Assault on Doomrock: Ultimate Edition | Prototype Playthrough and Impressions | With Mike

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[Music] hey everybody this is mike with the one stop co-op shop with another preview of a crowdfunding game for you this is one that i've been a big fan of for quite a while assault on doom rock the new edition so i used to play a ton of the older editions of this one back in the day but very excited to show off the new content this is a one to four player cooperative adventure and battle game i'm going to be playing it two-handed to show you how co-op works and like normal i'll give an overview of the play and then i'll do a one full set of the adventure mode and one full battle to give you a taste of both parts of the game and i'll end of course with my impressions of how the game's shaping up and if you like the content on the one stop co-op shop consider supporting us through patreon you get early access to our videos and exclusive videos every month you can't see anywhere else you can also look at our separate streaming channel lots of great content up there we have a weekly podcast as well and you can join the conversation on our discord all right so the basic idea of assault on doomrock is each player controls a hero and they are a combination of the unique hero which has two ability cards that are unique only to them but besides that they're basically all identical except for this number up here here i have the elementalist one of mine then you also have this trait card that gives you like an additional ability uh if you want to use it for some dice and luck mitigation in the game so here i'm an impatient elementalist and like i said in the intro i'm controlling two characters from also a wavering hunter with the dodge and rain strike abilities and the game is divided into two halves you have the adventure half and then the boss battling half and a full game consists of three of those in a row so you have an adventure you fight some enemies you have another adventure you fight some enemies assuming you survive because this is very much a rogue-like style game where you're going to like level up and get loot and stuff in a different wage time and face different enemies each time and it can be very much a challenge i'm not even sure if i'll beat the first group of enemies but the basic idea of how the adventuring and journeying half of the game works is you'll draw one of these random setting cards like here i have the call before the storm and it'll give you a certain number of time tokens and you can do actions both on the location you're on you can also move to other locations there's a bunch of actions available to you you can do like the actions that are unique to the card itself you can also do generic actions using these little exclamation points here and you're basically trying to get as much money and other bonuses as you can especially money because that lets you buy more ability cards those are these things here with the die values you can place on the card right there as you get more of these you not only increase the options available to you but each ability card also gives you an extra entire die because the combat phase is kind of like dice placement using these abilities to fight people and then whenever time runs out you don't have any other actions to do you go into the battle and the battle system is super cool it's very abstracted and it's actually the first thing that kind of brought me to the game because instead of having like miniatures and hexes or spaces instead everything is just two distances you're either adjacent to something in the same group as it or you are distant from it so everyone is kind of measuring their ranges and such for attacks and movement with these relative distances and in the new version this is also in one of the expansions for the old version you also can use terrain it gives you like special powers you can use and kind of makes the movement even more interesting and the basic idea of the combat phase is you're rolling these dice using the ability cards already showed and you're trying to kill the enemies before they can kill you which they do through a mix of these generic ai activation cards and then these sheets unique to each enemy that will determine what their actions are depending on which card you draw and those are the big overall basics let's get to the adventure phase and you'll see the specifics as we try to delve into this adventure so you start out with three locations in play and there's going to always generally be three locations because you can travel to the locations on top of this deck and then the leftmost location will go away and everything will kind of slide down in this case we've got a forgotten temple we've got mushroom hill and we've got a hidden stash now let's look at just our starting location the forgotten temple and go through some specifics so first of all this icon up here and this keyword town show you that this is a settlement this is a town one of the three types which generally means it'll be a friendlier place we can rest here and stuff up here we've got a bunch of exclamation tokens uh four of them these will be taken away both by some of the actions on the card like this blood offering as an exclamation point so each time we make a blood offering one of these would come away and additionally the more generic search action will let us draw a random event card and get rid of one of those at the cost of one time i'm sorry these are on the wrong side the hourglass is here calm before the storm says we have eight times so once that runs out again we're generally going to be uh having to go fight the enemy bosses but the cool thing is if we clear away all these tokens then we get whatever the reward listed here is in this case an epic item which is the stronger of the two types of items now you also have these location actions you can take again the cost is shown up here so the blood offering will cost one time and we'll lose one of these exclamation points and then you get both the bonuses and negatives here in this case we'd have to roll the peril die twice which is bad as you can imagine and then we get to place two time tokens and a common item below this card which would mean first of all the friendly priest has more items to sell because he starts with two common items we can buy them for one coin each and then down here it says the protection of hexaflu i guess it's kind of like cthulhu um if i have these time tokens i can ignore apparel with it so i can kind of i can pray and make offerings basically to protect me later but uh the big thing is uh this mattress action is a camp action it cost me one time i can recover hit points because a lot of these effects and like the exploration will hurt you and remove this is called exposure tokens these kind of like broken shields these are sort of like possible damage waiting to hurt you or i can take the action to buy from the priest which again will cost silver i start with two silver and the big thing is we're trying to save up to uh multiples of four silver right now because that will let us level up our characters which clearly would be great now just so i can spend one time to travel to one of the other two locations i can spend one time and roll some peril to travel to a new location i get a free event if i do that or for one time i can search to draw an event and get rid of one of these those are kind of like the main things you'll be doing so yeah i am tempted to search uh four times just to get this forgotten temple and gain a free epic item that'd be pretty awesome but i'm also very intrigued by this one mushroom hill it's got three of these and we get a free coin if we get rid of all of them and the two big things to look at here are the purple epic and the thousand rainbows thousand rainbow says when any hero has three exposure or more and heroes spend time in this area on an action other than traveling or venturing to a new location they lose the game so basically if you're really exposed you can't stay here because there's