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Oscar Douglas does games parenting making life easier life hacks as a parent I know firsthand how hard it could be to raise a child let's face it children are awful not really my daughter is a saint I feel she was one of the most easiest babies to take care of growing up she's actually worse now she's nearly a teenager so I think we all could use a little bit of help I know there's a lot of parents out there that watch the channel and I need some help all right what if I have another one okay no don't want having another one don't you know do fandom crap how dad's is pregnant I look pregnant so we are we looking at some parent caps you know some parents have got together and created a community where we can all go and have a look at things they've done to make their lives a little bit easier with their little ones you've also been asking for more like does this mean what's nice picture reactions I think you're calling them I don't know so I'm going to kind of splice the two I don't know we'll see oh crap use a Kinder Surprise container to save a sucker for later alright so this is to keeping the crap of your lollipop so you drill a little hole in the plastic egg and it was genius and it's genius the amount of times I put a lollipop down and it was either a wasp on it which I nearly stung my mouth or it picked up half the park and crap if you could just find a device similar to save ice creams I mean use cardboard to separate fighting children in a car that it's a sign let me tell you something I have a sister all right she's awful she's awful awful person she just I'm sorry but she is that car bored with me and her in the car would last about two seconds I punch a hole through it very antisocial as well I feel it's easy to kids to be antisocial man-in-the-middle here is gonna grow up with claustrophobia he's never gonna want to be in small spaces ever again thanks dad he'll and still is a great alternative as a bib okay first of all that child is too old for a bib child's like seven second of all you got food down here and you got a light peel that off it'll go every a child's not illicit alright looking like this shedding skin out here need a quick pallet for pain or kids play tired use a large plastic bit and glue some bottle caps to it when I see that's clever that's clever how come I never thought of that and a paint have cleared up get a tray you get all the paints and stuff I bought like a little plastic palette and just you know dude that way still goes everywhere it's it's not that where you put the pain come up with something where you can clean the paint up or stop it going everywhere oh my god use pole noodles to keep kids from getting hurt on these Springs I got a 14-foot [ __ ] leading up there okay it's huge my daughter loves it all the time and the thing is she hasn't quite yet met the spring of doom but I remember a kid in trampoline class in school who did it and my god I've never winced harder in my life jumping up and down I actually I accidentally cross on her till she nearly crushed me to jumping up and down on this trampoline doing flips and [ __ ] like wow she's like an angel crashing down too far one side boom that went right through the springs I swear to God I just left right I just left I hated back in school way in trampoline class where they put students around the edge of the trampoline to stop them hitting the springs or worse going over the trampoline teacher said if one of the students on the trampoline fall towards you Eva push them or catch them I said I said miss what I got another idea yes that's why is it how about [ __ ] no no no one wanted to catch me on the trampoline this is I got the trampoline they [ __ ] walked away and I don't blame them does coming towards you and crushing you they will protect children from spring damage I like that that's my favorite one so far potty training tip with the child backwards on the potty seat give the child a dry every sub marker I mean it'll get him on the toilet and it'll keep them there and keep them interested I mean nowadays we call that that toilet lid an iPad my daughter was really hard to fight trade it so long I guess the when you teach them this way though like I say it keeps them on there but you kind of have to train them out of it John what took you so long in the toilet I was just drawing my masterpiece on what that the toilet lid you you guys don't do that John no I guess you'll have to train them out of the drawing part once they've successfully don't defeat use this game dinner tray to get your child eat food all right so it's like a board game you put food in to make the mean all right so you start here and all right a chicken nugget good start good start mum I'm their cucumber yeah I'd skip that grapes but probably you know just skip over that onion ring I'm living for it I'm living for it I hope I roll the fall that's what I'm saying yeah no I'll skip that as well I jump through half this boards white why won't you fill it with light good stuff like crisps some mayo in there [ __ ] I'm not sure I agree with this one get out of having to make lunch every morning by freezing a batch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches ahead of time frozen bread that's not a life hack that's how to make your children say oh my god I mean my mom bought some terrible things from the shop did freeze my bread imagine defrosting it and I'd be soggy if you ever had frozen bread buh oh jeez that's not a hack that's just abuse part even with your kid pulling off their diaper try putting the onesie on backwards oh yeah it's kind of like a straitjacket the children baby there's a safety PSA for you baby proof your drawers with the least effort possible that doesn't sound very caring does it I want to protect my child but with just minimal effort oh look at that okay this dad has used