A Very Thirsty Party | Baldur's Gate 3 - Ep.12 | Let's Play (First Playthrough)

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hey yeah it's Whimsy and we are back today with a new episode of bers Gate 3 today we are going to go uh it's the area just after the defile Temple which is site Outpost I think is the name we are currently there we just arrived and yeah we're going to try to do that area but I don't know if it leads to like a bigger place or it's just a tiny area I have no idea but my plan was to do this area if it's not too big and then I want to go back to Zer and see where hson went I I I guess he went back to the Grove but I just want to go back and see uh if there's something happening there since we killed all the Goblins leaders um so yeah I don't want to like delay too much I don't think we're on a timed thing but we never know so um yeah we I I'll try to find a um a waypoint and then maybe we could wrap out warp I should say warp out and uh teleport and then we can always go back if we want to that's kind of like what I want to do so yeah let's jump into it let's [Music] go all right so off camera I actually did a lot of inventory management and I did um use my backpack to put a couple of things so everything that is like elixir and Potions I put there and then in the Alchemy pouch obviously it's the Alchemy stuff and then in the cam Supply it's cam supply stuff keychain then we have two pouches in one of them I put things that you can throw and in the other I put all the Scrolls and the um things you can apply to your weapons so I think it just looks so much better overall on my um inventory in my inventory you know so yeah there's that we have gaining momentum if we Dash we have the same uh bracers that we've had since the beginning I think I changed whatever comes I'm ready some things for her no I think I kept everything I put the absolute Talisman okay that that's what I changed I changed the for the absolute Talisman for her because she has the healing stuff going on so she will gain even even more hit points on herself um from her equipment and she didn't have any reason to have the guidance jewelry next necklace because she already has guidance like already in her C trips so I gave guidance who did I okay yeah I give Saloon dream to aoran the pride and I give guidance I I think I just didn't give guidance to anyone um Dancing Lights he already had but for me I gave myself because I really like the the absolute Talisman but I found out that I have Misty step Amulet of Misty step and you guys know I've been saying that I really want Misty step for myself because as a sorcerer I need to go away position myself properly fast you know um and with Misty step it would make it so much easier and then I had no idea but I actually had that amulet in my inventory so now I have Miss step I am so excited to use it because I've been using it for Will and it's so so so so so good and so I couldn't wait I know that probably next time we level up maybe I could take it if I want to put something else as a as a necklace maybe I could learn Misty step I think it would be really good but now that we have the necklace I'm like maybe I'll just keep it all game long I I don't know I guess we'll see but uh yeah so that's pretty much what I did I think I was thinking maybe we should rest like long rest because well we have a couple of spell slots don't touch me we're not too bad actually what about you he has all his spells but he doesn't have Bic inspiration anymore for me long road ahead I have a couple of spell slots too so I guess I guess we could go forward a little bit and if we meet too many enemies then we can always um long rest I guess yeah okay let's do that [Music] um also I was checking my faith will guide me um Shadow Hearts stuff and I should use bless more I should re really use bless more and I also this is good um stealth checks it just stays forever and uh apart from that uh call for the veil of Shadows I should use them more as well this is only 10 turns so I could uh this is a can trip right yeah it is so let's just put it on everybody I guess no blessing of the trickster can I can I put it on many people at once no interesting okay let's put it on aarion because he's the king of uh of stealth and it doesn't cost us anything so yeah let's let's Venture forth I'm very curious about this area um I also gave up on some alchemy pouch and keychain that I didn't need that one is locked do do we miss something okay a torch I mean oh let's called in the under dark are we in the under dark right now are we in the under dark right now I didn't realize that I did not realize that I'm I'm sorry I'm I'm um doing whatever well hello well crooked touch oh it's a it's a 20 oops a crit oh my Lord try again let's add a bonus shall we it might work I think we'll be fine yeah there we go what to do that was so terrible oh that took off his um his um stealth thing the guidance okay good to know again oh that's curious whoa ah there's a way point Point all right that's cool that's cool looks like a trap there oh okay good to know um let's try with this one first careful I might pleasure 15 that's not too bad we can do it yeah easy 30 so a vampire spawn and a monster hunter in the same group we're not going to have trouble are we excuse me since this tle I'm barely a monster at all I just want to survive same as you I don't see a problem as long as Mr Fang there keeps his appetite in check right obviously bolstering Smite when you apply a condition with one of your Smite spells you gain temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier I what is a SM might spell I don't think anyone has that in my party I'm going to be honest with you guys I don't think anyone has that we also got this oh it's a potion of in of in invisibility oh that's nice I could put it in um in my pouch drink drinking pouch is this one let's put it in the pouch there we go I save all the time now also also can we go there no I don't think so okay um disarm watch your back and lockpick I guess let try okay that's good Jee for skeleton key gee there we go no one sto me yet ooh what is that new armor medium radiating Shockwave when we deals radiant damage they cause a radiant shock wave Shadow heart has that sh and it's better to oh it's better for you my ba ooh I should use a radian thing more now actually looks good too all right cuz I have radiant flame sacred flame is that yeah flame like radians so it's radiant damage right we're going to have to try it in combat to now a lot on my mind and well in it we're going to have to try in combat okay we don't need to do that all right nice let me see the area that looks so cool holy [ __ ] wow okay puzzles maybe I'd be interested in oh my Lord oh my Lord okay this is huge oh it looks so good what the hell it looks so good I'm excited okay um let's see no we're not going to do that Scroll of Ray of sickness yes please um these things have stayed interesting let me do this all right yes thank you a fla all right all right all right leather boots let's see a moonstone I can't pick it up I mean I guess I could make it fall but do I really want to do that right now I don't know another [Music] helmet no we don't need that oh oh okay it's fine uh oh there's a leather a leather all right oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my goodness it is entirely fine I'm I'm stuck okay he was coming on on us like uh Dash like somewhere can we please why do we have such trouble okay thank you here yes please time to move oh hell [Music] yeah and uh that's it for you um vicious muckery oh it's not really o it's almost dead because outside the the blue laser thing attacked it so I guess we'll we'll have to be careful um it's not a beast but it's not humanoid either at least I don't think so easy finding my way let's end this um let's try in I don't think that I mean it didn't hit maybe that's why onward oh what we could have done can't even catch my breath is these boots have seen everything I wonder if I can attack the lever and then it will close IGN oh yeah oh yeah it does that's cool okay let's uh let's let's go back okay that's nice yeah you're stuck there dude actually you're going to come back here and shoot at him easy there we go what that's [ __ ] okay then on the Victor's path okay dashing or Missy step no one dashing Fleet of foot need to stay focused oh we're just okay I want to try again Target is out of side really oh are you serious right now oh wow okay still on my feet I think I could still attack him from here light on my feet like through the door like that yeah yeah we have the okay that's interesting there we go okay so let's spend much time again some and you seems a perfect hunting ground for you know perfect you tried drinking let's be careful about this so I think maybe if I try to break if I go up here and then I could try to take off the gem IGN the Moonstone excuse me there we go okay nice and we even got an inspiration from that foreshadow heart I mean it would have been cool to gain it I guess but I didn't want the things to attack me there we go there we go most of this small log book is left empty the last entry reads log 182 I was wrong should have paid more attention to the Dr sightings should have known they were only a Prelude stupid to think we had outsmarted them this will be my last entry mint will keep records from now on it makes me think that we haven't read in a while I don't know if I already sent them to Camp yeah I did going to have have to read a couple of books when we uh when we come back oh there's another one there SS of Life near The Outpost intelligent clearly trying to hide still can't find the mysterious shapes they know how to cover their tracks possibly Dr lead them South let them South rumors of a spectator there let the underd dark still its own problems no sightings no sightings minsa statues down south shaped like d Spectators shouldn't do that either way that's one less problem to wor about Statue like they are being petrified is what I am I'm understanding I guess statue of D like so there's something that can petrify me in this area is what I'm thinking maybe the blue Moonstone was one I don't know got to be careful okay why let's continue let's save I'm saving every 5 Seconds now now we shouldn't get attacked right cool thank you for letting me through and thank you to the minor for showing me that I would have died if I didn't uh something over there huh not a chance I'll fit in there I can't attack IGN oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry huh okay such depth to the Shadows I don't don't care what others say about the underd dark it's beautiful down here I mean it Gloom this is something else no for real it is beautiful it always felt vain glorious to take my Deeds worthy of a personal Journal but as I watch the drown Mass outside our gate I realized my arrogance is already of a far costlier sort I see no harm in tipping the scales a little further not for me but for those who follow me the down into the dark they deserve to be remembered initiate norn remiss lust in the Deep tunnels as we fell back from the Dr initiate T of the northern Wast grazed by an arrow and succumb to poison initiate Bri Brea who stood against the drier with only her Mason's hammer and initiates they are the entire company for they have seen and suffered too much to be called novices we've collapsed the tunnel behind and have made ready to open the gate perhaps we can carve a path through and if not I inclose a list of names let the anals show what that whatever their end the cause was the same one high initiate jerus wished to stamp his name in the history of his church he sought to forge a path through the darkness not realizing there are some places the light was never meant to touch he was a fool huh okay okay oh a frumpy hat wooden crate wooden trunk oh very nice a staff it's not that good it is not that good okay uh only bones I can't sleep without the moon and Stu stars as a child I prayed to them before I ever knew salon's name is that blasphemy when I walk the battlements the only light I see is the glow of their eyes out there waiting I know the high initiate is making a plan he'll get us out of this we're making a stand Moon Maiden Fair lend us your light to guide us home in dark of night to keep us on the path of right ever burning ever the last line of prayers to comes to blurring as if stay by something wet I like this Ambiance Ambiance I really like it I'm excited for more oh what is going on what is going on what is going on what is going on Hells this place is ready to collapse oh Lord oh no that ain't good these fungal spores are everywhere oh yeah oh there's another Min minur I could I could see it um just a second just the what wait we can go here oh my [Music] Lord cross buddy yeah oh oh oh oh oh okay um whatever shall we do oh my God that wasn't a b left was [Music] it I'm guessing we can't go more are coming what the hell who what in the hells are you they're coming is it hallucinogenic they're coming [Music] nenic to me I'm not imagining that voice to your mind to this unusual voice in your The Voice tell me I'm not imagining that voice no someone's coming and someone else wants us to know they are coming you are coming I look amazing okay hello cogenic right I'm guessing oh goodness okay okay okay okay uh-huh broken bones must have fallen Tim masks known to cause confusion best not get too close there's two of them that might be worth a look uh-huh dirt Mount this looks amazing it looks so [Music] beautiful yes please yes please oh oh oh oh oh oh oh that's a friendly looking Shadow oh goodness okay so is there anything to see around here I could go up oh there's a lot of things to see okay okay and um this way not really but I guess I could yeah I think I could avoid them perhaps if I if I use um need to keep focused no choice but to keep going because we made a sound or something is that what happened are you kidding me right now on I go what now time to press [Music] ahead dude oh gee this is not going the way I expected this is my time uh after is not going to work listen here listen here Young fella that's pretty good H charisma Constitution decks intelligence strength wisdom probably not intelligent right uh um I'll do Constitution though would make more sense oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness that's gracious okay um um um um um um radiating orb is that what it does at all times or get to [Music] it did I work [ __ ] I won't give in [Music] um that's pretty good