poisonous mushrooms all over the place but look at purple epic for no time just taking away a exclamation point we gain an epic item for free but it has to be the last one left and none of us have to have exposure so generally what that means is we got to come over here do two search actions get rid of the first two of these pray that neither of those gives us exposure and then we can get a free epic item at no time and a coin i mean gosh that's good and our third option without traveling anywhere is the safe tree if we spend time here we can put some extra coins on here and then if we have heroism which currently we have no way to gain from any of the cards but that's another token effect you can gain that basically boosts your combat damage when you use it uh if we can do that we can get the coins collected here if we just search here once we'll get a free coin we can also camp here but it's kind of a credit camp and we would need to have heroism to do stuff here so without hair was in this cell location it's not so great but yeah so i'm torn between searching at the forgotten temple a bunch or maybe like going to mushroom hill first searching there a bunch and then like coming back to the forgotten temple but i don't want to waste the time doing that so i've got eight time to play with from our setting card there it is to bring it into focus so let's go ahead and do our first action searching the forgotten temple so one of those goes away one out of four toward our epic item and one of our eighth time and then we draw the top event card now nothing in the rules says that these icons matter like this is a forest but i'm in a town right now so i think you can apply any of them but if anyone knows that it's wrong feel free to let me know so another adventuring party what would you like to do with them so you usually have two options and again there will be like negatives and positives so here both of us would take two damage we have six life so if we take six damage we lose immediately but we would get a free comment item and we get to roll on the loot table at -4 which probably means we won't get anything or we can reveal two common items from the top of the deck and they give one of ours for one of theirs we don't have any common items so let's loot the adventuring party so we take two damage and everything is equally applied across both heroes but if we gain tokens during this adventuring phase or take damage so we'll take a two for each of us we're at four out of six then we get a free comment item we get to roll on the loot table and here's the loot table it's on the setting card and some effects actually have their own loot oh my zero here is plus one so minus four actually shouldn't be too bad and yeah but one i think you can't go below zero so we just got one money that's pretty amazing then we get the shield of doom for a common item use during the roll phase i can rotate one die result to a value of one because a one lets you get an armor whenever you want to use it and items unless they're consumable can be used every turn so for one of our two hand slots and one of our heroes we can gain some consistent defense i don't have to equip this to anybody yet we equip items like the beginning of the battle but that's a cool thing to have all right three more times and we can get that epic item so let's do it again let's search and we find some circus ruins makeup tools are laying scattered all that remains now is to act okay so we can either put on clown makeup or camouflage and again both our characters are going to game this the top icon is provoked basically taunting uh you go to kind of the front of the enemy's preferences for who they attack and you can also discard it to like take an attack for somebody else and then camouflage that's the stealth icon you can discard that for different bonuses and sometimes like other abilities help with it and it puts you at the bottom of the priority for the enemies so let's go for stealth because that's usually uh pretty consistently easy to use for bonuses these are big tokens and again they're going to both of my heroes because everything in the adventure phase goes to everybody right still going for it we got one more before we get that epic item we find an elevator unexpected you may also set up camp in it okay remove all exclamation points from this area and gain the expiration bone if at least one was removed awesome or camp to gain two hit points and remove two exposure huh so that would be saving us one time because we wouldn't have to get rid of that last exclamation point but we're gonna have to camp anyway now camping is where you can level up but i'm one gold or one silver shy of doing that but the two hit point healing would get us back to full power i'm gonna do the elevator and save the time i can always camp later and i can camp with the mattress at the forgotten temple which heals four hit points so it's more effective anyway all right so this goes away immediately without me having to do an event or anything and i get an epic item come on and i get the adamantite armor use when dealt damage i can gain two exposure instead of taking one or two of that damage and exposure like will sometimes deal damage to you but sometimes won't and there's also ways to get rid of it so that's certainly a nice thing now i didn't say but most items have a requirement for your attributes to be able to equip them in this case i need two strength and one intelligence which means the elementalist is very close to being able to equip it she's got one intelligence on her attunement skill and one strength on her blast wave so your actual ability cards show your attributes so if she's the first one to level up and she gets another strength card then she could also equip this armor that would be pretty cool i'm a little sad that i'm getting all defense stuff i want some weapons now it's worth noting that i have some options here i can shop as we already said for the shuriken or for this pipe of regeneration that's a healing item that boosts range attacks now this is very good for me right now but you can also sell items two common items or one epic item can be sold for one silver so i could uh i could sell the armor i just got to get to my fourth silver and be ready to level up but that seems like not as much fun as keeping awesome armor right uh how much time do i have left i think i have what five left so let's see do i have time if i want one to travel here two three to get rid of these getting rid of the last secret would be free i would get another money i would get an epic item so that's two three four to come back and five to rest it might not all work out but i like the possibilities let's spend a time to move to the mushroom hill all right and then i'm going to search once search again and hope that i don't get any exposure to stop me from getting that purple epic and my first search is an armor rack a bunch of shields for cowards okay cool so i'm rolling a d6 this is a unique loot card so i'm not using the generic loot on the setting card and more armor i don't really need that five plus one epic arbor what the heck are you serious so i found the first epic armor in the deck after the initial encounter set up you may place your hero in any group so i can move uh after the encounter is set up i can use it once per turn to gain stealth or i can use it if i have no exposure to gain a shield that's pretty great two agility and one strength uh my hunter has one agility in one string so if she's the one to level up then i could use this so yeah i might want to sell one of the two epic armors to make it easier for me to level up by the way the plan is working out perfectly let's go one more time come on don't give me exposure oh yeah you can definitely give me an epic chest with shiny and or pointy stuff okay uh let's roll and see how this goes and i honestly don't need the items like give me some money man four two buddy yes that brings me to five silver pretty great then with the purple epic i get to grab this for free because none of us are exposed that's another silver