A New D&D Adventure Begins - Baldur's Gate 3: stream 1

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foreign foreign what is up clever Coop family oops oops oops one second hi everyone happy Thursday to you it's good to see you um this is a totally new stream setup because I am using a different computer tonight um still from Alienware um but I will probably need your help if audio sounds weird we're unusual or anything's out of place obviously don't spam about it please but definitely uh please let me know uh because I had to sort of redo yeah finally set it up exactly not 42 gma's um there was a reason I wasn't setting it up before and I realized that reason wasn't an issue actually and I feel silly about it but yay um so I think everything is mostly good also my hair is a mess because I had showered before this and I really needed to to get my head okay so anyway um anime protagon yeah it'll it'll cool down in a minute just give it a minute let's give it a minute the layers you know what there's one shirt tricked you I played a trick on you you got tricked oh Chloe on Twitch you have a job interview on Monday that's very exciting the good news is you have the weekend between then and now so you can do a little bit of prep you can do a little bit of relaxation I'm sure you're gonna do a great job you're gonna do a great job for you also thank you for gifting to um courtney06 for the first time Chloe on Twitch appreciate you uh I feel like it's a little quiet you know what probably now is the music a little quiet or am I a little quiet because I definitely want to know that um it'll also become very obvious when I'm like starting the game I'm a little quiet okay I'm a little quiet all right let's go up here it'll also be very clear when I'm uh playing the game um because uh that's gonna be a totally different Audio Level situation and we want that to be good so music may be a tiny bit too loud oh my goodness such a Twist such a twist okay cool well good to see y'all thank you for being here yeah it's been a hell of a day I apologize um there was some work stuff that got me a little bit stressed and like so we all have a limit right sometimes little things just build up so it was a few things at work and I was just like oh it's been a day and then um I got home and like I've been wanting so this sounds silly does everyone know what air plants are um air plants are uh just a type of plant that they don't have to be planted in soil um they can just sort of hang out and I'm like that's pretty cool that way I don't have to be really careful about watering them you water them like once a week just by like soaking them they're kind of cool they look really nice um so I was really eager to get some uh for my space because I was like ah there's there's not a lot of life in here and everything is pretty dark I painted a lot of things black so I was like I I want to um I want to like bring some life you know in and so I had been planning to get some air plants I knew where I wanted to order them from I had my cart all filled out and then I was like oh shoot I'm going out of town I can't have them being delivered when I'm not here so I've been waiting for them for like weeks and I finally got them today and I was so excited and I started to set them up in my Planters and I made sure they're safe for cats they're safe for cats so I was like that's a big thing for me uh gotta be safe for the cats um and so I'm like one by one putting them out and just being like oh this one on the table right here and oh this one here all pretty out of the way right and I put one down and I go into my kitchen for like 30 seconds to put another one in a little container and I come back out and my cat my beloved cat love her love her so much Zelda um is already on a table and is knocked over like four or five of them and is eating a sixth and I was just like like it just cats are gonna cat you can't discipline them they're they're cats they don't know what they do but it's literally the kind of thing where it's like some cats chew on shoelaces but not all cats Zelda will do anything to anything it just it drove me nuts and it was just like the thing and I was like oh okay oh this isn't great and then this one sorry if this brings down the vibe I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay but like I then got a text from my mom being like Hey do you remember such and such who used to hang out with in high school and I was like yes what happened and they were like she's like they died of cancer I'm sorry honey it was sudden and I'm like yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep so that's where the day is but also I think streaming will be nice because it will be a nice little distraction so it was a lot of little things and then like one medium big thing obviously a death is a medium big is a very big thing but like I don't I hadn't contacted them in years and years and years it was just a weird moment of like oh they're my age okay you know so it is what it is sorry if that's a downer but I always like to be honest about where I'm at so that's where I'm at but we're also gonna be starting some Dungeons and Dragons um so I'm very excited about that some Baldur's Gate three I'm getting non-stop tick tocks about it I already owned the game so it was like okay tick tock okay clock app here I go I'm gonna play it now we got tiny low Liza drop in five living gift subs thank you very much tiny little Liza getting to Zoe the huntress a particular list a potato brain farmer Arie and then oh creative one well thank you so much for doing that I appreciate you I've been wanting to play D D IRL should I play it um nyg manic um yeah why not if you've been wanting to play it why wouldn't you it's not the barrier to entry isn't very high I know they have like starter kits you know money's money but still um yeah do it it's a lot of fun get together some friends you need to get some frames um kind malware is giving us up to Jessica lee514 thank you so much appreciate you also hi we got a lot of new people here new people have been joining lately and it's really lovely so high thank you for joining I'm Damian I stream Tuesday Thursday Sunday I'm a voice actor I'm a twitch streamer um if you may know me from the YouTube channel Smosh uh uh yeah and uh I do read out uh tips when they roll in uh I don't always get to them right away because I like to talk to chat too so people can talk to me for free um I also read out all the new subscribers and then I read out the re-subscribers at the end of the stream in all one Fell Swoop also read out the sub bombs um thank you so much for anyone who does that you don't have to it is nice when you do so I call it out and then otherwise you do your thing um we got 100 bits from flashy pandas ooh glitter pandas another 101 bits from um flashy pandas demo nacho with three flipping gift subs thank you so much demo nacho gifting to uh pipavi123 uh the the P debt and then death Topia uh yes a nice name for the underworld deathtopia um thank you so much demo nacho welcome to all the newbies welcome on Ian and then oh my gosh the real hey money you generous Mother Goose dropping 10 flipping gift subs thank you so very much I appreciate you oodles the real enemy is gifting to Danger kitten Cosmic keyframe Productions sir Panda excuse me sin Panda sassy Bones Jones pyro J Robertson superclip demo demon of Parts quinton's jelly donut and then Becky James the real hey many thank you so much you are a very generous Mother Goose and I appreciate you oodles if anyone is a new subscriber uh we've got a Discord that's the main sub incentive other than these lovely emotes um so come on come on down do you see the Joel Haver uh ball just get three video on YouTube so I haven't watched any um Baldur's 3 content intentionally yet tick tock's just like yeah you're a nerd uh you'd probably like this you Google d d here you go and I'm like okay um so now I'll probably look stuff up my guess is this is the type of game where I'm gonna get into it and start enjoying myself and then later I'm gonna get a tick tock that's like the strongest item in the early game of bold Escape 3 can actually be found in the starting area by looking at the chest behind the area in which you start you can actually find a weapon that carries you through the rest of the game and I'll be like damn it I have to start over you know oh yeah it is um a thousand bits from Nick and Jay thank you so much I appreciate you and then Floridian dropping five flipping gift subs thank you for neon for gifting to 1995 poppy how do you like your tea um Taylor's big schmoove and 28 and then Okie Gabby um those are all newbies flirting on thank you so much appreciate you I'm here for the sexy video game vampire TBH says uh b-ball and Becca yeah you know I did notice I did notice a lot of Rumblings about a Wampire um actually I think that part's a spoiler some character who is pretty clearly a vampire right off the bat but you know so I did play this early access right it came out a couple years ago in Early Access form I think I even streamed some of it I wasn't feeling it in its Early Access form but I think in its complete form it's um it's a delightful it's a delightful situation so I think I think this will change up things for me I've never heard of any Baldur's Gate so I'm curious uh so the real Harmony it really is just d and d and by that I don't I don't just mean like oh there's elves and dwarves I mean like if you want to do something it's going to be like your strength is at 16. roll the dice and then you do and it's like ooh you rolled a four you didn't do well enough and it actually shows you the dice like it is solo DND I mean you can play it with friends um but hey and the hype train is going strong thank you so much it's based on the d d handbook yes it's 5e right I will say my favorite fighter class that I've started playing as recently is not in the game but maybe there will be a DMC one day DmC Devil May Cry DLC there we go okay oh we got Cujo plays games what's up Cujo who I met at Gen Con drop in five living gift subs thank you so much Cujo appreciate you um for anyone who's new here by the way we do talk for like five ten minutes and then I hop into the game uh so don't you worry uh KJ uh awaits says is it just me or is the audio and video not in sync that would be good to know because again this is a new setup tonight is there an issue hmm it's slightly off oh shoots I think I know what the problem would be too and I don't know if it's something I can change while I'm streaming let's see here hold on hold on hold on yeah you cannot change your stream settings while you're live gosh dang it just do a little refresher maybe yeah fraction of the second so maybe it'll be a little off today and then we'll switch it for later um we got Big Papa Smurf dropping five flipping gift stops Oh but before that I gotta read cujo's Cujo thank you for gifting to transducks uh XJ tone two uh XJ to mc2 I think I don't know uh Lindsay Camille FN Flamingo 86 and then polka Dotties thank you so much big Papa Smurf also dropping five flipping gifts they say try snapping to see how off it is I don't know you know what I actually noticed the delay on um my own camera I think it's I think it's the bit rate through which I am bringing in the camera that is the issue isn't it um that sucks oh output resolution on 1920 1080. there we go done no that's still gonna be worse ah whatever whatever screw it it's gonna be fine um Big Papa Smurf thank you for getting to Angel gabarb the Harley of the parliament of owls uh KJ ohiza uh Zach 765 and then Jess next door thank you so much um all right would you ever play Celeste I just started and love it so that's just the kind of game that's always like on my roster of like oh yeah I should play that but like there just ends up being another game being out at the time and I stream something else and I get caught up in the rabbit hole of Zelda or maybe Baldur's Gate so like yes I would play it maybe I'd stream it one day but realistically you know uh probably probably not for a while it's not like huge up on my list right now um and then Chloe on Twitch also getting the mar star 929 thank you Chloe we got Becky James giving to Anna mcarulo and I'm making room no thank you appreciate you um any of you guys like magic the Gathering oh I love Magic the Gathering in fact someone very kindly sent to my PO Box um the The Hobbit deck uh from The Lord of the Rings The pre-con Hobbit deck which is really cool and a lot of fun so Chris thank you so much for doing that I will say um when something gets sent to my mailbox uh it has to be sent to me I believe Chris accidentally put their name on it so my mailbox was like legally you shouldn't be receiving this I'm like okay I'm pretty sure it's for me though can I have it and they were like yes but you shouldn't and I'm like okay then they're like tell any of your friends to send something that to your name and I'm like okay I can't I can't control a bunch of people but I'll try so Chris no no sorry he's needed um that was very nice Chris Salmons or Chris Chris almonds I don't know how to say your name but that was very very nice um thank you so much I appreciate you um if you considered drank for your Baldur's name well that's not my name that I came up with that's one that Shane came up with yeah that Tick Tock I posted today we filmed that weeks ago I was very surprised to see it today I'm like oh there it is but that was nice um so thank you uh Zara welcome to you first time watching the stream it's a delightful stream we got a lot of new people tonight so everybody just make sure you peep the rules to make things easy for our beloved mods if you uh have any issues please reach out to one of the mods I know Andrew J Noe is here tonight nightbot is here tonight but nightbot is not a real person but Andrew is anybody with a sword next to the name like Wayward Jaybird um they are all good ones to reach out to if you have any issues um 100 bits from thank you say quick hi to Bella hi Bella um and then uh let's see here we've got 100 bits from oh that was already you uh and then it's Nicole getting to alen G thank you so much in a minute y'all um I'm gonna introduce the stream properly and we're gonna hop into the game because I've been itching to play this I'm so itchy um uh let's see here oh fan from Brazil well hi Rico thanks for popping in one day I'll come to Brazil one day um a real ham and he dropping 10 more gifts UPS yo we haven't had a hype train like this in a minute level five real Harmony thank you so much for getting to Victoria 29 Benson zek won you or maybe zeklu I don't know uh Susan stohellit uh bunky chubby chit uh Bennett mickley uh banjo matui uh Phoenix Nexus yes drama llama and then uh K Bart plays thank you so much I appreciate you have you been to Scotland yet no I've not named McLeod I've not been to Scotland and if I tried to do my accent for the Scottish people they'd be like what are you doing you're not doing it right and I'd be like I know I'm sorry I'm lying about the accent that I cannot that I can't do I can't do the accent um I will say uh even though my airplanes got chewed up by my beasts already which makes me uh uh uh deeply sad um let me really quickly I'm gonna Post in the Discord uh my little my little air plant display table um because I thought it was nice even if it's getting moused I think it's nice and I'm just gonna show you for a minute even if it's not long for this world and I have to figure out a different way to do things I'm gonna plop it in that Discord I'll do it in general I mean again anybody who is is new here today who has received the sub um you are able to see the this so let me just do that real quick oh come on Discord is so wacky when you try to like attach a photo it's like okay you know do you want to look at an album like yeah I want to look at the album over here and they're like what scrolling away okay you don't want to post anymore and I'm like you're wrong you're wrong okay there's a post there is it's a bit clutter it's nice for now it's nice for now all right um real hammy thank you so much that was Bonkers generous you didn't have to do that and it's very very nice of you you just thought the crime miloso we should definitely take definitely take record of that somehow but I'm glad you're in chat too to talk that's lovely hey 25 thank you so much I call people the wrong name as well Damon okay I'll take it thank you you know what there was an article posted today on Screen Rant about an anime that I'm in which was really cool because they were really praising it and the voice acting so I'm like yeah but they spelled my name wrong and it happens all the time so you know what that's okay that's okay hey thanks for liking the display tiny little eyes I appreciate you I had to hide all the plants while I'm waiting for the stream to be over because I don't want my Beast to battle it bottle it um but thank you very much for the tips yeah they did Ian instead of ien you know it is what it is um I do see the tips rolling in y'all um I will read those out once we hop into the game properly I want to make sure we get uh some time to actually do the thing I do want to shout out some new subscribers though who are new on their own subscribing on their own everybody please give a spicy clever Coop welcome to mathematics Small Talk 94 chimpy Nim fair and Damien little stoned guy always a peach discount Fergie a big pigeon uh Dylan Lantos gifted by smack talk oh it's not small talk it's smackdock thank you very much um mettaton bunny uh lemony Drew uh it's Nick it's not cold it's it's no chol I don't know I think it's it's Nicole um mirila and the Cujo plays games Kelly Kells arrows Isla yo-yo trash kid gifted by Anonymous thank you to whomever you may be and then finally uh Thomas this tomothy's ham I love that I love that tomothy stealing that I'm using that somewhere borrowing it I'm not stealing it you still have it um thanks so much y'all all right um well it's lovely to see you and again uh for voice acting stuff uh there is a sag strike right now so while I'm still able to record anime I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to talk about it some people still do and I think that's fine but it's kind of a gray area right now so I'm playing it safe as much as I'd love to sing it from the rooftops um I'm gonna probably check in with my agent tomorrow just to make double triple sure um but if you're curious there's an article on Screen Rant about an anime I'm in and it's pretty neat so if you want to share it that's fine I can't um but thanks for all the gifts up tonight yo this is Bonkers nice especially being gone for so long this is this is really really nice um Amanda and Davis Drop in Six sex thank you very much uh gets a new kid Caden grandflex demon dog Rex Sarah 16 La Luli and then it's Bianca Jade um thank you so much Oreos are chill says Tony danz you know what Tony dance Oreos have never been my thing and I get I get that I'm the outlier here it is normal to like Oreos Oreos are objectively good for most people just don't hit for me just don't hit for me I will say if it's a Halloween edition and it's orange color I know the flavor is no different I do like it a little more um and then Alfie subscribing for the first time as well as shiny yamper um thank you so much oh God we have so many viewers tonight we're gonna hop into this game soon here because I'm excited to create these characters um but before I do that y'all who are sort of veterans here uh know exactly what I'm about to do here so we have a question of the day it's a tradition on my stream um just to get the brain going get everybody active in that stream and uh it's different every time just kidding it's the same every time and that question is who do we have in the chat today we got ozphier Jane Newcomb the Samantha Anna we got demon of parks uh we got uh thanks you damn uh novakola Aqua oh well I was born oh woo uh the Emily Moriarty Rachel and mu Noah Cola we got X cookie zumbel it's Nicole uh flea Rosine radical the ginger app Nikki does not know dark princess demo nacho Lucy Starkey Florian Kenya we got wicked wicked a kid named Zai gooly hubby Rosa Elena Rico brackets Brown Bibi uh Boogie alarm pants Orca s Ashley series emeraldine uh Erie Medusa anxious delinquent dummy think garlic breath midnight fix and fox unknown mxr the Elise uh Rachel the longhorn cmid ethanol mashed potatoes roadhog Audrey Raven cause storm care burrito uh we've got Skywalker nerdy chick flutters shy Kai uh we got HC uh the adorkable foodie we got myth and Meadow we got Duke of the world flannel code Frady oh we got Orchid stream what's up to bond brother Royale uh nyg manic Thorson what's up to Lindsey the photographer the duck is Lord lovely night Small Town singer robots fare and Damian we got miloso Elias what's up to sayonara Brea ghosty goob uh we got moving cat Sketcher lays uh Rose uh Nemo has been found a Christopher spelled in the most difficult way possible but I still got there always Lively Sammy girl Beth Ben uh the the uh hi Damian is Quinn we got Marissa buddy Ellen a puff okay Omni the the silent cry two men in the count that's right oh there are too many people here for science to count because science doesn't have that many numbers uh that being said they're working on it every day so hopefully we keep giving them a run for their money in the meantime if I didn't say hi to you right off the bat guess what I'm sure I'll see you at some point during the stream so hang out and chat or you can lurk too that's totally fine there's no obligations here just make sure you be respectful to people and read those rules to make things easier for the mods because we love our mods um and that's it that's it so let's hop into the video game here and again totally new setup today on my new Alienware Aurora R15 R6 let me Google this real quick R15 that's what I got that's the one um which I haven't set up for the longest time okay so here's here's the reason I hadn't set it up right so I my last computer had 64 gigs of RAM a lot of rain really good um I'm something of a gamer myself uh so sorry uh so I was like yeah that's what I need and this new version has 32 gigs of RAM and I was like oh well everything else is a major upgrade it's only got 32 gigs of RAM I don't know about that hmm um and so I was like I'm gonna swap out the Ram one for the other and then I realized oh shoot I think they're a different clock speed like I think I uh I don't know if I can do that and so I just been putting it off for the longest time and then I realized 32 gigs of RAM is awesome for a computer and plenty fine for a gaming situation the last ram ddr4 versus ddr5 I think they're both ddr5 so maybe they could both work but I didn't risk it it's gonna be fine ever play Demon Souls oh quack attack soulsborne games are my favorite we uh we played Demon Souls on this year's stream this very stream upon which your eyeballs rest are you not a cookie person or do you have beef with Oreo specifically well it's not I'll say this it's not beef I have a problem with Oreos it's just like if someone plops down some Oreos they'll be like I'll have an Oreo sure but it's not like oh Kevin brought the Oreos now it's a party you know what I mean uh but cookies are great just a plain old delicious chocolate chip cookie messed me right up um all right it's uh it's slowly running this is the first game I will have run on this computer so it's taking a second to like resolve install the uh the uh Microsoft VC redistributable situation I wonder how long the character creation is going to take it's probably going to take a minute big booty Elson because we're gonna have some fun with it let's have some fun with this thing it's a quote wolf from Super smashing Brothers Ultimate Game um yeah it's probably gonna take a minute because I also don't know what class I want to play yet I I feel like do I want to go um the devil may sing did anyone see that please can we get some sub bombs and generous run against the chat we just got 50 flipping gift subs from the devil may sing are you kidding me that's real nice of you holy beans thank you well now I'm glad that the