Eldritch Horror | Mountains of Madness | Playthrough | With Colin

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hello everyone and welcome to the One Stop Co-op shop this is Colin and today we are going to do a playthrough of Elder chore yes this game it's an older one but I love it now I don't have everything quite yet for this game it is coming I will soon have everything right now we're going to be playing with the base game the Mountain of Madness and all four of the small boxes that's it I don't have the other three big boxes they're on the way uh so that's what we're playing with here we're going to do a one-off scenario if you happen to be watching my Arkham Horror the card game playthrough we're using Ursula and Lily over there and then we're going to play with one other Agnes just because I like playing with at least three sometimes four but I feel like four is exhausting recording so we're gonna play with Three Investigators for this I already have a playthrough of this game on the channel so I'm not going to do a full setup video I am going to put a link in the description below rtfm has the best learn to play on this game I've ever seen I'll put a link there you can see how to set up the game and he'll talk about how to play it super helpful and it's a hilarious video I definitely recommend checking that out here we're going to look at the two Prelude cards I have chosen to use for this play and then we'll meet our investigators as we start our playthrough so without further Ado let's jump in but I do want to mention don't forget to turn on those Klingon subtitles I am very likely going to make mistakes this is a long game it's a lot to record so if I do make some mistakes and I miss it in editing I will put Klingon subtitles out for those mistakes so turn that on all right let's jump in currently Ursula and Lily are in the midst of the edge of the Earth campaign in Antarctica so I felt like I had to choose ithacqua just so we can fight some sort of Elder one from the Antarctic so over here we have the cultist ability if we draw the cultist monsters up here we can see how much Doom we have before we will flip to where he is awakened so right now it's going to be at 13. I'll show you where that is in a second we have some setup rules set aside a good knock clip monster and one wendigo monster and all ethaqua special encounters over here we have how we're setting up the Mythos deck what I decided to do for this one I'm doing all easy ones for stage one so the first four are all snowflake ones I'm gonna do regular ones for stage two and all hard ones for stage three I heard it's a nice way to ramp up the difficulty as the game plays the weather has grown cold and the Aurora Bareilles glows bright in the northern Skies visible even during the day a strange madness has begun affecting those around the Arctic Circle and travelers returning from the north speak of visions of an ancient civilization so we have here every time we see that symbol we're going to activate all of those symbols accordingly they're called Reckoning symbols and for athakwas each investigator gains a hypothermia condition unless they spend a focus focus is something that you can take in action and actually gain one and you can use it to re-roll a single die which is super helpful but we might also want to gain it for this specific effect we have right here when three mysteries have been solved we win the game if athaqua awakens that means the Doom counter goes all the way to zero flip this sheet and resolve the ethakwa awakens effect on the back here we have the two Prelude cards I chose you normally will only play with one but I wanted to play with the sideboard for Antarctica and the City of Ruin just looks awesome where certain cities get devastated I know is that awesome what does that say about me we won't go there so let's read both of these and then we will continue with setting up our specific scenario in expedition to Antarctica has unveiled a startling secret though only one man turned he spoke of a lost city Frozen in the mountains does this sound familiar most of his rantees were gibberish but it was clear that he believed that something in the city would bring the downfall of mankind given all the horrors you've seen you hesitate to dismiss these fears outright you find yourself preparing for a journey to the Frozen South during setup which is now we'll set up the Antarctic sideboard I have that out after resolving setup if rise of the Elder things is the ancient one it's not so we'll skip that it says if rise of the other thing is not the ancient one set aside an Antarctica adventures and draw a random Antarctic one Adventure car we'll do that in a second then the lead investigator may move to the space containing the adventure token or to The miskatonic Outpost here we have our random Antarctica one card Gathering Provisions you personally verify the contents of each crate once your Journey Begins a single mistake in your preparations could spell the difference between life and death when this card enters play a place is an adventure token on Sydney when this adventure is completed Retreat Doom by one then draw a random Antarctica to Adventure when an investigator on Sydney performs an acquire assets action he they may spend two successes to gather the necessary supplies if he does then they gain a Provisions a unique asset when an investigator moves to The miscatonic Outpost they may discard one provision's unique asset to complete this adventure Sydney is over here I'm going to use this token technically it's not the right one but it'll just help me remember that that it relates to the adventure that we're going on and I do want to mention this adventure we don't need to complete it to win the game all we have to do is complete three of the Mysteries it just provides us with other ways that we can do actions during the game and progress that story if we'd like our lead investigator will be Ursula we have our Expedition marker here in the pyramids so she will go ahead and move there so she can start there we know that because the top card of our Expedition deck has the pyramids on it so that shows us where we can do an expedition just so you can see this is the Antarctica sideboard you can see there's a local path to get you to The miskatonic Outpost we could technically have started here but I'd like to check out the pyramids first because she's also looking at doing some things in the wilderness right away and that allows her to do that while we're planning on going to Antarctica we also have an apocalypse coming anxiously you study the walls of your apartment hundreds of newspaper clippings surround a heavily marked calendar multi-colored threads connecting each article to a corresponding date 22 years have passed since the last occurrence 22 years and nine months this is going to be the big one you can feel it in your gut the world is not prepared after resolving setup if shuttle Med is not the ancient one it's not Place one Eldritch token on each of the spaces 2 5 8 and 11 of the Dooms Doom track if shuttle M Adele is the okay we can skip them then the lead invest investigator can either discard one gate on a space of their choice or each investor gains one Talent condition I decided to go with the talent condition so our gates that you start the game out with a gate and a monster is still out on the board and I'll show you that in a second during the game if shuttle net is not the ancient one when Doom advances to a space containing the Eldritch token draw and resolve a disaster then discard that Eldritch token and yet those disasters can destroy cities they can I actually don't really know just lots of bad things and it's completely random and I love it if you're going to play this game you better be okay with random and you better be okay with dying and that's what I'm looking for here just so you can see on the top of the board this is where Doom is starting is at 13 and we've got our Eldritch tokens here to remind ourselves to draw those disasters when Doom hits those spots I do want to show you our icon reference card here this shows for the number of investigators we're playing with three so that means we initially start with two Clues we start out with one gate and whenever we have a monster surge we can have two monsters coming out we currently have one clue over here in the ocean and you can see when I drew them I looked at the back side and you can see it says number eight so that showed me where it spawns and the other one just happened to be in Shanghai here with Lily Eldritch Horror is played over three phases an action phase and in counter phase and then a Mythos phase on this side so the action phase is what we'll start with you have each action can be formed only once per round and that also includes if you have actions on your cards themselves so you can travel move to one space and then spend travel tickets to move additional spaces you can prepare for travel gain one travel ticket but you have to have a road or a ship Lane coming out of your location to get that specific type of ticket you can acquire assets but you can only do that if you're in a city space you can rest as long as there's no monsters there to recover one Health and one sanity you can simply do a focus that's getting one of those Focus tokens you can trade with someone in your space and then of course if you have any component actions then you'll have encounters either a location encounter a token encounter or a combat encounter if there's an enemy there and then we'll draw one of the Mythos cards which by the way is one of the ways you can lose the game if the Mythos deck runs out and you need to draw one you're gonna lose the game you also have a loose condition on the back side of the Elder ones card it'll show you how when playing with the city of Ruin you can also lose the game if all nine cities have been destroyed with that then let's go ahead and start off with our lead investigator Ursula here we have Ursula's player board so she has an action you can move one space along an Uncharted path then perform one additional action AKA she can get a free move through an Uncharted path kind of cool also once per round you or another investigator on your space may spend one less Focus to pay for an effect that includes using Focus itself to let you reroll so she essentially can get one free reroll or let another investigator in her space get a free reroll by spending nothing as if it's a focus she has six Health six sanity her starting ability is she can go ahead and upgrade one of her skills and of course in this game that's called improve so she's going to improve her influence because she'd like to be able to get assets and that can be super helpful so she's a three Laura three influence three observation three strength and two will she also starts with a mineralogy research so after resolving a general encounter or an Expedition encounter on a Wilderness space and that's what I'm hoping to do this time that's why I'm in the spot that I'm at you may examine the area's soil so we can test our observation if we at least get one success which is a five or six if you pass gain two Clues and discard this card wow that's amazing also her Talent is evasive so during the encounter phase you may test your observation again gosh maybe I should pump up the observation if you pass you may choose an encounter as if there are no monsters on your space then flip this card so usually when there are monsters in a space you can't encounter that space uh you have to do combat encounters instead and if you don't defeat all the enemies then you don't get to actually do that location's encounter this allows us to circumvent that because I'm at the location that I'd like to be the pyramids my first action will be to Simply Focus I'm going to grab one of those Focus tokens I believe the max you can have of these is two just like the ship and railroad tickets the max amount we can have is two that is the second action I'm going to do is grab a ship ticket I can do that because there's a ship Lane connected to the pyramids there's also a railroad so I could have done either one but I'm thinking of maybe going to Antarctica soon after doing this and that is something I do want to mention Antarctica is here when you're here you can use a local path to go to The miscatonic Outpost that movement is actually free it does not cost a movement to move from Antarctica to The miskatonic Outpost and that's what's on that sideboard I love the sideboards in this game it's super fun one of these days I'm going to play with all of the sideboards and it's just going to be insane before we meet Lily why don't I go ahead and tell you what our mystery is that we need to solve I cannot believe I hadn't even flipped that okay we have the gaunts can't attack not content to let weather cause Havoc if Aqua has Unleashed his terrifying minions upon the Frozen cities of the world the ganache attack with a beastial fury sowing chaos wherever they appear as an encounter an investigator on a city space containing a clue