finishing this off and an epic item wow this worked out amazingly the first epic item is a tassel prepare your other item that is not a two-handed weapon oh so i could like i could use my ambushers at vest like twice and get two shields in a given turn uh that's pretty cool although i'll be honest i'm also kind of tempted with the sixth money i have to sell like two of the epic items and just keep one of them and then i can level both of my characters up because i'll have eight money by the way i'm gonna move back to the forgotten temple so i can rest there that's one time to do that the wrestling will take one and that'll also let me level up and i can also do some shopping before that at no time cost well let's do the first level up show you how that works and then depending on which ability cards come out and whether we like have the stats for the armor maybe we'll keep one of them so the reason i'm paying four is because you look at whichever hero has the fewest ability cards and your trait counts as one so one two three four you're paying that much silver and again it has to be the character with the fewest so if the elementalists had already leveled up to have five ability cards we'd be paying for the hunter who has four and we would have to give her the ability so basically the ability cards have to stay fairly balanced between the group you can also think of it as paying as much silver as dice you have because each of your ability cards including your traits gives you a die so i have four dice for each my characters right now so for money to get an ability and how it works is you draw three cards from this big deck you can discard any of them and redraw so you get a second chance for your selection of three and then you pick one of them to give to any of the eligible characters so i have to decide whether this is for the elementalist or the hunter yet until i see what i've got so we've got acrobatics dash and meteor shower to talk through what you're looking at first of all you've got this lightning ball for acrobatics and dash that means those are initiative enabled you can use them kind of at the beginning of the turn before enemies go whereas an ability like meteor shower you would have to wait until the enemies hit you before you can use it the dice show you what you can activate it with so acrobatics is a two or a three dash is just a two a meteor shower is a double six you need two dice so it must be strong these little runic symbols here show how many uh combos of the dice you can put on there so i could put two dice on acrobatics twos and or threes and activate it twice during the round whereas meteor shower i can only put a pair of sixes once and dash i can only put a two one so you can only use them once per round then they have the abilities so let's see acrobatics move yourself remove one exposure and adjacent characters are moving to two shields so i can uh basically flip into the enemies and mess up their defenses and kind of help my own out the dash also lets me move and it does not break combo breaking interruptions right i don't have anything that uses combos but some abilities like if you attack multiple times in a row deal extra damage so dash would let you move in between those and then meteor shower deal one damage to each character in two groups so that's like a ton of splash damage there ignoring two armor that's pretty amazing and this is that a heroism symbol that i've changed although wow is that heroism endless shield plus one to all targets if i discard that most of the time it's more like this where you spend one heroism to get something oh gain a bonus die with heroism that's pretty cool so like you kind of get the dive back and cars will also have restrictions so like meteor shower you cannot use if you're surrounded which means if there are twice as many enemies as heroes in the group you're in but yeah meteor shower is a little too expensive and i don't even know if i'm gonna be fighting a mob type enemy or like a smaller group of enemies i don't need the movement necessarily so i'm getting rid of all of these and draw another three are what are my options now i've got quickness re-arm and aura of might or of might has this lock icon that means you can leave the die there and you gain one or more ongoing benefits in this case adjacent here is deal plus one with their attacks while i have it and you ignore one armor when attacking targets who have at least one exposure that's decent i feel like that's better for later in the game when we have more dice okay rearm it's initiative enabled i can use it twice deal three damage to an adjacent character oh my gosh and this attack was a combo or dealt overkill damage that means i dealt more damage than i needed to kill them or i had already attacked the same enemy previously uh the action before you may prepare one of your items oh that's great you get to use an item again okay and then quickness abilities of target hero become initiative enabled that's pretty nice too i can use that and pick one hero and they can like do all their stuff before the enemies go but yeah rearm is pretty crazy i mean three damage with initiative and it's got agility so if i give it to my hunter then uh she'll be able to equip that to one armor that was two agility and one strength although it's a melee attack and she's supposed to be like the ranged person but maybe it's good to have the uh the uh flexibility to do both i guess but it also attacks on a four whereas her uh rain strike is a five six and her maneuver is a three so i like that one a lot yeah i'm gonna give that to her so that's it for our first level up do i wanna sell to my epic items but i can't even use one of them right now so i think the answer is yes i'm going to get rid of the adamantine armor and the or adamantite and the tassel keep the ambusher's vest because now my hunter can use it and that'll give me four more money and i'll level up the elementalist it has to be elementalist because she now has the fewest abilities and we do still have the shield of doom right so the elementalist does a one giant hit to somebody in melee and can also do like splash damage to people that's kind of her whole thing so let's see what her first options are dodge roll when dealt exposure or damage from an enemy effect you are dealt no exposure and you may immediately activate one of your abilities by removing dice from that ability and interrupting incoming enemy actions oh so i could like even kill them off before they hit me uh ignite deal two damage to a character ignoring one armor that's pretty great ooh and deal one exposure to up to two adjacent characters after the attack for each overkill damage although with only two damage i won't usually be overkilling them or another giant spell combustion deal four damage to a character yeah and then push back from exposure that's one of the icons that shows up on the exposure because you flip them when you deal damage to the person you'll see all this when we get to the fight uh counts as plus one damage instead of pushback and with heroism this ignores two armor but again so her blast wave is a five six but she can only activate it once so she is likely to have or he did it make this a he no it's a she she is likely to have some more like fives and sixes but a double and i don't really love this one i don't know let's go for three more options again uh inner power remove an exposure from yourself to game restore one that's pretty cool so if i have an exposure to remove i can heal one it's a two it's initiative enabled and then if i have a stealth suspend adjacent hero moves one exposure to game restore once you can also heal somebody else or a heroism can push somebody or a bunch of people i don't know chain lightning i like the sound of that deal three to a character nor in one armor that is a lot of damage and then if possible deal one damage ignoring one armor to an exposed character adjacent to the original target now that could hit me or one of my friends um but this one is nice and look it says to a character it's not adjacent that would give the