Distilled - Learn While Playing

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welcome to the junkets games tutorial for distilled in this video I'll be teaching you the rules to the game as it's being played and today I'll be showing you the first two out of seven overall rounds now before I go into that I would like to ask that if you enjoy this video that you please click the like button for down below as well as the Subscribe button for the channel in addition to that if you'd like to directly support this Channel and gain access to a wide variety of exclusive perks then please go to patreon.com John getsgames some of those include the dozens of opinions episodes that I put out where I talk about the things I like and don't like about all the games that I'm playing recently and also update as my opinions change as I continue to play them you can also gain access to some videos early and advertisement free and get access to an exclusive podcast feed where you can hear audio versions of all of the Vlogs that I make including those opinions episodes now the final thing I'd like to ask is if while you're watching this video some part of this game jumps out to you as particularly interesting then please comment about that down below because I'd love to see that kind of feedback alright let's now jump into the game out here we have the game fully set up and ready to play for our three different players now before I start I would like to ask that you please turn on the Klingon subtitles I might make mistakes as I'm showing you the game and those will let me put Corrections on the screen where you should be able to see them and I will also put Corrections below this video in the top comment well let's start things off with a brief overview of the game in it each player has just inherited a Distillery and over the course of seven rounds we are going to be distilling liquor in order to gain money as well as Spirit points during each one of the game's rounds we will have a market phase where players can spend money in order to upgrade their Distillery purchase ingredients or items and they can then move it into the distilling phase where they will use yeast sugars and water in order to distill their Spirits during the distilling process alcohol cards will be added then two cards will be randomly removed and at that point we'll use the remaining cards to see what kind of spirit we've distilled each player has a checklist over here which shows all of the various types of recipes that we can fulfill we can always make moonshine or vodka and then all of the other ones are dependent on this recipe sheet that can be different from one game to the next now you can only distill using these recipes once you've learned them which you usually do by paying for it and for most players they'll start the game not knowing any of these once the spirit has been distilled we can bottle it up and then potentially sell it immediately to get Spirit points as well as money or we could put it into a wooden barrel and age it for multiple rounds that add various flavors which will increase the money and spirit points we get for that Spirit when we sell it now as I said we're gonna go through seven rounds and at the end of that whoever has the most Spirit points will win and we will gain Spirit points not only for selling our spirits but also by receiving Spirit Awards as well as by completing our private Distillery goals in addition to a number of other ways that we can gain those Spirit points now there is certainly more going on to this game than what I've talked about so far and don't worry I'll explain how each one of these things Works in detail while we're actually playing the game speaking of that I think now is a good time for us to start the game and for today's tutorial we are going to play as Jiang Jina I do want to point out that during setup each player received two distiller cards and we chose one of them and these specify not only our starting money and ingredients but as well as a special effect signature recipe and signature ingredient now as I explained during the overview the game is going to take place over seven rounds and we are now beginning the first round of the game now the very first thing that happens is all start of round effects are performed for each of the players going in order we are going to be the starting player because we have this token here but we don't have any start of turn effects down here the blue player is Nathan magazine and they also don't have any startup turn effects but the yellow player who is Jacqueline Booker does these effects can show up on distillers as well as on upgrades and they always have this icon here now for the yellow player that says that at the start of every round of the game they will add a basic water or Yeast card to their Pantry their pantry is right here and as you can see they started with a yeast card and now they can take another yeast or a water now they've decided to take the water as you can see this is the basic market with the basic cards we'll explain these in more detail and specifically the yeast and water because they have purchase effects that happen when they are purchased but you do not perform these purchase effects when you gain them in any other way just like this for the yellow player so they can add this water into their pantry and that's finished up every one of the players start of round effects this means we can now move into the first out of four phases that happen within each round of the game now this is the market phase and it is going to happen in turn order as I mentioned before we are the starting player so we can now perform the First Market phase turn of the game now the way these turns work is we can spend our money in order to buy one card either from the premium market up here or from the basic Market down there or we could spend our money to learn a new recipe which is going to be a bronze silver or gold type or we could pass once we pass we are not allowed to take any more turns for the rest of this phase and we are going to keep taking turns going clockwise around the table until every player has passed now on each one of our turns we can do one of these things so we might end up purchasing multiple cards during the same Market phase we just have to buy one of them on each turn before our opponents have a chance to go now at the start of the game we only have one money and we know that because on the back of our distiller card it shows that one money symbol here now that's not a lot however we also have an ongoing benefit that's shown at the bottom of our card and it says once per Market phase we can discount one ingredient by two money now again we currently have one but we effectively have three money for the purpose of purchasing an ingredient now as I mentioned before we have a basic Market down here and a premium market up there and in the premium Market this is the ingredient row so we can purchase any of these at a two money discount and down here on the basic Market the first five items are listed as ingredients the cost to purchase any card is the number listed in the bottom right corner as you can see this anise costs three money normally but again we have a two money discount so we can purchase this for one money and I think that's what we want to do so we're going to spend this money back to the bank and take this and again we can only use this special discount once per Market phase so if we buy any more ingredients we will have to pay the full price now every time a card is taken from the premium Market we slide all the rest of the cards in that row over and then reveal new cards from the top of the deck to fill that Row in and then every time we acquire a new ingredient we can either put it into our pantry or into our washback now I'll describe how the washback works in more detail later on but all of the cards that are placed over here will be used for distilling during the current round so if you think you're going to be distilling with this card you can just put it over here right away or you can always just put it over there and then put it into the watch back later on well that's finished our turn because we did purchase a card this means play will move clockwise over here to the blue player and for them their distiller starts the game with a whopping for money they've decided to spend all of that right away in order to take an upgrade all of these are upgrades and they come in two types Specialists and Equipment the upgrade they want is this specialist specifically that is a farmer and as you can see that costs them for money as soon as they take this the rest will slide over and then we'll reveal another upgrade card after that they must Place their upgrade onto their Distillery board as you can see there are three spots with that upgrade icon when that means players can hold up to three upgrades at any point if they have three upgrades they can get another they'll just have to discard one of their previously acquired upgrades in order to make room for it it's worth noting that whenever players have to discard any premium card they put it over here onto the truck this is the spot for the discarded premium upgrades premium ingredients and premium items if we ever run out of cards in the draw decks for these in that moment we will Shuffle up the discard pile and create a new