Earthborne Rangers | Campaign Day 1 | Solo Playthrough | With Colin

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in a secluded Valley nestled in the Terminus of the barrier mountain range the runs of one of the longest inhabited archaeologies can be found the archology was occupied by the people known today as the esans whether the esans left their archology voluntarily or were forced to do so it is not known how they lived can only be guessed at by the people who've explored their ruins and studied the remnant of their technology however one thing is clear where most Archies failed this one th vied and expanded over the course of a thousand years the esans were great thinkers accomplished scientists and masterful Engineers but when the Valley's current residents arrived only the ruins of the esans civilization remained the people had disappeared those who had become the Valley's current inhabitants were once a nomadic people the ruin of the archology from which their ancestors emerged can be found in the Midlands on the northern coast of the messapian sea they were a thoughtful Society careful to preserve their knowledge cultural and deep connection to the Unseen World after they emerged they wandered for Generations at first they searched for a new home but instead what they found were countless others in need a Wanderer here or there scavengers and fledgling communities in light of their Discovery they set aside their search for a home and helped all those they encountered they shared their knowledge of the old world and the new moving on only when they were certain that their help was no longer needed as the years wor on their desire to settle grew but all agreed that they would not cease their Journey until they found a place Bountiful enough to support them they were determined not to stop anywhere where they might deplete the resources another Community relied upon it was only when the snow and ice of the bitter past Tha giving them access to the esan valley that their requirements were met there they found a place that could sustain them without damaging the Earth their ancestors had worked so hard to restore the valley has its predators and dangers and its share of inclement weather and poisonous plants heck of it dind would lack the balance in the valley they found a flourishing ecosystem of which they could become a part species with whom they could coexist and a balance they could work to maintain in the valley they had found their home hello everyone and welcome to meet me at the table this is Colin and today I've got a treat for you we're going to start a playthrough of earthborn Rangers this game is really interesting in you guys it is a very heavy exploration game uh so think of Arkham hor and Lord of the Rings we've got that lcg feel this also has that same lcg feel yet it has much more of the focus on narrative and exploration and much less about combat and completing objectives within a certain amount of time in this game there's no real win or loss at least from what I can tell so far instead what you do is you play through 30 days of a campaign after you complete those 30 days you're going to see how many missions that you can complete now you uh sometimes won't have a mission and you might have to just continue to explore till you find one from what I understand and you might have achievements or um the notable events that you need to write down uh yeah it's really interesting I'm very excited to show this to you and if you all enjoy this first video I might do a bit of a campaign here cuz I I think that this game is doing something somewhat unique in that instead of you always fighting enemies cuz this is one of the things actually my wife talks to me about all of my co-op games I'm always fighting enemies and this is not about that this is about actually preserving nature and we love hiking we love nature here at the Degan household so being able to see a game that's focused on that makes me very excited we will be playing with just one Ranger you can play this solo from what I understand it's pretty good still at solo I think the best just with like any of the lcgs it seems to be two is really your your best bet but I think with uh the newness of the game and making it easier for me to handle while recording we're just going to play one I don't think we'll lose too much so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to show you how to set up and build your deck initially and then from there we'll start with our campaign there is a prologue that you can go through that actually will help you build your deck but everything that I've read has said that the prologue can be a little bit confusing so we're just going to skip that and start with the campaign uh but I can still show you how you can set up your deck and heck you could set up your deck if you have this game with me if you'd like as always don't forget to turn on those cling on subtitles you'll see one popping up if you have them on right now in case I make any errors and miss them in editing all right let's get going we'll start with the deck setup if you don't want to see that and you want to see us just start the campaign go ahead and look at the timestamps it'll tell you where to go in the video all right let's take a look at how to set up your deck the first thing you want to do is Cho choose your aspect card there are four different aspects in the game we have awareness Spirit Fitness and focus and all these cards have different numbers and values in the different locations so they recommend that you draw four of them and pick one or you can do it any way that you want I chose this one because if you are playing with one Ranger they recommend that you have Fitness level of at least two so I picked three because I thought that'd be easier especially when playing on camera so this has a fitness level of three and I do have the deluxe components so that will mean I have three Fitness tokens there's these red tokens on here I'll have two awareness I'll have two spirit and I'll have one focus and this will help drive what types of cards I can put into my deck because you use these resources each turn to play out cards in your deck after you've chosen your aspect card you're going to start building your deck itself the first set of cards you're going to choose are your personality cards you need to have one person card for each of the different aspects and you need to make sure and you can see here that your aspects are at least at the value of the card that it says here so this one has one awareness well I have two awareness so I can certainly have this card in my deck if that had said three awareness then I could not put that in my deck because my awareness level is only two the four different personalities I've chosen are Vigilant versatile determined and engaging one of each of the colors and each one has a slightly different ability which will as we play but yeah I decided that for my Ranger and you could pick any of these I mean you can see there's tons of them uh but you do it like I said you have to look this one you need to have a level two Fitness so if you didn't have level two Fitness you wouldn't be able to pick that personality card each set of Personality cards there's two of them so you'll have 2 4 6 eight of these personality cards in your deck the next step of setting up your deck is choosing your background so your background represents your experience from early life to Young adulthood it contains your skills and equipment that you're going to bring with you as a ranger we have chosen there's Artisan forger Shepherd and traveler I chose traveler there are a total of nine unique cards in the traveler set I get to choose five of them once again I have to make sure that the focus level or awareness level whichever one it is fits within my aspect so these are the five that I've chosen to put into my deck just like with the personality cards there's two of each of these you'll always have two of every card in your deck now we get to choose our speciality so your Rangers speciality represents the training and experience of your Rangers adulthood and the specialized training that they bring as a ranger I can either choose an artificer a cons a cons conciliator an Explorer or shaper you know I'm going explore traveler Explorer sounds awesome that allows us to hopefully move around a ton within the map which is what I'm interested in doing exploring all the different locations so this will have the same thing there's nine uh actually this this one there's 14 unique sets of cards I'm selecting five of those 14 once again I have to make sure I do have three fits so I can have the afforded by Nature card we have our Orland hiking Stave walk with me we've got our hydrone goggles and a leaf in the breeze so those are another set of uh five each one there's two of each that's 10 more cards so 10 cards plus 10 cards plus eight that's 28 cards so far your speciality also comes with a roll card and that roll card card has an ability so we can either choose the undaunted Seeker or the Peerless Pathfinder the undaunted Seeker we can exhaust this when you perform a test Dodge a card don't worry I'll explain that as we play this one we can move our Ranger Focus to a feature but then that feature fatigues us this seems to be a lot better in Co-op I feel like this guy will be a lot better in Solo so we're going to be the undaunted Seeker we have 28 cards in Our Deck we need a total of 30 we get to choose what our outside interest card will be once again there'll be two of them that gives us the 30 and this could be anything that's a little overwhelming at the beginning uh but think of it this way this car represents your hobbies and passions outside of your day-to-day life this is a single card chosen from any speciality or background Set uh unfortunately I don't know all the cards that well so what I did is I went and picked one that I thought was interesting and picked the card from it so I thought the artificer looked kind of cool so I picked this one this is called the infusion canteen I've now shuffled up my 30 card deck I have our round structure common test card we have our roll over here our aspects which is what we're going to use to spend and pay for cards to play them out on the table we have our equipped gear area here now this game uses really interesting words uh for this is your threat area thinking of Lord of the Rings or uh even AR hor but they call this Within Reach so you're within reach that think of it as things that are engaged with you or near you that you can deal with and then you have things that are along the way which we'll see in a second we also will have a fatigue stack as we play which we'll set here and any cards that we discard will go into this spot if you've played Lord of the Rings the lcg I think of the along the way as the staging area so things might come out here that might prevent us from moving forward in our location but it's not a immediately right in front of your face we have our location and you'll see how we set this up in a second as we get into the story we have a weather card uh we know we start