Dark Souls 3: Strength Build Invasions! (194 Days ➔ Elden Ring)

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yo what's up guys chase debro here welcome back to another dark souls 3 invasion stream hello everybody hello what is up hello shellman how goes your day man hunter gabriel hello janice hello yox36 how goes your day man remember suey hello christian and jackie hello man what's up what's up um one sec chat just gonna fix my stuff you dishonest streamer what is up what is up drift hello i am a little early today i am an honest streamer what is up um let's see so i got that set up i'm good uh here's the build for us today chat by the way i think i'm so level 90 yes i am soul level 90. there we go oh and my mic is not muted for once at the start of the stream that is a win that is a win i can't believe i have a bot this quick in my channel jesus uh okay also quick quick shout out to our boy seriously casual super awesome viewer who made me this retextured helm look at it look at it's like my channel logo look at look at how look at how accurate it is to to the channel logo it's pretty insane that he was able to do that honestly it's a mix of the lorien's helm and the elite knight helmet i love it i love it uh yeah that's really it though it's retextured so i'm actually wearing this exhale mask but it looks like this on my screen and that's all i could ask for it's pretty goddamn awesome uh okay let's do a warm-up in vision i was like what am i doing right now very fashionable thank you thank you uh if you can parry the beginning no it's only the second spin i believe i don't think you can parry the initial that like the startup of it i'm pretty sure you can't anyway uh this character is still level 90. that was 133 the past couple of streams and it was good but some of it was slow so i wanted like a faster invasion so i went to 90 today and yeah the ou the outfit looks pretty good i think i like it i like it it works with the crown yeah thank you weasel uh he has actually a youtube channel showing how to retexture some of the fire colors as well the way that he did it before and his link is in the description of my stream so if you want to check it out it is there super awesome dude um okay my recording works cool cool yes i'm gonna try to make more outfits with it but i think this one is probably like the best looking royal night outfit oh soup diet [ __ ] [ __ ] uh gabriel i do play on pc yeah i know for people that just see my videos and other streams it probably looks like xbox because steam shows you the uh like the inputs for xbox when you look at items like click a to sit at the bonfire for example but i'm on pc and i use a ps4 controller so yeah i know that's confusing as well to fight tough fight a first one you know that easy warm-up yes right there in chat there's our boy i i think he said he's planning to do like uh uh a tutorial for the retexture as well which is sick i feel like people would like to know how to do that on pc it just adds more fun to the build making you know if you could see something interesting on your screen okay let's go with sprit reef my game's been very free me i was testing before streaming i'm not sure why i don't think there was like a windows update or anything maybe it's just one of those days my computer is just pooping uh dark souls with a keyboard it could be good uh i just don't have any practice with it so um are you poisoned oh what are you doing my man why are you wearing that helm take it off what the hell was i just witnessing oh it was the mimic head i was like can you even get poisoned in this general area i don't think so we can mimic heads dude oh my god good fight notorious oh that was taking 10. i don't even know isn't there different levels of poison damage as well geez that sword buff is so loud though side note what the hell i couldn't hear myself think ah interesting evie i've had that on controller but the controller itself had stick drift so it's not i wouldn't say it's the game's fault but yeah weird my frames look weird today man i feel like i'm getting like less than 60. which is really weird maybe i can turn on the hud layout performance show me the fps let's just see yeah what the hell i have 50 fps right now that's so weird that's so strange sometimes the game just acts up though i suppose okay i'm gonna stand in a different area maybe it's just this area maybe i could look at my game settings as well i usually have everything on max but i mean i don't know where is it here i could turn off shadow quality and see if that does anything maybe my pc is just having a spazz attack today yeah jake i don't know okay so it's not just me that's weird though it's weird that it happens to other people's games because there hasn't been like a dark souls update or anything so interesting yeah let's see i mean that kind of helps gank city always demanding that's true oh did you jake damn hmm maybe i'll take the day one day to do like a full clean install see if that helps it is this the chase skin yeah thunder pig it looks awesome right looks amazing bug god all right bug god we're gonna do some honest battle here hopefully or what what how am i still how am i not sent home oh it's like that if i got summoned in during the boss fight i suppose that can happen that's so strange come on chaotica i like it i've used i haven't used the spear in a while what the heck that even sounded funny okay we're just gonna parry our lad here no okay he just kept rolling into me and then like doing the l1 so i can appreciate the honor fight you guys have going on here okay you can ask this yo dakota thank you man i appreciate that okay hello hello keyboard guy all right keyboard guy what do you got for me and dude double dakota thank you man wait what why did they wait could the sunfroze maybe not get into the fog wall for some reason maybe this guy's world was just heavily like glitched in some way that was so weird that was so strange he was like yeah i'm out i'm gonna let me just turn off the fps counter that kind of bothers me maybe it'll sort itself out as i play it more it seems better now yo what's up sebastian welcome man that was weird that was a weird starting battle i have to say what's the hardest move to parry for me it's like the first hit of a two-handed greatsword i find is my like hardest and i guess the first hit of a straight sword as well because they come out really quick and most of the time you don't have perfect connection to the person you're fighting so you actually can't react period like it's impossible you have to like parry before they swing so i'd give it to those two probably the drag hammers all the jubilee weapons actually can have like an easier time autismo a well known like a meme hack dude hello boys wait i wanna make sure i'm recording this could be fun yeah hello boys come here blue perfect [Music] flew down yo bum nope all right war path another summon we're making a fight club in here i like it don't run away from me come on coward jeez he's one with the dodge though he's got that down that's gonna hit him once and then he'll get real caught like that oh you ain't going nowhere you can't escape me [ __ ] that very fun fight yo billy i finally catch a stream on my only day off your only day off dude you've been doing six days you're crazy billy thank you so much mindy like uh do you like the custom helm with the crown very cute gotta rock this all the time now cuz you know channel logo and whatnot i just kicked a guy five times on a ladder and he didn't even wobble did i miss something uh yes if if if you're fighting someone on a ladder and you notice their health kind of changing up and down they're spamming the ring of favor uh to regen their stamina so as you're as you're hitting them they're getting the stamina back from you hitting them super annoying i i don't do ladder fights for that reason most of the time now the neck card just needs to be gold true oh is that like the logo oh yeah that's true the neck guard on the logo is gold you're right you're right forgot about that i don't even notice that small detail look at those eyes on you in here it also looks okay with the with my uh weave cape thing but it kind of hides the helm more so i retextured the this to go with that why even play pvp i know right tim or if you're just gonna hide on a ladder i don't know people are weird sometimes they like what they like um let's see maybe the wooden hammer i don't know where these guys are though uh you do any any gameplay mod changes will would get you banned but client-side retextures for the most part seem okay from all my testing lost and i have uh done retextured bloodborne armor where we only see it on our screen so we don't look like this to other players by the way that's probably why it's safe it doesn't actually change anything in the game just the visuals on our end um let's go with the spear actually i have no idea that guy's gate is closed are these alive these are alive what the hell hmm i'm a little bit lost then that gate is closed he's not here i guess he might be upbeat by the top i suppose he is okay we'll go up top or what if he's waiting here to force that's a ring city thing right people do that do i have camera auto walker okay that was weird [Music] there was a clip of someone using a one shot crucifixion explosion kill at a ladder camper in pontiff he timed it oh so he did the weapon and then he slid down with the ladder oh my god that's hilarious and he had like tears or something oh he just jumped off and timed it oh my god that's even more epic cosmic thank you by the way man i'd love to see that it's funny there was a clip of somebody using a one-shot crucifix explosion to kill it that's amazing like just jumped off time the explosion fell past the host that's some timing dude that is some timing okay i'm gonna i'm gonna just change invasions because i don't know where this guy is sadly that is funny though that's really funny aren't you british no i'm canadian i am a canadian yeah like i like i put the effort in for that kill then i appreciate him oh yeah i see joseph time to time oh wow interesting invasion spot oh yeah i actually do not like this invasion spot all right hammer person follow me actually i have bad luck i'm gonna use the camera here what do you want to fight you with you got a bomb camera i got a bomb camera let's go down here though follow me this way so you don't get shot by the with the witches the angel the witches hello warrior uh can i let you get the bonfire i will let you get the bonfire here get the bonfire look at the kindness this is how you invade true kindness please don't fog wall me now i wanted to have a bong battle what oh there you are hello i am chase the blind that is known it is true bonk hammers have pretty cool combos i cannot deny what's a wall you got there sir oh damn hyper armor i would like some butts please allow me i keep getting caught on people i feel like they have like wider hitboxes today or i'm just bad could be that i'm just bad today oh it's that trade you don't get free heal no no the fire the fire if it ruined my bonk okay let's do that thought he might do another one okay he's in kill range if i can just get a nice uh r1 punish we get the combo off and it's gg oh no that's fun though you don't see hammer battles often it's true that's why i wanted to do that one i don't think so cosmic i've heard that the really really big armor sets like smoke um harold and what's the other one exile they do like the actual chess pieces do make their hitbox a tiny bit bigger which is funny i don't wear those armor sets in general any armor set that fluffs out your arms apparently does that but i think it's just those three that are like the chonk or armor sets i don't even think havels does that weird arm fluff up thing so you saw that video okay i saw a few i wasn't sure like if there was a lot of merit to that but i think it is true from what i've seen anyway noob slayer basically yeah noobslayer armor this larry's armor set is one of the chonker ones wing night two oh wing knight you're right you're right wing knight is definitely one of them i forgot i don't wear those three armor sets like at all uh chandler you get mods uh nexus mods has like a lot of retextures there's tons of like anime ones a variety other like superhero ones as well you could definitely try those out hello there nios oh yes i'm at a war let's see what have i not let's do a little bit more bonking i've been i've been really an enthusiast of the bonk stick as of late what the hell is that can i just say it is one of the more peculiar weapons yeah are you talking about the wex dust yeah i mean it just searches for invasions for you it's the same as if you went to like an area and used the red irb right it just it just searches in for you instead of you having to move so it saves time doesn't do anything for you at all other than that uh status icon oh i forget what they call that there's like a stat uh retexture where it puts the stab bars on the left instead of on your character and i love that for like the content creation because i get good thumbnail shots sometimes of battle and then it'll just be like a poison meter in the middle of my character and it's the most annoying thing so that was huge um red hilton ring knight spear i don't use that a lot time to dress up as banana a bunch of dragon slayer great axes here we go um is that below yes yes that's the buff one i know where they are it's an abyss watcher named hollow knight okay hello there let me just uh buff my stick here hey hollow knight what's brown and sticky a stick i'm sorry i had to throw out a dad joke okay okay so you win you win for most our ones ever ever participated on hang on i uh i i don't have a um i was hoping i had a uh i have a lot of things i want to practice here this guy is the perfect example i do you have time to block the second greatsword swing and then take off your weapons and parry it you think or at the very least could i block with this let's let's see let's see i want to test it i have to be prepared mentally though so i gotta get ready for his spam no i don't think so huh maybe on the third one the third one might be doable try one more time if not we'll just kill him no not enough time okay good to know though come here sir [Music] my testing is done now you must die you did not yield results science exactly garlic exactly good to i just i've always wondered though like if you could do that with the shield i guess not but the stun from the the great sword takes a little bit of time or i guess i don't know i have to test it a little bit more what in your opinion is the best looking armor like the actual armor itself that's really tough i mean like it's not like like a full set looks the best you can make a really good combination of a lot of fashions and some of my favorites are like the ring knight chess piece let's say uh slave knight leggings on a girl character with like a witch hat that looks like a witch outfit looks really good um i also like like certain types of i love this outfit but i mean this helm isn't really in the game so i can't say that i guess but right now this fashion is my favorite as of right now the custom helm for my logo you know i'm a little bias on that the holy frames where'd they go i lost them all if you're talking about full sets then yeah maybe maybe like black knight um i like some of them some of the full sets i use a ps4 controller oh my god oh wait please tell me i have yes yes yes yes made it so much better it topped it off i'm sorry that's funny i wasn't ready for that to work sometimes you just got a meme that