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hot square dustless welcome back to daz oh i messed that up first time in ages jesus am i getting old i don't know let's try that again hot squad dazzlers welcome back to daz games and another daz watches that's better that's more like it collectibles hobbies addiction i'm a collector myself if you look around my office well you can't because you can only see what's going through the lens i have a lot of collectibles and i enjoy it but am i obsessed no there are areas of my house where there are no collectibles or movie memorabilia but some people take it too far some people won't just plonk their belongings in the office and parade them round their entire house today we'll be watching a video called she's completely obsessed with pigs apparently it's about a woman who is obsessed with pigs and collects pig memorabilia everywhere she goes that was that was a tongue twister i'm struggling today i'm sure this uh will affect her family a husband if she has one maybe he's a pig i don't know but there's only one way to find out and that's what's the video not by the hair every night millions of moms and grandmoms around the world read children's stories before bedtime my parents didn't they literally right this is how much my parents didn't want to read me a bedtime story they bought a teddy ruxpin i think i've mentioned this before you put a little cassette in his back and it's a toy an animatronic which nowadays would not fly after five nights at freddy's and it would read a story to you instead of your parents and they would dump the bear on the end of the bed and i would just see these eyes in the middle of the night telling me a story scared the [ __ ] out of me shrieking bedtime so take five minutes mum huh i don't want the terminator to read me a bedtime story thank you of fire but for this grandmother of two nightly readings of the three little pigs is a ritual reserved for her own personal enjoyment yeah he looks like he's personally enjoying that he's actually falling asleep to it that doesn't like they're falling asleep to me that looks like kill me now let life just take me take my life force god just do it look at all these pigs wow they weren't kidding with the video title were they because sharon reynolds is completely obsessed with pigs i've been collecting pigs for almost 40 years now just 40. it looks like more than 40 years worth of pigs where did she go to get pigs where'd you go to buy pig stuff is there a pig store i've never seen one 6 000 pieces in our house and they have sort of just taken over everything dear jesus christ now that's a hat that's a hat it's like an angel pig it's a pig with wings her collection sprawls across the living room about 15 years ago we had it that's a bit much isn't it i couldn't live with that [ __ ] i've been like love love love love i can't anymore i can't deal with pigs anymore they gotta go burn some gotta burn some i wonder if she eats pork we'll find out remodeled and i said i wasn't gonna have any pigs in here i don't know what happened you went mental that's what happened you're having a midlife crisis that lasted in here i have several quilts i've had to make these though because you can't buy it wait i can see a cage in the corner if that's not for her husband i bet that's for a pig i bet she has a pig for a pet she must a quilt to the bathroom here we even shower with pigs you can see them all in there we even have a shower head that's a pig i have tried to stop at least slow down the collection of pigs that's the man that's given up i have tried to stop the pig collection you're not trying hard enough look at your house it's pigset oh there's a kid's head there she real just explained to her i said sharon we don't have enough money for a bigger house and you don't have enough wall space left i do have ceilings still that i can put stuff on yeah you it's a i understand i don't i don't understand this i understand having like being a fan of something okay even if it's as ridiculous as an animal a pig there is limit other people have to live in your house and her husband is clearly miserable but my husband might think i was a little nuts nah nah not a little not a little and look at that behind you look at that she's put a pig mask on a pig and it looks horrifying looks like jigsaw lives here you get to get the joke because the pig mask from saw no okay just me he might tell his co-workers that his wife is done slipped over the edge with the pig thing i think he wants to push you over the edge at this rate he doesn't look happy sharon spends up to 15 hours a week searching for swine on her computer 15 hours a week that's more than i'm on here editing and she's looking up pigs i think about my collection every hour when i'm out shopping looking at things she's scaring me i'm scared this this woman is scaring me a lot of times they're not big expenses but it's kind of like getting pelted to death with popcorn over a period of time if you have a hundred five dollar pigs it's still five hundred dollars let's make a bet okay who here thinks she won't die of natural causes husband did it yep me too with the sheer number of pigs in her house sharon spends up to two hours daily compulsively cleaning her massive collection wow really i don't even dust mine they just they just stand there looking at me like you're gonna clean me bro i'm worth a lot little [Music] that did nothing did it you get a duster you didn't get a little brush like you can't that's not going to clean dust just moved it around that's all you've done when i was a teenager i did not invite people over to my house because of the pigs wow poor cow you got your heinie print right there on the shelf don't talk to it when you're dusting it got a husband to talk to that's the thing she's got a family she's got two grandkids dust them like she's not lonely i get it if she was lonely you know that that sort of like old woman buys 50 cats sort of thing you know so she's not alone but she's not she's not in that situation sharon's love affair started in 1973 when she met her first real pig in a kindergarten and the teacher one day brought a pig in and had it in a playpen sorry i've been trying i can't i can't i can't listen to her talk with that on her head and she's not blinking she's like when i was a teacher this woman was a teacher she taught students in school parents left their kids with her all right and then i got obsessed and started looking every time i go somewhere i look for a pig for you that that wasn't a pig what the hell was that what was that for years sharon's family has tolerated her obsession with pigs the dog is being forced to wear a pig i was wrong i thought she would have a pig as a pet i honestly i honestly thought but she's about to push their boundaries to a new level does anyone in your family have any known allergies to pigs no no she's getting a pig isn't she she's adopting a pig after