My First Time Playing Baldur's Gate 3

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ladies and gentlemen it's about to go down welcome to Baldur's Gate three vintendo style Okay so sorry we're a little bit late I just want to say um I am I am clearly new at this if you guys didn't know I am a Baldur's Gate DND Noob uh I am just getting into this world for the first time if you're new here and you're excited to watch a new play this game and grow as we play and learn new things this is the spot for you hit that sub button hit the like button um we're gonna be playing with the boys today we got patters Dylan AKA United gamer United plays and Shady penguin and I'm actually really surprised I didn't realize how big this game is but chat's hype I've been getting DMS I've been getting mentions on Twitter sorry X everybody's super duper excited to watch us play this game so I'm freaking stoked I'm really excited thank you guys so so much for tuning in um we're just gonna you know do our best and I'm wearing a hat today I'm feeling super duper cute super duper awesome we got Super Mario pop pop in the chat please have a Healer in your party I beg of you signed your resident d d player and uh celric Maine yo I got you Melissa thank you for the eight months nonsense thank you for the five by the way robot lady should be turned on um I don't know if I should keep robot lady on when we actually get into the Nitty Gritty though you guys can let me know in chat should I just read the super chats because I don't want the robot lady to interrupt if we're in like the middle of a really big uh story situation but I'm excited all right I'm very very excited to show you guys the character that I'm gonna build my character is going to be on point I didn't pronounce that thing right turn her off okay Bet let me uh let me come over to my stream labs and turn off the robot lady but yeah good luck to to me trying to pronounce all this stuff gonna do my best I did turn off the nudity I'm kind of sad that I had to turn off the nudity but we're on YouTube so you know we gotta play by YouTube's rules uh let's go ahead and come over to alert box and then we'll go to the donos by the way is the background audio at a good volume do I need to Crank It Up do I need to lower it you guys let me know I'm very excited also again to be flabbergasted every five seconds every five seconds guys be honest with me do you guys think I'm gonna do a good job with this because again I don't I don't know anything I'd say raise it a little bit okay Bet let me come over to the volume mixer now obviously patters knows what he's doing Shady knows what he's doing me and Dylan are our noobs okay is that a good volume Chad thinks I'm gonna be good like Lori says I'm gonna be insane insane in the membrane yeah with the 20 thank you so much man thank you thank you thank you also by the way I should probably mention this we actually have a schedule for this series so we are going live every uh Tuesday and Friday is the plan uh this week we're doing I think Tuesday and Thursday but after that it's gonna be Tuesday and Friday and it's gonna be it's gonna be lit this is gonna be fun hell yeah Bart let's go Dylan said on deafen okay they're ready all right guys once we get started I'm gonna try my best to be active and talk to chat but for the most part this is going to be more of like not so much an interactive series but a watch your friend Vinnie and his friends play a game and we're gonna do our best thank you Melissa d d is all learning process I got you I'm gonna do my best let's get it all right I'm gonna unmute now and talk to the boys ladies team tiny though he lies to y'all shady is team tiny what's up dill weeds how we doing yo Nintendo are you ready to conquer Orcs And barbarians and just dominate the I was born ready my chat is hype we're ready to be here we're excited to be here and everyone smash that like button actually before we get started um chat I want to see something really quick there's 700 of you out here thank you thanks man everyone go over here and retweet and like and gas this tweet up it's the event that me and Vinnie and Frank who's not here are gonna be doing a charity event everyone's going to tweet that everyone Men's Health man's health I love people everyone go retweet that and like it and respond and be like let's go it's gonna be hype we want to try to see as many people uh there you can actually come and watch us do our thing in person would love to see you there and meet you everyone just go retweet that real quick before we get going it's gonna be an absolutely amazing show I'm very very excited saying man well I've never played D or this game so I have never played DND freaking love it I freaking love it a lot I've never played D before my life oh you play this yeah hello September 23rd the pair I heard like you like spawned in and get a massive song and it like just lagged or something and yeah yeah yeah the giant schlong was messing you up right yeah the Dragonborn the Dragonborn member yeah right yeah so my chat told me how to fix that it was just a circumcision it was so simple I would have actually not that simple so listen before we get started what's up dude um I just want to let every chat know there probably are going to be times where like for example someone just became a member thank you so much just know that I'm grateful chat thank people for me and I feel like you should encourage everyone in in in Dylan and Vinnie's chat as well because we're gonna be in the game yeah we're not going to want to be yelling over each other Vinnie's going to be you know doing what he does and he wants to focus on the game because he really enjoys RPM he knows what our peeing is he really wants to get that but he really wants to get into it um Shady allow us to begin the boldest games yes only thing I need to do before we begin is go into your options and get rid of karmic dice awesome the chat whenever there's a gifted member okay that's just a way of saying thank you what we can do I don't know if you guys have this feature um you can like heart super chats now so if we're in the middle of something I can't talk I probably will just heart it and that's my thank you thank you guys so much I don't think I can do that I don't think I can do that that sounds spicy Fallen all right I'm sending invites out or the campaign so if you should see an invite pop up for you I don't see it in Steam it would be in Steam yes if I go on a multiplayer will I find it there are you offline right now no you never added me but when I clicked on it nothing happened so click shift hold shift and click tab Vinnie and then you'll see an option to join in Shady's game why is Vinnie missing in the thumbnail he's not he's there he's literally yeah okay play game you accepted the inventory invitation oh there he is there's PayPal Vinnie his team name is Paypal Vinnie dude I haven't checked on Friends games except friend requests audio a little bit how's that Chad is that better can I get a test from the boys [Music] do you like the deli put the sandwich is that good yeah yeah yeah invite oh look at this all right here we go so for gameplay is it normal that oh I go back to game now right okay it's literally here why is that so weird it's my email you're associated with my PayPal not weird United Haze my Twitter PayPal Vinnie shut up guys I want you guys to know really quick we are going to play on tactician because there's no oh no wait is that the hard mode that's hard mode right yeah I think I think we should play balanced I'm gonna be honest I agree I would like to do balance please listen to me I know it sounds like scary like ooh tactician is this Fire Emblem I don't know it's not hard they literally modders have already come out with it with a with a mod because tactician's too easy yesterday the difference is Pat is that you're by yourself now you have a team of glue and experience we hold each other together all I'm saying is Melissa Melissa in the chat been a friend of mine for a long time saying it's hard and Vinnie will get destroyed I just want to listen out there I'm gonna okay let's do this okay can we come let's let's come to a compromise because I understand it's reverse one so really I should just fold but I'm stubborn to sin all right you can change the difficulty whenever you want so let's start on tactician really having a bad time and we want to vote we do that but let's start on taxation it's because we are the majority and shady I know that's true but Dylan said he's democracy Dylan did say he's down up until he's clearly blasted yeah absolutely blasted then it's probably not the best listen I'll take the bait but if we are getting demolished we're gonna have to downgrade I feel like the potential upgrade would have been better but it's time oh my God I feel like we're watching a movie together this is so cool it's movie night it is honestly I really wish there was a full movie like this I would be so down did you guys hear that yes oh this guy can fly bro this is Daddy right here this is Shady's Daddy you're a lion mommy sorry yeah guys there is game Sam's just quiet that's an orc right how dare you that's so racist we haven't even been alive for 10 minutes what the green girl wasn't an orc I'm sorry oh look little sperm Dynamo well sprouts Sprout how you doing oh sorry she's a goblin no she's that was that was me before chat told me to get circumcised right there that's why it didn't load yeah yo this is kind of scary what's going on here yeah dude it is you respect the elephant okay yes oh it's a POV shot of us yo it's crazy yeah it's us delicious oh I love that scene so much I love it so much that's crazy so gross you know that comes into the story but God yes so now we build the things we've already built okay wait how do I do that like you remember how remember how just now you know what you want because we've died you just remember you just remember building what we essentially built previously right that's the vibe we didn't want to take the whole stream up to do this so okay let's see oh I'm taking guidance I need to help I mean I I randomized mine and then I changed him until I got something similar oh my goodness that Dylan that was the complete opposite of the play hilarious that's so funny dude um for some reason Shady when I'm going to the mail orc it's just keeping it on the female option is that like an error or am I on the wrong yeah okay I'm trying to remember exactly what I did here y'all better be glad that I did all this because if not I'd be here for three hours that was that was the whole idea was like hey we cannot we cannot have a three-hour uh stream of us just making all I honestly feel like this is the high quality entertainment right here all right you need to calm down mini I should take speak to animals right I mean if you want to honestly so speak with animals is like one of those things where like you will have so much fun doing it animals yes I think I think the animal conversations are are comedy I think they're really funny yeah I'll take I'll take I'll take what hairdo did I do it was long I love the idea of like us like venturing off in patters just sitting there talking to a duck and we like pop in and see how the conversation's going and oh it's so good do we do we typically like stay together for like most of these missions we don't have to so we can we can play however we want where we can split up and if one of us gets to an encounters like uh guys guys um get some help over here trying to remember what my my makeup was oh I should have changed my color first I'm gonna stay and I actually had those the same okay mine's good okay my skin got what does it mean to get abandoned people said oh what like in the missions they're saying you guys are gonna abandon me no I'm why would I I'm not no listen your chat is trying to drum up drama before the drama happens I might push him down no no pushing no pushing uh where was the hair that I picked um [Music] I think it was this one um already boys what I'm almost there hold on I can't find the hair that I had please hold I just made it today man I remember today not last night that is true okay his name is elwin everyone so Dylan can you can we explain why we came up with the names that we came up with once we're done designing our characters yeah I mean he's like now if you want no I gotta I gotta wait till I actually type it in chat chat needs to chat needs to witness it with us okay I'm a rogue I think I want no beard actually okay what's a good Zoop the nuke how you doing um okay what did I take instead I didn't take pictures of all this I wish I did okay I'm gonna be Barbarian oh wait I oh I'm an idiot I didn't know I had to make my guardian too yeah the guardian I'm just gonna RNG it I I honestly have not even encountered the guardian I've been played a lot on my own yeah I look no I gotta make mine because it made it was a joke for Vinnie friends is there is there a certain background that I should pick with being a barbarian class no it's whatever you want for your character there's no like I mean you can met a game there probably is one that is best right but like I would just go with whatever you want your character to be right I kind of want to be the Entertainer I mean I'm Live on YouTube right now dude you totally can all right and then abilities um I can use the recommended or is that not smart yeah keep the recommended okay bars all right I think I got my guy all right so the name that I came up with and I actually I wanted to ask you guys um so his name's gonna be Cardinal because he's red like a cardinal and he's got the black face makeup like a cardinal okay I wanna I want his full name to be Cardinal the son of the Sun but do I type that all in at once or do I just leave it as cardinal if it fits you can type it only [Laughter] what is it on screen chat Cardinal son of sun all right I'm locking it in China Cardinal son of son okay okay now for the uh for the guardian I called Shady about this and asked if this was allowed I want my character to worship these devil ladies don't ask me why okay I mean I can take a pretty good guess why but there's there's no reason it's their lore I'll explain later we're not at that party yet it's my little tear actually oh yeah that's actually my lore as well too that's crazy see they think if you really want me to get into it the reason why I thought okay they'll worship these devil ladies they think the devil ladies are doing the right thing but in reality they're actually following a very negative path that they don't even realize is on the bad side of good and bad uh from The High Elves and he grew up on the streets and that's where he developed his roguelike skills whoa I'm almost done please for the love of God look in Discord oh okay sorry I didn't know you want me to look okay all of y'all can look oh my God that's awesome wait that's your guardian I'm Your Guardian you're my guardian dude oh that's so good okay that's why I was like I can't just randomize it it was too good that's amazing oh the Demonic red eyes go hard okay and then the horns I made the horns I'm all ready boys uh I'm just about ready I forgot that I wanted to change my abilities um I'm almost ready okay oh what did I just do now you can't change the outfits of the Guardians right it's like the guardian garb okay uh no let me get more of that okay okay I feel like that's good dude I love her tail her Tail's so cool like waves wait you get that like edit your clothes uh well your clothes change depending on which like uh class you are or whatever oh yeah okay I thought you I thought for a second you changed uh okay I'm ready to venture forth all right so really quick my character's name is vapor he is a blue Dragonborn warlock who is a legend among his people but he has not been uh with them for quite some time now but he's kind of a little bit of a folk Legend uh that goes after the near dwells around me I just called bitty bitsy I am Cardinal son of the Sun what my name is Elwood not of the sun very cool Edwin not specifically why is he he's the elf Giga Chad like to be honest it's kind of a giga Chad he kind of looks like me like I feel like I resonate oh snap here we go we're going in baby yo this is crazy [Music] oh he's got such long fingers yeah he does I could have told you that you can do nothing oh no they have no idea dude Port poor innocence yep yep all right hang about what is this what is this is also this then you've got a license for that Kraken it's a speeding ticket dude that thing is massive oh he's gonna break guys we're not skipping the intro half the people in this chat haven't seen it yet Graphics are crazy yeah dude yeah this is the graphics of the game does it not look like this when you actually start no this is a pre-rounded cutscene oh no dude it's still a pretty cut scene patterns don't poop on them sorry I love you oh here comes Thanos [Music] Dragonborn will not go down without a fight that was me baby that's my uncle that's my uncle okay okay let's find this water never mind there's a dragon bro that was literally Pokemon the third movie when Charizard saves Ash that was sick oh that's so cool oh God I could probably increase the quality of my game again oh he's like organic matter freaking me out what the heck he's teleport you just did dude they could do too oh dude he could probably can't hide obviously it's like dude I'm so invested I know it's just sick I just don't want to know what that that worm thing was he's creating a new race [Music] Vinnie is the orc it's a goblin be nice to me it's not a Goblin video it's flammable wobble oh man these dragons are not to be trifled music is so good the honestly the sound design in this game is is Peak it's so good I'm sick it's just us waking up we have that worm Menace though yeah we do feel that worm in US yeah she's clearly a very important character yeah hopefully she doesn't die right now come on it falls out mortal I'm honestly scared to read that word I don't know what that means and I don't even know if that's actually in the game three when you get on your knees