KPI Visual Ideas in Power BI

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hi everyone my name is mara and welcome to my channel data pairs today i'm going to be showing you a tutorial on how you can reinvent your kpi cards or your visuals your kpis in power bi if you use power bi you know already that the kpi card might not look that nice and might not be very insightful sometimes so you need to be a little bit creative with that so today i'm going to be showing you how you can basically go from here to there and without using custom visuals um you have to do a little trick but it's not that complicated you will see in a bit but before we actually go to the tutorial i just want to ask you the usual which is comment like subscribe to my youtube channel to stay up to date with my latest videos um you know just the usual but without further ado let's just jump to the tutorial so i can show you how you can build this amazing new kpi card it's not necessarily a card it's a combination of visuals but let's jump into that so here we are in my power bi report i just want to show you before we actually go to the tutorial how this actually looks like live in a way is that the right way to say it probably not i just want you to have a look at how this will look like in your report so i have here a very simple filter or slicer and as you can see every time i move the slicer everything just refreshes to reflect my new selection and here as you can see the bar goes up and down which is pretty cool and if you're asking yourselves is this a custom visual no it's not it's not a costume visual and i'm going to show you exactly what this is i'm going to start with this one which is a little bit more simple what you have to do is create a donut chart and now i have some metrics that i already or measures that are already built before so i'm going to just show you what those measures are so you have new customers which is basically just the sum of the new customers flag which counts again the new customers and i also have a target so this is my target for the new customer so again it's very important when you're building your report to give some kind of context to your end users like usually people just put the kpis in their report like this but you should ask yourself what's good and what's bad because right now when i'm looking at my report i can't necessarily understand if this number of visits this number of costumers or orders this is good if this is bad i don't really know i mean you can use some conditional formatting on the kpi card itself but i prefer to be a little bit more creative so i created this donut chart so we have our donut chart here we have our matrix and what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this new metric new customers in my values in my donut chart but of course as you can see here this automatically kind of sums everything up to 100 which is not what i want so i want to see if i'm on target or not and we have our target measure already so what i'm going to do or what i did actually because i have the measure created i just subtracted the the targets um with the new customer so so i can have the the difference and i also added a a condition that if the difference is lower than zero which means that basically you achieve your target for the new customers again give me zero otherwise this will mess up a little bit our donut chart if it's not then give me uh the difference between the targets so that i know what's the difference or what's the percentage that i still have to achieve to reach my target i've built this measure here and now this is the secret to basically add that kind of gray area so if i add this this new metric here it doesn't add a gray area but it adds a blue one but now we need to format this chart a little bit so that it basically reflects exactly what we want which was in the previous page so on your donut chart again we need to edit this a little bit the only thing we need is like the donut itself we don't need all these labeled legends and titles so we are going to remove everything we are going to remove the labels we are going to remove the legends and we are also going to remove the target the title not the target if we go back to the visual kind of section here um in the slicers we can change the colors so the new color the new costumers color will still be blue but this one i'm going to put it as great the only thing that i want to do now is to decrease the spacing because we need space to put the rest of the information here in the middle so i'm going to increase the radius so you can see that it becomes like slightly like thinner the donut itself can be creative with this you can do whatever you want and this is the donut chart that we are going to use the next thing we are going to do is create our kpi cards we just create a kpi card here using the card visual and now i'm going to add my new customers so it gives me some context of how many customers new customers did i get so far of course format this a little bit so it looks a little bit nicer you can change this to just another font type make this slightly smaller not slightly actually a lot smaller this is not that small right and change the name of my metric just remove this part here and here we are we have our metric here we can put it in the middle but as you can see we forgot to remove the background so let's remove the background of this one can go to general effects and remove the background now it looks a lot better to make this a little bit more insightful i've created a new measure which is the percentage to target or percentage versus targets it basically will tell you if you're ahead of target if you're below target and what's the percentage so you can see here this is my metric that i created so i'm going to be using again this kpi card i'm going to copy paste it because you know i'm lazy right and i'm going to put it here for now and i'm going to use this new matrix i'm bringing in my target and it still looks a little bit the size is not correct so we are going to again just format our kpi card a little bit or just card i think i always call it kpi card for some reason callout value i'm going to just put it as a normal font and i'm going to put it as 12 and i'm going to to change the category label to to have very small kind of font size maybe 9 and now i'm going to change the name of the measure here we have something very similar to the