pile for that row well this has finished the blue player's turn and before we move on I do want to point out that the specialist ability down here says they now have a start of round effect that lets them add a basic grain sugar card into their pantry now I do want to point out that the abilities on upgrades come into effect immediately but if it has a start of round effect that only will happen during the start of the next round If instead they had acquired the architect specialist they would have gained the saying once per Market phase they can discount one Distillery upgrade by two and if they had taken this they could use that effect immediately during the same Market phase well blue is done so that means the yellow player can go now they started the game with two money and they've decided for their turn to purchase a basic Market item now as you can see there is stacks of these various ingredients as well as items over here and within every stack each of these cards is the same these cards also have prices on them ranging from zero up to four now as I mentioned before the first five items are ingredients in the last two are items now they could purchase any of these ingredients they vary from zero to two and it looks like they want to buy another yeast now yeast costs zero money as you can see and on top of that it has a special effect that says when purchased they immediately gain one money from the supply and this card cannot be traded with the basic market I'll explain how trading Works later on for now they gain one money which means they now have three money total next up they can add this into their Pantry although whenever you purchase a basic card during the market phase it's advised to put that off to the side the reason for that is because you can only purchase at most two cards from the basic market and this helps you track how many you've purchased within this specific Market phase we can see this restriction is also printed over here on the basic Market board saying you can purchase up to two cards per player per round well yellow is done which means it's time for us to go again and currently we have zero money this means means we could pass if we want to but then we can't do anything else in this market phase and we would not be able to distill later on in the round the reason for that is because we currently don't have any yeast or alcohol cards that we could use in the place of yeast I'll explain how alcohol Works later on when we're in the distilling phase so I think we need yeast and as we just saw every time you purchase yeast it costs zero money and in fact it gets you one money back now this is a basic Market card so we'll put it over here to remind ourselves we can only take one more from this during the current phase and then of course we gain one money that we can spend later on during this phase we are done so now the blue player can go as you can see they began the game with a yeast but they don't currently have any water and you also must have water or alcohol down here during the distilling phase in order to actually make Spirits with this in mind they've decided to spend their turn taking a water card from the basic market now this also has a purchase effect it says when purchased you may reveal the top card of any market deck to all players that player May purchase it or return it to the bottom of that deck now once again the market decks are over here with upgrade ingredient and item cards and this can be a nice way to get some extra variety with the cards that you're buying although right now I think the blue player is going to pass on this effect because they currently don't have any money to spend so they can place this over here again off to the side because this is a basic card and they can use that to track how many of these basic cards they purchased during this Market phase that's finished the blue player's turn which means that yellow can go again and they currently have a three money now they've decided to spend their turn purchasing an item inside this item deck there are bottles as well as barrels of various types and they've decided to buy this wrapped bottle here as you can see that will cost them three money so they can return all three of this to the bank then they can take this bottle and then of course refresh this Market by drawing a new card from the top of the deck it looks like that is another different type of wooden barrel next up they can place this bottle into their store room at the start of the game all players begin with a basic bottle and metal Barrel that's in their storeroom and this is where you keep all of your items now once again there are ingredients and items with each of them being stored in their own areas of each player's Distillery board now bottles are important when it comes to selling spirits and I'll explain why the yellow player spent money on this when we get to that part of this tutorial all right yellow is done which means we can go again and I think let's take another yeast we already have the water that we need to distill in this round and by taking another yeast we gain one more money which brings us up to two now that is going to be an important amount of money in order for us to gain a new recipe and we'll do that on our next turn so I'll explain how that works when we get there of course this is the second card we purchased from the basic Market which means we cannot purchase any more cards from the basic market for the rest of this Market phase so we are done which means the blue player can go they currently have no money and they've only taken one card from the basic market and this means they could take one more before the end of this Market phase they could of course take yeast or water like we've seen already but they've decided instead to take some mixed grains this also costs zero money which is good considering blue currently does not have any money and then they can take this card this is a basic grain sugar and it will be vital for them in order to distill in this current round of the game this is the second basic Market card they've taken during this phase so that means they can't take any more during the phase they are done with their turn which means the yellow player can go now they could take one more card from the basic Market if they want and just like the blue player they've decided to take some mixed grains because they are free and yellow also does not have any money with yellow done that means it's our turn again and we currently have two money now let's focus over here specifically on our recipe list now as you can see this is made up of a board that has some things printed on it as well as this recipe card and each time you play the game you will select a specific type of recipe and then all players will get that recipe card that they will slide into their board now this board shows us the recipes that we have for distilling Spirits we always have the ability to distill moonshine or vodka as well as our signature recipe that is associated with this token that matches up with our Master distiller now we know we have access to these because of these check marks and that means we do not have access to any of these at the beginning of the game now I would like to make kashasa in this first round of the game and that means we need to learn the recipe as you can see these recipes are split into bronze silver and gold types and at the top of our checklist board we have prices associated with each of those types of recipes the bronze cost two money silver costs four and gold costs six now that is the money that we have to spend to learn the recipe and we only have to do this once per game per recipe as I said I would like to distill kashasa and that means we have to learn it and it is a bronze type that means it's going to cost us two money so we can spend these two money to the bank and then take a bronze token and place it next to the kashasa that counts as a check mark so that means for the rest of the game this is an option for us to distill during the distilling phase of each round now just because we have this recipe and meet all of the requirements for it does not mean we will successfully distill kashasa we could end up making vodka or moonshine instead and I'll explain how that works once we get into the distilling phase well let's finish our turn and that means blue can go and they've decided to pass they have no money and they can't take any more basic Market cards so that makes sense this means they will not take any more turns during this Market phase and now yellow can go and they've decided to also pass for the same reasons that means it's back to us rather quickly and I think we will pass now for the same exact reasons as our opponents we obviously have no money and we can't take any more basic Market cards this means we can all add these Market cards to our pantries because we no longer need to track them since the phase is coming to a close the final thing that we do in the market phase is clean up the premium Market specifically the way this works is we will discard the rightmost card on each of these rows and then refresh the market and if it's a two-player game you discard the two rightmost cards in each of the rows now these discarded cards go over here onto the truck and they are not accessible now unless you gain a special effect that lets you take a