Why JoJolion is Awesome

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I love Jojo I know I normally talk about one piece on this channel and I promise I'll get back to that soon but from the artwork to the poses to the stands Jojo constantly proves to be fresh funny daring and influential I have never read a series so willing to take risks change with doesn't work flips genre and tone and consistently remain high quality I'm pretty new to JoJo's all things considered however during my watch in read-through of the series last year I can honestly say I enjoyed every part while a bit slow Fanta blood still managed to keep me engaged battle tendency was the funniest shardis Crusaders was the coolest diamond is unbreakable has my favorite cast bento REO has the best fights stone ocean it has my favorite ending steel bar run has the best overall structure and plot that being said there is one part that nobody seems to talk about and of course I'm talking about Jojo Liam people apparently stop reading the series after they finished steel ball run and while yes the ending of that part killed me inside I think it's pretty unfortunate that so many people are missing out on this downright incredible experience so I'm gonna explain in this video why I think Jojo liam is awesome after the tight structured and focused experiment that was steel ball run Araki decided to go off the walls insane with his next work the eighth part of the series Jojo Leon follows josuke higashikata for the main protagonist of a small town mystery set in the quiet town of Mario and no not not that one this one back in part four it was the characters within Mario that made it feel much more alive the Angelo rock boy ambling cape Tonio's restaurant cinderella and the ghost alley were only memorable because of the actions of the characters not the locations themselves takeaway josuke and Angelo never becomes rock takeaway Koichi and boeing-boeing cape never happens takeaway ayah and Cinderella is just another beauty parlor let's contrast this with Mario from Joe Joe lien right from the start without any insight into a single character we are greeted with the mesmerizing sight of the walleyes giant holes that appeared in the side of cliffs generated by an earthquake before the start of the story and not only do these walleyes give off major Jun Jie Edo vibes but they also are responsible for giving many of the inhabitants of Moria Stan the powers this is all introduced in the first few pages of chapter 1 and thus mario has already become an infinitely more captivating location than the virgin and part 4 ever was an amore only continues to become more interesting with additions like shakedown road the t g university or the Joestar shrine later on apart make mario feel less and less life simply a location but a character of its own however by this point you should know the locations of in mario are made even more interesting because of the many stan users that it habit them stands and jojo have become inseparable at this point there are definitely my favorite power system in fiction and they have literally never been better than they are now stands and earlier parts could shoot fire stop time or control the weather this was cool for the time but led to a majority of the fights playing out pretty boring and boring is the last thing you want from judges in contrast Stan's and Julian have abilities so weak it's so hyper specific that some users have to plan out their attacks days in advance just to trick their opponents into falling for their traps this new style of stands has led to fights feeling far more fresh and engaging than they have ever been and most the time defeating their opponents is more a matter of finding out what their ridiculously specific wind condition is and then simply leaving it this style of writing stands also showcases one of Iraqis greatest strengths as an author his ability to take an otherwise laughable idea and convince you it's cool I could do not the stand paper moon King has the ability to make anyone who touches a piece of origami lose the ability to tell people apart and I don't think I've ever been so terrified while reading a manga the main thing that makes a Rakhi able to sell these silly ideas is his incredible artwork it's hard for me to show you here because most of the best panels are super spoiler filled but trust me Rocky's artwork has never been better than it is here the protagonist of the park josuke is a young man suffering from a horrible case of amnesia josuke wakes up in Moorea with absolutely no memory of who he is where he is and with nobody looking for him the only clue to Jos gaze true identity is the sailor hat he woke up wearing the quest to recover his missing identity eventually forces his path to cross with dangerous and inhuman stand users but before all that he's adopted by the Higashi kind of family and family becomes a major theme of de julienne as the part moves forward the moment we see the family the personalities and designs of the characters are super fresh and engaging Norris K Pato Joe shoe daya and Tsurugi are all fantastic additions of the part especially in my number one guy joven the oldest son who joins the cast later on another interesting aspect of the family - Julien focuses on are the varying relationships each character has with their mothers the characters in steel ball run were shaped by the relationship with their fathers funny Valentine's patriotism gyros motivations and Johnny's depression all came from their fathers and fatherhood is not a new idea in Jo Jo as many parts have fatherhood as a central theme whereas motherhood outside of a few exceptions is a pretty fresh idea even with the few exceptions of moms playing a role in previous parts of Jojo they were always background characters that never affected the plot in a meaningful way except for Lisa Lisa of course but the moms and Jojo Lea not only play a central role but to have some of the freaking coolest stands in the whole series and while some will try to convince you that Araki has forgot about the moms of Jojo lien later on I can assure you he hasn't also while we're on the subject people tend to be really selective about the idea of Araki forgot in general especially when it comes to Jojo lien so most of the time I wouldn't listen to that criticism considering the entire universe to Julian is set in should just be called the Araki never forgets universe aside from the whole Araki forgot thing one of the biggest legitimate complaints about Joleon is that too many it feels directionless and while I personally think that's ridiculous considering Araki told us the direction of the park right from the beginning I think the reason so many people feel this way is because of the removal of Dio Brando let's rewind a little bit phantom blood introduced us to the characters of Jonathan Joestar and do Brando of course after the death of Jonathan the series moves forward following his descendants that much is obvious however I think people tend to forget that JoJo's as a whole is nearly as much about deals legacy as it is about Jonathan's parts 1 through 3 were all about the Joestar family's physical fight against do starting with Jonathan and phantom blood and ending with his climactic defeat by the hand of Joe Darrow in Stardust Crusaders after that the focus of the story in the next three parts shifted from