How To Play The Lord Of The Rings LCG - the EASY way! (Part 1)

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I'm going to teach you how to play The Lord  of the Rings LCG, one of the best solo and   cooperative games ever made, but I'm gonna do it  in a way you've probably never seen before. I'm   going to strip away all of the complexity by  covering up the details you don't need to see   right away and then gradually reveal things to  you one at a time as they become relevant. This   is a very complex game but my goal is to make  this the easiest and simplest way to learn the   game possible, and by the end of this series you  will have learned everything in both rulebooks.   You're watching TheGameLocker, let's begin! We are heroes from Middle Earth working together  to complete quests. Our quest today is to journey   through Mirkwood Forest to deliver a message.  Now if you don't know, Mirkwood Forest is teeming   with spiders and Orcs from the stronghold of Dol  Guldur, where Sauron himself is secretly gaining   his power as the Necromancer. If you and your  friends can complete all of the objectives on   these Quest cards while resisting the relentless  onslaught from these encounter cards you win the   game. This game is challenging, it's puzzly,  and it really rewards cooperation between the   players. This game is also very thematic. Every  quest tells a unique story that you experience   not only through the amazing artwork on the  cards and the story text in the campaign book,   but through the actual mechanics of the game;  and the variety among all the quests in the   game is staggering. Now the most important thing  you need to know about this game is that it is a   customizable card game, sort of in the same family  of games as Magic: The Gathering, where before the   game even begins you build your own custom deck  to play with, filling it with allies to recruit,   attachments to boost your character's abilities,  and one-time events that can turn the tide at just   the right moment. Some people love building decks  and some people just don't like how long it takes   and would rather just pick up a deck and start  playing right away. And while you can use the   suggested decks in the rule book or purchase one  of these Starter Decks that come pre-built, that's   really only designed to get you started with with  the game so you can see what a good deck looks   like. To get the most out of this game you really  need to learn how to build your own custom decks.   Now to me, the deck building process  feels like a puzzle to solve where I   need to think through what kinds of cards  and heroes would work well together,   and what challenges am I facing in the next  quest that I need to prepare for, oh and what   what decks are my teammates bringing so that I can  compliment and synergize with what they're doing?   There is a great deal of freedom here that  gives this game so much depth and replayability.   This is a game that can be played for decades. But  with that amount of depth comes complexity this is   not an easy game to learn or teach. Each round in  the game has seven phases you need to learn and   some of those phases have several steps and sub  steps. And on top of all that you have to learn   what all the card abilities do. So there's a lot.  But I'm going to simplify this for you by covering   up all of the card abilities at first so you can  just focus on learning that round structure first.   In this video my plan is to cover about 70 percent  of the rules which is enough to get you started   playing your first few solo games. But in the  next video my plan is to cover everything else,   including the rules for multiplayer but also all  the card abilities that you're gonna find in the   game. So that's the road map! Now I want us to  get started playing a game as soon as possible so   I'm only going to explain a few basic concepts  and then I'll teach you the rest as we play.   Let's begin! This is the quest deck for Passage  Through Mirkwood which tells you the story of   the quest and gives you the objectives you need to  complete. Most of these quest cards are completed   by placing progress tokens. Now this particular  quest card has eight Quest Points which means   I need to place eight of these progress tokens  to move on to the next quest card. But some of   the quest cards will give you something else to  do, like killing a specific enemy for example.   Now this quest is also interesting because it  has two of these stage three cards, sort of like   a branching path, so each time you play you might  go down a different path. And like I said before,   as soon as you finish all of these quest  cards, in this order, you win the game.   This is the encounter deck which is full of nasty  enemies, locations, and treacheries that stand in   your way, and they fight against you as you try  to complete the quest. These are my heroes. Now   these are the main characters that I control and I  can use them to do several things: I can use their   willpower to make progress on the quest, their  attack strength to kill enemies, or their defense   strength to block against enemy attacks. These are  their hit points which is how much of a beating   they can take so Aragorn here can take four  damage and still survive, but if he ever has to   take five or more damage then he is destroyed, and  if all of my heroes are destroyed I lose the game.   This is my deck, the player deck. During the  game I'll be drawing cards from this deck which   contains allies, attachments, and events, and I'll  need to spend resource tokens which my heroes gain   each round to play these cards from my hand.  So this ally costs one resource token to play,   this attachment costs two, and this event  costs nothing, it's free. All of my cards   on the table can be in one of two states: ready,  like this, or exhausted. A ready card is available   to be used for something, and when I use it, I  exhaust it so I can't use it again that round.   At the end of the round though I do  get to ready all of my cards again. So   what this means is that by default I only get  to do one thing with each of my characters   each round. So for example I could use Aragorn's  willpower to commit him to the quest but that will   exhaust him so I can't use him later to attack or  defend and I could use gloyne's defense strength   to block an enemy attack but that will exhaust  him too so I can't use him to attack so choosing   how to use each of your characters each round  is one of the main decisions you need to make   this is my threat dial this shows my Threat Level  which sort of represents how much danger I'm in or   how much Sauron and the forces of evil notice me  if my Threat Level is low like below 30 is pretty   good I can sneak past certain enemies without  engaging them but if my Threat Level is high   then even the strongest enemies will notice me and  engage me which can be really bad if that happens   too early and if my Threat Level ever reaches 50  that's game over I lose the game so let's recap   you win if you complete all of the objectives  on the quest cards you lose if your heroes are   destroyed or if your Threat Level reaches 50.  