card from the truck and I'll explain how we do that later on next up we can slide all of these over and then refill the rest of these slots in with the market phase over it's now time for the distill phase and all players will act at the same time during this phase that being said for this tutorial I'll show each of the players doing their distilling phase one after another but remember when playing with other people around the table you can all act at the same time during this phase to speed up the game now the very first thing we can do during this phase is potentially trade one ingredient or item from our Distillery board in order to gain one basic ingredient from the supply the basic ingredient that you get must be of equal or lesser value and as I mentioned before some of these cards say you cannot trade them for example both of our starting equipment it says cannot be traded and the same thing can be said for the yeast cards that we have but not for the others so if we wanted to we could trade this anise for any basic ingredient a value 3 or less and that would make sense if our plan had to change in the middle of our Market phase but I think we're going to keep going and not perform this one optional trade next up we have to add our ingredients Into the washback Now the washback is a container where yeast sugars and water are going to ferment before distillation and in real life these giant barrels can sometimes be over 20 feet deep now as you can see in the washback area of the board we have icons this is for East then this is for the three different types of sugar with grains fruits and plants and then down here for water now in order to distill anything we must have at least one card in each of these three spots so we can look at our ingredients and this is a sugar so we can put it there the water will go there and then the yeast can go there by doing this we have the minimum requirements in order to distill a spirit now we can put all excess into the pantry or we could add more into the washback if we think that's a good idea now I think it is a good idea for us let's add this second yeast over here now I do want to mention that it's possible later on in the game that we will also have alcohol cards in our pantry alcohol cards can be added to the water or Yeast part of the washback which means if we had no yeast but we did have an alcohol we could put that over there and we still have the minimum requirements in order to distill a spirit now I'll explain how alcohol might make its way into our pantry later on in the tutorial for now we know there's two yeast up here after adding ingredients if we have at least one card in all three of these sections we can now start distilling and the way this works is we are going to draw an alcohol card from the top of the deck for every sugar that is in the washback now all of the alcohol cards look the same there's a rather large deck of them off to the side and we have just one sugar in our washback so we'll add one alcohol onto it again if we had more sugars then we would add more alcohol Cards into the washback at this point it's finally time to distill the spirit the way this works is we take all of the cards in the washback and we shuffle them up after doing that we now need to remove the top card from the stack and this is the head now in real life when you're distilling alcohol the head is the first parts of the liquid that comes out of the still and these are lighter alcohols and are potentially poisonous which means they need to be cut out in addition to taking the top card we also have to take the bottom card and this is the tail of the distillation now the tail end is most likely to contain unpleasant flavors so it makes sense to remove that from the spirit after that both of these cards that were taken off are going to be added back into the pantry and that's because in real life when you are distilling you use both the heads and the tails for distilling future batches so what this means is every time you distill two random cards will be removed and they will go back over here which means they are not lost in fact having alcohol makes us flexible for the next round we could put this into the water or the yeast part of the watchback in order to distill in fact we have a yeast as well so in the next round we could do this and just focus our Market phase on trying to get some more sugars so not having the these in our current spirit is not that big of a deal but of course if sugars are randomly taken out that could absolutely affect the type of spirit that we end up distilling at this point we can now reveal all of the remaining cards in the stack and now we have to add a barrel now barrels are items and if you remember from before we always start with a metal Barrel in our storeroom so we can add this metal barrel and that's what we used to distill this Spirit next up we can come back to our recipe list and see which type of spirit we just distilled now the spirit has a metal Barrel one water one yeast and one plant sugar now let's focus on the recipe list in order to make moonshine we have to have a metal Barrel this can't be aged and there can't be any sugars in the spirit now I haven't talked about aging just yet and I will go into that in more detail later on but a spirit that was just created in this phase isn't not considered to be aged so we have the metal barrel and it's not aged but there is a plant sugar which means we did not make moonshine next up we can look to vodka now this also can't be aged and it also needs a metal barrel and it needs to have any number of any type of plant sugar we do have one plant sugar so that means this could be vodka now in addition to these that are available every game we paid money to learn the kashasa recipe now that says we cannot have any grain or fruit type sugars in the spirit and we must have at least one plant sugar in the spirit also this must be a metal barrel and not be aged over here we have a plant type which matches that and we don't have any fruit or grain types which means we have indeed met the requirement to distill cachasa once again if this anise had been in the head or tail of the spirit then obviously we would not have the requirements we need to distill cachasa but this would be in our pantry so we could try it again in the next round and obviously in this case we would have distilled moonshine thankfully that didn't happen for us though and I do think that we want to make kashasa now as you can see the rewards for selling these are listed on the right side and this glass with Laurel leaves around it are Spirit points this other icon is money that you gain so that means if we distilled vodka and sold it we get two spirit points and one whereas the kashasa gives us four Spirit points and no money if we desperately needed that one money then maybe we'd make vodka right now but I think we still want to make kashasa with the distilled Spirit decided it's now time for us to take a matching Spirit token with that in mind let's focus over here now we have moonshine and vodka tokens and again these are in every game and then we have all of these other Spirit tokens that match up with the spirits that we have on our recipe sheet as you can see there are twice as many moonshine and vodka tokens as there are the rest of these types and whenever you distill one of these Spirits you take the associated token we just made kashasa so we can take that token and I do want to mention that if all of these tokens were gone we could still distill kashasa we just wouldn't get this Spirit token Spirit tokens are good for immediate benefits as well as potential end game scoring let's focus back over here and now what we can do is simply place our spirit off to the side and then put this token on top of it I do want to point out that you can only distill at most one Spirit during each phase even if you had enough ingredients in the washback to complete multiple spirits on the recipe list now that's finished our distill phase and of course all players are doing this simultaneously but now let's take a look and see how the blue players distilling goes now they added some mixed grains for their sugar then they have water and yeast they have at least one card in each type so that means they will distill they have a single sugar so they'll add a single alcohol then they can shuffle all of these cards together after shuffling it looks like the head is water and the tail oh it is their mixed grains so that means this is the spirit that they just made with yeast and alcohol next up they can look over at their recipe list and with this the only thing they can make is moonshine once again that requires a metal Barrel which players will always have and they only make the Moonshine if there are no sugars in the spirit now before we move on I do want to again point out that every player also has access to their signature recipe we didn't even look at ours and that's because we were nowhere near being able to complete it hours required three or more grain type sugars and then no plant or fruit based sugars and at least one of those sugars must specifically be rice now this also needs a metal barrel and it cannot be aged and it makes seven Spirit points and gains you one extra money when sold each of these signature recipes can only be made once per game and you can see that with this 1X token right