get on your knees yo this is crazy these are the Angels at Vinnie's guy worships bro that your guy Eve God thank you for the super taker when we're going into this what I want to say okay is that there is no rules okay if your character if if someone rubs you the wrong way and you feel like you need to hit them I'm not gonna get mad there's no wrong way to play D D or Baldur's Gate okay do whatever you want oh there I am y'all get good chat else look at that man why are you so handsome y'all can't tell me I didn't snap on this design Cardinal the son of the sun hello hi guys you would think this hey what's up that's not funny that's bitty that that's bitty not Vinnie wait oh that's bitty oh that is turn around turn around let me see let me see how do I turn around like that oh yeah he's it he's the biggest he's the biggest ball Dylan you're this little lad you're bitty or is that pattern oh my God this is cool like in this game I'm actually the tall one now this goes hard I'm very sorry I'm ready to fight already I'm ready parasite now all right what do you think I'm ready let's go wait quick question I'm in like a cut scene right now do you guys see this too or no so what do I do in like this scenario do I read it to you guys or do I just it's not even use yeah I can't see it if we want to see what you're seeing we can click on your character okay and then right now I'm seeing you hover over yeah I'm seeing you hover overreach so should I should I investigate whatever you want to do okay I can roll a 1D 20-1 to investigate we can vote skill check some dialogue options yeah we can vote we can vote okay so so before you roll uh I took a skill called guidance which helps you in your roles thank you okay so you guys give me the okay one to roll go ahead here we go I'm watching okay 18 over a ten eleven eleven oh my God w ow massive win guys okay sing it's fragile slightest touch could cause it okay so we can't touch it or it might crumble touch it I'm gonna reach towards the pool let's do it he dies right here touch it touch it Vinnie Vinnie come on dude you literally told you if you touched the pool like a cool item would spawn from it if you need HP you can touch the blue thing and it should restore you that's the blue thing I think you just you heal he heals it um so I have a dash button a throw button High to jump yeah I touched the swing through dude I can't help myself why would you do that this is very interesting oh we enter a living organism right now yeah it seems sure seems like it where did it all go relax we went this way goal the fridge let's go let's go there's a brain Transportation use middle Mouse to rotate I can take all the goblin stuff oh you already took it okay you guys want to go up the left yes oh yeah let's go to the left yeah yeah sure yeah and I'm pretty sure you guys it should give you the tutorial right there's a button that you can hold and it'll show you all the interactables in your range it's either left shift left ball there we go oh God we're going back down Shady yeah I'm I am looking at this guy on like a throne how do you how do you run I just hold down okay oh he's alive oh that's cool oh my oh they're getting a cool scene up there we're doing we're doing some brainwalk up here yeah and then he just let himself oh so yeah I know I didn't realize it first okay we're good we're good everything's fine he said it said fire and I touched it and then my character is blazing dude I didn't know I wasn't fireproof my bad I worshiped the Devils I thought I was good dude oh my God this is Grody I did it twice we're talking to a brain up here yeah we're literally just talking to a brain uh wait so we should all call each other by our actual names right I shouldn't call you shady I should call you babe yeah it's true all right go back I'm calling you card I'm not Cardinals you can just call me Cardinal I'll call you Cardinal bitty Vapor okay perfect if you want to get serious with me then you can call me the son of the Sun gently prize the bro I have good dexterity should I do this if you would like to go for it yes oh God I'll give you my guidance too good luck out Alvin so I need uh oh you gotta fight wait wait hold on hold on baby you could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat you want to [ __ ] the brain do it Dylan mutilate the brain do it mutilate all right we're getting a glimpse into alien's character this is so cool okay boys so wait a pat can give me okay okay okay we can do this we can do this we can do this All right so wait how do we know what we have to roll right here I'm trying to understand the UI difficulty class okay so you have to get above a three no no 15. God that's high yeah but I get I get the bonuses from like his guidance and my dexterity okay I bet relaxes in your head oh it's relaxed it's like a cat oh you oh you didn't mutilated you you just you made him subservient what is going on oh what did you do Dylan oh my God Dylan [Music] Chad I don't know what we're even playing right now what the creature so Dylan has a pet now something behind your eyes seizes in recognition the little worm we must go to the hill I did not do this on my first playthrough by the way that's crazy I killed it yeah me too the helm let's go to the helm all right let's go attack parade all right let's go besides the creepy feet and the tentacles the brain seems pretty cute actually dude [Music] there's another brain jar over here can we get another brain pet or just the one person that was literally that was a real life person's brain that you've just turned into a subservient pet congratulations you're so righteous his name is us oh I don't like that that's so creepy it's the embodiment of all of us oh sorry us we're leaving buddy wait we didn't take him with us oh he said we have to go to the helm yeah can I can I oh skip yeah okay don't go into the fire note to self why do I run like this because you're a bitty you know you're tiny all right I do love I hope there's cut scenes like this throughout the entire playthrough I'm enjoying this is very nice what does the private dialogue button do oh it makes other people can't vote Vapor look out nice flip I'm watching it behind I'm behind everyone this is your end you had throbs and your skin tingles Visions rushed past the dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange that's kind of toxic a little bit Wild [Music] what is this blesses me this day together we might survive oh we made an alliance honestly vapor is kind of hard too yeah Vapor's bad and a dragon kind of way thank you all right let me see what she suggests oh our first fight let me lead us boys someone must have skipped um so Ayo wins up first it looks like I'm holding it but I can't do anything I think I can do it that's weird I missed right now right now we're in combat you look at the top of your screen Vinnie I'm sure you watched a lot of beginner videos I'm good we have us we're still fine yeah you have us and on my screen I'm like a see-through ghost and I'm holding one of the demon spawns but I can't do anything with it because you what you did is you input your turn early right oh because if you look at the top you can see right now it's Vapor's turn he has the arrow underneath him right um so you went in the same time we all have the same initiative I think oh no my mine mine has the arrow underneath me too do I just have to do something else maybe oh really okay yeah we can all move at the same time hey oh that's crazy okay um yes and just you know why I thought it was turn based is it not oh I just threw them to the ground you see that it is still based on turns but we can do our turns simultaneously that is so sick okay so it's my turn now so I'm gonna cut him with the sword not enough movement yes you only get nine meters of movement or depending on your race you might get more or less um and then once you basically have no other actions you just end your turn yeah and then you get a bonus action which can be your action is usually you attacking or doing a spell or something and a bonus action can can be a few different things really that makes sense it's only when we're next to each other in the initiative if we're not next to each other we all can't do our turns at the same time but because we're going all before the imps okay that makes sense you probably should just end the turn Lazelle is yeah you have nothing else if everything is dark okay lizelle sucks you suck good job boss there you go the brain was the meat Shield okay it's my turn now so I'm going on the bottom just do you know like you'll have like the green one is your actions your bonus action your purple one is going to be your specific uh spells I caught him Shady I'm gonna take his gun oh damn you just like that thing Jesus is that everyone Elder's blast we're good everyone let's go wait so I didn't die there someone said I died am I still oh yeah I'm chilling yeah yes yes please don't grab that Cindy um I'm gonna use boys I'm gonna loot some folks because I already took one of their swords nice all right we're going to your inventory just hey I I that's exactly what I needed thank you oh that's so cool you can switch between holding your range Amelia vins you can find an F by toggle's weapon switch oh so are you able to move closer to an enemy before you attack or is it based on like you have to yeah okay I gotcha so you you'll you'll click on the ground where you want to go and like all those actions that you see like jump hide throw those are things we can do outside of combat for free but then when you're in combat they'll do something like like for example Rogue later on you're gonna want to learn how to hide really well because you get a sneak attack okay gotcha I'm trying to loot this we oh this is so cool I'm gonna climb this real quick okay nice nice nice okay where are my boys where are my boys at you guys you do run so funny bro I just because of my stature yeah I guess so you're all in every step I love it I'm right by the brain but I watch what I touch what if I press this button oh I already pressed it how much stuff can you take from these guys oh I see a shining glowing egg so your inventory is full you know I want to see this egg okay cut the egg we got a live one over here we're coming over to you got you bro wait who's talking to her right now is it just me or is it someone else I think it's just I'm listening in on you okay can we help us um what do you guys think I think we should sure I'll I'll go with it the construction is too alien nothing looks familiar uh it's probably a way to get open Shadow heart all right calm down so you called me comfortable maybe just keep her whoa whoa whoa I was just seeing if I could crack it open that's all okay so I found a console should I look for a switch or hit it you probably look for a switch before you hit it I mean but it's up to you maybe try it look for a switch for us oh I have a cool necklace dude what is this button right here nothing the console remains dormant okay that did nothing I'm leaving [Music] oh it's saying okay so it's saying we have to put something in that little little circle any ideas what we could do uh let's keep searching actually no I think this is uh I'm getting our cutscene here are you getting cutting I'm right here where is he where did you boys go we went in this sphincter over here but nothing's happening over here oh we got healed nice uh about this one I'm seeing go this one we talked to this guy dead okay he's just dead yeah R.I.P speaking of dead guys hello I found a key you got it you got it okay put the key in this thing Pat I found a mug hold on I took the mug wait the brain alone wait so we're fighting the brains now why are you fighting the brain yeah he's attacking you why'd you attack him I caught him I caught him he's dead come up to me threateningly yeah no he definitely attacked shady I saw that we don't need another us yeah we don't need more uh no we don't need multiple brains on our Squad sorry sorry look there's there's more there's more juicers in here oh there's juicers hold on get the juicers oh I'm learning how okay I'm learning oh yeah I'm with Pat right now yeah you can like move the camera ahead of your character right like yeah let me uh let me push this button okay why are you pushing that button what's up hold on I'm just gonna push this button I'm just gonna push it Journal update place your hand on the part you hear something I heard it's something because it's the journal updated what do you got commanding the picture Freckle game is sick oh she's she's yelling she's dead uh-oh okay all different differently okay nope I don't think she is oh what a violent death oh you push this button did we just kill her he toxically we made her buy her look she's a thing now we made her better she did a better place she's a better species she's an octopus now y'all are messed up let me tell you yeah that's so true that's so true I'm using my cantrip because you can use the cantrip as much as you want so I'm just blasting everything I can so like that right like what I did yep that's what you're doing that would have been my best attack let me see here well it depends right so you don't want to use spell slots out of combat unless you want to um but can tricks you can use as much as you want without any sort of repercussion okay maybe the key maybe the key will allow me to uh to let her go now you gotta put it in this console I think okay okay so just uh just plug that in yes oh nice how'd that work nothing oh well so we can free uh oh we can turn her into an octopus no no we already killed the other girl let's free this one yeah hold on okay now take a closer look at the powered up console maybe we should like figure out what it's gonna do for us let's let's throw a little dice here damn you're evil Pat what the hell yeah okay I got it I got it I got it I got it she just muted what's up what's going on nothing everything all right everything's fine okay good yeah all right so what do we what are we what are we picking here he just took the key from my pockets it just happened how did you manage to do that so it shares teaser shared oh there has to be another week please okay can I can I get this this bad boy to open wow can you get a two can you get a tube it's almost like they want you to do this Pat bam oh I did it W's what do you know good job yo it's so funny if I got on that one there that'd be hilarious I would have been great all the biomechanical brain runs across your mind this guy looks like somebody that I know in real life and it's driving me crazy yeah his name is Daniel does it rhyme with platters Daniel shadowhall my beloved okay all right uh I mean um what are you gonna talk to her then hey come on make your move dude I'm talking I'm talking to her I'm talking to her oh my God you're so masculine but he always okay he just Scoops right in that's crazy oh that's what you call a connection no she's brainwashing me but also God Ness I do have a will to survive yes unless they're talking about her getting out of here follow me if you can keep up did you feel that just now we're in each other's heads you better get I think I'm getting out of here follow me yeah yeah get out we got a leader are you sure I mean like we are not killing her that was the worst rizz I've ever seen anyone ever do the res option was right there in the middle together you can do both you can do both if you wanted to this is not a time for rizz the survival Shady it's your mind the human race can't survive without Riz just think about it it's a bar oh no he's a huffle okay she just picked up a dice how did she get a dice don't worry about that that's toxic you shouldn't have seen that okay all right we gotta go to the helmets follow Shadow heart all right let's go she's got a very cool name where is she going she's going the wrong way is she actually she is going on why did she she just she's just you know one idiot she's a little traitor she came back to where we were okay this is why we shouldn't see I didn't want to rise up a traitor the murderer that's crazy mirror name is Shadow heart she's obviously dark on the inside dude like it's right on her name is evil okay all right boys into the sphincter let's go everyone get in oh are you ready to enter the hell yes combat General tutorial I'm bad okay your eyes are so dreamy Shady thank you I really love them oh I'm in the fire again damn it okay we're fine you know watching this cutscene brought the fire really just gets you are you not in the cutscene I am now I was on fire oh my God he's cooked dude wait so he's working with the octopus guys that's your guy what do you mean that's your guy that's your guy listen just because it's they're my both mind players doesn't mean they're all bad you know first the orc stuff now this oh it's time to fight baby we got a scopper okay what are we feeling here should I just go for this guy right here what let's do whatever so the the goal of the battle they just that of that a lithid or that mind player just told us we have to get to the the controls right so whatever you need to do to do that okay 15 turns to get there nice Dylan nice damage it's almost dead popping off you're popping off you can move before you end yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah which ones move dibs shove I can shove someone moving is just when you when you click somewhere on the map now just be just so you know when you get within melee range of an enemy and then you leave that range they're gonna get an opportunity attack and they'll try to hit you so you want to like maneuver through them if you're you know I have eyes can also once you're done once your main character has no more things you'll click enter and it'll go to us I'm pretty sure yeah yeah I just realized I can't whoa there you go nice damage I thought us could make it there he can't oh nice mind flare it's okay upcakes that okay it's my turn I want to help us can I help us I'm gonna help us out Dylan he's gonna make sure he doesn't die there we go not enough space invalid Target not enough resources damn you're zooming bye Shady yeah I used Dash to