December 2023 Power BI Update | 3 Tips that You SHOULD Know

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hey guys thank you for joining today I'm going to show you three awesome powerbi tips that were part of the December 2023 powerbi [Music] update hey before we get started if this is the first time you stop by this Channel and when a master powerbi this is the opportunity hit the Subscribe button if you don't want to miss anything so now let's do this the first feature that I want to talk to you about is related to the unob interaction updates as you may remember this new feature was released a few months ago and it's still in preview that means that we have monthly updates and one of the updates that I really like is related to the classic layout so let me show you what I'm talking about here and I'm pretty sure you're going to love this as well so if you select this visual which is a table a matrix so now you can see the option here to add data to your visual you also have the option here to add or remove visuals to format your visuals so it's right there and some people don't like this okay and for those who don't like this approach or this layout we have the option to have a classic layout what does it mean let me show you let's go over the gear icon right here if we click on this option this new window pops up and now under report settings pain switcher now you have the option here it says always show the build and visual menu in the pain switcher let's select this option and see what happens now we can see the classic layout the layout that we used to have in the past before the unob interaction was live so let me show you what I'm talking about here if you select the visual again now you don't have the option here anymore so the option is right here if you want to add visuals if you want to add data so let's say that you want to add here a different visual so we can do that real quick so now if we want to add data we can do this quickly we go over here and as you can see this is very similar to the classic layout that's why they call it classic layout so let's go over here profit boom and then if you want you can also add dates as part of the xais now as you can see you have the previous layout you can play with the previous layout and start adding data to your visuals like I said before some people like this classic view this a classic layout but others don't like it it's up to you but now you have the option as part of the December 2023 PBI update now let's move on and talk about the new formatting settings for bar and column charts okay so this is a cool one as well so let me show you what I'm talking about here contrl C real quick contrl V Let's duplicate this visual and then let's start making the changes that I'm talking about we have here the classic layout and then if we select the visual let's go over format let's hit column so now you have the option to add transparency here how about 40% check this out it looks a little bit different so the main goal here is to start playing with your visuals and make it more attractive visually so now you can also add a border here check this out I like black here and then ercy I don't touch this and then for width so how about three and you can keep playing with this feature as well so let's keep moving here layout so for layout I want to see here space between series I would give this two or three check this out three this looks so much better you can also change the order here reverse order check this out you can do that see it's up to you it's it's up to the story that you want to share with your end users right so let's leave it as is for now and then you can also solve our value see right there it changes like I said before this is up to you I'm going to turn this off for now but now you can see the difference right and here for example for Kera we can also change the color of the labels so let's do that real quick so let's go over data labels and here Cara for Value so let's s here just black so in that way you can see the contrast better there you have it like I said before I personally like this visual better the one on the right it gives you more power to tell a story it's more visually attractive like I said before so now let's move on to the next one so now let's go over our last tip suggested content and PowerPoint so let me show you what I'm talking about here let's go over power Point real quick this TP is a really nice one for those who want to use the powerbi service and have live reports live visuals in PowerPoint so how does it work so now with a new release you can add here the title for example let's see let's talk about PBI updates for now and then let's go over insert and here addin so let's select PBI here we are connecting to the cloud to the powerbi service so it's going to take a few seconds here connect to your account so now you will see the result here so what's going on here I typed remember that I typed powerb update here and then automatically once we connect PowerPoint to the cloud to to the powerbi service automatically you will see a few options here recommendations right related to the title that we just typed here for example we have design and reports power update September and also we have here March 2023 powerb update there you go you can choose from these options let's go with the second option here and let's see what happens so it's loading now you have here a report with three different pages and you can start playing with it so for this particular one let's say that we care about this visual right here but also I don't want to give people automatic access to this data so you can do that as well you can uncheck this but if you want to give people access to the data set you can just hit this option select this option okay like I said before for now let's select this visual The Profit overtime and let's hit insert let's see what happens so it's loading it's thinking boom now you can share your power visuals live visuals that are in the cloud in the partv server in Microsoft PowerPoint so this is a really really cool feature so let's keep playing and let's add one more okay right click here new slide just for the example and let's talk about the pl 300 exam so let's see if I have reports related to the pl300 exam in the cloud they might show up here as part of the recommendations all right so let's do that insert let's go over at ends here and then let's hit Microsoft powerbi and let's see what happens we are connecting here to the par service to my account so it's thinking check Che this out my friend boom so now you can see here the recommended options have the pl300 phrase that I wrote that I typed a few seconds ago and then you can select the option that best match your interest for this particular one let's select this one the first one here and then you can do the same thing it's a matter of what you are trying to achieve with this reports okay for this particular one this is information about the pl300 by the way if you want to learn more about this exam I created a tutorial I'm going to share with you the link so you can check it out so let's go over the next page here I have the hours by subcategory this is the time that it takes to study for the test this is this visual so let's insert and then here boom this is the visual that we care for this presentation there you have it my friends I hope you found these three tips very very helpful if so please give me a thumbs up share with your friends and of course don't forget subscribe because it is free all right thank you guys for your time and see you in my next tutorial
Channel: Nestor Adrianzen
Views: 1,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi udpate, power bi update, nestor adrianzen, power bi tips 2024, power bi tips and tricks, power bi tutorial for beginners, power bi tutorial
Id: GnqC2KX3H20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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