with the perfect day weather card I wish it was a perfect actually it was a perfect day today for us uh and then we have a mission that will also be told to us in a second and then finally I have my challenge deck here now this challenge deck is going to be used whenever we do tests we're going to flip one of these and it's going to modify whatever test we're doing so if we're doing an awareness test we flip that one it's gonna subtract two from our successes so think of it like the chaos bag in Arkham Horror but it's a lot less mean the differences are minus two up to plus one so you can have min-2 minus one or zero or+ one and then what's really unique and cool about this game that I think is really interesting is at the bottom of each card you're going to have a symbol and that symbol is going to match cards that are out on the table and as long as they're not exhausted you're then going to activate those abilities when you flip these challenge cards you don't always know it's going to happen when you are doing a test when you do a test all of a sudden that could cause clouds to show up maybe on the perfect day or it might have something happen with the mission uh really interesting so uh we'll put our challenge deck here with that we've done our initial setup technically these shouldn't even be on the board because we don't know about them yet but we'll jump into the story and then that will get us to where we're ready to start playing crusting the gentle grassy Hill you see the unmistakable silhouette of the Lone Tree station rise out of the Highland Plains before you Lone Tree station is aptly named the single massive Giga Redwood Towers above the hills and swaying grass that surrounded you can just make out Eaves and balconies among the gnarled bark doors tucked into the winding roots and hanging gardens suspended from the branches as you draw closer a woman in a freshly pressed cloak steps out from the main entrance and waves calypsa your Mentor for the past 9 months strides towards you with a man who just looks about your age at her heels hello she calls out you made it just look at you she claps her hands her smile warm and her grip firm I'm glad to have finally have you here she says then she turns this is Cal Iver I trained Cal last year right before I started training you Cal Ivor gives you a nod in greeting a pleasure he says put the Lone Tree station location into play in the surroundings we'll see that in a second calypsa heads back to the station with you and Cal and toe she speaks back over her shoulder please make yourself at home explore the Hanging Garden find spirit speaker n and Cordo and strike up a conversation get to know the place after you spent some time here at the station you should head over to White Sky she says in fact High pimp poot has some juniper biscuits baking right now his food is legendary around these parts once those biscuits are ready and you've had a chance to poke around take a parcel over to White sky and offer them to the People You Meet it's been at least a year since our neighbors have enjoyed the company of Rangers bearing treats she turns to Cal what do you think Cal good way to get started Cal grins at you in a way that you can't quite describe as a sneer handing out baked goods I think that's perfectly suited to their abilities he says we now have a choice we can either tell Cal what he can do with that condescending attitude or we can simply ignore him I'm in The Stance of ignoring him let's do that calypsa shakes her head and laughs oh Cal you're not long past delivering biscuits yourself it's tradition after all we get to write impressed calypsa on the campaign tracker on our campaign tracker we have impressed calypsa here and I'm realizing we should probably Circle in day one that's where we are right now and as we complete days we will continue moving up if you can see this it shows us on the campaign tracker as well what type of weather you start with so we have a perfect day for our weather we now will gain the biscuit delivery Mission add it to the mission section of the campaign tracker and put its card into play in the surroundings check the campaign tracker for the weather we know it's a perfect day calypsa turns to you Cal and I are heading out into the valley we'll be on Shadow Patrol that is we'll never be too far away from you for the next few weeks you shouldn't need our help of course Cal says I can tell by looking at you that you're more than capable farewell for now calypsa says and start starts down the Eastern path away from Lone Tree Spirits guide you follow your instincts she and Cal walk steadily out of sight our goal right now is to explore the Lone Tree station to find High pin poot retrieve the Juniper biscuits and learn what to do next we now need to create the path deck by shuffling together the woods and Lone Tree card sets I'll be a total of 17 cards in total place it above the surroundings then complete all initial setups by performing the setup steps in the at the back of the Lone Tree location card and placing three Cloud tokens on the perfect day weather card that concludes setup you're ready to play now explore Lone Tree station and find high pin poot let's start by looking at our location called The Lone Tree station first of all who can say that this art is not amazing I love the art of this game I can just I can feel that I'm there I I love it so over here we have our presence value that is usually used when doing certain tests over here in order ordered us to move to a new location we need to have a total of three times the amount of Rangers so that's only one so we need three progress on the Lone Tree station and then during the travel phase hey does that sound like Arkham or maybe Lord of the Rings I should say actually that's Lord of the Rings during the travel phase we can move from this location to the next location if we would like we also have a test on this card itself we can test our awareness plus discard any cards in hand with the connection symbol and that's a lot like uh Arkham hor where you're going to discard a card with that symbol to help boost that test and then what we can do is we can scout path cards equal to your effort and then draw One path card whenever we do a test we're going to add up all of our value of the awareness that we spend so let's say I spent two awareness and let's say I discarded a card with uh this uh connection symbol as well so that would be an effort of three I flipped a challenge guard it was minus one so then my total uh effort here would be two so that mean I get to draw two path cards look at them and Scout them which means that I can grab two I can look at them and then I can place any of them on the top or bottom of the deck and then I will have to draw One path card each location will have arriv Ral setup items that we have to do and the first thing you can see here is we have to read entry number two visible for miles around Lone Tree is a single enormous Giga Redwood rising out of the thick grass of a high Prairie from far away the tree is all you can see but as you come closer you can see the rest of the station the large box garden plots hanging from the branches the Airship Swift mured to its Dock and the trees Crown the doors and windows carved into the trunk and the peeking out from Among The Roots Lone Tree station has been the base of operations for the rangers ever since the people came to the valley and ever since you became a ranger it's been your home we now need to search the path deck for the next predator and discard it I'll show you what that means in a second and then the lead Ranger which heck is me I'm going to draw One path card the campaign book told us to combine the woods encounter cards with the cards from Lone Tree station and that is in general how you're going to create your path cards for that specific location that you're at so long as it's a pivotal location I'll show you as we play how you determine which of the different encounter sets you're going to include with the pivotal location but for this one we start with the woods and we have our Lone Tree this card that's why I started with this one on top is a predator so I'm going to discard this prowling uh wolf hound and then what I'm going to do is shuffle all of these two together to make our deck and that's high pimpo that's who we're looking for the chef after we have shuffled up our path deck we will draw our first card because that is what we need to do for our setup we have our Sitka do you can see this arrow that Arrow tells us whether it is within range or if it's along the way if that arrow is pointing up it means it's along the way it's in that staging area if you think of Lord of the Rings for here since the arrow is pointing towards us that will be within reach we can see on this right hand side the presence of this Sitka do is one and we have if this uh D receives two harm tokens so there's no damage in this game instead there's harm so two harm tokens uh then it will be cleared also if it gets four progress tokens it'll be cleared now let's take a look at our mission biscuit delivery continuing a time honored Ranger tradition calypsa has tasked you with delivering biscuits to the people of white sky as your first mission find high Pinot at lone range or Lone Tree station he'll give you the biscuits and send you on your way during this Mission use the section 91 instead of the normal entries for any of these uh individuals High pin poot cordal Nell and quis Vos also our goal here is to travel away from Lone Tree station while Heim a pin pop is in play and then we'll go to 1.01 we now get to grab Our Deck draw one two 3 four five six cards we get to do one Mulligan how the Mulligan works is any card we don't want we can discard draw back up and then we'll take those discarded cards and shuffle them back into our Ranger deck how a day plays out in this game is you can go until you decide that you want to be done for the day or if ever you take three injuries you have to be done for the day or or if your Ranger deck is empty and you need to draw then you have to end the day also some missions if you complete them require you to end the day so we're just going to take a day as it comes I have no idea how long a day is going to be here we have our six cards in hand we have the Orland hiking Stave which I really like that's equipment you're going to see there's these two dots here out of five you can have a total worth of five dots of gear out at a time so I like that one I'm going to keep that one this one says when you play this gear attach a moment to it from your hand oh I kind of like that one uh this one is that's another gear w three gear one two three that would be all five but I do know that a gear is coming so I think I will mull in this one I'm definitely going to keep this one and I'm going to definitely mull in this one because I already have one in my hand and I think I'm going to keep this one so I've got 1 two 3 four I'm going to draw two more and we have another hiking Stave and Vigilant well then simply take these two cards and put them back into our deck and Shuffle it up and then we