get some extra movement and get to these controls uh uh we have scapa boys we got a score for must be a dippable surface wait so if I'm out of Weaponry do I just not attack now I'm confused do you have a bonus action you can use uh on the bottom the red triangle if you click on it it'll show your bonus actions that you can do after you've done your initial action I can rage I raged yeah that's what you do when you're a barbarian yeah just click you rage and then hit but yes oh perfect I have a situational action okay I think I'm good yeah you just uh use the rest of your movement just because we need to get to the end okay I think that's all my movement and turn oh no oh he just shot vapor in the head no United back up to Dylan come on Dylan you got this dude this music though yeah this song is hard how did you dash Shady um so for me I have a spell that gave it to me as an extra action but you can use it as a main action if you want you one action right yeah you start over here and try to get like Archer range nice nice flank them so yeah so you use that that's your action so you uh can't attack now so question do you guys want to try to kill this big demon because I didn't do it when I was by myself but we got four people now I'm down we could try it's got a lot of Health but we have a we have the mindful so we could do it yeah we have the Mind flare we have a barbarian we should try to kill him he has an insane sword look at that look at that I want to try to kill Commander zalk oh we can do that 100 we can do it let me get close in range and then I'll rage in front of him and then you can kill him Shady yeah yeah exactly okay now we might lose us to this month to this to this big guy but yeah the Mind player is doing work okay so should I just try to move as far as I possibly can right now or should I try to kill this thing uh there is an imp to the right I don't see it oh this oh no oh this you're talking about Pat I don't have enough space to get there yeah so actually Britney's I mean you're looking a little beat up let me uh oh I can't heal you right now I'm too far away should I come closer to you if bunny can you can you walk to me right now yeah ah Perfect all right here you go thank you there you go buddy um what should I do next uh if you want to walk over to that yeah we can take down the Imp or we could let us take the Imp on and we go take on the devil are we talking about the flying thing on the left side here okay perfect yeah there you go all right all right I think this is the farthest that I can go so should I just rage now no you're already right here anyway just entered okay oh God this is a lot see now your rage ends so what you you generally want to do is Rage at the start of your turn if you're looking to do more damage that turns okay this is Hulk guy he's kind of a he's kind of a now the good news is on the next turn I'll be able to get in range of the giant winged creature excellent all right are you gonna kill the Imp now or do you wanna oh oh Dylan's going in range dude wait wait he's kind of like on a high ground a little bit you know yeah you are kind of on The High Ground And I use hide right like do I use that before I move and then hide and then creep up behind them so uh you want to use hides uh make sure you're not in like Vision range of anyone yeah yeah that's what I'm saying like in the in the future of that uh yeah you would be like it's gonna be your action right so like when you when you become a higher level Rogue you can it'll end up being a bonus action we take those we take those beautiful all right Shady you want to flourish do yeah I'll kill the amp that's fine flourishes Amelia move yeah yeah okay how much oh this thing has so much health left I'm there my name's dad never mind wanna kill him it's fine we're gonna start doing like all doing you know six damage return to this guy and we'll see what happens all right here yeah this mindful is not too bad actually okay so it's my turn so I'm gonna rage nice okay I'm raging no he went too far what happened no he's not gonna end the battle did we lose no no no you keep going you keep going you keep going what happened nothing happened on my screen no he he just walked far enough to trigger the cut scene all right Shady I'm attacking yes nice good damage nice I'm out here now what do I do do I hide now no you you stay right there you do not want to get this guy you just want to you want me to just end my turn now or should I rage again yes and you don't rage again you still you should be able to see where you have like active Buffs wait could you have pulled him down the hole oh I don't know I hope you die if you go down there I don't know but we probably couldn't loot him anyway if his body falls down there right oh yeah we want to be able to loot him you won't be able to yeah okay oh that's so cool though oh they're telling me I didn't rage okay you didn't reach so you want to start your turn off with a race okay I guess I have to confirm after I you have to click it twice essentially you'll click the skill and then click on like the field yes right okay that makes sense what's he doing Dylan oh never never mind here yeah brother what's happening well no he's like super strong so we're gonna miss most Road attacks yeah his his armor classes got him I'm gonna and then I'm just gonna no no [Applause] no oh here we go baby I'm gonna step I'm gonna cut his wing off right now watch this I'm using my scroll on the brain let's say here we go yes all right no no run away what in God's name was that you didn't click on them oh my God and I know I don't have enough move oh my humbling Batman that's so funny you've got to be kidding me I ran right by him I'm gonna focus on the games I got some in so you guys can take on big guy bro I was rich I was raging I couldn't see oh damn it I'm so embarrassed I had it right so funny dude he finally made rage all right I'm leaving I'm so angry he missed appropriate if you lose our mind player by the way we're done no we're fine Dylan's gonna kill him right here trust me and dyl's gonna pop out of casual 97 damage at level one easy dubs wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait boys boys he's got back up he called in some devil back up yeah I killed one already I mean where we came in look look back at the door that we came in from oh no yeah he's gone we're fine oh nice octopus man Bros this isn't looking good I don't know if we can I don't know he's only got 77 we're looking we're doing this we got this trust me watch watch this I missed I missed you missed well hold on let me yeah let me push him yeah there you go oh sorry sorry oh God um how do I potion items as a bonus action yeah I think what's messing me up boys oh thank God he didn't attack me wait I got the I got to cut oh [ __ ] oh God guys they're they're coming wait what is it I'm just saying boss is another one I'm probably gonna head toward the controls guys I don't think we tried our best um no I think we can I think we can kill him I think we could kill him our mind player is about to die no mine player he's good he's got critical mess oh no he if he if he gets hit one more I think he is dead I think we go one more turn and then if we if we still didn't kill him we go to the controls all right it's not my blood baby I'll be I'm by the controls I'm good I know I miss again let's get out let's let's dip yeah you should you should scopa us why don't you start heading towards oh is your Turner to end Dylan yeah like you wouldn't let me move um can I can I uh revive us or is he dead forever I thought you could but my chat started filming when I suggested that no the target must be a playable character you can't okay I'm gonna I'm gonna get the hell out of here oh God I'm running I feel like I always have not enough resources to attack bye okay good we all got a lot we were so close 70. I missed that's pretty good I apologize for hitting the flipper Vinnie do you have an action uh no okay here we go we'll never know how much Vinnie's runaway move would have done you know listen now now we know we we fail early so that later on WE clutch oh the sphincter clothes for him oh no he's these dashing yeah dude I can't believe he calls he's gone he killed him he always gotta kill me he's gonna kill me kill me oh my God okay okay um um do I go Toe to Toe with him or do I leave dude kill the hell's bull somebody kill this thing yeah somebody kills the kill Dylan you kill this it's in front of us he killed me I'm trying yeah I mean it's not like it's not my fault that you died so yeah I can't I can get this close can you interact with it or no oh yeah did you I did I did I did we're getting out of here great I'm glad we got there beautiful so Vinny's dead Benny thanks for coming out to the stream I'm really glad you know it's been a pleasure thank you guys fire right on Vapor's face mods look at how hot Dylan's Castle I was just gonna say he's handsome as well frick oh damn the fire Dylan I'm sorry for pushing you yeah I almost but technically it did help you because it got you closer to the control so uh that's actually fast that's actually facts so you're welcome actually you're welcome actually Pete my chat is telling me that I wasn't dead you guys could have helped me but chose to leave is that true no you were you weren't dead you were down wow some friends you want I can't wait I can't wait karma's a mirror let me tell you something thank you look at the mirror that's all I thought of I couldn't like I couldn't even process the idea of power on being a mirror no one's hanging on for dear life don't worry I got this first boys damn he's the main character literally is the main character that jawline are you kidding me dude beautiful I mean do I actually do I stay down now or do we like respawn in a new area you have to make a new character now you're literally dead Hatters help me please they're both being silly we're not being silly you are dead can you attack your own people yes I well I I technically attack Dylan thank you for that information I would be careful with that though yeah you be careful I'll be going invisible tell me what to do all right guys guys Kraken Airlines is experiencing some difficulties right now we hit turbulence that guy is not real I'm telling you right wow [Music] who's that that work is not real yo the blue girl though she'd be hanging out yeah oh now you're gonna rinse it up okay okay I didn't I just said she's hanging out there's the Goblins oh my God they're so cool okay foreign this man is falling out of the sky right now watch this I'm better than you what what okay okay he landed on his tail respect respect you guys ever hear that show called dragon tail whoa God he's so hot Dragon Tales Dragon Tales there I am hi boys all right he got saved by the air balloon yeah I did the rizzler of Oz [Laughter] can our team name be the Risley bears okay I'm gonna check myself for injuries and no one says boys okay what level are we level two yet what's up I miss us I know I missed us as well we can get new friends it's okay we're all level one still W ah my beloved oh it's patterns beloved patters you should be doing this not me dude stop raising up my girlfriend I'm sorry I tried to I'm I'm gonna I'm Gonna Leave a shadow heart go ahead go ahead risk Master go for it yo someone better talk to her or I will my daughter's doing it isn't it literally like a a hobbit and um uh uh what's the girl name from like um from the movie The Hobbit they weren't originally a love thing my britches or what are you doing no well I mean it looks kind of are you raising her or are you or do you like toys more than girls it's okay I'm gonna see if she has a boyfriend okay that's fair yeah yeah I agree with that Invasion privacy I'll wake her up fine I'll wake her up Jesus you should have at least wiped the blood off your face dude you're gonna raise her up no yeah she's gonna like that he's a warrior yeah how is this possible how's this possible doesn't matter gorgeous sorry sorry I'll take you yes I remember the ship I remember falling than nothing I I fell for you uh do you know where we are where are you I'm so sorry hell are you guys been married for centuries yo it's just we made Pat but she looks like Mark Zuckerberg that's what I was thinking of well I better get going farewell what happened to you oh that's a girlfriend you want me to you want to come with me are you are you rizzing or what's up what's going on oh you oh yeah cause there's like should we all disagree we're doing a res round we always have to click the most risky answer is locked into Riz run because he at least with Shadow heart okay we should all have to raise one character who wants Lazelle ready who's Lazelle the green one the green one the one you thought was you know Goblin I'll keep my options open for now all right the blue girl okay let's run it's a cool area it's giving Guardians of the Galaxy vibes I would have to look at your you know friends and then you can click your level up oh this is so cool on top of the screen left Alt I'm leveling up wait how do we go we press tab or bear we have and then the green button on top just level up oh I have more Health now oh I'm gonna be suckle of the moon I want to transform into animals You're Gonna Go Moon okay okay we'll move I love Moon wait how do you like change things here on the left hand side if you have any options it will tell you if choices pending on the bottom and you'll see the different tabs on the left okay I don't think I have anything different she might not yeah Barbarian might just be get stronger I just got all my cunning stuff like this uh hiding and dashing and says uh bonus actions except okay oh I'm level wait I'm so confused what level am I too oh that's so good apparently at level three I get the Primal path yeah that's pretty sick that is really sick oh I just got some gold boys I found a loot oh I'm not proficient with instruments I just took a fish from this lady be dead I'm following up yes more of those wretched things I'm still in laughing what nothing not nothing yeah nothing are you deciding on something Shady you're awfully quiet yeah I just got given I just got given a ton of different uh invocations and I don't know what to do yeah different one okay I want one damage and then one like that's fun I mean but Mage Armor at will is so good we need to find a key right clicks the open contact I needed oh my God I gotta roll a 20. so what happens if I fail this roll uh since it's already so high you just basically fell I'm pretty sure you might maybe maybe you'll break the chest I don't know because I have plus two plus two plus three I plus seven oh you got that oh it breaks you it breaks your lock picking kit basically if you fail thieves tool enable you to open oh so this just breaks I lose the thieves though do I risk it I mean I get a boss seven do I gotta roll a 20 or 21. wait it's a 20. it's a 20 but I have plus seven oh uh oh I would do it that's that's a toffee wait how do I see my screen Dylan can I do that or no yeah you just click on me do you have my guidance right now yes no I don't have your guidance oh I don't think I give you guys I can't I can't give you guidance to look [ __ ] I don't think I think it's just dialogue yeah is that is that guaranteed so we make sure before I miss out on his I think you do it you only need a 13. wait hold on whoa whoa whoa whoa why is he giant now all right did you get a bonus from that or no no all right I'm risking it let's go nope he failed Ah that's close would you roll [Music] literally did I roll a 19 I literally told a 19. wow wait so how come how come you were able to do the dice but we couldn't is it just based on the character yeah I had a lot okay I had thieves lock pick well you can do guys I'm naked now look how ripped I am no because like I tried to cast uh Mage Armor and I need to remove my armor in order to do that ours so it was weird so if we can't get into that door do we just keep exploring and look for a key yeah it's just that's just uh some no we don't have to go that way that's just something we could have gotten okay I want to use yeah why not I could just I could just keep trying oh I got Gardens this time oh now I got this oh no no now I got it W's I hate everything you failed again I want to roll but I don't think my character can roll I'm literally better naked so I'm staying naked if I roll the first time I'd have been fine I'm checking out the artifact I wanted to know what was in there this area this area I'm on like free roam how did I do this what do you mean my for your own camera like how my camera's not locked up I've never had my camera locked on a character I don't even know you could do that yeah you can do you just you just kind of pan with wasd guys wait where are you kind of uh kind of just stumbled uh yep yep kind of just stumbledore oh you're getting beaten up oh okay all right we're coming we're coming how are you where are you I'm setting I can't get out of this custom marker screen what somebody help I'm stuck bro I'm stuck in the menu I'm trying to find Shady oh I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm right here there we go here okay we're free hey boys you want to see something did you already win let me see where the hell did you guys go I'm up it's a bitty bear I completely lost visual on you guys critical Miss sucks you're walking towards us right now then okay perfect oh I'm in the battle now boys I'm a Risley bear [Music] okay the intellect sky is coming oh what's what the oh the Bear's so cute do we fight the bear the Moon okay I don't think I can move any further yeah because you stumbled into it so you use your movement technically getting to this combat okay so do I just so what I'm mainly trying to understand is when I can't move anymore do I just end turn yeah if you can't if you have a bonus action under your bonus action and you don't have an action that you can take within range then yes you just enter so don't rage right now there's no reason to rage because rage all that will do is make you more vulnerable to attacks next turn perfect if you read what