Conquering PL-300: Power BI Data Analyst Certification πŸ“ˆ [Full Course]

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign and welcome to this month's learn with the Nerds event my name is Angelica Dominic and I'm very excited to be here presenting to you today so welcome to our very special learn with the Nerds event today we are going to be talking about the pl 300 exam and how to conquer the pl 300 exam so whether you're watching this live with us right now or watching this back later on this session is being recorded so you will have the option to do that but if you are here with me today watching this now or later on in the future you are interested in earning the pl 300 power bi data analyst certification now maybe some of you are still on the fence about taking that certification and passing the exam and earning that certification and hopefully I can help you make up your mind and feel more confident and ready to take that exam here today so we're going to get started here now so that we can get into our content now I'm excited to be here with you today and to talk about some tips some ways that you can go about making sure that you are prepared to pass that exam and earn that certification but I'd like to start by prefacing that this session this mini session I am presenting to you today will not be enough for you to pass the exam alone the pl 300 exam is a comprehensive exam that tests your knowledge of the all of the skills that the Microsoft power bi data analyst should understand and unfortunately there is more information than we can cover in the 90 minutes that we have together today if you are looking for a comprehensive review course that will cover all of the concepts listed on the pl 300 exam study guide then check out my complete review course on our on-demand learning platform you can access this with a subscription in that course just to give you a bit of a reference is nine and a half hours long so just so you have an idea of what a comprehensive review course for this exam really looks like a couple of things I'd like to point out here again if you would like to follow along with this session there will be a link provided either in the chat or when the session concludes for you to access the file that I am using to follow along with this session either now or later on this session is being recorded and it will be available on our YouTube channel shortly after the session concludes so honestly if you would rather I think it's a good idea if you just watch follow along with me as I'm going through it but don't actually follow click for click you can always go back and watch it you can slow it down you can pause fast forward and skip over sections if you would like so that is something to look forward to here now we will go ahead and get started here quick little introduction about me and for those of you just joining my name is Angelica Dominic and I'm a trainer here at pragmatic Works where my expertise lies in power bi now I graduated from the University of Florida back in 2012 and moved to Jacksonville for Florida and immediately began my career as a high school science teacher so over the course of nine years I had the opportunity of teaching a variety of science courses from Environmental Science Biology advanced placement biology and even forensic science now these were all incredibly fulfilling experiences but I found myself looking for more professional growth and that's what led me to Switching gears and joining the team here at pragmatic Works where I still get to pursue my passion for teaching and training now I just get to focus on helping others become more comfortable more confident on using the power bi desktop to design compelling and interactive reports that help narrate that data story that we're all trying to tell there's my contact information feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn I am always open for new connections so here's what you can expect from this live session today now I'm going to briefly discuss the exam format before we begin looking at some questions similar to what you may see on the exam now once we preview those questions first I'll introduce the question in the functional group so the functional group in the question and then we'll discuss briefly what's impossible answers might be I'll leave that open in the chat and then we will look at how to solve that problem that is presented in the question with a real use case example inside of power bi so not only are you going to see the see a sample question see how what the possible answers are think about you know the the process of thinking through the question but also you're going to see how it's solved in the desktop so you're understanding the information in getting that knowledge and also seeing how to apply it inside of the tool itself now of these four functional groups that you see here prepare the data model the data visualize the data these three functional groups have the potential each to make up 25 to 30 percent of the overall exam questions each so these three make up a large portion of your exam questions the final functional group deploy and maintain assets currently is the smallest functional group making up about 15 to 25 percent of the overall exam we'll wrap up the session today with some final study tips things that I think are helpful some just some reminders for you to keep uh thinking about before you get ready for that exam to take that exam so hopefully those will help you feel more confident as well as you are preparing for the exam now a brief exam overview here the pl 300 consists of a few different question types you will have about 40 to 60 Questions it's going to depend and you'll have a variety of question types you're going to see your standard multiple choice questions where you are having to provide one correct answer you may see some questions that are going to have multiple correct answers so there's more than one correct answer so you're going to need to select multiple answers now there could be two or three depending on the question and this will be indicated in the the question or instructions themselves so you will see that mentioned there in the question itself now you'll also see some other question types that are unique to some standardized testing really drag and drop you will have the question and the question type is going to involve a movable Source object that object can be dragged from one area of the the screen to the answer area you can also see build list and reorder now build list and reorder questions are typically going to involve a process or an order of steps and you are going to have to look at the question the problem that's presented uh think about the process that that is needed to complete and solve the problem and then you are going to from those options you'll have some more movable objects and you will have to drag and drop and list them in a certain order to make sure that you are listing the steps of the process correctly so that's another type of question you may see for any of those questions that have multiple parts or more than one correct answer these have a potential to earn multiple points so you can get part of the crush the question correct and in doing so you will receive partial points so that's something to kind of keep in mind there too now there is another type of question that you are going to see on the pl 300 exam and this is the case studies questions and section now the case studies are typically considered by many to be one of the more difficult parts of the exam by some um and in it makes sense because it's one of the longer portions in terms of how the question is presented now in the case study section you will be given some information regarding the environment you may be given a set of requirements that you need to make sure are in place in order to to complete the question fully into to meet the solution so you will need to consider the requirements the environment in order to accomplish that and then there may be some issues that are presented there as well that you have to kind of think through now the case study questions are typically in a separate section on the exam where you will have to answer all of those questions in that section before moving on and going on to the next section so you may want to make a plan to take a little bit more time on this section the main thing in the case studies and to keep in mind is that there will be a lot of information presented a lot more than you truly need to answer the question so with the case studies when you are approaching when you are attacking those questions you want to make sure that you first go to the question itself find out what the question is actually asking of you and then skim through the information and find what you need to help you answer that question and to choose the correct answer now once you pass your exam your certification is good for one year you will have to renew it before it expires by completing an assessment and the renewal assessment is free and you have a six month window to renew your certification the renewal assessment is shorter than the initial exam and it is also open book we're going to talk more about that here in a moment now you can also take that certification as many times as you need to pass before your certification expires now this is for the renewal so I'm talking about the renewal once you've earned that certification you have a six month window that's going to open up from the day that it expires and you can take it as many times as you need to to pass before that certification expires now your duration your seat duration is about 120 Minutes you will check in to your exam we're going to talk more about that process depending upon how you take that exam in just a moment the exam time itself is about 100 minutes and you need a 700 to pass the exam 700 out of 1000. now you have a couple of options when it comes to taking the pl 300 exam so you can take that exam online with on view or in person at a testing facility whether you take that exam online from the comfort of your home or office or in person at a testing facility you must present a valid government-issued ID that's going to include your full name your your photograph