Dealing with Distractions || Pastor Keion Henderson

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your thoughts are better than i thought and we surrendered to you lord [Music] all right hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah anyhow [Music] [Music] hallelujah first thessalonians chapter number 2 verse 18. first thessalonians chapter 2 verse 18. [Music] it sounds like music in [Music] my the sweetest name [Music] i know oh how i love jesus i'm trying to let this alone but i feel like the enemies try to shut our worship up but oh how i i love jesus i know we're in covet times and and we're worshiping differently but oh how i love jesus and not for any other reason other than the fact because he firms love love me there is a name i i love to hear i love to sing his word it sounds like new music in my ear the sweetest name [Music] first thessalonians chapter 2 verse 18 wherefore we would have come unto you [Music] even i paul once and again and and here is something that every one of you can say paul says i'm coming to you again [Music] i'm reaching out to you again [Music] i'm giving you another chance again but these three these four words somehow always get in the way i want you to look at first thessalonians 2 verse 18. wherefore we we we have come unto you even i paul once again but satan hindered us here i am trying to do it again but satan hindered us [Music] here i am trying to get that business off the ground but satan has hindered me here i am trying to get my family back on track here i am trying to get my employment back on track here i am trying to work with my child here i am trying to work with my wife my husband my friends here i am trying to get back in good standings with my sister my brother my niece my nephew my cousin but satan has a way of hindering us if satan has been hindering you in any way this message is for you over the next few moments i want to talk on this section dealing with distractions [Music] dealing with distractions let me start off by defining what i mean by distractions a distraction by definition is a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to what's in front of them god has set before you and your family an open door but because the enemy knows that if you access that door you will unleash a power that will set your entire bloodline free he always always introduces a distraction don't miss what i just said if you just say distraction you will miss the feasibility of the terminology distraction you see if i am walking on this floor the only reason why i'm able to move is because the bottom of my shoe creates a bond with the top of the surface and that kinetic energy is called traction if this were ice walking wouldn't be so easy because in the presence of ice traction is little to absent so what the devil does is he always finds a way to put a gap in between you and your foundation so that you have dis traction how many of you are in your life you just cannot seem to find your footing you can't find your footing in your money you can't find your footing in your relationship you can't find where you fit on your job because you are dis attracted the word this and the latin means apart and try here means to drag it's the latin uh dis try here this drag listen so a distraction help me holy ghost to help your people a distraction is when you're dragged away from what you're destined to do anytime you get close to your destiny life the enemy and adversary will be used by the evil forces of the world to drag you away from the that's why paul said no matter what i pressed toward the mark for the prize but but understand that that the only reason why he had to press is because there was a dis drag a distraction something that is pulling him away from what he was supposed to be doing and just like life the bible is full of instances in which a distraction was implemented david even though he was a man after god's own heart saw a woman taking a bath on a roof and used his power to get her to come to his bed chamber even so much where he sent her wife to be killed see he was distracted by lust because lust is a distraction you remember samson who had his head in the wrong lap he was distracted by a relationship that he had no business being in eve was in the middle of the garden in the cool of the day had been given authority over the entire garden but she was distracted by what was off limits everybody i don't care how saved you are you can be distracted i this message isn't for the overzealous for those of you who are holier than the rest of us for those of you all who pray three times a day and fast twice a month this is for those of us who set a new year's resolution on the first and by the third you're already struggling to keep it this is for people who are saying to themselves i cannot believe that after 2020 i am already in the middle of the first month of the year and i'm already tired hallelujah to the lamb of god to those of you who were celebrating in december and just were excited about the fact that 2020 was coming to an end and you had this burst of energy coming into 2021 nobody told you that by this time of the month you'd already be ready to throw in the tile something has distracted you i don't care how much money you have i don't care how big your house is i don't care if you have a walk-in closet i don't care if you have a three-car garage i don't care if you have two dogs i don't care what purse you carry i don't care what kind of watch you have on i don't care if it's an audemars a paddock