Power BI Report Makeover | Combining All New Visualization Features

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recently a lot of new visualization features as well as completely new charts have been added to powerbi now they're all great on their own however they're even better when we put them together on a report page now that's exactly what I'm going to do in this video I'm going to give this report page a make over and turn it into this one over here now let's dive in all right now let's redesign this page now it doesn't look terrible however it doesn't look great either and it could use a little bit of a refresher okay we're going to do it as follows we're going to take every single visualization and either replace it with a new chart type that was was released for that visual for example with the button slice or with the card visual or we're going to make use of new visualization features that have been added for example with the line chart or with the bar chart okay now let's go top down starting off with the slices now we have three slices here two at the top there we can change the filter selection and the one in the middle is to switch between two different measures sales and quantity now with everything that we're going to do we are just going to focus on the visual part of the design not so much on what is being shown okay now let's take that first slicer then where we have different years and you might wonder what year is actually selected because it's kind of confusing is it 2015 and 16 or 2017 well actually it's 2017 and if you ask me bit confusing now with the old slicer there we can only have the selected item showing in Black and not so many formatting options but with the new slicer tons of new possibilities open up so let's change it straight away into a new slicer which you find over there now if you cannot see it just make sure that you're on the latest version of powerbi all right and have all of the preview features selected okay good I'm going to change it into a new slicer and well that doesn't look better it seems to make the buttons disappear however what's going on is that we now have here under the formatting layout and there we can change the grid so we can say we have only one roll with three columns 2015 16 17 all right now the space between the Cards okay we can leave it as it is now let's then first focus on the buttons themselves okay so open up the button section and here I want to get rid of the fill color first however I don't turn it off I'm just going to put the transparency to 100% okay and then for the selected State there I can put the transparency a little bit lower all right so that we still see which one is selected now just make sure that one is selected otherwise not much is happening all right and then we can also change the color to maybe a gray color like this one over here perfect now I'm going to put the transparency to 85% now I don't want to have the border so I'm going to turn that one off and I also want to turn it off for the default state so I'm going to turn the Border off there as well now to still have a little bit of separation between the different years we have now accent bars so I'm going to turn accent bars on and let's open this group I want it to be on the left hand side however the color I want it to be different now let's just choose why let's add a little bit of transparency as well all right now that starts to look better however at the unselected here still showing black so let's change that quickly so over here that is the call out value and here we have the default State and there we have the color which needs to be white okay now I think that the font is a little bit big so I'm going to decrease a little bit let's go for maybe 11 just like this all right now that already goes in the right direction there's one more thing that I want to change let's go here to slicer settings and let's make sure that single select is on so that we cannot select multiple years depending on what you want and over here I want to have four select section which means always one year needs to be selected all right now in this case 2017 I cannot deselect 2017 to see all of the years that's now not possible because we force the selection okay now let's do the same thing for the slicer right next to the year slicer so I'm going to first take the other one and change it also into a new slicer and then we can use the format painter to copy over what we just did before so select the other one format painter and then click on the right slicer okay now over here just make sure that the layout is done the same so one row three columns also here we have three items all right now here to make it look the same it's maybe a little bit confusing as well if we put them right next to one another like this and Visually not very interesting so what we're going to do is we're going to add also images for the three product categories Furniture office supplies and Technology now where can we get these images is from well you could just go to PowerPoint now let me open it up and in PowerPoint if you go to insert and then pictures and then stock images then you can look for whatever image you like and all of these images are really good quality and so over here I type in office and you see it gives me all office like pictures all right now this is how I came to this collection of different pictures and then from those pictures I chose these three so this one I chose for furniture this one for office and this one for technology all right now from PowerPoint you can just right click and then save as picture and those pictures you then use in powerbi all right now back in powerbi let's go then to the formatting options of that slicer here and now here we see images also a new thing that was added to the button slicer now for these images we cannot just upload the image you see we have to