Keemstar Sued For Defamation, Elon Musk Allegations, Dogecoin Founder Calls In - After Dark #73

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That top looks fire on Sam!

👍︎︎ 143 👤︎︎ u/Katecandycane 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

Can’t believe we just witnessed the first time that Hila has thrown a ball

👍︎︎ 99 👤︎︎ u/LowPiece9312 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

White Claw Gabe made me laugh today so much

"Have a smoke. Barbecue. Drop some acid"

Even though he didn't actually say that at all apparently

👍︎︎ 84 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

is there something wrong with the audio or is it my headphones lol

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/delilah_lee 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

For the love of God someone soundbite Hila laughing into her glass of water 💀


Lastly shoutout to Steve Awakey's family

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/donotgogenlty 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

the flight attendant's friend was part of the initial confrontation, she corroborated the story when it was brought to the attention of musk's company.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/rosefuri 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

I feel like Ethan is forgetting he lost a fitness competition to Trisha.

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/rajde1 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

I think the doge coin creator should be in the title

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/KINGram14 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

OMG Zach is on fire with the soundboard today!!

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/Bossman01 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
it's friday may 20th [Applause] yeah more maybe can you do a little more enthusiasm dan that's what i'm talking about you guys see how hyped we are this friday may 20th it's after dark mate you know it no it's not wednesday why does he always say that it's definitely friday oh that's why i was so hyped hey fred hey uh hey fresh what's today good one man and okay got another one man what do you what the difference between them i can never understand what that guy's saying fresh i asked what day is it oh prettied up and then loaded coleman's hair on off to the side man i'm gonna look like that like get my good side like that yeah that's what he's fresh what day is it it is wednesday it's not wednesday dude it's friday with a boom man the old cow flies all right well today's episode is sponsored by uh hellofresh thank you and at the top of the show i want to give a quick shout out to my beautiful wives a wonderful company hit me with that fashion music look at ab he's rocking that rick and morty long-sleeve tee officially licensed in collaboration hey hey hey work it work it sam is enjoying the what is that one called yo mock neck something color block schmutz sam is looking good lena is looking amazing in her what is that one called eel it's called something something fresh i particularly i think this shirt is beautiful uh it looks amazing how does it feel lina it's a good one right yeah she's she says great she says it's great it's great i love it you hear that yeah there it is and of course i'm wearing this i don't even know if this is a stock still kind of old one do you want to plug anything ela i'm wearing unreleased simple unreleased and then my old shredder and alfredo shirt okay represent is anyone else rocking teddy fresh this uh beautiful day uh i've got one that's a little older let's see it oh yeah that's a beautiful piece i think that one's still on on the website the floral teddy fresh design we love it we love to see it guys if you're in the market for some clothing go on over to there's this and way more cool stuff so thank you thank you we actually we have a really amazing show planned today we're having a call in i'm actually really excited about this um a gentleman by the name of uh jackson palmer now this guy is the creator of dogecoin so this guy's kind of a big deal but what's interesting about jackson palmer is that he now hates cryptocurrency he thinks he he loathes it uh and he's super smart super insightful and i think it's gonna be real interesting to hear from from jackson a little bit later on round two um exciting uh lots to talk about as well um including oh members up for members thank you all the wonderful members there's a new bts after the show that's how it works right uh usually this one is going to be tomorrow sorry guys but it's a lot of footage it's from the whole car oh okay okay so tomorrow um let's see what top of the show we got for you guys we have the uh h3 couples face merge wow i haven't seen this oh the couple's face merged so this sounds no i hate those wait no look at it eila yo it looks like miz kiff it kind of doesn't look like ms kip love back me up i know you yeah i i think like three of these kind of looks like mischief yeah they all end up looking like him yeah it's because it's the eyebrows he has beautiful eyebrows and the eyes too yeah yeah and beautiful eyes apparently so there you go um i had some uh kind of a strange thing but hey let's see who's next this is dan oh my goodness now this i don't know what happened here but you guys turn into like a seven-year-old woman yeah this is allison and dan wow just take that in huh golly that is awesome you guys look like and i and i'm just saying this with peace and love you guys look like uh i'm not even gonna say it let's just move on today's one of the days where i'm gonna just do the right thing oh thank you i love those days yeah yeah let's just move right past that um this beautiful son of a guy sam and ian definitely love the best whoa you look like a kind of star dude like a genderless beauty yeah i like legs and uh ass so wait you kind of look like yourself in with just nicer skin and beautiful eyes yeah um he looks yassified yeah yassified for sure i was samified samified even better what a beautiful comp what a beautiful features wow thank you thank you love this love that um next up we have dantel and zach that's a real person dude that's just a real person what the heck it's gift i feel like that's somebody i would probably know he's like [Laughter] damn okay shout out you guys are uh this one did not turn out good i'm just going to say that oh what what the what happened here i i don't know lena has a very small nose that looks beautiful on her but not so much on me is that what it is the nose came up and just it just doesn't fit either that's all i could focus on i don't know what happened you're not the heartthrob anymore dude well there you have it i would say uh is there more yeah there's more my favorite one's next yeah whoa is that cam and love yeah yeah that's interesting that is interesting that is also somebody i probably know from israel wow do you see how there's two different eyes i think it took one on my eyes and one of what an interesting fellow you guys created yeah there you have it so oh there's more wait who's this that's olivia and pete davidson oh god something went wrong here olivia the mouth pete's mouth something's terribly wrong uh olivia's back next week by the way shout out to uh zunzans on the subreddit for that one that was fun um yo we have a new horrible pitch oh let's watch um you guys we we talked to br you want me to wait there's been something weird with the audio did you guys fix it there's something up with the audio oh is that what is it all good there we are hey gabe what's going on buddy you taking a walk happy friday it's thursday thursday no it's friday night oh you got me really good dude what i was like what i was looking at my phone i was like hold on you got me dude you taking a jog you're just running dude baby oh mucho [Applause] little overcast huh it's cloudy oh cloudy yeah what they call it may gray oh do they call it gray do you like the overcast weather or you prefer just sunny well i i say stunning like you're in a natural air conditioner that's good right i don't think about humidity or [Music] stickiness friday baby what you doing this weekend well we'll probably have dinner with a couple of friends and have a smoke oh what are you smoking barbecue you doing 420 acid wait wait back it up wait wait so you're doing 420 and you said you're dropping acid no acid you know the cigar bread acid oh this weekend it may not be the same game next week have you ever dropped acid gabe no i haven't no okay acid's a brand name on the cigar i see that it's a little confusing it's like they're like flavored uh cigars yeah like flavored white like acid flavor no no no like they have like uh like a christmas flavored one or like uh gabe would you ever try acid have you ever been curious to try it no no yeah dinner barbecue there may be no more friday concept when you try it yeah you when you try acid you learned that the days of the week are arbitrary we don't like that yeah that's true that'd be nice yeah yeah we don't want that for good [Music] friday all right gabe you have a good weekend okay buddy yeah have a good one all right love you you take care you have fun all right love you yeah next weekend [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] baby all right love you love ya all right love you buddy i love you i love you [Music] [Laughter] friday all right take care buddy take care love [Laughter] that ya nice always a pleasure always a pleasure to hear from you um on cameo you guys if you want uh a shout out of course you can find him there speaking of cameos um you know we've been talking about abey's boxing match quite a bit hundar his opponent uh bought let's see so honda here i'll just read his text he said i totally forgot but i bought this cameo because i thought it'd be funny with the memes this is the guy who says if he if he dies he dies from rocky yeah the russian he dies he dies if he does he does but i think he got confused and he thought i was supposed to be encouraging a.b he said my coach would have killed me if i sent this before the fight so here is he dies he dies guy sending actually words of encouragement to a b a little bit of a backfire legendary a message for a b from myself from brett so look man you're fighting this guy in a boxing what a voice charity events and uh he says he's kind of like trump they say trump yeah he's got this like they say you're fighting this guy uh i'm not i don't know i i i don't know much about him he sounds like a real shallow guy i don't know he sounds like a character from batman yeah he basically is he's a swedish legend oh really yeah dark flynn gang dolph dark dolph yeah darth vader darth flutton the greatest sith of all yeah to scrawny too weak he says if you die you die but i tell you kick his ass or i must break you all right ab all right have a great fight good luck and you will win don't worry you will break in what legendary wait so i don't understand why didn't he send it because he's encouraging a b yeah because he killed one of the main characters in rocky yeah so he didn't want to send it beforehand dude kenya is so awesome like you can turn like a meme into a whole career like he's famous for just being like if he does he does and now he's on camera doing that all day yeah right it's it's kind of like um correcting society because all these people they deserve it deserve it right that's a good point either you know why you should be able to cash in on that yeah if he dies he dies i wonder if he would just do that for like a minute straight if he dies he dies i actually ordered a cameo from him for my dad years ago he said everything i asked for like word for word so legend how much was it i think it was 300 oh my goodness you paid that cameo split it 100 each so i love for terrible first pitches and apparently there's a new one this is funny because we were just talking about this guy i know and how he's everywhere and i was like who is this guy and he now here he's back steve uh aoki steve ayotte zach i was hoping to i forget what i was gonna do anyway um let's see man there's a lot of bad first pitches so let's see how bad is this one a wine dab oh my god whoa wait what oh what's happening something with the audio has been happening is my audio crazy right now audio's fixed now uh oh no something else oh [ __ ] oh the video okay okay the video you good okay so yeah here it is dude what the heck was that man i just say like if you don't know how to throw a ball don't get out there dude or do a little practice you know i talked a lot i've talked about it he's a dj apparently exactly now i've talked [ __ ] about these first pictures before and you all made me show you that i have credentials you remember that yes uh don't question me just the other day we talked about the fact that we were genuinely impressed by your uh by your arm thank you guys very much i threw us i threw up right down the center i remember oh you do so don't question my my authority on this i don't think anybody did well i'm sure they're there but i'm just saying like but what's the problem i don't understand isn't it just for the gay guy gaff and goof and shits and giggles no yeah but you don't want to be like dude when you throw a bad first pitch you live forever in infamy you get goofed on forever this is baseball this ceremony but do you really dude yes gary's first pitch from the howard i haven't heard about that people on espn have been making fun of him for decades yeah they were talking about this one on howard but there was a list and gary's is still number one gary's is number one yeah and i'm just saying you don't want to be on that list for this dj is anybody going to talk about that oh yeah really yes i mean that was that wasn't as bad as gary's it was wild what did he do was he just threw it as hard as he could like up yeah the throw doesn't make any sense he threw it into the stand right that was a weird one dude but okay shout out you know again let's just look at baba bowie's uh pitch just to see show you guys but it's embarrassing dude there's like tens of thousand people watching you you better just you know you've got to be weirdo bro you just got to get out and the thing is if you throw a perfect pitch dude you get street cred forever and that's that's all i'm saying like just practice a few times right how hard is that just saying i sent you a multi-cam angle oh yeah i need any more angles of this thank you yeah i need a multi cam this oh this is baba booies yeah so so this is garrett this is what's held to be the worst ceremonial pitch of all time this is the producer from the howard stern show who's a huge uh baseball fan and he even got a coach and practiced he said he practiced look at that dude wait i missed it and he's like a huge he's a huge baseball fan so this was like he was having nightmares about this i'm a big meth fan buff watch how embarrassed he is after he throws it he look at him he just puts his head in shame he's like i'm just gonna be made fun of forever [Laughter] honestly seeing it now it's not that bad it's not that bad i think steve aoki was worse i think steve's was worse yeah yeah wait there was one we saw that was like way worse who was a celebrity dee was it dj khaled or some hip hop 50 cent 50 cents 50 cents yeah i love these yeah that's more on par with steve aoki's 50 cent's pitch was nuts dude um didn't fouchy throw a wild one too was that recently did he throw a wild one um he did what the heck okay here we go and you gotta love how he winds up too like he he's he's like all right we're gonna put the ball back here i'm gonna throw a nice speeder down the straight boom dude oh my god i'm just saying dude that's embarrassing just saying just saying you know they're laughing through the pain let's be honest but okay maybe i'm wrong maybe it's just an honor either way that's what i'm thinking you guys think it's an honor either way or is this just a fouchy okay now you know what i wonder i wonder if your dad kind of like interfered with your point of view about this to take it too seriously you know your dad with the [ __ ] balls am i am i off base here this this is you don't want to go through a horrible picture right i'm i don't watch baseball so i'm kind of with ila like if i if like personally if i [ __ ] up i'd be like oh whatever yeah you don't want to be in that hall of fame you do not want to be in there thank you i mean there's not an expectation for it to be like a fastball down the center or anything right at all just just a gentle lob you know yeah no you just want to get it within catching yeah but i mean steve's uh i'm kind of inclined to say that's the worst one cause we i remember we look like the worst one we reviewed these a couple months ago yeah and the and the audience had suggested uh you know some people that have done well and done poor and i don't remember any being like that was almost threw it into the balcony yeah that was nuts well here's fauci by the way and dude i'm sorry but i've heard lots of conspiracies about this guy but it's all true this guy's the first american fauci is a he's a threat to our to our democracy yep maybe i'm off base but i just think that i don't think you're offering that you can never recover from that i think it's just you either uh know it or don't kind of like good you got to move to canada after that i think it's a pr nightmare canadian teams and mlb i see a few people saying they're they're with you on this thank you you see it's not just me it's not just me yeah i was just wondering did gary like brand new brainwashing i get it that's that's a fair thing to wonder it could be but a baseball is the american pastime you got to throw a ball sure you got to learn how to throw a ball you think we could orchestrate getting your dad a first pitch an honorary first pitch that would be him for that he would go he would lose his mind dude that would be the aim if we could do that he'd probably throw a terrible one too i know it would be such good content for this house wait how could well so i don't know because oh jenna marbles got one see good i remember yeah yeah we watched it and sure oh yeah see that's so cool right yeah that's so cool he's so cute i think maybe she played softball or something i could be wrong but look at that that's a clean one dude that's a clean pitch makes it look easy yeah she did make it look easy that was impressive didn't carly rae jepsen have a bad one too i'm like vaguely remembering carly lee who now carly rae jepsen she sang that song call me maybe we could try maybe we could try you know what would be the best dan is if uh i went out there with my dad because i don't think they're gonna let my dad throw like a dodger stadium like who where can we find some weird off-brand oakland a's like [Music] like no my dad's a die-hard dodger fan but they're not going to let my dad who is that they're just that it's like they're not going to let us do it games they play here we can reach out and see they might let me maybe in which i'd have to bring my dad out there and then do like a switcheroo he'd be proud we can reach out and see let's see let's see maybe we could just make up a story about how we just turn it into like a make-a-wish thing [Laughter] like that's kind of the only way we're gonna make this oh my god you know oh jesus hey uh and in the role of a lifetime and the role of a lifetime wait so i gotta try since i'm american now i never tried you never throwing a ball no should we set it up you want to do it now no no no no that's very american if not now when if not now when if not you then who in a few weeks okay we'll hold you to that next few weeks hold on because you don't want to throw a bad pitch it would be embarrassing right weren't you just saying wait that's true i literally never even held a ball i'm gonna throw that in my hands set it up oh my god all right ela is about to go uh she's about to throw the honorary whatever of the friday episode so here almost whatever so so it's going to be oh is that a real how did you get a ball so fast what is wrong with you guys wow oh this wait this isn't an official ball this is soft and rubbery and light so that'll be easier for you okay now now basically i mean i just i don't know what i don't know what to do look at your target follow through throw it harder than you think you would have to i would say that's that's not good advice not as hard as steve awakey awakey aoki bakey awakey steven stephen are you a waiki okay so dan you were so