must confront the ganav Claire that threatens civilization aganaf kept monster ambushes him or her if she defeats it place the clue on this card at the end of the Mythos phase if there are Clues on this card equal to half and because I'm playing with three it's always rounded up so it will be two when there's two Clues on here I solve this mystery I'm just gonna call out it's very important that you reveal those Mysteries before you start making decisions because boy does that change what I was gonna do with Lily so it's a good thing I uh read that before we kept going okay here we have Lily Lily is six Health six sanity you can see her stats here strongest in strength and her will is actually not terrible she has an action you can spend any number of health or sanity then recover the equal amount of health or sanity so she takes a lot of Sanity damage we can actually even it out between health and damage kind of cool actually when you improve a skill you may immediately improve that skill a second time so when we improve that's like what Ursula did where she got plus one to her influence if we do that for Lily she'll actually do that twice and she'll get a plus too that is sweet she has a lucky rabbit's foot once per round you may re-roll one die when resolving a test she has Marshall prowess when resolving a combat encounter you may gain plus three during that encounter if you do flip this before resolving that test oh I forgot that she has that she might be able to take off again take out a gnaf kit adding plus three to her strength and then she has a protective amulet gain Plus One will during combat encounters so she's a lot less likely to take sanity damage because she'll actually roll four dice looking for as many successes as she needs to cancel that sanity damage when having that combat before revealing that mystery card I was thinking of just staying here to try and collect the clue in Shanghai but this is a city space and we have a clue here so if I stay here I have to have that combat encounter from how I understand it I could run away I was thinking of run away running away until I realized I have plus three for that first comment because of her martial prowess that Talent so I think I'm going to stay there and that would if I can defeat that enemy that would be halfway through already our first mystery so I think for our first action then we'll just gain a focus token that way we can use additional reels for combat and then our second action we're going to do is try and acquire some assets because we're in a city in order to do this though we need to test our influence and try and get as many successes as we can we're rolling two dice any fives and sixes are successes we'll give our dice a roll and we have no successes bummer we currently have four assets that are available for us to purchase however I have no successes but I do have a bank loan and Lily is ready to take a bank loan the bank loan States when performing an acquire assets action you may gain a debt condition to immediately add two successes to your test result now there's this huge stack of condition cards and what you're supposed to do is draw from the bottom until you find one that matches the condition you're going to gain we're gaining the debt condition so I'll just keep drawing from the bottom until I find that here is the debt condition that I found it has a local action that we can test influence if you pass you can discard this but when uh the Reckoning symbol shows up it says some men have come to collect your debt flip this card yeah I mean that's not going to be good but hopefully we can pay that off this does mean we have two successes we can use and I'm going to grab this fishing net it says you may re-roll one die when resolving a strength test during a combat encounter because I already am going to use something that's giving me plus three strength I can't use another item so I wasn't looking for an item that gave me more strength but any that give you re-rolls you can combine all of those together to get as many re-rolls as you want so I definitely want that and it says here reduce the damage the monster you encounter by one to a minimum one so it's a lot less likely to actually hurt you so she gains that and will replenish that with what is this esteemed author our third and final investigator we have Agnes Agnes you can see has great lore and pretty terrible strength and will she has an action she can test her lower minus one which would be three if you pass gain a spell you may spend one Health to roll two additional dice when resolving any sort of lower test as part of a spell effect kind of cool Seven health five sanity she has headstrong once per round when you would lose sanity you may test your willpower if you pass prevent that loss by up to two sanity but then flip the card I have no idea what's on the other side she starts with a spell this is the storm of spirits when resolving a combat encounter you may resolve a lore test in place of the strength test using the same test modifier if you do flip the card and then she has a profaned home you may re-roll one die when resolving a will test during a combat encounter what I'm thinking of doing here is doing this action on her player mat first we are going to test lore -1 so we'll roll three dice we just need one success to gain a spell three dice looking for fives or six is boy that's two we're good we've learned that the Mind's Eye spell you may re-roll one die when resolving an influence or a will test but every time that Reckoning shows up we have to test our lore and then flip this card which of course we could actually spend a health to roll six dice for that Agnes is over here in London and if she does an encounter for a city space here in London she's likely to find something that will spawn some Clues so I'm all for that I think what I'll do for my second action is simply get a ship ticket because our next turn then we can move once to Arkham Arkham use that ship ticket to get to this uh clue token and what clue tokens can do for you in this game is gives you more re-rolls which is great but then sometimes mystery cards you actually need to complete or get those Clues so I just don't see it being a bad thing that you'd get Clues all right so now we've all freely done our actions we now all three will do our encounter phase Ursula will start us off with an expedition encounter after that we'll move that expedition marker to the next card on top of this deck and this appears to be Rome so we'll move this over here from the pyramids to Rome once you reach Dasher you begin digging through the rubble that had once been the white pyramid hoping to excavate the ancient burial Chambers so this is a strength minus one check her strength is three so she'll be rolling two dice we'll roll our two dice we've got a five that's a success you uncover a vast Labyrinth of underground tunnels your only hope of navigating is to translate the hieroglyphs on the wall we would have to do a lower test we have three for that if you pass you find your way to the Royal treasury gain one artifact if you fail slowly find your way back to the exit and you become delayed we would lay down on our side and we'd spend one action to stand back up three dice for this test and we've got a five beautiful before we get an artifact we'll draw one artifact and we have the garine fragments as part of a travel action you may spend one Health to move one additional space space along the path oh she could be amazingly fast with that we now have just resolved oh Expedition encounter on a Wilderness space so let's go ahead and test that soil in the pyramids totally thematic we will use observation which is three if you pass gain two Clues and discard this card we'll roll our dice up and we do have a success so we'll discard that and gain two Clues we'll have Lily complete her encounter next she is currently at a city space containing a clue so that means we will fight this kanaf keth okay first time seeing what it is okay this doesn't look terrible this doesn't look terrible either actually oh man it's strength minus two though and is a total of three Health we don't have to worry about the spawning here we're being ambushed and then we will quote unquote discard this one we'll just set it aside and then anytime we try and do this we'll have to fight this same monster the first thing we'll need to do is resolve a will test this Monster's is one so that means we need at least one success to not lose any sanity Lily's will is currently three and we have this amulet that gives us plus one during those combat encounters for will so we're rolling four dice for this we need one five or six we've got two sixes we're good we now have to do the strength test and we're going to do strength minus two normally that would be for us only to dice I do want to mention let's say our strength was only one or two and we were doing this you'll always still roll one die but then what we'll do is we'll compare the amount of successes we have to how much damage this enemy does if we have two or more successes this enemy will not deal any damage to us conversely though if let's say we had one or no successes this monster would deal us two damage then we would deal damage to this enemy equal to the amount of successes we have and this has three Health in order to complete this mystery we have to defeat two of these and we have to do three points of damage at one go on it because we're ambushed and that uh Health doesn't or damage I should say doesn't uh carry over so we really want three successes here if we get three successes we'll take no damage from it and we'll take it out we have our Marshall prowess that we're going to use so right now we're rolling two dice this will add three so we're rolling five dice however we're gonna have to flip this card but before resolving the test we'll see what that says in a second and then here we have you may re or you may re-roll one die when resolving a strength test so we're going to flip this over I have no idea what it's going to do it says you may spend one Health to gain plus five during this encounter instead after resolving the test resolve the effect based on your test results what the heck let's do it we're going to spend one Health that's going to put us only to five Health instead of six but now we're adding plus five to this instead of only plus three so five plus two is seven with one additional re-roll we have four dice here we only have one success one two three four and we get three more five six seven so I had one success here oh boy none of those succeed we get one free re-roll let's reroll this one that's a success and then I do have once per round when you may re-roll one die when resolving the test so we'll re-roll this die and we get a five okay that's our three successes that we need to take out the enemy we also have your combination of strength and focus is unparalleled no additional effect happens we could have potentially taken an injury or something else could have happened so let's go ahead and flip this back that means every time we use that though we're going to have that choice I love that I have no idea was on the back side of these cards that's what's so cool this also means we can place one clue on this card and we're halfway done with it finally we have Agnes we're gonna flip for a London encounter you try to schedule a meeting with Dr G Hogarth president of Royal geographical Society testing our influence if you pass the distinguished Explorer shares his fascinating tale spawn 2 clues if you fail he doesn't understand the significance of your recent find Advance Doom by one all right rolling three dice I have no re-rolls for this so it'll be what it will be we'll roll we got a five so we'll Spawn Two Clues I do have this really a fun clue cup here it's got our logo on it the one stop Co-op shop logo so I'm just going to randomly draw to Clues and these are the two locations we have the plateau of Lang and Buenos Aires the plateau of laying is actually in Antarctica and Buenos Aires is a city and we now have a clue there so if we can go there and fight that other monster we're already going to be one third of the way done with the game yeah that's kind of far away from us as you can see we're in London the pyramids and Shanghai so not super close together now we're going to move to the Mythos phase we'll draw that top Mythos card and you'll see I have the frost cards at the beginning the first four will be the easier ones so the first thing we're going to do are the three symbols up top the first symbol means we need to advance The Omen so we're going to advance it by a clockwise by one then Advance Doom by one for each gate on the game board that corresponds to the current Omen we'll move the omen tracker one clockwise and then we can see here that the only gate we have is in San Francisco and it's green so no advancement of Doom which is kind of nice next though we have the Reckoning symbol which is a bummer I was hoping that wouldn't happen so quickly but we'll have to resolve all the Reckoning