i don't care if you carry a michael kors or hermes bag everybody can be got by some sort of distraction i don't care if the album when platinum harvey went wood you can get distracted i don't care if you're the top of the class or the bottom of the class everybody has to deal with some sort of distraction and i know you tell yourself self this is the year i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna reclaim my time and i'm gonna do the best i can but the moment you make up your mind to do better distraction the moment you make up your mind that you're going to be in charge of the garden here comes the snake the moment you decide that you're going to preach the gospel here comes the stones the moment you decide that you're going to play the harp for your king here comes the spears the moment you decide that you're going to serve your son here comes the assassination plot the moment you decide not to bow here comes the fiery furnace the moment you decide to give your dream here comes the pit there's always a distraction you know i've learned write this down that distractions come in three basic forms i'm about to put you on game the devil about to be mad at me but i'm here for you today i'll let the lord handle him i'm about to give you the key to the game there are three basic ways that the enemy distracts number one you writing the first thing that the devil tries to distract you from is your identity the first thing the enemy wants to distract you from knowing is who you are and sometimes he will allow the failures of people around you to stick out like sore thumbs because your life will not get better because you found out what was wrong with them your life will only get better when you find out what's wrong with you so he distracts you with trying to fix everybody around you when deliverance only comes when you work on what's inside of you he distracts you with your identity and your identity will constantly be challenged hear me holy ghost hear me this ain't a sermon this is a message because the enemy knows is he if he can convince you of something other than what you are in christ he can throw you off track so if you identify yourself with what you do for a living but you don't identify yourself by who you are in christ you will work so hard at the job you'll spend no time on the destiny if he can throw you off track if he can make you think that you're less than if he can make you think that you are rejected if he can make you think that you are insecure if he can make you think that nobody loves you if he can if he can continue to to pedal and propagate the fact that your heart is broken and you'll never recover and you'll never trust again see he'll mess up your identity and you'll identify yourself with a crisis instead of identifying yourself with a christ so he will distract you in your identity if you want me to go deeper type deeper if you want help if you want me to go help i will help you but i need to see it in the comments if you want me to go deeper say deeper if you want more help say help all right here's number two the second form that the enemy distracts you that he distracts you in listen listen when the enemy is trying to distract you first of all he works on your identity if identity doesn't work then the second thing he does is he works on your rhythm what do i mean he will either try to speed you up or slow you down and both of them are dangerous both of them are dangerous the enemy will either try to get you to act too soon or he will put you in a position where you will not act soon enough and he uses fear and insecurity to keep you from acting so he will either freeze you or fry you how many you of you right now watching me understand that he didn't get the identity but he did get the rhythm because there are some things that you should have done by now that you have not done and there are some things that you should not have done and you have done them a multiplicity of time when the enemy is after you he messes with your rhythm help me holy ghost he will have you doing things too soon and he'll have you places you shouldn't be too soon and and he'll make you get married too sooner or he'll make you separate too soon when he's after your life he messes with your rhythm he'll make you quit too fast or he'll make you start too fast when the enemy is after you he either speeds you up or he slows you down look at look at the enemy trying to get jesus to come off of his destiny remember jesus walks up to the mountain and the devil shows him everything and god has a plan but satan says all right jump off the cliff lest you dash your foot against a stone see if your daddy will send angels look at him trying to get god to do something it wasn't time for him to do when the enemy wants you to fall victim to the distraction he tries to get you to do things out of sequence there's double on the other side he will give you twice what you lost i don't know who that is for today but somebody just type double get ready for everything that you lost god says i'm about to reclaim your time i'm about to redistribute wealth i'm about to give you everything you lost and when i give it back it'll be bigger than what you lost somebody shout double [Music] you know i hate to pause but let me tell you something there is one thing to receive the word it's another thing to administer and follow the word and there are so many parts of the scripture that talk about health and happiness and healing but there's also many scriptures on giving it is said that