game is taking a minute to install the script here because this is oh okay the temple may sing is gifting New Jersey froggy while himself got the strange glitch Witch uh big black rice uh spaghett AI Bunny and nadan Savannah Vamp last of his kind gaming VCW ferret lovely Mackenzie oh God the thing popped up in the thing um La Casa fatty lime Indie rabbit uh as Ray UE um as Ray I don't know how to say it Megan X here for a ghosty Rolo Eden Eden Key um Beth Emma teeny bobini if ifbos trying to make me sound like I'm saying a thing uh Marty effin epidemic uh unknown Raven be wheat uh Luna poodle bowler Brolin uh cyan dread Elite confusion love Blondie ham swirl uh a real Melody a little Gremlin the Blind Eye Richie nicktronic bloomerate botino jamilo uh SEC I.T guy uh can't uh kumquat monkey fan uh avian lights Starling the a the magic pumpkin talks up eyes of link and then zentec the devil may sing thank you so much for that that was a lot of words I just had to splurge out just now but I did it and I thank you so much that's real nice of you and I greatly appreciate it Oodles of much signing up for learning again what if I don't want to sign up for a learning account do I have to sign up for a Larry and account does anyone know I have to sign up for Larry in order to play this game uh the devil maker I really appreciate that a lot that was bronkers nice of you um so truly thank you all right so people are saying no oh I can press this so I have to do the I'm going to do this button and then it tells me just kidding you can skip it why are you even worried you can skip it okay cool let's hop into this here video Jane um thank you so much that was really nice of you and then Taylor's biggest schmooch dropping 100 bits thank you so much all right let's hop over to the PC gameplay this is going to take a second it's not gonna pop up right away no it certainly isn't oopsie doopsy poopsie scoopsy um all right so here's what I'm gonna do here my camera is working so I'm gonna copy this I'm gonna paste it for PC gameplay that's right I'm a professional no again if you're just joining me uh new computer situation today okay new computer situation today I'm all the way down here am I out of focus now no yes yes [Music] what's the deal out of focus me yes kinda I'm gonna have to deal with the um the computer stuff a little later y'all I don't know what the camera's doing right now but you know we'll figure it out later um all right let's see here uh Larry Baldur's Gate that's the game that's the video game I want to see I'm gonna quiet down this music all right so now we just get to see how is everything sound I accept whatever the hell you just said yep um I'm gonna I'm sorry everyone everybody who's looking for a little bit of spice a little bit of spice uh I'm gonna say no nudity because it's a stream and I love streaming on Twitch and I don't want them to make me stop so I'm going to say no nudity if if you wanted nudity just imagine for yourself what everything probably looks like think about an elf now think about his butt there you go done I always make it a little bit brighter for stream because otherwise y'all are gonna have a hard time seeing it imagine if you will butts and boobs and wean and bajinjo imagine if you will Baldur's Gate let's crank up the video on this thing yeah that's right baby we got a 40 90 on this day oh maximum frame rate who cares uh Auto detect model quality uh oh there's no Ultra here okay there's an ultra there's an ultra there's an ultra I think I think we're gonna be I think we're gonna be sitting pretty y'all they're gonna be sitting pretty y'all I think we're going to ultra mode post processing I think we should probably do some high quality post processing it's in quality post hey that was a quality post my guy let's do some let's try that Nvidia dlaa Porter denoise God Rays all right let's go back I'm assuming there's gonna be the prettiest thing any of us has ever flipping seen do we have a vods channel so sketch your legs so you must be new here so hi um I've been wanting to do one for so long and this is the type of game where I should probably do that huh um I just don't have very much time and I'm at a place where like I I don't I can't fully afford to like pay an editor what they deserve to cut down things and do that and then I've had people be like well I could do this for free I love the streams I would love to edit for you and then I'm like well no because I do make some money off of twitch and so I'd feel bad just being like give me the thing for free but also I don't make enough to be like I'm gonna hire an employee so it's this weird Middle Ground so maybe one of these days new game I I'm assuming there's going to be a um a cut scene like there was in the in the original situation in the Early Access and then uh and then it'll be like but wait I forgot what do you look like and then we'll do that Explorer the story before combat balanced a balanced Adventure full of challenging choices probably balanced right but story before combat might be better for stream but also I don't want to go on no baby mode I'm not trying to be no 80 mode um let's see here VOD channels straight up uploaded the whole VOD with no edits maybe angels will fly I mean maybe I should I do have a YouTube channel it has a fair amount of subscribers and I've just only uploaded one video ever you guys would just watch the uncut VOD yeah I guess all right maybe yeah maybe I'll just do that then I should do that huh oh yes the Bots do get uploaded in twitch but they go away after a few weeks um all right so I think probably balance is challenging as is but you know D D so you'll probably be fine says bug man oh um if it is challenging maybe I should do Explorer just so we can explore and enjoy and not get our crap rocked all the time what do y'all think while I'm while I'm waiting here I do want to say thank you and welcome to um Halo storm 37 cryptic formula the devil may sing nyg manic ethereal L and then Percy Percy gets it by Chloe on Twitch a very spicy thank you so much um update without addition oh I like that um balanced explore a balanced explore wow literally equals balance no baby mode balance is very casual story practically is not a game all right well then there you go that's put it like that oh allow access Windows that's Boulder you'll have to let me know the audio is here too Once Upon a Time there is no noise if anyone's worried about the audio is it supposed to be this noiseless oh I was clicked off the screen that's weird I was like wow we're like stuck in a tube like obviously um you're about to George Washington her your blood hurts we should take your blood that was medicine up until like right now still very quiet okay I'll turn it up [Music] oh okay okay that's in my bottom 10 things I've ever seen holy mother of God saddle up honky tonk this is Baldur's Gate baby no baby mode for this how are we on that volume this is a mature game y'all just saying it's gonna be a thing no it's a lamprey like a land lamprey well the good news is that can't happen in every scene enable tutorials okay so the dark urge I heard is an interesting lineage where you can still make it whoever you want to be oh wait origin characters no I don't wanna I Wanna Be accustomed yeah I don't want to be a rando weirdo I'm going to be a custom origin but these are the characters we're gonna meet along the way it's astarion he's apparently very Suave and roguish and everyone loves talking to him in game that's Lazelle she's real mean to you but for some reason everyone wants to give her smooches we'll see if I need even more therapy that's Gail this one's Shadow heart she's also I remember her also being very mean to me this is will he seemed cool when I played originally and I never met Carlock in the earlier game but she's Purdy and then the dark urge yes I remember now all right so we got all kinds of different races here so we got an elf we got a tiefling I'm gonna be talking about this in a way that is accessible to people who have not experienced a whole lot of D and D content so I might be nerding out a little bit here um please forgive me I hope it's not too like um actually but you know I want to make sure people understand so tiefling I've never really played as but they are um pretty cool they're they're little uh demon folk they're basically half demons um High Charisma so they're gonna make great warlocks great bars they're just good talkers these are elves also High Charis wait are all of them actors okay so this is what my character is right now because they have me playing as a sorcerer we're gonna change that um a drow is a dark elf um they live in this spooky dark place but they're still an elf um and they're pretty neat and I think they can see in the dark yeah they can see in the dork um we got humans I would never play a human in a game like this I don't know why you would um let's see we gotta get Yankee um their faces sure are something it it's a choice it's a choice oh so they get magehand that's pretty cool that's like a magical floaty hand where you're like dang I sure do want to steal those keys over there but the problem is someone's gonna see me what it's like whip whip and there's like a magical little like cousin it that's all spectral and then they can do that uh dwarf is a dwarf you know that that's your boy Gimli I'm strong and stout and beefy boys there's a half elf uh an elf done gave smooches to a person and vice versa where the ganasi see uh Spades a Ramirez I feel like they're gonna probably do DLC content later that's my guess halfling that's basically a hobbit it's Mr Frodo Mr Samwise billboard bargains and previously Golem we got gnomes they're little tinkerers they make and craft little things they're smart little guys they're quick and Nimble and they're smart and crafty we got Dragonborn I don't know how they happened but they are dragons I don't know if uh uh a smooch Giver from humans and a smooch Giver from dragons got together um and then we have half Orcs which is interesting that they don't have full-on Orcs but these are strong boys so I'm thinking Scott go go hippo go and it I'm gonna play around with some other things first and we we might we might do go go hippo go I just want to um explore all sorts of stuff here we got different body types okay we've got a beefy lad you know if we're gonna be doing hippo let's let's go as though we're going to be hippos Dragonborn were created as servants two dragons by the dragons no hanky-panky interesting so they can just be like I have chosen that life exists now um okay so we got the asmodeus teethling now we get to choose sort of their subclass so what do we got here bound to nessus the deepest layer of the hells these tieflings inherited the ability to wield fire and darkness from the archdale's into infernal bloodline we got the magical Mr Mistoffelees that's cool magehand I I wouldn't mind magehand and then these guys get thalmaturgy which is interesting if that's the only real difference I sure wouldn't mind having magehand now let's take a look you know what you know let's edit appearance first this is gonna be the fun part so we got all kinds of things this is a we chose pretty face look at that that's that's a handsome strapping lad right there so we might you know what I might make um historically when we make our um our stream mascot it he's pretty um interesting looking I might try to make them a little bit more a little bit more on the handsome side this time but very much coded as our mascot you know what I mean um so hippo historically has the the lightest skin possible to the point where you're worried about his health um oh but it just becomes like skin I wanted like I wanted like Lily snow like we put the slider all the way down and now I'm worried hmm okay well that's so yeah we'll try that for now yeah you know if you click on the same things over and over it doesn't actually change uh what's happening there um oh also there we go that's the spice yeah give me the good ones give me all the secret ones you're hiding um oh still they're still just not gonna have still just not gonna have white okay oh that's that's a little it's a little gray little palette I mean that's pretty close we can pretend that that's pretty close nope um yeah we can pretend that that's a thing that's pretty bright he's a little spooky guy okay okay that's fine so we did that scarring ooh yeah I mean we're gonna be doing this for a minute y'all um so don't you worry no scar oh he's got little Ravens that's so cool um maybe he has scars from his days in Dark Souls so hippo is our is our Dark Souls character and our Demon Souls character um yeah that's actually kind of cool that's a it's a dashing scar or we can go full Squall from uh yeah let's go squall from Final Fantasy 8. um maturity yeah I want him on the younger side um no freckles no frackles Vitiligo pigmented oh well probably not probably not because it's it's in that pattern specifically um let's uh let's find the let's find The Voice let's hope the locals are friendly let's hope the locals are friendly Hills be wary beware is plate it's opened it's open I want more of this hope the locals are friendly let's hope the locals are friendly Harold help just be wary beware this place is trapped [Music] ratchet things there's magic keeping this chest sealed I guess someone has a little bit of Mischief to it as someone who's had seven voice-over sessions in the past two weeks I'm really tuned in right now it's been great I'm so tired but I love it um but I'm really digging the slight sense of Mischief in this I sense that there's like a bit of like he's knowledgeable but he doesn't want you to know it yeah where to next not not where to next it's where to next he's got an upload at the end I like it it's mischievous we're gonna keep this body art my body is not art my body is graffiti uh probably no body art right now um eyes ooh heterochromia is always cool but demonic white um all eye colors red oh red is actually very pretty on him that's that's very hippo coated yeah let's go with the oh flame oh that's real different no thank you no thank you I don't like that red actually that one's pretty cool I like that hmm yeah let's do that cool makeup oh yeah we're gonna need a little bit of a because he's got that very light complexion we're gonna need some form of eye shadow or liner because that's going to give him like his eyes are gonna pop right yeah that's I mean that looks better already that looks better already I'm saying I'm gonna go just I'm just gonna go with this um we're gonna do eye makeup color do we want to do like a gray oh that's pretty that's cool I like that like that yeah that's that's pretty cool hair now here's our here's what we're gonna do with hippo right I guess we can't do all hair colors brown red and I want red red dog red Red Dog red one that's pink red two that's pink I got three that's red and then that's okay so that's the red we're gonna want for if we're if we're making a hippo which is fine I don't know if we'll go with hippo's traditional haircut which is usually the ugliest bowl cut we can find or there is also the option that we can just try to make me as close as possible we can do you know what I'm gonna do a poll actually because I realize for something like Baldur's Gate this may be an interesting thing to have it be like this is me and this is my stream you know what I mean um so um who is our character uh yep Damien Haas or go hippo go I'm gonna give it three minutes I'm gonna continue proceeding as though I'm doing hippo but we'll see Highlights Highlights Highlights unless it's actually where nope can't even notice them all right graying it's not graying I want it red I want the gray to be red won't I all right so let's take a look at all of the oh wait opacity oh my God beautiful son of a gun pretty sick no red six pretty cool all right so let's take a look at the hair possibilities all right not for hippo not for hippo but oh these are cool poppy Bud oh that's pretty isn't it pretty isn't it furled wings okay um I'm not gonna click on all of these partial eclipse that's an interesting new way to say Skrillex I think you could be Envy in this game you can easy peasy we did just discover that foxtail that's pretty cool that was my pandemic haircut I wish um all right here [Music] um was that say hubris why is this called hubris how on Earth would that be hubris Oh see now now we're getting into the pretty boys look at that that's some that's some pretty boy swag right there Mongoose tail lots of ponytails lots of ponytails on this day hey the real hey Minnie dropping 10 flipping gift subs thank you so much the real hey man you generous Mother Goose gifting the soup monster Roxas baby yeah eat owl for their one year clever first we happy clever Mercury I will thank you mad Rackham that guy uh that guy you know uh uh dubbin Pitch Black it's artemy Sierra stew and then Master Aponte thank you the real Harmony and I realize I am missing tips I will read that I'm out soon I'm a little behind the first one that came in was 42 minutes ago I'm sorry it's just I'm I'm focusing on this for a minute but I will start reading them in a second here yeah Faye wild trickster that's just like a close cropped cut I guess it does look very fake that's what in the Zac Efron what in the Ian Hecox Anthony Padilla 2005 15. um this is I don't know about that one chief um yeah okay so we did that so theoretically this is probably what we would have given hippo if we do end up giving uh doing hippo oh that's that's cool I like the way that it sort of locks up there organ oh with an astounding 82 y'all want me to make me well then let's go back and do that real quick thank you very much yeah that's my voice nope not me that dude looks sleepy actually I think we're probably gonna have to change uh the skin tone as well back to like person um palad tone yeah I'm pretty pallid I do have a little bit of olive to my cool tone but that's not really shown here I guess the neutral tone how boring am I my skin tone is neutral tone one come on man that's nine to my face that's definitely not that's not this is I wish my face I don't think I look like that this looks like Vin Diesel I can't do that that doesn't look like me what face kind of looks like me head either head one I don't love head four or head three head three is pretty I might just say I look like that head three you think so okay thank you um I don't have any scars no I don't no I don't I don't have any freckles um I don't have any face body art um eyes are probably not red they're probably going to be that light brown or that like Honey Honey brown hazelnut s [Music] yeah a little bit a little bit of hazelnut right there that's what we're looking for I'm Gonna Keep the eye makeup because I feel like if I was in a in a fantasy battle I'd probably keep my eyes looking all fanciful where's the five o'clock shadow that's a damn good question because I can't get rid of mine that is a damn good question all right so then now we're looking for hair that is more accurately close to my hair I suppose or what I would wear in a fantasy setting Orchestra wings it's kind of Awesome but also ridiculous uh Maudlin pixie see now I'm just Lord Farquaad there oh I'm taking that to my haircut person that's actually not far off from what I have now I kind of love that Precision bolt it's even got a cool name yeah Precision Bolt hair color I mean I mean y'all they even got the blurple oh my God we're about to be so good at video game you guys okay so someone asked about the five o'clock shadow asking nope I thought that was gonna be five o'clock shadow I am quite surprised you see that I'm gonna go and say no on that one though I can grow a very Mighty beard okay so I can't have different I can't have different uh facial hair color it seems like a bit of a miss um yeah none of that then um horns all right so obviously I am myself not a tiefling but if I'm gonna have little horns they might as well be cool little horns for a cool little guy those are pretty aggressive I guess that doesn't look too far off from me it does it does look like my own obviously like yossified version where I'm like yeah I look like that no I don't but they offer full spikes those are interesting that's kind of cool t-shirts would be a nightmare oh my God you're right it is Boodles oh that's so funny if any of you are new here I played a character on a Smosh series that very much took after like tiefling Vibes I kind of like the Gilded aspect of this the gold grafted I mean that's that's fancy right there uh these are cool they're very like trickstery split horns nah dagger Peaks [Music] actually that's kind of cool these are kind of cool so for me I'd say it's between the spirals which are a little aggressive looking at it now I think these gold gold ones are fine but from far away it's kind of like and I kinda I kind of don't hate the uh the ram horns the disc coils Digi and stygian skewers are kind of cool blade horns yeah I mean those aren't too aggressive either I mean I kind of I kind of dig this this isn't so bad right too bad the coiled horns are just like a little aggressive it's a little aggressive these are cool too is the red on purpose what do you mean is someone potentially behind on stream you still have the red highlights oh that's what you mean okay got it thank you no highlights please I'd only like the hairball hairball highlights there we are [Music] I don't hate having some well highlights there though all highlight colors yeah let's go um let's get down to the uh where's the Violet we had Violet a minute ago and that's kind of cool purple purple plum burgundy no Violet here oh whatever I kind of missed the like reddish highlight aspect of it though yeah I mean that was kind of cool you don't need it too crazy here but like having some reddish purple in there is an interesting little highlight I like that yeah all right confirm we're getting there y'all we're getting there bear with me here horn color oh we can choose one color that's so cool light cool red oh no no fuchsia no I think we can just do white and leave it at that currently silver you want silver very warm there's no silver she'll be great yeah no I don't need that why you match one now that we have this color just one last little look we got last looks here I think uh I think we go with the fancy gilded boys all right I think we're about good and so now we have to pick class I know this is going to take a minute thanks for bearing with me y'all fleshy tail is definitely no no oh yeah no that looks like a person tendril well so it goes um all right so as a tiefling here's what I'm thinking there are a few different routes I can go if I were to be a bard as I am in real life um you're really good at persuading people we can talk about different things and just convince people to not fight us or just give us free stuff hey Nick Meyer was just gifted a sub what's up Nick Meyer that's my buddy right there that's my friend right there Nick say hi to people hey Nick also streams so first of all Nick I'm gonna I'm gonna click on you right here real quick I think I already follow you um no I do not so let's do that so Nick is my buddy y'all um I'm gonna add you as a VIP Nick Meyer here we are welcome Nick thanks for being here it's Nick from Tick Tock and other things the lots of voice actor um so thank you so much for dropping that sub Amanda Davis appreciate you and Nick welcome on in your member of the clever Coop now we're making a fancy boy we're designing and based on nothing it's whatever don't worry about it it's not me um and again y'all I know I'm behind on tips I will read them out soon um thank you all right so if we are a Bard we're gonna be convincing people of things a lot more than we are fighting and we're also going to be supporting our other Heroes while they try to do other stuff it's not a bad idea you know Nick you don't have to text me pictures of your feet but I do appreciate it I Rogue in Early Access and I didn't love it um as much as I love Rogue and other games and stealing things it just wasn't the move for me I don't think I'd ever be a cleric Druid is cool Druid is cool because you can transform into Critters