symbols on all the different components on the board you need to resolve the Reckoning symbols in a specific order you first start with any monsters then the ancient one then Mythos cards then possessions and conditions well we don't have any monsters with one out because we only have one monster out right now the ancient one we do have each investigator gains a hypothermia condition unless he or she spends one Focus well we'll have Ursula spend her uh Focus that she doesn't have to discard because of her ability we will have Lily discard the focus that she gained but unfortunately Agnes does not have one so she gains hypothermia her hypothermia card States when you perform a rest action you cannot recover hell Health roll one die in a four five or six discard this card if you gain another hypothermia condition flip this card Lily unfortunately has a debt to be paid some men have come to collect on your debt flip this card so we're gonna flip it it says we've already taken care of your debts now we need something from you the man Grins and hands you a manila folder with your instructions we trust you'll hold up your side of the deal gain an agreement condition and then discard this card all that is so cool here we have our agreement condition we have a local action test influence minus one if you pass you may spend two Clues to discard this card wow that's incredibly expensive every time we have the Reckoning symbol roll one die on a one or two at the time has come for you to pay your dues flip this card I love this game finally we have Mind's Eye for Agnes we need to test our lore and then flip this card our lore is four there's no way I'm spending Health to roll two more dice because with hypothermia I can can't rest to get that Health back so let's roll oh wow one two three total successes well flip the card and we have with three successes two plus memories come together to reveal an old cult secret gain a clue then flip this card cool we'll flip that back finally we are going to spawn a gate we look here we'll spawn a single gate every gate you spawn you immediately will draw a monster we have our monster Cup right over here so we'll randomly Shuffle these up and grab a monster and we have oh what is this called a star vampire you'll want to flip this over whenever you see that green symbol it'll tell you where to spawn it when this monster is spawned Advance The Omen by one unless investigators use a as a group spend two Clues as much as I don't love advancing The Omen we didn't hit Doom last time so I think maybe I'll soak that and not worry about spending the two Clues however we do need to spawn another gate and this one also is going to be green in Istanbul is Istanbul is right over here and advancing The Omen really isn't bad because we don't have any red gates we have two green so when we get back up to this one that's not going to be good we might need to work on trying to close one of those Gates or just deal with the Doom at that point you had lost contact with a friend some time ago and have tracked the worshipers of some dark God to a run-down hotel as you suspected you find your companion bound and gagged inside so we have the lead investigator gains one character unique asset a positive Mythos card I know you won't see many of them but we'll take it we found Anna Tilton I'm sure we've gone on many Expeditions with her in the past glad that we found her Ursula's pretty happy when you gain this card from the deck inapprove your lore so we now have a plus one to our lower you and other investigators on your space roll one additional dime when resolving tests during research encounters cool there was one round of Eldritch Horror gosh I'm having so much fun already are you still with me if you are you're awesome you know that let's go ahead and jump into the next turn and like I said this won't be short but it's gonna be fun we'll start the next round with Ursula again she'll use her action where she can move through one Uncharted path and then still have her two actions her then first action will be to travel here she will then spend her ship ticket so she can move to this spot she'll then use her Garnier fragments as part of your travel action you may spend one Health so she's down to five Health but she can move one space along any path including the railroad she has now met up with Lily I looked this up because I wasn't sure but when it says local action anyone can take that action including another investigator so although Lily got this agreement Lily goes hey Ursula I have no idea what the heck this is nurselo says you know what I got it my influence is three because we have improved it once so I'll roll two dice if you pass U and I'm assuming that's Ursula can spend two Clues because she's the one doing the action to discard this card so that's what we're going to try and do to get rid of this because we do not want Lily having this agreement to deal with we'll roll our two dice we've got a six so we're good we took care of that agreement we'll discard that and I will never get to know what's on the back side of it I'm okay with that Lily would like to get to Buenos Aires to take out that second monster so we can move along on our Mysteries but it's going to take her a little bit so she is for her first action going to claim a ship ticket and then the second action hmm you know what I was thinking of just getting a focus token but let's be a little risky instead of that let's move to Tokyo because we could potentially defeat a monster there and that sounds cool Agnes will use her first action to try and gain another spell why not uh we're doing lower minus one and I rolled three Dice and we have a six so we gain another spell we found conjure iteration this gives us a test where we can test our lower plus one which is five if you pass you may gain one item or trinket asset from the reserve with value equal to or less than your test result then flip this card cool I'm realizing I didn't mention this specifically but Ursula discarded the two clues that she had now these will go into a discarded pool if ever all the clues from my cup have been used I'll take all those discarded Clues and put them back in there Agnes will then use a ship ticket for her second action so she can move once to Arkham and then move over here to where we have a clue we've all completed our actions let's start with Ursula we're going to do an encounter for Shanghai a man with a loudly ticking watch offers to help you in exchange for spying on the Communist Party you may gain a dark packed condition to improve one skill of your choice if you do not gain the condition the well-dressed man warns you that he's always watching gain a paranoia condition oh come on let's do the dark packs we're just gonna improve all of her skills why don't we go for observation because we got things with observation so that means we'll be four lore three or we could do influence again and make influence four you know what I'm gonna actually improve influence so I'm a four lore for influence that's awesome but I do gain a dark pack or a dark packed condition our dark pact is whenever we see that Reckoning symbol we roll one die on a one it's time to fulfill your part of the bargain and no way to get rid of it so we're just gonna have it oh boy Lily will encounter Tokyo yoshiko kawashima offers you her help gain one random service asset from the deck in return you tell her your story uh we have to do an influence minus one if you pass she fights for you one monster of your choice loses three Health if you fail she alerts the police gain one Pursuit condition okay so gain one random service asset from the deck let's do that first yoshika provided us a mission briefing we'll gain two task unique assets then discard one of them and this card so we have purifying the world and enlist the masses when you defeat a non-epic monster during a combat encounter place that monster on this card then you may flip this card oh that seems to fit Lily pretty well this one is when you perform a rest action you may attempt to gather the people to your cause influence if you pass Place One Elder token on this card then you may flip this car yeah we're gonna purify the world that seems like a lily Chen thing well discard this and discard this but now we have to do what was that an influence minus one test yes that's rolling one die otherwise we're going to get a Pursuit condition we need a five or six on this die we got a five that'll work we know the star spawn in Istanbul has four health so that's not even going to take it out so let's try this one to health beautiful it's done this now means if we can get Agnes over here she could potentially close this gate okay now Agnes she's at a clue token location so we can do a research encounter if we want and try and gain this clue or we could just do a general encounter here since this space is just considered a water space so we wouldn't have any specific encounter for that location it would just be a general one but I specifically went here because I wanted to uh see if I could claim that clue you explore a massive Iceberg and discover a stone tablet frozen deep inside you cannot make out the writing without liberating it from the ice a strength test our strength is too if you pass the talent tells of the Windwalker gain this clue in one additional clue if you fail you accidentally destroy the tablet discard this clue come on Agnes destroy that ice no definitely not she destroyed the clue during the Mythos phase the first thing we get to do is spawn two more clues so this one will be in oh Istanbul which is great because we've got months a monster there and a gate so we're probably not going to get that one and the other one is going to be in location two then we have a rumor and that's going to be in space eight and then that will have a total of four markers on here and there'll be something that will discard those Eldritch tokens and if all of them are discarded something bad potentially can happen you dream of a life as an insane wizard thousands of years ago in Atlantis must be Gandalf or something maybe Dumbledore you also dream of that same wizard still live today on an Uncharted Island growing Madness as an encounter an investigator on Space 8 may attempt to find the Uncharted aisle using their observation if she passes she may spend Clues equal to two to solve this rumor when there are no Eldridge tokens on this card each investigator loses three sanity and then solves this rumor so we probably don't want to leave this alone otherwise we're going to take a big sanity hit the lead investigator whenever we see the a reckoning symbol the lead investigator gains a Madness condition then discards one Eldritch token from this card for each Madness condition that she has so the more men the more man you get the faster you're going to push through this it just so happens space eight is where Agnes is at now too bad she doesn't have enough Clues she would have had she been able to get that clue here oh yeah but instead she broke the Tome and now she's gonna have to go probably get this clue if she wants to do that we also have the clue over here in Istanbul but that will be a surely fun to try and get to with that star vampire there this will complete round two I could move the lead investigator token but I think I'm just gonna leave it with Ursula it just helps me with making sure I track who's activated let's move to the action phase and see what we want to do for our action phase Ursula will move here and then spend that one additional health so she can move one more space thanks to that artifact she found but she only has four health so I might want to be careful with that our second action let's try and acquire some assets We Roll four dice we have one success so we will then use use a focus but we'll use our ability where we can use one less Focus to re-roll that's a two all right let's do it let's do it here's our Focus come on one more and that's a five here's our two successes we have here when an investigator on Sydney performs and inquire assets action we can spend those two successes to gather the necessary supplies we'll gain one provision's unique asset here we have the provisions asset if you've been watching our playthrough I feel like we've got Takata with us from arkhamore lcg when an investigator moves to miskatonic outposts she may discard one provision's unique asset to complete this adventure so I'm hoping I can do that with Ursula next time Lily's first action will be to travel she's going to move off the board here moving to this c space then spend a ship ticket so she can move one additional space going to San Francisco as her second action she'll then prepare and claim one of these tickets again because then she should be get to be able to get to Buenos Aires next turn we're apparently all about the sea at this time because Agnes is going to move to spot 7 for her first action second action she's going to claim a ship ticket so that way she can get over to this clue that you it's just off the board but next time and then hopefully deal with