was good major invasions never now i'm joking i do them from time to time not often though ah no no no i'm still level 90 i'm not 137. that was the last stream i have connie i don't know i've been liking it i get to use like a good variety of weapons on it like i realize that deck seems like it has a lot but it's like i use rapiers spears i guess straight sword it kind of basically strength has everything dex has i don't use rapiers as much on this but i also get to use like halberds the lance the hammer um ultras from time to time when i'm feeling it and i still have like everything else that they have as well i even have cell swords on here i want to try it out see how much damage they do that's right basically um i'm intrigued let's see what cell source can do actually i wonder what the damage difference is on like a 60 dex build compared to this 326 that doesn't sound like it's gonna hit hard but we're gonna see oh that means ulta 4 was fast as hell yeah exactly i like decks for fishing though not gonna lie because like the rapier does so much damage and i tend to do all like my bundle swaps and stuff on my deck spills not as much on strength uh yeah dexter store for sure oh that's weird what are we hiding from sir are you just waiting for me just go quality yeah exactly that's another one you can do i love quality but quality is hard to do at 90. so strength tends to be my favorite or decks here um osrs is that like i see we're gaming in here that's right cell sword strength build let's go it actually didn't seem like it did too bad of damage honestly it didn't seem horrible 279 on an r1 i was bundled though so like there's that yeah i'm 90 right now hello yeah you know what that's that's not terrible okay every time i walk in and out of this doorway i lose about half my frame rate i don't know what's doing it but i'd like it to stop this is just wrong you don't like strength cell swords oh no red no no no go over there yeah careful he's still summoning ha you want a corner camp you get my kind of corner camping that's what you guys did oh no why you hit me ready put the bow away i mean it's not a bow put the thing away two split leaves okay this tunnel is just bad we need to get a tunnel actually we're gonna end up hitting each other leave red leave yeah hello what that's for one of you i don't know which one but one of these taken you know what yeah strength cell swords i'm i'm committed to it that bomb wasn't anywhere near me that was so weird neither was that holy what is happening what the that spin range what the [ __ ] i gotta i gotta check that out that was weird hello kitty toe hello it's a level 90 at the moment yeah that was a pretty smart move on their card he waited for the whip punish then attacked me okay i'm gonna go back to my strength weapons though right right i don't know what's going on with my game after the stream today i'm definitely gonna like reinstall dark souls or something because my frame rate is just [ __ ] the bed right now it really is heavy cell swords you don't like the heavy cell swords man maybe cell swords are a way of life damn though what is going on with the frame rates like i i don't think i'm the reason that guy's lagging though honestly i'm pretty sure i'm not my friends are like okay in comparison oh [Music] my frame rate trapped there too that's so weird i don't know what's causing my game to run this way right now does it look super framey for chat as well or is it just like a visual on my side like skipping even my inputs too um omar you've been having the same problem but there's no like update for the game it's so weird that there'd be like so many next slide says frame rating for the stream too damn i mean i have a really strong pc that's what's so weird i've never had dark souls run like this you can see it too hmm i don't know your frames are cheeks yeah i know what the [ __ ] like i sorry if i put a frame rate counter on it it would show me like 30 right now the stream also got choppy hmm i mean if like even like this right like this looks bad this looks bad like this is not what it normally looks like to me maybe i should restart my pc hang on i'm just gonna put on the fps counter for a second and see like that's just bad like when i'm standing still i have 50 fps i shouldn't have that texture optim no it's not it's not that definitely not that man i don't know hmm it's bad though yeah 50. i don't know if you guys can see the counter in the bottom but it's showing me 50 fps right now when i walk through that doorway with the 48. i might reset my computer honestly i think the recordings will come out really bad too then yeah in this game like you shouldn't get like drops in dark souls 3 that much especially if you're a decent computer it's not the most intense game to run definitely by no means and they never validate files on steam maybe i'll try the resetting the pc if that works and i notice it i'll put the stream back on right away if not maybe i'll reinstall and continue the stream a little bit later just because it's so bad 54. i'm not even like in a doorway or anything i'm like it's weird oh i have no tears sorry i was just thinking about the frame rate ew 39 fps what the [ __ ] okay yeah i'ma reset my pc after this nation it's too bad no it's definitely not i've used tons of retextures some that i've made myself and i'm not even good at doing that every texture could never cause that especially on like sub 60 can i even parkour slightly i get a little bit lost spinning the camera though it reminds me of the old ps4 days oh god oh god it doesn't help that these two are really laggy they're making it a lot worse i don't even know if i can fish i might just go to your church it has to be a steam client issue you have the same problem um okay maybe i'll i'll tough it out for the stream then if other people have it happening as well cuz that is probably not me i guess but never really had this that was interesting sure just lag away just lag away no problem to [ __ ] die i would restart yeah you know i think i will just to see if it is on my end first before i get really into the stream and i end up playing with this the whole time then the fps will just be garbage it seems okay right now but i mean i missed their lag man no i've used a lot of retexture before it's never it's never that it's a small amount of data i was just reading chat and rolling right there ah what is happening what is happening this guy is the laggiest man i've seen in a bit dan are you alive how are you alive dan what the hell i'm gonna need you to calm your router down man i'm gonna need you to calm it down no no oh my god what in the hell that was super strange the menus are really damn i like how you guys are noticing it i'm kind of adapting i shouldn't be adapting man i don't know if i want to should i reset the computer i've tried resetting the game already before i streamed yeah you think i should is it that bad for a stream as well you guys can see it i don't know i'll do i'll do one more i'll do one more i'll do one more see how it is if it's terrible in the area that i go to then i'll just hmm just resetting the pc such a blur i like it's really weird that when i'm spawning in i'm getting like 50. okay we'll see right now in this particular moment they're sitting at 59. this is this is normal right here this is normal 60. i don't know what was making it go to 30. turn all other sources of things i have opened off what's the health bar um what do i have 1330 hp 30. yeah it's more like i'd rather have a steady frame rate than i drop it so that's why i never mind like dark souls 3 being like uh locked to 60 just because it's steady you know it's really rough when you go through a doorway and then it's like oh 20 just for like a split second it looks bad i use a ps4 controller it's the standard ps4 controller oh fog world you know whatever i'll tough it out i can make it work i've already gone this far i'm gonna turn off the fps counter so i stopped noticing it you know just placebo effect myself that's all it'll be okay all right now i'm ready i'm mentally ready uh it's the drake blood armor set but i'm using a retexture for the helm to look like a custom helmet yeah lock 60 is fine it's always fine paladin and the ring city let's go all right get some bonkenings happening here true yes but i mean i never have that issue and i play this game every day so it's just weird i don't know what happened i just saw the hostie host yeah basically it's a crown welded on to the elite night home you know that's what i did adventurous well that's what that's what seriously casual did for me summoning a phantom hello paladin how are you sir how are you one not two you rolled the way i didn't think you roll you ran out of space one two oh no the summon has arrived and it's a fume wielder hello humor of doomer your teammate needs to come in here and help you i don't know why he's not what are you doing you were leaving the fume guy all to his own not another one of these i'll show you i have the power of wind get your ass out here don't make me come in there i'll come in here there's a wall there you can't go anymore my mans was still rolling oh good uh let's do something fun all right let's trade with him get him to trade so trade with me or backstep into alt f4 yeah yeah i do that a lot i'm here just like the standard little step forward r1 i just actually wanted to play around with the guy because he was summoning i didn't just want to kill him but he escaped anyway this is how i normally roll catch with it or like guard cancel it basically he jumped into the wall just gone true art right there i know i don't understand literally beside the bonfire i hope there's a little bit less of that in dark souls that'd be awesome he just jumped through the wall you know he fell oh god okay can i have ourself a a little a little fun here oh there's there's two i think well i mean this is obviously a job for the millwood it can't not be used in the middle of you know you don't see me no oh come on that hit his toe i'm sad i think he got hit anyway i'm just going to go down then what do i want okay we'll do a little bit more bonking hello there no not another fog wall not another one not another no you guys look like you like fights yeah let's go some honest claymore battle should i join in i did commit to the hammer though so i kinda wanna i don't wanna use it it's so good it's it's kind of stupidly good when people aren't expecting to fight it it's so it's pretty powerful what oh my weapon didn't even come off but okay what about finishing with that was the best combo in the world an axe okay i'm down oh no i'm stuck over here for a minute what's the one bad thing about the combo you gotta like kind of hit it right as soon as you hit the r1 so you have to assume you're hitting the r1 you know and then if you do it and you're just like stuck out in the air fun fight though wait that would him yeah the second hit is so long oh my god takes forever that was kind of funny i used the reinforced club it's a level one to get yeah i mean reinforced club has good stun on bosses it's actually a really good choice for a soul level one boss uh the link to his channel is in the description the hulk uh but his name is seriously casual uh he did a retexture on nexus 2 for green fire and blue lightning has like a combo together different than the green fire that i made this is like a different shade brought to you by chase bonk and savings exactly the honest bonk do did those hit him i i mean i saw them heading right for him but i didn't really i didn't think he'd just stare at them and let them hit him in the face i guess i was wrong mmm drake blood yeah did they all hit i really wasn't looking i was looking at the chat at that moment i guess that's funny these guys are hilarious what a beautiful scene it's arrows i can't make that up big fat big boy all right big basically is what he's saying chunk souls 3. chunker oh wait what wait what did he go to the church area i guess they never opened the shortcut door i suppose can you give someone your obscurity ring can you get another one on that character uh yeah you just have to get a friend to drop it to you jimmy other than that you'd have to go to the new game plus and do the covenant item again but yeah you can drop items between friends or yeah alternatively you can go get it on your game excuse me oh there we go a whole war that's what i've been wanting oops spell charges are fp that depends cuz like i would like maybe weapon arts to not be tied to fp sometimes like it'd be cool if they could do it a different way because that's annoying you gotta level your attunement just to actually use your weapon art you know it's just it's strange hello boys lutsu um hang on let me hit record hello okay i am here and ready for battle even though my frame rate is not holy vestige just makes it even harder oh my god i'm playing playstation 4. i kid you not what the hell that is unfortunate for him honestly i don't know why he didn't heal when he could that's not how you go into your charge the vestige actually made it even more ridiculous oh my god next frame streamer oh my god i'm even moving slower because of it okay making me rethink the not resetting my pc thing that's pretty nuts yeah i didn't mean to the frame rate like fluctuated and i i didn't let go of my guard because of that it was really annoying do the r1 spam do it no okay drop him below 60. i don't think i'm getting 60 i wish i was but right now it's like in and out of like 40 50. it's even hard for me to like punish with backstabs right now okay i don't know why it's struggling right now man i honestly think i will reset it now that i'm looking at this like what it's so unfortunate i never really i've never had this issue am i secretly playing on the og xbox man i could be oh my god it looks like it right there did you see that oh my my eyes they burn what the hell was that finally i'm streaming on xbox holy this feels bad i got no i got no words i think something's up with the pc it needs a nice reset for sure he's gonna kill this guy quick okay fun fight man fun fight damn dude damn um i don't know should i just keep it for the rest of the stream we're like halfway through a stream almost it's kind of funny [ __ ] it i'll just do it i don't even care dishonest it's kind of funny though well i've been streaming for like an hour and a bit new video 30 fps invasions i'm intrigued to see if it's if the recordings look good or not though oh have i not okay maybe it hasn't been that long maybe it really is worth a restart i wonder if i could keep the stream live i don't think i can i'd have to like restart delete it so it's kind of sad that's that's the thing um nah [ __ ] it i'ma just play it out i hate having like a ball that's like 30 minutes or an hour and then it has an issue i'd rather have the whole stream just be on one mod that's why i hate restarting yeah if i had a second computer you're really you're making a good case for having a streaming computer you really are making a strong case right now damn it's okay though we'll make the most out of it large loretta large loretta that just reminds me of family guy listen like you once you're blessed with the 60 the 30 feels bad man it feels bad you know what before i do that yeah you're right i'll just check task manager i don't think i have anything that could be causing an issue right now discord dark souls why does this say eight google chrome tabs there's no way i have eight i have three but okay uh steam obs task manager that's really it that's really it uh no no this is uh my soul level 90 version of that build oh