oh hell yeah what are you serious right now close at hand what the [ __ ] just happened [ __ ] it still hurt him though so there's that fun oh hell yeah ooh that hurts this one is not sure what he wants to do go God damn it okay uh let me heal you maybe would be good take Jesus Christ [Music] um inflict wound ooh it's so fing good stay idle well do Twi [Music] lightning maybe you and you missed holy [ __ ] you're almost dead dude that's what I'm talking about there we [Music] go oh he's prone as well wait a minute oh hell yeah are you kidding me too heavy oh [ __ ] I didn't think I would get electrocuted as well [ __ ] what you going to do it's your turn AI [Music] okay that was weird but all right [Music] I don't know if it's working my uh I don't know I mean I don't know take blood comes easy these days maybe it would have been better fire but I'm not sure it would have been better shall we cut and run oh hell yeah fell of monsters there we go oh my God now we need to Long rest I do think we need to Long rest now GE so we got a new necklace res is slashing damage gr vulnerability to bludgeoning there better be a soft bed roll in my near future yeah no I I feel you there is don't worry about it there is aarian I feel you now that's not what I wanted empty Alchemy stuff there we go TR is that so I've rarely had to venture this far below the surface rare is the under Beast that takes to the sun I didn't mean to talk to him but um but okay makes sense I mean I I kind of just want to okay it's just a glowing bulb all right did they have you know all the time I've spent lurking in the shadows I've never Ved into the underd dark before hardly a luxurious setting but it definitely has its upsides for a vampire or it's undersides because it's you know what I mean okay the under dark as if we didn't face enough dangers back up on the [Music] surface H be careful of the Trap so much for a warm welcome are you kidding we broke the darkness protect you we we broke the the thing to go up are you kidding me right now [ __ ] I think we can still go up though let me see yeah we're still again Storehouse okay can we please go come on gang the others are not following keep your distance darling it's not that hard thank you there we go okay now I do think that we should we should go and long rest I huh there's so many ways to go long rest yes let's do that you carry a ganki relic I will have an explanation your head walk away now I won't warn you again oh no it's a good Yan Relic really the yeah the the artifact we have Relic this is about the artifact isn't it that artifact is an arloom of my people likely she spilled githyanki blood in order to steal it this cannot can't stand alom plunder from some conquered realm more like this artifact is the only thing keeping us from becoming slaves to our parasites be glad I have it oh that's why it's Gangi I see because they say that someday we read that in a book I think or was it a parchment I don't remember but they said the get yanki were uh slaves to to the M flayers for a long time and then suddenly they were not and they rebelled and they won so I think it's because of this artifact they were able to like get off the um the influence that the Mind flares had on them thanks to that artifact you know watch the argument on you have something precious to my kin an heirloom I will have it back alom plunder from some conquered realm already heard that this artifact is the only thing keeping us from becoming I do not wish to spill blood here come daylight we will find a place to end this fine you can accept your wrong all will be rid of you permanently either way I win girls you had every chance to look the other way but here we are you chose this spare me the justifications coward if anyone asks I'll say you were transforming don't expect to be mourned oh no Shadow heart stop you don't have have to do this friends of course there we go easy she's a liability it's the artifact we need not her that's kind of sexy though and I'll show you enemies to friends to lovers in coming I look amazing by the way we need her Shadow heart give her a chance can I do that lasel can I turn my back on you never thieves aren't afforded such luxury loosen the grip on your pride for one blasted moment won't you we needn't be enemies there's plenty of those to go around already what would you have that we be friends yes let's not get ahead of ourselves but imagine what we might achieve if we channeled some of that hostility back at our real foes instead of each other thank you they wouldn't stand a chance good okay I like this camp this is the underd dark Camp me likey likey awesome ah scratch wants to speak sharp as ever sharp as ever Jesus Christ let me talk to you scratch where are you my boy how there you are hello the dog is unable to speak through the small bag he holds in his mouth what have you got there scratch I don't know maybe you can tell me all I know is I thought of you when I saw it get him okay uh a bone I throw you do you want it hope you're keeping well friend can I give it to you no he's so cute well that ends not as bad as it could have huh I really thought Shadow heart and Nel might might fight to the death over that artifact a Pity it would have made for a fine night's entertainment I don't think there'll be any more trouble between lazel and I if you were wondering yeah you did really good we can all sleep easier now well apart from all the rest that's good I'd rather keep things friendly between all of us you have an interesting definition of friendly but yes how about you dude a my good quite the Cozy setup you have he's annoying when always the same freaking thing very glad shadowart and Lael set things without letting any blood I would have enjoyed the spectacle but not losing either one of those lunatics I'm not ready speak ah why do you look like this I kind of want to bring her with me actually how about your quarrel with Shadow heart it is over where I am concerned I'll simply kill you both if it happens again yes I'm sure you believe that reality would not reflect your ego I'm afraid I kind of want to bring her um instead of will maybe yeah I hope that's the end of this silly quarrel they'll have no energy for battling our enemies if LEL and shadowart are too busy squabbling among themselves well met are you sure and just when things were warming up thank you shared stash I feel like that's new I don't that's weird I think that's new from the um why did I receive that it's new from the patch I think I'll say one thing for our troop we're not short on drama I'm glad Shadow har and lasel settled their differences peacefully eventually all right well the ball is there um okay H that's just like the entry I guess yeah I think I'm going to grab laser could be nice speak speak it is done it is done um please please please please hide thank you she has animal friendship now okay interesting um but she could have vulnerability to blooding I don't like that would it be better for you if you had this Smite spell I honestly don't know about that still breathing despite everything that was interesting anyways okay um I think I could put some stuff in the I'm sorry those things in the camp cuz I'm really heavy right now the books as well and um I'm super heavy dude I think it's all