that rumor we've all completed our actions let's do the encounter phase starting with Ursula and we're gonna draw a Sydney encounter late at night dark young wander into the city from the surrounding Wilderness you struggle to escape from the creatures we've test our strength which is three if you fail the attack leaves you badly wounded lose two Health holy moly and gain of back injury condition three dice looking for one success no successes we're gonna lose two Health that puts us down to only two Health remaining and a back injury when you perform a rest action you may roll one die on a five or six discard this card but every time the Reckoning happens we have to test our strength if we fail we flip this I think she might have to rest next time she has all of her sanity but her health at two is terrible Lily is going to try and close the gate that she's at there's no monsters there so she can do that we've got yagath you discover a series of large Blue objects with discs attached by metal rods you believe the Migo transmit information using these disks and try to learn what you can about yagas well our lore is to so we have to do a two minus one we have to roll one die to see if we succeed looking for that five or six that's a six that'll work you receive a telegraphic image of a way home close this gate the disc begins to alter your brain a willpower test minus one swirl two if you pass you use this to your benefit gain one Boon condition if you fail the changes are irrevocable lose one sanity and gain a head injury I'd really love to get a boon over a head injury so let's roll these up oh man both of those are fails I do have my Lucky Rabbit foot that allows me once per round you may re-roll one die when resolving a test re-rolling this that's a five that will be a success we've become righteous for taking out that gate when you perform a focus action or a rest action gain one Focus or recover recover one sanity and then whenever the Reckoning happens you may flip this card so you don't have to flip it the San Francisco gate now has been closed I'll set this aside in a discard pile Agnes is in a general city space so we're drawing a general encounter card to find the city's legendary magic shop requires knowledge of Ley lines so we have to test our lower minus one that's three dice for us if you pass the owner will sell you only a single uh curio gain one random magical asset from the deck if you fail you your search seems to have led you through another world move to a random space Oh I don't want to move to a random space three dice looking for one five plus how about two sixes we were given an enchanted blade gain plus one willpower and plus three strength during combat encounters that is cool we'll move to that Mythos phase and yeah I was worried about this this is not going to be good first thing we're going to do is Advance The Omen by one that'll move us to the blue symbol here but fortunately we still don't have any gates with that blue symbol we only have Istanbul that's green so no advancement of Doom remember these first four are the easy ones that's why we're probably keeping our Doom where it is as we get to the regular and then hard ones that Doom is probably going to run up real quick next we have our Reckoning again no monsters on the board with Reckoning but our ancient one I think we're all gonna get hypothermia I was thinking about grabbing some focus and I totally forgot to do that and I believe I used Ursula's ability so yeah we're all going to gain uh hypothermia with the difference that Agnes we're gonna have to flip her hypothermia both Ursula and Lily have hypothermia and then Agnes will flip this it says a terrible cold descends upon you chilling you to the Bone and sapping your hope away lose one health and gain one Madness condition then discard this card and gain a new one so one Health and one sanity let's see what is that put her at so if we lose both of those she's still at six health and four sanity now we have all of our conditions and spells that have this symbol on it so we'll start with Lily Lily has this one we may flip it let's try it let's just try it we have Silver Twilight Alliance the sound of chanting fills the dark room getting the order of the Silver Twilight Lodge to assist you in this ritual has surely used up every last bit of your good karma when the ritual ends you know the world is a safer place close one gate of your choice on any space or Retreat Doom by one well let's close a gate I love closing Gates I'll then discard this card uh so it was a one-time use we didn't get to use the other benefit bummer the gate in Istanbul though closes that means we have no Gates out right now that's not gonna last because we're gonna have to put out one soon but still feels good we now have the Mind's Eye for Agnes we're going to test our lore uh let's see how many successes we get we get no C successes I could use a clue to reroll not worth it not worth it the Spell's lingering effects erode your mind either impair your lore or your influence or will unless you discard this card now we're just going to discard this card I don't want to do that we'll now do Ursula next she has to do a test of her strength for her back injury rolling three dice just needs one success we've got a six we're good okay then we have the dark packed just don't roll a one just don't roll one a five we're good there okay I think that's all of those the final section we have to spawn another gate with a monster oh wait I almost cheated I need to do this Mythos card and technically I need to do this Mythos card before I do all of the possessions that our investigators have so this isn't going to be good we have the lead investigator gains Amanda's condition and then discards one Eldritch token for each Madness condition they have while Ursula is going to gain tear that is one man is conditioned and will discard one of these Eldritch tokens but then we have to test our willpower and this says when you perform a rest action you cannot recover sanity roll one die on a four five or six discard this car oh my gosh that pairs terribly with hypothermia that means when I rest I don't gain either one of them however I need to do a test of willpower and you know what my willpower is two things are not going well for Ursula let's roll them up and that's a fail terrifying Revelation you can no longer deny the horrible truth everything you have learned points to an unavoidable apocalypse lose two sanity and discard half of your Clues we'll show them any clues two sanity actually that wasn't terrible because she was at full sanity she'll go down to only being at four sanity instead of six and the nice thing is this does not replenish like the hypothermia does finally we need to spawn a gate and we have one in tunguska another green and we'll grab from our bowl of Doom we have uh what is this a warlock that'll be in that place we'll place the gate and the monster right here once inside the lodge your host invites you to follow him upstairs several members stare in astonishment Outsiders are rarely granted such access at the top of the stairs you are ushered into the library filled with rare and exotic tomes no he says how can we help you whoa in the Silver Twilight Aid each investigator may do one of the following gain a clue gain an asset or gain one spell while I'm definitely going to give a clue to Agnes that way she has the two clues that she needs to deal with that rumor for Ursula I think I'll have her gain a spell and Lily will gain an asset Ursula has gained the markings of Isis gained plus one to all skills once per round you may re-roll one die when resolving the test when the Reckoning happens though we have to test our lore which actually is three plus one is four plus one is five five minus one is four and then flip this card that's not terrible and then over on Lily side she has the Arcane scholar that she found probably in that Library gain plus one lore and you may re-roll one die when resolving lore tests three rounds in no Doom has been lost kind of ridiculous but you know that's probably from how I've chosen these Mythos cards I think that'll change pretty quickly we've got one more easy one then we're on to the standards currently I feel like Ursula is the strongest character so because of that I'm actually gonna move the lead investigator over to Agnes sorry Agnes but just that way in case we have any more madness it can go to diagonist not to Ursula Ursula we need to find a way to heal with only two Health but I mean she's got that spell it's giving her plus one all of her skills she's ridiculous all right let's start that next round we'll start with Agnes this is going to be pretty simple we're going to move Agnes over here and then we're gonna claim or gain a focus token so we're ready for another Reckoning I do not want to have any more hypothermia Ursula will then go next moving out of Sydney to Antarctica for her first action now there is a local path from Antarctica to miscatonic so a local path you can move through it and it does not cost an action but you can only do one local path a turn that way so we're going to move on to our sideboard you can see it right here that is the local path that we're taking we're now at the miskatonic University there's a local or Outpost I should say we have a local action we can gain a ship ticket or test our influence if you pass gain an Antarctic guide unique asset I like that idea however you know I like even more resting so I'm going to rest uh but I don't yeah I can do that Focus thing I'm going to just rest there before we do that second action when an investigator moves to The miskatonic Outpost she may discard one provision unique asset to complete this adventure we're prepared Takara we've got it we've got our Provisions so we're going to discard this which is a bummer because that could have helped us and we'll complete adventure one we'll now replace it with a random Adventure 2. Excavating the Elder things chipping away at the ice and snow you uncover what was buried beneath the star-shaped Mounds but you cannot imagine why anyone would go to such extreme effort when this card enters play it plays an adventure token on Lake Camp when this adventure is completed Advance the active Mystery by one then draw a random Antarctica 3 Adventure as an encounter an investigator on Lake Camp May excavate the alien bodies buried under the ice and snow he draws and resolves an Antarctic research encounter if the effect allows them to gain a clue complete this adventure instead cool Lake Camp is just right next to the miskatonic Outpost our second action will be to rest we can get one sanity back so we're at five however we do not heal any health but we're going to roll a die on a four five and six we can discard this we have a 50 50 on this and we rolled a four a four will work we will discard this hypothermia Lily will be last to go for her actions she's going to move here and then use her ship ticket to get all the way to Buenos Aires from there she'll gain a focus token for her second action moving into the encounter step we are going to have Agnes try and complete this rumor she will test her observation which is only two why did I well it's two she does have a focus she could use to re-roll and maybe that's what we're going to do uh yeah because we only get two dice on this if we do we solve this we'll have to discard our two clues that we have to complete this two dice five or six on either one that's a five did you see that awesome discard both of these that rumor is solved our sideboard comes with different types of encounters since we're in a Yellow Mountain space we'll draw this one and apparently I have them upside Downs first time I'm using them we have our miskatonic Outpost you try to determine what's upsetting the dogs so we have to test our lower minus one our lore is four plus one because of markings of Isis that's five minus one is four if you pass you remove the carved stones found in the area and calm the dogs gain one dog sled unique asset if you fail they're barking makes sleep impossible lose one sanity four dice just need one success uh it doesn't even matter if I roll on that one that flew off let's say I got two fives we're good the dog sled gives us an action where we can move to an adjacent space on the Antarctica sideboard then perform one additional action but she is a moving Queen last but not least we have Lily she is going to try and complete our first of three hopefully maybe four Mysteries we have our protective amulet so our will is three normally it'll be four for this we just need one success so we don't take any sanity hits for dice one success is all we need and that's all we get let's then attack the monster we are going to use this card that means we have to flip this and we may instead spend one Health to gain plus five during this encounter so we're going to do that that puts us down to only four Health however depending on what we get on successes maybe nothing additional will happen so we're rolling four plus five is nine minus two is seven so we're