right you can transform into Little Critters and uh like there are even ways you can make yourself like a giant animal and just jump off a cliff and land on someone and then you just crush them to death so that's that's kind of cool and then you also get to talk to animals so that's big so for me I do I would do Bard I would do Druid there's also fighter which is good you just hit something with a sword you don't have to think that much you're really strong and you just do the thing or last option a paladin Paladin is cool because they do have a lot of extra um strength um and you can do some extra like Smite magic it's really really really powerful um Bard or Druid you know what so tieflings do have some extra strength and some extra Charisma so it would definitely be a Bard or Druid situation you know he got warlock he got wizard all these things are really cool um everyone's saying Bard okay so let's let's check this out then let's do this here what about the sorcerer though I've never been much of a sorcerer guy in DND stats are not based on race they're not no but they do get cerences as a as a critter like this right right no lay on hands is for healing you know that's a good thing Druids have canned trips as well which is cool bards have some canned trips all right so I I feel like I'd be happy with either Bard or Druid so I am going to leave this up to a poll I think they're both going to give us some really interesting options um to take down things again we can convince people of stuff you can steal something and be like no I didn't and they're like yeah yeah no you didn't and then you're like yeah bye piss off you're like okay um so that's that's a big one um and then Druid is like you can talk to animals you can become an animal it's definitely going to be better for battle than like naturey things we maybe won't be as good at talking to people or as sneaky it's sort of a jack of all trades situation while also being a Caster in the unique animal aspect of things so I'm I'm fine either way Bard or druid I'm gonna do a two minute pull for this now I'm finally gonna start reading out uh tips and stuff like that so thank you very much um all right we got Duke of the world drop in six six bucks 66 cents thank you very much but Duke of the world says took a long weekend from work good to see you hope you enjoy the game thank you so much I really appreciate that um yeah I mean I would um I think that's really smart having a having a long weekend from work is pretty flipping awesome I think I saw Tick Tock the other day that like having Monday off is so much better than having Friday off with that being said if I had Friday off I wouldn't complain um oh Anonymous gift that is sub to critical role that's awesome I wonder how many like random gift Subs they get every day um but that's wild thank you so much for doing that that's very sweet um I don't think critical role is in chat but if they are all right probably not it's a Thursday night um but anyway um thank you so much I appreciate you um Duke of the world and I appreciate you Anonymous um all right so let's see here uh we also got Tiara dropping four dollars and 20 cents nice man he is the we made him beefy I mean it's wild um thank you very much um and so uh Tiana says hey mate not watching live today as I'm catching up with friends and IRL comes first smart and I love that and that's great and I agree um but I hope you and the coop have an amazing first stream cannot wait for the shamian show to come back also parcel ETA Monday or Tuesday next week that's awesome thank you so much um can't wait to see it appreciate you a lot looking forward to it um that's very nice of you okay but give yourself some credit well thank you Rosa Elena but I haven't worked out in like a month so you know you're always at where you're at and that's fine but can you change your tail color because oof I don't think so don't tail shame he's a sweet guy he's a sweet boy he's doing his best um for those curious about the Damon and Shane stuff yes there was an incentive today during a make this text message I swear to God Nick if this is your feet uh Nick called me pretty and then got modded um so I appreciate the mods very much and they are doing exactly as I would generally ask of them um mods thank you for doing that however Nick is a close friend of mine and we sometimes have flirty joking moments um so I'm doing okay no you're okay you're okay with Jaybird you're okay you did exactly what you're supposed to do but but Nick gets a pass and I will give him a talk to later but thank you very much um all right so Druid it is which I think is actually pretty cool um we got some good spells here we got some good um spells okay we got some good can trips corn whip is all right I think I would keep shalali and uh probably use magehand said uh but this is awesome okay so we're gonna make a strong plant boy I kind of flipping love this um name Damien Haas from twitch no it's just gonna be Damien um thank you so much this is very exciting a Nature Boy of all people and then we need a guardian I uh I got a tick tock that was just like Martha Martha I'm coming home sweetie I'm finally out of the building and then it gets to this it's like I'm back in the damn building it's the it's whatever the audio audio is anyway um we need a guardian I don't even know what this means so we're going to make a very quick Guardian oh our Guardian should be hippo okay half Fork that's a really smart thing that you just said it's a real smart thing you just said it's a real smart thing all right so skin tone very very light uncomfortably light yeah uncomfortably White there we go that's hippo right there that's hippo for you um hippo identifies male hippo's body type is definitely more um hippo has very no very little scarring he's a good guy he's a good boy um body Arts what would hippo have we can change the color then it would be more white yeah there we go this is bizarre um no piercing uh eyes would be all eye colors red one firm uh makeup is also probably White there's no white really cream okay we're red oh God whites there we go that's maybe a little better a little less aggressive lip tint bright red hair now we need that little Bob where's that Farquaad Bob give me that far quad Bob hey Milady Katie dropping five flipping gift subs thank you very much my Lady Katie uh give them to you uh will bernicus Knox Blues knocking squirrel tabrick and then lemur appreciate you a lot failed evocation I mean that looks ridiculous I feel like wasn't there one that was a little bit more old Cuddy yeah there we go there we go poor boy the the poor lied didn't have a chance in this world looking like that did he I what a shame natural blonde chugging there we go there we go we got our highlights going yeah yeah that's the stuff yeah it's the stuff right there man I'll tell you that much right now firm no graying hippo never Grays um and then maybe maybe we do the mustache rainbow oh they don't have just mustache man I thought this was supposed to be a video game but you know what no I actually think this works I think this should be hippo right here I think that works and then finally we'll go back to face shape [Music] yeah this one works this is hippo our Guardian he's great um do I not get to choose this class huh I don't get to choose the class of the Guardian right I'm not making any um hell yeah Nick be back soon he doesn't need it okay got it Venture fourth that's my guardian we're doing it I'll continue reading out tips later um very soon actually thank you again Milady Katie I can't believe we're playing the game now holy crap it's wild absolutely Wild Cthulhu they say this is what's known as a mind flare you'll get their lore pretty soon all right the sky squids came faster than we could prepare I still remember it like it was yesterday first came the guards then the merchants finally the Royal Capital fell the alarm bells ring but it was already too late once they'd reached the cloud surface oh I was using that oh they're getting stolen I was like why are they getting Thanos okay yes that was The Wilhelm scream yes we're gonna we're gonna pretend that that didn't happen no oh gets Yankee a relatively new ish race to the Indy I think I think they they weren't in further for a while [Music] do do they jumped to due to speed prakaris damn I don't know like who to side with in general but if someone's got dragons to ride probably them there she is the one that everyone wants to romance on Tick Tock confusingly because she's kind of mean [Music] you know what she's kind of pretty I get it no no Damien no we went to therapy we went to therapy no no no no no no I had a moment of weakness I have returned oh no now we're uh oh damn no once those guys are here we're basically in he double hell midnight Vixen Fox drop in sex x Xbox and 69 cents Max uh thank you midnight mixing Fox saying hey Damian we had DND last night hell yeah and the party finally reached the first major Milestone of the main campaign after two years mainly because I made a ton of side quests that's wild and that sounds about right the side quests are your friends going to the kitchen to get beer and forgetting that it's their turn and initiative I also got to introduce an NPC I created years ago and forgot named Damien Shadow star LOL that's amazing midnight mixing Fox I'm honored if it is after me and if not cool name wow look at our handsome Druid boy he's not based off at anyone and you know what the flesh tale is not so bad it's not so bad as it stands all right so allow me to get my lay of the land here okay so adrenal updated escape the nataloid got it so I need to learn the lay of the land when it comes to controls so left Mouse button to click around and move so we get to sort of move the camera like this I remember the controls being a little tricky for me when I first started you can always refocus the camera or Home Center the camera I don't want to do that oh double click to double click portrait to uh send to the camera all right so I double click that and now it's centered on me great restoration a mind player so we can pillage's biody all right a rock if you're half my friends in La we're saved he had a special green rock and now we can get protection from anything cartilaginous chest all right they have money here nice am I controlling this game in a weird way because it feels like it is there a better way to do the camera that's not just like you know there's fire okay we don't want fire we don't want that I know that for sure um where are the cats they're uh in a different room because they can't be trusted around the green screen middle mouse or q and E up that's the spice q a there we go nice thank you I feel like this would be awful to control on Console yeah now you know does was did not work I mean waza isn't working for controlling the character I have to click but I'm definitely you know ooh uh illicit record so we're gonna take this guy's money and then a record of some guy images yeah yeah they say I remember when I played Early Access there was something up here that was a little bizarre yes neural apparatus oh that's what I'm looking for here I'm gonna go up there and these are other neural apparati yeah apparati um all right scooting around that fire as best I can so the way I'm controlling the camera right now is this pretty normal for how y'all have seen it am I or am I doing this all weird I do want to stay pretty close to this guy because I don't want it to be weird and uncomfortable I would zoom out this morning really okay I'm Gonna Save my game just to start yes that's normal okay thank you shiny Empire uh T Roscoe drop in six six six bucks if you send to the camera it follows them oh that's awesome all right great then can I also oh I'm gonna okay I'm gonna talk to this thing in a second um T Roscoe says happy Thursday y'all agree with you on the Oreos Damien when I lived in Beijing I had some crazy flavored Oreos most unique one was wasabi Oreos that actually sounds interesting I'd be down for that love Wasabi not a big fan of it in Oreo cream for him I can see that is it is it a novelty in in Beijing when you did that or is that just how is it is it also tasty over there I don't know F5 will be a quick save savior amazing the camera's not my favorite okay well so it goes um [Music] okay so let me first of all let me zoom out here like you said okay that's that's helpful probably okay so I'm gonna examine first humanoid high elf it's still alive apparently okay okay it was the limited edition thing yeah I was like I imagine that's not great for anybody um thank you to Roscoe and midnight Vixen Fox I hope DND went well an expectation please before they return they return um you sound afraid why you sound afraid why who am I talking to a man or a brain a newborn you realize you're talking to an intellect Devourer I love this exceeded artana so they're doing all of my different um stats right now I think you're past the point of State yeah if it's an intellect Devourer probably just gonna have to destroy it free us so I know here's the deal I know an intellect of hour is not my friend I do want to investigate it to see if I can save him fill checks all right so I've gotta roll higher than a 10 and I have minus one intelligence because Druids are all about wisdoms this is going to be an interesting one 13. come on give me that 13. give me that 13 11. okay so we did it ten meets it beats it success dwelling of the brain causing pressure where it strains against the shell of the skull hmm I wonder what my medicine is at I mean look at my character real quick no um where's my dexterity better let's take a I mean how do I how do I see here him and you nope um curious very curious about my character I guess I should know my stats oh uh dexterities plus two medicine is plus three with Advantage oh we're doing medicine dog so when you have Advantage you get to roll the dice twice and it takes the higher of the rolls it's just like in normal at the Endy yes we did it 17. amazing amazing yeah curve burrito that's what I'm saying it's DND like straight up with dice there's gonna be gruesome either way all this is a mature rated game so if you get squeamish maybe look away for things like this okay opportunity you could the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat now if I have to kill this thing later I have to kill this thing later it's a basic enemy I'm gonna be sweet to it I know it's not good I'm gonna be nice to it I'm gonna be really nice to it spare it it's gonna like me there you go little guy be free I'll remember you Daddy friend pauses listening I see I got a puppy [Music] what do I call you big guy okay all right let's go okay I love this I love this very much is it a pet now God I hope so if it dies I'm gonna lose my mind click followers portrait to take control of them oh my God that's so cute I love it what can I what can I do with you you can jump Dash you've got really strong claws oh my God that's kind of Awesome it does more damage than we do that's something to keep in mind for sure okay great well right brain jar I'm not gonna mess with that I'm hoping to mess with it we've seen everything I do so love that little puppy goodness graciously little guy little buddy just Yankee mom mommy unnecessary but cool now why why assume a dragon swing a silver sword a flash of my flash of your face see me through the strange woman's eyes how's the volume y'all together boys are kind of low music little loud voice is kind of low all right so here's what we knew about that here's what we're gonna do about that bring you up to audio so we're going to turn music down keep the voices up and then I'm going to turn up the whole dang thing along with it to do sound effects down a little bit as well let's make that balance there done um we need to figure out where we are you know what I'm going to default to her I'm going to default to her because she's clearly knows more about this than I am so I'm going to say what do you suggest what do you suggest ions puppy puppy hey we got this is poke cat dropping 20 flipping dollars thank you this is poke cat other puppies we can be friends with them too I'm sure it'll be fun um this is Pokemon thank you so much uh saying been so sad I've missed so many streams recently started a new job I've been super busy and got scammed into buying a car that wasn't roadworthy which took a lot of time and energy to fix so glad to be back for the feel good vibes okay well first of all stoked to have you here I am so sorry to hear about the uh the car thing that's got to be extremely stressful um and that honestly super sucks um I wish that didn't happen to you um and I'm pissed that it did so I very much wish you well um what did you even have to do to deal with that all right so I'm gonna cast you laylee which makes um my staff so much stronger um topple dip yeah there we go oh no lately yep confirm yep beanie and cost sheleighly on sale so now that I have shalali it does more damage it could be 4 to 11 damage with just that on my end that's not hard at all is it time for some bloody work to loot that loud I'm gonna loot that laugh I'm gonna go back over here to keep away from these guys right now I get to hold fast next up you you get to you've only got 90 do you let's do some claws on this imp goodbye puppy good boy you did it I'm very proud of you I love you very much your mom and I are so proud of you oh you did it strike crossword mine player let's go spiked bulb all right let's take that um not enough movement so because we don't have let's see here what do we got do we have here two to seven damage or Rush attack charge your way forward and it's a two turn weight so I think we can just do that yeah we can just do that charge attack can't we okay and we hit this thing off balance that's awesome and the pommel strike is a bonus action we gotta love our Fighters boom okay so first battle went very well music is still loud let's try that again music is still out how's that General Combat tutorial that's awesome oh this is great and our puppy is so good it also has way more Health than us this could this could be a problem this could for sure be a problem oh yeah yeah yeah oh nice way up on we've got all kinds of feed Monk like crossbow that's pretty fancy me yeah um are there goodies around here I mean in any RPG you're going to want to explore as much as you can and I want to pick up all the goodies potion of healing that's great there's more guys over there right let's go back over here you can carry me [Music] hello streamer extremely talented human and also very kind please show Gabe some love dude I was just thinking I can't remember you came up in conversation recently it was good thing I can't remember exactly how or why but there was a moment of like oh okay um so there's that um that was you know what I remember so few details that's at this point not even a compliment but very nice um and I hope everything's going well for you my friend have you been playing this on your streams arterial mesh sure it's around a table at Gen Con I barely remembered you something busy hey and thank you for gifting a sub Kayla macaroni two game kunda appreciate that a lot I'm just gonna say Gabe now I don't know I keep saying your full name like you're in Sunday school you've just started streaming and hell yeah then y'all please make sure to check out Gabe he's a delightful individual also speaking of subscribers everybody please give a spicy clever Coop welcoming uh to uh strawberry Jen and then David Winchester foreign now your cousin swears mine isn't dead but he's totally unresponsive let's be on tick tock 2 A.M I'm just like yeah I'm I'm there ah lee Um poker cat thank you again so much for that oh good agate um uh we got Spacey Sev also dropping 20 thank you so much for the generosity tonight y'all that's very nice of you we'll meet in a minute Shadow heart funny lore situation she actually just went through a breakup in-game because those are bangs that she cut herself with no preparation you can tell that's how that's the kind of thought they put in this game um uh I'm going to look for a latch construction is too alien it's familiar I don't know nothing about alien things of the earth there's no dirt here we'll go look around there must be some way to get this thing open yeah yeah because look cause looks like the bangs and then long hair like the dog-eared longer like there's no there's no way this was planned and like good for her take back control of your life you don't need him or her or them the console appears dormant look through a switch or release mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first spying empty yes I know exactly what to put in that empty socket he will fight flickers in his eyes but he seems totally unable he's been taken by tick tocks whoa whoa whoa you've been scrolling way too long um Spacey serve thank you for dropping 20 flipping dollars you generous Mother Goose saying happy Thursday in a very merry Thursday's missed you as well um and happy Friday to our friends in the future who celebrate uh congrats congrats on the charity stream today thank you I was really pleased with how it went um I'm glad I got to join for the second half God speak to you and your new tire Empire also I needed a name for a face shape shifter in my novel so I'm naming it after you as always thanks for making me smile sweet night to you thank you Spacey stuff you know what we have a few different um really kind um oh thieves tools okay uh people talking about naming things after me today and you know what I'll flip and taken I appreciate you um I don't believe I have Thief tools and news no it's not in here and then rusted for me is a new key every new key that Jangles is a frontier I mean when we not we not try this how do we how do we use this in in the world um open oh I just put keys there on the Chain got it okay great cool neat how about you Lazelle do you have these tools Alchemy pouch keychain nope none such luck so then but it's very possible it's very possible that the brain thing I just found goes into that socket and it's gonna think real hard about how it wants that door open that's gonna be the thing so let's go let's see here um bonus action action can trips I do want to open up my inventory right here so please allow me to put this on my hot bar excellent and then I'm going to put this wait I can't use it but can I drop it let me start a conversation okay this might be a thing the first one to release a completely unrecognizable at first hold on otherwise how do I use this then how does one I'm going to add to my where's perhaps no not my Wares not my Wares at all move for my Wares um for anyone who uh has been playing this uh I am curious am I on the right track because I really would like to save her properly I know I get to hang out with her either way but it'd be nice to know if I'm on the right track here oh sigil sigil sigil go to the next room okay thank you so I will say um you know it is a it is a rule here for no backseat gaming but I can also fully acknowledge that I'm going to be um running into some trouble here and there if I don't get help so I'm gonna be checking in with you specifically another manuscript uh specifically about some stuff here and there rain a good Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness yeah I was going to say um cool oh wait that's the that's the main quest area I don't want to do that where did I come from I wondered oh there's blood in here and a dead thrall and that's for free gold key nice so then I'm clearly going to be using that on the uh little thieves chest there now let's see here the Mind flavor hello I'm here with my strapping big chin um a flipping brain again oh I see there's I'm probably gonna find three brains and there were three little doodad areas an Eldridge rune an elder tree I'd know these markets anywhere you have to get out of here Hulu did some graffiti no more pups yeah I'll tell you how many pups I want and it's all of them maybe not I think maybe not for this right or do I need to do that I am curious do I need to do that because otherwise I think I think maybe not oh wait is that my friend that's not my friend is it my friend