5 WAYS to use BOOKMARKS in Power BI

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oh hello wait let me just bookmark this okay so you're interested in how to do bookmarks in bobbya let's have a look let's start by explaining what a bookmark actually is so bookmark lets you capture a certain view of a page inside of you power bi report and then later on you can go back to that specific bookmark just by selecting it now let's have a look at how to create a bookmark and five different applications of how to use them we have a power bi report that shows the sales numbers for different stores on different pages and what we are going to do is create bookmarks for each page so that we can flip through them using a slideshow alright let's see how this is done the first thing that we need to do when we want to create a bookmark is to open up the bookmark menu from the right-hand side so let's go to view from the top menu then to bookmarks and you see it pops up a new menu where we can add a view bookmarks now let's create the first one just thank you Matt you see we already created a first bookmark that's it what does it actually then do well if we are let's say on a different page for example dusseldorf I click here on the bookmark and brings me back to the page Amsterdam and shows the visualizations exactly as they look like when I created that bookmark now let's also create a bookmark now for Paris and Dusseldorf and before I'm gonna do that I just want to rename bookmark one to Amsterdam so just double click and rename this one to Amsterdam and then we're gonna do the same for Paris and Dusseldorf [Music] so now that we have one bookmark for each store we can go to view and this kind of creates a slideshow where we have our three bookmarks and we can flip through them just like this any time when you want to exit the bookmark View mode you just click here on X and closes it down now when you have multiple bookmarks you probably want to nicely organized everything that you have in the bookmarks menu and this you can do by naming and using groups okay so now that we have our three bookmarks let's light them by holding the ctrl key then click on the ellipse and then over here we can select group which puts it in one group called group one and then we can simply rename this one to report pages now this is the first way that you can use bookmarks to create a slideshow that you can use for presentation purposes or to share it with your colleagues so that they can flip through the main pages of your report let's have a look at a second way that you can use bookmarks and that is to remove all of the filters that are in the report page with just one click alright so here we are on a new page where I added some slides of filters at the top now at this point there is no filter applied yet okay so this is important that you first create a bookmark with no filters applied to this page couldn't go to my bookmarks pane and add a new one I'm gonna call this one remove filters now this bookmark we can then attach to a button or to an image or any text field now I already created a button over here in the form of an image so let's select this one go to action and make sure it's turned on and then select bookmark action and as a bookmark you will go for remove filters the one that we just created so that when we have filters in place we can go back to this state that we captured with there you move fill this bookmark and all of the filters are gone now let's give this a try and put a filter on Amsterdam store choose a certain promotion and 417 here and now I want to remove all of the filters of this page so I just click over here on the image and you see it removes all of the filters with just one click so that is the second way third application of using bookmarks is to create a toggle between different visualizations for example here we're gonna create a toggle between a treemap and a bar chart now it's really important that actually then also use the selection pane now you can find the selection pane if you go to view and then click you in selection and it just gives you an overview of all of the different elements that are on your report page so here if I click on the tree map that's this one over here let's rename it by double-clicking on it tree map all right and let's now duplicate it control C control V and let's change the second one into a bar chart now then make sure it's nicely overlaps the first one and now we can switch back and forth by using here this hide and view icon right next to it okay so here we have the second tree map so let's rename that one to bar chart and if you click on the eye icon for both of them there's no visualization then I want to show the tree map sorry just unhide it and I can then do the same for the bar chart okay now the next step is to then create a bookmark that captures each state so then we can toggle back and forth alright so this is the bar chart view let me just add a bookmark for the bar chart view rename it to bar bar chart view I'm gonna do the same but then for the tree map you so let's show also need a tree map click on add bookmark and let's rename this one to the treatment view alright now the last step is to attach these bookmarks to the buttons that I already created before so here the first button that's gonna bring me to the bar chart so I'm going to go here to actions turn it on select bookmark and then the bookmark that we need it's gonna be a bar chart view do the same for the table so also here turn the action on it's gonna be a bookmark action and let's select the dream of view alright let's give this a shot I'm gonna click here on bar chart and it shows the bar chart clicking on the table and shows me the treatment now this technique can be used in many different ways for example to create a menu that pops up when you click on a button now here we have the same report page from before I've just grouped some extra elements that I want to show in a menu for example the slices that I have before they took too much space away from the actual reports so I decided to put them in the menu alright so I group them all together in the selection pane now let me show them alright so this is how the menu looks like when it's open this is how it should look like when it's closed so I just create two bookmarks that capture each stage and then we can flip back and forth alright so let me first make a bookmark for when it's open I'm gonna hide the menu open button then click here on add bookmark rename it to menu open then I'm gonna hide the menu show a menu button to open it and add another bookmark and let's call this one menu closed ok so then I go to my menu button and then from here I'm gonna choose action bookmark action bookmark menu open okay so now that I click on that button menu is open now the only thing that ice then still need to do is to add another action to the closing bottom button to be able to switch back and forth between menu closed and menu open okay so that was application number four to create a custom menu now the last application of bookmarks is to add personal bookmarks for your own reference and this is only possible in the cloud so let's click on publish so to use bookmarks in power bi service you have to go to view turn on the bookmarks BAM alright then you have report bookmarks and personal bookmarks the report bookmarks are the one that are created by the report creator so visible for everybody then you have the personal bookmarks that you only can set up and only you can see them so let's create one so I'm going to go here to personal bookmarks and let's say this is gonna be my first view so let's add one if you want then I would like to have the bar chart as spotlight okay so let's add another one you too okay then I click here on View mode and you see just like in power bi desktop we have bookmarks one of two now and I can just go here to the next one we have seen five different ways of how to use bookmarks if you would like to have a closer look at the workbook I have included a link in the section below I would of course love to hear how you are using bookmarks and if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to this channel if you would like to learn more about Bobby I see you in the next video
Channel: How to Power BI
Views: 102,586
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Keywords: power bi bookmarks, bookmarks in power bi, how to use bookmarks in power bi, bookmark power bi, power bi bookmark, bookmarking power bi, bookmarks power bi, bookmarks button power bi, power bi add a bookmark, how to use bookmarks, bookmarks pane, using bookmarks in power bi, bookmarks tips power bi, how to bookmark in power bi, power bi bookmarks example, bookmarks in power bi example, power bi, power bi tutorials for beginners, power bi desktop
Id: _HTF7Ph7Eqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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