the scriptures talk more about giving than heaven and hell combined let me tell you something the bible says money answereth all things and you want to make sure in 2021 that your money is in the right place so you can reap the right thing i believe this is harvest season for all of the hell and high water that we've gone through over the past 12 months i believe god has the ability capability and desire to give us a blessing that is big enough that we don't have room enough to receive i want you to get your gift ready right now that's it right now i want you to get it and i want you to give as you've been prospered not to keep up with anybody not begrudgingly not to feel bad but give as god has prospered you that god really wants us to have a spirit of generosity that when we give we give freely and when we give freely we can receive freely to all of my lighthouse 2.0 my online church i thank you you are a campus i look at you like that and thank you for allowing me to be your pastor i want you to use giblify and i want you to give your gift there for those of you all who watch us online whether it's youtube or facebook or through our app you can give by text to gif or at our website those are the only secure ways that you can give other than sending it in and bringing it in all other forms of requests are illegitimate and please don't subscribe to any of them we're not on cash app we're not in any of those places as it relates to being a church so i want you to give right now and i want you to give and i pray god that you would bless each gift and each giver one hundredfold blow their mind with the increase that's about to come in the name of jesus we pray amen check out the second part of this word i know i'm preaching you ain't got to say nothing he'll he'll speed you up i'll slow you down and and because you're you're so aggressive and and you want to be the first to do it and you want to be the youngest to do it and and you want to be the first in your family and and you want to do it by the time you're 30 and you want to do it by the time you're 35 you want to you want to be married by 25 and a baby at 28 but but maybe you're still a baby at 28. he'll get you he'll get you out of sequence the best thing you could ever do for yourself is be like the sons of israel and understand the times when he distracts you he'll distract your identity he'll distract you in rhythm he'll either speed you up or slow you down number three this is the way i'm telling you i'm putting you on game i'm giving you a million dollars worth of game for free 99 you listening number three he'll present you with the counterfeit version of what you actually desire right at the point of breakthrough the enemy will distract you with the counterfeit bill that looks like the authentic thing it will look like the perfect person it will look like the perfect job it will look like the perfect set of circumstances it will look like the perfect business partner it'll look like it and you won't be able to separate the wheat from the tear it will look like the outcome to the answer you have been asking but all of these things will also involve a compromise this is how you know the enemy is distracting you is he'll send you a counterfeit and you will compromise your destiny because it scratches a itch but doesn't provide destiny so you won't know who you are you won't know when you should do it and you won't even know if it's real and here you are doing something that's not real at a time that's not right not even knowing who you are a recipe for distraction how many of you all can raise your virtual hand right now and say reverend i didn't know it before you got in my face today but i must admit i'm distracted i'm distracted i'm distracted i'm holy but i'm distracted i go to church online every sunday but i'm distracted i got a bible on my nightstand but i'm distracted i i pray and let me tell you something i'm so good at being distracted i know how to ask forgiveness for my distraction oh don't you better holler at your boy don't you sit up there and look at me like i'm just talking to myself some of you are distracted but you know how to pray you're distracted but you know how to repent so you allow the distractions because you know that you got grace but to every man is given a measure a measure of grace how many of y'all say i'm distracted i i sometimes let the haters get on my nerves i sometimes bow down and and fall victim to a response that beneath me come on and raise your hand ah and i'm talking about us i'm not talking about you i'm talking about us so i figured if i put us in this thing we can get delivered together is there anybody who will admit i get distracted my temper will get a hold of me and i will blow a top i will get you together i know how to put enough words together that will make you apologize for something you didn't do wrong anybody ever been distracted because the devil will mess with your identity after he messes with your identity he messes with your rhythm after he messes with your rhythm he he sends you something that's counterfeit and now you're compromising because you're distracted by being lonely so you date a non-christian you get distracted by being lonely so you you'll settle for unequally yoked so that you can have quality time you're gonna get mad at me today you probably ain't gonna watch me no more but it's all right because the world might end i can't wait on you to get happy waiting on me to get the word that the lord want me to give i'm talking to somebody right