no oh but thanks for throws okay so let's see here oh a burnished necklace how did I not see that before let's see isn't it awnings go um okay so we have these things I feel like maybe I put brains on here I know I'm working on it good God I don't drop I'm gonna die here God um all right I would now like help on how to help this person because I do want to continue things on um in the meantime oh oh my God this from an hour ago the devil may sing is dropping 300. flipping dollars thank you so much holy crap thank you God wow holy beans um saying here you go some muns for you and your fur babies keep on being a genuine human being my dude the Devil May saying thank you so much we please get some generous mother geese in chat and if the devil may sing is not still in chat I hope they know that's well you are this month's Tip-Top gifter for now thank you very much holy crap um thank you very much to the park the part of person inside wow change thank you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oops um yeah yeah yeah um the devil may sing thank you so flipping much good Lord um how Rihanna purify okay so we know that and really realistically that could be anybody's fault at this point because we don't because that's you know mind flayer stares at you weak and dazed and kind of shredded honestly wow didn't always like that all right so so at this point like I'm not just asking for like a little help like what do I do you're saying just go back to the Pod and do the thing touch touch this thing while she's bonking on it or do you want me to touch these sigils control panel okay empty socket okay great oh I needed the Eldritch Rune well that's what I got oh these are some Eldritch Lads I see they're called Solomon appears dormant thank you again the devil may say good God holy beans the console comes to life will it free the captain I hope so I like that other unfortunate um take a closer look at the powered up console minus one intelligence I'm Gonna Get You know what this might be our first failure I'm gonna say I'm gonna get a 14 or 7. oh let's see look at these good rolls there eating hard than a machine so this device is different from the one that caused the other captive to transform so this is acting as your DM telling you something where it's like you don't know what it is but it does look different than the last thing you saw done Ramirez if I ever die in game no I didn't we're still at zero death that's when you use that to move connection Authority will on blustery wisdom come on don't fail me now come on come on now why why sucks after all that and I can't undo it yeah I cannot do that wow sorry Shadow heart I'm real sorry yes okay well we'll be right back we'll be we're just gonna check over here I also like this because they did even though I took a minute doing this they made this a lot faster than the original way the um was set up which I think is a really good thing um cerebral aquarium interesting okay um weird in the partner try yeah wait dude Yankee can try that's great to know I had no idea thank you for letting me know that's excellent time promise we're leaving your friends the console hums steadily awaiting command she's probably gonna have minus intelligence foreign oh that's great I didn't realize she was wisdom um no dad's dropping a thousand bits thank you singer uh just curious on your preferred cookie if not Oreo um I just like a good chocolate chip cookie as long as it's not like the crunchy kind I like a soft like soft baked chocolate chip cookie that you just get in the grocery store um who is the person in the second character drop of IRL I feel like I'm missing some details on that second one you mean the one with the red hair that's our stream mascot he's from uh he's a character I always play Dark Souls come on yes good job um but for this one uh for this purple guy cross your mind excellent hey Odysseus P was giving this up to Spades a Ramirez and Liv three two two three excuse me three two two four thank you so much man even his portrait look at that portrait that's some himbo action right there I don't regret this sure that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you oh no our brains her what did you just make weariness because you have a gift with you you keep dangerous company she saved your butt oh yeah that was my one problem with this in Early Access and I wonder if they're gonna change it and I wonder if they if they do change it if it changes quickly so like in d d if you're a cleric or something you might meet a rogue in your party and there might be a little bit of like Oh I'm a holy person you should be nice and then the Rogue is like I like stealing and there's a gray area to everything and you're like oh maybe then we'll get along I hope they will come friends later um in this game every character that you meet when you meet them is you're like hi my name is Damian what's yours and they go you're like oh oh why like for no reason they're just like I hate you I hate specifically you today um so we'll see um uh got a problem with Keith Yankee we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way except for that stinky old gift Yankee um all right let's go sorry about the breakup the other dog was that a D20 trust me and into the helm now she's right lead on she's awfully correct for a gift Yankee empty backpack thanks right let's go time the hero things now that's really cool I'm gonna do a proper save for anyone who's new here I am such a save fellow what else to say about that um let's see here burrito drop in 369. nice uh thank you very much says you are tempting me to get this game for real just happy to be here and want to check if my gifted sub went through I'm sure it did thank you so much I'll take a look later oops that's sick he started if you're goofy or Critter basic Adventure I'll just be vibing here till you say my name wrong again all love LMAO is my favorite show well thank you um so I did see a tick tock I did see a tick tock that was pretty specifically saying like hey you can get a stupid ubiculously strong weapon right off the bat in this game real easy but you got to be a little bit patient and I think I do want to do that all right so this mind player name is little beast needs to attack other things I will have it attack this lesser in the start good job going excellent next up is um Shadow Hearts Shadow heart what do you do what's your whole situation what do you got for us here Shield of faith guiding bolts okay guiding bolt is really good really quickly resistance okay uh engulf a Target in flame it's a can trip can trips are really so anyone who's not familiar with d there's different kinds of spells hand trips you can do all the time you can just do it because you feel like it other things you always have to be a little bit careful oh I didn't realize she was a trickster cleric that's awesome um you have to be a little bit careful um because you um run out of time or you run out of a amount of times you can do it so sacred flame being a can trip is actually really good so for example we would go maybe well first of all just take a flame on let's do it on the 60 hit chance I wonder if there's instead um how do I instead yeah let's go maybe a little bit closer here I'm a little closer next to me I'm trying to see if there are any and also in every um d d situation you get an action and a bonus action so I can do that healing word all the time because it's listed as a bonus action down there after an attack so yeah it's a little bit of damage all right not great let's do Shield of Faith which is also a can no it's a spell it's a level one spell never mind wait I thought they were can trips never mind never mind I can't do that all the time that's silly um okay so lays out um can't go yet because it's not hurt I'd like to jump to the character whose turn it is all right well then I'm gonna end your turn I'm gonna end your turn great hell's born no don't not my baby it's named after my favorite Jordan film um this actually no I'm gonna shillelae because that's bonus action it makes me strong not gonna go get away from my baby you get away from my baby he don't have anything from there right um you're gonna end your turn here and I want you to go ahead and do a little stabby foreign and so what I think we'll do is we'll probably hang back and um murk that guy I I do want to make this happen I really do so I know it's not the smartest thing necessarily but I like want to get I want to get the thing I want to get the thing so I am going to have this little guy um run for it a little more and I'm also going to have him Dash if he dashes to right if he dashes you get to get your double movement so I'm gonna have him go like right here seems like a pretty safe spot and we'll see if that's true later um and now it's me turn I'm gonna go to the stroll what do we get ooh a short sword I I've got a bigger prize on my mind um and I will also probably I think be able to do a little Thorn Whip and scoot this guy on over my way so I've got a bunch of special spells and I don't want to use them I want to do this Thorn Whip and pull this guy on over Miss like I'm angry at a lady oh miss no um all right so oh yeah he doesn't have his actions so he's gonna end his turn Shadow heart coming in clutch have to need to um cantrip on this fellow all right nice and so now she's gonna end her turn we've got to get Yankee here I wonder if I can get her around um what's her movement at she can Dash she can Dash um I just want to make sure I'm not missing out on any cool things here because there are a lot of really interesting uh things that you can do in this game in terms of like pulling someone off a cliff or making it so that they um trip into some fire you know what I'm saying like it's just the whole situation um so we're gonna have her end her turn here and then we're gonna start blanking everybody is this Commander wrecked I wonder if it's bad if he dies in this first one I'm starting to realize now that maybe that's not great oh it has high defense oh no so then maybe if I go behind it it's going to give me a little bit of an advantage all right well let's try it good Go Brain puppy three damage you did it I'm so proud of you we're gonna keep moving over here so you don't die right right I don't think I want to save scum in this game and for those of you that are not familiar with the term it basically means like you save the game and if it fails then you're like oh no I need to try again I don't think I want to save scum look good um would radiant damage do more on a tiefling I feel like it might 40 dog what or 40 still my God wait blessing of the trickster inflict wounds healing word what's the one that gives me better roles take a flame charm person that's gonna be tough uh blessing the stealthtracks guidance so that's also a cancer let's go with guidance run one player up to the control Podium doesn't it end the game though doesn't that end uh this this whole battle poison resist so definitely not necrotic fire resist lighting um bludgeoning resist slashing resist um advantage on Save versus magic I mean it just has high AC too um it's a cambian right um that is the goal so if I run up to the console yeah it's gonna end the it's going to end the battle because I want to kill this guy I want to get his sword that's the whole thing that's the twist um I'm gonna have her just sort of hide out here for a second Ninja Turtles what do you think despite everything good um I just want to be as careful about this as possible Swift as my feet can carry me what does my tummy will allow an amethyst we're safe oh wait there's so much loot back here that I didn't grab oh I feel so silly oh well uh let's see here so underway are you you're fine with thunder yeah you got lightning resist so I think I'm just gonna have to keep doing things like I don't know man born with my normal attack yeah action action one spell slot yeah these are my only um I might as well try it right okay fell down ashes ashes We All Fall Down and I need to leave and turn um gift Yankee do your best main hand attack lacerate slash to make it bleed that sounds good to me let's do that right yes yes and now he's bleeding oh that's great we're doing such a good job so proud of me is everyone proud of me an ax that's great reminder y'all unless I'm specifically asking for help um I would love to just sort of figure these things out on my own if that's all right all right and your spine is mine I am angry yeah I don't really want to ignore the devil though he's got 25 damage down and he's got 12 turns left we could really do this oh it's a face isn't it all right so I'm sorry I didn't mean it that was a joke it was a goof I didn't mean it sure I'm glad I saved everybody because I have no idea how I could have done this otherwise all right so it's still only a 40 hit I did the I did the guidance I did guidance on me oh It's ability checks damn it all right let's give it a shot please oh 30. that's a critical hit that's so good oh my God they're so good dude wait no no no no before they strike okay good so that's okay so we're good we're good I'm gonna do a save just in case because I am I'm just I'm gonna make this happen if I have to save scum screwing this up I will I'm not gonna save some if it's like oh you rolled a 17 you needed an 18 like that's kind of poopy and then I don't want to do that but this this I really want to do um yeah oh interesting uh don't need that let's go I can fight let's go 64 Vantage on me said Fire to the Rain on gods dead ass down nice um and then I will Chum that's stupid no I'm gonna not do that let's go back over here into the blood foreign attack on commander zalk tell you what for the amount of Defense he has it's shocking how much we've hit him already like none of this makes sense yes mind players I will kill him with my tummy whoop that's a Miss oh and that's a bad Miss isn't it oh I have another spell slot all right guiding bolt let's go can we do this twice hell no we can't sorry I didn't mean it you're so cool oh no that's not ideal don't love that for me well I don't love that for me well oopsy doopsy here not even hit that guy yeah let's pull him here over here get over here I guess I might as well uh redo sheleighly okay I am death all aggressive um we might as well take down the hell board before it has a turn to screw us up nice looted nice nothing cool um wait what's this thing healing Ron stamina to heal yourself tentacle Lash do these he's really doing it he's really dying I can't believe this I love it when games add in little little treats like that where you're like you're not supposed to do this thing but it'd be kind of cool if you did and then you do and it's awesome I love our little tentacle guy if he dies I'm going to lose my marbles I'm going to lose my marbles aren't I a vacation country it's one through ten but it's fire so it doesn't work does it so let's do like uh sacred play moment okay well now we're now we're getting into the territory of yeah this makes sense you really didn't fight him before and you should have my feet all right so now let's try to do a damage on him from us yes that's right there send Set Fire to the Rain the pumpkin um I guess I might as well kill this thing before it screws us up no our low claw guys got it no it okay you get it you can get do it um demo nachos also dropping thank you very much oh no there's a second cambion oh if I have I really botched this situation uh demo nacho thank you for dropping six bucks saying hi Damian so excited to see you play Baldur's Gate and just consume my free time in the last few days I'm also a tiefling druid that's funny um Florian says yep well he's only got 52 Health left I mean we can just take care of this lickety split for like no reason yeah see there's three right there I mean that's fine really when you think about it um and um there we go seven damage we're doing it we're playing the feud I'm also gonna loot that I'm gonna loot the Mind player on the way over yeah Rock just normal Rock let's get this over Let's Get It Started in Here it's not just a boulder you know what this isn't going quite as bad as it could have though it's still horrifying money hey you got some problem for me Isn't it I will say I want him to get away from all the other enemies coming in fiery bolt on us yeah nice in death saves can you lose starting area like if she dies does she like die die oh she like she would die die like for sure okay okay for sure for sure that makes sense to me for sure um okay okay okay damn it that wasn't the smartest move and so now I have to pick her back up in order for this to succeed at this point right and it can't help it can't help blazel this actually really sucks so I'm not gonna get that sword at this point right I mean there's no way you do it free damage all right we're I mean we're so close we really are um that being said any hit he does now is gonna hit uh any one of us too hard for us to survive Ray no oh it's still alive that's fine we're fine okay so somehow hey what's up baby magic so somehow these folks have to survive um this does anywhere from four to ten damage I mean if these all max out their hits in this next little bit we're gonna be fine did it it missed and that sucks and I hate that for me but oops I feel like we're gonna have to go back like there's no way there's just no way at this point what am I supposed to do or if I don't defeat it I guess I just run away say okay on this thing all right so I'm gonna have my guys start to retweet retweet don't retweet okay Critical Hits 23 Health left I mean come on we're so close we're so close another step forward um dark mind what what are you dark mind just suspense I mean I wonder if there's any of my items that I can just sort of like eat at it these dark mind enemies um pegs uh Alchemy stuff um keychains Scroll of revivify okay how do you survive the other two I'm not worried about that I just need to uh get their item don't you laser plastic oh come on he laser blasted me range no blazelle's having a tough time and I respect it I I see it I feel it uh disengage allows you to move but it's an action and I don't want to take a nap you punk you jerk I don't like that so basically in D if you turn your back on something and start to run away um it has the ability to uh stab you in the back for trying to turn your back on it God only 23 Health left too that really sucks but you know what there's other good weapons we lost our buign I'm just gonna have to disengage it really does suck but we we have to do it get to the trans monster right if it's a you know what if it's a bonus action I can try to shove that guy away 35 chance but I'm liking those odds all right I don't like those odds very much so now we run on my way all we need is one of us to survive and then Lazelle also is taking a lot yeah you keep firing your boats okay well that's I don't love that dead y'all I think I have to load up to a way earlier save and just get out of here with my creatures we're not going to be able to I want her in my game so we can't have her dead my guy is down or no he's threatened at least I think I think I have to load up I think I just have to load up see this was back no this is back around here see this is still a good time when everybody's alive it's a good time we gotta do it you can save her yeah but I think that was all in the in the uh I hear you Jewel rocks I hear you but I think that was all in the in the Spirit of we want this sword and now seeing that I don't need to cheese the game with a strong sword at the very beginning of it we can just do this we can just do this where do I go from here I think eventually we'll get to a point where we just sort of go with what happens but like right now it's kind of nice to like play right Shadow heart I need you go back there and loot everyone no one not reach it and turned in yes good excellent hey we got particular lists dropping five flipping give subs thank you very much particularly this particular list uh is given to failing of uh of win Cola May triggy the rat and then Espanola thank you so much for that appreciate that yeah I Reckless web says failing rolls is one thing but the character death makes me a sad spider and that's the thing I probably could have saved it all but like the idea of having a like dig myself out of that hole just while I'm doing this a little bit like I want to play the game like we're not even out of the the starting area spot in his mind oh my God that's so funny oh my little brain buddy you can do it you can do it the good news is he has so much movement he's gonna be just fine um okay check that dead thrall yes we wouldn't have gotten that sword if you didn't check that death roll check all these guys haha nice oh dear oh all kinds of goodies hey whose elective hour um all right I am also going to get the absolute hell out of here any goodies up top doesn't look like oh wait is this a thing what was up there what did I just see it was a thing it was a thing I thought yes no goodies Mr Hampton thrall intellect Devourer lesser M imps don't seem to have many of the things on there oh they do all right we're great um ooh caustic bulbs void bulbs that's awesome oh my God I should have known about all those I could have used those in battle the void bulbs are special what does the void bulb do I think I can pull things off a cliff with that that's actually kind of Awesome I kinda love that why can't I reach the destination what do you mean all right I guess we'll end our turn there and fix it next time um nice Professor amp nice thank you again particular list that was very nice of you thanks again for hanging out tonight y'all it's been a lovely stream so far still going strong I know it's a little bit on the later end but it sure is a grand old time to be doing this so thank you kindly um Damien you get to grab this Costco why is this hard for you what is difficult about this I'm just gonna magehand it then all right so the Mage hand gets to go and then grab that later so fun cool great these days another caustic bulb I want that one you mean can't reach it it's not that hard you can just do it fine you and your turn you know what I'm getting this thing the transponder critical mix how's this condition pickle Miss this creep creature can't activate I thought you were supposed to be at the transponder what's what's he do then what am I missing out on because I thought he was like get us through the thing bring it up um that's confusing to me all right well so it goes awaits um all right well then let's um why don't you uh wreck this Hellboy oh dangus shove the hell more yeah nice you know you're over there all right well then I guess I'm gonna go ahead and end I'm gonna go and do this do the thing what the hell's alien transponder you've made it in time Millions Isla stratore thank you for subscribing for the first time I'm very surprised welcome to you as well as puppy Moshi and ricochet as well as uh Spades Ramirez gives a biodicious Pew thank you very much none pizza where'd that Meme come from other than the past oh that's a dag wrong large Sun if ever there was one and don't worry y'all if anybody ends up having to go to bed because I know it's getting late for some folks um I always do a little catch up at the start of the next stream which in this case would be Sunday Sunday morning um so don't you worry it's okay to miss things and the vods are up on um twitch no the mean lady who kind of likes me probably [Music] do do what time Sunday usually around noon my time that specific time California time around noon and usually we get a lot of international friends because of the time difference being a little bit easier there um and I um I'm also a little bit more away because I've had a day of weekend shenans and sleep yep I'm seeing it we go someone probably nope what is that the the new Prius oh no no I always loved you I'm sorry no I loved you you got knocked out of sky boom and he breaks his neck and then the game's over I'm live but how I barely remember anything oh my head that's right there was a worm a parasite of some kind and I remember hearing no kneeling someone else's thoughts not my own as you wake the tadpoles squirms in your skull yeah I know