Voice of the BG3 Narrator plays BG3! - as Violet Alabaster (Dark Urge run with Jay Britton)

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[Music] what the bloody hell are you not doing [Music] here well if it isn't the consequences of my own [Music] [Music] actions [Music] see now we get to play a really fun game called can I remember what these buttons [Music] [Music] too yeah welcome to the ADHD nightmare folks this is this is going to be a wild ride buckle [Music] up [Music] should we give this a go then [Music] H Oh yay it worked it worked all right that's step one that's step one I'm happy with that I'm happy with that how's it going okay okay so chat is just a decorative nonsense now it's just a moving we love yeah we all know how ADHD people love moving things in the corner of our vision this is this is going to be interesting okay step one okay we want very very simple answers from you lot so I don't get confused okay can we obey simple instructions let's find out okay are the audio levels all right for everybody I just want a yes or no yes yes yes yes okay we like this many yeses we like we like this okay this is going well so let's see Ah that's better so it's also much easier when you find the right knob you know yeah that's something I just said on the internet brilant Brant so glad Welcome to My Life how's everybody doing this is a new thing everybody doing all right at the uh the mods treating you well have they've been around with tea and biscuits cuz they don't do that it's just beatings and verbal abuse that's all we do here if you want biscuits I think you're going to have to go to another Channel so I'm going to turn this down just a little tiny bit okay okay I'm seeing some weird in chat this is amazing hi it's nice to see you all I just I just figured I'm going to be doing some streams coming up and I should have a little chat with you all get to know each other I can you know get get to know all the tech as well because I am a massive technophobe like ADHD like you wouldn't believe but also just technology generally is not my friend so the more I can learn things like this the better so you are my guinea pigs I've outsourced my trauma to you so you get to tell me if I'm doing things wrong or not uh I cannot take all the credit for this I take the credit for how this looks but absolutely zero of the credit for how it functions that was all J Britain J Britain stand up in chat Take a Bow uh where is he where is he here I did I did a thing I did a thing I'm really proud of myself not great with tech can press a [Music] butt so how are we all doing I would ask the questions but I think judging by the speed that this is moving I probably need to leave that as something that we you know um doing the Discord maybe yeah that feels like more of a Discord thing so that we can we can figure it out uh ahead of time and then I can answer questions that are on my screen and I'm moving rapidly upwards authority to YouTube authority to you all everybody gets Authority today especially if you sub cuz I've got new emotes I'm so excited uh Lucy an amazing amazing artist um I will put a command in chat for next time because I've been rushed off my feet but yes everybody has Authority now um she finished the new emotes this morning and I'm so in love with them and there are loads more that are waiting to be approved so fingers crossed I think I have to be a partner before I can have more than nine I want to say nine but we've got some fun ones we can we can chop and change and until that happens I guess so let's let's do another little round of uh can we answer a simple question I don't know why I'm a school mom uh in this in this scenario but I am um so has anybody here played dark urge in Boulder Gate 3 yet because I'm mother yes yes oh we have a lot of dark urgies [Music] excellent well we're on for something a little bit different today because I figured you know I've got the whole witchy Vibe going on I played baddies a lot and it would be predictable I think if I just went for the classic darker you know somebody dark and traumatized and um you know I think I might try something a bit different today we got a cat who who's in here who's lurking I have several cats so it's one of them good durge maybe maybe maybe try and resist it 10 out of 10 it'll be Lola yeah probably it was a black one yeah that Lola she is big and fluffy and absorbs light don't know what that noise was so while I'm playing this sort of maybe dark urg character I thought it would be maybe fun to make the decisions myself or maybe fun to hand the decisions over to you guys and then I thought no what could be more DN D than not making the decisions at all and letting that decide so every time I reach a point where something might be a little bit dark urgy I'm going to roll a D20 and if it's over 10 I'm going to be tempted and if it's under 10 I'm not and the closer to 20 or one I get the uh more tempted or not tempted I will be and I'm going to try and play accordingly cuz I love that about d and d and a bunch of other systems actually I love playing um oh hi hi you want you want to come up and have a word about dark Edge no you're just wrecking the place um yeah I I like that about the games like I I'm playing a um a toy Thief at the moment this is Lola hi um a toi thief in one of my offline campaigns at the moment and uh I figured it would be there's another player in the group whose character is very high on thevery and I thought it might just get a bit much if both of us were just rocking into towns and decimating the place and getting everybody banned from all the shops and stuff uh so now rather than cuz my tox's got crazy theft scores um her stats are insane um but now whenever I go into a shop I roll the D20 to see how tempted I am to cause absolute chaos and it makes it much more fun not not just for me but for everybody else in the group I think rather than me just stealing anything I might be wrong they might be like oh Millie could you just steal us some stuff please um yeah hey this well come here you that's Lola a she just wants attention all the time that's all Lola wants she's real fluffy and I'm going to have cat hair on my face oh God is that a raid it was moving too fast I don't know who that was oh I know who it was hey Valen hello gorgeous [Music] so I'm going to put the cat down because the ADHD is apparently finding that very distracting today you just going to have a sleep you just have a sleep no no no don't no she wants to be involved the voidling wants to be involved oh God okay this is the rest of the stream now so when I was planning this stream uh I was thinking partly like what would make an interesting dark urge character and I do like that kind of resist the urge storyline I find that very interesting but you know I I'm not a soloist I might be the narrator but I much prefer to share my gameplay with people uh yeah I've always referred to myself as a happy Alto U much prefer playing with other people and using that as an opportunity for role play so I thought I might roleplay my character and I might invite someone else along too and I was thinking about which characters I could roll up and and what would be possible and then it hit me who the perfect dark urge character would be and I think if anybody was watching Jay's stream yeah yesterday you might have figured it out um but for the rest of you who haven't met Violet Alabaster before you are in for a treat because she is the least likely most likely person to have dark urge uh Violet hang on can I still do her voice oh God Violet is a character that I role played uh with Jay uh on a roleplay server God a couple of years ago and we played brother and sister and they are awful just the worst human beings um Violet finally snapped from all her brother maybe so yes violence she's very different cuz cuz I also didn't want to do my narrator voice cuz my narrator voice is kind of basically my my voice and that might get a bit confusing I quite like the idea of me very high up and very girly hearing my actual voice in my head and thinking that's not me is it could be oh so yeah that might be fun so let's get Jay on a call shall we I don't know how this is going to go but let's let's this is basically a tech support stream now uh cuz I don't know how to do things Jay has been very good setting me up with all this stuff but I uh I am still very lost very easily so if Grandma needs some help just take a break get a drink by the time you boil the kettle everything will be fine oh he's already writing me instructions this is amazing okay there got it got it thank you okay okay okay I think that's voice connected now hello I can't hear you why can't I hear you interesting sorry Talk Amongst yourselves aha ho somebody's not getting stroked enough ow Jay are you there yeah oh wait talk again hello and again you're not on the chat fader Well I this is modern technology Violet it's far too intelligent for a lady of your said that you knew what you were doing well I could I could come and fundle the faders and fix it but that is extra charge I mean I wasn't pay in the first place so well that's true I have all the money after last time this is Jay Brittain everybody um let's see if I can do a double smart thing hang on oh God okay I'm going to try and switch it to both of us on video I'm terrified me too way out of Interest are your speakers still on no huh oh I think it might be I'm getting music through your headphones possibly I doubt it it's very low I mean I'm not complaining it's it's tune music can I say that am I young enough to say tune music I don't even think that's a saying is it might music it's one of those tune musics on the gramophone right let me let me see if I can switch you across and we can maybe continue the tech support afterwards but let's see if we can see your lovely face first okay wish me luck chat I'm going to need it okay lovely lovely face I feel like you've oversold I'm going to be honest okay buttons have been pushed I'm the thing is I'm on a delay though so I'm quite far behind stream oh there I am it's me from the pass we did it hell it's Jay Britain everybody my my longsuffering partner and another voice actor for video games tell us about your entire career Jay regurg toate your IMDb do it no okay is that it is that my one chance yeah that's it oh okay no more publicity for you get back in your box no I'm taking it back to just me all right then fine I I go away I know what I'm here for say hi to the peoples hi there are so many peoples I'm trying to look at how many peoples there are I'm going to I'm going to put a j Link in chat there we go I can press buttons now I'm really proud of myself well done next we'll go on to numbers oh gosh I don't think I've got the brain for that have I that's all right we're only going to take you up to five it's such a height um but yes I think I think I know what's happening audio wise but you know we'll fix that at some point okay is it okay for now we're not going to get double audio or something no it's only a nightmare for me so oh that's fine does that matter I don't care it's not fine it's very hurtful well do it properly the first time and you won't have to do it again I am not in charge of your Discord I take no responsibility it's not Discord no it is as in it's what's coming through in my headphones from our chat I'm getting your music and stuff no I'm I'm more concerned about the fact that you're on the same fader for me as the game well that I can change as well do I need to cast dimension door I mean that might help do you not mind if we do a quick tech support stream that's all right I can do it I can just go into the cover yeah go into the magical cupboard and you could even my if you do it do it do it dimension door come on let's do you ready yep okay it's not instantaneous we need a little bit of time for this to work yeah I'm only like a level three sorcerer it's fine you ready okay I'm going go run run run okay one two three four that was almost instantaneous that's pretty good just just just fine you're right wait oh wait over there hi hi go brast taste oh that's why okay hang [Music] on bump okay now I should be over on the chat Vader next we talk intriguing um and then we just check one last thing oh your room is so nice and cozy mine's like an ice box I would much prefer this room as cold chat Mike Chat mik okay you should be good thank you goodbye Violet bye Lulu other ethereal plane see you on the noroid yes don't drive it so that's that's that's Jay don't expect him to hold the same voice for more than 5 Seconds that's not what he does um yeah oh also this stream today is entirely uh not funded but should be by sugar-free Red Bull because that is the only thing keeping me alive at the moment uh other other hello oh there we go now there we go sorry you were muted um wow but in no In fairness you left you muted oh okay all right fine so it's fine and I was talking about energy drinks other other energy drinks are available and probably cheaper I I'm not well I've got coffee which I guess is kind of an energy drink it's exactly what that is yeah I had a coffee at one point I had a coffee and a Zero caffeine Coke to balance it out I why what don't look it's science okay science science yes science in your arteries yeah anyway talk to your chat they love you I I'm trying I'm trying they're they're loving me very fast oh there's a joke there [Music] I'm not saying it I mean I don't think you need to do you nope it's fine there we go doc said it there we go oh hell yeah well that's me embarrassed on the internet having my y again for the same reason as well so what what can we tell people about lucious and violet they are they are good honest hardworking people just looking to make their way in the world and help those around them um or or maybe their Dreadful elitist socialites from Victorian London I think no here's what we could the best way to sum up Lucius and violet I think and feel free to say no is it's is how they once described the fact that they're very kind because they give money to the poor you've got to do it all in coins you can get a really get a spin in on a ha me it's very good you whip a shilling off a peasant your day really just pops up doesn't it it's very good but we do like to give money to the poor yes yes I think that's pretty that sums them up I think the thing is though I I feel like Lucius is more knowingly mean whereas Violet strikes me as one of those people who doesn't understand that some of the things she's saying is Dreadful just Dreadful cuz she's just grown up like that but she's a genuinely kind nice person who occasionally throw things throws things at the poor and doesn't understand why that's not okay yeah just occasionally you know full Hy I know I'm so generous that's going to change somebody's life Poss put them in a hospital if you get it right in the eye if they're very lucky they could end up working for father of course in the factory yes maybe even get a day off once a year if they really try hard you are funny Lily yes so yeah I I thought Violet would be the perfect person to be dark urge it's going to be terrible in but in the best way in I think Lucius could be dark urge easily but that's too obvious yes like that man is one squashed Quant away from stabbing somebody in Coven Garden 100% yeah if that's not too much of a specific mental image very spe was that off the top of your head or is that something that you've imagined would would it worry you to know that was off the top of my head I mean I'm used to it by now it's fine it's not the worst thing I've said to you no not even the worst thing you've said to me today isn't it no oh oopsie right but before we can play them we kind of need to roll her up and I haven't completely decided what I want her to be yet so I would like you to help me if that's okay so how do I do this Jay I'm going to pause the music cuz I'm finding it horribly distracting do it and I will walk you through okay I'm going to turn as if talking to a simpleton please as if he was talking to a small child please right now L uh L no not Lucas that's me sorry um uh now what we're going to do is open Steam Steam Ste yes not like not like the trains do I have to say it like that Ste yes you have to enunciate not a steam with a be with a be not yes very good very good you're learning learing steam yes very good okay it's open I did it very good now you have a program open on your computer called OBS I believe yes yes yes now just make sure that it's not on your central monitor it's not wonderful now in Steam steam Open Press Play for Boulders Gate 3 Boulders Gate 3 Boulders gate three is well done now on the steam deck ah making noises at me Lulu pay attention V this is very important or you will you will be cursed and die oh yes oh yes now press game play on the steam deck I've done it there are trees well done we're very proud of you help what okay it says press any key to continue should I do it now do you know which one's the any key no it's it's ah ha yes press key I'm pressing Lulu is it the space bar no it's the oh wonderful very kind I miss these two so much me too okay okay okay hang on game play you're doing it you're doing it oh into the smoke I love it because obviously I'm watching stream delayed there we go look at that boom I did it very good turn the game down ever so slightly cuz it's hurting my ears well it's cuz their tiny Ladi that's why incredibly small right new game am I right yes correct Five Points this is this is where you get an in sight into ADHD person gets overwhelmed by basic words when stressed yeah new game Explorer balanced or tactician uh so you're going to want to go in the middle go with balanced or chat first time in my life mey maybe Melly should go with tactician I think that's a good idea for I think you should go yourself Lely well blind me if I could do that I haven't had any need for Nanny we don't talk about Nan nny okay we don't nny start I'm starting it it's it's starting it's I'm begun well done watch the intro I love the Cinematic so much so good ooh Welty I can't hear it cuz I got your stream muted I'm missing out a open wide lasel tple time yummy ooh it is a well sexy tadpole oh no no I'm fine actually I don't really need one I've already had one to in enable tutorials turn on popups I think that's a bad idea don't you hang on let me come around I'm just moving your screen hang on where are we enable tutorials uh we could turn off popups if that's going to like I think chat and I can probably guide you through what you're going to want to click on and stuff but you can leave them on for now I mean I won't be able to read them but let's let's leave them on for now anyway do it okay durge durge oh no no no I won't look like that at all that won't do no no I want to edit edit myself edit is it just appearance or is it everything to do with the character um so the first thing you might want to change is if on the left hand side where you got race towards the top okay how do I go back how do I go back uh hit edit character same one one yeah back to the main menu no okay no sorry I streamed a little bit to say no to that and then and then edit character okay right at the bottom right at the bottom where okay over on the left change your race there are a lot of things on the left you're going to have to be a little more specific right on the left second down from the right on the left second down you now Violet pay attention left hand side second from the top the word that says race got it now are you a no that's there we go are you a dragon no right well then stop around and pick that what matches H I was thinking Violet as maybe uh a half elf or a wood elf something something along those lines I mean if you're going she she's not evil enough to be drow no no not at all she's not a teing she's not I I I want something that is generic looking enough that she could pass for very human um but enough that gives her a little bit of something interesting I'm thinking she'll probably be a druid probably I think like um a half elf and then you're a bit more sprightly on your feet as well which I think suits violent okay let's go with that we can always change it half elf well look at me oh so so many inappropriate things just popped into my head lucious oh he's awful no no that hurts my feelings he looks like somebody I'd need to make a pack lunch for oh God he does he looks like his name is Trent and he has a stock portfolio no no no no no he's H what is he is he a Luke hang on I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm big I'm igging him don't IG Luke he could be what about he's not a Gary he's definitely not and Anthony but he would refuse to be called Tony he's he definitely sails I'll tell you that much with a th yeah my name's Anthony yeah no we're sailing down the Amalie coaster the weekend yeah know my dad's got a for birth I hate yeah okay okay let's let's change him shall we uh so edit appearance yes okay I am paying attention I'm just getting a hoodie okie dokie so what are these oh hi body type but we are zoomed right in on the face for some reason so on the bottom of the screen mhm to the right of where it says proceed mhm there's a little magnifying glass plus got gotcha ah lovely okay body type that's that's just a dude again yeah so I think one and two is like like slight male slight female and three and four definitely a slight female slight just slightly female you know just a little just a little bit okay so face oh a I mean hang on M do Subs okay this looks way too much like okay Millie hold on hold on we have to do SUB Ray first apparently otherwise it'll uh it how do I do that how do I do that I don't know I haven't done a sub race where is sub race first chat I think if you go back to edit character it might just be one of the other ones on the left so right down at the bottom of the screen edit character it might be behind me oh no there it is just underneath where race was the sub race mhm there we go I see she's not a drow is she no and she's not despite her upbringing I don't think she's lofty enough to consider think W elf yeah Fleet of foot I'm super Speedy Lulu feel free to take me off the screen for this if you like cuz I'm covering up half of the that's a very fair point let's see if I can remember how to do that goodbye everybody goodbye look at this feminism in action there you go okay yeah I don't think she's a Dr he's gone so many capital