gonna roll seven dice I need at least three successes to take this guy out I do get a free re-roll from here seven dice we'll start with the four we have here we have one success and then we get to roll these three and and we have three successes that's actually all we need yeah three successes we'll take them out we stop any damage that he do to us and that means we can place the clue onto that mystery and solve it not to mention because we have three or more successes there's no additional impacts to us and we can flip this over gosh I love that with her and then what we can do is use one of her actions to take some of her sanity sanity and turn it into Health also I believe we can do this when you defeat a non-emic monster during a combat and encounter place that monster on this card then you may flip this card I might wait to at least have two monsters on here but we have one right now we can see here it states at the end of the Mythos phase if there are Clues on this card equal to two we can solve it so we'll wait to solve it until the end of the Mythos phase speaking of the Mythos phase we're at that now so the first thing we get to do is Spawn Two Clues so our first one will be in location five and our second one will be in the Himalayas your contact in the capital is hesitant to speak about those called the watches he says they work for a number of different governments but answer to some other authority we have lost knowledge when this card enters play spawn the tick tock men epic monster on Space 21 when it is defeated solve this rumor when there are no Elders tokens on this card each investigator discards all of their Clues and discard all Clues on the game board whoa then solve this rumor so we gotta take out that uh that epic monster and every time we have one of the reckonings we're just going to discard an Eldritch token and there's only three on here we have our two new Clues five and over here at the Himalayas we have the tick tock men over here at 21 outside of Sydney Australia and still no douma decrease but now we're going to normal cards I have a feeling that will change we'll leave the lead investigator with Agnes let's start that next round it seems to be pretty typical that I keep missing things because I get so excited I need to remember that when I completed this adventure Retreat Doom by one so I get to retreat Doom by one because of that second thing is I totally forgot to reveal the next card or mystery card remember we have to complete three of these to win kind of important all across the Northern Hemisphere people have said to have visions of an ancient civilization the Visions are strongest in Greenland where the cities of iperbia are cast into reality when this card enters play plays a mystery token on Space 9 as an encounter an investigator on Space 9 May travel through the veil Between Worlds and explore the ancient continent of hyper BF we'll draw and resolve an exploring hyper-bia special encounter at the end of the Mythos phase if there are two Elder tokens on this car we solve our second mystery Doom will get pushed back to 14 and here we have Greenland where we can do our mystery encounters Agnes has always wanted to go to Greenland so what we're going to do is move here and then use our ship ticket to move to this location our second action we're just simply going to grab a second Focus token I believe we can only have two of those Ursula's first action she's going to do the local action here gain one chip ticket or test your influence I don't really know if I need the Antarctic guide I mean she's an awesome traveler anyways so we'll just go for the ship ticket then we'll use our action where she can move across one Uncharted uh path and then gain an additional action her then second or I should say third action will then be it to rest because that will finally get her back up to three health and six sanity of course I'm realizing I'm using the wrong token here there we go that is the adventure token this token is for one of the the stranger things and I'm not using that deck because we don't have one with the Prelude or the Elder one or ancient one that we're fighting doesn't require that deck Lily is just going to do some traveling this time first action she'll gain a ship ticket so then her second action when she travels she can travel here and then use that ship ticket to move herself all the way to Sydney we'll now move into the encounter phase Agnes is in a spot where she can explore uh hyperborea in the depths of the Mount of varhumaneth you discover an ancient Shrine to the toad of God at tokusaka The Shrine has recently been used for some ritual but before you can examine the remnants a terrifying sound Shake your courage okay she has a will test her will is too she has nothing to boost that up so it's just going to be to a dice we'll roll him but two sixes that's totally good you keep your calm but make haste to flee the source of the Ruckus taking note of the Arcane sigils used around the shrine all we have to use our observation that's too as well if you pass Place one Elders token on the active mystery if you fail the journey gains you nothing but nightmares king and a hallucination condition we'll roll our two dice for observation one in the three that's a fail so let's go ahead and use one of our Focus to re-roll one of these and we get a five wow that means we just placed one Eldritch token on that mystery card we are blowing through this I'm thinking maybe the next time I play this I do not use the easy Mythos cards we're known to Ursula's turn normally whenever you have a clue that's on that sideboard you have to draw from this clue deck since we're trying to do the adventure we actually will draw from this clue deck for this specific encounter and we potentially can gain a clue here but instead of gaining a clue we complete our adventure so we are at lake camp you look through Professor Lake's geological samples so we have to do our observation which is three plus one which is four minus one which is three if you pass you see the black seeds appear only recently gain this clue if you fail a seed gets trapped in your clothing gain a hunted condition three dice for this test we'll roll them up and we've got a six and a five you guys that is ridiculous we can see here it states if the effect allows you to gain the clue complete this adventure instead when this adventure is completed Advance the active Mystery by one what that means we look at the mystery and see what type of mystery it is this mystery is looking for Eldritch tokens so we simply get to place an Elders token on it which means we now have the two that we need so at the end of our Mythos phase we've completed two Mysteries already we only need to do one more our Doom is at 14 yeah this has been an insane playthrough then we also will draw a level three Antarctica card and we have the Beast under the city confronting the shaggis you are paralyzed by their enormous size and strength how did the Elder thing ever control such creatures in the end they couldn't be contained when this card enters play spawn the rampaging shagath epic monster on city of the Elder things when this adventure is completed Advance the active Mystery by one once again we're gonna get a new mystery and however we need to complete it if we take that guy out we would get one success on there if it was we have to take out an epic monster we could deal two damage to it yeah kind of cool when an investigator encounters the rampazing rampaging shagath epic monster before resolving the strength test you can spend a clue if you don't you automatically fail when the rampaging epic monsters defeated complete this adventure it appears we have our rampaging shag off right here I'm going to remove this adventure token because we have now completed that Adventure Lily currently is in Sydney the Constable sees you admire the abandoned weapon give it a bit to see if anyone claims it he says if not you can help yourself you may become delayed to gain one random weapon asset from the deck well that's kind of cool but Lily doesn't need weapons she's got her martial prowess so I'm not going to become delayed I'm going to stay where I'm at we'll now move into the Mythos phase here we have our first regular Mythos card you can see there's no uh snowflakes on the side that means this is a normal one we're going to advance The Omen by one then do a new thing called resolve a monster search we'll resolve a monster surge on each space containing a gate that corresponds to the current Omen if no gate corresponds to that Omen just spawn a gate and then put a monster and then it will spawn two more clues I'm just going to pull those out right now so we've got one in Rome and we have one in location 16. we'll Advance The Omen by one space we only have one gate out but it is green so that's going to increase our Doom by one that isn't terrible we're just back to where we started however we are going to spawn two additional monsters at that Green Gate before we do that I missed that this enemy had this Reckoning symbol the last time let's just see what it says roll a die in a one or a two of the nearest investigator gains a cursed condition so we are going to check that quick also I'm just going to spawn two more monsters there so we're going to grab oh we have occultist and our next one we have is called a skeleton let's not roll a one or a two shall we oh it's a three okay I was trying to figure out how I was gonna determine who is the closest investigator to gain a curse we don't have to worry about that you cannot believe that this gibbering lunatic was once the smiling Lucid lawyer you spoke to this morning collapsed his troubling hands indicated empty air the worlds collided and the door collapsed he abruptly pulls himself off the floor and looks out the small window of his cell but so too will they pull they will rip and tear and a new door will open elsewhere we have dimensional instability discard each gate that corresponds to the current Omen and Advance the Doom by one for each gate discard it okay that's not terrible we only have one gate out it is the Green Gate we'll get rid of it and will increase Doom by one the part that isn't so great is we're going to have some Devastation the next time we push Doom down before we end our round I'm gonna remember this time to discard our second mystery card only one more to go let's flip it over we have supplying the North that kind of sounds like a Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones thing or I don't know something like that the increasingly harsh winter has disrupted the vital flows of basic necessities to those cities and towns in the northern hemisphere that are now cut off from the World by the Deluge of ice and snow when this car enters Plate Place one Elders token on each of the following spaces four 919 and tunguska I'm not going to tungus because there's three enemies there when an investigator on a city space performs and acquire assets action you may spend two successes to gain a Provisions unique asset we just need a lot of Provisions in this scenario we got them before Ursula had them we need some more at the end of the Mythos phase each investigator on a space containing an Elders token May discard one Provisions unique asset and spend a clue to place an Elders token on this card then if there are Elders tokens on this card equal to half of what we have here so that would be two then we solve this mystery and we win the game because that's the third one we've placed out on the one of those two additional Clues we have the Eldritch tokens four nine just happens to be where Agnes is too bad she doesn't have a clue 4 9 19 over there and tangusca those are all the northern locations where we can try and solve our mystery so my plan is I can try and do one of those and then if I take out that epic monster that's in Alaska we actually could just win the game because that's the two that we need to do but before any of that we will be having uh Lily take out these Tick Tock guys okay let's start that next round Agnes will continue to be the lead investigator using a travel action to move to Arkham and then let's see if we can acquire an asset because if we do that and we're able to get those Provisions then all we need to do is grab this clue next time get ourselves to location four and we can solve one part of that mystery we'll roll three dice for this we have one success we need two I think we're going to take a debt we're going to gain this debt condition so we have three successes spending two to grab have a Provisions card this means now all we need is that clue however I'm gonna have to probably deal with this debt apparently we don't need the railroads this game because we're just going to get a ship ticket with Lily and then have Lily move over here for her second action Ursula's first action she is simply going to rest she does not have hypothermia right nope she does not she's good her second action then actually before she does her second action she's going to use her dog sled she can move to an adjacent space on the