10 Power BI Tips for Better Dashboards | Are you using these in your Power BI reports?

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Hi, it's Leila here. So today, we're going to  cover 10 tips and techniques to enhance your   Power BI reports. We're going to cover a wide  range. There's going to be formatting tips,   organizing tips, and productivity tips.  I'm curious if you've used any of these,   so let me know in the comments as  you're watching. Now, let's get started. Tip number 1. Conditional format your charts.  You can add conditional formatting to your charts.   So here, I'm showing the growth rate to previous  year. I have negative and positive values here. I   want the negative values to have a different color  to the positive ones. To do that, select the chart, go   to Format options, down here, select Data Colors.  And then, click on this effects icon. Here, you can   decide how you want to conditionally format your  chart. I'm going to select Rules. The field name   is fine. Now, we can decide on our logic. So, I want  negative values to be in red, so if the value is   less than zero, it should have a red color. Let's go  with this one. Add a new rule for positive values.   If it's greater than or equal to zero, not percent, the number, and less than. We just   have to remove this, so it defaults to Max, or you  can change this to a hundred percent. Then we want   another color, I'm going to go with a green color.  Let's just go with this one, click on OK, and the   conditional formatting is automatically applied  to your chart. If I change my selection to 2020, it   pulls through as well. Tip number 2. Aligning  Objects. When you're laying out your dashboard,   it's important to properly align your object. Now  you can do that manually if you click on a visual,   and then you drag it. You get some help from these  dotted red lines. But if you have a lot of objects,   this is going to be a headache to do manually. What  you want to do is automatically align these. First   thing you need to do is select your objects. I'm  going to select them like this. Go to Format, Align.   Let's align these to the top, and if you want them  to be distributed properly, go back to Align and   select distribute horizontally. Let's align these  in a different way, so you can also multi-select   by holding down Control and selecting each object.  Go back to Format, Align, align to the left, and now,   for these ones, let's distribute these vertically.   With the object selected, you can also move them   as one, and then place them wherever you need to  on your dashboard. Next tip, organize your measures.   If you have a lot of different measures and you  want to organize them to a separate measures   table, this is what you can do. Click on "Enter data"  to create a dummy table. You can give this table   the name that you want your measures table to  be called. I'll call mine "KPI," and then click on   Load. We're going to see the table added here, it  just has a single column right now. But, let's say,   under Data, I already have some measures that  I want to move to this KPI table. Let's start   with this one first. When I select this, I can see  measure tools pop up here, and the Home table is   currently Data, because this is where it's sitting  in. I'm going to change that to the new KPI table.   Now, I have my first measure added to this. But I  want my measures table to be on top here, right?   All I need to do is remove this column here. I'm  just going to right-mouse-click and hide it from   the model, and immediately my KPI table gets a  different icon set and it jumps on top. This now   is a dedicated measures table. I can move all the  other measures to this table. But I don't want to   go to each single measure and do this manually,  instead I want to do it all at once. To do that,   go to Relationships, click on Data, and there are  more options here, select the measures. This is   going to automatically select all the measures  in this table. Now from the properties menu here,   adjust the Home table to be the new KPI table.  This way, all my measures automatically shifted   to my measures table. Tip number 4. Organize your  measures into different folders. In case you have   a lot of measures, you can put them in separate  folders. To do that, go to the Model side and select   the measures you want to put in a folder. So, you  can multi-select, just hold down Control. In this   case, I'm going to select the quantity measures and  create a display folder here. I'll want them inside   a folder called "Quantity." That's automatically  going to organize them in this folder. You can   repeat for other measures, I'm just going to  select these and put these in the "Sales" folder.   Now, when I jump to my reporting tab here, we  can see my measures are organized accordingly.   Tip number 5. Pimp up your dashboard with custom  backgrounds. So here, I've set up this dashboard but   I want it to stand out more; I want it to look  nicer. I can use a custom image background for it.   One way to do this is set it up in PowerPoint. So  here, I have a PowerPoint slide and I've added all   of these different objects to the slide, then save  this as a PNG. So, you can do that by going to File,   Save As or Save a Copy in this case. From this drop  down, select PNG. Once you have it saved as a PNG, go back to your dashboard, click in an empty  area just to make sure no object is selected,   then go to the Format options. Down here, you're  going to see page background. You can decide on a   color for your background. Right, so if you didn't  want to use an image, you can select a color   and turn transparency off, so you can see that  color. In this case, I want to add an image,   so I'm going to click on Add Image, select  the PNG, mine is called this. Click on Open,   and it's going to bring it to the background, but  you can't see it if transparency is on, so we are   going to turn transparency off. And now, we can see  our dashboard already looks a lot fancier. And then   here, you also have some options for fitting the  image. I'll go and select Fit. You can then adjust   the other visuals that you have. So, for example,  for the title here, I don't want it to have that   white background, so I'm going to select it and turn  off the background, and then I want the text to be   white, so let's just select this and adjust the  font color to white. Okay, so here, you're free   to design any type of background you want for  your dashboards. Next tip, customize your tooltips.   