quick to set this up i remember you didn't want to throw on camera mr dan uh-huh that's true you know why because it would be embarrassing to [ __ ] up in front of a bunch of people just you set this up quicker than i've ever seen you set anything up [Music] okay so uh we have to get the camera set up but uh are the cameras set up we need to get a mic set up um but basically uh i'm going to announce this aby is going to catch it and uh i will let it know and ela's going to throw a steamer right down the lane so bear with us just one sec we're getting set up here [Music] yeah great technique [Music] that form all right [Music] so ela is warming up she's doing some uh stretching right now the dogs are here in full support [Music] ethan's uh stance he's looking like the you know da vinci's a vitruvian man [Music] peak performance uh we'll here go ahead talk go ahead hey okay we're on so guys welcome to the first inaugural h3 uh baseball game friday may 20th we're about to get this underway now ela is here to throw our first ceremonial pitch a b is going to be receiving it go ahead right down there if you can crouch yeah right in front of the boxes okay are you ready now the goal i don't know if you know but the goal is basically to get it there's a strike zone honestly if you get it anywhere within hand range of baby i'll be impressed okay you're gonna pass the test all right ela whenever you're ready anywhere there no bouncing before either it's got to be a straight you can't no bounce you can't bounce it and then it goes to me yeah all right ready here we go i can tell there's going to be a disaster just based on that hand motion oh no it's not it's gonna it's more likely to hit me i think yeah i mean yes essentially yes i don't i don't i think what you're doing you're like twisting your body that's not good it's all it's going to be all in your arm it's going to be all in your arm yeah you don't want to throw it with your waist do whatever is comfortable you know i'm not going to t you're not going to learn how to throw a pitch in one one thing just you know follow your heart that looks yeah no he's being fine [Music] ela threw up basically a perfect pitch holy [ __ ] dude that was a perfect line drive straight to a b and they kill and that and ela's putting on her cowboy hatch is ready to do a victory lap now dan are you ready to throw your pitch oh i have to now all right then dan's been talking a lot of smashing serious [ __ ] he's been talking i was saying i didn't want to do this for the exact reason that you were explaining that you don't want any inspiration so dan is already talking up that this is going to be okay that's that's yeah that's good yeah i think traditionally it's come okay you know what not that bad i think traditionally it's going to be way further this is like easy okay don't take it away yeah yeah like that i think that well that's probably yeah all right let's see here we go dan said he's just gonna throw it at me here he goes lining up [Music] that's it that's a good pitch that's a good pitch dan passes van passes what can i say we got a whole we all got a whole office of true blue blooded americans anyone else want to step to the plate while we're here zach go ahead zach zach full of confidence zach is throwing his hair back full of confidence let's see what he's got i already forgot why we're even doing this go back back back that's good that's good that's good that's good zach's taking it back quite a bit confident confident sometimes hubris sometimes uh sinks the ship he's doing stretches go ahead zach whenever you're ready zach is about to throw i would say of the three probably the worst but not a tragedy zach wants to redo it i don't think he wait he's going he's going all the way to the wall i don't know why okay zach is trying to improve a point okay zach so zack's winding up i mean it's fun you're fine you're fine zach you're fine he just zach is blaming abe oh my god oh my god zach is blaming ab but i gotta say as the observer of that throw it did fall short but it was a it was on it was like you know the line was right okay exciting stuff here i'll leave this mic here i'll just put it right here dan yeah you can alright we're good sad gush darn it i gotta say though very impressive feat by um ela absolutely dan showed his um his grit as well and zach i'm not gonna hate on you it wasn't that bad it's not a hall of famer bad or anything like that it didn't go like to the complete opposite direction yeah it did not no that's what i mean the line was there i want to see a b throw [ __ ] maybe just did a boxing match did you yeah i didn't throw it but he knocked honda athletically i proved myself yeah exactly all right i'll give you that i like to see av throw pitch too all right let's go oh you know what it's fine we're sitting down next time next time but um damn ela that was really good for someone that never threw a ball i am super thankful thank you i really thought i was going to do it gary delabicio you know we need a compilation of gilas first pitch that was sick so there you have it guys impressive you though very thank you thank you very much i take my american-ness very seriously yeah yeah baby [Music] um by the way we have a new one from our boy our boy in blue of course i'm talking about america's favorite defense attorney [Music] let's see what he's up to today with my great client here we just crushed this let me just read this seven years prison offered for two felonies wait that sounds pretty serious that's pretty serious it got it got reduced to one misdemeanor and zero prison let's go let's go this man let's go this man is accused of murdering his wife and child the evidence was pretty overwhelming but uh one of the cops was drunk at the time and we were able to get the whole thing thrown out this case he was facing a felony case with two strikes a domestic violence case the uh complaining witness in the case also requested a restraining order against him so we used that court case in another court as an opportunity to cross-examine her under oath on the stand like a deposition uh totally obliter obliterated her credibility at that hearing and showed that she was perjuring herself now in the end we resolved this case for a misdemeanor two strike felonies were reduced to one misdemeanor he was facing seven years prison how much prison are you facing now none zero zero how are you feeling i'm feeling great i'm free let's go what about the i i was like dude someone's trying to get a restraining order he's like she's unable to get the restraining order we have totally eviscerated her credibility let's go and this and we're like where are you headed now that you're free straight to her house [Laughter] let's go but you know what the man is good at his job you can never say he's not good at his job no clearly and our roads are full of drunk drivers because of his fine work and he is very good yeah let's go i love that man yeah come on um you guys know i live in an echo chamber right it's pretty pathetic some say the biggest echo chamber you would say that a good good good good good time great time some say the best one wow intrigue some say the most intriguing i did a whole apology sam are you recovering the best apology it does kind of slap though yeah some say it slaps the most it's such a roller coaster isn't it i just uh it's the most intense roller coaster it is it really is you're brendan you became brendan i embodied him and i'm joe rogan yep i like i said uh the rolieus roller coaster yeah suggested that as an alternative in the comments it's definitely it's kind of fun to have someone back you up like that and echo you oh it's the most fun i feel good i feel so good it's the best you've ever felt it's like yeah that [ __ ] was true what i just said it's the truest thing you've ever like an exclamation mark yeah the loudest thing you've ever said thank you bro yeah so um by the way speaking of roles i am no longer driving a rolls royce i am so happy we thought we were stuck with it for five years oh my god i'm so happy they were so i was like man i did not like that car it did like 12 miles to the gallon oh my god and like we had two baby seats in the back you don't you don't think you're supposed to put baby seats in a rolls-royce it's like because the door opens the opposite way the babysit faces like away from the windshield it's like you can't even reach the baby you can't you try to put him in the car seat and you can't even physically do it well and then the weirdest part is that it's such a massive car but when eel would sit in the middle of the kids she would have no space yeah i barely fit so i wasn't sure they were going to take it back because i was locked in like this insanely long lease but they were so desperate for cars because there's a car shortage uh they took it back canceled the lease they even paid me it was kind of insane yeah so i'm no longer driving that thing man i'm just couldn't be happier such a ridiculous car it's not even nice it's beautiful it's just a total stand status symbol because that's what it is it's really not that nice inside i have to say it's super antiquated it's not tech like up to date that's a big deal like the navigation the whole inside interior is just group it's just bad man it's just bad and i gotta say you know for how much that car cost the ac wasn't that [ __ ] good either oh that's unexpected i wanted some jet engines and they also wasn't doing it it's just kind of like the attention that you get in it is just not cool like at least not for us it's not our vibe like every time you stop at a red light somebody's gotta be like yo look at that what do you do that was the worst part that was the biggest reason uh because that was my daily commuter and it's just like i'm just some [ __ ] in this one person in this massive colony that gets 12 miles to the gallon and and then everyone's looking at you it's such a flashy car and i don't know just you want to come to my car and suck my car [Music] but in a rolls-royce that would be more compelling i think i'm just saying oh man that was about the brendan shaw i didn't i didn't proposition anyone yeah that took me a minute to please can we tell them uh what you got now sure so it's funny it was totally unintentional but ethan went from matching his previous co-host to matching his grand co-host dude it was not what i meant to do at all i didn't even realize yeah so i got porsha makes this all-electric car it's got four seats and i was it's by the way half the price literally half the price of the rolls royce even in this insane market i went to buy a car they tell me the ticket price and they go and then on top of that of course is 20 000 because you know [ __ ] you just because they're up charging everything 20 000 on top jesus i was like okay whatever but even with that massive up charge it's still half the price of the rolls royce which is awesome but yeah i have the same exact car as this on which was not by design i don't want anyone to say that is it the same color no it's a different color different interior i got baby blue i think it's blue or something i think yours is nicer than her song oh yeah of course you'd say well no i like that personally i wish you had someone like that you've had one all along what happened before anyone saw says that i'm comping hassan everyone i went there right now i agree it's on sam i went there to test drive a different car and i said hey do you guys have a all electric cars because i didn't know and she's like yeah we got one it just arrived today the person canceled their order and like i got insanely lucky that it was there i didn't specify it i didn't know it was there i don't want to hear any [ __ ] about uh habena hassan sip and yes the ac is [ __ ] insane dude it blasts my head back i turn that [ __ ] on which is what i want that's what i expect from a rolls-royce man that car sucks did you say that it's like a light blue mine yeah no it's chalk it's gray oh gray yeah hassan's is the label right yeah that's right now i'm very happy with it though also has fake engine noise which is pretty interesting yeah i turn it off i like the quiet but i guess the thing is with porsches they're super loud we had one before that was i love you i always drove with the loud loud option on you did i didn't like the noise i love it well i guess some porsche drivers like the noise so they put in this option to make it sound like a real car which is kind of silly but no but the previous one was real yeah the previous one was yeah a real engine but i'm saying i'll on the way home i'll play you the fake okay it sounds it plays it in the car and outside the car so that people can hear you coming that seems like the more important part is the right car yeah yeah it is i guess but uh i'm not hey listen watch where you're walking i don't know what to tell you i'm coming in i'm driving here i'm like a dog i wouldn't know what to do if i got it yeah so i have the same car as hassan and i'm sure that whatever show i do next i'll end up with the same cars yeah but if you ever if you ever if you have a lot of money to waste don't buy a [ __ ] rolls royce please not impressed um we should do our ad read for the day it's that time oh hassan is watching uh hassan uh apparently hassan if you are watching zach says my car is cooler than me way better wait is is it actually different somehow well the color of the car was just like the interior is different oh okay yeah but otherwise the car itself is identical hassan's beautiful don't get me wrong but i i personally i like the color combo you guys zach was about to put his dick in the exhaust pipe that thing is done because i'm a i'm a huge porsche favorite car zach almost [ __ ] on my hood it's beautiful no i i love hassan's color to be honest to even it out oh here we go [Music] the blue is so nice i didn't see yours yet though so oh you didn't even see it i mean that blue i think is like the most beautiful blue i've seen on a car gray chalk girl i'm still i'm talking yeah bro thick it's though gray is very annoying i'm just saying ela i mean you don't like white cars you saw that neutrals are very in right now they're very and that include brown and grays right anyway here is uh here is me at the porsche dealership i don't who am i which one am i you are definitely michael and hassan this is brian why i'm always michael scott in these comparisons guys can i not beat michael scott once uh it's so true though isn't it um okay let's move on hassan are you still watching um yes he is hi brother so good episode this friday right or i mean this yesterday we had a good app yesterday people really liked it yeah i haven't watched it yet yep all right well hassan i hate to do this to you well if you're watching i'm not gonna do an ad read let's entertain the people uh let's see um oh you're gonna like this hassan jordan peterson i don't know if you saw this but this is [ __ ] amazing jordan peterson's audiobook is off the rails bro it's off the freaking rails we should probably give like a little bit of a content warning here like this is yeah pretty [ __ ] wild grandma's just a warning in general i don't even know what kind of learning you're giving i'm assuming he's talking about a dream and not something that actually happened i hope so but he's talking about oh is it yes well he's like my grandma brushed her that would actually explain a lot about him but i think it was real but zach i told zach um did you buy the audiobook because we need to comb through that whole day we're we're gonna work on it i'm gonna i'll probably work on that over the weekend this is important this this is big so but this is like sound bite heaven i mean i'm just gonna let this run here listen this is not by the way i have to say this is not like an ai this is really jordan peterson saying this real quick has sound left oh well let's do it anyway um this is not a deep fake this is truly his words from his book i saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool which was also a river her genital region was exposed dimly it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair she was stroking herself absent-mindedly she walked over to me with a handful of pubic hair compacted into something resembling a large artist's paintbrush she pushed this at my face i raised my arm several times to deflect her hand finally unwilling to hurt her or interfere with her any further i let her have her way she stroked my face with the brush gently and said like a child isn't it soft that music is added by the way i kind of wish it wasn't i know well we'll get the audio book and we'll yeah we'll clip the uh but i pulled like the clean sound bite wait raise it up a little bit raise it up hello it's up oh what happened the clip cuts off at like the 30 seconds oh it's just dead air yeah interesting interesting edit gently and said like a child isn't it soft i looked at her face and said yes grandma saw this [ __ ] is [ __ ] wacky bro some [ __ ] just keep to yourself i mean genuinely like sometimes you have dreams you don't need to tell everyone about it her genital region was exposed yeah yeah i mean jordan just just keep that to yourself she was stroking herself absent-mindedly no don't share that with me it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair please keep that to yourself jordan it's just so unnecessary i let her have her way wait what you let who wait i let her have her way no that's your grandma man that ain't right please for christ's sake just take it easy please jordan oh all right let's thank our sponsor hellofresh uh thank you it's just one sponsor today so stand by hellofresh is the number one delivery meal kit in america why is that because you can get stuff like this bro what is in that [Music] it could be beans cheese rice guacamole sour cream salsa it could be human flesh it could be horse hair it could be your grandmother it could be toenail clippings could be literally just dirt um we don't know what's in that burrito i actually there's uh somebody on the subreddit did uh oh and x-ray vision yeah oh so it is thumbtack yeah it was just it's actually just thumbtacks yeah which isn't good burrito filling if you ask me shout out okay satron for uh that that's a bad service they didn't just to be clear they didn't send them that's that's fake news no my burrito's delicious okay there's some real food um dude hello fresh is easy fun and affordable super troopers love hella fresh this is all pictures we get from our fupa troopers look at these beautifully fresh healthy delicious meals so easy to cook and the thing that i love about hellofresh is it's like balanced it's healthy it's delicious and frankly it is fun super easy to clean up super easy to cook they send you the perfect pre-portioned ingredients and instructions with information interesting information cooking techniques to tell you exactly what you need to do to make a perfect home-cooked meal it's actually 72 percent cheaper than dining at a restaurant and it's even cheaper than grocery shopping because you know you don't have to buy a bushel of uh stuff that you're not the only need for one meal you know what i mean uh they've got new menus releasing all the time they have mediterranean recipes that are filled with fresh fruit and veggies nuts olive oils and packed with fiber for nourishing balance also a hello hello fresh has fit and dude that was cl it almost said fresh and fit i was wondering if you're about to say that and it says it here hello fresh and fit it says that and wholesome recipes for satisfying the nutritious meals you can feel good about you know the six recipes per week to choose from including a low calorie and carb conscious option and you know they also have tastiest stuff like look at this they have tempora bowls garden spinach ricotta ravioli one pot creamy lemon dill chicken soup damn yeah i love it everyone who gets it loves it um food troopers love it go to afterdark16 and use the code after dark 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts what are we looking at here that is someone at the boxing event with abe's burrito so many people had signs with burritos on it i signed an actual burrito you did yeah and i felt bad because i accidentally tore through the tin foil and i signed it with permanent marker yeah i'm just saying you can't buy you can't buy clout like that hello fresh and then when he was fighting everyone was spamming burritos in chat yep i don't know if everybody paid attention to our place there was one moment where i seriously saw