Injustice 2 - All Endings Including All DLC

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[Music] [Music] Superman was right Brainiac needed to die but I couldn't stomach the idea of Cal's return to power Atlantis would not again be his basket with Batman beaten and his allies imprisoned I couldn't muster the force I needed to take Superman down right all but lost him when my marines discovered an abandoned insurgent base hidden in the southern ocean here Lex Luthor had perfected his inter universe transporter from plans left behind my scientists built a new device now I go and ask for the help of those I had fought I must also ask their forgiveness my punishment of brainiacs crimes and unintended consequences his death deceived billions of collected Souls perished I did not know they could be restored their deaths unleashed such rage my red lanterns were overwhelmed they drove me from is mult they would have killed me if not for proselyte the emotional entity offered me compassion not rage in the face of my grave error I now understand the emotional spectrum requires balance my Red Lanterns rage must punish the worst offenders but it cannot blindly consume those who deserve compassion who would have ever imagined a signal boy born in prison would survive to become humanity's Savior I did and now the world is mine so I say to all prisoners rise come out kill your wardens make slaves of your gods teach them the meaning of despair we have no more prisons no police no regime left to find oh no one left to fight any worthy opponent has already fallen dear Smeal perhaps victory can be a prison a possibility I never imagined brainiacs attack left the world devastated thousands did many more thousands homeless when president Kane asked that I head up the emergency response I couldn't refuse the jobs demands required that I leave the Justice League in Barrie's and house hands together they're molding the younger heroes into a force for good unlike any earth has ever seen but I'm only semi-retired behind the scenes I've been preparing for Superman's return kal swore he'd escaped from the Phantom Zone I'd be foolish not to take him at his word I returned to find conduct devastated from brainiacs attack my beloved queen was dead I brought her broken body to the Lazarus pits intent on her resurrection but my auntie was bought by Richelle cool he offered that sweet access to the pits in exchange for my aid in bringing him to power the Ray admired Superman's regime but felt it should have gone further while I have no love for rish I accepted his terms I will pay any price to again feel the embrace of my dearest wife [Music] I'd have loved to kick back and save her kicking brainiacs ass but I had to rush home I didn't know if Connor had made it out of the invasion okay turns out I didn't need to worry the crazy stress of brainiacs attack activated my son's meta-gene and if there's one thing you don't want to mess with its a scared pissed-off three-year-old with superpowers sure I love that Connor takes after me but raising him suddenly got a lot more complicated I'm just glad to have people around that can help me and Ollie figure this whole thing out oh man dude I cannot even describe what it felt like sure yeah I was just the noob in the crew but like wait you think I'd ever like Brainiac killed Batman and what blow up the world no munches when it was over Batman was all the world is safe thanks to you Jaime I'd like to make you leader of the new Justice League if that's cool with you wow that was a really tempting offer you know but if there's one thing better than saving Batman it's saving me familia I haven't been around that much since I got to scarab so for now I'm moving home and going back to school and if this so-called normal life doesn't work out there is always the Justice League going after the regime was one thing but destroy the planet for Brainiac you really thought I'd go through with it Grodd really [ __ ] you sorry it's been a while sis I know I've always got an excuse but this time I finally figured out the right way to honor your memory I know what you're thinking old Lenny sold out so what I'm making sure the regime in Brainiac never happened again even bury the hatchet with old Scarlet speedster ironically or whatever he's the best partner I ever had besides you says with nine lives it had to happen sooner or later I got everything I ever wanted including a handsome prince and a badass reputation as the woman who beat Brainiac and I must say I was bored to death Bruce and I worked better when we were forbidden when the mass were on and the claws were out that honeymoon was over so I did the best thing for both of us I'm not sad I didn't become Catwoman to bag Bruce Wayne I don't ever want to rely on anyone but myself I'll go where I want to go take what I want to take and never ever look back [Music] hungry for his blood I prepared to claim Brainiac but the alien desperate to save his life spotted out an offer Brainiac said that if I spared him he'd deposit any of his collected beings I wanted on the world of my choosing there I could pursue them at my leisure so now I hunt free from Wonder Woman's interference with each kill I glorify the goddess as for Brainiac of course I didn't abide our agreement I'd never given up on killing him the true Huntress always catches her prey Braniac thought he had me all figured out said my humanity made me weak but fighting for humanity gave me the strength to body that punk-ass coluan and before he dropped I took a few things his 12th level intellect and his ship's data core I thought the internet was gigantic but now I've got the whole wide universe at my fingertips first up I put back every earth city Brainiac store starting with my hometown the Motor City then I keep going Superman wants to secure one world but I can reboot tens of thousands every last one in brainiacs collection gonna be a long trip but another