever nefarious schemes they have and leaving this one mark. Oh, there's so much to speculate on there. Great theory fotter. There are quite a few analogous segments in the opening part of the two dark worlds. Zigzagging your way through, having some sections where you need to dodge around obstacles in the Overworld, sliding down a giant section, dodging things along the way, I don't think the layouts are quite as one to one as I first suspected they were and it's probably done in this way to teach you a few key mechanics of navigating this world just in case it's been a while since you played or if you for some reason skip straight to chapter two. It's like having a mini tutorial both times. Heading over to the left at the bottom of this rock slide, the rubble on the ground seems to have been dusted and polished. Someone around here really cares about the details. So, I don't know if this is a reference to Toby being really precise about what he includes and all those added details or if it's in reference to people like myself and you guys who like to hunting for extra details. If in this heavily traffic section of the game, you pause both the red and yellow traffic, run down the road over to the left, as we approach this corner, it's covered in these warning signs for the annoying dog. It's up to you whether you choose to adhere to those warnings. There is a secret room over here that upon accessing it, no matter where you walk, it's unavoidable, you will be attacked by the annoying dog in this tiny little toy dog car. They absolutely obliterate you. It is a game over no matter what but then they fly in and destroy that as well. And then you're spat out in this area with a dumpster. Upon being attacked by the dog, you now have the dog dollar. A dollar with a certain dog on it. Something whose value decreases with every chapter of the game. This is an inverse of the glowshard carried over from the first chapter. It's value increases with every chapter of the game. In this room filled with saucers and closures, if you interact with them, they turn into, you know, UFOs, flying saucers. If you open up all of them, there is a treasure chest and inside, we find a glowshard. So seemingly, you're able to obtain one per chapter so far. On the wall, we have a picture of this tree. Maybe reminiscent to anyone who remembers the forest from chapter one and a particular secret, the room between. There is a room between. Referencing the way you could spam back and forth to access that area with the secret lone tree. When following the path leading towards the area that has the Starwalker bird, as I'm sure everyone knows at this point, you spam heading back and forth until you access a hidden area. That was something always present in chapter one. The lone tree with someone behind it who went interacted with - -There's a man here, he offered you something. "Yes", you received an egg. It exists in our key items, not too important, not too unimportant. It's also a hint that the same thing can be done here. We can walk beyond the end of the sidewalk and have a new tree entirely. Going behind this one now - -Well, there is a man here. He might be happy to see you. What do you think? "No?" -Well, there was not a man here. And there's no further interactions. You blew it. If instead, you had simply said, "yes" - -You got the egg. Well, there was not a man here. And if you check your inventory and your key items, you now have the egg. Not too important, not too unimportant. -You used the egg. And nothing really comes of it. You actually still have it in your pocket. If we take the egg with us to Sans's grocery store and interact with the basket of eggs - -It's a pile of eggs. You put the egg into the egg pile. -Did you just, uh, reverse steal that egg? Seems like there's more eggs here than usual. Yeah, obviously, we just put one there. At the end part of the game, if we go back to the classroom, Tem will be here. -Tem still study, study hard, Tem get a smart, go to college, achieve dream, then Tem become - Tem become - as if you could even envision it. If we still have the egg with us when we interact with Tem, they put an egg out on their desk. -The eggs you have collected so far. There's two. This is on a save file where I've collected both of those secret eggs. If in your chapter one save file, after ringing this bell dodging around the Starwalker bird, if you backtrack to the original Starwalker, say hello to them, they're pissed off, same as usual. But it sets things up for chapter two. In the sequence where Lancer and Rules card add themselves to your pocket as you're leaving the dark world. This will also make Starwalker show up. -I will also join. And we finally get to see this swagger-filled walk of the original Starwalker. When you check your key items, the Starwalker is always in the top left now no matter where you go in the menu. I guess they're hanging out in the menu the same way Lancer and Rules card are. The original Starwalker, same as Rules card, it cannot be interacted with at this time. Now, in the Overworld, we have our same ball of junk but also have cards, the Jack of spades and the rules card. Confirming a small little theory I'd seen online and included in my Sans is a darkner theory video. Maybe it was obvious but I was excited to see that confirmed. The Starwalker does not appear in our menu. Outside of this little boardwalk carnival game area, as the team is reassembling, we do get a quick Cameo. -I will also join. It's one of the few times Starwalker actually steps out of the key items pocket. Berdly and Starwalker only pile on for that one screen. They're now both immediately gone. And he has one final cameo when we're assembling our friends for the big jumbo robot battle at the end. He joins simply announcing himself "Starwalker". A great callback a bit of an internal reference. Back when Lancer tries to help Susie grab the dark candy off the tree - -I have a special transformation for times like this. Watch and learn team. With a big flash and an explosion - -Look, stool forme. All you did was put your hands on the ground. You may criticize it, Ralph say, but you obviously paid attention and learned just as Lancer asked. They've been practicing even. -Magical stool forme R. For Ralsei, I presume. Although, I would say Ralsei seemingly doesn't