Shadows of Drakkenheim Episode 1: Terror in Tierhaven

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good evening and welcome to the shadows of Dragan Haim my name is Monte Martin and this is the dungeon dudes weekly Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition livestream campaign season 2 once again I am running the game as dungeon master and I'm Kelly McLachlan playing the game as a player and we're joined today by our good friends childen itís also playing in the game and Joel Gorman playing a game we are so excited to be back once again for our brand new campaign if you are just tuning in for the very first time Kelly and I post new videos every Thursday on our youtube channel where we cover everything Dungeons & Dragons including advice for players and guides for Dungeon Master's you can check it all out at slash dungeon dudes you can also join us on Tuesday nights when we when we record the campaign live on Twitch check us out from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern at slash dungeon underscore dudes you can also watch all the previous episodes of the show on YouTube don't forget you can also check out our complete season 1 campaign on YouTube all 52 episodes are there so if you haven't taken the plunge yet you can check that out as well and starting now with season 2 all of our shows are available on major podcast platforms Apple podcasts Google Play and Spotify so check them out their season 1 is still going through its backlog but season 2 will be available starting from episode 1 on all podcast formats as well of course don't forget to take a look at the teespring links below for all of your favorite dungeon dudes t-shirts you can find the link below or add bit ly slash dungeon dudes merch so we're very pleased to announce that this week's episode of shadows of dragon hime has been sponsored by our amazing friends at hero forge who have sent us some brand new miniatures to use at the table and they are launching their hero forge 2.0 Kickstarter campaign it just launched today for hero forge in full so now you can order your hero Forge miniatures and get them 3d printed in color or professionally hand-painted as well it looks really really slick and they actually sent us one of their miniatures to sample got my hands on it's really cool so check us out on instagram because I think we posted some photos on the Instagram of what hero forage sent us there one of their prototypes it's looking really really cool so check them out on Kickstarter now or of course if you just want to get some awesome miniatures and paint them yourself head on over to hero forge com and you can use the discount code dungeon dudes to save $5 off your first physical miniature in premium plastic with that it is time to see what lurks in the shadows of Dragon I'm for 15 years we foolishly that crumbling city was confined to the ruins we were wrong insidious horrors have crept out of the shadow of Dragon hime into a world unprepared for such night leaders tales of strange magic Sweetland errors first place now the dust wardens a new band of Heroes are tasked with driving out the seeping ten spreading darkness before it takes root [Music] welcome to the shadows far away from that damaged city of Drakon hein amidst the thick forests of auxin walls where ancient wars of elves and dwarves were fought long before the coming of men where the Druids of the old faith performed blood rites under a full moon lies the little town of tear Haven there upon a rocky crag sits an observatory outpost of the amethyst Academy where for sixty years the old wizard Krummel skin and his lumpy nephew watched the leylines until his death death some years ago it is only recently that the amethyst Academy appointed his replacement along a single dusty road stretching near the crag are several long houses small homes of brick and mud and the thatched roof tops and a few buildings of snow stone which make up the town of tear Haven at the middle of the road is a humble Chapel of the sacred fire a pair of competing public houses lie at each end of town a simple trading post and marketplace springs up around the well at the center of town but the traveller will find nary any shops or even a single in for respite most visitors are homesteaders from the outlying farms bringing wagons of grain to the water mill along the brook and the blacksmith spends his days making nails and horseshoes not swords and chainmail make friends with the locals though and one of the many families are happy to take you in for the night they take pride in their pleasant isolation far from the trappings and bright lights of the great cities and Wars of distant nations instead they find solace on quiet nights where like their ancestors they can gaze upon the sea of stars which watch from the great dark beyond traders and travelers and the lone forgotten soul passed through tear Haven but more leave this town than remain strange hi noses haunt the West woods on dark nights the rains and myths are always thick particularly of late the roads are miserable with slick dark mud hunters sometimes return with talk of strange prints and claw marks found in the forests quite unlike any beasts of nature creatures known to arcane scholars tales are still told of the time a homesteader awoke at midnight to wild shrieks from their barn and to pretend too frightened to see what was outside for fear of their own safety waded through the night only to find in the morning their flock slaughtered and myriad perpendicular ways others speak of travellers who had passed through and never been seen again still these remote instances do little to dull the secluded comfort of tear Haven if you were asked to ask any of the folk of tear Haven what they thought of such happenings they might smile and politely reply that every town has their tragedies that and the locals find reassurance in the presence of one Rudy Whittaker hello I'm Rudy Whitaker I am the local sheriff around here happened to have a little bit of magic so folks tend to to back off and I tell him to but my family here we've we've been here for a long time ever since the the makings of Tara - and me and my my 10 kids and my husband oh the local blacksmith we get along just fine you know tending to the families around your Haven indeed and Rudy Whitaker is no stranger to small tragedies it was not only a few days ago that her son buck came back in the middle of the night dragging the body of his best friend both of them hunters dead from some sort of tangle in the forests around - your Haven he's consent himself to drink his sorrows away but such as life and small forests in Westham are it seems of late you've had a lodger living in your barn well I mean as of late as of just recent I mean it's been a couple of years since oh my old friend has been staying with us I could almost call him one of my family hi I'm Wilhelm Wolfsbane and I live in Rudy's barn I came to the town of tear Haven years ago when there was a lot of issues that arose during the Civil War of West Amana seeing it best to leave major cities behind I came to the town of to your Haven seeking a new place to kick up my heels and serve the good people as best I could Rudi was kind enough to take me in and in such a time I became a bit of a deputy I guess to the town and have been working when I can to help them out and kind of pay my honor to the people who have given me shelter by using my skills being classically trained with both blade and crossbow I use my skills to help the people of this town as needed protecting them from any such terrors that lurk on the outskirts although most of the time it ends up just pulling folks out of bart Ortman Tap House after they've had a few too many to drink or perhaps dealing with a scuffle of two Miller of two disagreeing with the Millers once again over their prices the day breaks is an overcast day with a light rain but as the Sun rises up it Peaks through the clouds sending rays of light down the central and only muddy Street of tear Haven Rudy how do you begin your day normally we well I do a couple rounds and I pick up will him he'll him along the way normally start by checking out the taverns make sure there's nobody drunk hanging over the the railings there get them home to their families and make sure they're not causing any trouble there's usually one or two usually it's such a small town and so many families really it's the only place to go so it's where we entertain ourselves in the dark nights but I make sure that no one's causing trouble and checking on my husband has he's at the smithy bright and early at the Forge your husband Audie Bobby a big bear of a man bristling with hairs that almost burst through his shirt tends to his Forge working on an order of nails it seems the some of the local farmers are expanding their barns again and they need more four more to go with all their fresh lumber that they've had brought down the great tiny tedious work but he knows how to hammer a real whoa as you make your rounds up and down this quiet street of tear Haven greetings from the farmers and the other hunters and trappers as they bustle through the central way opening up the morning markets and heading off towards the mills one rotund man approaches you Bertie this is Danforth little he's a rounded faced with flush red cheeks he's always blustering about something and always poking his nose in other people's business reputation as the town gossip and Danforth little though there's a look of concern in his eyes as the man waddles up towards you with uncharacteristic haste and he says good good morning to you Rudy Wilhelm Danforth seems to be in a rush this morning mr. little well I can catch my breath now I I I must admit you are the object of my haste this this morning I I thought it best to come and and talk to you first this there's been a bit of a strange nothing I think to get to to worry but but I thought I'd best bring it to your care and I'm sure you have something very interesting to tell me of course he always does please I I know it's it's not the Ducks again I promise you that we love the Ducks it's just every day is a little much I I understand I I understand but you must understand present business I bring concerns the old Harlech farm farm yes yes he the the her likes known family that live a few miles outside town tragic the old her licks wife passed on and one of his daughters died as well and they've recruited themselves from the town for most of most years in recent years we haven't heard from the Horlicks and sometime they're causing any trouble no no no no trouble no trouble I I I'd been up that way once in a while too to visit old Gunther and we'd been friends back in the days and I wanted to check in on him he's not been the same since his wife went mad but well the other night I was coming back from from the Tap House and well I couldn't help but notice it there was a color a color I I don't have much any other words to describe it I must admit but it seemed in the night as the moon came up over the ridge there was a color coming from the farm I didn't think any any of it but I came up the way and I heard this awful moaning I at that point I thought I'd bet I'd best not disturb anything but there was a color all around the farm I can't even say what color it was it was like nothing I'd ever seen before we're on the farm like did they paint their barn oh yeah I didn't know any better I would have thought there was a bonfire are you sure you weren't too far into a few cups of ale I tell you you can ask old Bart and I only had two three four four pints I mean after four pints of the good brew I see some colors too this ain't nothing like some color that you might see under under drunkness this was strictly not natural my gives me a headache to even think of what it looked like listen I old Gunther has been in a bad way for the past couple of years I thought I'd best bring it to your attention maybe you go and have a look and see if everything's all right well the put you at ease we'll go take a look and sounds like there's something weird so we might have to go I mean if we round a bonfire creating a color