add a field so we have to write a measure that links to the URL where that image is now let me show you that measure I'm going to go here to the data panel and here you see I already prepared the measures now here we are looking at the new slice of visual and here we have the image product category measure now let me open it up and zoom in all right there you go now here we are looking at what the product category is now here there's always filter context right so if you say them product category it just returns that specific category if it's Furniture then this is the URL if it's offer supplies then this is the URL now I'm storing these images on Dropbox meaning we can just copy the link that Dropbox gives you so let me show you so here you see these images that I saved from PowerPoint then I right click on one of them then I go here to drawbox and here I can copy the Dropbox link now that's exactly the link that I then would copy in over here and the only difference is that here at the end you see and raw equals 1 instead of DL is equal to zero so you have to change the ending part and that's it all right now the same thing I did for office supplies and Technology good now that's then the measure that we can use to return the image that we want so let's go back to the formatting options of the slicer then here we have images and here for the default State I want to add the image now the field that we have for the images is image product C category now you have to click on the checkbox all right and the images show however we need to make that slice a little bit higher so let me drag this up and there you go we have our images now the next thing that I want to do is give it a little bit of a redesign so that it doesn't look exactly the same like the other one right next to it so let's select it let's then go here to the buttons section now here for the fill color let's choose something different so I'm going to put the transparency to zero again and then click your on color more colors and the color code that I want here is one 1 2 1 and then 154 and Blue 161 okay perfect and let's do that then as well for the selected state so here selected State and then fail color and then over here transparency to zero and I want to have a different color let's put red green and blue to 26 now I think that accent bar is not really needed anymore so I'm going to turn the accent bar off and that we can then also do for the default State also here accent bar off now I actually would like a little bit of rounding so that is then the shape I want to change it from a rectangle to a rounded rectangle all right now that is a little bit too much I'm going to put it to 10 just like this all right now let's resize it so that lines up on the right hand side over there and let's make it a little bit higher just like this now here the text I want to show in the middle so centered so let's go here to call out values and then here we have the horizontal alignment and let's put it to the center now then the font itself let's make it a little bit smaller and let's maybe also go for a different font let's go for sigi and actually let's make sure that the font here is the same so I'm going to go back to the other one and you see over here I left it on the default that's also change here to sigui and make a bit smaller okay now let's add also a different hover effect to our image button slicer so I'm going to go here to images and then here we change the state to hover and then when we hover over one of the items then I want to set the image as a background now let's see what happens all right now that looks nice however I cannot read the item right so I have to do something about that now here for the image let's put the image saturation to 100% for hover State and for the default state I'm going to put it here to 30% % all right and then we can go to the call out value and fix the problem from before so here the call out value for the hover State I need to change so let's open it up and here we can say that we do want to have a background okay now that background color probably shouldn't be white but let's make it black or let's make it that same color black yeah this one over here okay now that's already a little bit better and we can also say that it should hug the content so just like that looks the best okay now what if we want to have it here at the bottom now for that we need to go to layout now maybe a little bit confusing I thought okay vertical alignment you should find right right next to horizontal alignment but that's not the case we have to go to layout then put it here at the bottom all right so now that when we overover over you see is at the bottom okay good now if you want to have a little bit of exra space around the images that's possible you can go here to buttons and then work with a border so that's one option or you could also go to images open the image section and then here we have ignore pting and you see that also gives you exess space around it now this is a little bit too much if you ask me so probably I would play around with the padding then let's go to buttons and then here we can say that the padding should be let's try white all right not not what I'm looking for what about narrow already a little bit better all right now you have even more control if you switch to custom and then here we can maybe put it even lower and so let's put it maybe to two all right okay so we have now applied two variations of that new button slicer now there's a third slicer still left in our report page over here in the middle to switch between the different metric sales and quantity now I'm not going to come up with a third design let's just take that slicer and make sure it's also a new slicer all right new button slicer perfect and then we can just copy from here the design from the first first one and I'm going to use the format painter and