letters is it lost if it was deliberately got rid of is it ever a loss if I leave let's be honest Amelia cast man begone man beone I want a spell called man begone that's amazing I have been you cast the Bish spell that's it sounds no it sounds like a house cleaning spray what bage be gone man be gone I'll I'll roll a D20 each uh race characteristic you pick to see if I come back from the Ethereal plane ladies are you finding yourself in UND with Dreadful Dreadful bastards then you need man begun just one squirt and he'll get feminism right in the eyes and possibly up the nose I'm very alone in here it's just full of men hello it's like a it's a bag of holding for Dreadful men oh God put the whole man in that would smell like the bag of a the inside of a bag of of dry roasted peanuts that would be a teenager's sock oh no not the realm of naked men that's something different that's no yeah that's a wonderful place that is very useful during this oh no I've just realized while we're doing this the realm of naked men is watching on oh God that feels weird to realize that in judgment yeah like they're all to the side they're over there just CA now so I don't know which way to look oh that way they're outside my window okay so she's a half wood El we think we think now the good thing is like as you would have experienced when I was spinning up lucious last night all of this is completely changeable if you get xway through the game you're like oh no actually she's a halfling barbarian yeah she just chopped her in half you can change it all so it's not it's not as bad it's not as critical okay so edit appearance yes okay right let's Zoom her out a little bit uh okay what have we got I do quite like that face that does feel quite violety oh 100% but let's just double check okay this woman looks like she knows what she's doing she's got accessories she's she takes zero my God you do not want to be sat across this woman in a boardroom yeah TR okay I like her but she's not violet oh hang on chat just sorry not chat Millie just checking with chat if as far as I know if you create a new character in new game you can still bring them into multiplayer like I don't think it matters you can bring any character into multiplayer I believe yes okay cool yeah now carry it's fine okay no she looks like she can take a punch and violet definitely couldn't mhm like she she can defend herself I'm pretty sure she did take a punch or two back in the role play day incidentally during tonic testing no she beat the out of Lucius yeah pretty much oh my God what a pretty person uh-huh oh I mean that's not that's not violet but I I like her too much I assume you're going to make her incredibly pasty like oh God yeah all good very pasty very blonde I saw the sun once when we summered you can't go looking directly at the sun you'll go blind and get freckles freckles is worse G everyone knows freckles of the poor oh my God what a glamorous person oh you're by the way I just women is that not no this game is sex in a game that's everybody SE sex the game yeah sex the game okay so we're going for this one this is definitely yeah this is a good start okay skin color pasty AF maybe not quite that oh that's a bit Victorian orphan pasty oh she's so sickly yes lucious lucious got rickids that's all that vitamin [Music] K possibly that yeah depends I guess it depends what you're going to do from a makeup perspective I don't know what Violet would wear let take the ey Shadow off to start with cuz I think that's going to give us um I like it Build It Up layers yeah okay so what have we got freckles God no that means you've been out in the sun be gone Shazam okay where's the makeup is that on the next right hands yeah you don't have to do any this is this is a perfect example of if I'm not told to look at something it doesn't exist okay so am I just in your imagination by now at this point just sort of Forgotten Who You Are by this point wonderful being with an ADHD partner is not for the low of self-esteem everybody no my partner regularly forgets who I am and that I exist it's fine though um but you can bounce so with like the hair and the body art and the eyes and the M you can bounce around as much as you like you don't have to do in any kind of order quite like that mhm let's just it down a bit though because I don't think oh God am I the narrator now I'm narrating the narrator narrate me I wouldn't do as good a job you're too good at it oh why are you being supportive e sorry I mean I wouldn't want to embarrass you by making it so much better oh my God this is what I need for my makeup in real life I just want to be able to go put it there in that shape make it metallic or glossy now and not have to do all the smudging and whatnot I mean you should have just taken my makeup tips to be honest oh God I'm going to have to replay that at some point okay eyes eyes she she had blue eyes didn't she but what shade of blue maybe maybe I mean she's got to be like sickening innocent pretty right you know super girly so that when she knocks a man on his [Music] ass the makeup device from Fifth Element exactly that's what I need just multipass doc wants to hear you say Authority in lucius's voice all right dog this is just for you though should I come close to the microphone now dog just because I'm rich and Posh Authority there you are what you do with that in your own penis is entirely your call I hate him so much correct Susie that is the right response to Lucius oh God my hair's gone green by accident let swimming in the [Music] temps B why does that give off asarian Vibes because asarian is a prick and so it's lucious does that look right it looks weirdly green you can um the hair's a bit funky cuz you've also got highlight colors as well so you might want to have a bit of a play around uh I think it's underneath your camera from where I can see if you hit confirm on the hair color oh I see I see I see that's why it's gone weird cuz I've got taupe highlights taupe taupe how about bright green bright green yes oh no they were invisible highlights so that shouldn't be doing a damn thing okay I kind of had this with lucious last night there's there is some Oddity with the with the highlights and too cold a blonde apparently I feel very strongly about this you do you can expand at the Top If you wanted to really drive your ADHD through the roof there is a tick box for all highlight colors just underneath the bar oh oh well we've just added an hour to the rest of the character creation okay that's too yellowy just doesn't look quite right tonally let's leave that there hang on let me take it back to that yeah it's too bright right it's too rich you could take can you take that color and then reduce the intensity I'm trying to remember no there's no intensity option oh for General oh that kind of works that kind of works and then I could [Music] maybe pep it up with the highlights uhhuh that feels that feels a little better is that is that going to be her hairstyle because that might change the texture and the light reflection oh God okay well she's vaguely blonde we've got that let's is that the lesser known sequel to Legally Blonde yes vaguely blonde oh my god oh this is just Millie being taunted by hairstyle she can't do absolutely not I'm not taking you down Mayfair looking like that how about this I'm a boy now and weirdly thinning on top that's giving me confusing feelings I don't like it oh my God she's so cute that gives me um Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta oh oh my God I want all these hair D in real life I've told you this before that but that you would absolutely uh nail a side shave you RP to someone with it sound it like that it looked badass God oh my God she looks so pretty that's quite cool it's too cool for Violet for sure way too cool for Violet I mean that's closer but I've seen a lot of people doing these and it's still a bit too cool for her I think mm but we'll we'll remember that the space buns are good I like the space buns are they actually called space buns yes amazing okay that's too severe that's too cool oh my God I want every single one of these hair D laran whoever did your hairstyle so good she looks that that looks like violet when she grows up and gets a job uhhuh it's like her I'm trying to take myself it on my own yeah I do yeah that's giving me flashbacks from Skyrim oh you're finally awake I mean that's close but it feels a little bit too cool still yeah awesome oh the hair in this is so good too yeah it's that's too attractive basically I mean there are you know there's a lot more it's Scrolls okay that's that's closer yeah that's pretty good yeah it's it's still a it's very good hair and I'm not sure how good her hair would be okay that's too severe that's very um pop styed oh God that's her Fantasy Hair Oops I did it again sorry I've just skipped one that's cute that's cute that's like violet going to church hair my church hair that's m m doesn't quite [Music] work how the god there so many good hairs I'm scared her ringlets are very solid maybe they're fake maybe they're wood wooden ringlets yeah just for style that for some reason and makes her look older the ringlets could stab a man already a lith oh maybe that's it maybe that's how it starts that bit at the back of the hair that you can never get to curl right only it starts going super curly need to be detachable oh my God that's her after a really bad breakup just getting full on that that's in uh in the as them she ended up in oh yeah oh yeah we forgot to tell you that b didn't we oh yeah I mean what yeah Violet Violet ended up in an asylum for reasons and may or may not have been taxad damed by her boyfriend she hadn't but the rumor still persists apparently to this day on server that no one seen a body he taxid D made his girlfriend H that's in an anime yeah oh my no that is oh yeah [Music] y okay what do we got okay that that is still very cute but her with very short hair I'm not sure if it works that's too cool that's way too cool yeah no too cool [Music] again oh strong Medusa Vibes oh oh have you been noting down the like the ones we like there's no number is there oh never no just just their name okay this is never winter scarf okay you can note it down I love paperwork all right you do what's it called Never winter all right I got it I got it that is very cute did we like space buns or was it that was just amusing I I feel like that's too cool for her oh when when pet Kitty don't don't worry there will be plenty of kitty pets uh the one thing you don't want to do with Lola is encourage her in any way because once she wants attention that's all she wants forever and ever and ever I was actually going to say to you about 30 seconds ago it's really peaceful in my office right now and usually the second always my door open yeah the second like my streaming lights go on or whatever ler is immediately in here so I'm quite glad you're distracting her tonight oh my God that's so cute look how tiny they are I just want to dible them no dibbling Violet they let me Dibble the other girl's hair at boarding school yes but that's just a self-exploration and we don't talk about that publicly well you might not look what I did a boring school remains between me and Mr Smith oh oh that's that's going to be the glow up look when she starts thinking for herself why is Jay suddenly turning into a dark place character Lucius is always a dark place character oh that's cute I like that one yeah that's pretty cute I don't think it's her but it's a very cute hairo okay this is all we're doing today now I love that we haven't even got on to abilities yet no it's just hair yeah oh my God the hair in this game ruins me she's so cute oh oh she's suddenly turned into link my God she has listen Violet of high rule that works I can just spend all day up pots just stamp on them for no reason does that make Lua Zelda I'm in the castle come and Rescue Me Violet it happened again at some point you really have to ask yourself if you're getting caught on purpose you know something about handcuffs make me feel very confident Pottery of fyon Beware I've got my stomping boots on you know full well that if that was if that was the game Lucius would run a pot selling business and then Violet would go around just up everybody's pots yes so they'd buy more it's an excellent plan oh my God You' had a Miss hap have you all this this is so good oh my God this that woman would ruin [Music] me Milly stop putting pornography on screen no this is the oh dear oh that's unfortunate oh oh dear tell had a mishap with the iron that's not doing it for me it's kind of like it's kind of a good length and sort of yeah style but still not quite right in theory it worked Jesus Christ laran what are you doing to me I am too byy for this oh that's cute just as long as you don't put up any twinks I'll be fine I kind of like that but that makes her look really young though that one uh I oh I don't know I'm behind it might be the one before that one yeah h but that gives me like 12year old Violet Vibes oh so cute oh we're going to be on character creation for a while oh it's so pretty that'll be her when she decides to go disguised as a boy nobody will ever know all she's done is put her hair in a ponytail Jesus Christ Violet stop it was it that one no wait I'm getting lost now a that's cute this is weird with the stream delay because I keep thinking you are having terrible opinions about hair I'm hearing you go that cute while she's got the hair of a 60-year-old Bolding man I quite like that one though what's that one called that one yeah uh leg the side yeah one conqueror coner I'm not I'm not even going to try to spell that right it's got too many U's and E and ODS so I just put conqueror that's too severe no too cool hair in my eyes I might trip over this is the entire game now just me having a bisexual crisis at my own character's hair the hilarious thing is this character model is way too young for my taste but she just looks amazing who is man speaking in the background talk to the man speaking in background hello man speaking in background I am the voice of Millie's conscience that's why I don't talk very much I'm going to I'm going to remain a mystery I'm just going to I'm just going to sit down here now yeah it's just the it's he's the voice of my narrator Millie clicks through 400 hairstyles and still none are good enough cut two 3 days from now Millie is dead still oh that's so cute the ble good skeleton slumps against the chair the last viscera of its flesh slopping off onto the [Music] floor Lola nibbling at her toes [Music] oh Milly is Heath no I can't do Heath to Millie that's not fair no please don't do Heath I won't do Heath I got a base growl out of me well [Music] done it now no more there are too many frzy wizzy okay we we're getting towards the end we've got to make a decision soon oh my God she's in a fighting game oh damn she just whip she wh That's when she gets serious whipping her hair back and forth to get rid of strangers and flies that's a I've had enough of this now hairstyle off all of you just leave me leave go stop following me I've definitely never worn my hair in a ponytail and turned sideways too fast deliberately to hit somebody in the face with my hair wow rude look if you lean too close to me on a tube that is not packed you deserve to be head in the face okay that's that's acceptable okay so what was the one that I liked never winter scarf where was that I've only just noticed the names on these and they're ridiculous yeah where was it I remember it was on the right hand side okay not there not that not that I say I remember I think it was but I've got a they go vaguely I was going to say they go vaguely in order but they kind of don't really they don't in any way uh never winter scarf was fourth well as in the fourth column so the most right column okay rightmost column ah got it I think I actually real yeah I like the little tie around at the top yeah that'll do that'll do graying I don't want graying zero far too young far too young for that okay facial hair just for shits and giggles great big bushy beard look at me I'm my brother now that's ridiculous I would never own that's Majestic yes I kind of wish you got to be good otherwise I won't bring you any presents this year I want presents I want all of them them and you can't have a mustache better than mine all right how about these chops I'm a boy Violet is totally the sort of person who would wear really obvious facial hair but think it can think it uh disguises her completely uh-huh like a corset or a ball gown and long flowing locks but I'm invisible cuz I got muton chops on yeah exactly yeah okay who is the stranger nobody knows was that a hot first quote it was Mojo yeah Okay so we've got hair makeup wise uh I kind of like the lip color it looks very natural eye makeup color [Music] h i mean I don't remember cuz obviously Red Dead role play has got I mean it has quite a lot of options but I don't remember her being very heavily Mak no she wasn't it was very very [Music] subtle [Music] no no I think I'm going to go back to that that's cute eyebrows where are eyebrows is it just under eyes your eyes violet I know that but it's not under eyes is it no you don't put your eyebrows under your eyes you'd look ridiculous it's in general it's under eyes I I don't actually think you can it's not I don't think you can tweak the eyebrows I'm afraid but they're really dark well just pretend they're part of your disguise my dis yes Violet h your eyebrows for the love of God that's the point actually you must be able to just remove them you can't you can't you can't remove there's there's cuz I had this yesterday I was like cuz I've been playing uh a few games lately I was like which was the one where you could change everything about the face and I thought it was bg3 but it's not I don't think you can change um there might be something under the hair cuz obviously a lot these men got scroll Downs as well Lulu look I'm a bat happy Halloween hang on I'm waiting for this new technology to catch up so I can see it I just put a little bit more makeup on than normal do you like it Jesus Christ Violet what why must you always bring the househ held name into disrepute I'm sorry Nanny she's doing it again no don't tell Nanny I will tell get throat tattoo and you can't stop me oh my God that looks so good oh my face face plan the inqu it was really tempting to give Lucius some tats and some scars they're very good in this game my God okay but no she's a good girl and she wouldn't piercings Lulu how improper I um I don't know if you've got it on here CU I can't see what uh yeah on the tattoos um do you remember that Tik Tok I showed you where someone had figured out that one of the T was written in a runic language of but it just says nose and eyes just says nose and like down and chin and stuff like that okay okay would she I don't think she'd have earrings I will allow you one single piercing one guess where it's going to be your ears of course obviously M how else will you attract a man no I think she will be unadorned which is very boring very good but this is just making me want more piercings okay don't I I saw I think it was a mutual friend of ours actually someone who works in audio who will remain nameless who got um what is it the bit like at right at the top of your ear not the tragus like right on the outer skin of the ear and then we're like outer skin of the like the top like a cartilage like the ones I've got yeah but I think it was was in a really really bad place cuz the the Tweet the next day was something like I got this piercing I forgot that I wear big headphon on headphones for 9 hours a day after I got my tragus done uh that was my I was running late for a recording session I'd had it done in Camden and I ran to the studio and got there I was like right fantastic m no no not great see I I I would do that but I'm a professional so I don't sure sure okay okay what are we thinking I think that works I think that works too okay do I get to change her clothes now so clothes you don't get to change a lot it just goes with what class you pick gotcha gotcha gotcha yes did I choose the voice no I didn't choose a voice okay let's be wary this place is it's opened more of those there's magic keeping this chest sealed where to next what was that let's hope Pals something just woke up down here be wary okay this this happened I wonder what's back there maybe to of those there's magic keeping this chest sealed feel it Aura I can't hear so I'm per per it's 204 I don't want to change the maturity I don't want to change it I was talking about my personal tastes um but for her this is perfect two two lots of twoos some fours two two putting superiority at the end of your choice doesn't mean you win sorry oh what's that you can change the eyebrow color a little bit if you select a beard and change the hair color and after you remove the beard right okay I am down for this experiment Jesus okay uh so we were going for Voice number two before I ADHD and forget what we were doing okay okay okay the question is which beard it is that one okay okay so do that doesn't seem to be changing anything hair is trixy n some wrinkles you have to go out in the sun to get wrinkles yeah you'll never get a man with wrinkles Violet stop making Expressions sorry I must not be happy or cross no em or anything no thinking no thinking no emoting the sun is the peasants exactly Ivory you've been speaking to Daddy haven't you well if you're rich you just have someone walking alongside you with an umbrella that is hair color not the beard color what so you have to put the beard on there's a separate then there's a separate beard color there is not uh scroll down in I'm I'm as far down as I can get try graying no that's not affecting the eyebrows at all but I do like it h well you just don't have to be enticing in other ways so that they ignore your [Music] eyebrows never trust chat noted okay okay this is fine oh I love her so much already she's Dreadful okay doesn't she she doesn't look like she'd ever be darker she's just a nice nice person yes that's the point okay proceed feed no uh Eric character Eric ER Eric character that's my new character name hello my name is Eric character Eric character I am what was the one I said I always wanted to play an investigative reporter called Lou roll oh God it's l roll here um okay so uh that's your origin race subra and your character