that you can't explain you're telling me that it would you call it a color but you can't tell me what color it was I only seen that color up around the observatory well that sounds like a lead we should go to the observatory and see if there's anything that needs checking out ask some questions well up at the observatory that's where that a new Meijin town has been hanging out isn't it hmm what's his name rich Raph rapper or if that was a rap riff rap rap I only saw his name is Raphael right Raphael yes that's a strange name I prefer to riff raff but Soviet much obliged aye aye aye aye Gunter's an old friend I sad to see that he's in such a bad way now his farm was the envy of all the town only not even a decade ago it felt like if I could do more to help him out in his farm I would send my kids over but they're busy off live in their own lives mr. little will investigate this for you and we'll bring back any news much obliged good to have your out so soon and maybe take it easy at the tavern tonight oh oh don't forget to look after those ducks I'll stay away from them let's make our way up to the observatory and well helm you might do better to try to remember new people's names I'm trying it I have a hard time with names sometimes Raphael perhaps if the same color so to speak appeared at both the observatory and the bar it makes sense that Raphael might have some information so I think it's smart that we had there and ask him a few questions let's take a stroll over strollin take a stroll up the long stepped crag that leads to the action walled observatory a squat tower of stone with a great domed roof from which atella scope protrudes and a long winding stair leading up to a solitary doorway beside which is a small Shack symbol the amethyst academy carefully engraved over the doorway beside the doorway embedded in the wall is those is a tall armor and statue that he hasn't moved in years where these but the people still say there's a reason why you don't go poking around the observatory one day I hope to have a good arm or so with that iron thing I've been told you don't go poking around the observatory that's just to keep the kids away well it kept me away exactly you're one of the kids listen in my experience and my set of rules that I follow rule number seven is if you hear a rumor listen to it there's always truth in rumors maybe a little but more fairy tale than than truth I would say let's get Raph out of here out here who is it it's Rudy Whitaker and Wilhelm I wasn't expecting guests he said you say through the door I open up the people no visitors the best kind of guests are unexpected yes we just have some questions for you if you if you wouldn't mind oh it's you two that we said that [Laughter] come in come in I graciously I hurry you through the door opening it and then I do like the quick check outside close it behind you and shall we describe the the fellow that two of you see before you for a strange-looking one he is indeed in fact we need to get a little bit of a description of what all three your carry all three of your characters look like now that you're all in one room together Raphael or wrath for short wears long flowing robes fit for a mage of the Academy he has a quite obvious purple mohawk where and by his side he almost never walks away from his book an old tome that looks like it's been handed down through generations with it almost like a an old school book that you just has seen many years of abuse and use filled with scribblings and markings from ancient unknown unknown things his robes are our na has like a cape and and he has a face mask so he kind of hides his face from the real world all you can see is his glowing eyes and his off skin his skin is like a I almost like a pale blue that seems to change with the light Wilhelm is a blonde slender but strongly built man who wears a long flowing green cloak greenish gray and some nice leather armor that he has worn for years it has a few scuff marks on that but he maintains it quite well at his one side is a rapier that he has very clean and polished and on the other hip is a crossbow and he obviously also has an eye patch over his left eye for now and you can see the remnants of a scar that just peeks out the top and bottom of that eye patch he has a very prominent blond mustache that curls up at the ends and he stands very tall and proper everywhere he goes and yeah that's that's Wilhelm in a nutshell Rudy so Rudy is a shifter so with her.she you can look at her one way and she kind of looks human but there are elements of her that look very beastial her eyes are an amber color that look a little bit more wolfish than human she has the this red cloak always wears this red cloak that she carries around with her it's kind of her calling card that you'll see whenever she is walking down the road you can spot her a mile away from this bright red cloak she wears for the hood that comes up she also has a little bit of grey hair she's actually 53 years old she's a bit older and so her kids are even grown up and she looks a little bit grizzled she's been in some pretty tough places so she's got a couple Nicks and scars around her she's not polished by any means she bit gruff on the outside but heart of gold and she carries around these actresses she always just has access just wherever she can get them she's always got something - whether it's to help chop wood or to hunt you know a beast in the forests she's always ready with all of her axes and so for all of us joining along which are your race classes so Rudy is a shifter eldritch Knight Wilhelm is a human swashbuckler rogue and wrath is a azemar warlock pact of the tone and we have started off our new campaign at fifth level as well so these guys have been around the block lit a little bit more a little bit more experienced at the ethic of the gate I've seen something yeah I've seen some things arrived yes so as the three of you confer in the dusty ground level of the old observatory a chamber filled with books and arcane apparatuses and a large sofa upon which rests a rather large cat of what kind of appear what does the cat look like cat is a I think it's calico like a black with bits of like almost like a goldish brown coloring and he seems to be watching the two of you as you have entered the room is that your cat this is Bruce your your cat's name is Bruce this is Bruce he is my master no Bruce no later I'm concerned I now what is this all about and I and I and wrath goes over to I go over to the to a table where I start to kind of try to hide what looks like some kind of ritual I was practicing on a table and I try to just kind of like cover it up now what do you what brings you here I there's a there's a color at a barn I see I walk to the other side of the table that you're you're clearing up and I kind of I stick my hands is a brass we need your help okay just don't touch whatever that is I will not [Music] there was a citizen of the town that said that there was a glow coming from a farm up on the other side of town and they said they'd potentially seen the same glow coming from well your place here and we were wondering if you maybe come with us and take a look and see so we can ease some of the fears some of the farmers are around here no Bruce they're not accusing us that wasn't my glow I did not create the globe we're not a we're not accusing you sir so now Raphael what would you know about a color that is unexplainable hmmm but no much I know much for as a mage of the amethyst Academy often the untrained and the uninitiated are not familiar with the colour of magic octarine I want to speak with this man this town's folk who saw the color can you take me to him home sure Danforth is running around the town already probably by the ducks probably yes such simple folk it is nice to be away from the humdrum of it all but I do miss it oh just wait a few years and you'll be you know right as rain here and that's your Haven we'll make sure you fit in as well as much as you can with with your hair not a city style Bruce likes it it is the way again I'm concerned this cat talks to it I mean that's not unnormal and you just see from my hood pop out the tiniest owl you've ever seen I talked to Houdini all the time I've seen me talk to him it's not abnormal to talk to animals you don't refer to him as your master that's concerned anyway yes let's head into town sir Raphael I did observe some strange goings-on and this is why I need to speak with them we must go at once as you wish we shall go at once I guess Humber's Bruce lazily flops off the couch stretches and yawns eyes you up up and down makes direct eye contact with Rudy and eye contact with with Wilhelm and proceeds out the door first I guess we follow the cat his name is Bruce I guess we follow the Bruce Bruce knows the way uh-hum after you get out okay I push him home [Music] heading back down the path towards town it does not take long for you to find mr. Liu for as the day shifts into the afternoon he has already decided to have a beer for lunch of course in the wide tap room of the dewdrop tavern with which is pretty much just a house with two large tables and a big warm hearth and a makeshift bar where Bart serves up the beer that he brews in his backyard very hygienic it very very much so he says he uses only the Crispus water from the morning dew hence the name the Dew Drop brew and pours it out from it from his taps mixing it up with the hops and barley that are grown in the rugged rugged farms round town most people pay for their beer by bringing the ingredients no Bart there's not a lot of coins scraped together in town little Colin yes miss Rudi mrs. Rudi mrs. Whittaker I'm sorry I'm sorry I I was only having one I promise you that nothing wrong with having a little brew with your midday meal but we have some questions for you oh I'm sorry you gave me an awful fright there sir I know I I know I've seen you around town but still begging your pardon it's the hair what about it well I ain't just never seen hair grow like that before never seen hair before he's just the bald spot on this head yes Bruce I know is this the witness yes this is mr. little he's the one who observed the color tell me what did you see well sir I was was coming up late last night the mood could see over the moon that the crest of it was it hit upon the fields up over by well well Oh over by the her licks farm there was this color coming from the farm looked like it was on the fields and the the houses if it didn't know any better I would have said it was a bonfire but it it just wasn't any color I've ever seen come from fire interesting is this the first time you've seen this well yet yes okay I came first thing in the morning awful nightmares all night I came as soon as I was right to come and see seeing mrs. Whitaker and let her know what was going on I I tried to go and see old gun to hurl accuses an old friend of mine but he he's been a bit of a recluse past couple of years on account of what happened to his well the misfortune that befell the farm what happened I might not have been familiar with this oh well I'm beg pardon I thought almost everybody knew he was a few years ago maybe I don't know 15 years ago the the her licks were really making it work they had the best harvest best crops it was really really going round for them they're their hogs were so fat in the meat off their cows oh it's good it's good it was going really well for them for for 22 years and then up about maybe [Music] must have been around the time that that last one that lived up in the observatory that Brummel skin when he died well few of the her--let kids took sick passed away too and well after that old Ooty she was inconsolable she no one hadn't seen her in years she was always wailing up from upstairs whenever I went to visit old Gunter and even Gunter started to look a bit thin and well just was that came into town less and less the farm all dried up he stopped taking care of things and well one of his sons moved away and just things kept getting worse and worse around there looked like well I think I think that poor little Winona I think that it just wrecked there broke their