so let's set up a game so we can start playing   setting up a game is really simple I just need  to build these three decks set by starting Threat   Level draw my starting hand of six cards and  then I follow whatever instructions there are   on this first QUEST card that's it so let's just  run through each of these real quick first I grab   the quest deck that I want to play this one is  for Passage through merkwood and you'll notice   that these cards are double-sided with a b side  and an a side so always start with the a side on   top with one a at the top going down to 3A at the  bottom and there's two three a cards the order of   these doesn't matter there's your quest deck then  I build the encounter deck by shuffling some of   these encounter sets together the corset comes  with a bunch of different encounter sets but you   don't use all of them in each Quest so you need  to look on the quest card for these symbols here   and you find the encounter sets with the matching  symbols so that would be these three here so I'm   going to take all these Shuffle these together and  that is my encounter deck for this Quest the rest   of these unused encounter sets just go back in  the box now I put my three Heroes on the table   and I shuffle my deck I'm just using the basic  leadership starter deck found on page five of the   rule book it's one of the best ones for playing  solo and we'll talk more about how to build your   own custom deck in the next video now I add up the  threat costs on all of my heroes that's 12 plus 9   plus 8 that's 29 that's going to be my starting  Threat Level that I put on my threat dial and   now the fun part I get to draw my starting hand  of six cards now if I don't like this starting   hand I am allowed to take one Mulligan which means  I shuffle this hand back into my deck and I draw a   new starting hand of six cards but I can only take  one Mulligan so I have to keep this second hand   if I do that then the last thing I do is read the  instructions on this Quest Card which tells me to   search the encounter deck and add these two cards  to the staging area and I'll explain what that is   later then there's some flavor text on the card  that tells the story of the quest and sets the   scene I'll let you read that on your own all you  really need to know is that we're trying to get   through merkwood Forest after doing everything on  the quest card then you flip it over to the B side   and in almost every Quest there's some important  game text you'll need to read here but this is   the simplest quest in the game so there's nothing  else here to read except for some more flavor text   that's it for the setup now as you're starting out  I also highly recommend you keep a round summary   nearby if you're doing the rules reference it's  on page 20 that you'll find this really helpful   chart it's the most detailed round summary  because it also shows you where all of the   action windows are and I'll talk about that later  if you're using the learn to play book on the   very back there's just a very high level summary  which is nice if you just need a quick reminder   and then if you buy the dark of merkwood  expansion it comes with two of these little   round reference summaries which I find really  handy because I can stick those in a deck box   and lastly there are some rules references  you can find on I'll show   my favorite one down in the description below  that you can print out okay let's start playing all right the first phase in the round is  the resource phase where I draw one card   from the top of my deck and add one  resource token to each of my heroes   now each Hero has their own separate resource  pool so don't mix these together in one big   pile you'll see why this is important later next  up is the planning phase this is where I get to   spend these resource tokens to play cards from my  hand I'm going to play this calabrian Stone which   costs two and it's in the purple leadership sphere  which means I can only spend resource tokens from   purple leadership Heroes to pay for this card  and conveniently in this deck all three of my   heroes are leadership so I can spend any of these  resources in any combination to pay for this card   but let's say for example I was playing aeon  from the blue Spirit sphere as one of my heroes   I could only use her resources to pay for other  Spirit cards so let's play calabrian Stone I'll   spend a resource from glowing and theodrid and  let's read what coloring Stone says attached to   a hero attached hero gains to willpower great  okay now the rest of this text won't apply in   this game so I'll explain what those abilities do  in the next video so I'm going to attach this to   Aragorn and that will boost his will power by two  making him better at questing I can play as many   cards from my hand as I want as long as I can pay  for them so I have one more resource on Aragorn   but I actually want to save that for later  so for now that's the only card I'm going to   play these resources will accumulate each round  so I can save up to buy something bigger later   Now we move on to the quest phase where I attempt  to make progress on this Quest Card which as you   remember is how I win the game there's three steps  to this phase step one is to commit characters to   the quest I choose to exhaust characters to  use their willpower to try to make progress   on the quest and also remember we said that when  I exhaust a character like this they are used or   spent so I can't use them later for combat and I'm  pretty sure this spider is going to engage me as   I'm going to have to hold back some of my heroes  to deal with this spider so I'm not going to   commit everyone to the quest I'm just for now I'm  going to commit Aragorn by himself the next step   in this phase is called staging where I reveal  cards from the encounter deck and add them to the   staging area all right let's pause here to talk  about the staging area real quick we've already   got two cards in this area from the quest setup  and every round we're going to be adding more   cards in this area represent distant threats  that are far away from me but they're still   close enough to be an obstacle and a threat  think of it like this location and this spider   are standing between me and my goal so to Quest  successfully I need to get around them so questing   is more difficult when these cards are here in the  staging area to represent this in game terms each   card in the staging area has a threat strength  which shows me how much of a hindrance or threat   these cards are to me think of threat strength  like the opposite of my willpower so in just   a bit I'm going to be comparing the willpower  of the characters I committed to the quest to   the threat strength on all of these cards in the  staging area and if my willpower is greater than   I Quest successfully and I get to make progress  but if the threat strength is greater than my   willpower I Quest unsuccessfully and I raise my  Threat Level we'll see how all this works in just   a moment but your main takeaway here is that if I  let too many cards build up in this staging area   it eventually the combined threat strength will  be so high that it becomes impossible for me to   Quest successfully so to win this game I need to  regularly remove these cards from the staging area   so like I was saying this is the staging step  where I reveal one encounter card per player so in   a Solo game it's just one encounter card and it's  another forest spider yikes so I got two spiders   now I'm gonna have to deal with and that's also  going to add two threat strength to the staging   area the last step in this phase is to resolve  questing