ALL Deltarune Chapter 1 GASTER EGGS (Easters Eggs, Secrets, and References) Revised

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Such a classic

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Tru3_Vort3x 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
how's it going guys my name is graham and welcome to two left thumbs and an ultimate revised edition of my delta roon chapter one secrets easter eggs and references video which as a series has come to be known as gaster eggs i have been working on revising old videos and moving them over here i really did not want to take them down from the original channel since they collectively have millions of views they're the first things i ever did that went viral it's very special to me and i realized what i could do instead is completely re-edit them reorganize them and have it as the ultimate deltarune chapter 1 viewing experience all in one place without further ado here are those four videos chopped up into one place probably the simplest and most obvious thing i can start with is that deltarune is an anagram for undertale similarly we have rousey and asriel and chris is an anagram of frisk minus the f so it doesn't really work out susie is an anagram for issue and chris is an anagram for risk yes these are both true issue kinda seems like maybe sort of kinda a thing but if you ask me they're just coincidence words one could say that perhaps issue and risk are unrelated but hey i certainly don't want to stop people from speculating i wouldn't put it past toby to make every single name in the game an anagram so maybe issue and risk do become important in chapter two we'll have to wait and see mostly just wanted the on-screen joke the fact that delta ruin and undertale share their letters with uh several specific words and phrases yeah there's some weird ones in there also it is just kind of interesting that chris specifically spelt this way is the name for a specific type of knife which at the very end of the game obviously plays a fairly important role that could be another just coincidental thing though once you have one completed file the background changes to the three heroes standing in front of the fountain as far as i know there's no special interactions when you create a specific vessel but there are a few interesting dialogue alternates you can get when you choose specific names for the vessel and the creator so there's quite a few names in this opening section that can give you a special bit of dialogue specifically i'm punching in susie right now but if you do susie chris noel toriel asriel asgore sans papyrus alfies undyne rudy birdly catty catty bratty gerson jockington or qc then you do end up getting the exact same prompt an interesting coincidence and that's all it is it's just it just acknowledges the fact that you picked a name that exists within the game if you were to do the uh vessel name as anything else and the creator name is one of those it would give you a similar prompt and if you name them both the same thing of course of course of course of course they are the same just a little bit of extra flavor text there so for this example i made the vessel chris and the creator susie you're about to meet someone very very wonderful that actually happens when you make the creator suzy chris it does not work for rousseau but the interesting thing is it does work for noel it's those three characters susie chris and noel so maybe rousey is the interesting character they're about to meet but there is no noel in the the dark world i don't know there's there's a lot of questions there this is a little bit of a fake out a play on very very interesting scene in gaster's lab entry number 17 a well-known well-hidden secret in undertale two more that are slightly more interesting if you name the character gaster then the game restarts it goes back through the intro cut scene again you have to redo everything if you name the creator gaster the game to straight up crashes you have to actually go back into your files and reopen the game altogether the exe file name changes as you're playing the game goes through the dark the return the death and after you complete the game it just becomes deltarune this one is a little on the nose but the literal delta rune is returning from undertale it's a recurring symbol we would see toriel wearing it directly on her shirt so yeah that one's right out in the open the delta rune shows up all over the place it's a very common recurring theme as as it would be but you can see here on like the one in your carpet the two outer triangles point upwards and the middle one points down so it's very strange that on toriel's house specifically it looks like the two outer ones are pointing down and the middle one is pointing up could be crazy but i think that's the only instance in the entire game where it is that way there's a flower poster on the wall there we can obviously read into that if we want to it's a beautiful day outside in undertale that's pretty ominous because it's what sans says to you in the genocide run right before the boss fight i don't know if this is one of the random chance type events some people have suggested it's tied to the save file slot you use but the contents of asriel's drawer actually changes the drawer is mostly empty except for a school cross country shirt with a tear in it then if you check it a second time there's nothing useful in this drawer the drawer is mostly empty except for a coupon book every coupon is for half off a large pizza all the coupons expired before the book's print date just splendidly useful and there's a third option that i don't have footage for a very old school id with an embarrassing haircut there is one more absolutely hilarious amazing thing in this bedroom that i cannot believe no one pointed out to me before thank you to the one lone commenter who seems to have found this either it was that obvious or that subtle but it's so good the mirror upstairs it says it's only you when checked in undertale it exclaims it's you if you decide to call your home phone when you're standing directly beside it it rings the phone is ringing but you can't get it you're already on the phone after all there's kind of an endless logic loop happening there this is just a goofy bit of messing with toriel you can do if you just flush the toilet over and over again on the third flush he comes knocking chris is everything all right in there on the sixth flush she knocks it a little more frantically chris what are you doing you did not put a bath bomb in the toilet again did you and on the ninth flush she comes knocking again chris if anything bad happens you were paying for the plumbing bill and there's no more beyond that it's just just the nine just the three separate little dialogues it's a trash can somehow it's emitting a pleasant floral scent i have to skip ahead to the end of the game a little bit asgore in the overworld is now running a flower shop asgore trying to patch things up with your mother gives you a bouquet of flowers which you can then give tutorial like the nice child that you are but she's not too stoked on the fact that they came from asgore worry not chris i will find some place for them this smelled all flowery and nice but if you leave and come back into the house first of all toriel comments on the fact that you're being super active perhaps you can use some of that energy to wake up on time your brother cannot carry you to school anymore you know but if you go check in the trash can somehow its floral scent has increased and it quickly becomes apparent that he is continually sending these flowers to toriel and she's throwing them straight into the trash every time damn can't catch a break what did you do asgore killing all the humans again are you well we're talking about this here now you can keep playing around with this actually and and uh come and go from the house several more times to push that interaction further it takes quite a few uh ducking ins and outs chris why do you keep leaving coming back would you like me to install a revolving door so instead of throwing these flowers on the floor or giving them tutorial where they're inevitably going to end up in the trash give them to alfie's oh oh chris do you want to talk about something have the flowers oh these flowers they're from your dad he always asks how you're doing in school and gives me a bouquet of them actually that he always gives me flowers really makes me wonder if he if he if he likes the awesome comics i learned to him honestly he kind of reminds me of a superhero chris he's huge and can kick my ass so you know they go somewhere where they'll be appreciated a lot of people have speculated that maybe all of this in the trash is a result of toriel repeatedly throwing out all of asgore's flowers this little bit of dialogue gives the sense that these are all intended for alfie's in that she's actually taking care of them here her chair straight out of undertale it's the cheerio the beloved living room chair i guess it's a reference maybe it's just a joke i don't know i like it though at the beginning of the game when toriel is driving you two to school you can see a froggit for just a fraction of a second there who doesn't appear again in the game at all also come on mom she drives us to school drives herself to school and then the end of the game rags on us for not just walking ourselves home very hypocritical just kind of an interesting little parallel here i don't think there's a lot to read into but it is interesting that in the overworld when you're trying to make your group you cannot pair off it's no longer an option your only option is to join up in a group of three and then later on down in the dark world your only option is to make a group of three pretty on the nose but kind of an interesting little thing that occurred on the wall here we have looks like motivational quotes from various literature try your best astral wolf even in your darkest hour that one seems to be from a video game i thought that maybe astral wolf was a joke about star fox but people have said that it's lifted from okami i could be wrong it might be totally made up i couldn't find the exact quote people have said that maybe susie eating chalk and the fact that there's a green crayon missing from your desk at the start of the game is a reference to another home stock character as someone who eats everything who's green and someone who eats chalk this could just be weird coincidences but who knows toby did a lot of work on homestuck it wouldn't be that big of a stretch are you ready for the sadie hawkman's dance i don't think this is super common or well known anymore these days but sadie hawkins dances are ones where the girls invite the boys it's like a fun little tradition that they used to do back in high school and i'm not sure if it's common enough for people to know offhand so that's what that is referencing there but this one's a little different in this dance all the chaperones wear giant hawk heads and screech at any students that make contact while dancing it's a little more aggressive for the life of me i can't find the exact sound effect but this little gasp sounds like it was lifted straight out of the legend of zelda this one is more of just i think a convenience for players who have played the game more than once it's only accessible if you've already beaten the game but it does kind of have some interesting story implications it's your bed if you go back to sleep you may miss a lot of important things they make sure to highlight that will you go to bed sleep for some reason you decided to go back to sleep but when you opened your eyes boom it cuts all the way ahead to when you're actually already in the dark world so all that's up in the morning with toriel the school everything gets skipped i think this is only available if you are playing the game for the second time a wrist protector and it just lets you speed through dialogue much more easily another very helpful thing for people who are doing multiple playthroughs now the first time you ever get down into the dark world on the second screen there's a place where you can stop and save when you go to save there's actually already an entry there chris has a save file specifically chris but once you click save you don't save as chris you save as whatever you titled your creator as the first time i played it happened so quickly i didn't even stop and think about it so thank you to everyone who commented about that there's no way that isn't significant another thing that i find interesting about it though any additional save file or second playthrough or anything you do when you come to the dark world it is empty chris has already been overwritten they're gone something that was very commonly asked in the comments there what happens if you play through the entire game without saving that is an excellent question but unfortunately it has no impact on the game i was really excited for like a secret ending or something but no dice i want to slow this down kind of frame by frame because as you're playing the game it might be hard to tell the first two flashes are lancer but the final one is susie as she runs and hides when susie