appearance done and then go to class class so I was thinking either Druid or Ranger for her she's very very smart um but mainly just loves being out in nature and um yeah she's medicine nature is she animals she did get eaten by Wolves a lot no that was that was Vivian oh yeah okay so yeah medicine naturey herbs and stuff she doesn't sound smart she was very well read what was it we had didn't we have a whole thing about yeah she's she's fingering your books exactly she's very book smart and very um intelligent should we say but not socially very smart uh okay so Druid channeling the elemental forces of nature and share a deep kinship with animals Mastery of wild shape allows them to transform into beasts from all over the Realms so I'm playing a circle of the god which I can't even remember without looking at my sheet I'm playing a druid uh but it's not circle of the moon it's the it's the one that you can summon all sorts of different creatures uh I would need to see the options not spores not spores although that does tie in uh Shepherd that's it circle of the shepherd yeah I'm playing a a cent circle of the she Shepherd dreid um who I've she's called AA she's basically a hoofy socially anxious Snow White um but she discovered sugar for the first time the other day and it was quite the experience okay so Druid is that Ranger Scouts trackers oh hello I don't feel like she like she she was great with a bow but I don't feel I'd have a look at the skills and see if that see if that okay lines so how do we you hover over like the can trip and the Beast table CH yeah if you H stuff doesn't feel very like Thor wi is great fun use casually the other day ice [Music] knife Thunder Wave cure wound cure wounds healing word all sounds good for her enhance sleep Bo unlock a spell slot restoring on a long rest okay you will have some choices to swap some of those spells out when you actually pick this class but oh okay okay Ranger can trips advantage on attack roles Beast Tamer ooh okay I kind of like that I kind of like that and I've never played a ranger they're kind of midg ground right so the other thing I would maybe say is if you look at can trips and chat I I need your help on this cuz I don't know it all inside and out the give advantage on the next role mhm um it looks like you could cast that cuz it's got a range on it either on yourself or possibly let's say on a certain brother who if he has Advantage you're already role playing him aren't you no Violet what I'm saying is synergistically the role of the sister is to support their brother in dominating the world sorry I've got a cat going on at the moment okay uh H H but again you may you may get an option to change love Ranger but true strike is bad I'm just tempted because I've never I've never played a ranger or as I have played a druid although the idea of violet being like Lulu look I'm a spider SCU get off me me too many legs that feels like a lot of fun mhm you like Ranger for violet yeah Ranger Drew is interesting like again a bit like a bit like lucious like again you can change your class later on if you hate it or if it doesn't make your brain melt you could multi class mix so that that could be fun Beast Master Ranger can you like turn into animals as Beast Master I've never played a ranger you can choose a different can trip okay okay no that's a druid thing [Music] H I think you're stuck between Ranger and Druid just like I was stuck between like I can be like a d a danger a ruid okay so if I'm going to multiclass Ranger Druid which one should I use as my base does it make a difference what should I start with Ranger start Ranger Ranger Ranger Ranger okay that's that's that can I okay I can't change those right now details simple weapons Marshal weapons light on medium armor Shields okay so that's all the things like you would be proficient in mhm I like the outfit also just reminds me of the first time Violet wore trousers and gave her for it what the hell are you wearing Violet okay Ranger Ranger it is Ranger because pet I get a pet Lulu well what kind I'm not looking after it I don't know yet we'll find out later favorite enemy is it studying the tactics and abilities of certain creatures has granted you a set of abilities that is useful in a variety of situations Bounty Hunter proficiency and investigation I can peep uh creatures you hit within snaring strike either ranged or melee have disadvantage on their saving throw Keeper of the veil specialize in hunting creatures from other PLS of existence this does doesn't feel very me no that's protection from evil and good Mage breaker history of battling spellcasters H Ranger Knight you have sworn to serve a crown or Nation that now don't be mean about the queen we left for a reason Lulu did don't bring her up all right I'm still very raw that's weird she does sound like the narator that's very odd I don't think you sound anything like theator I yeah it's it's a bad impression honestly don't you start doc don't you start mothering no that I don't think that's what Doc's getting at mother see that's all right then Bargain Bin narrat yeah little poundland take you down to poundland you said okay I thought pegging was off the table okay wow wow wow wow wow whoa hello okay uh Sanctified stalker you swore to hunt the enemies of a holy or druidic order proficiency and she doesn't feel very very religious no no I think she would have been intelligent enough to be like no thanks I'm out of there what are we thinking chat Bounty Hunter feels most like it to me I think chat would quite full bounty hunter from what I saw let's do it Beast T someon familiar I get my own little face spirit a can you summon me if you summon me a dog I will be your friend [Music] forever Justice for Bing Bong okay so that's my favorite enemy I love the way this is laid out this makes roll up so much easier Bing Bong to all of you I definitely see people using this to spin Up characters I remember you saying like I'll let you say but how you struggle with characters or character I find character creation in any system cuz I've played a whole ton of different tabletop over the years and I always find character roll up really stressful because I I want to get it right you know I don't want to um I don't want to let anybody down in a campaign and I don't want to end up stuck playing a character that doesn't quite work so I always really stress out about it and do that classic overstudy panic and feel a lot happier just been given a character to play um but something like this really helps me make sense of it it's very very well very very well done the way they've laid out D and D okay natural Explorer years of traveling in the wild have made you sorry I'll do it in the voice I might as well do it do the thing years of traveling in the wild have made you particularly attuned to beasts s Adept at surviving in certain environments I'm a little bit off today uh Urban tra go again so Beast Tamer you have cultivated a strong bond with animals you can cast find familiar without expending a spell slot a constant familiar yay sounds pretty cool pretty cool when did crimpy get here I'm always here Jay just waiting to say if you bring out Crim I'm bringing out Heath so fine fine careful okay mutually assure destruction all right all right okay Urban tracker an expert at navigating the wild within the city no that does not feel like her Wasteland surviving in the tundra no surviving in deserts no I'm not going out in the sun son I'll catch freckles feted swamps no no you would like to throw a follow to the disembodied voice of Jay Britain well think I didn't actually introduce myself when I came you probably should no yeah hi everybody I am indeed uh Jay I'm Millie's long Longs suffering uh partner but more interestingly uh oh no it's not even more interesting Is It Anyway additional information just additional information yeah but I am also a voice actor for games animation uh things like divinity original sin 2 Frost Punk uh Horizon forbidden West and other there you go that'll doing it yeah yeah that will do nicely that'll do on it with a house of voices so I think Beast Tamer what does everybody else think oh come on you can't mention Frost Punk and not do the thing why I can't even criticize this cuz I literally just said to you do the thing do the thing yeah hang on a new law has passed a new day get to work there you go perfect go away now you just bought my cam on without warning I could have been fully nude here okay okay what are we thinking chat Beast Tamer I quite like the idea of her just being oh it's all right it's just a little bear oh God just a small bear we're dying before we get off the probably entirely likely okay no she would absolutely want an intellect devour as a pet oh yes she totally would look oh no look I've got a pet brain no it won't make you cleverer Violet you're still a woman she makes such bad life choices in every way and I love it okay okay haunted one this is my background a wicked moment person or thing that cannot be slain by sword or spell haunts your mind oh this is appropriate and flickers in your peripheral oh that's a very narrator hang on a wicked moment person or thing that cannot be slain by sword or spell haunts your mind and flickers in your peripheral vision you carry it wherever your adventure takes you or perhaps it carries you ooh right you're pretty that she's haunted haunted by stuff okay spooky gohost okay okay we're going to play with some stats now because there is no way way she's got a strength of 12 is that too good or too oh she's she's not that I always had I always got like a slight like farm hand vibe from her like you would be surprised that she would just pick up a bag of corn and be all right with yeah yeah maybe but I isn't is she more intelligent than that though or is it always definitely more wait in intelligence is different in the system so wisdom is more what we're thinking okay okay that's not so bad then yeah intell in which case that totally scans eight in Forge yeah makes dump strength dump strength maybe give the put the plus two into wisdom at least one into wisdom maybe Charisma maybe intelligence is book smarts wisdom is Street smarts I feel like she might be a bit smarter than that then but then she'd only read the books that somebody would give her that's the thing I could make a really strong build here but I don't like playing characters like that I prefer to play characters with flaws and deliberately following the role play rather than the the um got lost in my own sentence and I was looking the word strength and it ceased to have any meaning welcome to my ADHD nightmare okay strength 10 14 what are we doing what are we doing let's crank the wisdom up oh choices pending what what do you reckon I would probably knock strength down to 10 mhm uh put your con up to 14 it will let you sure the base cap is um I would and then swap the plus two and the plus one so give Dex the plus one and wisdom the plus two if you want to be really wisdomous well she's not very fighty so she's probably going to need to vanish quite [Music] quickly T is 15 17 with a plus two okay yeah chat reckon this is uh this looking good yeah looks good numbers iy that's true looks good looks good even numbers looks decent okay de for stealth okay yeah she would totally be sneaky I think but I want to get her in a dress as quickly as possible just so you don't bring shame upon the entire family well it's just easier to pee Lulu that was always the argument people when when we were role playing them originally people would always take her to one side and be very like you know modern Progressive and trying to coax this young woman who they assumed was in a a dread ful abusive familial relationship you know they they thought that that Lucius was a dreadful which he kind of is but that she needed coaxing out and encouraging to wear trousers and why does she wear a dress all the time when she goes out in the countryside and she's just like no I much prefer it you can just squat down and pee wherever you want out in the woods drop a one there you go exactly one with nature but nobody thinks about that until you have to pee in the woods marking my territory exactly like the animals do oh no oh no I've made the pissing Ranger oh God tinkle tinkle that's how mommy and daddy own half of shopshire you know just Mark our territory all over England father just went around pissing on F we on the Canter B Cathedral it's his now yes oh piss Rangers a different subass oh okay oh no it's like the Power Rangers but oh no it morphing P Rangers yeah doesn't have quite the same ring does it no not quite okay skill proficiency stealth investigation nature medicine perception survival intimidation not sure about intimidation yeah hit change and you can have a you can have a proper full look at them all okay right while you're funling your proficiencies I'm going to go uh I'm going to go lift my dress up and piss in the woods there you go he's just gone and done it I'm going to wait I was wait I was waiting for you to say like okay goodbye before I left oh intimidation is a durge thing okay go enjoy it enjoy your piss Lulu CL somewhere else as your own for the family for the honor of the family no animal handling I want animal handling H okay so nature recognize plants and animals hug trees that does feel like her perception yep that feels very her survival e [Music] yeah read people in situations detect the lies o that's very her animal handling I do like animals ooh oh that's a trick one oh I will ABS I need speak with animals if you can talk to animals you don't need animal handling technically I'm very M about surviving just generally that feels like something you shouldn't be me about wait what survival finds buried chests treasure hunting I want to survival is overrated wow that's a mood maybe [Music] Insight wait would speak with animals Insight becomes animal handling oh okay is that true Insight is good yeah [Music] I I'm I've already got plus here anyway dog can find treasure for you there we go we're delegating we're delegating already who needs survival when you can get dog fair I'm just going to stay around Camp I'm not adventuring I'm just going to pet animals and be happy cuz that's what everybody wants at the end of the day stupid people they just make things complicated I want money not people so at the moment we are toying with Insight or animal handling but at what point do we get to ads speak with animals depend like you can get a potion relatively early on but you can get speak to animals as a ritual um I think it's level it like as a base thing or is that just Druids I think that's just Druids Bo level two level two not early enough not early enough no exactly okay let's level up really quick is what I'm hearing um XP for everyone next level range or Dr okay okay I will just I will try not to be too upset by The Animals I can't talk to yet and then I will will get speak with animals the second I level up no you have to you have to at least speak to them still though Violet you have to practice right okay I'll I'll practice and that that's how I'll learn very good is this going to end up like that thing where you go on holiday speaking English you know there people are just like I would like a packet of chips and a Coca colola w work do you want a b yell at animals that's the spell shout at animals hey Sharon how do I order a large beer and dog moo moo moo moo moo tourist to animals yeah Co-op partner the co-op partner is Mr J Brittain there you go a that's a lie it is look I'll bring you on camera again don't make me once we're actually in the game properly I will uh I will bring his cam back on but we just needed to be able to see what I was picking from okay on on that note just to pre-worn you Millie are you nude now no I'm not nude now no rewi on that read why was the emphasis on the word now I mean just Make Your Own Story up you know why not weave your own tale Millie all right you know emphasis is very important especially when you can't see somebody yeah uh no what I was going to say is um there's been conflicting information about whether or not I can pull Lucius in I may have to create him when I join your game oh no but I already know how we already know what he looks like and what he set up as so I can do that pretty sharpish okay right so how are we feeling chat are we are we happy with this build hello Captain Rubble Rubble all stranger how's it going Rubble Rubble Rubble Rubble oh actually yeah you could invite me in to this character creator and I could do it now but I think we'll we'll leave your screen with like just you for now we can we can do it quick I think I am confused I just need very basic instructions you could we could create the characters at at the same time now you would if you for example if you invite me into this game I will be on the Character Creator right and I can do that halfway through me creating mine uhhuh yeah oh his won't show okay yeah I think it was just because I know when Jen and Aliana did it they were on a PS5 which is why they got the split screen oh I see invite friends shall I invite you hang on well let me uh let me start the game uh okay oh god oh I've opened your stream I just H myself speak did we ever a look at the genitalia options no we did not don't have n of your business what I've got in my [Music] knickers Lulu all lose his if I go taking my pants off no VI isiv an androgenous uh blob of ethereal matter I'm just smooth down below like a Barbie doll topical oh Jesus Christ does that make me Ken no default vver what's your job Beach we really need to go and see that movie yes yes we do what's in her nickas chaos yay all right chaos pants uh I tell you what let me see if I can join you so it's less f for you okay multiplayer yes oh no you haven't gone into multiplayer so you so I can't so if you hit the plus invite friends bottom left uh yes sorry I'm slightly behind stream so yeah that one okay okay and find you you're not showing up okay hang on I just want oh does it bring up the steam like overlay thing for you okay hold on let me just bom I wonder if I can just right click on you actually that's just mean friends sign me in there we go all right I I should appear online now but I might be able to just right click on you no you're going to have to invite me I cannot see you do I need to di no no there you are there you are yeah Millie is playing B Gade 3 yes she is yes she is all right my steam has popped up play gam I accepted an invitation oh yeah I'm loading him cool I will try and get Lucius spun up as quickly as I can chaos and peeing in dresses that's what you tune in for just just that everything's fine everything's fine right I'm smart decision right doing this stream this is going to be okay okay are you having to rebuild Lucius from the start yeah I mean I'm pretty much done already I've just got to do his hair not peeing in just other people's dresses I hasten to wear like wearing a dress so it's easier to pee it's very different to just peeing in dresses what do I did Lucius have default penis I think he did yeah he did you a l about his penis very few things I remember clearly that's one of them apparently mhm I see how it is also peeing into other people's chesses I mean if I wanted to claim them as my own or if I wanted to ruin their day or if I just got caught short and was stuck in a wardrobe okay these two should not be allowed in FY this is just going to be a nightmare with the dresses on fight see I like this kind of out of the box thinking okay sorry I'll mute myself while I mumble if you like no no no no I like hearing the mumbling okay I'm putting on my mustache who stolen my oh my God his mustache is actually cold yes spiffing twiddler that is that is the name of his mother spiffing twiddler would you like to go on my spiffing twiddler Jesus Christ he's still no more pasty more pasty I love that we can't see you that's how I like it I'm [Music] sneaky okay highlights off more paste I'm just going to look at my beautiful violet look at her she's so pretty she's got a bow lovely ears nobody talk about how big her ears are she a little bit sensitive oh I forgot he you made him a human didn't you yes he is he is a boring old human there we go like I'm only spinning him up roughly cuz like there's a they added a mirror in the game now so you can't actually go and change your pretty much what is it chat everything other than class and race I think you can't change once you're in oh they're not twins they're not twins they're just brother and sister well you assume doc you assume that's where the highl comes from who knows oh yeah I need to make my guardian yes you could carry on with that if you want okay oo who would be her guardian okay hang on song ruins me her voice is amazing I I thought you know when we uh when I was creating you luus yesterday and I had to uh watch the intro bit that you did when you came into character creator once you here down by the river like that four note Motif you hear how often it's used in all the other pieces to tie everything together so good yeah okay okay just for fun I'm going to hit randomize a few times just to see what happens that's a that's a bold [Music] look oh Boris love is amazing hi now would Viet what kind of person would Violet have as her would she just like have the cool goth girl like the one that she wishes she was cool enough to be someone strong HEI no she wouldn't like HEI she met Heath a couple of times and she tore him a new well no hang on calm down she made you look like a complete dick now shush that's not hard that's who I am I love that people can only hear you right now who who am I [Music] really m only took two hours to get to the guardian oh you're right like yeah dark goth self crimit are you making a crimit guardian I mean that's tempting I don't know how she'd do with a crimit malady as a guardian would be amazing who the is crimit the is crimit who the are you oh actually crimit is crimit is a character I accidentally invented a while back based entirely off a cake um and this voice just sprung into being fully formed as a character and now occasionally I roleplay as her for shits and giggles she's basically God how would we how would she like if sugar came to life yeah like if she's toxic positivity like if the god the bad idea Bears [Music] um God who else vanilla Von suet and uh somebody else with an incredibly high voice and cutesy wots if they all got together