BEST BIBLE VIDEO That Applies to You! Maybe? (Philippians 1:1-7) | Dr. Gene Kim

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testing testing testing testing one two three all right testing one okay we're good all right shall we begin let's start off with the word of prayer heavenly father thank you so much for salvation through your son the lord jesus christ i pray that you please fill within me the power of your holy spirit help me to teach what is truth and make it a blessing to the hearers in jesus name we pray amen all right so actually tonight i'm going to do something different so i've been actually extremely busy so because of that i wasn't able to make more time but then i think the lord wants me to try to get through every book of the bible so because of that what i'm going to do is that on wednesdays you'll see me go off and on with history lessons as well as verse by verse commentaries so we're going to try to get through all the books of the bible that'll be a huge blessing all right so we're gonna go to philippians chapter one please philippians chapter one now remember because we are literally doing verse by verse bible study word for word it is going to be important that you try to pay attention to each and every word explained and then make sure that if my explanations of the verses would match by doing that one you're independent you're not just blindly believing and you're thinking for yourself secondly it's so that you can understand the language and the gist of the bible that way when you do your own bible reading you'll understand yourself okay especially for some of you who have a hard time understanding understanding the king james bible to begin with what will help you tremendously to get the common sense just is verse by verse bible study okay all right let's look at philippians chapter one and then we'll start off with verse one the bible reads paul and timotheus the servants of jesus christ so there are two servants here that are mentioned in the introduction of philippians and it is not just the apostle paul the other person that is mentioned is timotheus so he gives and he bestows his greetings to the church of philippi timothy has been quite often relied upon by the apostle paul if you read the scriptures okay let's keep reading here to all the saints in christ jesus now notice that they're giving their introduction their greeting to all the saints in christ jesus so notice that saints are mentioned as those who are in christ jesus is are you in the lord jesus christ today if you are then notice that means you're a saint so that totally differs from the catholic church the catholic church they teach that you have to be like a holy special person and then by that then i guess then you are called the saint however that is not the case in the bible here those who are in the lord jesus christ are automatically considered to be saints another example of that is go to first corinthians 1 please first corinthians chapter 1. first corinthians chapter 1. notice those who call upon the lord jesus christ for their salvation they're automatically considered to be saints so that's important those who call upon christ now you know that verse in romans 10 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved so i got a question for you have you called upon the lord jesus christ for your salvation if you did then notice that the bible says you are automatically a saint the bible says at verse 2 unto the church of god which is at corinth to them that are sanctified in christ jesus called to be saints called to be saints with all that in every place call upon the lord the name of jesus christ our lord see that so notice you're automatically considered to be saint in that case go to ephesians chapter one again excuse me philippians chapter 1 philippians chapter 1 again so they're giving their greeting to all the saved christians paul and timotheus they considered themselves as servants of jesus christ to who which saved christians to those who are at philippi so they're addressing to those in the city of philippi p-h-i-l-i-p-p-i okay sometimes i misspell it as two eyes i don't know why so i i just looked at that because i'm a little paranoid okay let's go back here so they're giving their greetings to all the philippians from philippi with the bishops and deacons so they're greeting as well the bishops and the deacons at philippi those are only two offices so notice that the bible and this is basic doctrine that you should know about there are only two church offices two church offices and those are considered to be pastors as well as deacons now pastor is also another name for bishop all right let's look at first timothy chapter three first timothy chapter three now if you look at the text here the reason why a bishop is similar to a pastor is because i don't know if you know this but a bishop the idea the meaning of it you can even look it up at dictionaries or etymology online is it's being like a shepherd of a flock and over it's like a person who's like an overseer so to speak pastor is a similar word uh affiliated with shepherd as well taking care of a flock that's where we get pasture from a little bit of the wording play of words there so pastor and bishop is similar there are only two offices mentioned notice that there is no such thing as a bishop of bishops that's what a pope is called i don't know if you know that in your history so they made a bishop of bishops why because if you know your world history class there are too many bishops fighting with each other so then they start to set up their own archbishop and then bishop of bishops after that first timothy chapter 3 verse 1 this is a true saying if a man desired the office of a bishop verse 2 all the way to seven is the qualifications of a bishop you want to know that's basic doctrine basic doctrine of the second office deacon verses 8 all the way through verse 13. a deacon is another word for servant a deacon is also another word for servant so the idea if you look at these two traces of these words then you should be able to get the memo that's why we have deacons in church why because they are servants they help out the pastor they help out the pastor in following up with people and welcoming people and taking care of certain issues let's go