rage does it's like it's it's a blood sword when did Patterson I try to try to hit me again when I leveled up these guys are trash can you turn to any animal I can turn on a lot of things you want to see me be a badger please here you go Dylan there you go Shady right this is like their his brothers okay well he abandoned him so honestly facts we're his true family watch this I'm gonna go home they'll never die okay rage has no downsides Vinnie always rage Mars I'm thinking of Reckless rage is always good okay are you just always good you'll never know oh sorry they're scared of the bear don't worry dude I'm gonna strike for you I still can't get in within range dude Hatters has level has 30 HP right now you can use Dash to have more movement by using your action dude it's like bright orange all right I'm gonna rage only beneficial yeah what up though okay now my turn is over sorry boy oh all right knotted Haze oh those turns went by quick are you kidding there's a 95 chance suck One open your eyes where's Miss mouthful so where is the dash action nice what is going on with me right now we finished the battle so you unrage oh perfect how do you open the rest menu I'm potioning a short rest is it gives you half your health back and it can restore some things and a long rest is when you use supplies to kind of just Revitalize everything where where is short rest how do I get there uh in the bottom right there's a camera can't believe this man is a bear what's going on it's too fully strong oh I can only use it twice a day yeah uh and when you use it uses it for everyone so we kind of get eight okay cool w ow sparing it up over here I want to battle again I'm finally learning oh there'll be plenty oh yeah this this is a few okay yo we should start speedrunning this game Footprints the game that is probably the worst game in the world to speed no dude I saw a video that was a 10 minute Speed Run of this game okay don't go in the fire Dylan don't go in the fire got you bro hold on guys guys I'm hiding I want to attempt to pickpocket this thing up here yeah so don't follow you oh okay yeah just just watch him just like pan pan up to him actually he's got three HP I'm just gonna murder him I know don't murder him he's murdered he missed anyway I did miss whoa whoa oh you're not a polar bear anymore sorry don't watch me change you were right next to me don't look at who wants to talk oh you're talking to the talk of the my player I am if only you didn't feel why do I the speedo is incredible feel compassion you deserve to be punished for it meant to Bow before this creature business in your mind Vapor's got a case inside love it don't you don't you love it feelings we love it right the creature's mind I don't love it I don't love this at all Chad's going yo concentrate on his thoughts I'm gonna try so wait if you roll above a 10 it whips like what is that bonus I can add a bonus you can add a bonus because you have guidance now or biddy has guidance never mind yeah I can add bonus too oh never mind yeah you don't you don't actually it'll give you that option in case you have a bonus but like it even had a friend but I don't have any bonuses all right I'm really confused by this oh the rain is out that is gone but then it's grip claws back with a vengeance a vice locking your mind into obedience sustenance yeah I feel like I'm watching 50 Shades of Shady 50 Shades of vapor do you wanna do you want to kiss it no it's a bit Shady I don't want to submit I don't even I don't know Shady oh God he was too horny he was too oh what happened what happens now is this really about to happen right now I couldn't take it oh my God bro that was just like real life Shady I'm guys guys I'm literally dead I need someone I need someone to use it I got you I got you buddy I got you why is Edwin evil why should I revive you why should I put you uh it don't matter honestly where's that where's the illicit he's right here I wanna why didn't you want me to kill him Pat what I thought we loved him where am I why did I miss my Eldritch blast he had no HP left it would have been free okay I revived shady I literally don't see where oh this is me oh that's me okay I got 12 damage on it oh that's Charmed what does that mean you're in love this this this guy's the true rhiz master God okay uh I'm gonna have to go full power for this one what in the bear I'll teach you to use me for my body oh [ __ ] Shady with the Mage Armor that goes hard dude am I supposed to be able to use it without a spell but I still took it that's cringe um I'm gonna go over here Dylan how do you dash you breast is there there's a button that has the word it has the boot on it and it says it takes your action this thing is way too strong for us I think I'm already down what what did he do that much damage to us yes yes this thing is broken yeah he's he's level five and we're level two we're all about to die but if we beat him we'll be so set dude he hit me out of being a bear okay it's my turn wow okay I'm gonna I'm gonna rage yeah 29 Health okay I'm gonna kill him right now we can we can still win this okay ready we definitely can we definitely can yeah he Charmed you that's that's tough okay it's okay okay all right I have no other actions that I can do I'm ending turn W I can't do I'm incapacitate I can't do anything yeah I succeeded in my death saving throw that's all I got Shady can you hit him with a bow I'm dead oh Dylan can you hit him with a bow is it just up to me and Dylan right now well yeah dude I don't have any more that's it that's all I can do though oh wait okay this is fine as long as he doesn't kill me here he killed me he's got you we're all dead yeah you're gone what do I have to do I have a 50 chance to hit him with my with my weapon wait no no no no I think I can oh I can't hide shoot okay I have I have a six should I heal or can you heal me just need two points we just need two points I know but what if we both Miss he does like he doesn't like points we just gotta W it wait Dylan do you have disengage what is as an action hold on hold on hold on um it's an it's two arrows yeah I do um but it's not a bonus action for you yet right yeah if you disengage and pick me up then we get an extra person that he has to try to take out so I just come over to you thank you so much for the raid y'all about to witness something crazy nice nice that's awesome so I I'm gonna try and throwing with him and that's just is that all I can do yeah good job boys massive W oh my God it's potion healing in there some can take all right can someone help me anyone want to go to Camp real quick and take a rest I'm down for a rest we have a short rest left if we want to use that oh yeah okay we'll use a short rest I probably needed a little bit more healing than that oh my God I can't believe we lived that that's crazy that's honestly well is that a true team effort can we all say we played a role in that yeah yeah it definitely was for sure all right I love that we're learning um there's a there's a spot on our map that has that little star icon we could probably head towards that ish it's a beautiful area I gotta tell you yeah wait wait wait wait wait boys can we check out the portal here oh yeah yeah check out the room check out the room yeah yeah wait wait wait for Dylan I'm coming I said he's already doing it got you magic glitter okay we can either touch it sound got away from me same can y'all watch are y'all watching them because I can't do it yeah I'm watching him but the sound is watching now I got it here we go I touched it he did not like the feel whoa wait is this gonna be my lady now this is your lady it could be your man okay I'm here yeah it kind of sounds like a man um you're big and strong use your these are big muscles I'm gonna grab the hand and pull oh I have to roll above a seven okay well don't worry about I've got your guidance I got you thank you oh my God you're good you're good you're good thank you he found his man grab his arm and twist it we probably should have discussed whether or not we actually want to pull the guy no this is a good this trust me this guy is good watch he's gonna be evil and named Gail what the look how handsome this guy is res w this guy looks important it's kind of hot dude he killed JD she's gone his name is Water Deep ly uh are you all right friends it's a relief and a pleasure to make your no I don't trust him I don't either I was just gonna say that Dylan this guy's weird in a matter of speed you were on the North load as well how do you know that I was on the Noid alone he was he was he must have seen us are we ready to fight cause I'm drawing my weapon oh my God wait really really don't want to do that I do a lot of threat you are just an observation nope I'm attacking are we all ready we're not here shady is not here I'll wait for Shea to sit down then I'm attacking if you want to attack the guys too yeah we're pretty weak right now so what you want to just pretend like like everything's fine when this guy could stab us when we least expect it I think I mean [ __ ] I I think we should try to do it later I don't think we made friends with the goblin lady and she was definitely gonna sabbos the sheets mean put my weapon away yes see I just I just I don't know I feel like you all should back me up on this one if we kill him we probably take his guard I think listen I'm all for wanted murder but maybe when we're a little bit more healed yeah I'm weak right now uh I I think sheath weapon I think we put it away I will give in this time but next time I have an option I am attacking okay that's almost every time all right I suspect the real villain Villa is one week oh here we go we have a common enemy this guy's so full of [ __ ] it's the government it's a government region you not go on the uncertainty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers the process known as ceremorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided it is to be avoided yes by any chance do you no mate sorry I'm a druid that's kind of close one of our friends is a literal bear so that's something I was going to ask you the same question can't say that I am I can knit you a cap but where are my prowess with the knitting needle stops my hands are better suited to do delicate Pursuits I can offer you a swift end but I can't cure you what do you want to say oh it's a barbarian option not exactly a Coleman Affliction we're most certainly going to need it you didn't choose the Bob area each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together sounds like sounds like a plan we'll turn on them if we need to that's crazy you wanna you want them in your Camp when you're just gonna murder him here's the thing when he turns on us inevitably I'm all I'm gonna say I Told You So to every single one of you guys even Shady he wasn't even here to defend it okay okay where did Shady go by the way I just heard him oh there he is he got some pretty trouble Gail shady I wanted to kill him but everyone advised against it so now he's on our team if any was one option away from just killing the guy wow you're really gonna kill them I really don't trust me I'm telling you right now he he's he's giving me a bad vibe because you were expecting a woman to Riz and then you like you were just upset about it and you wanted to raise someone up and he's found a man and he's like oh no no thank you all right are they like a different it's their own there we go listen fellas I'm just saying we shouldn't trust the humans that's what I'm saying honestly humans suck I agree yeah facts we should trust the polar bear yes agreed [Music] in common okay okay I'm gonna cut scene wait can we how can we save how do we save I've had auto save on me it's not always yeah I'm telling you it's a ship and the Crypt can wait Mari and Barton have been trying to break in for days now wait I thought Dylan just walks up hey guys got ourselves competition already I don't know what the hell's you are but that's what should I do intimidation whatever you like uh I think what would Dylan do intimidation where is w or or attack Dylan you know me I'm always down to attack nah I'm gonna just leave them I'm gonna add a bonus for you Dylan I don't think you can I think it's just the guidance that we have so far I was able to click it yeah the option if you were if you had anything under nice W holy crap that would have been nice earlier when I was on a lock pick twice in a row in that case come on yeah that's right no point in getting killed second worm gets the cheese and all um as gas second worm gets the cheat I don't know what he's saying but he's spitting there's definitely spit somewhere 100 oh good one well there's someone else just like scare them away dude they were trying to go to some ship the ship that crap the ship we were on right yeah what was the purpose of that shady Shady what's up you want to eat you wanna you wanna zap this rope up here that's holding this way oh crap no way hold on okay Jesus I almost ran into it what are you guys doing we're gonna zap them drop the foundation block to open up the sewer yeah Eldridge blast it can I actually go in the narrow there you go now can we jump in that uh should we heal first we're not we're not I don't know what's gonna happen down here I'm very I I was just exploring like there's a door down here where we're just making whole oh what just happened I accidentally pushed someone and I'm so sorry [Music] I was gonna suggest the the you know you just went in dude he just jumped in dude this is like Leroy Jenkins all over again I'm like oh my God everyone's going in all right I'm going down the home immense battle here we go boys it's time like we're just walking into this place and fighting you I don't know anything about them wait yeah oh no they talked about her in the uh in the last cut scene we have to kill her this is Mari yeah we don't have Yale with us why are we gonna kill her well she attacked us I didn't do anything I'm the Cardinal so you know I think she deserves it oh wow okay yeah she deserves it all right I'm just gonna go over here and hide they can't do anything to me here boys there's some oil barrels anyone got some fire anyone got fire um all right here's the deal it's my turn what do we want to do do we want to rush them or do we want to flee I think please so just what do I do just end my turn you rush them we gotta kill them now I'm going in I'm going in [Music] let me heal you right now I can't heal you right now should I potion up where's vapor you see us here I'm here I'm literally infused with bitty being bitty are in the same five foot Cube here's the thing guys I can I can go in but I won't be able to like do anything once I get there so does it make sense should I go like right to the can you can you shut the door okay half so get halfway then right get close enough so next turn you can wait if you can shut the door then they'll have to come and open it I shut the door I know anything about Call of Duty shut the door doors they don't even know we're here now okay with the Watson door open they open the door they open the door there's a giant half Orc in front of you and it goes for us that looks crazy because he saw the barrels I'm terrified he dazed me boys it might be Jehovah it is it is absolutely Jehovah dude it's not over till it's over Shady penguin's turn get him Shady oh it's powder's turn now um is he trying to heal me this is intense can I transform to a cat and run no we need you to fight go bear mode um heal me that's fine all right I'll try and tank I'll try and uh add a boy try and take them it's the bitty bear yo he's got a dumpy dude all right I go to them into it oh oh they pulled saved oh my God I only worked on one of them oh okay I'm still gonna I'm probably still gonna tank a bit though all right you got this deal okay um just snipe them keep your distance right the heights when they can see you yeah I'm gonna just give them a few here you know in the pew pew Pew they can't see me here okay it's my turn what did you do there's ice there brother you you slipped I did not slipped on ice okay I went I went for The Reckless attack and this guy did not die that was crazy he took no damages because I'm gonna end my turn here sneak attacks [Music] Dodge baby how am I not dead yet oh he went for the bear it's because he's getting mated oh oh I hope Vapors oh don't run on the ice got it got it right I can I can heal myself for a bonus action I'm gonna do that nice wow great one I I'm taking a nappy nap purposely so I wouldn't have to move that was pink Chad tell me what I did wrong when I clicked dissonant Whispers and it has 18 meters and it does he runs instead it's so weird how like the health bar is a blood bar that like while you're getting more damage it gets bigger I feel like usually in games you go down you know for a level two this guy's eating hits yeah you're drowning in blood dude oh no he's coming in with a freaking flare torch so when was the last time we saved all right well there was one auto save before this all happened but we'll see where it actually before we even went to the chapel should I go for another Reckless attack main hand oh yes absolutely yep all right I'm gonna attack this guy yeah okay okay and now I don't think there's anything else that I can do you don't have any bonus actions that would be fun nah should I push him can I give you mine hold on can I can you use the potion from my inventory if you go in I if you click hit I and you go to my inventory no I don't think he has a potion I think he just can't use it potions are bonus to action yeah no they're definitely not in there my only bonus actions when I click the little triangle is jump shove dip oh it is my mine does have a healing never mind you may have already used all your potions that's all um you could use mine yeah no I can't do it okay so should I shove this guy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me see let me see hold on waiting um yeah check your potions now uh oh yeah lotion of healing got it hey wait what did you do Dylan how did you do that when I moved it out of his inventory awesome okay now I can't