apply it to the new one all right now it's not perfect just yet we still have to go here to layout change maybe the git to two columns and then make it a little bit smaller okay perfect good now we can make it fit a little bit better later on when we get to this section all right so we're done with the slicers but before we're going to redesign the next visual let's make one quick change to the formatting of the page let's go here to the format WR options for the page then canvas background and I want to have a little bit of a different color let's put here the red to 35 all right green 45 blue 50 that's one and then here for canvas settings here we have the default 16 by 9 I want to keep that ratio however I want to increase the number of pixels so over here the height I'm going to put to 900 and then the width I'm going to put to 1600 now still the same ratio however by increasing it it gives us a little bit more flexibility later with how big everything is all right so that creates a little bit more wide space we can make things also a bit smaller and if we want it bigger it's still possible but powerbi otherwise limits you to how small things are all right so I prefer always 900 by 1600 okay good of course we still need to reposition our visuals a little bit so over here I'm going to take these two slicers and just slide them a bit to the right and here we have the other visualizations now we're going to redo them anyways but for now let's move them here in the middle okay now what are we going to do with the cards now for the card visuals there is a new card visual now let's leave the one there so that we have comparison all right now here you see we have the old card and the new card now let's insert the new one and here I'm going to put it right above the other one so here we're going to put the new card Visual and there you already see the first change because the other ones that you see here are individual visualizations four of them with an extra background shape now with the new card visual that's not necessary anymore we can select it then go here to the builds panel and start adding our measures now over here we can go to the base measures and we want to have total sales first so total sales click on the checkbox then we have total quantity we have profit margin over there and we have the average discount now here you see for total sales it shows a little bit weird that is because probably there's some custom formatting applied so let's check this I'm going to go here select total sales and you see indeed we have a custom formatting string for now maybe easier if we just go for a whole number or decimal number with zero decimals and let's also put in the Thousand separator in case it's necessary and over here the decimals let's put them to zero all right that's good the old one we get can now remove so I'm going to take the old cards and the underlying shape and just simply press delete take the new one and put it in its place now let's make the basic changes first so I'm going to go here to the build pan panel again and then instead of total sales I just want to have sales then we have quantity so let's double click on quantity and we have profit margin average discount that's fine good then we go to formatting now from here we can go to First the values that we're showing so those are the call out values here I want to have them a little bit smaller so I'm going to put here the font to 20 now let's then also go here to label there I want to have the label also a little bit smaller let's go for 10 now let's then go back here to the values I want to have them in the middle all right and well now it's a little bit too wide everything so I'm going to change the background color to something darker now before we're going to do that though I'm going to go here to size and style turn background off all right then I'm going to resize it just a bit all right perfect and then we can go here back to the cards all right now here we have the background color now let's open it up and here we can choose the color that we want now let's click here on more colors or maybe let's reuse that color for that selected item in the slide ER all right so that we have some consistency there so I'm going to reuse that color which was this one and because the background color is now dark we also have to update again the color of the colard values okay so let's go back and let's change it back to White now the label font color I probably would not put too white but just a lighter gray all right so that there's a little bit of difference maybe if you like you can also make it cursive but for now I just leave as it is okay now then the shape of the cards let's change it to round rectangle all right and then let's put the rounded CS to 10% and then we can go to cards and get rid of the Border all right good so now we have the new card visual that displays the same information as what we had before however there are few extra changes that I want to make also to show the new reference label feature okay okay now let me show you what I mean let's go back formatting options now here we have reference labels which was not there with the old card visual now we have the option to select the series to which we want to add it now let's do it for sales and then here we can add a label all right now let's click on add data now let's then go to Matrix and there we have the folder new card which contains all the measures that we need for this visualization now let's open up this sales folder and here I would like to have two measures first of all I want to choose the Sales Delta B which means the difference to the budget now that's the first one and I want to have also the difference to the forecast okay now when you click on those then we get this extra section below now if there's not enough space just make it a little bit higher just like this now it doesn't