down here now the blue player certainly cannot complete their signature recipe but I do want to point out that they have a recipe Cube down here for whiskey that was part of the asymmetric effect for Nathan mcgeezy as you can see they start the game with a free silver recipe Cube on Whiskey and they also get to sell their aged Spirits for one extra money we'll talk about aging Spirits more in the future and that's why this is here that's effectively like them gaining four extra money because that's how much it would cost to learn whiskey now they would have loved to make whiskey in this first round however that requires two or more grain type sugars and then no plant or fruit-based sugars and this requires a wooden barrel currently they only have a metal barrel and with the money they had they decided to invest in an upgrade instead of trying to make whiskey in this first round it's likely they're going to try to make it in the next round as you can see this farmer is going to make one basic grain card at the start of each round and that is what you need to make whiskey so they're setting themselves up for some more long-term whiskey distillation for now though they're just making moonshine so they can take a moonshine token before I move on I do want to point out that the top of these tokens also gives you a helpful reminder for the things that these specific Spirits need in order to be distilled well that's blue done and then of course at the same time yellow was also distilling and theirs looks a whole lot like the blue players they've got the mixed grains the yeast and the water although they do have another yeast they could add this in but they've decided they're okay holding on to it for the next round this means they are much more likely to make moonshine instead of vodka and they're fine with that next up they have one sugar so they will add a single alcohol and then they will shuffle all of these up and then the head is alcohol and the tail is water so it looks like they have a grain sugar and a yeast left over they of course have to add on a barrel to that and they'll use their metal one and then we can see that they have distilled vodka because they have at least one plant sugar and they have that metal barrel and this is not aged so they'll take the Vodka token from the supply and put it on top of that Spirit Well the distill phase is over so now we can move into the selling phase much like the market phase earlier on the selling phase happens in turn order and it's going to start with us on each player's turn during the cell phase we can sell up to one spirit that we have and then we'll move on in clockwise order so you may end up selling more than one spirit in the phase but you have to wait until the turn comes back around to you now again we are going to start and we have one Spirit over here let's go ahead and focus in now we must sell this during the current cell phase and we know that because the metal Barrel that we used has this no aging symbol now each spirit that we have must be either sold or aged and since we can't age this one we have to sell it so let's go ahead and sell our kashasa the way this works is we have to splay the entire stack out so that we can see any rewards on the left side and then we have to add to that a bottle this is going to come from our store room and we all start with a basic glass bottle and that's the only one we have so we'll have to add that one on there and use that for our kashasa now we can count up the cell value by adding up all of these Money numbers in the top left corner on the cards it looks like we have four over here and then we potentially add to that any money showing up over here on the recipe list for kashasa though there is no extra money so that's four money total and we can gain that from the supply and we will certainly be using that in the next round after that we now need to add up the spirit points we can start over here in the recipe and we know that kashasa will get us four Spirit points and then when we come back over here in the bottom left corner the anise does have a spirit point on there so we add that to the four we already have which brings us up to five in addition to those we also have the possibility of gaining extra Spirit points based off of upgrades that we have our distillers special effect as well as flavors if we had aged that Spirit now it looks like we're not going to get any bonuses for those things and I'll explain the details of Aging Spirits later on before we move from here though I do want to point out that we didn't have any alcohol cards in our spirit we had one alcohol card total and it was removed and the overall effect of that is our spirit was not as alcoholic and that means we made less money if that had been in the spirit we would have gained extra money for it so that means if you add more sugars into the washback you'll add more alcohol into the overall spirit and that spirit will sell for a higher value later on because it is more alcohol and more premium so overall our kashasa gave us four plus one or five points and we are the red player so we can move our token onto the five Spirit spot on this board next up we can take the spirit token and place it onto an empty bonus spot along the top of our Distillery board remember what I said before that if you would distill something and there are no more of these tokens you still successfully distill it but you don't take that token and if you don't have the token you won't gain access to this bonus but you will gain access to everything else associated with that recipe so let's go ahead and focus in a little bit more because we now get to take one of these and again we can only do each one of these once per game now this first one says we can take five money or two spirit points the second one says we can move our signature ingredient into our pantry or we could take two spirit points now I haven't talked about this before but off to the side during setup we placed this Seneca rice that is the signature ingredient for our distiller and the only way to gain access to this is by taking this bonus right over here now the reason this could be important is because our signature recipe requires us to have rice so this would help us get to that requirement in addition to that this Seneca rice pays out two money when it's in a spirit and it also pays out four Spirit points on top of that all of these signature ingredients have the following effect it says if removed from the spirit stack during the still phase you may return it to the spirit you just distilled that card is pretty good but let's move on and see what other benefits we could get this one here says we could discard one card from our pantry to take any one card from the truck or we can take it to Spirit points I mentioned before that we do have the possibility of taking cards from the truck and this is how we do that if there are multiple cards within a stack we can freely look at that entire stack and take any one of our choice using this effect moving on this would let us take a fruity ingredient from the premium or basic Market or take two spirit points and when we take that card we then immediately refill the market if we took a premium ingredient after that this one would let us get a free recipe now that could be bronze silver or gold which means that could save us a bunch of money in order to unlock a recipe that we really want or we can take two spirit points after that this lets us gain a free item in much the same way we could gain a free ingredient from over here or again we could take two spirit points and lastly this one would let us take a free upgrade card from the market again just like these other two bonuses we saw or gain two spirit points out of all these options I think I like this one let's gain a free upgrade from the premium Market these are the four options currently there are three Specialists and one equipment let's take a look at all these options to see which one we should grab over here we have a tour guide and their effect is simple we would gain one money at the start of every round of the game if we took this right now that would end up activating it six times over the course of the game so that's effectively like getting six money which is nice then this Cooper says once per Market phase we can discount one barrel that we purchase by up to two money barrels are important for aging our spirits and when you age a spirit you can get a lot more Spirit points for it when you ultimately sell it the other two options are the master blender and this Orchard now the master blender says during the cell phase we would gain one Spirit point when selling a spirit if we already have a spirit label of the same region now I haven't talked about regions just yet but every Spirit as well as each one of the distillers has a region icon on it this region is for the Americas and overall there are three regions with the Americas Europe as the next and then Asia and Oceana as the third now we already have a kashasa which is associated with the Americas and if we had the master blender and we took another token associated with the Americas then we would get an extra Spirit point which is pretty nice having the most Spirit points is how we win the game now as you can see there's a variety of region icons out here and then the Moonshine and the vodka have this