and a signature now you will have to take a photo on the day of your exam as well for either method you choose so keep that in mind now if you are taking the exam in person at a testing facility you want to arrive about 15 minutes early to your appointment time so that you may check in get situated take your photo provide your identification take care of any of your belongings you're not allowed to bring any of your personal belongings into the testing room this includes any bags purses wallets anything like that you have to empty your pockets it's a very secure space now some testing centers will offer you a locker but some will not so it's a good idea to think about what you really need and only bring what you really need leave the rest at home or in your car if you can if you are taking the exam online you will be monitored by a proctor and you will be recorded now so you will need to have your camera on and stay in view of the camera so the Proctor can see you now I've taken exams both online and in person and uh I really I like both it's really up to you I like the convenience of being able to take it online from my home or office but just know that online you have a couple of extra steps you can check in up to 30 minutes prior to your appointment time and that's because there's a few extra things you have to do in addition to uh taking a picture of your ID showing taking a picture of yourself a selfie to provide for them on the day of you're going to need to take care of some some things like a systems check and you're gonna need to take pictures of the testing space so on the day of you will have to provide pictures of your testing room and you will be monitored by that Proctor now your Proctor is going to be watching you the session is recorded they are going to be there in case something happens if you lose connection or anything like that you will need to keep your phone nearby if you are taking the exam online proctored by uh with onview you will need to have your phone nearby however it does need to be out of Arms Reach so you want to keep that in mind I have had a proctor come on before once we started the exam to just confirm that my phone was Out Of Reach so they do check in on certain you know certain requirements there the other thing that's super important is when you are testing online that camera is on you and they need to see you so you want to make sure that you are in view of the camera the whole time I have been warned before for my testing posture making sure you're not you know leaning out of view of the camera or covering your mouth or even wording you know reading the question to yourself or aloud and mouthing the question you want to be very careful of these things they can be pretty particular and it's just to you know uphold the Integrity of the exam now reschedule policy you need to reschedule for whatever reason an emergency comes up with you your family your kids you want to try to do that no later than 24 hours prior to the exam if you are unable to reschedule your appointment 24 hours prior to your scheduled exam you are going to forfeit your exam fee cancellation policy same thing 24 hours try to do that no later than 24 hours prior to your appointment time so there's something that's new with these exams you are now able to access the Microsoft learn documentation as you complete your exam so something to keep in mind with this you can access Microsoft learn from the testing portal whether you are taking it online or at a testing center now taking this into account you will be able to use this resource but you don't want to try and use this for every question to look up every question and answer because you will run out of time it is not something you should be leveraging to answer every question if you do you won't be able to complete the exam in time and that is by Design so make sure you have everything that you need beforehand prepare as much as you can as far as what you will have access to in that Microsoft uh from Microsoft learn you will have access to all of the information there in Microsoft learn however you will not have access to your profile you will not have access to q a so again do not rely on the Microsoft learn to help you answer every question there will not be any extra time added the exam timer is going to continue to run as you are exploring that Microsoft learn content so keep that in mind this is also only available for role-based exams like the pl 300 this does not apply to fundamental exams so that is something to keep in mind there too so the way that experience will look is it will be up on a split screen and so you'll have that information there off to uh you know the right or left side of the screen a couple of quick study tips here before we dive into our functional groups into content in questions so as you are preparing for that exam create a study plan there's that saying that goes if you fail to plan you plan to fail now and this is true when you are preparing for your exams now of course there may be some of you who uh already have those skills and could potentially sit for the exam uh now with very little preparation and pass however you're not going to leave it to chance you're not going to leave it to luck you're going to familiarize yourself with the study guide and map out that study time on a calendar so maybe you're going to set aside a designated time uh each week maybe it's an hour or 30 minutes a day for however many days or weeks that you feel that you need to prepare so make sure when you are practicing and preparing and studying not only are you reviewing the material and reading the content tent but you are also practicing these skills open up the power bi desktop while you are going through those questions and test it out so we're going to do that today we're going to take a look at some sample questions and we're going to take a look at solving them inside of the desktop the next thing you can do to prepare is to take a comprehensive review course like the one we have in our on-demand learning platform for the pl 300 exam so that course is about nine and a half hours and I will go through every single functional group every objective within the functional group and all of the skills listed on that study guide in regards to how you may be potentially tested on those objectives you should also take a look at the Microsoft learning path there's some great information there as well and take a practice test like the free assessment available at Microsoft all right so it is now time for us to dive into our first functional group now you want to make sure that you familiarize yourself with each functional group and each objective listed within each functional group as well as the potential skills that they may use to test on on those exam questions so prepare the data is our functional group here this is the first one we are going to touch on and the bolded text get data from data sources clean the data transform and load the data these are your objectives so the bullet points you see below the objectives are the potential way that you could be tested on that objective so you want to think about the idea the theory behind these objectives and the way that these objective objectives present themselves as skills in the power bi desktop and service now for prepare the data before you can create reports you have to prepare your data this involves cleaning the data data examining data profiling transforming the raw data to make it suitable for modeling and visualization so in simpler terms data preparation takes means taking the raw data and making it more reliable making it more understandable so fixing any issues with data quality Integrity finding missing data changing the date formats as needed making it easier to read making it uh more consumable so data preparation involves deciding on how to access and connect to data while considering its impact on performance so you've got a lot to consider here and you must make good choices to ensure that your models and reports meet the required standards for your organization and so these are going to be skills that are tested on the exam because these are skills that the power bi data analyst should have so again the objectives within group each group are shown after the functional groups and they are bolded the skills are bulleted points listed out after each and as you can see there are quite a few skills listed on this slide so that should be an indication to you how important this section is so I would make sure I was very familiar with these skills and that I spend some time practicing these skills in addition to reviewing the Microsoft documentation for each so what we're going to do here now is we're going to get into our first kind of uh set of questions and then we're going to get into observing and looking at that uh skill that is potentially being tested in the question in the desktop so I will present a set of questions in this group we're going to have two here first we'll take a look at these questions the answer choices are going to be there and I want you to think about how you could possibly solve this in the desktop now the questions that I'm presenting to you today are coming straight from the Microsoft free practice assessment and I'll show you where you can access that a bit later on I'll also include inside of those student files a resources doc that has links to the uh exam study guide where you would go to find the practice assessment where you would go to schedule the exam all of those resources will be included there so first you're going to see the question and the answers we're going to take a look at a couple of questions and then we're going to dive into our demo inside of the power bi desktop so let's go ahead take a look at this first question so I want you to think about the question and the answers maybe write it down you know on a notepad nearby or maybe you're going to remember it here but let's take a look at question one for prepare the data so you need to make changes to your data sources which three changes are supported by the data source settings in the power query interface each correct answer presents each correct answer presents a complete solution so as you are looking at the question