ALL Undertale Dog Shrine Secrets (console versions) PS4, Switch, Xbox (Dog Casino dialogue)

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how's it going guys my name is graham and welcome to two left thumbs this is a quick follow-up to my part two of the easter eggs and secrets references in snowden here i'm looking to compile all the secrets and additional content related to the sink in sands and papyrus's house spanning the many different console versions of this game seems to be toby's favorite place to add additional content between the versions i assume nearly everyone has seen this basic interaction with the sync but i think it's worth showing first to establish the ways in which the annoying dog has kind of always been tied to the sink impressed i increased the height of my sink now i can fit more bones under it take a look-see what catch that meddling canine curses sans stop plaguing my life with incidental music something that maybe would have fit better in the last episode but is still related to the sink when papyrus is hosting in this house and you walk into the kitchen he'll run over to follow you if you then spam moving in and out of this space repeatedly he starts racing back and forth to keep up once you've done this a handful of times he'll have a unique bit of dialogue wow being a good host is a real workout that's all there is to it just a fun extra little detail my understanding is that it's a requirement that your game have trophies in order to be listed in the playstation store so i think part of the inclusion of this whole ridiculous concept was toby just having any reason to include trophies in his game something he never did on the pc version because he didn't want to control the way people experience the game so the type of trophies he included are like ones for getting items don't worry i have lots of ideas for trophies like getting items or getting more items help me i'm out of ideas a few typical progression achievements and then pretty well the rest of them are for dog nations and once more for having all of the undertale trophies don't you have anything better to do he essentially repeated this tactic in the xbox version even though the way it works is slightly different he still called them dog nations and had a few for lining up things like cherries or ghosts we are good cherry toys maybe something like chew toys i don't know if i get the joke there and when you line up d-o-g the achievement is learn to spell and i wonder if that's a joke that you know like doge d-o-g-e is the quote correct spelling i he clearly just had fun with this thing he wasn't that keen on including if you'll indulge me for a quick 30 seconds if you're looking for a game with wacky unique worlds to explore larger than life characters and secrets and challenges are plenty to discover along the way then maybe you'll consider the fancy pants adventures classic pack it's a platformer so you know my segue in connection between the two games only goes so far but it's something two left thumbs is coming on to publish repackaging and enhancing these flash game classics for you to purchase over on steam we're adding tons of things to make it worth your money please go check that out i'll remind you again at the end of the video on the playstation 4 and vita it is a basic shrine that is improved and expanded by donating gold to it this can be donated one at a time all the way up to 350. you aren't just making donations to this machine it asks you to either dognate or dog not really double whammy on the puns there at two gold the dog buys some fairy lights four gold dumplings they look slightly nibbled looks like the dog didn't like them very much so far the donation money has been totally wasted six gold it's some kind of inflatable mascot it's not clear how this is going to encourage anyone to donate 8. the dog steals a picture of papyrus holding pasta 10. a shrine upgrade takes place 13 the radio which changes the music it's having a psychological effect on your desire to donate it's not clear what kind of effect that is 16. looks like the dog bought a cd for the boombox but it's a game cd so it won't work 19 the dog steals a picture of papyrus chasing the camera monster 22 the dogs spend all the money on a piece of rope however it's really not very much rope for the amount spent it seems like the dog got ripped off 25 we have another shrine upgrade there's a quick fake out with the size of the donation box you should be able to donate more at once now but then it turns out the extra slot size is just painted on you're still gonna have to do it one gold at a time thirty a dog food dispenser is added 35 we have blueprints literally it's white paper but covered in little blue paw prints wait blue paw prints could it be a clue no it's totally useless which i absolutely didn't expect to see a blues clues reference in undertale how great is that 40 the dog gets ripped off by rope again it's not even any bigger than the last one 50th the dog tries to get its shrine recognized it's a framed letter from the shrine certification committee apparently the dog applied to have it shrine certified it was completely rejected it doesn't seem to have realized that at all and 70 the last dog shrine upgrade there was seemingly no point to all of this the nintendo switch release then has this fully upgraded shrine in disarray abandoned decrepit and broken with a red blue door meant to resemble the switch joy-con controllers you can again interact with everything around the room left over from everything collected in that playstation