hearts and we're never the same after that I sniff is he reliable he'll go ahead and tell you all sorts of stories about what goes on our hound here but I would say in this case he sell matures do you sir always see colours when you've been drinking not any colours like that one I saw but the Huracan I tell you that sir would it look a little something like this and I want to minor illusion that can create that that's just it that's soup how'd it how do you know what that what he saw we should go to the farm if you think so yeah let's take a look but we should talk about what that is if you know it's the colour of magic well then that means that there's something magical going on at that barn and I'm pretty sure it's a good thing you come with us then and something that could create something so powerful could be requiring our investigation mr. little who else have you told about this just the wife over breakfast maybe the kids have heard it be sure not to spread any panic in the town rule number 67 when panic spreads a calm are the victors it's best we all stay calm in this situation let us investigate and don't worry anything about it until we return with news right I am hope gunt is alright no it's on your nature but maybe keep this to yourself a little bit I will ma'am well do you know no he didn't be having words I hope it's not like the last time we had words watch yourself go take care of those ducks let's head over to the farm sounds like there's after you after Bruce there's need to baby check this out sooner than later agreed agreed what time is it it's mid-afternoon now great time to be going investigating magic stuff never a better time I say I [Music] mean better than in the night you never know what happens then so we head out towards the barn [Music] a light bit rain begins to fall rays of Sun so streaking through though as it does as you head out long town of the road town to the west words pass where the harlot passed towards the herd of fun so Rudy is this the only report of strange occurrences as late in strangest stranger in a little town like this mm-hmm there's been some tragedy lately my son's best friend got her real bad he didn't make it but that was just a hunting accident nothing more was he being hunted he was he is the hunter oh he would do the hunt interesting it seemed pretty commonplace other than the fact that he was killed usually it's the prey that dies usually yes part of being a hunter is that the prey and also sometimes attack you this would be something that a big city folk like yourself would know he probably didn't follow the rules the hunters code which is why rule number one always have a plan of attack he clearly didn't otherwise he'd still be alive rule number two always know your way out it just it seemed you didn't make it it for a trained hunter to fall to his prey is quite strange when you say oh I would yeah I would say that mm-hmm but nothing huge out of the ordinary accidents happen every everything has its stories yeah I didn't think much of it you're making me question that strange glows people dying in the forest you're just you're just putting things together and and wildly yes Bruce we must be on high alert trudge along the muddy road you take a veer off the main trail towards one of the back roads that leads some miles towards the towards where the her--let farmstead is so a journey of about an hour or so and as you approach you head along there's a section of dilapidated wooden fences marking the edge of the Harlech farm territory the fields have been fallow for years the her licks have not tilled the ground along here and the whole area is just unkempt the there are a few scrubby weeds with gray green leaves growing along the sides of the road but the but even the trees and the fields are dead aside from some pines further off in the distance that are half-naked barely any grass leading up to the farmers patches of mud and the grass that is there is just this grubby crabgrass more gray than green this looks far worse than the last time we were up here yes this is quite barren one second just let me observe for a second rule number 25 listen observe and you'll learn I take a moment and I try to take in the surroundings do I notice any movement towards the barn any any signs of life or anything that seems incredibly abnormal there are two large buildings that make up the farmstead one is a very large and well-built farm a farm house itself owing to the prosperity of the Herlings many years ago they rebuilt their farm and it is large almost with two store of two floors in an attic enough that at their peak there were four children and the parents and grandparents so they were quite they did quite well for themselves and then they're just off it is a large barn with two big doors leading into it where the Horlicks keep their animals and the fields and in the midst of one of the fields there is a small old shed that's been that you can see the the door of the shed hangs somewhat a jaw like hangs broken off and looks like the roof might have been somewhat caved in of it in fact the state of the roofs of all of these buildings are not in great shape there's holes in the roofs of the barns and all the windows of the farmhouse have been boarded up do I hear anything not even Birds does that curious yeah as you look around there's not a sign of wildlife there's something wrong here I sense death within this place I am I look over Houdini and I say do a round fly him off I think we should call and see if Gunther's here call out yes why not it's his farm should you not be here something is amiss ma'am my suggest reproach with caution if you think it's best I will take your read I'm just nearly giving you my opinion I'll see why we have to approach it's poor man and living all appear long so be it Bruce is gonna want to check it out as well okay I'll stand here let's go up to the farmhouse and see and I walk up to the front door if I see it you approached the the farmhouse has a small lean-to of the front door and then a back door as well there's a large cart parked out in front a stack of wood piled up besides and several broken down pieces of farm equipment an old plow hmm rusted over and through bits of pitchforks until intended farming equipment all around and a large well in the Senate kind of in the center point between the where the farmhouse and the bond each other the whole area is slick with mud with some wagon tracks and prints and boot prints through the mud it looks like there's been some people at least traveling along this way in recent periods let's take a look in the windows as we approach do you want to approach the back door or the front well we assume he's home to approach you hear gurgling coming from the barn sounds maybe like a horse throwing though that horse sounds like it's in trouble that's not right that doesn't say I'm getting I have a bad feeling about this I I pull out pull out my crossbow I hear you will help just it's strangely familiar okay heard that before having deja vu yes Bruce I heard it too let's go investigate are we investigating the barn no well strange noises are there any windows or ways that I could peer into the barn there are three doorways leading into the barn there's two sets of double doors on either side of the barn along the long edges and there's a singular man-sized door around the front side near the farmhouse there it looks to be like there might be some windows that could be open and there are some holes in the roof as well you go in however you want I'm going to check the window I'm gonna try to creep to the nearest window okay and peer inside okay you creep up to the window it sounds like you're trying to move sneakily yes please give me a stealth check first time rolling this dice it's gonna be a twenty-four oh there's the rogue stuff there it is let's get used to this as the as you creep up towards the window it is closed and you carefully slide it open a crack and a dim beam of light shines into the barn and as you follow the beam of light you look up and you see the splayed out leg of a horse and as you follow the beam of light up a little bit more you hear this because you don't have darkness no okay I am but a man the barn is very the through the a little bit of light illuminates the barn from the holes in the ceiling and the crack in the window that you've just opened opened up there's no lamps lit inside otherwise and as you follow up the looking through you can hear what sounds like this gnashing noise and chewing and the crunching of the bones and you look into an into an area of shadows and the massive yellow eye looks back towards the opening and you hear this retching noise does it make eye contact with me it does not your you pull yourself away quickly enough because of your cell joy I linked back to the other two whatever is in that barn is entirely unnatural I do recommend that we proceed with extreme caution again rule number one always have a plan of attack we do not want to barge in there are you saying he's a Gunther in there I think some form of a beast has infiltrated in his barn I can't say what it is it was dark in there but there's something unusual happening in there I don't think that is a horse throwing up I think the horses might already be dead some of the things throwing up the horse horsemeat never did sit quite right but I'm wondering is it do we need to find and help out Gunther should we we look after our own here should we check the house there might be more than one beast here and if one of them got into the house Gunther could be in trouble yes and a call back Houdini mm-hm and I say you see anything can you be a little more specific you see any wildlife around who do you need shakes no right now go check the top windows and see if there's any anything living in all the windows are boarded up okay all at the top yep hmm stay in my head for now any cracks in the boards you could make a crack that makes noise mm-hmm what do you think ruff let's go through the front door the front door it's the way I always do it back in my day we didn't sneak around windows we just went full through we need to find out what's making that wretched noise do you think we just go into the barn or should we check the house we should find out what's making that noise in the barn okay is there a back door to the barn is there two entrances to the barn is there like there's three entrances of the barn and two entrances to the house we can each take an entrance to the barn me and Bruce will go around to the side Bruce indict him Bruce is telling me where to go yes Bruce I will follow you I'm not one for barging in through a door so I might have a different approach which door do you want to take where's the furthest or not furthest but medium distance away from nothing when I was looking in the barn did the things he appear to be on one end or like right in the middle you were looking through the window that's beside the the far end there and so you saw it in about the middle it's about in the mid middle okay rath do you want to go in one door together or separate let's go in the same door okay let's take the one on the south side okay from from the when I looked in the barn were the holes of the roof big enough for me to fit through if you smash them bigger I'll just come to the door with you all right how about this will might be able to get a shot through the holes but and given the number of holes up there the stability of the roof could be in question that's also in question and I don't want to take those chances let's go figure out what's causing all this racket well you two go in the fat door I'm gonna try to sneak in this front door here sounds good all right place yourselves there is a door on the other side as well okay just the camp can see ya for the viewers okay shall we refocus that camera a little bit for everybody yeah somebody's somebody's sick in there something something or they're in trouble I just want to make sure Gunther's not caught up in all this yeah that way okay can't see okay are you sneaking up to them you're gonna yeah I'm sneaking okay I will walk up behind you I'm not great at sneaking