asks you to lead the way if you go the opposite direction she totally bails on you for not knowing the proper directions this one might be reading a bit too far but when mal say has the cloak on he looks an awful lot like the river person but you know that might just be how toby draws cloaks so i i don't want to speculate on that too much interestingly ralph say and flowey give you the exact same tutorial see that heart that's your soul the very culmination of your being it varies by like a word or two but it's essentially the same thing major undertale spoilers here but this makes a lot of sense flowey ends up being asriel and raul say is obviously some sort of analogous character to asriel so then presenting the tutorials in the same way just goes hand in hand with that it'll be interesting to see how they develop asriel and or ralph say in the larger game when you're fighting the dummy you can hug the dummy or you can just hug ralph say over and over again this is kind of an interesting string of dialogue that happens on the third one he actually says i've never been hugged by anyone before and starts to blush besides the dummy to test it out he's practiced hugging on the dummy so i don't know anything about it sorry i suppose you're the one teaching me and then any hug after the third just becomes kind of uncomfortable just like if you tried to hug someone three times in real life now if you get chris and ralsi facing in opposite directions as close as you can possibly get them to one another it's kind of difficult to get it that chris is behind but i'll say it's much easier when they're on the exact same plane as one another but eventually rousey gets kind of bashful looks down and blushes it's very cute it just kind of reminds me of the uh the hugging from earlier on in the game in the opening part of the dark world there's this hole in the wall that has the glow shard during the tutorial you can insist that ralph say teaches you how to use items all he has to say is you use them and something happens is that sufficient that's all he has to say about items only rousey can actually use the glow shard but when he does nothing happens there's kind of this interesting little dynamic of that not coming together how he explained the glow shard is kind of confusing because there is a way to actually use it now as far as i've found the only time you can actually do anything with the glow shard is using it against these rudens rousey used the glow shard rudin became enraptured rudin became enraptured both of them there and the glow shard disappeared here i am rudely attacking them but they can now be spared immediately but for whatever reason that is the only thing you can do with that item another item that doesn't really appear to have a lot of use is the manual you can use it against certain enemies and they get bored and fall asleep but the main use seems to be against this clover mini boss clover grew close chris reads the manual clover became sentimental ah he made that so caring isn't it a bit boring it's so cute i want it that dialogue all makes sense in the current context of the game but it makes even more sense when you know that in the game files you could originally open up the manual and flip through it here are some of the pages from that manual you can see it's very homemade it is quite adorable and so you can imagine that that specific bit of dialogue while still making sense now would have even more to it if viewing the manual did still exist in the game never use the glow shard it does say but nothing happened this could maybe be a reference to ness and earthbound using the credit card and nothing happens or possibly even magikarp using splash and nothing happens doesn't necessarily have to be a reference but it's at least similar there is a series of japanese bullet hell games known as touhou that toby was obviously very influenced by apparently long before the days of undertale toby kind of had a breakout in that community because a lot of the music that he wrote naturally sounded like music from those games so i've been told that specifically the song field of hopes and dreams is apparently very touhou like in both sound and name and even when you first walk into the area the way that the song name scrolls onto the screen feels like it was lifted right from those games so there's obviously some deep inspirations there thank you to maria for laying that one out for me not so much easter eggs or secrets but there's a lot of goofy ways you can mess around with this puzzle since neither of these two will help you just have to push the boxes onto the buttons if you push a box on back off ah chris i don't think that's oh great job chris i think you're on to something if you push a box on and then you yourself take the place of the second box chris you can't solve it by stepping on the switch you aren't a box chris don't listen to him you can be a box i was a box for halloween once uh just a box well it's not like i can dress up as a goddamn monster that's the end of that it's just funny stuff to mess around with interesting little bit about chris's equipment he starts with the wood blade a wooden practice blade with a carbon reinforced core when you're in the above world chris walks around holding a pencil so a carbon reinforced core is like the the graphite on the inside of a pencil but you can also purchase the spooky sword a black and orange sword with a bat hilt much cooler but at the end of the game it actually affects what your overworld item is now you can see chris is no longer carrying the pencil as a weapon he instead has halloween pencil because of the spooky sword these doors are pretty interesting they start out as just these empty frames but eventually when these doors start becoming usable they start to have a glowing flame underneath the door and look oddly similar to the door to sans's room in undertale now this goes into some big new theory now that sans is the only one who exists across these two universes and he uses these doors to teleport all over the place across time and space pretty pretty cool little tie in there kind of interesting little thing when they fix the teleportation door the horse now appears in front of us even though we just saw him a few screens before you go back he's not here anymore so i guess the implication there is that he teleported there ahead of you when you go to the smith malleus he can fix all sorts of things one of which is the broken piece of cake that we got much earlier it is now the top cake topcake itself is a pretty strong item heals 160 hp to the whole team but that door to the field is now available and we can backtrack a little bit it's a bit of a walk back but you can take it all the way back to the top chef instead of using it at the end battle or wherever you choose my friend shared my riches i have many worst cakes i do not want if you're not carrying a cake come here and i'll give you one forever you traded the topcake for the spin cake now i'm gonna continue to spin and cry spin and cry so it's only half as good as the top cake is but if you ever use it you can just come back to top chef and he'll give you another one at this stage when we see susie and lancer just chilling out in their beach chairs it would be strange to say that that's any sort of reference but the chairs themselves and their very relaxed arms up poses are pretty well completely identical to an old video from the kickstarter of the original undertale papyrus is there rambling explaining the different reward tiers for the kickstarter and sans is just there kicking back relaxing in his chair maybe you would think that's just how toby or temmie happens to draw lawn chairs but the fact that it's so exactly the same makes me think it had to be on purpose when you first talk to these rudins when they're fanning susie and lancer they talk a lot about how they don't want to be here and they feel kind of forced but when you come back to them later on i thought i hated fanning leaves but i got really into it swish swish i could do this forever swish swish oh fanning i'm not fanning this is a weighted leaf i'm just building up my muscles i'm so jealous of everyone with a leaf for whatever reason when ralph stays down in battle he turns into this weird pile he just kind of disappears all together and only the clothes are remaining this is either a reference to final fantasy's black mage or maybe even the jedi from star wars i just love this little face when rousey doesn't really know what's going on he comes up a couple times in the game but it just reverts to this goofy ms paint sad drawing of his face when you're running around in this area with the paper cut out characters you can actually click around and interact with the little sparkles fireflies whatever you want to call them you get all sorts of different kinds of tones coming up this mysterious fellow that you encounter in the forest is in fact lancer in disguise not unrecognizable but it is in fact him that's kind of a hidden and plain sight type secret when you're building the thrash machine when choosing the shoes one of the options is attractive wheels leading the way another way of saying attractive is that something is hot i thought that that was pretty great but if you build a machine that completely maximizes hotness uh hey why'd you draw something like it looks like you guys want a kiss it's okay to express yourself chris anyway great job lancer seems like maybe susie's projecting there a wee little bit god it's so hot oh that's not good actually it's got like flat tires and a stupid face scribbled on it we could see rousey's scribble face at the same time this one just makes me laugh so i want to show it off when you go to end your machine it normally says this is your machine is that okay if you make him all duck your machine sucks ass is that okay it's nice suzy finally found a place she fits in that's so sad if after susie joins the party for real you choose to come all the way back to where she first burst out of the bush here hey you two didn't mess with my hideout did you i wonder if hideout might be overselling it a bit now i took a nap in there so it's basically my house now now normally when you get the white ribbon ralph says that it would look great on you and you decide to give it to him instead he asks whether or not you think it looks okay and you can wait till susie's on the team to acquire it and give it to ralph say chris you're giving it to me do i look pretty suzy leave me out of this you didn't answer the question how am i supposed to know leave me alone if you're goofing around with the debug mode or editing game files and teleport yourself around within the game you can actually make it later in the game before the segment where you would have named your team when you use the save point in the great board after that you get the message the power of failing to name your team shines within you something really weird that happens at the bake sale here things are listed as costing gold which of course was the currency in undertale same thing with half these donuts it feels like maybe it was just an oversight maybe a little bit of a slip up i suppose even toby isn't a hundred percent infallible the hearts donut at the shop is also likely a little joke on the gag of hertz donut of note in sham's shop is this little doll in the corner just to the left of his head there this is actually a temmie chan doll there's the temi's in the undertale universe timmy chan herself actually worked as an artist on undertale and so putting that on the shelf there is just kind of her putting in a little reference to herself if you decide to check susie during this fight it gives you the basic stats if you read the status screen you already knew that though now normally whenever you die you get this death screen and it goes through all these different texts and things like that if you lose to susie and lancer it skips all that because you don't actually die they're just kind of chasing you away it plops you back on the screen before the battle and you can come right back for a rematch but the dialogue is a little bit different is that what i think it is yes it was it blew it up yet again why did you build another one just to blow it up it's funny well in any case you defeated us i suppose we can become bad guys now hey not so fast it's really boring if you just give up the least you can do is show some resistance yeah it looks like we got to teach you a lesson you're going to thrash us again seems like it then you immediately dive into a follow-up battle and you can intentionally lose it again but this is the last time you'll get any new dialogue just a dot dot dot how many of these do they have and blowing up again please just let us be bad guys no not until you stop wanting to fine we don't want to be bad guys hear that susie sounds like we'll have to make you be one then that's completely unnecessary i like the sound of that and if you lose anymore after that you're just gonna see that third one play out over and over again one thing that i absolutely love in the game and something i love in real life is names that biologists end up giving to groupings of animals ones that people commonly know