where I compare my total willpower to   the total threat strength in the staging area so  first I'm going to add up the willpower on all of   my committed characters to the quest which is in  this case just Aragorn he's got two willpower on   his own but then another two willpower from his  calabrian Stone attachment for a total of four   willpower then I add up all this threat strength  in the staging area that's two plus one plus two   that's five so unfortunately my willpower is  less which means I quested unsuccessfully that   means I don't get to make any progress on the  quest this time a and instead I need to raise   my Threat Level by the difference between those  two numbers so 5 minus four is one that means I   raise my Threat by one now that could have been a  lot worse I'm really glad I played that attachment   at least that definitely helped that's it for  the quest phase so next up is the travel phase   where I get to travel to a location in the staging  area and make it the active location now this will   do a few things for me it takes the location out  of the staging area which will reduce that total   threat strength up there making it easier for  me to Quest in future rounds it also gives me   the opportunity to explore it and discard it for  good locations have Quest points just like Quest   cards so if I placed three progress tokens on this  location then I get to explore it and discard it   traveling can also be good sometimes because some  locations have beneficial effects that trigger   when you travel here take this Old Forest Road  for instance it has an ability that says response   after you travel to Old Forest Road the first  player may choose and ready one character they   control nice so since I just traveled here I'm  going to ready Aragorn so he's going to be able   to help me deal with those spiders the next phase  is called the encounter phase where I may or may   not have to engage these enemies in the staging  area I will say that this is a lot more complex   in multiplayer games than it is in Solo games so  we'll cover all of those complexities in the next   video but there are two steps to this phase first  is optional engagements this is where I'm allowed   to choose to engage one enemy in the staging area  I'm going to skip this for now and show that to   you in future rounds the second step is engagement  checks so first thing I want to do is look at the   engagement costs on these two enemies they have an  engagement cost of 25. I compare that to my Threat   Level which is 30. the lower my Threat Level the  better because the more enemies I can avoid but   since my Threat Level is greater than or equal  to their engagement costs then I am noticed by   these enemies both of them notice me and they  engage me but let's say for example that this   dolgeldor Beastmaster we're also in the staging  area he's got an engagement cost of 35 which is   greater than my Threat Level so this enemy would  have remained in the staging area during this step   he would not have engaged age me a couple more  things to point out here these spiders are not   engaged with a particular hero they are just  engaged with me as a player and these spiders   are no longer in the staging area right they've  engaged me so that means their threat strength   no longer counts against me anymore so questing  in future rounds is going to be a lot easier now   unfortunately these Forest spiders have a very  nasty ability that triggers right now it says   forced after Force spider engages a player it  gets plus one attack until the end of the round   ouch so for this round only they are each going  to have three attack strength instead of two   and now we reach the combat phase where I fight  all of the enemies that are engaged with me this   is by far the most complicated phase in the game  it has a bunch of steps and sub steps but after   doing this enough times it is going to become  second nature it really does get a lot smoother   first ideal a shadow card to each enemy I just  take the top card of the encounter deck and deal   one to each enemy these shadow cards may add some  additional nasty effect to this enemy's attack but   it might also do nothing next I need to defend  each enemy attack now this is important because   it's actually different than a lot of other card  games enemies always attack you first in this   game it doesn't matter how you engage the enemy  you always defend against all the enemy attacks   first and then you get an opportunity to declare  one attack against each enemy that's engaged with   you so let's start these defenses step one is to  choose an enemy to resolve their attack I choose   this spider to go first the second step is to  declare a Defender I'm going to declare glowing as   my Defender which means he is now exhausted it is  possible to declare no defender in which case it's   called an undefended attack but I'll explain that  later third step is to resolve the shadow effect   so I flip the Shadow Card on this enemy to see  if there's a shadow effect and yes there is check   this out shadow effects always sit below this  black divider and have the word Shadow here this   one says Shadow defending player must choose an  exhaust one character they control two characters   instead if this attack is undefended that is  not good so I guess I'm gonna exhaust theodrid   yeah Aragorn is better in this case so the last  step is to determine damage where I calculate   how much damage glowing is gonna take this spider  is coming at me with two attack but remember the   ability also boosted it by one so it has a total  of three attack glowing only has one defense so I   take the spider's attack strength subtract gloin's  defense and that's how much damage tokens get   placed on gloine two damage tokens that get placed  on glowing but thankfully there's a little silver   lining here glowing has a really cool ability that  triggers right now it says response after glowing   suffers damage add one resource to his resource  pool for each point of damage he just suffered   so as a little consolation I get to add a couple  resources to his card that's the first offense now   let's do the same four steps again to resolve  the next spider's attack choose an enemy this   spider declare Defender I'll declare Aragorn  as Defender this time so I'm going to exhaust   him resolve the shadow effect let's flip this  over and see if there's anything and there's not   there's no black divider and no Shadow word  so everything else on this card is ignored   completely then I determine damage so same as the  other guy it's two plus the one on his ability   that's three attack minus Aragorn's two defense  equals one damage token on Aragorn now that we've   defended against all the enemies the next step  is to attack but there's a big problem here I   don't have any more ready characters everyone's  exhausted so no one is able to attack back this   is pretty bad because it means that these enemies  are going to stick around and stay engaged with   me and they're gonna attack me again next round  so I think what I really need right now are some   more allies to help take the heat off of my heroes  so I can attack back and kill these spiders next   time that ends the combat phase so now I discard  all remaining Shadow cards on the table the last   phase in the round is the refresh phase where I  get to ready all of my characters and I increase   my Threat Level by one