now i am like your surrogate father on duty letting you know that even in the spirit i can hear you even through the internet i can feel you that you will compromise for something you know isn't correct all because it's a carefully plotted distraction by the enemy and can i be honest it ain't always easy to walk away from your distractions because sometimes the distractions seem to be a blessing sometimes the distractions seem to be sent by god all but one of paul's letters begin with thanksgiving all except one let me say that for for the critics the book of galatians doesn't but all of the others start off with a congratulatory message paul begins this book similarly but he begins this particular portion of our scripture differently than he does the rest see when paul begins the book of galatians he begins that with a reprimand to christians who sought to prefer to pervert the gospel of jesus christ and acts tells us that paul was driven out of thessalonica by the men i i thought about that that that he was driven out of thessalonica by people that he was trying to preach the gospel to it ain't like he came there to rob them it isn't like he came there to break their heart it isn't like he came there to lie to them he actually came with good tidings he brought them the gospel and they didn't want it then the lord told me that just because you're good doesn't mean you'll always be accepted just because you had good intentions doesn't mean that the people you tried to be good to were expecting goodness some people wouldn't know what to do with goodness if it hit him in the head paul was driven out by people that he wanted to help no matter how good the gospel is it still had its opponents and let me tell you no matter how good you are no matter how good your message is listen no matter how good your heart is you will always have somebody who opposes it so to all of you all who said why did they treat me that way i was just trying to be good even good has his enemies oh keon you're preaching preach boy i think i will because see some of y'all are listening to me right now and and you're in shock because you thought that if you were good it would turn out good you thought if you were honest you would get honesty in return you thought if you gave money you will get appreciation and some of you all like me have have spilled everything you had into cups that couldn't contain it paul gave him everything he had and they still ushered him out paul gave them the gospel and they still ushered them out paul gave them an opportunity to go to heaven and they still ushered him out because even good has his enemies let me tell you i don't care how good you are i don't care how much you tithe i don't care how much you pray i don't care if you don't allow nobody i don't care if you don't bother anybody i don't care if you don't gossip good still has its enemies people will hate you because you were good have you ever heard of people you know and it's and we all have said it i i don't know i don't like them they just they're just too good they're just too nice they're just too nice how are you too nice see what that actually means is is that that they are two opposite of what i can handle how you get too nice i need somebody to be rough yeah you want them rough until they rough you up paul paul says i can't believe y'all putting me out i'm a good man and you're still putting me out i wish i could have been there to say paul in this world you will have trouble i wish i could have told him job14 said a man born of a woman is of a few days i wish i i wish i could have been there to tell him oh joe excuse me i wish i was telling paul listen uh job and john they'll all tell you uh this this thing didn't go well for them either they they were trying to preach the gospel and john he ended up on an isle of patmos all by himself and and job ended up losing his kids even though he was righteous he lost his wife she went crazy he lost his friends they turned their back on him his cattle his money everything but joe would also tell you that even when i got through the distraction i got double and i am coming to tell you today that if you find a way to handle your distraction god told me to tell you there's double on the other side he will give you twice what you lost i don't know who that is for today but somebody just type double get ready for everything that you lost god says i'm about to reclaim your time i'm about to redistribute wealth i'm about to give you everything you lost and when i give it back it'll be bigger than what you lost somebody shout double god's going to give you double for your trouble have you let me ask this question have you ever have you ever pursued something that you believe to be god's will for your life only to be distracted by obstacles that made you wonder is this where i'm supposed to be have you ever i'm saying like god told you to do it but by the time you put your hand to the plow and all of those obstacles start coming up you start asking yourself am i supposed to be here have you ever gotten into something that you said to yourself surely this can't be the will of god raise your hand if you're sure i mean you got in it you started it it got rough and you had to ask yourself i know god wouldn't put me in this kind of mess this foolishness i i know i know this ain't god because sometimes obstacles can make you obsessed with the other side of the opportunity you'll be you'll be distracted and and and you'll be wondering if god told you to do this and if you have