a flock of crows is called a murder a grouping of eagles is called a convocation a group of foxes could be called a skulk there's like an absurd amount of these in real life so i really love that toby included that in the game you can have a board of jigsares i think the only other instance of this is you can run into a necklace of rudens for whatever reason only the two different enemy types received these grouping terms if you run into this grouping of three unique enemies it's a smorgasbord spelled slightly differently here for a pun about the great board which we use to typically refer to just big feasts apparently the literal swedish translation is table of sandwiches doesn't really apply just kind of neat by flipping around wildly in the stats menu you can change some of the details about these characters ralph says kindness sometimes becomes dogness and is just set to a value of one and now and again for chris you just get a stat that is dog and you just get a silly sleeping dog there just a random thing that happens the only way to make it appear is just flip back and forth and eventually it shows up hey kid you want to buy a tutorial there's a handful of alternate dialogue takes you can get with these puzzle makers turn tutorial masters first they try to negotiate how much it'll cost you can just repeatedly say no you don't want it and if you say no to everything rousey steps in excuse me sir i think i have a dollar is it dark uh yes oh perfect right this way gentleners if you go through the whole rigmarole but don't have enough money just hand them the money and you don't have enough money jumping jigsaws you you're just like us and people like us gotta help each other out come this way if you do it when your stone broke one only one dollar please oh please i need this right now finally ah just hand over the money and you don't have a dollar jumping jigsaws you you're just like us and people like us gotta help each other out come this way same same basic thing donation whole if you like our tutorials please throw your money into a hole throw one dollar in you don't have enough money you failed to budget enough money to throw into a hole off to the side here next to shawn's shop is a few of these tutorial masters there's the susie master where you can ask her about susie talks about suey's always attacking she'll smash them with a crushing chop she strikes and does does all that stuff and susie kind of seems a little bit pleased about all of this if you look at her stats here her rudeness is at a hundred or crudeness is at a hundred now we got susie's rudeness down to 99. she's a slightly nicer person and you can come back to the susie master and he'll have different dialogue to say warning the days of warning have long since passed the circumstances changed pretty fast a fact suzy seems to have changed just a hair that kind of growth is actually rare and attack suzy's buster rude as may be will deal more damage if you just press z just a fun little bit to reflect the fact that her character has grown this first battle with the c round is supposed to teach you about acting with susie but if you already know it you can lay down a warning and the sea round actually bails on the fight you don't have to fight it at all if you check c round in the first battle that you encounter it see round attack one defense zero despite appearances it's trying its best to defeat you a pretty subtle easy to miss detail i'm it might be very obvious but i somehow didn't think it through in checkers your piece is crowned by reaching the opposite end of the board this little checker piece literally walks to the end of the board before he receives the crown it even flashes the board to draw attention to it but somehow i didn't make the connection so maybe other people missed it too if you choose to check the k round the first time you come to battle it attack nine defense three check that's chess not checkers there is such a weird amount of layers to this joke first of all the other enemies you're encountering on the board are chess pieces not checkers you can check or checkmate someone in chess k round is a checker i mean both games use essentially the same board but when you start throwing it all together like this i don't even know what's real anymore and now when you go to check the k around it comes up as checkers but now when you go to checkers it it says ah that's better just making sure you're getting the two uh two games straight and in the second time that you fight the k round it is still checkers but there's no funny dialogue when you actually use the checkers it's interesting that susie and rousseau's designs both have hearts directly in the center of them chris doesn't actually have anything there although in the various puzzles throughout the game where it zooms into your soul and you have to dodge between things it highlights your soul then by kind of doing this transparency thing with yourself so all three characters do technically have hearts in their center what that has to say about their souls ah there's a lot you could probably read into that in this section here where you get chased by this damned bird try not to die i'm not doing it very effectively at the very end there you ring the bell and then you see that his face kind of like runs away there which is kind of strange it stood out to me in my original playthrough but i didn't think to go back for it then you go back to the start here his beak has run back to the opening thing here you talk to him these birds are pissing me off i'm the original star walker and for whatever reason there's that weird space in between and even stranger is the fact that pissing is capitalized and made yellow like that there's no real apparent reason for that now this star walker isn't hidden in this area where there's all the the cages and things in the prison there's another star walker just chilling in the corner here this jail is pissing me off i'm the original star walker he has essentially the same dialogue no idea what the purpose of this character is totally unclear if this is the same one we saw earlier or if there's two of them and they're arguing about which is the original it's it's weird now going about it right to left when the beak jumps off the bird's face and you run back across you can actually catch up to him and have both them on the screen at the same time but his dialogue is still the same the birds are pissing me off i'm the original star walker someone actually went into the game's files and the little sprite for the thing that runs off of the bird's face is also called star walker now this took me way too many damn tries but if you do this whole chase in this direction then you can run after the face if you don't touch the walls at all looks they slow you down you can catch up to them and quickly interact with it you got forty dollars from star walker's ambient luster so this bird face is a hundred percent these star walker things but there do appear to be many of them all claiming to be originals who the hell knows what's most likely with the star walker character is that this is the original sprite for what eventually becomes a star walker bird face both sprites are called star walker in the original game files but some people have come up with some interesting theories about why this guy talks about being the original star walker other than just possibly being the starter sprite obviously the name star walker is immediately gonna make people think of luke skywalker there is a weird theory in star wars a weird deep down fan theory some people actually think that there are two luke skywalkers a loop prime and then the second one this has to do with luke looking like he's very different heights at different parts in the movie these two star walkers are quite a bit different in size it's the most obscure thing and most ridiculous fan theory of all time so it makes me think that probably isn't a reference it's probably just a joke about the old programmer art that was place holding but others have pointed out that this star walker looks an awful lot like the star man from earthbound possibly another reference in there like i would say that that one is actually likely and the sky walker one is a little insane but who am i to say for certain so at the end of the area with the bird you enter this separate area if you just kind of spastically go back and forth between them eventually you find this hidden area of this lone tree he is behind the tree you wrap yourself around the tree start talking well there's a man here he offered you something yes you received an egg can i offer you a nice egg in this trying time well there's not a man here he left now it's just a regular old tree with nothing behind it the egg now sits in your key item inventory not too important not too unimportant and then when you leave it spits you back out by the bake sale here but there is also another egg existing in the overworld comes up very early on in the game sadly seems like it already has a partner this is of course a call back to the hard-boiled egg that temmie was looking after in undertale kind of sad that they're still investing time in looking after this egg it's funny that they specify that the egg is black and white here because originally in undertale it was a decorated painted up egg the hard-boiled egg emanates a feeling of pity towards you so somehow this egg does seem to be somewhat sentient which makes it a little less sad perhaps it's noteworthy that the egg is specifically labeled as black and white rather than simply white either it's a joke that these characters actually see that chunky black outline or perhaps something more something else black and white if you try to use your cell phone at any point it doesn't really go through and you start getting these noises that sound just like gaster from undertale so that's just kind of spooky i guess there's a man here he offered you something we didn't actually say no then he needn't be here you try again there is not a man here another weird thing is that there aren't actually any boundaries in this you can totally just walk outside of everything i mean there are larger boundaries outside of all of that but it is a little strange that it kind of outlines it like that for you a common thing people ask to do is to try to use the cell phone here both in the regular standard area and in the weird outer area here and it just does the same thing either way it is the usual gaster call i would love to go back after this and see what actually happens if you follow up on it but i don't think the game actually lets you go back i've been trying for quite some time at this point and i'm very sick of it it's a shame you guys don't make it any further because my guys are about to smash you into blood lots of blood splooshing blood very gross and bad so bad that it's gonna need a bucket what the hell is up with the bucket though it's to put the blood in yeah i'm not supposed to make a mess this is one i wouldn't have known without your guys's comments so again thank you turns out toby fox has actually made music for homestuck i don't know anything about that world except the limited amounts that people have told me but there's kind of like a weird little pg version of reproducing in that world that involves buckets i don't really understand how things work in that world but it wouldn't be such a stretch to think that toby put this on here as a little tribute to homestuck and a reference to his contributions to that webcomic this little bit of dialogue about inviting the guard to visit the trash can is a call back to a line papyrus had back in undertale once you leave the castle past this door come all the way back to this little area here which i think you can access earlier but i forgot to go check it out there is a weird hitbox thing going on here where you can actually walk beyond that and you can just keep walking out of the game as far as i can tell indefinitely but if you go up a little bit you can get outside of that even and you start running into the the walls that are creating the borders inside yeah you can run around up in there a little bit and you don't walk across the area at a trigger to go to the next area so you can just end up getting lost up here same thing you can come at it from the bottom as well and just kind of a funny way you can mess around with the game a little bit is by walking up into the thing that's supposed to signify that you're moving on to the next area there so you just kind of wig the game out a little bit and you just go a direction you wouldn't expect if you intentionally lose the battle that takes place in the next screen against lancer and susie come back here walk off screen and bust out the cell phone which normally without losing that battle would make the normal gaster sound effects you've tried to call on the cell phone and then before it has a chance for anything to take place it crashes the game i guess i'm leaving all this in the video for posterity's sake more than anything else as it has totally been confirmed to be a bug it was eventually patched out entirely so yeah there was never anything to read into any of the specific interactions that happened here