and that's the end of  round one now I know that was a lot of steps   we just went through okay but I promise you the  more you play this game the smoother and easier   all of these steps become I'm going to pick up  the pace a little bit here as we play round two foreign we start a new round with the resource phase  where I add one resource to each of my heroes   resource pools and I draw one card from the top  of my deck and by the way there is no hand size   limit in this game so I'm just going to keep  drawing one card every round no matter what   next in the planning phase I'm going to play some  allies on the table to help me kill these spiders   the first Ally is Silver Load Archer this is a  three cost one willpower two attack zero defense   one hit point Ally this guy's really squishy I'm  probably not going to use him to defend but he's   got decent attack and he also has this keyword  called ranged this is something that's only   used in multiplayer games so I'm going to explain  what this does in the next video the next Ally is   guard the Citadel this is a two cost a little  bit cheaper one willpower one attack strength   zero defense two hit point Ally you can absorb a  little more damage but he's flexible I can use him   for questing or attacking and he has no special  ability on his card so he's just a nice basic Ally   so first I'll play the Silver Load Archer for  three resources let's spin those from glowing's   resource pool and then I'll play the guard of the  Citadel for two resources let's spend that from   theodrid and one from Aragorn and one good thing  to know is that there's no limit to the number of   allies I can have on the table if I can pay for  them I can play as many as I want now allies in   this game work very much like Heroes they can do  all the same things that Heroes can they can Quest   attack or defend the main difference here is that  they don't gain resources every round like a hero   does and some card effects like this calabrian  Stone said attached to a hero so I would not have   been able to attach calibrian Stone to an ally but  apart from that you can think of them as sort of   like mini Heroes next is the quest phase and as  always I start by choosing which characters to   commit to the quest and this is a pretty different  situation the last time though because last time   the staging area had a bunch of cars in it and  now it's empty but I got two spiders that are   engaged with me trying to kill me so I kind of  want to just focus all my attention on combat if   I can and I don't really care so much about making  progress on the quest yet but it's at this point   that many new players make a big mistake so don't  miss this you can never skip the quest phase even   if I would just rather focus on combat for a round  I always reveal encounter cards during the staging   step and I always compare the threat strength to  my willpower so if I don't commit any characters   to the quest my willpower would be zero compared  to that threat strength of what's coming up I will   probably be forced to raise my Threat Level again  which is super bad so it's usually a good idea to   commit at least one character to the quest to keep  my Threat Level down Aragorn still has the best   willpower right now so let's quest with him again  but this time I'm going to trigger his ability   which is perfect in a situation like this first  of all Aragorn has a keyword called Sentinel just   ignore this for now this is a multiplayer only  thing so I'll explain what that does in the next   video but his main ability says response after  Aragorn commits to a quest spend one resource from   his resource pool to ready him this is a great  ability so he's going to be committed to the quest   but I get to ready him for combat just by spending  one of his resources responsibilities like this   one are always optional I could choose not to use  it and I didn't use it last round so that I could   save that resource to pay for more allies but this  round I think I definitely need him to be ready so   Aragorn is committed to the quest he's ready and  I know some of you are going to ask this and the   answer is no I can't commit Aragorn a second time  to the quest to add his willpower again you can   only commit characters to the quest one time now  let's do the staging step and see which card we   get and it is a location this is the great Forest  web it has two threat strengths so that'll be   added to the staging area and the last step is to  resolve the quest just like last time by comparing   my willpower to the threat strength and remember  because this is super important only the threat   strength in the staging area counts I ignore the  threat strength on the active location and on   all the enemies that are engaged with me so this  time I have four willpower compared to two threat   strength in the staging area which means I quested  successfully that means I get to place progress   tokens on the quest equal to the difference  between these two numbers so four willpower minus   two threats rank equals two progress tokens now if  there were no active location here these progress   tokens would go directly on the quest card but  if there's an active location progress always   goes through the active location to get to the  quest so these progress have to be placed on the   ACT of location and this location has three Quest  points and I made two progress just one short of   the quest point total so I need to make one more  progress hopefully next round in order to explore   this location and discard it now the worst part  about not clearing the active location is that   now I can't travel to this other location there  can only ever be one active location at a time   so I need to explore this active location first  before I can travel here I'm not allowed to just   swap these locations so because we can't travel  anywhere I skip the travel phase and since there's   no enemies in the staging area I get to skip  the encounter phase as well and now since I have   enemies engaged with me we do the combat phase  these spiders are going to keep attacking me over   and over until I get rid of them so the first step  is to deal a shadow card to each enemy and then we   resolve enemy attacks I choose which spider I  want to go first let's deal with this one one   first I'm going to declare glowing as my Defender  for this attack this is kind of risky here because   gloyne already has two damage and he only has one  defense so if this Shadow Card boosts the attack   on this spider then glowing is dead so I'm hoping  for no Shadow effect let's resolve it and see if   there's a shadow effect and thankfully there's not  okay no Shadow effect so we just have two attack   strength on this spider remember this ability down  here only triggered or it only lasted during the   first round it engaged me so this ability doesn't  count anymore it just has two attack strength   minus glowing one defense equals one damage token  on gloin and now his ability triggers again which   means I get to add one resource to his resource  pool because I took one damage and that's it for   the first spider attack now let's resolve the next  spider's attack um I'm gonna choose Aragorn as my   Defender for this one let's reveal the shadow card  and see if there's an effect and yeah yes there is   it says attacking enemy gets plus one attack plus  three attack instead if this attack is undefended   