story structure uh check yourself for ingredients a miracle given everything you've been through but it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure look here Orca s says oh there's a tadpole in your school yes so anyone who's hopping in Here We Were Somehow kidnapped and taken aboard a mind player ship a mind flare is a classic d d monster they're pretty powerful um they look like little squid guys and they Flay your mind um they're really strong frankly um and they often put little wormy parasite things in people's brains um so that they can control you and make new mind flares from it so we're kind of a ticking Time Bomb right now no one's more bummed about it than us trust me on that um so that's where we're at and we made a few friends aboard ship or maybe some um oh Shadow heart he's right here perfect I guess because we saved her this time she's like immediately next to us uh lore wise she just went through a breakup they didn't say it but you can tell because these bangs are freshly cut and clearly not um planned uh We're Not Gonna reach for the artifact I should also move away from this might be the kind of game where maybe I sit on the right side of the screen this time as weird as that is alive like how is this possible well you see what happened was I was hoping you might know that I I remember falling then nothing oh Wayward Jaybird when I say I saved her this time I mean like when I did Early Access I couldn't get her out of the Pod I didn't know you had to find the little Rune um so she I was just like sorry and then I left the ship and then you see her later I guess that explains why she hated me okay okay um what happened to our gift friend you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us we should look for her she might be injured or Worse damn look at those arm veins dude God I used to have arm veins like that way back in the day I could have gone all state in nothing you know dog we both just landed out of a ship if she's actively on fire she's gonna walk away we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads we want to stay together we need each other and we both know what's at stake I get it a rebound situation look I prefer more serious relationships but I do want to get to know you a little better probably could make the costume too baby magic actually I do have a cosplay in the chamber ready to go it's my uh it's the swimsuit for summer Chez uh the the summer variant of the character I voice in Fire Emblem uh in uh he's in the mobile game as a summer version right now um I'm just not ready for it body wise I was in a good place and then I stopped working out for three weeks and then the cosplay got done and I just want to be in a little a little bit better shape and again disclaimer you can cosplay no matter what body type you have I think we should all love ourselves exactly as we are and that is an understandable thing for me as a challenge for me or my health and for my mental well-being while doing this I want to get in slightly better shape while doing um before taking swimsuit e photos you know what I mean so something here we go preferring me certainly it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't not this time hey we got BJ kite subscribing for the first time a very spicy clever Coop welcome to you no we got so many new subscribers tonight thank you for all the sub moms thank you for the generous tips it's really nice but beyond that it's also just really nice to see people hanging out here it's it's I really appreciate it um it's really cool meeting a bunch of new peeps have you hang out here I hope you're having a good time I again it was a kind of a rough day leading up to this and I'm just really glad I chose to stream because I could have very easily not and like mental health does come first but this was a moment of being like I think I will be more happy if I stream so thank you um oh an old floppy hat that's important that's clearly important I wonder it's going to be a little bit hard at first to figure out like the language of loot in this game and by that I mean like you know in Skyrim when you first um get in and you're like oh I need to take all these brooms in case I need to sell the brooms and then later you're like you know I'm sorry Shanty for that anyone reading that right now fresh water oh my yeah settlement somewhere it's good to be read wow we've killed every fisherman around here I do feel it a lot of dead fishes still legible it's quite a water state going to be doing all these uh little loots little Fisher loots oh yeah see again do I need a mug I do need Belladonna I'm assuming I'm gonna make a bunch of potions sublimated Belladonna I am Trevor sublimate of Belladonna Slayer of mergrass craft your own potions and Dagger Roots no less I should get some brooms baby magic you should have at least a couple at least a couple oh these things the sigil circles are important too I remember that and I completely missed that in my early access playthrough I know there's an important one up the way that is not this okay so these are the quick quick travel things which is gonna really help my game this time foreign boys oh wait what happened to our puppy we didn't even get to say goodbye dude there was no resolution to that I really hope our puppy shows up later or I'm going to be well pissed what's up seven fingers yeah I've been streaming like what are we four and a half years now almost five God when is that gonna be five that's gonna be wild um but hi welcome you looted him no don't say that real Shannon synonymous that makes me sad um I do also remember that this is the first like mini dungeon in the game and there's lots of goodies but because I played a rogue in my first playthrough for my Early Access playthrough I could get through here just fine lickety-split but now it's locked and I don't think shadowheart can do anything about that either so no Rogues in the group until later actually this is also another thing that threw me um in this portion of the game there are a bunch of different branching paths and eventually I got to a place where I'm like man I'm getting my butt kicked and they're like I looked up a tutorial and they're like by now you should have 17 party members I'm like huh and it's like yeah all you have to do is turn left and then constant people being like I would love to help make your life way better I feel like in Early Access the door was an auto fail on lock picking I know I did it at least once um though I can't say you know there have got to be a lot of different versions of it and see these things are actually pretty strong I don't know if I'm gonna be able to battle them properly I was gonna try to sneak around but I didn't do a good job of that so let me um let me do a sheleighly situation I don't have enough movement for that there and even a thorn went with the about half damage that I need to do so allowing me to I don't want to be on the fire I guess I could pull him into the fire that would help wouldn't it um allow me to maybe perhaps go down here and wait Come a Little Closer next to me what type of character you playing now I know nothing about d d well come on down baby magic is the perfect opportunity to explain to other people who also don't know D D so my character is a druid that is a um basically a magician that focuses on the natural forces of the earth so a lot of uh Druids have like the version of like nature so maybe they're going to use like Vine magic and things like that or even fire because fire is an aspect of nature right or later they can turn into animals and battle you that way um it's a very interesting class that I think is going to be a lot of fun so let's see here I think fire is probably going to be a good good route for this as a can trip 80 80 let's go all right that's pretty good and then a bonus action they all require spell slots so I'm not going to do that actually I will push this thing into the fire yeah Athletics failed damn that's rough that's rough buddy oh crap it got an opportunity attack I forgot about that so again if you leave an enemy's sort of field of vision um they do have an opportunity to start like Bop you want I'm gonna say I'm gonna Bop anymore Buster Brown you go no don't please don't bought me one there's no other way I never wanted this um I guess under wave might be a good opportunity because I can always rest after this and going for these guys is going to be uh pretty helpful that one saved oh at least it died though hey they both died that's awesome that's awesome that's awesome the last one's right there it can't quite get to me I don't think so we're gonna be good actually it's gonna dash at me which means it's not gonna attack so that's nice your turn all right so you can do two to seven or you can do one to eight that's one more than you think or one to ten that's disadvantaged because I think it's too close isn't it so that's one there not that then let's try this thing 50 no not doing that so we're going to just pop it once on the Noggin pop just got you silly you big silly Athletics failed that's fine isn't it yeah we leveled up that's awesome level UPS in d d are like very big it's not like a normal RPG where you're like all right I got a little bit more strength it's like no now you have magic now you have good stuff let's go the devil may sing dropping 25 more gift subs thank you so flipping Machu generous Mother Goose um you are like you have swept the Tip-Top Tipper and the dominant sub gifter in the top right corner thank you so much I feel like yeah my face is blushing devil may sing thank you so much for gifting to Kenzie bug uh pastel Stella fat uh Fascination Ace Garth uh Britney L88 Nicoli and Stella Rebel did you steal my bread princess divs Emil M Omega Kayla janatata uh Ladish penguin uh or latish penguin zilly's a virus Irish VI um dippy fresh Pines Zing God TV zingod TV uh jelly pixie nor a boat Norbert tenor there we go um Maddie Ivy lucky rabbit's butt nice um H.R Puffin stuff hey hey Hecate um girl Tyler and then Gus flemis the devil may sing it thank you so flipping much um that was very nice of you I greatly appreciate you um you're very very thank you the generous generous tip excuse me generous sub-bounds um also let me quickly look around here are there goodies is there a chest is there something to be aware of around here doesn't look like there's anything in particular that I need right now um dead mind flayer might be a good idea actually so let's uh oh there's a chest too all right so let's go over this nobleman well I will go over to this nobleman I that's right a silver locket quite fancy isn't it who under a pier that's actually awesome and we're getting all these pretty good weapons for people who are um um um not us um can I just get up here yeah cool um oh nice these bulbs this spiked Bob are the void bulb I found a very good use for that on Tick Tock recently um where are the goodies Orca don't you worry we got some goodies um oh okay a dangerous surface in oil of accuracy okay got it okay so we're gonna drop down here and now it is time not a Lloyd tank no thank you no tanks let's level up all right so as a druid generally ooh so we can become a circle of Glenn So for anybody who knows um subclass stuff in this game circle of the land is not something I would generally pick I would usually want to be like circle of the Moon circle of the Stars I don't even know what's in here um what's uh what's the situation here for subclasses it's oh cool cool circle of the Moon circle of spores is so cool but so difficult to play and it's something I often play in D and D but circle of spores can't do it I can't do it it's rough it's it's a very bizarre and tricky one to play that's All About area Denial in a way that I don't think you're enjoying playing spores mushrooms I I think I'm probably gonna go circle of the Moon because I do want to have that proper combat shape that wild shape oh they have they have wild shaper spores here okay because symbiotic entity is your wild shape or takes the place of your wild shape in my usual I'm gonna do circle of the Moon because it's circle of the land is like Basic Druid circle of the moon is much more like you're gonna become beasts I want to become a bunch of beasts yeah I'm gonna do circle of the Moon circle of the moon is the move um gives better initiative better hit points I think it's going to be strong and fun Moon if you're going for combat shifter I I want to do that all right circle of the Moon oh my God we have 17 HP as opposed to 10. see a level up is so good so good play at it on this right now uh of the flex their domain I felt Planet sure okay I said thank you is it Just moonlander Sports yeah devoid of stars I think they have more stuff to unlock later oh I guess I can't change spells until I have a rest huh okay okay um all right so then let me hear another step forward all right so I'm gonna go this way because I think this is the way to our next little companion here No One Stop me yet circle of Stars is outside for rulebook I think that's right I think you're right about that and that's why um I mean if I were to choose a fighter I'd want to be an echo Knight but I can't be an echo Knight because that's in eberron content I think either way I know it's not in the content I've already got so um I also want to find a shovel the shovel would be good because I know you can dig in this game for actual legit treasure thieves tools yo I mean maybe now if we're extremely lucky I mean oh tell you what I could get guidance from her let me go try that door let's see if we can get in here I think that might be pretty fun I'm a Little Closer it's not lavage Beach how many hours have you put in so far so I just started on stream uh we're about two and a half hours in first half hour was introduction and saying hey um I don't think I want to save scum this so I really do want to see if I can um does anyone know how can I open up um multiple people's inventories anyone know that oh already tap there we go hey that's how don't worry I know it I know it now um so who has the better sleight of hand I'm assuming because of dexterity I probably would be notified there um okay there we go so my sleight of hand is plus two okay side of hand plus two that's not bad and I'm assuming let's see here flight Advance plus one all right so I've got to be the one to do it got to be the one to do it so here's what I'm gonna do my Facebook guidance adds a plus one D4 bonus to Ability so she's gonna do that for me so now I just actually try to do this ancient bull so I can't do that yet I can't do that yet um dark mind goes back into normal inventory I think Sports sorry why am I not doing this oh okay we got thieves tools we got dexterity and then we've got guidance this could be good hey we got caffeinated for your protection dropping 25 foot of gifts this has been the most gift sub heavy stream I've done in such a long time thank you we're gonna read this out and then with your help We're Gonna Roll in 18. that's what we'll do oh it's a difficulty class 20. um caffeinated for your protection is gifting two Forest Fable mad coffee uh tanith dutchie plays games boom uh Giovanna ouch my dragon balls Danny caddy not so mundane mushroom Mickey Avila Emilia Bedelia Emily with a bunch of numbers emo potato soccer Starmie skeleton surprise Iris jaded Emily Mario Astro chicken eight Saucy santor Gore istan Haley Fox freak Show Cairo Welly uh casually Ben and then Chris Biggs 13. thank you so much that was Bonkers nice good afternoon for reproduction good Lord y'all all right let's do this heart of the cards everybody give me a solid hold on hold on give me one give me everybody believe as hard as you can all at once part of the cards We're Gonna Roll a 17 it's gonna get us to a 23. let's go son of a bastard oh God our thieves tools broke too that really sucks failure well I guess we'll just go around the other way I mean we failed that we have to live with our decision I lost the money from that I could have used the thieves tools and sold in this fine but that's fine it's how it goes you know what I think it probably is I think all of us are so powerful from truly believing just truly believing I think um I think it probably was just too strong in the game was going to malfunction if it didn't do that um knob Des also getting a sub 2 came macm okay um thank you for doing that all right let's go back around oh God mind player no never mind never mind what's locked I could have used that on there I think this is the way to other guy ooh Forest path not Forest path I'm off the beaten path here awesome yes I was hoping there'd be some of that um okay so again this is gonna be the type of game where like again usually I have like no backseat gaming but maybe just maybe sometimes it's going to be kind of important for the help I can break locked boxes and checks the chest like again in this situation it's like maybe maybe I need to wait pick up an ad to Wares that's wild dude nice leather helmet and gold that's awesome dude yes I wonder if there's a um it didn't almost look like there was a path down from there to the beach I want to explore let's go to the beach Pete nope can't get there oh but I could jump I mean there's definitely something down there right might as well try it because that rock looks Shifty and there's something right there for sure oh not throw not throw not throw jump oh I hear noise I hear noise scuffed Rock so what do I do I need to dig but I can't I just don't have a shovel yet shoot but my nature check succeeded or do I do something else here does anyone know I think I think I probably Whip It yeah it doesn't do anything you can throw it click and drag I don't have enough strength though just Shadow heart probably not as a cleric oh my God she does well then go to it man can't throw too heavy very too far enough space it can be moved a little bit there there we go yes there we go ornate chest I'm gonna switch to my guy though Isn't that cool Harper's map see this is some Adventure this is some dungen and dragon Adventure look at this I saw a little path I was like what's there now we got there's a map yes read the map this stained ragged map has passed through countless hands little heart marks an area called moonrise towers with a small Inky Crescent sketched in the nearby Forest below the Crescent is a more recent scroll has the cash all right moonrise Towers Crescent sketch in a forest all right so there's a reason I'm sure they're not showing us a tattooed collection of reports held together with a moon and harp sealed There Is frequent mention of sacrilegious activity among the local selenite sect um so Harper's I think aren't they the ones from the d d movie they're like that faction of people who doesn't like Angry Wizards they don't like no Angry Wizards yep jump straight up yeah nice nice nice um that's a spooky that's a spooky right there check that out it stayed interesting um yeah that's a whole situation no nobody hey see that again another guy to help us out I think um tell you what I'm gonna have her cast guidance on us frankly all the time just in case I have to like convince him of something that's going to help us right I've got one of those bring things coolant in the cross you can kill it can't you like you killed the others he's gonna stab me in the back kill it yourself you look capable enough I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry that was um semi-romantic yeah I'll do dexterity guidance is he that's why you do the guidance we'd have to roll pretty low to not do this well and we did not a word let's try to keep that lovely neck of yours in one piece no idea and you keep your distance no need for this to get messy I need him alive he's my new boyfriend he decided I decided promises promises but I have other business I'm afraid now I saw you on the ship didn't I not ooh I'm not gonna do them well not a splint it and now you're going to tell me exactly what you and those tentacle freaks ditch me not very smart you have it backwards they took me prisoner just like you or maybe he's gonna like the fact that I'm all so sassy what did you like to know don't lie to me your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling down oh my God those brainworm made us kisses what was that what's going on um I'm not gonna slip you know what what are the odds what are the odds it screws up again I'm golden karate time Jump Jump yeah yeah I soar into your mind they took you just the same as me we're not so different you and I I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards an apologies oh yeah would you have used feng shui apology accepted I might have done the same with the rose reversed yeah kindred spirit my name's Astorian my name is snatched me baldurian introduce yourself you're a Bulgarian too is that so we clearly move in different circles I'm moving squares so actually I'm a druid I do move in circles circle of the Moon thinking about these worms ah yes unfortunately they'll turn us into my place turn us into it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time throw it we need to get rid of it I need to get moving you can shelter at my camp travel with me our odds are better together there we go that's all you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe it's really not and you useful person you know it's gonna really suck all right is wanting to play this and not streaming like I kind of want to do this in all my free time now and I'm here maybe I'll just make a different character and like speed run it now that I know what I'm doing all right well this is cool we got a star in now but he's not he's not a leveled up boy he's not based we got to make him based right level two Health increased I used to play exclusively Rogues when I was well the first class I ever chose as a middle schooler was a druid then after that Rogues so cool nice you do a second save like you did for Zelda yeah but I wouldn't want to also be a druid I think I'd want to be a Bard or a fighter I think that'd be cool yes I'm all about that bass that bass no treble actually maybe now we can try doing a little teleporto with him and trying to get him into the those ruins I feel so guilty stealing stuff really ill in a puff it's the best part of video games oh it's a trap this right here is a trap it's dangerous this right here is a trap I know for a fact there's a trap and that is why and that is why and that is why yeah it's a trap it's for sure trap here we go great death is too for it I was like yeah uh not bloody likely uh not on this day my Lord um sorry my Lord it looks like a murder done got got on this day um anything I need to be aware of over here okay I think I know I know we're about to run into another little guy another little fellow who can join our team perhaps um oh that's where I need to be this is exactly where I need to do my feet little baby fellow join a team no time to rest goblins over there checking for supplies maybe that's not always a good sign or it could be the best sign such a d d thing to say to be like dead Goblin better than a live one I'll tell you that much right now oh do these things oh are these fellows uh party of you part of you um what kind of bow do you have friend you have a four to nine damage short bow and I have a okay three to ten light crossbow that might be better right oh you're not proficient with crossbows what am I am also not are you you're not okay okay great cool fun um short sword versus Mace three to seven versus three to eight but you're not good with that you have a dagger do we have any better dagger a scimitar is actually pretty good and we it looks like we have proficiency with it but um then we don't get to use sheleighly which we really do kind of need to use drunk um three to eight for Goblin bow that's not better problem Scimitar hand ax repair oh over here might be way better than the dagger hope he's not proficient none of these folks are proficient with repair that's insane it's so good old floppy hat I mean my guy you're a spooky old vampire you gotta have an old floppy hand yeah no um all right well then I guess we've more or less done everything we can do to boost up our friendos right now Scimitar Maybe oh