symbol right here now that means it is going to be from the region of your master distiller and for us that is Asia and Oceana so unfortunately these would not necessarily match up although if we had that Master blender and we took more than one of these then we would start to get that benefit there are two other Asia and Oceana recipes out here with the Soju and the baiju and if we had that Master blender that would definitely alter our incentives for which Spirit we distilled finally there is this Orchard and that says at the start of each round we would gain one basic fruit sugar from the supply and those usually cost two money in order to take honestly all of these seem pretty great and on top of that they all have an end game at Spirit points scoring condition the tour guide says at the end of the game they can convert their money into Spirit points at a rate of three to one instead of the normal five to one and the Cooper says they would gain one Spirit point for each Barrel type represented in their Spirit labels the master blender will give two spirit points for every two identical Spirit labels and lastly the orchard would give one Spirit point for every two of your Europe Spirit labels now I like all of these options but this one potentially gets us the most points and that is how we win the game so I think we're going to take the master blender and try to get multiple tokens from the same region of course we then slide these down and then a new one comes out this is the coffee still that is an equipment type upgrade it only gets you one Spirit point at the end of the game but there's no condition for it and it says once per distill phase you may return all removed cards reshuffle and remove the top and bottom cards again essentially giving you a second shot if you didn't like the random cards that were taken the first time now we can add the master blender into an empty upgrade spot on our board and at this point if we used either our glass bottle or our metal Barrel in this Spirit we have to then add them back into our storeroom we never get rid of these which means we will always have this metal barrel and that glass bottle in every single round of the game now I do want to point out that if we had sold this Spirit using a premium bottle instead of our basic glass bottle then we'd actually set it off to to the side to potentially gain us Spirit points at the end of the game and I'll explain how that works later on in the tutorial finally we have to return the rest of the cards to their Associated spots these basic cards go back to the basic market and the premium cards go into the associated discard spot on the truck well let's finish to our selling turn and now the blue player can sell in fact they must because just like us this cannot be aged they of course have to add a glass bottle and then the spirit that they made is moonshine so that means they will gain two money plus three more so that is five money total and then they will gain a single Spirit point there are no other Spirit points on here and they don't have any other benefits that would give them Spirit points for this spirit so they have one point after this they can place their moonshine token onto an empty reward and they've decided to take a free item these are their options and they've decided to take the X bourbon hogshead that normally costs seven money so that's a pretty good grab for them considering they don't have to pay any money at all for this then they can slide this over and then of course add that Barrel into their storeroom once again they are definitely trying to get whiskey up and running and it looks like this is probably part of that endeavor after that they can return their glass bottle and metal Barrel to their storeroom and then the alcohol and yeast can be returned to the supplies finally we have the yellow player and for their vodka they have to add a bottle and they actually have two different options that's because they bought this premium wrapped bottle during the market phase and that is the bottle they've decided to use instead of their basic glass bottle as I mentioned before they made vodka so that is going to get them one money and then looking at the rest of the spirit they have two more money showing so that is three money total that could be added to their supply and then for the spirit points we can see the Vodka will get them too and then we can see that this wrapped bottle is going to give them a variable amount when we focus in that says when they sell they'll gain two extra Spirit points and if they're selling a America's Spirit they'll gain three Spirit points instead as I mentioned before they distilled vodka and that has the location symbol that matches up with their Master distiller Jacqueline Booker is indeed from the Americas which means this is an America's style vodka and that means the wrapped bottle will get them three extra spirit so all told they are going to gain three plus two or five spirit for this vodka that means they're tied with us next up the yellow player needs to select one of these bonuses and they've decided to take their signature ingredient into their Pantry that is Dent corn which is a grain sugar type so that'll go into their pantry after that it's now time for them to remove the barrel and bottles and they did use their starting metal Barrel so that'll go into their storeroom but they did not use their starting bottle now whenever you use a premium bottle you do not return it to the discard pile instead you put it off to the side it has a showcase for the different types of bottles you have sold your spirits in players won't be able to use these bottles in their collection for the rest of the game however once we get to end game scoring they will potentially score extra Spirit points based off of the regions that are associated with bottles in their collection I'll explain how that works in more detail later on the other cards in that Spirit can be returned to the supply and that finished yellow's turn which means now we could go however we don't have any more spirits to sell in fact none of the players do so we will pass and once you pass you cannot take any more turns during this phase and of course all of the players will pass that means the cell phase is over and we can now go into the age phase now the age phase is where we can take Spirits in clay or wooden barrels and age them in our warehouses although at this point no player has any of those to put into their warehouse now I strongly suspect we'll see that in the next round of the game so I'll put off talking about how aging Works in detail until we actually see somebody do it so nothing happens in the Aging phase and we've now reached the end of round step the first thing that we do here is check to see if any players have gained any Spirit Awards during setup we randomly placed a number of these equal to the player count plus one face up on the table each of these has a condition and we only check it at this point in the round now if one or more players meet that condition they will score Spirit points if it's just one player they'll get the points listed and if it's multiple players then you divide those points by all the players who meet the condition and then round up these are the four that we have in today's tutorial and the first one is double sale that would give five Spirit points if a player sells two Spirits in one round obviously nobody did that we all sold one so now we can move on to high class that says if you sell a spirit worth 12 or more Spirit points then you get five more points for achieving this award but the most Spirit points anybody got in this round was five so nobody achieved this one moving down we have up with the Sun that says if you collect three of the Asia and Oceana Spirit labels you'll gain seven Spirit points and it specifically says labels with this icon that match up with your distiller do not count for this award finally there is perfect pair that says if you sell a non-vodka spirit using a bottle from the same region then you get five Spirit points once an award has been achieved we will flip it over and then it won't be available to anyone for the rest of the game obviously nobody completed any of these in the first round though next up every player who did not sell any spirits in the current round have the option of holding a tasting the way this works is they can spend up to four of their Spirit points and gain one money for every Spirit point that they spend obviously if you are at zero Spirit points you cannot spend any every player sold at least one spirit in this round though so nobody can hold a tasting so we can now move the round marker forward which means we are going to be entering the second round of the game now I do want to point out this icon here now when we move from the third to the the fourth round before we actually get to this point all players will have to discard one of their Distillery goals during setup all players received three of these and again once we complete three out of the seven rounds that's when we get rid of one of these and we'll have the other two that we'll keep until end game scoring and we'll hopefully try to score both of them each of these is hidden from our opponents and they give us goals that we are working towards for us we have close to home which would get us five Spirit points at the