Astro Knights | Playthrough | Architect 0-815 | With Colin

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hello everyone and welcome to the One Stop Co-op shop this is Colin and today we are going to do a playthrough of Astro Knights this is aeon's end in space I was really excited about this game and so far it has not disappointed I've played it six times and I'm really really enjoying it this game is a one to four player boss battler we're going to be playing as two Mages we're taking on a level five enemy or boss I should say the architect 0815 let's go ahead and jump into setup and start our playthrough but before we do that don't forget to turn on those Klingon subtitles if I make any errors and I miss it in editing someone can tell me in the comments and give me a time stamp and I will put Klingon subtitles so they'll be popping up you should see one showing up about right now all right let's start our setup for our playthrough today we'll be playing with two characters our first one will be totally totally has a special ability that if we power up our power 2 3 we can activate and it says activate during your main phase the Homeworld gains three health and Powers up we also have a total health of 10 and we have a certain number of slots we'll start with one we can pay energy to power this up as well as power up our power here we can spend two energy to power up by one spot each character starts with a deck of 10 cards and it actually tells you on the back of here how to set up those 10 cards each of the characters have one Unique Card in their deck the rest of them are basic uh energy generation or a weapon Blaster Tully will be our first player let's draw the first five cards and you can see what they look like we have a blaster and if you're familiar with aeon's end this is kind of like your spell you're gonna place it out during one of your turns main phases and the next turn during the attack phase you can attack with it and then we have a power core a power core a power core which I'll just give you one energy and finally his Unique Card which is called a Bright to root gain one energy or an ally May discard a card in hand to gain a slot our second character will be alexios he has a total of 10 Health not zero they all start with 10 uh zero power though look it costs five and uh Power to get all the way up there so it's going to cost us a total of 10 energy so to speak to be able to activate his main ability which is defeat a minion if you have five or less Health gain to health he starts with one slot as well we'll draw his first five cards he starts with one blaster his specific card I gain one energy an ally May equip a weapon even if they don't have an available slot and then we have three more power cores which is just gaining one energy our next part of setup is choosing which boss to fight so let's read a little bit about our boss our scouting report once a simple Factory machine architect zero eight one five broke from its programming and created a droid army for its own purpose robotic domination make sure your team stocks up on weapons as soon as possible or you might get overwhelmed by its horde of minions the architect may have numbers on its side but artificial intelligence will never be able to compare to a true Knight's Ingenuity study the attacks coming in carefully the program is bound to repeat itself figuring out that pattern can be the key to your Victory we have here the uh this boss has 50 Health remember that's our goal we don't have to defeat all the Minions the only thing we have to do is decrease this health down to zero that's what our goal is we have our setup here shuffle all the Droid cards face down to form a Droid deck and place it to the right side of the boss map as the boss side deck then flip this over you can see here this is our Droid deck I've shuffled that up and we're good to go the rules for the architect zero eight one five when a Droid is defeated it's going to be placed in its own discard pile if that Droid deck is empty Shuffle the Droid discard pile face down to form a new Droid deck if there's ever 10 droids in play you just Auto lose so we can't let that happen if one of our characters or they call it in this game a night if one of our Knights goes exhausted which means their health goes all the way down to zero we have to activate this it says the player destroys two cards in their hand that cost one energy or more we can also see down here we're at level one at the beginning and we are at normal difficulty this architect actually has six levels most of the bosses so far only have about three uh this one has six and then if you want to make it harder you can play on the nightmared side for our playthrough note we're not going to do that we're going to make this relatively easy because I'm going to be trying to explain everything at the same time you also can change the normal difficulty to expert or nightmare so if you go to the nightmare you'd use this and then you'd flip these cards over or are these other level up tokens over as well what's fun about that though is there's lots of ways to make the game harder or different when you're playing even the same Boss Next we're going to set up the boss deck and what you want to do is look at the numbers here on the left corner of the cards and any that are the player count higher than what you're playing you're going to put them right in the discard pile so all these three plus four four three plus those are all going to go into our discard pile we're only going to start with these two cards in Our Deck I'll just shuffle them up and then that will be the two cards in their deck before they level up to level two so yeah when you're playing with only two characters they're gonna level up to level two pretty quick next we'll set up our turn order deck this is just like aeon's end we've got two ones we've got two bosses and two twos so we'll each go twice and the boss will go twice uh for each round so I'll just take these give them a good Shuffle and then we'll place these on here and each turn will flip them over not knowing who is going to go next remember how gravehold was just a point counter didn't have any abilities you're just trying to protect it well now they have homeworlds and there's six of them that I have these all have a special ability as well as variable different health so the one we're trying to defend is solarx it has a total of 30 health so I have that on this marker we also can use this special ability if we power this up four times now there's going to be cards in the marketplace that specifically say the home world powers up so we can't use our energy to power it up we have to use cards that allow us to power up the home World our ability here is perfect for this boss I chose it for that reason activate during any player's main phase each minion and the boss suffer three damage yeah that can hopefully clear some of those minions out and deal damage to the boss which I like but it does take a lot of powering up to do that the final part of