his ruler yeah well done I think a smart kid would overcome that though I think they would easily you know just force that out I think I would have been smart enough to figure that one out can also MacGyver your own outlet covers with band-aids plasters I mean look at that that's easy to peel off I don't think these are life hacks I don't think these ones on this site are life hacks I think they're very lazy parents use the bottles to keep track of your kids doses I mean that's actually quite smart isn't it once in the morning once in the evening twice a day and you destroy a little child it man it's so simple like you just don't think so many parents are standing there I I know I was one of them many kids got a cold or something on their like did she have her medicine today cuz if I give her another one it could kill her it's great she's got school on Tuesday she's having it just draw a chart I love that put magnets on your kids cups so they stick to the fridge what for what for what purpose I don't know what that's for is it so they don't spill it when they're pouring it maybe I'm being dumb on that one I don't know what that's for your kids from making a mess while eating in the car by putting their meal into an organized bucket that's a basket that's actually a cleaning basket where you put like see I could do all that I could get that basket I give the range it like that it won't stop my daughter when she was baby I barely had to clean her up she's just such slapped that [ __ ] off a spoon it's now it's now everywhere I go if I want to find her I'd have to call her after texture I just follow the crumbs thumbs everywhere you got to sit down on your sofa it makes a crunching noise it turns everything into a loaf of pet and I'm a dad I figure little baskets gonna help me with that one okay this one is just it's just ridiculous you can also use the air conditioner to cool french fries to a kid-friendly temperature I get it I get it I see fingers but when you're sticking a french fry in an air conditioning unit you're all that dust and crap that's in there may as well call it down by dipping it in a stagnant pond like it's not good no one wants a chip let's just come out of it come out of a random hole in the car blow on it stop being lazy that that we don't need that one hacks all troubled parents out there isn't there make shoe shopping stress-free by bringing your kids feet but not your kid to the store okay without the picture out of context that sounds horrific bring your kids feet to the store but not your kids that's what that big butcher knife was for in my mom's kitchen I guess it is I kind of a good idea but I'd want to try it on I want to see like my daughter like walking around and stuff this is not like these aren't life hacks these are just like for lazy parents who don't want to do bugs in one life hack would Shaw answer all these for you if you're this lazy boarding school says military school just send them away they got nothing use lint roller to quickly pick up glitter all right I guess that's clever won't need it in my house though a band glitter we go out to a club or something you come back and let but your face is just covered in glitter you look like you're out of twilight cows feel the need to fret you're pretty enough you don't need to look like a firework just covered in glitter and it rubs off on me and then like people think I wear glitter stop it I should take one of these to a nightclub not for my daughter just roll it on [ __ ] faces keep the glitter off me use a straw to remove a strawberry stem in seconds oh this one's a video ago what's this [Music] alright okay a straw that was a plastic straw they can't do it straws nowadays are all cardboard I mean I'm all up for supporting like less plastic in the ocean and the turtles and stuff had enough of trying to drink something and then I won't finish my meal because I've already eaten the straw put a target in the toilet bowl to improve your kids aim yeah that's not gonna help let me tell you something ladies all right I know it's a age old complain that we miss the toilet bulb I I sit down men ah ah ah thought you know that's weird oh why I can either sit down and pee or I can just piss everywhere and then have to clean it up or someone else has to do I don't know why it's such a weird thing I don't know why men are so uptight about sitting down to pee it's the most inaccurate weapon in the world it doesn't matter how clever you are how careful you are sometimes you're aiming that way and it goes that way and by then it's too late then it's everywhere just sit down sit down we'll go everywhere all this one's this one sinister isn't it this one would make me feel a bit queasy when punishing your kids don't take away their electronics just take away their charges and watch the fear in their eyes they seem less and less well the battery slowly dies Oh God ah I'm gonna use that one I'm actually gonna use that God I come from a generation we did have to charge anything she said toys and we're not on bikes and stuff like we were in stranger things guys thank you so much for suggesting that I make this video let me know if you like this format a video um sometimes it could be quite hard to find videos to react to and get permission to use them did you have to do that now so let me know if you if you want to see though more like I guess picture reactions I don't know like love crests my channel be a good parent and I'll see you in the next video stay dazzling [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 7,418,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, life hacks, parents, funny, comedy, laugh, challenge, daz games, daz watches, video, vlog, people, friend, you wont believe, try, not, too, house tour, iphone 11
Id: -J3auebvGHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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