burritos everywhere yeah in our chat in our place and on reddit oh our place you were seeing burritos everywhere yeah like amy's burritos yeah i saw you she loved it i posted it on my store yeah that baby's burrito literally was on our place yeah every there were all kinds of little burritos yeah what was that a dream did your grandma come and put her pubes in your face maybe did that really happen i did have proof i posted it on my stories i don't know if it was my burrito but i did see the burritos my grandma came with her pups in her hand like an artist brush and she had her way with me uh go to hellfresh.com15 and use code after arc 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts guys hello fresh is america's number one meal kit and we love them thank you to our sponsor and that's it my grandma sat in my face her pubes covered me all the way down to the back of my head i was in a tent of my grandmother's pubes her vagina smelled like old old rusty chicken she was stroking herself absent-mindedly my grandma's vagina smelled like bingo and buffet smelled like ginger the region was like my family spelled like that my grandma was like my grandma my grandma was running the early bird special on her vagina and she let me dive right in it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair this man is so [ __ ] great i let her have her way i let grandma have her way oh wait did i just see it what was that oh somebody found the burritos from that place all right pull it up but you gotta pull it so all right so here's the burritos those are rolls of bread those are baguettes those are baguettes this is this is fair enough this is fake newsie and i don't know why you're saying this it was my burrito wait why was everyone holding a baguette though that is interesting it was the french uh delegation oh there oh that's what i wanted and everything did it be fair to you ela it has the grill mark yeah really it looks like the baby burrito yeah i feel you breadcrumb you know what's funny my burrito is actually a french baguette uh no it wasn't why am i like my like voice is like shaky my grandma her pubes were long like a like a like what do you call the things you tie between trees a cot or is it hammock oh yeah my grandma my we made a hammock for my grandmother's pubes she was on laying on the grass her pubes were 20 feet long i let her have her way we made a wonderful hammer from my grandma's pubes and then i could smell the subtle waft of her vagina the early bird special was ready for genital region i was ready for the buffet of grandma's vagina and i had a full course meal you know i was playing these back practicing my jordan peterson impression and i was just i kept repeating it and saying it after like i let her have her way i let her have her way her vagina i let her have her way the appearance of a thick mat of hair [Laughter] my grandma's hair we used it like a paintbrush it dreamed of her butthole it was hard to tell where her butthole and vagina began the pubes were everywhere it was in her gooch i couldn't see a damn thing trying to get to her vagina was like was like a bucking through a thick rain forest it gave me flashbacks to vietnam what did we do without pubes where would we be without grandma's pubes nowhere i just got ela doing it oh hello there jordan peterson hila how are you doing today what would you do without zach where would we be without zach her pubes were thick like a like uh like summer in mongolia i don't know you really need a sickle and a hammer to get through that that's what the communists do you know get through the pubes i needed a i needed a neo marxist to sickle her pubes i love that man yeah wait till we get our hands on that whole audiobook it's gonna be they're gonna be hell to pay oh yeah um god we should get to some stories so we have a call in at two which is about 15 minutes so perhaps we should do something relatively short i mean philly d yeah that i mean we could talk about the deaf noodles thing you think i don't maybe that will take too long there's not a lot of information out there right about stuff about it yeah why don't we talk about that and then so deaf noodles announced that he is suing keemstar now this is really took me by surprise i have to say murderer um and i can't say that keemstar doesn't deserve it but let's analyze this from a you know completely fair i'm going to be impartial as possible obviously i like def and hate keemstar as you guys know and keemstar has defamed me and many other people so but let's look at this impartially um here first of all this is where he announced it right half that slugs anyway folks as you read in the title of the video i am suing keemstar now for those of you who started following me recently and are not aware nearly one year ago keemstar knowingly published false and defamatory allegations against me he claimed i groomed numerous underage girls keemstar has since confessed twice to fabricating these allegations to punish me he has never officially retracted these allegations nor has he ever corrected them these allegations have caused me great harm socially and professionally i am now suing him to clear my name of these false allegations and to hold him accountable for knowingly making false accusations and our power cleanser can i say i have a i can be a witness in a way go ahead some sort of a witness because i remember when kim starr posted that and then i think maybe one of you guys shared it or something and when i saw that that tweet or headline whatever it was i was like oh no not there like i had the same reaction right because we were all loving him and i was like you know it's like when the me too happens and it's like oh no not my favorite actor or i was i had that feeling like not deaf and then um and then i was like oh obviously it's keemstar so gotta look into it but it did that moment to me and then it's like at the back of your head you know it's there there's like maybe so i had the same exact reaction when i saw that i was like holy [ __ ] you know i believed it when i saw it because i don't know keemstar he the thing about keemstar is he professes to be a legitimate news source obviously that's debatable for people that know him well i don't think the people that consume his content necessarily know what a liar he is you know what i mean but also um but also he's per he's reported on several very serious allegations of essay and stuff so like taken if you take his track record as a news person who has broke several serious stories of this nature i think you have a really good argument that he uh has you know breached his responsibilities here and now defamation well let me read so this is the tweet he's referring to def def noodles has allegedly groomed girls ages 12 to 15. big youtuber source said victims are scared of him and wish to stay anonymous but may come forward soon hashtag drumler and then he responded to it saying death noodles has declined to give us a comment on these allegations made against him now what's interesting is this tweet's still up and he never retracted it um only a year later uh a year let's see a year later he said this this is the tweet this is in the filing right yep so this is actually also in the filing he says um don't you remember he kept posting non-stop fake p-word stories on youtube so i posted this tweet to mock him in may 2021 everyone knows this is a joke that i'm mocking him but now he's taking it completely out of context acting like a serious allegation so what's interesting about this statement is one so def i have to explain defamation because a lot of people don't understand it defamation isn't just lying about someone it's when you lie about someone maliciously with knowing to harm their reputation while knowing that it's not true that's a super high bar to reach and what this tweet does which was posted a year later um actually proves malicious tent and he knew it wasn't true so it's kind of a weird tweet because on one hand he's saying you know that it was a joke and everybody knew that it wasn't serious i actually don't believe that i think the only i did the only reason people knew it wasn't serious is because deaf noodles kept talking about it and being like this is [ __ ] he made it up and stuff like that but keemstar never uh clarified uh or or retracted it so like the original here yeah the original the original's still up i mean yeah and keemstar has done that to me he made a video saying i stole money from a video game to embezzled money and i pro i did a whole video proving that it wasn't true and it's still up so like technically i have a i have i i could technically sue him for defamation um the same way right by the way if he's saying that everybody knew it was a joke it's like let's look at the comment do people know it's a joke yeah he has some comments in the filing right to show that people thought it thought it was real exactly um did you guys anyone read the full filing i haven't read i mean i just saw i just saw excerpts and screenshots and stuff i read through it i mean i'm no lawyer but here it is it's not an expert opinion but yeah i mean like you said because you've been dealing with the ryan kavanagh [ __ ] lately defamation uh has been i've been sued twice for defamation once by matt haas once by rank right and so um wait my house did definitely yeah yeah that got thrown out all right and so yeah uh we've explored that quite a bit and like you said it is a at least in the united states uh the laws are not state by state uh california has a really strong anti-slap thing for public figures and new york actually has a new anti-slap law that is kind of unexplored so um it's hard to say which direction this is going but here's the filing here's the tweet we just read um and basically it's a really simple filing it's quite actually it's quite short only nine pages pretty sure you have like 30 pages on these things um it's 14 pages just nine actually dark vibe but um so what's in so right off the bat you know you have to say like when you're suing someone for defamation you just have to assume you're automatically at the on the back foot so like just off the bat because of the nature of defamation lawsuits i'll say that keemstar is likely to win that being said it's not a slam dunk for him i think this is really interesting case here and i think keemstar's likely defense is going to be basically they're going to say that the tucker carlson defense yeah no nobody rational would take me serious nobody rational would take me serious it's just entertainment wouldn't you have to prove that like he makes jokes like this all the time or something you know like you have to show that there is a reason to think that this was a joke i'll tell you exactly how it's going to play out so they filed this now keemstar's lawyers have to respond they're going to respond by saying keemstar is an entertainer he's not a news person nobody would take these charges seriously now if i was deaf's lawyer what i would do in response to that find all the times that he says that he's reporting news find all the times he said i just report the news find all the times he's talked about serious times he's reported on essay allegations and show meticulously that he is serious news person and not only that he has a propensity to report on essay in a serious manner and then you know keemstar and uh add to all that the old guy that was fakely accused of that's just a wrong he's done it before yeah a fantastic example and and that had uh you know dire dire consequences um and then and then i think keemstar's lawyers are just going to have to try to dispel one by one each example that deaf noodles lawyers can bring up but that's the so that he files his his initial one keemstars lawyers respond and then he responds to that and then keemstar response to that and basically what's going to happen is keemstar's lawyers are going to file the anti-slap which basically means that because because death noodles is a public figure um he basically it's really hard to defame public figures and it it's basically like i have free speech and i can say whatever the [ __ ] i want and this person's just trying to silence me that's what the anti-slap's for which is actually really true in the case of ryan cavanaugh and matt haas and i don't know you know this is a really interesting case i don't think keemstar keemstar thinks this is an easy dub it's not going to be i this could go either way frankly i'm just saying it's probably going to go to keemstar just because of the nature of defamation lawsuits but this is this isn't i think he has a pretty good case though death yeah he's got him admitting that he said it maliciously um which is like the hardest hurdle like that's the one that's specifically the part that most yeah how can you possibly prove him john right how can you possibly prove that the person knew it was a lie and said it maliciously short of them saying i made this lie up maliciously which is what keemstar did pretty incredible i have been caught in 4k but the problem is like even in what you said ila you said i saw the allegation yeah and i saw it was from keemstar and i said oh i better look into that that's keemstar's defense that's literally yeah exactly that's his defense is going to be that he's a joke a walking joke yeah but like i walked out exactly you said yeah and this was from keemstar he's gonna have to write that with his lawyer though i'm a walking l therefore nobody takes me seriously therefore this couldn't have been it's true whatever his lawyer has to write in there we're gonna we have to quote that for a time whenever he reports the news we'll be like actually no you know he's gonna be at the crossroad like are you really a news person or are you a walking joke yeah you gotta fix me you know unfortunately little dear kimmy unfortunately if first of all i am rooting for deaf noodles because keemstar is a piece [ __ ] and death noodles is a friend of mine and keemstar is a vile human being he doesn't do this to just death noodles he does it to everyone but you know i think he should add the in terms of i mean the fact that also he still hasn't removed the tweet shows like no remorse on his and no no attempt of trying to make it right right that does kind of factor into lawsuits usually i don't like personally i don't really love the precedent of youtubers suing each other for defamation i don't know but like i really think this is that because who the [ __ ] else would get sued for defamation other than keemstar and def says that it had a genuine financial impact on him he lost sponsorship that's very interesting that's very interesting that's part of the i don't know if that factors into the defamation part or if it just factors into yeah yeah no it if you can prove damages it's all the better right okay so definitely i mean yeah it's not great yeah but keemstar's defamed lots of people basher uh tobiscus um you know there was even a dm leaked where keemstar was saying that to basher if you guys remember that far back that he was gonna get girls to lie and make [ __ ] up about him if he didn't come on a show or what was the context to my knowledge though he denies that that was real um but yeah saying something like you better stop talking about me or i'll have two interviews set up with underage girls too to lie about you yeah yeah it was it wasn't real guys according to keemstar well there you go who is a beacon of truth and and the transparency dumb [ __ ] a b [Laughter] so um it's very it's very very interesting but i have to say from just from my perspective when i saw that i thought it was true for a minute and i saw all his goons were echoing it turned into like a meme of theirs that they kept echoing it but it wasn't said like ironically they were genuinely it seemed like they were generally trying to spread that rumor and i thought it was true for a minute until i realized i watched deaf noodles videos like oh they're just literally making that up like it's kind of [ __ ] nuts oh one other i think important aspect of it that we we didn't mention when we were describing it is the second follow-up tweet is also included def noodles has declined to give us a comment on these allegations and made against him def in the filing says that a that's not true and b in fact keem blocked him right before he posted this so that def couldn't even interact with it or defend himself that's pretty bad too again because yeah and he sees this he's like oh make an obvious joke but it's not an obvious joke actually at all and especially since he never corrected it till a year later you know but yeah people someone pointed out that keemstar calls death noodles defamation noodles and so if def actually wins a defamation case i guess keemstar that's going to be a dub i saw somebody saying the chat death to all kim stars right no it's a good one so you know what i wish that i wish in a way that it didn't have to come to this obviously i would i've never sued anyone in my life if i was going to sue someone for defamation would be keemstar i'm personally not a litigious person i don't want to sue anyone for anything um ever you know but uh i understand defamation you know is he he wanted to uh he wanted to to you know justice i guess and uh that's how you get it right that's how you do it so he's going to put it before a judge and uh we'll see what happens but it's going to be interesting to follow definitely i'm basically hitler um this is the the quote unquote fake dm yeah so i should say keemstar says this is fake who put this out basher yeah i don't i don't know that basher lied about stuff i'm not again i'm not super familiar with that story but look i'm not brain martin if you talk [ __ ] about me behind my back again i'll have two interviews set up of underage girls in chat logs i have done nothing to you but since you want to swing at me get ready to get killed i have to say that's literally exactly how keemstar talks like i'll just say that i don't i mean unless basher is like an absolute genius uh that's and the thing about like um he's got this weird obsession with like if he anyone slights him the least then i'ma swing back he literally says that swing back seems real you know i just want to say that i personally didn't hear him deny but when i got an argument with someone about it one of his goons they said that he denied that that was real so i don't know it was a long time ago so so so he he denies that it's real but based on my expertise uh sounds like keemstar and that's pretty and [ __ ] insane thing to say thank you because i got a [ __ ] files on top of files to swing back at the keemstar even has he responded he said something he said he's going to take his play button because famously the first time that kim was sued by that guy um and won um he i don't even know how he game this if it was like part of settlement the settlement or whatever but yeah he took the guy's youtube play button yeah so dj sued him for uh defamation which was like a way way weaker case than death noodles and keemstar won on an anti-slap and when you went on anti-slap you can pursue legal fees and during the i guess settlement talks he he said that he won't sue for attorney's fees if he hands over his play button which i have to say is kind of epic he has the guys play but um yeah here it is i'm going to add another play button to my collection you know what's crazy i just hope because like i don't know anything about defamation's death noodles it gets confusing there's a lot of deaths being thrown around uh i don't know anything about death noodles lawyers but i hope they're [ __ ] good but i don't know what's his what deaf noodles coffers look like because if the anti-slap gets rejected by the judge which would be good for deaf noodles then they're gonna have to do discovery depositions it may unlikely but it may go to a jury and this could cost this is gonna cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars so i don't know what is going on i tried to talk to death noodles and he's he wouldn't tell me anything he was keeping it like super close to the vest so he's taking it really seriously i just don't know how far he can take this thing because these are very expensive very very expensive i mean if it was anybody but keemstar i would say there's probably a good chance they'll just settle but i feel like keemstar will want to take take this all the way yeah no keemstar's not going to settle right there's no shot no shot um unless he's well if he's really losing and it's not looking good they might make