version there's like a strange maintained continuity here it's some kind of blueprint marked with red x's it's hard to tell if it means rejection or treasure it seems like the more they tried to tie things together the more afraid everything became it seems it lost the will to fight it's a photo of papyrus somehow even the spaghetti in the picture has gone rancid a single gold coin sits at the bottom of the box could it be the source of this travesty the dumpling is hardening it's turning back into a regular dump it's a tap that dispenses dog food you pressed it all that came out was dog sand it's a broken game cd you saw yourself reflected in the shattered pieces of the game which i have to wonder what larger implications that possibly has it's obviously going to make people think about gaster being shattered across time and space we won't read into it too far yet the boom box has totally fossilized now it can only play rock music it's some kind of rejected certificate it seems to have been rejected over and over it's a photo of papyrus it creaks from disuse the seal on the door is gone but it seems the door is still stuck there's an image of two analog sticks being pushed apart on the ceiling above the door the seal on the door specifically falls away after defeating mettaton x and then in a very simplistic physical puzzle the door itself is actually opened by you moving the joy-cons apart from one another behind this door is a possessed mew-mew doll known as mad meme two things are implied here one is that the doll came from alfie's a known fan of mew-mew kissy cutie and that the doll is possessed by the same ghost monster that was once mad dummy mad dummy madmu this is confirmed by the training dummies absence in front of undyne's house after this fight and the mad mewmew instead of hearing after in its place with the true pacifist ending during the true pacifist credits mad dummy is replaced by mad mewmew the character is pretty nuts and the battle is full of flair i won't go through every individual piece of dialogue but it does mimic the mad dummy fight in some small ways madmu doesn't actually take damage when hit but will have their head pop off similar to the dummy leading to a few extra bits of dialogue they eventually stop fighting you as well realizing it's not aiding them infusing with their new body there is a point in the battle where you're able to spare and show them what love is you can spare or attack attacking will destroy their body but it doesn't actually abort a true pacifist route since you're not actually killing mad mewmu simply destroying their current body a fun bit of trivia in this battle gnarly tubular way cool awesome groovy mondo outrageous funky is a reference to super mario world's level names in the special zone miu has a bit of dialogue after being spared huh such such kindness it's making me feel something it may be a while before i can truly fuse with this body but i think this is a start think that even though i hid here to be alone i somehow made a friend thank you thank you thank you at which point they sail away like poochie i have to go now my planet needs me presumably to attempt to fuse with that body if you had instead attacked and damaged their body the animatronic limited edition mew mew machine was shattered into pieces you i finally found the perfect body i even came to a secluded place to fuse in peace but i guess i made an enemy just wait after i repair this body you're really going to suffer someday someday someday which kind of reminds me of like you know a monster truck rally sunday sunday sunday and when speaking to them outside undyne's house in the true pacifist route you you thanks a lot for your help earlier mew i'm starting to feel great in this new form i want everyone to see it who knows maybe i'll even start my own tv show and take the world by storm watch out mettaton i'll step on your puny metal behind hey do you think undyne's going to come back here soon or if you give it a quick knock sounds like only fire lives here now isn't it normal to think a lady might want to watch your own house burn down it's sort of like your own personal fireworks show very personal but if you had instead attacked mad mew mew you thought you could stop me from using this body i may be in pieces but i still gotta be myself your days are numbered mew this is altered yet again in the recent xbox one release this destroyed shrine is bulldozed and replaced by a coin converter donation box and slot machine funnily enough this small edition raised the xbox rating of the game to teen for themes of gambling regular in-game gold cannot be spent on the slot machine and must instead be converted to coins with an e in there which i think is meant to be a play on dogecoin cryptocurrency both with the spelling and its ties to the annoying dog from the donation box at 10 coins sans appears behind a poker table it is instead mad meme you if mettaton x has been defeated although they cannot be fought in this version if you talk to sans heya how about a game of dog poker it's only 10 gold whoops looks like you can't reach the table sorry i keep forgetting how much taller i am than everyone guess we can't play i'll try putting up a sign next time if you then leave and re-enter there is now a cardboard cutout of sans either one of these characters will have unique dialogue commenting on whichever part of the room you most recently interacted with if you win anything take a look at it and talk to me someone's gotta roast you for all your hard work first you have to play the slots to earn coins and unlock