he is proficient with the Scimitar great wait what is yeah might be better for him right now that's pretty cool cool camp supplies we'll have you carry those because my guy's getting a little weighed down a little bogged down all right well then let's continue on thanks for your patience here we go oh dear I'm David okay so this guy is gonna pop up there's a guy here hey guy ancient sigil circus sorry well I guess not but like he's clearly he's clearly magic Glitters functioning ly dangerous yeah yeah it is I guess my guy doesn't look too different to me it's like it's like a bad actor was cast to play me in the movie Zip Zap oh I like the nails I haven't painted my nails y'all hate to tell you did you do anything that's too bad anyone Reach Out And Touch hands ooh Druid and wisdom this is going to be really helpful yeah let's get him out of here Nick Golian what's up welcome on in thanks for being here we're doing some Dungeons and dragon um yeah uh from guidance thank you we just do that Midway so I don't have to constantly do that that's so cool um welcome on in we're playing some DND in the form of Baldur's Gate yo we don't just we rip his arm lean off continue let's continue yes my nature magic is quite a bit better than your wizard magic come allow me to free you avoid is the same color as my hair I'm attuned to it Rosa Elena thank you for giving the Mrs luciferium welcome to you very surprisingly welcome to you as well as you uh Punk's mustache and then are you scared gifted by novdez thank you for doing that hello it was so much more like grungy grungy than I thought it'd be like hi no need to apologize are you all right a bit shocked friend it's a relief and a pleasure to make your acquaintance you're on the North Lloyd as well I was yes never mind the not Lord how did you get stuck in that stone I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in free fall see that was plummeting to certain death a spider glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than Savory propulsion yes recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were how about you well um um how did you find the floor um be honest I haven't a clue fair enough but even so I have the unfortunate suspicion your survivors he looks like 80s wizard which I think is a cool nod to like this year [Music] I haven't seen that very for sure they're wrong the uncertainty we speak of this lamb Rock wizard that's a good way to put it are you aware that after a period of exclusive screw station it will turn us into mind Ness uh yeah and let me assure you it is to be avoided you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a doctor well we have one surgeon uncannily a joint with a knitting needle you seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's it's most no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them dog she's level two dog she is level two I can tend to basic wounds and ailments but alien parasites afraid not as we've established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too cool thing about this game is you can play with your friends and you can all make your character like together this sounds like a plan you're welcome to join me halved I bump into that effect Oh but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill-mannered a man yes dicotica it's an act of foresighted kindness I assure you I have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor I am so excited to do some sneaky silly stuff in this game like I really want to do the kind of thing where like I've seen a lot of people like Carrie dun powder Barrels in their inventory just because they're like strong enough to do that and then they just cast a fire spell after they like plant them all around the room and it just goes full nuke mode um all right game two spells fantastic voices pending what are my spells what are my spells what are my spells come on tell me my spells what do I already have they haven't told me that's the problem what am I preparing okay there we go um oh so I have grease which makes someone all sleepy slidey Thunder Wave sleeve which bolt is good do I need that and Thunder Wave okay so this is every turn it's a concentration spell that's kind of cool Mage Armor it's not right to be honest um fog Cloud sleep I might swap out fog cloud or oh no no no no no we not we need a piggyback there we go prepared spells good spells I learn uh burning hands that's great but it's a touch spell charm person we already have that chromatic orb oh my God that's kind of amazing color spray blinding characters disguise self we have it Expedition retreat uh false life feather feather fall could be very useful for us ooh Shield is also going to be good Ray of sicknesses whatever protection from evil and good if anything that's also gonna be really good magic Missile long Strider you can't sleep ice knife God that's good so it's an AOE after it does some the damage I feel like chromatic orb is going to be the best though or find familiar oh God I'm gonna do chromatic orb We're not gonna need feather or maybe we do maybe that'll be really help I think find familiar is going to just be a cool and interesting one let's do that yeah yeah yeah and so then instead of which volt which is a little weird to have right now actually no that's going to be better than Thunder Wave because it has more of a range so let's do chromatic orb nope that's going to take its place chromatic um uh sorry folks give me just a minute here fog Cloud I guess we don't really need it unless we're trying to we're gonna need grease we do need fine familiar great cool fun awesome except come on now nice and someone did point out I think I did pick up a leather cap um dexterity saving throws plus one all right cool we can make is that this helmet does not show so that's cool wait what I said I yeah all right here we go nice Thunder Wave can push enemies away yes but I do already have Thunder Wave through this fella wait are these the moon towers that they talked about oh hold up rogue's morsel oh all right what now I've never seen him also before um these look like Moon towers for sure um oh Chapel entrance so I guess I don't have to pick the locks down there Granite bench what is this rival failed oh I just I still don't have a shovel such a bummer okay so now featherfall would have been good of course dang I really wish I had a shovel that would be really nice gotta find a way to make this work I really want to um and there's I know there's people around here yeah I kind of wanna like hide help magehand topple stage Pro 5. wait can a mage hand egg I wonder if a mage hand can dig but it takes a short rest to get it back I don't want to screw it does anyone know if a magehand can dig IUS I'm asking okay to say I'm asking so let's hide how do I make also how do I make everybody hide is there a way to make everybody hide wait I can I don't have limited wild shape in this hold on shift and see for everybody's hide thank you I don't have they don't limit my wild shape that's you do it's two per short rest oh doesn't it doesn't say that oh yeah it does recharge well let's try I mean if I can transform into a badger here that might be nice burrow into the ground everything else is so much better right now but that's okay situational actions oh he's so big look at him go get what wait seriously I can't I can't dig I actually cannot dig I'm pretty disappointed at the thing that just happened what oh so someone's suggesting a possibility that it could um how do I rest in this version of the game because I sure would like to fight just a little Badger portrait I love this campfire symbol aha all right great um so let me go ahead then and I'm gonna un wild shape myself um and I do that bye sorry folks this takes a little bit dismiss wild shape there we go let's do a little short rest a brief respite nice twice a day you can restore excellent um all right well then let's continue on so we're at three hours for stream meal I'm still gonna go for a little while because I'm having a lot of fun um but eventually I'm gonna have to get some sleep tonight eventually um okay now we uh hide no one else wait I did I did shift hide and it didn't um have everybody do it does anyone else know how I would get everybody to do the hiding shift and see that's what I've been doing there we go weird must have been hitting the wrong button must have been hitting the wrong button oh you get experience for being sneaky too I love that that's really cool just being careful like my mum always said fogs Rush In huh that they're trying to figure hiding failed what do you mean Elena oh wait no what's Helena who's kalena because they found us and Helena I cannot see oh interesting that's someone different of course I would say wait a minute hold on I see something Foundation block that looks like something that uh be dropped on them we don't know anything about them yet but we can assume there are enemies because I feel like it so let's see here can I with a story on to a ranged attack Foundation either we act now or someone else will pick that wreck I wonder how I can um there we go yeah I don't want to shoot the I want to shoot the coils it's just Wilderness out here wow just like that easy peasy oh God okay well we got arrowed and that's not great not great so I do want to say that was a mistake on my part to do that who who shot me oh this guy doesn't like that I marked his friend I can see that I can see that for sure um so I'm gonna get him out of here at least wow he's got a lot of damage on him right now damn um all right so clearly these two haters oh so that counted as his turn got it well that's a bit of a bit of a boomer hopefully that's a bit of a bummer isn't it if we go from here all right so I'm going to cast um I'm going to care actually then ice knife is so good um all right so I also should probably heal so I have taken quite a bit of damage um yeah I'm just trying to figure out exactly how I want to go about wait am I huge why am I huge what happened with that is that a condition or does it do I just look big right now oh we're I guess Shadow heart's kind of small and I didn't realize it okay you're standing yeah but look at the side that looks very different to me but okay I will take it boots I've seen everything um can I can I hit her from here with that this whole situation low ground 70 yeah let's try it yeah ew nice she did save so oopsie doopsy that's fine and turn on you I missed my little brain companion that sucks okay she put me to sleep that's not ideal weird to jump around hamstring shot you silly bastard um all right well then let's do a um a little stabbies attack on her normal attack against her are fiddle beans then let's um I'm gonna go over here and if I can't hit her with this a sneak attack on Ray ah come on normal attack against range fine the more there we go now she's dead you can go looter it's gonna be dope um and turn what does this guy just have so much movement all the time like shadowheart hasn't moved are you even a battle dog oh you're not you're just not in battle huh Shadow art is still hiding got it I'm like I do feel like it should probably be well maybe you don't want it to be automatic maybe you don't I guess that makes sense um yeah I guess we'll loot rolls and core to our staffs that's pretty cool be cool long sword great shovel there's a shovel we needed dude oh my god dude I can't believe it dude we got it dude flipping awesome dude they're sick dude all right cool dude um let's see and can you do a shootie on this boy kind of maybe actually hold on not not hamstring shot normal shot is it blocked it's not it's not really blocked is it or is it it is great cool intern man this guy is the most battlingist guy of all huh be quick all right I'm gonna shoot him in the um face here um that's the thing that happens next hit him in the face wow that was nine damage hey I'm awake and I'm so angry good news is now I'm furious um so Get Wrecked forever really what do you think about it yeah fall down you silly bastard okay so you're gonna come over here and you're gonna do a little sacred claim on this Hui or you're gonna do a little in what do we want to do take a flame or guiding bold sacred flame of God and bull you know what we're gonna get the spell slots back let's use them use them while we got them nice we've murdered him excellent I feel nothing perfect all right so now we get to go see this other guy we murdered are they keeping track of our like kindness levels you know what I mean like is there like a Karma aspect to this game where they're like hey you didn't really know anything about those guys and you just decided to do a murderer um is that like gonna be a problem later is there gonna be like a whole thing or a plaque only for your companions okay so like as long as these companions don't care that we did the thing then it's fine because it didn't seem like anyone had much of an issue I mean I kind of feel like if anyone had an issue they should have spoken up before we did murder As a treat um these actions what do you mean oh got it there is reputation if people see do the wrong thing well thankfully those folks were thieves and I know people can live a hard life that makes them turn into a life of crime but also but also realistically very much so um I just sort of felt like doing that and then I did so it was probably fine if you kill them they saw nothing oh that'd be yeah that'd be pretty cool if that's how that worked but clearly when gwendolon or whatever her name was just randomly saw me because she felt like it no no do a quick uh short resume this is so fun I'm actually um livid because I feel like I'm stuck playing this and there's nothing I can do but I I really want two and I have to um ooh another dirt Mound see this is cool this is cool I'm stoked that we found a shovel this is the best item in the game foreign justification bro still murder I don't know about that is realistically they came right for me right because I'm pretty sure I saw that oh what's that you disagree well guess what anyone else who saw it as dead so oh burlap sack that's the best kind of them there's a ladder up here a bad roll can we do like a long rest of the federal is that a thing more daggers more thieves tools that's kind of awesome this is great um how about that backpack nice um burlap sack there we go a courgette is that is that a zucchini is a courgette the proper name Gail's still sneaking good he should a proper wizard is neither seeing nor hurt I do want this wooden crate though [Music] that's true it's not murder if he um still uh is living in the afterlife that's exactly right so like yeah I mean who am I to deny him Everlasting glory and whatever system he believes oh okay I want to do this real quick and then we can try to make our way making no way in this thing does anyone know what the maximum party size is by the way which saved successful because I remember this area pretty well four oh man I already am gonna have to decide that sucks I think it's dangerous why no Heroes because here's the thing I'm Gonna Save properly now I want to do this and then I want to make it into that Spooky Little dungeon that maybe we'll pick that up on Sunday let's try this dragon egg mushroom I think maybe we should let me just take a look at the landscape here yeah I think maybe we can sneak and go around yeah let's do that actually be sneaky lad and go around I do believe that's the move is um argith Yankee friend is about to be discovered and I want to save her properly so I don't know if this is a situation where I should just straight up do a murder maybe that's not blue but I will say Shadow heart to cast guidance honey see I don't foresee myself ever not wanting to have a cleric like that's going to be such a strong blood boost and hide shift and C there we go we're only like half hidden what's the deal um um oh that's not very strong hellish resistance okay they're not very strong I do think maybe I should try to talk to them instead I'm not gonna do a murder I'm gonna talk to them we take it to The Grove right there's an auto attack would it be an auto attack okay leave it for the Goblins to kill and if it escapes how will you oh a guest just four people was like the prisoners White Horse uh Pika QX subscribing for the first time a very spicy clever Coop welcome to you as well as deadly Advocate Advocate rather and then Zara 2500 gifted by Tiara or 300 ghcp thank you very much I appreciate you let's take a look here deception Charisma guidance Charisma I kind of feel like someone else should be yeah let's try this over here can they talk now no he is stuck in the convo that's too bad um yeah that's too bad so then wait and um can I leave and just restart the convo of someone else okay well then I'm gonna try to do this uh persuasion we must kill it before it harms someone oh and deception will be the same this creature is dangerous leave it to me yeah exactly that would work so this is gonna be a plus five so we have a 75 chance of doing this and we did it kind of maybe yes okay and we did it yes we did it he's right let's go we need to check out that blast yeah blast I could use more specifics you didn't hear it no sugar so we came for a look hmm I'm in dire need of healing where is this camp again um this is oh it's almost guaranteed I mean we could hit a natural one sure don't be a three oh God so many Nat ones in one and we did have guns on uh all right that's fine enough that one's already stupid kids anyway sucks all stinky thank you all right so we're friends now you guys should for sure keep walking oh that's a cool thing she does with her head like that okay guidance has run out that is okay let us save real quick um we do need to shoot her down um all right you're up Starion shoot that wait could I not do that not Google where's the road connection to excuse me uh my guy weekend debate oh it's just a weekend base that'll do it yeah yeah enough Jordan get me down as you wish the tadpole hasn't yet scrambled all your senses auspicious but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crash you will join me careful she obviously sees your kindness dang I really like having both of them but they're going to be button heads the entire time in the party huh and Gail is going to be cool as a wizard but I also feel like he's gonna be the first one that we say bye bye bye too um hmm uh oh God no I don't want to do that I want to say you know what I'd be a little sassy back to her simple thank you suggest a wyvern bow to one dog I said your life we better not smooch later um all right um what exactly is a crate infected with a gay tadpole we must report to Augusto for purification all right we will journey together let's find this creation you are you are dismiss your weakest Warrior all right jog on then gift Yankee a jargon um ungroup um does anyone know how I tell uh Gail to piss off can I tell Gail to piss off how do we do it camping resting menu go to camp to him oh I need to talk to him as him I'm Gonna Leave um so I talked to him Gail you're not first in Magic are you oh of course I am nature guides me well oh I do apologize I meant to ask are you studied in Magic namely are you a wizard which you are not you meet any Elder Wizards let me know there is a master I'd like to see it I guess I guess our Starion would be a good one to let go then but we don't have any other rangers but I guess you know what maybe a story because I like historian but I'm going to need Rogues the leaves because I need Shadow heart for her heels and um and her um guidance guidance is great Gail's gonna do nukes I guess historian yeah it's a matter of being like do we want like Magic High DPS or uh melee High DPS let's um let's do that then historian go back to Camp so we've picked up do they level up together like if I let Gail hang out and Australian goes home if I want to pick up historian is he back at our level experience is shared great um tell me about yourself so tell I'm registry back in the city it's all rather tedious I need you to stay at the camp for a while darling I'm hurt I thought we had something special we could just stay at the candle do you know where to find me you always can cover for a cleric if needed I know but guidance is so good guidance is so good I mean I guess I've heard you Stone but apparently you can um what's the story with that old little artifact none that you're entitled to hear anyway just oh right I mean yeah so um has the error of your ways become clear yes get the Yankee I would like to join you you have made an ally from Shadow heart disappears I mean yeah they're gonna butt head I guess other than guidance do we really need it [Music] one there this zoru a theme a crush must be near we will ask this sorry where he has seen my kin level up all right I'll be level up well I want to make her an Eldritch Knight I guess I don't have to pick a subclass for her yet can learn guidance too oh Shadow heart is not long for this party thanks probably I think level three I think level if I get because I got um my subclass level two so then it would stand a reason that level three gets me another new cant drip yeah um I don't know the logistics but I say keep the cute girl well Elena puff that's all a matter of taste because most of tick tock and starting me uh believes lizelle is the cute girl um so what what do you mean that by that thing I didn't realize I made my boy such a beef boy look at that beef boy aesthetic all right so anyway now we can double back without delay ooh I want to see what everything that wouldn't create honestly they're all hot I mean can you make any characters well you make your own character and I do think later you can make like mercenaries that basically function as just whoever you want it to be which makes sense okay um to me um dragon egg mushroom nice my favorite kind of mushroom dude can't believe it dude it's sick dude um I think we're gonna go right here I should do a little bit of a long rest just a little bit of a long rest we're hopping in here um oh it takes camp supplies I was like why would I not do this all the time oh wait no it looks like everybody's stuff is back okay pretty much do that later any romance in this game you sure as hell can you sure as hell can everything all right out there um here it's select Shadow Of Hearts died here we go and now back to me um performance or deception I'm gonna do performing that kind of sounds fun to be like oh yes I am I certainly am gimbal gums get gimberman hey not 20. they're gonna give me their house find the key nice pretty flipping sick well we're gonna obviously have to kill this guy as soon as we get in we'll be like hey I mean I'm not dead yeah it's um oh I have opportunity attack or no only I do gotta luck again then I guess I will sheleighly foreign fiddle sticks my surprised isn't he um main hand attack action surge that's right Second Wind that's great lacerate um after a short rest it comes back short rest it comes back and then long rest okay cool cool um let's do this man hand attack I'm so excited to start doing all the sneaky stuff soon like when we find stuff on the ground and just eat it at them I feel like successful that's awesome God that's so cool because like eventually you can just push someone off a cliff it's like yeah you choose to do that or like you push a rock off something I mean I guess we kind of already did with the um with the uh little that like giant lodestone situation that just murked them Lord have mercy also if we have a um I'm getting too close any sort of like oil on us in these there's like an area of effect attack we're absolutely okay Shadow heart it's all up to you live your life and Dethrone the haters sure a guiding bolt why not there we go there we go that's awesome and orange nice two to eight that's a bludgeoning thing I think I could use that torch with sheleighly too that might actually be really beneficial to me hold on let's see here so melee 4-11 okay it's wielded with both hands I should I should hold on to that longsword is good um let's take a look at our party figure thanks for hanging out tonight y'all I'm having a great time um I really shouldn't be streaming at this point it's 10 30 but I am and that's the thing that happens next