a settlement arrangement but that's not coming for a while someone said how much does your legal stuff cost man it's so much money i mean my my attorneys are amazing i gotta say my attorneys are like i love them they're just they're just so talented and good and thorough wow thanks for the gifted sub guys i just noticed 20 from ishaan 20. yeah and 10 from katherine that's so nice thank you guys so much love this gifted sub thing it's like wait so how does that work so how it works is someone buys they can buy other fupa troopers memberships and we learned on wednesday that youtube randomly gives it but they give it to people who are most engaged with the challenge so people who have a lot of watch time are engaging they get they're going to end up getting free that's really cool memberships from these uh very generous stupa troopers so cool yeah isn't that amazing yeah so shout outs um my my legal fees are insane i mean you can only imagine i'm being i got sued four times um you know i don't even keep track of it anymore it's a lot it's a lot but it's fine you know what i mean it's hard to keep track because there's months where there's a lot of work to do and then a little bit of um waiting time or something so it goes up and down yeah but the good thing is that it looks like we're going to get our attorney's fees back for the torches interference one i haven't read a update but it looked like they missed their deadline for filing to dispute that so i think they might have to fork over a fat check to me for the tortious interference which i'm gonna frame by the way i'm gonna blow that up and put it right behind us and hopefully i'll have a whole collection of them by the end of this it's awesome yeah thank you oh so you can gift one someone just gifted one thank you kiki kiki do you love me are you dancing so anyway it's going to be real interesting to follow you know i hate that it has to come to this with the with a defamation lawsuit between youtubers i don't think it is good that's i wouldn't say it's good for the community you know any legal precedent like that against creators is probably going to be just it's it's not going to be good you know that you know when i'm [ __ ] getting sued by ryan cavanaugh triller or some [ __ ] like matt haas it's great uh it's can set great questions but you have two creators uh going at it trying to you know that's bad i don't know it's bad but listen you can't define fame people unfortunately kim's star has been at it for years it was only a matter of time before he got sued for defamation yeah i mean nothing nothing else seems to help you know i i get it definitely been talking about it it did everything but look the guy didn't even remove the tweet like yeah exactly he did the same exact thing to me you know the same exact thing his video's still up about me thank you guys for all the gifts and donations love you all so much discovery on kim's hairline please alexandra said i'm gonna back you up on that one so you know all right we'll see what happens i'll definitely be following and updating you guys he said discovery on why he wore all his clothes in the pool that is we're going to need some information yeah we're going to deep dive on that keemstar shut up yeah but discovery will be interesting because they're going to be able to subpoena every conversation he's had with his goons privately about death noodles and whatever they've been coordinating amongst themselves um and if he doesn't you know if he doesn't give it up in discovery he can be held uh contempt yeah i think i think it's illegal and it was used in a book huh um anyway we have our um our guest today that i talked about at the top of the episode jackson palmer founder of dogecoin is with us why don't we bring him in dan okay one second i'm gonna queue it up as you guys know deutsche dogecoin has been huge kind of a big deal you know uh and it's been talked about the likes of like elon musk pumped it it was like one of the biggest kind of cash grabby uh kryptos i'm sure all of you guys heard about dogecoin and with us uh jackson is with us hi jackson thanks for calling how's it going hello this is so cool to speak with you about this i appreciate the opportunity to talk with you about it yeah so um first of all let's just start from the top like um where did the idea for dogecoin come from was it meant to be ironic from its inception it seems like it yeah i know for sure um it started in like 2013 i was like a lot of people like what the heck is this this crypto nonsense and uh there was every day there was like something else coined and so i just tweeted one day like uh i'm gonna invest in dogecoin it's the next big thing kind of just pulling it out of thin air i think i'd had a couple of beers at the time um and i bought and was like as a parody cryptocurrency um and so it was really a joke to make fun of it but then um you know a week later uh my now co-founder who created it with me reached out and was like oh we should we could make it a real thing we could put it put the dog logo on on top of bitcoin and you know just to kind of continue the joke and i was like sure um and so it really did start out as this kind of really light-hearted just kind of way to poke fun at crypto i've always had a very skeptical kind of opinion of crypto but then as you all know it kind of uh got out of hand a little bit so did you guys actually put i i don't did you guys put a lot of work into creating dogecoin is that a lot of no it's not no it was probably like four hours tops that's how does it work though because you have to connect it to some kind of doesn't need the process and you have to have code and all this [ __ ] i don't know how it works yeah but it you can basically do a find and replace in like the bitcoin source code and just change it to dogecoin and then you change a few numbers you know you change the font to comic sans and you put a dog on it and that's that's it that's incredible it wasn't a lot of work and and realistically both of us um you know who were both kind of skeptical he i think he's a little less skeptical of crypto these days but um we both thought it would like be a joke for like a week and everybody would forget about it collectively but so um yeah i mean there was the doge meme was really popular then with that like goofy dog and uh it was i remember seeing it on reddit and everyone was just loving the meme of it and it was kind of weird because it disappeared for a while and then it came back like in a huge way is that kind of what happened like if i pull up the chart yeah uh here let's pull up the chart of it let's see if i go it was um there was kind of like a big wave like that first crypto wave like 2014 yeah i mean it was flat basically until all of a sudden in 2021 in february dude you shot up to freaking that was so nuts it shot up to almost a dollar yeah that was like crypto kind of goes in these cycles where like it's the same kind it's the same grift it's just a different kind of angle every every couple of years and so it was like first it was like oh we're going to replace the banks and then a few years later it's like icos was the big thing and then you know more recently it's been around some of like there was meme stocks and defy and nfts and stuff like that and i think that combined with the the like elon effect um just like shot it up but yeah i haven't been actively involved in it since like 2014 so oh wow um yeah so it doesn't require any maintenance basically from from the two of you who who founded it it's just i don't know either neither of us are involved in it anymore like he's kind of i guess uh more of a the face of it i would say like he interacts with elon and stuff more but i um i very quickly like after the joke got out of hand kind of realized like who the the community of people in crypto were and um tried my best to like educate people for a while around like the technology and the pitfalls of it but then i realized that nobody really cared about that they just cared about making a buck and so yeah so just to give you guys an idea of how insane dogecoin got market cap right now and it's kind of like the lowest it's been since january it's at 11 billion dude that's insane that's so crazy from the stoop from this goofy joke you guys can you explain what does this even mean to me dummies like me it means that people who own bitcoin there's 11 billion dollars of people of real money like in the pool of yeah kind of kind of like i should just say like when you look at those market caps they're all really inflated because what it means is like it's the total supply that exists of that thing multiplied by what people would currently pay for it right now but the reality is and we've seen this all the time is that the second somebody loses faith and starts selling then very quickly the price will drop off and the market cap will shrink so it's not real money like when you say that something's got like 100 billion dollar market cap it's actually no like that's assuming everybody would pay what it's worth right now not if everybody started running for the doors because the thing was crashing got it so basically you created dogecoin and it quickly got out of hand what was your reaction to like i mean so people started investing in it but i think like around january 21 is that when elon musk started tweeting about it or like what caused that first influx yeah um well it was pretty big as well like even back in the day in 2014 it was still like you know in the top right cryptos um so it was pretty big and there was you know scandals and hacks and all of that and you know my co-founder and i we never kept any of it for ourselves so we were kind of oh we didn't have a financial incentive you know because it was a joke right you didn't you never invested in dogecoin no you could have made so much money do you care about that not really because if you put like if you put like you know 100 bucks into dogecoin when you made it that would have been worth a lot right yeah it's one of those things where like i don't know i i feel like i'd have a really messed up opinion of the world if if i was like you know on a private jet because of a dog on a coin so i'm totally okay with not that not being the case but um no it was big for a while then there were scams and stuff and uh i did a youtube channel for a while with crypto and stuff and then just completely wiped my hand of crypto in like 2019 and then in the latest kind of run-up in like 21 with nfts and stuff when all that game stops stock stuff game stonks happen um i think uh elon and um specifically there's a person that works for elon who like manages his whole like all of his money for him um i think got pretty involved um i was i don't know the specifics because i wasn't there but he just started like hammering tweets about it and then that just like shot it up so you think what happened behind the scenes is he he's like saw it as opportunity to make easy money and just bought a shitload and then started tweeting about it i don't know i i can't i'm not gonna i can't speculate but um it it's well i can't speculate but i i don't know certainly that would be a really easy way to make a bunch of money wouldn't it it would be but like does he need the money so like you know the thing the thing with with with him i know you're talking about him a little bit later is that um i think ego matters to him more than money and so i think the cool thing for him about like tweeting about crypto stuff is that it helps him kind of expand his like cult of personality right like there's a lot of people that are like totally on the elon train now purely because he's like pumped their crypto and yeah i don't know if it's so much about like him making like an extra buck off of any kind of crypto token so much as it is that's interesting him building like a digital army of people who will like fight to the death because they think he's tony stark or something you know well what's interesting about like the anecdote anyways like if he did that where he bought a bunch of dogecoin and then started tweeting about it and the price went up like you know ten thousand percent that wouldn't be illegal would it i see that's the thing right like that's the thing with cryptocurrency right um it's that you know i've been in it for almost a decade now and i i kind of believe and i posted this on twitter last year that i think crypto is is kind of it exists as a way to help people um kind of commit shady do some do some shady [ __ ] and uh kind of shirk the responsibility of that because there's no like it's a legal gray area or the regulation just doesn't happen to exist or you know um so yeah i think in it like if he did that with tesla stock he'd be in a little bit exactly or any other stock but i think with crypto he can you know people can get away with that anybody can so let me go back a little bit so when you made this did you what was your early skepticism of crypto basically it started off as um it started off as just like when there's when everybody's talking about something and a lot of people that aren't very technical are talking about something that involves cryptography you know i was kind of like this this feels like a little bit of a bubble and so it was more of a a general criticism of that and at first i tried to give it kind of the benefit of the doubt and you know back in the day there was actually some some some people that i kind of aligned with more politically like some occupy people are involved and things like that i was like oh okay maybe this is some cool people that actually want to you know change your power structures in the world but um then as i was in it for more and more years i just realized i was like oh no like this this is not those people those people slowly got out of it and um it increasingly just became you know the people that came from like the online gambling world or you know the the super like right libertarian folks who you know um want to create some kind of you know libertarian utopia on an island or something you know and and i was like oh like i see what this is actually about uh now and so my my criticism kind of i guess honed in um after i was in it for a bit and so basically um as you started seeing a lot of gambling and kind of people who just want to hide money basically from the government so i've seen you have really skate i read what you wrote on twitter and it was really incredible i thought and really and just pointed right like really direct um was there was there a point somewhere where you're just like this thing is just irredeemably [ __ ] there was yeah like so for the the longest time i was like you know all these terrible people might be involved but um at the end of the day it's technology and you know technology can be neutral right um and i think when i got really deep into it in like 2018 with my youtube channel and i went deep into the technicals of this stuff what i quickly realized is that um not only is the the promotion and the hype you know kind of a grift but also the technology itself is fundamentally flawed it's it's it's very centralized at like every layer of of the equation and you know like whether it's people that are using like custodial wallets like coinbase or metamask which like you know one company is deploying into like chrome browsers or whether it's people that are using like which is a centralized website um or even the blockchain which is like powered by like a small number of bitcoin miners and you know there's you know huge centralization of the you know people that own all the money on those things like the the decentralization is really a facade it's not real and the technology can't really support a lot of what they claim it can uh you know but if you say it enough people start to believe that something is true right and so the decentralization is really a lie and it's only useful to the promoters of the technology in being a really convenient facade that they can kind of you know make it harder to get caught for the shady stuff they're doing because they could say well you know like i didn't manipulate it it's decentralized um and a lot of people turn a blind eye to that yeah because i think a lot of the enthusiasm for crypto in the beginning it was championed as like this new uh this new monetary system outside the traditional system and it was returning power to the people right and now we had control and everything was transparent um anti like the bank right anti-establishment [ __ ] the bank that you know the few rich powerful can no longer control our money that's not happened has it no no and it's it's interesting like i was saying earlier that every few years they have to change like the the pitch because they they realize what they were everybody's kind of cottoned on to what they were saying you know so like it used to be like yeah fight the power and it will replace banks and then they realize oh no it doesn't scale it can't actually be a currency uh it's it's like digital gold that's the next thing we'll say it's like a store of value it's an investment you know and then they realize that actually it can drop half its value overnight that's not like goals right so they're like oh actually it's an ico crowdfunding platform it's it's way better than kickstarter what's ico ico was like initial coin offerings that happened in like 2017 it was kind of like kickstarter and there was a lot of fraud there but my point is that every few years they change and they try to um come up with a new pitch of of you know this thing is going to democratize this it's going to be great for the average joe right and what they're really doing is just lining up a new batch of suckers who will put their money and um and to your point about like the the wall street thing like if it was really about that then you wouldn't see wall street and venture capitalists so is so invested they love it i've noticed that these guys love crypto why do you think these wall street guys and these huge investment bankers and banks just banks love cryptos so much um i i like i think it's because well i think it's mostly because it exists in a world that isn't as regulated as the world that they have increasingly had to deal with in the last 30 years right so the sec has cracked down you know since the dot-com uh boom and then and then the recession um you can't do a lot of this manipulation you can't have a lot of these kind of back uh back room kind of dealings in in in with publicly traded companies and uh or even even privately traded companies but with the blockchain you can kind of brush it all away and say well it's all decentralized like i don't actually control that it's in the ether somewhere and so you can't catch me and and realistically like regulators are like asleep at the wheel like the fact that a lot of the um you know scams have to be exposed by citizen journalists like coffeezilla on youtube molly wyatt who runs web3 is going like if the system was working then you know those people would be getting outed by the actual regular regulatory bodies but instead average people have to do it so to me that that's why venture capitalists love it because they're like this is great and there's no accountability i mean like coffee zilla you mentioned he like there's actual straight-up fraud being committed by influencers here who are well-respected people in the community committing huge acts of fraud uh of millions of dollars and even after they're totally exposed there's literally no there's no authoritative agency stepping into to to judicate like there's no accountability even after it's been exposed there's absolutely no consequences and so that's like why you know people ask me why this stuff is so rife and i'm like it's because there are literally no consequences to you know all the stuff that happened with like faze clan and you know like every day there's a new thing yeah nobody ever gets in trouble and i think that you know we've entered a really interesting phase like where it there's a kind of moral nihilism that i think is happening where people like don't care anymore that's what i see a lot like i'm thinking like even you guys are talking about how there's no repercussions or anything it's like it's actually even beyond that they're seen as cool like they game they're smarter than you they're gaming the system and you're behind so you're you're poor and stupid and you should just like admire what's happening that's so true actually that's i was talking to somebody the other day and the difference that