all of these at 25 coins a gamer box game console system has added an obvious riff on the xbox that meta joke is taken a step further by indicating that it comes with an exclusive virtual slot machine that has no real life benefits at 50 coins an mtt branded fast food box appears likely from the mtt brand burger emporium in the mtt resort the serpent helm hat is added at 200 coins the freedom emblem at 350 an eye dancer accessory is added by the gamer box resembling the xbox kinect at 500 coins an hd upgrade coins one through the slot machine now appear in the overworld and bounce around undertale's game screen beyond this additional milestones exist that simply add more particles to the screen for future slot machine wins eventually sans and mewmew comment on the fuzz flying around you can also unlock new items through the slot machine three cherries earns you three cans of tonic three ghosts an m ticket three bones adds the revitalizer represented by different skin care products and dog adds a tall statue of the annoying dog in a suit listed as 1 35th statue for each of these items i'll list off the text for interacting with the item itself and then what sans and mad meme you have to say about it welcome to dog casino mew how can i assist you my name's wait uh second you you you you feeble a cursed human shucks you came to support me at my first gig with my new look i'm not gonna say the the mew every time that means a lot to me okay new in return i'll tell you my thoughts on any prizes you win just check them and talk to me mew it's some kind of statue advertising fried dog food felt as if you put something into the dog's hands it might solve some kind of puzzle that's completely untrue it's just the kind of feeling it has fried dog food nah don't you know fried food's unhealthy don't trust anyone who tries to sell you that stuff winking at the fact santa's tried to sell us fried snow before hmm a humanoid statue hey hey hey i know this nice ghost that could really use a body just replace the face and you've got a winner just think about how many knives it could hold in its arms knives physical corporal knives it's a fast food box and you know also made to look a little bit like a mcdonald's happy meal box inside dressed with ketchup and buns are some game controllers there are bite marks seems the dog didn't get what he was buying fast food from that hotland joint sure i like a good burg but the restaurant one overs where it's at got a nice atmosphere done some comedy shows there on the stage the king even came once i said one pun and he just started going wild so i just stood there waiting for him to stop laughing but he didn't so after a while they just closed the curtains on me probably my best show anyway i'll treat you sometime if you're in the area fast food is that from that worthless mtt store pass pass pass the guy working there is such a creep it's not even funny he just kept staring like you've never seen a pretty girl turn her head around 270 degrees while cutting all the pictures of your boss out of the menu and replacing them with pictures of herself it's absolutely normal for girls to do that is what i'm saying it's a gamer's treaty which declares the only 50 good games to ever exist it seems to be war torn hey a game list pretty sure i know who made that i was asking her if she had any old game wrecks for a friend like maybe some easy ones about farming or snails or something but i forgot that she's the kind of person who only uh recommends whatever it is she's currently obsessed with so she just told me the same rpg as always told her i'd try it if it ever came out on gamerbox we'll wink along with that one the video i actually made right before this one was me recommending 50 obscure indie games you probably haven't heard of rpgs included so yeah if you want to know what kind of games i recommend definitely check that out good games yeah you mean mew mew two super cutie darkness dress up someone made up a game where you dress me up so cute and don't listen to any fool who says it's non-canon that same person would say i'm degenerating mew mew's character just for how i walk how i talk or even just instantly brandishing some knives well muse flash i'm mewmu now you futile fuels you see me blowing a big cloud of smoke out of my mouth at an event that's canon because my body is shadowly made and emits smoke constantly various beautification creams for skin care loving gamers it has a slogan use this if you love skin use this if you love having skin skin cream no thanks pretty sure that's my brother's stuff anyway he loves skin care if you couldn't tell just by looking never had a pimple ever since he started he says i'll intimidate the human with my spotless face he says sans don't bother me when i'm in the hyperbolic cucumber chamber he says but i couldn't tell you what it means hmm beauty creams i love that stuff yeah of course i can't taste anything yet but the feeling of my teeth grinding it up is great but don't let the mtt branding fool you oh don't don't don't when i went to the mtt burger place once again the freak working there just stared at me when i asked him to make ice cream out of it for me like hello is your head screwed on right no and i'm bad for trying to help him re-screw his head on what it's a backwards baseball cap it may be said that since no one is wearing it it can't be forwards or backwards but in this context it's definitely backwards what you want to see me put on that hat nah two reasons first i just combed and second do i look like the kind of guy to wear a hat i'm vaguely