dropped a bunch of acid and had an ory crimp it is what would result she is she is super happy about everything and Incredibly violent and has very little self-control and um lives entirely on sugar and joy and Heath it turns out um Jay's South African Merc character um is the perfect foil for her and they've ended up teaming up um yeah that's the thing so she talks like this all the time and has a lovely lovely time with everybody all day I hate it please stop no yes Crim who should I have as the companion uh what about um go yourself like Jester on drugs pretty much yeah stabby stabby uh lady Violet not getting Channel points despite having watched since it started is that normal I have no idea this is my first stream back and I don't understand technology um J I don't think yeah I don't think Channel points I can probably turn them on quickly I don't actually think I have access to that we have anything to spend them on right now but no but there's no Channel Point rewards set up yet I'm correct me if I'm wrong Millie but I don't think this is the your only stream you're ever going to do no I'm going to be doing many and many and many more streams after this so um brace yourself what penis did I pick o hello chling lady okay okay you know what I'm going to let the dice decide what have we got one two three 48 nine 10 d10 d10 hang on oh just a half Ork there we go this is a much easier way to roll up the guardian okay uh uh uh uh uh uh body time body time ooh oh she's chunky I think we'll go with that one though and can can you can I just her more than that how how do I get into the appearance on that on the right hand side still you think it's I think it's already there oh okay gotcha gotcha gotcha okay zoom in on your lovely [Music] face a I'm having very strong feelings about these orc ladies everything in this game is hot it's it's unbearable I'm thinking that one to the right to the right all your adjustments are in a column to the right I love it tusk's yum don't forget about the voice remarkable truly follow your instincts remarkable good luck follow your instincts remarkable truly okay I think I am pretty much there why follow your instincts oh is that only male or female for these truly okay as tempting as it is follow your instinct give her a male voice don't be afraid okay okay skin tone do we go classic green feels like cliche right I'm all caught up so what are you making a half a half orc Guardian mhm okay nice nice oo kind of like that let's oh no we're back in the hand the hairland oh God okay I'm going to give her a much cooler hair than violet has that's pretty cool but we can do cooler uh oh hi oh my God why does that look like a Videl suon advert aged myself 400 years the languid Bandit hello could you um can you give me a languid Bandit okay what hair color are we going for it's kind of hot it's kind of hot yeah m [Music] and uh just to bring you up to speed Milly I am I'm all set ready to go perfect thank you who wouldn't take a languid Bandit yeah as tempting as it is to go a bright color I think something that kind of tones with the armor sounds like the name of an indie band though doesn't it what languid band Bandit languid Bandit somebody this is our album lost in the woods 1 two three 4 I'm liking that hair yeah I like that highlights ooh okay we've got it on bright yellow right now that's I think that kind of worked actually it sort of tones with the hair am I crazy I like it I like it yeah bear in mind I am a person with hair that is so dark that I literally can't bleach it and diet fun colors so I don't know why I'm not being more imaginative right now but apparently turn up the intensity that's a very good point [Music] ooh don't think I want to turn up the intensity of that but I [Music] do I do want to turn up oh no you can't turn up the intensity of [Music] that the guardian would absolutely speak to the manager can you make it please oh no you don't you don't get to name your guardian otherwise you could have called her Karen I think you're doing well though Millie you're only like two hours in for character creating cre creating creating cre creating creating character you this character is so cool I'm playing the wrong one I just want I don't know if I haven't had it come up in my playthrough yet but I just want the gun Guardian armor y yeah I think we're going to go with that I think we're going to go with that she's she's a utilitarian why see I have less trouble getting through the character creation as much as I do I just want to make so many of them like I can make quick decisions but there's about 20 different characters I want to make I don't feel like she o hi goth girl are you okay do do you need don't I need to spray you down probably okay she wouldn't she wouldn't have like neatly done oh I kind of like I kind of like [Music] that get the hose oh no they're on to me what are we thinking do we like that I think that's nice little bit Smokey that's a little bit Smokey oh let's give her yes she gets tattoos Violet doesn't but she does what does that eyebrow um and chat I'm sure you'll know the answer if you if you're playing in multiplayer when you go to the guardian scenes as it were is it do they pick the guardian of whichever character took you into the astral prism or do you each see your own one ah private scenes oh you get some private time with your guardian Millie ooh I feel bad now cuz my guardian is a very short uh halfling with a big big uh and a beard nice oh you made scooter didn't you yes my my my guardian is Scooter Brown he is 300 years old and a local celebrity in the astral prism what is he famous for for being 300 years old and where' I left my moonshine I kind of like that that's subtle I like that okay right let's have a look at lips I'm getting fish gills though from the ear mixed with the ear jewelry oh no oh no she's gone to the beauty counter and there's somebody who's just 60 years old giving her advice warm that complexion right up oh ruined it it was hot and now yeah it's gone wrong it's gone very badly wrong this reminds me of a picture of me anyway moving on no no no go for it just I I don't know how old why am I sharing this on your street I should share it on mine that doesn't have 2 and a half thousand people I wasn't even looking at the numbers but thanks for that that's right when you're a kid you know you do stuff and there may or may not be a picture of me with my pajamas and I've clearly put my mom's lipstick on very heavily put some L roll down my uh pajama top to create Madonna with the big boobies uh bit bit of eyeliner and I've walked down into the kitchen and been like hello yeah what unprompted oh completely unprompted yeah it wasn't like J you fancy put it to make I was just like I'm bored might just do this Ros from Monsters Inc yeah it was a bit much wasn't it what are we thinking about this look look as a whole that's good that's subtle I like it a lower low reference oh I know I was pissing past your window hot hot hot yes hell yeah sold okay W smash excellent that's the entire point I would not smash just because there looks like there's a lot of stuff there to get caught on that's that's my true you would have to be careful with that wood smash gently got all all that all that do we age her up a bit yeah let's let's give her a just a bit just a bit like she knows what she's doing you'd need to roll basically a high deck a high deck uh DC check to not get a Tusk somewhere awkward maybe they're into that we don't kink shame here that's true I'd imagine you know an orc bite could be pretty good okay okay oh my God are you doing a hype train again what the oh that that's been a gly everyone's ridiculously lovely thank you lovely people thank you for the support I'm I'm sorry I'm not quite with it at the moment uh ADHD brain is having to focus on several things at once and failing in every single aspect okay okay I'm good to go I'm good to go do I just hit Venture forth so I'm going to ask chat here how does it work like we' we're both now on exactly the same screen with Venture fourth at the bottom so does it matter which one of us clicks it uh both of you need to press it okay so it's like a ready up thing all right you ready to venture forth L um yes should I do the thing on my end yeah I think not not with all the gobbins I'll just hit I'll just hit live uh yes we've gathered our party we're ready to venture forth I am live hi everyone surprise stream let's go that's my in now I'm going to bring you back it him it J are you ready to venture forth that yes that was very confusing though because I looked over to my mod view of your stream and it was my stream and I got very confused okay I'm I'm ready genuinely though Millie just I want to take a little moment you've done you've done amazing job and I'm very excited to play this with you I'm excited to play it too I thought I would hold off for longer than this to be honest but I I just want to play it is too good and hearing everybody having so much fun with it I was just like you know what it I can deal with hearing my own voice I'm just so excited it's such a good game I've fallen in love with it more than I thought I ever could it's amazing I'm ready you ready I think so come on hold my hand let's Venture forth don't all right um You Ready is sticky why is it what my hand look I lost my napkin two one go oh I misclicked love this so much the [Music] intro I don't think Millie can hear me now not sure [Music] [Music] look his one job to protect that tower look at it you had one job Gary [Music] [Music] [Music] oh so good [Music] don't bing bong and all his little bingy bongy family am I ready to murder several Bing bongs yes is your camera off by the way Millie yes oh okay that was just letting the Cinematic play okay oh my God she's so cute oh I can see you on your screen too the blood in your head thrums and well Jesus Christ violent blood obscures who you are an overwhelming loss of memory how you ended up amidst these hellish Flames is just as hidden you have nothing in your skull besides your name and a headache but you are in danger okay and we're back sorry darker just gets a little bit of extra flavor narration at the beginning course yeah this narator is great we could do better can you hear me yes you can can you still I can't hear you now okay great I've got a button so I can mute me to you so I can talk to can get one of those for real life ow ow we do have to change one thing for you though um oh do your do your opening dialogue um and then once you can once you can press escape and get to options we just need to change something for you okay give me one second okay um the dark urge whatever that is that is you you will claw back the truth but first you have to claw your way out of here okay hi hi it's quite good having your Stream app because I can just about figure out when you're in dialogue or not I see it um yes so Escape out of this or not Escape out just press Escape gotta in fact I'll do it with you so I can see where the option is and then go to options mhm uh is it under gaml yeah about in game play so the first one you land in about five uh three options down it says karmic dice uh-huh beone karmic dice it's up to you but yeah no I'm fine I prefer to let control everything absolutely okay turn on auto EES drop too is that so we can hear each other I like that where's that that a scroll all the way down uh no stay on gameplay all the way down to the bottom e drop wait was that ler on your mic yeah that made me look around no very busy being on a nautiloid at the moment Violet did you crash this noroid why do you think it was me is it because I'm a girl yes that's entirely why I've seen made of tentacles Lulu I wouldn't know how to steer it in the first place and neither with you listen Violet you nearly pushed me off a cliff on a horse don't think I Haven forgotten everything that was a glitch I'm leaving what's in here someone else right I'm sorry I need to go back back uh yeah so just Escape yeah okay show cat okay also Milly it's cat oh okay you're just going to sit there huh okay I've just got a cat on my shoulder now like a so you're familiar I sweetheart I need both my hands for this as long as you can press F5 that's all we got to worry about oh I do have a cat hang on hi hi there we go oh what yours is noisy mine is just full of Claws and hair everybody gets a cat C two cat stream what's what's bad is that we could each get another two cats right I'm going to put you back on the tree now okay no don't no you can't have my top I need that all right oh I got cat hair all on my face now I'm going to try and put mine down but mine likes to jump across to my desk now you all right just no I keep thinking I'm okay and then I find mock out her Lola is literally the worst for that at least okay okay right yes okay so I'm going to let I'm going to let you lead where you want to go cuz how are we okay that's camera not forward backy and it's just click to move can I change that so it's w ASD no so w ASD will do your camera moving mhm left click will move your character so like tell them where to walk gotcha if you hold down Speedy if I you hold if you hold down middle Mouse and then move your mouse it will rotate the camera oh no no ah ah oh okay this is going to take a little getting used to that's right I'm sorry if I give everybody seasickness Jay is muted wow no he's not if I can hear him you can hear him surely yes that's true it was it was when I probably when I pressed my mute button to talk to my chat gotcha and they they saw my my voice moving on your camera push F1 so the camera follows your character done thank you that is a very useful thing oh Millie for God's sake press F5 I did it okay there we go quick save successful hooray huzzah well done all of us okay um and I'm a rogue by the way um for those who are interested in asking and I'm a lady supposedly hang on stay stay there I want to see if I can get a good picture of us crashed on the nautiloid okay uh let me go in anyways F10 uh what's hide the UI I thought it was F10 but it's not working on mine no oh God damn it okay hang on maybe there yeah F10 is not working for me but was it Windows S I can at least get that okay that'll do all right I got us a little got us a little picture okay okay are you ready look far too capable right now well that'll that that'll end quickly oh God are we going through the massive sphincter yes now some trepidation is natural Violet whilst entering a sphincter but uh just relax and it goes a lot smoother all right I'll try do I have to hold my breath well if you feel that would help I'll I'll give it a try all right through through the S oh very good very good oh it took a little bit of force but one now I'm through it it's all fine yes the blood does help lube it up a little who's somebody's trapped they say let's go and have an investigate I might have to try and play this with a controller which sounds like a ridiculous statement um no to be I tried it with a controller I I would say it's it's I found it easier for movement harder for when you actually start want of selecting all your skills down the bottom and stuff relas H intriguing do you want to come loot your first body yes oh gosh yes I really want to loot a body oh God here look it's a goblin what was the goblin it was a goblin mine yoink well done I've got six girls steal all of his we're going to crash this n loid burn it down what wait what's that that looks like books I don't know I don't read this is very okay this is going to take a bit of getting used to cuz my head is just automatically oh it's a brain in a JW Lulu do you want it think that's S I got hited with an arrow like a hero no stop shooting things right it's a rune schematic of a naid flashes into your mind nerves S as much living being as ship L me that's a very sexy voice it's all very ppy in here how did you do that Violet it wasn't me there some Ruden slates oh no oh no I pressed something worlds Beyond worlds flash between your eyes empires of a grand design traversed by ships just like this I like it oh yeah also really good tip uh left alt which should be the key next to your space bar uhhuh if you hold it down it will highlight interactable things ohce I like it and then you can then you can click on either the thing or the actual name that comes up you can just click on that as well amazing yes yeah this is way too many amelias honestly too many worlds Beyond worlds Flash before your eyes empires of a grand design traversed by ships just like this a feeling penetrates your mind an anomaly one like ourselves unconnected from the hall caution it's been so long since I recorded all this like I can't even remember what I did this morning I mean it's years right I can't remember when we recorded this cuz we we went back and re-recorded a lot of the the start scene CU we did it once in the original narration style mind flare culture oh oh everything's jiggly jiggly a thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarves humans and more flash behind your eyes uh and Millie do you mind if I mention the multi because I know it yeah go for um so there should be if you're in Millie's chat if you do exclamation mark multi there's a link to be able to watch you did it both of the streams at the same time uh same if you're in my chat exclamation multi it's the same link so enjoy all right shall we shall we penetrate further my camera went very far away and then came suddenly very very close close Okay this navigation is going to take so much getting used to go forth and get uh arrested by okay you don't all have to do it you know when I said should we leave that just for mods yeah yeah we should have done that no it is only mods that's why it's not replying with the I want to go up there I've just got a funny feeling that there might be something up there I enjoy yeah do it do it I want to come with you oh Violet you nearly yeated me into a Chasm well be faster I mean well I want to come up there now hang on go on then I'm coming back down now wait hang on is this a lift or an elevator all right there we go all right hello look I found a chap oh well he's having a oh oh it's Twitchy it's really twitch I don't like it no yes youve come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us please before they return they return hm so I don't this is weird I have the option to T to pick an option but I'm assuming I can and you are in control cuz it's you I guess we'll find out yeah who am I talking to a man or a brain you from this husk you know no creature like this one that is more brain than person chat telling me it's my vote so I can basically indicate to you oh okay which one I think we should go with I'm just just going to test it oh I see that's cool you sound afraid why the enemy so many enemies I don't trust that bloody thing Violet brains shouldn't talk no it's very strange I think you'll pass the point of saving tell me what to do remove us from this body from this Cas free us please well I don't know about you lulu but this all sounds completely reasonable and not something that should concern me at all brains don't generally talk there Violet well that is true classically maybe I should peep at it and and see I'll just I'll just have a little look oh dear my first skill check I'm so excited oh dear are you very intelligent though Violet nope I guess the dice should tell I'm really really very smart when it comes to brains well you see this bit on the books this bit here you can see it's the Corpus kosum if you sh sever down that you end up with two completely independent personalities that yes that's just I knew that's what I was going to say actually you notice a demer a swelling of the brain causing pressure where it strains against the shell of the skull smash the out of his don't trust it wait a what edema I barely know her de I'm going to gently now listen to me Gary I'm going to I'm just going to call anybody I don't know Gary from now on now listen Gary I know this might be a little bit concerning but I'm just going to gently pry your brain out I don't think think you need it here we go all right now big breath in there we go you nearly it but look how dextrous you are I know I've got fiddly fingers now just hold still oh I don't want to see it Violet no no close your eyes my skull but you notice an opportunity you could the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat your fingers twitch with the desire to rip its tender moist meat to shreds no no we're not listening to that voice no no no everything's fine I don't trust it f what the brain or the voice yes no there's a voice there's definitely not a voice are you not again no oh good I haven't had that for ages I didn't I haven't packed any syringes I lost them oh well fine just no it's a good thing that I'm not hearing I'm not hearing any voices that that's good isn't it it's very good well done it means it's working I'm I'm just going to roll this dice for no reason at all very good play with your little toys she is so very very well thanks everybody for this Co-op play through it's been great um just so great so you know that thing that I did in the DND d game that we played with the cast I just did it again oh no I'm sorry brain puffy which way are you going like 20 towards dark urge and one is further away uh-huh oh everything's fine just give it a little oh just prod it just a little unaware of your interference it relaxes in your hands see I've got a pet now it's fine very good keep it out in trouble oh that's normal our freedom is ours friend the creature pauses listening something behind your eyes seases in recognition ow we must go to the helm but the helm we are needed it's saying we need to go to the helm right well I mean that's what I thought actually yes why what's at the helm oh it's where important stuff happens that the men do the brain tenses as querying an unseen advisor do you not hear it we will not survive here we are needed navigate we are needed to leave this realm oh what oh just apparently when necessary or something which isn't good because I've never floen one of these things before there right I can control any vehicle all right then uh I'll go what should I call you us us we are us concerning I are me hi I'm Violet are you my friend now shall we yes well why not where the hell will we go we are going to the helm we are going to the helm brain formerly known as Gary let's go well done Violet thanks hello brain good to meet you