hello boys wait is this the team from earlier that i like frame rated out on and then got blundered hello i'm actually excited to fight you guys if my frames stayed together that was a fun fight sadly it just got cooked is it where's my mouse dude i know this isn't on my screen i can't lock on all right no no no no stay on the screen stay on damn it damn it dab it stay on the screen mouse what the [ __ ] okay we're good it's clicking to lock on but it [ __ ] shot the arrow holy henry down going on a trip apparently all right loretta you're bomb camera versus mine you can get an r1 off that i was going to say but yeah kind of ah i hate those rocks they're the bane of my existence the battle of the bomb sticks fun fight large loretta that invasion started scary very scary indeed yeah or i would do it is it worth going to 80 decks it is honestly it depends on like what kind of build you're setting up but you could make 80 decks work well yeah yeah i mean especially on a glass cannon a hundred percent but i mean i've seen regular just normal 80 dex bills they just have like 26 stamina but i prefer not doing 80 decks i think 60 is what i go 60 and i can i can manage 70. yeah 80 decks is insane especially with like sell swords um i'm trying to think of like most of the dps weapons will just be crazy with 80 decks yeah i hope bloodborne gets an fps update i'm with you i really hope so oh they're this way okay they're this way using hex what are my hacks time investment in the game [Music] hello there pyro that's lab it'll be really funny uh don't mind though don't mind the dishonest backstab i'm so sorry cat food that was very unfortunate for him honestly best straight sword is broken straight for sure i've heard about that i mean there's kind of always like a rumor of a bloodborne pc port but it never comes so i don't get my hopes up too high yeah monolith i feel you i see it though often and i i get hopeful and then i get it crushed um well for decks it's interesting like after 40 you don't get a ton of damage returns until you you get closer to 60 and then from 60 to 80 you start getting normal like deck scaling again so it's like it's really hard to choose what your breaking point is going to be i mean 80 is optimal and awesome but you definitely are lacking in stats if you do 80 decks hello flanker are you trying to get my flank homie dishonest flanker with uh what is that yes you put it away good wha the blessed axe oh my rolling is that it got cooked i oh do i i do have the spinny fists of fury forgot about that i definitely got to use that as a moment that's funny do you think disbelief is op i think it's definitely one of the top weapons for sure though like for burst damage for sure atomic karate yeah some lots of the dlc weapons definitely uh became pretty strong just picture the frame oh really i'm wondering like what does it look like to watch i'm kind of adjusting to it i bet you when i restart my computer and play it's going to be like amazing frame rate uh for this belief yeah that's probably if you if you land the r1 you get either this oh my god the frame rate though or you get this as a true combo um lulin and iron round are the same lululemon has more absorption and iron round has i think one or two more stability so it's like i think the luolin technically is better but i prefer the light the light weight of the iron round and i prefer uh its appearance as well yeah the black knight glaive is also awesome uh for stroke i failed your name i'm sorry if i did but it's better on a quality build than a strength build so i don't tend to use it on my strength builds hey yo what's up virus how goes your day yeah exactly meteors so they're very close so it's really up to you if you can handle the weight of the level in like that one unit isn't a big deal then go for it but some outfits i make it doesn't work too well with oh my god what i'm doing turn off my mouse what if my mouse is like being derpy ah yeah i mean if someone just randomly gunned your charges out of the air you just can run away from it right so it's really going to your strong is like a wake up after a backstab or a parry um as well if you swap to it really quick to trade with uh weapons r1 it can be good but is pretty powerful in packs of 50 you're not wrong you got to get the value pack and you get 25. well like keyboard and mouse stream i'm not a huge fan of keyboard and mouse just because i've put in so much time out of the controller so it's weird suffering hello what is that suffering how are you man uh you got a curve greatsword i'm gonna fight you with the strength cell swords let's go got a balloon coming in bluebee oh my god we killed that blue earlier hey what's up man you had a he had a reinforced club but i remember that shield very vividly well i needed another uh curved sword to fix my inventory and i i didn't i didn't want to put in for the pk so i just i put on the salsa and we're seeing how they do you know that would have been like 600 damage i think they're not terrible they're not the worst thank you for muting the fool hello there ryan oh suffering down damn oh no quick step you can't get me [Music] like our con chords are con chords no as is someone in chat who has no idea what they're talking about the poor guy it's okay i think he's talking about because my helm is retextured but i think what they're failing to understand is that other people just see the regular exile mask like this is only on my screen if you fight me i'm wearing the armor you see right there and that's the proper weight and the proper absorption for the armor that i'm actually wearing you know understand what you're seeing is just visual changes on my side i know a lot of people don't know what like client side that's what that is it's time for the wax dust oh oh even dumber then okay hello harry how are you may as well go to every dark soulstreamer and complain then i just thought i had two arms equipped now i just blended together to look cute to look cute he's a hairy wizard or maybe it's because i can change weapons while moving that must be cheese how can you run and change weapons he doesn't have enough fingers for that dishonest what's up big red how goes your day man all right you're the stop what no the cosmic thank you so much man isn't it sunday though no fight me what is this there's no kindness big red i'm evil i am the big bad man what the hell is this fine i'll kill harry participate son bro participate you can't be pacifist in this game oh wait you can hit me tuesday morning oh that's why it's pre-emptive fair fair oh fancy right through my legs god oh you know this is how i play on xbox getting better with it oh interesting interesting mix up there mr onion man all right zweihander come on launch him right to me come here we're playing baseball dude yeah relax relax it's over i have a cooler helmet than you that's funny yeah i'm playing a bad guy but that doesn't make me a bad guy i forget what that's from but thank you so much cosmic i appreciate that man uh at least menu delay i mean there's no there's no lessening the menu delay just parrying with different things will have better recovery times so if you want the fastest one what's the fastest recovery maybe a medium shield but they have the worst parry frame so it really just depends on what you're pairing with oh chaos waifu hello oh yeah sorry main hand iron ram shield does have the best you're right you're right in terms of recovery but i assume most people are talking about like actually just having an offhand weapon so buckler and stuff has the most parry frames but they take the longest so they have the longest recovery uh fighting here 60 of the time the ring city uh not really it's kind of my favorite area to fight to be honest it's definitely it has the most four man teams most of the longest battles i've had up in here chaos waifu hello forgone announce hello what the hell who claymore oh wait i have a claymore too hand yo we have such similar fashion but yours is kind of more legit looking for sure i know my helm isn't real but it looks cuter so uh i could fight chaos by foot do i ever jump attack rarely rarely rarely unless a little weapon i'm using has like a guaranteed jump attack from an attack i won't jump attack yeah i don't know ring city tends to it gets like a lot of blues coming in like four man teams to begin with usually it's pretty good see i guess ashes sometimes is like that too but not as it's not as a hot spot as ring city give me hugs oh my god i remember giving me hugs hello there amber oh my god it's way you're frida but you don't have the sight that's true maybe if someone theory spams jump attack is useful i just end up swapping the lego weapon that is hard to parry in general not like an ultra but like a claymore like i don't get buried very much using a claymore oh you have the scythe i wish that's do stringfields have any good sights i don't think so can you make one work maybe huh you didn't fall for it hmm maybe the wind we can meme with her oh that had enough stun wow that did a lot of damage can't tell if it's because she's wearing cloth oh my god how we finish it yes i don't know how that worked but i wanted it yeah i mean there's a lot of dedicated teams there ipo but i like that to be honest because then there's four people always there and you know the heralds are pretty good at splitting up organized teams it helps a lot like that pve can hurt you but at the same time it's like pure anarchy so it's also good for me it is on my strength build angle uh on my dex build i i usually have an offhand like assess or something but for the strength build in general i like making use of a lot of weapon arts and it's a lot easier if i can just swap and do the weapon art side note though you can actually use your weapons weapon art with assess i used to do it with my quality builds i'll show you what i mean um let's say you have a claymore right and i have assessed this offhand so if you're in the middle of an r1 and you cue the stance like the l2 right like in the middle of that i hit l2 if i'm quick enough i can swap to a weapon and their weaponer will come out see and i'm holding asus i used to use that a decent amount on my quality build for the gundir charge but it's still a lot easier for me to not have to worry about that you have to cue the weapon before you swap the weapon and it's just it's more of a hassle than anything you just have to do it quick show your stats yes sir there you go i know michael he's awesome i love some of the 90. we have some fun fights new tech learned yeah it's situational it's it can be used though it can be useful i got that question before because i forget what i did i think it was a gun to your charge while i'd assess this and they were like how but you can do a lot like that and you can basically even without the cess being there you can cue a weapon art and swap to the weapon and it'll just automatically do it so like if i went to ring night it would just maybe not ring night because it's got a stance oh it still does it though you see that so it's it's cued so it's it's gonna do the webinar no matter what i don't have to do it myself it's interesting definitely interesting hello there what is up fook and soul oval 90. how goes your day man you can't parry yeah so like the easiest way to do the parry i hit you fook yeah get involved let's go we're going to take a journey through the entire ring city okay hopefully hopefully more viewers yeah someone more viewers yeah yeah let's go uh yeah i mean there's tons of tips and tricks i talk about them a lot on stream but i've never made like an organized video just because like there's so much to encompass like i feel like it could be a lot for someone to learn at once you know like i would have to make like a step-by-step series and i'm not sure if i want to do that now that elden ring is coming anyway but maybe damn i thought i had that not lightning arrow okay i don't need this anywhere let's go oh damn it give me hugs damn it i'm gonna need you to use your gun to your charging okay i'm gonna need you don't hit me with that yes do some do some cool art here yeah yeah double gander that was so memes but oh sorry the two-man gun deer charging oh no i'm loving our fight man always coming in for my behind huh oh get away no no i've finally been hugged i've avoided his hugs for so long i did a good job i thought david i i made an inventory guide because people ask me about weapon swaps all the time so ow fun fight man oh no he's making out with me sucking my blood i got i got sexed by a ghost yeah this build is kind of just memes honestly dude you did judy that was unfortunate death by a thousand ships jesus did a lot of damage yeah i guess it's just ring city is pretty easy to co-invade with some other areas not so much uh he's using the dark hand it has a weapon art that like sucks you why you always have four d buffs if you're wearing the prisoners chain uh hello uh you'll always spawn in with those buffs from bonfires i don't know why uh way to kill a man while he's gliding his ass what the hell is that that was weird hello boys oh you're gonna bow with me hello i don't like that you don't know what this does what wait yeah no way no way that worked that's my second kill with this today i'm on a spree it's worse because he was like down on the rock where you couldn't get up you know it's even more horrifying the terror is it i think it's because it increases absorption yeah i'm not really sure why it lowers oh no no it's because it cuts absorption you're right you're right so like like if you look at my absorption if i took it off it's cutting all my absorptions so maybe that's it even yeah it even lowers your curse resistance and all that stuff as well so that's why it does that when you spawn in from a bonfire i used to wonder that too i was like why is this on my screen what did i what did i do but yeah that makes sense wait how many of you are in here oh this four full squad confirmed end of black knights i need fb jimmy that's funny give me hugs makes a return a valiant return yikes hello i really gotta stop trying to backstab that run hugs run see how swords it is you thought you dare charge that weapon art i'm gonna go worry this guy a little bit yeah there we go scare him off the ledge you're doing god's work oh no there are a lot of barrels here [Music] oh i'm behind you someone died oh no i defaulted okay okay this is the war oh i'm seated i didn't realize that's why the heralds were looking real aggressive going to the safe zone all right i got perseverance too free today on now it's time for my mallet to make an appearance now i've got a mallet the deep master race i think i kind of think that mallet beats my mallet but i like this mallet this is the confederation of beauty because it's the wooden mallet whoa two things died right there ah he's the master of mallet chase hugs not chugs i don't want to i don't want to get hugged the red is is glitching but like in a in a non strong way so it's not so bad you know i think he just will do no damage where's the summon it i'm gonna go kill this something you guys have your meme off okay hey all right well that didn't last long oh another one let's go hello blue all your straight swords are the same a cut from the same cloth oh wait you killed give me hugs oh this honest killing give me hugs he's such a nice fellow wait does i'm gonna get hang on okay he wasn't that far behind oh no he's behind me that's what i thought i'm sorry i was a bit preoccupied my poor red died he tried his best well i'm probably not he doesn't essentially try his best he just means whoa did