are ready to start our turn this is the round structure for earthborne Rangers first things first we're going to have to draw one more path card then we'll move to our Ranger turns that's where we can play a card perform a test or decide to rest once we decide to rest because we can't play any more cards or we choose not to we don't want to do any more tests then we'll move to travel if the location that we are at has enough progress on it then we can travel to a new location finally then we'll just ready all the cards each Ranger will then draw one card gain all of their energy back and then we'll draw another path card we keep rinsing and repeating until our deck is empty or the game tells us that we need to end our day I would like to call out there are four common tests that are almost always available and these are the four it's called Traverse connect remember or avoid Traverse is the main way you're going to get prog ress onto the location you're going to test X and you can see here you're going to use your Fitness which is the reason why they want you to have a fitness of two or more playing solo so our fitness would be up to three and I should say that's not whatever your value is for Fitness so it's not always going to be three I'm going to have to use these resources for Fitness I just have three resources to use but if I use those to play other cards then I'll have less to use on these common tests I can also discard any cards with the exploration approach so that's what they're called approaches uh and then we're going to test X X is equal to the presence of the actual location which we saw for the Lone Tree to only be one so long as we succeed which is equal to or more than that presence of that card so for that location it would be one we get to put uh progress on that location equal to your effort so what's a little bit weird is let's say I have three effort and so I succeed with three I get to play three progress on there even though that location has a presence of one it's not 3 minus one it's a total of the total uh effort that you are giving for that if you fail though you gain one injury and like I told you if you get three injuries that's going to end your day and you put an injury card in your deck for well I don't know how long I'm assuming it's the rest of the campaign maybe you can get rid of it connection here lets you put progress on beans equal to your effort now beans are something like this Sito maybe I want to get this Sitka do out of here I could use that connection to try and connect with the Sitka do getting four progress and then that would discard this from the game there will be other beings that I can do that to not just the sitco do but for an example uh remember this lets you draw cards you use your focus my focus is one I don't have a great Focus uh you can also avoid enemies or I shouldn't say enemies but being or things out there you can exhaust one being by doing an awareness check doing that test against their presence with that we can finally start let's start by drawing our path card and we have the overgrown Thicket this is an obstacle you cannot interact with a card if a ready card with the obstacle keyword is between you and that card so this card will be along the way it's not going to be right in front of us so we can interact with that Sitka do if we'd like but if we wanted to put progress on the location we cannot do that because this is between the location and us so this is basically making us have to get through that Thicket before we can get out to another location we can though do a check on our awareness adding any exploration to hunt for a away through the dense foilage to add a progress to this feature equal to your effort and right now we only need two progress to get this cleared I do also want to show you the Perfect Day card this has a refresh ability discard One Cloud so we have three clouds on here you can see there's a three discard one cloud from this card if there are no clouds remaining then we flip the CL the card itself if ever we flip cards from that challenge Deck with this blue mountain symbol if that test that you're doing when you're flipping is adding any sort of presents we actually get to add one additional because it's a perfect day so while this is on this side I probably want to take care of that overgrown Thicket one more thing I want to show you before I start taking turns here is the Lone Tree station and here's white sky so we're talking about bringing the biscuits over to White Sky we're starting here but look at this whole entire Valley we have to explore I love it so many things that we could do the first thing I'd like to do for my turn is get rid of this overgrown Thicket so I'd like to do this hunt total action however I have something that's in the way whenever you're trying to interact with any cards you have to look at what other cards are in between you and the card that you're interacting I currently have this Sitka do that's in my reach and that means that if I'm going to interact with this one I have to take a fatigue for the presence of every car between me and that overgrown Thicket so right now that would be a one I however don't want to take that fatigue if I don't have to so I'm going to use my ability to Dodge I can dodge one card so I'm dodging that Sitka do to try and take care of that obstacle the next step of our test is we have to commit energy I have to commit at least one so if I had no awareness energy left I couldn't do this test well I have one here I'm going to use that I'm also going to discard determined determined gets me one of the exploration approaches however if you read you can see there's a little uh star there that star says the number of the exploration on this attribute is equal to the number of Fitness in your energy pool well that's three so I just gained three more of these so I have a total effort of four right now this should mean even with a minus two we can clear that overgrown Thicket we'll flip this over and it is awareness plus one boy we really knew how to get through that Thicket so I will discard this Thicket from play which is great we've taking care of that and then after that card has been resolved we look at this symbol and we first look if any of the weather cards have that symbol they don't then the location card it doesn't the mission card doesn't cards along the way don't and cards Within Reach and any cards in our player so actually that doesn't do anything that simple means we simply Shuffle this deck back up so I'll just Shuffle that card back in then I think I'll spend two of my three Fitness energy to be able to put out my Orland hiking Stave this has three what do they call them on this one strides on it and so we can exhaust this to use one stride and add a progress to a trail right now our location does not have the trail keyword if it did we could use that to put progress on the location we also have a test here we can test our Fitness Plus using the conflict approach to actually deal some damage to uh enemies and in this game I should say there aren't any enemies it might be a a bean like the zadoo or maybe there's a predator out there almost all from what I've seen all humans are actually good people it's just the animals or some sort of nature piece that you might need to inflict some sort of harm to get rid of this test will not exhaust the card this one will our next action let's try and do the search at the Lone Tree station but to do that we still have that sit kado do in are within reach area and its presence value is one that means we have to fatigue one card from the top of our deck and put it into our fatigue stack I'll spend my second awareness and I think I am going to spend my afforded by Nature card giving us+ one to the connections that's what that symbol is so I have a total of two successes here and we're going to flip our challenge card that's plus one so that means we have three total esses and none of our cards have this ability out so we're just going to shuffle this back in again but that means we get to draw three cards uh we get to scout the path cards equal to our effort which is three and then draw one of those cards we'll grab three cards from the top of this stack and we have High pimp poot is one of them do you see that and then the uh Sunberry brambles are the other two which are both not enemies you know what I think I'm just going to put these two back on top and high pin poot is going to come right out with us normally when our Chef here shows up we read entry 47 but don't forget this scenario specifically States we read 91 you come across a massive pile of diced and sliced vegetables roots and tubers occasionally more sliced fly through the air to land on top of the pile back already a voice says from Beyond the vegetable pile I told you there's no silver finin Curry to be had until the fish have marinated for at least 3 hours a head pokes out from behind the pile Oh it's you I thought you were Elder thrush she gets so impatient on Silver Fin Curry day calyps is sent you for the biscuits eh they're just out of the oven let me know when you're ready to leave and we'll get you and those biscuits to the good people of white Sky straight away now all we need to do is travel away from Lone Tree station I do want to mention our Chef High Pinot does have the keyword friendly that means whenever they're friendly and we're trying to interact with a card that's not not in this area but it's in a farther area farther away from us he does not cause us uh to gain any fatigue based on his presence value which is great uh cuz that could hurt boy I my first game of this he came out after eight turns this after one turn I mean that's just that's random uh okay I don't think I'm going to try and get through that location this turn because I only have one Fitness left I think though what I am going to do is spend a a one Focus to be able to do our to try and remember may we get to draw a card I could also spend any card with the reason approach to add to that but n let's just see what I get we flip our challenge card over and we have a zero so that means we get to draw one card normally we get to scout cards equal to our effort and draw one of them while I just get to draw the one that we scouted so we have walk with me apparently all of the challenge cards are going to have this symbol on them and uh the only one that has that symbol is our Chef if there's an active Predator exhaust it and added damage on this being equal to that predator's presence thank goodness there's no Predators out so we don't have to worry about that currently I don't think there's anything else I'd like to do this turn going to make this pretty easy so we move to the travel phase can't travel I didn't place any progress on the location so we'll simply refresh anything that's exhausted and then we'll draw a card we drew versatile which is actually a really nice personality card then we have to draw One path card we have the Sunberry Bramble you can see here it will be within reach which which is a bit of a bummer but it is what it is we can do an awareness test to pluck we need two successes