and looking at the possible answer choices then what you will do is you will take a look at how to uh how to apply this inside of the desktop so we're not going to take a look at the answers just yet we're going to look at one more question and then we're going to dive into the desktop and take a look at how we would possibly solve this inside of the desktop see what our options are so question two you import an Excel file into the power bi desktop and begin to analyze the data in the power query editor you need to identify outliers in a text column within the data source which information should you use from the power query editor so as you're looking at these answer choices here and thinking about what the potential answer could be look at each of these answers a the Min and Max values in a column profile B the top and bottom values in value distribution see the value of the distinct entry in column statistics and D the value of the unique entry in column statistics thinking about those answer choices thinking about what the possible answer Choice could be so our previous question had three answer choices that needed to be selected and this one has one all right let's go ahead and dive into the power bi desktop here now so I'm going to pull up my starting file here now so I'm going to pull up my starting file here now and we are going to get started so this demonstration I want us to take a look at the data source settings so you can access the data source settings in the desktop as well as the power query editor so up here at the top you will see the transform data button now under transform data when you hit that bottom part of that button there you're going to see the option to select data source settings now this we could open up here but it did say that we were in the power query interface so to make sure that we're sticking to what the question was asking and what the problem was I'm going to take us over to the power query editor we're going to take a look at the data source settings there so select transform data and we're going to open up the power query editor now I'll give that a second to load up there and what you want to do is at the top you want to open up those data source settings you want to open up the data source settings window and that's available right here at the top of the ribbon just beneath in the Home tab but just beneath that add column button there that add column tab so select the data source settings and let's take a look so here we can see our data source settings we can see that there are two Excel files connected to this query to this entire power bi file so these data source settings right now are showing us the path where the file is located and currently we can see that is located on my OneDrive in the specific folder titled odl security data Adventure works and this one is also in there as well in that PL 300 course now sometimes your path may change the file location may move or you know that you need to uh change the path in order to do that what you would do is you would select from the option tier you would select change source so in selecting change Source we can see we have our first file selected here and that is the source we're going to change first so when you select change Source then you're going to need to locate the file the new file location and point your power bi file to that location so we're going to take this adventureworks DW sheet here first and currently it is on my OneDrive but I've also made it available inside of the pl 300 course files that you have and so we're going to go ahead and repoint it to that file there to that location we want to update it because we know for whatever reason we're having to move things away now we'll need to do the same thing here for our Second Source if we are going to be moving things and making sure that the file is able to connect to the data efficiently and so if it's not able to find it it's not going to be able to connect so now I'm going to select the adventureworks DW security I'm going to select change Source I'm going to browse and I'm going to check off and select this file here to select and open that in here and now it is pointing to the correct location for both of the Excel sheets connected into this file so we've updated our data source settings here inside of the power query editor so we can see this option here to us in the data source settings you have a couple of additional options here uh next to change Source you're going to see the option to export a pbids now the difference between pbix files a traditional power bi file and a PBI DS file are pbix files are complete reports they include your data model visualizations Transformations your relationships measures any report element that you have created and included in that report where your pbids files these are desktop files that are only going to contain the data your data source information your connection settings so just to know the difference between the two there edit permissions if I select edit permissions here we're going to see that we have the option here to go in and change uh the Privacy levels here for our Excel file depending upon if we were connecting into uh data on the web or a secure database where you might see uh credentials that need to be entered here we are just connecting into an Excel file there's nothing that needs to be entered here in terms of credentials Now privacy levels I want to take a look and talk about privacy levels here in the edit permission setting you may see some exam questions on privacy levels now your privacy levels specifically uh specify the isolation levels that determine the degree to which one data source is isolated from other data sources so thinking about this private data sources that are set to private contain very sensitive highly sensitive highly confidential information the visibility can be restricted just to the authorized users when you are sending it to private here now a data source that has been set to private is not going to be able to fold into other data sources including other private data sources so this should only be set for data sources that you consider highly sensitive highly confidential organizational these settings or these queries that are set to organizational can fold into private and other organizational data sources now these are an example of this might be a a document that you've uploaded onto a SharePoint site now public is going to be for just about everything else these are files internet data sources and workbooks these can be set to public and the data can fold into other data sources here this is visible to everyone regardless of their their authorization this could be you know left on none as well if you would like I'm going to click cancel here we also have this clear permissions option clear permissions is going to clear the data sources from your data source settings here it's going to clear it from the cache and so you only want to do that if you want to clear it from the cache and from memory here all right so that's looking at the first question here looking at all of those I'm going to hit close here now and we're going to take a look and talk through the second part of this demonstration which involved us importing an Excel file and we wanted to be able to identify outliers in a text column that's what our question was asking us how do we identify outliers in a text column and we had a couple of options there well this is going to go back to those data profiling features inside of the power query editor and you have a couple here that you can take a look at and you can use to help you understand the data better and get familiar with your data in those columns so over on the product table I'm going to select the products table here now and then let's go ahead and open up enable those data profiling features so up here at the top in the view tab you are going to see a couple of options column distribution column profile and column quality let's go ahead and check off each of these and get these turned on here column quality this first one here is going to be the way that you verify that your columns contain valid characters now ideally here you want to see a hundred percent of the data is valid in your columns you don't want to see an error you don't want to see empty you don't want to see that data there now column distribution is going to show you the number of distinct values and the number of unique values now distinct values are going to refer to all of the different values in a column and this will include duplicate and null values while values while unique is going to be how many values in the column occur only once so distinct refers to all of the different values that appear how many different values are there in this column for the product key there are 606 distinct values there are also 606 unique now that makes sense because this is a product key column but that won't be the same for all of your columns let's take this product alternate key for example we have 504 distinct so there's 504 different values in this column but 427 only appear once just understanding those different those different counts and different features there column profile let's take a look at column profile here and see what this has so column profile is going to open up at the bottom of your window here and what you're going to see with this is going to be dependent upon the column selected and the data type of that column so this First Column that we're looking at here is a whole number we can see the data type there is set to a whole number data type the question was asking us to take a look at a text column we needed to identify outliers in a text column and what would we use how would we solve that so I'm going to go over to the uh let's scroll here and I'm going to select from my columns let's look at model name so when we select model name we can see that there are some changes here now to our column statistics and our value distribution in a text column your column statistics column statistics are going to have a couple of differences to your uh whole number columns when you're looking at this column statistics you will get a count still we'll show you any error or empty values you'll get a