In Power BI, whenever you hover over any of  these visuals, you get this default tooltip text.   You can customize that. If I select this one, for  example, and scroll down here, I can see tooltips   and I can add additional fields to this that I  don't have in this visual. So, in this case, I'm   going to grab Total Quantity and add it to  tooltips. Now, whenever I hover over this, I   get Total Sales and I also get Total Quantity. Now,  in addition to just adding tooltips here, you can   create separate tooltip pages and show whatever  visual or text or graphic that you want to show.   To do that, first you need to add a new page.  I'll just call it "mytips," then go to Format here.   Under Page Information, change this to tooltip. So  turn this on for tooltip. Scroll down, for page size,   change this as well to tooltip. Page alignment, I'm  just going to update this and put it in the middle.   Now, it's up to you whatever you want to add  to this tooltip, go ahead and do it. One thing   I want to do is insert a text box, and type in "Top  5 Customer Groups," because let's say, that's what I   want to show in my tooltip. I'm going to make this  bold and center it. I also want to add a table that   shows the customer groups, so I'm going to find  them under Master Customer data, that's right here.   And then, add in Total Sales. Let's place a check  mark here. Now, I might have a lot of groups, so I   want to restrict this to the top five. Let's add  a filter for this visual, click on this drop down   and change this to Top N. I want to see the top  five based on total sales, I'm just going to drag   and drop this here. Now, let's apply the filter  and I have Top 5 Customer Groups here.   Let's just give this more breathing space,  and adjust the sort order. So now that we have   our tooltip page in place, let's go back to our  visual here and use that. Collapse the filters,   select the visual, go to Format options. Under Tooltip, we're going to change the Type from default   to a Report page. Now, the only tooltip page I have  is the one I called "mytips," so we're going to go with   that. Now, check this out. Whenever I hover over any  of these, I get to see the Top 5 Customer Groups,   and they're going to be different depending  on my selection. Tip number 7. Add a page   navigator to your dashboard. This is like creating  an automatic table of contents for your dashboard.   Power BI recently got an update that allows you  to do that automatically. Just go to Insert, Buttons.   All the way on the bottom, you're going to see  Navigator, select Page Navigator. This automatically   adds buttons for your pages. You have some options  to adjust this. For example, under Pages, you can   decide if you want to show or hide hidden pages.  If you want to show tooltip pages or hide them. If   I select show, we're going to see my tooltip page.  If I hide it, it's automatically going to disappear.   If you rename tabs or add new tabs, this  automatically gets adjusted. You can change   the shape as you need. Default is rectangle, but you  can go with oval, arrow, heart, and so on. If you want   to jump to a specific page on the desktop, you have  to hold down Control, and then select the button. On   the web, you just have to click on a button. Next  tip, create a back button. So this tip is related   to the previous tip. Remember we created a page  navigator where we can jump to different pages.   Now would be nice to have a way to go back.  All you have to do is go to Insert, Buttons,   and select Back. This is going to automatically  insert a back button for you. You can position   this where you want. Now, whenever you select it, so  remember on desktop, I have to use Ctrl + click,   I'm going to go back to the main page. Next tip is  to lock objects. Once you've set up your dashboard   and you're happy with the layout, you want to  make sure that no one unintentionally goes in   and moves these different objects around. You  want to lock them in place. To do that, press Ctrl + A to select all the objects. Go to View and place  a check mark for Lock Objects. Now, everything   is locked into place, no one can unintentionally  move these around. Tip number 10. Save your reports   as PDF. You can create a PDF file out of all  your reports that you have on your dashboard.   All you need to do, go to File, Export and Export  to PDF. This is going to go through each tab, so it   might take some time, but once it's done, it's going  to generate one PDF document for you. A few moments later... And this is our PDF document. So, it's going to put it in a temporary folder, but you can click on   Save As and save it in the folder that you want.  Okay, so those are my tips for now. Please share   any cool tips of your own in the comments below  as well. I'm really looking forward to reading   those. Thank you for watching, thank you for being  here and I'm gonna see you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 636,998
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Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Excel online course, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, PowerBI, power bi, learn power bi, power bi tricks, power bi tips, power bi dashboard, power bi dashboard design, power bi conditionally format, power bi background image, power bi separate measures table, power bi dashboard tutorial, power bi for beginners
Id: mYpOSfqgTvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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