back to philippians 1 philippians chapter 1 notice that before we get on to verse two i gotta give you the intro so i forgot about the introduction here so the introduction if you have a ruckman reference bible then you're cheating and you get all the notes all right paul wrote philippians around the same time as ephesians and this is approximately 62 a.d this is why this is going to be known as the prison epistle okay so philip i this is where we get the book philippians because of the people it is known as a prison epistle prison epistle in other words paul wrote them while he was in prison the book has four chapters 104 verses and 2183 words again it's four chapters 104 verses and 2183 words it is an application of the doctrines given in galatian and ephesians so if you remember our verse by verse commentary on galatians and ephesians philippians now uses it as a practical application now in the epistle he's writing obviously to his converts and philippi now felipe is located at macedonia now if you know your world history class a bit you might recall this is actually where alexander the gray comes from and that is his father it's a name that is traced toward alexander the great's father philippi it means lover of horses philippians because it is an application of the doctrines in galatians and ephesians what you want to know is this is it is a very practical book it's an extremely practical book so i would highly recommend this book to be used for sermons because sermons are more for practical matters if you want doctrines that are not just basic or salvation or even deep but actually practical that applies to a person that they'll actually apply it use the book of philippians use the book of philippians that is good advice so it'll be good for preaching use a lot of sermons off of philippians so when paul wrote it his converts at philippi they were getting persecuted by jews and gentiles so another note that you want to know is not only philippians should be used for practical sermons it should also be used as an application for christian suffering now a lot of people they i would usually recommend the book of first and second peter because it talks a lot about suffering however philippians is the christian application book peter is tribulation epistle although christians can be applied as well but if you want a pure christian doctrinal book that covers on suffering and the christian reaction toward it and me i would recommend for you to use the book of philippians it covers everything about suffering within these chapters so here's the divisions that you might want to know concerning about suffering at the book of philippians chapter 1 it deals with joy and faith in tribulation chapter 2 deals with humility and obedience in tribulation chapter 3 deals with the cause and end of tribulation chapter 4 deals with peace and confidence during tribulation that's a great book so it's a great division for you to learn all right if any of you are going through suffering don't wait for pastor kim to preach you a great sermon on suffering and you get under conviction open your bible to the book of philippians and read it and then maybe the lord can speak to you now let's go back to our main text at verse two let's look at verse two paul's standard way of saying to the fellow christians if you should know by now in this pauline epistles he usually ends this way grace be unto you and peace so he gives them grace and then he also bids them peace from god our father and from the lord jesus christ notice the two distinctions here the two distinctions is god now the we know that the father is god so we have god the father but then we have a problem here the problem is toward oneness pentecostals oneness pentecostals for those of you who don't know they do not believe in one god and three different persons they do not believe in the doctrine of the trinity we do they insist it's one god in one person then what do you do with father son and holy ghost well basically this one person takes on three different titles or three different roles so it's like a man can be a father a dad and a man that's the idea so which is very very weird so they claim oneness pentecostals they make a big deal about this and we had one guy causing the ruckus about this within our church and had a huge sign about lord jesus christ that's the real name of god do you know who what the real name of god is and i don't know and then i go well i am that i am and he's like no it's not it's lord jesus christ and then he insisted the reason why is because this is where we get father son and holy ghost but it's one name which a person has only one name that's their logic so see so god is one person who has one name and and that's where we get the idea of father son and holy spirit lord jesus christ well he's got a problem here we got god the father separated from lord jesus christ and notice that this was this is the same wording that paul gave at the previous book previous book look at just literally four verses behind philippians ephesians 6 23-24 standard pauline writing he bids them grace and peace from god the father and the lord jesus christ 23 peace be to the brethren and love with faith from god the father and the lord jesus christ grace be with all them see that standard pauline writing going back to verse three now philippians chapter one verse three all right here's a great verse on prayer if uh i don't know of other verses except this one for one of the doctrines in the school of prayer philippians chapter 1 verse 3 through 4 notice that this is where we get a justification so to speak of a prayer list why do we have prayer lists give me a verse on a prayer list one it's common sense because i don't think you remember everybody's names and their needs but secondly philippians chapter one verse three through four the bible says i thank my god upon every remembrance of you so paul he thanks god on remembering every memory that he had with them but this ties with prayer always see that all the time in every prayer of mine every time he prays his own prayer every prayer of mine for you all see that he prays for all of them making requests with joy he makes the request to god so see paul takes the request of all these people that he puts in memory that he must know and prays for