okay give me a stealth check then please terrible sneaky 21 cool 2014 okay all right the three of you have the element of surprise as you burst open through the doors this is what you see you take the roof off a large barn up to its rat with its rafters and two animal pens on the other side has been turned into an abattoir there were butchers if you didn't know any better you think that this was a butcher's barn for the animals have been splayed out all within all manner of goats a few pigs a pair of horses and a cow have albans are all in various states of consumption for lingering over one of the horses can only be described as thing it's it has no shape or body like anything of this earth with standing it's like it looks like a tree trunk with four legs like a tree stump with four legs coming off the bottom of it it has this mottled bark like hide and out the sides of it like as if the they're half grown branches are these knobbly arms ending a sharp claws where the top of the tree stump would be instead opens up into a gaping maw of tea and the thing is shoveling chunks of horse flesh into itself and gurgling as it pulls them in these strange yellow eyes look out from the whatever it passes for hands these claws on the inside of the palm our eyes [Music] there are there are three there's three of them that's not where eyes are supposed to be we're all furnished it Oh baby this is it this is come Rudi 16 Wilhelm 15 right as 700k I have no depth perception yeah he's wearing an eyepatch Rudi you kick open the door and see these horrendous creatures clawing at the horse what in the sacred spirit is that God and I go at them with my battle axes okay I'm bursting through the doors rush into the room and actually can Houdini go first on my turn oh yes okay Houdini's gonna fly in and I say get a Houdini and he kind of flits around one of the one of the ones right in front of me and he's gonna help me with this by distracting this deranged creature and I take my battle axe both in two hands and go at them so the first one 15:15 is a hit yeah this novel II creature your battle ax comes down upon one of upon its top and as it does so an eyeball opens up on it on its stump and your axe collides with the eyeball making it pop with a loud hiss at get the 12 damage Oh glaber's and grubs and some profane utterance take my second ax down oh that's a critical miss role on the critical hit miss table nothing and I get my third attack with the 22 that is a hits 10 damage nice blood oozes from this creature this dick black Bible Wilhelm it is your turn Wilhelm slinks through the door sees the two beasts in front of him and charges up pulling out his rapier and leaping into the air and stabbing it down into the Beast see how we do 25 yeah I think that clumsy the horrid the creature is and your rapier strikes true I'm gonna I'm gonna use a sneak attack on that is that because you have the swashbuckler feature that means that you get this yes as long as there's no other creature within five feet of me and I don't have disadvantage on the strike nice I get to use sneak attack eighteen damaged very nice a spurt of the black blood spills out across the floor from the vile creature I am then going to use my crossbow expert and while I'm stabbing it I pull out my crossbow and at point-blank range fire a bolt into it and for those of you following along at home Kelly and I had discussed based on our crossbow expert episode we are allowing the rapier and crossbow thing to work for this campaign it's my father's cross bone it's a repeater crossbow it has many bolts loaded into it at once it was a special design he came up with it take that very special take that Internet all right 14 the bullet strikes true doing an additional seven damage nice and then I slink away and because of my fancy footwork I kind of just leap out of view from hit my fancy footwork allows me to not have to make a disengage action okay these awful beasts spring into action the one ignoring the now decaying the divorce they lunge towards their fresh prey one meandering towards Wilhelm to follow you the other bursting out of the animal pen towards Rudy so really you are attacked twice [Music] but I get pretty low that is gonna be a natural one and eighth note against Wilhelm Wilhelm I get a 16-2 hit ouch I've been bitten it lunges forward and bites deeply into your leg as you run away and you are going to take 13 years of age I'm going to use uncanny dodge to take half of that okay so as he bites my leg I get it out just in the nick of time he still takes takes a little chunk but not as much as he could okay Rath seeing these creatures of what I can only assume are some other world Bruce bounces into action kind of floating and running through the battlefield to the one beside Rudy and then whispering around it using the help action kind of like almost like a shadow and then I shoot a bolt of of green energy at this thing getting a 22 hit that is a hit for 15 damage the bolt of green energy pierces through it and with a gurgling and a hiss it slumps and I I step around the corner because I'm a little bit outside I start to walk in confidently and and let off another blast at the second creature getting a 24 to hit that is a hit for seven damage the creature struck by the blast stumbles for a moment and regains its footing that is my turn yes purse you have done well go to the top of the round there's a rustling in the rafters a shadowy leathery name something covered in what looks like bone spurs and alligator scales to the rafters on these leathery wings and as it does so suddenly a spine fires out from the rafters towards Wilhelm oh no getting a 18 and a 12 to hit one of them hits I should have saved that reaction the spine fires and strikes you in the shoulder and you take five points of piercing damage but as it does so the spine melts and you take another four points of acid in two more spines come on rafters towards Wrath getting a twenty and attended 24 sure heads that will be also five points of piercing damage and five points of acid at how the acid the scuttling in the rafters above feels the gaunt shapes of these mission gaunt and miss shapen forms of what appears to be a almost something that is a cross between an alligator and a porcupine and of that have I ever seen anything like this before okay I'm still it's like guys up in the rafters watch out I'm gonna take down this guy the other spindle II stumpy guy and I just take both axes and I start wailing as Houdini all right 22 two hits a hit battle axe for 8 damage nice second one comes down 19 also hits 10 damage very good and the third 22 hit a palpable hits for six damage you lay into this creature with your axes knocking at it sending one of its limbs flying in a wayward direction where it splatters against the wall and immediately begins dissolving you can see that the form of the slain one is already dissolving and resolving into some sort of vial or good the creature that you've been hacking at though still stands and lurches towards you anything else written I just stare it down and my eyes start to like for almost reflect in a more amber color in my kind of emotion of the battle and I stand my ground Wilhelm is going to attempt to run this beast through so he is going to take his rapier and drive it right into its form I don't really know where any part of its body is it's just a massive in the eye and the hand I'll hit it in the hand I know I won't sighs that is a one remember shaking temporarily by the vile form of these creatures you do not strike true well I'm gonna try to crossbow it then okay that's spirit that's slightly better 11 that is miss OH Wilhelm jumps over the beast as he makes these terrible misses and runs outside okay leans against the wall exhausted okay the Beast pursues you oh no mercy through the door to bite at you I thought it might not like sunlights and it gets a 15 to hit my AC is 15 alrighty good strategy separate them other comes towards rhudi getting a 15 to hit as well no you're doing great okay wrath it is your turn as the doors open yes it is I can see this one yep just let you see me turn the corner and you see it run and you see it jump and like I'm you just hear like screaming and flailing no it burns it hurts I'm this I'm gonna cast a hex on it and I'm gonna and I Bruce pounces into action after the creature I get a 13 to hit a hits whoo 418 damaged cursed as it is by your dark magic it is blown apart sending the body parts strewing out over the farmyard nice shut and then I'm gonna turn to the one beside Rudy and take another shot the one closest to a 16-2 hit also a hit for just firing out six damage blast strikes it but it still stands converse we must kill these ungodly creatures seeing the destruction wrought by the mat the mage the creatures in the rafters concentrate their fire upon him hello getting a 14 and a 19 to hit they both hit no and 13 and the 22 to hit I both hit these things will die that's a lot of four hits it's a lot of these sixes so it's gonna be 18 points of piercing damage and another 10 points whew standing very bloodied okay but I am I just still found it yes fine fine everything's fine okay 28 damage total yep okay that hurt yep that hurt I'm covered in acid spines I'm gonna make a necklace out of them later okay Bruce wants them for ritual says so I have to keep them in my body I'm doing this Rudy Mira I take yeah I'm gonna still go after this one guy in front of me I'm going to smash down again like Houdini help me out me flutters over and make three tacks so well a 12 is just a miss just grazing it 21 I hit 10 damage as it slides out of the way of the first acts blow the second one Cleaves it in Twain okay and I get my third attack I'm going to actually take one of my hand axes and I'm gonna throw them up into the rafters at one of these fiends school 18 a hit five damaged nice scraping some of the spines away on the creature Wilhelm you're up alright does that one creature slam the one that was attacking you yeah my balance isn't what it used to be all right I'm going to peer into the door with my crossbow and I just fire two rounds at the same one that Rudy just threw an accent so my first crossbow gets a 17 a hit during 10 damage nice is it still standing it is and in fact the crossbow has lost amongst the spines and spikes and scales I fire out it a second time 13 that is it wonderful doing five more damage to it it shrieks bloody but still alive and then Nick drops of this blackened blood dripped down from the rafters alone wrath it is your turn i-i-i watch as Bruce runs back into the room leaping at the at the thing in the rafters almost sailing up to it and I focused my hex back on to it the wounded one or the unwilling the wounded one the one that Wilhelm was filling with crossbows getting a crit here we go okay what happens this thing's not gonna survive a crit aye-aye as Bruce is swirling around it I just I send an eldritch blast into the middle of it and it explodes spines filling the ceiling with its internal parts yep yep and then I shift my focus to the other one in the rafters and I I take my second shot getting a 12 ah and then I run away back out of the room and hide behind the door Oh pressing against it with both pressing panting as as as spines are bleeding down my the creature in the rafters clamors through the rafters and slides out one of the holes a wing and flying off towards the west and that is where we're gonna take our break and we are back from our break we have all had our short rest and are ready to dive back into the shadows but we've before we do I want to give some massive thank yous to some amazing people who have contributed to making our season 2 of our campaign possible first of all joining us this evening behind the scenes we have our amazing artist Jeremy Cole who has done all the character art for us for the season and last if you haven't yet seen his amazing artwork for the characters from last season as well we've had that floating around too as well and also we were very fortunate to work with some really talented people for that intro animation that you just you you saw so a massive thank you to Alex