elemental of some range combat or shrapnel use if you're a ranged or melee attack deal plus two damage to one target then deal one exposure to each character adjacent to the target that would certainly make the elementalist blast wave ridiculously powerful but the negative is that since she's a melee character that would expose her so yeah let's go with a chain lightning so she's now two intelligence and one strength but we don't have any armor left because we got rid of it so that's all that she can do and finally for our last time we'll camp we can get rid of two exposure we don't have any and we can gain up to four hit points back we each have two missings we'll be back to our full six and ready for the fight all right so we can get rid of all this stuff and we're going into combat so you right only have an enemy for each of the three phases in the game we're doing a level one one and we didn't scout it you can do that sometimes oh we are fighting the blob i've seen those movies so each of the enemies has their own unique little sheets on the back it'll tell you their ai activations but the front gives you some basic setup information so first of all it tells us how many blobs we're gonna have which is oh wow only three minions usually it's a lot more but oh they have eight hit points each that makes sense they are monsters uh we're just looking to have two terrain on the board you can play with the train doing nothing it's just kind of like a touchstone for movement but we're gonna use the actual terrain rules that's like an optional module you can use with this version so we're gonna sit out of three blobs we're gonna send out our heroes they can be in a group with each other or they can split off on their own we'll kind of see how the terrain looks and we're also building the enemy ai deck with a two a three an ace and a joker all this extra stuff is for uh higher player counts so wow that's a very small deck we're going to see like the same cards over and over again all right so let's find our terrain let's get our blob set up and we'll show you how things work all right here we go everything's set up it doesn't take very long we've got our three blobs and they're just stacks of health tokens each token has kind of its good side and then it's partially broken side that's two health that's one so right now they're each four tokens so that's eight health got my hunter and my elementalist here and our random terrain turned out with the evil staring goat and basically this is something that we can use with a four die any of our heroes to gain a bonus but if we don't use it the enemies use it for some kind of negative and we've also got a pile of shields over here that uh i should push that's the only grouped element currently so these people are all each in different distant groups and this one blob is grouped with the terrain and i can't forget equipping things let's give the elementalist the shield of doom to rotate a die to a one if she needs it for defense and let's give the hunter the ambusher's vest to gain stealth uh or if she has no exposure to gain a shield awesome and they have like slots for these i'm going to put it underneath because clearly we're not worried about any other items and i take the four ai cards indicated i shuffle them together into a little activation deck and we're ready to go all right so the steps of a battle are pretty straightforward first we have the roll phase where we each roll a number of dice equal to our ability cards right now we're both at five one two three four five and it's sort of a yahtzee-ish or dice thrown mechanic you can re-roll any dice you want uh up to three times total so three rolls total i should say so kind of like two re-rolls after the initial roll and then you get to assign your dice again they have to be the specific values indicated or like in the case of your trait here can be any value you can only put as many dice or diced combos as the number of runes there and additionally any of the heroes can put the indicated dice on terrain that will stop the enemy from activating and also give us an option to activate it for some kind of bonus after that we resolve any start of round abilities the most consistent one is your trait card it gives you a bonus if you put a die here but if you don't put a die here it gives you one exposure so kind of like the terrain you're sort of pushed to use the mitigation options and use these other dice abilities uh otherwise you get hurt a little bit next we have the initiative enabled phase where we can resolve any abilities with a lightning bolt by taking the die away and putting it back in the pool but you do not have to resolve those abilities then you can wait until the later ability and like kind of combo things together so for those who played like spirit island think of like fast and slow spells except here you can choose to make them slow you can choose to wait after our quick abilities are initiative ones the enemies get to activate starting with the hero with the most threat which is the highest value here so it's gonna be the hunter first they picked two of the enemies to activate who have not activated yet this round drawing the top activation card for each one and referring to the unique activations on the board for that enemy for the actions they do you do everything from top to bottom resolving it as much as you can although actually i should note the diamond says this and also this uh text here we're only gonna activate one slime per round instead of twice so with two heroes we'll activate two out of the three slimes each round we get to pick out of the three that are available for which ones we activate after that enemy phase we come back to our heroes we can activate all of the non-initiative enabled abilities spend the rest of our dice then we go to the end of round phase the big thing for that one is that every like positive token like the stealth or shields or whatever you might have gotten those all go away if you haven't used them so you kind of have to use them or lose them by the end of the round then you go to another round and repeat it until either you're all dead or they are but it's smart to be forewarned so let's see what we have going on so first of all every enemy has a use for stealth as i had mentioned oh this is interesting you can discard your stealth token to gain and provoke token just kind of like flip yourself from being a little to being a big threat that's not that great i was hoping for something actually like helps me hurt them okay let's see stick together when a slime moves all adjacent slimes move with it well right now they're just like uh individual groups so that's fine oh gosh blobbing extra when a slime is damaged instead of removing hit point markers due to damage place them each back in the same group as new slime minions ugh what oh my gosh so like as i hurt the slimes they come back as like additional slimes but this effect does not occur with the final token attack okay so that totally makes sense so gosh i mean think of uh i don't know every adventure game ever i'm thinking about an ocarina of time i've been replaying that recently and the slimes in that one would like get smaller and smaller until you can finally kill them off so wow i'm gonna have to not deal the 24 damage eight times three i thought it was gonna have to deal i'm gonna have to deal it like over and over and over again oh my god but the nice thing is they don't activate it often now let's see what we have coming up with a two they attack an adjacent person they move unless they're already engaged with somebody and they deal more damage so being adjacent to them is gonna get us hurt more with that one three is an acid splash if my hit points are even deal ones we want to like keep them at odd hit points and then armor stripper they remove armor tokens and then they deal say okay this is like a range attack melee attack ace uh hurts adjacent moves oh i think that's yes okay so the two and the ace are they wait are they identical then why do i have two different cards oh this is different unless engage