them and he does it with joy okay so when you look at your prayer list this is the idea is that i hope you're not just going through the people's names and say lord i pray for sister carol i pray for brother randall and sister sheila and blah blah and then you just run your mouth like a motor mechanical but it tends to go that way and let's be honest if you do 30 minutes of prayer so you always have to catch yourself in your flesh you're so tempted to read off the list prayerless that you forget what you're praying about you're just so used to the robotic manner of saying the need and saying the name now paul says when you're going through every request of all these people notice it's done with thanks you're grateful for every single individual when you do that you're going to keep in mind who you pray for you know what the problem with churches are now church we're guilty of this what you're guilty of is that you're used to talking to your own people so then you have in mind your own people and it's easier to empathize with those people you're more familiar with than other people you're more distant in the church and that even affects your prayer life and that you tend to spend more time on people you're closer to in the prayer list than other people now am i getting somebody under conviction here this is a family we're supposed to pray for everybody with appreciation thanks another thing is not just thanks notice that paul says with joy right at the last part now you better be praying with joy you know what the tendency of prayer is you do it well you're dry it's dry and oh i have to do this no you got to do it with joy lord i thank i thank you that i'm praying for so-and-so again because so-and-so really needs it i'm kidding but anyway the thing is is that you've got to pray with joy you've got to do it with uh thanksgiving now this is what i hate and i'll be honest i'm guilty of this one but it says every remembrance right usually you tend to know the people and their needs when you pray often for that see that now me i could use a billion excuses like my prayer diary goes for like uh five six hours and i can't do that in one day heavenly father so i have to divide the portions but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter about my excuse about that one is that if i often pray with thanksgiving and joy and appreciation it'll last in my memory bank so to speak rather than every note hundreds of notes that you memorized from a stupid music album and some of you still remember that and it's been 10 years since you last heard that song and you remember every single word of that and every single note and tune of it you're professionals you know why your heart's in that god forsaken music more than the people you should love and pray for every single word every single request god knows everyone by name thank god that god doesn't have a memory like yours all right let's all close with the word of prayer let's end it here now let's go at verse 5 verse 5 now the reason why paul let's go by context he's grateful for every one of them and he remembers them why the memory is because of verse 5 this is key and important and i believe that a lot of bible-believing churches don't get this blessing there's a good number of them that do but then there are others who don't i was one of them who didn't have this blessing at verse 5. now i am and i think it's an appropriate time for this church to hear this for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now so the reason why paul is grateful and thankful is because of their fellowship in the gospel that's important because when we come to church to fellowship together this is the problem with people they think that fellowship is just milk and cookies and let's joke and mess around and then let's sing kumbaya and then let's cry tears and during testimony time in a circle and then boo hoo boo hoo and then hold hands and let's kiss each other for the name of jesus or something like that that's a problem with non-denominational charismatic churches they always have to feel and feel and feel and feel because and then you pretty much end up as a girl and then some of those members you know they go through body surgery no wonder and then they end up with the lgbtq crowd you know why because they have that kind of religion it's all about feelings and feelings until you just go by a feeling that you're so confused and you probably are questioning your gender so the thing about people in fellowship is that it's not all about the feelings and all about talking and then cookies and then gimmicks like a lot of independent fundamental baptist churches are guilty of it's because of the gospel that's important now that is so important to understand why we come together as a church the basis of our fellowship one of the basis should be because of the gospel of the lord jesus christ think about it why did you come to church today oh so that i can laugh with brother robert garcia or laugh at him you know no that's not the idea the idea is is because with brother robert garcia we have a joy that we want to bring more people to church see them get saved and growing in the lord we get put the money in the offering plate why so that more souls can get saved we can support more missions the church and organization can expand so that we can uh make the building better to housing more people have more tracks to pass out etc etc it's all about the gospel why did you use your heads now why did you even come to our church to begin with when there are a billion other churches you could have gone you know why because this place has bible believing truth why did you online or subscribe to our channel and some of you which is a great honor is that you said that you don't watch any other preacher except ours not because ours is the greatest but because all the other big channels out there and big preacher names are teaching wrong doctrine it's because we have bible believing truth that's what can cause you to come to church to begin with and use your heads now because that was your number one focus it was easier to fellowship it was easier to laugh and have fun and enjoy each other's company no matter what the age gap is the ethnicity gap is or the background gap is and we all just love each other to death and you