end of the game if we have or we are tied for having the most Spirit labels from the same region we also have Monarch which would give us six Spirit points if we have or tied for the most of the Europe Spirit labels and again the labels that match your distiller do not count towards this goal finally we have photosynthesis that Awards seven Spirit points if we have or are tied for having the most non-vodka spirits that require plant sugars it's because of goals like this that it's great to have these icons on these Spirit tokens so we can easily see how we are doing now again we don't have to get rid of one of these until we've completed two more rounds of play but of course we should keep these in mind as we're making all of our decisions of course at this point we are entering the second round now the other thing I want to point out over here is that there are seven rounds in this game and once we complete seven rounds that's when we'll move into final scoring now I'll talk about final scoring in more detail later on and the last thing we have to do before entering the next round is pass to the starting player token clockwise so that's going to head over here which means the blue player will be the starting player in the next round of the game so we're at the start of the second round and of course that means all start of round effects need to happen down here the blue player's farmer is going to activate and that's going to add a basic grain sugar ingredient to their pantry so they can take some mixed grains and add those right now of course those mixed grains don't cost money but they can only purchase up to two things from the basic Market in each market phase and by using their farmer now that gives them more flexibility to take other cards from the basic Market later on next up the yellow players distiller effect will come into play they can take a water or a yeast they're going to take a quick look at their Pantry they have a water and a yeast already and they've decided to take a water that's it for the start of round effects so now it's time for the market phase the blue player is going to start this off they've decided to begin by buying turbo yeast now this is out at the premium market and it is going to cost them three of their money and as you can see this is yeast but it also adds Spirit points as well as money unlike the basic yeast now basic yeast would give a money back and it doesn't cost anything but of course having the most Spirit points is how you win the game and this also adds an additional alcohol into the spirit during the distill phase after they take that they can refresh the market oh it looks like we have mountain spring water this costs three and it is a water like we saw it adds two money to a spirit it also adds one Spirit point and it says if removed from the spirit stack during the distal phase you add a basic water card to the spirit you just distilled now they can add this into their Pantry or directly into their washback and they know they're going to be using this in the current round so they're just going to put it into the washback immediately blue is done so now yellow can take a market turn for their turn they've decided to spend two of their money and they're gonna learn the Soju recipe that is bronze which means it does cost the two money and then they can place the bronze token right over here and now they can distill Soju for the rest of the game that requires a metal Barrel it cannot be aged and it cannot have any sugars except for grain and it has to have at least two grain it does gain one more Spirit Point than the kashasa that we made earlier all right yellow is done so now we can go and we have four money at our disposal now we already have the recipe for kashasa so we could try to make more kashasa in fact we get extra Spirit points when we take another label that matches the same region and we have that America's region already we could of course work towards a different America's Spirit when we focus over here Jin and rum are both from the Americas gin cannot be aged and it needs the metal Barrel that we already have and it also needs two or more fruit type sugars and it is a silver recipe which means we need to pay all four of our money just to learn it then we'd not have any money to get those fruit I don't think that really makes sense now we have a yeast and an alcohol which means we have everything except for sugars in order to distill remember we could substitute alcohol for water or for yeast in this case that could go down there of course we don't have to put those down there just yet and when I consider the fact that the basic fruits cost two money each I don't think it makes sense to try and make a gin on this turn instead let's make kashasa again that is going to require at least one plant sugar although unfortunately right now there are no plant sugars out here on the premium Market there's a couple of the fruit sugars but those were expensive at six and five each they give quite a few Spirit points though now with our four money I think let's just go with mixed plants down here from the basic Market that does cost one and that is all we need realistically to make that kashasa although if we add more plant sugars then we get to add more alcohol and more alcohol means we'll make more money when we sell this spirit and we can use that money to make better spirits in the future rounds this is a basic ingredient so we'll put this over here and hopefully opponents will buy from here and maybe we'll see some more of those plant-based ones come out before we run out of money okay we are done which means blue can go and they currently have two money remaining they've decided to spend both of those to buy this premium rice that is a grain sugar and they're going to put that right into their washback after that this Market can be refreshed and nice there is another plant sugar that's potatoes it does cost three but it also adds one to the sale value and to the spirit points blue is done which means yellow can go and currently they just have one money after considering their options they're just going to take mixed grains that does not cost anything and since it's a basic card they'll put it to the side so they can track how many of those they've taken in this round their turn is done which means it's come back to us and we have three money and those potatoes cost three money I think this is going to be worth it to us let's go ahead and spend all of our money taking this and we can add that directly into the washback after that we can refresh the premium market and some wheat came out our turn is done which means the blue player can go and currently they don't have any money at all they've decided to take some mixed grains those don't cost any money and they can put those right here to show that is the first basic card they've taken in this round after that yellow can go they have one money and it looks like they're also going to go for mixed grains there's been a lot of grain based distilling happening so far in the game after that we are up we have no money and unfortunately that means we don't have enough to take another mixed plants I'd love to do that but that costs one money now currently we have yeast and alcohol so we have enough to actually make this distilling happen and I think that leaves us somewhat flexible and let's go ahead and take this yeast because that will get us one money immediately when we purchase it we can put that there we now have one money and now the blue player can go they've decided to take yet another Mixed Grain that's the second one they've taken in this round and then the yellow player is going to pass they have one money and they've already taken two of these basic cards so they can't take any more that means it's over to us we also have one money we've also taken two of these cards and there's nothing we can do with this one money so we're going to pass and then the blue player is going to pass as well they have no money and they've taken two basic cards that means we can take these basic cards and put them into our pantry or our washback and I think everyone is going to be putting them directly into their washback after that we have to do Market cleanup and in this three player game we discard one of each of the card types we can see some new cards this is a greenhouse that's equipment it costs four and it says at the start of each round you add a basic mixed plant card to your pantry now those actually cost money so that is a pretty good effect right there and it also says at the end of the game you gain one Spirit point for every two American Spirit labels that you currently have there's also an ingredient that is going to be barley and a mason jar this is interesting when we focus in the Mason jar says when selling you gain two money and if you're selling moonshine you gain four money instead so it's a variable amount of money and this is a really good way to get extra money if you happen to be distilling moonshine it's pretty cheap too alright the market phase is over so it's now time to distill once again this happens simultaneously but for this video I'll show each player doing this in order let's go ahead and start with ourselves we can put an alcohol down here and a second yeast up there if we want the more yeast we have up here the more likely we are to not lose a plant and