move to ah this one moves them to the active player who like chose the slime to activate this one moves them to the highest threat so it's like slightly different which way they move and then the joker is split if i have three hit points or more take half of my hit point markers round it up and place them adjacent to me as a new slime minion okay so that's not like i guess worse right they're kind of splitting on their own does that actually help me kill them faster i'm not quite sure but ooh they expose all of us regardless of where we are that's not great all right so that's what we have in front of us by the way this is their armor value which would be subtracted from damage but that doesn't apply here so uh yeah we're going to jump in and try to kill these guys and they go through my hero abilities in more detail so the elementalists you know i just realized i don't really care about her card let's just keep the actual abilities here to make it easier to see so she has the impatient rush inability with any die initiative enabled she can move to an enemy and deal one exposure to each adjacent enemy ooh that'd be great if there's like a bunch of slimes in a group together then she has maneuver this is one every hero has up to twice for threes she can either move or gain heroism and boost her attacks and stuff oh a two minute is an ongoing one if i lock a four in there ongoing after an attack in which a hero and your group have dealt any amount of overkill damage you may remove to exposure from a hero in your group or move a hero in your group i probably will be dealing overkill damage with my blast wave and with like the little slimes popping out but i don't know if that's very good and finally blast away this is actually pretty perfect for this fight it says attack remove up the two shields from an adjacent character that part won't matter and i deal four damage and a push to that character um so that means i'll be smashing the slimes but then here's the nice part for each overkill damage you may also deal one damage to an adjacent character so instead of like in most cases if i shot one of the slimes it was down to like one life and i would just like waste the rest of the damage here i can like hit the other slimes that are around so uh she will be great at smashing groups of slimes then chain lighting might not be as good deal 3 damage to a character ignoring one armor the armor part won't matter if possible deal one damage ignoring one armor to expose character adjacent to the original target okay so if i can get them exposed i can like hit multiple slimes with that but certainly blast wave is my first go-to for my uh elementalist then for my hunter she's got wavering when you are a target of an attack you gain two bonus dice so i get to like roll them and place them on my stuff again uh these guys cannot be rerolled though so there's a good chance that they like won't do a ton and you may not assign bonus dice to this ability so you can't use it more than once but it does give me like a way to use a random die and not take the exposure from not putting something on here to gain some more dice and then uh she has dodge when you're attacked gain one shield which a one would normally give any one can be used for a shield and e6 can be used for the little you know finger heroism markers that give you the bonus this thing and then after the attack move to an empty group so this is uh for her to use her reign strike more consistently she can run away from people because she cannot use rain strike if she is engaged with an enemy but uh when she attacks she deals two damage to a character uh anybody and it's with a five or six and it's an issue enabled so i get to start pelting them right now okay then finally maneuver uh we already saw that and rearm we saw that's gonna do three damage to an adjacent character and then um if it was a combo or dealt overkill i can prepare one of my items so i could get my ambusher's vest back to use again which if i'm not exposed will give me more shields that's the way to go here all right well that's right i can put her in any group i mean i don't know if i wonder what the slimes yet right unless i'm gonna like use the rearm but now then she can't use range strike so we'll just let it go all right so five dice for her the initial roll let's see we've got that's a lot of twos and fours and threes okay well the four is fine i can put that to the side because uh rearm likes that and then i'd really like a dodge or i guess i could save the three for a maneuver i'm sure let's keep the three and the four for now try to get there we go uh some fives and sixes and then for my last one let's roll it i'll probably just use panic attack um yeah okay so we can like do that and that and that and a little maneuvering to get away from my rain strike to work or to run up to somebody to him with rearm now i might take one of those and put it on one of the terrain cards but first let's see how the uh elementalist does all right so she really wants that six okay that was not it um so russian will let me run up to somebody because she wants to be at uh melee range for this so honestly i'm just gonna reroll all those well i did have a five i did have a five so maybe we'll keep that and go for okay there we go a five and a six it's my second roll so i want to keep those for my two big attacks and then um i don't really care about attunement do i want maneuver i think she might like do that maybe get a shield i don't know and let's see what this is that's another five but i can only put one on there so that can maybe go on the terrain looking at the terrain options the evil staring goat uh if i put a four on that's right it has to be a four specifically i forgot about that hmm we gain a heroism for putting it on the goat but if i let the enemies have it don't put a die on here at the end of the round they will move the goat to the lowest threat character and deal one damage to each jason hero so the goat will charge at us in anger then the shield oh is also restricted at two or three a lot of these are like you can use any die oh lets you move to the terrain that's pretty cool and then if you're adjacent to terrain you can give any hero one shield and then you move to a distant group so you kind of move off by yourself that's uh that's pretty good too but if we let the enemies get it they move there and gain one hit points which with the way the slimes work it's kind of like give them a double hit point so i don't want that all right so let's see for the elementalists we can use this three on the pile of shields to get that ready and then the five can activate russia and we'll still get the defense here and we could pull off the re-arm to uh use the goat it gets us a heroic token which i could use on my rain strike to make it three damage instead of two and then we also don't take a free damage from the goat charging us so yeah i guess i'll do that and not use re-arm this turn darn and with all that we go to the start of the round neither of my heroes did not place a die on their trait so we don't get any free exposure then we go into initiative enabled so let's see i could start doing some rain strikes and i might as well because that way i don't have to worry about uh the enemies like moving next to me so let's start shooting so each of these is uh two damage but i could go ahead and use the goat now and by the way either hero can use it you don't have to like remember whose diet was because you recalculate your full dice at the end of each round anyway so yeah you know let's go and use that now you flip it over so you know that the enemy doesn't get the benefit from it and i will give the archer the heroism token and then pile of shields i do want to give somebody a shield oh i forgot the one i saved for my elementalist gets me a shield and these are used to stop damage before you actually suffer the damage so yeah that means the elementalist has one shield now let's go ahead and use the pile of shields i'll move the elementalist here um then any hero gains one shield and then i move to a distant group