the gold maybe I should share a bit more the gold split yeah I think that would help if I like give it to I don't know Shadow heart yeah that help us a little bit okay I think we're pretty much good to go do you have anything then we Awakening strike yeah I think we could definitely try it like this um but I I like will ever since we multiclassed I think it makes it more uh interesting a little so have we buried the Hat it Lael no why would I bury a weapon is it broken it's a metaphor I do not know your metaphor but if you need help digging I will find a [Music] shovel they're funny all right the zenim mercenaries and Cutthroats useful friends if you can afford them huh all right hell yeah I want everything not the Torches I don't care about the Torches but the rest sure not this one te tools yes please okay okay okay we're going I don't even know where we're going exactly like I oh it's close okay keep a blade close do you still have a lot of tee stools or are we getting okay five that's not too bad hardly a challenge hardly a challenge for you my dear boy my darling still alive so that's [Music] progress glowing gem huh interesting that we can oh yes please that we can break that woo lots of stuff here I'm guessing we can like sell the gems trap be cautious o ah not 20 nice oh my God everything is locked here oops feed if you laran but give me so much as a hungry look and I'll drive a state through your heart I do so very like spicy food no one back home will ever believe [Music] this he's so stupid elevador oh so we can leave from oh doesn't work no no no no no no no no no no I'm sorry of course it is trust no one let's crack it open nice no time to to rest all right uh doesn't work huh really eh I thought we could go but no so we can reach the under the dark from there but we can't go up I guess interesting I should just break those do we have to spend so long poking about down here I I'll try be side with the sun on my skin you've only justed your bra sun and you're already nost you to complete the hallway by your meanss return top side you could use the true that's so funny come on guys there we go thank you doing good my loves so I could do like we said we would which is just leaving this place and coming back later because I kind of want to go to the Grove because I have so many things to sell like so many wow that looks interesting so I'm a little bit unsure and we do have Tor stalks hell of a combination get confused by one blown up by the other okay oh [Music] goodness I've been watching you fight Shadow heart your skills are improving my skills were just fine to begin with you can save the compliments I don't pay compliments I make observations aaran di should have wished to live in more interesting times take cure I need healing now I can keep going a little longer now be careful guys please take your Jesus never a dull moment also maybe he has a yeah all right all right what now he fell in the hole that was so funny though so you and Le seems please don't remind me oh but keep your guard up with her oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh how much further can I go action not reaction why thank you for telling me game though like that was uh helpful what the [ __ ] is that a bullette a bullet the hell is that can we [Music] monstrosity [Music] okay Aqua cure another fight let's [Music] go hi defense okay oh [ __ ] wall magic Surge and we have Vines are you serious right now talk to me of course no I think that's it for you the D Hunter's Mark time to strike uh I'm [Music] [Music] immobile okay you're kidding what it's just gone like that you fight well but you're so efficient why not have enough fun fun I fight to win not to make spectacles what a waste come on historian how delicious still alive so that's progress that that that thing just gained back all its hit points it was like plus 41 oh my god oh what is this [Music] ooh slender Dr Blade impales the stone before you should have brought I should have taken laser this feels holy consider what the appro which all my oh my goodness oh hell yeah this blade Was A Warrior's sacrifice to El EST stray blood can only be honored with blood okay I mean Shadow droper blood the Dr script inscribed on the blade flickers and glows a good ide it rises from the stone hanging in the air in silent I'm going to give it to Las okay Shadow heart is inspired let's go to I have to leave you I will Dance Forever in the ustr light is it much better than what I had it's it's the same but um we have fer Alo Melody which is a performance okay and I have Rush again the sword shrieks all enemies within 6 M of range have a 1 D4 penalty to Charisma wisdom and itage and saving throws affected creatures received an extra one to four tunder damage and the SW sings A Melody all allies within 6 me of range have it one4 bonus attack rolls oh wow that's really cool I'm excited to try that looking ahead I'm I'm excited to try that for sure okay all right then all right then uh let's go back to this terrible please um oh Lord have mercy so it's actually the monster that passes when when that happens is what I'm [Music] understanding scary that's scary also I'm pretty sure I can do many Alchemy stuff now I have new recipes and [ __ ] this way I'm ready h got to concentrate I'm not doing too good actually so much for peace I'm such low grounded oh it's still wet really death take [Music] me [Music] what take you [Music] Mo okay what the hell is this dude everything misses is this a joke literally everything misses like there's no way let's have some col I don't even make it hurt Pierce damage is good against it I guess critical Miss deadly leap dude what the hell this is your end time for a c what's the P oh boy uh uh on [Music] myself it's leaving what am I to do I'm uh like what the hell maybe I'm too early in here I'm just saying maybe I shouldn't be here return to D like take shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times careful AEL it's dark around here would be a terrible shame to lose you for yes do keep your W Shadow heart should a dagger suddenly slice your neck we may never know who's to blame girls calm down we need to do turn Bas a lot no annoying what's that don't mind if I [Music] [Music] do okay corpses these creatures did battle with dwo I have to make a nature check every time Shadow H such a grim name for such a beautiful flower deid could you not stare so blatantly in my neck when you say that please oh but do keep calling her flower she'll love that yeah I think I should uh I should leave guys to be honest the names of settlements are crossed out Bridgestone sinkhole abandoned salson LOL old Kell demons dude like this is [Music] huge I should come back later let me uh let me go long rest and we'll go to the Grove like that's what I wanted to do today so I think we should do that because I don't know if I'm there too early maybe but the enemies are I mean it's it was not too bad but um it's quite difficult oh yes hey Soldier he says you might try cooling me down any leads do you have any ideas there's got to be something right something cold I have more inform water or maybe if you were less burnable there's a thought right fair enough um use yeah no no no no no no that's better not not all four of them oh you recognize the