distinct count again a unique count again empty string Min and Max and Min and Max can be just referring to the first and the last now looking at Value distribution value distribution here is going to go through the values in your column you are looking at all of the different values in your column like we have here in our model name column we have LL Road Road frame HL Road frame a road 650. we're looking at all of the different values we have for model name and so if a value appears more than others far more than others then that is going to be up closer to the top so when we see a value that is appearing far more than others again the higher up this list the greater number the values for that specific value specifically here LL Road frame and down at the bottom we're going to see fewer values so this can be helpful if you are trying to identify certain values in a text column that are appearing significantly more than others or significantly less than others so helping you identify outliers in that value distribution column all right so I'm going to hit close and apply here now and we are going to go back to our slides and we are going to take a look now at those questions again what we want to see here now what are the correct answers so as we look at that answer Choice the answer choices here again and we look at this question what we are going to see is that the question is asking us you need to make changes to your data sources which three changes can are supported excuse me by the data source settings in the power query interface each correct answer presents a complete solution everyone what is that going to be that's going to be those three that we took a look at there we can clear permissions edit permissions and modify the file path also known as changing our source settings there so being able to update those data Source settings inside of the power query editor you can also update your data source settings inside of the power bi desktop in that data source setting window before we launch the power query editor question two is asking you import an Excel file into the power bi desktop and begin to analyze the data in the power query editor now you need to identify outliers in a text column within the data source which information should you use from the power query editor so our answer choices here are a the Min and Max values in column profile B the top and bottom values in value distribution C the value of the distinct entry and column statistics or D the value of the unique entry and column statistics so which information should you use from the powerpreet editor there's no indication here that there's more than one correct answer Choice you'll only be able to select one answer Choice here what is the correct answer here everyone we looked at this in looking at our text column that model name column and it is absolutely going to be the the top and bottom values in value distribution now this is one of those questions where you want to make sure you're paying attention it's asking you in the power query editor so you're thinking about where you are in the power query editor you need to identify outliers in a text column A lot of times we think about outliers and we start to think scatter chart we think of uh you know looking at it on a line chart and using the anomalies to help us anomalies detection but this question here wanted us to go into the power query editor look at a text column and identify it that way so make sure you're thinking about it in the right frame of mind as you are attacking that question all right we are going on now to our second functional group here and the second functional group is focused on data modeling so once your data is cleaned up and in good shape you can start creating your data model now data modeling is a process of figuring out how different tables of data are connected by defining your table relationships between them you can also improve your model by adding calculations and measures using Dax to make the data more useful so building a data good data model is important for organizations it makes your reports more accurate speeds up data exploration reduces the time spent writing reports and makes it easier to maintain them in the future as your data model and your data evolves and grows so the quality of your model directly affects how well your reports and your data analysis work a bad model can make your reports inaccurate and slow so a bad model can have a lot of implications a lot of negative implications so your data model really affects everything so you really want to make sure that you have a good data model set up and a good data model in place with this group you want to make sure you have a firm understanding of key aspects of data modeling so configuring relationships creating additional tables like a date table creating and using model calculations with Dax and as well as how to optimize the performance of your model so the three main objectives here design and Implement a data model create model calculations using Dax and optimize model performance you can see there are quite a few bullet points with these two and so this is another one that you want to make sure you are very familiar with this group here all right so it's now time for us to take a look at our next couple of questions here and this one there are actually three because I saw one that I think really goes hand in hand with one of these skills and uh objectives really that we're going to take a look at and talk about here in regards to data modeling so let's go ahead let's get into our next set of questions all right so looking at question one you have a power bi desktop data set that includes a table named sales person the table includes a column named UPN UPN contains the user principal name oops of the sales person's Azure active directory account and you need to ensure that each sales person will only be able to see the rows in the sales person table where the UPN column matches their user principal name which two actions should you perform each correct answer presents part of the solution so which two actions should you perform so there are going to be two answer choices here and it's letting you know that there are two answer choices you need to select so looking at your answer choices add a calculated column to the sales person table be at a conditional column to the sales person table see at a Dax expression filter to the sales person table D create a security role e create a what if parameter so we're going to take a look at this here in a second question two we're also going to take a look at with this portion of the demonstration question two you have implemented role-based security that restricts access to a power bi desktop data set for users who are assigned the role named sales people you need to validate that the implementation works what should you do so you have a couple of answer choices here it says a in the power query editor add a conditional column to the sales person table B in the report view activate the view as feature C in the report View add a Dax expression filter to the sales person table or D in the report view create a what-if parameter we're going to take a look at a question one and two along in the same uh little demonstration together we're going to go on to question number three so you are creating a report in the power bi desktop that is using a data set that contains sales data now you need to create a measure that always provides the value of total sales for the year 2022 regardless of which year is selected in any visual in the same report which Dax function should you use in combinations with the sum function to override the context and provide the results here you have a few answer choices and these are other Dax functions a calculate B filter C ignore and D sum X all right think about those answer choices possible answers possible solutions we are ready now to dive into our next demonstration here so we're going to go back to the power bi desktop into that file here on the model the data tab so here on our model the data tab we have a report page set up with I've got a card visual here that contains the sales territory country I have a total sales by country uh column chart here containing that total sales measure and the country column I have a table set up here with all of the sales managers the regions and the keys specific to that sales territory along with the sales amount the total sales amount for that region a total sales visual here we're going to add to this in just a little bit but right now this uh bar chart here contains the total sales measure on the x-axis a card visual here to help us verify some things we've got the total sales measure in there and a year slicer now what we want to take a look at here in this part of the demonstration is for question one and question two involving setting up security role level security for your work for your reports now row level security is a two-part process and this process begins here in the desktop and it's going to wrap up in the power bi service so you'll begin this process here by creating the roles here in the desktop you will create those roles by adding a Dax filter to the role to create that role and then once you've created the role you're going to test the role and you want to test the role here inside of the power bi desktop before you go through all of the trouble of deploying this to the service to a workspace that is shared with those users making sure that those users are assigned to the viewer role in order to make sure that row level security is enforced so when you deploy this work this report to the workspace that these other managers these sales managers and users are shared with you need to make sure that they are added to that workspace before adding them to the rules and that they are added as the viewer role the viewer role is the only role that is going to respect row level security the contributor the member and the admin role will not respect row level security so that's something you want to make sure that you fully understand and keep in mind so let's first take a look at those first two questions and we're going to take a look at creating a dynamic a sort of dynamic way to set up row level