remember the AL saved your life just remember that there a reward or something no cat you can't just sit in front of my keyboard sorry down we go wee violet look I take you to the nicest places pops where too brain oh to the to the helm is this the way to the Helen yes surely all right pass the fire I'm sure this is fine is it supposed to be like this a dragon yes I could take it must look at that spiffy twiddler Abomination this is your end that's very rude your head throbs and your skin tingles Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes my head what is this s you are no th blacki blesses me this day together we might survive well yes that's true you have the alabaster with you yes I just got the nicest little shot then M of of lucious and violet in the screen the adventures are Lulu and violent I should have turned all of our things off [Music] M what should we go with lady her name Lulu something rude all right well I was waiting for you to take an option to indicate your I forgot I completely forgot Jesus Christ yes well hello um I'm Lua salabas this is violet who who might you be very interesting uh person who am I your only chance of survival right well I I would say yeah it's the only man here uh we need to figure out where we are we can do nothing until we escape that must be our priority yes first we exterminate the imps then we find the take control of the ship as for that thing it will remain tame as long as it believes we are THS it may be of use in the fight to come oh it's all right green lady I just po my thumb into it I don't think it's going to be any trouble that usually helps just sing [Music] a oh I'm not I'm not a fan of these all right M welcome to combat oh God okay so do want me to give you just a quick breakdown of the screen that's in front of me right now pleas please help me so at the very top of the screen you've got the turn order M right from left to right gotta So you you're up first then it'll be me then the deara then lasel then all the impy bits okay mhm right down at the bottom you the first thing to look at is right in the center you got a little green circle of your toolbar yes so so that basically if you click that will show you all the actions you have available and if you click the triangle it will show you all your bonus actions that you have available amazing so just like a normal turn in DD combat if you just move your mouse around like in in the screen you'll see a white line for your character's movement with how much movement it's going to take off of them um if you hover over the end turn button the blue ring around the outside of it it will show you how much movement you've got in total and what you've got left okay so something I realized early on if you want to move and jump just leave yourself 3 m spare and that will allow you to jump and move and that's it really I've got all these basic actions unarmed strike ranged attack and hamstring shot which is Dreadful but I'm guessing an imp's thigh quite small I think that's good so probably not that on this enemy 1d6 + 3 1d6 + 3 it's kind of the same uh is it still the same does it tell you what you're uh what you're trying to roll oh if you hover over one of the enemies so that they get a little outline over them and then right click uhhuh you get and then click examine that will least show you what their Armor class is ac7 okay yeah if if it's making if they're having to roll something like a con save or a deck save um it's a little harder to actually see easily but generally that's how you can have a quick look at the enemy see if they're resistant to fire forget that almost instantly but thank you for the heads up okay I'm going to try and shoot this thing with an arrow do it you well bloody good show Violet bloody good show yes than I it right in the face no not come on now oh you're still a lady and you still have a bonus action left I do have a bonus action left and I don't need a healing potion dip jump shove tempting it's just shove LEL um I don't just like d you like do an action you can like move a bit do an action move a bit do a bonus AC can hold an action or can you not do that with the mechanics in this uh I don't think you can hold you do get reaction like like uh opportunity attacks and reactions that come up as skills I haven't seen a hold anywhere though okay but um so yeah once you're done you can just hit enter you're all done time for you all right let's see what good old hell can do all right sry I'm playing a rogue chat I've never played a rogue either in bg3 or um in in like offline campaigns so I'm kind of interested uh so we can do a sneak attack but I think you have to have advantage in order to be able to do that yeah okay so that's why like I think you had a you might have a canri com you went with that would have given me Advantage which gives me like extra attacks and but mhm basically means he's got to get to a position of Advantage if he can how close have we got I've only got like 9 me I think you also get that if uh there's somebody else within a 5 m radius of the enemy yeah that's what I get on on Pebble anyway Pebble back and we've all uh got the same initiative at the top can you see that all our four cards are like the same size if that makes sense which means it's all our go so we can decide to move up for example I mean you probably delegate wouldn't you yes well I'm I I'm getting an idea now that perhaps you should move that brain thingy next to that imp so that uh I'm I'm you know improved and moraled uh the one on the right or the one on the left so you can just click the brain oh the one uh on your left sort of straight in head straight ahead of you just pop it right in front yes that'd be lovely now Gary listen very carefully all right I need you to Waddle over there and just look at that imp for a second no reason yes very good Gary very good all right can can let Gary do anything hang on yeah disengage I think I think he has like a yeah you'll probably kill that imp though which would ruin my it doesn't really matter you're going to kill it anyway no it I want I want to see what you do lucious the hero now yes let you be the hero yes I'm going to absolutely this imp with oh look how strong it is so big and strong ah have that imp you oh you killed her right in the face good job no it's all right ladies calm down calm down I've destroyed the you're safe now well done Lulu there are quite a few more though well then I'll I'll I'll move a little there there there we go uh so this is lasel I don't know which one of us controls her I think we both can so do you want to do lasel so you get more experience or do I oh no I'm still I'm still in control of the brain uh okay so we get we get one each okay oh that's nice uh all right well let's just go and I mean these are just imps I'm just going and smash this uh yes lelle if you can get that one on the right thank you oh very very good oh God she's so clever yes I suppose so this is I won't ball you with the jump thing I don't want to tax your brain so if I move just under 1 m no it wasn't quite close enough all let's Mo you the in let's go right braise yourselves here they come missed me you Bounder oh it's smart uh okay could you move your brain up again to right in the middle of those two imps that left how do I switch character cuz it's gone directly to me so you can either click the cards at the top ah gotcha gotcha okay um but but that's only cuz we've all got the same initiative right now where am I moving it to in front of the one on the left uh do you see the corpse in between the two imps it's so weird when your camera is a different rotation yeah it's basically there so it's between those two imp get quite to it it can get to just in front but it should be enough I'll get to whichever one I'll kill whichever one you move to basically there is very wonderful uh let's see if can I can I attack kit though uh oh what with your yeah I want to see it do some damage yeah Do It Go artists formerly known as Gary not enough movement bollocks oh you could oh no you could Dash but um that would use your action I guess God damn it I'm I'm going to use my bow and Harrow loose yeah you well done Lulu aah uh I might as well move actually and get close I'm going to end turn on the brain I guess and go to me uh it's interesting cuz we because we've all got the same initiative it would actually let us do things at the same time look at Lulu oh I missed I was trying not to hit you in the head it's very beautiful it's where I keep my bre RS and that's it I think oh dear Lulu you have to finish them off don't feel bad they sound missed as well oh ow right in the schn cber you know what I'm going to drink a potion yes I'm going to shoot it in the face do it hi hi AAR well done everybody aren't we wonderful that's what you get that's what you get for hurting my brother horri corpse don't with the alabaster we'll you right up wasted potion well not really cuz I was trying to indicate that you could take a potion in the middle of combat yeah okay want to cross oh look there's a Healy thing a Healy thing yes oh yes restor would you like to go inside I just want to see what it's like tally Wiggly it's all Wiggly and blue I think we should uh pickpocket the imps ABS a bloody lutely was not whatnot dead th gold bloody hell is there one over here yes you got nothing what a waste is it Pig pocketing if they're dead that's a good question a handaxe yeah got an absolute ton of light crossbows now it's like my other campaign uh I don't think we can there is no send to Camp option yet but inventory gets um a void a potion of speed pocket oh it's pocket picking if they're dead pick pocketing if they're alive apparently I think it's just cleaning up isn't it that's true right redistribute it's trickle down economics come on possibly still Gary forward ship won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late Lulu Your Voice Sounds wait no I'm Lulu should we for a Climb come on up the arterial mesh oh gold that's definitely mine yoink uh also feel free to liberally spam F5 as much as you like oh yeah completely forgot up we go oh it's nice up here this feels more executive oh another how how are you feeling after your first time I'm I'm feeling a little confused I have questions right mostly who designed this ship and why are there so many I don't mean the imps well think of it like the houses of Parliament goodbye through the you are soever it's horrible no I don't like it wonderful ooh G Machinery I can make no sense of it well don't worry you randomly oh no are you no Violet don't push the buttons rly doz people die Violet again oh you might uh you might like to read things read them you're always telling me off for doing that well just don't do it when there are any eligible bachelors around I didn't even see them let's see here no oh dear you're dead I'm going to stay with you I'm just redistributing wealth hey these are my friends all right oh oh Hello's that you get me out of this J ask nicely what are you waiting for get this blasted tube open it's very rude Lulu I found a sort of weird fleshy tube with a very rude lady in it hello are you rich are you rich wealthy money now the construction is too alien nothing looks familiar H neither of us are strong tell you what I'm going to go and have a look around the room and probably not kill anybody else and I'll see if I can get the door open okay try that contraction next to the P they did something to it when they sealed me in hurry please what this thing don't worry BS just press the buttons here the console appears dormant good to have a look at it mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first but then you spy an empty socket there's an empty socket here I don't know what goes in it well let's not concern yourself whatever fits in that socket must power this thing well then I uh yes probably a Contraption key of some what is that D what's the purple glowy thing I don't know touch it oh no I mean don't touch it I could just shoot it apparently I'm not supposed to do that anymore no not anymore since last time o what's this ooh dark mind in a jar this thing's locks you're good with locks aren't you lulu yes but I can't see anything cuz they're all in the way oh no I can't do anything with it oh there it is I see all right stand back luch alabaster's on this balls I was looking in the opposite direction is everything all right oh that's why then that's why you I'm supposed to be watching I thought you I can't believe you did that I thought you got performance anxiety that see what happens there is that lock was made by a Saar locksmith that's that's why um was she saying there's a thing we need to get this open I think she's referring to a key Violet yes well I'm looking well there's another spher here we could oh god oh oh there's another Gary now hello Gary number two it's very confusing are we sure we can go through here huzzah more dead bodies oh I found a key oh lovely grab it got it right let's go and let her out oh I don't think it's that kind of key oh infected well just a regular key why are you picking up people's random Keys cuz I should think it'll open that subpar lock who's that dazed woman is trapped inside the Pod she doesn't notice you she's ignoring me that's very rude isn't it there's a lot of rude people on this nor we should just ignore her Goodbye Oh Lulu no wait yes look at these lovely viscous chairs oh I do like it let we sit on our Thrones yes finally King of the [Music] nautiloid oh that's a picture that's a picture right there look we're in charge ha is there any way for me to send this to [Music] father look H you there green lady carry out my biding come on let's go all right then what's this shall I push it do it I'm just she's just randomly she's the kind of person who would just assemble stuff from Ikea without as you place your hand on the Pod you hear something a presence connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to change oh oh they're not going to become poor are they that's terrifying control your wealth I didn't oh um oh Lulu I think I did a bad thing again now we call that a whoopsy and we just we move on just a little war whoopsy got it h it's all right we're rich we don't have to worry about I found an elri Rune very good this might unlock those controls next to the Pod ah wonderful fantastic I knew things without realizing I knew them let's go I've got a brain in a jar too now oh my God we are going to look so strange going through customs anything to declare well I've got some weird in my pock pockets and you really shouldn't ask what happened to that lady she doesn't look well all right where was it here me out I'm just going to see if I can open that chest now and recover my embarrassment the console appears dormant I'm going to pop this Rune in the socket the console hums to life but what is its purpose will it free the captive or do it trans form her like that other unfortunate I mean there is a 50/50 chance it could just make her worse on your just as a thing for you if you hover your cursor over the word Arcana or on any skill check that comes up it will show you gotta oh no yeah my my Arcana is not great but it's worth a roll I'm not doing anything I'm just having a look I believe in you just have a look just a little just a little p you oh you'll appreciate this Milly M uh B Biz has just said I love the idea that we think that mind flers are just poor people aist yeah it's the worst thing that a person could be the pul oh God and organic lines of the device make it seem more like a beating heart than a machine this device is different from the one that caused the other captive to transform perhaps it will open the nearby pod oh okay I've somehow made sense of all of this and it turns out it's not a squelchy turn you into a squidface poor person um it's it's one of the other ones I think it's just an open closy one a door well probably I mean it might turn her into a squid face poor person but then we can just stab her and take her things wonderful suddenly you feel a hideous squirming in your head the parasite then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you connection Authority you said it you said the thing I said the thing hang on I'm going to I'm going to emote at myself there we go done amazing wait hang on I got emotes I'm going to emote in your authority authority kind to do it in both chats why not I'm going to I'm going to will it open or the sensation I don't I don't care about Authority no I'm going to will it open open pod please don't fail a to okay I did not I'm very wisdomous well done thank you feel the biomechanical brain of the console process your command and yield to it a shiver runs across your mind you feel at thanks for your help then sleep tight oh dear there is an unconscious woman lost hello thought I was done for oh my god did we just become best friends oh God oh God no not Shadow heart and violet I've got a friend I mean she's a bit covered in blood and all on the floor and stuff but I'm sure she'll clean up all right yeah let me come and have a good where are you over here oh yes hang on sorry I was just robbing this chest blind wasn't I yeah yes oh look I had the key gold oh all right I was in the middle of things sorry I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches into her thoughts you feel her gratitude but also guardedness and above all a will to survive my [Music] head I feel like she would Violet would say number two though like we just become best friends oh my God it's like one mind what shoe size are you I did it must be because of those parasites they put in us we need to deal with that first we have to get off this thing let's join up oh my God L she wants to be friends with me I mean I mean maybe if we have room um all right then let's get going I'm Violet Alabaster does she look poor um are you poor she doesn't look poor everything's very shiny okay good yes you can come with us Shadow hard one moment wait she's got something that looks really expensive don't show Lulu did she still there I mean maybe what's that nothing trust me there's no time to spare lead the way apparently I'm in charge well now let's not be silly let's not get ahead of ourselves don't this this way I found the the exit yes where are we going follow me okay come on LEL come on Shadow Heart come on everybody pack her up Shadow get your SP buddy come [Music] on wee oh look it's one of those blue things I want to touch it again I want to look look at the cerebral aquarium M OD things wonder what plane they're from it's very pretty okay where to now um uh um for forward in this direction we are nearing the helm once inside do as I say F5 when out of this got it all right are you ready why not that sounds like something that's true maybe you should go first though violet oh you practice practice your sphincter take me I don't want to go through another sphincter I yes I'm ready to enter the helm oh no it's one of those poor people get [Music] him draw connect the nerves of the transponder we must escape now do it we will deal with the G after we escape connect the nerves nerves we will connect them he doesn't talk like a poor person he doesn't does he maybe he had a rich grandparent all right you're up with Gary first all right Gary's up okay where are we sending Gary up to this big what's this a lesser hell's ball where is that over oh yeah did you give it a go might as well okay and yeah they can't be poor they do have nice clothes that's true clothes I just want to attack something come on yeah go Gary very nice uh do I have anything else I could just jump just jump away oh except you can only oh only as much movement as yeah there's nothing yeah that's where you need the 3 m for a jump H got it okay right so so you laelle and I all have the same initiative so if you want to go first you absolutely can okay I am going [Music] to the Imp is less of a threat I feel in case you didn't miss it we basically got to get ac across the this room uhhuh right the I me that big thing looks pretty spectacularly dangerous so let's go for [Music] a hamstring shop do it yeah let's let's give it a go just play like right now oh yeah if you I don't know if you spoted if you just hover your mouse over them it'll give you their HP at the top like over B I mean not when he's well when he's dead it'll just say it's nothing P speed jump zp okay I'm good to end my turn I believe all right let's can laselle reach don't think LEL can reach for oh she can reach for a melee go laelle yes that green lady is rather good with a sword how much movement have we got left for so basically the other reason that jump keeping enough for jump is cuz usually you end up being able to jump further than the 3 m you've got left uhhuh I'm going to H I should really have Shadow heart would be much better up close uh I'd like to get up close to Shadow heart she looks like new money mhm what does she have what does she have let's have a look okay Firebolt ooh also depends how much you want to fight cuz we could just basically get across the room as fast as we like rather than fighting everybody I mean I can still wait Dash counts as an action right mhm yeah [Music] so weird transferring like what I know uhhuh I'm just going to dash her then Dash go go go oh wait are you doing Shadow heart now okay yeah I think long term will be best if we go one a time okay yeah just finish whatever you wanted to do okay I think she's done I think she's done all she's got is shove and dip Shield of Faith oh wait there you go I think yeah you you cast a shi of faith on yourself no I cast it on you no you cast it on yourself oh wait I thought that was was you wait did I just cast Shield of faith on a mine fler I thought that was you oh no you did but that's all right that mind flar is on our side okay that's good few it's not a bad idea cuz apparently like this big demon guy is a level eight against our level one right everything's fine it seems like a great idea if you but the idea is I think you basically you don't you don't stay to kill this guy but he does have a very good sword if we wanted to uhhuh but also Violet you just casted a shield on a poor person basically socialism no that was that was Shadow all right Violet we' bought a socialist into our ranks oh you I'm going to trip them up on the way out of the nordid all right all right this is probably for the best I'm going to dash off now before they start introducing Health Care now can't steal