so i guess i yeah you know i don't really need to have these things all separate from each other i'm going to have everything right next to each other as long as i show where the groups are all right so they both got one shield right now and all of the dice on the terrain is gone oh and the hunter should definitely use her ambusher's vest because she doesn't have any exposure so now she's at two shields that's pretty nice i mean we're just gonna do some rain strikes so two damage and three damage to any character so let's do the three damage first so i take two away let's say i'm doing this guy and that flips to damage and then this token comes off as a new slime and then for the two damage do i want to have like a bunch of slimes or just want to like blast that guy and kill him um i guess having more slimes on the board isn't the worst thing in the world because like my chain lightning and the blast wave could deal some extra damage um so yeah i don't know let's let's like smack a token off of this guy for two damage and make another smaller slime or actually i guess i'll keep on doing the same group so that one would if i did two damage that one would come off and then that one would be like that i think that's how it works which is more like damage one so that might be good i don't really know yet but that sets them up for the elementals to like run in and expose them with her russian and deal chain lightning and all this fun stuff that should be good although the elementalists cannot use her ability if she's already engaged with people so i guess i want her to do it now so yeah she's gonna use her initiative enabled russian she can move to an enemy and then deal one exposure to each adjacent enemy these are face down tokens and a lot of them have damage on the back or they push the enemy some of the damage is contingent on which round it is you gotta track like the rounds um so yeah let's try this out so boom and then there we go which means they are vulnerable to her chain lightning combo love it but that's it for initiative enabled so let's start activating the hunter has the highest threat so she has to pick somebody first and she doesn't have her dodge well it's okay we'll we'll have i don't know this guy activate we draw a car and it's an ace it says acid burns deal one to an adjacent hero and it prefers the active hero that's the green thing otherwise the fear with the highest threat that doesn't apply because he's not adjacent okay unless a gauge moves to the highest threat which is the hunter herself and then melt face deal two damage to an adjacent enemy so he's running into a group with the hunter and then dealing two damage now before the attack fully resolved she's going to use her panic attack so she gets to roll two dice and place them gosh hopefully more rain strikes or re-arms that'd be amazing oh would we get okay um i can maneuver again and rain strike that's great and then the two damage happens but lucky us hahaha nothing doing we don't take any damage that was awesome all right then the elementalist is going to choose now the bad thing here is he is like surrounded by people because again when there's twice as many enemies or more so if i activate this one i'm less likely to take damage because if i get the two they would deal extra damage of their adjacent and right now he's not but i don't necessarily want to get more people on me see i'm gonna activate i don't know like uh the guy with the most life right here oh this worked out great i knew that i should leave them kind of broken because i remember that the acid splash was better if my hit points is even it's not because he has a broken health on top deal one damage so that's ignored oh no armor stripper remove two armor from the person and then deal two damage darn so he loses his one arm and then he takes two actual damage i forgot about my shield of doom so that's not great uh that's two out of six one-third dead ouch but that's the end of their activation so now we can go a little bit wild and attack things and i think first i want to do chain lightning with uh this guy because the exposure tokens get revealed and resolved once you attack the people so to gain the bonus from this which says if possible deal one damage ignoring one armor to an exposed character adjacent to the original target to uh have that happen they need to have the exposure token still so you're gonna deal three damage to a character ignoring one armor and then if possible deal another damage to somebody um if they're exposed so this is anybody uh do i want to like try to finish off one slime at a time i mean in the role playing it it's always the best way to do it so maybe um sure so let's do three damage to this guy and um he's gonna get pushed which well i guess he's dead so he won't get pushed but it does become two separate guys one with a hurt damage one without and then i can see one damage to somebody who's exposed let's just uh make sure we finish this guy off because it was only a push it was not a damage but uh that's one damage and that is the final token so he's actually gone so at this point every enemy in this group is a single token so they will uh die whenever they get hit which hey hey speaking of let's do blast waves so we remove it to two shields from somebody that won't matter then we do four damage to somebody and push them i mean clearly the push won't matter but for each overkill damage may also deal one damage to an adjacent character yes so i mean good lord if i'm gonna hit this guy so two damage he's dead and then i've got two left one here he's dead and one here come on give me a bonus damage ah darn it i just mean shuffle all the uh tokens back in so this guy is not dead but man uh the elementalists almost wiped them out with his big hammer smash there so great turn for him and now i've got this uh let's see what can i do maneuver i can move or i can gain a heroism i forgot about that um so for her to do a range attack she does have to move away from the slime and say adjacent to her so she'll use that to move then she'll gain a heroism then she'll do a three damage attack two to a character plus one with the heroism so yeah she'll just move away to her own group and then shoot for three i don't want to waste a lot of the damage shooting that guy although i would like to kind of finish them off so let's just shoot this group so um two damage knocks this off as a new slime and the third flips that so we have more people who are on their uh non-even side all right so that was a pretty great i like that turn except for the two damage to uh my friend there we're cooking with gas right now by the way good thing to know we are 100 sure that we're going to draw the two and the joker next turn the joker have not too bothered by it's just gonna expose us and the two is not as bad if either the hunter draws it or if the elementalists can also get away from their enemies if they don't take the extra damage so yeah there's a lot of uh good stuff going on here let's get into the next round oh unless we forget at the end of the round if either of these terrain tokens had not had a dice placed on them for us to use then the enemies would have gained their bonuses but we did use both of them they flip back and now we need to interact with the goat and the shields again or we'll suffer the penalty oh and we didn't use our stealth so it's gone we're not gonna worry about that in this battle doesn't really seem to be too important okay do you do so for my elementalists yes i like that i like that i don't really care about that i don't know if i need to maneuver when i have impatient so ooh she's got the goat and the shields covered so i like just do that although let's go see what the hunter can cover cause i'd kind of like to give her some more shield so she doesn't get hurt too much especially since the hunter has her vest to regain life oh okay so i like the four uh the one for dodge seems pretty good to like get away from an enemy um oh my gosh okay uh the rain strike is good i don't think i want that many ones [Laughter] so let's roll both of these