do anything so I gotta end oh he shot me in the face and got it potion hit him on the ground You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone yes I'm so funny or should I go animation of the slipping is just so funny we gonna have advantage on her yeah she's dying yeah that was crazy giant bear just claws oh Jesus yeah she went for the one on the floor well I mean she's like not a threat because she's on the floor so I wanted to get the one that was threatening you true let's go Dylan you got this she murdered her nice nice he's still alive peel w w okay oh no arrest them what do you mean oh nice fretical missions and be like oh we're gonna arrest you now for breaking and entering you know like come on Vinnie Vinnie hit the they got the tours hit the guy with the torch got the torch you're positive yeah andorn yes okay I'm gonna Reckless attack him yeah look at that damage nice okay and now I'm gonna potion up again or no yep yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I I actually can't believe I'm grasping this I'm so happy right now I thought I was going to be this is also lost the entire time popping off dude all right this is so fun are you gonna end your time sorry yeah I love that there's nobody talking to be like yo guys let's get a leg Spike down uh I don't think I can help him up I can get him I can get him I can get him I can get him just you focus on killing them I feel like 10 right now I'm always down I'm gonna hit when we win this exchange I'm just saying we're gonna get some sandwiches boys yeah W okay uh so let's see let me I must take a short rest to do a piercing shot why yeah how do I do that I want to shock the world and heal every single person or it's a special action so I love you guys I'm so sorry that I'm not like directly interacting with chat this feels weird but this game you have to be like locked in so I can attack rain first and then having a lot of fun over to evade right and get you right um I think that helping me up might be an action but I'm fine you don't have to help me up right this second I would say listen how do I do that I click the potion then click and pick up at the same time oh I get I can't I can disengage but I can't Yes actually not enough resources yeah so I can move I just you can move to me so the next turn you can pick me up if I fail if I fail it does save [Music] I'm gonna take all this stuff guys looting mid combat unbelievable are you living in combat brother oh am I dead you should have picked me up actually no no because uh we got this we got this oh your turn just skipped when you're down Jesus you see how on your right side you have that purple thing filled in dude uh okay I need you to kill him here Pat oh I'm dead oh no well he's not no you know you're not dead yet I'm Not Dead Yet someone needs to pick me up like hold on this urn I can't do it I can do it if you can kill him what's this yeah nice got him nice I'm gonna heal beautiful dude so I pick him up first right yeah you should definitely once you pick him up can he pick me up mobile yeah we we kind of needed Pat to unwild shape and pick one of us up but hold on let me see if I can do this can you break the snare somehow no you just I guess you have to wait till the end of your turn and it'll do a roll just worry about attacking for now try to get andorn dead I'm trying to I'm trying to attack for you I don't know if it's it's not really working and I missed oh dear God um all right we'll see if I die again yeah there's a lot of turns coming up throw a potion you can throw a potion yeah click the potion then tap X it'll throw it on the ground heal us all wait hold on I can't you can't throw a potion now I'm assuming because you already used your action I think if you had your action that would have been something yes you do you already shot you already used an action no no because it's a bomb I was gonna I was gonna throw a potion but it's too late I don't have one and I can't I don't I can't take it from Vinnie's thing I have three but I'm dead I know can you give them to me because uh he won't be able to interact with his uh inventory let's just see what happens let's see what happens we'll keep going oh no we played out now we know that we can throw potions do we just have to kill the guy with the with the the torch right now there's like three more guys yeah there's like yeah there's there's many moons wow oh no oh he just oh he just killed me straight up right oh you're you're straight you fell to a lethal blow yeah you're dead why would he attack the guy on the ground to murder you he's thirsting you oh Dylan's down no so wait so I I can't even be healed now right like I'm just dead dead we have to revivify you oh Shady that was the most dramatic death that was crazy can you resume me or no uh hold on I have to unbear can you heal me uh we can pick you up but he won't now the problem is is that you have to use the scroll over vivify one of you has to on one of on me or Vinnie does it remember I already already use no yeah I can't I can't I use my I don't have any actions I can use to heal you no it's okay it ain't over till it's over you have to use your Scroll of uh I know I don't have a turn so so oh it's gonna be your turn now it's your turn now oh okay okay so I I use the scroll first is that what I do oh it's see if you can like move out of range of them because they're gonna kill you pretty much immediately yeah okay uh honestly I'm gonna be do I gotta be within a range to use the the Revival or no but the results don't don't use Dash by the way don't use Dash oh wait so what do you ask is your action that's just normal just just normal normal moves for the ground movement then the scroll of Revival and then we're chilling yeah okay so I just need to move out of the way so like over here we go over here just go yeah just go in a corner at that point you know whoever you pick up will then use their turn to pick up there's not enough resources I can't and it was it was already grayed out before too why can't I use it oh it's because I picked you up so you that uses your action no that wouldn't be the case uh you got res you don't have an action oh oh okay yeah yeah I guess you just don't have an action how long are we allowed to be dead for oh it's not like d it doesn't give you a limited time okay just try to trust try to just try to win I'll just hide and hope okay oh he's down okay nice pad at hard carry I'm dying right now boys now you got this you got this it's not your dog nice nice Miss Nice Miss okay oh God what do I do here probably when you output enough damage to kill endorn or no dude I don't I don't know um if you want sex with throwing whip I can do I can trying to hit it I would revive shady and then you and Shady can both go for adorn andorn he's not gonna get an attack though hmm yeah if I revive him then I contact I put I put the scroll from ffi in your inventory I have a school of review advice somehow I'm not saying that you had to do it now but I just I'm just letting you know that it slipped in there okay I don't know what I feel like I should move like like beside the Dole like out of out of the direct range of the door yes I agree you should not you should move yeah I wish I could ping like in that right corner or something how do you ping in this how do you ping what does ping do you know left alt and right click I think this is where Dylan was talking about what does that do though it like lets him know the place I'm trying to tell him that's cool and then and now I can rise someone who should I res probably shady I gave you the scroll I gave you the scroll I I'm concerning yeah is the only thing that's true I do have potions but I was I was able to take while my body is dead take my scroll rubify and put it into his thing so he should be Vinnie should be able to do the same thing right it doesn't matter like the potion the potion unfortunately is not gonna pick anyone up now the only person it can pick up is Dylan while he's down when someone's dead throwing a potion on their body doesn't do anything which I put you uh put me uh honestly probably close to you w like like probably over here if I can be on this hill I can't I can't put you on there I can put you I can put you like here okay that's fine nice okay all right and then we should have one more scroll I can turn into a bear again yeah you should turn into a bear agreed Fair time baby yeah and you're fully hailed again dude that's nuts yes Druid is broken it's so good I still have movement should I move can you yes you absolutely should move agreed he's so cute wait so Shane are you gonna revive me or am I staying dead what's the Vibes no so I oh my god oh Dylan's dead I'm dead no are you dead dead oh you are dead dead oh he just got shot I'm taking so much abuse right now maybe you're a Dodger too look at that I think we gotta kill adnorn and Dorne it's the only way yes absolutely oh it's my turn I can I can swipe I can take a swipe at him you can take a swipe at him I would swipe okay yeah oh my God no that's tragic all right please connect in the name of the father come on at least he is frightened at least okay he's scared I was gonna slash but I'm not going to because I want to stay safe um so if we take Dylan if you give me your scroll over rubify I might I don't think I can raise you this turn but I will res you next turn or res Vinnie the only question is what happens if like we're dead we finished this combat and one of our characters is dead we need to get to a long rest there's a way to Res people but not right now um okay so what would we need to go through this dungeon actually I would like to really personally yeah so then okay so then the question really is like I don't I really didn't want to save scum at all like I I told you guys but like should we do we just reload before this combat because if not how long is Vinnie or Dylan going to be dead I think if we turn down the difficulty if we rested and turned on the difficulty we'd handle them like no problem no no hold on the only reason why we lost is we came in bleeding we were not healed we started jumping in the hole I don't want to say that we have to turn the difficulties because of this fight we literally did not like we were not healed I'm down difficulty if I get rest yeah if we get if we long rest and then come down then or maybe like go in the door downstairs only thing is I I haven't been like manually saving it's been doing the auto save yes same here so I don't know where it's going to take us Brianna so the other thing is that we're one fight away from the res guy so if we if we just get through this fight there's another fight spoiler there's another fight after this there's others more fights after this there is at least one yeah someone said that there's one more fight after this one I don't think we're cowards that's me personally I think we got this all right so all right so let's just try this let's just try this route and then see what happens it'll probably end soon anyway if it's not gonna work okay oh Jesus oh my God I thought he was fine a lot of damage oh I'm getting rinsed oh snap he's poison now oh he is oh goodbye you're my amazing speech dude it's completely over there dude all right I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna reload the auto save It's Just Gonna Save Us time because how do you reload I think she needs to do it yeah I think I'm gonna do it I'm just gonna guess okay there we go game over we got a game over as a group so like what is the equivalent of this this is like we were in a Nuzlocke and we decided to just restart from the beginning in a versus type of vibe yeah yeah yeah we well we don't even stop at the beginning we start from the last Save the Last Save which was off the ship at least we're right in front of the chapel it's right before we we're right before you intimidated them so are we gonna go back in the hole or no I'm down I think we should go in the Dole instead I wanted to go in the door and then Vinnie pushed someone in it was an accident Vinnie pushed Dylan I just want to throw out there how do you accidentally how do you accidentally click the shove I smile at yourself I was dead first then Shady died he got rest then Shady said oh revive Dylan or Vinnie as if I haven't been dead for seven minutes Vinnie I got the only reason why I got rest first because it was my scroll over High that's the only reason I slept into Patterson's body valid oh we clicking continue no stop it no wait is there another save is there another save we can load there is but it's like it's all the way back it's all the way back when we first landed off the ship can I disengage that wasn't I mean we didn't really do much we only talked to Gail and boy we did the battle no we did we did the door we did the we did the battle we did a lot wait what happens what happens if we try to Long rest right now oh we can't we oh well that's right if you long rest on tactician it costed twice the amount of supplies and we don't have enough wait quick question oh Jesus Christ my whole game just shut hold on where did our camp supplies go we didn't even start with enough for one long rest I really hope I know this is toxician baby this is what you want wait boys boys how do I load back into like the multiplayer thing hey what you're still in our game what do you mean I'm not no my whole game just is closed I'm reopening it oh uh I guess it will just like put you back in when you I agree let's continue at the top don't do that right that's the main story one I gotta go to multiplayer again yeah yeah I just didn't buy him that was still stress trying to find where is Vinnie I am a greasy boy today oh my God I gotta watch this I don't know what to do how can I invite you from here yeah you're just gonna have to chill down that first but I saw the first opening scene I really thought I just lost all that progress I was panicking uh what's the easy way to invite okay I press any key to continue yeah Bob I really thought it was all over they're pushing me yeah buddy you're gonna die I'm not doing anything Dylan Dylan on the bottom right when it can you click the long rest menu and go to camp [Music] trapped in a corner Jay are you able to resend the uh I'm I'm trying to figure that out okay I'm trying to figure out like a lot of things um because I think I would have to just back all the way out because I'm not getting the option via steam to do it uh session we we have the save so we can just like relent up like a media link yo this title screen music is insane it goes hard I've almost killed one it's just battling alone you're gonna solo this did you get an invite there let me see no it's not it's not like letting me I see the spot dead and I'm clicking invite friends we'll just we're obviously gonna reload this save and we we have to we're going to see how far I can get by myself turns out not that far not very far all right I think we're just we're not to exit the game and re-enter to get Vinnie back in yeah I'm in the I'm in the main title screen right now okay two seconds yeah it'll take them two seconds so here's the here's the plan when we get in we should try one more time I know Dylan's down there we need to immediately potion up except for promotion turn one and then I can move then potion term one I like that yeah yeah you definitely should do that I just mean that everyone that's outside of the Comet before we go in the hole we should do whatever we need to outside of combat and then go down and then we'll see if we can manage okay if dude if we if there's anyone that has any fire they have oil barrels right there we can just like blow them up I don't I have electric I mean I think that Eldridge blasting them will do the same thing I think it it will explode the barrel like it's a blast right I know it's not fire but it'll explode the oil that's the oil inside I don't think it'll Set Fire to the oil it might not we could try yeah the oil barrel is huge with this fight I only have close range attacks because I'm a barbarian [Laughter] somebody clay yeah a few people clipped Vinny's uh missed no where is he what's this right now he could I'm gonna raise now watch this um Where do I dude I Ran So Far Away I don't think this is this is the right thing I ran across the cross is so funny dude oh it's Boulder's Gate baby that's Baldur's Gate baby so there there's a way to like beat the whole game right like this is not just like a Non-Stop Quest yeah there's yeah there's a story there's a real uh oh my God there's there's a there's a million side things along the way monitor bug now we have had put poles in our heads [Music] that's true if we had a lit torch that would also work on those barrels oh yeah maybe maybe you can find a torch we could throw it you could you could light it and throw it right I'm gonna go grab more water real quick smart do that because my game is loading oh yeah I need to I need to guess what result one second [Music] so we have elpers Dylan and chat is helping a lot and saying that you could dip one of your arrows into the Candelabra to set it on fire so you could take an arrow dip it into the tour like into like a candelabra that's lit down there if there is one okay I will definitely try that all right I don't know how so before when I made the room I was you know it was from the start now it's like being weird you probably I assume just click multiplayer right yeah well it won't be won't be creative because we're continuing the game's taking a long time to load now maybe we just all just load the load game I don't know I don't think that'll work I mean I clicked load game accidentally and that's why I had to read out and now Boulder skate is taking a long time to load he has to launch his game and then you can just join him yeah but Benny it's it's not it before Vinnie wasn't able to join at me when I was in before right I hate needed me to invite him so oh yeah this is this load game is also the one I have is a oh dang it for some reason I went back to windowed mode for me I gotta options video [Music] um okay so I go to multiplayer yeah see the problem is when I go to