have the same core strength. Maybe it has to do with a different center of gravity for our more rotund friend. When Lancer travels into your pocket, he uses friendship form. Somewhat referencing back to his ability to turn into a stool forme. Apparently, he has a multitude of forms. When you're first locked up in the card castle and interact with the moss in the corner. I've covered this before. Here, you can choose to the moss. -It tastes mossy. Your HP was mossed out. The moss has been eaten, the cycle continues. And of course, if you backtrack with Susie, she's jealous that R cell had moss and that we didn't even save any for her. Again, in the castle, in your own room made by Ralsei, in the bottom right hand corner - -It's some decorative moss. Looks delicious. -Why the hell does your room get moss? In the corner of the area with the secret dumpster, you found the Moss written in green this time. -Your title was upgraded to moss finder. -Why do they look so pleased? Inspecting our status, moss finder. Basic moss finding abilities. After witnessing us gobbling up our moss, we can inspect Noelle's status as well. She is now listed as moss neutral, neither chaotic nor lawful to moss. A play on the alignment scene in Dungeons and Dragons. Back in Chapter one, if you inspect every one of the Hathys beds - -You thoroughly investigated all the beds, your rank was upgraded to bed inspector. Seen here in Kris's status, inspects all beds inexplicably. When Ralsei makes you your individual rooms, if you had that bed inspector rank - -It's a bed that's been carefully crafted. It's suitable for a bed inspector. In the bottom right corner of town seems Hathy likes this place. -She hopes you'll find enough beds to inspect. You'll lose your bed inspector title if you don't inspect enough beds. Lancer's room has been lifted from the card castle pretty well identically. While he's not in the room - -A bicycle is lovingly tucked into bed. Here we have a near exact replication of Lancer's room now listed as being cool. I don't know if I would pacify it as such. Now, if you interact with the bed - -Wow, it's better than I remember. I even have my own bed now. Now, I don't have to sleep in a hole anymore. -I thought you already had a bed. -Nope, that was for the bike. We have the glorious return of this mystery fiend. Not really sure who he is. We're never given a name. Completely unidentifiable. While the vessel from that opening sequence is discarded seemingly along with everything else, there's one detail that does carry over. When we talk to this Rudin - -Welcome to BUTTTown! -Which I've named it "Butt". This is being pulled specifically from your creator name, that one tied to your save file. So, at least one thing carries over and was saved and is acknowledged again by this game. When Susie asks about jumping down into this new dark world - -Let's go, let's go! -Yeah, let's just drop the act. Our last adventure was great, right? I couldn't stop thinking about having another. I don't know what's in there but we can't live if we don't find out, right? Come on, Kris. And if you had instead chosen, "We can use the computer at my house". -Kris, you're right. Like you said, a correct fact. But you made a mistake. The mistake of knowing me cuz when I see a big pit, all I wanna do is jump in and as long as you're with me, I'm dragging you into. Come on, Kris. As a mini callback to chapter one, when you have an assortment of three unique enemies, it gets referred to as a Smorgasbord. So, here in chapter two, we see that again. We have the sequel smorgasbord 2, electric Bordaloo. This is around the point in the video where I was going to start layering in things that had to do with Spamton and Spamton Neo and the secret boss fight and all those extra details and it's so quickly was getting out of hand and was much more complex than I was anticipating even though I knew there was so much to it. That I basically have to make the executive decision here that Spamton is gonna get like a dedicated video. Rather than having this, I don't know, 30 minute video or 20 minutes of it is talking about Spamton, I gotta pick and choose here. I'm gonna take my time on that video. Make sure I do it right. No promises when that's coming. Hey there you go. Something to look forward to other than these more broad look at the gaster eggs. One last step before rounding the video out, go and wish list Dead Estate. It genuinely helps so much. It has already begun to help so much. We can't wait to see where that goes. Believe me, what I'm sharing here now in this video is not even remotely close to all the secrets. In the process of putting this video together, I probably found an entire videos worth extra. I say "found" - I found some of them myself. A lot of them have been shared through other YouTubes and in Discord and various comments through every possible means you can imagine. I'm working on compiling those now. I botched some of the footage so I have to repair it. I'll probably do what I did with Deltarune chapter one Gaster Eggs. And kind of just assemble them willy nilly. I know with my Undertale installments, I'm doing them by area and that works really well because everything in that game has been so well documented over the last six years. We're kinda doing this one live, figuring it out together. So, it's kinda getting thrown in all mishmashed out of order but hopefully, by the end of this series of videos, however long that series needs to be, we'll have as much covered as possible. Thank you to patrons of the channel whose names are scrolling off to the right. Thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you again soon.
Channel: 2 Left Thumbs
Views: 566,527
Rating: 4.9393868 out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, deltarune, deltarune chapter 2, gaster eggs, gaster eggs deltarune, deltarune gaster eggs, deltarune secrets, deltarune all secrets, deltarune easter eggs, deltarune all easter eggs, deltarune all references, deltarune references, deltarune gaster, deltarune chapter 2 secrets, deltarune chapter 2 easter eggs, deltarune chapter 2 gaster eggs, deltarune chapter 2 egg, deltarune chapter 2 egg room, deltarune chapter 2 dog car
Id: dF1O2nviyo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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