from you yeah all right Lucius is Lucius is out uhoh mind blast this game is so good I I am surprised how much I've got in love with it the more and more and more I've played of it um I don't know what my my little dude is going to do Gary I think Gary up against the demon yes okay that will that will do for Gary I will wait no okay I have to end my turn I'm guessing if options wait no I can I can hang on oh my God the controls are taking a little bit of energy hang on ah why is it okay I'm just going to go up here put my little brain fella there so you get Advantage right or you get your sneak attack I will when I when I get there yeah mhm okay okay uh alth actually my range sneak attack I still get yeah so end turn oh that mind flare just got one right in the face I mean we could try and kill this guy if we wanted to want to get his sword I mean I was just trying to distract them but yeah why not we've saved we've saved yeah what's the worst tpk on the first major fight oh God that's that's a 40% hit oh no no I don't know why my wait my view has gone very strange I don't know so cuz the ground is sloping yeah so the camera does kind of follow terrain uhhuh um but WD is probably the better option for moving the camera around uh all right well lasel missed trying to P almost strike yes this demon has an AC of 18 oh um and is resistant to slashing piercing bludgeoning uh fire lightning cold and poison well what's the point then let's just run away run away brave brave brave brave s Robin okay I'm I'm going to run just run uh where's Dash there we go oh hang on I'm I'm just doing lucious the moment mhm I did four hit points of damage oh gosh you're terribly ex take this in aha all good all right yes [Music] I'm just going to dash I'm just going to be near you lulu so that you get help wise you can probably bow the uh I think I no I use Dash so I don't get an extra action I don't think I don't think yeah yeah my brain is dissolving end turn right come on Shadow heart let's do something useful with our lives shall we your camera is really concussive smash on D6 bludgeoning D6 one save get him uh Millie hi press F1 M and now try WD you've got the camera's like locked on your player for some reason which is why you can't pan around easily and nicely oh yeah okay that's better thank you I'm not sure if that's it but my mouse wheel should Zoom you in and out as well of action uh right who's up is that is that shadow heart done uh think think so okay just double check the temptation to just push you into a hole is very very strong but I won't do it why would you push me uh oh no I was looking at I was looking at Violet cuz we Shield of Faith Shield of [Music] faith there you go thank you to me you've got to do a religion now though Lulu why I don't want to be religious well it's a shield of Faith all right G uh Gary's up by the by Gary Gary oh Gary's going to go down swinging like a hero how the Gary's got full hit points he's all right yeah but a 35% chance chance of unless I move oh no I could move I could move wait surround him I wonder if that at least get him on even footing and now that's it surround him no nothing has changed in fact it's worse go get him oh two yay Lulu look he did half as much damage as you well that's because I'm the bigger brain me well also you've got you know functioning body and ignore the devil we must take the transponder no we got 13 turns left yet lelle I'm I'm going to heal the mine flare a little bit we're just letting them do it yeah nice uh that was LEL all right let's see I just want to see how well Luci just does aha Four Points of damage yeah we really should just off yeah we should run I'm going I'm going to jump right well that's it I've distracted him all right goodbye I'm going to oh hurry before they strike I'm just going to all right just have a quick paw pattern oh no R uh missed where are we going follow me not enough mov not enough not enough enough not enough got it off we run and that's it all right C of little imps left I don't know and Shadow heart can also come with us go that and dash dash dash I will recognize these at some point oh yeah like you I mean just started act two and I'm still getting used to bits and pieces of it it will be easier when we're not all on the same initiative as well mhm we're all we're tripping over each other oky doie Jesus all right Gary's up go Gary oh jump jump Gary run can we keep Gary with us no to the champ I love the idea of him going out like a hero in a war film get out of here I'll hold him off save yourselves all right here on I'm just going to answer cuz Milly won't see gang um yes there will be a VOD it'll be on Millie's twitch and on Millie's YouTube channel uh after this stream [Music] uh I'm going to clear the way oh wait are you moving are you having your go no I've I've already taken one out okay oh good yep yep let's Dash you oh I can almost get there how much have we got 18 M so I can go Carri fly you fools let's go 14 M oh I can't quite jump ah you missed me you aha I jump like the ballet Shadow heart is very very in trouble with Bing bong's relatives at this point why is shadow in trouble with Bing bong's relatives cuz I've been murdering imps as her oh that's fair yeah yeah okay let's go go mind flare with your pointless fight ah got to be quicker than that to get me all right Gary's up Gary I I can't bring him with us I have to just I I love the idea of him just taking this guy out [Music] what we got okay I'll just take a little shot at this one just a little shot you don't fancy fondling the tentacles um I mean no I'm fine all right then so what I'm hearing is it's time for me the man to get us out of this mess that would be lovely if if you're all done l oh I see oh I forgot about opportunity attacks okay fine I'll just wait here like a chump then I guess well you could at least end your turn in basic Ed good I'm going to shove it do it push the ball well done over amazing reminded me of hunting with father you know what it don't mess with the alabaster push him ha I slid his throat Splendid work right then should I go and fundle some do it touch some tentacles all right I know you've been dying to do it oh yes and where we go transponder you've made it in [Music] time um Lulu yes it's the Dragon I've got this no I'm fine it's just a little fire perfectly the plan nailed [Music] it oh God the music right oh fully erect I thought that was just a mustache well it helps [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] Lulu it's all right I'm falling right next to you I think I'll be fine I might just pass out for a little [Music] bit perfectly to plan bing bong you half expected your memories to return once you were free of the Mind flayers ship but your past is still an aching void if you don't find a way to remove the tadpole burrowed in your brain soon your future will be as blank as your past your head Whispers Vengeance you cannot wait to slice your way forth seeking whatever W this tragedy upon you no no no nanny says I'm not to listen to those voices anymore Bing Bong never mind my Bing bong's ended now sorry God Violet I crash one ship well I've never been on a naalo before so how am I supposed to know if they do that or not just the horse all over again look that was an accident I keep telling you tell it in court Lulu what what am I standing on it looks like it's got bits well I don't know your camera's off so It's Tricky let have a very very stern look at it yes pink bits viny throbbing still yes I can only deduce it is in fact a what that don't wor about I didn't expect it to have so many ventricles Right Moving On swiftly swiftly H hang on a minute what when did when did you put trousers on well I sort of have to well look well we're adventuring now well I tell you what you buy me a SK then well look there's a corpse here we could just the P corpse since you awoke on the ship your mind has been cold and empty but something stirs with your hands close to this body you know nothing of why but you find a half smile flittering across your face I'm sure it's fine Viet why are you smiling just rolling this feels like home there is something unknown and unspeakable deep within your heart oh Sinister smile there Violet you all right you've got all glassy eyed again yes no no no no I'm fine I was just wondering about his family and why this Fisher is so terribly mangled well because he's a fisherman he probably did it to himself shame for being poor doing manual labor oh our friend's dead oh no Checker Pockets Shadow H oh she's got that expensive looking thing in her hand well you know we should really take it and distribute the wealth I mean you haven't even checked her pulse yet I can see from here don't be a rter oh God I really need a bath I look like it's that time of the month I'm alive how is this possible I was hoping you might know that I remember the ship I remember falling the nothing what happened to our gift friend you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us that's a fair point I normally would have thought you were a horrible racist for saying that but you have actually got a point she did just off didn't she um the layabout I mean we should still look for her she might have got stabbed or something you're more concerned for her than she is for you you clearly we need to take care of ourselves first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads I just went through a whole RP thing where I was like oh no I know that that's a Dreadful thing to think but Violet has a friend for the first time and she's just like anything you want we're best friends now whatever you say shadow heart I'll do anything okay okay oh God she's going to be blushing her head off blessa we you want to stay together we need each other and we both know what's at stake oh my God can't think of better company lucious immediately just leing yes no no I agree yes yes very wealthy company in fact hello all right yeah this is fine this happens to me every day every day I make a friend this is totally normal you're not special and I'm definitely not going to write in my diary about this later all right let's go one thing just before we go I wanted to thank you again for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I'll remember that lead the way Sor hello hello lucious Alabaster pleasure to meet you hello yes hello hey ah yes hello she's my best friend not yours you can't have her L then that's fine I'm here for business very strong business I really need I need a bir Insurance why is the blood all congealed just in her crotch area let's let's have a good oh oh I see je hang on I need to face the light so you can see the full horror of what's going on here are you you can't be out here with your menies well you're the only men's here it's all women love men women everything's fine oh let's go and have a wash in the water I think that's a really good idea come on there we go ah wonderful I don't know if that's washed me or not I just sort of looked at it a little I'll just my feet are red now what does that mean that means you're by oh there we go Lola what's happening what what's L my name is Lulu blue what do you need okay I'm going to try and play with Lola on my lap I don't know how this is going to go just stay in the water for now nothing can get us with our feet in the water shot that has actually washed us yeah just stepping in it has uh washed us my crotch is clean let's go well done we're presentable now can't have Society seeing us lenda hey go yes I've just got the funniest feeling that I can highlight items here I don't know quite why I've realized that at this precise moment but I feel like there might be something to look at what's that I found an IGN Noble hat oh that's a backpack that's for what peasants use to carry their stuff what as opposed to a surf well as opposed to having somebody else carry it for them obviously who's that oh another Dead one check his pockets he could have a family we could return his wealth too no empty oh no address book again what a shame that always happens doesn't it when we find a dead there anything else uh we can talking to Millie now we can level up I want sweet with animals I want sweet with animals uh so if you hit the little uh up arrow on your character's token token ah yes got it you do that I'm going to go uh PEB F so you can entertain both our chats no I refuse all right well then you anyway doing I'm being nibbled by a cat I'm I'm going to leave that I'm just going to leave that because I will make a mistake and we're going to yeah we're going to have a cat break get off my truers there we go we will just stroke a cat until Jay returns this is the stream now um how how are we all feeling about lucious and violet Adventures cuz I don't know about you but I'm having fun you're doing great thanks oh my goodness chaos Gremlins I don't know what you're talking about we're both both very mature people who know exactly what they're doing in life this is a wellth thought out plan are we going to romance Shadow heart I I didn't want to go into this with a set idea of who Violet with romance I wanted to just let things happen I think she's currently having some very strong boarding school confusion about shadowart because Violet is a very sheltered young lady and she's never had best friends before um that may not go well for shadow heart depending on how the dice decide to to send me uh if anybody was not here at the beginning I'm basically doing this dark urge run rolling a D20 whenever a dark urgy type thing comes up and the closer to 20 I roll the more uh tempting she will find the dark urge options so we'll see which VA with Amelia romance oh that's a bit weird they're on my mates I couldn't possibly I'll tell you which character I would romance I would probably romance hin because he's the most he's the only mentally healthy option he's just like I'm just going to whittle a duck and have a nice life and Liv in nature um hen is excellent uh I'm failing that probably jira because she's badass hi we've just been talking about Romancing characters there you go I heard Housen yes the only healthy option for real a relaxed uh days of Doug whittlin and just long walk just St whittling imagine the crafts he and I could get up to the whole house would just be an entire tip all day Amelia has a crush on Druids I hadn't put two and two together with that but yep entirely correct wa wait who's the other one uh Jiro uh yes Fair yeah the honey drawing I have good Lord good Lord um yeah true it's about balance and I like that kind of like I'm a country girl I like that calmness Oneness with nature okay okay how do I get speak with animals that's literally the only thing I'm interested in okay so I would say ditch my camera for a second uh I know know right the video is about to get 1,000% less see I'm sorry um so you don't always necessarily get to pick levels and stuff uh spells and stuff but you do in this instance so on the left you can see stuff that's got a red ex exclamation mark So if you click into one of those it will tell you spells and stuff you can pick okay animal friendship convince a beast not to attack me I think I can see speak with animals bottom bottom right even though it's go through these C wounds is very useful uh snaring strike oo I like that fog Cloud I I like fog Cloud as a like I'm doing tabletop DND D thing cuz like mechanically that can be a lot of fun good Berry [Music] yeah pale of thorns [Music] ooh Hunter's Mark ooh okay you get that bit where you you start going um what things can you have that combine with other classes things [Music] mhm depending on who ends up in our party I suppose okay I'm definitely having speak with animals that is not even a question I think maybe okay it's a strength save [Music] melee I'm so happy with how I characters look I mean am I playing her like full on Violet cuz if I am I'm just going animal friendship as well so she's just like don't kill us we lovely but it does mean that she's going to be in battle um yeah SM would be good yeah you got to what's the word not not tow the line well yeah kind of tow that line between rping it and not making every fight really difficult yeah yeah um if I go for Hunter's Mark for this one like next level up or like what level is it level five when the next yeah you could roll on D20 um but one thing to know about spells is these are just what you're choosing to unlock for free if that makes sense there's nothing to say that you couldn't find a book that you read that would unlock another one of these spells and it's just about what which spells you have prepared gotcha gotcha gotcha so for example you could have speak with animals um never prepared until you need to speak with animals then prepare it cast it on yourself I want speak with animals by default that is not even a question I'm just saying mechanically so I am thinking uh speak with animals and Hunters Mark what are we thinking I like it are it's only Wizards that learn through Scrolls isn't it Wiz can anybody else learn from anything else okay good options good options who is Amia is playing with why it's j Brittain like that link in chat it's Jay Brittain I'm going to flash your camera on haha there he is I turned him off briefly cuz I'm trying to see underneath his big face you turn me off all the time I know it's deliberate okay okay uh so two spells fighting style adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty she's an Archer there's not even a question about it okay I love them I need I need to find a way to make art of these two characters together by smushing our oh my God character of these two together I I need to find her a better outfit first though this is not very her uh I miss these two amazing yes yes okay Posh Legolas don't be so rude I know things who's that who called you a legol they call me legless rude you've got plenty of Legos okay I'm going to hit it's officially not Legos are you all done you all set yes I've leveled up oh and Shadow heart is as well apparently so oh yeah of course we have to level up a cleric I've never played a cleric either okay for this one you just you're just accepting because there you might be able to CH yeah change what spells she has prepared but you're not unlocking any new ones that's good guiding bolt is always useful healing word is useful Shield of faith is great cure wounds and healing word is that entirely necessary I love create or destroy water in actual tabletop RP that is so much fun the weird ways I've seen that implemented are very cool I think you can like drown somebody with it uhhuh um the difference between those two healing spells is uh I can't quite see but I think it's the two where one is uh at range and one is you actually have to touch them but if you hover over them it will say like if it has a range on it that means that you can cast it out range ooh protection from evil and good sounds interesting yeah bless and Bane are pretty good which are the two like cross spells ooh okay they like give give disadvantage to enemies or give advantage to allies basically and like depending on your level you could you can get to a point where you can cast bless on the entire party as as much as bless would be fun I really like the idea of Shadow heart turning into this real bitter just using Bane and just be like ah you uh so what am I going to get rid of we do need an attack type spell guiding Bol good just to I'm I'm not attempting to teach you to suck eggs but this is just which you this is just swapping out what spells you have prepared so you're not losing any spells yeah yeah yeah no I am I am aware so what am I getting rid of I in in my experience with with Shadow I haven't found necrotic that useful cuz you have to touch the enemy mhm if it's the same one so like I keep Shadow is like my little healing cleric keeping everyone alive at r okay let's let's give it a go get rid of that and put Bane in and see what happens oh oh Shadow heart you look even better than you did 5 minutes ago what if they fall out though Violet's going to be heartbroken right right are we ready yes I'm just going to hit F5 very smart did did that without even looking at chat I'm very proud of myself so I'm genuinely concerned that I'm going to get stuck in this vocal range cuz it used to happen a lot uh-huh itd for a long time now did did you know that that I had to basically growl out loud um before every take not before every take before every session of doing the narrator I would just I just I knew that and that would get me down into my lower register does that work bucket of fish it says there's nothing in it but I can clearly see that this is a bucket of fish well i' I've filled my fish my pockets with fish now oh you took them all yes that's fine you want a fish no I'm going to give you a fish Now isn't it I don't know where oh no there camp supplies so we just use them to make Camp they run I mean you don't get stuck in that vocal range permanently um what kind of a growl is it are you doing like a A or a wait how do you mean for your like is it in the throat oh I do like a a Roar and then so like right in the back of your throat H oh okay yeah did you hear that horn uh what please summon pet summon pet what come how do I do it where where where where where find familiar that one is that it that'll conjure you a uh one yeah yes yes yes okay I'm going to do it I can pick one oh my God I could pick a crab I think octopus has this and I've never done it so I'm quite excited to see it cuz I may I've never wanted to sumon a familiar cuz I didn't want any of my animals to get hurt I would normally oh my God a cat familiar that can meow to distract your enemies oh my God amazing crippling pinch give me crabs the Frog can spread toxin the rat has an infectious bite the Raven can blind enemies with its beak Jesus does it Peck out their eyes spider has a poisonous bite now before I would have said cat um but oh now I'm torn because I feel like she'd be wanting to impress Shadow Hearts oh I've just realized that your your camera is off hi yeah your views probably went up um I think she might be wanting to like make Shadow heart like her more so she'd Go Raven why cuz it matches her hair yeah because she's like she's all dark and Moody and I I think she's just really cool are you saying that shadow heart is like emo a little bit yeah you want to curl up on on bed and and listen to what was it we came with languid Bandits latest ALB oh my God this one could be totally