that's a bummer so it gets plus one attack that  means it's a total of three attack minus two   defense on Aragorn equals one damage token being  placed on everyone that's it for resolving enemy   attacks now I get to declare one attack against  each enemy engage with me and thankfully unlike   last round I have some ready characters that  I can use to attack so the first step in an   attack is to declare the target of the attack and  declare attackers so I'm going to choose to fight   this spider doesn't really matter they're both  the same enemy and now I get to declare as many   attackers as I want against that enemy that's  different than how defending Works remember I'm   only allowed to declare one Defender but when  I attack I can gang up on an enemy and declare   multiple attackers so I'm going to exhaust all  three of these characters and declare them all   as a hackers against this spider the next step is  to determine attack strength that's just adding up   all the attack strength here that's two plus two  plus one equals five the last step is to determine   damage now this spider has one defense so five  attack minus one defense equals four damage and that's enough to kill the first spider so  I put the spider in the discard pile along with   its shadow card and I can choose the order in  which I discard these cards I mentioned this   because in certain quests like some of them in the  angmar awaken cycle the order of the discard pile   matters so it's important to learn these kinds of  details now but for most quests it really doesn't   matter that's it for that attack now I am allowed  to declare one attack against this spider but I'm   all out of characters everyone's exhausted so  that's the end of the combat phase now I discard   all remaining Shadow cards from enemies the last  phase is the refresh phase where I ready all of   my cards again and then I raise my Threat Level by  one up to 32. now don't leave yet because there's   still lots of rules I need to cover including one  of the most important things for new players to   learn and that is action windows but now that  we've finished two rounds hopefully things are   starting to click for you so I'm going to start  playing through these spaces a little faster now thank you I add one resource to each Hero's  resource pool and I draw one card from the top   of my deck I've got four resources and I'm gonna  spend two of them to play Steward of Gondor this   is a two cost attachment that says attached to a  hero action exhaust Steward of Gondor to add two   resources to the attached Heroes resource pool  now just ignore the other text for now as it   won't matter in this game so this is something  new though that we haven't seen yet this is an   action ability which is an optional ability  that can be played during any action window   and the concept of action Windows is one of the  most difficult topics to learn in the game so   I'm going to be spending a whole section in the  next video to explain this in detail but for now   all you need to know is that during this planning  phase right now there is a special action window   that allows me to use any action abilities like  this that I want before or after I play cards   so I'm going to attach this to Aragorn and I'm  going to use this ability right now by exhausting   the card which will let me add two resources to  Aragorn's resource pool and of course let's pay   for the card uh let's use glowing's two resources  to do that and then I'm going to spend one   resource to play snowboard Scout who has a really  Nifty responsibility that says after snowborne   scout enters play choose a location Place one  progress token on that location great so I'm gonna   play snowboard Scout over here I'm gonna spend one  resource from Theo Jersey resource pool and then I   can place a progress token on this location in the  staging area or the active location since the one   up here needs two progress tokens to explore it  I'm gonna place it on the Old Forest Road which   will actually explore it now because I have three  progress tokens and it only needed three from the   quest points so I'm gonna get to place that in  the discard pile that's a relief so now I should   be able to travel to this other location this  round I'm done playing cards now so let's Quest   but first here's an important rule you need to  know when you commit characters to the quest you   commit them all simultaneously you don't commit  them one at a time and that's important for what   I'm about to show you I'm going to commit Aragorn  and theodrid this time and if you remember Aragorn   has an ability that triggers right now but so does  theodrit so let's take a look at these together   Aragorn's ability says response after Aragorn  commits to a quest and theodrids also says   response after theodroid commits to a quest since  we always commit characters simultaneously their   abilities also trigger simultaneously and when two  abilities trigger at the same time I get to decide   the order in which they resolve so we already  know Aragorn's ability lets me spend a resource   to ready him but theodre's ability says choose a  hero committed to that Quest add one resource to   that Hero's resource pool so this actually  creates a really neat combo I can use Theo   drizzability first to give Aragorn a resource then  use Aragorn's ability to spend that same resource   to ready him in the end both Heroes get committed  to the quest but Aragorn readies essentially for   free but just remember like we said before  responsibilities are always optional so I   could have just used theodrid's ability without  using aragorns if I wanted to actually gain a   resource to use later so I have committed them  both to the quest I've used theodroid's ability   to add a resource to Aragorn's pool and then I'm  going to spend that resource to ready Aragorn but   he's still committed to the quest now let's do the  staging step and see what card we get in yuck it's   a double door Beastmaster he's got two threat  strength so he's gonna be added to the staging   area up here I've got a total of five willpower  from my two committed characters there's four   threat strength in the staging area which means  I quested successfully and I get to make progress   based on the difference between these two numbers  so I make one progress on the quest and this time   there's no active location in the way so I get  to place this progress directly on the quest card   yay only seven more to go it it's actually fine  I'm I'm not in a rush to finish this Quest stage   my main goal right now is just to build up my  board state with allies and attachments so as   long as I'm not questing unsuccessfully I'm happy  once I've got more cards on the table I'll focus   more on the questing now in the travel phase  I can travel to this location but before we do   let's take a look at this ability text on the  location this is a travel cost it's something   that triggers as soon as I travel there and it's  a nasty one it says each player must exhaust one   hero they control to travel here this cost must  be paid if I want to travel there if I can't pay   the cost I can't travel there now thankfully  I do have a couple of ready Heroes right here   so I'm gonna exhaust gloin and travel to the  great Forest web making it the active location   now it's the engagement phase and remember in the  first step I could choose to optionally engage one   enemy if I