look great just yet so we again need to make some form in changes however before we're going to change the color let's change the naming here of the title of this reference label because here you see sales now it's clear that it is about sales so we don't need to say that now to do that you cannot just double click here you have to say which label Del the budget okay then we have here content all right and we can switch to custom now and only then here we can change it now the same thing we need to do for the other label so Delta forecast here we can switch to custom and we also here want to have just Delta forecast all right good so there are basically three sections for these reference labels you have the title which is what you currently see there on the left hand side then the value follows after and optionally you can also add detail which we don't do here but we will do in another visual now let's change the font color and the background color now to do that first always be careful what is selected what are you applying the changes to so I'm going to switch it to all and then here I want to have everything in white and then the same for the value also there in the font color white once you have done that then you can go to background and then choose either the same color as what we have there at the top or you just turn background off okay now there's also a divider line which is now not really that visible and we cannot turn it off or change it now that is because again depending on what is selected so over here really need you need to make make sure that all is selected then go here to the divider and then you can switch to a different color so let's do that more colors and let me just copy over the color code that I want so Hest three Reds 2 four five green 2 32 blue all right now that divider line gets applied everywhere and you see I was not careful enough when I was changing the background color before so now I have to do it individually for the other ones so let me do that quickly all right so I have some extra comparison values to the budget in the forecast now doesn't look that great just yet though so one of the things that I still want to change is the font size so here for reference labels all of them value I'm going to decrease the font size to something that's a bit smaller okay and the same for the title also here make sure it's a bit smaller so now everything is still a little bit squeez on the left hand side so let's go back to the reference labels and then all the way at the bottom there we have layouts now this is only visible if here for selected series you have all okay okay now then the arrangement can be in rows or columns okay now I still want to have rows however I have the option here to also go for taer okay and this is kind of interesting now of course still too far apart however there's another thing that I still need add and we can play around with the padding as well so if you would go a little bit further down to the cards and you would now go for a different padding for example here white it would already push it a little bit more in but there's another measure that I want to add because I want to have here an icon that shows up or down so to do that we have reference labels again there's one section that we didn't touch yet and that is detail now let's add detail let's open it up and let's go over here and add the data but I can't well that's because you need to select the series sales and only now I can go and add some data there okay good now which matrick let's go here to the new card folder and let's go here to sales so I'm going to take the sales FC icon now you might think where is it well it's actually there but the phone color is black so let's change it for the moment to White all right you see there you go now the same thing we need to do for Delta B all right so the difference to the budget now also there now we can go to detail add data and then here we can add that I measure as well so sales and there we have sales budget icon now also here I'm just going to change the font color to white so that you can see the icon perfect okay so we have the icons in the arrows up or arrows down if this would be negative however I probably want to show it in different colors so that it draws more attention now for that we can use conditional formatting now let's click here on FX now let's choose here field value and then we can go to Matrix new cards sales where we have all of our measures for this visualization and here we want to have sales B and then conditional formatting which is the first one all right and you see we have this greenish color now the same thing we have to do then also for the forecast all right so let's select it and let's repeat the same thing okay so field value and then here Matrix new cards sales and then we have here sales FC condition fold thatting now we used a few measures already so let's have a quick look at the measures that we were using to build the visual so I'm going to go here to our data panel and then we have here the new card visual sales and here we have all of them now first of all we had the Sales Delta budget all right so the difference to the budgets now here you see I divide the total sales by the budgeted sales and well there's in this data set not a real budget so therefore I just randomized that number so if you are following along can be that these percent percentages are a bit different so that changes with every refresh okay so keep that in mind then for forecast of course it's the same now the second thing that we had to look at was the icon so let me take one of the icon measures and there you see we are checking the condition if that sales difference to the budget is bigger than zero so if it's positive then upward Arrow now what is this that you see over there it repeats basically a space character two times just to have a little