we can add one damage to this Fe Fe uh feature and soothe two fatigue what that means we can draw up to two fatigue from our fatigue stack okay uh if you fail this feature just fatigues you the biggest thing I don't love about this is if I'm going to Traverse off of the Lone Tree I have to now exhaust well actually I do have my undaunted seeker and I could Dodge one of those two cards oh that's true I think I'm going to try this Harvest action now you can see this two here it means I need two total successes when doing this local plants for the stew attach a floor face down to high if there are three floor attached to high he prepares a Famous Stew now I don't know if I'm going to be able to do that but the biggest thing is I can get rid of the Sunberry bramall because that's sitting right next to him and I can attach it to him face down that means that presence wouldn't be there then I could Dodge the Sitka do so I don't have to worry about exhaustion I don't know what else I'm going to use my awareness for so I've got two awareness that I can use for this uh I need two successes though so do I want to spend I don't know if I want to spend anything else actually I don't have any reason keywords or Reason approaches on any of my cards you can see here so I think it's just going to be two this will be another awareness test okay we got A plus one that definitely worked that's three we do also have this mountain though that we need to deal with we'll grab the Sunberry Bramble and slide it underneath him and almost we know the next card is another Sunberry Bramble but I don't know when another one's going to come out uh otherwise I would be like maybe we want to check out what the stew is we can always come back here the Blue Mountain here says if this test added any progress it didn't oh and I totally forgot with our refresh this should be down to a two so we only have two clouds now the Sitka do has if there's an active Predator there isn't the next thing we're going to do is spend one focus and play our Reverb locket when you play this gear attach a moment from your hand to this card and this will have two uses on it it says exhaust to use one Echo play the attached moment as if it were in your hand it remains attached instead of being discarded well the only moment I have is walk with me but it looks kind of cool so I'm going to attach it here and now I can use it twice when it's out of my hand now I think it's time to do our Traverse action we're going to exhaust our roll card so that we can ignore The One Fitness of that Sitka dough and we are going to spend three of our fitness here to see if we can get three progress onto that location we only need three so as long as this is a zero which it is we're good we'll Place three progress on the Lone Tree station however we do have this sun here and we need to resolve that and there's one for the mission card if KY Voss is not in the path discard she is drawn by baked goods can you blame her search the valley set which is the general set for and put her into play which is maybe good maybe not good here we have KY vosque she's a rascal unfortunately at the end of each of our turns she's going to fatigue us as long as she's ready if we can exhaust her then she won't fatigue us but that means we take the top card of Our Deck and put it in that fatigue stack she is friendly but she's also persistent so I'm planning on going to another location at the end of this Guess who's coming with me you feel a tug on your backpack and turn to see a young girl girl suddenly walking beside you hi she says do you smell something is hi pimpa baking his famous Juniper biscuits can I have one which way to the kitchen clear KY with progress to help her find the kitchen oh my gosh do we want to help her find the kitchen not only that but because she shows up within our Within Reach area we now have to resolve her Sun ability discard either one progress or one token from a plant insect or gear I don't want to get rid of a progress so I'm going to lose one on our Orland hiking Stave going down to a two she basically pulls it out of her Pockets cuz she's so interested in everything the sit do has if there's one or more Sia bucks in play there aren't so we won't do any of that what we could do which is somewhat tempting but I don't think I'm going to we could use our walk with me after you succeeded a Traverse test which is we just completed I can add progress to a bean equal to our effort well that was three uh that would actually clear her we could help her find the kitchen but but there might be a reason I want her around as you're going to see this is where knowing a little bit ahead of time of what's happening in this mission is going to help me but after we do this part of the mission it's going to be all new for me too so I'm going to have no idea I would love to exhaust her though so she'd stop asking us questions but also because then she wouldn't fatigue us but I can't the two ways I can do that is with Focus or awareness and both of those I've used up all of my energy so I can't do that so I'm just going to end my turn which means she's going to make me f faue I'm going to place another card in my fatigue stack that is two cards large fatigue cards you do have ways to get back discarded cards it's certainly harder now though during the travel phase because we have progress on the location that we need we can travel away from Lone Tree station while High pimp poot is in play we'll read 1.01 High pimp poot places the last Juniper biscuit into the baset and hands it to you there's no better way to begin a friendship than with a freshly baked biscuit he says the people of white Sky just love meeting new Rangers they always come bearing treats high pimpit winks and takes a biscuit for himself you shoulder the basket and walk down the trail towards White sky as you do the enticing Aroma of the biscuits wafts up from the basket you remember that you haven't eaten anything since bre breakfast your stomach growls surely they won't miss one or two ah they probably will I actually don't know but I'm I'm assuming they will flip the biscuit delivery mission to the biscuit basket side then choose a ranger to equip it I think that might be ours what do you think here we have our biscuit basket we can spend our Spirit Plus having connection getting two successes to give a biscuit to someone and move one of these to a human that does not have a biscuit then add four progress to them we also can do a test of awareness and sneak a biscuit soothing three fatigue and moving one biscuit to a roll once we have zero biscuits on this we'll move to 1.0 too but the big thing is this costs two of our gear spaces which is why I only wanted three out right now because I have three out with The Stave and the locket this will make it five our current location is the Lone Tree station we can now travel to either the ancestor Grove boulderfield white sky or the atrox mountains now the story seems to be telling us to go to White Sky which is what I think I'm going to do for now so we're going to move from one pivotal location to another pivotal location but you can see these ones they're nonpivotal locations when you go to one of those locations you're actually going to grab a random set of cards from the valley set deck that's where KY is from uh you'll Grab A random assortment of those cards as well as the train that you're moving across so I'm moving this way to White sky so that means I'm going to grab the Lakeshore cards and the white Sky set shuffle them up to make my path deck if I decided to go to Boulder Field I would grab I think that is that's the woods it' be the same one that I have now the woods with three random cards from the valley set so you just never know what you're going to find with those non-pivotal locations but for now we know we're going to go towards White Sky we're hoping to find some humans and heck we have one right with us following us normally all cards are cleared they do not follow you unless they say they're persistent and KY of course is going to follow us from Lone Tree over to White sky at this point we could also choose to Camp I definitely don't want to camp we just started that would end our day no way I want to uh give out those biscuits and see if we can find another mission uh before we end our first day the white Sky location asks us to read entry 3 from your Vantage Point you can see much of the Southern shore of white Sky Lake from the froth of Rapids at the head of the Silver Fin River to the mix of Rocky priories and pebbl strewn beaches that slowly curve around towards the opposite Shore there you see the the village of white sky and the tiny forms of villagers going about their business on the platforms and docks we then need to draw One path card and I do want to mention this location is a trail so I believe my Orland hiking Stave can help us with that we drew the romping lutrin that sounds great it has the Ambush keyword which means this immediately If It Moves Within Reach or as we can see here we're drawing it and it is in reach uh we have to become fatigued this will be our third card in our fatigue stack now something I do want to mention about the fatigue stack if ever you take an injury you'll take all your fatigue cards and immediately discard them that's because you have ways to soothe fatigue and so they don't want you to take a bunch of fatigue so you can just get extra card draw no when you take an injury that gets discarded the white Sky location has one presence with a total of three progress to progress through it and go to another location we have the same search here where we can test our awareness plus any connections and then we can scout cards equal to our effort and then draw one I also will not forget this time we tick down to one on our weather card because we are doing our refresh we also will draw a card and we have Eagle Eye which I really like Scout three path cards then draw one card and we'll refresh all of our energy we have a total of four cards in hand starting the next round we do have to draw yet another path card and we have the tributary stream this card will be along the way it's an obstacle so we cannot interact with white Sky while this is out uh we can spend an action using our spirit and connection to try and soak our feet and if we do that we then put our presence or our Focus from our Ranger onto this card oh and we can Soo some fatigue that's cool and from how I'm reading this card we can see here that is the Rangers Focus symbol so I believe once we put our focus on the tributary stream it'll actually clear itself that's cool there's also a focus action but we'd have to get two successes in my focus I'm not a very focused individual why don't we start off our Ranger portion of our turn doing the action here spending spirit and connection uh and try and give one of these biscuits to KY before she steals one so I have a total of two spirit the question becomes do I want to spend one more and I think I'm going to I'm going to use versatile now if you read this card before you commit this attribute you may suffer one fatigue if you do it gains