technically we could lose both of these plants and in that case we'd be making moonshine that'd be bad I think we definitely want to dilute this so that is less likely to happen if we made moonshine it's not the end of the world for sure because we'd then just try to make a kashasa in the next round so we can now add alcohol and again we add one for every sugar in the watchback so we'll add two sugars and then we will distill so we're going to shuffle all of these up and we are hoping to not pull both of our plant sugars the first thing is a plant sugar that's going to go into the pantry that is the head and then the tail is yeast okay phew so that means this is the spirit that we just distilled and now we have to add a barrel we'll use this metal Barrel here and then we can look over here and see that we did indeed distill cachasa we have at least one plant sugar in a metal barrel and that is all that was required so we can take another kashasa label we can put that right over here and that is US done I do want to mention that even though this phase is simultaneous if there are more players who want to take a label than there are labels in the supply then we take them in turn order of course while we are distilling so is the blue player now they have a water and this turbo yeast and then they've decided to add a couple more grains into this washback they have a whopping five sugars in their washback which means they will add five alcohol and then they also have this turbo yeast that says during the distill phase they have to add an additional alcohol to the washback so that is a sixth alcohol this is going to be very alcoholic whiskey now they can distill by shuffling all of these together and they are planning on making whiskey and in fact it's impossible for them to miss in this round the reason for that is because the whiskey needs at least two grain and they have five grain in here so even if grain is in the head and the tail they'll still have enough to create that whiskey so let's see what they made there is an alcohol at the head not too surprising considering how many alcohol cards are in here and then there is a Mixed Grain so that means this is their Spirit they have to add a barrel and they're going to go with the X bourbon hogshead here and then we can confirm they have indeed made whiskey because they're using this wooden barrel and then they easily have at least two of the grain type of sugar and they don't have any non-grain sugars in this spirit so they can take a whiskey label blue is done but now let's take a look at yellow they put a water here they added their signature corn over here then they have yeast and at this point they don't actually have to add to this alcohol or this water they've decided to put the alcohol here though and then considering they are hoping to make Soju and that requires at least two grain they've decided they are going to add another water to make it less likely that they fail at making the Soju now they can add alcohol and there are three sugars so that is three alcohol that goes into the washback so they can now collect these up and shuffle them they are at a slight risk of failing to make Soju and in that case they would make a moonshine this would only happen if that grain was in their head and their tail so we can start with the head and it's an alcohol and then the tail is another alcohol so that means this is a less alcoholic drink than they were hoping for but either way they are indeed going to be making soju they of course have to add a barrel and they will add a metal Barrel that matches up for the Soju this cannot be aged and again they need to have at least two of the grain type sugars and none of the other types and they have three of those grain type sugars so they've successfully made Soju which means they can take one of those labels and place it onto that spirit all right we're all done distilling so now we can move on to the selling phase this will begin with the blue player since they have the starting player token but they are actually going to pass in fact they are forced to pass the reason for that is because this whiskey must be aged we know that because of this aging icon here and since it was just distilled on this round it is not aged yet so they will be aging this later on during this phase but during this selling phase they will pass so play will move up to yellow and they are going to sell their Soju in fact they must because they are not allowed to age it now when they sell this Soju it looks like they are going to gain one two three four five six seven money for these icons up here and there is no extra money down over there so that is seven money for the spirit which is definitely going to open up their options in the next Market phase next up they're going to gain Spirit points the Soju has a base of five and then their signature ingredient is in here so that is going to get them four more bringing them up to nine yellow was at five so that's going to bring them up to 14 and I do want to mention that if you go past 50 you can then use this token that you put onto the board you can also flip it over again if you go past 100. next up they can claim one of these empty rewards and they've decided to go for this one that lets them learn one free recipe or gain two spirit points and they're gonna go for the recipe normally these cost two four or six money for the bronze silver and gold recipes they've decided to go for gold so that's effectively six money worth of benefit they're getting and they're gonna learn Brandy when we focus in brandy gives a base of 13 Spirit points when it's sold but it does require a wooden barrel and it must be aged at least one round and has to have at least two fruit sugars in it they did consider the baijo that needs three or more of the Grain and it uses a clay type of barrel we can actually get clay and wooden barrels in the basic Supply the clay barrels are a little bit cheaper at three and the wooden barrels cost four and then of course there are premium versions of these that show up in the premium market now the reason they went with the Brandy instead of the baijo is they already have the recipe for Soju which needs two of the grain type of sugar here so they figure if they can get grains they'll make Soju and if instead they can get fruits they'll try to make some really lucrative Brandy they might not be able to pull this off in the next round but they do have eight money so it's possible they can make it happen actually hold on they forgot to add a bottle sorry about that this bottle should have increased the money they gained by one so they actually made eight money total which means they have nine going into the next round now at this point they can return these things the glass bottle and this metal Barrel should go to their storeroom and then the rest of these will go back to their Associated piles it is worth noting that they've used their signature ingredient so that is going to be removed from the game well yellow is done with their turn so that means we can go and we did distill kashasa so we must sell that now we of course need to add this bottle and then when we get money it looks like that is six money total showing up on all of these cards there is no money over here for the kashasa so we'll take six money and that means we have seven and then we can gain Spirit points this is a base of four and then when we look at these cards we have an additional one from these potatoes so that brings us to five but then on top of that our Master blender will activate they say during the cell phase we gain one at Spirit point when selling a spirit if you already have a spirit label from the same region we are currently selling kashasa and we have already sold some kashasa so that will activate getting us one additional spirit so that is six Spirit total which is going to bring us from 5 up to 11. not quite as good as the yellow player they made more spirit and more money than us in this current round of course they did that by using their signature ingredient and we haven't used ours just yet I'm sure we'll get to it at some point before the game is over speaking of that now we can take one of these bonuses and I think for this round we'll go simple and just take five money we had seven so now we have 12 and that just increases our flexibility with the options that we have in the next Market phase of course we could have taken two spirit points instead but at this moment in the game I think getting the money is probably going to be better as we invest in our Distillery alright we can now return all of these items from our spirit and now we skip the blue player since they've passed already then yellow passes and then we pass because we don't have any more spirits to sell that means the selling phase is over and we can now move into the Aging phase and this starts with the blue player now as I mentioned before the blue player distilled whiskey and whiskey must be aged at least one round so they must age this whiskey and the way this works is they're going to take the spirit they're gonna grab all of the cards and put them face down except for the barrel and then they're gonna put this with the label on top onto an empty spot in their warehouse now if they did not have any empty spots and they had a spirit they must age then they must have sold one of their spirits in their