feathered creature it's the albear cup you rescued oh my [Music] goodness oh my goodness f a piece of food everyone approve moves the Cub's eyes lock onto the food in your hand cuz the food Al the food held out in front of you I think TOS the creature gulps the food down it seems he hasn't eaten in some time a he's so cute careful once that thing's eaten through the camp might start looking at you hungrily no come on I'm not chasing after it if that's what you're thinking a it's going to come back okay okay okay okay okay let me see what I can bring with me so much [Music] stuff R ax I kind of like I am heavily heavily so oh goodness okay all right then all right let's see Emerald Grove let's go back there try to speak to Zer because we killed all the yeah talk to Zer and hson probably yeah okay so let's do that that's what I've been wanting to do and I can sell stuff too let's go zler so is up up upstairs upstairs up the ladder grab your bags we're moving oh a scout just reported the Goblin's leadership has been decimated M we might escape this place yet and I hear you are the one to thank I'm grateful I took a collection from all of us it isn't much but you thank you I'm going to be in in incumber thank you it's not enough but it's all we have hen will likely want to thank you too mind he returned just a while ago nice I believe he's catching up with corga as for us no armies at our heels amazing we can finally leave but perhaps we need not speak of farewells we'll join your camp tonight to celebrate if you'll have us for real we'll see you there hell yes patch toet oh yeah I'm encumbered now of course your this you are now stoping yeah that's new this ooh for real there's no time to waste does not look very good on her though but um it's [Music] fine ah awesome now I just I got to walk but we're ready to head to your Camp are you we'll see you there so many [Music] peep that's it we can head to the city don't know about you but I'm ready to start my life again if there's fighting you run and you do not stop for anything ALR didn't want us and those Druids sure as hell didn't either but you you risked your life for us mhm I'm glad you killed all the Goblins I hope you made them scared I mean I didn't kill all the Goblins to be fair I just killed leaders I left my sword in the cave don't tell but I don't want to touch it again a at your age I'd already spilled my own cousin's blood face your fear or it will devour you he zil come on gods it seems we might actually make it to the city now hope the neighbors are a bit more welcoming oh you do good work if you can handle more than goblins might be I'll have use of you in Boulder's Gate I'm looking to trade always a deal to be done even now oh really oh I'm going to take all your money girl oh no what else what else um alchemical ingredients okay let's not but silver in God I don't think so I have so much money now holy [ __ ] um silver glass Silver [Music] Plate okay Alchemy stuff I need to give hon [Music] pipe what do you have Arcane cultivation resist of [Music] fire that was a lot of money I mean why not let's grab a couple of things um H oh this ah that feels good and this as well javelins sure don't need that Blood Stone I mean try not to die up there that was a good trade feels better let's do [Music] some potions feather fall potions of healing alexir of the cisus let's take that I don't know malice drought poison interesting I want all of those Ah that's much better if there fighting you run and you do not stop for anything exactly no froming okay I like this I like this a lot for AER Ox one sorrow ended the next soon to begin all right Bella you got to be good girl gate we're coming you'll stop stealing they're not going to hate me not only did they give me stuff give me a payment but I also take from there black and Aur die them back on our own that sounds nice thank you you're welcome where is that that D Damon Damon it was you right who took care of the goblins cuz I have infernal uh in um infernal I can't [Music] speak but I don't have carlac with me anyways that's the weird Ox right moo I think it's the moo dude oh enough waiting I crave blood what a day I don't think I have a speak with animals with any of them no time to rest okay piig those up now I can just go around because the they are leaving oh [ __ ] never a dull moment uh I wanted to go I could never go in there now maybe I can and take all the let's [ __ ] go we can finally go there should be easy there we go is that plot no never mind also where kga was there was a lot of stuff there it's it looks like stealing but I mean there's no one here so is it really stealing when there's no one around what's in here it's all empty I guess they left with uh with everything Soul coins okay also can I just take the bad P the the back steel yes that's nice I can use it for other stuff a key what key was that I didn't see oh yeah camp supplies no not rotten ones ew oh um so this ah that was the cabinet key okay makes sense all right nice let's close it again so we've we haven't been here what do you mean oh my God okay he's still here all right you saved us I wasn't sure but I don't have carlac with me I wish I had better but this is all I have it's fine don't you worry uh actually I don't know what to give [Music] you I don't know if I give that to Gail luck wa wait wait wait I wanted to see what he has to sell who do I pray to I wish I had better but this is all I have light blue yellow okay let's take a bit of uh a bit of everything Safeguard chain mail plus one scale mail I've seen that before leather armor hide armor ooh that looks kind of cool Morning Star Plus One I think we're good make tamora's luck twist thank you do for better tools oh hell yeah taking everything that's so not okay of course it's locked careful I B easy there we go oops still breathing despite everything all right another backpack let's steal it let's pick it up I mean um um um um um um um um let me go oh I mean there's nobody they're leaving on all that behind like like come on we don't do that did I just take the ho no no no no no I did bonus action what how so I don't it's really heavy okay this we can drop also this I don't need that what the hell I'm still too heavy how how do you use that as a bonus action genuinely I don't know follow complete guide to behavior of nymphs why not might be useful that's disgusting H I'm encumbered again oh a sweet potato that's good um God damn I I guess I need to leave the coldon here ah this is too slow oh no this is going to take forever I think if I let it here and then I come back for it maybe I'm just I'm too curious like I don't understand what you do with that as a bonus action like what the [ __ ] you're still here but you won't talk to me right what why Mattis says we should say thank you mat is being oh this one okay but he doesn't want to speak to me I never understood you have much to learn still cson you took it upon yourself to undertake the right of thorns yep I ought to Exile you from this place oh my God he's bloody instead I shall listen to the explanation that you owe me an error most grave master I beg your grace oh he Grace is bestowed by Nature not me you will stay as a novice and new you have forgotten the ways of The Druids the natural Order of Things it is