benefit of my new 12th level intellect is I can reunite with some old friends Tigers together oh yeah Grodd used the damn nano explosive my head to make me his [ __ ] the job she made me do let's just say they crossed some lines a bear taking Brainiac and brought into the authorities would be to another stretch in Belle Reve and I was right Bruce Wayne even bankrolled getting rid of my team team migraines for good I freaking hate hospitals God wasn't worth it with that nano safely Alba I could finally see Zoe again last time I saw my little girl she had nine candles on a birthday cake now I got a second shot at being dead I sure as hell don't find the missus the Lords of order believed earth couldn't be saved that only brainiacs evil could restore order I knew refusing the Lord's feet would anger them and that they tried to destroy me anyone else would have nowhere to run fortunately I still have friends in low places the House of Mystery guards the hell Zatanna and Constantine spells conceal me from the Lord's but it was John's daughter Rose who gave me the greatest gift of all my wife Inza returned to life and in my arms again for the first time since taking up the helm I don't know what tomorrow will bring and that is perfect the professor and me worked our tails off to control our powers but Stein figured out the only way to be Brainiac was to lose control I correctly calculated that overheating brainiacs engines would weaken him but the quantum disruption we created caused an unexpected chain reaction the skull ship exploded and every city Brainiac stole from Earth was obliterated metropolis Coast City we thought we'd finally be the big heroes the ones everyone looks up to but in our hubris we lost sight of the hero's duty protecting others at all costs and we can't make that kind of mistake again but still if you ever need us Batman we'll be here so much for heroes Brainiac had barely hit the floor when the arguing started should we kill him keep him alive I couldn't watch them go to war not again so I ran into the Speed Force Brainiac wanted the universe to himself so I dropped him off at the end of history but I still kept running I needed to be alone then I heard a familiar voice it was Jay and the other speedsters a crisis is coming he told me but if we run fast enough together we just might save the multiverse I thought I'd been running away but I was running towards something it's good to believe in Heroes again taking down that green-skinned bastard got me thinking about the people of my earth my universes Brainiac had never come calling I had to warn them by the time I got home it was too late my earth was this close to being gone for her but that's when the strangest family we've ever seen rode in it was a full-on multiverse Justice League they've been hopping between universes battling brainiacs and everyone they couldn't refuse when they asked me to join I've seen what Brainiac can do nobody in any universe should have to face that threat again the Guardians ordered me to bring Brainiac 2o at a stand trial I was plenty happy to put a few thousand light-years between that alien after the trial the Guardians dropped a bombshell on me Sinestro was free busted out of their science cell's frontal assault and the Sinestro Corps was in no go as greens were still weak from fighting Superman's regime that's why I volunteered to go undercover as a yellow lantern DePass I need to reimburse my fear but fear is an addiction once I've picked up that bottle it's gonna be awfully hard putting it back down again I just hope I have the will to see instead face is a vision I love always relish even as I rip the head from his body the alien couldn't believe that a neighbor was taking his life master brainiacs technology is potentially increasing my telepathic power then I enslaved earth humans finally relegated them to that throbber place but my victory over those burning was only the beginning now fully independent brainiacs past knows I am the greatest conqueror of the universe has ever seen I still can't believe it may bring it down Brainiac oh no still that surprised me offering me a spot on the Justice League I'm totally sure he ain't crazy but who says no to that guy you know being good feels good but every now and again every once in a while I get this irresistible urge to go out and bash some ass hopefully be in good ol stick long term till I'm sure my kid Lucy's still gonna know me as her crazy on howleen maybe someday I can give her the real scoop I hadn't begun my day thinking I'd give a warned of the alien Overlord a haircut that was a happy accident but what I first thought a distraction inspired my life's greatest work I found brainiacs collection those bore cities from across the universe trapped aboard a ship there was only one thing to do I restored them and gave earth the reboot it so desperately needed I stitched together a crazy quilt of alien civilizations without regard to rhyme or reason afraid confused devolved to their basest instincts and kill each other in the most sickening ways and I get to sit back lunch popcorn and enjoy the show watching as the world burns of all the men I've charmed Brainiac was the most useful with his helm I finally slaughtered the so called heroes then I whispered in his ear collect every last city on earth and I'll give you a kiss and he did every last City I finally brought human civilization crashing to the ground as for Brainiac he got the kiss he deserved but he was just a fling after all I was going to be busy leading the greenie I should have known there'd be some competition swamp they was sympathy for humans makes him weak the plants now I'm their real Guardian and when the Leafs settle there will be no doubt this world is mine after studying brainiacs blood I tweaked my fear toxin to exploit his a vision biology and as I gained control of his shattered mind I also gained control of his ship I began to explore