setup is setting up our market so unlike aeon's end you're not going to pre-pick certain cards and have all of these be the same cards in these decks these decks instead are just stacks of different types of Supply cards so these are all going to be fuel or if you think of aeon's end these are gem cards and their costs are usually between two and three these ones are usually between four and five these are your tech cards which are kind of like your Relic cards and those can be all over the place from three to seven then you've got your spells or weapons for this game these are usually three two to four these are four to six and these are seven to nine for costs but they're all going to be different which is cool what it means is you can't come in with a specific plan against a nemesis because or a boss because you don't know exactly what you're gonna find in these now what they recommend is you flip these over and then only flip the top card face up I just actually play with the stacks face up and then the moment I grab the card here the next card will be face up you can play any way that you want that's just the way that I'm going to play and with that we're all set up and ready to go so let's talk quick about how we win or we can lose we win by having the health of the architect zero eight one five going to zero we lose in a couple different ways one way if that Homeworld celerics its Health goes down to zero we lose the game second if both of our characters go exhausted so their health are down to zero we lose the game third if the boss needs to draw card when the boss deck is empty and all the boss level tokens have already been played we lose the game we just took too long and then finally for this specific boss if we get 10 droids out we lose so lots of ways for us to win all we need to do is get that boss Health to zero let's now start our playthrough and we'll start by drawing our first turn order card we have player 2 which is alexios going first a player's turn is broken into three phases the first phase is the attack phase if you have any weapons equipped you can use them now you use them one at a time discarding them after you activate them then you go into the main phase where you can play cards just like a regular deck builder any of the weapon cards you can slot them so long as you have enough slots for them you can spend energy to power yourself up or gain more slots all of that fun stuff buying cards after that that's your main phase after that then you'll draw your cards back up to five cards and in this one you can discard any cards you like in your hand including weapons so if I can can't put a weapon out because I don't have enough slots I can discard you couldn't do that and then you can do that here one of the most interesting parts of astronauts and I'm still amazed more games haven't turned to doing this is you don't shuffle your discard pile so how you discard your cards is important because once your deck is empty you're just going to take your discard pile and flip it over and continue drawing so you kind of know what you're going to get and what order you're going to get cards which is cool alexios does not have any weapons equipped so we'll move right to the main face the first thing he will do is equip this Blaster weapon if you know anything about aeon's end think of us placing this in one of our breaches however we just have slots here so if I unlock this to 2 then I can have two weapons I can go all the way to four and potentially have four weapons but right now I can only slot one at a time I then just have four energy that I can spend also uh totally can equip a weapon from their hand totally had that single Blaster so we'll place that out that means when it's totally's turn he'll be able to actually activate this instead of having to wait to the next turn like alexios does there's some great cards we can buy here for for energy but I'm thinking of getting this chronoplasm this card will gain you two energy and an ally draws a card how can you say no to that so I'm going to grab that that will get placed into my discard pile first before I discard any of the cards that I've played for this turn now we can see our card underneath it is the Infinium core gain three when you gain a tech and there's our tech cards uh you can actually put it directly into your hand whoa that's cool now there's one new thing about tech which is unique in this game compared to aeon's end you can over charge your Tech that means I can spend the cost of the card and immediately activate the ability and then just take the card and put at the bottom of this deck so that way you can do the effect once right away but then you have to put in your deck and clog up your deck you also don't have to wait to actually do the activation ability you'll do it right when you spend the cost which is kind of cool we've placed our chronoplasm in the discard pile now I've got my four other fuel cards I've played so I'm going to put them down in this order into our discard pile then we're going to go to that draw phase drawing our next five cards we've got a blaster a blaster and three power cores next to activate let's see who it is it'll be player one that's totally totally does have a weapon uh slotted so that means he can use this now during the attack phase we'll deal one damage to that architect and then place this in our discard pile our boss goes from 50 to 49 Health moving into our main phase we have three power cores and the bright route I I think I'm going to use the bright root for just gaining one additional energy because I have something I'd like to buy for four this psionic needle weapon looks awesome attack deal 2 damage and gain a slot normally a slot gain costs three energy so you'd gain that just by using that and then if your slots are at Fuller if you don't want a slot you can just deal three damage I love this weapon so I'm going to grab that that'll be placed right into my discard pile on top of that Blaster that I already played now we have the disrupter pistol underneath attack deal two damage you may destroy the top card of any Supply deck our discard pile consists of these two weapons well then discard the one bright root and the other three power cores and then we'll draw our next five cards which is just four power cores and a blaster let's see who's going next it'll be player one that means alexios will definitely send off his Blaster dealing one more damage to the boss the boss goes down to 48 health right now we're doing okay but that means two out of the three of these cards are boss activations doing our main phase then we're going to spend the three power cores here as three energy and we're going to increase our slots by one so we can equip both of these weapons our slots will move from one to two now we've discarded those three power cores and this is our discard pile we're just gonna flip it over and draw one two three four five cards and put them into our hand unfortunately we don't have any weapons but we do have a way to give our Ally a