Antarctic sideboard then perform an additional action oh why the heck not we'll move here then we're going to use our action where we can move on an Uncharted uh path and then gain an extra action back somewhere here and we will then gain a focus token for our second action gosh you can do so much and now she's got two re-rolls potentially oh wait a second Ursula can't take this guy out not without a clue so she needs to have a clue instead she's going to move down to the snowy mountains because we can resolve something there then go to the plateau of laying to claim that clue there we go that makes makes more sense that's going to make him a little bit harder because right now there's no way to get to the plateau of laying but if I resolve an encounter here then I will be able to get to the plateau of laying to start the encounter step Agnes is in Arkham they say that strange creatures perform ancient rituals on devil Reef off the coast of insomath but to witness them you have to know when to go and where to hide you may spend one clue to gain an incantation incantation spell and one non-ritual spell I wish I had one I don't have any so I can't do that we'll do Lily next she has The Tick Tock men I have no idea what's on the back side of this let's see oh interesting you cannot spend Clues to reroll dice during this combat encounter toughness is equal to the amount of players plus two whoa so its toughness is three four five Health oh my gosh so we have to do five damage but we don't have to do a sanity check because these are regular humans I love that we do have to do our skill check of strength minus two with five Health this could get interesting fast we'll spend one house we get plus five five plus four is nine minus two is seven we get that free re roll don't forget we're rolling our four dice here no successes all this is this is this is brutal I will roll our remaining three okay we've got two successes we get one free re-roll uh that's a three do I want oh that was our free re-roll we'll use our lucky rabbit's foot to use another re-roll that's three successes that means we won't take any damage and that's three damage there I think I'm gonna stay at that so we've dealt three damage to them uh we still have two more to take them out it's important to note that on enemies damage is persistent so we'll put a three here we also needed three successes so we wouldn't gain an injury and we got just three successes so we'll flip this back over we're good Ursula is in the snowy mountains you study the blocks and openings on the Mountainside as your plane flies over our observation is 4 4 minus 1 is 3. if you pass you obtain insight into the engineering of the Elder things gain one clue if you fail you cannot grasp the meaning of these designs lose a sanity three dice hoping for one success here we've got it that will give us a clue so I'll grab a clue from our cup awesome so that means now all we need to do is get into that space of the rampaging shaggath and we can hopefully take them out and get one success on the mystery we also have here after an investigator resolves a location encounter or a research encounter on this space they may move to the plateau of length definitely going to move to the plateau of laying that means we're at one space away from the rampaging shagath moving to the next Mythos phase we have advancing The Omen on Monster Surge and clues I'll just do the two Clues right now one is in location six and the other is in 17. we'll Advance The Omen tracker one space we have no Gates out at all so no advancement of Doom then then we have a monster surge but there's no Gates that are blue that are out on the board so we're going to spawn a gate oh we just spawned one in London and you always draw a monster for that and we have oh another cultist ever since you were bitten you've been kept awake by fever for the third time in less than a day you peel away the festering bandages the wound is not healing if anything it's getting worse vile wounds the lead investigator loses two health and gains an infection condition oh here's the infection condition that will be for Agnes when you perform a rest action you cannot recover health well I can't recover health anyways because I've got hypothermia uh on a four five or six discard this card you have to test your strength and if you fail flip this also taking two damage that'll put her down to four Health remaining we've just completed our sixth round of the game I think overall doing pretty well with only one gate out but I have a feeling things are just going to get worse so we've got to get out of here while the getting's good Lilia has three damage on this Tick Tock I'm hoping that she can take that out I'm hoping that Agnes can go and get a clue but I am worried about that Reckoning symbol it's going to hit a lot of us so let's see what we can do am I going to change the first player no I'm going to leave it with Agnes for another round and then maybe after next round we'll give it to Lily so let's start with Agnes and go from there for Agnes's first action we're going to try and rest that won't do anything to our health but we will gain one sanity putting us back up to our Max of five and now we're going to roll a die for each of these to see if we can discard either one our first die roll will be for the infection fail our second one will be for hypothermia fail oh she's never gonna get rid of those after Agnes failed to get rid of that injury or uh the hypothermia she's just gonna go over here to Minneapolis-St Paul and try and claim this clue I was thinking of moving Ursula into the space with that uh epic monster but I actually have an idea in case I can't defeat it in one go I'm gonna need more than one clue and there's a clue here so I think for my first action I'm just going to focus so I have to focus and our second action we're just going to rest we have our sanity at full we're just going to grab one more Health that puts us at four we're slowly getting back up to our six we could do this to move around but I don't need to move right now I'm gonna stay here trying to collect this clue Lily's two actions will also be quick she's going to spend three sanity to get three health and gain a second Focus token so then we are all ready for the encounter phase Agnes is currently in a city with a clue so she's doing a research encounter you've been trapped by the blizzard for days and your mind begins to waver over test her will which is only two if you pass you occupy Yourself by rereading your notes and notice something you hand before gain this clue if you fail your mind crumbles before you and you escape your shelter gain one Madness condition we're only rolling two dice but we do have a focus for a re-roll and we're gonna need it let's use it come on I need a five or a six to get that clue that's a fourth so instead we get a Madness and we're gonna discard our Focus this could be bad apparently we ran outside in a blizzard because we were hungry when you perform a rest action you cannot recover sanity well why not I can't recover health two times over why not sanity as well when we hit the Reckoning symbol we have to test our will if we fail flip this card Ursula is next we are going to encounter our clue but we draw from the specific research deck for the Antarctica sideboard we are at the plateau of ling an elder thing has attacked and now suspends a member of your party over a pit you hear a mechanical grinding below and an elder thing monster ambushes you if you pass the uh will test you rescue the victim before he disappears into the pit gain this clue they have us pull out an elder thing at the beginning oh my gosh that's all three you know what my will is three let's see it is for a combat encounter do I have anything for that no I absolutely do not so likely we're I mean I have to get three successes on three dice this is a three up for three a test and we roll one success I will use one of my free Focus uh symbols uh to roll this up and I've got a failure so I'd have to use both Focus now I'm just gonna I'm gonna forgo that member of my party sorry and I don't get the clue we're back to Lily you know what we're going to do Marshall prowess pump this up to this side for a plus five five plus four is nine minus two is seven uh we just need to deal two damage no sanity check on this one we need three successes for no damage but even two successes will take them out we have one here and that's four dice so we'll roll these three again five six seven oh no successes one free re-roll and we've got two that will take them out however I'd gain an injury token I don't think I want to do that so I believe what I'm going to do is use my lucky rabbit's foot come on I just need one more success no that's not a success I have one Focus token let's use it for a re-roll and that's a one do I use the next one that's my last one yes I'm gonna use it I'm gonna make this a five or a six five or a six how about a four oh bummer wow we did not do great so that means we are going to take one damage because he attacks for three however we do also take him out this card and the enemy will be discarded however we do gain an injury and the one I grabbed was the leg injury when you perform a rest action you may roll one die on a five or six discard this uh we have to test our combat whenever the Reckoning happens if we fail we flip this card yeah that stunk and that's because we pushed our body too hard we only got two successes with the seven dice not to mention we also have to discard this card so we just lost our Marshal prowess ah that really stunk oh wait the one Solstice to this we have reduced the damage of monsters you encounter by one to a minimum of one so we actually don't take the damage we're back to five Health which is good if you defeat all enemies in your space you still get to do an encounter and I'd say why the heck not we're in a Wilderness space your food has gone bad and there's no place near buy to purchase more supplies maybe I shouldn't have oh well I did if you want to eat you'll have to hunt for your meal so our observation is two minus one which is one if you pass the meal invigorates you recover to health if you fail you you have to make uh do with the rancid food gain a poisoned condition why did I choose to do this sometimes you make poor decisions in life and this is one of them we rolled a one let's get a poison condition on top of all this when you perform a rest action you cannot recover health or sanity but we get to flip this card however while this is out and we're poisoned anytime we have the Reckoning we're just going to lose a health moving to the Mythos phase this is going to hurt that Reckoning so first we have advancing and doom or I should say Advance The Omen then we have the Reckoning then we have spawning the gate we'll move to the red Omen we only have one gate out right now and it's blue in London now we're going to activate the reckonings and this is where life gets a little sad the cultists some cultists have a reckoning but this one does not so we can ignore that however we know the Warlock and it says roll one die on a one or a two the nearest investigator gains a curse condition one two three four five six or one two three four five so that would be Lily not a one or two how about a two this is absolutely brutal only sixes count as successes on your tests if you would gain another curse condition flip this card if you would gain a blessed condition discard this card uh instead we do have a reckoning roll one die in a four five or six discard this card and the only good thing is we are doing a reckoning so we will do that shortly the other monster that has that symbol is this rampaging Shaga so let's see what it does this monster recovers to health then each investigator on the space or an adjacent space loses one sanity that would just be Ursula so she'll go down to five sanity that's actually not terrible four Health a two and a two yeah this this could be an interesting one to fight we then resolved the ancient ones Reckoning and unfortunately the two people that have hypothermia they don't have any Focus because they both trying to use it and failed oh bummer so they're each going to flip over their hypothermia cards now Ursula has two Focus but you'll use her effect where she can spend zero Focus as one so she does not gain the hypothermia the one on the left is Agnes let's see what it says it says chill hunting the cold is somehow unnatural you feel it piercing your mind and chilling your very soul roll one die in a one or two Gain a bane condition then discard this card and gain another condition of the hypothermia let's just see what Lily has she has children are chilled to the Bone the temperature has dropped and you are unable to warm yourself you must seek shelter if you hope to survive the night or become delayed then discard this card and gain a hypothermia condition so Lily will just be on her side she has to spend one action standing up next turn let's not roll a one or a two please this time we rolled a two we get a bane we also have the