want but right now I'd prefer not to  so I can just focus on killing this spider first   for engagement checks let's check my Threat Level  it's at 32 right now and that is lower than all   of the enemies in the staging area double door  Beastmaster has a 35 engagement cost so since   I'm lower I sneak past him without being noticed  so he does not engage me next is the combat phase   where I deal a shadow card to each enemy engage  with me and I'm going to defend this guy with my   snowborne Scout okay this guy is super super wimpy  I know he's going to die that's actually the point   when you defend with a really weak Ally like this  it's called chump blocking and it's an extremely   useful strategy for saving your more powerful  characters for other things so now I resolve the   shadow effect let's flip it over and see okay yes  there is a shadow effect it says attacking enemy   gets plus one attack plus three attack instead  if this attack is undefended alright so he gets   a plus one attack I don't really care about that  at all because I already expected him to die so   it's a two attack plus one from the shadow effect  that's three attack strength minus one defense on   my snowborne Scout equals two damage tokens  and that is enough to kill him because that's   more than his hit points so I get to discard my  snowborne Scout which again it's fine in fact it's   even a good thing right now because now I get to  play a card for my hand called Valiant sacrifice   this is a one cost event it's a response after  an ally card Leaves play which it just did that   card's controller draws two cards very nice so  this costs one so I'm going to spend it from   Aragorn's resource pool so now I'm going to draw  these from the top of my deck now let's attack the   spider with Aragorn and the Silver Load Archer  that's a total of five attack with one defense   that's four damage which is enough to kill this  spider so I get to discard the shadow card and   the enemy and I choose the order I discard those  in and last is the refresh phase where I refresh   all of my cards and I raise my Threat Level  by one up to 32. next I'm going to show you   one of the most powerful card combos in the entire  game and let's pick up the pace a little bit more I add one resource to each of my heroes resource  pools and draw one card and I'll trigger Steward   of Gondor to add two more resources to Aragorn's  resource pool I'll play another snowborne Scout   from my hand and I'll spend that from Aragorn's  resource pool and for the snowborne Scout's   response ability I'm going to place the progress  here on the active location I'm going to commit   Aragorn and theodrid to the quest just like last  time I'm going to trigger theodrude's ability   first to add the resource to Aragorn's pool and  then I'll trigger Aragorn's responsibility to   spend that resource to ready him just like last  time I love that combo let's do the staging step   and reveal an encounter card oh and this is a  really nasty one this is caught in a web it says   when revealed the player with the highest Threat  Level attaches this card to one of their Heroes   counts as a condition attachment with the text  attached hero does not ready during the refresh   phase unless you pay two resources from that  Hero's pool so this is a doozy but basically my   hero gets caught in a web so they can't ready  as much unless I spend resources to do it so   this is a really ugly treachery I'm gonna end up  attaching this to glowing here because my other   Heroes I really need them to be able to ready  more I've got five total willpower against two   threat strength in the staging area which means I  Quest successfully and I place three progress now   I've got three progress to place it goes through  the active location as always so I'm going to put   one progress here which explores the great Forest  web and then I'm going to place the remaining two   progress tokens directly on the quest card so  that's really important to remember any excess   progress tokens always overflow to the quest card  there's no locations in the staging area to travel   to so we skip this travel phase I'm going to  choose to engage this doggledore Beastmaster   now during the optional engagement step because  I think I'm ready to deal with it now so we enter   the combat phase I'm going to deal a shadow card  to him and now let me show you this guy's ability   it says forced when dogledor Beastmaster attacks  deal it one additional Shadow card that is pretty   nasty so I'm not sure I want to risk defending  with my heroes here and I'd like to save my   snowborne Scout later in case there's a nastier  enemy so instead I'm gonna bring in a different   Ally this isn't the planing phase so I can't just  play another Ally normally but there is an action   window right now so I can play sneak attack this  card is amazing it says action put one Ally card   into play from your hand at the end of the phase  if that Ally is still in play return it to your   hand this is a staple card in the leadership  sphere it cost me one resource so I'm going to   spend one resource from Aragorn's resource  pool and really here I want to bring in the   most powerful Ally I can because the more powerful  the Ally the better this effect gets and there's   no Ally more powerful than Gandalf he costs five  resources to play normally he is neutral which is   interesting he's not associated with a particular  sphere so you can spend any Hero's resources to   pay for him normally he has amazing stats an  incredible ability that lets me choose one   of three effects whenever he enters play it says  response after Gandalf enters play choose one draw   three cards deal four damage to one enemy in play  uh by the way that's direct damage that bypasses   the enemy's defense that just goes straight to  the enemy's hit points or reduce your Threat by   five and lastly if he's still in play at the end  of the round I discard Gandalf from play so he   comes in he does some amazing stuff and then he  leaves that sounds about right for catnulf now   playing him with sneak attack just feels like  cheating though because you get to put him into   play for only one resource instead of five during  any action when know you want and he doesn't get   discarded because the effect on sneak attack  that puts him back into your hand at the end of   the phase that triggers first so I'll still have  Gandalf in my hand to play him normally in a later   round this combo with sneak attack and Gandalf  is still one of the strongest card combos in the   entire game okay so now that I've put Gandalf into  play I get to choose one of his cool three enters   play abilities I'm going to choose the one that  lets me reduce my Threat by five so I'm gonna go   all the way down to 28 threat just like that okay  so I'm going to choose to defend this enemy attack   with Gandalf and now we resolve the shadow cards  let's see the first one it says defending player   must choose and discard one attachment they  control okay I know what you're thinking right   just discard the spiderweb on glowing right that's  an attachment well sadly I can't do that because   I don't control attachments that come from the  encounter deck it's controlled by the encounter   deck so I have to discard one of these attachments  on Aragorn so I think right now I could use the   resources more so bye bye calabrian Stone and  the other Shadow effect is plus one attack