card draw we have a way to drop one of their weapons out and we've got three power cores we'll flip our next turn order card and we have a boss turn so how boss turns work we first look to see if we have any boss cards or level cards in play we don't so we'll skip that here if we did we would do them from left to right oldest to newest and then we get to draw one of the cards in their deck no they only have two cards so I'll just draw one of the two this one says discard a Droid and play place two droids into play if architect 0815 is level 2 would destroy this card no he's just level one so this is a strike it'll happen and then we'll just discard this card however we now get to reveal two Droid cards and we'll start with the one on the farthest left this one is the combat Droid zero zero four the first thing you'll notice it has two health so we're gonna place two Health tokens here uh to denote that once we remove these two Health by dealing damage to it we'll remove this Droid it says instant the Homeworld suffers damage equal to the number of droids in play well right now that's one so that means our home world so lyrics will take one damage going down to twenty and nine okay let's see about our next one and it's the exact same thing combat Droid zero zero four so now because there's two droids out that means uh we'll have it take two damage this means solarx is down to 27 total health if you played aeon's End you will have noticed that those Droids do not have an activate that means that now they're just going to sit out there they're not going to activate when the Box activates they're just going to sit there there's no activate effect but those droids always have interactions by how many droids are out so we need to get rid of them otherwise everything's gonna get worse and worse with them uh speaking of which we just flipped player two that is alexios sometimes it's a problem with recording I totally activated alexios as player one shouldn't have done that before so now with this player 2 we're gonna activate Tully I'll do it right going forward sorry about that at the beginning it doesn't really matter anyways it is totally's turn it is not alexios's turn so that means what we're going to do we have no weapons to attack with but we do have one blaster in our hand we'll simply equip that and then we have a whopping four power cores I like this heliosphere a lot gain two energy or you may destroy this card to gain a weapon that costs 5 energy or less yeah we're gonna put that into our discard pile also layer cell when you buy this the Homeworld would power up that'd be great because it'd be nice to actually power up our homework but Homeworld currently is at zero then I'm just going to place these four cards my four uh Power cores in the discard pile flip my deck over and draw five cards I have two power cores my right root my psychonic cyclonic needle and a blaster and we know the last turn on our card will be the boss so now those two droids will not activate we'll just draw the last card this is the factory override if there are one or fewer droids in play up placed droids into play until they're two in play there's already two in play so that won't do anything what we'll do now is take our turn order deck give it a good Shuffle and then we'll see who gets to go next for the next round and we have for that next round we have tolly the player one and he has one of these blasters so let's use that let's hit this Droid for one damage so it only has one Health remaining we're going to use our power core followed by another power core followed by our bright route for three energy to gain two slots that way we can put out both of our cyclonic needles and our Blaster so we have both of these equipped well then discard card the three cards that we have here with of course our bright route closer to the bottom so we can hopefully draw it sooner drawing five cards let's see what we have we have absolutely no weapons but we do have a lot of energy we can now flip the turn order card and we have player two that will be alexios alexios has two of these blasters let's use both of those and we'll just take out one of the droids we're going to take out the one that has two Health each one of those dealing one damage so it's gone we'll start off our main phase with the chronoplasm and gain two energy and Ally draws a card so totally will draw another power chord boring but it is what it is that's two plus one is three plus one is four plus one is five plus one is six and if our Ally had a weapon in their hand they could uh put it uh slot it but they don't have any weapons in their hand but we have six total energy I think I'm gonna grab this Infinium core gain three energy when you gain a tech this turn place it in your hand that sounds awesome oh and then we have magfield gain two the next time you gain a weapon this turn you may place it on top of any allies deck that is so cool so I place that Infinity core in our discard pile first next I'm going to place this one in our discard pile followed by the polarized Cobalt and then of course our three power cores and then we'll draw five cards we have a real basic hand of two blasters and three power cores we'll flip that turn order card and we have player two again that is um alexios unfortunately we had no weapons slotted so we'll just slot these two blasters that were in our hand and then we have three power cores for three energy I really don't have great options with three energy I think I'm just gonna do two to buy this weapon it'll deal two damage and we can destroy cards on a supply deck hopefully to get better ones oh like that one deal two damage gain two energy I would love the energy glaive but unfortunately it was on the bottom okay then we're going to take our three power cores and just place them uh on top of that weapon we just bought and then draw five cards we're starting to get slightly better hands here we've got just one power core we've got our polarized Cobalt our chronoplasm Infinium core which is awesome it's gaining three energy and a single Blaster but that's okay still lots that we can actually buy with this let's see who is going next we have the boss okay so now what's going to happen with the boss first we would activate any cards here that had an activate effect this Droid does not then we try and draw a card but it's empty so what we're going to do is grab these cards give them a good shuffle all the cards in the discard pile now some of those we haven't seen two of them we have but the other ones we have it so we Shuffle those up place them here and we're gonna grab the level two token this now says instant minions in play gain one Health and going forward minions enter play with plus one additional Health we've placed that level token right here will have this Droid heal by one and now going forward all of the minions will come in at plus one Health and now we'll draw this card flip it and resolve it we have tactical Blitz well we know this one discarded Droid and play there is one in play now and