multiplayer it's like the whole Lobby thing I guess I can create one friends now I don't know if this is going to start us out with a whole new game though chat if I do it this way is it going to start us out with a whole new game uh play game hello all right this is gonna create a new game apparently okay hold on let me go back I felt like I was gonna create a new game apparently everyone in my chat is just saying I know this didn't work but it's like you have to invite us and you load the game and invite us yeah so like so there's another there's if I load this game right now the problem is that your character's in the hole uncontrolled before we're even like getting in mm-hmm so like there's not enough I don't think I think okay yo as long as long as as long as his turn is basically first otherwise he's gonna get attacked like it isn't his character getting attacked I don't know I don't all right I'm gonna try to invite you now uh session and now invite is actually working okay cool cool all right perfect PayPal Vinnie and United Haze PayPal Vinnie my name good old PayPal Vinnie um okay that also wait matters you had me like what tab or shipped or something when we first started because when I clicked Shady's little thing at the bottom right shift tab there we go all right I'm inside and I am down in the hole I am also inside when we when we get in like right when we got the game if you have potions use your potions if you don't if you just have to we have to move because you have to get down there don't move at all you Dylan I have five potions I'll I'll give them well oh [ __ ] I have full potions um that's fine I'm back to full can you give me okay can you give me one I just I okay honey I just gave you potions can you use them use a couple and then see if you can give them to Dylan I actually don't Yep they're there okay I'm gonna potion up yeah Steve can you head over to Dylan yeah how do you do that okay so Cardinal son of the Suns how do I give the potions to Dylan you can just take stuff from me I went down yep I went down yeah we're going in boys I think I need to move to this corner I'm the only one that hasn't healed you should bear now is that you're saying no I was gonna say what happens if I go through the door and like try and flank them or something but I'm going to I I don't know what like the door like I don't know where the door is but if you want to try that you can okay ready for this it's time here's what I think okay I have two options right because I need I'm the one that needs to heal still I can move I can hide here and attack right and I'll do a good bit of damage I I did it literally last time and I almost one shot them or I heel turn I I heal what's a question question Dylan so Chad was saying we can throw potions at the ground should you attack then on the next turn somebody throws the potion at the ground to kill you I probably won't get all of it will I like because it'll probably I imagine it splits it between players but I know you got I don't know if it splits it yeah I'm not sure where's where's the barrel that they like lit on fire last time just outside just outside the the door they're like Oh I thought they lit a barrel I thought he like lit us on fire early on in the comments it's just asking for a fireball man oh it's just asking for it [Music] all right yeah our Squad looks amazing hiding failed yeah tonight nice nice see I said I almost one shot of mine that was awesome okay he's gonna have to oh he's he's got archers oh God you didn't get you yeah you didn't okay when I transform him anyway so it's all good yeah you go so what happens Patrick is year 12 stays the same but you get 30 new HP as a bear yeah but if somebody can say someone does 42 damage to you it will down you because it'll take the 30 from the bear and then the 12 that you have should patters wait to be at as low as possible to then transform into bear because it's full health or doesn't work like that no because it's not going to heal his original Health uh I could use I could go over here and use an action to heal Dylan you could do that yeah that'd be fine I can I can keep trying to hide and do archery and then after I heal you and I can bear mode I'm gonna attempt to Eldritch blast the barrel and just see if that causes an explosion as well why not I'm gonna I'm gonna move I'm gonna move okay well the Barrel's right there too shady oh Ice uh now if we move okay it's jumping you can jump you can jump you can jump they said I know I know it's just not it's a bonus action I want to make sure it's a bonus action um okay question for you guys it's my turn now should I get behind Pat cause he's the bear Shield nope it just spilled all the oil on the ground at least they don't get to light it right you kind of you well sure yeah we would love we would love to light that but we don't have any Fire based actions does anyone have anything based on fire nope one of these characters when I killed him last time I picked up a spell for fire like a scroll like a scroll yeah yeah that would be really cool I think it was the girl so I think it might be that one right there straight ahead I have a oh no never mind I thought it said spiked bomb I have a spiked Bowl Vinnie can you jump over there and kill this kelray um I don't have a jump action right now I only have shove dip or rage you're gonna have to try and walk out of the ice then and hopefully not fall off technically not it's literally saying can I not do anything right now it's saying I have not enough resources to even move it looks like you're in an action to me yeah right right click we need to cancel whatever you're doing okay there we go get a good call all right I'm gonna come out okay okay well not really but uh uh I would maybe like walks at the how do you ping uh hold alt and right click remember you know walk over to like this side so that when people come in you can kind of like hit them yeah I I think I I think I'm just done with my movement so I don't think there's anything else I can do should I heal somebody should I heal you can't move yeah and I'm done I think uh I don't know what do you think yeah it looks like it looks like you have no more movement because your turn it came from when you came down here probably that's why right yeah and turn okay okay he's gonna rest the Bazooka guy there you go he didn't he didn't rage he GE his time so outside of the room there is a um there is a lit candle oh is there oh yeah you have to like you have to get to it though I know you can you can dip your weapons into the candle flame to get it that's really cool time yeah we can win this dude we can do this yeah I think Dylan I think Dylan your opening turn of hiding and attacking is definitely the best one okay oh they shot me damage it's all good it's just a little bit ah she just she just opened the door and there's gonna be another guy that comes through now he's pretty far though he's pretty far he's getting fired did I get hit and snared again he shot over the bear piss off okay uh should I go to them I can goading roll which will make them attack me instead of you guys I would I would probably yes personally okay definitely uh that it didn't work on either I'm gonna go here Shady on my next turn I'm gonna walk in between the middle of you guys oh nice yeah solid solid a little bit of lightning breath a little bit of lightning breath um just gonna step back a little bit keep a nice angle can I get on the bed I can't shoot okay on my turn oh miss nice Miss so I can go right next to patters and attack should I do that that's what I would do yeah 100 you're a barbarian you got to get up that's gonna put you in range of the Arches though that's gonna put you at risk yeah we gotta do we're here now pretend you just got crit I can't rage right now all right don't read never mind yeah I can't reach I'm ow you only moved oh you only get so many rages per long rest that's true okay am I locked on the right person here I just want to make sure please don't please don't hit me yes okay huge yeah that might actually be able to finish this um now is there anything else should I should I dare should I push somebody or just should I just end right here I mean if you can then you might yeah yeah let's try and push him out of the way I'm gonna shove this guy nice yeah oh he's angry you made him angry he should be angry I shoved him he's gonna come at you oh no oh my God okay um I'm really weak and ensnared I can can I should I try to just shoot a bow don't not anything don't go for the Barbarian go for a I would throw a potion at the ground I'm about to die uh you could throw a potion at Vinnie I need it but I also need to heal so like um if I shoot this Arrow right here right I can still heal as a as an extra turn right as a bonus turn bonus just yeah the bonus action first yep yeah do I bonus action first it doesn't matter I'm having so much for you I'm learning oh just to be safe and then I'm ensnared so I can't really hit him I'll go for her really nice how come I always go first okay you roll to the higher initiative so you are and you were you know yeah Rogues don't Rogues like just have stashing she's dashing yeah that's that's okay that's good that's good we got one dead one's really weak two are actually really weak that only did two damage to me okay I want to finish off this I don't even know where you can but try it okay you can finish them off I have Advantage I see one what just literally one HP this one what is going on actually maybe I don't take him out maybe I try to I would because he's gonna go before Vinnie isn't he it's not it's not even worth that's two dead one's still weak outside yeah one's Go full health so there's only four three to come in yeah there's only three left I'm gonna slip everyone watch there's another guy with the torch over here so I think I think we're gonna be okay I feel good about this oh my gosh this potion is amazing um oh my goodness I didn't realize I had potions of haste in my inventory is crazy um let's try to hit this guy oh there's another goober out here bloody Angel oh he's running what a coward you do be dashing though you do hey Palvin Eastern all right does anyone want to give PayPal Vinny a potion how do I uh only like like split the stack I don't know yeah split item oh okay I did so so you always get an action and then a bonus action so if I heal I can still attack with my regular actions yes yes so that's why I like when you're planning at your turn you check out your bonus I like to look at my bonus actions first but okay is there anything here that I know I'm going to want to do um how do I split this I would just drop him all of them for now at the end of the day uh where are you at there you go thank you Dylan okay all right not bad not bad I guess all right there is wait you could just shut up you should you could probably uh shut the door why not shut the last time I shut the door open the door so should I just walk in and attack I would say just try and kill Maori yeah which one's more oh no the one on the right right so walk towards the right she's the weak one she's the weak one the the wonderful Health yeah she's dead all right that's the only three left three all three are fully health okay uh there's nothing else that I can do here so I'm an intern I need healing thanks Genji thank you Sean for the 20. Salmon's doing you some some business it really is yeah fine um wait it gets removed when helped so shady could remove that from you I think it's I feel like I'm in a very vulnerable position right now yeah like you are dead you will die oh okay I can't I can't do anything I don't think at least I picked up The Kill um someone if someone helps you then you get unsnared yeah I can I'll run over and help listen oh god oh wow they really went for the bear I'm standing right here too oh no we dodged those yeah nice all right so you're gonna go help Dylan right yep I get two actions though so I'm gonna go ahead and do this first nice Shady peace she's already broken so Dylan's not in snap anymore you are not inspired yes correct okay awesome so that that was amazing we'll just uh continue my turn then uh I'm in the middle of hiding too oh thank God I'll move I'll move out and wait I can't wait nice Aldridge West we can handle the expert mode I can't reach to that person so I'll just run out here and go with them okay the only thing I'm worried about is you have to use double supplies to Long rest we'll use we'll go on a little bit of hunting and there's plenty of Barrels in here we haven't even started looting this dungeon all right these barrels I'm telling you right now this this guy stepped to me I'm gonna murder him right now he does have a torch it's not gonna light you all on fire if he dies and drops that oh yes absolutely correct so don't kill him yes and now shove them off the oil okay yeah don't let that man fall over please all right I really need to be healed though I'm getting scared ah you'd be all right I think you didn't Dylan give you all I just don't want to die because then no one revives me I'm trying to stay alive out here no no if you go down then we can pick you back up but if you die when you need this girl yeah I actually have one of my own Scrolls can I revive myself there's only two you know there's like two enemies left true before when we got down they started attacking us which you take two deaths uh death fails on when you're attacked on the floor can I bounce it off the wall for this Arrow back in his Call of Duty days doing trick shots he's ready he's ready for the trick shot 360. no scope in this game he's actually out of his mind he's a psycho doing he's like a motor hobo oh my goodness stupid right should I I mean I should probably just attack Barton right yeah yep oh my god dude Jesus Christ man that's crazy what a literal Weaver that's crazy oh god he has it out for me this guy I'm down you're down you're down dude son of them monkeys Uncle did you take fire damage while you were down so I'm just dead now he's in the fire no you're not dead you're not dead he's he's still down you're not dead is insane okay I guess I just intern it's tough it is tough out here dude he's losing health for more nice idiot kill him Shady oh my my haste is gone which is sad and I'm incapacitated you're lethargic because you're once your haste Runs Out you get letharge oh you're right he's confused he hit himself in confusion um actually is I'll just smack I'll smack him oh my God bro we're missing every attack here you go you're getting you're getting [ __ ] up so it's sorry you're done you're done is that me I'm done right yeah I dude patters bear looks so cool on fire oh thank you more often so sick there we go the thing that I'm not understanding about this barbarian set is like I have to run right next to people to hit them but then I'm just like open for attack so am I just gonna die in like every battle we do that's why you have yeah you do have more Health um you're gonna be able to improve your armor in the future which is your AC which is ultimately deciding what you get hit by um barbarians are very much run in like and do damage they're barbaric yeah okay he missed nice I kind of want to be a bear dude I just want to kill and one please die please die please die yes yeah all right only one left we got this one that's just one all right let's do this can I give one of you guys a scroll to a scroll to revive me uh we'll revive you right now yeah we just won yeah yeah oh my God oh my God baby right ggs boys Big W boys everyone we did it ggs I'm proud of this Fortune here God we gotta I gotta heal up man oh so the torch is automatically light when you equip them so if I would have equipped the torch uh in that combat we could have uh you know just blown up the oil but let's get to know now chat wants me to go rest how do I do that if we don't have any short rest left I'm pretty sure how do we save let's I will I can manually save here yeah do that oh Shady you should just press F5 like every three seconds honestly in this game uh I would love to do that but my brain is never gonna do that I'll just tell you because I literally when I play this game I'm just like pressing F5 constantly let's let's try to loot some stuff and see if we can find enough camping supplies for us camping supplies is insane do shortbreads take up camping supplies no okay because like when I played tactician I just immediately had enough camping supplies uh no camping supplies are there Supply packs on the table oh my God and the day it's dust it said do I want to end my day yeah we're gonna go we're gonna go take a sleep let's go take a sleep yeah we get the supplies first or I got the only reason we're able to go rest is because I picked up the supplies oh I didn't know no we don't I have 112. no I'm saying well we need we need more like oh look for the campaign yes yes why am I in an outfit now a different outfit this is like your nighttime clothes it's my time are we about to have a sleepover boys yeah listen Vinnie you want to go Walmart's here yeah this is our this is our camp baby girl oh this is so crazy and requires sleep don't talk to my girlfriend what are you doing I'm sorry Dylan you're out of pocket right now Dylan this place is safe from threats don't you don't gotta worry about it wait so do we actually like go to sleep now or do we just wait in here and we get healed slowly how does this work we will go to sleep we will go to sleep when you go back to Camp there's like opportunity for conversation with the NPCs you sleep all that stuff this is the way you do rizz Shadow heart approves you're welcome Pat I got the risk for you let me go talk to Shadow heart for a little bit no stop talking to my I just want to see what she's about everyone's overstepping their bounds Big Time see I I'm a rogue you never know what I might do yeah it's us do that I'm just gonna I'm just gonna stop talking to her out of respect okay I'm not and then talking to Gayle Alex why she looks down at me so small all right I'm ready for sleep the missile is Evian requires sleep now I know to not use up my rages true yeah you don't want to