don't care if you're i mean the little kids you can enjoy fellowship the little kids and the little kids can enjoy fellowship with the adults and then senior people can enjoy fellowship as well that is pure fellowship amen now you got to know get back in your right mind on what the fellowship should be now notice this is already a great book we're enjoying philippians you know why it's so practical it's so practical you can apply in your lives now continuing reading on fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now that's a huge blessing the first day that paul met them all the way till now they've been fellowshipping together and in a lot of strength and power because of their stance on the gospel that's why paul at verse 3 and 4 he says i thank god for every one of you and i pray for you amen wouldn't you love your pastor to do that you know what praise the lord i mean i could do that now you know ever since three years ago i really feel like i can see what paul said at three through five at the beginning of my ministry i still did i still did and i learned to appreciate whoever it was that came to my church no matter who it was but you know there were still hindrances and clout and doubt and fleshly issues it wasn't until three years ago you know why it was easier three years ago compared to 10 years ago because three years ago everyone's in fellowship concerning the gospel not just me trying to build up the fellowship trying to drag them to church trying to encourage them they encouraged me in return that's what a good church should be in verse six now paul is very confident and this is the verse uh two ideas that you want to know about this verse the first idea is paul says being confident of this very thing what he's very confident about this thing what is this thing that he which had begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of jesus christ meaning that he god which had begun a good work in you he he already back of the past he began a good work within you in you you have this good work and it will be performed he will perform this good work all the way till the day of jesus christ all the way to the end my friend all the way to the end till all the way at the rapture now that's a lot of confidence that paul gives to his church at philippi can your pastor say the same thing too or does he feel like he has to come every sunday and every wednesday i'll tell you what 99 percent of bible-believing pastors and especially especially miss missionaries have that kind of feeling and even this pastor i have to be there why because even though you you might feel like that we can do well without you pastor well at the beginning stages you might but if this becomes habitual you feel like you're losing something but the philippians the church at philippi they lost their apostle while he was in prison the whole time yet they continued in strength and in power that's why paul is very confident that their work will go all the way to the rapture now i hope that the lord can say about this church too that is my dream and that is my desire is that this church that i can feel very confident that they'll be soul-winning strong in the gospel keep pressing on for the bible believing truth to ministry without issues without problems and even when satan attacks them remember the church of philippi is going through tribulation suffering even when they're being attacked that they will remain strong i wish i can say that and have confidence about this church as well so that's one idea you can look at it a second idea how you can look at this passage is this passage can be used as a powerful proof text concerning about uh one saved always saved it could be used in that manner because notice that the bible says that paul is confident of the thing that what god's good work in you will be all the way to the rapture that's powerful you might say why is that because go to ephesians chapter two ephesians chapter two now this is a very strong and powerful verse concerning about one saved always saved concerning about the doctrine of repentance and concerning about assurance of salvation all three combined if one of these doctrine conflict each other then you get a perversion of doctrine where you doubt your salvation where you have lordship salvation where you feel like that you're not doing enough work for the lord okay so let me show you something here ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 through 10 or verse 10 itself would be powerful now the idea is this notice that in verse 10 well i think we should start off with verse eight through nine so that there's a context here so that no one is confused notice that the bible reads here for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast so the passage clearly states that you are not saved by good works doing good works cannot save you that is important to understand but notice the next part of verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in them however if you look at verse 10 notice that good works do come out of your life and that's the problem where lordship salvation they insist that i have to look at the level of good works that you're doing in your life and then it's a sad scene where you see john macarthur he's asked the question by a little child how do i know that i'm saved and john macarthur asked him you know have you received the lord jesus christ for your salvation believed him with all of your heart believed in the death burial resurrection she said yes and then that's where he should have stopped but he said do you love jesus she said yes do you read do you enjoy the bible do you like church and and she has to keep saying yes to all that so then those are the qualifiers for her salvation that should not be the case there so that's how lordship lordship salvation takes it they have to see in their own level and mindset the works in your life but no the bible never said it's done in your views it's done in god's view at verse 10. notice you're created in christ jesus so it's the holy spirit within you the holy spirit within you and that is the doctrine of the spirit spiritual nature versus the fleshly nature some people say that oh you're saying that if there's a child molester and then he just repeats a prayer and says oh i believe and then goes