place true two droids into play since the architect is now at level 2 will destroy this card so we won't see this again the one good thing is this Droid will be destroyed so we'll discard it however we're going to get two more so our first one which will come into play now with three Health instead of instead of two instant any player suffers damage equal to the number of droids in play well um alexeros does not mind getting below five health so he will definitely take the one damage coin from 10 to 9. now we'll get the second one and the second one is about the Homeworld again Homeworld will suffer a total of two more damage and this will come into play with three Health this means celerics will be down to 24 Total Health one of these last two cards is going to be the boss again and totally will be the other yeah it's a boss we don't have any cards that need to activate so we'll just draw a card and resolve it we have dark Kiran programming place two droids into play oh my gosh that's gonna mean we have four droids we'll place our next droid out okay this is the same one that hits the home world the Homeworld is going to take three damage because there's three droids in play this means celerix is down to 21 Health the next droid in play oh this is a new one instant any player on us we've seen this one any player suffers damage equal to the number of droids and play one two three four damage uh okay let's see which one do I want to take four damage I guess it can be alexios one two three four he's down to five Health but that means now if he activates his ability he can defeat a minion which is one of those droids uh and gain two Health but it takes a lot of energy we know what totally will be at last to go player one perfect first thing we're going to do is activate our psionic needle now we could just deal two damage and gain a slot and actually I think that's what we're going to do so we're going to do two damage with that plus this blaster for three damage that will take out one of these Droids one down there's still three out though gaining a third slot for totally though is great we unfortunately have no weapons in hand but you know what we do have two three four five six and then one more seven thanks to alexios letting us draw an extra card that's seven energy it's hard to say no to the velocity revolver any Ally draws a card then deal damage equal to the number of cards in that player's hand so likely it could be six damage all the Scrambler equip return of fuel you play this turn to your hand it deals six damage that's cool so we'll place that uh weapon in our discard pile then I am definitely going to discard with the heliosphere first followed by all of those basic cores and then we'll draw five cards by flipping our discard pile over and drawing five we have our psionic needle and a blaster and then three of these for just some energy at this point you're probably yelling at the screen Colin you need to get some cards that power up the Homeworld yes I do need to do that because I've got these Droids out they all have three health and that uh Homeworld can deal three damage to all of them and kill them but I've been so focused on other things I really need to start looking at the cards and doing that so okay first player that is totally totally will play out the psionic needle and the Blaster unfortunately we didn't have any of those quipped equipped and then we have one two and do I want want to just do two and give this ability to alexio so you can discard a card so he can gain a slot let me look at his hand I think he is going to do that he's going to discard a power core so Alexius will discard a power core to gain a slot this will mean he also can hold a total of three weapons we only had two energy so let's go ahead and buy this Solaris cell which is by the Homeworld Powers up thank goodness we're starting to do that this was any Ally May discarded card to power up oh it's our first of four very much needed power up levels we've discarded and drawn our five cards and look at our velocity revolvers here plus we have our heliosphere oh yeah we're gonna have a good turn next time next to activate will be ah the boss once again the three droids out won't have any Activation so we'll just draw a card this is Factory override if there are one or fewer droids in Play Place droids into play until there are two no there are three in place so I don't think that does anything sometimes I feel kind kind of cheap when that card comes up but I think I'm playing that right okay totally's gonna go again geez we're going to activate our psionic needle this time we're going to deal all three damage so we're taking out this Droid right away then we're going to use our Blaster here to dink this one for one next we'll slot our velocity revolver and our Blaster so those two are ready we have a total of one two plus we have our heliosphere for two or we can destroy this card to gain a weapon that costs five or less and that's what I'm going to do so I'm going to destroy this to gain a weapon that costs five or less and since I'm here the two energy that we have from these will just slowly power up our ability because that ability will help us power up the home world as well the howler is the weapon of choice we'd like to gain it has an equip ability that the home world powers up yes and then when we attack with it it deals three damage oh the fractal grenade deal three damage then deal two damage to a minion oh that's cool so we'll place this in our discard pile file followed by those two fuel cards and then we'll draw five cards three are in our deck we'll flip our discard pile for the other two and as we can see I need to start thinking about destruction cards because look at all these power cores the bright Roots pretty good uh pretty good and our solar cell at least it gives us two energy it's now either alexios or the boss that's all who's left and it's the boss that's gonna go we have magnetostorm either place a Droid and play or any player loses two slots I think I'm gonna place a Droid in play the Droid we revealed was the assault Droid this one any player suffers damage equal to the number of droids in play that would be a three I'm gonna let totally take that this time so he'll go down from 10 Health to seven we'll move his tracker down there is one Droid that makes you discard cards from your hand I've been dreading it but so far I've been avoiding it so I'll take it we know the last two turn order cards are alexios so we've got player two and yep player two so we'll do two of his turns in a row he's got two blasters ready so he will activate both of them during the attack phase taking out this Droid zero zero four that was why I wanted to deal one additional damage with um what was that totally he did that instead of gaining another slot I think that was worth it we're down only having two droids here first card will play in our main phase is chronoplasm gain two energy and our Ally gets to draw a card which is a power core I need to get rid of some of these that's