Top 5 Power BI Visual Updates You HAVE to Try in 2024!

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hey everybody Greg trec here bringing you the top five visual changes from the new December 2023 update I honestly think some of these changes are easily implemented and really are game changers to the way your report looks and feels so I'm super excited to show you these five top great changes there's tons of little idiosyncrasies to them that you can explore uh but let's dive in and look at a couple of the visual changes uh in store for us so first things first I want to take a peek at what is going on with mostly pretty much bar and column charts and then we'll get into our last tip which revolves around Maps so I'm going to take this first visual right here the count of Bank Name by state and I'm going to go over to the format your visual button from there if you were to compare November to December really nothing's going to pop out to you but there are some changes here and most of those revolve around the bars themselves or if you're looking at columns they're columns so I'm going to go right down to bars here open that up and let's take a peek at our first major change that is going to be this transparency area right here that transparency area we now can go in add a transparency element to it and then it's going to fade into the background and we've seen this in a lot of the wallpaper background type of settings before but not so much in our data bar so this is going to be a pretty major change we can customize this have a little bit of fun with it and allow images to show through a little bit my only pragmatic Works Pro tip for you here would be careful of if you have any background images you kind of might make things a little bit distracting but overall first really cool feature uh and I'm I love it I'm going to use this a lot so very excited about that one right below here is going to be number two so we have borders so I'm just going to drop this to a just 50% transparency so we know it's there not too crazy and go ahead and turn on borders so borders here are going to be a lot like the visual borders that we have when we're creating a theme or just applying borders to our visual maybe we're rounding those Corners as well with our radius but here now we've got these awesome borders just hanging out around our data bars and you can go in you can change like color maybe I want to do orangee I'm going orange and blue there I can also make those a bit transparent individually I can change their width so I can make them pretty impactful or I can just go in and match that bar color so I am pretty much closely uh matching that if I need to that is a major change number two that I love I think that is a much needed feature just allows your data to stand out and I really enjoy that so one of my new favorites tip number three tip number three is going to be data labels and right below here I'm going to actually close out of our bar section and drop over to data labels and turn those on you can kind of see our generic data labels I'll make this visual a little bit bigger for a second here you know we're just you know going through the motions of those data labels but now we can add some pretty amazing things so a couple of features have been moved one of those is Overflow text and optimize the label display that has been moved from a different drop down right here under options so you can go in and make uh allow overflow text so if you were to run out of space like I am here you can go to that overflow if you need but a couple interesting things here one predominantly we can have titles here but really the biggest part of this update is right here in this value section the value section to data labels we can go in and explain kind of what's going on in this field area so right now I've got count of Bank name count well you know what what if I want to change this up a bit I'm going to go in and instead go with uh let's go with closing date of these failed Banks and then I can do the earliest closing date or maybe I change it to the aggregation is the latest closing date so I can keep a total of hey when was the last closing date that we encountered that's another cool feature so now I know when these uh Banks had failed last we had one in California pretty recently the rest were just a little bit back behind so you can adapt those fields customize them make them what you want and look here we've got the transparency feature again awesome to be able to bring that in so please investigate some of the changes that are here in those data labels there's some pretty awesome stuff especially with uh really this detail section we can add in another component I could go in and say hey you know what I've got State over there but let me put uh let's just put it this first city or maybe I go to the last city as well so I know exactly when the bank most recently closed and I know a where about it did so data labels are becoming way more than just putting a number and calling it a day the flexibility you have now with data labels is absolutely outstanding now is there a lot going on with this one sure but you can probably are to already kind of guess some Concepts that we might be able to throw in some different things and that includes saying hey you know what I want to work with some measures that I've created and have those going in there uh and you have a lot of great features there so I really like that as well you always have those backgrounds we can adapt our transparency as a needed so that is another one that I really really enjoy I'm going to actually turn those backgrounds off so it just not too in our face and go over to this right-and side visual for tip number four this is going to be the awesome thing about the new update is the spaces between so right here I'm going to add in a little bit more data so we can see this feature in action right now I've got the months of those failed Banks I'm going to go in and throw in year and let's just put year into the legend there's a lot of years going on so quickly here I'm just going to apply a filter basic filter so we're just looking at a few years let's look at you know what let's go with 08 09 you know what let's see we'll see it pretty good with these let me add one more I'll add 2011 as well why not so with this filter here kind of the cool feature is I can go in to the format your visual area I'm going to go check out our columns we still have this here not just in the bar we've got the ability to add those borders and different items here but under this layout section we're going to be able to go in and manipulate some pretty interesting things so first off we can go in and make these in reverse order so we don't have to be constrained to what is the legend is default giving us we can go into a reverse order we also can sort by value if we need to and and then the space between item is what's the space between the different categories you're looking at you can customize that make you what it make make it what you'd like it to be and then my favorite the space between Series so the space between series is going to give you a nice space in between that you can kind of follow through with and if you want you can turn on series explosion series explosion gets rid of the Y AIS why does it get rid of the yis well if you are allowing the space between to go as you want you are no longer on that y AIS you are going crazy you're exploding it up with it there you can notice as this changes the size of those specific uh categories those year areas are going to change so lots of ability to change with sorting as well as the spacing between things a lot of custom visuals a lot of people have tried to kind of rig this to be kind of looking a certain way or another way and it just hasn't been totally accurate now it's here it's a n in the powerbi and last but not least tip number five and there's so much more to explore but visually this was just you got to know this stuff if you haven't tried it out you haven't updated make sure you update it I absolutely love these features last one I'm going to flip over to my Q&A page here for a second and take a look at this map this is the Azure map and one of the biggest headaches with maps is that 3 uh50 limit uh 350,000 oh gosh 3500 limitation on individual points that can get confusing you can even see here as I zoom in I don't have a ton right I'm just looking at failed banks in the United States data kind of gets a little bit clustered if I get to certain views I don't really get the big bigger picture till I zoom in well there's definitely going to be use cases where I'm going to want to go in customize this visual formatted here and I'm going to go check out right over here in bubble layer cluster bubbles cluster bubbles here I can turn this on manipulate it as I want but now we're going to have automatic clustering so at that large scale view I can see a lot of those failed Banks coming from the East Coast as I zoom in I can see exactly where those failed banks are coming in from and then it just continues to do that and splits it up so even as I go further in to my visuals I can start to see uh they really cluster up and this is great for if you have a lot of visualizations that you're kind of working with a lot of mapping points I really like that you also can adapt the color of the text what those text is doing inside and manipulate it as easy so I love that ability right there listen there is more to explore in this December update but we got to let you know some of these awesome things especially when it comes to visualizations those are definitely the top five things that I would try right now in that December update they're going to be a game changer reports again this has been Greg trec at pragmatic works I'm out everybody remember stay prac magmatic
Channel: Pragmatic Works
Views: 8,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi, microsoft, power bi visuals, december update, update, visuals, tutorial, pragmatic works, power bi data modeling, power bi tutorial for beginners, power bi dashboard design, power bi for beginners, power bi project end to end, power bi dashboard, update news, microsoft copilot, top power bi visuals, cool power bi visuals, power bi visuals and design, create custom power bi visuals, new power bi visuals, power bi tutorial, power bi 2024, power bi update
Id: _85eAO29qOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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