one of every other symbol type that's why I like this one because if I really need a symbol hey I could just spend a fatigue to do that but I don't need it I have the connection uh right there for this symbol so I'm good so that gives me a total of three that I'm testing with we'll be looking at the spirit and we have a plus one so that's four we definitely have enough this means we can tick this down to a two we've used used these energy resources and we get to place four progress on ky ky only needed three of progress to be cleared so we'll clear her and because I'm no longer at the initial location I believe I get to read the clear here so I think I'm going to I'm going to read entry 80 it says if it's either cleared by progress or by hurt or harm read entry 80 after a Non-Stop barrage of questions you're a bit surprised when KY suddenly stops talking you turn and she's standing on a rock shielding her eyes as she looks at the sun I would stay and help you some more but I can't be late for dinner see you some other time she hops off the Rock and scampers down the path Vanishing from view in an instant each Ranger soothes tooth fatigue so I get to grab two of the fatigue cards and put in my hand I won't be sad about that we will grab Strider oh strider's a great card and all I can think of as Aragorn and another walk with me we then need to activate all the Blue Mountain symbols this this one would just add more progress but we're good we added enough to KY the romping lutrin has if there's an active Predator other than the roing lutr lutrin exhaust it so there isn't one for our next action let's use our hiking Stave to see if we can get this romping lutrin off our back so we're going to do the strike that's testing our fitness I'm going to use all three of my energy plus I'm going to use Vigilant this is the conflict approach and we have conflict approach here equal to our awareness in our pool right now which is two so we have 3 + 2 which is five total for this test we're now looking at the fitness side and we have a zero so we're good to go there that gives us five the card states that we can add one harm to a bean for every two effort if you fail suffer one in uh injury well we definitely didn't fail we had a total of five so that means we can uh cause two hurt and that uh rine lutrin can hold a total of two so we'll clear this card why don't we play Eagle Eye next using one of our two awareness that we have this will allow us to scout three path cards then draw one of them we have the bubble tidal mucket and Vera so I definitely want another individual so I'm going to put that on top of here I could put these two on the bottom but I kind of like the bubble It looks interesting uh title mucks maybe I'll put actually at the bottom of the stack so this one will be on top of the deck and Vera I'm going to draw right now a massive muscular arm drops over your shoulder and you find yourself face to face with a tall woman wearing a thin smile hello there the woman says name's Vera I make Supply runs all over the lake she sniffs something in your bag sure smells good mind sharing clear virra with uh progress to Charter her boat to immediately travel to any location on white Sky Lake OH interesting she can move us through anywhere on white Sky lake that is really cool Vera or virra however I want to say it uh will be within reach she is friendly we also have a spirit test we can ask her of course it costs three total successes for guidance to discard a water obstacle and add three success to her along the way we have our tributary stream here I might as well try this I only have one Focus I'd have to get a plus one to succeed but you can see here there's no negative effect if I fail so you know I might as well try I'm just sitting here so I'll use this vocus to try and follow the tributary stream and see where it leads us will it lead us true it will not we only have one success that's not enough the sun I don't see anything that has the Sun so I think we're good there and I think after this we are going to end our turn so end the round we won't be able to travel we'll move right to the refresh step that means a perfect day becomes midday Sun okay this says refresh add one Cloud to this card if there are three or more clouds flip this card we have a focus and we can locate that will give us add one Cloud to this card and soothe one fatigue but if we ever flip the sun when we're doing tests now we're going to suffer a fatigue while this is out cuz it's a little hot we'll draw our next card that's our hydrin goggles and right now we can't wear those because we're all geared up we'll then draw our next PATH card and we have the bubble this will be placed along the way but we do need to read uh number 50 standing on the edge of one of white Sky's platforms you can see through the clear water to the lake bed a good 5 m down nestled among the jagged rocks and mud is what looks like a large bubble of Trapped air you can see green within the movement as well you ask one of the locals a young boy if there's anyone in the bubble right now just one he says not taking his eyes off the bobber on his fishing line solaro Mak the archaeologist said he wanted to study some of the old archology gadgets down there when you ask when he's coming up he laughs no idea solaro says the bubble has plenty of food in it you can stay down there forever yeah I'm not going to lie I want to check out that bubble that's a fitness and exploration test it's a swim three though it does say we need to return all of your equipped gear to your hand I don't think I can do that for the biscuit basket so I need to take care of the biscuit basket first first before going to the bubble that also means I might not use Vera's ability to go somewhere else which I could do but I really want to check out the bubble I think if something appears like that you just got to do it so we're probably going to give ver some of those biscuits for our first action and then we're just going to keep trying to dig through that uh that path deck to find another person that we can give our final one to and then we can go jump into the bubble speaking of which Vera said she was hungry so let's go ahead and give her two with our spirit and do I want to do any from our hand you know we can't put on these goggles anyways do I want to use them you know what actually I'm going to do walk with me this will give me three for this test the only way I can fail then is with a minus two this will be a spirit test and we get a zero so we're good there let's see I just I want to check quick none of the cards out have this symbol that means we can tick this down to a one and that means we've placed four progress on a Vera which will clear her you move down the shore and find Vera cleaning the deck of her Longboat she looks up and size you ready you may immediately end the round and travel to one of the following locations gosh that seems really cool too but I want I want to check out the bubble so I'm not going to do that uh if you choose not to travel discard Vera and resolve the remainder of the test as normal what I'd love to do is go searching in white sky but this obstacle is blocking our way and I don't have any Spirit energy so I think I am going to do what I see fit I'm going to use one Focus again I do have a card this Strider that lets me get more of that exploration but it can only be used when interacting with a trail this is not a trail so I can't use it I'm just going to have to draw we need a plus one for Focus to make this work that will work that is a plus one so that's two this time we were able to follow the cheerily winding stream and we would place our Ranger token on here our Focus but that would immediately clear from what I understand because that's all that it needs to be able to be cleared and we'll Place one progress on the location I'm not even ready to move from this location but hey one progress is one progress now what we can do is this awareness test now there is one card that's between us and this uh our surroundings and that's the bubble but its presence is zero so it doesn't uh cause any sort of fatigue remember with that tributary stream that actually was an obstacle so I couldn't even interact with this uh even if I wanted to cuz I could have dodged but uh because it was an obstacle I couldn't Dodge it so I am going to use my two awareness here doing a test we're going to search I of course should have mentioned nothing had this red symbol that's why I didn't do anything after that challenge card draw so I'll grab this one I don't even remember what I'm doing this is an awareness test I gave two and there's a plus one for three this means we'll Shuffle and nothing has well we'll have to see if a card we reveal cuz we have to draw one of those path cards has this symbol we might have to activate it we found a fresh blue kelp weed uh that doesn't look terrible wrap let's see that could heal one injury um okay that's not terrible we've got our canorous niad that's a predator definitely going to put that at the bottom of the deck and definitely going to put this at the bottom of the deck so I guess that means this Fresh Blue kelp weed is going to come within reach it gives us a focus ability which which of course I can't even use uh but the big thing is no presence to be an issue when we're interacting with other cards also that card we just reveal did not have this red symbol so now I'll Shuffle Up The Challenge deck I think I'll just end our round I'll Place One Cloud on the midday Sun once we get three on there it'll be a perfect day again I'll draw one card from our deck and we have engaging then we'll flip over our path card and we have Elder MTO growl he is another individual we can give biscuits too yay well well what have we here Elder MTO sets down his fishing pole and walks towards you the Rangers famous Juniper biscuits the smell alone is almost enough to make me forget about our troubles if only we could solve our problems with baked goods clear Elder MTO with progress to learn what's troubling him you better believe we're giving him a biscuit but I want to show you his action that you can do you can listen you can listen to him because he's incredibly knowledgeable of course I would need three successes my focus is only one it's not going to be likely that would also be using the reasoning approach I don't think I have any of those in this deck I I probably shouldn't actually I wanted to just call out my my son is reading the Rangers Apprentice right now and uh the main character's name is Will so he's a ranger so I'm going to say that we're playing will this is our character will is on this adventure all right I this listen states that you you can return a moment from your hand to your collection and choose a starting moment from your collection that you meet the aspect requirements for and add it to your hand and it's permanent wow that's really cool I don't even have any moments in my hand anyways so I'm not going to do that second of all there's no way that I'm good enough Will's not great at listening yet we have to find a better way of doing that instead we're so excited