use them every turn you want to choose them when you know you want them so you get rage for 10 turns w hmm you know the music in this game is impeccable so good right so good I'm in a cutscene yeah I'm watching Dylan talk to Gail I'll watch Dylan talk to Gail too devils dragons we actually do romance and multiplayer games yeah yep pictures so if there's like a sex scene do you just watch the other person you shouldn't out of respect but but we're all a group we're all working together do you just sit in the corner of the cab watching if Pat's getting it on and like turns to a bear I'm not streaming this anymore are you kidding me I want to see that dude that's crazy you're literally raising up Shadow heart not telling anyone well you don't need to I'm ready to rest I wanted to watch you I'm watching no it's okay any further she's saying he cries too much no no no we're expecting boundaries L Shadow heart do you like me the company okay it's okay wow [Music] dude I agree um sorry bro Pat's just so little and bloody this poor guy turn to other matters now join me would be if we didn't have all four of us here you're gonna have to stay in the camp is that okay all right he's just memeing all right Auto Select let's go let's go baby no oh I'm about to get cozy cat why are you meditating Bill Dylan while you sleep every time oh you're literally you were literally like this on my screen you were literally like oh my God yes this is this creature that lingers in your skull uh people having the same conversation right now I think so about the tadpole yeah all you have to do is turn the table I'm gonna turn the tables the creature before it cages the tables you wonder if it could happen I'm trying to force the tadpole out of my mind Shady why are you always glowing in blue I'm a blue dragon baby that's crazy I got a hairy chest I'm just like this orc are you effing do we automatically fail this or do I just get that unlucky sorry your companions remaining deep sleep and can't awaken yet so what happens now bro I'm not even sleeping in my bed on my screen yeah you're on the side of it you're literally not on here like actually the stone is more comfortable thank you wait what do we do once we're in this like when everyone's sleeping screen do we just wait we just gotta wait no Dylan's having a private moment yeah there we go I thought that was coming from in-game I was like what the [ __ ] what all right I I stay naked because I don't have any regular clothes if I had regular clothes I'd put them on I promise that's crazy there's just no reason for me not to have like Mage Armor All the Time well why are you attacking whoa oh there it is all right how do we get out of here I wanna go fight all right let's go um leave camp and we still have enough supplies for another long rest but we can still keep looking for supplies yeah always always gather as much as we can leave camp there we go yep I'm just on the bottom on the bottom right click the camp resting menu you can click leave Camp oh I've been waiting on y'all to do something can I take this rickety chair oh I'm sitting in it I just drank some wine oh you're gonna get drunk oh boy all right every piece of food you see pick up because that's all Cap supplies every single bit what about water uh I don't think War counts ancient indecipherable text like one of the most important things in your body but you know that's fine we are made of 75 uh Hydro homies Hydra homies lead us torch dragon all right so this is the door that we could have gone through so let's go back now yeah yeah you could have come through there all right we need to get through this little Crypt area okay okay there's a plaque you do not recognize the language this guy he has a key recognize the language oh can we use that key for the door uh it probably yeah it probably opens like the front door yeah I don't see anything in here it says I don't understand the language on the plaque or I can throw chairs maybe someone here does books scorpion okay nothing crazy I do not recognize the language on the plaque there's a looter's truck why is the music getting like more intense as if we're about to battle people oh guys ooh look at this perception check eleven oh my God that sounds good just pull the lever music's picking up okay so that did something somewhere I think it opened over here I don't think was this door already open I didn't recognize this this door was not open hmm new door more fun yo we're the Dank Crips oh dude we're in the dad [ __ ] baby let's go it's so dank here where the hell did you guys go into the day correct dude bro um dude how anti-dank is that so negative dank Benny you are this way see me yes this way w come with me to the Dank Crypt Shady apparently you can check your inventory and you have sleep clothes uh I did look for that and I didn't see them I actually closed I have only clothes they're already equipped and they're just not showing up so thank you so much chat but like I literally have homely clothes equipped but Dylan is a dad at 5am oh oh Dylan what did you do inner turn based mode you can take precise control uh yeah you may have just triggered a drop oh I I just I just exited turn based mode because oh oh no no why did you do I didn't do anything no no Shady no I definitely I definitely did I definitely did yep yep what happened you just made me die um not in so many words so yes he did make you die I didn't know I listen listen listening oh are you too far for me to even get you hold on let's see I'm working I don't want to run into this fire what do we do here you want me to revive you with one of my Scrolls I'm already up I didn't hurry up dude you're here say something Shady say something first time playing the game say something I'm just I'm just saying this it feels like you're not fully here sometimes you know that's all it's like it's a little arrow lag it's not a big deal all right well so temp based mode activates when like things in in real time are like gonna happen quickly okay um right there so it's my my bad for for you know taking us out of turn base that was a little bit on me oh my God that room is in so can we never go in that room now uh anyone resistant to fire or um no you can activate you can activate time-based mode again oh how'd you do that uh there is a it's the weather my feelings are actually heard after that statement again I couldn't even respond his feelings just too damaged and go back in there bud no no no it doesn't seem a good idea it does I mean okay never mind it seems like a good idea because it seems like before we have to go but oh my God oh my goodness um let's go the other way let's there's another set of doors over here my settings now wait you're a rogue you definitely uh Dylan you should be able to lock pick no it's no option oh did you break your only I can attack oh no okay yeah I don't have one I can attack it yeah we don't have one all right well I guess you could try an arrow at it get ready for the next round let's go entomb scribe [Music] wait scroll of burning hands ooh burning hands is great is that like do I get that to you or is that good for anyone or like um so anyone anyone can use this girl if we had a wizard they could learn the spell from the scroll but we don't have a wizard can our characters swim no yeah no I don't know we can't swim okay I'm not going unbelievable I found a heavy key it works for the door we just beat up shut up Dylan they're in their amphibian you're you're fine they're amphibian yeah right Oh My Religion failed guys if you come over here you might get a religion check and get some info oh my gosh I found a locked book I have a heavy key do we have a key for the book you want to see my book yeah I've been desperate to see your book since the day we met oh yeah wait where do I where do I test my religion wait hold on this is there's a strength check on this book do you want to do it many sure of any strong strongest yeah you should be the strongest come and come and beat up this book okay [Music] uh where's the book [Music] it's book of dead gods book of dead gods I can't even click if you hold left if you hold left alt it'll it'll um highlight for you and you can touch the name left Alt did not work oh Dylan saw the conversation why can't I click on the book I can only click on the vase and the candles go it's right there no the book's still there I just can't click on it oh wait I got it oh wait did you hold on you're not in that conversation what the hell is going on okay I got it beautiful there we go massive vlog you want to be up am I just gonna punch the lock search yeah strength baby I'm gonna break it oh my apologize roll pick up your guidance buddy all right I'm going in here we go it's your time oh wait wait wait with the guys we're good wait wait wait hold on [Applause] let's go so crazy you roll the one dude I can't wait to see this beat up that book let's see how's he gonna do it he just head butts it I wish damn Legend it's what I want to do to Shady your guy's like hold on I can't read well now we need Dylan to read because he's a scholar a list but of what examine the book more closely I feel like that's not going to do anything but we'll try oh another roll okay oh wow wow yeah two ones oh that's pretty bad bro it's a critical failure Dylan do the religion there is no meaning to be found Jesus so I can't do that again right that's just an l oh that's the game it's an L we will never we will can someone else though can someone else do that no we know you can't nah yeah never mind that's tragic that sucks well I can do I can dual wield that was funny though that was funny that was that was good content you just he just punched a book opened it was like I don't know what this is yeah what the hell the heck is this so good oh my God I found a button guys oh yeah push it hopefully this is not another firework why am I hiding I don't wanna hide oh no thank you oh no uh guys I push the button oh my God you yeah all of these people came to life um we have to fight skeletons now dude skelling boys oh we should say oh why am I leading off just do a little quick save I need whoever's here to move who's who's right here um that would be Vinnie what do you want me to go just out of the way yeah just run to your nearest Skellington and hit it okay I think I'm trying to think which way I should go here should I Dash cause I'm pretty far away yeah I didn't think I would hate that uh what if I what if I pull this guy over here actually where's the dash button nice nice okay yeah I can't I can't I don't think Skeleton Man oh crap so when you dash you can't okay I gotta shove him then that's the only thing I can do a rage I'm hiding right now I'll try to get some damage off later all right it's wolf time baby wolf time baby time oh that's so cool um someone please kill the Oh no you're on a lower level than me Pat oh God I'm in a really bad spot you're by yourself I know there's only there's only like zombies you'll be good I'm blind Shady's blind Blondie wait he tried to run away from me and then I killed him opportunity attack people like that all right just me baiting all my friends to die so I can get the kill that's very Dylan it is very amazing I like it uh where are we what are we doing I'm too blind I'm too blind to do anything um I don't have enough movement to get there can I come down how do I not have an advantage okay I'm fine eat this this uh this Warrior I'm up against here has got a lot of Health yeah I tagged him in with you a little bit but I'm trying to calm down guys I'll be there on the next turn a little damage Island got one Health he's ready at least these guys die way easier than the other ones I think it only did one damage okay Pat oh I'm dying oh bitty no does anyone need more movement because oh it would be next turn um like an entice which improves your movement range next time what's next oh wait no can you get him can you get him Benny I'm gonna try um okay I have an advantage so wait can I still want man [Music] you missed with advantage that stinks dude yeah let's talk about it let me shank them come on right there all right oh I click out of stealth oh I didn't know I did that I can use a bow even though I'm a I'm a barbarian yeah you can you probably would be so good at it though my aim would be compromised yeah he just went straight through a pillar of stuff yeah that was crazy oh I got knocked out of wolf I got you okay we gotta kill this Warrior oh nice hey got you bro oh I can attack again oh never mind I can push him though should I push him away from us [Music] okay uh do you need you don't really need heels right now Dylan needs heels I can't get to Dylan though I think it's just this one guy left yeah this is this is try and kill this guy look at y'all lined up on the stairs together we're killing dude okay dude what a rude guy the heck did he just go oh he's over here now oh he's so far away I'm actually going back this way then does it make sense instead of going away to the top oh nice hit is that it no oh no he's still alive I just got some damage off on him the jump is so cool nice guys how do I zip out of a sneaking around uh it should be it should be in your auction bar like C or something good job guys W's gggs good fight good fight I want a Quarter Staff I like that I learned how to jump now I want a scimitol I don't know if I want to leave this place I would like a scimitar I got one sorry buddy you don't want to shave that's the door we came through then I pushed that button this this door opened guys oh yeah that's the door open when I pushed the button there was a tomb in here oh not the tomb and a chest a heavy one that whoa oh that Amulet of lost voices allows you to speak with the dead whoa oh what kind of Rogue do a scimitar they're cool I used to use them Demon Souls oh there's a fire Amber in here an arrow of acid and the Earth yeah Dylan you should take the hour of acid Benny's got it I can give it to Dylan though so wait how do you give items I got it you can just like left click hold long and then drag them into other people's inventory yeah okay black realize the gear lies the guardian of tombs through knowledge comes atonement let's uh let's open it I should have probably healed first I don't know if this can spark a battle or anything but I'm I have two HP oh there's fingers so maybe it will thingies no it's a good guy he seems like hey guys you need help get a lot of here oh my god oh it's gonna be voiced by Ryan Reynolds for sure I can't wait yeah this guy's my new best friend why could he fly this is my risk Target it's Voldemort you look at his nose right literally you're like confused no he's into it why you're attracted to him no I have a question for the what is I love that thousand-year-old's breath 750. yeah 6.99. I'm down to attack you know me buddy we're caught no hold on he still has two Health let's put it out there nothing more wilt thou answer my question uh of course yeah I ask again well I wanted to answer you have a single mortal life um life's only value is as currency each life is of infinite value and merits sacrificing everything for um no a lot that matters man depends on the person's Deeds I think it for for this character because he's a folklore hero it probably is that because I'm willing to uh no he probably thinks that every life is equal if you're here folklore hero yeah very well okay all right good answer I'm satisfied we have met and I Know Thy face oh he is Romancing me oh he does he thinks you're hot at the proper time you're on his Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain honest 20 000 year old brain I got run free you just reminded me of us bye bye with us [Music] I don't have any spell slots I thought you're supposed to be the healer Pat I am but I had to I use my spell squats not dying in the fight huh you're saying it's just me I gotta listen to this I can't heal you but I but I got a sixth snipe on the the skeleton oh thank you you're saying just me and you so I can throw things in the inventory no helpers around you well I mean are you trying to say something because I'm I'm tough I'll beat you up tough as nails he literally just turned into a cat there's got to be a way to disarm this trap I'm in the refectory right now I went through a door didn't see that at all I feel like this is a scary place to be in alone I wanna there's a good way to stop this Rim I'm like I'm holding alt to look at all the interactables oh wait there's a button there's a button guys we should do this hey boys um when I got some stuff uh okay well if how are we gonna do this all right listen hear me out hear me out if we go if we if everyone comes over here and we enter turn based and we make turn base can someone just shoot the button with an arrow do I have an arrow I know Dylan has an arrow I want Dylan to shoot the button if my computer even explode I just left the basement sorry coming back in I'm lost I think where's the what you just leave yeah why did you leave maybe you can shoot the button out of turn base just try to shoot the button yeah yeah can you show me can you ping the button I'm sorry I am I am pinging it yeah it's like it's like over here in the room it's like right here if you hold left alt it'll show you the messy and I see it I see it try to shoot it can you can you hit that who just got hit oh Shady oh Shady you're too close you just go ahead oh I'm too close I'm too close you're on fire yeah I found you guys thank you can you just like shoot that no we'll see hold on Arrow I'm here Dylan you enter oh wait wait hit oh let's go nice oh Archer together we all did it oh oh wait why do those doors that was me that was me sorry all right so whatever what did you do to activate the Trap before because we just don't want to do that oh don't step on this vent do not step on this vent oh my God oh thank God I thought I just ran right to it I'm so sorry I'm I'm just gonna be safe anyway so uh okay so we can check out this room just watch out I have a key to open up the tomb should I do that yeah foreign someone just took the key can you guys use it I do have a gold key yeah put it in the Tomb over here