security here so when you begin creating those security rules you're going to select the modeling tab up here at the top and then you are going to select manage rules so select modeling you would select manage roles here next so you select manage roles and you're going to see this default editor so this was a newer feature that was released towards the end of last year and um this feature here has kind of changed the way that you can create these roles it's made it a little bit easier but we're gonna have kind of have to do this a little bit uh differently here as we go into create our Dynamic security role so what we're going to do here now is we are going to select new role and we're going to begin by giving our role a name so we're going to give our role a name here and for this role because this is going to be a dynamic rule that is going to capture uh the credentials capture the login of the user that is viewing the report and it's going to filter down the data to only show the data tied to them tied to that individual's user principal name so for this role here we are going to create this Rule and I'll just call this our UPN or our Dynamic UPN role so that you know it's a role involving that user principle name it's going to capture the state of the user and so we're creating one role here as opposed to having to go in and create multiple roles for different sales managers in different sales territories so we create this role here we've created it we gave it a name that's part one the next step here is going to be to select the table that we want to apply that security filter this Dax filter on for us that's going to be the sales territory table because that's where we have that UPN column on our sales territory table along with our sales managers so for this I'm going to go ahead and select add filter here now and here is where this gets a little bit different from the old Dax editor so here we're going to change this here from row number we're going to change the column that we want to create that security role on for us we are going to use that column titled UPN and we're going to say when UPN equals and then here is where we're going to provide our function but we're going to switch back to the Dax editor in order for this to work the way that we want to so this is one of those uh Dax security functions these filters that we're going to apply here using this expression you have to switch back to the Dax editor for this one to work and to function correctly but here we're going to say UPN equals and we're going to type out the function user principle name we're going to add in our opening closing parentheses and then we are going to click save so UPN equals user principal name we're going to go ahead and click save and we can see that's that success letting us know our role has been saved and applied so we're going to view this here we're going to validate and test out these roles first I want to take us over here to the table view uh and notice this is the table view uh hopefully you've noticed this change here this used to be called the data view but if you have an open power bi in in a couple of weeks or a couple of months then maybe you haven't noticed here yet but this is now called the table view formerly known as the data view so I'm going to select the table slash data view here I'm going to go over to the sales territory table let's take a look at this and see what we should see when we view these rules so we've got the sales territory key column the sales territory alternate key the region the country sales territory group sales territory image nothing there right now we have a column with the sales to manager names and then we have those user principal names now what we should see if I view this role if I view it for as myself then I should only see the northwest region of the U.S if I view it as uh Ace I should only see sales territory 10 matching that sales territory key and I should only see the region for the UK we'll take a look at another one here we'll test out if we would like to Matt Peterson he's responsible for uh you know getting our sales up there in Canada so we can check 6 and 10 Canada UK that's going to be for Matt and Ace so we'll check those out here now now invalidating and viewing these roles we're going to do that back here on the report view I'm going to select view as so that's up there at the top there in the ribbon underneath them all in the modeling tab you're going to select view as right where you created the rule so once you select view as you're going to see this pop-out window that's going to allow you to view the role now if I just select Dynamic UPN here now and I try to view these rules it's not going to work for me because we're viewing it here in the desktop and I'm only logged in as myself I can only view technically myself I want to select other user if I want to view it as these other users so for this here we'll begin and I'll start by typing out uh Matt Peterson again we should see this filter down the data to only show us the sales data associated with Matt with Canada for sales territory six so if I type in Matt Peterson's credentials here then we are going to see hopefully that we only see the data for Canada make sure I typed it in correctly there and there we go it is filtering down the data I only see total sales by country it is now only showing me Canada I don't see those other countries here it's filtered down so we're viewing this now as the user who would be viewing it when they are logged in here in the desktop or here in the service now I can click stop viewing and if I select view as one more time let's go ahead select Dynamic UPN that role that we created select other user and then in here let's go ahead and take test this as acephillips at and once we hit view as add in that oop let's see what did I do there I might have spelled something incorrect I sure did Spelling does count folks so make sure you spell it correctly so we go in and we type it and we make sure that we test it out correctly that way we can see those names there perfect I think I got it correct that time there we go we only see that UK region so making sure that you spell it correctly is going to matter so keep that in mind there when you are also entering in those emails and those user principal names in your column so that is how we would verify and validate that adding in that column to a specific table is one way to do that and we'll take a look here now at the next part of this demo the third question that we took a look at in this functional group was regarding the uh function that is needed to use together with some in order to filter down the data to a specific year so we have a total sales measure here already and if I go into my sales table and I select that measure you can take a look and see that we are using the sum function and the internet sales tables sales amount column now that is going to give me my total sum of sales but the question was asking what function can we use together with uh the sum function in order to just see the sales for the year 2022 2022 so we're going to create a new measure here now at the top and so let's go ahead select new measure here and add a new measure here into our our group here and you can see I'm currently adding it into the customer table we can go ahead and move that here in just a moment so for this measure we are going to create a measure that is going to give us total sales and we are not going to to type in total sales for 2022 because this data set doesn't include 2022. so we are going to pull from a year that we do have in here and for this one we are going to use our sales for 2006. so I'm going to type out total sales for 2006 and the function that we are going to use for this together with some is going to be calculate so as you start typing calculate I'm going to use this intellisense helper here I'm going to leverage this to help me avoid introducing any typos into that formula bar so I'm going to select calculate here now and then what I love about the intellisense especially if you're just getting started and getting familiar with Dax this can help you understand the syntax understanding what is needed for that formula for the expression you are writing out as well as giving you a little description there so this can help you as you're just getting started to understand what you need now for this calculate function you can see the items that we need here the first part is our expression and so for our question we're trying to create a measure here that's going to help us see total sales specifically for the year we're looking at 2006 so we need to get the sum of this and so we can go in here and use some so we'll pay our calculate with some and then we want to pull in that sales amount column and so for that we're going to reference the internet sales table I'll zoom out here and the sales amount column so once you have that first portion in there and you can just hit Escape over those uh Little Helper drop downs if you don't want them there if they're getting in the way but right now we have calculate and some together and so we've got the first part of this expression here so now that we've got the first part of the expression here we're going to add in a closing parenthesis with Dax and code in general you want to make sure that whatever you open you must close so you need that closing parentheses now when we type our comma I want you to notice and I'll go ahead and retype it before we type that comma the blue text here and this is why the intellisense can be so helpful this blue text is highlighting the expression because that's what we needed to provide first but as soon as I type that comma soon as I type the comma I'm gonna have to retype it here now there we go as soon as I type that comma it's going to shift to the filter so the text Will shift and it's going to help you there in writing your Dax expressions and getting familiar with that or sometimes just giving you that little reminder as needed so now the second part of this is going to be the filter and for this we are adding a filter on a date field because we want to filter this measure down to only show us total sales for the year 2006. so specifically I'm going to use that year