so yep um let's take a look here um Gail definitely needs this hat dude for sure um who else got what uh short sword three to eight damage what do you got long sword four to thirteen okay well leather armor armor class 11. so what do you have now you probably have better than that yeah simple robe I don't think as a wizard he can do oh it is light armor oh fry that out then maybe um the devil may sing dude this is you have dropped so many flipping gift Subs in this single stream thank you so much for dropping 25 flipping gift Subs everybody please give a spicy clever Coop welcome to doctor feels good hey you versus uh the spider not Nia uh Carissa Edwards Leah borginine uh nerdy Derby fluffy Cloud T-Bone trevorian creature Road skills Rachel Z Queen vix egg is a fruit red pandas are fuzzy Elena 27 moblue Tucker's XS or XZ the Asian Dawn common wrath tedward Rin of the valley and then cyber Comics uh the devil may sing thank you so much that is really nice of you and I greatly appreciate it um thank you so much within wild Bonkers generous like thank you thank you thank you thank you um truly thank you uh tool trap disarm kit that's going to be important for later I'm assuming range so she does not have oh wait I have to switch characters to see if she's proficient or not oh she does have proficiency with light crossbow that's awesome okay well now I'm starting to see that everything I did was wrong um wait she's not yeah so she is proficient not proficient um great great great well that's cool now she's doing all kinds of better stuff um dude thank you so much again that was that's really cool and really nice um Harper's notebook Harper's map didn't we get a book that taught us spells a second ago wasn't that a thing did historian grab that is that the problem I'm assuming they all um keep their inventory as they as they go um I do want to read this um I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and keep on saying it till we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate now it's risky so staying here last few months have been hard they're always a little easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge and whatever you can carry or make do without the rest late love Anna oh well I guess well Anna could sound like that I don't know I don't know you don't know I don't know dude oh let me know okay cool um cool cool white chocolate raspberry whoopie pie oh my God white chocolate raspberry all the time every day but chocolate peppermint is also dank I mean Sophie's Choice um all right cool God it'd be really fun to get like necromancy later no reason leave this truck it's Chinese all the things I want all these things no more prayers only silence must be Lonesome to be a forgotten God particular list drop in five flipping gift subs thank you so much have other people steal for a minute um thank you so much particular list dropping five gift Subs to do weep uh Casio or Casio and chips Ashley Atomic Dawn days and then um it's blue uh thank you so much portrait of Fame there's something behind there oh we just took it nope there's nothing behind there we just own it now I really love how much you can take in this game got it to loot Fest no wonder no wonder we all keep getting addicted to this game no wonder people can't put it down it's a dopamine Factory like can I steal from the fireplace they're like you sure can big guy you fine the gold pieces for you little treats I'm just like yeah yeah that's right like what if I don't get the milk can and then it turns out there's a milk can dungeon later and they're gonna be like you need those thank you again particular list I really appreciate that yeah we're stealing everything dog because here's the thing apparently these murderers took this area from the nice little monks and now I deserve a treat ancient indecipherable text covers the plaque Dutch tongue whoever worshiped him has been long gone exactly and that's why we need to take our books because if not then they get they get forgotten that sucks when that happens uh curse of the vampire that's funny I'm sure uh you won't read that not Gail um Astorian would like to read that wow that sure was fun right there oh there's a lever there's a looks bull I'm Gonna Save here you save wow I keep thinking I'm not gonna stream much longer and then here I am safe successful oh okay that's always nice to know oil barrel that's actually super cool range attack on Gail that part's not I don't love that but to tell you what don't you have some fire Shadow arm wouldn't it be neat if you lose [Music] yeah dude wait saved everybody saved on that fire that sucks are you kidding me dude um well Gail's actually not doing so hot after that one hit God Wizards are so swoft oh so much for peace um hmm we've got Mari and her seed so I think I should probably go about this in a normal murdery kind of way on oh I already used my action to open the door that's the problem so I guess I should wild shape then probably because I haven't done that yet and we do have long rest ready to go um Badger can burrow and has extra Health um wild shaped spider has extra hit points and can web enemies wolf is extra okay this is actually very uh good um cat nope uh bear I feel like bear might be the one to go uh check your karmic dice if you notice a weird amount of saves like that I've heard people talk about karmic dice gameplay um is it automatically on karmic dice is it is on all right well now it goes so for those of you that don't know karmic dice um it basically means uh you I'm actually gonna turn around here we go oh well what do I wish I could just like turn around like do an about face yeah screw it um what's my movement left yeah I'm gonna do the back um karmic dice basically means no no it's a setting it's an extra setting that they add where like if you just feel like you're getting screwed over time and time again it makes it so that you can't get like a bunch of really bad rolls a bunch in a row and like yes that is DND yes theoretically like you could be naturally getting those roles but it's making it so that like you don't just have like a bad time and go like come on oh is she down is she down oh she has three Health left okay ah she's ensnared rats that means it's going to be a little bit hard for her to move after all this after all said and done um ranged attack on I might as well take down this Mari character or this hasid character oh I've got advantage on Mario there we go boom mari's dead I hate saying that I have a friend named Ari don't love that even a little okay don't firebolden laser damn everybody's got this strong magic I guess I guess if I were like about to be killed I would also be like hey I'm going to use whatever I have um so maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me um yeah what are your campers like right here boy my buddy my boy my fellow all right um yeah we're gonna do that 65 . right intern I guess um then you also just a normal Bonk I suppose main hand attack oh you can't do it can you oh God dang it no I'm sacred flame 36 dude okay there we go nice I love the actual very realistic uh screams it works for my druid a great Club that's a bludgeoning weapon um cool in 10. is real rude right here can't reach destination oh no wait Lazelle yeah you gotta move dog I can do this come on that actually super sucks nice knock it down instead have to keep going man I don't have enough movement the bear barely moves that sucks roared enemies to go them into attacking I mean that kind of sounds cool yeah attack attack me folks hold on I move any more nope out of movement all right well attack me then don't attack my friends who are so full they're so hot and now okay and that sefri Ed burning hands oh no he's lays out down lizelle is down we're gonna have to fix that lickety-split it's gonna be a whole thing huh um I'm out of spell slot so I can't help laser yeah I hear you God come on I guess I could just help her up which is helpful but I have a minute and I don't want to like waste this opportunity I think I'm going to do steak on sefri yeah getting set free down as soon as possible because the step is gonna do that big damage that big damage um and I'll scoot over here done I don't fancy their chances I don't like the way that's looking oh no no no no um let's see here Firebolt chromatic orb that's the one and then we're gonna do a long rest but wait I said we can't do that okay silly um maybe we take down sefri maybe we can do it um I'm gonna scoot over here and then yeah we can do that go on oh only three damn okay don't shoot my buddy man both y'all are down bummer all right cool well then let's see here I can hit torga and everybody else is pretty much down so I kind of need to take down sefury before this becomes a problem there we go yeah loot nice Journey Through the Jungle sure quarters Oh that's oh I thought I already had a better quarters and I thought this was a better quarter step than what I had so I'm a little little move all right end turn all right um are you even able to hit him here um I think I should help you up yeah let's help you up [Music] up you go and then I think that's about it oh we can loot this person nice I'm such a little Goblin in these games I just want looting and yes I'm getting very sleepy but I don't want to stop because I have a problem it's not me so um I'm okay with it even hit her from there dude that sucks I don't even like you dude dude you can't do that here dude everyone's pissed at you bro dude no one likes it when you do that my guy in fact everyone's pretty pissed dude in fact we gotta help we gotta help you dude Get on Up yo dude no you can't die dude you can't die bro I guess the rules dude wait oh Gail is up and like can move okay can you actually hit through here can you shoot past my oh God no I just got myself in the line of sight I didn't realize I just was like up to move thank you amen Get Wrecked there is no way his ass just dodged a bear he just took a bear strike and then dodged the bear no no no no that's not how any of this works I've never been hit by a bear but I'm pretty sure I'd cry I'm pretty sure I'd do something feel pretty sad about it for a minute only five Bolton Blaster buff beans on beans come on torga go ahead and yeah shoot me Point playing with a bow oh yeah I forgot to tell you bear what a jump and no one almost died pretty cool hey guys uh the other round you know we had a pretty hard day today not gonna understand why you'd probably want to go home feeling pretty bad about yourself you know I feel pretty well myself sometimes but you know at the end of the day I think because we work together and he chose to be friends support your dimensions that's why we achieve our goals you let's read a little bit from the book of final press shall we um let's roll scroll text too much you put a hat on the bear oh God if only I don't think I can I'd sure like to but I don't think I can remainer battleborn you there Ray Manor battleborn oh nothing in the face okay well everybody having a really good day I don't know why this is deeply funny yeah I do yeah I do it's a bear it's just a bear it's just a little guy sitting on the ground there um let me explore I'm gonna explore these rooms my God this game is so good I don't want to sleep I'm so pissed I have to sleep at some point I hate it I wonder if I can just bust down that door too I'm gonna check that in a minute the second I'm gonna do a long rest because clearly everyone's having a rough day um hey guys let's check this rustic test make sure we lay down in bed I'm I'm pretty happy I'm pretty stoked this is just a delight amazing broken cupboard bench hunt you Jane attack happens I can't use this yeah oh cool bunch of clothes and Rags dude they got Rags here they got everything all right I think I saw everything in there let's go um again I really wish I could just be a necromancer because I would so I would sew just every single person I would just be whoop up you go is that a warlock thing no that's a that's like a sorcerer thing huh um I'm gonna attack this with my closet yeah I'm gonna do it twice dude acting silly bruv got me about to act up it's a wizard okay um candle uh um all right anything else in here with Steve do all you say oh storyline door dang dude this credit is dang my guy dude check it out my guy this right here is dang dude dude I just picked up this this dude so dang dude it's actually pretty crazy I think this is one of these dude great sick dude it's a Spore Druid thing too I'm gonna try to make me regret not taking sport to it I'm getting an extinct whiff of undisturbed too until now undisturbed I need someone um I see y'all dropping like flies in that chat don't worry I will be done pretty soon I know I've said that for the better part of an hour but is there gonna be a trap here okay cool uh what did I say of Resurrection oh what a resurrection build a chest I know I saw something there we go oil of death and reserve on death and Resurrection okay almost like oil of death and I was like damn that's just poison you have to be like this is my special Enchanted oil of death like dog that's antifreeze me um that's it let's see here kill the chest is empty I'm gonna go through the heavy Outdoors is this where I enter I wonder through the the area down there gave your boards more plaques that are literally not of a language that anyone knows that anyone knows I'm gonna try I'm gonna try to see if this is the locked door nope hurry up don't worry it's logged I suppose attack it with my claws zero is Media medium softness it's two what medium toughness I wonder what could take that down probably not anything I have then well okay burn it down says Nick Meyer burn down the doors Nick don't you get it it's a great idea this is for sure a trap yeah I was like thank you Shadow heart thank you Shadow heart disarm oh I wonder if it's like a check not disarmament you should long rest probably long rests are for the smart um who is the you know what that aren't I need you to give me a little bit of guidance here on a long road ahead I can't disarm it can you do it you should save oh yeah I quick save don't you worry can I guidance myself I'm so smart I chose this okay oh cause you need thumbs for sure um disarm toolkit dexterity and guidance theoretically there's a plus one that just gives us up to plus four even if we just got one from this we would need to roll it eight or above so we've got God got a 60 chance of success here [Music] nice no traps for this me I need to go to bed so bad what am I doing what am I doing I'm just I'm happy to be here but what am I doing dog y'all everybody please drop some sub bombs and generous mother geese in chat the devil may sing is dropping 25 more gifts that's a hundred is that more is that 125 at this point in the night thank you so much jeez I'm crepes gifting the citizen man maddieval veal's uh Sergey boy uh let's see uh partly cloudy skies Sandra lean uh Ken with a bunch of numbers uh creason Charming fall text TM Clementine's tired mythica or uh yeah Rebecca loves horses uh Blondie verb anime with a bunch of numbers uh jodzy diovanni BR Queen pasta logical pie gatekeeper weeda May uh Ali UK uh meteor storm Optical Enigma butter blades and then asked men um thank you so much like Beyond between that and the tip that you dropped earlier that was you've gone so above and beyond what anyone could ever expect or hope even out of a really generous person so that thank you thank you thank you I hope you know you do not have to do that you are appreciated either way um what thank you truly truly truly thank you um thank you um all right so let's it's really nice thank you let's do a long rest here to get everything back I'm gonna get out of wild shape actually before I do that hold on I have an idea I'm Gonna Save though I'm Gonna Save there's a button right there and it's a very obvious button and there was a trap right here so my guess as someone who's played Vidya game is that there is the Trap right here and we're all gonna be like okay I disarmed that trap I know what I'm doing that you you try to trick me I have a trick of my own and that is not stepping on the Trap and then you press that button it explodes so let's see let's have everybody else hang out over here let's have you ungroup let's have you actually shadowheart go over here with the rest of the group no no Shadow heart you're gonna go over here this way wanted the easy path don't worry y'all I'm gonna go back to those doors like truly truly truly don't worry I'm gonna figure it out uh Mage hand all right so we're gonna magehand this my assumption is that I'm gonna so I'm gonna go over here and I think magehand I'm gonna have you magehand my ghostly little hand press this button [Music] no [Music] okay black I guess you can't really read can you shove fly the target position or throw things can't be added to inventory women okay can you can you take me here okay um sarcophagus I know you can't inspect it for me but it looks like there's something there so let's see um you inspector would create no it got dismissed so then the button was pressed can I use this I I feel this is real trap looking like it's right in the middle here oh perception be careful okay great and now I will be uh group all yeah now I will be disarming that trap there okay so we have there's a lot of traps in this room then yeah you do still have the best dexterity so let's go here disarm let's try this this whole place is very trapped um so we have at minimum plus three up to plus seven this could be a tricky roll let's get let's get like an eight let's get an eight come on get me an eight yes son of a bastard wait it could be it could be with plus four damn it I didn't do it retreat I better retreat no no wait why did I do that fine no no no no no no no no come on everyone come on everyone okay we're good gotta find everyone is okay so I'm gonna very much need to um I'm gonna need to restart here I'm not trying to save scum but like they like they died died they died died we're fine you know what Nickelodeon I appreciate you saying that I love the positivity and now would be a great time to use the zero decimote for the person who asked way earlier um because I didn't die I wasn't ready I didn't know the rules the game was cheating my little brother was playing and the sun was in my eyes um I do want to thank a few more new subscribers everybody please give us all right see clever Coop welcome to Uber Bob relics of Dawn and then life Star Stone how delightful thank you kindly um all right so that yeah none of that uh counted really when you think about it um reception failed all right everyone else how do you feel about this anybody perceiving it something failed all right cool cool Gail how you feel everybody perception failed come on man reload again because we know it's a trap we did it last time hey what's up Tom welcome on in yes I've been playing for almost four hours yes I started late um all right so actually shadow heart I was going to mention isn't it cool how I'm being guided yeah yeah yeah I was gonna say um okay now we're cooking with your ass how about this let's disarm it okay I think we can do it this time click on the dice to roll let's go let's go get it give me an egg 15 baby oh it's 21. oh that's the spice the sarcophagus nor flies clean up still feel like this is tricky but okay the engraved key and the watches guide proficiency with this type of wave that's a spear oh who uses Spears that's interesting I guess it's a druid I would but then sheleighly kind of goes out the window but honestly I'm okay with it if it's a special weapon that gives me little goodies all right so there's another trap right there not ideal not a deal that's awesome these are really good things oh I'm carrying too much stuff all right well that might be my sign to get ready for bed soon and then I'll do those big doors that everyone's so stoked about later um hold on ring male armor I mean this has got to go to it's got to go to uh um medium here yeah oh this is heavy in a cleric I don't think a Claire can do the heavy armor that's too bad isn't it oh maybe I don't need all the like milk cans and stuff no no I think I do I'm probably gonna have to sell those for a lot of money um okay so I do have proficiency with this Weapon It's one to eight but when the spear misses its Target the Wheeler's next attack roll against it against true strike I mean that's kind of cool and I don't have to throw it do I do I I can also just do it as like a two-hando 1d8 but then sheleighly doesn't work on it for bludgeoning damage yeah but sheleighly does only add three damage each and then I could do a different can trip maybe that's the move yeah Spears are cool too hey most adults won't tell you this but Spears are pretty cool um we do all need torches it's saying that we don't have them cool cool thank you again of the mods for staying so late tonight you can go also at any time because I know you are busy humans Soul coins strange coin I wonder what it's worth honestly as always anybody can do it anytime it will certainly not stuck here exception failed okay well I don't trust that when you walk over there and they're like perception failed it is it's it's kind of hard I'm fine doing it in a game but like with d and d in general um oh it's funny that I don't understand 70 of these words so Elena puff I definitely want to like involve people as much as possible and allow them to like actually have a chance to understand things so that being said um what is it you're not understanding because I do want to I want to make sure people get it guys maybe I will upload this to a YouTube channel if I don't need to like cut things down I mean I'll shave off the beginning like yeah so I know you said there's a lot of stuff you don't understand but like what's what's a word that popped up and that you were like my face protects me oops have stayed interesting I think I'm learning anything in two hell yeah baby magic I'm still to hear it but again is there anything else you want to understand oh it just oh because I have the key now nice and everybody was so frustrated so frustrated I was going to the other room first but that's how I get the keys yo I got I keep screwing up the wasda of all this um okay cleric so cleric Tiana is uh well historically it comes from the word or the word clerk comes from it it was a scribe of the church um oh there you go in Tomb scribe what are the odds that I said the word scribe and then ascribe was right there that's wild um so anyway um silver necklace a cleric is someone that is a uh studier like a holy practitioner right um like a little like a Wandering priest situation and in D they are a devotee of a specific God so in this game there can be the typical version of like ah they're a holy person and they heal you through the word of the Lord and all that good stuff or maybe they worship the trickster God someone almost like a Loki situation and because of that they learn a bunch of tricky spells through their God and that's pretty neat right um and that's its own thing Zia um and so that is a cleric who else doesn't know things about d and d and this world and needs some help so what kind are you so Tiara my character is not a cleric our character here Shadow heart is a cleric and I think because she has the blessing of the trickster she might be a cleric of the trickster domain again someone kind of like a Loki situation or some maybe like the goblin god um I forget their name something like some silly and Goblin you know um as goblins do medium toothless Something Magic right there book of dead gods that's cool Focus are lighter than it should be with such a massive I that's a big deal to pick that up um Arcana I mean I think I do oh I don't have good Arcana oh no strength um I'm Gonna Leave I'm gonna leave that right there I'm gonna save that for someone else and also give myself guidance um in fact Lazelle Lazelle would probably have good strength on that um there is work to do oh let's see here uh Kayla macaroni dropping five flipping gift subs thank you very much Kayla macaroni uh for gifting to Magic skeleton oh that's a clever name that you only really get when you read it aloud it's Magics like IX skeleton I love that