Master REFERENCE LABELS in Power BI [February 2024] Power BI Update

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today I'm going to show you four improvements for reference labels in powerbi and this is part of the February 2024 powerbi update this is bananas my friends trust me you don't want to miss [Music] this for those who are not familiar with reference like labels reference labels is in preview and it was launched it was released back in November 2023 this is a great feature to have for card visuals and guys in February 2024 there is an update there are improvements and I have four here like I said before to share with you let's get started with the first one which is reference labels position this is a great one my friends so let me show you how it works I already created this card Visual and this is the new card visual by the way if you're not familiar with reference labels no problem at all I'm going to share with you a link just follow the steps watch that tutorial so you're going to feel really really accomplished when it's over so let me show you how this works I'm going to copy this visual contrl Ctrl V copy and paste over here and then what I'm going to do next is I'm going to go over format reference labels right here some really important here that apply settings to this should be to all okay keep that in mind so once we do that the next step is to go over options and here there is an option called position so you have two options here it can be below call out or it can be right of call out and like I said before this is a great one because now we can place the labels the reference labels to the right of the call out and then you can start customizing this so in that way is more visually attractive so let's do this so let's expand this right here and then another option is if you go back to call out values right here for the layout let's type 30% and that way we have more flexibility to adjust this visual so check this out I think this is fine and we can all so just this perfect this looks so much better there you go now you have guys the reference labels on the right side of the card visual this is bananas great great feature so now let's move on and talk about the background color if you remember previously this background right here the background for the reference labels it wasn't fully filled but now you can see it's perfectly filled right here everything is filled for the background and I'm going to show you here in more detail if I change the color of the background so it's already there it's already working here because it's gray light gray but it would be more noticeable if I change the background color crl c contrl v check this out so let me change the background here the color if you go over reference labels again go over background and here what we're going to do is let's select black for example once we do that we can see these changes and then you can also start making changes for the reference labels so in that way we can visualize them better so let's go over title for now and then let's apply this for the current cells and here let's select last month cells for title so let's let here this one right here and then let's focus also on the value for Value let's let here white and then we can also do the same for the other components so if we go over here like I said before the visual on the left it already has the feature it is fully field but then once we change the color you can appreciate this change better and then you can start playing with it you can do whatever you want with your visual so great great Improvement so now let's move on and talk about the tabular layout style this is also a great one so let me show you how this works let's copy this visual again contrl + c contrl v and then let's start playing with it what you need to do here is the following let's go to reference labels and then make sure that the apply settings through is here to all once we do that let's go down to layout and here let's change this to rows and once we do that we have another option here called style so for style let's hit tabular and let's see what happens boom so now you can see this in a tabular form in a tabular style and we can start playing with it we can do whatever we want and I love I love this changes this improvements so now my friends let's go over the individual car customization this is also a great one so I'm going to show you how this works in the past I'm going to copy this again and paste it contrl c contrl v so in the past we couldn't change the background the reference labels backgrounds separately individually the color changes where for everything but now we can do this individually let's do this quickly if you go over here reference labels apply settings to so here let's select the call out where we want to change the background the background color the color of the background it's current cost for this particular exercise and then for label let's also select all okay one once we select all the background option is activated so let's go over here and once we are here let's say that we want to change the background color to this one right here boom and then you can also start customizing the reference labels for this particular case if we go back to title for example and here we can also start customizing the labels right so let's go over here last month costs once we are here let's select this one right here perfect and for Value let's go over here and let's like black so there's more contrast here we can visualize this better and let's keep doing this for the other labels as well last year cost for title let's select this one right here and then for Value let's go over here and select black and we can keep doing this for the last label so Target cost for title it's going to be this one right here again and then finally for Value let's select here black boom and like I said before this is great you can customize individual call outs within the same car Visual and you can start playing here with the filters as well you can see that this is changing dynamically there you have it my friends these are my top four improvements for reference labels in the February 2024 powerb update and let me know which one do you like the most and also if you found this tutorial helpful as always give me a thumbs up share with your friends and of course don't forget subscribe if you don't want to miss anything thank you guys for your time and see you in my next tutorial
Channel: Nestor Adrianzen
Views: 1,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi tutorial for beginners, reference labels in Power BI, New card visual power bi, KPIs in Power BI, November 2023 Power BI Update, quipu analytics, February 2024 Power BI Update
Id: wbsKM8twyIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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