about that bubble we've got some biscuits we go here Elder MTO take them take them so that's going to cost us at least two spirit uh I don't have anything else that I can give well I could give my hydrin goggles but I like those way too much so I think I'm just going to keep it as those two we'll flip our card here and we can see our spirit is zero that means we succeed that will mean we will remove the last biscuit from this card that means we'll give that to imp place four progress on Elder MTO and that is more than enough to clear him when we clear him we read uh 51 Elder MTO shakes his head it's hard to think of any problems greater than quiet that massive bearded Lynx has been stalking our Shores for weeks she nearly ate someone just the other day do you think you could get her to leave us in peace we could either choose to agree to help or not today why would we not agree to help I want missions yeah gain The Lure or quiet mission reminder find quiet in the valley set and attach her face down to the mission card you may choose this option only if you don't have another lure or confront Mission I don't discard Elder growl we have here The Lure Mission locate one of the local Mega Predators by finding prey to lure it out when a prey is cleared set it aside arrive at a new location while there's five or more total presence of prey set aside then we'll go to 1.42 so I need to find prey and clear prey and then I basically bring that so think if that's what the Predator is trying to go for so that's what quiet's going for I'm going to keep the card faed on so you don't get to see it it's kind of a cool card uh it's it's that Predator that we're trying to find so we're going to collect these prey cards and then we're going to move to a new location when we have the five prey and that's going to lure it out oh that's really cool I like how they do that H this game's very interesting now though we have zero bis on this gear so we can go to 1.02 with an empty basket you continue down the path until you come across calypsa and Cal resting beside a bubbling stream calypsa gestur towards the basket how did it go she asks you tell her of the people you met in your travels today and how each was appreciative of High pimp pops Bakery kypa stands and makes a show of studying you closely and no crumbs I'm impressed Cal I believe this settles our vet he figured you would snuck a few for yourselves Cal looks at you suspiciously you need to learn to live a little he says I guess I maybe could have eaten one oh well complete the biscuit delivery Mission and return the biscuit basket to the collection each Ranger sues to fatigue then go to 1.03 okay I only actually have one card in the fatigue and that is versatile so I'll go ahead and put that into my hand I have a hand of five cards now from down the path comes the sound of melodic whistling before long a man man wearing many layers of cloaks and walking with Aid of an ornate conduit follows as he passes he tips his wide brimmed hat in your direction good day to you friends good day Master L Calypso replies lone trees Hanging Gardens are thirsty they'll be grateful for some rain fear not my dear calypsa for there is no shaper more skilled at stirring the clouds than I by the time you return those Gardens will be thoroughly sated or should I say satiated with that the shaper continues down the path he resumes his whistling as he passes from sight Cal shakes his head that fool is overly impressed by his own abilities he says trouble will come of it Mark my Works calypsa nods then turns to him it's time you should be on your way she says the village Elders often have tasks that require the help of the Rangers heck we just got one I recommend that you seek them out on your travels I know also that Cordo would like some help dealing with the costic multure that roams The Woodlands I'm not sure what he has in mind but you can seek him out at the Lone Tree station if you're interested farewell with that calypsa and Cal disappear into the forest leaving you to explore the valley on your own what you do now is entirely up to you you could for example spend time exploring the different path types to familiarize yourself with flora and fauna or you could travel to pivotal locations on the map and delve into uh the path deck to find people in need of assistance and missions to complete take your time you'll be called upon if there's an emergency now you may end the day or continue playing I can't believe the audacity of that book end our day yeah right I just found the bubble I am not going to end my day and I have a lure Quest I have so many things to do so many things to do now with that you can see I have the sun here I still have to resolve that and unfortunately after resolving all those cards I have to resolve the weather from how I understand it so I'm going to suffer one fatigue which is a bummer cuz I just did soothe fatigue but I'm going to have to lose one card to the fatigue stack for our next action we're going to jump into the bubble if we can that's going to be a swim test now I do have the Fresh Blue kelp weed in our Within Reach but you can see the presence is zero so I don't have to do any fatiguing uh I am going to spend all three of my fitness for this but that's just barely enough so what I am going to do is use that versatile that I just drew which does not have the right symbol but what I can do is suffer a fatigue so I'm going to take that top card of Our Deck so that it does have the right symbol that gives me four to a three just don't be a minus two and we're good to go it is a minus one just barely but we are good this will mean we'll return all of our equipped gear to our hand and move our Focus to this feature and that'll immediately clears it which means we'll go to uh 50 in the book the air inside the bubble is surprisingly still and Laden with enough oxygen that you feel as though you've woken from a deep sleep in the center of the bubble you see a disc made of dull gray steel maybe a few meters across someone has laid a bed roll next to it and the same someone is crouched over the disc studying it intently the man looks up from his work and waves welcome to the bubble come over here why don't you solaro shows you the disc which appears to be stamped with concentric rings of indecipherable text he also shows you a translation device he's built a glass plate that when laid over the text slowly translates parts of it into something legible after a long time enthusiastically talking about his work solaro gets a thoughtful look in his eye you know there are archology ruins all over the valley if you ever find anything interesting I'd love for you to bring it by me and show me I can give you one of my translation plates too this might help in any exploration you do gain the archology archaeology Mission feel free to come back and show me what you found you can find me here or in the SP down in the archology OR out in the field studying the fractured wall so much to discover I can't bear staying in one place too long here is our sign mission he's asked you to keep an eye out for remnants of the old archology for him after a ruin is cleared read 1.49 after this Mission has three check marks find solaroo to continue now we've got ourselves to missions I also don't want to forget I still have that blue symbol I need to resolve and I believe the flesh or fresh blue kelp weed have one it states if there's a romping lutrol Within Reach it's not our last action for this round we're going to put on our hydrain goggles okay this only holds one of our gear slots which is cool we have to do an awareness test to clarify uh and that's going to let us Scout path cards equal to our effort and then draw one of them will has decided to rest for the round that will take this up to a two for our clouds one more set of clouds and we'll have a perfect day again we'll draw a card and then we will draw a path card we have drawn determined which actually could be good if we wanted to move out of white Sky we'll flip over our path card and we have a romping lutrol which of course will immediately Ambush us which means our top card of Our Deck goes into our fatigue stack we don't have a lot of cards left in Our Deck I have counted 12 cards exactly the romping lutrin has the prey keyword and remember we need five presents worth of prey cards to lure out quiet all of a sudden I got excited so I think I'm going to start my turn by putting out the Orland hiking Stave that's going to cost two of our three Fitness now I'd love to uh cause just a little bit of harm and be able to grab that lutrin to save it for later but I would need at least four uh Fitness and that's our what what is that approach I think it's the harm approach actually it's the conflict approach because I can never remember those names so so I need a little more for next round so I think I'm going to wait on that we'll then do a Traverse action which normally would cause us one fatigue because of that rampaging latral but we're going to dodge it with our roll ability so we're going to be doing a fitness test with exploration I have one Fitness here that I can use and then this is considered a trail so I can use Strider so 1 + 3 is 4 for this test we'll flip over our next card oh no it's a on minus one three were still good it was a test against a one because that's the presence of white sky so that means we place three progress which is a total of four uh which is more than enough to be able to move to the next location next time if we'd like but with the sun effect we first have to do the midday Sun that will cause us to suffer one fatigue and that will be our fourth card in our fatigue stack the lutrol also has a sun effect but there's not another rampaging latral in play so that won't happen however we have our walk with me card after you succeed at traversing add a success to a bean and the ramp the romping lnal is a bean uh add progress equal to your effort which was a total of four remember so that's almost enough to actually clear the card uh so we'll put four on the romping latral now I am going to have to spend one of our spirit to do that to play that card you can see here all I need is five to clear the romping latral instead of us causing harm This Is Us actually learning more about it that's how I would see it we'll then spend our second Spirit to try and connect with the romping latral so we will spend one here we only need one success to make this work so a zero or plus one will work min-1 -2 will not if this does succeed we get to add progress equal to our effort which is one and then we could clear it we'll flip our card here and it's a plus one which is two that means we can clear it and that will be the first of five cuz that only had a presence of one so we have one of the five presents for prey that we need for our lure Quest however that sun is out that means we're going to have to fatigue another card oh my gosh we're running out of our deck real fast I'm going to place that car just underneath the lure with it sticking out so that way I can keep track of how much I have on that we'll end our action phase which means we can