up to you to prove the lessons have been learned once more so as you say and so it is done Master damn you'll have your hands full with her she shows great spirit to put in mildly she shows great insolence but time will humble her and the Grove still needs her you will soon see why but enough of that for now I owe you my thanks The Grove stands yep nature prevails yep and again I am in your death pay me speak to wrath he will reward you for your efforts oh okay what about my problem I need help tomorrow morning we shall discuss what is to come Master H perhaps you will prove yourself worthy of forgiveness perhaps not Sylvanas keep you can I go back to [Music] your Roth is oh yeah Roth I remember R he's um he's down there pretty sure this one this dude right yeah you done it you brought house in back give me money thank you no thanks is not enough May Sylvanas bless you for all your days I cannot imagine taking on a camp full of goblins was a simple task it went well it was fine [Music] for someone like me it was pretty simple actually fair enough I should not have underestimated you let me show you on your map where you can find the cash oh take this Rune a cash okay place it among the pedestals inside our library oh nice when the wolf glows brightest everything in the vault below will be yours oh nice oh hell yeah yes I was wondering hi NTI are you um are you friendly that's not NY that is not NY in fact no no no no no no no no no no I need to read all that later damn um here hi NY you still here where is it oh boy oh I think I saw this of the wolf Eagle bear and Elk okay I mean let's I guess let's do do them all well well o what have we here save him hidden vault oh hell yeah sorrow a beautiful glaive the emerald is touching it give me a knot in my stomach oh the emerald in clave won't send help even if I ask this land is wounded and rot is deep but it's deep everywhere I can help I can wait for help to come but perhaps I need not face the darkness alone excuse me Robes of Summer yeah maybe for Gil I think it would look good resistance to Coal damage awesome there's a delay in the sound I'm very sorry about that I think that's pretty much everything there is he said everything was mine but but uh yeah we have the the new weapon this one which is a marshall weapon or glaes which I mean can't afford to stay idle pretty sure she's proficient in yeah it is better in a way it's two-handed though it does look good it does look really good pull the creature towards you interesting interesting interesting okay um have a lot on my mind and well in it okay that was [Music] cool [Music] La I'm sorry like they're not looking right now right yes thank you obviously in there I can't but [Music] um okay I think we're pretty much sh done I don't know if I really want my cauldron or not let me check my journal grateful for our the teing are crating our Victory time to have some fun I really want to do that as thanked us and said that R wish reward us for our efforts said that we're in no immediate danger ders at are at moonrise Tower discuss the plan in and morning with the leadership dead no attack will be mounted on the Grove I am in your debt my friend we'll talk in the morning I I don't mind let me check the map real quick I haven't I haven't went I don't even I still have so much to see around here like I haven't even seen he here is that crazy it's literally just beside the Grove I don't know if there's anything really to see but like I guess so cuz this game is full of things to see all the time you can jump on those things and reach the other side for sure secluded Cove oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is [Music] this a HARP oh meron dead a harp oh two three harpes [Music] actually oh [ __ ] okay I [Music] mean I could go up and surprise them but I I mean I don't know why I would uh there's a a dead child I think maybe if I had came sooner I could have saved that person I'm so sorry that might be where nice come on all right I don't think I can go like elsewhere around here yeah I also haven't done this I still have so many I also want to see around here Tea House hidden Goblin stash oh okay we need that too okay so I think I need to talk to Zer again maybe and then say okay I'm ready or I go to the camp and it works I don't know I'm I'm going to tell him I'm ready cuz I still see his um his objective like it's still active or something so I'm just going to make sure that it works this way what a party we make [Music] we're ready we're ready to head to your Camp hell yeah are you let's go there right away excellent lead the way it's party time party time I'm fine Len I Pio no no an Albert yeah and alberia toddlers are easier to please than [Music] you this is amazing think of it no more caves no more tents no more running away we'll be in a city with roads and markets and homes well be what do you think about this ready to party fate spins along as it should Dost thou require a new ally or mayhaps a resurrection mayhaps I love that mayhaps look at them all guzzling poison like we've the right to be happy why are you such a spoil sport you should join them have a pin or two hell yeah easy H perhaps it'll make the evening more tolerable okay dude Shadow heart where do you think about this everyone seems seems to be in High Spirits mhm strange you know who I never thought I'd find myself caring for Scratch refugees exactly right never gave them much thought certainly not that bunch in the Grove yet we came through for them we saved their lives odd hell yeah we did are you worried sh sh want approve something like that I was taught to reject anything that distracted from Sha but there'll be time for Penance later share a bottle with me I'd be glad to we should wait a little while until the others have drifted off not keen on shing with the artists not tonight what the hell wait what is that like an invitation laan you know I never pictured myself as a hero never thought I'd be the one they toast for saving so many lives and now that I'm here I hate it this is awful it's not that bad think of all the Goblins you killed true that was fun still I would have liked more for my trouble than a pat on the head and vinegar for wine take his bottle it's a heavy Rich red dry and sharp see what I mean awful all I want is a little fun is that so much to ask and what's your idea of a little fun but the hell's sex passion fun it's easy for some you and shadowart seem to have a connection it looks very sweet not what I call passionate interesting I really don't but sweet what i is it because I said like okay earlier feeling jealous are you no my love you and Sh heart can get up to whatever you want it means nothing to me I kind of want to load cuz I feel weird about it you go ahead have fun wait is that why okay I I didn't understand it like that I'm sorry guys it that is weird to me yeah it it was a quite a bit ago but um this is no I don't want Shadow heart I uh and if that [ __ ] up the rest of like the no nope uh no no no uh friendly friendly only thank you that was strange I'm I'm really unsure cuz I'm I'm rping the [ __ ] out of this so I'm really unsure between carac and asaran for my character I feel like aarian would fit more you know but also me as a player I really like car lag so it's really hard