our animator Tim at tabletop audio for composing an original song to use as well as to Kirstin deep for giving the amazing voiceover so to all of you that helped make those things possible thank you so so much and finally of course a big thank you to hero forge who sent us the miniatures that we are using for a new player characters to use in this campaign hero force has been great friends of ours and they've just launched their new Kickstarter for hero forge 2.0 which is they're gonna be offering to 3d print your next player character miniature in full color so you don't even have to paint it anymore which is amazing they send us a prototype as well to check out and it's pretty good quality actually I was really surprised with that so check out both hero forge as well for awesome miniatures for your own campaigns if you want to get one of their hero forge figures you can do so at hero forge calm and use the discount code dungeon dudes now they get you five dollars off your first physical miniature as well so check them out and their Kickstarter campaign - also if you're enjoying the stream and you want to help support our work please check us out on patreon you can find out how by following the links below or at slash dungeon underscore dudes we also have a phenomenal discord community that is exclusive for our patrons so if you are joining our patreon make sure to join us on discord or you can chat with us about all things upcoming in the shadows of Jack and I'm fond memories of the dungeons of track and I'm and any other nerdy things that you wish to talk about we love chatting with you about D&D video games anything else cat pictures there's tons of stuff on there that we talk about indeed yeah of course don't forget to take a look at the links below for our teespring store if you want to grab one favorite dungeon do's t-shirts or you can take a look at the link bit ly / Benjen dudes merch with that let's return to the shadows bloodied and injured from your an encounter in the barn you he even breathe in as the last of the creatures flies away and you see in the foggy daylight it's monstrous form the this gaunt alligator like creature the cross between a porcupine and alligator and a bat flying off towards the west I come out of the barn see you - all right in all my years I've never seen anything like that I uh I'm a little rusty it seems with uh with with my sword it's it's been too quiet here we're going to need to get back into the swing of things I think bit more in practice Raph what were those things have you never seen anything like that before not in its mutated form in its mutated form what about it's not mutated forth in its any for that was it must explain the weird glow we that was seen by the farm I haven't seen it he weird glows do you think the glow caused that thing or do you think that thing caused the glow hmm it's too early to tell we should check out the farm the house these I and not thing which way did it go west to the West was that towards the village away from the village away from the village towards forest towards forest I popped my head back into the barn and I'm like for something I need to do rule number ten confirm your kills and I peer back into the barn are there any slight remnants or are they just goo now they are slowly dissolving away into this black goo shook through with a strange color flowing through it and a pleasant pearlescent prismatic tones I pop my head back out kills confirmed also I think I found a little bit of that hum that color can you get a sample huh I could try we have do we have any containers or something that we can put it in I have I should have a vial or something that I can full of healing potion but you have yeah I have this vial with healing potion in it I can drink that and then we have a vial I don't know this this has been hanging around in my pocket for some time back in my day we didn't rely on healing potions we just healed ourselves well good for you Rudy not all of us can take poison spines in the shoulder and be just dandy to keep going on fighting I'm gonna drink the healing potion and then collect a sample okay it's a healing potion ten yes as you cook you collect the sample it looks like it's even boiling off in the contained stopper I'm fighting it is there any I start to look around for any way that these things could have gotten in because the windows were boarded the doors were closed but they seem to have made a kind of a house here dan we need to see if Gunther's in the house I start to move my way towards still with my axes at the ready but I bang on the door and I say Gunther are you in there I hang back there's no reply I kick open the door I tried to the door swings open with a crash and you find yourself you see the first level of the large farmhouse it is a large open level with a single staircase leading up upstairs in this level there is a large hearth the great table and there's all manner of clatter and clutter strewn about plates discarded me plates disused equipment old rotting food barrels boxes and other things and in the middle of the room slumped over the table is Gunther no I go up and I check his pulse as you approach he shoots up the old man in his 60s is gaunt and thin a pale reflection of what he was before and his eyes are melt or milk-white over and he reaches out and grabs your wrist and he says me Gunther what happened here she grabs your wrist really hard well I put my hand on him Oh Lucy oh she's she's she's upstairs I'm sorry to keep her that way but it was it was that no it just burns all inside me oh it just burns all inside me what's burnin what are you talking about Oh my insides just burn it's like oh then plants then plants that we had nothing grow to yours anymore I wouldn't grow anything anymore here but it doesn't matter I stopped it I'd stopped it but it don't matter we'd eaten too much of it food mean food food you grew on the farm or food they found near the farm clutches his stomach mmm I call and Rath get in here I'm gonna go in and and what's is is there a wound is there looking him over and pull open his shirt and kind of check him out as you pull open his shirt you can see his distended stomach and it looks like as you pull open his shirt and wrestle him to run he resists as you as you do this oh oh that blasted stone that stone never should have buried it and as you pull him open you can see that underneath on his stomach underneath the skin it looks like there is a skull trying to push itself out of his ribcage and the fingers of bony hands pushing at his stomach and he writhes on the ground coiling and pain and agony screaming out the names of his family oh I'm sorry I'm sorry it just they growed so fast they rode so fast I offer and I'm like unfortunately I I don't think we have much time what stone and as you grasp him he screams out and as he screams his neck twists around and goes in a full circle twisting backwards and around and snapping out as his wrists almost formed back in transforming him almost into this quadrupedal shape as he does so his arms and limbs flail and it cries out came from up above I say move out the way and I take my axe and I go to chop off his head okay you make an attack roll can I help ya sure as I'm like holding like we're grabbing his arms uh nineteen roll damage eight you slice his head clean off and it Scott it rolls along the ground sending out spurts of blood gushing across and then the head props itself up on the flowing blood and spindly legs reach out and run up the wall and the head continues to scream as it runs up the wall and says oh I'm sorry sorry my head's just no good anymore I don't know long it was Ben I thought it was just a color Rudy the surgery didn't work the body continues to flail as the blood gushes from the stump I want to see if I can speak telepathically to the Creech that's trying to come outside of its within his body I'm gonna say what are you but I'm gonna try to speak telepathically to it okay what have you done to your host says this gibbering laughter sounds back in your mind interesting and it and as it does so the stump grows the stump of the head where the head was chopped off teeth appear around it and it begins to talk backward echoing in unison the voice of Gunter's screaming head which these spindly legs are just like a spider's legs of blood are walking it along the ceiling as it continues to scream I don't know what you are but you let him go let him go now Rudy I don't think there's any letting him go I think we need to put down Gunther immediately as quickly as possible he does not deserve to suffer like this he continues to scream out as spurts of blood come out of the heads and in strange screaming shapes each of you can make a wisdom saving throw good five thirteen twenty twenty Rudy you're shaken and frightened by it by this and you recoil away at all of us and even this blood that splatters on you it's like fingers as it pulls itself back and doesn't stain you just the fingers rush down yes Bruce it needs to and I shoot a eldritch blast at the thing that's crawling the head that's crawling okay okay can i hack sit yeah and can I have Bruce help me certainly you can because I want it just 15 to hit that hits the head yep four eight damage the head bursts apart shattering the skull and sending brain and eyeballs all across the room teeth fly across across the place and the teeth begin chittering on the ground bouncing on the ground one of the eyeballs the tendril of the optic nerve lurches the eyeball and it starts to slither like a snake down into a hole in the room and the bits of brain matter starts slurping around the room itself well he's doing that can I run up and I see Rudy back away in terror and I leap in front of her and start stabbing at the torso okay should I guess is Rudy within 5 feet if the torsos prone save you advantage oh good 13 as a hit hooray I'm gonna use sneak attack if Rudy's close by oh yeah also with advantage oh yeah oh wait that was sort of my rapier sorry that dice is being replaced with that day's 18 damage to its torso you rip deeply in the into the torso it with with your rapier and as you pull the rapier back out the rib cage opens up like a mouth I'm gonna fire a crossbow interesting well it died 13 also ahead 10 more damage the corpse falls dead on the ground and out of the mouth comes this strange translucent jellyfish light creature trailing long tendrils as it moves for the air it regards back back at you where it perceives from none can can tell Rudy what would you like to do I want to burn it all burn it all and I as it's coming out I fire bolt it ok roll the hit ok attempted to fire bolt it 21 that's a hit I actually roll again cuz you disadvantaged because you're still frightened ok cool still ahead still a hit with 9 damage unbuttered by the flames the creature looks at you once before taking one of its tendrils healing an incision into the air around it and slipping through that's magic I didn't want to know what magic was that's what that was right there thank you is there still stuff crawling around everything is stopped doing the sacred spirits is going on here I have seen many things in my day but nothing nothing like this I have teeth on my robes wrath you're the expert here what what are we what are we dealing with did you did you bring this upon us it was a transdimensional jellyfish and its origins are unknown are you seeing this because you know or are you just saying it do we need to go above your head and ask the Academy for some help well I can ask the Academy I can see if they have any idea what could bring this madness to such a small town we should investigate the rest of the farmhouse though he mentioned he mentioned he was keeping his wife upstairs this is why for his daughter his wife his daughter I I'm concerned that there might be other monstrosity I have an idea I'm going to use disguise self and make myself look like Henrik Gunther Gunther know it Gunter Henrik can rip and Ehrlich Hurley Gunther Hurley I see where you're going and I I'm gonna proceed upstairs into the bedroom I'm just like I've never seen someone turns to another person before like and