you get around my camera blue beaker c less less oh my god that's some damage there uh it's it's a custom re-check over austin not a normal helm this harold is terrifying boy our ones go go oh [ __ ] all of a sudden harold in the face oh [ __ ] watch out red thank you so much though man i really appreciate it oh i don't wanna get my teammate is that a frost sword that's sick nora you don't have the coolest builds you get in honestly that was all just for the blue the host just like survived thank you so much the man really super appreciate it i don't want to get frostbitten i'm really close seem to like straight swords so much little blue i'll give you the straight sword fight then my poor red no the gank is coming then this guy i have some regen i'm chilling i'm chilling it's turning into a really cool long fight i actually dig it have you ever seen deacons whoa nora i'm surprised nora has a frostbitten media though oh it's like it's half confused oh [ __ ] go get them harold my blind firebombs i i'm kind of stuck though i can't i can't get in there yo did you parry it let's go that's pretty sick honestly nora knows the way oh that was good they should have kept the herald helm you're not wrong it would have been a cool cosmetic i would have enjoyed it i would use it a lot actually oh another blue oh and the herald another bluebee dvd oh that was a good save by the host of this and he parried the herald again let's go i'm proud of those he's doing well who actually parries the hair not many not then he would okay although yeah i was gonna say i gotta watch my left good job give me hopes oops gg though boys perry the giant crab you can parry the crabs i don't but you can i was fighting a giant in the deep church i got invaded and died because i forgot to use the giant seed yeah those can be pretty powerful in that area especially with the giant there's two of them as well but heralds are terrifying they're like the great equalizer you know you could be winning as an invader and die to a herald or you could be winning as the the host and the herald can just like decimate your health too so sad oh yeah yeah my frame rate's been tanking i got i got blundered when i couldn't like move although yo now that now that i talk about it has it been pretty good the past couple invasions i feel like it hasn't been perfect but it definitely wasn't looking like i was playing on xbox the past invasion maybe my pc was just having an easy fit for the first hour i'm actually intrigued to see what the vaude looks like like if it's really really framing and bad it seems good now though doesn't seem terrible still gonna restart the computer later though hello there mr uh giant hammer i'll use a lance shall i yes no one sees lance gameplay ah not today yet no i don't find hackers every day which is nice you know it's it's occasional it's not the worst when it does happen all right r2 r2 the lance is pretty funny oh i'm gonna say he's not very attacky i'm trying to like set up some nice backstabs ah i got hit there you go little guy oh i just noticed the frostbite looks pretty cool when you're actually frostbitten there we go somebody then yeah i do i do use the blue sentinel anti-cheat i just don't keep the overlay up oh but i can just check the log when i think someone's cheating if they were it'll tell me uh wait they charged r2 is not the weapon or no they're different uh janus you can parry the weapon r1 but you can't parry the charged r2 yeah it does that was a fast backstab what the hell i was gonna say that's very rare this is the chase the bro helmet part of the chase covenant oh i didn't even notice jitty really it probably showed up on mine but i need to figure out how to make it ding when there's a cheater i know there's a setting and i swear i have it on but i don't ever hear it all the times that i've seen them oh i just realized it's a chase helmet yeah it's the channel logo it's pretty [ __ ] cool i'll be wearing this helmet going forward because why the hell not is the chase covenant going to be an elder ring i hope so that'd be pretty awesome yo dashing what's up man how's your day get some go i need to actually re-buy coffee i ran out recently i had to order some past two days french press i yeah i've been trying out different types lately i actually like uh there's a brand called something gold and it's pretty good it's like between a medium and uh a dark roast i guess or a light roast it's like a gold roast i don't know what it's called really it's really good though thank you how have the streams been going they're always when i'm in bed but i i watch i just don't type as much whoa vestige man relax all right um let's go spear my arch nemesis is here hawkwood of the of the hawkwood family he must get put down why do i hear wizards oh my god the frame rate oh he's got to dance around awkward you know that's not how you dance around awkward the chase con oh the bird my bird powers should i go back up there awkward is so annoying oh it's awkward what the [ __ ] [ __ ] i just called you annoying way to gank on them wow wait which one fell what how how how how did the blue fall the genius he is i just wanted to do some fun things but you're really you're not you're not kind to my cause here he's got a backstab hawkwood into oblivion it's the only way okay ah what heals too okay sorry awkward you must die i need hot wood gone chase is best girl confirmed oh thank you very good why is hogwarts so difficult dakota thank you in my time of need and now i'm being fog walled maybe not yes ultra v ultra let's go ah you can't poise through it i tried i really wanted to do it i really wanted to do it don't bite them in maybe i could have stomped through it and then launched but like during the launch you can get interrupted i guess thank you though dakota glad you guys have been enjoying it's been fun ah great lance actually i need this in my hand first anyway so bruh the glory uh the difference between the icon and the weapon itself yeah that the icon looks very different oh nice stashing that's fun though playing games with the girlfriend is always good but yes i feel you you're scared of hawkwood i literally killed him with a fire dagger listen he's so [ __ ] tanky i'm not afraid of him he's just in my way it's just in the way of the fun yeah yeah it's good when it's elena comes out i'll be streaming again every day right now it's like every second day to let me catch up on like the irl things i'm doing now that everything's open and i still have to edit as well eats a friend yeah eats a nice bro hawkwood op okay there's no shame in dying to hawkwood why you let me walk all the way here then quit out on me that's an odd thing to do why you do this why you do this [ __ ] it's so weird uh if they made updates would you be more into demon souls if demon souls would have been made on a newer game engine then yeah but it's it's essentially the same game as it was whenever it released originally just looks good but the pvp is way way clunkier and much less entertaining the dark souls 3. that's why you don't see many streamers doing the pvp there's also this uh sad little thing that people can literally just save out of their game if they get invaded like they don't even have to quit out like you can just leave so it's like everyone at the end of it basically just like saves out on you so you never get your rewards for winning anyway yeah i had higher hopes man just because they called it a remake you know like you could you're gonna label something a remake they emphasized how hard they rebuilt the game from the ground up it's like yeah but yeah you kept it on the same engine as 12 years ago like why would you not at the very least you know throw on the dark souls 3 engine like why why would you not do that such a weird thing for them to do and they kept all the old glitches from an 11 year old game and hell they even added new more game breaking ones so like it was just not the pvp game but looking at elden ring and the way that it's been shown it's definitely at least on the dark souls 3 game engine so the movement's fluid and very good and from the combat scenes that we've seen in the trailer it looks it looks great yeah but like why would you even want a remake of the game if it was identical to the old one you know what i mean what is the point when a game gets remade usually they update the mechanics at the very least like it's a remake it's not a remaster you know like it was just an odd thing for them to do in my opinion i know they wanted to stay loyal to the fan base but the fan base wanted an updated game they didn't want the same damn game that they could just go play just because it looks prettier it was it was a weird choice in my opinion yeah also getting a ps5 was super hard so the game was kind of not very active already i know actually uh toodles it has confirmed invasions there's a few interviews of miyazaki confirming what the game has uh has co-op just like all the other soul series has invasions um the co-op is actually not tied to an item anymore so you don't need to be embered to co-open it and [ __ ] anymore which is even better so we'll get we'll get more co-op more invasions more pvp in general oh what is up here hello oh my god my friends hello play what is up hang on a sec let me record whoa hello like i was debating like either ps5 or pc and i don't know which one like i put a poll up and it seems that pc is kind of winning in terms of uh what people are planning to play uh elden ring on which is cool but that's just from my channel right and my channel has more pc players so it's not a good estimate overall very fun fight they'll play that's fair that's fair then what about elden ring sub sub uh takashi i'm confused play elden rings subscriptions or i'm confused oh oh they i'm pretty sure well yeah actually i don't know about that they haven't really talked about that or addressed it but from what we learned so far about the co-op and online while you're online in the open worlds players can't use their horse so obviously they want to limit people's movement so maybe that's tied into invasions in a way oh subreddit oh i don't even i don't even use reddit that's why i didn't know what that is but maybe maybe that ties into it to make it easier for the invasions in pvp if there is any in the open world i was kind of assuming it's just in the main dungeon areas but oh okay uh invasions have been confirmed we could link toodles the interview if you'd like toodles just look for uh who is the interviewer there there's three different interviews done one with ign one with uh a russian company and another one one of them one of the masks if invasions are returning and you'll see you'll see the answer in the answer i don't have the the interview on me though but we talked about it the day it happened they confirmed a lot i just don't remember what interview has which info but they were all they all asked different questions which is really cool if you google a miyazaki interview you should find it or maybe the russian interview were impressive yeah they asked the better questions in my opinion ign asked about a poison swamp though so that's funny i gotta give that to them ign was boring yeah they asked pretty standard questions yeah that's fair that's fair toodles i mean there's not a lot of info on it it just confirms that there's invasions and and optional pvp as well so it's like dark souls 3 has invasions and optional pvp being the arena so i assume it's going to be something similar but they didn't really dive in on the uh like the details of it they just said that you no longer need an item to be tied to the pvp which is great so like no ember needed and [ __ ] and then there are invasions like i just plunged didn't [Applause] hang on a second i wasn't even recording any of that okay i'm good oh they're in there yes it's time to bully you're in a box of horrors you chose now you're in there buddy you're gonna die a non-valiant death or die a painful death this guy's like what the [ __ ] someone let me out please let me fun fight boys i call that the wind torture he was just like where is it coming from that was funny definitely one of the more entertaining invasions today very funny though mm-hmm toodles so like they talk about making invasions less uh annoying for both sides i forgot to mention that and i'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons why like hosts hate dying because they lose their ember and they lose the ability to co-op if they run into members right so uh if they don't tie pvp and online to an item then it's not as bad they can just keep co-opting and do whatever i love that actually oh damn that's that's great news when they when i read that i hope they even take it a step further and make it so like when the boss is dead you can still co-op with your friends and invade because as it stands like there's some areas where you you kill the boss kind of early right like um demon ruins let's say you can actually kill the the old demon king really quick and not even go through the stupid uh catacombs right and if you do that you can't co-op with your friends in the area so i think it was a mistake to do that as well i think they should uh allow invasions and co-op when the boss is dead it would just be better for like online community in general you know still maybe still have an item so that you know like you can i don't know get extra phantoms or the extra invader in that way you don't get invaded too often for the people that want to uh like kind of like dried finger you know you could still be invaded without being dried fingered but it's much less likely so maybe they'll have an item like that still in there bonfire aesthetic yeah i love those two actually yeah that'd be good too toodles i hope they do that i mean the fact that they talked about the item not mattering anymore maybe they're going in that direction i'm not sure though hello wait i always forget if i hit record and it really screws my entrance my fire aesthetics are broken i like them they allowed for getting the weapons oh like the the secondary boss soul weapon you know all right boys hello hello okay you will die in like three hits you cannot be doing that man gotta be careful i will use the wooden mallet let's go yeah dark souls 2 had some really cool mechanics oh my god this guy doesn't have hp either what the hell alright we'll go halberd just for fun oh my god this roll catch is pretty nuts on this thing it's like one of the best hit boxes i swear it's like everywhere i try to strafe this in practice with some friends and uh you really can't like it'll just hit you from so far away it's pretty nuts um they they really didn't mention even like fog walls in general i seen that the boss door still was a fog wall in the trailer you can see that they didn't mention it though um trying to think yeah well they i mean they always have the ability to turn it off you just you just go offline toodles you won't i mean i think you still get invaded by npcs though because like invasions are such a core mechanic of dark souls that even offline they want you to be invaded but yeah if you play offline you won't have pvp oop minch i think they'll always include that okay get that out of the way there we go dark souls 2 was awesome actually i like the playthrough of it i didn't really get to pvp in it a lot because it wasn't super active when i played it but ah the bug is still there should i break the bridge or do you think they're over there um i'll take the chance all right dashing you have a good night man uh yeah true but the thing is with with the dark souls series and the souls