brainiacs enormous collection soon realizing it was an unprecedented opportunity for study billions of species from millions of worlds each with its own phobias and fear now the skull ship is my laboratory as it glides through the vast darkness of space it's collected beings are subjected to their worst nightmare with each I study my knowledge grow two decades but I will become the universe's greatest master of fear Bruce Wayne was my father and it's no secret I hated him but despite all that he sacrificed himself to save me giving me the chance to stop Brainiac permanently I was so obsessed with escaping the bat shadow that I never appreciated what that symbol really meant not until I saw it stained with my father's blood my blood this symbol is my legacy a legacy of vengeance my name is Damian Wayne son of Bruce grandson of the demon have been called Robin and Nightwing but from now on the world will know me as Batman my hands still shake when I remember brainiacs collection of Krypton I want to give the world he stole a second chance but bonding with brainiacs ship is too risky I need a safer way to restore our cities I'm so glad for the Justice League's help Barry professor Stein they've already taught me so much every day we get closer to reversing brainiacs collection process when we do we'll pick the right star system what Brainiac ruined will be reborn Argo city in Kandor twin cities survivors I couldn't save Colin but I will save our people I vowed to protect the earth but to guarantee its safety I need to expand by fusion brainiacs ship is the ultimate weapon but in my hands it can be so much more millions of civilizations await rebirth and brainiacs collection I'll find the bravest and strongest warriors among them and I'll start a new regime no a new Legion the Legion of super-heroes within I'll bring peace not just to earth but to the entire universe and the universe lie beyond many throughout history have underestimated in this way Brainiac was no different than Superman or Batman they all thought that really earth belong to the green for eons before animals evolved now the trees and plants will remind these animals upon whose planet they reside when the next crisis comes nature will protect itself I stand the green and the dream when Batman tore down the regime man's world called me a tyrant my Amazon sisters disowned me then Brainiac showed earth what a tyrant truly looks like the people begged for deliverance and I gave them brainiacs once again it falls upon the regime to restore peace and order Batman and the traitors who followed him will be punished even Kara zor-el then I will return to the mascara and deal with my sisters if they do not heed my commands they will bow to force so says Diana Princess of the Amazons Slayer of Brainiac obviously Batman and Superman have many questions where did I come from why am I here am i friend or foe it is time to reveal the truth I'm Brainiac 5 a descendant of the original Brainiac but without his homicidal tendencies in the future people fear Coleman's because of my ancestor so I elected to come back in time and fix that now that I'm done I'm going back where I belong the 31st century the Legion of super-heroes will grill me for borrowing a time bubble but all they really need to know is that I'm on their side and always will be long live the Legion the coluan Brainiac was a genius with up here but I am a god I could not allow an errant intellect to steal the object of my vengeance Superman refused to submit to my will denied my conquest of Earth and killed my son Kalibak he suffered and perished but not until I told him exactly what would happen after he died Cara Sorrell proved quite resilient but eventually desaad broke her she is a powerful weapon a natural leader for my new invincible breed of parademons clone from the DNA of Superman himself Superman robbed me of my blood now our school is settled that is the will of Darkseid that felt good titanium composite hollow-point bullets with a c4 kicker fastest most explosive ammo in the world I made them myself with the invasion / Bruce and Superman started fighting again I wasn't down with either of them on the one hand the regime's right scumbag murderers and rapists deserved to die but on the other hand I'm no fan of government authority especially the dictatorial variety so while the world's finest to fight each other I fight for the people the weak the innocent of anyone who can't protect themselves when they cry out for a savior I am answer as for the criminals who threaten them they need to know that their actions have consequences at the Red Hood is coming for them back in the day this victory would have called for a party at Titans Tower the music pill after the mustard with pizza on bottom but these days I have no party mates Raven became a servant of Trigon cyborg he joined the regime Beast Boy has been missing was so long I must assume he is dead Dick Grayson he was my star-crossed soulmate he will never be replaced and now all that's left is me last of the Titans dick would not approve of the moping I only overcame the loss of tamarin by coming to earth and forging new bonds of friendship with the Titans it is incumbent upon me to repeat history to forge new bonds of friendship maybe they're not my Titans but the only way I know to honor my lost friends is to make sure that no matter what there will always be Titans together after all I beat Brainiac that was a victory and victories call for mustered parties [Music] Brainiac stole that Metis that Kingdom had to be wiped from history lost I found just the place guarded by personal savage brothers once upon a time Arthur curry killed my father now that I've killed his kingdom all that remains is to kill the king himself only then will I consider my father's murder avenged only then will that rest and what of Aquaman does he come forward to avenge his own people no he hides behind an alien and an