written about you shadowart this is so you okay she's going to call her Raven cuz she wants to impress Shadow heart um um this is normal Violet how are you Jesus Christ bir tada it's oh my God they called it quo oh God that's amazing quo The Raven uh actually it was pronounced quo actually it's pronounced qu lovely class of qu qu The Raven Nevermore someone's red Poe and now it's everybody's problem look it it's just I just I I want to I want to see as as your chat say if you cast speak with animals it lasts the whole day does it uh-huh it won't like you can just cast basically every day you wake up just cast it and it is all for the rest of the day it's pronounced Keith Keith The Raven Keith the r that's his name now hello it's me ke how do I just turn can I just like click the other side of yourself for but you don't really need to turn if you I just want to look at Keith look at him I will let me get out of your way he's Magnificent keth the Raven Keith The Raven he's so pretty he's so good yes you are you are a very good Raven you're so handsome can I talk to him scary no won't let me you need to cast um cast your speak with animals on yourself I thought I just did no oh I could have sworn I just did oh now it says yeah now it says you lost it oh know maybe oh maybe you can't maybe they didn't give him dialogue I did thank you well now I've done it twice for no reason H it's fine I'm sure that wasn't a waste might need to have a sit down you don't you can cast it as many times as you like cuz it's a ritual so you doesn't take a spell or anything got you okay in which Millie learns how to be a ranger okay let's go um if you ever concerned if you like Millie if you look over on our character cards on the left you'll have little icons for what your current statuses and stuff is oh nice so you can go you got your little speaky with the aminals oh look there a oh oh this gentleman's carrying a perfumed letter oh gosh uh sigh I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again this is romantic driil and again and again keep on saying it gray bers gate risky they don't even write about their wealth at all what kind of letter is this it's a dreadful Love Letter proclaiming emotions but you told me that love letters should always mention something about income and land absolutely if you get a love letter it doesn't mention an offer of great wealth throw it right in the fire remember very good very good car on all right more ones hello see in their pockets Fisher oh I've got a fish and a bottle of something I'll don't drink strange bottles I'll just wble it up for now and see what happens thieves tools yes we want those first kering things from random look they're washed up it's the Finders Keepers Finders Keepers rules yes okay uh if you if you don't want to carry all the by the way you can right click on any item and say send to Camp I mean I quite like the idea of somebody coming around and checking my pockets and it's just full of fish yes but how will you attract a man I might attract a fisherman h H this get that open maybe there's another entrance I press the button looks very old you found Violet it's a really old door oh have a crack at it all right might step a step aside here alabaster's on it the thing is I know this door from my playthrough and I'm like M okay uh all right we got A plus five so 15 and we'll be all right I've never seen this actually the I can see the animation on your playr let's go eight oh bad luck Lily it's one of those Suba poor people locks again great way to attract a bear that is so smart so if we ever need a bear just give me a shout and I'll waddle over with my pockets full of fish what's that what's what there's a purple glowy thing up there ah yes that is for teleportation but only for uh rich people see it opens for us but nobody else oh that's lovely yes how do I stop looking at it uh uh you could escape from it or oh lovely flex your M muscles I used to hate that all the time in RP like just write key binds for people don't make us say flex your M muscles your muscles M muscles have you used your alt Ear Eye more of those wretched things morning they're not wretched that's Gary he's wonderful oh Gary no pour one out for Gary oh god there are just dead bodies everywhere is one of them might be Gary they are minted though you're not collecting your own money are you Violet I mean I'm just having a little shuy h all right but only if you spend it on dresses no no not dresses oh just one dress yes okay good we don't want to be extortionate H where too would you like to venture inside maybe maybe you should uh yes that's good idea that's just what I thought we should we should take a moment think think about this moment just for a second yes you you feel happy about thinking I mean it burns a little bit I'll be honest but um I think I shall get used to it and you do still have just the two thoughts in your head yes only the two good I want you tipping over one of them's ponies good good excellent you have learned well well you just won't stop teaching me oh have at you oh it's apparently my go first and I'm very zoomed out I can't even see the enemies um so if you hover your cursor on their card it will actually highlight them in the game yeah that that is oh okay okay that's better okay I love this um music so much zoom over here oh yeah or o gives you like a complete overhead view like as if you're looking down on a board scking down you'll do what sorry nothing right uh I didn't realize these things were quite so powerful uh you you have a go first there we go oh God I'm regretting getting so close they are soly we're alers we'll be fine what wait what's wrong with me they hunt intellect Violet they're not going to go for a woman jeez would would you like me to send my my Raven in why what can that do I don't know does it count as help yes come on blind the wonderful yes how can you blind something that's got no eyes yeah shrouded in confusion Darkness have that you you POA I'm going [Music] to I'm going to Scuttle right up next to you and then what are you ready 3 2 1 and I'm gone oh not quite though I tried to hide but it was looking right at me uh I'm going to leave it there look I've never played a rogue shut up chat and yes Lucius is inspired by Matt Berry or more specifically um go what is this character in uh toast of London well no it's it's IT Crowd ear isn't it [Music] father oh I do like a good ignes ignes ignes and she's my friend a friends I will give if if you uh keep ending up playing Shadow heart I'll give you one tiny bit of advice but it's from how I keep it up uh-huh because the game doesn't warn you when you've cast a spell that requires concentration before you go to cast another spell that require like the amount of times I've blessed my party and then cast a shield and completely got rid of the bless got you got sure um who wait who's go there oh it's you uh sh okay this is a violet thing now she's just shopping people stop Violet stop pushing brain she's a sh I love it ow look you see what happens Violet I've anchored it um also I don't know if you'll see it on your screen um oh wait the oh the rav uh you do get a little red arrow from coming out from enemies if you go to try and move move away and they'll get an attack they will um they let you know um what's he got left two what do you got left eight all right we'll go for a ranged attack oh cuz I'm threatened okay well then we'll just stab this you get away my sister yes that's what I thought might flish yes and then we flourish repost to sh all right all right you colossal bastard language oh it's s balance well good finish it off now she's going to we're shoving buddies now yeah go away we hate you you can't eat with us she can't push brain as well as you can Violet no I'm a pro all right time for the time for the man to be the hero we all disease oh lovely work wonder wonder well done just going to have a think about how well we did thinking [Music] thinking we really did very well didn't we doing there shoving buddy the matter no nothing's the matter it's just really good fun you think what did what do you think of what's all that's happened to us so far we haven't gone all that far yet what are you referring to exactly I just yeah to push this friendship already I no I I thought we were talking about like physically like how far we've come like what oh I've made it weird all right I'll shut up oh no number five she just like I'm too embarrassed to continue this friendship we should never speak again yeah I'll just I'll just shut up before I ruin this see Violet this is why we don't allow you to talk normally yep but that's valid making friends is really hard Lulu I wouldn't know I've never bothered right where are we going ooh um we could short rest to get some health back yes I mean I might need to Long rest at some point soon in real life ah I see yes oh God I didn't realize the time we've we've been doing this for over 4 hours I mean to be fair this is Oh's just raided should probably keep going a little bit what you doing good Lord hello sweetheart how's it going you thought you were about to stop I thought I was going to go to bed but no no I'm not I'm staying here sleep you hi uh if you if you don't know me hi nice to not quite meet you I'm I'm Amelia Tyler I'm the voice of the narrator in Baler Gate 3 and I am playing for the very first time playing as dark urge but dark urge Violet she's very very nice very very very nice with no nasty thoughts whatsoever none very well behaved as Violet exactly and this is my brother Lucius hello we're just totally normal totally normal people nothing nothing suspicious or bad about us at all not at all no please don't mention my ears yes all being poor not not fans of those no and this is my new best friend shadowart we just met at the naal Lloyd and we're best friends but I just made it slightly weird I'm I'm a little bit worried um but I I think all in all it's fine oh oh and this is Keith The Raven the Q in qu is apparently he pronounced so it's Keith The Raven Keith The Raven right what nothing it's it's just so nonsensical when you summarize it all isn't it we're barely an hour in and we're bringing social ISM to fyon sort of we've murdered some brains and we've got Keith The Raven yeah yeah and this is this is Jay Britain uh my longsuffering partner SL tech support and uh playing Lucius uh and streaming the co-ops with me for the first time we've never actually done we've role played together before but we've never done a co-op campaign we've played games together where we screamed at each other and H abuse yeah but that's kind of it I can't I think when we did overcooked that was possibly the mostess CH messages oh no wble only owes me money cuz I'm at invoicing it's fine did you not send an invoice no of course I didn't I've had other things on my mind Jay some big game came out or something it distracted me a little bit I mean we'll we will hide from the fact that the invoice is probably from months and months ago but what even is time at this point it's fine but thank you for the reminder I will forget it by tomorrow I'm an ADHD nightmare I should lead with that hi I'm Amelia Tyler ADHD nightmare also sometimes voice characters in video games I want to add it to my to-do list for you oh my God I love this will you be my actual manager there you go I've literally got invoice Soviet wble on my to-do list for tomorrow amazing all right there we go if we survived overcooked the relationship is going on forever I mean it feels that way look there's no need to be mean to me you were a dick in that game what in overcooks yes look you just have to put the look at the rage theant rage no it's not it's not rage it's it's ethereal anger at the sheer level of incompetence right look at your no look at yourself in the camera right now is there anything ethereal about the image you are saying what what this why are you toying with your chin that's my ethereal chin it's where I go to touch my ethereal oh what I'm realizing now though is looking back because that was we must have streamed overcook I don't know 6 years ago or something I don't even think we were together when we streamed overcooked we also didn't know you had ADHD so me going please remember to get that meat from over there now I know that your brain's like what meat where am I what's a kitchen is that a plate it makes so much makes so much more sense now doesn't it it does there's no wonder that was a nightmare mhm yeah right yes Lily yes I'm just I was wondering could we could we have a little bit of a sleep it's just I'm feeling sort of half at the moment yes well would you like to have a short rest or a long rest I mean we could just have a little one and then go for a stroll and see what's around very good capitalism marches onwards short rest okay okay how do should I teach you how to do it yes please do all right now what I want you to do is imagine a campfire in the bottom right of your vision okay I'm imagining it even though I've got a Fantasia just just like a somebody else and and I can't do that all right now now imagine is that the same an an eyebrow with two blue balls underneath oh very good I'm so heal I feel much more refreshed now look how pretty she is look at her I have made the least dark urge dark urge character I think I've ever seen everybody else is like piercings tattoos angular eyeliner and I'm just like hello I'm not having bad thoughts at all everything's fine I love it okay okay where are we going lead the way Lulu oh God e but I feel bad cuz I've already played act one so I feel like you should get to explore not absolutely have a quick think about how well we're doing yes very good how well I'm doing as leader of the group okay I'm going to go over here all right look at that enticing slope what's oh that looks for no reason yes I thought I want to dip an arrow in in this stuff I mean you can have a go how do you dip so the game's a bit funky it looks like you should be able to dip but you can't actually dip in that for some reason okay how do I put my bow down I'm a constant threat now uh you can right click anywhere to kind of cancel out oh just pop it back on my back I wish it was that easy in real life okay so oh an abducted nobleman he looks Posh oh my goodness there's nothing oh oh gosh a rapia dibsies you go for it lilu yink silver Jew I do so love jewelry all right you have yourself something pretty I don't how do I just take one thing oh just like that put it in your I've just slipped s it in your pocket for you oh did you yes how do you take one thing just click on the one thing oh but you've taken everything uh oh it depends like in my oh no I can see on your screen so I took the rapia and then I put the lock it in your inventory oh okay if you right click on it you'll see got it you dble C on the gold you'll take it if you right click you can give it to a certain person okay what has shadowart got I think she feels like a d I've got you a present shadowart I think you'll like it there you go oh I just sort of dropped it on the floor how how do I give it to her not enough space why does Shadow heart run out of space already why have what have you got Shadow heart your pockets are full of secrets not enough space for me either I'm going to put it back in the noble but now it's fine you mean now it's fine sorry are you just stabbing a corpse nope no I'm giving it back it's the same thing right what's down there what's up here see this come on now decisive be like an Al go okay we're going up this way I'm not a big fan of this decor it's a little uh fleshy look look at the why am I going over here no stop it violent Jesus Christ I just I clicked over here and it all went wrong I got distracted by The Tubes good ladies and your distractions it's definitely safe oh God this is awful oh look there's a dead poor person it's got a lot of shiny things on him and a a human skull is it jewel encrusted no just regular head Center I'm sure this is fine what else have we got I mean it's all pretty disgusting isn't it l it's not great no it does look like a poor person's home what the is that Footprints there may be even more that survived the crash Lulu what's that there are footprints what's what it's a big swirling thing that's one of those portals for rich people over there cheing for supplies maybe oh shadowart spotted some dead goblins there a looters Paradise what is it though why is it gone swirly you should probably think about it though before you go touching things all right I'll have a little think yes I've always urged you to think before you act Violet all right I'll have a look approach the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically as if malfunctioning it looks slightly dangerous hang on just going to H I think I might just touch this for no apparent reason yes it's you're right you're rich enough it's mine yoink ow oh that was horrid a hand oh anyone Lulu there's a bloke in it there's a little man is does he look wealthy I don't know but I have a sudden feeling that I need to roll a D20 just in case well that's good go with your instincts VI go with your instincts that's what I would say I don't want to is he wearing any jewelry oh no I roll an 18 well whatever's wrong Violet don't be dad there's a gentleman there he be a definitely Dy is I don't know what you're talking about right now pretty that's pretty dirt oh I really want Violet commit to what you want to be and who you are that's the alas way God damn it I just I okay I'm going to have to play a second game of this slap him okay okay we're going to do a 50/50 okay I'm going to roll the D20 once again you coward if it's under 10 I'm slapping it if it's over 10 I'm hacking it you coward it's amazing how hard it is to be to be the DI agrees with you the dice agrees I don't know what you're talking about this branch of flesh is begging to be pruned and it sap suck from my mistress eyelids stop cease you lot Violet as soon as the dreams cross the threshold of your imagination you snap back to realize they have all come true oh lul you're supposed to lend a hands not take one Shadow H you're so funny you were dazed on the naid but now you are truly awake alive now um Violet Violet come over here come over here Violet Lulu come come on come here look look come and look at this look at this tree with me okay all right come here Shadow heart it's fine okay yeah it's it's fine all right um let's you there was a you um you had one of those headaches you have one of my funny turns again yes just look at this tree all right I'm just just going to go over over here a moment and kick kick some Stones over a little bit um all right just just tread down this mud yes um yes that's good um you're looking after the soil for plants there you are see it's fine it's all right though it was only a little whoopsy wasn't it not a full-blown you know morg situation this time I mean I I wouldn't even have have to tell Nanny about this one don't worry Violet so just just part of a limb is okay is it I mean okay is uh a sliding scale but don't don't don't don't worry is what we're saying just a little oopsie just a tiny oopsy nothing to be concerned about we'll move on yes uh shadowart here is here is here is five gold don't say a thing right violet look at us we nature there's probably birds and bees and bird right behind you oh oh violent you are so funny shall we he doesn't he doesn't speak much though no he doesn't what did we call him it's Keith Keith Raven That's it he is oh it's a shame because that the person in there did sound quite rich and very sort of you know forth right full of himself entitled you know there there's nothing there Violet you just had a little turn it's fine it's just some drawings on the wall that's strange because I I could have sworn I heard the voice of somebody who was definitely definitely not over his ex but I must have imagined it look you don't have to bring that up but I'm right here I wasn't talking about you oh oh no of course should we carry Keith yes Keith what is happening with you quiet chap F me now he's not dead chat he's just a little armless don't you sound affect at me okay no I'm sorry that was so bad you get a rim shot on there you go where are we going just going on a lovely walk in nature nothing to be concerned about oh who's that somebody's talking about wanting to be rich that means they're not rich already we should find them immediately perhaps they know where money is well if they want to be rich then they obviously don't know yeah that's true [Music] M oh look at our lovely benches it's very nice it's not quite as good as the Thrones on the noroid have a little sit these lands will be ours Violet is something funny no no everything's fine just having a little recuperative sit down after my whoopsie yes good good good idea all right think I Lulu yes did Shadow H see see what exactly exactly I'm here Violet you're all right all right where should we go I don't know but you should probably think before you walk in there oh oh I never do I never do think it's it's just a little muscle to get used to flexing every now and then hello hello is there anybody wealthy in here you're both twice as tall as me but have half the bloody backbone but we don't know what that thing even is and what about the Crypt I'm telling you it's a ship and the Crypt can wait Mar and Barton will be trying to break in for days now we stop was literally standing still comptition already that's our ship all right somebody's got small man syndrome see I could have sworn I walked up to them first it's the conversation stuff is weird in this M cuz if if Lulu was up here I would be going for deception yeah no she's just um don't mean any harm I'm just looking around I'm a tourist really more than anything first you look then you touch then you take the only thing we're sharing with you is our pointy ends get out that sounds rude Violet you've ruined the diplomacy gentlemen calm down Violet he's very rude oh wait I'm going to well hold on tactics Violet come on no no tactics she he just said rude things to me dick him in the face I'm going to dick him with intelligence oh nice oh no wait the young one sounded sweet get rocked that was good wasn't it come on then that's that's pretty good nice get rocked yeah quite you really rocked his world ah now his body is as low as his financial status let's see if there's any more poor people here let's go H oh I found another one oh goody hang on I've