i've noticed in like you know from back when dogecoin was first created when i used to tell people crypto is a pyramid scheme it's a ponzi scheme this is like this is really bad they would often reply like oh that's just fud you know like you're you're making this up like you're wrong they'd actually debate me but now when i say you know crypto is a pyramid scheme a lot of people actually respond yeah we know the whole world's a pyramid scheme actually and it's cool it's so as long as i'm making money out of it i don't great yeah and that's just like that's crazy to me it's such a a change in the way that people don't seem to care about the collective good anymore yeah yeah i think the problem is that like there's been an everything bubble where you can't really lose on investment for the past five years so everybody's like it's all good everyone's making money what's the problem um but that's i think that's going to change big time here everything's you know as we head to into a recession but um when you you talked about how they are always making up a kind of a new angle to pitch crypto to a new batch of suckers when you say they is there's people specifically that you think of who are like perpetuating this oh for sure yeah um i think it's a lot of so a lot of the the vcs that are a lot larger now started off as smaller vcs back in the day and we're investing in companies like coinbase the krakens the you know all the different exchanges and the exchanges are really the only companies that still exist that existed back then because you know that's how you make money right you take a slice off the top of everybody trading something um you kind of can't lose and so um i think it's it's really a a concerted effort by the exchanges and by uh the the investors that were behind those exchanges to come up with a new narrative over time and that's in the exchanges best interest because if you if you incur get more people in the exchanges make more money because the way they make money is transaction fees like they take a slice off the top right and i think a good example of this is i don't know if you've seen this but on coinbase um if you go in there they actually have a whole system where they will pay you to sit and basically go through glorified ads about like so and so token and this this other crappy token like and you'll get paid money um in that token by the way to to essentially gamble it's a casino essentially and they're giving you some free money and and they love it because they they they build that kind of gambling addiction up with this person under the guise of decentralized education and then they start taking a slice off the top of every trade that that person does as they become a day trader um yeah so um i'm curious what do you think there's people like these financial self-help gurus like it seems like every single one of them is now in crypto yeah and to them it's a revolution every if you listen to garyvee for example uh crypto is going to change the world he's getting a crypto restaurant he's doing these v friends which i'm sure you've seen uh he says cryptocurrency is going to be in video games there's going to be an uh everything our license are going to be on crypto everything our whole world is going to surround uh uh be surrounding crypto what do you think about someone like garyvee i i think yeah he and a lot of these other financial youtubers and people like that um shameless self plug i'm doing a podcast right now called griftonomics and it's all about you know these different topics i'm interested in that the first episode was on web3 uh check it out but um i'm going to do an episode on on these kind of people specifically because years ago they they were all about selling tickets to their kind of self-help conferences right now that made a bit of money for them um and and now they've all pivoted really quickly into like nfts web three um with a a total disregard for any like they don't understand the technology i actually saw gary vee is running a conference today um and uh he got up and he was he was saying you we're going to give you all fractional ownership in this nft which doesn't make any sense because like non-fungible means it's not fractional so the guy is just you know a grifter of you know the highest highest pedigree thank you for saying that because i've been saying that for years and people they love gary vee they love him even here on this personality i don't i don't judge the people that like him but i feel like he's such a grifter and it's great like this viewfriends thing's the most shameless cash grab it's i can't [ __ ] believe whatever not to mention it's like the ugliest eye ever like that's the real thing that's why anybody it's like can we make it look better like what is all this ugly stuff that everybody's buying and i'm not i'm not judging anyone that likes garyvee i just think it's interesting because listen i mean i guess the thing is gary vee had us a whole stick before crypto that i think people really liked uh he makes out with his dad i don't know if you've seen that that's an interesting thing uh but a separate issue but like you're making an nft of that right absolutely absolutely um but you know uh you know it's just he i saw him talking about how he's like i made three million dollars in my sleep last night just from selling v friends um i don't know man it's just i think what it is is he sells the it's that cult of personality where you sell the the dream that not only am i like you know gary vee i'm a multi-millionaire but you could be too yeah and i think that's what gets people really suckered into it and i think it's the same with elon i think there's a lot of people out there that huge elon stands that think that you know by you know spamming his replies they that he might become friends with them and then maybe they'll be able to kind of you know be a a rocket scientist or something and um yeah real culty yeah cause he just posts he posts dumb memes and they like dumb memes they're they could be best buddies um that's interesting but do you think like gary vee's uh crypto utopia d like decoupled from coins he's like we're going to be using the blockchain to govern everything in our life do you see the blockchain technology being anything interesting in that regard or is it just dumb i i think it's um years and years and years ago i thought maybe it could have had legs as something but like i said when you when you actually like look under the covers and you look at at the technology you start to realize that it it just isn't created in a way that scales to the way that we would need to do governance as a society at a mass scale like it works at the scale of like some scammer like taking a few thousand people's money but it doesn't scale up to like a place where you could run a country on it or anything like that um and then you start to think about like the environmental concerns a lot of these blockchains still haven't migrated away from proof of work right it's hugely hugely negative for the the environment but then even worse in my mind is is that you're switching you know i think a lot of people as well that lean on the on the political left as well would agree that it would be great to have you know less less state control in some ways and and have a breakaway in some sense but to do that you have to actually create a new system which which breaks away the power structures and the hierarchies that exist but crypto doesn't do that that's the problem is what they've essentially done is just recreated a version of of the same system we have but instead of the government being the boot you're now licking the boot of the venture capitalists and they control the power so yeah i don't think it you know that's not a world i want to live in and i think um until there's a way that you can somehow with some magic technology prevent that from happening i i don't think that it has a real world use case by the way just remember we actually did already make this at nft if you're interested i know you're not interested in web3 and stuff but can you see that yes yes so this is frenching fathers we actually made this oh god a month or two ago and it is on the blockchain if anyone's interested um is this available for purchase ian i know i never sold it yeah maybe you just put it up i mean this is history oh it was never it was never actually it's just uh actually and what's interesting is we did it in the art style we tried to emulate garyvee's artistic uh talents as well gorgeous i will it looks nicer than garyvee it is a little more technical i think yeah what love oh it's just i mean it's i think it's up but i think it technically so nobody's bid on this thing oh there's multiple bids actually if you scroll down it gets minted when you sell it pretty much when you accept a offer the best offer we got was point zero one two is that eth yeah i mean come on guys this is this is a once in a lifetime opportunity garyvee sells this [ __ ] for hundreds of thousands of dollars right this is way cooler yes so um so in short i don't know i mean is it are we just basically waiting for an inevitable crash to zero is that where you think this is going i don't know i was having this conversation with somebody yesterday and i was like is that the only way all of this ends um and maybe but i i i've gotten out of the habit of predicting when things are going to implode because it i do think there's a lot of people in power that are motivated to to keep on uh keeping the train going and and i sadly i think that that will often come in the way of that that only affects the the people that are you know lower on the on the socioeconomic rung um they're the people that might lose millions of dollars because they bought a stupid v friend um you know they'll lose their 401ks because the bottom falls out of all of this um meanwhile do i think the venture capitalists will be lining up the next batch of people with whatever the next nft craze is absolutely and i i think i i really don't think unless there's some unless it really really crashes or unless regulation comes in and and the government actually kind of you know wake up and say oh this might be bad that people are losing their 401k so that um it becomes an issue i i think there is a bit of a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel for that in that the previous big crypto crashes we had before crypto wasn't as ingrained in some of traditional finance as it is today and so back in like 2018 when there was a crash you didn't have people with their 401ks invested you didn't have people that had taken out um you know mortgages on their homes to buy bitcoin as to the level that you do today and so a lot of people have actually hypothesized that a crypto crash might actually trigger a larger global uh financial crash um and that would be really interesting to to see right it would force it would force more scrutiny but yeah exactly that could bring about more people like oh wow that was a problem we have nobody's called it out except everybody did you know right well yeah i'm surprised that the i would have to assume that there's someone in the fed who's putting together something right like there's got to be someone looking at this it's been going on long enough i mean just scam after scam after scam after scam after scam by huge people people that peop that say hey you know that guy is a has a great reputation we love him he just [ __ ] scam someone for millions of dollars there's got to be someone looking at that right i i would hope so i honestly my faith is a little shaken having been in it for the last 10 years and not seen a lot a lot happen so i think something will have to hit closer to home like maybe maybe a lawmaker will have to lose money some way through something they've invested in ted cruz is going to lose all of it all of his cancun coins yeah exactly well there you have it folks uh to the moon what's your favorite [ __ ] coin what's your like we have safe moon that was a good one we had uh big connect what's your favorite uh scam or the craziest scam you've seen to date oh you know what it was years ago and i i i'm always like a little hesitant to say this because i worry that i'm giving something like a platform but may i think it's dead enough now that i can talk about it there was a coin in like 2017 2018 called dentacoin and it was a cryptocurrency created purely to pay dentists in so it's like a bunch of these dentists i think they're all in florida which you know isn't super surprising together to and they said yeah all of our dental agencies will all start accepting this coin this is the coin for dentists wow and uh can you believe it didn't work out can you believe that global currency here's the dentacoin website so they actually got dental people to sign up and they work so i think they did i i didn't validate whether any dentist actually accepted it but that's the weirdest thing i ever heard god that is just so bizarre how is that easier than just paying with dollars yeah you tell me that's the case with all of it right i guess if you're like i only own bitcoin then you can buy dentacoin weird man that's so weird what's dentacoin worth today i wonder hopefully not too much uh total unlocked there is good news guys there is uh what is this so this is million billion so there's 2.1 trillion dentacoin unlocked out of a max supply of golly 7.3 trillion so there's plenty left to know yeah actually i have a root canal later it's gonna cost me a hundred billion identical so that that's a good currency to use for that i can't wait for the headline tomorrow dogecoin creator pumps dentacoin heavily invested pump dentacoin oh this shit's going to the moon well thanks for calling thanks for sharing your story is there anything else you kind of want to leave the people with uh who are wondering about crypto we're thinking about crypto no people in crypto i would just say like make sure you you know go out and think twice before somebody promises you something just because it's got some fancy acronyms next to it doesn't mean it's it's it's a worthwhile investment and uh yeah i i uh like i said i'm doing that podcast and if people want to follow it along i'm going to have some more stuff on on crypto and metaverse and all that stuff again actually going to do something on i know you and uh comrade hassan were talking about online gambling yesterday yeah i'm gonna do an episode on that like twitch gambling and like the skull steak the steak uh yeah it's just all crypto so shady so [ __ ] really nuts yeah so anyway check it out if you're interested in this give a [ __ ] yeah economics drifting that's just griftonomics on twitter as well grift o nomiks there you go follow uh i throw it in the description sounds really interesting yeah um thank you to jackson palmer thanks for having me on thank you appreciate it thanks for calling in it was really great to hear from you grifton thanks people let's check it out thanks man appreciate it there you have it jackson the creator of dogecoin says crypto is a giant scam it's nice to hear this kind of conversation and i feel like for some reason it doesn't make me feel stupid like i can follow and understand no you don't understand it's revolutionizing the whole world it's like the internet back when people thought that was crazy you don't understand it's not just a ponzi yo you're in trouble that crypto [ __ ] yeah but you know so there you go it's pretty incredible man if that guy though i know he i know he thinks it's a scam but if he put a thousand into doge when he made that bro he'd be like a hundred millionaire or something crazy that's the only thing he meant but he's better yeah the only reason he made a good point though if he would be flying on a private jet right now because of a dodge coin what would his life be he'd drink the kool-aid yeah he'd be like yo he'd be pretty he'd be no you know what he'd be doing he'd be asking the flight attendant if you can buy a horse for it nice lead in nice segway um what an interesting story you know interesting guy ah yeah that crypto stuff is is is kind of scary i wonder if a jimmy lee accepts a dentacoin he's missing out that's a really good question i'll have to ask him yeah yeah good lead in let's talk about the these huge elon musk accusations that dropped um yesterday and the whole timeline of this is [ __ ] great you know basically he's been tweeting non-stop about how he he comes out as republican the day before what was the timeline here it's it's so what what he came out as republican three hours after um being contacted by the reporters and asking for comment on these sa allegations and uh declared himself a republican and warned of dirty tricks to come against him oh here's the timeline yeah this person wrote it up it was really good he goes elon historically donated to both democrats and republicans uh you know use unionization efforts started gaining steam nationwide which has a negative effect on his business debatable you know you want your workers to be happy right yeah and i get there on who i just say maybe his bottom line but i think more productive workers probably do better work but hey i'm not i don't own tesla um business insider journalists contacted him for comment on an essay piece before they published it and then elon quickly spams tweets about how political attacks are coming and it's the woke left's fault he literally started tweeting three hours after being contacted so as this insider piece comes out he's actually successfully convinced people that this is a political smear because he came out as republican i've seen so many people including the quartering who i i have i know he's dumb but can you be that dumb to be like just he he literally was like 24 hours after he came out as republican the smears are already coming what's funny about that is that the other way around well what exactly is so obvious so obviously it's always done like that they always reach out to you a little bit before try to get a comment it's like you know it's coming they said they even extended the deadline to give them more time but what's interesting about this is this incident happened six years ago and this conversation he's been having with business insider obviously predates his proclamation that he's a republican it's so obvious spin that you have to be the i mean some people don't follow all of it so i i can understand people follow you but the quartering i know he's dumb but like you can't be that dumb like he literally tweeted only 24 hours later and they're already going after him i was like pull that tweet up would you it goes back to what we were just talking about he built this cult like following and so they're already so deep invested in every little tweet that he makes yeah he's got an army i agree because all the quarterings fans love elon he doesn't want to go against the family but he knows he knows i don't know it's all dumb he's got to know so the story is and i read the article god he looks like such a [ __ ] villain in this photo doesn't he i seen this photo of him i'm just like dude what the [ __ ] bro such a pasty little freak we don't need to make fun of his looks right he's a villain it's a pasty little [ __ ] duh anyway okay fine no phys no making fun of his looks okay uh so what happened was allegedly a flight attendant for spacex alleges that elon musk asked her to do more during massage straight out of the epstein playbook pretty interesting how it's always the massage she accused musk uh oh here's the is this the quartering one what was the name of the um that uh epstein dock that was like specifically about his like activity yeah i saw that house in uh palm beach was on netflix what was it um god i don't remember somebody in the chat what was it called filthy rich filthy rich was that what it was called yeah yeah um yeah i mean the description of the allegation is i think literally exactly the same that epstein was doing at that house in palm beach right they talk about how he would um they had this whole system to go and get young girls to come over to their house to give him a massage and then basically it would escalate into exactly sexual massage but this is what elon's doing now to deflect the attacks against me should be viewed through a political lens this is their standard despicable he's talking more and more like trump it's pretty incredible totally playbook but nothing will deter me for fighting for a good future and your right to free speech uh like is is an nda nda work with free speech just curious