I just start walking up stairs you proceed up the stairs I follow right behind like yes I look like someone else like I'm gonna sneak behind him in stairs lead us to a short hallway above you as a trapdoor leading to the Attic and there are two doorways bedrooms and sensibly board up the bill the windows are boarded up from the outside both of the bedrooms have been locked from this side with massive padlocks and in the hallway here there the room upstairs when you come up to the stairs a bed has been made up here by pulling some straw and mattresses one of these rooms contains his wife do you have his voice as well oh yes you have you can mimic voice with actor yeah I can i I heard him screaming with a demon in his chest so I have a pretty good idea of what he's like it's it's best if we have a plan first we need to locate the wife then we need to get in the room can you call her name using his voice [Music] honey honey there's a gurgling noise coming from one of the rooms and a rattling on the door the door rattles the padlock rattles there's a banging against it is the day I met you well now we know where she is she's in that door I say we get ready we open the door we don't go into the room we let it come out her it's not her anymore flank the sides of the door Rudy I'm sorry but there are no people in this house and remember you decapitated the man off - oh and so now we're concerned about all it's his wife that's not an it but meanwhile the guy downstairs I'm questioning him and you chop his head off like if they chopped his head off we're gonna chop her head up too it's just like it looked like you had just a bad stomachache and you decapitated totally clear about your medical training have like really bad diarrhea please don't you and that's happening I may cut something off his head was spinning my diagnosis is demonic murder so if she has a head spinning we're killing it right of course okay well you guys flank the sides I will lure her into the hallway as her husband sounds good sounds yeah want me to it while you wait here and I gotta run downstairs did did Gunther have keys on him I'm gonna retrieve the keys come back upstairs smart thinkin and I'm gonna unlock the the padlock on the door that the sound was coming from okay you unlock the padlock and I take a big step back against the other side of the hallway and I go honey they making Gunter's as you open door the the room beyond she comes outside she does one 360 you decapitate her and then we go investigate whatever has caught him is caught her as well and misses her its corpse whatever's gotten whatever he can tried to contain his somehow gotten out and got it into him okay you open the door tied with rotting ropes to a set of bunk beds in this room is a thing it has it is clad in what looks like the remains of a smock or a farm dress of some kind maybe a nightgown but its limbs are elongated its arms almost reach from its shoulder all the way down to its ankles and its hands and in long fingers at least eight inches long that the tips of the fingers have been pulled away and simply end in sharpened bones its vase is all twisted and wrong and knobs of flesh burst off of its emaciated form there's no hair on it and its eyes are black beads and its jaw has split open forming two rows of teeth it shrieks at you and lunges forward and is stopped by the the rope a tying it to the post and as you do so you hear another thunking and another screeching the right be one maybe two more creatures for the wall that would have separated these two rooms has been knocked out and these creatures have been boarded up and locked up here multiple there's multiple how many one he can't quite see from his vantage point but it sounds make a perception check their wrath seven there's at least one creature more than one maybe two or three okay I am it telepathically tell will Hammond and Rudy whatever it is doesn't recognize it will holes at the post ripping and snapping the rope and I'm rushing towards you well it hasn't seen Rudy or I has it it has not excellent for twenty to six Carrie whatever it is some kind of evil Wow everyone rolled low except for a woman yep yeah Wilhelm you were first up get him deputy you guys are downstairs basically yeah okay then then you're on the level with the staircase if you don't come upstairs like they're on they're flanking each side of the doorway and I'm standing against the back of the wall I open the door and I step back and then I try to let the whatever the thing is see me does the Beast like come towards the door yes it's running towards wrath it snapped the rope and it's about to run towards right so as it's leaving the room can I like basically rape your spirit in the side yes you can all right so I'm standing there silently next to the door and as I hear the screech and it runs I'm listening to the sound of it running and as soon as it comes close enough I stab my rapier into its size so place it in between the doors then and I will give you advantage on that because you're basically hidden from it at the start of the turn cool nice but as you see it it's screeches and I need you to make a wisdom saving throw no that's gonna be a six okay as it comes in it's screed weights I'm gonna I'm gonna use a lock point okay thank you and you remembered that will be an ace okay your luck does not hold out and is it screams you feel like your bones are turning to jelly you are frightened and worse and because of that your bones have been weakened and you are restrained as well so now what you was an advantage is now disadvantage Oh I'm a man of precision you're also a man whose bones are turning to jelly literally by fear I get a 10 the slash goes wide I the The Scream threw me off and I miss and I pull the blade back and I go off the blade must be unbalanced [Laughter] darn thing I whip out III like pull my crossbow out at my side and try to give it a quick bolt to the side also with disadvantage I'm guessing mm-hmm 14 that is a hit there it is so the bolt strikes true and I'm gonna use sneak attack you are not because you've a disadvantage right I have disadvantage I can't use sneak attack darn eight damage okay and I'm going to move away rath it is your turn make a wisdom saving throw boy I say in a Gunter's voice 21 okay you are you succeed you're saving throw against the crippling fear and I go honey don't get mad and I and Bruce lunges at the creature and and I move my hex onto it and I shoot out a 15 that is a hit for you know 15 damage nice and then I take Isis or I shoot at an Eldridge blast out of hunters weird-looking hands and I only assume they're weird and then I get a ten a Miss the hit goes wide and so I use bumbly fingers this is really weird you're just like you're the old man that I just saw ripped apart in front of me now blasting this other creature with it it's wild oh it's it's just yes Bruce I know I'm disappoint myself too and that's uh okay you want to move over do anything else I know I'm standing at the back there okay against the window the creature lunges forward slashing slashing it Rudy biting into her getting a tendon nope nope yes right okay the in the room you hear something a the sound of a wood against wood is it sounds like a bed as being aa like screeched across the ground like something is tied up but trying to break out that's not a good sound Rudy I say look Dini you're up and I float my owl flapping in his face hummingbird II so small that he just like we kind of have a Disney thing going on where the any creature is just surrounded by woodland animals everything the battle-axes starts swinging yeah 26 to hit a solid hit wu-six damage okay next 22 to hit yes no five damage keep swinging keep swinging go Adam go to go 19 nice okay nine damage well I guess you've decapitated it both husband and wife booty and Gunther well you know you gotta have the whole family to the list so I'm can I shut the door yes okay I shut the door who's they just have a moment here it's the moment my wife no you're not actually gun time I just wanted to be someone else for a change all right sure I was losing myself in the character all right there's something else in there that's moving the beds yeah as you shut the door you can see that there's two others like the first tied to the other beds in the learning and I like make motions like like to turn up you want us to flee no no no remember we talked about our hand signals we're trying to communicate to tied up in there one one second I like come up to the door do you speak English in there or common I should say ah I think I'm pretty sure we can just talk they know we're here there's two in there they're tied up to the bed before they break out why don't we just go in there and murder them alright ready yes alright okay one of them snaps free of its bindings on the bed and lurches towards the door close the door doors close do you have that door closed yes I'm standing at the back hall again waiting Rudy stand in the door I'm ready again open the door for the brief Flint of the moment if you didn't know any better Rudy it there was a glint in the faces that it might have been formerly than Ned and Emmett the two Gunter's two older sons looks like the sons concert Emmett I don't know what's happened to this whole family but are you ready of course I'm ready they're not them anymore so chop off their heads you know and I open the door okay you open the door so we'll talk start at the top again Wilhelm I am once again as it runs out the door going to attempt to skewer it okay all right you can repeat the saving throw against your fear as well we got this this time good yep I would like I would like to use another lock points okay ten still not so that the fear is still shaking through your body from what you've seen I'm not okay I've never beasts like this it's concerning and there's my 13 to hit it is a hit good but I can't use my stuff oh wait this is the this is the right here oh good that's gonna be five damage all right and I'm going we're going to cross poets ooh getting a 17 also a hit doing seven more damage okay and then again I retreat wrath you're up as it stands in the doorway getting skewered by Wilhelm I move the curse that was on its mother to it and I go son to know and i and bruce swirls around it and I hit it with a twenty-two twenty-three yep four by Sunday 22 you blast it apart does it explode from that one head yeah and then I'm gonna walk up to the room and do I see the other one yep I got thrashing against its restraints on the bed I'm gonna take a shot at it as it as it sits they're getting a 15 to hit yes for 10 damage and then I'm gonna step back out of the room okay Rudy it tries to break free your eye but does not Rudy it's your turn Houdini follow me and we go into the room and go yeah you can make it in there and I'm gonna say since it's still restrained if you want to do the deed you advantage on all your attacks get the turkey wedding host of the family yeah yeah yeah just roll all three of them if all three huh yeah yeah yeah Wilhelm comes up as this is happening and closes the door slowly and just that's Rudy we just let her finish good things are good I'm gonna turn back into uh wrath again okay we have to figure out what happened to this poor family to help their souls move on other are there remains left of these bodies as before they are quickly putrifying I check my vial is it still dirty I was going to say we should burn the bodies but it seems that these bodies are taking care of themselves we should investigate the Attic it was the only place we haven't been yet guys I want to see something mm-hmm I want to go to a window I'm gonna push it open mm-hmm and I want to see if there's any sign of like the grass or something pointing towards the direction where I see maybe it's more dead than others okay make a perception check interesting 18 the grass is very dead throughout but looking out over the fields you can see you first your eyes are drawn to the well you feel a palpable menace but then your eyes are drawn further out into the fields where in a truly irregular place in the middle of the field a shed has been constructed and looking out around