run out of inspiration now though oh oh God these stairs are so high all right we'll let them have a go maybe all right yes let's do that I can't push anybody just now we'll we'll rest here for a while laughs I love it what the absolute that why did you goop my brother maybe you found me attractive that's no that's something else oh come on Keith okay that's all that's all he can do Keith is very slow Keith you you are literally a bird of flight but he he doesn't fly very far I think he's supposed to stay near me and he just didn't for some reason for sake ke okay fine okay Shad B go let's go okay we're going to go no sake Shadow heart really okay we're going to dash cuz we can't shove those are my two favorite options right now is that it shove and dash yeah not necessarily in that order why can't I really wait what are you trying to do okay I'm just trying to figure out how far I can Dash okay she can she can be near us but not covered in whatever this is Green Goblin excitement uh sorry I'm very weak look at that your friend is giving you a little buff she's so brilliant oh I'm just having a little nap actually um um yes I what I was too excited you could wake me up what or you could do something else give me a thorough shove wake me up or just you cck on me to wake me up come Lulu wake up what what you fall asleep again oh not again um are we going up here or are we going across well I can't move cuz I've just woken up from a nap so I'm quite c i I'm going to I'm an arrow I'm going to Peg it I can't actually oh is there somebody there I can't see yes oh it's cuz I'm stuck behind you literally click on the card at the top and move the camera to him so yeah the red line still means you can move through it just means it's difficult terrain ah got you gotta but I can't get there okay getting used to these controls is going to take a while cuz I really want to hide behind this wall but as it is he's going to shoot me in the face and I'm going to have to just be okay with that he might not shoot you in the face he's probably going to shoot me in the face um don't forget you have got your Hunter's Mark and things I was toying with that but I don't know if cuz there's another one on the other side isn't there yes well let's just go for this so can I move Hunter's Mark onto somebody else if that one dies yes I think you can recast it if you hover over it though it'll tell you like what it takes to recover that spell usually you say like on a short rest or spell whatever let you have a go Lily i' i' I've been gone already oh although I might Dash do it oh I'm I'm stuck on these Vines actually oh no I'm not going anywhere uhoh I told you he was going to try and do that rude oh you're Keith Keith is asleep Keith stop being asleep I'm going to be honest you're bird Violet yes there a bit there we go get ready for next go okay oh I see what you're trying to [Music] do oh no your buff of you leave her alone you rter right I'm going for it how at you oh I wish I'd kept my shove now so I got to try and push him off a box do it I God I don't I might just for shits and giggles do it Violet shove the prick hang on hang on this could be very funny please work bye yes Bravo look at him all down there get gravity [Music] yes rightful place at the bottom of the social lther oh rude seem rude oh oh oh I've got your BFF has got entangled fine just set him on fire or not I need to stop acting so quickly I got over excited God they're playing like Pebble although pebble is actually quite considered I would have said compared to this yeah well yeah do I have I still say it sounds more like eat this and that's what I hear every time someone coms uh I might poke at you actually no we got advantage on you and you have Hunter's Mark oh for God's sake Lucius uh just looking in this wooden crate for no reason anything no nothing nothing particularly special no all right um uh wait wait wait oh good show you get away from my best friend you rter I have unlocked an action as the result of another ability feature or condition it will remain on the side of your hot power until these conditions expire I will instantly forget this is there but it's h bar good to know good to know I don't even know where that went I'll be honest uh cool so if you look look to the left of your end turn you've now got a new thing there re purple in color little spell reapply Hunter's Mark so that's that's because that guy died got gotta gotta back okay all right what are we doing what are we doing there the chap over there isn't there yes how do okay so I can't do anything here I will switch Hunter's Mark to there I am going to shoot you right in the face right in the so what does Hunter mark do oh you get additional damage if the spell Caster hits it oh so it's only if you then go and hit it with a weapon attack gotcha I assume that includes ranged weapons come on Keith go Keith fly oh look at Keith go I think I missed some of Keith's movement in the past uh but it's fine okay can um go you can also uh what did you call it get them to did I not end my turn [Music] properly ha burn face this um yeah you can specify Keith to fly which means he can like the equivalent of like jumping up rather than walking in a straight line but it's a different action in the hot bar I didn't know yes okay I'm learning I'm learning okay right she's done I believe wait maybe next time okay and turn oh you leave my friend alone I'm going to try and do a piercing strike oh no wait not from here I'm not that's these are all the wrong options there they are that's all right I'll take that I'm going to dash to try and get over there oh what did you do nothing definitely didn't critically Miss oh definitely not no best would ever Miss absolutely not oh I've walked into Vines again oh for goodness sake I might just jump I might just jump down um oh no no yeah no Maybe not maybe maybe not how how do I get back to could cast feather fall on us so just right click and it will cancel out of whatever action got gotta okay I'll come down here oh hello hello also while you've gotten an audience Millie I want to share a word from a mutual friend of ours scoticus you didn't see it who there was a conversation about the term save scumming and coming up with a better idea about it that had less negative connotations and if you didn't see zakus came with r connoisseur I love that that was just I know I know that I've given people I've given co- Carnage let's be fair for for saves coming uh in this game and every other game he's ever played but that was for comedy value I'm absolutely down with safe scumming I think you can play the game however you want a bloody player and I only rip the piss out of him because I can and it's funny and also we're like yeah we know each other so I think that's if he was just a total stranger I wouldn't be so much of a dick I'd probably still be a bit of a dick but not that much of a dick I mean you can't deny who you are okay okay Keith now's your time to shine okay how do we blind her fly yeah it should f to her yes yeah there you go and now go for the eyes Ren her vision oh hell Keith Keith for goodness sake no we're just that's it then is it that's all you do that's that's Keith well that's Keith well done but does that mean you get sneak attacked does that count as an En I don't know why I'm still doing the voice does that count count maybe if I can get close enough is ke like hash is it going to be # Keith is the new Gary yeah probably uh H just don't set Keith on fire I don't want to set Keith on fire but yeah how close can I get I can get up there nice and now you are right for a pushing that's what I'm thinking we just shoers now that's it oh oh oh no it was successful it was successful but it didn't quite work didn't get her off that's that's my team tactic now we just shove people off things uh I went through an entire Forge pushing goblins into laa it's fine you're right l a bit entangled now I'm I'm a little stuck a little bit stuck all right I'm going to go here so I'm not in the could everybody stop walking into the vines yes welcome to uh what's dbb artificial intelligence Violet these creatures such as Shadow heart I don't want to say she's stupid but they do tend to just you know wander into things ooh there's something shiny down there is it do you want to dive into a big hole or do you want to have a sleep before we go into a big hole I think we should probably do that shouldn't we but we should have a little look around and then maybe have a proper sleep like in real life and then come back and play some more in the hole yes I'm going to pick up this shovel off this dead man so we can dig for things I'm going to write in my diary about how excited I am that I've made made a friend and and how shadowart and I are going to play in the hall together H and Keith can come too just we're not doing phrasing anymore then no wonderful I'm going to look in this box Shadow's got one of those oh God she's going to turn into one of those girls she just can't stop talking about her best mate what not her best mate's box my best friend Shadow heart blah blah blah blah blah ooh I found lots of pretty things Quarter Staff of scroll of Mage Armor ooh that's yeah scrab scrs Rob divination without magic o I think one day maybe not today because I'm quite tired yes we should maybe you know sit down make Camp have a look at all the things we've picked up yes do you think that would help you Shadow heart could you be a [Music] darling have you trodden in the vines again Lulu yes but if if she could do that very clever IGN missing on these Vines it would just get them the out the way oh we walked in acid well done well done something matter I I didn't mean to click on you I'm sorry please don't think I'm making it weird again you understand now don't you my whole Tik Tok about accidentally clicking on characters so aw I might just St in the acid that's better than this I was so embarrassed I stayed in the ass I just live here now let the world dissolve me okay where are we going what's happening yes if you click on Shadow heart's card on the left all right soorry I'm dying of secondhand embarrassment for a character that doesn't exist mhm okay I'm going to ignis and then then you can burn them away basically and now we won't we won't well I mean I will walk directly into the fire not paying attention um but we won't get tangled in the vines now every time we walk through them cuz we've burned them away yoink uh I think that's kind of it here until we actually go in these Dreadful clearly not safe ruins yes I think so all right this is where we're staying apparently it's a chapel what could be worse that's true religion is very safe in these parts you know Shadow h going to the chat you know that song No Viet I think it would be best if you just got your bed roll and had a nap Lily just kill me just kill me oh God no no I was joking oh sorry God's sake should I take us should I take us to Camp yes please okay as quickly as possible um you can have you have enough camp supplies to restore all hit points and spell slots if you long rest yes no yes yes yes it doesn't actually do anything you just go to Camp it's not until you actually rest the oh look now we're in our casual clothes don't say it out loud Barb dreams it's already embarrassing look at look at oh look now we are twinsies oh look at us I think you look very dashing L I want to see why do oh lul boxes though what don't judge me I want to be free and easy just in your slippers with your pants on well every knows a gentleman always keeps his slips on just wanted to see what the fresh air felt like on my body loers because I'm a man of a certain standard Lulu with his default penis y right I'm just going to go and check the camp for pause you go and see if Shadow heart's around anywhere all right go good luck um no pause over here sh Shadow heart I assume her casual will close her casual clothes are the same as has she gone away has she left no she should she should be at the camp with us don't see her uh maybe I'm embarrassed her was it the song is it because I sang I should never sing again I just won't sing anymore violet Violet Violet Violet Violet now what I need you to do is take a deep breath hold that breath and what's happened is you're trying to have too many thoughts for your tiny lady head so you need to get rid of one of them MH and just have one thought in your brain all right you can breathe now right good follow me Shadow Hearts over here oh oh thank goodness come on oh now I'm having thoughts again ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies ponies very good very good come on like there she is oh my God don't don't it up or look at her lady bits I'm off hi you strike me as the reliable sort but are you sure this is a good [Music] idea sure what's there are lit fuses in our heads sooner or later they're going to blow each hour that passes the thing inside us grows we need to find a Healer let's wake up at first light agreed anything you say really shadowart I'd just be like if you wanted to go cliff diving or stab a bunch of Orphans I would I would I don't know why I said that I I would never do that but if you wanted to you know just shout um but yes what you said um the the that thing mhm maybe we'll get lucky we're overdue some good fortune rest well we'll need our strength yep yep you you sleep tight too I didn't that did you just have that top on underneath or is oh night something the matter I didn't I that was an accident I just I I'm going to ruin it Lulu Lulu Lulu Lulu save me save me save me save me I found some poor people quickly this wayy oh God they're getting ideas of moving up the ladder Oh we must Crush their dreams quickly quickly why are they over here they're not over here it's called a ruse oh that's clever look if we were in fully int ending to put the workforce down I'd have had a much more urgent voice that's a fair point right did you it up I don't think so but I did but she looks very wealthy she does doesn't she she looks even more wealthy now than she did before that might be because of the top her wealth is voluptuous I'm I I'm going to be in my bed roll yeah me too all right then good night violet night night as you wrie with sickly dreams a deep dread floods you though you have a tadpole you know your broken mind is not like the others who bear the worm a few scraps of the past come back to you now and then you can never quite tell where the knowledge comes from inexplicable violent yearnings overwhelm all other thoughts who could you possibly be to be their vessel no everything's fine everything's fine they're just dreams like nanny said bing bong your kins folk are found everywhere aren't they it doesn't narrow much down when you try to think of a home your mind twists itself back to indulge in the Delights of the day you recall waking up hearing the pounding war drum of blood how much you treasured the sight of the first corpse you touched the waggling stump you left of that Wizard's arm just rolling a dice for no reason Bing Bong how cruel your old life must have been what could have happened to make you forget as you fall asleep you are a shivering and shaking mess blood blood blood blood blood morning good morning how how how did you sleep yep yep really really well really normal totally normal night of definitely not dreaming about blood your bed roll looks wet it's not blood or we I mean right we should probably uh think about having a good long sleep yes let's we should think really hard before we do that how good that was yes all right I'm going to go I don't know maybe over here and think about things until the next time we Adventure right going to have to translate that one for me Lulu uh I'm quitting the game now okay we can just do that can we or can we like how do we let's drop hang on a minute I'll bring our cameras back in otherwise this will be weird hi hi yeah because you did a quick save you can just leave the game now so quick save is fine I don't have to do like a proper full save no you're right I'll do it again just in case just in case just in case extra safe I don't know if there's a different way for me to leave no I'm just going to quit the game okay you do that well actually I'm going to go back to my chat screen then I'm going to quit the game and then I'm going to bring you into my chat screen okay hold oh I should probably put my there we go finish let me bring you in oh wait and I have to I have to quit the game too quit game yes quit G okay okay okay okay I'm doing things I'm doing a streaming hang on and then wait and wait oh what happened what happened smoke happened hi oh why does it look like I don't know if it's just me but it looks like daylight in your room and just something Dreadful in my room under it's underwater I don't like it I don't like it sucks I'm going to uh off and leave you to have a chat with your wonderful new bu okay well before you off you tell my stream who you are and what you're doing next okay Billy stream hi uh I'm Jay I am a voice actor for games and animation uh just like this lovely lady um things like divinity original SC 2 Frost Punk Elite dangerous uh what else was one we did forgotten an um that was a really fun one um Blah Blah Blah Games blah blah blah blah blah blah games okay games uh hello ninja go go Cory Carson chip and potato on Netflix y yada y y y um in fact pile of corpses that's my famous credit my most famous credit is Divinity right dos 2 yeah pilot corpses yeah you may have had sex and dos to and a crab and a crab yes please s the voice I love the voice of that one um um uh impo away I L I loved him um but yes that's it for me uh obviously I stream as well uh and we will be streaming more of this uh I'm on tomorrow I will be playing my uh bg3 solo playthrough I'm I've just started act two uh with with our main character that was named by my chat otimus Prime who apparently has been renamed octomus crime on account of the war crimes he keeps committing um yeah that's me I'm over here twitch.tv/ J Britain blah blah blah there you go and on so it's tomorrow you're streaming nextx tomorrow yeah same time as this was today so 6 o' bstd 1:00 EDT more balers G 3 it's all I'm playing now cuz I'm just obsessed it's got a good narator in it or something oh what do you [Laughter] want I mean all those sphincters really got me going oh God it's a strong opening isn't it sphincters I mean not anymore no proloid significantly since we've been going on through them all um right I guess I'll say goodbye to your stream now is this how we end things now now I mean not between us I oh no it wasn't that bad a game I didn't tell you um yeah hi I'm I'm Amelia Tyler I'm the voice of the narrator in that game and thank you for coming on my dark urge adventure with Violet Alabaster who's definitely not having bad thoughts about anything ever m not at all um yeah I'm a voice actor for video games uh and I love role playing uh in a couple of offline D and D shows at the moment and tomorrow night I will be over now let's see I will be on no that's actual cats that is not what I meant to do it's not commands it's shout outs look it's my first day be nice you have done it very very well everyone give me I've done all right haven't I there is you've done incredibly well there is not one can somebody give um follow black cats a shout out uh I'm going to be over on that channel we are playing a zombie tabletop game one shot uh where we all play ourselves and the last time that this gang did that um it didn't go well it didn't go well so I think we're in for some conage uh so yeah tomorrow over on follow black cats I Believe 7 p.m. Susie can can confirm but I think it's 700 p.m. UK time uh which would be 2:00 p.m. Eastern and 11 a.m. Pacific uh I'll be doing that and then on Saturday I will be over on Jesse Cox's Channel uh doing a thing for streamly with the rest of the boulders Gates recast and then I've got a whole bunch of these streams coming up next week so thank you so much for all stopping by and giving me such a warm welcome because streaming is like uh hugely overwhelming thing for me um so thank you all for coming and thank you Jay I'm going to be nice to your face deal with it um thank you for making this possible cuz you know I wouldn't have been able to do this without you um thank you to all the mods who jumped in at the last minute with no warning because ADHD and poor time keep um thank you so much um yeah the other thing we didn't just say either of us which shows how eager we are to do it again we'll be back on Monday oh yeah with more of with more of this yeah we're doing this uh Monday and Tuesday Tuesday next week yeah I'm so excited I'm I'm really glad we decided to play these characters mhm it works they look so pretty in bers gate that it makes me just want like that's the thing about D and D right just the world I'm like I just want my walls just plastered with art of lucious and violet on little little activities around uh FY just just needs it but this is how chaotic it is one stream in can you imagine I'm genuinely worried for fyon I'll be honest yeah it's going to go incredibly poorly yay yay I'm going off now and leave you to say goodbye to your stream all right um so I'm going leave the Discord call and just go to your solo starting soon screen you know the thing I can do that now all right bye Millie's gang I'll see you again bye I press the button there we go oh hi it me um thank you all so much for coming out and supporting this is this has been a whirlwind and a huge big deal for me uh to wrap my head around everything that's happened to me in the last couple of months um and particularly today streaming stresses me and playing games that I'm not familiar with stresses me and you know no pressure being the narrator of a game that I'm then having to play in front of thousands of people it's fine um but you have all been absolutely lovely thank you so much I'm going to piss off now um I won't show you my schedule for next week cuz that's overwhelming and a bit weird but I'll show you on Monday um I'm going to piss off now thank you so much and let's see if I can find the sign off screen bye-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Amelia Tyler
Views: 361,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _8X-6W4MlKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 296min 0sec (17760 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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