because this he made them sign an nda i'll tell you one thing that's not disputed he paid this girl 250 000 to shut up so is nda how does nda mesh with free speech i'm confused not well it seems to be a contract it's part of the story isn't it because um there is like in here in l.a they're working on making that now they're working on changing the law so that nda when it comes to sexual misconduct won't be right that's why some people speculate he moved to texas because of that they can no longer use ndas and settlements for sa stuff which is really interesting law actually and uh all of a sudden elon musk can't wait to get out of california interesting um so anyway let's continue also here's the quartering tweet just show you what absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] he is like you know when i first read this i was like oh he even quartering sees through this but then i saw i haven't seen what he said so here's the headline uh spacex flight attendant said elon musk exposed himself and propositioned her for sex uh document show the company paid her 250 000 for silence uh quartering says the day after he say he's voting republican not even 24 hours later by the way the dude was having a threesome with amber heard and knocking up grimes elon bags his own [ __ ] see that's the problem they all like idolize him so much you can't do no wrong it's like it's just crazy what he managed to create it really is a cult um so yeah there are people that dumb out there it's pretty incredible so it says that elon exposed his you know fully torqued member to her was rubbing her leg without consent i guess i should give a trigger warning people are sensitive to this stuff too late i already said the worst part basically and this is kind of the interesting part offering to buy her a horse in exchange for an erotic massage now i was like i was wondering is that a good deal is that a good trade a horse for a handy i mean well you want to actually get into that so what's more interesting to me about this story is also she was a flight attendant okay and they pushed her into getting lessons on becoming a masseuse so she can give her massages so she would be booked on more flights and they encouraged her to do it on her own time and her own money here's the quote from the article they encouraged her to get a license out of the masseuse but on her own time on her own dime they implied that she would get to fly more often if she were to do this because she would be able to give elon a proper massage i thought it was kind of strange because she wasn't hired to be a masseuse she was hired to be a flight attendant that's the kind of the epstein yeah the epstein i mean slide you're the richest person in the world you think he can hire the best masseuse in the world no he wants them to do it pretty interesting right but um no but back to actually the really important question is a horse a good is that a good payment well then okay so the reason i i was going to answer that is that she kind of started to lose her shifts so yeah oh yeah once she so it's not just the horse payment it's really like yeah probably the horse was a good deal because she could have also kept her job it's not just the horse yeah but yeah after she reached after she said no they cut her hours and basically fired her because she wasn't wanting to play ball he knew that she was into horses so she he said he'd buy her horse no but seriously how much the horse caused i just want to know the economics of this seeing anywhere from 3 250 000. yeah i think it just depends on the breed seabiscuit you ain't buying their siblings [Music] i don't think it's a good deal well then you got to take care of a horse she it sounds like she would would be the person that would want a horse based on what she said yeah yeah she was into horses so yeah i mean but no that's not a good deal because um she's not a masseuse she's a flight attendant and that would really lower her value as a person right right right that's the serious answer so if she actually has a job and if she gets a salary every month she can buy her own a horse right that's the serious answer thank you self-esteem and be you know nothing wrong with giving handies though if you want to if that's what you're into yeah but if you don't want to and you're coursed into it that's bad yeah but i'm just saying if she wasn't getting to giving hand dudes he could do better than a horse that's all i'm saying i'm just trying to make a joke you're a guy i'm trying to make it i know i know you are but i i get i get so let's see i get so rolled up about stories like that oh you're right i can't even make a joke you're right but i mean horse seat maybe he should have offered her horse semen because i know that's very valuable right actually the most valuable uh liquid on earth but per ounce so maybe that's dogecoin should probably go for that dogecoin yeah like a you know a load of sea biscuits jizz is like more valuable than gold by far semen tastes good so maybe he should offer that just saying just saying just saying just saying so yeah i mean let's see i got some intel on this um an analysis of one of the major siemens sellers hundreds of horses on file show an average of 900 per dose so i guess a load of semen is only worth 900. yeah still impressive yeah i mean if you start selling a few a day maybe high volume price by volume you know it's very valuable and it's just the right height and if that seaman is really good and you and you breed if they're a world champion uh winner the roi on that semen is crazy off the charts when can we get horse semen coin just saying i mean gold has a gold is a commodity why isn't horse team in a commodity like that's a good store of value anyway just making jokes here guys don't get mad at me so he offered to buy her a horse everyone's so mad at me right now i'm not i'm not real i'm not hurting anybody i'm just kidding i don't think so just saying though it is interesting i love that it's such an interesting question um so yeah basically she got less and less time and space x paid her 250 thous as part of a severance agreement that's a lot better than a horse yeah just saying unless it was seabiscuit right without it but that's more seabiscuit is more than that seabiscuit jizz i think that was an average what he cited yeah that was the average type how much how much is it for for world class horses i think i think one of the most expensive was secretariat yeah how much was that i'm sure we can find it sounds like he was just offering a horse like any horse i don't otherwise they would have mentioned the name you know if it was like i'm going to buy you the i'm going to buy you seabiscuit baby yeah i don't know what i'm typing i know how much is a seabiscuit say world most expensive horse seaman i'm sure yeah don't be don't be ashamed uh av don't be embarrassed yeah uh oh i had drum roll zack ready drum roll supposedly winning big star seamen is 4.7 million for one load wealthy investors are willing to pay high prices for a proven winner seaman 4.7 million for one load i'm sure the the horse though just won the kentucky derby i'm sure his his loads will be uh worth a pretty penny dude that's nuts man can you imagine if someone paid you five million dollars to jerk off that's awesome let me find applied to people like uh semen of like the smartest person in the world yeah einstein semen [ __ ] valuable can you imagine if you had einstein semen people be crazy about that that'd be very what about elon musk seaman that should be pretty valuable yeah people would pay for that all right this is theoretical well you get it for free over 20 million dollars worth of semen in eight months if she was really unconfused the play would be to like i'm not gonna go there yeah use your imagination from everywhere in my room okay dude stop stop using that can i suggest an owl or something next time uh love what is going on with your cup like my cup what is this this was a sam just handed it to me this was a genius idea who's sam the uh frozen cup there's like gel inside oh that's awesome because we got some complaints about ethan chewing on the ice oh are you serious that's why you got this yeah also oh my god really big so it's just kind of funny how it makes it so you guys wow i was wondering i love i love this wow i'm really stopped i really need that much handling you guys have to go how would that apply to chewing gum we got to get him an iv for food baby steps [Laughter] very interesting okay wow i really am a pathetic [ __ ] baby cheers everybody i'm not go another thing we're saying the sound of the ice clinking on the glass and the mic was annoying okay um thank you guys always thinking of the show thank you guys so much incredible stuff um so the weird there's a weird twist on this story i'm not gonna lie that i feel like i would be remiss not to mention i don't think business insider i don't think they have a great track record of reporting i don't think i'm the first one to point that out and there's one really weird detail about [Music] this article is that the story is reported from the stewardess friend they never even because she's signed an nda right so it could be that they're just trying to bypass the nda but in the article they say this story is reported from the masseuse's friend and she didn't even ask permission from the friend to share this story and so while i understand it's probably a sidestep of nda so that she doesn't get in trouble that's some [ __ ] dog [ __ ] reporting in my opinion like that that i don't know that is like the the ground is so like if you're gonna call into question the validity of the reporting it's like the person it happened to wasn't even in the article she didn't even speak a great idea on that it just seems questionable what does dan think yeah what does dan think what do i think well i mean i i don't know obviously i'm not saying my read on it my read on it is that um the most likely scenario is this woman did want to come forward but couldn't that's why and this was the way to get around i understand but like in terms of like solid reports yeah no because obviously that he he's already using that as a way to deflect and and his defenders are using his way to deflect and you're you're not wrong the optics of that is it's not great but also to be a victim of daddy mask musk nobody wants that and i feel like this is the only way for her to bring this story out like how else would you do that there's a reason business insider broke this and not the new york times or the washington post it's because it's embarrassing it's embarrassing if that's your source is the i'm just saying it's like it's but it's it's not like the story is fake it doesn't sound like it there's the payment that was made right yes the the element of the fact that there is an nda and a settlement that happened um i believe her a modicum of uh it's like so if you believe her then i think you should open with that because what you're saying is kind of like putting the whole story into question what i'm saying is i do believe her but it's becomes pretty it just becomes relatively toothless and looks more like a political hit or a cash grab on business insider side when they don't have like solid reporting it's like well her friend told me this we haven't even talked to her it's like okay like if [ __ ] dan came to you and was like yo my friend you know i'm just saying it's not good reporting i believe her i'm just saying it's [ __ ] business insider but what it's just gonna give him and all of his supporters uh like every out possible to say what can what can she do if she did want the story out but she signed an nda nothing but yeah no i don't think anything you know and what's interesting is like you know i'm just i'm get i'm trying to be i'm just trying to give it impartial i think it's important to say it's a big angle in the story it's like it's what his defenders are i mean i realizing yeah i read the whole article and i was taken aback when it ended with that i was like what i was like what the [ __ ] her friend is the source of this and they never even spoke to her that just struck me as odd that's all i'm saying it's not like but i have to say that it's not like they didn't confirm the story they're not just reporting on something the person said and that's it they literally said we have not talked to that person okay but the the paperwork and stuff are there to back up the story it's not right that yeah somebody came and told us this and we're telling you that yeah i mean they corroborate it and that they i think they corroborated it and that there was a settlement paid for 250 to this girl a severance and that's basically all they're able to confirm and it's all based on a friend's account again i believe her it just seems like you know pretty pretty bad reporting that's all in the nda um you know her unwillingness to speak on this um because they did correct me if i'm wrong but they did say that they tried to speak with her but she wanted nothing to do with it it wasn't that they didn't reach out to her well we can pull up the article no i think i mean i read last time that was my understanding but i i could be wrong on that um i mean but um regardless uh you know the truth is they could get [ __ ] sued into oblivion by elon musk if they if like the reporting is that thin you know i wouldn't they married by the way i was i was looking at the author i was like please don't i was like bro cat wrote this for sure uh no it wasn't cat it's just saying would have been funny uh let's see it ended with the friend told insider oh no at least what's interesting though is one of the go-to defenses that elon has deployed um was if this were true uh describe my dick oh pull that up yeah um which it's like all right it's a pretty cynical thing to say when you have this person under an nda like she can't say anything about that um so it's but i mean i i understand why he said it because it's like you know describe describe a scar or a tattoo he probably has a normal looking dick i mean how do you describe that like not everyone's got a crazy looking dick like harvey weinstein right epstein had like wild looking dicks apparently right but regard right that's a good point uh but anyway he said but so let me read you just to touch on this important point i think they said insider is aware of her identity insider is also aware of the flight attendant's identity but we're not naming her because she's claimed to be the victim of essay she declined to comment for this story the victim now also read this sex herb the friend told insider that she decided to come forward without consulting with the flight attendant i think she's doing it for her friend to not put her at risk because of the nda right that's that's possible but that's not what it says i'm just saying right if you're talking about the if you want yeah that's that's that's the best guess right it says she says as a survivor i felt obligated to share what i had been told and then they specifically say unlike the flight attendant her friend is not bound by any non-disclosure agreement that's what insider wrote um i just i was kind of blown away by that line i was like whoa that's weird uh so there you have it that's just a weird twist on it and i don't think any other huge publication like i said there's a reason business insider broke the story there's nobody else talking about it they broke the story okay everybody went to new york times first talking about it oh i mean yeah now it's well now that they've worked it then everyone else can report it you know report on their reporting yeah yeah exactly but what so let's go back to um let's go back so elon wrote on twitter well first when they called him for for a comment he gave them a really interesting response he said there's much more to the story that's what he told insider so he didn't actually deny it which i thought was kind of damning and weird mm-hmm um but now so that's what he told insider and then what happened but also he said there's more to the story that's like what every guilty person always says just wait until you hear it from my point of view yeah just wait until the the truth is revealed no it's total it's totally incriminating mm-hmm it's like it also just makes i mean i know he obviously didn't mean it this way but it makes him sound like he's saying oh yeah there's a lot of girls like this yeah there's a there's so much more of this story obviously he didn't mean that but i heard it as that's why he he should have just not said anything what i heard it as is this definitely happened that's what i heard and then another interesting detail in the article that corroborates it or is interesting is that at the mediation with the flight attendant musk personally attended it right right i read that that's pretty crazy uh here's the tweet i was talking about by the way how would they get all this information if they didn't do proper research on the story i think the friend provided all that i mean they confirmed it but i don't think they did much research and just being honest i think they got all they corroborated the info just saying you know musk responded he's on twitter he said i have to challenge i have a challenge to this liar who claims their friend saw me expose describe just one thing anything at all scars tattoos that isn't known by the public she won't be able to so because it never happened you know what that tells me that's such a bad response you know that tells me you could go and get a tattoo right now and say this was there and she didn't call it out like what it tells me that he's been specifically ready to use this excuse when this happened inevitably because he doesn't have tattoos he doesn't have distinction he's being advised by our lawyer from tick tock he's saying go and say you drank afterwards you weren't drinking while you were driving totally it's like the same logic afterwards and she didn't know about that tattoo being there so she wasn't there yeah but if i was like a crustial guy who's been doing this for a while and i like my me i don't have any tattoos i don't have any markings on my body i don't have anything weird going on with my penis just saying right i wouldn't know how to describe it it's like regular and then like so what is there to say in detail in that uh bobby lee episode the other day i described it in detail oh i don't know how much detail i described it in but um but it's a it's a normal looking penis is my point and so this challenge is so obscene it's disgusting one and two it's like a [ __ ] joke i mean it's so ridiculous um it's just doesn't prove anything you know i don't know i i just feel like this is not the response for somebody who didn't do it no and he actually took it further he said um what's this one here i've highlighted is this what he wrote or did he tweet this this is how he responded to insider he said this is what he told insider if i were inclined to engage in essay or sh this is unlikely to be the first time in my entire 30-year career that it comes to light he wrote calling the story a politically motivated hit piece i mean it's funny if you take what the quartering said and responses like that it makes way more sense when you look at him coming out as a republican saying political hits are coming against right before this story comes out like that's so [ __ ] obvious the attacks against me he tweeted should be viewed through a political lens this is standard a we already read yeah i hate how at the end it's like uh everything i'm doing is for you i'm doing more for the world than any human alive just let me not follow the rules i'm doing so much for you come on come on actually i do think they actually have that opinion when you become that billionaire and you have that such an inflatable you go you go i am saving humanity i'm not supposed the least you could do is give me a hand job the rules do not apply to billionaires you can rationalize a million a million ways like like i'm not going down for a [ __ ] hand job like i'm too important you know and he's probably correct i mean epstein did it for like no his whole life and yeah and epstein nobody even liked that guy to begin with right good luck with the elon but you know it's just interesting to see it all kind of playing out um i don't know if there's anything else really elon asked her to come in his room uh for a full body massage when she arrived the attendant found that he was completely nude except for a sheet covering his lower half of his body during the massage musk exposed