none of it is supposed to be there now this is more of just a joke again but it's one i didn't get immediately because i kept reading this guy's name as ruxell's card you eventually get the item that's ruxell's roo r-o-u-x is a real word it's pronounced rue which means the master of puzzles in the same theme as spades clubs diamonds all that is rules card it went way over my head it's my favorite joke in the game though when someone finally pointed it out to me and i just loved it enough that i wanted to share it when he presents his puzzle if you talk to him instead he says lost frightened confused good this is super obscure but it's actually a reference to a bit of dialogue from a game called i am mean confused god [Music] there's a worm up here and he lives a wormy life i'm mostly kidding this isn't a secret or anything i just don't know what the point of this character is i think it's just there just for kicks before the king came along i used to eat the leaves from this tree now i still do that such as the way of the worm someone commented with the theory that maybe this is kind of a bit of meta commentary on the game like nothing you do matters there's also a recurring thing where rules card continually calls you worms it comes up many times in all of his dialogue trees so i don't know maybe that does tie into uh to the worm from earlier in the forest we're worms things just don't affect us but since some of his dialogue is already a direct reference to i am mean there's also a chance that this is just referencing the fact that that character always used to call the player bookworm now i haven't talked about this little pink ball guy or the coat rack at all what could be going on here is when the two of them are together they do actually look like the different components from a game of jacks but later this character is directly referred to as a coat hanger so what might be going on here is that this little pink ball is actually a reference to the bully's friend from legend of zelda link to the past about halfway through that game you actually do go to a dark world that's just a dark version of the light world and that's where you find the bully's friend who is just a tiny little pink orb of a character it doesn't seem that absurd of a possibility because this character is just kind and nothing otherwise someone even suggested that it would complete the pattern of this caterpillar white green pink white green pink it's kind of a random thought and i'm not sure if any other dialogue really supports that but maybe this character doesn't really do much does it when you're guiding susie through this puzzle if you try to start the puzzle with a swap suzy mocks this choice uh nice first move chris if you spam a single option chris are you sure you know what you're doing spam a single option again enough resets i'm doing the puzzle myself okay i won't but if you get one suit wrong before the swap yeah we solved it what the hell we were so close let us through anyway do that once more finally we solved it damn it wait we just did the same thing as last time when you're down in the prison on the far left here there's a cell with the set of eyes and when you investigate them yeah even i got arrested and i'm just a pair of eyes what's the world coming to this is a really far reach because there's nothing else indicating this but someone did pitch the theory that maybe these are shawn's eyes i thought that was at the very least a creative idea even though it's probably not true it probably is just there for the sake of a joke it is kind of a neat thought when you rummage around in the room and one of the holes you can find 20 rupees unfortunately that's not a useful currency here definitely just a reference to rupees from the legend of zelda even though it is spelt differently it's not even spelt the same as indian rupees now this one isn't really a reference or anything it's just a very funny joke that i appreciate it's some kind of digging implement now obviously the joke is that lancer is like the prince of spades you're in the spade wing there's spade everything all over the place yet for some reason you can't decipher what this is that might be up there with one of my favorite jokes in the game when you take on rules second puzzle he mentions that maybe he has a better puzzle waiting rousey chimes in can can we see it no maybe sounds a little familiar good lord what is happening in there aurora borealis uh aurora borealis at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within your kitchen yes my no there's a couple of fun ways that toby might have been playing around with language for characters names someone in the comments pointed out that k-a-a-r-t not d is actually dutch for card or even literally as playing card so obviously toby wanted us to pronounce it as card but he didn't want it to immediately look exactly like card maybe he took a little bit of influence from the netherlands there there's also the hathis the heart themed enemies that we encounter in the malay language when you pronounce what is written as happy in english it will come out very similar to hattie which actually just means heart ruben actually means ruby in many different languages there is croatian german dutch swedish and i think several others i've been looking for ways to tie to diamond but that makes sense not every culture and language actually calls it diamonds hearts and so on some of the translations are ruby or red gem or things along those lines for cards in danish it's called a root or a rooter while rubies themselves are called rubens rude actually means window or window pane and rudin means ruby so there's all sorts of languages that that might have originally stemmed from treating it like diamond was looking in the wrong place the rootins actually say shine shine when they attack you which makes sense because of sparkling gemstones but with that exact same spelling which i'm probably butchering the pronunciation of is actually dye in japanese someone kind of works on two layers which is very impressive in the hearts room here with the hathies and the four different beds you can see when you look at the different characters they have unique classes we have chris the leader susie the dark knight and ralph say the prickly prince if you inspect all the beds looks like a bed they rest here no you won't it's not your bed if you inspect all four beds you've thoroughly investigated your rank was upgraded to bed inspector so if you go back there you're now no longer leader you're now bed inspector this is a bit of a weird one but it comes up the second time you fight this little doggo checker guy with the little crown on his head if you chase after it immediately after the battle you can watch it sliding away and if you catch up you can interact with it thar she blows it's going off to live a better life now the manual that rousey gives you the handmade book full of various tips and tricks you can choose to throw it on the ground yes confirm you drop the manual on the floor with a resounding thud hey chris what are you doing oh no is that the manual looks like you accidentally dropped it here you go chris you don't want to lose that you got the manual again but if you want to be real heartless you can go back and throw it on the floor a second time you toss the manual hard it's paige's scatter in the wind um that's okay chris i can always i'll just make a better one next time poor poor rousey one thing i want to mess around with is once lancer bails then suzy chases after and mal say chases after susie you're left on your own and so what if i take this opportunity to throw this manual away i know i feel sad it was just thrown away like nothing usually ralph says steps in and stops you from throwing it away nope now i just ditched it just rudely threw it away when no one was looking towards the end of the game suzy finally pushes her hair out of her eyes this also affects her little portrait picture in which we can now see her eyes in this land only eyes blinded by darkness can see the way and so what can obviously be read into this that most characters eyes are obscured for the entire game but at various times we do get to see every character's eyes with chris we don't actually see his eyes until the very very end and it's when he's alone and it's quite sinister so this line that originally seems like it just ties directly to the the eye puzzle that takes place next to it about blinding the eyes seeing the way all that there could be a lot more to that line than i originally thought i need to take this opportunity to dispel something that i see come up in delta roon comments all the time people say that you can see a hint of chris's red eye while either walking around or during this falling animation i can show you a zoomed in version of the sprite there is no red what's happening here is that the compression in the game causes a blending of these two colors the brown and the yellow right next to each other even that doesn't quite create a red but if your eyes are out of focus depending on your screen settings maybe it's something you're already looking for then yes you might have a little bit of an optical illusion where you think you see a hint of red i'm not telling you you're not seeing it i'm just telling you that it's not a part of the sprite we can't say whether or not toby planned that my guess is no but the fact that it ends up fitting with the larger game is kind of a neat coincidence so no there is no red in chris's eye but yes i believe you when you say you see it now just be on the great door here there is a save spot the first time you hit it up it says with the door closed behind you your adventure will begin the power of adventure shines within you if you wait so you get all the way to the end here right before taking on the boss fight with the chaos king and then do some big time backtracking and i mean big time all the way back to the very start of all of this you can go all the way back to the save point in front of the door here the door is still closed the power of backtracking shines within you so you can't actually go back through the door or anything like that but it's just a funny little bit of text to say hey thanks for giving it a try there's so much great dialogue to be found through backtracking lots of it becomes available once susie joins the party for real you can go and find the last standing jigs sorry from when susie went on a beating up rampage it's that purple beast whoa a nice cheer look chris i've got fans oh okay i'm out of breath you can go back to the cake chef whose cake that susie ate mama miba mama miba you're the beast that ate my cake yeah so want me to spit it back out no that's quite fine sure it wasn't that good it'd probably improve it by the way mom amoeba is genius and you can follow up on that little bit of dialogue why are you looking at me like that i don't trust anyone that won't eat my spit so you don't trust anyone yeah a little bit sad that it implies that susie still has trust issues you can run back to the room where you hollered instructions at susie susie's first solo puzzle what a nice memory stop remembering me fondly but this one only just says solved puzzle if you come to the two areas where rules had laid out his block pushing puzzles there'll now be these fanboy rudens hanging around sigh rules card was standing here i think making block pushing puzzles is a totally hunky hobby and at the other spot sorry rules card was standing here sorry i'm sighing i didn't get much sleep there is a special bit of text when you die it appears you have reached an end notably not the end either that's implying we'll eventually see multiple endings in the full game or even if there were just one singular ending yeah death is an end when the game asks if you want to try again if you say no then the world was covered in darkness it takes you to this blank screen where you can't do anything and it's the only place in the game you can hear an exclusive song called darkness falls if you just leave the game open let that song play out takes maybe about a minute the game will close itself then you can open the game back up and simply return to your save file and we can start assembling the three pieces of the key that'll allow us to access a secret boss at the end of the game the first of which when you get into the elevator here you can go back to the the prison floor or the regular floor or there's the question mark thing that i don't know moves willy wonka chocolate factory laterally across to this room of the staircase where you get to talk to the strange prisoner here at the bottom of the stairs once you've completed chatting with the strange prisoner then you can actually go back to that first shop now there's a new dialogue option there where you can talk to him about the strange prisoner through that you can get access to broken key a so in this area with the dancing spinning paper cut out people there is a secret little hidden path here it's identifiable by this black bar that is obscuring any of the stars falling outside of the regular map earlier in the game you're given a little bit of a hint that this is something you can look for if you go down