months of research sharon has decided to fulfill a dream she's had since the age of 23 to adopt a real live pig jesus christ the husband's gonna cook it and turn it into [ __ ] ah why i i understand that she's not harming anyone everyone has clearly put up with this but don't feed it don't don't get her a real one everyone in agreement in the decision with adopting a pig are you real sure about this i'm not real sure but if i think you are in other words um when the cameras are off i don't really have a say love you do you you have your pig i'd say no straight up i'd be like hell no no not having sharon have a real pig in the house she would have to deal with it okay they get quite big and they have the most painful bite in the animal kingdom because their teeth they're not sharp they can produce a lot of force and it's basically like pushing a spoon through your arm that's what a pig bite feels like but yes that means you said yes do you have adequate time to love you didn't say yes actually thank god you're not a judge he said i'm sure you are that's what he said for love and affection he is for the pig not the husband oh oh oh did i hear that can we go back of course we can i'm in control what do you have adequate time to love for love and affection yes for the pig not the husband oh it's already obvious he's been pushed aside you see this do you see this uh table here full of pigs [ __ ] that could be photos of your husband and family and just he's surrounded by pigs he's not having a nice life clearly loves you otherwise he wouldn't put up with it and there's just that final jab of oh i'm gonna love this pig more than my husband stab in the heart poke the heart i don't like this woman so i can't wait for the piggy to come sharon has been preparing for the impending arrival of her new baby pig oh man if i was her husband right that pig would come we'd keep it like what maybe a year let her get attached to it and then when she comes downstairs one morning pork chops [Laughter] whether it's a boy or a girl i don't care i'm gonna name it sally okay in the grand scheme of things it's not really that mental and even built a special home for the piglet in her backyard that's not home that's a village that's more than one house looks good it's got a little campfire as if you're gonna go out into the garden and the pig is gonna be there rubbing two sticks together like she's building a settlement for it jesus christ it was inspired by the book three little pig i like that story a whole lot so but you're only getting one little pig one not three okay sure were you looking for someone in particular well we're going to get a baby pig baby pig baby pig okay security okay oh isn't that cute someone was shopping for gifts for a pig she has a beautiful smile doesn't she she's just smiling all the time i think she just doesn't want to get killed by these people which pig will be going home with her if this is something she wants and she can handle what about what you want my man you matter too do you have a hobby i don't see anything in that house that there's room to have a hobby you know a relationship's a two-way streak like that doesn't seem room for his hobbies or habits she is pink because i like pink pigs more than i like the black ones no [ __ ] honey sorry it's just obvious isn't it but if she were black or a polka dotted or whatever i would still love her because i'm just really excited about having a real pig blink just once please just blink you haven't blinked this whole interview with that pig on your head potbellies this little guy is 11 months old he is probably only gonna end up being probably about a hundred pounds full grown so would you like to get in and say hi he really loves cheerios cheerios i love cheerios can't have them though diet i used to live like a pig i used to eat like one and i loved it i was happy then she brings up cheerios and sets me back damn it i'm little baby pig at all sharon are you are you sure you want to do this right now i mean we could come visit this little thing he wants to go away get her in the car and be like did you see the size of that pig no what was he thinking in agreeing to this i don't think he even agreed i haven't heard him say once i also would like a pig love i want one well everybody will have to find out their their pecking order in the home i've already figured it out here he's not happy is he a relationship right relationship two people right compromise yeah i see no compromise here i do i can't even pick out one of his belongings in that house it is just pigs i mean what she does she threatened to leave if she can't be obsessed with pigs go bye pack your pigs get out go live on a farm i'm gonna be very happy mommy [Laughter] when i first saw sally i just thought this is the baby for me do you see his hand on the back of her neck can you see it look look i'm not joking when i think he's going to kill her what look i just thought this is the baby for me i just wanted her he's like he's gonna murder her and eat that pig watch look out on the news okay man kills his wife by forcing pig up her ass that's the title right there the new parents head home to introduce the little bundle to the rest of the family that kid's already working out how to hang herself like she can't deal with any more pigs why do kids do dumb [ __ ] like look at her i identify as a bat oh dear uh we have fun here well i can tell you guys are gonna be good friends yeah yeah they're not gonna come over anymore no one's coming over anymore you know the saying goes family what are you gonna do leave that's what you do i love them so everybody else should too nope not how it works i'm afraid i love it so everyone else should too that's like saying i love i just love nothing more than punching children and everyone should love that too um i think uh i like to say i'm a collector i collect like figurines and movie memorabilia and i've got a few posters around the house because you know i'm a single dad i live on my own and my daughter loves it but i wouldn't i would feel my house full of my own [ __ ] even if i lived on my own like say like i get a date or something a girl comes over and i've got pigs everywhere she's gonna leave i hope they're happy i hope he hasn't smothered her with the pig as a replacement for a pillow um i just i just don't think that he's really happy he's just doing it out of love and he feels like he hasn't got a choice but that kind of sucks but i've always said haven't i always said if you're not hurting anyone knock yourself out guys thank you so much for suggesting today's video like love caress my channel and i will see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 4,184,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, PIG, DAZ WATCHES, VLOG, VIDEO, FUNNY, COMEDY, HUMOR, REACTION, REACTS, Unus Annus
Id: T-1heqHIyNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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