move to the travel phase I do have enough progress on the white on white sky so I think it's time for us to move from the white Sky we can either move to mount Nim which is a non-pivotal location we and we'd have to deal with uh Mountain Pass cars which I think are pretty challenging we could go to boulderfield which is just some more Woods which wouldn't be the end of the world also a non-pivotal location now you can see here we could take the water down but we're not actually able to do that we can only do that if we uh find something which I do believe during the campaign we will or if we had used I believe her name was Vera she would have let us go down the water which would have been awesome we can't do that so really our options are two nonpivotal locations and I think we're not even going to look at those locations we're going to look at the next locations after it the fractured wall sounds kind of awesome so I think we're going to take the chance and go over to mount Nim because we're going to a non-pivotal location we're going to find the valley set and add three random cards of that with the passcards climbing the Spurs of Mount Nim is tiring work a Brisk wind chills your skin as you approach the summit you look out and see almost the entirety of the valley stretching to the South White Sky Lake glimmers below then following the thread of the silverfin river you can spot the thin gleaming Spike of spire in the distance Beyond you imagine you can see the mouth of the valley where the ground drops away into the emerald expanse of the Vera below we have here the lead Ranger draws two path cards and chooses one to put into play and discards the other if one of the cards has an ambush though we must choose that one now if we were playing with two Rangers or more we'd have to have the next Ranger also do this but we don't have to do that since we don't have another Ranger you can see this location has mountain and Ascent so we're climbing up this yeah maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all but it is what it is I love mountains we either have the shell scree or we have the fresh Sitka carcass the fresh Sitka carcass is a prey and it's a three for presents uh yeah yeah I'm going to pick this one plus the other one was an obstacle why would I pick that so we will put that in uh this one will be in the along the way Mount Nim has the action we can use Focus plus exploration uh as our approach for an Overlook and get three successes we can then choose a nearby location attach one card from that location set face down to this location after you travel if you travel to that location you can put it into play that's a great way to make sure you get one of the pivotal cards cuz the all locations well actually all but one from what I'm seeing on the map are pivotal locations so that's kind of a cool ability but I need three um you know what my focus is yeah one I'm not a very focused individual will is very sporadic not sure if you saw but we need four progress to get through that location and it has two presents so we need to get past a test of two we would Place three clouds on here which means uh add one Cloud if there are three or more flip this card we're going to go back to a perfect day which is actually really nice because if we do Place progress and we flip the blue uh mountain symbol we get to place extra progress oh I like that well then ready Wills roll we can do dodging and we will draw a card and we have perfect recall which is a moment moment play a moment from your discard B without paying its energy cost X is equal to the chosen moment's cost this card can be played at any time specified by that chosen moment oo that could be helpful if we want to use Eagle Eye or something like that nice let's see what else we'll find on the mountain side drawing our path card we have a pouncing atrox this is going to Ambush us which means we're going to have to fatigue yet another card in our from our deck we only have eight cards left in Our Deck I'm I want you to see that red ability on this guy if you have two or more fatigue exhaust this bean and suffer one injury I have I think eight fatigue yeah so he's likely going to attack me unless I do something about him this might be a little bit risky but I'm going to do it cuz I want to will is going to exhaust his roll card that way he can dodge one card and we can interact with this fresh Sitka carcass that means that pouncing atrox who's standing there about to attack us we're going to dodge around him trying to do our watch here we're going to spend both of our awareness that's two right now we need to for this I do think I'm going to use engaging engaging will give us the heart symbol which is a connection uh approach equal to the amount of spirit that we have in our pool which is two so we're doing a four to a two test which guarantees we pass this we'll then flip our challenge card and I was worried about that gosh darn we passed no problem 4 - 1 is 3 that's more than enough for our watch test that does mean we've cleared another prey card cuz we place our focus on this card and that clears it and now we have a total of four pre sitting with us however we now have to resolve all the red abilities this one States if there are two active Predators there's not there's only one so we can actually ignore that one however we most certainly have two or more fatigue so we're going to gain our first injury don't forget when you suffer an injury your entire fatigue stack gets discarded so all those cards get discarded here the good thing about that is that the um pouncing atrox will not continue to injure us now until we gain more fatigue I've marked that injury on my roll card If Ever I have three I immediately have to end my day we need to get rid of this pouncing atrox he's going to be the death of us so I'm going to spend three Fitness here plus I have my other Stave right here which has that conflict uh approach that's going to give us a total of four for our test of two so long as I can keep it at four I can deal two harm to that atrox and that's half of what I need we'll flip over that next card and we have a plus one so that's a five that's actually okay we're still good that will deal two harm but we need a total of four to clear it so not much else we can do the sun says if there's another active Predator here there's no other active Predator that's the only card that has the sun effect next I'm going to do a little bit of metagaming it feels like I have Reverb locket when you play this attach a moment from your hand well I'm going to attach the perfect recall which allows us to play any moment so we'll have both of those available to us uh I'll put a two on here we can do that twice now that will end our turn we go to the travel step we're definitely not traveling I haven't put any progress on there so we'll refresh everything we'll draw a card and we're going to remove one of those clouds and the card we get is afforded by Nature we'll take our clouds down to two our next PATH card that we have we have the agitated metal ARS this is another prey card you guys we can listen to this Bean uh before being uh before a bean moves or ENT play Within Reach you may remove your presence from this prey to exhaust that bean oh that's kind of cool can distract them I have a couple really interesting options here and I'm not sure which way to go what I could do is actually just deal some harm to these agitated metal Larks cuz they're annoying me uh or maybe they're not maybe they're great but I'm still going to harm them because they're a prey they would be our fifth presence then all I need to do is get out of this location and we could lure quiet out and we could try and deal with that uh and I actually I mean I still might have enough left in my deck to be able to do that or I could focus on this atrox clear out that atrox hopefully actually the most uh Fitness I can do is three I could use a focus to draw another card maybe and hope that I get something with that conflict approach um or I can yeah I could just do something else but I I feel like it's too good to have that prey show up up right now uh as bad as it sounds I think I'm going to strike at the at the metal arcs no matter what it's likely going to take us two rounds to do all this so I am going to spend all three of my fitness for this I'm not going to discard any cards I only have two cards in hand anyways so I'm just going to do that strike test I just need to have two total effort to be able to deal the one damage and don't forget it's not damage it's harm of course I'm not killing them I'm just shooing them away think of it that way shoot metal lks you don't want to be around us right that was a fitness test we are good to go that will mean we have five levels worth of prey the only Sun ability that we have out is for the pouncing atrox which doesn't do anything for us so I think the question now becomes do I just end my turn or should I do a test to see what else is in that path deck I'm thinking that's a silly idea let's just end our round this means we'll get our our three Fitness back we'll draw another card and we have a leaf in a in the breeze in our hands so now we have a whopping three cards in hand our clouds will be ticked down to one and we'll draw our next card and our next card is the archology sinkhole oh that sounds interesting we can explore uh and to move your presence on this feature and then if your presence is on this feature you can delve deeper into it oh I want to do that this will go in the along the way but I have F what what do I do the land suddenly drops away in front of you luckily you are paying attention and you catch yourself before you go tumbling down a steep slope you stand on the edge of a large pit where it looks like an entire Grove of trees has collapsed into the ground not long ago between the Tangled mass of splintered trunks you can see what looks like a broken steel archway and cracked pipes leading Into Darkness the sinkhole may have exposed a new route into the old archology beneath the valley clear the archology sinkhole with progress to explore its depths okay will is definitely an explor traveler right that's what I picked yeah we're definitely going for this as I'm playing this game it's reminding me a lot of sleeping Gods except for without the really obnoxious combat which I'm really excited about I love loved sleeping Gods but sometimes that combat could be so brutal uh yeah so if you like sleeping Gods you might like this game okay so I've got archology sinkhole I'm going to do the awareness test oh I do have that atrox that is engaged or I should say and are within reach so I will use my roll exhausted so that I can dodge one card going to dodge that card I'm going to then do this awareness and trying to explore I'm only using one awareness and you're going to see why I will then also use determination which gives us our exploration approach and we still have all three of our fitness so that's 3 + 1 is 4 that means we can't fail this we'll flip over our challenge card and we have awareness of + one so that is 3 + 1 which is 4+ 1 more is 5 that's definitely