function and so we'll pull year and now I'm going to tab to bring that into the expression avoiding entering any typos by mistake and now I want to pass through the date column so for this here I need to reference my date table and so I'm going to begin typing my date table and specifically we want the full date column here now I'm going to bring in full date alternate key and then we are ready to add in the year we want to see this sales measure when the year equals 2006. then we need a final closing parentheses you can see all of your parentheses are matched up there now and we can go ahead and hit enter we see see that sales measure it's currently in my customer table but up here in the top left corner we can switch it that's the great thing about measures you can move their home table now we have this new total sales measure here for 2006 I'm going to drag and drop this over here onto the left hand side of this bar chart here so we can see if it only shows us the data for 2006. so at first it's hard to tell without applying any filters here I'm going to format this here really quickly so that it is displaying as the English US currency so that we get that data displayed the way we would expect it there when we hover there we go but is it in fact showing me the sales for 2006 I think so but let's go ahead let's apply a filter let's see if it's going to be equal now and there we go we are then filtering down our data only showing the data for the year 2006 on that measure so we can display that in that way all right let's go back now here to our questions and take a look so revisiting this question here now question one you have a power bi desktop data set that includes a table named salesperson the table includes a column named UPN UPN contains the user principal name of the salesperson's Azure active directory account you need to ensure that the sales person will only be able to see the rows in the sales person table where the user principal name column value matches their user principal name which two actions should you perform everyone go ahead and type them there in the chat each correct answer presents parts of the solution and now we should know that the correct answers here are D create a security Rule and C so C and D are your correct answers here create that security role first and add a Dax expression filter to the sales person table our table was called sales territory so that was just the slight change there but otherwise the process was exactly the same for this so answering the question here again required two actions so we should see C and D as those answer choices there all right question two you have implemented role-based security that restricts access to a power bi desktop data set for users who are assigned the role named sales people you need to validate that the implementation works what should you do these are the answer choices it doesn't indicate there are multiple actions needed or required so this is a single select answer required for this question your answer choices are a in power query editor add a conditional column to the sales person table be in the report view activate the view as feature C in the report view add a Dax expression filter to the sales person table or D in the report view created what if parameter and in this one I'm already seeing the answer appear there I know there's a little bit of a delay but be in the report view activate that view as feature so you always want to validate make sure your role is showing as expected so you want to validate that role there in inside of the desktop before you deploy it to the workspace that you are sharing with those users you've restricted access for all right let's take a question look at our our third question here so you are creating a report in the power bi desktop by using a data set that contains sales data you need to create a measure that always provides the value of total sales for the year 2022 2022 regardless of which year is selected in any visual in the same report which Dax function should you use in combination with the sum function to override the context and provide the result that's going to be a calculates so the calculate function provides the result of the calculation with the ability to override the context so we had on that page at first a slicer for years and we had it set to all years we had all year so the total sales measure was giving us our total sales for all years the sum of all sales for all years with that calculated in some function together we said only calculate and tell us the total of our sales for the year 2006 no matter what filter no matter what year was selected and the sites are on the page and the visual ignore all of that that's what we took a look at there overrides that context the ignore function modifies the behavior of your summarized columns function by omitting specific expressions from the blank null value of a evaluation the filter function returns a table that represents a subset of another table or expression and the sum X function Returns the sum of an expression evaluated for each row in a table all right a couple of quick things here to go over if you would like we are going to uh you have the ability to sign up for a free trial in order to preview my PL 300 review course as well as over 20 plus courses that you have full access to that are free for Life they're on topics like power bi Excel power apps Azure power automate T SQL and more and so you can preview all of our courses we have over 120 right on there right now on our on-demand learning platform and we are constantly updating and adding new courses so we are continuing to add to that library of courses but with a free trial you'll have access to 20 plus courses already on different course Technologies such as power bi Excel power apps and more you will be able to preview my course here on the on-demand learning platform with that free trial and our the review course that I have created and uploaded there contains nine and a half hours of prep content so we are going to review in this course the entire study guide we're going to go over every single bullet point every skill within the objectives and functional groups to make sure that you understand every aspect now our next learn with the Nerds event coming up next month on October 12th at 11 A.M Eastern Standard time is going to be presented by none other than the great Brian Knight and he is going to present on the Power Platform co-pilot and AI Builder so that is one that you should definitely definitely mark down on your calendars and come back and join us for that event as well all right now the next functional group that we're going to take a look at here is visualize and analyze the data so this group here is our third functional group and this covers the portion of the power bi report development that many consider to be the fun part of power bi report development so visualizing and analyzing the data is also 25 to 35 percent of the overall exam now in the visualization phase you are going to make your data come to life the main goal is to use visuals to solve business problems and a well-made report should tell a compelling story about the data helping business decision makers make decisions quickly and making them in a way that they understand exactly what they're doing instead of just making some gut decisions so by incorporating the right charts and visual elements you can create a report that guides readers through the information efficiently allowing them to follow the storyline in the data so while studying this section you want to make sure that you are familiar with all of the skills and features necessary for report creation and storytelling so we'll take a look at a couple of the skills listed on this slide in the next demonstration but you can see the two main objectives here are create reports and enhance reports for usability and storytelling now you want to make sure that you are very familiar as you can see in that first objective with the different visualizations the different types and the way to implement them so thinking about the way to implement them and the way to form out and configure your visualizations as well so let's take a look at our first question here you are editing a report in the power bi desktop and you need to adjust the behavior of the report by editing interactions which two types of interaction Behavior can you change between visuals each correct answer presents a complete solution so you've got a couple of options here a drill through b expand C filter d-highlight so we're going to take a look at this in our demonstration question two that we're going to take a look at here you are modifying a report in the power bi desktop now the report contains a single report page that has three card visuals and one clustered bar chart now you need to create a bookmark that is going to display only the clustered bar chart and hides the cards the solution must minimize your development effort what should you do first so let's take a look at our answer choices and then we're going to jump back into our demo so it says a add a bookmark in the bookmarks pane B hide the three cards in the selection pane C publish the report to the power bi service or deselect the spotlight option on the clustered bar chart all right you know what time it is it's time for us to jump back into the power bi desktop and demo this out to take a look at applying these skills so we're going to move over now to the visualize and analyze the data tab edit interaction so we're going to take a look at modifying these interactions in a way that is going to enhance our report and to make the experience of a report a little bit better so there are a couple of visuals here on this page we've got this sales manager and total sales table visual I have a donut chart here showing the total sales by age breakdown we've got an age breakdown group we have our total sales here by country and region on the map a total sales measure drops in a card the play access slicer with the year and the total sales by month on this column chart here so if we were to go ahead here and click this play button I am going to see by default it's going to play through the data year by year and you're going to notice across