two energy we play a polarized Cobalt I don't think he has any weapons in his hand right now of course he doesn't so he can't equip any weapons that's three energy we've got three more here so we have a total of six energy and we'll equip this Blaster because I played the Infinium core I can gain attack this turn and it'll go directly into my hand so I can play it so why the heck not let's get this magnetic holster that costs three I have three left it's really hard to say no to the energy glaive because it deals damage and gains US Energy so I'll grab that for the other three we'll then play the magnetic holster any player gains a slot so that means alexios will go to four and of course Tully has no weapons in hand so he can't equip anything so then we'll place this in our discard pile Oh with these four I think I'm gonna do uh yeah I'm gonna do the drawing a card first followed by that yeah oh like this there we go I think I'm going to put them in this way it's kind of fun having to make that decision we have two cards in our deck and then we'll draw a remainder three from our discard pile and since I haven't found any good trash cards look at this terrible hand the only good card is the disrupter pistol we'll move back to our same character's turn again sending off this Blaster dealing one damage we'll hit this Droid here for one well then slot our disrupter pistol and then with our four power core I think we're going to grab a tech this Tech will power up the home world and have it gain health I don't know why I wouldn't get that our next one suffer one damage to defeat a minion or an ally draws two cards whoa that's cool we play someone we just got into our discard pile along with our four power cores and we'll draw five cards we have our energy glaive two blasters and two power cores we've shuffled our turn order deck let's see player two it's gonna be alexios another time well he's got his disrupter pistol we'll use that to actually defeat that minion gosh I've been keeping these Droids under control just out of pure will I don't have a great comma going quite yet we can destroy one card in the supply here I think I'll destroy this one oh nice I was actually hoping to see that one because we could get to four slots pretty easily this will be a nice quick turn we're going to slot all three of our weapons here to our blasters one is our energy glaive and then with the two power cores that we have we'll just slowly power up our ability yeah that was kind of boring I know we've got four cards in our disc or our deck and then we'll flip over our discard pile for our five cards this hand here is where it is at the oh my gosh this looks awesome we'll flip the next turn order card it's the boss we have the darker on Commander instant Shuffle the Droid discard pile into the Droid deck activate any player discards a card and suffers one and damage every time he activates it'll come into play with seven Health now we actually have a card that will activate every time the boss activates so that's this activate ability here but we're not going to do the activate avail ability when we first reveal it going forward now as long as he's out that will activate and he's also not considered a Droid you can see he's just a minion and not a minion Droid so whenever we flip the droids they're not going to count him okay at this point we've only hit the boss for two Health okay totally is going next totally has these two weapons equipped the velocity revolver is awesome any Ally draws a card while alexios is the only Ally so he'll draw a card and he gets the deflector field that means now he has a total of one two three four five six cards in hand that means with this we can deal six damage which is so cool because we can do the blaster for seven that means we can take out that minion with these two no problem this minion will simply be discarded from play love it in our hand then we have our solarius cell for two energy one here for three another for four five six and seven with our seven energy let's grab this Quant hack now I could just get that ability right now and then discard it to the bottom of this deck but this ability is kind of awesome against this boss because we can defeat minions or draw two cards so yeah let's grab that put that in our discard pile our next one is tactical visor attack with any player's weapon increasing its damage by one oh then you can destroy the weapon oh finally something can destroy cards we've drawn our five cards we've got two power cores our howler that will help us power up and okay actually so two good weapons or three good weapons we can flip our turn order card we have player two so that's alexios I think I'm finally going to hit the boss this time I'm going to leave the one Droid out one Droid isn't terrible and instead I'm gonna deal two three four damage to the boss and I have to remember I have two energy from that energy glaive he'll go from 48 one two three four down to 44. we're going to start with my favorite card chronoplasm gaining two more energy so that's that's four and then we'll have totally here draw an additional card that's enough he always gets the bad basic ones oh well we get it out of the way so that's a total of four energy then we have one here for five energy and then we have three more here five six seven eight and which what's awesome is totally can equip a weapon let's go ahead and equip hmm you know let's equip this one uh and it says when you equip this the home home world powers up this means the home world will be at two I believe I actually have eight total energy I have two from the energy glaive plus three which is five plus one which is six plus two more here which is eight so with eight energy the Scrambler is mine I'll put that into our discard pile awesome we have the arc flare equipped you may destroy a card in your hand or discard I need that so bad however I am going to play it the deflector field the home world powers up and gains one Health this means we're number one away from being able to use the ability of celerics which is nice and it's back up to 22. we'll also equip our Blaster and then play the magnetic holster and any player gains a slot so we'll have totally gain that slot going up to four and then an ally can equip a weapon he has another weapon let's do the um psionic needle so now he has the psionic needle and the howler equipped that I think was a pretty gosh darn good turn especially because our next turn is going to be terrible all power cores and our disrupter pistol we can flip over our turn order card we have a boss no activate card so it's just gonna be the last card in the boss's deck it's another Minion The Siege automaton activate any player discards an equipped weapon the Homeworld suffers one damage on equipped weapon that thinks terrible comes into play with six Health we know the last one shall be totally we actually don't need any more slots we're both at full so I'm gonna deal six total damn which is actually just enough to take out that minion this has been working better