through there there's this alternate path you hook around here past the rabbit guy and then you can get the broken key b pretty early on in things once you solve this puzzle here past this guy going up to the top in this little puzzle where you go to get one of the broken key pieces you're supposed to have gone to the castle first so you know the order that these are meant to be in from the bottom the order of our rooms in card castle of course if you haven't been there you won't know it you can reread the sign really emphasizing that it's impossible if you haven't been there but if you actually solve the puzzle without having gone to the castle because you've already done the game you you know it or you just do enough random guesses that you eventually get it diamond heart club spade opens things up for you and you open the treasure chest and you get the broken key c way to stick it to that sign you aren't the boss of me sign once you have all three of these key pieces you can take them to mallius and you can forge them into one complete key taking the key back to the strange prisoner presenting it to the door allows you to access the hardest fight in the game against jebel a joker-like character who is just incredibly difficult to beat so you can't actually do a genocide running this game anytime you try to fight anything it just runs away once it gets to low health even if you pacify versus fighting the king either way he falls to his knees exhausted and tricks rousseau into healing him depending on which route you went there's a little cut scene that plays out slightly differently but it all plays out largely the same so while the king battle kind of bends the rule i think the jevel battle is the only one with two distinctly different outcomes should you choose to pacify jevel it plays out like this what fun i'm exhausted you kids tired me up now i will sleep for the other hundred years unfortunately you kids cannot have such a pleasant dream from now a nightmare will awaken in your hearts in the shadow of the night's hand lightners can you stop it either way a mischief mischief a chaos chaos lightners from inside your little cell take this and do your strongest and then he gives you the devil's tail that's added to your armors you can go and equip it a j-shaped tail that gives you devil energy if instead you choose to fight jevel and ride that battle out to the bitter end the dialogue is a little bit different what fun you're fast fast strong strong but there are yet faster yet stronger the hand of the night is drifting forward soon the queen returns and hell's roar bubbles from the depths lightners can you stop it either way a mischief mischief a chaos chaos lightners from inside your little cell take me and do your strongest and in this time he gives you the devil's sword the inventory text for this reads a skull emblazoned scythe axe reduces rude buster's cost by 10. now both the knife and tail cannot be sold and shopkeepers will treat them as if they're empty inventory slots if you try a lot of people inevitably asked what happens if you take the devil's items up with you you actually can't equip the devil's knife to chris because it is an axe weapon and so there's nothing to change there and if you equip the devil's tail as a piece of armor it still just remains as a bandage either way one particular thing of note during this jevel battle he has this carousel attack where all these horses run by and they just they're impossible they're so hard but sometimes they appear as ducks instead and very very rarely one of those ducks will have the everyman's head every man was part of an attack that the reaper bird used in undertale this every man also appears in some graffiti in the overworld also an icy if anyone's wondering what the other one is you can see the ice e again here on the pi it's a sign it also looks very much the same as it did on papyrus's crossword puzzle in undertale i believe jevel is the only character in deltarune who actually speaks he has a few different lines he says i can do anything chaos chaos metamorphosis [Music] now out of one of the most obscure references that there is in this game some of these lines come from loose clown a line sticker set of all the things to reference i i don't know why this but thank you to the people who pointed that out that is interesting to say the least and if anyone's curious since the jevel is the only character in the game that actually has voice acting normally it's chaos chaos metamorphosis and i can do anything i can do anything chaos chaos metamorphosis bye bye okay if you play the japanese version of the game here are some of the japanese lines maybe people can let us know if those translate well or not interestingly it advertises the pirouette as being random chaos yet there is a very specific order to which everything happens and it repeats the pattern on the fourth time you use the pirouette against the jevel a useless bird flies by for some random mass reason if you go and talk to sean after the end of the jevel battle he has a lot to say but i specifically want to focus on his use of the line dark darker yet darker because that is specifically a line out of the gaster entry 17. these connections just keep growing and growing now even though the end game overworld section is quite short it does have a very dense amount of references and easter eggs and such now there's quite a lot going on in this room a lot of it is kind of on the nose stuff the different colored carpet here is the the field and the forest then there's the great board that you go through the different cards going up the shelf like the castle towers there's even a little toy doll here who's supposed to be the shopkeeper so all of that is is pretty expected and straightforward stuff one thing that's extra funny is there's this tiny little red piece on the edge of the board here and that probably is the k round the first time that you actually fight this thing his name is c round so you can either call him c round or k around when he gets finely crowned so that could stand for king round but if you say it together his name is just crowned kind of kind of a full circle thing there i guess i've heard people talk about this weird opening area how eventually when you start entering the field and the forest and the great board and all that it's reflected in the overworld inside of the empty classroom but this opening area isn't really in there at all there's nothing representing it some people have kind of said that maybe this great door is analogous to the door that you enter the closet through there's not a lot to support that it's kind of interesting but it does kind of make sense layout wise but it does beg the question does this opening area connect to anything all the clips with the weird oozing eyeballs the area with rousseau's castle all the weird arrow-shaped houses and stuff like does that match anything in the school or in the town i don't think so so all of that early game stuff before the great door must exist before this closet door it's pretty far reaching but i think it's the only conclusion you can draw there this one is kind of ridiculous and i don't know if it's totally intentional but this picture on the wall looks like bold and brash if you inspect the picture it says it's a yellowed poorly drawn picture of a green turtle and it's signed alvin we know that father alvin is a character in this overworld it seems unlikely that they were drawing themselves in a self-portrait this much later in life there's a theory that this is a drawing they made as a kid maybe this classroom has been unused in all that time there's some interesting theories there maybe alvin will become a more important character in the full game this has been brought up a couple of times but just next to the church here before the graveyard there is something on the ground here you can't interact with it just that weird black spot above the tree there i think it is just a graphical glitch same as that annoying lone pixel during the king fight yeah i honestly don't believe there's anything to be read into there still carrying the egg which is super strange if you try to drop it says what egg and now the egg is just gone this is probably a reference to what pumpkin a common thing used by ms paint adventures creator andrew hussey i think the idea behind that joke is that by acknowledging these pumpkins they no longer exist same as i mentioned before it makes sense that toby would include this sort of stuff since he worked on a lot of music for homestuck in the past another fairly clever question that someone had is what happens if you call toriel when you first get back before she has a chance to call you in the hallway ring ring chris i'm grading papers i can talk to you when you get back alright our house is only at the top of town you know click so she doesn't seem nearly as concerned and the funny thing is is that you don't get the dialogue of her calling you in the hall if you do do this guess she's satisfied with that as checking in you might have been gone all day there's the ball of junk which is basically all the stuff you accumulated down in the dark world you can drop that as well you really didn't want to throw it away throw it away anyways yes hand shaking you dropped the ball of junk on the ground it broke into pieces you felt bitter so basically you just threw away everything that you just did in the dark world and now there's no more items left to collect there's a box full of scented markers that you can choose to sniff you dig out the marshmallow one and start huffing it which i thought was kind of interesting seeing as the dark candy that you can find down below smells like marshmallows if you still have those dark candies in your inventory up into the overworld your ball of junk will also smell like marshmallows so i thought something that would be worth testing before going back to the outer world is to eat up the marshmallow scented candies if you then inspect the ball of junk a small ball of accumulated things and that's it no remaining scent i was curious if it would smell like something else it just becomes nothing but it does prove that the scent only exists if you're still carrying dark candies this is just kind of a funny bit of dialogue if you interact with the lockers over and over again the locker is locked the locker's lock is locked the lock's locker is locked the locker's lock's locker is locked it just it just cycles through again it's just kind of a funny interaction there's a couple of dumb little jokes that play out with this water fountain you can go to it early on in the game and drink from the water fountain susie calls you out on that as she impatiently waits people put their mouth on that you know which i think is probably a reference to parks and rec andy is our official water fountain tester all right let's give the sucker a test drive a really weird stupid running joke in that show that this is how people drink out of the water fountain and you can actually revisit the fountain at the end of the game you can actually run the water fountain many times you ran the water fountain it's lukewarm on the second time it's tepid on the third it's refreshingly cool in case at some point you felt that chris might need a nice refreshing beverage i personally love ice cold water so it just brings me joy using the debug mode which by the way is something i'm using every time you see this red frame counter in the top left corner and why sometimes you see a red box flash over chris it's also something you kind of have to break the game files apart to access it's not intended for your everyday use but through that i can quickly save and load and i use that over and over to repeatedly discard items through that you can see they have randomized bits of flavor text for this just like discarding items in undertale did you put the hot chocolate on the ground and gave it a little pat you bid a quiet farewell to the bouquet you abandoned the bouquet you threw the hot chocolate on the ground like the piece of trash that it is majority of the time you just get x item is thrown away but it does appear to be totally randomized there's no extra bit of conditions that need to be met or no real emotion or intention to be read into those words so hopefully that kind of clears things up with the tossing of items alternately you can drink the hot chocolate it tasted wonderful your throat tightened probably sad about memories of azrael same as in undertale it's still live rarbie rather than just a library you can now pay your family debt how to draw dragons is 2583 days overdue so that's about seven years and a little bit seems like it's probably just random numbers but say azrael is now 18 old enough to be going off to college there's some people who say that the characters are probably close to 11 at the time of undertale that discarded manual that never made it into the game signifies that this is at least a different decade than undertale so it's kind of interesting that book might have been taken out around that time this guy who doesn't really do a whole lot of anything except for block your access to upstairs it looks an awful lot like gaster's follower from undertale