again okay that was a six and another one what the heck which means that i don't have a four except for this four to use on the goat um well panic attack will probably take care of her and then this should i do a second range attack i could like this kill a bunch of guys right now that's never a bad thing yeah let's let's leave her there and let the elementalists activate both terrain and just do a little bit less this turn once again neither of them are suffering anything that's right impatient i guess i want her to run in so let's do that although we can use like rain strike first so maybe the uh the archer will shoot at this guy knock that off and do that yeah like that so that's one of her two range of strikes and what the heck she'll do it again with a second rain strike just like really make the splash damage excellent um and then russian will let the elementalists come in and put exposure on all these fools combo baby and by the way the hunter will use her vest to get a shield i think that's it for initiative although the negative thing i just realized is that rearm needs to be adjacent and i am not so uh and the dodge makes me roll away from them so hopefully wavering will like give me a three for maneuvering or i'll just kind of wasted that four okay hunter is activating hers first we don't wanna do any of them because again the two is gonna deal extra damage if it's adjacent to somebody um so i don't know if it matters too much let's do the big guy who's left and it is the two it's a deal adjacent unless engage moved to the archer and then deal two to an adjacent enemy so he runs over here and then a lot happens with the two attack because first we're gonna use the panic attack and come on okay uh rain strike and a big fat nothing okay and i can use dodd so i would gain one shield that would move to an empty group so if i don't do that i can use rear arm to do three damage but if i do do that i can use rain strike to do two damage so it seems like i want to use re-arm right although i might be surrounding myself and i can't just kill everybody like the uh elementalist does so i think i dodge and get the shield and this kind of waste the rearm i guess i will be putting that on the goat that's not as good for the hunter as i thought it would be so the two damage happened we block it all she still looks pristine and then she moves to a distant group ready to shoot somebody all right then the split happens it doesn't really matter because none of them have a lot of life so it doesn't matter who i pick because all it does is split them if they have three hit points or more which only that one guy did and he already activated so it's just gonna deal two exposure to each of us which i will definitely say is not great because those could be two extra damage on top of whatever they actually deal to us and could like kill the elementals in one shot speaking of the elementalists let's chain lightning baby so three to one character will do it to the guy with the most life left normally care but that would mean extra damage if it was round one it's currently round two so that doesn't apply and then we can attack one person who's adjacent the original target and is exposed it's him he would have been pushed well we're getting a lot of those but instead he's dead and oh no i'm gonna like totally waste my blast wave because i have way too much attack well i'll do it anyway so there's a five and yeah both these guys are taking way too much damage they are gone gone gone so let's left hand is the rain strike for my hunter uh for two damage oh i didn't oh my gosh ah i didn't use these yet um huh could that have changed anything well that would have gotten me a shield but i guess i didn't end up needing it so that's fine and i would go to the shield but then i'd end up in a distant group anyway so that wouldn't matter oh the goat could have given me a plus one okay let's go ahead and use the goat on the archer and then make it a three damage attack instead of two so one two that guy falls off and three and i think that's it because i can't use the rearm on anybody we're not adjacent and that would just move me there and back we would get a shield we would lose anyway uh totally worthless but we did stop the enemies from getting it going around three we've only got one slime left and really the elementalists can basically break that entire crew uh we should be able to wrap this up i think pretty soon which also means by the way i'm really not worried about the terrain if i'm like about to win anyway all right all righty i like that i like that all of this is good um do i care i guess i do want the shields you know it's even let's use the shield here and get double shields and then of course watch we're gonna get that ability that uh takes away shields from a hero oh wait no i wanna use russian right i don't think i really need maneuver do i so i'll change that into a one that would have actually been a one so there we go we've got two shields we've got russian we've got both our attacks i feel pretty good about that and then how about our friend the hunter rain strike that's good i like dodging i don't really think i'm going to try to re-arm okay so let's roll again and okay another rain strike i love that the two for the pile of shields i mean that that's a shield it's still a shield so sure oh and okay well now i'm gonna put that on panic attack though because i don't get the automatic exposed so i'm gonna put this on the shield train but we'll leave the goat with nothing and all right initiative enabled we're definitely doing two range strikes we do the same trick we did last time that and break and uh then we'll hit him again so it's a whole bunch of broken people just waiting for a hammer to fall and indeed it will fall because we'll have uh the elementalists rush in and put exposure on all of them not that we really need it we're doing too much damage here notice i can't use the ambusher's vest because i am exposed for the hunter so no bonus shields for her she's gonna get hurt here probably but i think we're ready to go let's us see who attacks us where now unfortunately elementary has a ton of people next to her so she's gonna kind of get hit anyway so well let's have the hunter activate one of them i guess this one that's the ace which one was that ah deal one damage to an adjacent hero so that's one to the elementalist plus okay it is round oh my gosh that's three damage to the elementalist so two is blocked by her shield but she's down to three life then the guy's engaged so he's not going anywhere and then he does two more damage see elementalist has one life left and oh my gosh what am i doing i just realized that was the hunter's activation which means now the elementalist has to activate somebody it's probably gonna be like someone who melts her face off darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it turn it darn it i don't even know what to do okay we'll activate this guy uh for the elemental sexual activation the joker oh that's a split one so we get two more exposure on the hunter two more of the elementalists but no death yet no death that was huge that was a one in three chance otherwise the elementalists would have been basically automatically killed but now i think we should be able to mop these guys up no problem whatsoever did i forget to use this again to get a shield it's fine it's fine whatever whatever i say because elementalist is doing a plus wave uh so hitting this guy he's got two life and that is plus one damage that's five damage that's three overkill one we don't even care bonus damage bonus damage what was that one not bonus damage because it's not round two it's uh round three or later it's the three so all dead and then we don't need the chain part we just need the lightning boom get out of here and that is a victory and at the end of the fight we refer to our setting card let's see we get two money one epic item one heroism for the next fight this kind of hangs around and we get to roll for loot twice let's see what we get first for the epic a force shield using the roll phase