the field most of the fields look like no one has been out there it's all overgrown but you can see these thick trotting prints there visit they're gigantic huge even almost a foot wide some of them leading out to the shed from the farmhouse and back again and all around it's harder to see these prints closer to the farmhouse because the the more regular traffic but out in the fields they're unmistakable I come up next to you Rudy rule number six there's always a trail to follow Rudy is there a basement in this farmhouse I don't know if there's basement but Gunther did mention that he'd buried something you did and I'm wondering if it's out in that for you would you like to check the attic or head to the shed I say let's head to the shed all right I start to walk down stairs as I'm cleaning myself up I prestidigitators I'm going down would you mind and I do it to everybody yeah I've T fella oh and I'm gonna collect the spikes for Bruce okay make sure Bruce needs them ten kids at home I'm used to cleaning up messes thank you a message whispers out to you six teeth I just need a couple here pick them off those are those are our no never mind you can have them thank you yeah I got them all geez I got all what nothing let's go we got to go check out the shed yes I talked to the shed heading along the fields the dilapidated shed the door has been ripped off its hinges as you come towards the shed a wooden floor has been built in place doesn't look like anything was ever stored here the wooden floor though has been smashed through and it looks like great clawing fingers dug underneath the floorboards and on earth-2 something in the mud is there in the mud there's nothing there hmm maybe we can follow the tracks as you look down the dirt where it's clawed away the soil that was packed down over top pieces of the soil underneath like there's the soil that was placed on top of this but the base wherever what this thing was it's almost like glass the ground glass and stone no it's gloved hands yeah so I start to pick it some of this glass can I pull it up as you you follow the shape and the contour of of it as you pull at it and there's it's almost like a circular divot shape that was filled in by this top soil and then a shed built on top of it there was a bigger hole here where he buried whatever it was that he buried the stones and it's been dug up yeah it's been dug up and the prints lumber off let's see if we can follow the prints I I concur whatever it is has the thing that was buried we need to find out what that is because it seems to have caused this whole problem caused or started to aggravate it let's go see I also felt something weird coming from the the well let's see if the prints lead there there well the well well well well where are you gonna go to first follow the prints do they lead back to the well no does it go like by the well no go those prints go back into the woods before we head out I'm like I want to check that I just want to give the well a look I'm going to quietly approach the well and just very cautiously here over the edge descends down into the darkness there's some black brackish water at the bottom I'm gonna take a look I have dark vision mm-hmm yeah it's thick black muddy water down there is there like a pail that you can yeah yeah yeah if you old his feet and appaled your feet I'm gonna take a stone and I want to cast the light on it yeah and just drop it in the stone falls down the well it hits the top of the water and stops for a moment and it sinks in slowly I start turning the crank to pull these there's no crank no you just have to lower a bucket all right so I pocket already lowered no there's no bucket nearby like there's no there's buckets around and the farm has said and there's rope but there's actually no bucket and rope that are left near the well at all how curious does this seem to you rath is this something worth investigating or should we carry on this well wells tend to be the life source for any farm it could be where it all started do you want to get a good look at this water before we follow this trail hmm I go I go to the barn and start looking around for a bucket yeah you find it hold your feet no that's fine Rudy it's just all I know his legs and I throw the bucket down and him and start to pull the rope to pull it back up it's lighter than expected the end of the rope pulls out without the bucket and and attached to the end of the rope is this black goop just slowly corroding the end of the world burn don't touch it let it go I drop the rope that's not great I would say that this farm has a water problem you should add that to your list of rules beware the black goop well I already have a rule in here for such a case gore see tube it hurt rule number 95 never trust a drink you didn't pour yourself could be poison so yes of the bucket from the well if they had poured me a drink I would have known not to trust it that's fair that's it's in the rule that's a really good rule thank you yeah you never know when somebody might try to poison you I need a copy event it was my father's that doesn't really answer your question I just wanted to tell you that I'll write it down in my book later I'm kind of scribbling some of the rules as you say in my book do you have a flask of course can I borrow it what are you gonna get it back and are you gonna throw it in the acid you scoop up some goop we just tried with a buck how deep is it this flask it's about 30 feet down before it is good you can borrow this flask I wanna okay Rudy grab my feet I know you want to do this and I did that just enough so I can scoop up some of the goo with my mage and okay does it come up yes smell bad no because the hands made of magic and I got a hole that for us to look at I mean don't dance it's a black goop shot through like octarine octarine what does it smell like it smells like death I told you I sense death in this place this is death let it let it go back in don't need to take this with us death and gasoline yep sounds like a heavy metal album I'm gonna put word on the ground beside no cannon dropped on the ground beside the well it sinks into the ground and shutters slightly as it pools let's follow the prints see where they go yeah we should alert the town when we get back to put a sign up near the swell saying that it is contaminated not to drink any water from this well well this well is contaminated I don't know if any others around town will be contaminated we should warn everybody what if this affects the entire water supply this could be a major issue for Fortier Haven could affect a lot of families including my own yes we don't want anybody else bursting into monstrosity this has been a very concerning day yesterday all I had to worry about were ducks same here this is way bigger than ducks we should follow the trail I mean we did just chop the hat's off of an entire family the souls of of my friends I guess that red Huntsman never really left did it just bird a little bit deeper let's follow this trail into the woods let's go be on your guard always is that a rule yes how is that not be on your guard is obviously like I have like eight rules that basically say be on your guard and some way it's a repetitive always have a plan of attack rule number one that basically is be on your guard all right then off we go what time is it now some you said it here in the early afternoon and it is it is approaching autumn and so the the days are getting shorter so it's probably the the light is beginning to die down it's more like close to sunset around say now with the time that's passed exploring also did you want to take a short rest or anything before you head on ok I could use a bandage I would love a short rest okay if we have we could camp out in a farmhouse so as you take your short rest time the time passes to probably the early evening around suppertime and as the light begins to wane you can see traces of that glow that the that Danforth talked about refracting around the farm just in the air in the air off the buildings of the plants and certainly echoing out from two points in particular the well and the shed I walk up to the well just to peek over and see what's going on in there walking back to the well that puddle that you dropped that was dropped earlier is gone and is rather thick mist coming in over the air nice stifles the breath hard to breathe this stuff in RAF have you seen any of this before no this is very strange it's getting dark so I mean if we're following a trail into the woods it's going to be difficult to see as you adjust your eye catcher some of us are going to have problems in the dark in the woods at night you can hold on to my tail where enemies can get the drop on us we'll keep an eye out for you keep your senses sharp darker light hone them senses we should now is the the light coming from the farmhouse again the this color emitted from the rocks and the grounds and is carried through this mist but it predominantly reverberates up the well and around the area of the shed we should go check out the shed again again instead of following the prints I think we should still follow the prints but the shed might give us more answers ok let's take a look I want to Ted to the shed okay you return back to the shed you can see refracting in the light our flecks of small stones and we couldn't see these before there were bits of rock earlier but now you can see them much more clearly and the glint of recognition there's a glint of recognition that you realize what this is rath there are stones are that glow octarine of a rough dusky purple very small fragments may be the size of a small no larger than a chipper petal here and there but now in the night it's much more obvious that there's fragments floating around here I reach out to pick it up I wouldn't touch that what is it is it it's delirium delirium yes is it magic it's dangerous delirium in our town I've I've heard tales there nothing one of the most stories dangerous substances in our world the Academy warned me to let them know if I saw any of this and I really didn't want to believe it until right now this confirms that potentially what Gunther buried here was delirium what would it be doing out here I've heard of it but it's only in that cursed City miles away leagues even leagues yes streets away this is crazy this is not good it could also explain issues with the well and those creatures we saw in the farm I came by his town because nothing happens in this town what's delirium doing in this town this is why we need to follow that track is the Academy looking to clear this up they will be we must notify them immediately can we send a message I can send Houdini you have the means to contact the other up the observatory yeah when we get back to the observatory you must send a message should we do that now or should we wait and go see what what the I think we should follow the trail if it are the tracks fresh are they old making an investigation check dream dream six no idea I mean Rudy do you think this could have happened recently or is this a cold trail because I check it I can't tell ya this at this stage with the rain the mist and darkness there's it's been hours it's hard to tell Rudy I say that if there is other creatures lurking about we need to put them down before they cause mayhem in this town and spread panic we need to protect our family we need to protect this town I say we follow the trail see where it leads us if we get into anything too crazy or we wander too far we head back and alert the amethyst academy immediately how familiar are you with this area Rudy like the back of my hand then you must lead us all right let's go okay fast people at the front of my house I mean I see five why are you laughing onward onward quick pace let's go yes Bruce that's Rudy Rudy no it's really bad when you call me Sheriff let's go and then so we're like doing a jog kind of watching out for where the tracks I can see in the dark if we move Kris already or you're going to be taking point on the yeah actually I think I'm gonna send Bruce out to take point yes he's good he's really he's gonna go out and he's decided he's interested in