than I was thinking the howler is going to go in the discard pal first for sure followed by the psionic needle this is actually great because we're going to shuffle his discard pile next turn and now we have one more card in there which means he'll stay at level three a little bit longer we have one blaster in hand and three power cores I think I'm gonna do something with these power cores I think I'm going to overcharge this tactical visor attack with any player's weapon increase its damage by one then you may destroy that weapon so I'm definitely going to do that I'm going to use alexios's weapon here dealing two damage I'm gonna hit the boss with that dealing two damage and then destroy the weapon so we'll get rid of one of the weaker blasters that means the boss is going to go from 44 down to 42 and then we'll take this card and Slot at the bottom of this deck oh this is the card I want you may destroy a card in your hand or discard pile any eye can draw a card and then discard a card yeah we want that we have no deck so we'll just take our discard pile one two three four five I just I love how this works we've got our bright root our solarius cell Quantum hack Blaster and velocity revolver OG what a great hand we've shuffled up our turn order deck the next to go is the boss currently the boss has no cards in their deck so we're now going to move to level all three instant minions in play gain one Health reveal the top three cards of the Droid deck Place one into play and the rest at the top of the Droid deck in any order this means this assault Droid will go to four Total Health and I'm realizing I forgot to shuffle this deck so let me give this deck a quick Shuffle up and then we're gonna draw three of them one two and three and we're gonna choose one to reveal this one is about discarding cards I don't want that the Homeworld we could handle and this one is about damage let's definitely do the home world because we have two droids in play the Homeworld will go down to 20 health and we're still not done that was just the level card and yeah you can see it plus two here that's why now they each have four Health we're going to shuffle these up and reveal the first card we have darkerion programming place two droids into play Oh My Gosh worst timing ever our first Droid is Droid type c any player suffers damage so gonna suffer three damage one two three four okay let's have alexio suffer three damage one two three that puts them down to two Health you guys oh man okay our next one is the Homeworld okay the homework can suffer one two three four damage three four yeah this is why we need to power up that home world real bad so lyrics is now down to 16 Health it is going to severely hurt if the boss goes again here no thank goodness totally it will activate using a blaster to dink this Droid for one whopping damage totally has the solarius cell and our bright root for a total of three energy but I think we're just going to use two and we're going to power up our power so we're one away from being able to use it then we're going to play the quantum hack suffer one damage to defeat a minion I don't think I'm actually going to do that I'm instead going to let an ally draw two cards and those are two power cores for alexios what a terrible draw oh well then we're simply going to slot our velocity revolver and a blaster that will be it we'll draw our five cards we've got a power core oh guess what another power core oh and another power core oh and another power core and oh at least we got the howler okay great at least with the howler we'll be able to power up the home World which would be nice but no it's alexios that's going to go next alexios has one two three four five six power cores so we have six energy to play with and we'll slot our disrupter pistol what a terrible hand it might be a little late to do this but I'm still gonna do it I'm going to get the bio converter and the Hyperion anomaly with this converter going first because it can let us destroy some cards the Homeworld Powers up any Ally Powers up oh my gosh I want that then we're going to place all of these power cores on our inner discard pile and we'll draw five well what an incredibly different hand that is four weapons good thing we have our slots all the way to full and then another way to power up the home world we can now see who will be activated next oh that's totally totally well first use his velocity revolver any Ally draws a card well that will be alexios alexios will draw gaining three that is cool uh then deal damage equal to the total number of cards in his hand I think it's gonna be six one two three four five six yep it'll be six that is six damage that's six damage to the boss I'm not hitting a minion I'll then hit this with a minion we'll dink this Droid here for one damage and then the boss now has 36 Health slowly getting that architect down I think we all know the first thing we're going to do is the howler and it has the equip the home world powers up this means we can move it up to the 4 and and now we can activate this having every minion and boss suffer three damage so beautiful that means both of these Droids are toast this one's gone and this one's gone and both of these Droids will only have one Health remaining not to mention the boss is now down to 33. we have a total of four power cores we're going to overcharge this Tech we're going to have the Homeworld power up and any Ally Powers up so alexios will power up to two and the home world is going to power up to one then we'll place this at the bottom of the deck and when we have a targeting sync attack with any player's weapon without discarding it oh that's cool our five cards we drew were relatively terrible except for our psionic needle we'll flip over our next turn order card gosh it's not the boss so that will be alexios he has this one attack deal 2 damage and destroy the top card of the supply duck of any Supply deck we'll take out one of the minions for two I know we're for going one Health but now we're back to only having one minion out I'm okay with that why don't we destroy this Tech card oh another one that can uh allow us to destroy cards love it we're going to start by playing our Infinium core gaining three energy when you gain attack this turn place it in your hand I think I'm gonna grab this bio converter for three and it goes right into our hand oh look at that psionic tether the homework Powers up twice we want that we're then going to play the Scrambler return a fuel card you played this turn to your hand so the Infinium core is going to come back into my hand i'm then going to play it again well let's see I'll wait on that uh I think I'm also going to slot our other weapons we've got a blast actually I think I'm just going to do just that blaster for right now I'm then going to play this you may destroy a card in your hand or discard pile any Ally May draw a card and discard a card so I'm going to destroy this other Blaster and we're going to get rid of these weak blasters in our hand totally we'll then