games in general is the co-op really really makes the pve a lot easier and they balance that with invasions also if you made let's say invasions uh you can just slide on or off lots of people that'll cut the invasions down a lot like the people that actually want to you know cooperate and do online play they won't have anybody to invade if you take half the player base away just because they don't like that one mechanic you know so people wouldn't be able to invade so if you enable co-op in the souls games it's always just going to have pvp it's just part of it to see on the game like it i get people don't like that but there are other co-op games that people can play this is the only game with the invasions and i honestly it's really what's kept the souls games alive through streaming in my opinion from what i've seen i definitely wouldn't be playing this game right now if it didn't have invasions uh what do i think about the or executioner start it's very good does strike damage um not quite as good as some of the other great swords but it has its own place you regen fp as well by killing things so but yeah i do hope that they have an item like dark souls 3 without the tried finger though because you know then you'll get an invasion every once in a while toodles i feel you though for the friends that don't like it but like let's say you die to an invader right without the dried finger active you won't get invaded for like another 20 20 minutes or so you know like you probably won't get invaded in that area you're in for like at all after that one invasion it only happens a lot if you dried finger yeah i think do all the souls games have an item like the dried finger actually i didn't really pvp a lot in dark souls 2 so i don't know if they have that but it was a good addition in my opinion i think it was a smart addition get a secondary invader or you can have a fourth phantom you know i think that made it balanced so i told them yeah my friends are like that too this dark souls isn't their kind of game then i guess hollow unstoppable please don't stop upper i'm just use a weapon yeah yeah yeah there's lots of souls game well similar games to dark souls like like monster hunter that's like pure co-op you know i get the i do get the argument about the invasions that people are not wanting it but like dark souls is meant to be a game like that like that's been part of their game since their first game you know what i mean bloodborne had it and it's not like a dark souls game it's its own game they just like that mechanic and it's really what makes dark souls so unique actually sorry my like leg is half asleep there's no other game that really has it whereas there's tons of other games with just basic co-op you know i really think it shines out and makes it a more interesting game i'm playing monster hunter what a coincidence yeah see like this there's monster hunter there's tons of uh there's tons of just co-op games so i understand though since demon souls yep dark souls 1 2 3 bloodborne hell even even like sakura doesn't have an online at all but uh the modding community realized that the code for invasions is still insecure so there's like a mod for people to invade insecure which is hilarious but they actually kept that as part of the the secure game even though it doesn't have co-op at all i found that really funny no no if you're not ember todd you can't be invaded well like to to satiate people that say don't want to be invaded you just need to play offline though like just you can be embers just if you're not online you won't get invaded yeah dallas there is you can look at it i mean it's probably really glitchy because it's it's a mod that makes it so people can invade each other but uh yeah yeah monster hunter looks like if you wanted just a co-op game with no pvp that's that's for you then yeah i know like this is true they really aren't though they don't have the movement you know it's the it's the dark souls movement and the pvp that really keeps me here the way that you attack the control you have over your character it's so good no other game has really done it like this which i guess was why from soft keeps being rated so highly you know make a great game what's the best like security souls whatever game in my opinion dark souls 3 wins based on weapon well i like dark souls 2 weapons too but dark souls 2 is much clunkier so it's like dark souls 3 wins mechanically um i like how big dark souls 2 is i like the world it's really awesome for the pve playthrough [Music] it's really tough dark souls 3 is my favorite overall but i couldn't really make a list of my favorite tours because like some of them are kind of tied for different reasons yeah dark souls 2 hitboxes though exactly so it's like dark souls 2 doesn't have my favorite pvp it's a lot slower dark souls 1 is cool i really don't like the instant backstab though i really like that dark souls 3 made it so it has to check for the backstab on both both players screens you know so like when you start the backstab and the sword starts the animation to suck them back like you at least see that he went for a backstab on dark souls one you could be running away and then backstab from here you know like that's just a little bit too much and then dark souls 2 yeah it's slow it's balanced but it's slower so it really depends and i also i hate active poise i think active voice is such a weird mechanic like when i didn't even pvp and dark souls one a lot before the remaster came out right and then when the remaster came out and i already loved like backstab fishing and dark souls 3 dark souls 1 just made it so easy i just walked to the side and i got a backstab i didn't have to do anything i'd just poison their attack i would just walk and their sword would go through me and i would just insta-backstab them so like i think that was a weird mechanic too yeah that's that's where hyper armor comes in kai i agree when you're swinging the ultra you can't be stunned but if you're just walking around you should definitely be able to be stunned because then people just wear stupid heavy armor with active toys and use a curved sword and it's it's essentially one of the strongest builds in the game because you won't get poised broken you can just spam r1 it's it's the most brainless type thing i think three did it well you have hyper armor for your big weapons um you can still be stunned when you're using light weapons like a dagger like i can be stunned easily yeah basically first spam with pk or walker thank you i am like i think i'm like 30 episodes behind from where the anime is currently i actually prefer the ps4 ethan to the ps5 personally yeah that also speaking you're right you're right because you don't get stunned that's why they're so strong right like someone's swinging a weapon you get the counter hit and you don't get stunned because your your poise armor is nuts it's just it's not as in-depth in my opinion my clover is pretty sick though not gonna lie i do have a ps5 as well i just yeah it doesn't really have a lot for me to play right now i've been loving it though what is that i forgot what episode i'm on exactly but i saved it when they took a break for black clover and then i just i've been waiting so i can spam the episodes again i hate waiting weekly for shows it's the worst it's the worst oh dude there's no problem man well yeah if you do want to try and find it and read it i'm sure if you typed in dark souls 3 invasions confirmed interview or something it should pop up or like russian interview i forget the company that did it but it should pop up this is why i don't like aldridges go back to bond hello sword art what's up guys [ __ ] all right first thing it does is attack me i have a bad luck with all juices i don't know why and they always they don't have hp like ever like what is this what is the thought process there why don't any of them level their health you know like you think i think oh you know maybe it'd be a good idea to be able to survive more than two great circuits maybe i have the hyper armor on this what that's nuts um i mean purse is strong but you only have so much fp and you can like punish their actual cast of the perseverance you know so it's not too bad you can chip with them slowly if a whole gank did that is that a problem yeah that's a problem but normally it's not too bad like if all four of them decided oh we're going to persevere cestus yeah that could get difficult that could get very troublesome oh i didn't see him you were hidden with your bug the dancing lap yo sword out online but a question why a lap i guess just for the armor uh oh who is this eat yorkshire you dare and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming faith in gang ganking maybe not so much faith in but you ruined my parry yorkshire pudding you did you ruined it yorkshire pudding is now my favorite pudding i mean least favorite that was hilarious dude i just i just seen the aldrich i was like wait is it aiming at me and it shot me oh wait that was fun though uh yeah parva i learned how to reskin really anything i want in this game now it's not too complicated further if you wanted to just make one armor set look like a different one on your screen it is complicated to make a helm like this i didn't do this a viewer uh their youtube channel is linked in the description they did this for me amazing honestly i haven't actually tested that with the follower saver i honestly think it might be refined if they look on souls planner but i remember it's not at dex i think it's not maybe it depends on the amount of decks you have because hell even a dexclaimer will do a strength claim or at a certain point but oh [ __ ] i'm seated i didn't realize true i never really consider dark and chaos as like their natural infusement but yeah it is very good and dark and chaos as well cure [ __ ] seed i'm stuck down here currently i don't want to kill his pve for him oh he's summoning a team too okay yeah dark bills have always been really good actually i enjoyed it the one day i use it i still i still think i prefer chaos though since i get crits too much yeah quality is awesome but a lot of the time like some of the weapons would do better decks like sharp confused so it's like you're wasting 40 stab points you know what i mean which is a tad bit annoying hello kind of stuck here now though hello laptop true true let's see the faith bills are so much more rare than anybody every other build type that like dark usually doesn't get countered too much ig romania thank you so much you're right you're right that is what it is that is what it is ignomania oh ignomania show mania i was like wait it is it is that that you're right you're right maybe i'll grab it as like a thing you dissed me three times cuckoosaurus you die yeah you're gonna die today boy you can't die today that's right you've you gloriously [ __ ] up you shouldn't have followed me into here this is my battle zone oh wait where's the blue i thought i heard danger what is this blue ah bleeding arrow okay now i have free range [Laughter] i'm so sorry that was so dark of me this guy triple seated me though so he deserves it yeah those things suck i did i get seated again at the end there no we wore off right in time nice that was an anime battle though for sure that area sucks though honestly because like i understand why they seed and then it's like [ __ ] like now we just we can't i'd rather nothing just be dead to be honest makes it so like tight and hard to fight in that's true that's true i still can't believe that the dark damage i mean dark weapons do less with horner ring though when i tested that and it did 30 less damage weird maybe they could have toned it down but like i can't believe it makes it worse it's so annoying though although it makes it so you don't have i mean you have an extra ring slide because yeah it is good though but as if i couldn't believe that i could not believe it actually did less damage like i was expecting less of a boost not less damage i don't know what they did or how they didn't manage that but yeah oh yeah for sure you can make um well i guess it depends on its point investment right so it's like saying the faith dagger could do more but i mean if you kept investing in the chaos dagger point allotment like 40 decks 30 and 30 faith i think they would still win i think the chaos would win oh there's always an aldrich i actually love these fights though they're really fun it's like there's like a random here with viewers but like the the aldrich is the rando you know he's the random factor you can never really uh check if he's oh now i'm an aldrich i'm the true aldrich i figured he was a stage hazard i'm helping i'm helping [ __ ] stage hazard oh god here let's uh let's use the bong stick shall i i'll do something funny for you what are you looking for play more oh yeah are you a quality build by the way i wonder maybe he has a quality build for some reason i always i always think he's a strength build oh i'm like bro why why can't i mix it up right now and it's uh because i had no stamina i was like bro what where are my r1's going oops i double bowed but that was fun oh wait was that a watchdog oh same same spirit you know watchdog aldrich same thing yes oh thank you you're talking about the fashion here yeah i love it it's actually awesome i think i'm gonna get better gauntlets though i mean maybe the drake blood gauntlets i didn't have a ton of time before i stream today to like think of an outfit so this is what i got so far we're gonna keep adjusting though oh but how oh people on a pc can unlock the summon limit so it just draws in invaders from everywhere oh god guts what the hell the bonk is great oh i keep hearing is tessu a dark souls player someone commented that on the bunk video but i couldn't find a channel with the guy that used a a bong stick i looked though is it is that like a short form of someone's name or something i assume it's someone who mains the the reinforced club ah yes oh that makes sense i was so confused i was like what's a test suit like is that like a japanese word i'm just i was confused don't fight them y'all yeah i understand the the dislike of it i guess but like soft spot pairs feel worse if someone saw heart swap parries me i'm like okay you know he was mechanically he's practiced the people with the soft swap chaos dagger oh my god those break your soul i hate that i'd actually rather it so you can only hold one weapon at a time and you have to inventory to manage your weapons not have like three you know i know that sounds a bit like less catering to the like more casual people that play it but i hate offhand daggers they're the worst i don't see it as much lately i'm kind of happy tessu katora oh is that is it the channel name too i'll definitely check that out if i said that wrong i'm sorry tessuka torah put the chaos dagger damage yeah it's pretty nice i mean you're fighting outnumbered i understand i get it it's a good balancer that's good whoa exactly chronos so i'd actually prefer it if people could only hard swap they'd have to at least like practice you know yeah even on a strength build though it's pretty crazy i actually there were some things that have damaged my fire dagger uh on my 60 strength builds the and i don't understand this i really if anybody has ever tested this in chat and you you know better knowledge than me i i'm happy but i was i was parrying with the you know the standard great sword like it's an ultra great start the great sword uh and with a horner ring on a 60 strength build it out damages the fire dagger by a decent amount but sometimes don't know what