these different visuals that the visuals are going to change in a certain way depending upon the visual itself so for this we can see a couple of things here right now the table is going to display the data a certain way based on its default Behavior the donut the column chart here as well now what I want to do first is talk about edit interactions and we're going to talk about it in reference to setting these these behaviors and modifying these behaviors for the source visual which for us the source visual is going to be the selected visual which is the play Axis slicer so in order to modify the interactions the default behaviors that your visuals are going to how they're going to respond when a certain visual is either a selection is made on that visual or for a play access slicer we're playing through uh the years what we would need to do is Select that visual then at the top you're going to see two new tabs format and drill down so format or excuse me format and data drill we want to select format and then we have this edit interactions button here so as I turn on this button you're going to notice here that these icons are appearing here in the top right corner uh potentially in the bottom if your visuals are kind of smushed together but you have a couple of options and depending upon the visual will determine how many behaviors you have so for your table you can see there are only two for the donut chart and for your column chart you can see there are three and so these are the buttons that are available in order for you to modify the interaction between the visual that those icons are on and the play access slicer so you can modify this here now for the play access slicer these icons should not be in confused with these header icons at the top right corner of your play access slicer so those are different and don't mix those up you will notice that for some of these visuals and some of our visual elements like the text box and the images there are only a couple of options so for our table visual for one we only have the option to filter the data or turn off our interactions entirely so those are the only two options available to us filter or none are the only two that we have now for our donut chart and our column chart here you're going to see an additional option we have that option to filter but the default behavior for your bar charts for your column charts for your donut charts for a few of your visuals you will have that highlight option will be the default Behavior so right now this is set to highlight but maybe I don't want it to highlight the data maybe I would rather it to filter the data you can make that change here and then it's going to filter down the data and only show you the data showing you total sales by month for that year so you can make that change from the default behavior and then you will see and set it to to filter so you can go in and make that change for all of your visuals as needed something to note about the edit interactions feature if I click outside of the play access slicer it looks like I have turned it off those icons are no longer showing at the top right corner of my visuals I see those header icons those those default header icons there however if I select another visual I'll see that format tab open up and of course we can go up there and turn it off but you're going to see those icons return so those icons are going to stay on those behaviors are going to be able to be edited unless you go in here and turn off edit interactions so that's something you want to make sure you do because you could accidentally modify that later on by accident after you went through the work of modifying those behaviors let's go on here now to this second tab visualize and analyze the data for creating bookmarks so when you are creating bookmarks there is a process you have as the question stated to us on this page we can see we have a clustered bar chart here showing us our total sales by model name and class I've got a total sales card visual I've got another visual here showing my average total product cost and I have another visual showing my total orders now the question asked for us to implement in this scenario a way for us to hide the three card visuals only showing the clustered bar chart the solution needs to minimize development effort but the solution needs to involve creating a bookmark so those are two things there that are super important to consider when you are answering that question if you looked at that question there might have been another answer Choice there that might have seemed like it was a good one to select especially after seeing minimize the development effort but it did say we need to create a bookmark so in order to create a bookmark for our page what we are going to do is we are going to go up to the view tab at the top and then in the view tab we are going to turn on the bookmarks and the selection pane so the bookmark and selection pane are really used together hand in hand when you are creating bookmarks so I'm going to minimize my visualization and data pane here now just to give us a little bit of a a lesser distracting view here and we're only going to focus on those two panes now right now you can see in the selection pane all of the different objects on my page the text box the three different cards the total sales by model name and class clustered bar chart and the image here so you can go through and you can click that I it's going to hide different things on your report now I want you to pay attention to the instructions here as you are setting up bookmarks now these are pretty straightforward but it is very easy to accidentally add a bookmark that is slightly not of the result you want so you want to be very careful in setting this up a bookmark is going to capture the state of the page with all of the filters all of the selections every single thing that you have put in place on that page made visible made not visible you will see that here in your bookmark once you click that add bookmark button so you want to make sure that you have the page set up the way you want it to be captured before you hit add bookmark so the first thing we are going to do in order to hide these visuals and only display our clustered our chart is from the selection pane we are going to click that eyeball next to the card visuals each one and we are going to hide those card visuals now we only see that total sales by model name in class clustered bar chart we're not quite done yet we still need to create our bookmark so now we can select that add button over here on the the bookmarks Pane and now we see bookmark one we could then go ahead and rename this bookmark to something like our clustered bar chart view whatever we wanted to name it there and then that would be the view that we had now if we wanted to create an initial view we would leave the page in the state with everything available all of the visuals visible including those card visuals and then we can select add and then we can rename that bookmark to the initial view here now let's zoom in here and then we will now have that initial view bookmark we could then create buttons using that bookmark Navigator and those buttons as you click between them just like I'm clicking between these views would show the two different bookmarks we have created so now we have these two different views and one meets that solution that we wanted there for our report all right let's go back here now to our slides let's revisit those questions this question number one for visualize and analyze the data you are editing a report in the power bi desktop and you need to adjust the behavior of the report by editing interactions which two types of interaction Behavior can you change between visuals each correct answer presents a complete solution what is it going to be everyone is it going to be a drill through is it going to be B expand is it going to be C filter is it going to be D highlight which two types of interaction Behavior are we going to see there between our visuals it's going to be CND filter and highlight so a filter will show you the filtered view of the data and the visual and highlight is going to highlight the default interaction between visuals so keep that in mind there and certain visuals by default are going to show you that highlight interaction like your bar charts and column charts and donut charts now question two you are modifying a report in the power bi desktop and the report contains a single report page that has three card visuals and one clustered bar chart you need to create a bookmark that displays only the clustered bar chart and hides with three cards the solution must minimize development effort what should you do first so a couple important things about this question you don't want to overlook if you are kind of you know rushing through and answering those you want to make sure that you see it says you need to create a bookmark you need to hide the three cards and what should you do first what you should do first is hide those cards in the selection pane so you want to hide those cards in the selection pane so make sure that you're paying attention to what you need before you create a bookmark you need to configure the report page to show the state of the report the way you want to capture it for your bookmark make sure all visuals are visible by default that you want there and the ones that you want to be hidden are in fact marked as hidden all right so our final functional group you need to study to prepare for the pl 300 exam is deploy and maintain the assets so power bi has different components like reports dashboards workspaces data sets and workspace apps as a data analyst you are in charge of handling these access assets making sure each is shared according to your organization's policies and so this group here covers various aspects of managing and optimizing power bi assets to ensure their availability to ensure performance to maintain security so for this group this functional group you can see it's a bit smaller it's a little bit smaller than the other three that doesn't mean it is not important you will see questions represented on the exam and you need to understand these objectives how to create and manage workspaces