bit of extra space between arrow and the number here why not the normal space because Normal spaces get deleted here you have to go to a website empty character you can just copy over the empty character and this is what it gives you all right now time for the conditional formatting see nothing special same condition and it Returns the color that I want now for these other card visuals we have to do exactly the same so let me do that quickly all right now so far we use the new button slicer to replace the old slicer Visual and we use the new new card visual to replace the card visual all right now the next thing that we're going to focus on is this bottom part now here we have sales by region sales by month and sales performance broken down by different teams and this is not just sales and quantity that shows but this is the total sales last month month to date and total sales current month month to date so a little bit different from these two so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make the cards a little bit smaller just like this and then we take this visual and we're going to put it a bit separate from the from the rest okay so that it takes this spot here on the right hand side just like this okay now and then the other two I want to align with the card visual so more or less here okay and the same for this one is going to go over here good now if we have two visuals like this that show the same thing right so here sales by region sales by month and it's a bit confusing at the moment when I would click here on quantity see then you see this one also changes but the parameter is there so what's probably a good idea is to give the user the feeling that these two belong together now what I'm going to do is I'm going to for now have a background shape that basically combines the background of these two charts so I'm going to get rid of the actual background and Border Lines of the charts so here on the size and style here we can turn off the background and visual border would be nice if we could do that at the same time H but we can't unfortunately now over here I'm going to get rid of the titles as well so let's turn off the titles over here as well as over here and then we can make them a little bit smaller so less high so I'm going to shift this down a bit okay and let's for now just select sales and let's put this one here okay this one up a little bit and more to the left and then we can add for now a background shape it's just temporary and later on we use a proper background okay so let's go for rounded rectangle and I'm going to have it aligned with the cars at the top all right now the rounding is a little bit too much if you ask me so therefore let's go to shape style put the rounded Corners to 10% now probably you also want to have a different fail color now for the color let's choose just a gray color and apply some transparency to it again just like this also make sure that the shape that you add is at the bottom and so you're in the selection pane just drag it down okay good now the borderline I forgot to remove so let's remove that as well so over here and the size and style oh not here then it must be in there shape in style border let's turn it off now here you see it totally makes sense to group these two charts visually together using that background shape because they show both the same matric it's just that one shows the breakdown by region the the other one shows development over time okay now here we probably still need a title that then also corresponds to whatever selected and we can do that later for now I want to focus first maybe let's take the line chart because that's the quickest one now what happen in the meantime to the line chart what changed well one of the big changes was that for the lines we can make them now smooth all right now let's change it to smooth you see you get a smooth line now of course using a smooth line is a little bit questionable because the curvature of the line depends also on the data point that's right after it and if you just use straight lines in between the dots is a little bit more of an accurate way to visualize your data but a lot of people like it so for the design of course it looks a bit nicer all right now so I'm going to change it to a smooth line now over here stroke with as you can play around with now maybe two then let's also put some markers in if they are not there yet and so over here the market size maybe three okay now if you have the smooth line I think it's important to put the markers in at least um another thing that you could do is change the line chart to maybe an area chart so then you have the area below it filled up okay visually also maybe a little bit nicer and then over here the grid lines maybe I we choose a different color there so instead of blue I'm going to go for a grayish color so let's choose this gray color all right now and that looks quite good now of course we could highlight the low Point High Point and stuff like this and put maybe some extra reference points in there but for now it's good enough all right now let's then focus on the bar chart what can we do there now for this bar chart and we would like to add a little bit of extra information to it now with the recent changes we have the ability to add more detail to the labels now let me show you here for data labels you will see we have now value detail and we can customize them now another thing that we could do is use a recent trick in one of my videos from a a few months ago there I take the labels to the top of the bars and add more information there now let's do a combination of the two let's go over here to the bar chart and then we're going to add a placeholder where I want to add the label on top of the bars now here if we go to the data section okay then go to the bar chart folder you see we have over here a label placeholder now it's nothing