cursed Bane oh my gosh only sixes count as successes right now Ursula is the only one that can really do anything we now have to resolve all possessions and conditions and their Reckoning effects we're going to start with Agnes because she's the lead investigator some men have come to collect your debt flip this card we have the men wears a hat and a brown trench coat we do not want money he hisses and grabs her throat you feel as if part of your identity is being stolen from you test your will if you fail a fragment of your soul is ripped away lose three sanity then discard this card our will is to and I Believe in Us and yes we did great next we'll try and get rid of our cursed effect we just need to roll a four five or six to do that no we rolled a one so we're going to keep that curse and we're going to be happy about it then we're going to have to test our strength you know what our strength is too if you fail flip this card I don't even want to know uh and we're going to know we're gonna find out the infection spreads and you can see your veins turning black beneath your discolored skin lose one Health then flip that card back over yeah okay Agnes unfortunately is down to three Health we're now going to test our will but don't forget only sixes are successes and we roll and we got a six so actually we're okay we'll then do Ursula next she has her dark packed don't roll a one and we rolled one nightmare meaning the hooded figure approaches you gliding as if floating just above the ground you hear the figures rattling voice in your mind probing for the names of your companions suddenly you awake in a cold sweat each other investigator gains a cursed condition unless she gains a dark packed condition yeah they're both going to get a dark packed condition we'll just deal with it well that was just great next let's do our back injury we have a strength of three plus one because of the markings of Isis so we'll roll four dice we just want to succeed oh look at that three out of the four those are successes then we need to test our lower our lore is three plus one plus one is three four five minus one is four dice again we just need well I actually have no idea what we need here we're just gonna roll and see what we get how about no successes do we want to use a focus I think we should I think we want at least one success maybe uh well we didn't get it so let's just see what we get resolve the effect based on your test result you must Focus your mind to maintain the magic discard this card unless you spend a focus thank goodness I have one more well spend that second focus and that will allow us to keep this card so we have then flip this card last to go is Lily she is going to start by trying to get rid of her cursed four five or six beautiful cursed his gun uh yeah discard this card thank you very much okay then we have our dark packed just don't roll a one uh we've got a three we're good there then we have to test our strength our strength is four we just need one success and fives or sixes will work we've got a five and a six so that one's good and finally we're a poisons we just lose one Health finally we'll spawn a gate and we have this one in the Amazon and we'll have from the monsters let's see a maniac the wizened old monk Whispers I have spent eons preparing for this Darkness but time has shown me that Humanity may not be worthy what would you give of yourself what will you offer to prove that you deserve to be saved for good or for evil our event is Advanced Doom by one unless the lead investigator gains an agreement condition no I'm not I'm not gaining any conditions we'll just deal with the Doom plus I kind of want to draw one of those Devastation cards and see what happens it's our first time around my first time that I'm using that expansion they can't be that terrible right let's see we have a tsunami destroys Tokyo a well of water escapes Tokyo bay and inundates everything in its path picking buildings up off their foundation and tossing cars around like toy boats each investigator on Tokyo loses three health and five sanity and gains two injury tokens okay no one's there Tokyo is devastated we have now lost one of our nine cities what happens now is if we draw a clue that needs to be placed here we discarded a devastated space does not have a space type and it's no longer a city space we can though still do encounters there we'll just draw from the devastation encounter deck to see what we have and then like I said before of all nine named cities on the board are devastated we lose the game I'm gonna blame myself for how that round went I was talking about how easy the game was and then the game kicked me in the pants and poor uh Agnes was the brunt of that one although Lily I mean she's knocked over she's delayed she well at least she does to have that dark whatever that's called a curse Agnes can only succeed on sixes right now that's brutal okay let's see if we can get this clue I might need to get Lily start collecting Clues and getting up north we'll see what we can do let's start that next turn do I want to still I'm going to still have Agnes be the lead investigator I took a little break in recording and this showed up at my door so I have just shuffled all these cards in I just wanted you to know in case you all of a sudden start seeing a mask of another type of cards that's why all right let's start that next turn Agnes is in a good spot so I think the first thing she's going to do is just gain a focus token that way if we have the Reckoning symbol we don't die our second action will be to rest however we're not going to be able to heal any health or any sanity but maybe we can get rid of some of these we'll do hypothermia first we need a four five or six no that's a one let's do a hunger a second we'll do four fives or sixes no that's a one how about infection we need a four five or six no that's a one we just rolled three ones in a row well at least we got them out of our system maybe Lily can have a slightly better turn she's going to become undelayed and stand up and her second action is gaining a focus so you know it can't get any better right Ursula is going to try really hard to get this clue so first thing she's going to do is rest she'll gain one sanity back and one of her health she's at five health and six total sanity since she rested hopefully she can get rid of her back injury we just need a four five or six how about a two so no we'll keep that back injury with us our second action will be to gain a focus token we've all done our actions I don't even know if that constitutes his actions more just like we've all done our failures now we're going to succeed in the encounter phase we'll start with Agnes we're doing a research encounter the blizzard has trapped you in the city's Library the storm will not let up until morning and you take the time to rest and prepare for the challenges ahead recover one Health and one sanity or discard a hypothermia condition okay we didn't get a clue which is actually kind of a bummer but I will still take discarding this since we can never seem to roll to get rid of it hypothermia is gone Lily is currently in the wilderness the terrible isolation of this area is making it hard for you to sleep we're going to test our will which is three if you pass a good night's rest leaves you feeling better than you ever have improve one skill of your choice which by the way she can improve it twice because of her ability if you fail the insomnia leaves you on edge lose one sanity three dice looking for one success there's a five let's improve our strength by two we're now a six strength that's awesome Ursula is going to try and collect the clue in the plateau of laying murals inside the tower depict the Elder things using the tower to call a god you try to read the writing under the images now we use our lower minus one our lower is four plus one which is five so minus one which is back to four how however something I've been forgetting Anna is with us and she gives us you and other investigators on your space roll one additional die when resolve uh resolving research encounters and this is a research encounter so we're going to add one dye to that so we are at four five minus one which is four plus one which is five what are the five dice if you pass gain the dull chance artifact if you fail you call something to you uh gain one Pursuit but we don't get the clue we'll roll five dice on this let's see if we need to no we don't we have a success so that means we'll gain the doll chance artifact this dull chance actually is not terrible when resolving a combat encounter you may test your lore if you pass you may spend one sanity to roll three additional dice when resolving a combat test during that encounter we'll move to that Mythos phase we're going to advance the Doom followed by the monster Surge and then let's do the clues we'll do those right now we'll grab our first one that is Arkham and then our second one will be location four we'll move the omen track up to the blue space we only have one gate that has the blue uh symbol so that means we'll move Doom up by one and then we'll do that monster search that means we're gonna have to reveal two different monsters so our first one here is the zombie and then our second monster let's see what is this called oh yeah it's called these Leviathan or something like that when this monster is spawned move it to the Amazon all right we'll increase our Doom by one to the Ten Spot walking down the street you are surrounded by locked doors and boarded up Windows you see only a few people striding down the sidewalk and almost all of them avoid eye contact those that do look in the eye glare at you suspiciously we have driven to bankruptcy this is ongoing when this card enters play discard all cards from the reserve cards cannot be placed in the reserve all that's there we will have a reckoning we'll discard this card and place the top four cards of the asset deck into the reserve we've cleaned out the reserve and gosh that was not a great turn for us we didn't do much at all but you know what we should be able to go and take out that epic monster and all we need is Agnes to be able to get that clue token Angus will have her first action to be gaining a focus token there's no real reason to move our second action we're gonna try and rest and maybe get rid of some of these blasted conditions that we have I don't know if we'll be able to let's see if we can I do need to remember we were able to get rid of hypothermia so we just have uh infection and hunger so let's roll for infection first we'll give our diet a roll and let's see what we get we get a five that means we can remove that one okay what's next is hunger let's see if we can do Hunger we roll a five so we can do Hunger too both of those have been discarded we're finally starting to heal ourselves this is awesome Lily will take her first action to travel to Sydney and her second action she'll gain a second ship ticket like I said I'm just not going for railroads apparently the first thing Ursula is going to do is rest she's already at full for sanity so it's just for her health well check her back injury in just a second I'm just going to finish what I'm doing here she's going to do that action to move here and then gains an action back because that's an Uncharted path and then her final action she'll gain a second Focus token so she'll have two if we can roll a four or five or six 6 we can get rid of that back injury yes finally we're finally healing up a little bit back injury is gone Agnes will try and research yet again in the city at the crime scene you find the victim has been mauled as if some Savage animal has attacked him we would have to test our observation if you pass you inspect the wound and recognize human teeth marks gain this clue if you fail to kill the returns while you're distracted a wendigo monster ambushes you and only sixes are successes you know what our observation is yeah too I have two Focus tokens let's roll them up I'm definitely gonna need one we will use one come on six come on six that's a six that'll work we passed we gained that clue Lily is in Sydney the theosophical society is excited to hear what knowledge you have gained during your travels you may spend one clue we don't even have one if you do the uh they gratefully provide you with an exercise and diet regimen that fortifies your fertility or Vitality improve your strength we can't even improve it anymore anyways so that was a waste Ursula is now going to take on the rampaging shagoth epic monster first thing we need to do is our will test we need two successes our will is normally two however with markings of Isis it'll be a three we're rolling three dice for this we have two successes so I'll just lose one sanity I'm okay with that we now will attack this monster we will use our strength minus one our strength normally is three but thanks to the markings of Isis it's four but then we'll put that back down to a three we will then use the Dole chance and discard this clue so that we can actually deal damage to it so