and assets how to manage data sets as well and you can see the skills listed below each of these objectives that you need to understand so for this portion here let's take a look at the question so question one you upload reports to the power bi service and pin several visuals to a dashboard you plan to create alert rules for several visuals what are two locations you can view alert each correct answer presents a complete solution is it a a report B the notification center see Microsoft teams or D and email we're going to take a look at that here in our demonstration question two you have a power bi data set and you need to set the data set as discoverable which two configurations will allow the data set to be marked as discoverable each correct answer presents a complete solution so your answer choices here are a certify the data set B enable RLS on the data set C promote the data set or D publish the data set to a premium workspace let's take a look at this in our demonstration so we're gonna head back over to the power bi desktop here now and just take a look at our file this fourth page here so this page here has on it a calendar year slicer we've got the total sales in previous month sales here in this kpi now your kpi visual is going to contain and I'm going to get rid of my bookmarks and my selection pane here and open up my visualizations pane again this kpi here is going to have on it the total sales measure as the value the trend action axis some sort of a date data for this I have the start of the month and the target is going to be our previous month sales so we want to make sure that we are exceeding our previous month sales and so that's kind of what we're taking a look at here your gauges gauges are another one of your visuals that you can set alerts for on your dashboards so we'll take a look at this one here as well and your card visuals so we're going to take a look at these three now in order to manage and set these alerts we are going to need to publish this up to a workspace so if you are following along with me either now or later on you are going to select publish and then you would want to make sure that you save this here so I would go in and save this here I don't want to overwrite my file and my work but you would hit publish and publish this up to a workspace here now you can publish this up to in my workspace and then pin those visuals to a dashboard I already have this open up here so I'm going to drag this over here now on my screen and we are going to take a look at these here at the power bi service at all right so taking a look at this here inside of the service and on the dashboard here now so on your dashboards you can take a look at setting alerts for three different types of visuals kpis cards and gauges so for these here in order to set up those alerts you would want to locate the tile that visual that you've pinned to your dashboard you want to locate that tile that you want to create an alert for and you can see in your options here in the top right you can select manage alerts you can then add an alert rule you can see I've created a couple here you can add that Alert in you would go in and add the specifications now this specific skill is often referred to as understanding subscriptions and understanding alerts so subscriptions and alerts are similar but they are slightly different you can set up subscriptions for your uh data for your reports in the power bi service and those subscriptions are going to differ from alerts and that subscriptions are going to send out an email send out a notification to you based on the frequency that you set so you're going to receive that subscription email however often you set the frequency to be sent out and delivered to you an alert that you set on a kpio card or a gauge is going to be data driven so an alert is only going to notify you or email you if you choose to have it email you as well if you enable that setting so you would go in here and set your uh settings here up and you'll see that you have the option to select send an email to once you have it set here you will then go in make sure that you set your threshold either to be above or below this condition is you know what you want the rule to when you want to be notified when the uh the value total is sales is above the threshold that you list or below that would be when you would receive an alert and it's only going to occur at most after that refresh after it happens every 24 hours or every hour so depending upon your selection here you will get an email as well as a notification in the notification center if you have this checked you would click save and close and then you would see that listed up here now as you can see I have a couple of notifications here for these tiles that are alerting me here inside of my notification center now the last thing that we want to touch on here over in our one Lake data Hub are our data sets so data sets that you have endorsed are going to be more discoverable and what that means by more discoverable is that they are more visible so right now I filter down just to take a look at my endorsed data sets but if I take a look at all of the data sets and I filter this here you're going to see that these certified and promoted data sets will appear at the top so what that is telling you here is that these data sets have been uh created managed all of the data has been cleaned up it's been modeled out and it's been published here in the service now certifying and promoting are slightly different promoting your data set is to make it more visible but you are promoting it and you are letting others know that this data set is ready to go it has everything it needs the model is set up those relationships are in place measures it is ready to go and the person promoting it is letting you know it's ready to be used in other reports certified data sets this is a little bit more significant and special certified data sets should really only be certified by those who understand the data so so incredibly well like the back of their hand and this really should be left to uh someone in your organization one person or a couple of people with a niche Department managing the data because not everyone should be able to certify data sets in fact you may not see this option but you would be able to do this by going to your data source going to your data set settings here in the service and so you would go over to that particular data set you would go into your settings and then you can and go into the endorsement and Discovery section and if you have that capability if that's been enabled by your power bi tenant administrator you would then be able to make your selection to promote or certify if you had those permissions so if we go back to our questions here now and take a look at these one more time you upload the report to the power bi service and you see that those visuals that you have pinned as tiles you need to create alert visuals alerts for several visuals what are two locations you can view the alerts a notification center and email are your options there and final question you have a power bi data set you need to set the data set as discoverable which two configurations will allow the data set to be marked as discoverable a certify that data set and C promote that data set those are your options all right so before you get ready to take that exam make sure that you are well rested have a good meal before or a light snack something that's going to keep you awake and alert but not sluggish keep your eye on the exam clock you want to make sure that you are not spending too much time on any one question I like to take a first pass on the exam and I answer all of the easy questions first the ones that I can answer without even thinking and then I Mark the others that require any bit of thought for review and I come back to those the reason for that is because you don't want to have to guess on any of your answers on any of those questions until you absolutely have to so make sure that you're keeping an eye on the clock before you go and answer all of those questions or just start guessing on any of those questions all right everyone I hope you enjoyed this session with us here today thank you for joining there was a lot for us to kind of go over here um but as you know preparing for any exam is going to take a little bit of time more than we can cover in a 90-minute session I hope you enjoyed this session here with us and go ahead and check out my new course on our on-demand learning platform that is a full comprehensive review course going over all of the bullet points in the study guide for the pl 300 exam and uh it's about nine and a half hours and please make sure that you join us for our next session on the Power Platform and co-pilot and AI Builder presented by Brian Knight all right everyone thank you for joining us here today I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day and we will see you next time [Music] foreign [Music] are you looking to advance your knowledge and your career then sign up for a learn with the Nerds stream Pro subscription you will have access to nearly 100 comprehensive courses featuring topics on power bi power automate and azure these courses are all taught by Microsoft MVPs and Industry experts with 24 7 access you can upgrade your skills on your own schedule be sure to ask about the upgrade to the stream Pro Plus plan which includes three hours of 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Channel: Pragmatic Works
Views: 25,046
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Keywords: power bi, power bi exam, pl300 certification, power bi certification, pl300 tutorial, power bi certification worth it, power bi certification exam, power bi certification training, power bi certification preparation, pl 300 pros cons, power bi pro, data analyst, microsoft power bi certification, power bi tutorial for beginners, power bi tutorial, power bi data modeling, power bi examples, pl 300 exam tutorial, pl 300 tutorial, power bi programming, power bi pro tutorial
Id: BDGzVpt1xCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 8sec (5588 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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