draw a card and we have Quantum hack we're definitely keeping that one and we will simply discard this terrible power core that we have that's worth it we're going to place out an energy at glaive that will allow us to deal two damage and gain to Ether and ether gain two energy and then we have the deflector field the Homeworld Powers up and gains one Health the Homeworld will be ticked up to two and has a total of 17 Health now something that I decided to do was keep this card in my hand because I really want to have five energy to get that psionic tether and be able to use it on the turn that I gain it I've drawn my five cards and of course I don't have any of my basics for my bio converter I have two bio converters and they're not set up at the right spots oh well well it's been fun having all of our activations but the boss is definitely going next we have our darkerion commander coming into play with eight health and I'll remember this time to shuffle the Droid deck don't forget the activate on that minion will not happen the first time it's played out now going forward it'll activate until we kill it hopefully it'll be soon okay player two that's alexios with r are three weapons equipped we can do six plus two is eight and that's what we need to take out this Commander I love it we've never had to activate that yet and then the one wimpy damage from the Blaster can take out this Droid we also don't want to forget we have two energy from the energy glaive and I'm going to discard them this way the first card will play as our chronoplasm allowing uh Tully to draw an add a card to his hand and that's just some more energy that's two three four five and a total I think I'm gonna hold on to this one because I'm actually gonna destroying it then we have this one any player gains a slop slop a slot an ally can equip a weapon let's see does he have any weapons totally most certainly does have a weapon of the psionic needle so that will be equipped we're all still at four for slots so gaining the additional slots doesn't really help but we have three four five total energy that we can use we're definitely going to buy this psionic tether right now the because of that Infinium core that Tech goes to our hand so we are going to use it now being able to power up our home World twice that will move our home World up to four now I'm not going to activate that because we cleared out all of our minions uh that maybe wasn't smart but it is what it is uh I am going to wait till we have a couple out and then use that I'm then going to play our bio converter you may destroy a card in your hand or discard pile and as much as I love this card it's only one energy I'm going to destroy it I'm going to get rid of it from my hand and then I can allow our Ally to draw a card and then discard a card oh we have a bright root we'll then have totally discard a power core we placed out no weapons and Drew our five cards and look at our five cards terrible four power cores I have this all set up wrong my bio converters are in the discard pile and these are not when I want them to be oh well but at least this is worth three energy so I'll have lots of energy that we can use next turn we'll flip over that turn order card it's player one we have two weapons slotted we'll deal six total damage straight to the boss that will put the boss down to 27 Health we'll then start by playing the quantum hack allowing our Ally to draw two cards you know what they are two more terrible power cores oh my gosh it's just brutal oh it's not working well okay so that wasn't that helpful we'll gain at two three plus one more four total uh energy and we'll slot one one weapon that deals one damage with four energy let's grab this Tech that allows us to power up the home world and Destroy cards in hand all that um plasmoid stims are also awesome all right we'll discard our four cards we played and draw five lots of terrible cards and are really good weapon we'll flip our next turn order card and we have a boss turn no cards are out so we'll just draw a card we either have to place a Droid into play or any player loses two slots I think we'll place a Droid into play looks like the Homeworld will suffer one damage and these will come into play with two plus two four Health we'll then flip our next turn order card we have player one which is totally totally will use this Blaster to deal one damage to that minion so the minions down to three Health we've slotted our two weapons and with our three power we're just going to use two of them to power up our ability yeah and I think should we activate you know what why don't we activate the home World spending all four of our power here we will discard this minion that had three Health we destroyed that Droid and dealt three more damage one two three to the boss putting them down to 24 Health then we're going to use all the power that totally has going back down to zero and we can have the Homeworld gain three health so we'll take this up to a 20 from 17 which I will definitely take and we'll power this up by one from his ability ability we've drawn our five cards of three power cores a howler and the psionic needle we'll draw that turn order car to next player two that's alexarios uh here alexios I don't know why I have such a hard time with his name and all I have is energy this Hyperion anomaly is awesome if you have the maximum number of slots gain three energy instead of two so it's three four five six seven eight nine why don't we grab this Arc flare for seven that just looks awesome and then we'll use two more to power this up I'm actually going to discard this power core first hoping maybe I can get that close to my uh cards that let me destroy cards and then I'll discard the rest of the cards flipping my discard pile over and drawing five and of course not it didn't work I might keep this bio converter in my hand for one round but we're getting close to the end of the game so I don't know might just discard it to continue on will flip over our last card it should be the boss he has two cards left in his deck we have our Siege automaton that'll come in with seven Health we've shuffled up our turn order deck and oh it's the boss we now have an activate we have to do any player discards an equipped weapon so we only have totally with equipped weapons he'll discard this Blaster not the end of the world the Homeworld suffers one damage also not the end of the world it'll go down to 19 from 20. but then we have to draw the final card in the deck and we have if there are one or fewer droids in Play Place droids into play until there are two in place we have to place out two droids our first one that we have any player suffers damage equal to the number of droids in play and that will come into play with four Health uh so that's only one so I'll let um alexeros or alexios take that he's at one Health oh boy and then our second one we have is the same thing saying so two damage totally will go from Seven down to five this is where we have to hope this is not the boss no it's not