suspicious if this whole thing is actually a knock on the infamous game theory about sans being ness ness doesn't really wear a backwards cap but it would just be an amazing little reference if that's what he was going for wouldn't undyne look great in a baseball cap her hair would go perfectly through the hole in the back wait wait wait that's a backwards cap no that wouldn't work if she wore it backwards you'd have to cut a hole above the bill for her hair to come out of it's a ticket to a live gaming performance of a famous star your hand phases through seems like the ticket is incorporeal somehow a ticket to mtt's live gaming show huh nice those are always a hoot he only plays games with mods that make him the main character but uh all the animations stay the same so kind of funny when he's supposed to be say a long tongued lizard i'm thinking toby fox must be a big yoshi fan it's not the first time it's come up in this series that ticket no i haven't seen it before what no i don't know if it's originally blue keys no idea just don't you think it's a bad influence on blue key if they watch that weird robot which blue key would be napstablook mettaton used to be haps to blue he's just so inappropriately corporeal it's not my fault if i can't face them since i left to try and find a body even if it means not letting them find out i've been their neighbor look it's just something you can't understand i'll quickly cover this one a second time you know in case you fast forwarded through the video you found a gamerbox game console system you can now play a virtual slot machine exclusively on the gamerbox console however you get nothing from it in real life so there's not much point all directly referencing in a meta wave this addition of the slot machine to the xbox version a gamer box wow can't believe you got one in real life even if there's some kind of exclusive game for it or something couldn't you just watch a video instead of playing it yourself that white box pretty sure this body interfaces with it somehow there's some mewmu game on there where if you press the controller it makes my body's voice box speak in response to what's on screen alfie's was using it trying to find this body right when i uh took it over i could hear her footsteps approaching as she kept tapping the x button i crouched in the corner trying to cover my mouth and voice box but my body kept yelling right here i'm right here finally when she was just about to turn the corner and see me i stood up and shouted with my own voice i'm right here she fainted and that's my story it's the gamerbox game camera it lets you play using your movements in real time it even comes bundled with the popular mtt dance-off featuring famous star mettaton a dance dance revolution reference as mettaton dances the camera checks if you're applauding stop clapping and you lose what's that some kind of camera yeah papyrus has been really into taking selfies lately he just can't wait for the uh results of his training so he's been editing them to uh make his muscles look bigger it's not false he says it's just a glimpse of the future shucks is that a camera like want to take a selfie with me too bad you gotta pay for photos of me i'm trying to build up my brand how else will i afford pink dresses for all my bullets post your own selfie i'll like and share it serves you right it's a stack of cherry flavored gamer blood energy drinks i do wonder why it's an apostrophe s you need various vitamins to keep you energized while you game like vitamin b1 b2b3b4 b5 caffeine and whatever vitamins are in radioactive waste wow the perfect combo of monsters and energy i know someone who's always downing that stuff she was saving the cans of scrap metal for something big it's flavored after a famous cherry it's most likely alfie's downing these things saving the cans potentially for a big project like mettaton as for the famous cherry fans have speculated that maybe this is meant to be a reference to merg a very popular and prominent undertale video creator they use a little cherry for their logo so it could be a cool little shout out in here energy drinks what the only kind of energy drink i need is electricity because if i don't charge my voice box demonic low pitched voice clips emanate from inside of me which is a reference to old like speak and spell toys and things like that as their batteries started to give out it would totally twist and alter the voice feed me actually kind of reminds me of an old dane cook bit that thing used to wake me in the middle of the night play with me abcdefg i will kill your family even so burgerfreak refuses to make me a battery smoothie open me up and pour it inside what is wrong with him don't make me go to alfie's mew it's a sign of sans poorly stretched vertically with jpeg artifactic you must be this tall and jpeg artifacted to play poker speaking of tall my brother increased the height of the sink the original height just wasn't challenging enough anymore yep he's not someone that takes shortcuts which i think is a little winged to the fact that sans is constantly taking shortcuts guess he wanted to show they aren't necessary in his own kind of special inconveniencing way nice sign huh and if you were to talk to sans a second time after any of those dialogues well got anything and after a second interaction what what what check something you want my thoughts on as i mentioned in the previous video i don't have an xbox and couldn't get this footage myself so thank you to jackie720 for uploading it i wouldn't have been able to find it otherwise i