ever felt like this i come to relieve you of the duty of worrying you are not alone all your brothers and sisters online right now they feel just like you they are asking the questions and typing and saying god if you wanted me to do this why isn't it easier if you wanted me to do this why didn't you send me help if you wanted me to do this why didn't you get why didn't you send me somebody who would understand how to carry the weight of my emotions if you wanted me to be in this why didn't you send me somebody who would understand me if you wanted me to go to this church why didn't you send me to a church that appreciated me if you wanted me on this job why didn't you send me to a job that would promote me if you wanted me to help these children why didn't you give me children that would understand that what i am doing is trying to love them the best way i know how sometimes god will send you in a direction with no directions he'll send you in a direction with no directions because he's trying to see if you need a shepherd or if you want to steer this is paul's position this is paul's position and paul uses this letter to speak against the opposition of the jews to the gospel and in this verse that we're looking at this verse before us turns to his own relationship with the thessalonians look at it the bible says that he had been asked by the people he had served to leave the city against his will he wasn't even ready to go and ross they put him out he he was willing to stay they asked him to go have you ever been somewhere where you were unwanted it is amazing how people won't want you and they want you to stay in the situation of unwanted because as long as they don't want you but they don't want anybody else to have you so rather than give themselves to you they will keep you but they won't want you let me tell you everybody that keeps you don't want you don't you think that just because it's still going that you want it some of you just tolerate it or the benefit of having you is better than the benefit of losing you but there is a difference between tolerating you and celebrating you paul brought them the gospel and they asked him to leave i gave you the gospel and you don't want me if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be saved this is what paul is saying and they escorted him out and the bible says they escorted him out listen not at day but at night they they didn't want him so bad that they put him out and they didn't even want people to see them escorting him out they didn't want to be seen with them they escorted him out of the city by night and paul could not find the words strong enough to describe his pain of this separation i'm about to give you something oh i feel like it i don't know why i feel like this i don't feel like this all the time but i feel like a spirit of ministry on me i feel like god is actually giving me a rhema word i'm so far off my notes i don't know what to do but i hear the lord talking to me right now they are escorting paul out by night hiding him after he brought them the gospel put them on game and they want them gone and then the lord showed me you ready sometimes god will use a person or a situation to escort you out of a thing when you don't know it's time to move on oh you don't understand what god protected you from when he had somebody you wanted to escort you out you don't know you think you were in pain now you don't understand how much pain you would have been in next year some of y'all need to start thinking god right now that they escorted you out by night hey we're gonna have to break it right there this word is rich but it also has a lot of depth and i don't want to try to give it all to you at once so listen just join me next week for the second part of this message dealing with distractions because i believe it's worth two weeks of your life to set you free for the rest of your life join me next week man what yet another powerful word from our shepherd i know i'm charged off of that word to live a better life and to be charged and go in the direction of my destiny listen it was amazing having you all here today if you didn't get a chance to give today those instructions are at the bottom of the screen so feel free to follow those instructions as you may give in to the lord as you've been given back to also if you would like to be a part of our lighthouse family whether you live in houston or you live abroad there is a place in this family for you those instructions on how to be a part of this family are also listed at the bottom of the screen now before we go i just want to have a word of prayer with you all for the lord to keep us until the next time we get together father god we thank you for this day we thank you for the word that has been given we thank you for the songs that have been sung all of it collected
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 90,971
Rating: 4.9440413 out of 5
Keywords: Dealing with Distractions sermon, Keion Henderson, Dealing with Distractions, Give Your Burdens To The Lord, Special Message, keion henderson new sermon, pastor keion henderson 2020, keion henderson, There Is No Way Around It, keion henderson sermons, keion henderson church, keion henderson message, keion henderson sermons 2021, keion henderson motivation, lighthouse sermon, latest sermon highlights, lighthouse church, trust issues sermon, keion henderson sunday, bishop, church
Id: fYCeLF4ZYb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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