okay player two that's alexios unfortunately alexios had no weapons slotted so he's just going to slot all three of these and he's going to keep the bio converter in his hand he is going to play the deflector field the Homeworld Powers up and the Homeworld gains one Health this will mean Solaris is back to 20 health and at level 2 for power we then Drew up to five cards and look at this still no power cores so this bio converter oh my gosh a blaster but this is going to be awesome powering up the home World twice we can flip our turn order card player one will be Tully Tully will definitely use this velocity revolver we're going to let um alexios draw a card and it's going to be the other bio converter that's ridiculous but six cards dealing six damage the boss is now down to a 18 total health we'll equip our howler and our psionic needle when we equip the howler the Homeworld will power up I'll do that in a second and then I've got three power cores we're just going to use that to power up our ability again right now I'm just trying to get that Homeworld going discard those three power cores one two three four five draw five cards I've got lots of junk unfortunately no weapons although the quantum hack could be super helpful and another way to power up the home World we'll flip our next turn order card it's player one again that's totally before totally goes I do need to remember to power up that Homeworld I almost forgot from the howler at this point I think we're going for the boss dealing six total damage straight to the boss so he's at 12 Total Health we're then going to play Quantum hack allowing um alexios to draw two more cards no he still didn't get a power core and he has so many cards in his hand oh well uh then we're going to play it this to allow the Homeworld to power up and any player May destroy a card in hand it will destroy this one uh because he doesn't want to throw any cards in his hand and then we have a total of three yeah a total of three energy with two of the three energy we're going to power up this ability we'll power up the Homeworld to four exhausted out to deal three damage to everything including the boss so the boss now is down to nine Total Health three at damage to each of these minions this will only have four and both of these will only have one Health remaining we unfortunately have a very weak hand for our next activation three power cores and two blasters we'll flip our next turn order card and we have player two and you know what even with our terrible deck management two six plus two is eight plus two more is ten we only needed to deal nine to the boss we just won let me just look at his hand this hand all of these wonderful cards none of them are power chords how do I get all the power cores in just one area and so here I have these two bio converters I want to get rid of any of these cards golly I did terrible there you have it though that was Astro Knights taking on architect zero eight one five I think the only way we survived that was because of that Homeworld it certainly wasn't the deck building but that's okay sometimes you lean on a certain thing I was having a hard time but uh it still somehow worked out I hope you guys enjoyed that I've got to say there's a lot of things that I like about this game better than aeon's end and a couple things I like about aeon's end better uh first of all I love this this deck setup where all the cards are a little bit different there's a couple of the same but I love having the different Stacks first of all I don't have to pick and choose I can just drop those Stacks down boom I'm ready to play I love that I'm just already tired of those cards I want to see more cards uh but Beggars can't be choosers right you got to have that balance so hopefully we'll get more but maybe they'll just add more stack types and so you'll just grab a stack I don't know I don't know how they're going to do these or they're going to be huge Stacks but overall I just love how this works I love that I don't have a stagnant Market I love that I absolutely adore and love that the place that I'm protecting actually has an ability that's wonderful and it's actually activated by the cards so you're not having to spend energy to do that because you already have enough places that you want to spend energy with your power buying cards sometimes there's cards on the table that you have to deal with with power so I definitely like that they have the power that come through the cards themselves to power up your Homeworld the biggest thing I'm not a fan of I don't love that I play through the same boss deck three times or six times or however many levels there are of the boss I did kind of like in aeon's end that each boss had unique cards for each level so if I took out you know this really hard minion and what wasn't like oh it's just going to come back with more health uh which I mean it's fine and I think it works fine but I don't like that as much I like having unique cards and unique abilities and when you get to levels the higher levels instead of just being oh well this guy has another Health Point it's oh my gosh a whole new card a new thing you have to deal with in aeon Zen this one you kind of know and you can plan and sure I mean maybe that's what they're going for I don't like it as much I like having variety there and then finally I don't love as much the slots I like the breaches where you had the ones on the far the left side that hey if you spent more time powering them up then they give plus one damage I think that's cool and you had characters that had those abilities here it's just slots I just spend three and I can put more weapons out uh and thematically I don't really understand how that works but that's fine uh so slots aren't as my favorite I like the breaches better but it is so much easier to set up your Mage or your knight I should say so easy to just pop them down you don't have to figure out which place that they're rotated at um yeah and I do also love that they now allow you to discard any cards in your hand so you're not stuck with cards that you uh you know spells or what are weapons that you don't want overall I think this is definitely an improvement I like the theme I love space so I love the Space theme I probably will play this more than ansens just because it's not as overwhelming it's easier to just put it on the table and play it and with that I'm sure you've heard my voice enough for this playthrough as always thanks so much for watching subscribing hanging out on our Discord checking out our patreon we appreciate all of it and I hope to see you in some of our next playthroughs catch you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 8,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, astro knights, playthrough, runthrough, walkthrough, how to play, solo, cooperative, indie board and cards
Id: 73UrjP4AIW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 57sec (3297 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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