misinterpreted toby's tweet and thought that every item would receive a different interaction with the different particle levels it's just the dialogue at the table that changes hd particles are won and added to the scene by playing the slots if there are between 250 and 499 hd particles wow look at all that fuzz looks like our house after a certain dog comes by then papyrus gets out his broom stomps his feet and goes sans you have got to stop shedding with 500 to 999 particles wow that fluffy stuff is really coming down when it snows papyrus always puts his face to the window and goes sands look it's snowing isn't it beautiful and i say you know it snows almost every day right but he's already out the door making a snow angel and then fixing up its muscles to make them bigger and with anything more than 1000 particles whoa it's looking like a blizzard in here i've only seen it snow as bad as this once you could barely see your bones in front of your face but even so the king was out there in red and white putting down the presents for everyone papyrus the yellow kid the antlered girl and her big sis which i might be crazy here i have to interrupt the yellow kid would obviously be monster kid but would the antler girl be noel it could be something simple like the gift trot monster but this could tie in very heavily to my sans as a darkness theory deltarune as a game also has its ties to santa and if sans has spent time down there he could have seen monster kid and noel that gets me excited he even had a little something for me even though he didn't really know me you're gonna have to meet him huh but that's a lot of pressure so i guess if it makes anything easier don't think of him as king just think of him as the guy who gave me some socks if you talk to sans again with a thousand plus particles those were the days before i took sock collecting seriously hate to say it but i was a noob back then i knew absolutely nothing about the competitive scene but things changed things changed kid now new dialogues with mew-mew as well 250-499 shucks look at all that dog fuzz mew looks kind of like bullets remember when i fired all of those cotton balls that you mew then fired all my own bullets so nostalgic when are we gonna do that again 500-999 as in no no no not 1000. there's got to be more than 500 particles flying around here now ah reminds me of back when i get cut and my cotton would fly out everywhere undyne i'm still jointed and easy to put back together you don't have to hold back i want to say to her but if i fuse with this body i might really get hurt if she uses it for training fine fine fine this body's for me not for her still the idea i might get really hurt if she stabbed me it makes me feel follow your heart mu not now independently installed voice box i don't really know what's going on there it's a pretty full on meltdown like kind of an interesting bit of lore for the character as well but just kind of all over the place and now with over a thousand particles specifically for the first time i feel like everything is about to make a really big change if i fuse with this body the flowery cotton-filled life i had will end and a new life as an anime cat girl will begin a corporeal life one with all sorts of maintenance if i break something or get hurt i might have to ask alfie's to help me it's a bit scary but i love this body so there's no way i'm going back i almost forgot mew you reached 1000 particles so you've earned the 1000 particle subscriber special that's right mew it's a special gift just for you so don't tell anyone okay lean in close close your eyes and listen to me sing my super secret song [Music] well how was that is your feeble mind blown i can feel myself blushing i'm never singing that again so enjoy mew me neither that was a one and only one one take however it turned out is how it's going straight to the video yeah you gotta really embarrass yourself for those clicks on the youtube am i right and if you talk to mewmew again with over one thousand particles wow one thousand particles nice but heck if i'm singing that song you wanna hear it again try buying another gamer box there was more there to cover than i expected i thought this was going to be a quick easy video i just moved so i didn't have very much time to work on this i'm glad i was able to put out anything this week at all but hey i think it's still an enjoyable video we are actually in the range of days away from hitting 100 000 subscribers i'm kind of celebrating that by launching a new let's play channel it's going to be very quick highlight focused i think there's going to be some really great stuff there i'm very excited for it all the links down below in the description maybe you want to give that a looksie you know if that's your thing once more i want to remind you guys to go check out the fancy pants adventures classic pack give it a wish list if nothing else and let steve know you're interested it lets steem know you're interested thank you guys all so much for watching i'll see you again soon you
Channel: 2 Left Thumbs
Views: 278,914
Rating: 4.9547105 out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, undertale, undertale secrets, undertale snowdin, undertale easter eggs, undertale neutral snowdin, undertale pacifist snowdin, undertale genocide snowdin, undertale snowdin secrets, undertale all snowdin secrets, undertake dog shrine, undertale dogshrine, undertale ps4, undertale xbox, undertale switch
Id: iqRS70RBmoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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