causes it it would randomly just do a hundred more damage than it should i'd parry it would do normally it would do around like um 448 for the first two hits and then the second one did something like 600 and something so it was like a thousand and something but random times it would do 760 as the second hit no idea why no idea every other ultra was the same i think i just killed you i didn't die casey so i don't think you fought me oh were you yeah i don't know why it was just that one ultra the rest made sense that one did not i have no knowledge on why that happened so yeah it's uh it's quite insane lead bleed damage yes yeah lido's does for sure i think fume did as well uh the heavy gray sword did uh i was testing a bunch on my 60 strength build no no no like i tested it on marissa with but she was the same every time you know like i was actually testing for posts just for fun and also comparing like lightning bundle on a ripoffs to see how much more damage it does that's like 20 more sometimes it's not the most insane so i don't know yeah because you can put the uggs right here that's what i was doing on my soul level 60 the other day actually i had the the actual eggs right below my dagger so i would just whoop and then well i'm going into an invasion treaty like a normal parry yeah the bundle is just for fashion it's for flexing i guess but it also just looks so cool in general oh also i'll just have the cool bonus of uh getting the three-hit swing so sometimes you can break tears with the second one and then you the final one kills them it's usually better than a dagger for that reason it's pretty cool thank you cyan again though i appreciate it i love this helm i'll be rocking this going forward i was thinking of like which helm looked the closest to the logo too and i completely like almost spaced on the elite knight i know chicken i love some teams there there's some really cool four-man fights i've had there but then fog wall can happen so bundle resin or buff uh well you don't have time to parry and then put on a resin so i was talking about pairing and then using the bundle ow okay i'm back um let's go with the standard one yeah we talked about that yesterday or the last stream actually i hope that if elden ring has things like bundles which i'm sure they will because like bloodborne has its papers and stuff you know i hope they have more than just fire and lighting like give us some magic some dark it'd be cool i would be excited for that is he over here oh that was media i thought it was a ring night's weapon art yeah it'd be so cool i'm not sure why they limited it to just lightning and fire when they have resins too like it's it doesn't really make much sense honestly poison yeah poison would be cool too that'd be sick yeah there's a trade off you know it's weaker but it's faster people would like that i think people would like that hello ryoka someone else is buffing and there's a wizard i don't know where the host is that worries me is that guy's name [ __ ] me daddy oh he's over there okay wizard i have the high ground wizard yeah i don't want to take that damage oh wizard forgot about the wizard i forget how far they can lock on honestly i feel like it tracks really well even without the lock on for the most part so i'm definitely out of lock on range and then i get hit for the soul spear now let my frames calm down here boys okay we're good we are gucci i want to backstab him but yeah get the wizard involved a little bit that's still never gonna get old okay you lucky lucky enu bluebean nothing but mammals you have the wizard defending you imagine ah he didn't continue walking the path that i expected him to the blue yeah the blue was real lucky there i could definitely just carry those but i want to try to land something ah my backstep fails go away i'm gonna kill you last okay go away you don't want the split leaf smoke you don't want it you don't want it yeah the wizard was the the actually most aggressive in the team honestly back up ah i keep trying to do a back step right then but then i roll instead come here give me the bus stab i blame my frames it's not me at all no i saw that fire and i was like i'm gonna get cooked all right well that blue is kind of just chilling now so i guess we'll just let him exist for now oh he had heals why was he so stressed out um the random church ship though what is this accomplishing that's gonna hurt a lot though okay what that was a beautiful fairy oh i didn't notice the latency at first that explains why yeah that would have hit me okay okay so the vestige guy needs to die i think i've uh i figured that much out he needs to go first these are a threat to my survival just because like the casts blend together you know like they just stun you constantly so that one r1 i took turned into quite a lot god damn i get my life so difficult um right now i'm just trying to waste that guy's vested jesus he's got so much and i'll lead them to the oh there's something here okay are we getting into the point where we have to use swords hopefully possibly yes i don't think they have any more fire i think i say that but i don't know what if i no they have fire damn it damn it [ __ ] wizards you must be growing tired of this roy ruka yes i mean i'm just getting healed in the meantime so that's fine you run away when i come towards you but you seem to chase me well other than that this could be bad vestige is a little bit too strong honestly it's like it's not even just the damage it's the resetting of the stun like it makes you play a certain way like you really can't do much with three people if two have like long range and one is vestige okay thank you thank you man it's a general kuroky thank you man ah i saw this beer coming but oh oh there's been no pve here the whole time it didn't even feel like that because i don't know i don't even notice chase me boys keep chasing me i need something to cover the vestige user something i need a way to get rid of it nice bury this you guys your host isn't here anymore you're kind of lacking in the in the protection department now hope you know that get involved other blue yeah that health it's looking real low it's looking real low it's looking like just what i want whether you want to or not you're dying today all right now it's just me and this guy why are you getting so rolly why are you rolling now boy you weren't rolling earlier jesus don't go towards media you you're silly silly vodka my dear is for kids oh my god hmm i don't think that guy attacked in the last minute he was just he was dodging just surviving all right where'd those go though uh and yeah i haven't seen noob slayer man people tell me they run into new player builds but i haven't actually seen them was that a blue i thought that was a summon you could roll on the afterlife now exactly exactly he has no more vestige he already threw 80 of them it was too late okay this okay he turned back over there oh yeah wait when does black widow come out or did it already come out i'm gonna watch it just because i watch every marvel movie just because i'm bored i'ma be real not there yeah you don't need uh embarrassed invade hmm maybe he's hiding over there apparently it's trash i'll still watch it i watch like everything uh i don't inherently love all of them but i just i just watched them all he's hiding over there what are the chances no i'd see him if he was obscured right he turned back though yeah you can parry the end of them uh takashi like the the the punch down where the fire comes up you can parry that no he doesn't have the ladder unlocked no he doesn't maybe he ran all the way back to the beginning though like what are the odds of that also it's very very disturbing when you wear the slumbering dragon crust ring that you don't hear footsteps it's like so silent i'm hunting them though i'm hunting them oh deadpool's amazing thor is amazing i love the iron man as well i just mean like not all of them i probably don't like love all of them but i loved i love those ones he does have a ladder there though yeah i love okay thor is so funny actually thor is some good comic comedic relief sometimes oh blue that'll give me um okay that either leads me to believe he's up top he's up top right there's no yeah he's definitely up there yeah he's up top i was like there's no arc around here oh has anybody else been watching the loki tv series as well it's been pretty good i have to say i've been liking it uh there's only five episodes so far i believe but thank you joshua hope your night goes well man as our hunt tries to go well here where like but i feel like the blue would have ran out if you got summoned up there is it on netflix no it's on disney plus kronos it's on the disney plus harold is aggro but like i guess i'll go look up there is it every wednesday oh then i might have an episode i didn't know if it comes out wednesday or not i hmm i hear movement oh i just realized that i have to keep that stupid chime out i'm gonna play it safe oops i kind of expected a double a double wall [ __ ] what they're over there damn it i actually haven't no i haven't seen tokyo revengers or uh is it invincible yeah i've heard of that tv series though it's on prime right invincible i think lost told me to watch it okay isn't it invincible is good i should watch that then i need like a new tv series i've pretty much completed everything else i'm watching hmm okay well i saw he's got two blues now so you think he'd be out fighting there they go everyone says it's super good like so good so yeah i'm gonna watch that for sure then when i saw the commercial for it i was like okay looks okay but everybody's reviewed it so well oh there's two blues there you are what are you guys doing what the hell secret society someone near here is this guy afk bruh find me the host please mr blue i thought he would be laying in the water too like i thought this guy was like in front of him or something but like no i'd run into him oh wait oh the blue's just fighting the pve who the [ __ ] i want that other blue to come this guy is the best hider i've ever seen like it's full meme i'm staying just because commitment but as if that blue's afk maybe in here this statue is all supposed to be here they seem like it yeah he's got to be lying in the water i kind of want to just go see near that blue if he might help him or not but yeah i'm kind of glad that they said they're doing like a little bit of a map thing in elven ring the hiding gets old turtles are here true that's possible as well wait what no you were my only hope afk blue oh wait he sent him on my bed i bet he sent him home i mean if it comes down to it i will just leave but i'm really wondering where he is spam lock on you're not wrong you're right oh that gives me a headache though but i'm gonna do it oh it says that they're saying you're right he said return maybe he ran oh wait uh i mean there's a blue there whatever i could just go fight the blue for entertainment until can't blue see where their host is via health bar to an extent find him find him find him yeah go find him where is he oh okay you sure i'd rather yeah oh lead me to him yes yes little blue yes yes lead me to him lead me to him [ __ ] the bug the bug isn't as important as this blue find him yeah i'm probably gonna leave honestly it's such a big spot i probably won't ever find him and if they are watching the stream they could easily just run where i'm not going you know what i mean and just hide that way so with stream sniping it's a little bit easier if they are doing that take me out blue you deserve it random random gun you're for fun random spear as well but he's doing everything i don't think he did go past the bridge no because i didn't hear the dragon so i did not hear the dragon y'all used to have some entertainment though i have a blue i wanted to see that oyster didn't think it would oh good dodge honestly oh i broke me up oh sad yeah i mean he's probably in the water or you're right he's just gonna move where i'm not with the stream so i'll probably have to be killed helicopter helicopter please calm down that's also a very annoying move this billy does the full helicopter arts because it does chip damage you know you can just like sit there doing it wow well i guess we leave him be he didn't come out to help his blue so you may hide in your swamp little one oh another blue now i would have fought it for fun i liked that blue he was fun that was hide and go seek with your host i don't remember his name but i couldn't find him it i don't remember that's what it was it wasn't it it scurried away thank you so much get inside though man i appreciate that can't get over how cute the helmet is i get a crown and a little night helm it works so well whoa whoa why'd the mill would get intrigued by me i think hide and seek record man i don't know i think i'd give up at that point that's too much if there's constant blues and i'm killing them it's one thing because then it's basically entertainment you know but if you're alone in a world with a guy i usually leave in like five minutes well george martin basically did the world design like the world building you know like the the lore to it which is cool because it's not going to be tied to dark souls lore meaning they can do more stuff that's one of the reasons that they're not going to have like embers or humanity or maybe i mean they're going to have a healing type of thing but probably not estus you know so they can mix it up a bit because they're not stuck with dark souls lore um another hide and seek oh no yo hexness thank you so much man of course of course we playing dark souls 3 till eldon ring for sure the hype is strong yeah like like from the detail story and then he did the world building which is cool i'm down to see what it's like yeah i mean dark souls is a sword for sure i just it's not like straight sort of like straightforward dialogue scenes you know like you have to figure it out yourself if you're intrigued by the story of dark souls uh there's a youtube channel called foddy video that has done a lot of the explanation of the lore of each of the npc characters uh the world certain item things i don't know where this guy is it's there it's just not straightforward like your usual like you know progression story i did play secure yeah see like secure was more of a straightforward story that's that's not like the souls games at all yeah basically how kiwi draws spelt it right there and ethan what shooters am i running i don't think i have any shaders on currently yeah i don't have a reshade installed in the game it's just what it looks like on pc and like top graphics and had no idea katanas were so trash in early game yeah i mean they take a decent amount of stamina per swing they don't do good like shield damage and sword master cost and had no idea katanas were so trash in early game should i just get sakura instead of trying to scare at eyes great swords 3 i mean you could use a dex build still maybe not i mean katanas are still okay that it's not the best i use them for my dexterity build but that's pvp pve wise they're not my favorite either you're right try like a great sword out though great swords three yeah exactly i mean straight sword is always good too to be honest cell swords really hyper armor weapons really help a lot in the pve for sure except for ball or balls [ __ ] i was reading my chat and you you said you typed balls and i just said it instead of what i was trying to say that's funny you got me ethan oh god not the casino hang on i could actually do something about that here oh no my mouse is off i actually can't [ __ ] bots wait oh i need