Amazon it won't see them compared to that alien freak Brainiac these three will be fish for the slaughter and when they're dead the world can think Black Manta brainiacs armor made him impervious to harm from the outside at least he'll survive this minor brain surgery he just won't be able to control his scholarship crisis averted I can get back to searching for my missing mentor professor Ray Palmer last year Palmer tove headfirst into the Microverse a subatomic dimension he himself discovered in case he got lost he left behind a trail of clues and designated an asthmatic research fellow yours truly to follow them that trails gone cold which is why I'm upgrading my bio belt with brainiac's technology it's my turn to go subatomic I'm not the strongest the bravest hero out there as a bomber he's an Einstein level genius he trusted me with his astonishing legacy the atom he's not going to let him down when it comes to magic even Brainiac has a lot to learn he thought he could collect the power of the Enchantress so I let him have it and sure enough the old witch ate him alive it was over Brainiac was beaten but even more miraculously The Enchantress was gone after years of that witch feeding on me torturing me corrupting me I'm free no more aliases no evil alter egos I can just be June moon I got my old job back at the design studio I even have a date this Friday piece by piece I'm rebuilding my old life once I did you really think you could dispose of me so easily brainiacs collection was a revelation you and I have been thinking far too small why corrupt one earth when we can be which all 52 I arrived in this realm accidentally driven here by magic unleashed as I forced Kotal Kahn's retreat from earth realm to Outworld I was seeking a route home when Brainiac attacked I could not allow this vile invader to add this planet or myself to his collection in gratitude for my flawless victory that man offered the Justice League's aid while I waited on him to unlock the magic of interim travel I provided valuable combat training to the youngest members of his order but the spells that were devised went awry instead of opening a portal to earth realm they opened a gateway to the Phantom Zone now I fight to reimprisonment and his followers they would not have been freed but for my accidental arrival in this realm I am now duty-bound to protect it as if it were my own [Music] though I had defeated shinnok his corruption of Earth realms jinsei had cracked the barrier between my realm and this one I began having visions of brainiacs collection of this earth I realized that brainiacs actions would soon destroy the barrier among all the realms all life would be annihilated with Brainiac dispatched I tended the injured his wounds to great Kent Nelson could not be saved but as he died he warned me the Armageddon I had foreseen was the design of the Lords of order by destroying reality they would return the multiverse to a perfectly ordered state obliterating chaos to defeat this powerful magic the Justice League turned to this Earth's most proficient wizards and sorcerers I gladly accepted the invitation to join them the Lord's will be contained order and chaos will remain in balance life as we know it will continue somehow brainiacs shanghaied me on a slow boat to this universe faster that big dreams about me being in his collection guess what I've thought about that I be taking Brainiac out certainly got folks attention I got a lot of offer to stick around I got bored quick megalomaniac villains tights wearing heroes really aren't my film what's it they say home is where the heart is but when I got back it was just weren't the same Bureau felt too small it's time for me to hit the road Africa was totally the right call wide open spaces suit me clean air starry skies not surprisingly more than a few monsters to hunt Oh makes for a pretty good life so you're like totally wondering where we vanished off to right it was crying Mikey he SAFF they might not know who Krang is Donnie Shirley Oh Krang is a new troe mian criminal turned intergalactic despot from Dimension X he's known yeah what he said anyway were the biggest heroes in our universe right that's why Krang tried booting us to Dimension X to make way for his new patient but instead we ended up on a different earth way awesomer Krang sent us across the multiverse to a universe vibrating on a unique frequency which is a macrocosmic constellation of enough with the technobabble Don ISIL Raph anyway it shouldn't have surprised us that this new universe had its own intergalactic despot we knew we had to stop Brainiac or else we'd just give to the best part bro once we whip Brainiac I asked that kooky clown lady where to get a good pizza and she's all let me get you titles that supe thought the pizza I swear all my life that pizza was the scrum deadly Krang thought he beat but in the end his whole plan backfired the super salt on Harley's pizza edible nanotech called 5u 93r it temporarily augmented our physiques and durability playing English we became ultra Turtles Krang didn't stand a chance yeah you could say this little adventure gave our turtle power one shell of an upgrade so epic face shredders pretty serious terrible whatever dudes that was funny [Music]
Channel: TechnoZen Gaming
Views: 2,192,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TechnoZen Gaming, TechnoZen, no commentary, PS4 Pro, Injustice 2, endings, batlle simulator, Injustice 2 endings, Injustice 2 all endings, Injustice 2 all arcade endings, Injustice 2 all characters, Injustice 2 all fighter packs, Injustice 2 battle simulator endings, Injustice 2 all multiverse endings, Injustice 2 tmnt ending, Injustice 2 all tower endings, tmnt, enchantress, atom, hellboy, All fighter packs, Injustice 2 ladder endings, Injustice 2 Arcade Ladder Endings, tmnt ending
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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