his genitals and then touched her and offered to buy her a horse to do more it's awesome the horse thing is just so [ __ ] weird bizarre although epstein only paid him like 20 bucks or something so very uh uh genghis khan yeah issuing horses the old horse for a handy yeah it's also this kind of like he's so rich he goes everyone's got a price everybody's got a price he probably thinks i can get a hand job from anybody well would you get would you jerk him off for a billion dollars oh do a lot more that's what i'm saying yeah exactly everyone has this price he's right he just went too low with the horse honestly he should have given her cash force and a staple right the stable would have come the stable could have sealed the deal i'm kidding guys please come on don't [ __ ] kill me here please come on just saying uh so yeah so again uh in 2008 um after becoming convinced that her refusal to accept musk's proposal had diminished her opportunities at space x the attendant hired a lawyer and sent a complaint to the hr department around that time the attorney's firm contacted the friend and asked her to prepare a declaration the attendance complaint was resolved quickly after a session with a mediator that musk personally attended i find that very interesting he went there in person that's pretty intense he's a busy guy with a huge inflated ego you know he doesn't show up to [ __ ] unless it's important um the matter never reached a court of law or even arbitration in november 2018 musk spacex and the flight enter attendant entered into a severance agreement for 250 thous in exchange never to sue and i'm sure it had a nice juicy the agreement also included a very restrictive nda and non-disparagement clause that barred the attendant from ever discussing the severance payment or disclosing any information of any kind about musk or any of his businesses and this is really interesting just months after her settlement in 2018 the government jerry brown then the governor of california signed into law the stand against non-disclosure act which bars the use of nda's going forward in settlements involving uh you know sh discrimination or assault unless they are requested by the plaintiff now what's the timeline of of musk wanting to leave california it was a few years later and like yeah i didn't know about that bill it's pretty cool i i i mean i even said that last night when we were talking about it somewhat facetiously of well this is why he wanted to leave texas um but um because you know i think it had much more to do with um them trying to uh close his factories during the covet outbreak and everything and him being unwilling to do that and you know that makes more sense for him to move out of california uh he was getting triggered the timing is interesting that you know no more sexual harassment ndas and dude they're great later he's out dude the guy runs a huge manufacturing plant that relies on robots and texas can't even [ __ ] keep their grid online like it's just it's not that advantageous to be there i'm just saying um so he so again remember when insider called him he said there's more to the story but now on twitter he's denying it outright he says where were these wild accusations against elon musk before he took a stand against the establishment when did he do that when did he take a stand against the establishment i must have missed that tweet he is the establishment dude you're the richest person in the world like who are you taking a stand against exactly god i missed that that when that happened he stood against the establishment exactly he says [ __ ] the fact that he is like echoing this kind of like replying to comments like this and totally saying exactly it's just all part of like his building total spin colt yeah and for the record like nobody normal would do that and just a random twitter person terrible it's like 808 okay and then he responds to that and for the record those wild accusations are utterly untrue see he didn't tell insider that interestingly when they asked for a comment remember he said there's more to the story that does that's very different than utterly untrue and then that's when he of course challenges her to describe his penis which as you know is the ultimate uh test of dispelling the well-known penis description phase of every case like this describe my penis could you do it and we've been married we've been together for 15 years go ahead you let other than saying circumcised i mean it was circumcised okay that's about half or more of the of [Applause] oh wait jordan describe my penis please i dreamed i saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool wait what i think his mind had the appearance of a thick mat of hair oh there he was very close with his grandma at first her genital region was exposed dimly jordan jordan was off topic a little bit you're just awesome she was stroking herself absent-mindedly jordan gordon this is not what i okay he missed the point of the bit that guy has deranged uh anyway he he keeps responding to these people is strange how their friend you can go pila if you need to i just love hear this one reply so i don't want to go but let me read it then it's strange how their friend is the one who came forward years after it supposedly happened while claiming they can't stay silent it's a story based on hearsay my friend said no proof exactly elon said moreover the friend in question who gave the interview wait what's b what's that business insider okay bi is far left activist oh the friend is a far-left activist actress in la with a major political act grant it's like okay dude like shut up that's just like stupid that's just weird that means he knows who's the friend and he looked her up and what she whatever he knows he's just the way he's framing it he's just trying to play and then the narrative the fact that he even replied to this at all and said exactly and it's like well you know that you made them sign an nda so what do you mean exactly it's like if the girl wanted to tell the story herself she can't yeah what happened to free speech though where are you going to mention that he's fighting for free speech yeah right right nda he's doing it for all of us nda is you can't speak when you sign an nda that can't be right because elon musk is a free speech absolutist no that's just when it comes to enemies of the mosque right but if we're in it we shouldn't worry right he says absolutist though he says i'm fighting for speech speech for everyone does that include the girl that's sent to nda not me not you he goes free speech for everyone not you afraid i was saying it's free speech for everyone not you you you you signed nda's um no it was so he said did you respond to business insider he said no it was clear their only goal was to hit peace to interfere with the twitter acquisition no if any first of all business insider the only thing they're after and being honest is just getting clicks for the website i don't think they care about and that's right he's saying the story was written before they even talked to me so like how much before was it before the twitter that's normal by the way you write the story but he's blaming it on the twitter acquisition when did they when did the story come up i don't know i have no law i don't have no idea how long they've been wrong it'd be interesting to find out but that's how it works i mean you write the article and then you reach out for a comment but i'm just being honest business insider is far from like i said there's a reason the new york times didn't break this story i think that's a fair point that's fine i i get that but i just want to in my opinion it just doesn't mean that the story story's not real no personal i'm saying of course not of course not uh but yeah this is interesting because he says he didn't tell them anything but business insider explicitly says he said there's more of this story so i don't know if he's going to sue them that'll be interesting as well a lawsuit could backfire on him though because then he has to do discovery and basically all the nda and all the meetings and stuff basically becomes public i think at that point through discovery right i don't think he's interested in that but on the flip side without even a lawsuit i mean can't this will do nothing to him can't he just say i release this person from all uh ndas you absolutely could play absolutely absolutely he could absolutely release her from the nda in fact he didn't do anything i mean i don't see why not he absolutely should um yeah if he's innocent uh he should release her but i don't think it's gonna matter he made this really shrewd and intentional decision to join the basically anti-cantal culture pseudo free speech guys i mean look trump was accused by like 13 different women yeah didn't matter you know what i mean these guys become untouchable once they come into this crowd this right-wing crowd right mega crowd it's like you can't do anything uh you know what's the worst thing you could do if you're a mega crowd is probably say something nice about obama or like i don't know uh be gay being gay is bad you know that's a tough one that's a hard that's a better pill to swallow thank you dan but anyway that's the story um and elon is just gone you know i mean it's kind of crazy he's just down the meme hole now um here is by the way what in the [ __ ] is this you guys see this sports illustrated cover now this is a beautiful mamma mia a wooga a wooga haman i love me some grammy milkers uh graham graham peterson shows off her soft handmade paint brushes wait are the is those her pubes oh no man oh god those are the appearance of a thick mat of hair those are definitely her pubes that is that that is just a demented mine my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool this is just disgusting man i let her have her way god unbelievable well that man is is severely disturbed um exposed dimly there you have it um yeah there it is what else uh since we're between stories i'll just acknowledge this donation it just came through from ishaan kumar a five dollar donation an icu doctor uh been family for years i caught covet on the line of duty resting and watching the podcast shout out to a.b from michigan by the way thanks you sean shout out to all the doctors out there do you want me to give uh ab like 12 percent of that donation or just let me know do you want to split that up at all let me know how you want me to split that up yeah thank you so much appreciate you shout out to uh the family shout out to the island um how long we've been going dan uh two hours 37 minutes and 59 seconds so let's see let's go back to um there's some stuff we missed from the beginning wally p sent us a message this is interesting why are we not already coordinating a meeting with him what's going on well i think because we haven't yet acknowledged it on the show and i think now that we're doing so this is our chance he's going to see this we can tell them how to get in touch with us um because they didn't give any contact details well go ahead and watch this video and you tell me you know what to do with this we've been trying to get in contact with him for years yeah and now he's acknowledging us and we still don't know how to get in contact with him here's the video he sent us uh [Music] his cameos would slap so so hard man yeah okay but so you guys aren't in touch with tony not yet but tony if you see this which i since you're aware of us now i'm sure this is going to get back to you wait didn't we post on our subreddit before huh i thought tony posted a video of uh he's the guy who's been hanging he's doing well videos yeah he helped him set up a youtube channel and stuff because he's just been on tick tock up to this point tony dan yeah this is my email please send me an email we'd love to talk to you we spoke to someone else that supposedly knew him but that was a that was yeah you know what they're in texas texas texas because i would like to set up a mobility scooter race oh interesting because now that i learned he's on a mobility scooter yeah would you fly there for that because i think he would have to go there i don't think he would come yeah i don't is that worth the trip out there though i might be thinking about it it may be it i don't know if you don't want to go it means that we'll go yeah gladly we've been chasing yeah maybe you and zach did you really just cut me out of the safety i'm sorry i'm sorry you know how i feel about wally people dan is a big advocate for her but right me and zach i think have sat through his live streams for hours hey hold on hold on hold on love says he heads into in contact with tony is that right love i'm not in contact with him but i know he's a member of uh the wally discord that i'm a member of okay so okay we'll love it yeah dm all right maybe we can pick the ball rolling maybe well texas he could he probably is too big for an airplane he's a big guy yeah but it's possible we could get them to drive or take a train or a bus or something we could charge her a nice car so it's comfortable for him maybe we could get him like one of those luxury mercedes we can rent like a touring bus well yeah right i'm just saying there's got to be a way what if we do a whole wrap to the touring bus with like wall-e custom decals yeah diwali teep feed scoring bus yeah dude that's kind of epic actually we can even get a disability one where he can he can cruise in with his mobility scooter and everything a disability mobility i'm just saying we can work we can figure this out all right well let's just let's speak to him let's get creative take that just maybe i'm getting ahead of myself putting the mobility scooter before the horse as they say the saying of old um best friend dr eddie lucky christina thank you i heard a.d and casino i heard christina is he talking about your mom's house uh but did they talk about him too i don't know i i've got his chance i got his chat chanting family and like age three before but that's my only connection to him that's the only time i've ever even got close well we're getting close i think you got acknowledged i mean this is not this is we are getting closer and closer to the elusive wall-e p this is coming to fruition perhaps the hardest guest in the history of h leader pursue i mean it's probably been over two years of of talking about wall-e at this wow yeah almost two years yeah the hunt for wally p it could we could make an interesting documentary about this i think in the end i mean what we've been able to puzzle together about his life it seems like he's he's had a wild one lightly i was in contact i guess i won't yeah i won't say but someone very close to him and i'm just going to leave it at that yeah well what did they say i'll tell like i said i'll tell you up there yeah yeah oh you don't have anything okay interesting i thought you're gonna okay well it's all coming together 20 gifted subs from frederico anderson just now thank you so much for watching that's so freaking wait did he do it twice yeah oh my god i missed the other one that's so generous man and shout out to the bro thank you so much to frederico that is just so nice man the gifted sub is so nice it's so family i just love it it's a good vibe by the way we should plan when we're going to want to do the uh tiptoes uh movie uh members live stream we want to come back in on the on a saturday again and watch uh the the movie about uh the one with uh gary oldman as a little person is it tiptoes yeah oh it is tiptoes yeah where gary in the role of a lifetime gary oldman pretends to be a little person and walks on his knees the whole time then you see the trailer for that i think maybe dude if it's a meme on the show yeah yeah you definitely haven't seen it but yeah years ago but it came up again so okay they said in the trailer the role of a life so this weekend we have plans right yeah but next weekend potentially um well huh let me see we'll figure it out it'll yeah we'll have to well i just want to put on a show for all of our new family members but yeah yeah but uh that'll be fun um actually the member's life the members live stream give us an opportunity to do stuff we would never do yeah right i think a lot of members will be really happy with behind tomorrow because there's huge names in it like yeah say what there's a lot of big names that are going to be behind oh the bts is dropping tomorrow is going to be yeah i mean abe was in there with all of all the big boys right yeah they had like a big mixer and everyone was there critical and um zach lewis is going to be in the behind the scenes did you get a comment from critical uh no i didn't you just got a shot of him yeah did you get a shot of you just looked at him from across the u.s a creeper a creep shot actually me and him are talking in the background and lena's recording my brother hitting this punching bag it's it's sick stuff it's there yeah wow you did capture his voice that sounds like ribbon conversation so there you go they're quite a pitch to the bts coming up this weekend for all of our wonderful members another 20 gifted subs from annelise it's crazy thank you thank you so much family family family forever uh i just got a response from tony by the way that was fast on it yeah oh oh he's on it okay all right oh and here's the preview of uh the bus that we're gonna put together okay there yes yes yes yes this could be a hazard on the road man i think people will be crashing all around that bus some of the chat saying my cousin tim needs to translate for him every arab i've asked cannot place his accent like and i'm the same way i will ask what let's ask him let's have tony ask what's his native wait we know where he's we know where he's from he's from uh it's he speaks kurdish right yeah yeah is he from northern iraq originally i think i think so northern iraq has been told so many lies throughout these past two years yeah yeah right so is are there any fans in the audience who uh speak kurdish that could help i've asked some of my kurdish friends and they but do we have him speaking kurdish because he's usually doing some kind of mix it's it's usually a mix of several english kurdish and arabic yeah i think yeah yeah so if anyone out there speaks kurdish and arabic and uh walian because we're definitely going to need a translator if we want to have a series there's multiple dialects of kurdish too makes it even worse play that again zach and if you know what he's saying here well he says which is spanish okay he's lived in texas for a long time so i'm sure he's picked up spanish i think he could get by with arabic and english we need a whole panel of translators on standby somebody said i can speak chinese if that helps yeah i think it would we'll take what we could get join the panel like lena could piece together most of the time what he says but it just it takes a while okay interesting so here we have a we have a an in-house translator thank you so much to elon's crotch who just donated 20 gifted subs thank you so much elon's crotch rod ladies to the family you know you get that crotch rot i sure do i sure do that crotch rot so anyway let's let's keep going let's let's just clear the dock since we're here you know what i mean let's clear this bee out uh this is erupt abrupt chaos let's see what we got here oh i've seen this i have seen this and i'm curious like you know i thought to myself what would i do if this happened to me oh [ __ ] oh [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't know what to do guys i don't know forget about the camera [ __ ] i love she's still putting oh she's live streaming yeah i love that she's staying focused on the goal what does she do [Music] don't you like just like turn it off with a towel i don't know because it's a grease fire can we learn with your brother baking soda yeah baking soda baking soda nothing is on fire bad oh my god so so i was wondering what would i do if i was i think i i was thinking what i would probably have done is just put it in the oven because you know it's not going to burn anything i would probably just throw it in the oven isn't the right thing to do with a grease fire like that to either smother it or or cover it in some way i think if i yeah yes but or put baking soda on it we learned right that'll immediately put it out but i'm just thinking i'm there panicking i need to make a snap judgment i'm throwing it in the oven and closing it there's probably worse things to do than that yeah just get it out get it in the oven you know i think the worst thing is to try to talk