a good archery post please find somewhere to stand it's optimal let's just die no my shot was stolen from me damn damn the archer stole my kill oh freaking real mealwoods man they they they are strong there though you know they are strong there but secure is still fun by the way uh if you're trying to look for a playthrough game i still think dark souls is far superior because you get different builds you could you could play the game as a mage of pyro you know you can go different elemental infusions try strength builds decks builds there's so much more to do in dark souls 3 than in sakiro you snooze you lose listen the [ __ ] bows have the worst like downward hitbox i always shoot the floor i have to be basically hanging off the floor for that not to happen it's the worst let's go with the the deck swords on my strength build i really want to see how much a full combo can do and i keep not being able to do it because someone keeps saving the man 761 on a strength build wow these are not bad can i just say who says you need deck spills strength is basically decks more optimal even this is solid i get them and then i also have a gun deer halberd i live in the best of both worlds here i don't see the downside i don't see the downside i keep those on my strength build i'm just gonna be a jack-of-all-trades guy one day i have a washing pole and a sail sword on my strength build onion melts i cried a little bit when i cut the onion though yeah sakira was like its own thing and they said that too they said they're trying something completely different than the soul genre for sakiro they did they said that in interviews so it's completely different it wasn't meant to be anything like it whereas eldon ring heavily based and inspired off of dark souls you know what i mean so that's why it looks so similar but that's good because you know we've been waiting [ __ ] six years wait how many how many years have uh five years five five six years i don't know i think six or five years probably i'm going to check the release date of dark souls 3 actually um i think it's 2016 april oh hello ditched walkie what's up man oh you have a claymore 2 like the third person today that actually gave me a claymore fight are you fat rolling though question oh he's not fat rolling okay no that second kick was an accident is he why does he look like he's fat rolling but not you know like his stance is like a fat roller i don't get it i don't understand though the the walk i encounter it sometimes oh my god dude you keep getting cars broken man every time i feel bad it's been like three guard breaks oh some latency oh tunnel fighting fun fight though the fat walk is so confusing i really don't get it that was a fun fight though it's the harold leggings do they just look like that they just buckle in the knees i could have saw and he just looked like he was fat walking it's just a placebo i've never seen someone get like uh you don't need to run and guard with the claymore though i feel like a lot of people do that you don't need to do that you don't get the pivot animation there's really no bonus to it you just end up guard broken it was fun fight though oh maybe maybe they were like putting on a lot of culture to do something and it made them fat sometimes yeah every ultra curveball wait yeah every ultra all all shoulder holded held weapons hold it my english want to see something cool little carrick the fire buff is by hander weaker than the the lightning buff version but it's cooler much cooler i wanted them to try the backstab oh man you can't parry this what are you doing you cannot you can't bury those you can pay my roll attack alright the running is back too for that heal i don't know what he's doing [Music] your dad bait me to the fog wall dishonest carrick man you can't i feel so bad you can't parry it man you could you could backstab the oh wait no wait hang on a second that's true you can parry the backstab attempt though yeah that's always fun to land actually but it's it's it's confusing to be fair though i mean dark souls you can parry the one-handed ultras it's just when they become two-handed that you can't parry only their like neutral attacks though like r1 and r2 you compare the rolling attack and the running dark souls doesn't really have a guide to what's variable she just learned from getting smacked in the face a bunch i know it's so hard i don't land it too often i think the only times i have is kind of by accident like i assume they're gonna do a rolling attack and then with the latency they do like a backstab attempt but i parry it i've only had it like that if you parry in the air damn yeah i wonder if you'll have jump parries in elden ring since we can jump can you jump and then perry that's that's intriguing yeah i actually love counter fishing but i mean i don't fight a lot of people that fish in general so i never get to like you know backstab the backstab attempt or like backstep the backstab and backstab i don't find a lot of people with that high of latency that also fish sir wait that's interesting oh he's still down okay oh why hello my guys would you like to come for a ride elevator here for you there you go rude let's see what they do i'm intrigued why they're not gonna call the elevator dammit okay did i steal your ride i'm sorry [Music] look we both have self swords oh i didn't think he'd have the time to charge that that would be real i didn't even try to dodge it i was like oh that's going to go off before i'm done it did not you shall not pass jacob it's over jacob yeah he's one of the stewardesses on the uh black knight airlines black knight greatsword airlines you shall not pass i love that you can do that in doorways it's huge honestly wish more boss fights had a doorway like that grand archives and that i can actually stop people uh i'm here well i do 125 and 133 which is the exact same range at this point there's no point in being 120 since most people are already 125 so you may as well just give yourself those five levels that was that was dark souls meta when it came out like in 2016 about a year later most people started going 125. uh there's there's a couple reasons i think right 99 great champion souls gets you to 125 i believe or is it 133 it could see the 133 and 125 my theory was just that everyone forgot about joel and had to do it after they got their build done but yeah i invade that often more so than 90 the past couple weeks 150 is a bit much i could actually wield almost every weapon in the game at 150. i had like a mirror build that could do that the highest like 140 i would say would be like the highest you really need to go to be honest what was my ar with the cell swords um 326. and they did pretty good oh i said a mirror yes i said a mirror i'm here i said i had an um i had a mirror build is what i said yeah uh i got no idea where these guys are though the reason i also use the claymore so much is look how it looks when you run around doesn't it look so pleasant oh yeah it just looks so good yeah also i think different streamers like that do different soul levels make some of them active back in the day prod and i think a lot of people did 140. i did 120 because that's what i learned out by googling what like i should be soul level for dark souls 3 pvp sir i definitely see you as the originals um i've been using the the greatsword a lot let's let's do some more bonking oh i know you take all my embers you're so wholesome and then you fight me but you take the embers first yeah take them take him okay take him in your grave then that's true good thing you got the the blue sentinel to be like nah you're not unscathed you're gone bye it's amazing four man while fat rolling yeah that'd be quite something you'd have to live with perseverance active like you'd literally have to they could just stand around you in r1 and they probably win big chungus big chungus chung is down chunk us down i play on pc uh bo bow and arrows thought your name was bonerose [Music] i'm a child oh god i play on pc though i use a ps4 controller brain rot sitting in pretty much oh that's funny boner boneros would buy they taste okay they already have those like peen candies you can buy you know ethan is really active right now man uh mostly because it was on sale but also i think because elden ring is coming out somewhat soon like six months then people are kind of hyped about it so they're returning to the dank souls they are returning i spam vegetables yeah a viewer usually has a teammate that also uh uses veggies yeah these guys yeah yeah does your teammate have the veggies too let's go boys let's go oh that actually beat the demon star we have a really good connection me and uh veggies i think it's jitty pretty sure oh oh the combos they hurt my soul i spam bombs i was going to say i spam boner but that's not safe for work everything is pv exactly my sword is longer than your sword they say like doesn't matter oh how wrong they are oh yeah exactly you know you got to warm yourself up for elden ring i'm excited very excited to see how similar it is careful oh my god it's hugs coming in hot you damn i just wanted to do that i'm sorry hugs i didn't hit you though that's fair whoa where's the other guy oh he's near me ugh fun fight sir sir hugs that give me you know give me a new one what's your next hug what do you got oh that was fun i enjoyed i enjoy how you have the multiple builds ready jitty how's the demon scar treating you at 90. i feel like i always lack attunement i do i play bloodborne i have played bloodborne but i don't invade in it it's just it's not as active sadly i really go where i get the quickest action so dark souls 3 is just it it's not the best yet what are the stats i mean what could you really pull off with a 90 demon scar 35 35 maybe for the int in the faith or just have no stamina that's an option uh why 17 decks erotic because i like using the ring knight spear and nothing else i have needs more decks than that so i could have 18 for the goddards but i mean ring knight straight sword does more damage and whatever yeah it is i have a 90 demonstrate too it definitely lacks the stamina that i like that's why i like meta so much for staming but yeah i heard the the invasion match up in bloodborne is very different too i'm not sure what people mean by that but like did it be closer to the person you're invading with the bell ring or whatever is that what it was they're already over there i'll cry let me go check over here quick but r1 black flame is solid though oh yeah it's definitely it's the allure of the demon scar really maybe they are over there i think this is gonna have to be a black crystal i don't think i can get there i heard the millwood arrows going off uh yeah i mean i guess it's because it's just tied to playstation and also there's newer souls games to be played so people play the newer ones it's kind of like if if aladdin ring comes out and has super similar pvp to dark souls 3 you know everyone's just going to play that it's brand new it's going to be receiving patches for things that are like glitches and broken mechanics whereas dark souls has done receiving patches you know so it's it's just going to be the newer game that everybody goes to that's if the pvp is good which i think it will be just off what it's shown but yeah it felt it i meant if it has good pvp did i say if it comes out i meant if it has good pvp but from what i've seen the movement looks identical to three so i don't see it being that different i think it will be great in my opinion henry i think it will every every souls game has improved from the last in terms of combat for pvp so i got high hopes that's basically i saw a comment that's like so what elder ring is just basically like a reskinned bigger dark souls 3 and i was like what do you mean only that sounds like the bestest game in the world don't don't couple like don't freaking pair that with the word only how dare you but yeah that's what it seems like am i swedish i know i'm canadian i know henry what are they thinking i don't know what they would want what the hell that's like the best news ever you don't see me boring what do you mean there's no arrow flying right now okay i wish i wish it hit the arrow as well where's my cell swords let's go buddy hello there here you can have this gift and then we'll move on from there that sounds like a swede i would love to live in sweden that's actually one of the places i'd like to live sweden denmark i like a lot of that uh part of europe even norway lost lives in a really nice area if you like the winter canada is for you for sure it's not my thing there's there's there's a gift here no norway as well our way as well there you go little guy you can have those i do want to be a viking yes i don't want to live in the rather cold areas though personally but that's a that's just preference moved out of sweden to uk due to that fair it's fair oh in south europe fair i'd like to visit all those places just when it came to moving somewhere i'm not sure where i'd like to move canada's nice though to live in minus the winter if you live in like british columbia in canada you're pretty sad you get like at the most like coldish weather nothing compared to like the where i live hey it's me i forgot i forgot when someone does the cut scene you get to see yourself that's cool yeah i would love power powder power stance not powder stance love power stance to be back yeah this guy's gonna make us watch the whole cutscene that's a that's a given i pretty much expected this quebec's your favorite part uh it's nice i still i i don't know i prefer the the west side of canada though quebec is fine though that's some good nature stuff actually oh and zip lining there they have a nice spa there like right right attached like between like uh ontario to go back just go right over as ashes will be ever seeking fire oh my god wait maple syrup bro i don't even want tears where are you okay i do just because you have phantoms oh you only have one phantom never mind that's not so bad you dare spew me with sure purple load okay i'm ready to fight now fighting wizards is just dodging simulator for a little bit you don't really need to even do anything right they'll tucker themselves out i thought this guy's name was this [ __ ] taken i'm out of fp that was a series of i think that guy was out of stamina i'ma be real i'm pretty sure that's what happened there's no way he wasn't going to spam me i still need fp lay off me for two seconds solid solid solid solid hornet ring on pillar to block the vestige ah he didn't go for it now you get the bonk stick many before you have trembled before the bong stick now it is your turn i don't like brown before it oh you want to parry it hang on a second let me just uh uh okay now we're good for bonking i know he wants to period so if i can just like get a mix up here ah but sir oh you know what we could do actually that'll be even more interesting and i know he'll attack me get in here have a crossbow i knew it everyone with a straight sword is the same they all are one after they get crossbowed it's a natural human instinct hit the crossbower i have tried for honor yeah i actually love for runner that's good i haven't played it in a little while though i don't think he was going to attack any other way that's the best thing i could have did uh it's a retexture luke i actually don't have two helms equipped it's just my one helm looks like this by uh re-texturing it if i could change one thing about dark souls 3 pvp well i guess it would be to balance the game though the weapons that needed one last balancing patch would have been nice and fix the glitches