all   right so it's a four attack minus four defense on  Gandalf means Gandalf takes zero damage and now   I get to attack back so I'm gonna exhaust Aragorn  My Silver Load Archer and my guard of the Citadel   that's a total of six attack minus one defense on  the double door Beastmaster equals five damage and   that is Enough To Kill The Beastmaster so let's  put all those in the discard pile and now Gandalf   is going to return to my hand now that we're at  the end of the combat phase that was the effect   on sneak attack and now in the refresh phase I  ready all of my cards and I raise my Threat Level   by one up to 29. in the next round I'm going  to show you one of the most powerful allies in   the game and the number one most important action  window that every new player needs to know about I add one resource to each Hero's resource pool  and draw one card from my deck and I'll trigger   Steward of Gondor as normal to add two more  resources to Aragorn I'm gonna play an amazing   Ally pharamir he's got an action ability that  says action exhaust pharamir to choose a player   each character controlled by that player gets plus  one willpower until the end of the phase this can   give me an incredible boost to my willpower and  it's an action meaning I can play this during any   action window but there's one particular action  window that's the best time to use this I'll show   you that in a bit so he caused four resources to  play I'm gonna spend two of them from glowing uh   just as a general tip you should usually spend  resources from the heroes you think are most   likely to die first since glowing already has  three damage I'm gonna spend his first and then   I'll spend the other two from Aragorn and now that  I've got a better board State here with plenty   of allies I'm gonna Quest a little bit harder  this time to try to clear out this Quest stage   so let's commit both Aragorn and Theodor just like  last time and I'm going to use their abilities to   add the resource to Aragorn spend that resource  to ready him and I'll also commit both the guard   and the archer in the staging step we get the  double door Orcs all right they have an ability   that says when revealed the first player chooses  one character currently committed to the quest   and deal two damage to that character dang so I  think I'm gonna put the damage on the guard of   the Citadel which is gonna kill him but I'd rather  keep my other characters healthy and he's sort of   the least useful character that's committed to the  quest right now that does mean though that I lose   the willpower that he was contributing so I have  one less willpower than I did before and now after   the staging step but before we resolve the quest  there's an action window here where I can play   faramir's action ability to boost my willpower  some folks call this the golden action window   because it is so useful to be able to adjust your  willpower here after I've seen everything that's   come out of the income counter deck there are  lots of actions that are really good to use in   this action window and thermirs is one of the best  ones to use here so let's exhaust pharamir and I'm   going to give a plus one willpower boost to these  three characters that's one two three four five   six seven willpower minus two threat strength  is five progress tokens and that is just enough   to clear this QUEST card as soon as this happens  we immediately go to the next Quest stage before   doing anything else even if you were to clear the  quest in a different phase using a card ability   you still immediately go on to the next Quest  stage now this one just has some flavor text and   so we immediately flip it over and there we go it  says forced when you defeat this stage proceed to   one of the two a chosen path stages at random  okay so that's only after we finish this Quest   stage we skip the travel phase because there's no  locations and I'm going to engage these dolgeldor   Orcs because they have a 10 engagement costs and  my Threat Level is higher than that then we start   the combat phase I deal a shadow card and I want  to kill this guy as soon as he attacks so Aragorn   has the three attack strength that I need so I  should probably defend with someone else glowing   would die so I don't want to lose a hero if I can  help it since then I would lose all the resources   that he's gaining me each round I could chump  block with the snowborne Scout but I might want   to save him for a bigger enemy later I might  also want to take this as an undefended attack   but let's pause really quick to explain what that  is taking an undefended attack means I don't need   to exhaust any characters which is great I'd have  more characters available to attack with but then   I take the full force of the enemy's attack as  direct damage to one of my heroes that means it   bypasses my Hero's defense and goes straight  to their hit points sometimes you really need   to take risks like this to keep ahead of the  encounter deck but this quest in particular can   really punish you for taking undefended attacks  you've already seen some of these shadow effects   that punish you for taking attacks undefended so  it's always safer to declare a Defender if you   can alright I think the best choice here is to  declare my snowborne Scout as the defender I'm   going to do a chump block let's resolve the shadow  effect and see what it is oh no oh this this is   probably the worst Shadow effect in this entire  deck this is awful it's a shadow deal one damage   to each character the defending player controls  two damage instead if this attack is undefended oh   this is awful so this is going to put one damage  on everybody so that's actually gonna kill gloin   and it's gonna kill my Silver Load Archer and  my snowborne Scout and put a damage on Fair   bear alright at least I'm glad that I spent that  resource token on glowing so I don't lose the   resources that were on him but when a hero dies  they go in my discard pile and any attachments   that were on them go to their respective discard  piles too and before we go on to do the rest of   this let me just first trigger this ability  from this card in my hand this is Brock Iron   Fist he's not a great card but at least it's a  little consolation in this case it worked out   well for me here it says response after a dwarf  hero you control Leaves play which glowing just   died so yes that happened you Brock iron fist into  play from your hand and put into play means that I   don't pay that resource cost and my Silver Load  Archer also dies so let's put him in my discard   pile and probably the worst thing about this  Shadow effect is that I just lost my defending   character so what that means is that since I no  longer have a declared Defender this now counts as   an undefended attack that's right so if a Shadow  Card kills or removes your Defender somehow then   the attack is considered undefended so this is a  two attack strength undefended attack which means   I need to place these two damage tokens directly  on one of my heroes and the choice is obvious here   because two damage would kill Aragorn so it's  gonna go on theodrid all right well after all   of that now I get to declare attackers so let's  kill this guy I'm gonna exhaust Aragorn which is   three damage to zero defense that's enough to  kill the orc and now it's the refresh phase so   I'm gonna ready all of my cards again and raise  my Threat