out and then insists that i'm gonna keep going out and then start molesting children and etc no we're not saying that that person's saved and we don't say it that way either we don't do that kind of soul-winning but the idea is see we condemn both sides here both extremes here and that is done by understand these two extremes spirit and flesh here see that's the problem with easy believism they eradicate the nature of the spirit and lordship salvation they eradicate the nature the nature of the flesh that is the key answer there in other words here's the simple answer the simple answer is you're not saved by good works verse eight through nine so you simply accepted it as a gift and then what happens is god himself is the one who does the work in you you're created in christ jesus unto good works so then the holy spirit is the one that starts working in you so we're going to look at another passage uh i forgot the uh passage here look at verse philippians chapter 2 and verse 12 philippians chapter 2 verse 12 through 13 and we'll we'll come back at this passage later on in the future but let's make this very brief philippians chapter 2 verse 12 13. it goes with what paul's saying at philippians 1 and ephesians 2. there's no doubt all these go hand in hand together wherefore my beloved as he have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling so see people get scared that oh so i'm going to lose my salvation unless i work it out no see you understand the holy spirit god gave you salvation he put it in you you can't work for your salvation without god even putting salvation in you see that so you're already saved already saved and then you can work not that oh i didn't work enough so i must not be saved see you're making work proceed your salvation no salvation the god the holy spirit goes in you first and then you can work out that's why it says work out because something goes in you that's god verse 13 for it is god which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure that goes with ephesians 2 10 created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in them they all go hand in hand together the idea is this the holy spirit is working in you that's why you are different compared to yourself back then as a lost sinner in the sense that your flesh didn't change the flesh is always the same and you're going to be struggling with the same sin problems and the same sin things sinful desires will remain it doesn't go away it can happen however there's another thing that's added in there see that the flesh is not changed or eradicated the change comes because something else is added in you and that is the holy spirit nature so then what happens is then you know the same sin problem that you've done before it may not be all of them but there's going to be something somewhere where the holy spirit's convicting you and you have a guilt trip or you feel uneasy or there's something that you don't desire as much anymore etc why because of repentance to begin with that's why the doctrine of repentance is important we recognize our sinful condition sin is what puts us to hell to begin with we were convicted by that so then obviously when jesus died to save your soul from hell and loved you that much to rescue you from that cursed sin that's supposed to damn you in hell you think that it's ode to joy when you do the same sin you have second thoughts that's the idea now you can drown out by constantly growing in the fleshly nature and constantly drown out your sin and then it doesn't bother you as much anymore that is possible there are other sinful things that you never thought of before that weren't sin before but until the holy spirit spoke to you through the word of god then you got under conviction and some of you didn't like it when pastor kim yep addressed about the wrong music and the wrong dressing why because i ruined your fun and your life and some of you know that too why because see that's the holy spirit nature see that why because the holy spirit spoke to you through the word of god now and when the holy spirit speaks to you through the word of god that fleshly ignorance is not an ignorance anymore the holy spirit speaks to you in your spiritual nature now you know and it's going to bother you till the day you die don't you love pastor kim for just addressing the topics to you and ruining your whole life praise the lord there we go that's the right answer okay so that's the idea the idea is where lordship salvation gets the wrong idea again is see they keep looking at the signs of the spirit the signs of the spirit and then they ignore this part here see that one can grow more than the other they don't realize that one can grow more than the other and then easy believism they just keep folks focusing on this nature but then they don't look at this nature see that both extremes don't look at the two natures two natures is basic essential doctrine that every christian should know about without these two natures you get messed up in wrong doctrine now go to romans 8 this becomes even more powerful you ready for this romans 8 28. this is even better romans 8 28 a lot of people know this famous passage but they don't realize that this includes even the bad that they do so even the sins that you commit in your life the lord can work it for good not just uh suffering or bad situations you go through it means every bad so even the sinful things that you've done in your life god can work it for good romans 8 28 and we know so notice that says no see that no it says no wait a minute remember philippians confident now look at this watch out now this is powerful we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose look at that work together for good did you see that there work together for good going back to philippians he that which has begun a good work in you wow even the bad that you've done will perform it for good that's awesome oh well just that moment no all the way to the end of jesus christ amen all the way to the rapture that gets you want to stand and shout that's awesome that's the lord jesus christ doing great miracles in your life amen philippians chapter one going back to verse six now isn't that powerful now the day of jesus christ for some p for some people who don't know that's referring to the rapture