Dave Chappelle Documentary

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dave chappelle is the baddest person to touch a microphone uh that's alive right now fave's a beast dave's a beast man that's the only only man that puts a little fear in my heart like okay what's he doing what made you get on stage at the age of 14. the fear of death he's our biggest genius he's our biggest comedy genius he might he might be one of the biggest comedy geniuses ever but he's certainly our biggest comedy genius of today he understands comedy like nobody else if you ever want to do something great in your life you're gonna have to realize your failures you're gonna have to embrace them and figure out how to overcome it dave in my opinion you're the goat in my opinion your last special has allowed you to surpass the richard pryor my mother used to tell me this thing i don't know if you remember but you said this to me more than once he said son sometimes you have to be a lion so you can be the lamb you really are well yeah i started when i was 14 that's when i figured it all out originally my plan was i'll go to school and then after i graduate i'll stop stand up but then i was like i'm going to club after school it's tuesday so i'm gonna go to that open mic night i had been practicing with the candlestick in the mirror i felt like i was ready and i told my family i was going i told my mom you know i'm going i don't want you to come i'm going to go by myself it's something i got to do and whatever whatever so of course she shows up with my grandmother and and my brother i told my grandmother like you might hear me say some things that you might not want to hear your grandson say and she said just relax and do that [ __ ] i said jt introduced me he said folks everybody's got to start somewhere and tonight this young man is starting here i remember it like it was yesterday he said you might be witnessing the birth of a star please welcome dave chappelle and i went up there man and i was scared and i used to look at my feet when i started and i said the first joke looking down at my feet and they laughed and then i looked up like holy and i looked back down my feet and said no and after the set then the crowd was going crazy i think i did two and a half minutes but they were going crazy i was 14 probably looked like i was 11. i was telling jokes about jesse jackson running for president and our spaceship landing in the black neighborhood i said i'm gonna go to that apollo and rip that mug i went for the regular wednesday amateur night when i say i got booed off stage i i i still remember that boo i'd never been booed off stage before but i just remember looking out and seeing like everybody boom everybody even old people i was like who who boos a child pursuing his dream the meanest crowd in the world and that sign went off and that dude comes out tape name something sandman saying man i wanted to choke this and that was the best thing that ever happened to me best thing because before that time i had never bombed let alone got booed off stage and bombing was horrifying nobody wants to bomb nobody you know people say you do comedy what happens if nobody laughs i don't know so that night was liberating because i failed so far beyond my wildest nightmares of failing that it was like hey they're all blowing my friends are here watching my mom this is not that bad and after that i was fearless now the challenger at 19 he's the youngest comedian in star search history from washington dc here is dave chappelle thank you thank you thank you hey you guys know this batman never fights crime in neighborhoods that need it i mean i would love to see batman fight crime in my neighborhood i can see now you're just robbing yes batman then we parked the car right here man i mean i'm not trying to say that being black is all bad we got our perks like you guys uh take terrorism for example that's pretty good a terrorist has never taken a black hostage in the history of the world you will never see a black guy on the news reading one of those letters they is treating us good never it's true you know why they don't take black hostages why because we're bad bargaining chips they would call up the white house hello we have got five black people and we were hello they gave me a career we met in 1992 at a comedy club in new york city we wrote a few jokes together over the years but i'd always hope we could do something bigger then in 1997 dave calls me and goes hey if universal reaches out to you tell them we're writing a weed movie together and i was like what weed movie and dave said don't worry about it next thing i know someone from universal calls me and asks are you writing a weed movie with dave chappelle and i was like yes and they go when can you pitch it to us and i was like in 30 days time so we had a month to figure the pitch out and finally on day 29 i called dave and i'm like dude we got to work this weed movie out there [Applause] and he goes what weed movie [Applause] anyhow the day before the pitch we outlined half baked it took the full day about 16 hours and that attention to detail really showed up on screen i don't know about y'all but i can't even move for real be right it's like i feel stuck here yo i'm glued to the floor [Music] i like smoking weeds so much that i thought i should make a movie about this [Laughter] and suddenly we had this story this weird story about killing a police horse and needing to raise money and it was really weird my 24th birthday was coming on august the 24th and i said this is going to be a big one and the morning that turned 24 phone rang and my sister was like dad had a stroke for the next year i watched my father teeter on life and death and it was just all this stuff man like i was a dad was dying the half bait didn't come out the way i wanted it to come out was real upset about that because it was a real cool script and then i saw i was like hey man you made a weed movie for kids and when four kids were script you know it was all these things so much pressure africa then i um i was in ohio i got a call on my cell phone from hollywood i'm like hello hollywood they're like hello dave they're like that pilot you did for fox that looks like they want