Level by one up to 31. now before we   head into the final round I just want to say  thank you for watching this far in if you like   this kind of content please consider subscribing  to see more and you can do me a huge favor by   hitting the like button so more people can find  this video now let's finish this Quest foreign to each hero Brock is not a hero so he doesn't  get a resource I'll trigger Stewart of Gondor on   Aragorn to add two extra resources to his pool and  draw one card from my deck I'm gonna play gandell   from my hand for five resources let's spend all  those from Aragorn's resource pool now I'm going   to choose the option on Gandalf that lets me draw  three cards when he enters play so let's see what   we got here all right I've got another copy of  Brock Iron Fist which is unfortunate because he is   a unique character which means there can only be  one copy of him on the table at a time so I I can   have multiple copies in my deck but since I can  only play one of them this is just a dead card now   in my hand I also got another Gandalf which again  is sort of a dead card right now but there can   only be one copy of him on the table so I can't  play him right now oh and this is a great card   to end the quest with this is a five caused event  Grim resolve it says action ready all character   cards in play that's all heroes and all allies  that we get to ready in any action window I'll   show you that in just a bit I'm going to commit  every one of my characters to the quest except   for faramir and I'm going to trigger theodrid's  ability to add one resource to Aragorn's pool   but I'm not going to trigger Aragorn's ability  you'll see why in just a minute now after this   step of committing characters there is an action  window before I do the staging step so I'm going   to use faramir's action right now in this window  to boost everybody's willpower by one and then   I'm also going to use the actionability on Grim  resolve to ready all of my character cards in play   that costs five resources so I'm gonna spend three  from Aragorn and two from theodrid and all of my   characters get to ready back up again now the  reason I'm playing Grim resolve now before the   staging is because there are some encounter cards  that punish you for having exhausted characters   and speak of the devil the card that we got  is necromancer's reach it says when revealed   deal one damage to each exhausted character and  this now totally whiffs because I don't have any   exhausted characters so there's no damage dealt  I just get to discard that and there's one other   important Point here that I want to make and  that's that when revealed effects like this one   are resolved immediately there's no time to react  to something like this so let's say for instance   that I had not played Grim resolve to ready all  my characters and let's say everyone was still   exhausted after I reveal this necromancer's reach  card I could not interrupt it to play Grim resolve   to prevent the damage I'd have to resolve the when  revealed effect completely first and then after   staging is over there's another action window  where I could play actions again so that's why   it's really important to consider when you play  your actions and which action Windows you use it's   a complicated thing but it matters and one last  note is that you never put treachery cards in the   staging area you always just resolve the effects  and then discard it after alright so as of this   moment I have 13 willpower and there's zero threat  strength in the staging area so I would get to   place 13 progress tokens on this Quest Card which  is just completely Overkill and I could have even   used faramir's ability a second time right now  to get an extra four willpower since there's no   limit to how many times you can use his ability  it's only limited by the number of times I can   ready faramir and I know you'd be asking this  too and the answer is no the Overflow program   address that would be 13 minus 2 is 11. those 11  progress tokens are just lost they don't overflow   onto the next QUEST card I have to clear off  everything before I reveal the next QUEST card   and now is when we do the forest effect on this  QUEST card it says proceed to one of the two a   chosen path stages at random all right so that's  going to be one of these two cards I'm going to   shuffle these up and let's see which one we get  all right it's don't leave the path this has a   winner revealed effect it says when revealed each  player must search the encounter deck and discard   pile for one Spider card of their choice and add  it to the staging area alright but this other text   is really important it says the players must find  and defeat one ungolian spot to win this game and   on goliant spawn is a really big nasty spider  so I can search for this card now so that I can   defeat it and win the Quest right away so I'm  going to do that I'm just going to fetch this   card right now so we can work on defeating this  Quest now this is a Nuance that we're going to   touch on in the next video but it doesn't say to  reveal the card it says to search for the card and   add it to the staging area so this when revealed  effect on angolian spawn actually doesn't happen   right now adding a card to the staging area does  not trigger the when revealed effects on the card   okay so right now there's no travel phase  because there's no location I'm going to   engage this spider so I can fight it it's the  combat phase I'm going to deal a shadow card   and let's declare Gandalf as my Defender now as  soon as I declare a Defender there's an action   window where I am going to play a card for  my hand called ever Vigilant this is a one   cost event simply says action choose and ready  one Ally card so I'll spend one resource from   theodrid to ready Gandalf now why would I ready  Gandalf now why not just wait until the attack   is resolved well in some quests these shadow  cards will punish you for having an exhausted   Defender so it's always best to kind of just  get in the habit of readying your Defenders   if you're able to right before you reveal the  shadow effect that'll help protect you against   some of those nasty things okay let's resolve the  shadow effect and it is nothing so we determine   damage that's five attack minus four defense on  Gandalf that's one damage on Gandalf and now we   get to attack this spider I'm going to declare  everybody as an attacker that's four plus one   plus two plus two plus three that's 12 attack  minus two defense on the spider is 10 damage and   that is enough to kill angolian spawn and that's  the last objective on this QUEST card there are   no Quest points so that means we have completed  Passage through murkwood click here to watch part   two where I'll teach you everything else you  need to know to play this game let me know if   you have any rules questions down in the comments  and you've been watching the game Locker Godspeed foreign
Channel: TheGameLocker
Views: 54,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Lord Of The Rings: The Card Game, LCG, Tutorial, How To Play, Learn To Play, Walkthrough, Gameplay, board game, Fantasy Flight Games, Living Card Game, Adventure, Saga, Deluxe, gameplay, play through
Id: NCiTsoouhjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 51sec (3771 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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