that's why i keep saying rapture rapture rapture notice it goes all the way to the day of jesus christ the day of jesus christ is referring to the rapture some people don't realize that the evidence we're not going to look at the scriptures for it but you can look it up yourself just search every reference that says day of christ and even day of the lord as well and both of those references are going to refer to all the way to the end times all the way to the end times and then day of christ is more particular to a christian flavor and that includes jesus christ rapturing his saints so notice that you're sealed all the way this goes hand in hand with another verse which we don't have time to turn to ephesians 4 30 that no matter how many times you sin against the lord you're sealed all the way to the rapture no matter what sin you commit the lord's going to work it for good you might say how the lord gonna work it for good from a child of god who messes up oh he sure can work it for good you know what he can use you for he can use you as a testimony for other people who struggle with the same simple issues and this will be a shame all right which you don't want to be but maybe god can use your life as a messed up christian you can mess your life up all the way to the end and god can use you as an example as a name in his book in the bible that don't end up like demas that's how god can work it for good i'm gonna you're gonna contribute to my bible praise the lord and then god's like yeah i'm gonna put you as a name of shame so that people can know that so that they don't mess up in the future and that's a good work of god how about that all righty let's look at uh for some people who don't know i mean if god no longer has a use for you his uh he has a timetable for that and the timetable is he's going to destroy your body first corinthians chapter three there's so many verses just on that one verse that we don't have time to but notice all these basic doctrines or supposedly basic doctrines christian doctrines we know about it's something we overlooked and now it makes more sense does it not now it matches it makes even more sense now all right philippians 1. i believe the reason why it becomes even more sense to us is because how it's more related to our application we apply it this time it's really applied here verse 7 even as it is meat for me so paul says that it is fitting for him even as it is fitting for him to think this of you all so even including another idea that's fitting for him to think about this manner of all the philippian church what isn't what is another one because i have you in my heart he has them in his heart that's how much the church of philippi means to them they've been that much of a blessing to him inasmuch as both in my bonds so that's proof that this is a prison epistle he's writing this while in prison inasmuch as both in my bond so in other words he's saying that even at times where i'm in prison bonds both in prison and in what in the defense and confirmation of the gospel also while in prison or while he's defending or confirming making sure about the gospel truth ye all are partakers of my grace they partake in paul's grace so that's amazing is that it's fitting for paul to think that one he has them in his heart and that while in prison or while defending the gospel or confirming the gospel they partake in paul's grace now that is something that okay this is more than me all right you guys want to hear this more than me you know why this is speaking to you the idea is is that the preacher here he has a grace that the lord has given to him a special grace that he didn't give to any other person go to second corinthians 12. ii corinthians chapter 12. this is very practical book you can see it relate a lot to your life experience here second corinthians chapter 12. some people might be boo or aw that i didn't get the interesting history lesson but my goodness it's not just one topic there's so much gold in every topic that relates to the bible and philippians aren't you glad you didn't miss this one out this applies a lot to your life that you can start changing and practicing this time in your life second corinthians chapter 12 this is paul's grace this is amazing listen up now verse 7 and lest i should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations so see god gave paul abundance of revelations he didn't give to any other person look at verse 6 for though i would not desire to glory i shall not be a fool for i will say the truth but now i forbear lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me seeth me to be or that he heareth of me look at verse 5 of such and one will i glory yet of myself i will not glory but in mine infirmities did you see that so notice that during his own infirmities there that this is something powerful in his testimony that he can glory about his revelations at verse seven what a life paul has and this is what all what because of god's grace he gave to paul that's why he can bear all of that look at verse 9 verse 9 and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will i rather glory in my infirmities that the what power of christ may rest upon me now i don't know if you recall this in your ephesian study but look at romans look at romans notice that god gives different measures of grace to people romans 12. so everyone has their own trial their own gift their own ability their own calling never take it lightly you have something unique god has given to you that he didn't give to other people whether it be singing whether it be your joy whether it be encouragement whether it be your prayer life whether it be a good speaker or even secular things in this world in the job that you work with god has given you something that's an ability that's a division from his grace he gives to everybody that's what paul was talking about about my grace his particular gift and ability which is like wow i wish i could have some of that look at verse six having then gifts see that differing according to the what grace that is given to us romans 12 verse six we see that and the list of it is given out at verse 7 8 as well so paul's gift from his grace go to philippians chapter 1. so we understand that now okay the idea is if you look at the chart too it might give you