for me to you know make a decision I guess maybe maybe the game will make the decision for me like carlac went on strong on me last episode it was insane was it last episode or the one before she it was last episode she came on strong okay whereas aoran does not seem to be really interested in me I think well I'm not sure he was kind of like all over me in the beginning but then he was was not really I think it's just flirty let me redo this because that that's that's no aaran oh asaran wants to say something to me too okay you know I never pictured myself as a hero never thought I'd be the one they toast for saving so many lives hate it it's awful I hate it this is awful it's not that bad that's what I said fun I would have take the bottle try a wine see what I mean all I want is a little fun is that and what's your idea of a little fun there we go I wonder what he's going to say is's he going to talk about carac a night of passion not with you just to be clear okay I mean can you imagine okay that's fine anyway don't let me keep you I'm sure you have someone else to sniff around I mean that's fine I like I said I I I'm in between so many like I feel like it would fit my character more maybe but I'm kind of fine with that as well like if he's not interested then it's all good we can be besties I think would you look at this place all these people happy because of us it's nice to be somewhere where good is still possible and with such lovely company with you and just lately I feel like I can remember what it's like to be good that's a very lit answer that's a very lit answer I'm sorry but it it is good gets boring fast I see do what suits you anytime anywhere really now cuz I think you suit me perfectly okay I really know how to lay on F don't I oh well what can I say I'm excited to be alive and excited about yeah we can't do anything you're too hot literally the one nice thing about being trapped in the inexurable grind of time is you've always got something to look forward to I suppose so sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in the past don't look too far back we only just met you better go enjoy the party before I do something I'll regret I like you unburnt after all bye Soldier she cute but I don't know if it fits Lily like I don't want to get on with anybody tonight you know what I mean like it's too early no everyone seems to refugees yet we came through for them we there'll be time for pen share a bottle with me I I'd be glad to another time as you like try not to tie yourself out too much I cuz it clearly means something that I I didn't like I don't mean you know this might be the wine talking but I'm feeling inspired thinking of writing my next song about you AB me but I need an angle any ideas sing about our people we deserve it after elel I think you're right fun deserves to see us as we really are yep laser I have seen the the kithi Tera screaming nei's legs from its belly to Fashion into blades yet they could not match your nerve today it was enough to drive me to Madness what what I smell their blood on you still I smell your sweat I mean to taste it excuse me are you asking for sex yes sex a night such as this calls for flesh to Feast on and I have chosen the sweetest I'll think about it you know the fortune of my company another Fortune yet stands before you A Warrior's flesh rarely tasted think if you must the chance will pass come light of day I had no idea laser was interested in me what is going on what the hell is going on you have no idea how good it feels to see these people Al smiling the singing we could probably do without but even so thank you hon you want to get on with me go on now don't waste a night like this talking to me we'll discuss your problem tomorrow but I'd like to get to know you some more now we'll have time to spare for that I sense I'm surprised you hadn't had your fill of me already is everybody romanceable in this game I was joking I mean he's kind of hot though I got to say we'll talk another time go on enjoy yourself seek out some wine before it runs dry there are a lot of thirsty people around here yeah there are is this everyone I would agree the numbers have grown so Volo I swear there you are if you prop I will smash you I hope you have partaken of something bracing this may well will take us all night and by this you mean why you're naming quite obviously that ballad was but a crude preview a frame without its crowning Jewel you're n n something iconic but not too much of a mouthful we don't want to exclude the common folk after all I in this tale to en Rapture all I already have a name a wonderful one indeed but your Deeds Loom Larger than Life now my friend you simply must have a title to match sh don't you have anything of actual Worth to work on worth pH temp gam takes the matter of names most seriously and he has an arsenal of choice names for those who don't back to your rry then when I have crafted your legend for you no doubt you hear of it Gail Gail you hate me right thank you I mean you don't hate me but spontaneous than yous make me suspicious come now this is a night for celebration not suspicion I thank you for seeking me out amid all this Mart I wasn't sure we'd have a chance to speak this evening were our bond a little stronger I might even have shared a moment of magic with you alas our fledgling acquaintanceship has not yet taken flight such intimacy we'll have to wait another night perhaps I no Jesus sh that's infernal for cheers or possibly turn it I speak infernal as a deep thing though but okay I need to dance no no I need to lie down grch um um um um um patience where is d have you no respect for Showmanship having performance issues Roland hush you and behold that's cute yeah adoring Applause you're too kind remember when he could barely cast that they grow up so fast never have I met such trites now pass the wine we have a bed together no isn't it you look at them how happy they are we did that [ __ ] I think the booze is doing more than we did then I'd best track down a bottle before the rest polish it off look us up when you hit Border's gate be nice to see a friendly face of course and our bet also you need to pay me okay uh go to bed this is amazing let me save can I talk again to them I hope you're not here to beg beg what it's so Unbecoming funny but Unbecoming okay so is just going to to see them mean I want I want to get with you like what the you came through for us that's a change for most adults I know that sounded dangerous to close to a compliment and that sounds like the wine drowning your wits go on enjoy yourself I've squirreled away a few extra bottles when the Barrel's tapped out I'll be there to save the night for a price of course she's amazing I like her do we have any anyone in here oh the mirror okay mirror on the wall here we go let let me let me pet you scratch are you happy scratch oh you're so happy oh you're so cute okay go to bed is it okay Buzz of Celebration quiets to a souping heart as you approach your bunk you've picked up a few pleasant memories on your journey amongst your struggles It's Kind like to the profane flush of arousal you realize she may well be doing the same oh Jesus oh Lord I trust you enjoyed your evening after all your efforts it was well deserved it may be