complex it just says minus one that's it okay so let's add it to the Chart now what is important is that we add the placeholder before the parameter now there's no way to click on before we have to click First Data Matrix bar chart and here's the label placeholder and now we can drag the label placehold above the parameter okay now it might be that the colors change and we have to change it again and because the color blue is now a little bit different and you see we have there an exra bar now here if we go to formatting options now let's maybe first change the color of the bar so here for sales let's change it back to the other color that we had before all right let's paste in the color codes there you go and then here why don't we see anything there for the minus one that is because here we have the xaxis is a minimum of zero I see if I take that out okay then you see oh it's very very small bar over there to the left okay now so it's important that we put in zero okay now then here instead of minus one of course we want to show something different now for that I already created a few measures of what I want to show now to do that we have to go here to the data labels and we want to add the labels for the placeholder right now here we want to go to value and customize it so here you see the field now instead of having there minus one we're going to use a measure that prepar prepared here we have the label sales by region and now we have the region name showing on top of the bars as well as the year-over-year percentage growth rates now here the original y- AIS we then don't need anymore so I'm going to turn that y AIS off all right maybe resize a little bit so that nicely fits in that space over here now you're probably interested in that measure so let's have a quick look at that measure as well so here we have the labels sales by region top okay now here's the measure and you see it just checks which parameter I selected and so over here sales or quantity and then it Returns the region name adds a little bit of space and then over here it calculates the year-over-year percentage growth rate that's it and it does the same thing for quantity all right now this is totally fine however I think we can still do better if we now just take out that value from here we don't want to show the value with this measure so I'm going to take this out CH chop chup okay we need a comment there and now we're going to click here on that next measure because there I show only the year-over-year growth percentage now and that measure can also use there now that is something that's new right was not always possible POS now if we go to data labels and again we have the series placeholder right then we have the details section so let's turn it on let's open detail and let's add the data all right now I'm going to pick that measure that I just showed you and out there the values are and they look different different formatting blind not pretty but different and now we can exactly say what font font size what color and we can make that color also also well dependent on certain condition and of course let's do that so let's click you on FX also here I already set up a measure so over here let's go to the bar chart folder and here we have the conditional formatting measure and let's click on okay now you see I turn return greenish a greenish color when it's positive a pinkish color when it's negative now that measure is not complex so let's have a look let's open it up and you see it checks which one is selected sales of quantity then as a look at the year-over-year growth rate and if it's bigger than zero green otherwise red that's it now it's probably a good idea to add a little bit of extra space there again but I will do that in the refinement okay now another thing that I would want to do is adjust these labels all right let's put them inside the bars or all outside the bars whatever you prefer now I'm going to put them inside of the bars and maybe show them in thousands okay okay so let's go to formatting and then we can go to data labels now I'm going to select the sales okay and then here we have the value and that value I want to position position over here inside end probably also a good idea then to change the font color let's go for a bluish color and let's make it bald as well and let's display the units in thousands all right now not too bad now another thing that we could do is well show that change from the current year to the last year okay now one way in which we could achieve that is with ARR bars now if we go over to our measures you see I created a starting and ending point for these Arrow bars now here let me open up that measure and you see the starting point depending on which metric is selected sales or quantity is just the total sales last year and total quantity last year then the ending point is going to be well the total sales or total quantity that's it all right so I'm going to take my bar chart going to go here to formatting Arrow bars and then the series to which I want to add it is the placeold I want to place it at that level okay then we have to enable arars nothing shows just yet until we add these two measures to the upper bound and lower bound okay so over here we have the ending point and then we go to the lower bound and there we can choose the other one the starting point all right now you see that looks quite interesting however not very pretty so you probably want to get rid of that border around the arrow bar so border size you can set to zero then the bar color we can go for white or blue and whatever you prefer or light gray color okay and you see now for example here versus last year we went down right so minus 10.6% here we went up right so gives you a little bit more of a visual Quee as well a nice little XOne all right now let me do a little bit of refinement and I'm going to add also here a title that