we're gonna roll six dice oh my gosh I need four successes on six dice is that even possible I do need to remember I have this that lets me re-roll a die on a test I have two Focus plus my fake Focus there's a chance we could get four successes here I Believe in Us I do need to remember it cost us a sanity to do the dull chance so we're down to only four sanity we'll roll four out of the six dice we have two successes already okay we get two more dice to roll on this come on fives and sixes there's another one that's three okay we get one re-roll because of this I just need a five or a six uh no that's not gonna work I will pretend that I use a focus token and I can use one less to re-roll and that's a five there's four damage we have here when the rampaging shag off epic monster is defeated complete this adventure when this adventure is completed Advance the active Mystery by one so this mystery we're looking to put Eldritch tokens on this card so I will place one on here and that means I only need one more to be able to win the game we're now up to the Mythos phase we need to advance The Omen do another monster uh Surge and two more clues I am going to get Gates out there like nobody's business we have one in Sydney which is right where Lily is and are the ones in location 15. we'll Advance The Omen we have no Green Gates outs that just means we'll have to spawn one when we have our monster surge oh and this one's in Buenos Aires and it's blue and we're gonna grab a monster from the bag and we have what is this the honored dead when this monster is spawned move it to the pyramids looking down one Avenue you see shops from the other side of the world looking the other way you see the back of your own head endlessly mirrored each turn you take takes you somewhere strange but you cannot discern the logic that governs these paths we have the invisible maze each investigator rolls one die and resolves the corresponding Effect one to two become delayed three to five move to a random space and six no effect this could be bad we'll do Agnes first she gets a six are you serious no effect oh she was the one that I did not want to get thrown into a random place we'll do Lily a second she gets a three so she's gonna move to a random Place how you do this you just draw from the clue tokens and when she's going to move to the city of Elder things right where Ursula is and then Ursula is going to roll a five which also means she's going to move to a random place she almost had a six in her random Place let's see what it is it's going to be at Tokyo well I really don't want to jinx it but so long is nothing crazy happens Agnes for her turn can move here as long as she survives during the Mythos phase because at the end of the Mythos phase we can give up that clue token give up the provisions and complete the mystery that's all we have to do that's all we have to do so actually I'm going to start with I'm going to just move her there and I'm going to get her a focus token for her second action Ursula will stay where she's at I want to show you one of these devastated location encounter cards heck I want to see it I haven't actually drawn any of those so I'm just going to grab a ship ticket for my first action and my second action I'm going to heal uh the only thing I'd heal is Sandy because I did take two sanity damage last time but I'll take that I already have two Focus so I can't gain any more Lily is simply going to move to the Frozen waist and then gain a focus token for her second Action Moving to that encounter phase Agnes is in a location with another clue so I thought I might as well try and get it it's a Wilderness location in this place with the night sky overhead you can commune with the elder god hypnos so this would be lore minus one that would be three for us if you pass hypnos grants you a vision of the Windwalker and the knowledge you need to stop it gain this clue and a spell if you fail the Elder God punishes you for your arrogance gain one vein condition unless you spend a focus I can always just spend a focus here we're rolling three dice we need a six to succeed definitely did not get that so we're just gonna spend a focus uh so that way we don't have to do anything else Lily is at the Frozen waste you see the corpse of an elder thing that appears to have something beneath it a foul icker is oozing onto the body you may gain one illness condition condition to move the body if you gain the condition you find a rare treasure gain an artifact no I'm not gonna do anything I don't want an illness I just got rid of illnesses from Agnes no need to get illnesses I'll pass finally we have the devastated space this is where uh Ursula is unscrupulous profiteers are stealing from homes that were left unprotected when the city was abandoned resolve the pass effect to patrol the ruined City yourself or resolve the fail effect to convince one of your companions to do so I think we'll do the top one you keep a Vigilant watch over the city to put an end to the thefts so we have to test our observation that's four if you fail one of the profiteers manages to sneak past you and steal something of yours oh discard an item possession we're rolling four dice on this just need one five or six there's a five we're good we're now in the Mythos phase we're going to advance The Omen then we have to do the Reckoning and then spawn another gate we'll move that Omen tracker to the blue Omen and we have two blue Gates so we're gonna have to increase Doom by two this will mean we have to draw a Devastation card as well what city is getting destroyed this time we have a meteor showers the fire above you illuminates the entire night sky for a moment the display is beautiful then the large Stone crater the landscape like a wrath of God determine a random space okay we'll grab from over here from our Clues and our random space is San Francisco we have here each investigator on that space or an adjacent space loses two health and two sanity repeat this process four additional times so uh for additional that's five times so one two Antarctica I don't know how does that work with the space run I don't think that will work three and then four location six and the final one over here is five that will be the Frozen Waste San Francisco we're all safe we've got a space here here and here that won't hit anyone London or safe that won't hit anyone Antarctica is only connected to two locations and no one's in any of those so we're good there location six is here and adjacent locations uh no one is there oh but this last one is gonna hit Lily because Lily is in the Frozen waste this will mean she'll go down to to a health and one sanity ouch now we'll activate the Reckoning starting with the monsters this one says roll a die on a one or a two the nearest investigator gains a cursed condition actually I think we have two of those out so I'll have to roll a die twice uh where is that one here it is it's the Warlock and tanguska so we're gonna have to deal with that one what does the zombie do uh spawn the zombie horde epic monster on this space if you do discard this monster so we're gonna have to do that one and then we have the serpent people over here roll a die in a one or two the nearest investigator moves one space towards this monster oh my gosh so many effects that are happening so these ones we're all gonna have to roll dice with uh this one we're going to discard and put out the Epic zombies the Epic zombie horde will be here we'll roll for all three of these monsters let's start with this one with the cursed condition I don't want a one or a two I've got a three we're good this one is a cursed condition We're Gonna Roll that's a three we're good this one is about moving one of the investigators we rolled a five we're good none of those will activate I'm realizing if we had rolled a one or a two for that serpent that would have pulled Agnes out of her space and we wouldn't be able to finish the game so that was lucky okay we're going to do this effect here now for the ancient one each investigator gains a hypothermia condition unless they spend a focus we have a focus from Lily a focus from Agnes and uh blank Focus from Ursula but that will work don't have to worry about that next we have discard this card and place the top four cards of the asset deck in the reserve so now the reserve is open to us again finally we'll do the Reckoning of all of the different cards that we have under our control starting with Agnes so we have our cursed here we need a four five or six to get rid of that yes we are no longer cursed we have our dark pact we don't want to want we don't want a one oh that was a two we're good all right that was Agnes now we're going to move to uh Lily Lily has a dark pact as well let's see she has a one we have one of the Thousand the chanting reaches a fever pitch the cult leader places a ritual dagger in your hand and tells you the time has come you must pay the blood you owe to the children of the black goat another investigator of your choice is devoured another investigator of your choice well we're gonna choose Ursula Ursula just was devoured if we chose Agnes we wouldn't be able to win the game so Ursula just dies that means we're going to advance the Doom as well whenever an investigator is killed now it says devoured what that means is that you don't get to lay the character on its side and you can actually pick up items and interact with them when they're devoured they're gone well Lily just killed Ursula hopefully that does not happen in Arkham Horror the card game next we'll do our leg injury we need to test I'm not just rolling one die we need to test our strength our strength is four plus uh two that's six so I've got four dice here all I need is a success let's see oh yeah we're totally good if we fail we'd have to flip that and then finally with poisoned we just simply lose a health we have one Health left we'll Advance Doom once more because Lily just killed Ursula with that dark pact we'll then spawn a gate and we'll put a monster at it the plateau of Lang and our monster we have what is this called the yithian these sudden thunderstorms have grown more common twice a day of rain that smells like seawater flows the streets and cold winds that cut like glass threatened to pull doors off their hinges the Bermuda Triangle each investigator rolls one die on a one or two she becomes she moves to space 8 and becomes delayed so if Agnes rolls a one or a two we cannot finish the game if she doesn't we win the game uh for Lily uh we'll just roll doesn't even matter and Ursula she's not even playing what technically what happened is this next turn we'd pick a new investigator so if Agnes rolls a one or a two we'll be choosing a new investigator to play Agnes has had terrible luck to this point I'm not even gonna look what is it it's a four yes we do not get delayed we do not move for Lily no Lily can be delayed and she'll move to space eight who cares that's what she gets for taking out Ursula at the end of the Mythos phase each investigator on a space containing an Eldritch token May discard one provision's unique asset and spend one clue to place that Eldritch token on this card so we have our provision here uh Agnes is in the correct location we'll put this here we'll discard that one clue that we took so dang long to find and now that we have two on these we have solved the mystery with the end of the Mythos phase and that means we won the game now was that fun or was that a heck of a lot of fun I cannot believe how much fun I had I think going forward though I will not play with easy ones at the beginning it made the beginning too easy I want a little more I wanted a challenge like this throughout the whole game just barely hanging on and I think that that's my fault for trying the different Mythos let me know how you set up your Mythos deck do you just do it randomly or do you put in seed in maybe normals at the beginning hard in the middle I don't know let me know how you set it up and I I think I'm going to try another one what I'd love to do is there's a fan made campaign where you can do five or six of the ancient ones back to back I'd really like to do that and then each one that you use you'll use a different sign board different preludes I think that that would just be so much fun so let me know what you think about that let me know how you set up your Mythos deck tell me if I made any mistakes if you're still with me you're amazing thanks so much for watching and I hope to catch you in some of our other playthroughs check out that Arkham Horror lcg playthrough if you want to see Ursula and Lily hopefully not devouring each other but uh still having fun in Antarctica I'll catch you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 15,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, eldritch horror, playthrough, runthrough, solo, cooperative, fantasy flight, arkham horror
Id: RpoJwh1aHJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 24sec (6204 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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