warehouse to open up a spot so that they could then age the new spirit next up during the Aging step every spirit in the warehouse is going to gain a random flavor card in order to do this they draw the top card from this deck and they don't look at it you're not allowed to figure out what kind of flavor was added to that Spirit until you sell it now if we take a look at this deck there's a ton of different flavor options we have caramel we have seaweed salty old seller Piney there's just a ton of variety in here and as you can see in the top left there are a variety of different pants we can see that this Orange Peel has a plus two to the money this caramel is plus three or as manure that's going to be zero now you may have noticed that there are no Spirit points on these cards and that's because you get Spirit points differently for these flavors when you sell I'll explain how that works very soon but for now the blue player is going to take the Top flavor card from this deck and they're going to add that face down to the bottom of this Spirit now at any time they're allowed to look at all of the cards in the spirit except for the flavor card which must remain hidden until this is sold now they add one random flavor to each of the spirits that they're aging although in this case blue gets to add another one because of the special effect on their ex-bourbon hogshead wooden barrel when we focus in it says when Aging for the first time add an additional flavor card so this one begins with two flavors instead of one of course this extra flavor thematically coming from the bourbon that was distilled in here before now once again during the Aging phase we're going to add one of these flavors to every single thing that's aging so that means if you age something for five rounds you're gonna put five flavors underneath it now these are gonna stay in your Warehouse until you choose to sell them during a selling step and when you sell these it follows the normal procedure with one extra aspect and that has to do with a spirit bonus based off of the number of flavors that are in that Spirit as you can see you will get one extra Spirit point if there is one flavor three Spirit points for two then six points for three ten points for four and a whopping 15 extra Spirit points if this has five flavor cards remember there is variability from one card to the next in terms of the money payout but every card counts towards these Spirit bonuses so as you can see it really pays off to age these spirits but of course you're not selling it and that means in this round the blue player has gained normal since obviously they aged the only spirit that they distilled well blue is done aging their spirits and it looks like nobody else has invested in an aging infrastructure yet with those barrels and of course the recipes required to actually do the Aging so that means we are done with the Aging phase and we can now move on to the end of round phase the first thing we do is check all of the spirit Awards and nobody has achieved any of these just yet the yellow player got nine Spirit points for the spirit they sold not the 12 that they needed to get the high class award nobody completed any of these other ones and now the blue player has the option of holding a tasting remember you can only do this if you sold no Spirits during the current round and blue aged their whiskey that they distilled they did not sell any so that means they have the option of giving up one to four Spirit points to gain the same amount of money and they only have one Spirit point so they could spend that to gain one money right now but they don't think one money is going to really change things too much for them the next round is going to be a little bit lean for them and they're okay with that so they're not going to hold a tasting next up we can move the rounded token forward to the three spot and then finally the starting player token is going to move clockwise and that means the yellow player will be the starting player in the next round of the game well at this point we are ready for the third round of the game but I think I am now going to stop playing through the game and instead discuss how final scoring Works once again the game will be played until we've completed seven full rounds and of course when we move from the third to fourth round every player will simultaneously discard one of their three Distillery goals without showing it to their opponents once the seventh round is completed the game will be over and we can then move into final scoring now at this point we can gain extra Spirit points for a variety of different things the first of these involves spirits that are currently Aging in the warehouse of a player when the game is over now I do want to mention that you are allowed to distill a spirit that requires Aging in the seventh round of the game obviously you'd be forced to put it into an empty spot in your warehouse and you won't have an opportunity to sell it but you will liquidate these four Spirit points during final scoring and will talk about that right now now the first thing that you do is flip this over and you will gain a single point for every flavor card associated with that spirit in this example that is skunky and chocolate and if it were to sell this earlier on two of these flavor cards means they'd get three Spirit points but again during final scoring you just get one Spirit point for each of these so it's certainly a lot better to sell these with a bunch of flavors before the game actually ends now you also gain Spirit points for the cards that you have in the spirit as well as the recipe over here but I do want to point out you do not gain money because you did not actually sell this spirit so you would not get the three money for the chocolatey flavor here and you would also not get all this money that shows up on the cards in the spirit in addition to that even though you have this token you are not allowed to claim any bonuses during final scoring next up players will score Spirit points for their bottle collection remember you're able to add bottles to your collection whenever you sell them and they have a region icon on them you put those off to the side and then you will gain Spirit points based off of those regions if you have two of the same region in your collection you'll get two spirit points if you have three it goes to four four regions is seven points five regions is ten and if you have six or more bottles from the same region you get a whopping 15 Spirit points in addition to this if you have at least one bottle from all three different regions you'll gain five points but that only happens once after this players will gain Spirit points for the upgrades they currently have in their Distillery for example we have this master blender and again that says at the end of the game it will give us two spirit points for every two identical Spirit labels we have two of these kashasa labels so that is already worth two extra Spirit points to us at the end of the game some of these are conditional like that and others just give you a fixed amount of spirit points like this coffee still right here which gets you one Spirit point if it's in your Distillery at the end of the game after this we will then score these Distillery goals of course at this moment everyone will only have two not three we discard one of these just before we enter the fourth round of the game everyone will reveal the two that they have and potentially score those Spirit points if they meet the listed criteria and each of these cards only applies to the player who has that card finally players can gain Spirit points for their excess money every five money they have will turn into one point so that means if we ended the game with 12 money we would gain two more Spirit points after gaining points for all of these conditions the player with the most Spirit points will be the winner and they will gain the title of Master distiller now if there is a tie for the most points at the end of the game then the time player who has the most money remaining is going to win the game and if there is still a tie then the tied players share in the victory well at this point I've taught just about all of the rules to the game so that's going to bring this tutorial to a close I hope you enjoyed learning how to play distilled as always I'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including these producer level patreon supporters if you too would like to directly support the channel and the creation of future videos like this one then please go to John getsgames.com Support also if you enjoyed this video please click the like button for it down 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Channel: JonGetsGames
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Keywords: instructional, jongetsgames, jon gets games, johngetsgames, jongetsgames playthrough, jongetsgames play through, jongetsgames playthru, jongetsgames runthrough, jongetsgames tutorial, jongetsgames runthru, jongetsgames distilled, distilled playthrough, distilled play through, distilled play thru, distilled runthrough, distilled tutorial, distilled runthru, distilled review
Id: Bfc4OnHdnts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 6sec (4026 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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