other page already to make this a little bit like nicer and to have like some kind of separation between the two kpis i'm going to add a shape just a normal line and i'm just going to change the color in the border i know it sounds a little bit weird it's not the fill as you can see it's the border weird i know i'm going to change the border to gray resizing it a little bit and hopefully this will tell me exactly where the middle is perfect i know resizing things a little and now it's pretty much done here is our new kpi kind of shape visual combination of visuals whatever you want to call it this is our new visual and here the only thing that is missing now is the red and green that i added in the other in my original visual i'm going to go to the formatting pane and in the callout value you can change the color and apply some conditional formatting on it which is exactly what i'm going to do i'm going to apply a rule where if the percentage of customers is lower than zero then put my text as red if it's higher than zero and we don't want a specific number so i'm just going to leave it empty empty and it automatically assumes it's the max and so if it's higher than zero then i want my kpi card to be green so here we are we have red and green now if i click okay you will see that the kpi card will automatically change this is its color so you see it's a lot more insightful and it looks a lot nicer i know it takes a lot a little bit of space in the page but again just be creative and it really depends on what you're trying to show in your report how how many visuals you have in your page but i still think this is a pretty nice way to show very important kpis in a very insightful and beautiful way in a way this is how you build this kpi reinvented kpi visual and now let's go for the second one because i know you're probably very curious on how i built that kind of bar i'm going to show you that next the visual that i used was a 100 stacked bar chart i just added my visual here and what i've done is pretty similar to what i've done to the donor chart it's just a different visual so i'm going to add my new customers measure so you have everything to 100 again you have the exact same problem as with the donut chart but i already added the difference from target to the the actual value so i'm just going to use that difference we have that this kind of view of where we are against the target we have already our bar you can see that probably you can see the idea already of of this reinvented kpi visual as with the donuts i'm just going to remove everything that i don't need which is labels axes titles i don't need any of that so i'm going to remove the title first i'm going to remove the background and i'm also going to remove the title of the y-axis remove the y-axis entirely do the same thing for the x-axis remove it lastly just remove the legend so now we just have the bar as you can see here now how did i make that effect of like it's like kind of rounded it doesn't necessarily look like this even though you can already use this as as it is i would i would say but it looks slightly nicer with the rounded edges so let's do that the trick is actually very simple the only thing i've done is inserted i inserted a shape this kind of peel shape so i added this shape here again you just have to resize it and now the secret is to format as usual your shape if you go to style you can remove the fill it becomes empty so if i put this on top of this bar chart it's empty so i can see the bar itself which is good so the next thing i'm going to do is increase the border size i'm going to actually make this slightly smaller probably and again you just have to resize this so you can also use the the general that you have here and in the properties you can resize it here too but i'm being lazy so i just do it with yeah in a lazy way here we are we have our visual and our shape so now we have again to change the border so i'm just going to increase it a lot like this as you can see it doesn't fit exactly so i'm just going to make it slightly bigger change the border so you don't see those uh blank spaces okay so here we are we are we have our kind of final design for our new kpi visual and now i'm going to have to format this again i forgot to change the colors so you can change the color of your bars by going to your formatting pane and new customers to target i'm going to do the same thing as in the donut chart so we chose like this and now i'm going to change the color of the shape and i'm going to put the same color the same gray shade as the kind of that little area of the chart that has the percentage two targets have our shape already as you can see it looks exactly as the chart that i showed you before or the visual that i showed you before now i just did some tricks with this so i added instead of using the kpi card i use the multi-role card instead but in the end it's the exact same ppi i'm going to use the new customers again you can change the name so it shows slightly better you can add it here the next thing i've done is i just changed you have to kind of align this with your chart the only thing i've done here is change the accent bar color so it matches kind of our bar or blue um color from the bar so it's easier to understand that we are talking about new customers let's just change this so now it shows like this and now i basically did exactly what i've done in my donut chart so i'm going to copy paste it the exact same thing it's same measure conditional formatting you know the drill you've watched if you watch the the previous part of the video and i'm just going to put it kind of in the end here and that's it this is how you build a reinvented kpi visual and just for you to see that all of this is working i'm just going to add the slicer so as you can see everything is working as it should it looks so much nicer like this than having just a normal kpi card like you can see like you see the skipia cards here above this is my ideas for redesigning kpis in your power bi reports let me know what you think in the comments and i'll see you in the next video thank you so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Data Pears
Views: 152,960
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Id: X7Iqm6PjWow
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Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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