oh I said it's a trap okay so don't do that oh can I not wield this is this a spear it's a spear isn't it do you not have Proficiency in SBS I don't think no I'm like short swords oh [ __ ] here there's a door with a lock on it okay yeah you took it for me it's fine oh okay you had the key that's how you leave we're on the outside now after that oh you're outside oh but this is the first door that Dylan couldn't get in when he rolled oh my God yes this takes you back to the beginning level interesting wow that's crazy a ton of good stuff in here what where we just were yeah you can like open the sarcophagus from here oh this is just the doors all coin is super valuable oh yeah it takes you to the front Dylan yeah I learned how to throw things nice that's pretty sick did we get everything I think we got everything in the place in this [ __ ] yeah it wasn't that much it was that key mainly okay sweet so should we go back outside I had the key to the door that we just broke oh really oh it's too far yeah I think that was the key to the broken door that is true full circle right there that's so funny all right so then should we look at our map the way we're where we're supposed to go is there is there a supposed to go right now or no I guess not we can like go I can't ping while I'm on the map around yeah I guess water Club all around making no friends yeah we can sure let's go for it okay that took the edge off oh hell yeah okay where's like merchants and stuff to buy stuff because I'm rocking some good amount of gold yeah there there is there is a place nearby here I feel like I had gold and now it's gone did someone take gold for me it's hard to be like I'm trying not to like say anything yes I know this is my first time like I'm playing this and oh it is my first time completely same let's go let's go back through the ship like let's just look at the map let's find a spot to walk to and then decide to go there um that was the whole Crypt that's going like what about like the left side of the ship yeah yes yeah yeah [Applause] down left or just like through it yeah they threw it let's go through it mm-hmm ah remember it seems like just before Oh my god what happened where are we going James that on fire again you just got blown up by a mysterious liquid oh cool paper was it for three fire damage we should literally open every box we need we need food yes sir oh food IRL sounds good right now too [ __ ] inventory I do have lock pick but I don't know if I can actually use it wooden crate can't edit a Hotbar which makes me upset all right I'm gonna try to do this there's a person up here wait wait Pat can you give me guidance uh hold on worry oh yeah um let me give you guidance there you go uh oh did that work I'm not coming up as a it's not coming up as a bonus oh you know I can do let me redo it because I I'm pretty sure you have to like I have to you have to give me guidance before I start oh should I give it now you have it you have it you have it yeah oh it's only it's only five difficulty never mind sorry please be camping supplies that's all we want baby and it's a helmet and gold cool nice nice dude you said there's a guy up here oh there is oh yeah yeah look look up here there's the guy Starion how Pat runs this is never not gonna be funny leave me alone bring things cool brain things ah kill yourself whoa in-game in-game in game in game I said kill it yourself I heard oh I didn't hear that part of yourself oh my God don't worry oh my God this guy he's raising me you use your decks I have my Dexter I got this you got this you're so Nimble your bonus giving you bonus I like how you're just watching this happen oh god um I tried I tried Vinnie help me please I did Deb oh not the [ __ ] I mean I'm kind of into it oh this guy's literally a vampire dude 100 look at this dude I talked about that with you yesterday I want to be a vampire so bad that is true so let him suck you I'm okay not sure wait he's telling me what to do this is like I mean melee attack well I kind of like it though all right do what you want if you're raising you raise up that's so high that's so cool it shows all over now you're going to tell me exactly what you and those tentacle freaks did to me well what would he like yeah but backwards what the hell is he talking about let me join him I tell you never been don't lie to me you don't lie to me familiar yo it's literally just Pat to try to hold the memory but it but it fades to the worm it burns what was that so what's going on the freeze I can select I'm I'm slippery boy yeah [Music] how is he not stabbed you already know why are you all watching this happen again it's out of my hands you in the vampire if you guys want to make love I'm just here to watch um uh okay uh I'll tell him to calm down that'll help I've heard that before yo shady and Dylan just yawned at the exact same time why does it say that Vapor said that I didn't see that oh yeah it says that for me too we'll see like my character said things when that's weird other vampires look cooler this guy's kind of mid see I don't think anyone's failed that conversation as hard as I know I don't think so I mean you're the first one now terrible Riz and terrible rolls baby at least you didn't he shouldn't roll back to back once let's see roll call tragic please allow me to introduce myself my name's a Starion oh that's a cool name and I'm a star on your name and story not a strong and silence type [Music] something about these words yeah they're pretty bad guys there's there's like a slight problem that we're gonna have soon what's that what it's that um so remember how my character is like a folklore hero yeah yeah he's like a hero known for for doing something specific um what what'd he do though he's he's kind of he's kind of uh he's kind of like Buffy you know what I mean oh he's a Vampire Slayer kind of a Vampire Slayer this guy's dying wait so why is why is your character not like chomping at the bit to get his hands on him right now oh he is he's chomping but pattern oh well we we don't we don't know that he's a vampire right now actually actually actually I do know because I've been around so many vampire that's like my that's my thing or you could just tell oh yeah the eyes and the fangs were a dead giveaway the eyes and the fangs and I'm talking about your neck it could just be like a a choice you know people get their teeth you don't say that unless you're I I think that we should big admirer of giraffes no he should he should he should come with us I think he he would be cool yeah she just might kill him but if I say that I'm not interesting that I'm gonna have to kill him right away I do have I do have a vendetta against vampires or something like that okay um that might work okay okay oh go keep it we'll keep him for now but your party seems a little uh crowded oh well crowded he wants you guys to split up search for Clear we are welcome at my Camp then I was ready to always Pat just inviting everyone over to our house well I'm I just like meeting new people safety yeah yeah no but now your two relationships or situation ships are gonna conflict because your girl's still back at the campsite no no it's fine it'll be okay no I'll take Chad a heart he's fine good luck good luck that's true Pat oh yeah Pat's gonna ditch Shadow her maybe I won't kill this guy right away no no I would never do that what are you doing he just commenced the battle inside he's gonna die I I listen I know them when I see them okay yo that's I know them it is I know them when I see them Vapor has studied I believe you did that this man is studied vampires okay hold on I'll bring him over here I just I did a kindness to him you need to kill him he's dead he's dead he's naked oh my god oh he took his clothes oh yeah he's like he's like I needed new clothes so I took his clothes yeah you're wearing your clothes of a vampire you literally just take the clothes off his back oh my God you just immediately stripped his corpse upon his death yeah poor guy dude vampires do not I have astron's underwear I'm putting it on that's mine now guys guys guys guys Dylan uh Benny can you come over can you come over here before sure yeah let's just get away from the absolutely the vampire bro no don't don't I can't believe he played that card I really can't so so he just he just killed a random guy like it was just a guy just think what he could do to us if he's gonna kill randoms that's crazy like he's just he just killed whoa whoa what are you doing I just activated I I don't know like do you do you want to sleep around this guy I don't I can trust I don't wanna what was the girl's name back at the campsite Shadow heart I don't want him around Shadow heart for everyone's sake yeah I'm thinking like I'm just thinking about shadowhunt safety hey guys I'm really glad the vampire is dead [Music] what a lovely new outfit where did you get said drip very nice oh yeah I mean well vampires don't need clothes when they go back to hell so they can just go there so yeah I'm glad that you killed that that random man vampire he was a vampire guy yeah well I mean he always well allegedly no yeah he definitely was an Empire what if he wasn't a vampire he's killed a random wife sharpened his teeth my pact would have been broken if he wasn't a vampire you know can anyway can we use this ship right here it looks a little that would be great hmm I can't even guys I'm just gonna I'm just gonna walk over here now okay just gonna walk over here yeah yeah okay following him I don't trust this guy all right let me help this guy up what did you guys do to him oh no he's not dead he's not dead I'm gonna help him with I've been trying to pick him up and it's not working um oh well I'm pretty sure he's dead oh oh God oh God dude now now he's dead now he's got what goodbye historian I'm so glad he's got the leaf right there okay otherwise my YouTube stream was gonna be over okay um all right so with the Vampire dead what do you guys want to do next kill another one no yeah me too hey sorry I'm sorry I got a taste for blood now I'm crazy we should find somewhere safe to hang out and sell things to what part can we go battle again I want to battle again bro we are low on health you seeing our health right now wait can we kill this can we kill this boar right here what we want to go hunting I mean yeah I wouldn't why would you kill an innocent creature that was crazy yeah why would you why would you kill an innocent creature that is insane that you would think about doing that yeah so killing vampires is okay but boar is where we draw the line he's called scared bull why did you why did you that's actually inflamed I'm dead guess what the vampire was called that I killed I got us meet for rest you said we need meat thank you for the meat Dylan honestly provider W I'm just helping out you're fighting for his family thank you should we burn down all these trees while we're at it just destroy the planet listen at the end of the day the vampire was gonna suck our blood okay that's what they do saved us I actually saved everyone in the world that's my whole job is to kill the empires he literally turned around and was not posing a threat you shot him with a laser beam you're just waiting for ample time did you see how long he hugged a freaking bitty on the floor he would have we don't know that he might wait he had me on the floor for about five minutes and I failed every check I feel like he could have just done I just don't feel comfortable with that shade he's dressed up in business casual now it's just a lot listen I I needed some clothes the vampire needed to die like it worked out for everyone except for Empire except apart from them allegedly it's not I know vampires okay I know them yeah yeah it's part of my blue dragon skill set I really hope that guy's not a vampire oh I can't cross this I will literally die can you jump over it yes see what happened how come nobody says anything when Dylan runs right through the fire in the flames you know yeah it was it fire that you just ran off it ran right through yeah he did you run Savage mode I don't know what we're talking about it vampire sometimes it's really good for your health oh my God someone in my chat just said I looked up the characters whoa oh oh my God it's my guardian she's not a vampire leave it oh she's bad dude how will you again oh great Shady has enemies with these people too no no these aren't vampires I I I love tieflings okay I love I love teachers too what's the name teeth he flinks chiefling oh this creature is dangerous actually shoot the Trap down I want to persuade now is this my role oh he he literally has to get a tube you have to get a one to lose oh God constant baby we call that content success that was scary nice he's right no one's safe if that thing goes loose not even us agreed enough lower the Trap pretty obligated wait what are we wait we're not wait we're killing it no we're gonna go over there and now we're gonna help her yeah he was persuading and that we are going to I think yeah dude we're saving her she's not a vampire now we have to fight the Devils though but I worship the devil before this yeah I think uh you know what we just stumbled upon this though we didn't know what was gonna happen should I run up in attacks I'm ready yeah we got it we gotta we gotta save what's her name dude super fun man I'm going thrown into this and then died don't worry I'm gonna kill him right now yeah oh Reckless attack potion on you oh big damage oh my gosh I appreciate that Eric of you all right now I'm gonna shove them my chat is so convinced that there's nothing that could ever protect a vampire from the Sun and I'm the Vampire Hunter there are there's plenty of magic items to protect the vampire from the Sun seen it all really uh name one um the the Ring of sunlight protection okay umbrella hoodie a very strong sunscreen like SPF 1000 yeah I'm gonna pull her over here watch this almost all we have to do is just get cloves of garlic and we're fine Hatter's your sword is taller than your character yeah yes thank you for noticing you're welcome I'm having a great time on the ground if y'all were curious see the reason why I'm stressing is because my like uh guardian or whatever was the same kind as these guys but now we're fighting these guys does that not matter but that's like that's like saying if one if you have to hurt one human because they do something bad now all humans are going to hate you yeah but you want to kill every vampire how is it different because all vampires are evil are they actually in the game are they all evil we we don't know if that's true listen we we you know now because he's dead that's true he's dead well we don't know if he was evil but he didn't kill me no we know he's evil don't worry he wanted to I'm just gonna go over here guys Holy Ghost crap we've been alive three hours I'm flying here playing Vampire Slayer it really does lie oh you're getting beaten up I know I need help over here oh she missed hold on I'm chilling I'm just gonna get in a minute don't worry I'm gonna put this to rest right now you ready for this guys I'm gonna wreck this attack it yeah beautiful beautiful let's go oh the triumphant music okay oh that was close I shot that from my mile away that's tough you really did yeah this music's getting hyped boys wow you missed we should we're even saving you let's go patters finish the job nice nice I helped with that good job Dylan thanks man can we short rest please yeah we need a short rest yeah yeah sure I also would like a short Luke knows oh Luke he's here yeah Luke knows that all vampires are evil I want the shirt remember it is in conversation are there lady vampires in this game yes well I don't know about this game but I killed plenty of them in my time stop killing them I love vampires you guys go back to the campsite see Pat what what do you what do you mean I'm a bear what are you talking about all right Pat we'll see you later did you guys where are you guys right now I'm confused did you just oh no crap who's in the cutscene okay all right we did it we'll see you later I thought we were about to go back to the camping grounds all right so I think that we probably I mean I could literally play forever but we probably have to rap now right it's 11 o'clock for patters we played for three hours this is so fun man I love it the problem is that I could do this I could do this every day no problem like it would not bother me at all but the next time we're supposed to be live is Thursday right yes we gotta we gotta plan a time after we end stream hey thanks for watching guys thanks for watching everybody thank you Thursday I'm gonna go live on Twitch so I'm gonna raid that nice W all right quick and then what I was gonna say do you want to defend them on streams and then we'll talk about the schedule yeah okay I mean I won't be there because I'm going to play Apex but that's uh okay I'll just let me know all right all right guys we did it we made it through our first stream of Baldur's Gate three hope you guys had fun I know this is definitely a very different vibe or like I'm not really actively talking to chat and I'm so sorry by the way thank you to everyone that sent in super chats thank you to everyone that sent in memberships all of that you guys are freaking awesome uh really fun time really really fun time I'm glad we got to hang with the boys and play this game I'll be live oh my God it's only five o'clock I love waking up early W I am going to be live on original 151 later should I just go live in original 151 now I'll let you guys know when I'm going live it's gonna be awesome but I love you guys thank you for everything I will see you guys in the next stream and uh comment down below let me know what you thought about this gameplay I love you guys we're just gonna get better and better it's gonna be awesome love you fam
Channel: Vintendo
Views: 27,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7UOfvOWqIiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 24sec (11184 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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