changes depending on whatever selected okay now let me do that quickly and there you go you see I added there a little bit of extra space and here current versus last year so that you know what this visual is about you could also place it here in the middle and whatever you prefer and then here we have the D for this grouped section and there this here is actually a multi card visual that I used and then on that multi card I used over here selected parameter so it just returns and which parameter is selected here sales or quantity with selected value function and that's it all right so the bar chart and line charts now have also been redesigned you see how we leverage the new options around the customization of labels as well as how we made use of the arrow bars and for the line chart how we implemented a smooth line chart let's now focus on the last visual on the right all right so on the Ring Side there we have the sales performance by team and it compares the month to date value versus the previous month month to date value all right and that is here broken down by team now a bar chart is okay but it's also not amazing right so I want to draw a little bit more attention to how the different teams are doing so for the first one it would probably be nice to see percentage like almost 100% or 95% is achieved month to date this month versus what there was monthly date last month all right and then for Delta that percentage is probably around 30% okay but I don't think that this visual well shows that so much right so we can show this maybe in better ways now instead of going for a bar chart we're going to do this also with a new guard visual now so let's just get rid of it all right and we're going to insert a new card visual all right so let's go to the charts and let's go over here to new card and let's put it here on the right hand side and let's align it with the slicer that's at the top and the shapes that are right next to it just like this all right now for this one we have again a new folder with all different kinds of measures and we're going to start off with the icons okay now I will show you the measure later let's first add them and see what happens okay so we have the alpha icon then we have the Bravo icon and then we have the charliie team the Delta team and we have the organic team now I want to change the layout so that we have a different grid so that we can do on formatting and then here we have layout and we want to have a single column it looks a little bit weird at the moment but it will become a little bit more visible when we just make the col values much smaller Okay so let's change the phone size to something smaller like 12 and now you see what I'm trying to achieve here for me it's important to see do I have 100% of what I had last month or 50% now for organic icon that was almost at 100% so everything is filled up now for Delta it was about 30 right so only three doz are filled up okay so just to have a quick indicator that's it if we're good or if we are well lagging behind versus last month all right now that you know what the meure does let's have a look at the measure now here you see the measure for organic and for the other teams it's the same so we have the current month to date value the last month month the date value all right that's top part and then we have the month over month okay now and then we just have to figure out how many times do we need to repeat the filed Circle and how many times do we need to rep repeat the empty circle that's it and that is just depending on these values all right now if you want to go through it more slowly then just check out this video over here and where I show kind of the same concept now let's go back to our visualization and let's go to the formatting options now here we're going to make optimal use of the reference labels but let's start first with the call Val because I'm going to get rid of them I don't want to have them the label this one I'm going to keep however for the labels we probably want to have a different text instead of alpha icon right so therefore we are going to select Alpha icon and now we have the ability to show something different now we don't want to hard code so we're going to use conditional formatting the measures also here have set up so let's go here and select the F six and here we have the alpha label now let's click on okay and you see this is what I want to have later on above these dots okay now the measure I will show you as well so I'm going to go to data and now we have the alpha label that I just added which looks like like this okay now you see we have over here just variables that hold the team name the exra spaces right this this empty character again how many spaces I would like to have and then over here the value for last month value for current month okay and then what I want to show so the team name then some spaces and then the two values okay now and that's what currently shows now I want to have the dots below it so I'm going to go back to formatting reference labels I'm not going to use the call out values I turned off the call out values because there we don't have any flexibility to put anything behind it with reference labels we do so therefore let's go to reference labels select the series alha icon and then here we can select our measure and there you go Alpha icon perfect now we have the dots again now here Alpha icon the name we don't want to show that's a title huh so we can just turn that part off and then right after it I still want to show percentage right so here it's about 50% right so let's add that as well which can be the detail part so I'm going to open that if you cannot select anything that means we still have to select the label all right and now we can click on that data good now also here separate measure so Alpha number I called it so let's add that and you see that shows me the