is this guy chilling in this car in the overworld street a lot of people are speculating that this is one of the gaster followers and while that might be the case i think he's just supposed to be the guy who's hanging out outside of the spider donut shop in undertale but then that sprite was definitely reused for one of the gaster followers it's really unclear if it's the same guy and he eventually converts or something like that i don't think we ever meet this creature anywhere in undertale whereas we've seen this guy before regardless of if he's the same as that follower or not but at the very least i suppose it is worth mentioning while we're on the subject of gaster followers it segues very nicely into talking about the clam girl i'm visiting waterfall from the city synchronicity my neighbor's daughter looks about your age her name is susie i feel like you two should be friends you have a neighbor's blessing not knowing where i live is no issue fate finds a way in life's grand scheme she might be why you came here in the first place you can still meet this character in the pc version of the game apparently the only part that is unique to the switch is in the epilogue of a true pacifist route she now has a new bit of dialogue so you never met my neighbor's daughter but please don't despair because the time you will meet her is fast approaching and the much more significant part is right after she finishes that little bit of dialogue the character turns into the gray scale of the other gaster followers and disappears so no the character isn't 100 unique to the switch but that bit is and that would have only been available for people to find about six weeks before delta rune came out considering he had been working on it for years susie was absolutely a developed created character at that point toby knew exactly what he was doing does hint that these games are a little more connected than maybe he's making them out to be that's an extra cool extra deep little nugget there's also a funny little bit of dialogue here where he talks about undyne blocking his path i guess i should just run away which is referencing the fact that when you choose to not fight undyne you can instead just continuously run away so that's probably a little nod to that boss fight from before if you peek through the doorway in the library here you look through the window to the computer lab there seems to be a dog inside working at a computer seems like it's making a game seems like you shouldn't interrupt it seems like when the game is finished you can go in you just have to trust the dog so it's it's kind of a direct reference to toby fox there working away on the game if you check it a second time you look through the window and they're just playing the maracas if this dog's a stand-in for toby then put those maracas down and get to work on chapter two toby it's not doing any work at all this might take a while well it's a good chance that the dog working away at the computer lab is self-referential for toby others have pointed out that it might simultaneously be referencing the secret ending to silent hill 2 where that game is being controlled by a dog if you read this bulletin board in the live barbie there's an anime review your options are yes or no no no no no no no no no no and some people have said that this is likely a reference to jojo i myself am not super familiar with it but i'll i'll take people's word for it that that's probably a reference if you read it it's a monthly tune review from meme you kissy cutie two this reviewer had mew mewtwo as her first exposure to the series and let her tell you it makes mew mew1 look like a dumpster with sparkly cat ears with a darker storyline and more mature themes the second one treats the viewer like a real adult which might be a little bit of a meta thing that deltarune is potentially darker and more adult than undertale sorta kinda but it goes on and on about what they do and don't like about it signed the anonymous yellow lizard which would be alfie's and it's kind of a funny contrast the fact that she really hated mewmew kissy cutie too in undertale but loves it in deltarune there's another silly book in the library please remember my name please i wrote a book to help you remember by hot's fire guy this is obviously referencing heat's flames men a character from the first game who is obsessed with being remembered whose name somehow ends up being incredibly forgettable he's like one of my favorite characters there's a million characters who reappear from the original game all with different designs which is pretty interesting for example undyne no longer has an eye patch the standout exception here is that sans looks the exact same what was once grillby's in undertale has now been taken over and is now sansa's shop when you talk to sans one of the options is you can talk to him about friends i just moved here so i hardly know anyone why got anyone i should know better my mom your mother huh too late i already befriended your mom last night not not a secret or anything but uh but this sob is over here making jokes about sleeping with your mom let's give goat mom some love here there's little figures in the windows here i just kind of took it as being toriel had some sort of figurines hanging out on the windowsills there some have suggested that it looks a little bit like a mini storyboard for when azrael helps out the first human sure it's not exact but the light beam and everything it's kind of subtle i could see that being an intentional hidden and plain sight sort of thing toriel used to talk about wanting to be a teacher in undertale so it's very nice and interesting to see that she did become one in deltarune someone told me there was something very specific to come looking for in toriel's kindergarten classroom it wasn't readily apparent but it's some kind of primitive sculpture who knows what it represents well when you look a little bit closer i'm just kidding it is faked i did want to address this one because people were asking about it the image that was getting shared around and everything was a fake image i just kind of recreated it just to mess with people a little bit so no there is no loss meme hidden in toriel's room although now i kind of wish that there was you can actually find your own personal locker which is empty and one that used to be your brothers nothing interesting to do with either locker they just are there in the school originally in undertale when you check toriel's oven it mentions that she likely uses her fire magic to keep it as clean as she does when you look at it in deltarune there's some cinnamony batter caked on the stovetop and seeing as toriel is just kind of like a kindergarten teacher here she might not have any magic powers you can ask toriel all sorts of questions if you ask specifically about yourself oh you've grown up so much someday soon you'll be going to university remember when you were little you asked when your horns were going to grow in so we bought you that headband with the little red horns on it oh you work for months whatever happened to it now this is interesting because asriel never had horns seeing as how young they were at the end when rousseau takes off their hat there are red horns there but if chris's brother is asriel and by trying to emulate azrael chris started wearing red horns that kind of indicates that they did grow in later in life still not saying they're the same person it just kind of further contributes to the fact that those characters are connected weirdly you can actually go to the mayor's office and the receptionist assumes that you are complaining about your teacher alfie's if you don't like her please blame your mother for getting her hired so maybe toriel's been a teacher for a long time or she's just a very influential member of the community one last little bit about toriel there's some unused dialogue hidden in the delta rune files now while it is totally unused in this game does share some similarities with what you find in an echo flower on undertale runs where you killed toriel i want to draw attention to this because several people said it in the comments they pointed out that the alphabet on the top in toriel's room is not correct i'm not sure where people are getting that from sure it's really cramped since it's only three pixels high but they're as close to the real letters as they could possibly be so i don't i don't buy it i think that's the real alphabet here we have another returning character from undertale i like the vibe of the waitress here maybe i should sign up nah serving drinks wouldn't really suit a fire elemental which is kind of a funny jab at the fact that grillby is a bartender in undertale this lion character is also in undertale and talks extensively about being jealous of mettaton's dress now it's funny to see this character wearing a uniform that is quite dress-like it's a regular sink and when you interact with a second sink it's a clone of the other sink perhaps there was originally one tall sink that was cut in half to create both of them i mean it is just kind of a funny joke to call back to the growing sink in papyrus's house this one's a little weird i don't really know what to make of it this big purple cat asks you hey neighbor baber when's your brother doug gonna come by he talks about missing your brother but not blaming him for leaving i hope he remembers us eating oranges and getting our stomachs pumped because cats can't actually eat citrus they will get sick but people have suggested that maybe the larger reference here is to the old 90s cartoon doug doug's neighbor in that was this giant purple man named mr dink there's even a whole thing the show where doug breaks mr dink's grill mr dink is really upset what's he going to say when i tell him i broke his brand new grill and ruined his big barbecue here we have a broken grill hanging out behind the cat i've seen a little dug not a lot but that one would have totally blown me by i don't think i would have appreciated that that's possibly a reference it's kind of obscure it's an unexpected reference to begin with and it's layered in there kind of oddly so i think very easy to miss you can go knocking on some of these doors and this one in particular huh that sounds like the knock of a beginner come back when you've gotten better at knocking and you can run around and knock on doors as much as you want it doesn't ever actually change but someone did point out that there's a character in undertale in snowden who's actually amazed by your knocking abilities so it's probably just a little bit of a callback to that you can't actually become a professional knocker same as how i did kind of a specific character highlight reel with toriel there let's dig into noel a little bit there's quite a few little hints but it's pretty clear that noelle's mom is the mayor of this town there's some mentions of her mom being very busy she doesn't like to be bothered at work noel's house is behind this giant ornate gate in the middle of town in the south of town if there's a bear in the town hall who talks all about the mayor and politics this is of course a returning character from undertale who talks politics in snowden the mayor is very clearly referred to as being a she and someone who heavily prioritizes work not only does she act icy but she always keeps her ac on full blast so even if noelle's mom doesn't end up being another reindeer maybe she's at least another winter or holiday-themed monster that chill i feel is is this what politics feels like the artwork seen in this front room of the mayor's office has the orange brown color palette of the opening cut scene in undertale there's a small pine tree kept in the corner of the office the type of tree that's like most commonly used for christmas trees and just in case people didn't know this on their own once you go and talk to noelle and her father in the hospital and here there are many many christmas puns noel just literally means christmas their last name is holiday her dad is rudy or rudolph he calls you christmas he talks about getting tangled in light displays noel has a red nose deer in headlights these two are a little obsessed with being reindeer in the holiday season i think but once you've gone through all this dialogue you can go and chat to noel alongside the gate here similar to there being a dialogue tree with sands that you can't really do without cheating the system a little bit there is one little bit of branching dialogue here with noel that you'll miss out on by making a selection after first catching up a little bit and just talking about school a little noelle asks you what you want to talk about you can select susie that's right you were with susie we didn't come back to class i was worried but everything turned out okay i think uh chris can i ask you something if that's okay susie i'm kind of curious what she's like you know there's several hints throughout the game that noel is crushing super hard on susie there's a bunch of them but the first one i know of is when noel tries to volunteer to go to the supply closet with susie to get extra chalk but then noel gets totally cock-blocked because chris is still looking for a