the physical threat of do to the eternal curse he left on the family whether it be his disciples his family or his friends do continued to plague the Joestar family for generations after his death needless to say I think there's a reason why all the villains of the original universe tend to have time manipulating stand abilities I can't imagine the guts it took for a rocky to leave behind the original universe and bring a steel ball run but that being said along with the new Jonathan Araki created a new do to match him in the form of Diego Brando all this is to say do is as much a part of Joe Joe's as the Joe Joe's themselves so since every single part contains either do himself or dio's Han from beyond the grave without it what is the point of this story what is a part of Joe Joe what is the descendant of the Joestar family without do I don't know but that's the point chapter 1 of de julienne introduces us to a nameless clothes 'less and memoryless man who we come to know as josuke joe's gay is a character beset with mystery from the beginning de Joleon might feel directionless to some because josuke is directionless who is he where did his memories go why are his eyes seemingly split down the middle and most importantly how does he fit into all of this he doesn't have any dreams or goals like the other JoJo's other than his own self-discovery and this particular setup of our main character and again the stark lack of do by definition lends itself to a story about josuke let me explain phantom blood is the story of a boy and his stepbrother fighting a supernatural battle because of an old sibling rivalry battle tendency is about ancient gods returning to earth for supremacy in Stardust Crusaders they either have to take out do or he will literally take over while smaller scale diamond is unbreakable pits the doing gang against a serial killer bent on destroying as many lives as possible from within their town Vento REO is about the fight over the fate of Italy which is being held hostage by the evil gang leader Diavolo stone Ocean is literally about the end of the world and still ball runs similarly don't get me wrong those pots worked then but because of the larger-than-life plots and stakes we never really got the chance to flush out and progress our main characters so while other parts showcase already well-defined characters fighting for their dreams and the fate of humanity Jojo lien stakes are never raised past the fate of one single family and a congenital disease they're faced with I can't stress enough how much of a breath of fresh air it is for this part because since there's no grand stakes or a do to distract us da Joe lien is able to completely slow down and focus on the development of its main protagonist josuke and in the process he has become the most fleshed out interesting relatable and sympathetic character among all the main JoJo's perhaps even of all the characters in the series Joe's Ches amnesia frees him to be whoever he wants to be however josuke is constantly faced with questions regarding his previous identity and many times the stand users he's pitted against are the ones who hold the next piece of the puzzle and so his josuke fights a more and more stand users he inevitably gets closer and closer to solving it once josuke unveils his true identity and I wouldn't dare spoil what that is the story shifts a little bit we're told from the beginning that Jojo Lyon is a story about breaking a curse and at the time of recording Jojo lien is not over we don't have the full context of what that means yet however I think I might have an idea part four was all about being a good person and serving your community part eight being for the most part it's second universe counterpart takes this idea even further the higashikata family has a curse every firstborn son of the family generations turns to stone at the age of ten the only way to stop this tragedy is for the father to sacrifice his own life and take the disease in the sons place thus the entire existence of the gosh kata family is based on self sacrifice and josuke finding himself in the center of it all and now having adopted their family name is forced to grapple with this new identity and discover for himself if he can live up to the precedent set forth by the family josuke has to learn throughout the story of what it means to show kindness and to give which isn't in direct contrast to his stand soft and wet whose primary ability is to steal things from those around him this new identity is also contrasted to the different factions of stand users coming after josuke for the actions he took in his previous life without saying too much the most prominent villain until further notice is a man whose ability allows his identity to remain entirely secret whilst the whole world conspires against those attempting to uncover it and yet even with everything under heaven and earth working against him josuke still chooses to put his life on the line for his friends and I love this direction the story takes as Araki allows de julien to portray josuke in starkly not and heroic lights before having them come out ultimately a better person for it josuke zark has gone from nobody to outcast a family member to hero the selfishness and greed that plagued so many in morio is a notion completely rejected by josuke and in doing so he is actively choosing for himself who he is as a young person myself I have thought a lot about what it is that makes me me we might not all be crazy Stan users with a mysterious past that takes a dedicated search to uncover but nevertheless we all have a past we've all said things we regret we've had to cut ties with people from our lives and there may be a few times we wish we could just go back and change things sometimes those decisions we've made in our past can haunt us almost like a curse however I think that sometimes like josuke the best response to those regrets is to move forward we can't change the past but knowing it we can pursue a better future that is the message in the heart of part eight yes Jojo Leone is freaking crazy there's a stand that's only attack is giving its opponent cash there are people made of rocks there's a character with this haircut there's an 89 year old man and the main character has four balls for pete's sake but Jojo lien also represents Jojo at its most serious most mysterious most intense and most be medically relevant there is no main villain there is no easy way out but there is is a story about people and a story about sacrifice about giving and family and about how no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in we define who we are and to me that's why I think Jojo Egan is pretty awesome [Music] thank you all so much for watching this video is a ton of fun to make please hit the like button and if you're new here consider subscribing as it really helps out the channel if you stick around at this point comment below and tell me what your favorite part of Jojo is personally I'm torn between these three I just got caught up in Jojo recently so I'm super interested to know what you guys think of it until then links to my social czar in the description and I'll see you guys later
Channel: StudioAlex
Views: 239,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JoJolion, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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