uh but that's kind of straightforward i guess if i could add anything maybe it's kind of like what elden ring said they're gonna do with the mixing up of weapon arts obviously not every weapon art should go on every weapon because that'll just be weird there's got to be some good balancing to that i'd say that would be cool because then you know there's one move at least on the weapon that you never know what's coming at least the first time they they attack you with it that would have made it a little bit better uh yeah a bow and arrows i do that on my decks build a lot but not on my strength build i could get a heavy rapier i suppose just for fun definitely could do that i don't know why you wouldn't think four runners off fighting game without the whole well i mean there's different modes you know my favorite mode was like the 4v4 elimination but it's never it's never active compared to like the what is it it's not it's not capture the flag but the stupid one you know hello there luke what is up how are you man you dare show me bum when i'm hungry for it you got the maracas oh did we switch up the bills boys um i don't really have too much to switch up i guess i have a split leaf and i have a claymore wow as if that didn't let him hit me that was sad i guess because of the elevation of the stairs these things are actually great teammates they put in work for me dude they do oh careful red oh yo good aim bro you didn't hit me that's amazing oh it doesn't seem to be doing much for him anyway i'm more afraid of the the skips are scarier than anything else honestly oh god i'm terrified no i need stamina to run i want a little bit more statement that's gonna be great you just come to realize oh i thought i will caught him who won that trade i think i should but i'm not sure what oh he's in there hello sun bro how do you do nice awesome oh boy oh god i didn't think he was gonna do that to you man i'll get him off you swat him away teammate swatting oh [ __ ] oh no poor plays were done there i thought he was gonna r1 you know i'll be i'll be nice with my you wanna go in there which one of us has the the good terrain it's like an after hit i'm just the scare factor here i'm just like doing the distractions with the ultra yo he's escaping you scoffed dishonest escape i'm trying to stop it's not working oh no i'm so sorry [Music] just going for fancy ultra backstabs man i am tanky i'm just realizing that there's that glam just really weak like taking no damage to you i don't know how but i'm not i'm basically i'm trying to be a stage hazard here it's only fair okay now there's a blue i'll take it a little bit more more seriously here do you just dislike me chris why why exactly is it me you want chris just came in ignoring all others i actually got saved by the wall right there oh chris you're doing some wacky [ __ ] over there chris oh chris you were ballin the strength seller swords oh wait a minute honestly the glee is suiting him well it is i like ah roll points i gotta break that there we go that should that should be away with the roll boys chris went ham right there dude he did he almost got a good turn backstab oh honestly these two [ __ ] well on a strength build what the hell have i not been doing this man it's super useful super useful chris is a survivor i'm trying really hard not to hit my teammate i think i'm doing pretty well at it honestly hey he's good with the glam honestly he is he's doing well oh and he didn't panic all that either damn got it you got it down man very fun fight we invaded him a couple times actually he's had a fun team each time yo what's up larry no way larry how's my man oops oh no return to the casino bots but why bots what do you want from me what do you want from me uh so gyroslaw if you're running straight and pull directly back on your analog or keyboard like if you're running straight do w then pull it back on s while you're still going forward with the momentum you'll slide um there are weapons that make that not happen such as all weapons that you would two hand and they hold over your shoulder kind of like uh hang out on tears on here like an ultra or a claymore you won't slide when doing that you can also hold guard with a shield like let's say i have this setup right here right if i'm running i can pull back and it doesn't matter but if i run forward with the shield slide see what i mean so it's it's it's dependent on your weapon as well as like if you let go of forward before you pull back oh my god the frame right there though holy cow i don't think i'm recording it either yeah jesus all right oh oh that was my game freezing okay hello i could have asked that the initial perseverance but i don't know you dare get smart i wanted to kill this guy so bad damn i went through that effort i it ruined so many yeah yeah it sucks so like if you're if you're just running around with a claymore it doesn't matter what you do that can never happen to you like if you're too handicapped it's one of the reasons i use it to backstab fish a lot on my strength build anyway you can use an ultra too it won't happen uh but if you're using like a straight sword alone anything really this works though like any two-handed weapon that goes over your shoulder it's an interesting uh mechanic actually oh jordan that was sick man wait drain hammer oh so the the sun bro in the in the ring city yeah it looks fancy like this one was made by a viewer named i'm trying to see if i have a link in the description for you guys i do right oh my mouse is being so stupid hang on it should be in there i'm pretty sure i put the link i think he has a video showing some flame retextures as well the channel name is seriously casual though if you know it's in there okay yeah it's in there there you go just wanted to make sure it wasn't there but he made this for me such an awesome dude such a such a pretty retexture really looks just like the channel logo you know i like it um yeah with cell swords you you have to like run a certain way to not slip you know you just like kind of do like a little crescent always never just pull back because you'll do it very fancy fancy fancy um what the heck i hope they're this way wait yes they are down okay thank you what are the chances that they're right here probably zero yeah they're not i wanted to plunge one but it's okay that's true i was wearing the male pattern baldness my ambush failed so hard oh my god that's funny who does he just he just stopped walking we can sell sword guy just stop to wave jaw i got one guy i love that that hit the blue too beautiful oh another blue has entered the fray and it's a wizard it's a wizard harry [Music] dishonest witchcraft and wizardry i knew it okay i wasn't done my bundled up yet that's why i couldn't dodge that i'm gonna parry you sir uh why did you roll why are you rolling i want a mallet okay where's that other blue okay he's there ah almost cracked that okay i need to fast something to kill the sellsword guy quick and then i can use the mallet for you guys this guy's just running attacking me too much oh when did you follow the twin daggers come here jordan you're living quite a rough life over here man oh you're so lagging okay there we go good sometimes there was the other blue though where did the other blue go hello sir did did mira die i didn't see the other girl go down i'm down for a clean world war i had the high ground anakin didn't make for much though oh my god that's bad i've never fought really like on this terrain with like a decent 1v1 oh you were saying this doesn't look like a mallet what are you talking about i used the mallet it was the key thing that caused me victory that's cheating it was amazing i saw that comment and i was like you know what ah just for you but i dishonored the claymore war sorry i feel bad about that oh the rained city the city that rang that was a cool fight though i like this outfit too i don't see that helmet much i forget what the helm's even called um i don't know i've been liking the heavy soul am i weird i feel a little bit weird for it hello there sir your cell swords are probably better than mine because you're not a fool i have one too though where both sellsword uses you guys are gonna out shine in damage but but i'm tankier so like it's kind of balanced you know in a way kind of balanced i ain't supposed to out heal the damage this is rude there you go that's true as a canadian class passive weird weird at birth oh it's the steel soldier helm that's what it's called yes that's what it's called oh judy you have so many bills i didn't even know that was you to be honest i'm so used to your uh i guess that's our claim fights i'm used to got a deck spilled you got your pyro build make strength build uses twin blades i mean i have the i have the axes too right oh i don't oh i do i do okay i was gonna call myself really dumb i have the hero use the twin axis we use the proper actually what's the damage difference 400 but the axes always have more ar than uh the cell swords right usually oh i'm missing the heavy yeah i don't have enough decks for the katanas on my on my soul level 60 build i do but i mean uh 60 strength build i do not on this one oh hello whoa you're thick i think it's a bull oatmeal how much stamina do you have could you kindly get out of the doorway i i lose all my frames there it's sad really oh filthy stankin wizards oh what i couldn't parry oh boy that would have been bad i scratched my butt i don't know why i scratched my butt that was weird drift souls three no get your bow out of here no one wants owl freaking wizard juice always doing nasty things to me it's like prune juice hello there oh i got a gift for you wait go away wizard go no one likes you cool i like this guy though he's fun it's always the wizards i can't parry you like this wizard well that explains a lot i'll still parry you just out of spite hey i know our latency is high come on heal yourself heal heal [Music] heel sip the juice oh that that was a fast deal his packets are so lost they can't even find their way home what am i looking at it's so hard for me to time it he's like he's like slow-mo and then hyper speed i think i might just kill him oh my god i have to parry a whole century ahead that's why that wasn't working did i accidentally use my blessing did i i don't have it bound though maybe i did somehow god the frame rate right there just dropped too even the damage was lagged yeah i don't know where he was from but that was quite the connection we had there silly mage silly major get that out of the way there we go oh you mean from the first start of the yeah yeah i did at the beginning that wasn't an accident i just was like i feel like using two estus oh my god let's go four man team hello there hello i think they already killed the crabs i had to kill one off quick either way are they doing some like type of honor fighting over here i don't know can't tell i can definitely tell there's a little bit of latency though it's honestly hard to fight it that wasn't supposed to be a backstab i'm very confused what do you mean he held that fire so long what the hell okay dante i'm sorry i i healed because well what the [ __ ] was that that was terrifying like actually i don't know i keep trying to fish him i'm not gonna i'm just gonna go for trades okay good job dante i can't okay um all right gonna have to do this untouched now i don't think i can whiff punish him though scary also scary oh my god that looks really annoying i hate the shockwave so much just very kong every two seconds okay this is what i think of the parry spam and no more very spam okay okay come here rose you look like a civilized young man oh no no thank you fun fact then that guy was just i think he knew our connection wasn't the best so he was just throwing like a bunch of hail mary perry's that's scary sometimes when you can't yeah that worked out though all right let's go for the final invasion boys i am starved it's been longer actually you know it actually worked out from the beginning of the stream and uh the frame rate being [ __ ] it's still not the best but i've i've i've grown accustomed to it i guess i'm still going to restart my pc though when i'm done this because yeah i almost had like four hours now i didn't eat my hookup either oh my god i just i just you know commended my frame rate and then i walked through this doorway and then i lost them all um let me try to make another outfit tomorrow this is so cute you guys have any other chest pieces you think would go well with this helm play some fashion ideas on me uh how do i have health and stamina at 90. this is what i have so i have 1330 hp on number because i'm wearing my life ring plus three the person who's chained gives you five vigor endurance and vitality excuse me so if i wasn't wearing this ring i'd be down quite a lot of health and salmon as well and then the ring of favor also boosts health stamina and vitality rings are pretty important when it comes to making your build oh there you guys are oh my god battle of the frame rate uh 17 decks for the the ring knight spear nick which we can use right now let's go hello there bam bam oh i shouldn't have guarded the fire when it came out another one of these holy [ __ ] i don't want to go through the doorway oh i'm itching my ear this is bad my headphones are not comfy now okay spear gaining why is there always a message you can't escape it i think it's a vestige every invasion whoa this is odd oh i can't buff yeah that's right there's always a sun wielder that's what i think of your vestige okay good job boys good teamwork that was really risky though to parry that guy while the vestige was in my face i had to put that dagger on real quick that was fun though i don't think i'll find another three-man team right away so i think i'll call it this is the build for you chat for those wondering in the rings i think i should just show this off huh more so the uh this page so you know the fashion everything that i'm actually wearing and the build itself with the stats on the side oh yeah the red one that i made you're right i'm gonna do that i think i'll do that i might at least test it and see if it like fits with the with the neck guard part i want to see how that looks um who is playing dank souls on a saturday evening draftking okay we'll go invade drifts uh he is a fellow streamer i don't think he is using his mic no he's using music do you guys want to watch some more pvp drift king is invading with some music and chilling for the night oh it's sunday oh it's sunday you're right my bad okay you know what day it is is of little consequence it is a day there is drift for you guys i will be back next stream with maybe maybe a dark building again i was having fun with that or dex i suppose not strength though i've been using it a lot i'm kind of fanboying on the strength i'll switch it up yeah get some rest guys good night everybody good night
Channel: ChaseTheBro
Views: 188,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls 3 invasions, dark souls 3 invasion build, dark souls 3 top invasions, dark souls 3 top weapons, dark souls 3 pvp build, dark souls 3 dark build, dark souls 3 best build, dark souls 3 best weapons, dark souls 3 how to, dark souls 3 backstab, dark souls 3 parry, dark souls 3 girlfriend, dark souls 3 gank spanks, dark souls 3 top build, dark souls 3 meta build, dark souls 3 funny, dark souls 3 strength build, dark souls 3 cosplay, sasuke uchiha, convergence mod
Id: KbHZhEyytcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 18sec (14118 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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