partner you also kind of interrupt noel and her dad and noel might have been pitching the idea of asking susie out i think there might be one or two more hints sprinkled throughout but we don't need to cover every single one i mean who doesn't wonder about her she never talks to anyone so chris could you tell me about her if that's okay and there's a few different options here that you can choose once you've selected one of these you can't go back and select the other so i'm saving you guys the replay there you can simply say she's nice what she's a nice person really like really honestly truly i mean that's just what i was hoping but wait this isn't another trick is it chris like when you put ketchup on your arms and told me it was blood really you're serious you're totally serious gosh and maybe i should try talking to her but if i die you're paying for my funeral chris so honestly if she's nice i might die too super adorable there's hints that noel will play a larger part in chapter two and i'm kind of hoping that that relationship gets explored a little bit in chapter two but there are other options you can say that she each chalk what she was eating the chalk really wait you're teasing me aren't you chris like when you told me ice e was real and eats kids so dez smacked you with a whiffle bat till you stopped lying huh you're telling the truth seriously then what colored chalk does she like and do you think she likes the thin or the thick kind wait maybe making her lunchbox full of chalk is stupid no judgments from noel she's still crushing hard noel talks about her friend dez possibly just des based on the spelling and based on what i think is going on here it's probably des noel talks about des whacking you with a wiffle ball bat sounds a little similar to another character in a similar type of game with a similar type of name doesn't it you can also just say she's terrible she what she smashed you against the lockers gosh chris i'm really sorry that's just awful i i thought susie was good just maybe it would take someone special to find her good side she really is terrible isn't she chris i'm so sorry you have to go through this in fact i wonder if do you think i wonder if alvi's would let us switch partners i mean you know she wouldn't have to be the one who uh i gets to be slammed into lockers and stuff anymore wait i don't think i phrased that correctly i actually had to do a double take when reading that myself i thought i had read it incorrectly a little bit kinky there i think noelle just admitted she's okay with getting roughed up a little and the final option is to just kind of pause seriously chris but i help you all the time the least you can do is give me a little information like does she like metal music she really an obligate carnivore did she really have a tail underneath her jacket which is kind of funny because later in the game it's completely proved that she does not have a tail if you get the item the devil's tail and equip it to susie you get this little bit of flavor text at the bottom where she says that she always figured she would grow a tail someday or or sorry chris it's not any of my business is it i blew it didn't i so no matter which choice noel still has her little fantasy about susie adorable i'm really a big fan of how this has been set up in this chapter so far if you do try and follow it up with the second question in the same play through oh can i ask you something else about her well did it seem like she uh wait she definitely wouldn't know that i think basically noelle was just gonna ask is she into girls maybe that's a little presumptuous of me but that seems like that's where she was going but she won't take it any further than that kind of closes off the line of communication there someone pointed out that the antlers on the reindeer folk look a little bit like the deviant art logo i mean you don't have a lot of pixels to work with here so it could just be coincidental but hey a lot of artists started out posting things to deviantart i wouldn't be surprised if toby had a profile as well another thing people pointed out that they found weird was the fact that noel has antlers at all in most ungulates deers and such the females don't grow antlers reindeer which are actually the same as caribou can be an exception it's not always the case but there are populations of caribou where the female grow antlers as well so it still makes sense in the end a lot of people in the comments had questions about going behind any of the buildings seeing as that was a thing you could do with sans's house in undertale if you go up and around the corner it's kind of strange because these three rooftops don't fit with the buildings underneath but no there is no way to access the backside of those buildings you know there's lots of opportunity to go behind buildings and stuff i've checked them all it doesn't seem like there's anything you can actually do knock knock no response but the distant trouser of bones bone troussel is the name of papyrus's theme track what's interesting is you can't talk to papyrus you don't interact with him you don't see him anywhere in this game although the sound effect for his dialogue still exists in the game files when you're talking to sans you can ask him about friends he says i just moved here you to some friends you saved me why not be friends with me over there tiger you can't just jump straight into friendship it takes time alright that's enough time take this call it whenever you feel like now you have sansa's number to call now normally when you call this number it'll put you through a string of different options and then when it comes out the other end it says not sansa's number and you try to call it the phone kept ringing infinitely so for whatever reason sans you jerk gives you a fake number now because you normally wouldn't be able to call it multiple times and there's no save point in the town you would have to replay the game just to see what these other options are i'm playing in the debug mode right now so you can kind of fiddle around with things a little bit more so i'll just reload in town and roll through the different options when you call the number it rings a few times hello you've reached the hotline for idiot babies please press 1 for idiots 2 for babies three for idiot babies and four for none one for idiots hi you're an idiot tell you the truth i'm one too let's try our best okay number two ah you're and baby i'm one too let's try our best says the same thing basically the third option you're an idiot baby tell you the truth i'm one too let's try our best and finally four for none why'd you call the hotline for idiot babies if you aren't an idiot baby and then they rudely hang up on you hopefully i saved people from having to play through the game four times for that one joke if after that you try to call not sansa's number ring ring ring ring ring the phone rings infinitely nobody ever picks up there's nothing more to it sans then has a new piece of dialogue regardless of which branches you chose or whether or not you followed it up with not sans's number and when you ask him to talk about yourself again he says ah sorry i don't hang out with idiot babies they compete with my sociological niche and i believe if you choose idiots or babies it plays out the same way there's a little angel doll on rudy's desk here oh right you and azzy tried to make one too but you wasted the whole time making huge wings for it which is probably referencing the whole angel of death's final form asriel thing from undertale far south of town there's this door that's locked covered in vines all by itself you can't really do anything with it when you stand even further south kind of away from the door there you start getting these weird sound effects playing it's pretty dull and doesn't sound like a whole lot of anything but if you turn it up and set it to 666. [Music] just another cool little tie in there of gaster being associated with 666. that's pretty damn interesting maybe something to be expanded on in chapter two there's actually several other possible ties to gaster in this game there are a couple characters in the game that look a little bit like gaster interestingly they're the two shopkeepers one of which is actually rules card you can just see in the smile the missing eye there's just some very vague similarities going on there out of a very extensive original soundtrack nine of these are confirmed to use late motifs of gaster's theme a lot of theories about gaster in this game floating around now gerson the silly little turtle from undertale seems to have passed away because there's now a gerson boom memorial bench and just next to that we have a gerson gravestone renowned historian author and teacher all three of these gravestones are actually quite significant crystal a snowy gemstone for a proud mother muttler a big bone for the leader of the pack and shira a karaoke microphone for a brave singer now these are actually gravestones for the three amalgamates from undertale or rather the monsters who would have become the amalgamates so just kind of nice to have them resting in peace rather than being horrible twisted monsters you can talk to burgerpants who's now working for icee's pizza you can talk to him about the people he works with one of the things he has to say is purple guy man that guy you gotta actually does that guy even work here which is presumably a reference to five nights at freddy's i mean he's probably likely just talking about this but being a pizzeria and the specific wording and everything it seems to be a reference to that here we can see napstablooks house i'm afraid no one's home right now there's theories that it's actually mettaton staying in here afraid no one's home darling uh why don't you prance on home knock knock again i'm telling you they're not home right now oh you just want to talk to me my apologies beautiful i'm afraid i'm a bit of a nobody and so that the darling beautiful things like that it seems like mettaton is staying within napstablook's house whereas mettaton's house is usually next door it leans the opposite direction and it has a pink color kind of new running theory is is that this is mettaton when they are still a ghost when they're haps to blook as as papyrus would call them in this world alfie's either isn't the brilliant scientist that she is in undertale or they never crossed paths but likely what's going on is mettaton is still a ghost uncomfortable with their body and as such has become kind of a recluse and now now just hides away in here the interesting thing is that napstablook does appear to still be in the game and that he's actually hanging out at the police station you knock on the door of the police station someone's coming up to the window they just close the blinds seems like the police aren't really feeling it right now this is a line that napstablook uses when you fight them it's part of their dialogue for one of their like non-attacks another interesting thing is that at the end of undertale it says that napstablook kind of avoided the asriel apocalypse or whatever you want to call it by simply closing the blinds and hiding away so this is very in character and it would make sense because undyne and absolute were buddies in undertale they both ended up as police officers together kind of seems like napstablook is the outgoing one and met a ton is the introvert this time it's an unlabeled book you look inside oh i accidentally returned my personal journal instead of my book oh no they're putting it into their catalog oh no i have to take it out every time i want to write a new entry the all lower case the overuse of ellipses the overuse of oh no it's a good chance that napstablook is the one who's taking this in and out all the time filling out the journal in this world mettaton is still a ghost alfie's never made a body for them i'm afraid i'm a bit of a no body which is a pretty damn good play on words there i'm a big fan of that if that wasn't toby's intention then he should take credit for it as that because it's very funny this entire interaction plays out very similarly to when you meet asgore in undertale during either a neutral or pacifist run there's someone there just a moment i've almost finished watering these flowers here we are howdy how can i [Music] this is another one of those super on the nose things but these seven flowers that asgore has stashed away up here are the same colors as flowey and the human souls alternately with the egg you can go to asgore's house and he only has a lowly pickle jar sitting in the fridge so you can help him you know stay fed and put the egg in the fridge with the pickle but when you come back to the fridge it now says there's two eggs in the fridge so pretty weird little interaction there another layer to this is when you drop the egg you get the what egg dialogue it suddenly just appears in the fridge and you see for some reason a lone egg it's an egg alongside the pickle jar rather than it turning it into an egg as well for some reason there's a lot of weird separate different possible interactions with this egg in this fridge you decide to pass on it i thought this was kind of interesting on the floor