um pair with a couple underscores Emerald star oof ouch the water and then ringa 12. so very much Fork is far lighter than it should be with such a massive lock this is wild thank you so much um all right strength could help us smash the lock open let's try this and it needs oh it needs a 15. this is uh we could do it we could do it oh but we sure didn't what can other people try oh she has inspiration all right let's try again but it doesn't take my strength into consideration when I use inspiration I had no idea that's very interesting let's go we broke up one five with God are there any healers in DVD that aren't devoted to a deity or God yes a storybook ending so I'm playing as a druid which is basically a wizard of nature they call on natural forces and it doesn't just mean like trees it's like Fire's a natural force it's always lightning so is the moon so are fungus um but they also have the power to heal not as well as a cleric usually um also paladins paladins can often heal which are like fully Warrior templates each comes with it magic but anybody can make um potion those heal you as well what was once script is now an obliterated scroll you have a sense these are names a list but of what so Wayward Jaybird that's a great question um is there a combination you would recommend for a first-time player to ease in a character development um oh I feel like I should put this down and have Shadow heart trying out because Shadow heart with no religion she's a cleric right um all right so let's try that then um that's awesome um sorry okay so something I would recommend um I think if you want a very basic like hit something until it falls over because you are strong that would be a fighter Fighters are really good if you want that and the ability to heal a little bit too Paladin is great you know you you won't die as easily um but there aren't too many ways to go wrong in this game honestly if you want to like put all of your stock into your teammates and have them do some really cool stuff while you are supporting them and making sure like every role we do here what if it didn't double the role things like that it's not exactly I'm exaggerating a bit but um you would play a Bard a Bard would really help people do these things um wait a minute why can't oh no because I left read yeah Shadow heart ah because I left I I failed that religion thing shoot oh that really sucks oh well I guess I learned my lesson here I'm encumbered as well I have too much uh that I'm carrying um that's really too bad that's a bummer that's really a bummer um you know what let's just do yeah nope nope not all of it damn I'm really disappointed by that shoot thanks for the raid Peach the puppo oh you can't tag team in characters that are better Ah that's too bad all right well tell you what we went in here and we looked at a couple things I'm gonna look at like a couple Mo oh morning Stars gonna be way better for shadowheart are you kidding me hold on because that's normal oh she has a torch is a weapon no way that's very silly oh I've made a huge mistake I had no idea that um it replaces their melee weapon oops um yeah Morningstar is yeah this is way better my God wait why can't I swap this with um her there we go um you need your staff back and then you need your long sword but didn't I get a better stabby weapon a little stab you babbo two to eleven uh Four Thirteen um scimitar didn't I just pick up a much better stabby weapon I thought I did oh well maybe it was just another long sword and I didn't realize so it goes okay well now I know um thanks for the raid y'all we're gonna be winding down stream soon because it is a uh work night and I have been streaming for four hours and I started late oops um that's everyone else's fault but mine um because I'm very responsible look at Dead Gods I should just hold on to it then right yeah pick up shoot I wouldn't miss anything too cool a work night well I mean like I have work in the morning you know what I mean like a school night because you have school in the morning this is weird for me to say as a grown-ass man but I did it heavy key nice that's important probably uh a damaged face why is that one damaged must have had something really good inside no it doesn't not at all and uh some of you may be wondering why I'm able to sort of see in the dark even though I don't have a torch out um my character and maybe one of my characters has dark vision it's something a lot of elves have a lot of teethlings have oh I didn't think anyone worshiped described as the Dead ooh scribe of the Dead eh wait there's a plaque right there okay so many protection is in a language unknown tea cool intuned Warrior cool cool we'll go back and make sure we didn't miss anything later but for right now I just need all these goodies other Scimitar cool saving that's one thing I do want to bring more of into my camera what does this button do um like in a lot of d d campaigns it'll be like you enter a room and then uh the DM will just like start rolling Dice and you're always just like why why are you rolling dice why are you rolling guys you're like don't worry about it don't worry about it did you cast anything by the way before you came in here oh we really should be um oh I didn't long rest oh no I have to load and just I totally forgot the long rest there's no way we're gonna survive I'm gonna waste your time load the save game hey you know what so I think I think this is what we're gonna do actually I'm gonna do a long rest and then we are going to um we're gonna I think probably call it a night after that I'm of course gonna wind down chat with y'all for a minute we're gonna read out all the resubscribers hey we've also got nadan two three seven drop in five living gift subs thank you so much gifting to Warrior Danny the gentleman gamer live Silva void male WIS or male Louise and then uh October October the red thank you so much yeah I think we're all gonna need a long rest says Elena puff thank you very much yeah and you know what if I do just upload this straight up we're gonna have a four hour upload isn't that great um that's going to be flipping wild long rest here we go do you want to end the day yes I do um also Tiana had dropped 369 nice um thank you very much Tiana thank you can't believe you're still going on my way home in the train now can you detail the highlights so I can understand oh yeah oops that was 15 minutes ago sorry give me one second your Camp you can take a long rest and fully heal your party you can also manage party members Advanced relationships with your companion store items and eventually change your character and recruit more followers nice oh look at that fancy shirt I need to start wearing shirts just like that just like um so this is a pretty fancy camp um do I have I wonder do I have storage or my characters thoughts of mugwort um do you know whatever it takes test guidance on me so I can do better with you um all right you strike me as the reliable sword are you sure this is a good idea um don't fret we need some rest fine [Music] let's wake up at first light agreed our top priority as far as I'm concerned oh fine it won't be easy searching this Wilderness Maybe as well we'll need our strength good night love you dangerous look in her eyes just hope she reserves those impulses for any common foes you should get to know each other a little more lastly the harmony little mystery don't you think you don't want to talk about yourself have you ever heard the people who want to talk about themselves I'm doing you a favor maybe I'd like to get to know you better bit of you but don't worry I'm sure you'll get to know me just fine by traveling together good for interrogations just yet if that's what you prefer I can respect that thank you sure we'll get along there's a there's a difference between a little bit of Riz and being pushy um what do you think of all that's happened to us so far we haven't gone must have thoughts about our little stairways must I thinking about it won't help we know what to do so let's do it find a way to rid ourselves of these things I'm not too hopeful that a gift crash will actually prove our Salvation I think it's pronounced crazy keeping in mind I think it's pronounced crazy I hate to do that but I'm sorry how am I holding up in your expert in estimations perhaps I'll be able to leave all right well at least we got to know um go full episodes Rags dope was turned into riches later I heard um all right we can talk to Lazelle I do want to keep talking to these people besides inside there right that the gay do not still pursue us with each peel of the Bell take your rest I will stand watch should a single tentacle split your skull I will not hesitate to end you so what kind of bands do you like me I like Taylor Swift but also others you look so unusual if Yankee are rare in these parts I expect I am your first um I know if Yankee but I've never met one of course you haven't they would have cut you cut Julian to me then I am to you I know of your kind hey what's up Laurel yeah I'm addicted to this game I've been going for four hours and 15 minutes come on now this isn't that large decadent then lacking in economy like so much of this world and it's undisciplined people so what kind of pizza do you like any siblings do you know much about mind players I understand much 10 hours the first date my God Coral I don't blame you I know the Q is thank you I don't know why I made them like this but I kind of like his look do you know what happens if we don't find a cure in great detail it starts with a fever and memory loss then you start to hallucinate then tummy drugs every orifice the bones will change form your jaw will split to allow room for four great tentacles all skin will turn to Gaul and be shed to reveal new flesh underneath then you have ceased to exist and a mind flayer is born so what kind of bands do you like um that's not going to happen we will find a cure what why okay so she likes it when we're like very bold very um in our in our choices what happens if we don't it's like all right then we will we will slice the tentacles off of the worm beasts you're worried we haven't changed that's good news yes if you give it no further thought but anomalies lead to surprises you see thirsty for him look at it besides what hasn't happened May yet come to pass be we can save successful excellent um time to find that storage time to find that storage and my friend goes dude they got bats here oh does she hate you no I think she's just like that I think she's just a bit Angy sometimes and like she has good reason but also I think if Yankee are a little bit more um brash then uh others are maybe culturally it's just normal to be very direct and very focused on your strength in the fact that I was just like oh I've never met a get the Yankee so she's like yeah if you had they would cut your wiener clean off from your bones and you're like all right ellipses go to hell I'm rude and good evening to you too yeah you're a good sport go to hell an everyday expression so trivial it's almost meaningless yes exactly I've seen how it's real it isn't trivial it's on your mind Gail devils dragons you see I'm a tiefling you can't really be saying that much about Devils right now pictures on a piece of paper What A Difference A Day Makes now we have tadpoles slithering through our heads like carnivorous feet high never wanted to know that plural that's not abstract have you got to tell yes I'm a tiefling thieflings are sort of like half demon and it doesn't necessarily mean bad or evil it's just they're from half of their parentages from like the lower planes huh I'm not too worried we'll find someone who can help us that's the spirit let's be up with a lark find a Healer before the wee one gets hungry hmm so Disney hole in a bowl I'm gonna give that baldwick here if you like don't go to prison yeah that's fun like training dummies that's pretty sick elegant stool don't mind if I will chances of teethling too oh do you mean in the um in the D D campaign we're doing on Smash no chances in a ladrin naladrin is what I usually like to play as in d d uh they are a type of Elf from sort of the realm of fairies and fairy magic um that are more tied to Nature and the seasons so um they have the ability to uh uh have their outsides reflect the season that they currently like are in and it doesn't have to be like the season that's outwardly there but it's like I am in my summer right so they have the ability to do this like teleport like step like 30 feet away so if you're a summer you know when you do that you can do fire damage to the enemies around you when you're in Winter you can um fear the enemy and make them afraid of you um and you know Terror them um if it's Autumn I think you charm them and they want to fight for you or if it's spring ah that one I always forget but it's something do you mind I'm brooding God enjoying the latest addition to our little group little in a very look at me twice and I'll dismember you kind of way of course yeah um Lee oh he doesn't want to talk to me beyond that I need something yes right I guess we just won't be close to starting now where is this travel chest I've heard so much sure would like for him oh a telescopy I spy with my little eye nothing of note really yeah nothing of note really Travelers chest there we go here we go oh ornamental piano it's cool nice of the shapeshifter wait are these things that I got specially because I did the Early Access oh what does that do wait and is this all I can um is this all I can store it doesn't seem like a whole hell of a lot of storage there huh and I guess I don't really know what to store [Music] yeah I guess I don't really know oh the great sword is what I wanted to give to lizelle let's do that 4-13 um hold on wait five to Fifteen four to Thirty wielding with both hands slashing gives me a lot of extra attacks doesn't it 2d6 plus three or One D ten plus three um I mean that's that's better gotta do it good job oh she's cuddling it to bed is there any way to sort inventory I'm sure there is I'm sure there's a an auto sort situation um in the game oh you can just right click and send these things to Camp that's kind of Awesome it's kind of sick nice Quarter Staff quarter eleven or one to eight wait really oh all right y'all I think it's about time to have our characters go to bed we'll watch if a cut scene happens or something and then I'll read out three subscribers and then I'm gonna go to bed okay oh really do you got to work tomorrow oh ice ice RC is don't even worry about it um a Capuchin with a jacket a very spicy clever Coop welcome to you as well as to life Star Stone and then teach the puppo gifted by Anonymous thank you for doing it all right corner you can sort all inventories in different categories thank you oh yeah I guess all I guess I'll Auto Select okay sure [Music] right before bed we're gonna have coffee and cheese and a pepper tell you what who's cleaning that up because that's about to be a problem or everyone involved um wait we're Jaybird thank you for hanging out tonight you didn't have to do that it's very late it's very late I'm sorry mods I'm sorry all months oh look at how alive we are yeah buddy okay cool um okay let's get the hell out of here you ain't Crypt God I don't want to play this more I want to play this more so bad you have no idea God dang it what if I stream tomorrow night I might do that uh Spades a Ramirez says Damian quick can I give my players familiars that are NPCs are you talking about like being a DM and like d that you're just playing with your friends you can do whatever you want you can Homebrew you can do it anything um dude I might stream tomorrow night yeah you do whatever you want um that being said some unfamiliar or find familiar is a um a spell in and of itself so you might want to base it off of that and like if you do give your people familiars like maybe try to find a way to justify it like maybe they have to earn it after doing a cool dungeon they find a cool um item that like a circlet of find familiar or something like that that allows them to maintain it throughout the day um that might be fun right I don't know I don't know um y'all this was a wild stream the amount of um the amount of sub bombs and generous tips is absolutely wild um thank you so much you didn't have to do that and it was very nice that you did um so thank you I am going to exit out of the game we're all going to watch it happen here we go here he goes God no huh oh here we go there we go um so thank you all so much for hanging out and supporting tonight what time are you stream tomorrow I mean I should also rest so no guarantee but if I do probably around the same time starting like seven maybe or maybe earlier you know what I get off of work early so maybe I'll just do that I don't know I don't know we'll see we'll see how I feel I also need to exercise and have a good meal that'll be my stipulation first um but I do want to read out all the re-subscribers of which there are many not not more than usual but I just want to make sure the credit is given where credit is due four and a half hour stream Thursday night that's very unusual flipping wild um I appreciate it a lot y'all this has been absolutely lovely and on my brand new computer from Alienware my R15 it tell you what Baldur's Gate 3 we turned up all the settings to maximum no problem no problems at all and I am going to look into uh did anyone notice that like audio delay issue that you were talking about going on after you said it at the very very beginning is it still a thing curious because I'm gonna look into that I'm gonna look into that um nope all resolved says Wayward chambered really huh okay well that's good to know all right so time to read out all the resubscribe yes unfortunately but it's better okay because for me you want to only buy half a second now it's clean it worked itself out interesting okay um so a warm welcome back and thank you to Cami whammy for their third month Duke of the world for their third perpetually tired for their 33rd Insanity for their 34th mad Mama for their 30th Ellie may be gaming for their third bad wolf for their third myth and metal for their fourth toll of the garden gnome for their fifth maxaroni for their 14th Nefertiti for their 19th at a tier two Nefertiti thank you for that extra bit of support I greatly appreciate it it's very nice of you Nick and Jay for their second resin for their second hex milk for their second Coraline for their fourth cause storm for their 30 second uh we got uh Faye Tate for their second comrade Ender for their 10th Thorson for their 11th Walker box for their 21st a big Papa Smurf for their 46th brister brister for their one year clever bursary brister brister thank you so much for the support I greatly appreciate it here's to 10 000 more years um we got Mew Welch for their sixth the ginger Ave for their 28th Rosa Elena at a tier three for their 10th Rosa Elena thank you for that big old extra chunk of support it's 11 30. I don't know what time I thought it was ah dang it okay it's fine everything's fine thank you all for being Troopers and hanging out with me tonight you didn't have to do that and that was awesome many rainbows for their one year Club anniversary many rainbows thank you for your support and thank you for being such a great part of this community I appreciate you Drew by snacks for their fourth uh the bad birdie uh for their fourth Road Hog for their 11th moving cat for their fourth flopnia for their second K bugs for their second W smart for their 30th Sydney for their 14th this is poke cat for their second gem gen for their 13th Nick Sterling for their 22nd XV letter for their 21st Miranda Blaze for their fifth we got s ziemer for their seventh filth theme for their second Chrissy cat for their 30th Davina for their second relin for their 31st batches for a kid for their third uh Rach 11 and mu for their second Carl Andy Bob for their 21st Miss neurospicey for their uh suited gifting to paying attention for the second pay at least for their third uh pulse rare for their 26th Kayla macaroni getting the game kunda for their fifth thank you for doing that Kayla macaroni that was very sweet of you um oh baby magic I really appreciate you thanks for hanging out tonight thanks for being re-owned thanks for being a pre-owned oh Tiana's tip okay um yes Tiana I'll read that out in a minute um care for their 29th Odysseus giving the jewel rocks for their third thank you for doing that Odysseus flying platypus uh for their 53rd Odyssey escapes into Baja muttering uh Baja moot to ring got it uh for their fourth thank you very much spectacular space for their sixth Brian Calhoun for their 27th LOL TZ for their seventh uh we're almost through y'all almost a couple left only a couple left Bros Atlanta getting the lurk no further further fourth thank you spaghetti is back at a tier two for their two year clever bursary spaghetti you get the blue cakes of Legend the two year blue cakes I greatly appreciate you spaghetti and thank you so much to Kayla macaroni to Noah Cola two Amanda M Davis seeing if any more Roland for helping me carry those blue cakes they're very heavy they're made of tungsten thank you for doing that um we got Tiana gacp uh for their SEC excuse me gets into Mela avarina for their second and then finally Anonymous give them take off 345 for their second thank you so much Grizzle fix subscribing for the first time as well a very spicy clever Coop welcome to you thank you um so for those who asked what is the um what has happened so far um we don't know how but we were captured by mind flavors players they're a big old squid monster that works for the brain they put a little baby squid monster in our brain it could turn us into one of them we don't want that we escaped a few other people escaped we seem to be psychically connected and we want to get this thing out of us and there's a lot of different ways we can do that so someone is offering up like we gotta find my people they can fix it and then we're gonna go to the Druid camp and The Druids are because I play The Early Access the droids are gonna be like well The Druids could maybe do it too we got some medicine we don't know um so that's basically it right now we're just getting some treasure learning about all of our different peeps so um y'all absolutely Delight hanging out with you tonight thank you so flipping much let's see here you know what um so there was someone I had met at a party at VidCon and they seemed very nice I don't know a thing about them other than they usually do music streams so let's rage someone different tonight their name is McDoodle um so let's see uh we're gonna do uh just Damien Ray uh because they don't know me yet and I don't think they're gonna understand any random inside jokes that we drop um so we're gonna copy and paste this here um but first Tiana so that well no that was it that was it Wayward uh can you detail the highlights so I can understand that was Tiana's whole message it was the answer they asked for the highlights but thank you appreciate it all right so we're gonna um no that's okay dog I kept you here for four and a half hours totally fine all right so we're gonna raid McDoodle who I think is probably doing or maybe they're doing food tonight I don't know they're doing something let's send it right um clever Coop uh if you are new here thank you so much for stopping by I raid Tuesday excuse me I stream Tuesday Thursday Sunday usually I might add one tomorrow because I feel like it and streaming this again would be fun as I always say whether you tip you subscribe you throw bits my way or you just support me by watching with your eyeballs I so so appreciate you I love this community and I could not and would not want to do this without you so until maybe tomorrow definitely Sunday clever Coop you are dismissed God maybe Friday maybe Saturday let's do it all I don't care I don't care let's do it
Channel: Damien Haas
Views: 169,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: pYKR5NzAWsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 268min 47sec (16127 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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