to your chat dump it in the sink which is what she did obviously the biggest sin when you have a grease fire is to throw water on it because that just makes it explode everywhere she's so concerned with like still entertaining the show yeah god bless her she's a 200 maybe maybe take the cutting board and put it on top of the pan could have been a good play right to smother the flame um you want to do the philly do stuff we can do that let's see philly been philly d billy about to take these these nuts in his mouth because he's been talking mad [ __ ] on me and i'm not trying to box anyone but philly's about to catch these hands dude by the way you guys took a poll and thank you to all of our great football troopers 70 said philly d would win in a fight our own audience yes our own our own army be your own my own people say i'll get my ass beat by philly deep you're really living on the verge of organ failure his kidney barely works man so let's see what he had to say well i was talking to ian he wants me to fight phillyd that's where he came from yeah he's yeah yeah dude he [ __ ] fired the first shots i was like all right i was like all right you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna train and i'm just gonna get really good at kidney shots i'm just going to practice one motion straight for the kidney and i'll you know i'll kill you i'll just kill you in the ring bro you better have that organ donor lined up just saying bro i just thought of that just saying that a little too far yeah then threatened to kill him it's that's not cool but the thought of you two in a boxing ring and he's just hitting you in the face and you keep going for the same shot repeatedly here's a kidney strike here here's a kidney strike so oh god these guys are goons this is me and philly d fighting i thought this would be cooler show me the kidney strike yeah so here it is okay let's cut to the chase here please just so you guys could see my one move if me and philly ever did box so here's my one move i don't even know where the kidney is currently i don't know where that is in the body but he's about to show me there it is oh yeah dude that's nuts i just keep going for his side can you imagine i'm actually just trying to [ __ ] try and we're cracking up just imagine you just continuously going they're not legal in boxing are they why not no they are and they they take you out what yeah it's a body shot yeah and like george foreman was known for his kin it's there's no pain like it i've gotten one of them and it's you just collapsed oh really yeah i could rupture his though because his is his uh yeah i mean he has a condition apparently and you know so that's me you see that that's the whole this is the whole boxing match that's funny right it's okay it's pretty funny that the box would be like he's going for his kidney philly d is known he has a kidney condition ethan is trying to kill him right now what i think would be funny is well after you if you get on stage i just i envision you doing like all your dance moves oh yeah and i think that's gonna be funny oh i'm seeing oh i'm seeing that kidney shots are not legal oh for real oh shots are legal cause stallone said that in a spy kid's part three um kidney punches are not legal in boxing really i just thought it was a normal body shot i mean i can make it look like an accident right yeah that's what i'm saying people do it all the time so that must be what it is they just maybe they lose points or something sweep the kidney i don't care about points if he dies i win right technically yes there you go we love philly d though over here we're all philly fans we're not trying to kill him who are you who authorized that statement all right let's watch he has like an organ thing he's like you guys like his got all kinds of things no but my i don't have organ failure i [ __ ] myself defranco who is too stunned to speak okay so in ethan's defense it is true that i only have one spleen but that's because everyone only has one spleen actually that's not true about ten percent of people have two spleens it's called an accessory spleen i just learned that this morning we'll get to that after i say sup you beautiful bastards welcome back to the philippines there's a compilation the doc of him talking about if you just want to watch that no i just wanna oh so if that's that's all you said about me there's more all right yeah yeah yeah let's see all the trash talk uh philly d wants the smoke here's the highlight this is all from that episode yeah well i was talking to ian he wants me to fight philly d no really okay you watch this speak urban fighting which is yesterday if you watched h3tv the news broke he said philly is seriously considering fighting which was absolutely massive news to a number of people including me because that's not a thing that's absolutely because he actually interviewed ian is that in this uh yeah it's it's in this compilation right okay i'll just let it play then finding out who the [ __ ] is lying about me as well as to provide equal representation for yesterday's dr mike interview we have idubbbz coming in for a quick chat so yeah the first thing i really like did you tell ethan klein that i was interested in boxing as a way to trick him into fighting me well i i thought i don't know where i heard it i thought i thought you were interested what what are you talking about i i don't know maybe it got lost in communication but i thought you were down to fight at least ethan i was like then you would be a good fight yeah i don't think it would be a fair fight even though yesterday he said he could kill me was that was that confusion or is that is that a tactic so philly really thinks he could beat my ass huh i mean look he's a bigger guy he's a little taller he's bulkier i know that most people think i get my ass beat and i understand that i'm not offended by it you are not in shape but if you guys saw me at my physical prime um every blood test i've said says that i'm an elite athlete whatever that kardashian quote is oh if you exercised you could philly d you know you keep ignoring uh the suggestion that you listen or not wait that i need to exercise well i'm not fighting him not in my current position in my current condition right not fighting anybody but you'd fight him five years ago when you were in your prime if we trained for a year i'm saying hypothetically okay i'll i'll say two things one you brag about being unhealthy all the time so i can see why a lot of people philly there's a reason philly shoots from the chest up that's all i'll say go ahead he's skinny though yeah like we showed your like lime green pesto on on stream people doubting you but the other thing is and dan brought this up the other day um when we're talking about this is that you are you do have like some weird athletic abilities i think i do you really do like the baseball was one of the examples no i i think like i am i am i am athletic i am it's crazy right i mean i'm an old guy i'm out of shape but like i have i think i have naturally good balance and athletic abilities when i'm you know training and stuff i just think it would take a lot of training to be able to but yeah i think you're overestimating how much shape philly d is i think he's in shape yeah he did lose a lot of weight recently i think you are underestimating can it be both yeah thank you either way i'm not fighting him but i'm just saying i like to i like to fantasize that in a world where we actually fight i think it would be it would be a close spark for the show it would be a good show the thing is i would have to train so hard you would yeah i mean you saw it and i've got kids you're gonna um i mean it's gonna be long-ass days without you know what i mean i'll have to wake up early and go to bed early it's just gonna be well that's fine but i'm just saying like it's gonna be long [ __ ] days we got two young kids i will support your philly's dad training time if that's what these kids are older they're like away for if you're away for for training well well if i just practice the kidneys like once a week if you want to come with me one of the times you're still doing it once a week once a week yeah yeah just once right that's enough once a week well i just go once just once yeah i just want that's where the kidney is and wally will show you you'll just you just go in the ring with one glove if if we fought now philly would would you know he would probably win but that's true of anyone on to be honest with you guys i don't think i could beat up a single living person but if you agree to it then you've made the commitment that's serves as the motivation to you know actually train and get in better shape but i don't even know philly according to philly he's not even fighting anyone well it seemed like let's hear this let's hear this that you use to actively get some of the people on the last card to fight oh no not at all everyone was super down to do it without like even knowing who their opponent was and two ethan klein i never said i wanted to fight you if i did you would get hurt and that would go against my monetary interest because then i wouldn't be able to put your beautiful pace in my mind the question i want to kick out to you beautiful bastards is even though i would not fight who would you like to see me [ __ ] [ __ ] me who else you gonna fight you know god the memes would be so good though i could get like i could come out with like the donor list or like a fake kidney and [ __ ] the [ __ ] talk would go i'll come out to the box room with like a ice chest with like a kidney inside oh my god the [ __ ] talking could go so good [Laughter] my boxing name could be ethan kidney rupture klein it'd be so fire but i don't think he's got the balls frankly to fight me even and then this of course shout out to the super trooper family a pul someone put this poll up zero points by the way uh she didn't said he might it wasn't the other day how did you guys find this at zero points you guys found the pull of me saying i'm gonna get my ass beat uh with zero points oh cause we made it that's that's right i voted for you sure you did of 200 votes uh 120 pretty astounding uh ratio think philly the news king beats me so i don't blame you guys though it's not looking good for me definitely so there you have it philly d um actually i'm obviously just goofing around we had funny exchange on twitter and even his wife made a really funny comment when i said i tweeted out something like i would absolutely rupture phillyd's kidney if we boxed and his wife was said something really funny like that this could actually work out good because he's going to need a replacement kidney anyway maybe it gets to the top of the donor list speed it along yeah very funny i i had a good chocolate of that and then uh he said something about ryan kevin oh yeah he says not after rank have enough funds in my training camp i was like okay well ryan kavanaugh's broke he lost almost a billion dollars last year nice try he's not paying for anyone's training camp that was my ultimate diss thank you where's the one from his wifey it was in that thread oh careful there's there's bat oh here it is liz defranco he's gonna need a transplant at some point anyway so you may actually help him move up on the waiting list there you have it doing a service there you have it my current beef with philip defranco awesome what about bobby lee fight bobby lip that's interesting uh he likes video games as well well he's also isn't he 50 50. yeah he's old yeah it's probably not the best idea perfect actually interestingly me and philly are like one year apart we're pretty close in size i'm 5 11 he's six foot obviously i think i probably got him i don't know he but i'm saying like the stats are pretty close interestingly in terms of age right and height yeah but also you and wally are close in age and height my coach right so it doesn't matter right maybe i should fight your club good luck um i think we oh yeah dude this thumbnail was so [ __ ] awesome look at this the love made this we're just click betting the drama uh we said my issue with philip defranco's reporting and we were just joking about how he doesn't i was just complaining that i'm not in enough thumbnails and that hassan's been in more mm-hmm and then we go weird and gross my issue with philip defranco's reporting did that one get views by the way love uh i really did find like 65k views oh he he commented that's i'm very proud of that wait how many views do you get 65k for a two-minute clip not bad i'll take it pretty funny though so i think we pretty much closed this episode out let me see yeah it's almost four o'clock uh too and i know you guys have to head out yeah i think we talked about every except scooby-doo movie which apparently is super violent let me see this image i'm not going to put on the screen it's a cartoon for adults is that right that's good it is a adult theme here look at this this is a trailer so i seeing like her head is cut wide open very graphic and then also the hot uh daphne is like butt ass naked so weird well she has soap over her private so you can't like see but she's now people are getting mad because the main character velma they uh made her southeast asian instead of white which is dumb who cares like doesn't matter um i just thought it was indeed yeah it's mindy kaling is behind it oh well that's fair i mean representing herself yeah and it's obviously who cares i mean it's a cartoon character um but i just we were all discussing it and we were like is it it's weird that like all these weird insults are freaking out about the race swap but everybody like it's a scooby-doo show with nudity and like graphic gore it's just like they really what it is yeah [ __ ] about the vel or whatever her name is velma that's so dumb like it makes me want to spit in fact velma looks like the original character it's not even like it's a different character it's just her skin's a little darker yeah that's kind of [ __ ] stupid like y'all really are looking pathetic uh mindy is giving a first look at her hbo max i'm sorry south asian not southeast asian i misspoke people are correct um velma tells the original story of velma dinkley of the scooby-doo gang spin-off show is part of hbo's max to drive to beef up adult animation programming so there you go everyone who always wanted to beat off to scooby-doo i mean there's a lot of fantasies going around scooby-doo the women of scooby-doo so velma in particular even though like daphne is the more traditionally uh beautiful depicted character velma is the sex icon right because you know she's a freak velma oh let's see cast of scooby doo original let's see let's line them up uh yeah yeah exactly let's take a look here so i let her have her way [Music] there's ones where she looks hotter than this where they don't play up like the they kind of play i feel like they play it up more in certain iterations of scooby-doo yeah i think over the years they've uh leaned into it a little bit wait hold on let me before i don't want to google anything insane let me do velma she was stroking herself absent-mindedly velma sexy scooby-doo here i want to show you guys some oh my god yeah it's just all her genital region was exposed dimly velma scooby-doo here let's take the sex yo it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair yeah i mean the actress is pretty who played her yeah there was a meme about her being hot and she had like a low-cut top with cleavage out that's possessed velma oh she got possessed and got sexy yeah it's possessed oh [ __ ] nutty they're fine but here obviously like a beautiful uh purse a beautiful girl is playing her i mean yeah here she looks a little like she got that that underboob shadow going on be careful scrolling through google images i'm telling you right now it's just scooby-doo it just says scooby-doo i'm just saying there's a lot i did sexy first and that was not good i just did hot and that wasn't good i let her have her way let me see yeah i can see she got like that you know nerdy she got freckles people are into that [Music] let's see yeah is anybody going to be watching this show oh see now here she got now this is what i'm talking about you know she has nice legs her genital region was exposed dimly all right i should stop scrolling now well that's the show guys i hope you had fun today covered a lot of ground didn't i right it's been a whole journey very nice um next monday what's happening return of olivia today i have bad news for her i just saw my phone pete davidson leaves snl oh he's too big for that show ripped damn tragic that's crazy bro that's not student anyway olivia's back next week right yeah uh thank you to all everyone who gifted thank you everyone just too uh donated mega awesomener damn stop giving us all your money we live in a beautiful timeline we got this velma show super saiyan shaggy and now ugly sonic is back what a time to be alive did they bring ugly i saw something about that so it's a gag in i guess there's a is it the the rescue rangers like movie that's coming out uh i forget the name of it chippendale yeah exactly yep and i guess they they go to like a comic-con convention at some point and the ugly sonic is there like like how like a bee washed up celebrity like is always signing things uh which that's a good guy uh sean said uh sean mckean says can i get a shout out to gaylord michigan is that a real is that the real name of a town yeah uh we just experienced a tornado destroyed our entire mainstream damn thoughts go out to gaylord [Music] michigan what's funny yeah love that yes gaylord michigan is a real place uh gaylord used to be a fairly common surname yeah yeah when i was a kid i thought that was the funniest [ __ ] thing man i there was a kid in my middle school whose middle name is how is that a name gaylord like uh meet the parent well back back back in the day gay meant you know mary right right i think they i don't think they use gay as a as a word i believe that's a 20th century yeah because all of a sudden you got this surname you're like hey he's a happy guy then you you know turn the century gaylord because he's the lord of all gays just i mean to really take that in yeah like i was saying there i i there was a kid in my middle school whose middle name was gaylord and people found out brutal and this was in this was in like 1998 1999 in middle school when things were not nearly as woke as they are today and uh as you can imagine that poor kid uh got danced a lot that's even his middle name it wasn't even like one of the major names uh gaylord is a name from norman french origin it means literally joyful or high spirited sure yeah gaylord ladies and gentlemen it's kind of a dope name i think like if it didn't have the the modern day connotation somebody just donated five british pounds and said i have a great name his name is jaylord j lord slow clap um there's a live animation scooby-doo show on youtube that's being funded on kickstarter what uh that's like unofficial that's gonna get shut down i don't know that's what he said he just said episode one is out now anyway thank you guys wow so many generous people in the audience with the with the gifted subs so nice uh thank you guys so much well i hope everyone has a a great weekend we will be back on monday as usual um with olivia we got some fun goofs planned someone said check brittany broski's socials what happened britney bruce let's see let's see let me guess nothing's there why did her account not come up she has like 20 stories so somebody uh mr poop gave me five bucks she said please split this between shredder and alfredo i will do that thank you thank you all right um i am winding down do you see anything down on a brief glance uh her most recent tweet is just a goofy gif there it is what's going on guys have a great weekend we'll see you on monday elo congratulations on that first pitch that was that was something yeah that's very impressive very impressive absolutely all right guys see you monday have a great weekend i let her have her way you'll see the best podcast in the world take it from me jc over chair hp baby we podcast now you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three three you're watching h to the three three three
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,094,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: eZYbxWxDG3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 10sec (11710 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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