a better idea so this is paul's grace this is his ability he has power with christ second corinthians 12 and you go man i want some of that guess what the church of philippi get some of that going back to the text here verse the last part of verse 7 says e all are what partakers of my grace now here's the idea church is that your pastor uh the lord has given me a different grace and it's not better than other people but nevertheless it is something very special that i don't take it for granted i mean look how god blessed our church right i do not take that for granted and i take it seriously but it came with a lot of pain a lot of suffering and a lot of gift and a special calling but guess what you can partake in that onliners are you listening you can partake in that and the evidence is the tons of sermons and the teachings and the discipleship and the rbb connect that we just launched so that i can try to give you some of the stuff that god has given to me the experience and pain i went through i relay it out to you in the preaching you can partake in that so then are you partaking in it or are you running away from it are you letting other people volunteer for you are you just content with just being a regular member or are you one of those brothers and sisters pastor i can mop the floor for you pastor i can pick up the person for you pastor i can preach in your place while you're absent pastor i'll make sure that everybody feels welcomed and that you don't have to be the one that keeps track of everybody to be feel welcome because i know that you're busy doing other stuff pastor will take care of security measures for you so that you don't have to worry about that past see that you partake in what my grace why because if you guys didn't partake in that i would have to take care of all of that myself and if i took care of all that myself i increased my burden but that's the burden god gave to me and my gift my ability my blessing increases more don't you want some of that rather than me hogging all of it so you partake in it you know the tri i strongly believe this church trial and afflictions you're going through remember this your pastor went through it before just keep that in mind he went through that before or he could have went through it a week prior to your trial that just happened you know what's going on god is making you partake in that now a privilege to partake in the grace because why satan second corinthians 12 was the one his messenger was the one responsible for digging that attack in paul second corinthians 12 but god says that's a grace that i gave to you paul so then when paul overcomes it then satan says from his messenger i'll attack somebody else that's close to the pastor and then god says your turn now to share in the grace or you can reject it and you can run away from it did you learn something today let's close it off here at verse seven so then the idea is paul says that no wonder paul says it's fitting for him that he thinks of them all he really has them in his heart because i have you in my heart that's going to hap help this preacher too if you partake in his grace who are the people who'll keep more in his mind right in his heart that's the idea and then keep reading on here the reason why is both in while he was in prison and while they're defending and confirming the gospel so right here you got a few clues here you already know enough you have an idea how to partake in the grace but now let me tell you a little bit more specifically here the passages gave you something more specific one pastor's in trouble pastor's trial you're still helping out that's one here two notice that you're defending the gospel why do you think soul winning class is so encouraging to this pastor huh you know why because people are learning how to debunk arguments you don't think that's a blessing i'm at a point now and so when in class i just leave the advanced soul winners alone they all talk to each other on apologetics i leave them alone that's in my that's a great joy and then notice it's not just uh so then we you can't have christians depending on a ravi zacharias who is fallible and messes up with massage parlors sex scandals you can't have that kind of a person every christian should be better than a ravi zacharias so that their faith is not on a ravi zacharias but on god and their walk with him defending the gospel isn't it encouraging that it's encouraging this pastor don't have to deal with james white trolls and then these new ifb trolls walking in and having their his own members handle them that's a huge joy in my life and then these trolls they get so panicky and fearful and they run away not because of me because of just our very own members why they defend the gospel notice confirming the gospel now that's important notice it's not just spreading it says confirm that means to make sure that means to build upon it so in your soul winning are you building upon it by training others helping out others in our soul winning class we have a few doing that now helping out each other that's confirming the gospel putting in the money in the offering plate coming to church attending every service why so that we can just keep confirming the gospel encourage more numbers to come in by our presence out street preaching visitation why because we're we're not just spreading the gospel it's confirming it it's making it sure building upon it and building it to become even better how do we finally have an rb and b connect after all these years because of people who are building upon the gospel it's confirming now all right you all learned a good lesson all right let's close with the word of prayer god my father i pray that tonight's teachings have been a blessing to the hearers and increased our knowledge of the scripture and i pray that we will apply these principles it will be a huge waste of time emblem father that we take one of the most applicable books in the bible and waste the application i pray that we will not waste the application and start applying it after this bible study is over in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 27,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Id: RvjzbMAZoTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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