percentage 46% and rest is basically just formatting now just pay attention again when you change the formatting that here you sometimes have to switch to all and then we can get rid of the divider line for example then we can also go here to cards and then turn off the background color and the Border colors if if we don't want them and here at the top size and style there the overall background color all right now that doesn't look great just yet but that's mainly because of the font color so let's fix that let's go to color values we don't have the values to on but the labels that's what you see there let's make them white for now or light gray and also when you do that probably would have been a good idea to do it for all right so label all and then make it white okay and then for the part below it the dots there well that part that is the reference label so let's open that section and also here and let's leave the select Z is on all and then over here we have value we can change the font color now here I would like it to be dependent on well a certain condition and each condition is different for each theme so instead of all we actually have to do it one by one alpha then we can go here to value and then click here on the FX button now here the field value is going to be let's have a look we have here Alpha conditional formatting click on okay all right perfect and then for that number right after it the same that's the detail also here and we can set the font color with conditional formatting so I'm going to select that same measure alha conditional formatting click okay and now we can play around with the font size Etc now let me do that quickly and refine this visual so that it actually looks nice and here you go here we have the end result takes a little bit of effort to set up so probably not a good idea if the number of thems changes a lot from one month to the other but if this is relatively fixed then it could be a nice visual to include on your reboard page now are we there yet not completely because well it still feels a little bit unfinished now the visuals on their own are kind of nice if you compare this to where we started huh so before it looked like this however the Finishing Touch is still missing and that is mainly because well we don't have a nice nice background that kind of makes everything coherent and fit together so this we can easily create in PowerPoint or any tool for visual design that you feel comfortable with now for this one I've done it in PowerPoint let me show you and here is what I started off with so basically the main placeholder shapes that I wanted to include as well as a navigation menu here on the left hand side which we can then later overlap with a page navigation all right and then from here started to experiment and basically add extra shapes depending on well how flashy you want your report page to be so I started to make all different kinds of variations of where I put these shapes and the one that I ended up with choosing in the end is I believe this one over here now once you have your design you can just export the page as a picture now would look like this you see here I have all different kinds of variations and then in powerbi I just import it so basically what we have here is a nice template that I can also beuse for other reports the only thing that I have to do is go back to PowerPoint then play around with the shapes a little bit so that it fits the visuals of that new report and that's it saves a lot of time in your design now let me apply it here now for that I just simply go to Canvas background and then image and I choose the background that I liked the most and it doesn't look good straight away you still have to say image fit make sure it nicely fits and of course we also had some extra shapes as we were building the report that we want to get rid of now may maybe easiest to do that from the selection pane select the shapes that you don't want to have anymore and press delete and once you have done that you have to shift around the charts a little bit so that it nicely fits depending also on how you set up that background if you for example copied over a screenshot of your current report then it's always a little bit easier to make everything fit all right so let me do that quickly and that's it here we have our final result of course I probably need to spend a little bit more time aligning everything perfectly but it's more or less okay now compare this to what we started off with so this over here versus this now I hope that you agree that it is quite a big step up from what we started off with now and that also shows the potential of all of these nice new visualization features and charts that have been added recently now let me know what you're thinking put your thoughts in the comment section below now if you want to download the template of this report then just check out this link over here and if you want to dive a bit deeper into everything design related but not just making things pretty and like we did over here but also what needs to go into a report so that the end users will actually like it because a good-look report is just a first step then check out my upcoming training over here now thank you for watching and if you cannot wait and want to keep on watching more design videos then check out these videos here thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: How to Power BI
Views: 87,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi, powerbi, datatraining, data training, basdohmen, howtopowerbi, design, visualization, power bi tutorial, power bi training, power bi new release, new card, new slicer, slicer, card, dashboard design, report design, dax, sparklines, conditional formatting, error bards, fields parameters, power bi background, background design, images, kpis
Id: NcoMymAekhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.