there's all these scattered papers in asgore's place it's a note it says no rent received again stop giving away flowers start selling them you have one month c it would be awful strange for the mayor to be in charge of evictions but maybe we're getting a little bit of a hint of what the mayor's name is gonna be if we're going off characters we've met there's catty but that doesn't make sense and see round technically but that was only in the dark world i'm curious i don't think there's anything more to be garnered from that in this current chapter but maybe we'll finally find out who c is coming up in chapter 2. calling in the dark world doesn't work at all when you call from in town toriel basically just tells you to walk home or that she's busy and it's pretty basic dialogue it's slightly different if you call from within the house if you're in the bathroom of your own house and use the cell phone to call home it rings hello dreamer residence who might this be chris don't make me come over there for some reason there's a lot of ways to mess with toriel from the coming and going in the house flushing the toilet calling her repeatedly i don't know if any of these fall under easter eggs or anything like that but it is fun to prank your goat mom this isn't very deep or hidden away or anything but there is a small little reference to super smash bros remember that video game you and azrael used to play what was it called super smashing fighters when he was very little he loved the little green lizard which would obviously be yoshi we even had a birthday party for him themed around it your father painted all these eggs with spots as decoration oh your brother loved it until the next day your father cooked all that for breakfast your brother just kept crying ever since he's hated that book about eating green eggs which would be dr seuss's green eggs and ham something very specific and very odd that someone pointed out to me is that the clock in this first classroom here reads six the one in alfie's room is set to about two or three o'clock and finally the one in toriel's room is set to about 10 o'clock i have no idea where the three different clocks are different you can only interact with one and it's a small little joke about it not being time for class but that means those sprites weren't reused right there had to be unique sprites for each clock but why go through the trouble of making every clock different and this one clock in particular actually points to six and six which is an impossible time if it was actually 6 30 the hour hand would be halfway to 7. obviously 6 is a very recurring very important number to this series but i have no idea what's going on with the other two clocks if you go to the far east of town past asgore's place these guys talk about hanging out next to the river and how nice that is if you stand in this spot and just kind of hang out there for a few seconds then eventually we get an old friend who emerges from the lake there to chat with there is a point in the dialogue tree where you can't backtrack on your options and so people asked me to fill that in same as i did for noelle and sans in the last installment hey there noticed you were here it's me you know me right of course you do i'm real popular i just don't have any friends but it's okay here because you're here will you be my friend you can say no and he goes away oh that poor guy you actually can't coax him back out even if you leave and come back he's still gone so yeah don't say no to being his friend yes i'll be your friend oh oh i'm so happy here i'm so happy i i don't know what to do i don't remember being this happy before what's your name friend and here's where you kind of have a few options first you can just say chris that's you that's a real nice name for a friend oh excuse me i forgot to introduce myself actually since no one talks to me i forgot my own name chris can you give me a name and now there's even more options to go through you can call him disgusting and he goes away again i'll name myself chris for half of these and hippopotamus for half of these being able to tell someone that your name is hippopotamus is a reference to mega man legends hyper hopper uh hippopotamus it's you big name but it's worth it hippopotamus can you give me a name asriel the second asriel too sounds familiar feels like a memory it feels like that good boy that threw those good corn flakes in the water for me wait what was the name cereal yeah i love cereal bathe me and flakes thank you for giving me a name i'll cherish it you hear uh hippa um hyper potato mask that's your name right i want to tell you something tomorrow something i can only tell a friend come back soon you hear i'll say chris again this time this time your name can be beauty wow what a wonderful name feels like my self-esteem is in full bloom feels like my head's about to flower wait what was the name bootis yeah perfect which total side note side reference thing might be a reference to pootis from team fortress 2 the taste the smell the ah thank you for giving me a name i'll cherish it here chris christmas that's your name right i want to tell you something tomorrow something i can only but same thing and so now the remaining option will be to give onion sand their proper name back onion it's perfect to hear i don't know what it means but it's perfect feels like it's shaped like me feels like it smells like me wait what was the name uh um yum yeah it's perfect um yum that's my name thank you for giving me a name i'll cherish it here and then it plays out the same hyper potato mask and blah blah blah all that see you tomorrow there you have it all of the onion sand dialogue this got asked a lot in the original video no you can't come back tomorrow because chapter 1 ends when you go to bed that is the end of this free version of the game we'll have to wait for the entirety of deltarune to be complete before we can actually revisit the next day i'll let you guys discover that for yourselves to read the dialogue now right from the beginning of the game when you see this cage in the wagon it looks like it's seen quite a few crashes there's like a weird ominous stain going on beside it there it's not really sure what's going on that maybe becomes more relevant at the very end of the game so end game spoilers here so the way this whole end scene plays out it's already pretty damn messed up but the fact that it said that the cage has been used often and there's a weird stain in the corner kind of hints at the idea the possibility that this has happened before that the soul is commonly being trapped within this cage i don't know what the hell the implications of any of that may or may not be it just seems to be kind of an interesting little little thing to maybe consider here we'll save that one for the game theorists and during this segment you can actually control the soul within the cage so what's going on there was chris a puppet the whole time just being controlled by this loose soul i don't know that's too much for me there's been quite a bit of riddling around in the back end code for this game already there's a peculiar bit of unused dialogue that appears during the return that's what the game calls itself when you defeat the final boss and return to town in the end game the lines read where where am i hello anyone is anybody out there someone anyone can you hear me it's dark it's so dark here someone anyone if you can hear me say something please pretty spooky call for help overall a strong possibility is that this was meant for being behind the door with the vines but we can't really know if you right click on the game file and look at its properties the file version is listed as 666. there's some interesting things to do with six in the undertale world like the six human souls 666 is associated with gaster it might not be a direct reference to anything it might just be a fun little thing that toby slipped in there now i feel like this is going to turn into more weird conspiracy theory stuff but in that opening sequence it says the vessel and creator will be discarded but technically in the app data on your computer that stuff is still stored that might just be by nature of how the game code is written but it might actually implicate that things aren't as they seem and even though it tells you it's discarded it was stored away somewhere even more interesting if you dig through those files there is a love meter it defaults to 1.000 and it never changes because love isn't in the game the same way it was in undertale this could be a weird leftover relic of toby's coding from undertale or again it could hint at future things for this story this is getting to some weird back end stuff but the way that game maker works which undertale and delta rune were both made in each individual room is given a code number so if you change your character's location in the code to 131 or anything higher than that anything that isn't associated with an actual room in the game will instead transport you to this thing and you instead have doggy rune it's kind of an obscure secret but i think toby knew that people were gonna go rooting around in the game files setting your character location to anywhere that doesn't actually exist in game instead sends you to dog to roon the dog check is something toby also used in undertale it's a bit of a bug testing tool while also a way to mess with cheaters but at the same time it kind of rewards you because you get this unique screen and a song specifically made to go along with it and that's just fun not like undertale fun fun some of the folks over on reddit discovered an awesome series of prompts that you get when you copy and erase save files there's all sorts of different interactions that play out there i think you have to do it on a fresh install so i don't want to do it on my own save file so i am going to directly use theirs first off if you try to copy a file that does not exist it is barren and cannot be copied choose the one to copy choose the target for the reflection the division is complete now copy your file and choose the target as the one you just copied overwrite or do not if you say do not it retained its original shape same sequence of things there and do overwrite it will be subsumed it conformed to the reflection if you try to copy a save file onto itself it reads it is immune to its own image choosing one to erase you choose an empty slot it was already gone select to erase go to your copy yes or no no then it was spared erase again to the copy yes then it will be destroyed erase or do not then it was spared a race truly erase it yes definitely confirm it was as if it was never there at all i left this to the very end of the video because it's just crazy and i hadn't seen anyone else talk about it so good work to those guys over on reddit who found that one it's really cool there's a lot of interesting comparisons here as to what our save file actually means whether it actually exists that obviously is saying a lot about the game and builds very much off undertale's end game concepts of destroying and creating worlds we even specifically see some of that here we're absolutely gonna have to wait for the full delta rune to really have any answers to that genuinely thank you guys all so much for the support if you haven't seen it go and watch my pieces of gaster video if you like this sort of stuff you're going to love that i'm trying to make it the ultimate gaster theorizing experience i won't keep you any longer go check that out give it a give it a shot here you're gonna you're gonna like it i'm so excited to be sharing this i think it's just a fun little way to say thank you and kind of like having my spaghetti and eating it too i get to keep those highly viewed videos over on the original channel but now this new channel gets this extra bit of love with the primo viewing experience i hope long time viewers appreciate some of the expansions additions and revisions that went into this rather than simply re-editing those original videos yeah it was a pretty big undertaking it feels good to clean up all the instances where i was saying delta ruin i apologize for that at some point in those four videos and now it should all be delta roon i hope thank you to patrons of the channel for all your support check that out for some cool behind the scenes the opportunity to vote in polls and to participate in developer interviews thank you all so much for watching and i'll see you again soon you
Channel: 2 Left Thumbs
Views: 1,274,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, deltarune, delta rune, deltarune secrets, deltarune name secrets, deltarune names, deltarune all secrets, deltarune easter eggs, deltarune all easter eggs, deltarune all references, deltarune references, deltarune gaster, deltarune names easter egg, delta rune secrets, delta rune easter eggs, delta rune references, deltarune egg, deltarune secret egg, secrets deltarune, references deltarune, easter eggs deltarune, deltarune gaster eggs, deltarune gaster egg
Id: jEQfOmpbieE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 12sec (6612 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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