rotate your die result to one okay just like the thing they already have use after attack on your resolved attack and deal two to the attacker oh my gosh that is awesome so i like that one a lot and it's two strength currently none of us have that but that would be too hard to get okay and loot rolls plus two is gonna be oh my gosh plus one money another epic item plus one is gonna be a five plus one comment item that'd be three money we need five to level up again so we're pretty close to there blade of the doompocalypse oh man strength agility intelligence no none of them have all of that yet but what does this do if adjacent to a terrain gain a heroism token and a bonus die oh my god that is incredible that would make things a lot easier and then shield of honorable deaths use if surrounded gain the taunt or whatever it's called and remove one exposure okay that's not nearly as cool but yeah i mean all the rest of this stuff we would be rocking it i think in round two that's a pretty good setup to move forward but uh that's how the game works you saw the battles and the adventure let's talk about my thoughts so first the adventure phase it's fine it's uh it's entirely fine uh even when i played the game back in the day this was kind of the part that i cared less about i do like that it gives some variety to the battle that comes up because you might have different tokens the way you level up might be different and there are some cool like little combos and exploration things you can do to try to like unlock these different bonuses and things but often i haven't found much reason to like move beyond the three that are available at first unless you're in the third phase of the game like the end of the game where you have to move fast enough to find like the boss's lair so uh you know that's not always super interesting in the first and second adventure phases but yeah these like little choices of actions you do the theme is pretty fun the events give a lot of replay there's a lot of variety in what happens here but again it's not like my favorite part of the game it's pretty quick but the battles are really where things get sexy and this is just kind of like uh you know the preamble and it kind of gives you a slightly varied setup to how you get there so it's okay but i did ask the designer if he was maybe going to give like an official way to skip this and just get straight to a battle or even skip round one and two and go like right to a level three battle because the game is like a roguelike like i said and you can often die early and not get to the final fights you might not see those last bosses very often and he said that i think he is going to be developing that so if you don't love the adventure phase you can choose to skip it sometimes which i think would definitely be really cool but again it's fun like i like the goofy humor the action variety is pretty neat but it's just uh again sort of a extra thing and i really want to get to the fighting now speaking of the fighting like i already said this is a system that i'm a big fan of i love the abstracted thing i'm not personally a big fan of miniatures and the fact that they get so much with so little in this uh part of the game is really cool and the variety and how the enemies work and like what they can do is pretty ridiculous like it's really great to be different ai you have to deal with and like the different combos you can pull off now the negative of that is that sometimes your abilities like just don't work that well you know again it's got that roguelike thing where sometimes your build is just not right for who you encounter and you know in this one my blast wave my chain lightning friggin great they were made to take down these randomly splitting blobs whereas if i had like just really big attacks that didn't have any splash damage i might have had a very tough time with this one so there is some randomness in that and like how you level and what uh equipment you get and how things go that could make the fight easier or harder and the fights themselves have a lot of randomness because sometimes you just don't roll what you need and like the most common one is sometimes you're a melee character and you just can't move into range now to be fair with the terrain you've got a lot of options to kind of use other dice results with these traits you have a lot of options to use things like man this uh russian was amazing so i think they do have a pretty good luck mitigation and you generally have tactical options even if you can't do everything you want to do but just be aware that you know sometimes the luck can be against you and same thing with the activation cards like sometimes get the wrong card the worst possible card or the best card with somebody i think all this makes the battles exciting and tactically varied and interesting especially with the different bosses you have to fight but you know it might frustrate people who aren't looking for a ton of randomness there's certainly a lot cropping its head up in here now to mention a few other things they do have a true solo mode they're working on i didn't find it to be super balanced yet that's why i didn't show it in the video i find that it's quite a bit harder because the thug basically has like a little activation deck that has him do stuff if you like set him up in the right way and then he also like gives you one die or a few dice depending on how much you've leveled him up but i found that he was in my opinion markedly weaker than like an actual second hero so i think uh unless they beat them up a little bit i'd probably still play two-handed over true solo but if they get it to work i love the puzzle of trying to set up the guy to do his bonus actions like if you can uh kind of think through your turn you can make him do the best stuff too so i think that's really cool like making the kind of this a helper ai work in your favor but i don't think we got the balance right yet so i hope they keep on working on that i'm also not 100 sure about the balance with the terrain as you saw there are generally two pieces in each fight and uh you can each put one die on it so with four players you have a lot of extra dice and it's really easy to activate the terrain every time with two players and especially in true solo right now it's very uh sometimes tough to activate the train especially if it's not like effect you want so then even though it's kind of there for dice mitigation you can feel like you're being punished because the ai is getting all these extra options now this is totally an optional thing if you just want to have them be on their boring side and they don't do anything you can do that but i i am curious how the terrain is like better balanced for multiple player accounts i feel like right now it's not quite there well like i said i've been a fan of doomrock for a long time if you like really interesting dice placement if you like tactical combat puzzles if you like huge variety in the enemies you're going to face and like trying out new strategy against new bosses if you like a mix of like kind of narrative light adventuring and really interesting like character builds and like creating different combos of ability cards and gear and all that stuff i think this one could be a winner for you but again watch out for the randomness uh the exploration phase the adventure phase might not work for some people because it's kind of uh separate from the rest of the stuff the battles can be random they can be punishing and like a lot of roguelikes you will often die early and not even get to see the final boss let alone defeat them so all those things are good to be aware of thanks for watching and i'll see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 11,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, doomrock, assault, crowdfunding, gamefound, solo, play, playthrough, impressions, preview, review
Id: 3bUTuKKmmNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 42sec (3162 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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