to pick it up we need you to come out because they want to meet with you and i was like well listen i can't really come out right now got a real bad situation at home can we talk about this on the phone no no they would rather meet with you in person but you know like the [ __ ] that they turned us into i jumped on that plane and left my father's bedside which i regret to this day and i went out and i sat with these people in this room if you can imagine i was the only black person in the room and they basically told me that the we'll pick up the show but we want more white characters on it for no other reason and they thought that it would give the show a more universal appeal and uh so i quit did you accuse them of racism absolutely it was it was racist look i don't think these people sit around their house and call black people [ __ ] and all this kind of thing but the idea that unless i have white people around me on my show that it's unwatchable or doesn't have a universal appeal it's racist you know they don't they don't make them put black people on friends or they don't make them put black people on seinfeld but all of a sudden i get in the room and it's like where's all the white people and then a few months later dad dies and that's hard for a young dude and it's like that's a that's a real tough loss i was there when he died and he went from being my father to what are we going to do with the body within moments it was over and i'm going through all this stuff and this is the guy i would usually talk to right dead and i gotta figure this out for myself i don't want to figure this out for myself look man at that point in your life it's something so real in contrast to what hollywood is a very powerful illusion and when your dad dies it kind of just broke the spell like oh this is [ __ ] look i've been spending so much time doing this what about my family what about my friends wait whatever happened to my friends they don't even have any friends so i bounced man the new year's eve 1999 i moved into that farm and that was it as far as i was concerned i was done with show business in 2000 you taped a concert for hbo yes you called it killing them softly killing them softly i'm not saying i don't like police i'm not saying that i'm saying i'm just scared of them nothing wrong with that sometimes we want to call them too somebody broke into my house once it's a good time to call them but i don't know the house is too nice and ain't a real nice house but they never believe i live it he's still here oh my god open and shut case johnson [Applause] i saw this once before when i was a rookie apparently this [ __ ] broke in and hung up pictures of his family everywhere [Applause] dave and i were on the phone again which was the thing people used to do and he says to me hey man we should do a tv show like playboy after dark now if you remember what playboy after dark was get your affairs in order because you're on death's door if you don't remember playboy after dark it was a super laid back tv show in the 1970s hosted by hugh hefner who was a magazine publisher and mild sex trafficker imagine jeffrey epstein with a grotto anyway dave and i figured out a rough format for what would come to be chappelle show went around pitching to a few networks hbo didn't go great the woman actually said to dave and i quote why do we need you when we have chris rock see back then there could only be one popular black comedian at a time unlike today when there can be three so then a few minutes later we picked the comedy central and they bought it we made the pilot for chappelle show we got picked up the series and the show went really well and it sets all these incredible records turns out the best million in one day right one 2.2 million in a week the largest selling television dvd of all time perhaps the greatest television show of all time i think it's the greatest sketch comedy show of all time yeah i'm saying something bigger he's got some sketches that were just groundbreaking like the black white supremacist who was blind [Laughter] open up your heart and let that hate out yes your face we want to see your face who said that you [Applause] don't be crazy [Applause] there is cookie and punch for us to enjoy and we can mate talk about what brotherhood thank you all for coming why power mr bixby was not harmed that night but irreparable damage has been done to his reputation and in many ways the white power movement we're told that in the last few weeks he has accepted the fact that he is a black man and three days ago he filed for divorce from his wife when we asked why after 19 years of marriage he responded because she's a [ __ ] lover i'm kent wallace good night the thing that i love about chappelle show is it allowed dave to be his entire self to express his intellect his anger his morality his silliness his hypocrisies his sadness his blazing talent spelcher was a rare thing it was a fully faceted document of a human being living in the united states of america while having the surreal experience of being born with black skin he was the hottest comedian in the country then he mysteriously disappeared why dave chappelle walked away from 50 million dollars everybody wants to know why'd you walk away from 50 million dollars well i wasn't walking away from the money yeah i was walking away from the circumstances that they were coming with the newfound plateau yeah i felt like in a lot of instances i was deliberately being put through stress i didn't put in the paper that i had pneumonia god knows what it was walking pneumonia because i was walking all over the place [Laughter] i was relaxing and then after that i i was coming back to the show and then they were like well dave you know you should just back up the pneumonia store and i was like i'm you know that was your thing i'm not i'm not backing up a pneumonia story and then the next day was in the paper that i had writer's block then i knew something was getting stressful because i hadn't even started writing it wasn't i was on schedule to write so i was like what's you know what's going on are they gonna so these are your people trying to feed manipulate me sounds like somebody's trying to put young dave in a compromising position [Music] but you know okay so then i got worried so when i said i'm not going to do it then all i said it was like well now he has walking pneumonia and then i knew long before i walked i had considered walking you had considered i considered walking because i went back to work and the vitamin love was gone because it was a real ugly negotiation it's a situation where now everybody's taking credit for this and that and the other so it's just it was getting ridiculous and i knew i was going to leave so i got ahead of schedule and i bounced and i didn't tell anybody where i was going the whole time they're trying to convince me i'm insane they were trying to get me to take psychotic medication yeah like i'm sitting around you know i was stressed out but the people that were telling me i was insane i believed that they knew what was going on so uh this was troublesome yeah i said i'm not taking this medicine man because i know these people be trying to control you or or maybe discredit i was afraid like but you were stressed out that's why no question but it's very stressful for someone to constantly walk behind you and say you're insane oh hey how about this i showed to work the first week and they where my office used to be they built a wall there why i didn't know why but it came out later that they were like well they said you wanted it i don't want to be walled up at the office i like hanging out and talking okay so you got up and you walked out and nobody knew where you were going did your family know nah well no i called my brother yeah me and my brother real cool i called him up was like uh i'm going to africa so did you go to a psychiatric hospital in south africa yeah who [Laughter] oh yeah that's right i i was so i'm only asking because i gotta get people thinking all right who goes from america to africa for medical attention it's so much bigger than money though dave it's so much bigger than money oh no it was bigger than money but you know what i i watched one of these nature shows one time and they were talking about how a bushman finds water when it's scarce and they do what's called a salt trap i didn't notice apparently baboons love salt okay so they put a lump of salt in a hole and they wait for the baboon the baboon comes sticks his hand in the hole grabs the salt salt makes his hand bigger and he's trapped he can't get his hand out if he's smart all he does is let go with assault baboon doesn't want to let go of the salt then the bushman just comes takes the balloon throws him in the cage and gives him all the salt he wants and then the baton gets thirsty the bushman lets him out the cage the first place the baboon runs two is water bushman follows them and they both drink to their field and that analogy i felt like the baboon but i was smart enough to let go of the song dave is a smart guy man he figured it out he figured out where was slipping away when they were [ __ ] with him when he was doing the chappelle show and he was like you know what let me just sit back for a bit sit back for a bit if you were a superhero dave what would be your superpower disappearing for long periods of time uh and what would be your one weakness dave the need for money [Laughter] [Applause] oh man and then i'm not even making the [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] grab the problem he goes you don't know how scary the things i read in my briefings are and i was like holy [ __ ] man you ain't supposed to tell us that bro that's bad leadership even as a parent you think i'm gonna sit my kids down hey little man come here real quick i'm gonna holler for a second yo i'm three months behind on the rent [ __ ] and i am worried very worried you're gonna go to school and have a productive day [ __ ] i was just thinking out loud getting some [ __ ] off my chest like what the [ __ ] are you doing bro this is bad man that's some of our favorite stories though or someone who comes back like dave chappelle's a perfect example of that the back the way he did it the way he walked away for 10 years and then came back and immediately went right to the top because i didn't come up with this idea on my own this idea that a person can be born in the wrong body but they have to admit that's a [ __ ] hilarious predicament it's really [ __ ] funny if it happened to me you'd laugh wouldn't you that wouldn't be funny if it happened to me i think it would be what if what if it did what if i was what if i was chinese but but born in this [ __ ] body that's not funny and for the rest of my life i had to go around making that face hey everybody i'm tiny and everyone get mad stop making that face that's offensive what this is how i feel inside dave chappelle's recent sticks and stones netflix documentary for whatever reason rotten tomatoes thought it would be a good idea to only have it reviewed by five super progressive critics only critics they closed it off to the public it got zero percent on rotten tomatoes they then opened it to the public and it got 99 of course here's the thing they're talking about a special called sticks and stones this is what's so funny it might as well just be called screw you if you write a negative review of this because you're offended you're taking the bait and they took the bait i called i don't give a [ __ ] about these numbers anything i got dave in my opinion you're the goat in my opinion your last special has allowed you to surpass the richard pryor in my opinion dave chappelle i got to witness do ground breaking controversial movement as a comedian in the times where comedy was being frowned upon comedians were being held accountable for doing what we thought we would never be ridiculed for right the one person that stood on a pedestal that got the attention that no others can get outside of myself a rock a seinfeld he said in the time where the [ __ ] fire is the hottest i'm going to do what nobody else will you gotta [ __ ] applaud that he stood up for comment he stood up for comedy rick james [ __ ]
Channel: JoshBA
Views: 60,290
Rating: 4.8325791 out of 5
Keywords: Dave Chappelle, Documentary, Comedy, Chappelle Show
Id: WNH6KX1f4ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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