enough this means we'll place our Focus onto this card and now if we clear this card while our focus is on it we will be able to delve deeper into the archology we then need to resolve all these blue icons if this test added progress it doesn't the archology sinkhole States discard one progress from a feature we can't this card fatigues you we now gain our first card in our fatigue stack we don't want two because if we have two that atrox can injure us again for our next action let's take this down to a one and use our Reverb locket we're going to play a moment moment from your discard P without paying its energy costs but I have to pay X cost here in Focus equal to that chosen moment's cost so I'm using my one Focus energy to be able to play an awareness moment that's cool we're going to use a leaf in the breeze when you Traverse Dodge up to three cards because I am going to try and Traverse right now and this way I can dodge that atrox if I was playing this game with more than one Ranger whenever you have your focus on a specific card anyone else doing tests on that card get plus one to their test solo though you don't get that so there's no real reason to put your focus on here unless the card asks for it I need a total of three progress on here I have a total of the presence for this card is two I am dodging because of that leaf in the breeze the pouncing atrox yet again I have three Total Fitness that I'd like to use and then I have a leaf in the breeze in my hand but the nice thing is that has the exploration approach to give us a total of four so the only way we won't get enough on here is if I get a minus two we'll flip our challenge card and we have a minus two really I don't think I have anything to change that NOP I don't so that means I have only I have an effort then of two the presence is two so I still succeed I don't take an injury thank goodness but I only place two progress all I needed was one more not nothing I can do and for the Sun the only thing that impacted by the sun is the pouncing atrox and there needs to be other ones out so I don't have to worry about that I had this whole idea of using awareness and maybe even Spirit but I don't think I'm going to do it anymore with that failure I'm just going to end my turn I only have one card in my hand this a Ford by Nature uh everything will be refreshed we will draw Eagle Eye which actually isn't terrible that could help us take care of that atrox if we need I then need to change the day from a perfect day to midday sun and we have to draw another path card and I have an obstacle the shell scree fortunately that is along the way and right now I don't have intentions of interacting with Mount Nim although golly that's going to make it really hard for us to move to a new location let's just make everything hard shall we for our turn this time you know what we're doing we're going to Traverse we're going to try and Traverse through this archology sinkhole we will exhaust our roll so we can dodge that atrox that's still in front of us we're going to try and get at least one more progress on here I'm leaving nothing to chance three Fitness that we're using I don't have any other uh cards in my hand that I can use to help that so we'll just draw a challenge card we'll flip over our card and we have plus one to our fitness so that's four 4 + 2 is most certainly six which will mean this card will clear if your focus is on this feature when it clears we're going to delve deeper into it going to 78 once you climb down the inle and into the archology you pull out Solo's translation plate you hold the clear pane of glass in front of your eyes and the words on the walls appear to morph into something legible 20 minutes later you find a workshop the Machinery has been carefully powered down and you are able to activate a small Auto lathe after using it to sculpt several useful items out of the nearby bricks of omni resin you turn it off again the only other items of Interest are a set of small glass bricks tucked into a corner each seems to have Moes of Golden Light trapped in the glass you tuck them into your ruck sack solaro may know what they are oh interesting each Ranger shuffles up to two cards from their discard pile into their deck oh cool I'm going to grab both of these cards and throw them back into my deck not going to lie I was kind of hoping we would get some progress on that mission but it is what it is still cool we're also going to use our Reverb locket again we're going to use one of these we play placed a total of four progress on that feature I'd like to place four progress on the eight TRS that's also in front of us we then only need two more to be able to clear him which would be nice now this Reverb locket has no more uses on it should be exhausted but I can keep it out even with no uses I just can't use it I can always discard it at any time but in case I find something that can add uses I'll keep it out for now unless I need that space for other gear we had the Red symbol on the challenge card this one says if this feature is Within Reach it's not and our atrox is looking for two or more fatigue we have one we're still okay I think it's time to tell that atrox to move along and we're going to use two of our spirit plus I have afforded by Nature here to give us three to try and do a connection we can put then progress on the atrox equal to whatever we get here I'm hoping not for a blue symbol oh I got a red that's okay we have our spirit at being zero here so that means we'll be able to place three progress on them that means we can finally clear the pouncing atrox we have two awareness why not use it to scramble we can place three progress on here for every two efforts so we're hoping that we get a zero a plus one is still just going to get us three progress but let's see if we can start to scale this Shell scree let's see what the next challenge card gives us it's a minus one that's not good that is not good at all that means we failed if you fail resolve the mountain challenge effect this says move this card Within Reach it fatigues you so remember how I got these cards back well I'm going to lose one right here thank goodness we just took care of the atrox because every move every Bean that was Within Reach would move to another area the only other area is along the way but then I flipped this if this features Within Reach which which it is Shuffle it into the path deck and we basically fall down the shell scree and hurt ourselves that's our second injury well that hurt a little bit we'll move up to two that also means these two cards get placed into our discard pile and we have one two three four we have five cards left in Our Deck can we sneak out of this location that's the question we'll end the ranger phase no travel we'll simply move to refreshing getting all of our energy back refreshing this refreshing this one we will draw a card we only have one in hand and we do have our meditation pillow which is useless now cuz we have nothing in our fatigue stack so a whole reason I got that card we'll place a Singleton Cloud here and now let's draw our next PATH card we get for our path card the tenra this is a feature when you perform a test that interacts with a card in the same area as this feature reduce your effort by one this will be in the along the way area as you walk into a clearing a sinking sensation fills your chest and each beat of your heart adds to your unease you look up to see the dreaded specters known collectively as the tenra drifting slowly overhead sounds of Life grow still under their Shadow you hear a near inaudible sound that claws at the edges of your perception like a chorus of labored breaths wheezing through a single narrow aperture well I for one don't want to see what these T break can do to us so we're going to dodge them with our roll and then we're going to try and do a Traverse action the only thing I can do I've got three that I can use here I need a total of four so I need a plus one to make this work with one action come on plus one for our fitness that is a plus one that'll work that is four total progress placed from how I understand it the surroundings is a different area than along the way which is where the tenor are so that's why I believe I get all four progress here I'm then just going to end my turn there's nothing else that I want to do and that means I can travel I'm not entirely sure if I can do this but we're going to do this because it's going to work the best for videography and I think it makes sense we're going to Camp along the way of traveling to this next location when we do at the beginning of the next video I'm going to read this to talk about our prey because we do have enough here to give us the five progress I believe I can do that if I can't we're just going to do it cuz that uh it just seems too perfect for me we're currently at Mount Nim the question becomes do we want to go towards the fractured wall do we want to go up to the northern Outpost or we could actually come over here to the Golden Shore I'm leaning towards the fractured wall but I'd love to hear your thoughts depending upon which way we go I would write down on my campaign sheet where our next location would be and then the path that we're going through so I knew how to create the path deck I won't write anything down right now because I'll determine it between now and the next video so if you have a location you'd like to see let me know if we do go up here we get stuck up here which is fine we're going to have to come back down through Lone Tree but I hardly explored Lone Tree I saw two cars I wouldn't mind actually exploring Lone Tree so we could come to Lone Tree this way and then come down on the other side of the map yeah just let me know what you would like to see I definitely think without a doubt I'm doing a second video on this part of me really feels like this could be a fun 30 video campaign right one for each day it could be super super fun but I am curious to see if you're interested I know I enjoyed that maybe though after the 10th session your deck at least my deck didn't change at all through that scenario or that first day and so depending on how much it changes it maybe won't be as interesting come the 10th time you play but for the first time playing I thoroughly enjoyed that I completed One mission have two more missions I'm excited about it I can't wait to see what we can explore there's so much here there's just so much lore and I love that as always thank you so much for watching all of our videos here on meet me at the table baren and I are super appreciative especially if you like And subscribe and join our Discord and patreon it would be so amazing and if you're excited to see what comes next then I need you to meet me at the table see you everyone
Channel: Meet Me At The Table
Views: 10,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earthborne rangers, playthrough, runthrough, how to play, solo, meet me at the table
Id: WzMZj2vsYGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 18sec (5358 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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