Create a POWER BI APP Like a Pro | For Multiple Audiences. What?!

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hey guys thank you for joining today I'm going to show you how to create a power Bay app to consolidate reports and dashboards and then share them with different audiences this is a really nice skill to have in power bi and I'm going to show you how to do this step by step as always so let's do this [Music] I got this question a few times in the past how do I consolidate my reports and dashboards and then share them with different audiences so I have the answer for you guys the first thing you need to do here is to add your reports dashboards into a specific workspace for this particular case I have a workspace already it's called visualization and then as you can see I have different reports here and also you can see my data sets here I also have here dashboards as you can see here type dashboards so the main goal like I said before is to consolidate a few reports and a few dashboards in just one application and then share them with different audiences First Step here is to carry up as you can see I have the option here create app so let's see this option and then the first step here is to set up the app for the name you can add any name here and let's call this for now my first app so that's the name and also you can add descriptions here and then you can also add a logo I already have my logo here but if you don't have anything here you can just upload a logo and then place it here and then for the app theme color you can also have a few options here I usually like black or this color right here I think it's called charcoal I like this one right here and then you also have more options here let's select the first option for now Shop app publisher you can also play here with the advanced settings so let's leave this as is For Now the default features that we have here and then the next step here is to go over content so let's do that let's hit add content here and then here we have the options for this particular case we're going to select the first report that we have here and also this one right here Dynamic access let's also select here this dashboard and also this report and then perhaps let's select another one right here row level security just for the example and then the next step here is to hit add so once we are there the next step here is to create audiences so let's hit this option as you can see now we have the reports and dashboards here we already have our first audience here it's called my first Power bi Report app and then you can start creating new audiences so you can start customizing your distribution because there might be sensitive information that you don't want to share with other teams but with specific teams only so this is the time so let's create a couple of audiences here just for the example double click here and let's call this the finance team for now for the finance team it's okay for them to view these ones right here the pl 300 dashboard and also the pl 300 topics and then the other ones they shouldn't so there is an option here as you can see let's hit the option this there is an eye there and then this one right here boom so what's happening here is that the finance team will have access to this dashboard and also this report only the other ones are hidden for this specific team and then you can also add here names or groups so let's say that we have here names for now myself and then once it's there so we are good to go now let's create another audience here just for the example double click here let's call this new audience it team how about that The Next Step here is to customize the reports that they will have access to for the Itt they will have access to almost everything but row level security so let's hit this one right here and then we are good to go something really important to call out here is that you can create up to 10 audiences per app and also you can have a hundred users or groups per audience something to keep in mind when you are creating your power bi apps so once we are done with this The Next Step here is to polish the app so let's do that and then before we do that you can add here A specific group for the IT team or just for the example I can add myself here as well so once I'm done just publish the app and let's see what happens polish the app and then you can copy the link here or you can go to app so let's do that see right there so this is the app that we just created and as you can see we are part of the my first Power bi app audience so we can see everything here and then if you go over the finance team this is the first audience that we created and here as you can see we only have visibility so the first dashboard and the second report so those are the only reports and dashboards that we have access to and then if we go over the IT team so we have access to almost everything but the last report as you can see it's working perfectly fine so now if we go back to the first audience my first part of the app you can see here every single report or dashboard that we have as part of this application so once we created this application if you go back to Power bi service this option right here apps now you can see the application here this is the application that we just created if you don't see the application here you just need to go over get apps and then the application should be here select the application and then you are good to go so let's close this for now so let's go back to my workspace I want to show you how to edit the app let's look here for the v-sexualization workspace please remember here that we can create just one application per workspace but you can make any changes any updates here for this particular case let's update the app let's hit this option here so we are fine here with the first piece setup for Content another cool thing that you can do here is to add additional content let's give this option for now and let's add a new section double click here and rename this section let's call this info for now and then you can also add a link if you want I'll link and let's call this link more info about power bi apps and then for the link you're gonna go over here Ctrl C TRL V that is the link open in current tab that's fine and then for the section let's select info and let's hit add so once we do that so it's right there so we just modify the application here we can go over audience here and then let's make this visible for the first audience and then if you go over the finance team let's make this visible for the finance team and the IT team as well perfect so once we are done with that let's hit update application after that so it might take from 5 to 10 minutes and then let's go to the app real quick and let's see what happens let's see if those changes are already there now we can see the info tab here and then if you hit this option it takes you to this website so it's working perfectly fine so let's double check that for the other audiences how about the finance team you can also see the information there so it's right there it's working perfectly fine it team the info tab is also there check this out it's working perfectly fine real quick folks let's talk about licenses if you are creating these reports these applications you need to have a power bi Pro license or a premium pre-user license as well for app consumers there are a couple things to be aware of the first one is that if the workspace is not in a power bi premium capacity everyone every consumer every end user should have a power bi Pro license or a premium producer license but if the workspace is in a premium capacity they don't need to have any type of license alright my friends I hope you found this tutorial helpful if so as always please give me a thumbs up share with your friends and of course don't forget subscribe if you don't want to miss anything thank you guys for your time and see you in my next tutorial foreign
Channel: Nestor Adrianzen
Views: 2,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi apps, power bi apps tutorial, power bi app vs workspace, how to create a power bi app for multiple audiences, power bi apps for multiple audiences, nestor adrianzen, power bi tutorial for beginners
Id: ptDoWC6_VZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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