what's out there and I'm going to follow him okay I take Tobias following along the tracks there these prints are massive claw prints whether they are that of a beast or a massive foot is hard to tell but the the foot is some 12 inches long and at least six inches wide that's a huge footprint literally and it paces with a wide stride and sometimes claw marks as if whatever it is is alternating between running on all fours or not and as you continue forward through the forest give me your following the trail are you trained in nature or survival nope okay I'm trained in survival okay Bruce has a keen smell yes Bruce can make a perception check keen hearing insight you can make a perception check and you can make a survival check yeah 17 6 20 20 okay from Bruce Bill Wilhelm fumbles about in the dark trying to do it the two of you are able to follow the trail until it comes to a creek and the trail stops at the creek it doesn't go past it doesn't carry through along the other side of the creek a rider do you see if it goes up or down the creek hmm it could the footprint stop and are not on the other side what if what it does the water look like it has changed color the water is about waist-deep at the most rule number six there's always a trail to follow we just need to find it what if it went in the water if it went in the water what's the current like is the current strong no it's lazy yeah well that doesn't give me any clues damnit it's in my rules there's always a trail to follow I send Houdini which way does the river or the creek go north northwest to southeast okay I send him Northwest hmm and I'll send Bruce well Bruce wants to go the opposite way okay how far do you want to send them at least a hundred I can communicate a hundred feet okay the Creek continues well past 100 feet along so if you want to send them further you can but you've already tried to about a mile for the forest this could be a dead end cold tree [Music] is there any Rudy is there any caves nearby any caverns upstream or downstream do I know of any there could be in this area there's crags and it's a very rocky area there are caves here at the area give me a moment is there a sturdy tree nearby yeah plenty I'm gonna climb up as high as I can and try to look for any sort of commotion or movement within the woods okay it's dark at night if I go above the tree line though moonlight should grab me a visibility over the canopy give me an athletics or acrobatics check no it's a waning moon yeah it was a full moon a couple nights ago is a party in my house 17 you climb up the tree to the top to the top you can see the line of the creek that weaves through the forest give me a perception check 17 far at the edge of your vision upstream of the creek lifting over the forest as the Sun comes down the reddish glow of the Sun light of the sunset is replaced by an octoroon glow at the horizon I see something they call down there's there's a glow of that color just down the stream towards the horizon where the Sun is setting you must hurry you need to make our way see if we can pick up the trail I call back verse okay we catch up to Houdini following along the creek the creek widens slightly for some time and you make some pace through the night and through the forests as you do you see the trees are beginning to wilt and die something is there bark is falling off as you come closer along here and you can see now in the creeks there are streaks of octarine flowing down the water stay out of the water it's coming here scratching noises and scrummage ago I can't see very well down here do you want me to go take a look or houdini can see in the dark maybe Houdini I don't trust you to be sneaky I send Houdini to glide up through the trees to see okay so you're looking for healing his eyes I'm just kidding him and I'm telepathically just waiting for him to send back any message because again remember the familiars are telepathic they're empathetic so they can't say words back to you okay yeah so then in that case I do I'll watch your watch my body and I looked through his eyes you do you see in the woods ahead footprints appearing in the water and along the banks the footprints that you've been following they're appearing and there's a trudging in the bushes but there's no creature making them there's just footprints appearing in the forest and I relate there's there's nothing there's not the same this is the the prints are actually coming downstream now and there's a separate whether or not they connect with the trail that you did before but the prints are walking along the side and you see them wade into the creek and the prints are heading downstream now now they're coming our way I'm gonna use I'm gonna do the same thing with Bruce it says you can detect invisibility within sixty feet as I see that do I see I look for the Prince mm-hmm and so can Bruce detect invisibility or seen visually detected within sixty feet of the try some magical invisibility fails to conceal anything cool and the truth trust from the trust him itself Chesham site yeah okay Bruce responds back to you and says this creature is busy it is large and it is looking for something find what it's looking for [Music] the creature it's invisible but it's looking for something looking maybe for the same stuff as before is it pacing is it backtracking you know it's still coming towards us it's not coming towards you it's on the other side of the creek walking down the creek use here the footprints moving along the creek towards but slowly intently it's waiting behind the tree it's looking for something is it moving downstream or upstream downstream dear downstream drinking of the creek it's moving towards the deer deer do we capture the deer is it hunting are we hunting we know how bad those things turn out when it walks by the creek is there I'll make stealth checks as well fourteen eleven fourteen okay the creatures attention the footprints are focused on the deer and it and then suddenly a brown cloak here's the night around where the footprints are as this massive form almost twelve feet tall lurches forward and mauls the deer snapping its neck now is our chance to take it yes are we killing it can we take it is it a beast is shaped like a man with with dark purple skin but a man of monstrous proportions familiar face have you seen them around the hood conceals the face sneaker go straight in I'm sneaking and with that I jump into the nearby tree and like hide okay it pulls the hood over itself and disappears again becoming only footprints once more as it walks along the side of the creek and you can hear the sound of the deer the deer is being drug is being dragged by what part by its legs both legs the the deer has become invisible as well we should we should follow it back to its lair okay let's do it and I in it I'm gonna tell well how I'm telepathically follow that staying in the trees can I like move from tree to tree and try to follow yeah yeah okay you had a wide berth I've burst do most of cool tracking all of you can make stealth checks 1911-12 okay the sound of the dragging deer echoes through the forest as you follow this creature back towards a yawning cavern the cavern thus the flow of water exiting out of the cavern and emptying into the creek a thick line of authoring now with the moon hanging over you can see the water glinting and glimmering with octarine light as it flows out of the cavern the creature drags the corpse of the deer into the mouth yawning mouth of the cavern from which no light is seen with him I say we would go after see what's causing this octarine magic to come out into the cave would you want to bring out of the cave or do want to go into the cave I would like to bring it out of kay I can't see in there okay so making some noise it is let's set a trap we could set a chart yeah how what country I have 1000 ball bearings Rudy you draw it out into the open mean well home so make some noise can i fine I put the ball bearings away I mean put the ball bearings out and I'll make some noise and it can come and trip on the ball bearings unless they're too tiny to trip because it's so big I mean they're round and circular and if there's enough of them I'm sure it will slip and fall hmm but I want to collect them again what's a train like outside so large rocky yeah well area around the cave the cave itself is a wide yawn and you can hear this gurgling piping sound coming up from it as the wind blows across and through the trees well hell I can get up there we're gonna become invisible I don't know how don't worry Rudy will you be okay to draw it out of its lair ah got some pretty big beasts in my time I'm sure I'm okay absolutely I'm gonna get above the cave entrance I understand and I'm gonna cast invisibility as if there level on me in that well okay and I'm gonna climb up above the mouth of the cave as you prepare to embark deeper into the cave that is we're gonna we're we're gonna wrap up a little bit early but with ten minutes left it's like a fifty I don't think we could yeah either go way over away shortly we got a saving cliffhanger and we're not going into the cave we're luring it out of the case yeah yeah indeed the genie agrees good plan well thank you so much for joining us once again it feels so good to be back playing some D&D again a massive thank you to our awesome cast Jill Kelley and Joe as well as Kyle for working so hard behind the scenes so glad to have you all back for those of you hoping to see more from Sebastian Baio and Pluto stay tuned stay tuned that story is not over yet but this but the story ad racket Haim is bigger than just three characters and one party there will be much more from them soon but for the time being our attention will continue with our three new heroes as they deal with the perils of the shadows of Dragon hi Kelly well we already said our huge thank you to Kyle are we doing oh yeah and as well big thank you to Tim at tabletop audio who custom soundtrack or the custom the musical intro yeah for the intro you guys enjoyed the new introduction check out tabletop audio they have great music great ambient music it's all free and it's always a really great way to to energize your own games at home don't forget to take a look at the links below for our teespring store where you can find all your favorite dungeon dudes swag including yes yes such dude's logo and look forward to some new stuff hopefully coming out soon or take a look a bit ly slash dungeon dude's merch yes yes yes yeah we got all that with us in spirit noble rat Prince and of course if you are enjoying the stream and when I was a porter work please consider checking out our patreon you can find it by following the links but or slash dungeon underscore dudes we also have a phenomenal discord community which is exclusive to our patrons so if you are joining our patreon you can join us on discord and chat with us about all things dragon hime and any other nerdy things that you feel like talking to us about we're excited to chat with you there so we'll see you soon Kali and I post new videos every Thursday on our YouTube channel where we cover everything Dungeons & Dragons including advice for Dungeon Master's and guides for players I think this week we're dropping our episode on tea flings yes yeah so check that out dropping on Thursday be sure to join us live next Tuesday when we record the campaign live on Twitch check us out from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time at twitch TV slash dungeon underscore dudes you can also watch the video episodes of the show on YouTube and of course you can find all of season 1 dungeons of dragon hime that whole campaign available on YouTube as well as on podcast platform such as Apple Play the Apple podcast Google Play and Spotify thank you so much for watching and we will see you next time in the shadows of Dragon hime [Music]
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 270,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: VBZFMibPld0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 2sec (9662 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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