some time before you afforded another such night there is much to be done and I promised I would help you however I could I'm certain a cure for you can be found at moonrise Towers but it's complicated the journey specifically it's extremely perilous huh though it seems you're well accustomed to navigating danger I suppose it was too much to hope we were going to be cured here and now to moonrise then what's so dangerous about it to get to the towers you'll need to pass through a terrible place deand dark cursed place this curse shrouds everything in Shadow maybe not you will not find life light or anything natural there any who linger are twisted by the curse they become Shadow beings tormented dangerous Souls H what do you suggest you could go Overland along the risen Road or through the mountains easier at first but you'll run into the shadow curse eventually you could also go under there is a tunnel somewhere in the ruined Temple of saluna it leads to moonrise Towers through the underdog okay long ago a man called kric Thor built a secret stronghold deep down there okay before rallying a whole Army of dark jusus it's a de village now dark justicious I guess I must see for myself aridan and his lot were looking for a way down there they were promised riches if they retrieved A Relic called The Night song but I think there's more from this stronghold krick's forces could access both the Temple of saluna and moonrise Towers I say saloon I'm sorry but he was defeated before he could launch an attack if you can find this place I'll wager it will reveal a more direct path to moonrise towers and maybe I mean I've already gone let's do that I found a hidden entrance in the temple of saluna the way is clear already if only i' gone with you instead of aradin I would like to join your Camp if you'll allow me I can off for my skills my counsel I long sought to return to moonrise Towers it seems our Fates have aligned can you be companion what about the Grove I've chosen a successor as first Druid Francesca of the high Forest a bird's already been dispatched to summon her who precisely who indeed you do not know and neither do any of the others The Grove needs to move beyond the mistakes of the past what it needs is an unknown quantity an outsider who can enforce the oak father's teachings without bias this is why I chose Franchesca okay she will restore Simplicity and Purity to The Grove in my absence W this cause resentment resentment will spring up like mushrooms no matter what I do you cannot please everyone and you'd be a fool to try true now we've quite the journey ahead best get started do not be so impatient to move on as hen as ever the we still have a lot of things to do our [Music] [Music] priority Oak father's blessings to you [Music] oh I have a lot of things I can tell him okay um I'm going to have to stop here though travel to the mountain p through the underdog we're going to go through the underdog because I've already started that but before we I didn't realize that it would lead there there we still have a lot of things to do I'll need to do some Inventory management of camera [Music] um I feel like going to moonrise Tower it's like the next big step that that we can do in the story let me let me talk to you laran if he still says weird [ __ ] no okay um so what I'm going to do I think is I'm going to have to do the rest that I want to do before that I think so if I want to do a bit more stuff around uh the East also South I have a lot of things to do in the west like laso said we need to go to the crash first is that a twisted shout car like that was so cute anyways um so yeah I feel like uh we could definitely do that instead of going to the underd dark too soon I need to put all the books as well I'm I'm going to do that off camera though like that's 30 hours of play time that passed so quickly guys that's crazy we've been playing for over 30 hours this game what the hell like I don't realize that at all it does not it's so good I love this game I hope you guys enjoyed this episode I mean we didn't do that much we ventured a little bit in the under dark which I didn't expect to see it that soon and celebration party I don't know if I just [ __ ] up a lot of things like is it then that you decide who's going to be your your Bay or is it okay to decide later you know what I mean what's next I love medium okay it went back down what now and he has no neutral cuz Shadow heart was high towards me before guess it's not the case anymore um right now it seems like carlac is really the one that wants me the most also Shadow heart and lasel I did not expect aaran does not want me and I mean I'm good with that I don't mind I wouldn't have had sex anyways with anyone tonight like I don't think it would fit lit it's it's like too soon in our journey I don't know how to explain but then I don't know if the fact that I decided that is going to end up like me not having to not having any romances that's possible but so be it I mean then we'll have no romances I guess but uh that that kind of came out of nowhere like laso really came out of nowhere carlac came out a bit of nowhere too Shadow heart it's been a while that she's like oh I'm interested a little so it was not that weird but yeah aan I wouldn't have surprised me either because he's been quite flirty but no he like he was like I mean okay jeesus that's fine but like we can be besties that's that's fine with me but then I don't know who would fit Lil the most um maybe carlac can bring like that goody to shoes energy uh with us in in Lilith or maybe Las laser actually I I had not thought like I didn't think she would be interested in me she came off like really strong though which is not to let it stast too much uh in a sense that she was just like I I just want sex with you that's it like okay that's not really lit's Vibe um carlac was a bit more sweet about it you know what I mean she she's like oh I like how you make me feel la la la like it was different little also we have the fact that she is running hot um helping us a little bit to be like okay I'm I'm not ready for uh you know I don't trust easily as Li okay that's how it is so um I guess we'll see what happens but uh I hope I didn't lock out anything I mean carlac it's still open I think carlac it's still open but maybe for lat B Shadow heart atorian just doesn't want me Gail Gail also was like no we're not we don't know each other enough yet which is which is true I agree and I don't want Gail so um yeah I'm I guess we'll see but I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next episode [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Whimsy Psyche
Views: 7,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blind playthrough, baldur's gate 3 blind playthrough, girl plays dungeons and dragons, baldur's gate 3 reaction, tiefling, baldur's gate tiefling, tiefling sorcerer, first time playing baldur's gate 3, first playthrough, baldur's gate 3 first playthrough, baldur's gate, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d, dnd sorcerer, dnd tiefling, baldur's gate 3 tiefling sorcerer, dungeons & dragons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 27sec (8187 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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